(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen the title of the sermon tonight is understanding your way Understanding your way the Bible says there in Proverbs chapter 20 verse 24 if you'd read there with me It says man's goings are of the Lord How can a man then understand his own way? And this is really one of those verses you have to kind of stop and think about it what it's really saying here He's saying there man's going Man's goings are of the Lord. How can a man then understand his own way? I think the Bible is saying here is that? Man's as in mankind as in the population in general their goings are of the Lord we don't know what's going to happen in the world, I mean we have a Understanding that certain thing that as we draw closer and closer to the end that perilous times are going to come how exactly those things Are going to play out we don't know We don't know how we don't know when but we do know that man's goings mankind's goings are of the Lord The Bible says that the heart of the prince is in the hand of the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord as a river he turneth it where there so ever he will and There's nothing that mankind is going to do on this earth That God doesn't let him do and many and often times even God even guides and directs him to do But he says there man's goings are of the way how can a man then understand his own way you know it's more under more important than trying to understand and Get a pulse on the world and where the world's going and where we're at and and what's going to happen in the world It's more important understand where we're going as individuals where we are headed. What direction are we as individuals pointed in? What is our own way often we get so worked up and concerned about? Man's way what they are doing out there that sometimes we forget. It's much more important It can actually focus on the one person you have control over in your life. Which is you He says how can a man then understand his own way? That's an important question. How can you understand your own way tonight? I don't think he's asking that question without answering it in the scripture I don't think he's just floating that out there, and I don't think that it's possible to not know your own way I think it is very possible that a man can understand his own way tonight And that's what I want to talk to you about tonight is understanding your own way First thing we need to understand when it comes to understanding your way We need to understand that man's way or God's way those are the two options that we have in life We can do things the way we want them the world will tell us to do it or we want to do it or the Philosophies of the world we can follow their ways or we can do things God's way and Hopefully by the end of the sermon you'll see that doing things God's way is the better choice That in the long run though. It's not always easy that it's not always the most convenient way It is the best way and that man's ways are inferior and often lead to sorrow and hurt and loss and Many negative consequences if you would go over to Isaiah chapter 55 Isaiah chapter 55 There's two options tonight when we're thinking about understanding our way There's man's way. There's the way of the world and there's God's way. We have to decide every day which way we're going to go Bible says in Proverbs chapter 14 as you go to Isaiah chapter 55 It says there is a way which seemeth right unto a man. Oh, it seems right. It sounds good It's got it's got the national bestseller on it Everyone's doing it everyone promotes it everyone's Seems to think it's the way to do things but the end thereof are the ways of death They're not God's ways and they lead only to death look there in Isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 He says there in verse 6 seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts And let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon That's saying here the prophet Isaiah is saying forsake your way For sake your thoughts and try to quit trying to figure things out and how you're going to do things your way And seek the Lord or turn unto him God wants us to do a thing his way because he knows that's the best way for us He will have mercy on us. He will abundantly pardon look there in verse 8 for my thoughts are not your thoughts Neither are your ways my ways say it the Lord For As the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts and I would even say that they're much higher than even that and God is just trying to use some Illustration in the natural world to help us to understand how much higher and better his ways are than our ways How much better and higher his ways are than the world's ways? The ways that might seem good might look good might sound right might be popular might have a multitude doing it but ends in death We need to choose God's way because it's the better way you have two options tonight you can choose man's way Or you can choose God's way Now when you make a choice you often refuse something else don't you that's what a choice is you're presented with two options And you say well, I'm going to choose this and I'm going to leave off this I'm going to choose this and refuse this So when we choose God's way what we're doing is Refusing man's way. We're not infusing it. We're refusing it. We're not trying to blend the two together We're not trying to add it and see if they can complement one another they can't his ways are higher His ways are better his ways lead to life their ways lead to death So Choosing God's way is to refuse man's way the Bible says in Amos chapter 3 and we've all heard it Can two walk together except they be agreed I? Want to walk with the Lord I want to walk with the Lord and be close to him and know him and his power But do you agree with them? Can we do we agree with the Lord do we agree and say your ways are better tonight? That I should do things your way You See good intentions, they're not an excuse to do things your own way We say well Lord. I know that your way is the right way, but this just seems like it's the better way for me You know I know it's doing things Maybe the way you wouldn't want them done, but I'm just gonna go ahead and do them because well my intentions are good But that's not an excuse to do your things your own way The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 21 If you would go over to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1, but it says in 2nd Proverbs 21 Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord ponder at the hearts Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord ponder at the hearts You See when we're choosing God's way we're refusing man's way And when we choose God's way what we're doing is acknowledging it as better. I Mean usually that's what people choose when they're presented with a choice if I were to come to you tonight and Say hey, you can have you know a head of broccoli or a cheesecake right? Well you decide what you choose, I guess I guess I can't speak for everybody. Maybe there's some real health nuts out there But we would choose the better way naturally we would choose with that which is more pleasurable and desirable we choose the better way We don't often always see God's way as the better way a lot of times We look at God's way and just think well. That's just seems like it's the hard way What we fail to understand is that the hard way is the better way and it might have Trials there might be difficulties there might be persecutions, but in the long run It's the better way, and why wouldn't we choose the better way? When you choose God's way you're refusing man way, and you're acknowledging God's way as better But we need to understand something you say well. I'm gonna choose God's way I'm gonna do things God's way in whatever area of my life when it comes to choosing a church. What Bible I read or How I'm gonna raise my family Who I'm gonna start a family with What kind of person I'm gonna be all these decisions that we have to make in life, and we decide That we're gonna do things God's way you say I'm gonna do things God's way you need to understand something It's the hard way. It's not always the easy way The Better way is not the easy way, and we as human beings have this natural inclination to just choose The easy way we're like you know Like water we choose the path of least resistance rather than going up against the obstacle and having to chip away at it and work Our way into it and get through it. We'd rather just go around it and not deal with it The Bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord And he delighteth in his way. That's a precious promise in the Word of God that the steps of a good man When I'm good man is going down the right way when he's walking in God's way, and they're ordered They're ordered by the Lord and we We take comfort in that and we're solace by that and we know that with for long as we're right with God And we're serving him and our intentions are right that no matter which way We're going God is ordering our steps, and we enjoy that we have peace from that And he delighteth in his way the Bible says God delights it in our way when we walk in his way But it says in verse 24 though he fall He shall not utterly be cast down for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand It says though he fall you know what that tells me is that you can be a good man You can be walking in God's way. You could say I'm not going to choose the world's way I'm going to choose man God's way. I'm going to walk with the Lord even if it's hard It's going to be difficult You can have that intent you could say that's what you're going to do in fact You can even start out doing it, but you better understand something you might fall in fact on all chances and all likelihood You are going to fall That's what makes it the hard way Is that you will fall because it says there though he fall? As if the Lord is already anticipating anticipating the fact that those that whose steps He orders and those in whose way he delights are going to fall But he says he shall not be utterly cast down If you fall God's not just gonna say you loser Why'd you even try? Why'd you even start walking down my way? Why'd you even try to go down my path? Don't you know my ways are higher? Who are you to think you can walk my way? That's not the attitude God has He delights when we do that, and he says though he fall though we come up short though when it gets difficult We fall we're not going to stay down It says the Lord upholdeth him with his hand You want to know what makes life truly hard we say oh the Lord's living for God so hard You know what's really hard not having God and living. I don't know how the world does it I don't know how people go out there and face this world without the Lord's help day in and day I don't know how they face the temptations and the addictions and the Difficulties and the trials and the tribulations that come in life without God's help It's no wonder they turn to the things that they turn to All the things that they do to try to just forget how hard life is in and of itself Instead of turning to the one who will not let them be utterly cast down that will uphold them with his hand They choose to go through life without the Lord That's what makes life truly hard. There's but not having God's help And The Bible says in verse chapter 13 verse 15 of Proverbs good understanding giveth favor But the way of transgressors is hard old God's way is hard I'm not going to tell you tonight that if you choose to live for God yet that it's gonna be some kind of Cakewalk that says yay at all day that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. It's not going to be easy It's not going to be popular Quiet down But I'll tell you this much the way of the transgressor is hard I would say it's much harder in many cases Because they have no one to help them no help Bible says in Proverbs 24 verse 16 for a just man fall seven times and Riseth up again. It says a just man fall is seven times and riseth up again Why because the Lord upholds him God is there to help him pick himself pick him up Dust him off and send him back on the right path and say try again do it again. Don't stop Don't quit kept leaving keep living for me. He upholds him with his hand But it says the wicked shall fall into mischief and it doesn't say they'll get back up They fall into mischief and sometimes they never get back up Sometimes that mischief is the end of their life Sometimes that mischief just keeps them down The Bible says in Psalms 37 the law of God is in his heart none of his steps shall slide You want to go through life? Having a sure footing do things God's way You want to go through life knowing that you're not gonna have a marriage. It's gonna fall apart Do things God's way you want to go through life being successful on the job do things God's way Understand that your way needs to be God's way And none of your steps shall slide You're there in second Peter look at verse 1 chapter chapter 1 Excuse me chapter 1 verse 5 and it says and besides this giving all diligence add your faith virtue and virtue knowledge into knowledge temperance of the Temperance patience to patience godliness and the godliness brotherly kindness and brotherly kindness charity For if these things be in you and abound they make you these shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ But he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off and had forgotten that he was purged from his old sins Wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure For if ye do these things you shall never fall That's a promise look if you do these things you add this and you add this if you go ahead and you take your faith and you add your Faith virtue you add knowledge you add temperance you had to patience you had godliness You had kindness and charity and if you have these things in you and they abound you work on them You make them to abound in your life. He says you'll never fall But the thing is we often don't add those things Sometimes we go down that list and we find that some of those things are painfully wanting But no, I've got the faith, but I haven't got the virtue yet. Well, don't be surprised if you fall Well, I've got the virtue but no knowledge well, don't be surprised if you stumble I've got the knowledge. I've got the temperance. I've got the patience and the godliness But do you have the brotherly kindness? Because if you don't you might fall you have the patience Do you have the charity because if you don't you're gonna fall But if you have all these things you shall never fall We're going to fall because it's hard it's not easy to live for the Lord But it's a lot harder to go out there and live for the devil The devil is not a rewarder of his servants. The devil doesn't tell his servants good job They're not gonna get to hell one day with with the devil and he's not gonna give them a gold star and say Thank you for being such a horrible person He's gonna enjoy every bit of their misery You know, we all fall we're all going to fall that's just a fact Here's the thing everybody that Falls doesn't have the Lord's help I'd much rather fall and know that God's gonna uphold me I'd rather go through life knowing that none of my steps shall slide And how do you do that? You get the Word of God in your heart the law of God is in his heart He's determined. I'm going to live for the Lord When you're understanding your way tonight you need to understand first of all That choosing is God's way is to re-choose is to choose the better way Look you have two options. There's the go man's way or go God's way I'm gonna go my own way. That's man's way. That's the world's philosophy Choose God's way. It might not be easy But God will be there to help you when you fall That's the first thing you understand but also you need to understand it's the direction that we're going that matters When you're choosing your way if you would go over to Psalm 73 Psalm 73 You need to choose that direction you need to choose to go in the Lord's direction and walk that way and Sometimes people we I think every Christian goes through this to some degree another they they start to live for the Lord You know they get in a church and start reading their Bible You know what happens after a while the honeymoon's over the newness wears off the Christian life becomes work I'm not saying it doesn't have its excitement. I'm not saying it doesn't have its highs and its joys that are always there if we want But I'm saying it starts to become work and they start to look around they start to think about what they left behind They start to maybe look what they never had even and say well look at the world look what the world has it What they get to do look what they get to wear look what they get to drink look what they get to look at Look at all the places they get to go. Why do I get to do any of that? Well, you don't see is where they end up we never consider where they end up He says in Psalm 73 of course this man is lamenting his His position he's doing the same thing. He's looking at the ungodly And he says as for me in verse 2 my feet were almost gone My steps how what had well nigh slipped His feet were beginning to slide he was starting to fall and what was it that caused him to slide What why was it that this man's? Steps were slipping Look at verse 3 for I was envious at the foolish Who was he envious at the foolish I Don't know what's more foolish to the fool or the guy who envies him the guy who looks at a fool and says boy I wish I could have that Boy, I wish I could have the DWI and the incarceration and the divorce and the way we're children and the diseases and the addictions Why would you envy that Because all you see is the pleasure of sin for a season Because all you see is the pleasure of sin for a season When I saw the prosperity of the wicked oh They've got all the fancy things They've got the jewelry and the shoes and the clothes and the cars and and the ladies and everything else And I use that term ladies loosely They got the big boats and the helicopters and the cameras flashing and the red the red velvet ropes And we envy them it's possible You can start to say what do I got? I've got a little church off the highway With some people in it No one famous there There's no There's no media waiting outside to take your picture and interview you and ask you about how you love coming here Why you're coming here any of that? And We can start to envy the foolish when we see the prosperity of the wicked and that's what's gonna cause your feet to start to slip You have to look beyond that Stay there in Psalm 73, but you have to begin to look beyond that You need to fix where your eyes are looking when you're walking in God's way God's way walking and understand walking in the Lord's way walking in his ways is not just you putting on a blindfold and saying oh Just leave me Lord You have to you have to pay attention to where you're going you have to watch your step Jesus said unto him no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God We get into this life this Christian life. We start working for the Lord, but we start to hear those old friends We start to think about those old ways Well, we left behind what we never had We envy the foolish we envy the prosperity of the wicked and now we're plowing like this And Lord's looking going what kind of a field is that what kind of a life is that look it's all messy It's inefficient you're not gonna be as fruitful when you've got furrows that are you going like this Make the most use of your field you got to keep straight lines. You got to keep your eyes forward Bible says in Proverbs 4 let thine eyes look right on Let thine eyes look straight ahead before thee ponder the path of thy feet and let all thy ways be established Turn not to the right hand nor to the left remove thy foot from evil You got to get your eyes set He says let thine eyes look right on and thine eye looks looks straight before thee before you even begin to take That first step You say I'm gonna choose God's way. I'm gonna walk his way. It might be hard it might be difficult, but I'm just gonna keep my eyes looking straight ahead and then you begin to take that step and then you begin to ponder the path of your feet and Let thine way all thy ways be established God begins to uphold you God begins to lead you God begins to direct you and Then once you start to walk you turn not to the right hand nor to the left And then once you start to walk you turn not to the right hand nor to the left you remove your foot from evil Don't get distracted. Don't envy the foolish. Don't envy the wicked If you're gonna walk in God's way if you're gonna make your way God's way tonight You have to understand that you need to keep your eyes focused Focused in the right direction. You need to be facing the right direction and not be worried about what everybody else is doing You need to understand that God's way is better. It might be hard. It might be difficult might not be easy But it's better you're there in Psalm 73 look at verse 17 He said until I went into the sanctuary of God Then understood I therein whose end the foolish the wicked He was before envious when he saw their prosperity. He was foolish envious at the foolish He was envious at the prosperity of the wicked He was lamenting that fact. He said it was to the point my feet had well nice slipped. I Was gonna give up on God and just chase after the world What changed him what brought him around Verse 17 I went into the sanctuary of God. He got in church. He got his Bible prayed He got alone with God Then Understood I therein and God said oh, I know son. I know daughter. It looks real good what the world's doing I know what there's a it's it's a temptation I know it seems like they make it look like everything's okay that they say come on in the water's fine But what you don't see is the shark That's coming And God shows us their end. He says let me show you their end Let me show you where they end up and you watch some of these people in their life And how they just they start out great. Everything's great all these how many how many I mean how many music pop musicians? Do you have to look at not very many to see this pattern? Oh They're prosper they're prospering they're wicked, but they're prospering they're foolish, but they're prospering everything's going great We watched their life over the years Then they're shaving their head and beating up their car and getting hauled off with straight jackets drug addicted doped up delusional people Who have no grasp on reality and end up reprobate many cases? Dying young commuting suicide addicted to all kinds of different things Consider their end before you start to envy the foolish tonight Then under a stood-eye their end But if all you ever look at if all you ever see is the glitz and the glamour and Just look at the way of the world You're not going to understand their end You want to understand their end you have to get in the sanctuary of God if they get in church you have to get in the Bible He says surely thou didst set them in precipilary places thou castest them down into destruction how they brought into Desolation as in a moment. They are utterly consumed with terrors Is that the end you want tonight because that's the end that they have I Mean would you choose that if you knew that was their end? You think that's the people that end up like that they start out knowing that When they chase after the things of the world and they start to serve and live for the devil They believe in a lie The devil doesn't tell him hey, this is gonna end in desolation This is gonna end with you being utterly consumed with terrors. Oh, I like the sound of that. I think I'll take that That's not how it works he does the same thing to them that he tries to do to us and Just snow us and just lie to us and hold up. Oh, you know a facade This is what it is. It looks so nice It's fake The Bible says trust and Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him And he shall direct thy paths. You say I want to walk in God's way tonight. I don't want what the world wants I don't want my life to end like them. I'm tired of being envious at them. I don't want my way I don't want to end up in desolation I'd rather not be utterly consumed with terrors. I don't want my feet to slip. I'm gonna get in a sanctuary of God. I Want my ways to be God's ways Then you need to acknowledge your guide It's akin to you know, like somebody trying to scale Everest You know often people that have never done it they hire somebody to take them up there, you know, they get a Sherpa To try and guarantee success because the way is difficult they have somebody help them guide them along the way And That's what we need to do we understand that we have a helper the Lord He's the one that's gonna uphold us when we fall. He's the one that's gonna lift us back up Don't try and scale the Christian life on your own you won't get very far you will stumble you will fall and you might not Get back up It'd be like a stubborn child falling down and dad his dad saying hey, let me help you up. No I'm just gonna sit here in the dust with my bloody knees and elbows and Lick my wounds And God's just saying I just want to help you up and dust you off. I Just want to clean those scrapes up put a band-aid and I'm help you keep moving forward tell you look out don't step there Put your foot here Acknowledge your guide I want my ways to be God's way tonight then acknowledge your guide Get in the sanctuary of God trust the Lord with all thine heart and stop leaning under your own understanding and acknowledge him Then he shall direct thy paths. That's the equation there in all thy ways Acknowledge him and everything that you do is this pleasing to the Lord is this what the Lord would have me to do Then he begins to direct his your paths If you're going to Understand your way tonight Which if you're gonna understand your way and make your way the Lord's way then you need to understand to be led to be led By the Lord is going to require trust Just like you would trust that guy leading you up Everest You've never been up there. I don't know how to get up there a Guy like me couldn't even get up there if you want to do Well what if I could and I went there and I said hey, are you sure this is the way I don't know if I trust you No, I have to trust him and he's gonna lead me the right way and he's not gonna lead me astray I Think sometimes that's the problem people have with the Lord They don't trust him oh They believe in him. They they love him and they say he's good and all that, but they really don't trust him to That he's gonna be there to direct their paths But he will the Bible says a man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directed the steps Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight You need to trust your guide If you're gonna walk in with the Lord you need to trust him trust in his word And well, I don't know this all sounds pretty mystical It sounds like some supernatural business. You're talking about God's gonna lie. You know lead me and guide me How is he gonna do that God's gonna come to you and tell you? whisper in your ear and tell you what to do and tell you what to have for breakfast and what to have for lunch and where to go and Make all these all these decisions. No And he will speak to you though, but it's gonna be through his word I Always cringe whenever I hear a preacher say that I Don't hear him nowadays, but you listen to some of these old-time guys And even there are I'm sure plenty of preachers out there that still say it God told me God told me to do this God told me to do that And then they'll say things like well you didn't audibly speak of course And if you question it well then God must not not talk to you son I Guess I'm not special like you are sir Or maybe it's just that you have a misunderstanding how God really talks to people You know God talks to us through his word through the Bible If you're gonna trust God and walk in his way you need to trust the Bible And let me tell you something we can trust this book tonight. You can trust this book the King James Bible You have all the mind of God everything that God wants you to know all things pertaining to life and godliness are right here tonight How's God gonna guide you and direct you tonight through this book and through your obedience to it? He says in Psalm 119 verse 105 thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path he went on and said verse 1 and 133 order my steps in thy word and Let not any iniquity have any dominion over me You need to trust his word. That's how God's gonna lead you Say I want to follow God. I'm ready for the hardness. I'm ready for the difficulty. I'm ready. I trust him He's gonna lead me I'm gonna keep my eyes on him then you're gonna keep your eyes in this book right here And that's how he's gonna speak to you, and that's how he's gonna lead you and guide you And you're gonna follow one step at a time So Often we get so excited about what we're gonna do a year from now What we're gonna do six weeks from now Or we're gonna do next week for the Lord or what we're gonna do way on down the road for the Lord the Bible says thy word is a lamp unto my feet and A light unto my path. I remember the first time somebody showed me that verse and said hey, God doesn't shine the light way down the road God doesn't take the lamp and say that's where you're headed that Wouldn't do you any good? he shines it right there and says that's where you need to step next and Until you step there You're not gonna get there You know I step there. He says good now. Let me turn the light on again step right there. Oh Now let me read some more. Where do I step now? Oh, I step right here. That's how God leads us one step at a time Line upon line Precept upon precept here a little there a little you don't figure it all out at once God deals in the short term look our long term is sealed praise God we know where we're gonna end up glory heaven That's that that's taken care of Question is how you gonna. What are you gonna? Where are you going in this life? What path are you gonna walk in this life? You don't figure all that out at once Well, I'm gonna live here. I'm gonna marry this person. I'm gonna have this many kids I'm gonna go through this trial, but not this one. You don't get to pick a lot of that I mean of course we get to make decisions but we don't understand what got what all God is going to do in our life and So often we know we we get if we get to just it's got to be this way Then we're not really trusting God are we? And we might have something in mind it might be pure it might be good it might be right but maybe God's got something else in mind and That's what you really have to just start to trust him You don't figure it all out at once Bible says in James 4 go to now ye that say today or tomorrow We will go into such and such a city and continue their year and buy and sell and get gain He says for you ought to say if the Lord will we shall live and do this or that But now you rejoice in your boastings all such rejoicing is evil the Bible says To sit there and say well I'm gonna go here and go there and I'm gonna be there here in a year from now. I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that I'm gonna get this gain here and that can you don't know You don't know what a day is going to bring forth It'd be better just to look where God's leading you in that next step and just take that next step Then after that take the next step and after that take the next step and let him slowly lead you You see the Christian life is measured in years. It's true in decades, but you know how it's lived one day at a time The Christian life is measured in years, but it's lived one day at a time I mean think about all the things Paul did in his life the Apostle Paul accomplished the greatest works that we've ever known of I I Mean thousands coming to Christ hundreds of churches being started just Preaching great sermons seeing God do wonderful things in his life. Yes a lot of trials Yes, a lot of tribulations and he made some mistakes and he stumbled and he fell and God help and we'd say wow. What a life But you know what? He said I died daily. I Die daily, you know Paul lived his life one day at a time I'm sure he had ideas about what he was going to do things He would like to do things he places he wanted to go when he wanted to be there But at the end of the day he understood he had to live that life one day at a time That's how you live the Christian life Jesus said sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof I'm going backwards. That's the problem there If you would go over to Proverbs chapter 11 Proverbs chapter 11, we'll we'll close here If we want to understand our way and make our way God's way we got to seek the Lord We got to seek the kingdom of God. He said seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness Seek that first seek doing God's will first and all these things shall be added unto you All those things that we get so focused on and worried about and trying to make The emphasis of our life are things that God just wants to add that it will just take care of themselves If we would just seek the kingdom of God first and his righteousness if we would just live for the Lord today and Get through that and wake up and say well, let's live for the Lord again today and get through that And then wake up and live for the Lord today and get through that God will add these things. God will lead us. God will guide us. God will direct us slowly one day at a time The Bible says the righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way the righteousness of the perfect Shall direct his way The perfect those that are made whole those that are complete their righteousness the righteousness of Christ Shall direct their way Those that are going to seek the kingdom of God those that are gonna seek his righteousness those that take no thought for the morrow and Understand that the morrow shall take things thought for the things of itself that sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof They just wake up in the morning and say I die today like Paul Let me live for God today, and I'll let God take care of the big details I'll let God guide me and direct me and lead me and open up the doors when they need to be open and shut the Doors when they need to be closed, and I'll just trust God to lead me day by day I Mean that's that's the life. I want that's the life I want when I get to glory I want to be able to look back and Say God just like the song says he led me all the way He led me through that he led me through that he led me through that day, and he led me through that day Now you're gonna get there one day at a time by making your way God's way even though it's harder even though It's not popular But understanding it's the better way You know if you want that and I trust everyone does if we want to live a life led by the Lord If you want to live a life led by the Lord you're gonna have to live for him daily you want a whole life That you could say was led of the Lord That God had his hand on Then you have to live for him daily every day, let's go ahead and pray dear Lord again