(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So in Isaiah chapter 12, I'll just begin there in verse 2 it says behold God is my salvation I will trust and not be afraid for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song He has also become my salvation therefore with joy shall you draw? Water out of the wells of salvation and what I'm pointing out here. Is that the Bible often uses this This figurative language of a well you'll see this in other passages if you want to go over to John chapter 4 probably a more Familiar passage, but just using Isaiah 12 as a springboard to kind of point this out that you know A well is something that the Bible uses figuratively from time to time in the scripture And I'm setting that up because I'm gonna be preaching a series of sermons where I use that same Illustration or that same figurative language of a well, okay, so I'm just pointing that out So you don't think that I'm going too far, you know out there when I start to use this illustration It's an illustration that the Bible actually uses, and it's one that I've used in my personal life and have Found it to be beneficial. You know it's it's a guide that we can run on I'll get into all that I'm kind of getting ahead of myself, but you know again just this illustration here of a well This is something the Bible uses we see it there in Isaiah chapter 12 where he talks about the wells of salvation You might have thought of 2nd Peter chapter 2 how when it talks about the prophets false prophets that they are what wells without water Meaning they are like a well that has no profit, but John chapter 4 would be another familiar passage. This is of course at You know Jesus is sitting at the well And he's with the woman of Samaria And he is talking to her and he's talking about the well of water that is springing up onto everlasting life, right verse 13 Jesus answered and said unto her whosoever drink of this water shall thirst again But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water So is Jesus talking about a literal well is going to be within us of course not he's speaking You know he's using an analogy a parable. He's speaking figuratively This is something that he's using to illustrate a greater point right that that eternal life inside of us is going to be Like a well of water okay, so I'm not reaching when I'm using this illustration that I'm about to put out Over the next several weeks, but Again, he's talking about a well of water being in us springing up into everlasting life You know there's a lot of different ways we could apply that it's kind of outside the outside the scope of this sermon You know we could talk about how that's going to be you know eternal everlasting. Well. That's a picture of our Security in Christ that once we're saved. We're always saved We're always gonna have that well springing up into us also well is something that is supposed to be distributed to other people We should pour out of that well that is within us we should share the everlasting gospel with other people right But what I would the way I want to apply this illustration of this use of a well is is having a deeper life You know having a deeper You know walk with the Lord and just a deeper sense of satisfaction that we get out of life And if you would go over to Proverbs chapter number 20 Proverbs chapter number 20 It's one of my favorite verses. You know this is a verse that often comes to mind something I try to remind myself when it comes to other people Because we're living you know in a day when you know so many people are living such vain lives You know so many people are just living lives that don't have a lot of depth They don't have a very deep well when it comes to life You know that's you see that and as a result. You know a lot of people are not satisfied in life You know they're not deriving a lot of sense of self-worth They're not deriving a lot of sense of purpose in their life So I really want to talk about over the next couple weeks how to how to live a deeper life how to get a deeper Well dug in your life, okay, and to dig and what wells it is that we should dig you know where we would dig a well You know what that well might be how we might dig that well and of course I'm speaking figuratively But as I pointed out already using several past or several passages of Scripture this morning That's nothing new you know and even when it comes specifically to speaking figuratively using the example of a well Okay, so if you look there in Proverbs chapter number 20 verse 5 it says counsel in the heart of man is like deep water You know where would you find well deep water that would make you think of a well right or a very deep lake? But a man of understanding will draw it out so that you know the illustration I believe it's being expressed here in Proverbs 20 verse 5 is that of a well because you draw out of a well you know you lower the bucket and you bring it up and Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water you know and again That's a whole nother sermon. You know man who has wisdom who has understanding who has knowledge to share Obviously that's not something that's all we always find on the surface and this again I try to remind myself this because people are always you know you know we're all just kind of putting What we want the world to see you know when we live our lives You know we're not we're not expressing everything. That's in our heart We're not always sharing all the knowledge that we have in fact the next verse is you know you know Every well, let's just turn that I'm gonna butcher it you're there in Proverbs 20 Look just look at the next verse most men will proclaim every man his own goodness, right? But a faithful man who can find you look a person who has depth who has something to share Isn't going to be something who just goes out and proclaims that they're gonna be somebody who keeps that to themselves It's there, but it takes understanding it takes knowledge to draw that out of somebody okay That's somebody who has depth in their life. They have a depth of character. They have a wisdom They have understanding they have knowledge, and they know that you know we should not speak in the ears of a fool we should not as Jesus said cast our pearls before swine and You know so I always remind myself that about when it comes to people just because people maybe aren't you know sharing deep thoughts or you know Speaking very eloquently or you know see maybe on the surface not to have a lot of wisdom that doesn't mean it's not there Because you know most men will proclaim every man his own goodness the fact the guy that's going around Wearing you know his so-called Intellectualism on his sleeve is probably not as intelligent as you like to come across Anyway, that's kind of I'm kind of going off here, but what I'm talking about digging this well Okay Is about having some depth in our lives having depth of character, and this is an illustration that we see throughout scripture Go to Ecclesiastes chapter number six and look we want to be people who have depth in our character We want to be people who have depth in our lives in these different areas of our life We want to be able to dig down deep in certain areas of life and draw water We know and it's gonna take understanding to draw that out We're gonna have to know how to dig we're gonna have to know where to dig We're gonna have to know how to get that water out of that deep well in life And there's you know several different areas in life that we could apply this to okay and again This is just something that I've used. This is just something that I think about often This is how I kind of keep my life and balance try to keep things in check if I feel like Some area of my life is out of balance I'll ask myself You know what wells am I digging am I digging in all the wells that I need to be digging in and it just helps Me to make sure that I'm not going too deep in one area and too shallow in another or maybe not digging at all Okay it's important because we're living in a day where there is a lot of vanity right if we're using this illustration of Digging down deep and finding cool You know clear water that's going to provide sustenance to us which is going to strengthen us and it's gonna refresh us You know having a deeper life, you know, we're living in a time when there's a lot of you know murky surface water, right? There's a lot of puddles of vanity in this life and using that illustration In fact Solomon knew this all the way back in his day. Look at Ecclesiastes Chapter 6 it says in verse 11 seeing there be many things that increase vanity. What is man the better? So Solomon back in his day saying look there's many things that increase vanity and look and this is before the advent of you know, the gym bro and an Instagram and all the vain things that are out there today all the all the vanity that you see all these surface level just You know Just meaningless, you know Things that have no depth that's out there, right? He's saying look there's many things in life that are just vain There's so many things we could just spend our time in there's so many things that we could just get caught up in There's so many shallow little pools in life that really aren't going to you know, help us live a deeper life. Okay? We want to live deeper lives. We don't want to be caught up in these You know these many things that increase vanity and obviously we're using vanity, you know, meaning that it has no Likelihood of fulfillment and there's a lot of things that you could a lot of vain things that you could get caught up in That are not going to offer deep meaningful fulfillment in your life. That's very true You might get that quick fix. You might feel that quick rush of dopamine You might get that quick, you know hit of whatever satisfaction in the moment But over the long run we want to have a deep meaningful life. We're gonna have to dig some wells We're gonna have to get out a shovel We're gonna have to know where to dig how to dig and we're gonna have to dig in these certain areas in order to avoid Living a shallow life. Okay, and look living a shallow life is not just you know means Being vain in the sense that maybe you're just caught up in yourself It might be that we're just so we're so focused on digging one well in our life that we've neglected others It doesn't necessarily mean we're a bad person and doesn't necessarily mean we don't have anything to offer But it's you know, there might be other areas in our lives where you know what it's not much of a it's not much of a well, it's more of a puddle and Maybe it's a dried cracked out puddle that doesn't have any water in it all Look, we want to be able to have lives that have deep A Have depth to them that aren't just these surface, you know the vanities Now Solomon asked the question here or he says look there are many things that increase vanity. What is man the better? And you can read a classic Ecclesiastes and obviously there's a certain level of pessimism in Ecclesiastes, but you know, he also offers answers If you look at verse 12, he said for who knoweth what is good For man in this life, he says who knows what is good All the days of his vain life. He's which he spendeth as a shadow for who can tell a man What shall be after him under the Sun so we could read chapter 5 and just think like man what a downer Everything's vanity, right and that is kind of the message of Ecclesiastes You know that all that life is vanity all is vain say at the preacher But at the end, you know, the commandment is to fear God and to serve him You know, that's that's ultimately the answer and you know in between the beginning and the end of the book Solomon does offer some answers to this question Who knows what is good for man in life? If everything's vain, what is it that we should do? Well, we should try to Dig wells. We should try to have a deeper life and not just get caught up in vanity Go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 7 verse 1. These are some of the answers. I believe that Solomon Offers to that question who knoweth what is good for man. Well, there are some things that are good for us Yeah, there's a lot of vanity but you know, there's a lot of good things for us to yeah There's a lot of you know vain puddles that don't have any depth in this world things that aren't going to offer any real satisfaction or Sense of purpose in this life, but you know, there's also some wells that we could dig in this life that are going to offer those things But it's gonna take effort. It's gonna take knowledge It's gonna take understanding like a man of understanding will draw out counsel out of a man who has understanding Look at verse 1 a good name is better than precious ointment and the day of a death and the day of one's birth So having a good name is something that's not vain, you know Having a good name, you know means you probably have some depth of character If you have a good name Someone would look at you and say that person is a hard worker that person loves the Lord that person is faithful in these areas They have something to offer they have a good name, you know They're not somebody who's caught up in vanity. Just making a mess out of their life. Just making mistakes or just Wasting their time on things that amount to nothing. Okay First two it is better to go to the house of mourning, you know, so he's offering us a what's good Well, here's some things that are good to go to the house of mourning, you know, and this is kind of Countercultural today, isn't it? This is not the philosophy that's out there people today teach that you should avoid suffering at all Costs. Well, the Bible says it's better to go to the house of mourning because of the fact that suffering is inevitable He says it's better to go to the house of mourning to go to the house of feasting For that is the end of all men We're all going to mourn and the living will lay it to its heart, you know mourning and suffering is unavoidable So it's a good thing to just embrace that and to understand that's the way life is verse 3 sorrow is better than laughter So these are the things that are good. These are the things that are going to you know add Meaning to life, you know, and that's true, you know, we suffer, you know, we have a deeper appreciate Appreciation for things, you know, we can relate to other people better. We can sympathize with others. We can empathize with others When we go through suffering ourselves sorrow is better than laughter. It's better to be acquainted with grief to be To know what it is to suffer than to just try to live our lives laughing now He's not saying you shouldn't never laugh. He's not saying never have a good time He's just saying if it came down to one between the other sorrow would be better because it's unavoidable You know laughter is not always guaranteed. That's something that comes and goes Having a good time verse 3 Sorrow is better than laughter for by the sadness of the countenance. The heart is made better It's made better not through laughter, but through sorrow again I'm just offering the answers that Solomon is offering to his own question who knows what is good for man in this life Verse 4 the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning but the heart of fools in the house of mirth Verse 5 it is better to hear the rebuke of the wise and then for a man to hear the song of fools I love this verse it's better to hear the rebuke of the wise It's better to be told what you're doing wrong and how to fix it than to just live your life vainly listening to the song of fools and Ignoring counsel and ignoring wisdom ignoring understanding and I always think about this whenever you hear, you know Some of the music that's being produced today. It's the song of fools You pull up to the stoplight and it's just like I can't even I can't even repeat what's coming out of these car windows It's and it's just like it's foolish Anyway, I don't want to go off on that But it's better to hear the rebuke of wise verse 8 better is the end of a thing the baby thereof But the patient and spirit is better than the problem spirit, you know It's good to be patient person verse 11 wisdom is good with an inheritance and by it There is profit to them that see the Sun those that are alive those that see the Sun they can profit through wisdom Okay, and wisdom is something that you have to go after it's a well that you have to dig Okay, it's something that you have to be has to be pursued in life. It's not on the surface It's not something that just comes to you. You can't just scroll for that You can't just you know, click the mouse and get wisdom. You have to do certain things that require You know effort in your lives to get that wisdom and we're going to talk about that in next week Again this morning. I'm just kind of giving an introduction to this idea this concept of You know digging certain of digging wells in your life digging wells that are going to bring depth to your life They're gonna give you know, a sense of purpose a sense of satisfaction And it's important you say well, I don't know that I really need this No, we really do because we're living in a day to day where? You know, there's just so much vanity out there that we get caught up in There's just so many vain things that people can pursue and it might feel good in the moment But then they're gonna get to the back end of life They're gonna get later on in life and those things no longer satisfy and they're gonna not have that sense of satisfaction they're not gonna have a sense of purpose and They're gonna say why is it? It's because you haven't dug these wells. You haven't dug these wells in your life Mm-hmm What we're learning from Ecclesiastes and if you would go to chapter 5 is that you know Having a deep sense of satisfaction having a deep sense of purpose in your life It's not something that's derived from the intangible Or excuse me. It's not derived from the tangible It's not something you can just pick up and manipulate you can't order it on Amazon You can't go buy it at the store. You can't give money for it You know the real things that are gonna help us live a deeper life. Those are things that are intangible There are things that are inward Wisdom, you know knowledge understanding these are you know things that are within man, right? Look at Ecclesiastes 5 verse 10. He that love is silver shall not be satisfied with silver That's one of the biggest vanities that people are caught up in today is money You know the almighty buck is what people worship today People I mean this is sold in mass to people This is probably the biggest vanity that's out there That if you just accumulate enough wealth that if you just have enough money that somehow your life is going to be better And look, I'm not saying that having money and paying your bills and taking care of your finances and getting ahead in life That that's not something that's worth pursuing. But what I am saying is that that's not going to give you a sense of purpose in life It's not going to give you a deep sense of satisfaction it might not even make you a wise person He that love is silver shall not be satisfied with silver It's not going to give you satisfaction Nor he that loveth abundance with increase Think if I could just get more stuff if I could just have more things if I could have the latest and greatest this The latest and greatest that you know, then I'll be happy But you know what as soon as you unwrap that new whatever and after a day or two It's just like anything else and then it's on to the next one then it's on to the next one the next newest latest gadget Whatever it is the latest and greatest car the newest clothes the newest styles all these things and that's why that's oh There's always perpetual new stuff to go get because it never satisfies Because abundance does not satisfy if you love abundance, you know You're not going to be satisfied when you have abundance when you have increase that's vanity That's not going to leave lead to a deep life If you would go to Proverbs chapter number nine Proverbs chapter number nine And we're gonna be in Proverbs several times near the end. So keep something in Proverbs This idea of digging a deep well this idea of you know getting down into you know The the some areas in life and digging deep in certain areas of life that are gonna derive a deep sense satisfaction You know, these these are things that come from the in that are intangible. These don't come from Things and stuff and worldly pursuits If you would look at Proverbs chapter number nine, it says verse 12 if thou be wise thou shalt be wise for thyself But if thou scornest thou long thou alone shall bear, you know wisdom is something that's going to help us immensely You know, we should be want to what be wise people not just so that we can You know proclaim our own goodness But that so we can be a man that has deep understanding We had it that it can be like deep water in our heart that it can be something that's down in there that it's beneficial to us You know a well has great value. I mean think about a literal physical well You know, especially in a in the area where we live wells are pretty important, aren't they? When you live in a desert when there isn't a bunch of surface water You know where you can't just siphon water off of some river or lake somewhere, you know, wells are very Important thing, you know if it wasn't for wells and air conditioning, you know Probably most people think that the Southwest wouldn't be what it is Right, you know and probably wells would be more important than the air conditioning You know, you could be really nice and cool as you die from thirst, right? You need that well But a well is something that has great value for who for the one who has dug it Right when we dig that well, it's for our own sustenance It's for our own relief and look that this is what I'm trying to preach about over the next couple weeks So I want to get across there's wells that you need to dig in your life for you for your own well-being Right. Look I'm all for you know living for others and things like that You know, I preach that sermon that acronym that you've heard preached probably several times or you know joy Jesus others you that's how you get joy, right? Jesus others you I'm all for that. I'm all for putting Jesus first I'm all for putting others after Jesus But you know what you is part of that acronym, you know, and sometimes we neglect that person And if you want to look at it like, you know vertically like J o W or J o W J o Y. I know how to spell You try speaking publicly. It's not as easy as it looks Jowl How to have Jowl in your life J o Y right you it's kind of the base, isn't it? You know, you need to take care of you, you know Sometimes we don't preach enough about that. Sometimes we want to make it all about everybody else but us and look I understand that there's There's you know, that's important, you know that needs to be preached. We need to put Jesus first We need to think about others, but we can't neglect ourselves either. We ought to be wise for ourselves You know if we take care of ourselves we dig these wells that I'm going to talk about, you know We'll live a longer life. We'll live a deeper life We'll live a life where we have more to share, you know If we can draw more out of a well if we're that man of understanding that has you know Deep water that understanding that's in us, you know, and somebody comes along that has understanding, you know We can share that water with them. We can help people Be wise for thyself Because the things that people are chasing after today and thinking that that's what's gonna satisfy The Bible tells us very explicitly that they're not those are the exact things that that so many people are chasing They're those exact things are just not going to satisfy in life We write it there go to Proverbs 23 you write it there in Ecclesiastes That silver shall not be if you love silver. You won't be satisfied with silver if you love to love abundance You're not gonna be satisfied with increase And you know the Bible goes says this several times I can't we can't I'm not gonna take the time to turn all the passages that reminds us that Money and wealth and things are not what's going to satisfy in life They're not the things that we should be emphasizing as God's people if we want to live a life That isn't vain if we want to live a deeper life If we want to have a life of purpose and meaning and satisfaction, you know It's not going to be found in the vanity of money. Okay? Proverbs 23 verse 5 wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not well, what is it? That is not For riches so certainly make themselves wings They fly away as the as an eagle toward heaven. I should have had you keep something in Ecclesiastes But I'll just read to you. It says when goods are increased they are increased that eat them Right when you get more, it's just more it just seems to go away when goods are increased They are increased and eat them Hey when you set your eyes upon that which is not, you know, those riches they make themselves wings and they fly away You know anyone that gets cut a paycheck on a weekly basis or whatever anyone who has to we know this is true You know a portion of our check grows wings without us even being able to do anything about it and flies away to the IRS Doesn't it? It just instantly sprouts wings and before we even get the check, it's just flooded off, you know It's a to pay taxes, right? But that's just the way money is You know, it grows wings it flies away as an eagle toward heaven, right? That I think it's giving it's being a little majestic towards, you know money there, you know, it's like an eagle Well, it meaning you're not gonna get it. You know that Eagles flies pretty high. You're not gonna be able to get that bird down Money just goes right and Ecclesiastes, you know again reiterates this When goods are increased they increase that eat them those of us that are being fruitful and multiplying. We know this is true You know as you go through your career and you get more, you know Capital in your career and you start making more money It's like oh I'm making more money now. It's like yeah, but now you had another child now You have another mouth to feed now. You need a bigger house. Now. You need a bigger car now You need more health insurance. It's like you got more goods, but they're increased that eat them Right those of us that have are raising, you know larger families. We know this is true It just seems like you're getting ahead and then it's just like, you know, someone else comes along and says I'll take that It's the little bird that's sitting in the in the high chair squawking, you know Feed me right? It's like that that money just grows wings and goes right to that little baby bird But look if we so if we make our lives about pursuing riches and silver and abundance Just you're setting yourself up for a vain life That's the Bible's teaching us you just setting yourself up for a life that has really doesn't have the satisfaction that it could You're setting yourself up for a life that doesn't have the sense of purpose That it could if all your life is gonna be about is things and stuff and money You know what? It's not gonna satisfy. We want to be people have deafness to ourselves. We want to have some depth We want to have deepness, right? And this is something that Jesus also You know used to illustrate he illustrated this point as well If you would go to Genesis chapter 26 Genesis chapter number 26, but Jesus talks about the the parable of the sower, right? About how a man went forth to sow and he sowed seed and some fell on Certain ground and some fell on other ground and he talks about the stone the excuse me the scene that fell upon stony places Where they had not much earth, you know, there wasn't much room to grow. It was very shallow earth Right and forthwith they sprung up. I mean that seed was sown and it sprung up He became that little, you know that tiny little, you know plant started to spring out of the ground It was that little tiny stock with a little leaf on it. It did come out. It could have turned into something It could have gotten big it could have grown and become fruitful and useful and providing shade and you know Had deep roots that went down. But what was the problem? It didn't have any depth, right? there was not much earth and forthwith they sprung up because They had no deepness of earth and when the Sun was up they were scorched You know as the day prolonged as life went on they withered up Right. We don't want to be people like this who are just have a shallow life and when life comes along You know and gets intense when the heat of life gets intense like this Sun We go through the morning, you know, we go through the lamenting we go through the sorrow that's inevitable that that just comes with life you know, we don't want to people that just shrivel up and And and and you know are gone, you know, we want to have depth meaning we have to have deep soil if we're going to endure we have to have roots that go down deep and When the Sun was up, they were scorched because they had no root and they withered away But we know the parable goes on talks about that which fell on good ground that sprang up and increased Why because it had depth So I'm just using these illustrations to get a point get across this idea of having a deeper life of digging in certain areas of our life of getting down deeper putting in a root of digging a well of getting down there so that we Can have a life of purpose and meaning and not live a life of vanity And not get caught up and all the things that the world is trying to sell us You know the lifestyles and the stuff and the things that say oh this is where you're gonna derive happiness and satisfaction and meaning It's not it's not in money. It's not in things. It's not in stuff so You know the antidote to living a vein of vain life is to have depth So I don't want to live a vain meaningless life and look you you'll hear from people like this from time to time people who? Have amassed great amounts of wealth They'll tell you it doesn't satisfy people who have reached you know highest levels of Fame They'll tell you it doesn't satisfy people who have got all kinds of different things. They'll say it doesn't satisfy You know I thought if I just got more money and more wealth and more Fame I'd be a happy person they end up being incredibly depressed because they've been digging the wrong well You know they haven't been digging in the right place. They'd have no depth they have a vain life So it let me we don't want to end up like that not that any of us is probably going to achieve some great level of Fame or riches You know, but we don't want to live a vain life to any degree You know we should want to live lives that have meaning and purpose in them Okay, and you're not gonna find it in the external You're not gonna find it in the things that are without it has to be something that happens within So this is you know this is just kind of how I've approached this in life And I'm just sharing this you know you don't have to do things the way I do things But this is just something I wanted to preach You know some and this is just my analogy right that and I'm using an analogy of the Bible uses of wells, right? So I want to preach just a couple sermons. You know over the next few weeks about the wells of wellness So I'm just kind of introducing that this morning the wells of wellness, okay And what I mean by that is that you know digging wells in specific areas of life that are going to make us Well that are going to make us Healthier happier and provide more meaning and depth in our lives, and if you would did I have to go to Genesis? 26 Genesis 26 you know this is another story that we hear about when it comes to this idea of wells right Jacob Was reed was digging these wells again right in verse 12 Isaac So to land excuse me Isaac not Jacob Isaac So to land I received the same year in hundred fold and the Lord blessed him and the man Waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great So he's having great possessions right for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and great stores of servants for the Philistines envied him Okay For all the wells which his father which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father's the Philistines had stopped them and filled and filled with earth, so he's digging these wells He's reed digging the wells of Abraham his father and the Philistines out of envy are stopping them You know this is the way, and there's a lot of different ways you could apply this passage I've heard this preached so many different ways But I'm just gonna use this morning to remind us that you know that's what the world wants to do To these wells in your life They want to fill them up the Philistines of vanity the Philistines of the world that it will plug up these wells in your life To where you will not have the depth that you need in certain areas verse 16 and Abimelech said to Isaac go from us for thou are much mightier than we and Isaac departed from thence and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar and dwelt there and Isaac digged again the wells of water which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham and he called them by their names after the names which his father had called them and Isaac's servants digged in the valley and found there a well of springing water So, how do they find the springing water they dug You know, how do they find that water that is like deep counsel in the heart of man? They had to dig okay, if we want to have a deeper life, we're gonna have to intend to do it We're gonna have to dig some wells in our lives And I know I'm kind of being obtuse this morning kind of be a little vague, but this is just the introductory sermon It's this idea this concept of digging. Okay Mm-hmm Digging these wells and he says in verse 20 and the herd men of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herd men So it's just idea, you know, Isaac keeps trying to dig these wells and when he has success There's always somebody there that's trying to stop him. There's only someone trying to take the water for themselves There's somebody there that's trying to fill in those wells. There's you know, he's always having to strive for these wells, right? That's what it says here The water is ours and he called the name of the well Isaac because they strove with him He's saying you know what? I'm having to strive for this well The world doesn't want you to live a deep life The world doesn't want you to have depth the world wants you caught up in vanity You know the world wants you chasing your tail, you know going after riches chasing your tail going after things going after stuff Thinking these are the things they're gonna satisfy. They're gonna strive with you over over these things They're gonna strive with you and prevent you from trying to live a deeper life a life that has meaning and purpose For God and it's gonna you know be beneficial beneficial to you and to the those around you But what I love about Isaac and the story is he just keeps digging He doesn't just say well, you know They filled up dad's wells and I dug it and they came and filled it up and I dug this Well, we found water and then somebody took it we had to strive for it You know, we need to dig in our life We need to get down into some deep things in life and get the wisdom that we need to live life And it's not on the surface You're not just gonna find it on the surface And if you just say well that doesn't sound like any fun. That's not what I want to do It's not when I spend my life go ahead, but you're going to live a life of vanity That's what it'll be if it's just all about money and fun and things and stuff. It's gonna be a vain life You know and you might not you might not feel that way now, you know, you know the youth in the room might think Oh, no, life's gonna be great because it's just gonna be all about my money. It's gonna be all about the fun I'm gonna have it's come all the things I'm gonna do and they're gonna do those things and get those things and you're gonna Find out that I was right That all those around you that are older and wiser and told try to tell you that they were right Turns out mom and dad are right turns out the preacher was right turns out brother so-and-so was right You know, some of the older people in the room are nodding their heads because they know I'm right People that have just made life about I'm not saying the people not in their heads did this but you know They know that if they made their life just all about going after things and stuff and money It's not going to satisfy in the end and you're gonna have regrets We're all gonna have some level of regrets, you know, the goal in life should be to minimize those things Not get on later in life and say oh, you know, I wish I just had spend my whole life just pursuing vanity That's why I'm preaching this. That's why I'm trying to get this across this idea of digging these wells of wellness So we could have a deeper life, you know depth is something that has to be pursued persistently, right? That's what I love about Isaac in the story verse 21 and they digged another well Now, I don't know how many of you in this room have done much digging. I've done my fair share You know, I worked for an excavating firm for several years. I Stopped digging when I moved to Arizona. I made a point of that. I Got a job when I first moved out here You know cash job off Craigslist You know digging footers concrete footers and then I found out here the the soil is so hard here They don't even use forms Some of you that are native here are going what's a form? I'm just kidding, you know where I'm from you had to like put the stakes down You had to set up the two by fours that go down to the ground You had to like form the concrete because it's all sand. It was easy digging got out here They're like, oh we don't we don't have to do any of that because the earth itself is so hard That we don't even need to use forms we just pour the concrete right in the ground and level it off, right? But you know, I've done a lot of digging, you know, I've Operated the shovel, you know the the smart end of the shovel for many, you know many hours You know, I there's a there's a way to do it. But you know what? It's not easy. It's hard. It's difficult It's not fun And look if you want to have a deep life if you want to have a life that Satisfies if you don't want to live a vain life you're going to have to dig You're gonna have to get out a shovel and start digging you're gonna have to pursue certain things in your life you're gonna have to you know carve out time in your schedule to do certain things and Not just make your life about chasing after vanity. Okay The depth is something that has to be pursued You know, that's that that's what it means the fact that it's deep it's down in the ground. It has to be gone after That's What I love about Isaac and they digged another well and strove for that also and he called the name of it Sitna You say oh man, that's it How many wells is this now and he removed from thence and dig another well and for that they strove not Meaning nobody was there to contend He was able to dig down and find the water that he needed and he called the name of it Rehoboeth for he saith for now the Lord hath made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land Now when did the fruitfulness come when did he have that promise of abundance and wealth and prosperity after he dug the well? After he found a well, then he dug and found the water. That's when he was able to be fruitful So when I say, you know, we're gonna dig the wells of wellness what we're talking about is Digging wells of wellness meaning having health and prosperity in life You know and these are not Baptist cuss words health Okay, that's not a that's not a dirty word in a Baptist Church You know prosperity I know I know we're against the prosperity gospel and things like that this name it claim it Pentecostal charismatic Nonsense, okay. I'm not promoting that but we don't want to run to the other extreme and think oh We don't want to be prosperous in life. No we do We want to have health. We want to have prosperity. We want to be fruitful in the land In order to have that you have to dig in order to do that. You have to have a well dug in a certain area And I want to just kind of just you know, just dispel any notion of you know Having health or wellness in life is not something we should pursue the Bible talks about us having health and being prosperous in the Bible If you would go back to Proverbs 17 Proverbs 17 I'll remind us of 1st Corinthians chapter number 6 which says in verse 19 What no you're not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you What you have of God in your not your own For you're bought with the price therefore glorify therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are gods Sounds to me like God is concerned with the body, you know And one of the wells that we need to dig in life when it comes to digging wells of wellness is you know our? physical health That's a well that needs to be dug. We shouldn't neglect that. Well, I don't want to get ahead of myself But Just just there's just this idea of you know Having health having prosperity taking the time to dig these wells and to and so that we are can prosper as individuals It's not something that is unbiblical Look at Proverbs chapter 17 verse 22 a merry heart do with good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dry at the bones You know, we should want to have that merry heart. We should want to what do good We should want to have that medicine that wellness in our life go to Proverbs 16 Proverbs chapter number 16 It says there in verse 24 pleasant words are as in honeycomb sweet to the soul and health to the bones. Oh The Bible doesn't talk about health the Bible doesn't care about you know, how we are physically No, it's time about having health to the bones, right? Having being in what about go to Proverbs chapter 3. What about in 3rd John beloved? I wish you're going to Proverbs 3 beloved I wish all things that thou mayest Prosper and be in health I mean, that's the Apostle John saying I hope that you are what I pray that you would be that you would prosper and be in health You know, and that's something that I would want for this church as well, you know I want people in this room to prosper. I want the people in this room to be in health I want that for my own life. I want that for my family. I want that for you know anybody That's that's that's something that we should wish upon others, but it's also something we should wish for ourselves And all I'm trying to do in this series is get across the you know Help you to understand where we should be digging You know where we should be investing our time in order to be prosperous in order to have the health That we need in in many different forms Proverbs chapter 3 verse 7 be not wise and I know nice fear the Lord and depart from evil It shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones You can say always speaking figuratively there, but you know in a lot of ways that's literal You know if you depart from evil that's gonna do you well physically it's gonna be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones You know if you get away from the evil of alcohol if you get away from the evil of drug use if you get away from the evil of cigarettes and other intoxicants if you get away from You know the the sin of fornication these other things that's gonna be literally health to you That's gonna do you good physically, you know, you're not gonna, you know, obviously there's no guarantees in life You know and there's more one more than one way to To suffer but you know, we minimize the chances of dealing with a lot of diseases if we depart from evil We're not gonna deal with the throat cancer You know if we're not, you know putting in the chaw, we're not gonna have our lower jaw cut off It sounds like a crazy story, but I've known people like that You know, they started dipping, you know Chaw or what are they calling? Tobacco yeah, the chewing tobacco and you know, eventually they develop, you know jaw cancer and have had their whole lower jaw removed You know, they're not gonna get the lung cancer. They're not gonna you know, get the you know, the disease of the liver They're not going to go through these different difficulties that Other people go through because they refuse to depart from evil You know and these evils that people are chasing after day are vanity They're vanity the drunkenness the fornication Intoxication all of these things they chase after it depart from evil It shall be health to thine evil and marrow to thy bones. Go to Proverbs 4 Just go over You're probably just one page Proverbs 4 verse 20 my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings Let them not depart from thine eyes Keep them in the midst of thine heart for they a life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh You know the commandments the words of God, you know, these things are life and health unto us they will do us good Spiritually physically mentally it will help us be in and it will help us be in health and it will help us to prosper Okay, so again, I'm just talking about I'm just using an analogy that I this is just something I use for myself that I'm just sharing With you this idea, you know in order to avoid living a vain life of having a deeper more deeper Significantly purposeful life Through digging the wells. Okay, and really the way I do this is I just kind of break up You know the different areas of my life into five different wells. That's ten. I'm at five If you're paying attention, you know five different wells and just as means of quickly to just introduce this The five wells that we'll talk about are the wells of wisdom and this is you know, an order of importance wisdom Well-being meaning physically mentally Welcome, you know, I'll explain that and there's because there's further you don't like alliteration. You're not gonna like the series Because there's a literated sub points that I'm not getting into. Okay, you have to come up to find out what is the well of welcome Well, you got to come to find out the well of work, right? That's important and the well of wonder You know, these are five wells that I try to dig in my life You know consistently And I'm always trying to make sure that I have the specific shovel that I'm doing my daily digging Yeah, you know and digging these wells so I don't end up living a vain life so that I can be in health and prosperity And I just want to share that with you because I and again, this is just my method and I'll tell you this This is not original with me This is something I've distilled from other people and kind of personalized it for myself this idea of car pen a lot car car Compartment I can't even say it compartemental izing Dividing or sectioning up, you know different areas of your life and Trying to you know dig in these different areas or work on and focus on these different areas in life Right, that's something I got from somebody else. I just brought in the analogy of a well because I liked it I like the letter W not Y and I like you know The idea that the Bible uses a well, okay So the five wells we'll talk about is wisdom well-being welcome work and wonder It's it's not original with me. You say why preach this? I'll tell you why I'm preaching this because life demands balance Life demands balance if we make our life all about one well and not another we're gonna be out of whack And we're gonna live we're not gonna be You know, we're not gonna live the the deep life like we could we're going to suffer we're not gonna have We're not gonna profit from that. So, you know, that's why I'm preaching it because life demands balance and you know having a system Having a perspective on life is better than not having one at all So and if you're gonna tune this out, you know, you're just maybe you'll skip the Sunday morning series, you know Hopefully you'll you'll go ahead and get a system anyway I'm just offering this as you know a track to run on I'm not saying you have to do things exactly the way I do it You have to use these exact analogies. You have to use my alliteration. You have to you know, make it your own That's what I did, you know personalize the lessons For yourself pay attention and apply it to your life, you know, and and obviously this morning was a little bit more vague Obviously, it wasn't really specific. It was just kind of introducing this concept Of living a deeper life of digging these wells in our lives, but it's an important concept It's one that we should be thinking about. It's one that we should be, you know, trying to Manifest in our own lives in some shape or form, you know, whether you're going to use what I provide here or or not That's fine. But make sure you're doing something To not, you know to avoid living a vain life Do something, personalize these lessons Because we don't want to be people who just go through life just you know with no depth We want to be people that have something to offer Offer to our children, offer to those around us. We want to have depth in order to do that We got to dig some wells. I'm just gonna go ahead and you know Explain the five wells of wellness that I try to do Let's go and pray