(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you Lord Father God for this day, thank you for this morning, thank you for this morning's service. Please bless the service today Lord God and receive our praises and we give you the glory today in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Amen, thank you brother. Let's turn our handles to Psalm 3. Psalm 3, Jesus paid it off. I hear thy Saviour say, Thy strength indeed is strong, Shall the weakest watch him pray, Time with me and I'll end. I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, Shall the weakest watch him pray, Time with me and I'll end. I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, Shall the weakest watch him pray, Time with me and I'll end. 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strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, I hear the Lord say, Thy strength indeed is strong, For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but to us which are saved is the power of God. It's so hard in the King James to understand that. That's not what I'm getting at. The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Now, do you see the difference there? The difference between being saved and saved? Look, I'm not being saved, folks. I'm done. Got saved. When I believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, I was sealed on the day of my redemption, saved, eternally secure. There's nothing I have to do to be saved other than to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Look, I already did that. And you say, well, that's just one instance. Well, go over to Hebrews chapter 10. Hebrews chapter number 10. You know, a verse like that, you read that in another version, this version here, and it makes it sound like being saved is a process, like it's something you have to work at. And we know that salvation is by grace through faith and not of ourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Hebrews chapter 10. Look at verse 14. For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. So what's that one offering? The offering of Christ, his blood, right? And notice, by that offering, he hath perfected, and in the King James, perfected means completed. It doesn't mean like without sin or anything like that. It means to be complete and entire wanting nothing, to be perfect and complete and entire wanting nothing. So he's saying by that offering, he has perfected them, meaning we have been made whole by that one offering in Christ. That's another good verse for the Catholics. It was one offering. It's not the sacrament of every mass. It was by one offering. He has perfected forever. How long? Forever. It gets done. Them that are sanctified. We are sanctified. We are saved, right? But in the version that I'm reading from up here, and I'll tell you what version it is in a minute, it says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 14, for by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. Just like you said back there in 1 Corinthians 1 that those who are being say it here, they are being sanctified. Look, I'm not being sanctified by that one offering. I understand that as Christians we have a process called sanctification, but look, this one offering that it's referring to here, that's talking about salvation, being sanctified in salvation, being made whole, perfect, complete and entire, sanctified by that one offering. And this version here wants us to make us again believe that that's a process. That being sanctified, being saved is something that you have to put time into. It's something you have to work at. And look, that is the false gospel of every other false religion in the world. So why are there so many religions? Well, really there's only about seven major religions in the world when you boil it down. But here's the thing. Really when you want to really boil it down, there's really only two religions. Those that believe it's by works, but it's your merit that gets you to heaven, and those that believe that it's all through the blood of Jesus Christ. Those that believe it's all by faith, through grace, plus nothing, minus nothing. None of our works. Those are the two religions in the world, works and grace. And this version that I'm reading from up here, this false perversion of God's word so-called, is insinuating that being sanctified and being saved is a process. Look, I don't have any patience for a version like that. None. I don't care if other parts of it line up with what the King James says. When it's attacking one of the most, really the most core and foundational tenet of our faith, of salvation, it deserves to go in the dumpster. That's where it belongs. It's attacking salvation itself. Now go over to Matthew chapter 7 and we'll read one more. You say, well, you know, maybe they just had a different take on being sanctified, or maybe I was just kind of one-off with being saved. They're trying to make it sound like a process. Look, is salvation easy? It sure is. That's why so many people struggle with it. Because man in his pride says, well, I've got to have something to do with my own salvation. We know we run into that all the time when we go out and knock doors. How do you know you're going to heaven? Well, I've never committed adultery. Oh, Rob, look. You are just the bastion of moral supremacy here. Well, I've never killed anybody. Well, I'm glad to hear it. Hopefully I can keep that up. But that's just man's pride. If you say, well, I'm Christian, yeah. I go to church. Are you sure you're going to heaven? Yeah, because I'm a good person. And they'll give you all these reasons of why they're going to heaven. You know what never comes out of their mouth? Jesus. They don't even say his name. It's like, well, then why did Jesus die on the cross? It wasn't just to show us how to love our enemies or something. It was because he was dying for our sins. He became sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Look, salvation is easy. And that's, again, why so many people struggle with it. Because of their pride. Because they want to have something to do with it. Or they'll say, oh, yeah, Jesus died for me, but I also kept the commandments. I also was a pretty good person. Well, then you're not trusting in Jesus. You're trusting in your own self. And again, salvation is easy. Isn't that what Jesus said? It's like eating a piece of bread. Now, look, I know we all got that down. I've seen some of you eat. I'm wondering, did he even chew? It's that easy. It's like drinking glass of water. It's like walking through a door. Now, I have some people struggle with the door thing. Especially that door. We're going to fix it this week, I promise. Right? But that's how simple it is. Keep that in mind. We'll read from Matthew chapter 7. Are you there, Matthew chapter 7, brother? Verse 14. Nice and loud. Because straight is the gate, narrow is the way, which leadeth to life, and few to be that finder. He said narrow is the gate and straight is the way. Straight just means not crooked. It's a straight. It's a narrow path. But here in this version that I'm reading from, it says this. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way, which leads to life. And there are few who find it. They say that the way to life is difficult. That eternal life, like going to heaven, is hard. No, it's not. No, it's not. Because here's the thing. Was it hard for Jesus to come down here and live a sinless life? Yes, it was. You know, we said, well, he was God. It was easy for him. Look, the Bible says he was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. He was tempted, folks. And he was tempted in all points like as we are. And he was tempted beyond what we are tempted. I don't know about you, but I've never gone out in the wilderness for 40 days and not eaten and had Satan himself come and tempt me three times. I've never had that happen. Not only has he been tempted the way we've been tempted, he's been tempted far more than we'll ever be tempted. You know, he's the one that kept the commandments. He's the one that lived a perfect and sinless life. He's the one that did all that hard work so that I don't have to. So to read this version that says difficult is the way, you know, that's an insult to my Lord. He made it as easy as he could. He couldn't make it any easier than it is. And in case you're wondering what version that is, that's the New King James version. The New King James version. You get a lot of people who like the King James and they go, well, what's wrong with the New King James? This is what's wrong with it. And there's a whole lot more we could turn to and there's a whole lot more we could go into on this version. But shouldn't that be enough? Shouldn't that be enough when I show you that there's a Bible that's attacking salvation itself for you to say, well, I'm never going to read that again. I don't want to read it by accident. Let me get it out of my house. You know, what if that was the version that the Gideons were putting in every hotel. And some wayward soul is looking for answers and he picks that up and reads that. That's not going to help him. You know, I know they're not putting the King James version in there anymore. That's probably going to be another sermon. Well, what version are they putting in there? So you can see, you know, let me conclude just by saying this. You can see how important this issue is. Why we are King James only. Because it is our authority. And then when we start to, you know, accept other authorities or other versions, we are going down a dangerous path that leads to the attack of the very foundations of our faith. Even salvation itself. And we see how even the nature of God is attacked by this issue. We read that in the NIV. And God has, if you would, go to one last passage, Isaiah 59. Look, God promises us over and over and over and over again in His Word that He will preserve His Word. Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law to all be fulfilled. That's a promise from the Word of God, from Jesus Himself. One of many. He said in Isaiah 59, verse 21, As for Me, this is My covenant with them, saith the Lord, My Spirit that is upon Thee, and My words which I have put in Thy mouth, shall not depart out of Thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of Thy seed, nor out of the mouth of Thy seed-seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever. Say, look, Isaiah, the words that I'm putting in your mouth to go and preach to these people, I'm going to preserve them forever. And look, that goes for all the prophets. That goes for all of God's men that have spoken, the holy men of old that spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost in times past. That goes for all of them. It's all been preserved. All Scripture is given by inspiration. Now, either that's true, folks. What God is telling Isaiah there and several other places in Scripture, either that's true, that promise is true that God will preserve His word or God's a liar. I mean, think about that. God makes a promise. Look, I'm going to preserve the words that I put in your mouth forever. But preserve them. Either He comes through on that promise or He's a liar. And we all know God, which cannot lie, in times past, promised us eternal life. God can't lie. It's not even His nature to do it. It's the devil that's the father of lies. So hopefully, going in the coming weeks, this series is going to help us to understand that when we hold the King James Bible, we're holding onto something very precious. In fact, we're holding onto the very word of God itself. The Bible says in John 1, 1, In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. It says in verse 14, That the word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us, and He beheld His glory, as the only begotten Father, full of grace and truth. The word of God was manifest. The word was made flesh. The word was with God. Look, when you've got the word of God, you have God. I already preached about this, and I'm not talking about we have to get idolatrous about the book itself. We don't have to get superstitious about the binding and the ink, but we have to understand something. When we're reading these words that have been preserved by God, as He promised, it's like standing in the presence of God Himself. That's what you're holding onto when you're holding onto the Bible. When you get up in the morning and you crack open this book early in the morning, it's like you might as well be sitting at the feet of Jesus. That's what I believe. And why do I believe that? Because God has promised to preserve His words for us. So hopefully, in the coming weeks, we'll understand the importance of why we are King James Olmets. Go ahead and pray. Lord, again, thank you for the Bible. Thank you for, Lord, the many promises that are in it that we benefit from. And, Lord, most of all, the promise that we have an authority, that we have a rock, Lord, to stand on in this world, in this life. And the shifting sands when what's right and wrong is changing every other day, Lord, that we have something we can look to and know that we have Your mind on all things that concern us. Lord, I pray that you would just help us to be attentive in the coming weeks. Help me, Lord, to teach this subject as I ought to be asking in Christ's name. Amen. All right. We'll go ahead and sing one more song before we depart. Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory To redeem the lost from sin and shame God was proud, He won, and God have glory On Calvary He took my blame He lives on high, He lives on high High off the overseeing and on the skin He lives on high, He lives on high Someday He's running again He'll roast from death all his sorrow To dwell and let the children love He is coming back to life tomorrow And He'll take all His children home above He lives on high, He lives on high High off the overseeing and on the skin He lives on high, He lives on high Someday He's running again Give these souls to Jesus from confessing Read them to Him from safety unto free Come to Jesus and receive the blessing There is life, there is joy in victory He lives on high, He lives on high High off the overseeing and on the skin He lives on high, He lives on high Someday He's running again He lives on high, He lives on high Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you.