(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 30 seconds. Up. Yeah. Hey. Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Faithful Word Baptist Church. We're ready to see you all here for Thursday in service. Draw please. Have a seat. Right in the middle. And open up those handles to song number 29. You can begin to see this service by singing song number 29 at the cross. Song number 29. What are you doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh Oh, Yeah. You can do it. Yeah. Mymama. Yes, you did press Oh, no. Oh. Oh, Oh, Oh is that youris another Hit oh, And thanks for the salvation we have today. And praise Jesus for helping us to live for you. And praise you to the blessed service which you have told me by faith. Amen. Amen. Amen. Let's turn ahead and listen to a song on the 306th. A song on the 306th, and I'll find it on the way to you. The 306th. Have I no way? Have I no way? Now I'm the brother of the Lord. I am the king. Oh, me and you. After my failure, while I am waiting, we will be next to the Lord. Have I no way? Have I no way? Searching and trying, who'll last the day? Why, hurt and slow, while she just fell, dancing like presents from way up up. Have I no way? Have I no way? Who will make me feel, feel free and free? Have I no way? Surely it's time. Touch me and be me, the savior of the world. Have I no way? Have I no way? You're for me, now so be free. Reel with thy spirit, till all shall see. Thy sword be all our praise. We will be free. At this time, we'll do the announcements. You can follow me. We'll do the song number 40. If you'd like to turn the announcements over. All right, thanks for doing everybody. We'll be revolting. Let's look at the hands. We're going to add a green one. I know the service times are listed there. We've got the left hand corner. We'll forget on Thursday when we have first piece chapter 14. We'll let the salutations of that persist. We'll list it below that. We'll work out the salutations. We'll go back to Friday. And then Saturday, we'll know when you get in for the group. And then is there anything that deserves a shot today? Sunday? We've got three. All right, we'll keep up the good work slowly. And then below that, just a few notes about the church. Make sure your son has his cell phone whenever I've done so. We've got the announcement regarding the homeschool field trip. The whole congregation mission trip. Again, if anybody wants to go to these, this one, or the ones that are upcoming, even if I can't make it, I am more than willing to show you there. In fact, I will take the man and get you out of here. And then we'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. We'll go back to Friday. Now if you would, go over to, let's go over to Judges 4. Now if you bring up the part about, you know, women are to be in silence, that they're being subjection, that it's not permitted on them to speak, that it's a shame for them to speak in the church, and then women, you know, and others will often just say, well, what about Deborah in the Old Testament? They say, well, what about Judges chapter 4, huh? We have Deborah the prophetess, right? And you have to, and it's like, yeah, I understand that there was this lady named Deborah in chapter 4, verse 4. It says Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. So there was a woman that was usurp-a-thording over the man in Israel, wasn't there? The Bible's giving us an example of a lady who, you know, was ruling over men, who was calling a shot. She was doing a man's job. But, you know, what they fail to realize is the context of this passage, that, you know, it comes after chapter 2. It comes after chapter number 3, okay? And, you know, just real quick, chapter 2, verse 11, it says, And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Balaam. So when did Deborah come on the scene? When did she have to take over? When they're, you know, when the children of Israel, you know, are, you know, when they are not, when they're doing evil in the sight of the Lord, and they're serving Balaam. You know, look at chapter 2, verse 19. It says, And it came to pass when the judge was dead, that they returned and corrupted themselves more than their fathers, and following after other gods to serve them. Look at chapter 3, verse 7. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of God, and forgot the Lord their God, and served Moloch in, you know, the Bohemian Grove. Or, I mean, sorry, I misread that. And served Balaam and the Groves, right? If you know what I'm talking about there. You know, there is the Bohemian Grove and Moloch and all that out in California, the redwoods. But that's the context of the scripture. You know, that's the situation in which Deborah had to rise up and judge Israel. Basically when the men weren't doing their job. And look, it's the same way in this country today. You know, men have gotten soft. They've gotten scared to preach, to say what I'm saying. They're afraid, you know, the preachers that, you know, they don't have the stones to get up and just say what the Bible says anymore. They don't want to turn to 1 Timothy 3. They don't want to go to 1 Corinthians 11. They don't want to turn to these passages and read them because they're afraid they're going to upset people. You know, well, I'm just going to go ahead and upset, you know, little Rosie or whoever, the riveter here, until she can't punch her little arms out. I really don't care. Because this is what the Bible says. And it's men that have failed to preach this. You know, their failure to preach this is what led us to where we are today as a country. There I said it. Okay? I mean, that's where you see Deborah the prophetess coming up. When Israel's worshipping Balaam, when they're going after Satan, when they're doing evil in the sight of God. When men aren't doing the job that they're supposed to do. When they're being turned aside after Satan. When they're following Satan's will for their life and just being soft and weak and compromising and letting women just run roughshod all over them, you know, and not wanting to upset anybody. That's how they got to where they were. It's the same way in this country today. You say, how do you know that? Because do women not usurp authority of a man today? Aren't the roles of authority completely reversed today? Isn't it lauded and praised when you have a woman in a position of authority? Isn't that seen as progressive? Isn't that seen as just something to just be extolled? And aren't we supposed to just be in awe of how virtuous that is? You know, and I'm preaching this, and this isn't going to upset you, but you know what? I don't want my daughters growing up thinking that that's what I want for their life. That I want them to grow up and be a lawyer. You know, I don't, you know, oh, how could you say that? I don't want her to grow up, any of them, to grow up and be the first female president. You know, if my daughters grew up and became the first female president, I'd feel like a failure as a father. Oh! Oh! Oh, I can't believe you said that! Ah! I would feel like a failure if my daughter's only ambition in life was to go out and pursue a career. Because, you know, that is being turned aside after Satan. Do we need to go back and look at it again? You know, my desire for my daughters is that they grow up and that they would, you're never going to believe this, that they would marry, that they would bear children, that they would guide the house, and they would give none occasion for the adversary to speak reproachfully. You know, and Pete, you say that, and women, they get so bent out of shape. And they say, who do you think you are? How could you say that? You know, but here's the thing. Some of the most miserable women that I've ever met are women that are not fulfilling that role. You know who the happiest, most content, satisfied, and fulfilled women are that I've ever met? It's the housewife. It's the mother. It's the homeschooling mother. It's the woman that's fulfilled God's will for her life. And the opposite, some of the most just miserable, cantankerous, angry, loudmouth, just like a man, just bitter women that I've ever met are the ones that have done the complete opposite of that. That's just facts. I mean, you know, well, let's just move along here. I don't want to rant too much. I got a point I'm trying to make here. But if you would, so you get the context here, right? Notice that Deborah is coming on the scene when Israel has completely turned away from God. She's just standing up saying, you know, I have to do the job of man. And I've said this before, and I'll say it again, is that power, you know, leaves a vacuum. It's a vacuum. It's not a void. Meaning it'll suck whatever it has to into that position to fulfill it. Leadership doesn't leave a void. It always brings something into it. You know, so if there isn't a man who's going to stand up and act like a man and do the man's job, you know who's going to get sucked into that power position? You know, Betty, Rosie the Riveter is going to rise up. You know, when all the men went away into World War II and there was no man to do the man's work, guess what happened? All the ladies, they rose up and they went and did a man's job. You know, and I guess that was real empowering for them. But that's what you're seeing here in Judges chapter 4. That's why Deborah is coming on the screen and being a prophetess and judging Israel, because there weren't any men around to do it. That's why. It's not something to be praised. You know, Judges is a book where it's just showing you what happens when people get away from God. When they don't want to do things God's way. Now if you would, go over to Isaiah chapter 2, or Isaiah chapter number 3, excuse me, Isaiah chapter number 3. You know, and part of the reason I'm preaching a sermon is basically because I found this at the hardware store yesterday. I was like, well I'm preaching a sermon about that now just because I want to use this prop. But you know, but then I went home and I learned about, you know, the fact that we've, our country is just, everyone is just teary-eyed and misty-eyed over the election of, and I apologize if I get her name wrong, Kantanji Brown Jackson, who was just recently elected to the Supreme Court. Has anyone heard about this? Who's heard about this? So I mean, they're just losing their minds because it's the first black woman to sit upon the Supreme Court. And look, I'm not upset, you know, and don't you dare say for a minute that this has anything to do with race. Okay, it has nothing to do with the color of her skin. Okay, as far as I can tell, like, I'm the minority in here tonight anyway. Alright, so, but, so it's not, there isn't any racism here. You know, the Bible says God has made of all nations one blood. We get that, alright. But what, you know, what does, and it doesn't keep me up at night, you know, but it just, it just kind of bothers me when I see the world just getting so, you know, just excited about the fact that another woman is in position, that another woman has usurped the authority over the man. You know, it's actually a judgment on this nation, and I'll prove that from the Bible here in a minute. That when women are being, you know, I mean, isn't that what you saw in Judges? Didn't we just read that? That when they're backslidden, when they're serving the devil, when they're not, when they're turned aside after Satan is a nation, women, a woman rose up into power and judged Israel. Now if you, you know, that's what we see happening in our nation as well. Look at Isaiah 3, look at verse 9. It says, So already you're seeing the parallels between Israel, backslidden Israel in Isaiah's day and the good old US of A. I mean, couldn't you say the exact same thing about our country today, that they declared their sin as Sodom? What was the sin of Sodom? Sodomy, right? Being a homo, that's what it was. That's where that term sodomy comes from, right? And then, you know, what were they doing back then? They declared their sin of Sodom. They were what? They were out and proud. They were open about it. And isn't that our country today? Oh yeah, big time, right? I mean, they block off the street right down here, downtown, once a year, and they just march their filth up and down the street. They do it in every major metro and every small city across the station. You know, they declare it. They're out and they're proud. You know, and it's just getting worse and worse and worse, and they're getting louder and louder and louder. And people are just getting more and more brainwashed to just accept it. Well, not me. Not here. You know, I've got the word of God here, and if I need to, I'll take this holy hammer out and try to beat that out of your head. Let me take God's brush and try to scrub that filth out of your mind and get you un-brainwashed from this agenda that they have of turning our nation into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Now see, now I'm going off again, right? But that's true, isn't that a parallel? They declare their sin of Sodom. They hide it not. Woe unto their soul, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. You know, they're their own worst enemy. They're just rewarding evil unto themselves. Look at verse 10, say to the righteous that it should be well with him. You know, that's why I'm not sweating it. You know, that's why I don't go around just biting my nails every time I see a rainbow sticker on the back of someone's car. Oh, I can't believe it. Every time I hear about how Disney is trying to pervert your child's mind, you know, yeah, it vexes me, but it doesn't keep me up at night, you know, because I don't watch any of that trash. You know, I don't let that filth in my house. I don't give those fags an opportunity to defile my child's mind. Say to the righteous it should be well with him. You know, you can live in the midst of a perverse and wicked generation and still shine his lights for Christ. You can still be righteous. You can still live for God. You don't have to turn aside after Satan in a country like this that's declaring their sin of Sodom. You know, but if I don't get up and preach it, you're not even going to know about it, are you? You're not even going to know how to do that. You're not even going to know there is a problem. That's why I got to preach it. So say to the righteous it should be well with him. You know what, you want to serve God, you want to fulfill God's will for your life, it's going to be well with you. You're going to be alright. I'm not saying life's going to be perfect, I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but you know what, you're not going to have to worry about God coming down on you and judging you. You know, woe unto them. You know, woe unto them and to their soul, for they've rewarded evil unto themselves. But you know the righteous, it's going to be well with him. For they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hand shall be given him. As for my people, now pay attention, children are their oppressors. Children are ruling over them. This is talking about how weak this nation is. It doesn't sound like that's a good thing. I mean, he's saying look, woe unto them. Woe unto the wicked, it shall be evil, it shall be ill with him. As for my people, children are their oppressors and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths. So there again, as also sayeth the law, women being in a place of power is actually a judgment from God and not a good one. It's a sign that a nation has gone the way of Satan. And that's what I see when I see the fifth female Supreme Court Justice being elected. It's like, oh, well, the Bible's true again. We're a nation that declares our sin a Sodom. Woe unto our soul. It doesn't surprise me that women are ruling over us and that children are our oppressors. How do you say children are our oppressors? Because we got people that want to just act like kids today. We got a bunch of snowflakes today. People just, oh, you can't say anything mean. That's a childish attitude. I'm not saying you gotta go around being a belligerent jerk. But look, if something I say is the word of God and it offends you, you know, I don't care. I'm not here to hold your hand and tell you everything's gonna be alright cause it's not gonna be alright. It's the false prophet that gets up and says peace, peace when there is no peace. You know, the real man of God is gonna be the one that just stands up, you know, and take it on the chin, you know, from the feminist and just tell you like it is. You know, but we have children oppressing us today. You know, just this sensitive generation that's coming up. You know, that has to have their safe space and you can't say anything. It has to cancel everybody. You know, cancel this. I'd like to see you try. Try to cancel the word of God. You know, and they do try, don't they? They'll try to take away the church building. They'll shut down your YouTube channel. They'll kick you off all the social media. They'll try to silence you, but you know what? You can't cancel it. We can preach it in the parking lot. We can preach it wherever we want and you're never gonna destroy God's word. And it's gonna stand long after, you know, the snowflakes have melted away. Go over to Isaiah chapter 5, just a few pages over. Isaiah chapter 5, look at verse 7. For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant. He looked for judgment and behold, oppression. Now, you know what? You say, well, how do you know that, you know, a woman being elected to the Supreme Court justice is a judgment from God? Well, you know, when you look at this woman's record, it's specific. Well, you know, when you look at this woman's record, it's specific. And I'm just gonna focus on one topic, that of child pornography, which is not a pleasant topic that I like to bring up. But she is, she is like, over the vast majority of her cases, is far more lenient than any of these other judges on this issue. And she's letting, you know, child predators out early. And look, and you say, oh, you're just a Republican. Look, the Republicans don't draw a hard enough line. See, that's the thing. When you start to dilute these waters, you know, then you can say, oh, she's not hard enough on the pedophiles because she didn't give them, you know, the maximum sentence of two years in prison. Two years in prison for somebody sharing child pornography. You know, that's the righteous stand that the Republicans have made. You know, or maybe it's like, I don't know, four years, five years, you know, there's extenuating circumstances. Look, if it's not death, it's not strong enough. You know, I heard Ted Cruz get up, one of these guys, and I don't follow the news much, but I tuned in just because I knew I was going to be preaching the sermon. And I heard him make his remarks after, you know, after this woman was sworn in. And he said, you know, someone asked him, well, what do you have to say about the remarks of Senator, I think it was Romney and some other guy who said that, you know, voting for this woman made you pro-pedophile. And he said, it's silly. That's ridiculous. And I was like, actually, no, that's pretty much right on. It's like, wow, Romney actually got one right. I couldn't believe it. Right? It is pro-pedophile. Look, if you think that, you know, just doing this to a pedophile or someone who shares child pornography, whether they're receiving it or distributing it, this is what's appropriate for them, you know, you're pro-pedophile. Because the Bible teaches that the sentence for that is death. You say for child pornography, I mean, they're not even the ones doing it. Yeah, they're the ones providing for it. But, you know, go over, keep something there in Isaiah, but go over to Jude chapter one. Actually, just go to Jude chapter one. He said in Jude, he said in Isaiah that he looked for judgment and behold oppression. You know, there was injustice. He looked for righteousness and beheld a cry. You know, God looks to the places in our country where judgment is supposed to be and you know what he sees? Oppression. You know what he hears? Is crying out. He hears innocent blood being shed. He sees children being violated. And you know what? He sees oppression. That's what's going on in our country. That's how I know this is a judgment from God. When you have somebody, man or woman, I'm not saying all the men up there are some righteous bastion up there. You know, they're the God's gift to America. They're just as bad, if not worse, in many instances. But it all fits together. It all ties together. Go to Jude chapter one, of course, and we're going to look at verses five through eight. You say, how can you sit there and say that, you know, pedophilia is something that should be punished by death? Well, it's because that's what the Bible teaches. That that's something that God has put the death penalty on. You know, so any judge, man, woman, I don't care who they are, if they're lenient or if they're giving them a maximum sentence which is a slap on the... Do you know it's illegal in this country that the Supreme Court has ruled that it's illegal to put a pedophile to death? I'm not saying a guy who shares pornography, child pornography, I'm saying a literal pedophile cannot be put to death in this country. It's illegal. That's where we're at in this country. But I'm the one who's crazy, right? I'm the one who's lost his mind. You know, maybe I'm just the one that hasn't been brainwashed. Maybe we're just the ones that have actually been reading God's word and have understood what people have understood for thousands of years that pedophiles are reprobates that deserve to be put to death. So where are you getting that? Look at verse five of Jude. It says, I will, therefore, put you in remembrance, though you once knew this, how that the Lord having saved people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believe not. God would never kill anyone. He killed them by the tens of thousands. And the angel which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation, he hath reserved an everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day, even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after, get this, strange flesh. Now what does he mean by strange flesh? He's not talking about the goth chick, right? He's not talking about the emo boy, right, that is strange. He's about foreign flesh, about flesh that is not convenient, flesh that is unnatural for you to lust after. That's what he means by strange flesh. Look, an adult desiring the flesh of a child is strange because it's unnatural. It's an unnatural affection. It's something that only a reprobate would be given to, okay? It says that they are set forth, that they're going after strange flesh and that these people who have given themselves over and are going after strange flesh are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Did you catch that? You say, well, you know, God's changed the New Testament. You know, Sodom and Gomorrah, that was the Old Testament. No, in the New Testament, God points back to Sodom and Gomorrah and says, this is what I think about that sin. This is what I think about men going after men, women going after women. This is what I think about people going after strange flesh. He says it's set forth as an example of suffering a vengeance of eternal fire. You know, and whether man wants to do his end and send these people quickly to hell or not, that is what's waiting for these people because they're reprobates. That's what's waiting for them. There's no escaping it. You say, well, where are you getting that? Well, let's go to Romans. I'm glad you asked. Let's go to Romans chapter 1. Where are you getting that? Romans 1? That's right. Go over to Romans chapter 1. You know, probably a passage that we all have memorized in this church at this point, but, you know, I keep talking about this subject, but it's just like, you look around in the world today, it's like, man, you've got to keep preaching on it. Every other day I turn around, it's, you know, how Disney's promoting queerness. You know, it's how some, you know, Epstein has got some pedophile island with a bunch of, you know, with the Clintons and everybody else on his guest list. It's like, what in the world is going on in our country? What's going on in this world? You know, no wonder I have to keep preaching about it. It's insane. You know, Romans chapter 1, look at, let's just back up here a little bit. You know, let's read it, okay? In case anyone here is missing the context and is doubting what I'm saying here tonight. It says in verse 19, verse 18, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness, and unrighteousness, ungodliness, and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness. So they know the truth, but they hold it in unrighteousness. Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even as a power at Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Look, mankind is without excuse. It is evident that there is a God, that there is a Creator. That's what this is saying. Verse 21, Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. When people reject God long enough and they want to deny the existence of God, their hearts are darkened. And it says their foolish heart, because the Bible says, The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. The fool hath said that. It's a stupid thing to sit there and say, there is no God, because it's evident by the things that are made, being understood. But the creation, it's evident by the creation, and it's understood by the things that are made. That's me and you. We can look at nature and see that. It says in verse 22, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image like an uncorruptible man, and to birds, and to four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore, because they were unthankful, because they did not acknowledge God, because they denied God, because their foolish hearts were darkened, because they professed themselves to be wise, and became fools. Wherefore, because of all those reasons, God also gave them up. You know, if you're doubting this, you need to underline these words in your Bible tonight. Wherefore, God gave them up. Now, who did the giving up here? God. The Bible clearly teaches that God gives up on people. You say, no, God loves everybody. Yeah, for God so loved, that's past tense. God so loved the world. Yes, God at one point loves everybody. He loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved, but when people reject Him, and deny Him, and blaspheme Him, and don't want to acknowledge Him, you know what? Then He gives them up. He says, well, I'm not going to love you anymore. But yes, He did love, you know, past tense, for God so loved the world. Wherefore, God also gave them up, through uncleanness, through the lust of their own hearts, to dishonor their bodies between themselves. That's what He did to these people, who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Get this, okay? You know, the whole most want to say, God made me this way, which is a true statement, but just not in the way that they think. You know, they weren't born that way, but God did make them this way. Look at verse 26, for this cause, God gave them up. There it is again. God gave them up, okay? That's twice now, where the Bible is clearly teaching us that God gives up on some people. God gave them up unto vile affections, strange flesh, vile affections, pedophilias of vile affection. And then He goes on and describes homosexuality as a vile affection that God has given these people over to. God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature. He's talking about being a homo. And likewise also, the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another. Men with men working that which is unseemly, receiving in themselves the recompense of their air which was meat. Meaning, getting what they deserve for being a homo. AIDS. And every other filthy disease that these people contract. You know, this is the problem, is people just, they think the homo is what they see on TV. They think it's Nas X. They think it's just some cool rapper with his cool shoe, or whatever. They just think it's Ellen DeGeneres. They just think it's Will and Grace, or whatever fag couple they're promoting on television today. I don't know. That's what people think, that's what they're like. That they're just fun, they're just flamboyant, they're good at design, they understand color palettes. That they're fashionable, that they're fun. That's what they think that these people are. But you know what the Bible says? That they're actually giving over to vile affections. And you should go, do yourself a favor and go read the CDC statistics on these homos and the amount of disease that they contract. They are AIDS dispensers. They have a multitude of partners, just random strangers. Look, it's disgusting to even talk about it. But you know, sometimes you just gotta get shaken a little bit. You gotta come to church and get slapped around a little bit and say, hey, wake up. Wake up! This is what's really going on in our country. Oh, it's so great! Another woman's on the Supreme Court. Oh, it's just so wonderful. Hmm, that looks like a judgment of God to me. Oh, she's soft on the pedophile. Great, yeah. No wonder Joe Biden's all for her. Creepy Uncle Joe. That child sniffer. And who knows what else. You know, that's what he's saying. Likewise, also men, leaving the natural use of the womb, burned in their lusts. Men with men working out, which is unseemly, receiving in themselves the recompense of their air, which was meat. I know I just read that, but you need to hear it again. Now, verse 28. Catch it again. And they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. Well, that's not very nice of God. They started it. They did not like to retain God in their knowledge. You know, the homo, they don't want to think about God. They don't want to acknowledge God. They hate everything about God. They hate the Bible. They hate your preacher. They hate you. They hate your wholesome family. They hate your pure daughter. They hate your pure son. They hate everything that is good and wholesome and right in this country. They hate it. They want to destroy it. And they're succeeding. Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over. There it is again, three times. God gave them up. God gave them up. God gave them over. Yeah, God did make you that way. You're right. God gave them over to a reprobate mind. What does reprobate mean? Rejected. A mind that has been rejected by God. Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them. That's what it means to be rejected or to be reprobate. It means to be rejected by God. God rejects people, folks. That should strike fear into your heart. If you're someone who is unsaved, don't they all get saved later? Maybe you won't. You keep wanting to refuse God and not acknowledge God and not get saved. God might just say, you know what, fine, have it your way and turn you over to a reprobate mind. Now if you're saved, that's impossible. That can't happen. Because this all starts with them not wanting to retain God in their knowledge. Over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. They're not at hand. They're not natural. They're strange. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetous, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, malignity, whispers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, disobedient, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents without understanding, covenant breakers without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful, and get this, who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of a short jail sentence. Is that what it says? That people who have been given over to reprobate mind, people that have been given over to strange flesh to do those things which are unnatural and inconvenient, should just get a little slap on the wrist and say don't do that again and don't go within 100 yards of a school. Here, wear this little ankle bracelet so we can know where you are. Is that what the Bible prescribes? I mean, that's what the law of the land is decreed. That's what our just wise and just intelligent and just educated people in high office have decided. That the people which do such things are worthy of just a little, God says they're worthy of death. They not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. Look, when you see somebody being soft on the pedophile, it really raises a red flag. It makes me wonder, hmm, maybe it's not just liberal brainwashing. Maybe there's more to it. Go to Ecclesiastes chapter 8 and say, why are you going off on this? Because it needs to be preached. Because people, this country, and by the way, I'm not up here holding my breath, expecting our country to turn around. It ain't going to happen. It's not going to happen. I mean, I wish that it would. You know, it'd be great if it did. But you know what? There's so much innocent blood that's been shed. This country has gone so far down. The moral cesspool that it has, that it has to give an account to God. Judgment's coming. And it's already here, folks. I mean, judgment's already here. Our country's already gone in the way of Satan. You say, how do you know that? Because there's women ruling over us. Oh, oh, I can't believe you'd say that. How dare you? Chapter and verse. That's what the Bible says, friend, that it's a judgment from God. And look, that's not to say that women are less value than men. That's not to degrade women. That's just saying that that's not their God-given role. And really, any honest woman knows that they don't want that role. Any woman that's professing godliness, any woman that's doing good works, she's not trying to endeavor to get elected to high office. And I got to preach it because that's what we tell our daughters. Desire these things. And the world is going to try and turn them after Satan and say, oh no, that's not what you want. Don't let that Baptist preacher turn you into some kind of doormat. Don't let him just have you barefoot and pregnant all day in a kitchen. You got it right this time. Don't let him do that to you. Turn aside after Satan. That's why I got to preach it because, let me just tell you, you ladies, you young ladies, if you're not married, those of you that already are endeavoring to do good works and to live godly, you already know this. But to the rest of you that might be doubting it, being a godly mother and wife is incredibly fulfilling. Now, I've never done it. But ask my wife. Ask other ladies that have done it, that are doing it, if they feel like a doormat. If they feel like they've missed out on life. Oh yeah, being a wife and mother is just such, I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying it's not hard work. I'm saying it's worth it. You know, it's worth it going through the pregnancy, worth it going through the labor, passing through the jaws of death. I'm not going to sugarcoat that either. You know, it's worth going through all that and then having a child. You know, then having that toddler come into the, you're busy preparing a nutritious meal, you're busy homeschooling, you're busy working hard, you're busy keeping house if you're not idle and everything else. You're busy doing all these things that are hard work and then having that child wandering, you know, come in and say something sweet to you. Of having that time of, you know, fellowship with your children on the couch, of teaching them the word of God. Those are fulfilling things. Those are substantive things. Those are things that are going to last for all of eternity. You know, having Joe Biden put you in high office, are you thinking where any of us are going to remember that in heaven? Joe Biden's name isn't even going to be remembered in heaven. We're not going to think about Ruth Gator, you know, Ginsburg or whatever it is, Ruth Vader, or whatever Supreme Court justice, man or woman, I don't care, Donald Trump, you name the big powerful political leader, they're going to be forgotten in eternity. So why would I sit here and hold back on God's word and let young ladies be turned away into the side of Satan and be told this is what you need to be. You need to be a marine biologist. You need to be a doctor. You need to be a lawyer. You need to pursue a career. You need to be financially independent. You need to be your own boss. You don't need to have a man over you. Why would I do that? When I know what the Bible says that a woman should do and that that is what's fulfilling in life, that that has real satisfaction in it, that it's rewarding to be a godly wife and mother. Last I checked, you know, the world wasn't lifting up the godly wife and mother. They weren't, I mean, how many kindergarten teachers do you think are going to get in their classroom, first, second grade, elementary school teachers, are going to go to their little girls in that class and say, you should be a stay-at-home mom and raise godly children. I'd fall over with a heart attack if it ever happened. You'd be shocked because it's not happening. They're telling them the complete opposite. And as we started in the very beginning of this sermon, made it very clear that, you know, that might not be just out and out some kind of occultic practice, but it's being turned aside after Satan according to the scripture. And you can get mad at me and swing your fist and never come back and say, that preacher doesn't know what you're talking about. You know what? I got chapter and verse. What do you got? I got the Bible. And I've got, I've got proof that it works. And I've got proof sitting in this room that it satisfies, that it's worth it. Where'd I have you go? You know, I'm going off on all this and you don't even know where I went. Ecclesiastes chapter 8. Look at verse 11. It says in verse 11, because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons of man is fully set in them to do evil. Think about what this verse is saying and then think about our country. Because sentence against an evil work, I don't know what's an evil work. Oh no, pedophilia, child porn. Isn't that an evil work? It's pretty heinous. I mean, I challenge you to think of anything worse. Try to think of anything worse than violating a child and scarring them for life in that way. Because sentence against an evil is not executed speedily. You know, or it's just soft. It's just a little slap on the wrist. Therefore, the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. I'm telling you, the pedophile looks at the laws of this land and says, it's worth it. Oh, a few years in a federal penitentiary, isolated from the general population where I won't get shanked. You know, with my other chomos. That's the prison term. The other chomos get protected in prison and I can just go in there. Like Jared Fogle from Subway. Remember when I preached against Jared Fogle? Jared's in there learning how to be a cook. He's in an open cell. He's getting his degree. A literal pedophile. You know, and men, you know, people, the hearts of the sons of men, they look at what's going on in our country and they say it's worth it. Because the punishment is so light today. I'm going to go ahead and fulfill my vile lusts. Because it's worth it. Look at verse 12. Though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and his days be prolonged, surely I know it shall be well with them that fear God. You know, it's just going to get worse folks, I have to tell you. But perilous times shall come. Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse. It's not going to get better. It's going to get worse. And I'm just going to keep preaching it. And old Rosie can just keep right on swinging. And I'll take it on the chin, but I'm going to keep preaching it because I know it's going to get worse and it needs to be said. Because it shall be well with them that fear God. It shall be well with them. Though the sinner do evil a hundred times, and his days be prolonged. Though they just keep getting away with it and getting away with it. You know, as long as we fear God, it's going to be well with us which fear before him. But it shall not be with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days which are as a shadow, because he feareth not before God. Ultimately the wicked got what's coming. You know, I'm just trying to make sure that the people in this room don't get led away with the area of the wicked. Don't just see what's going on in our country and get brainwashed into thinking that, you know, rejecting the counsel of God and not fulfilling God's word is okay. No, it's being turned aside after Satan. And again, I understand that this is an ideal and you make the best of your situation. But if you're a young lady in here and a young man whose life is still out, stretched, laid out before them, I implore you to not turn aside after Satan. Follow God's will for your life. Mary, start that family. Raise them for God. Live for the Lord. It shall be well with you if you fear God. Let's go ahead and pray. Dear Lord, again, thank you for the stern warning that you give us in your word. And thank you, Lord, that you tell us plainly what you expect of us. And you tell us plainly what the wicked want for us. Lord, I pray you'd help us to be a people that desire your will for our lives and, Lord, that we would not worry about what the world thinks, what others around us might think, but that we would care only about what you think, that we might please you, and, Lord, and fear you, that it might be well with us. We ask in Christ's name. Amen. All right, we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go. I close out the service by singing song number 191, In My Heart That Rings a Bell. Let us sing that Jesus gave me, He was saved from pain of love, The river flows so sweet her melody, Tis the melody of love. In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody, In heaven's heart it is. In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody of life, Thou lovedst Christ who died on Calvary, For He washed my sins away, He willed my pain by heart on Galilee, And I know He's there to stay. In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody, In heaven's heart it is. In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody of love, It will be my endless theme in glory, With the angels I will sing, It will be a song with glorious harmony, When the course of heaven reigns. In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody, In heaven's heart it is. In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody of love. In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody, There rings a melody of love, It will be my endless theme in glory, When the course of heaven reigns. In my heart there rings a melody, There will be my endless theme in glory, When the course of heaven reigns. In my heart there is a melody, There will be my endless theme in glory.