(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so we're gonna come right back to romans 9. In fact, we'll be in romans 9 all morning But if you would very quickly just turn with me over to revelation chapter number two And revelation chapter number two. I'm going to preach a sermon this morning entitled true jews True jews and it's an important doctrine just because of the fact today There's a lot of people out there that have kind of a misconception or a misunderstanding About what it means to be a jew who the real jew is And what it means to be the children of god what it means to be A child of god, okay Obviously, there are a group of people today that call themselves jews, but they're not to be mistaken for the people of god Okay And I know that's kind of a controversial statement That's kind of a radical thing to say sometimes but you know everything i'm going to be preaching this morning is from the bible Okay Everything i'm going to be uh trying to explain and get across today is going to come out of the word of god In fact the bulk of my notes this morning is just scripture Just a few bullet points because the bible is just so abundantly clear on this topic That there are people who say they are jews and are not and that often those same people Try to make god's people feel like they're second class and this is something that's even taught in a lot of baptist churches They'll try to teach god's people that oh, you know, we are just an afterthought for the lord that you know Because god, you know couldn't get israel to come around then he kind of you know decided well, you know Uh, i'll guess i'll go ahead and accept the gentiles no It's always been god's plan to receive the gentiles to make of uh to break down that middle wall of partition between us And in himself make of twain one new man in christ that has always been God's plan that has always been the case the gentiles have always been welcome in the nation of israel Okay, and the people that have rejected him have been rejected by the lord. Okay And again, we're i'm preaching this because sometimes people can get this mentality I know this is something that was taught to me for years is that you know We're kind of just on the rebound with god as the church, you know, we're just kind of as god's people today as gentiles You know, we're just kind of uh an alternative to what god really wanted with the jews. Nothing could be further from the case Because again god is not a respecter of persons. All right Now, let me just point out the fact that there are people that call themselves jews and are not okay If you go there to revelation chapter two, and if you look at verse nine, it says I know thy works And well, let's back up to verse eight just to get the context here And unto the angel of the church in smirna right these say things say the first and the last which was dead and is alive So who's speaking here? Well, it's the lord. Jesus christ the first and last the alpha and the omega And he that was what dead and is alive. That's this is christ that's speaking and he's giving the apostle john This message to deliver to this church. So christ is speaking and what is it that he's saying to the church at smirna? He's saying I know thy works and tribulation and poverty But thou art rich and I know thy blasphemy of them which say they are jews and are not but are the synagogue of satan Okay, so that's christ speaking saying hey, there's a group of people out there that say they're jews and they are not now You know, well, who could he be talking about? Well, all we have to really ask ourselves is who is it that practices judaism in a synagogue, right? This is talking about people who practice the religion religion of judaism This is talking about you know, uh, the the jews the religious people who call themselves jews, right? That's it's pretty clear But just in case you didn't catch it the first time he repeats himself over in revelation chapter number three If you look at verse nine behold again christ speaking Under the church of philadelphia in verse seven, right? Verse nine behold. I will make them of the synagogue of satan which say they are jews and are not but do lie Behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee, right? So he's saying look these people who say they are jews and are not i'm gonna make them to come and worship before thy feet Not worship at thy feet, but before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee, right? That so he's saying look these same people that that have uh rejected me And the same people that to whom today we are sometimes made to feel Uh, uh, you know inferior to those same people christ is actually going to make come and worship before their feet Okay, and to know that he has loved the church that he has loved us. This is an important doctrine Okay this is something that we have to preach from two to From time to time just because of all the inroads of false doctrine that have made its way into baptist churches through things Like scofield's notes your scofield bible, you know, it's full of heresy on this topic among amongst other things You know all the dispensationalism that has crept into the church over the years all the lies that have been taught and has made god's people to actually seem inferior to Those whom christ calls of the synagogue of satan today friend. We are the true jew We are the true jew and i'll prove that from the bible, you know We are the children of god those of us that have believed on christ by faith. We are that holy nation We are that royal priesthood Not a bunch of people who are just occupying a piece of land somewhere and say they are jews but do lie, okay Go back to romans chapter number nine romans chapter number nine In romans chapter number nine, let's just begin in verse one It says I say the truth in christ. I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness within the holy ghost That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart for I wish Excuse me, for I could wish that myself were a curse for My christ my brethren from christ before my brethren And my kinsmen according to the flesh who are israelites So again, uh, don't misunderstand what i'm saying tonight or this morning This isn't you know me just trying to preach some anti-semitic sermon Of course anytime you preach anything that is negative towards, you know, a certain group of people today It's you know immediately you're just an anti-semite or something like that. Well, you know paul here is saying I'm not lying. I'm not you know, I have the holy ghost bearing witness and he's saying, you know This is the truth that i'm about to tell you but also notice he's saying that he has continual sorrow in his heart You know, he wants these people to be saved. He wants uh, you know his uh, the israelites to you know His kinsmen in the flesh to be saved. Okay. Now what you're saying? Well, are you uh, you know, uh, Are you are you preaching an anti-semitic sermon? No, i'm just preaching the bible friend I'm just preaching what the bible says and i'm really i'm trying to defend the true jews not At the expense of putting down some other people, okay If those people want to get saved, you know what they can abandon their false religion and believe on christ anytime they want Just like any other person who's in any other false religion the hindu the roman catholic the mormon the buddhist You name it anybody else who's basing their salvation on a works based salvation, you know, they can abandon their false works They can repent and turn to christ and believe anytime they want i'm not saying this is cut off to the jews Like somehow they can't be saved You know, they're not going to be saved as long as they trust in their own works just like anybody else you know, I There's your uh, you know equal, uh, you know equal employment opportunity or whatever there that's how fair I am Everyone can be equally damned. Okay Everyone is just as damned as everybody else when they don't believe on christ jew Gentile it doesn't matter if you reject christ you're damned. Okay And the bible is very clear that you know, god is willing that all men should be saved, right? He is the savior of all men, especially those that believe okay No, let's move on here in romans chapter number nine He said I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart For I could wish that myself were cursed from christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to flesh who are israelites Okay in the flesh To whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of god And the promises whose are the fathers and of whom concerning the flesh christ came who is overall and blessed forever, amen So notice here there he's pointing out that the jews, you know, they had a lot of things going for them, didn't they? He's saying look verse four to whom pertaineth the adoption Okay What does he mean by that? Well, we know that the adoption is in christ Therefore if any man be in christ, he's a new creature, okay That's why he says in verse five of whom as concerning the flesh christ came. Okay, that's who that pertains to The the adoption that is in christ that came through the flesh came through the nation of israel. Obviously, we all know that okay And the glory and the covenants, right? So they had all the promises they had the priesthood They had the giving of the law they had moses the service of god They had the tabernacle the levitical priesthood and the promises they had all the promises that were given to them and the word of god Whose are the fathers right? So they are they are physically the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob, right? But a lot of times that can be a hang-up, you know, that's not enough to get you to heaven just you know the blood in your veins Who you're related to okay? In fact john the baptist told them said think not to say within yourselves We have abraham to our father for I say to you that god is of these stones able to raise up Children unto abraham he's saying don't trust in your pedigree don't trust in some genealogy Don't trust in some lineage that you have trust in christ Okay Now it is true that of them came christ that they had these promises of whom came the adoption They certainly had an advantage didn't they? I mean they had the word of god They had uh, you know the whole the the the ministry of the spirit They had all of these, uh, the preaching of the word of god. They had all these examples in the word of god of christ You know the christ said that in him, you know that to him give all the prophets witness, right? They had the law and the prophets all these things testifying of christ who in due time would come They had all these things they certainly had an advantage but you know what they didn't have is a monopoly Being a jew doesn't give you a monopoly on salvation doesn't give you a monopoly on god Okay, it just gives them an advantage If uh, if you would keep something there in romans chapter nine go over to effusions Paul even answers this question in romans three. He says what advantage then half the jew What prophet is there of circumcision? He said what what advantage is there being a jew? Much every way. So wait a minute. What are you saying? Chiefly because unto them were committed the oracles of god. He's saying the reason they had an advantage Every way much is because of the fact that they had the oracles of god committed unto them They had all these things. They had the adoption. They had the glory. They had the covenants. They had the law They had the service. They had the promises Theirs were the fathers. They had all these things it certainly gave them advantage, but it didn't give them a monopoly It didn't give them, you know, the end-all be-all and of who get they get to say who gets into heaven who doesn't Okay, and that's not enough to get you into heaven who your daddy was okay, obviously But you know when he says silly as that sounds that's what a lot of them will say You know, we'll go out knock doors and try to preach the gospel people and you know jews, you know A lot of times people will just say they'll close the door in your face You say why are you going to heaven? I've had this happen more than one time I'll say are you 100 sure you're going to heaven? I'll say of course I am i'm jewish and i'll just close the door You know, what are they trusting the fact that they're jew that's it That that and what they mean by that often is probably just because they believe they come from some long line of You know jews, but here's news flash You know those people over there today are not directly related to israel. They're not the descendants of abraham Okay, they are people who have adopted Uh judaism and that they're lying and saying they're jews, but they're not okay And that's a whole another sermon in and of itself, okay But you'll see this all the time people It sounds silly to say it somebody's just trusting in who their daddy was but that's what they do. That's exactly what they do Well, i'm a jew, you know So, of course i'm going to heaven why because jew Right, that's it. Well, here's the thing. We're the true jews And we're not going to heaven because of who our daddy was we're going to going to heaven because of who our savior is, okay? so of course they had an advantage, but they did not have A monopoly they had an advantage in the form of opportunity They had great opportunity to be saved. They had all these witnesses given unto them Okay Now before you just write me off just go ahead and hear me out hear what the scripture has to say about the subject Okay, let god be true and every man a liar, okay? In fact, let me just read to you from romans nine real quick. In fact go over there If you would keep something there again ephesians, but I just want to point this out Because he's kind of explaining all this and then you know verse 20 always kind of catches my eye Right, he kind of in the midst of this because you know, there's going to be all these objections, right? In paul's day, there's certainly objections. I mean the jews were pursuing him from city to city Persecuting him, uh, you know, even stoning him and leaving him for dead They were very upset about what he was teaching, right? But notice his reply in verse 20 nay, but oh man who art thou that repliest against god If this rubs you the wrong way if the preaching of the word of god If what you don't like, uh, if you don't like what you're hearing from the bible, you know If if the preaching of the bible is rubbing the cat the wrong way the cat needs to turn around as they say You know because who are we to reply against god Who are we to say? Well, no, I think differently I think you know just because you know They claim some lineage just because they're in some land somewhere just because somebody's notes in some bible somewhere Just because somebody at some bible college told me they're god's chosen people and they're just automatically into heaven You know, that's you replying against god because by the time I get done with the sermon Hopefully i'll make it abundantly clear from the scripture That being a jew has nothing to do with your lineage has everything to do with being in christ. Okay Go back to ephsians chapter number three Verse number one i'll begin reading Look, the jews had the same opportunity as we all do. Okay It's the same opportunity that was afforded to the gentile Yay through all of time, okay Ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 for this cause I paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles If you have heard the dispensation the grace of god, which is given me to you word How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery, right? Someone there's this mystery that was made unto me as I wrote a four in a few words Whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge of the mystery of christ Which in other ages was not made known to the sons of men as it is now revealed to his holy prophets Excuse the holy apostles and prophets by the spirit Now what is it that is being revealed unto him? Okay. What is this mystery? It's being revealed that the gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in christ by the gospel So you could read that and think oh it was a mystery that the gentiles were going to be allowed to be saved But I believe what he's saying here is that the mystery is how that was going to come about That the promise is in christ by the gospel. That's the mystery that has been revealed That the gentiles should be fellow heirs And partakers of his promise in christ by the gospel, okay Not that they were uh, you know Never allowed because we're going to look here in a minute in the old testament where? Gentile people could come into the nation of israel and be considered full-blown citizens and inherit land That's in the old testament friend Where they they could actually be assimilated in gentiles i'm talking he the nations that were not descendants of abraham isaac and jacob Were assimilated into the nation of israel back then in the old testament So it's not the mystery is not oh the gentiles get to get saved too You know, they're not all just going to the goyim aren't just going to be our slaves for all eternity That's what a lot of you know, these uh, some of these jews believe that's what their their writings teach That me and you you know, if we're lucky get just to be their slaves. That's eternity to them That's the millennial reign to them No that that mystery the mystery is this is that it was by christ Okay, that it was going to be specifically of jesus christ that is going to be the preaching the gospel that brought them in Verse seven whereof I was made a minister according to give the grace of god given unto me the effectual working of his power So again, the mystery is the gospel of christ not gentile inclusion. All right Ephesians chapter one because he said the mystery as I wrote a four in a few words, right? Verse nine having made unto the mystery the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure Which he had purposed in himself that in the dispensation the fullness of times he might gather together and won all things in christ Both which are in heaven and which are in earth even in him Okay, that's the mystery that he's gathering all together in him in christ, okay Again, the gentiles were always welcome in the nation of israel Go to exodus chapter number 12 exodus chapter number 12 You know think about in the book of esther right when esther they're they're going to Uh, you know lash out they're going to retaliate against the conspiracy. It was made against them They were going to destroy the israelites back then and if you know the book of esther, you know how that all played out But if remember in book in the book of esther in verse chapter eight It says that many of the people became jews That many of the people of the land became jews which goes to show you that becoming a jew is not just about your Lineage, it's not just about some bloodline. It's something they could have done even back then they could adopt that religion. They could become jews For the fear of all jews fell upon them look at exodus chapter 12 verse 48 And when a stranger sells sojourn worth with thee And will keep the passover of the lord let all his and let all his males be circumcised And then let him come here and keep it And he shall be as one that is born in the land For no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. This is an exodus Where he's saying that even back then if a stranger sojourn among them and was circumcised and he kept the past over That he could be as one born in the land One law shall be to him that is home born and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you now strangers talking about a foreigner, okay? Go to ezekiel chapter number 47 ezekiel 47 again in leviticus 24 the bible reads in verse 22 you shall have One manner of law as well for the stranger as for one of your own country and the lord your god So god's not into this whole, you know one law for the citizen and one law for the foreigner It's the same law for everybody that's something you know, there's god's foreign policy for you ezekiel chapter 47 verse 22 And it shall come to pass that you shall divide it by lot for an inheritance unto you Of course This is talking about the captivity when they were going to go back into the land And to the strangers that sojourn among you which shall beget children among you And they shall be unto you as one born in the country among the children of israel So again back up there he says it shall come to pass They shall divide it by lot for an inheritance talking about the land Unto you and to the strangers that sojourn among you which shall beget beget children among you They shall be unto you as born in the country among the children of israel Right, they're going to be like it's like they've always been there. They're going to be just like you They shall have an inheritance with you among all the tribes of israel Okay, and it shall come to pass that in that what tribe that the stranger sojourn earth There shall you give him his inheritance sayeth the lord god They could so these strangers back then when they're going back in the land. They were allowed to inherit with them with The tribes if they were given that land they were just going to be assimilated right into whatever tribe they landed in So it just goes to show you that even in the old testament the gentiles could be included in the nation of israel And that hasn't changed. That's not some new revelation that came along. It's always been the case That they could put their faith in the lord god they could and be assimilated into that nation Okay, in fact, that's that was the purpose of old testament israel You know old testament israel wasn't just set up to be some kind of elitist group To just show how better they were than everybody else In fact, god told him I didn't choose you because you were the greatest among people I chose you because you were the least among people and the smallest and weakest nation So that everyone would know that it's by my power in my hand that i've made you great. Okay In fact, if you would go back to romans chapter number nine But if you read deuteronomy chapter number four, he says in verse five behold I have taught you statutes and judgments even as the lord god my god commanded That you should do so in the land where they go to possess it know therefore and do them This is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations Which shall hear all these statutes and say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people So they were to be a light to the gentile nations around them And to bring the truth of the lord to those nations, okay? Romans chapter 9 let's continue on in the chapter here in verse 6 not as though the word of god have taken an effect For they are not all israel which are of israel. They are not all israel which are of israel Okay Just because they they're in israel just because they claim to be of israel doesn't make them of israel Neither because they are the seed of abraham. Are they all children? right But look, this is the exact opposite of what people will be taught today in bible colleges in their notes You know by dispensationalists and zionists and others Who have an agenda? They'll be they'll teach. Oh, no if they're of abraham, that's it. They're in no the bible says right here I mean i'm looking at my king james bible in romans chapter nine and it says that neither are because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children meaning this that just because you're the descendant of abraham doesn't mean you're god's child That doesn't make you a true jew Okay But in isaac shall thy seed be called And he goes on and explains how isaac and isa and others uh jacob They are you know, they were an allegory like they're a picture of the jew and the gentile They were a picture of you know, uh, the true jew and those who are Trusting in the flesh those who are trusting in the uh, the blood of christ and those that are trusting in their own works Okay, let's just read on here He goes on and says in isaac shall thy seed be called verse eight that is they which are the children of the flesh These are not the children of god, but the children of promise are counted for the seed, right? He's using isaac as An example right because in isaac and ishmael the son of the bond woman was cast out Right and isaac the second born the one who came after the firstborn right, he was counted as Uh the seed because he was he was the child of promise. Okay, and that's the theme that you see throughout Is the the latter become is the one that's accepted while the first is rejected. Okay That's a picture of the the the nation of israel and the gentile nations The nation of israel was rejected. I mean we just finished second kings Chapter 25 with we all just we all just read it Hopefully, you know thursday night we all just saw how that nation was completely dismantled and scattered Across the face of the whole earth and taken off into babylon, right? He destroyed that nation. Of course, he brings them back but you know what then they were destroyed again Okay So go on here it says, uh For this is the word of promise at this time. I will come and sarah shall have a son And not only this but when rebecca had also conceived by one even by her father isaac For the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil That the purpose of god according to the election might stand not of works but of him that calleth It was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger as is written jacob have I loved but isa have I hated? And again, it's not a personal hatred for isa. Okay. It's another false teaching that's out there Isa, you know had his faults just like every other person in the bible But we also see that he was blessed of god. In fact, he was obedient You know when jacob came back into the land he gave it to him. He backed out. Okay And he had great wealth, you know, god blessed him So it's not this personal hatred, but it's it's saying, you know I've loved jacob the second born the child of promise the firstborn was hated That it that the purpose of god according to election might stand not of work so it's this picture of promise not of works Go over to galatians chapter number four galatians chapter number four so you have this picture here of the elder and the younger right you have this picture of uh isaac Excuse me. I have this picture of jacob and isa right It's a picture of gentile and jew Galatians chapter number four verse 21. It says tell me ye the desire to be under the law. Do you not hear the law? For it is written that abraham had two sons the one by a bondmaid the other by a free woman abraham had two sons the one by the bondmaid And the other of a free woman, okay But he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh Born after the flesh But he of the free woman was by promise why because the child of promise isaac came in his old age Right when he was an old man when it was no longer possible for them to have children. It was a miracle, okay Whereas agar gave birth You know, uh, you know that was just the natural consequence of that union. It was of the flesh, right? But who was who was accepted Right who was accepted it was isaac Not ishmael ishmael was rejected isaac was received the second Was received the first was rejected because the second was of the promise, okay? So again, you can see this theme in scripture of the elder being rejected and the latter, you know being received the former and the latter Okay, and it's a picture of the jews who came first before the gentiles Right that they had the covenants they had the promises Of whose of whom of whose were the fathers, you know, they had all these things they had this advantage They came first, but you know what they were rejected And then the gentiles were received in christ Okay You say well you sounds like you're spiritualizing this it sounds like you're making quite an allegory out of this whole thing Well, the bible says it's an allegory just flat out says it He says for it is written verse 22 that abraham had two sons the one by a bond made the other by a free woman But he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh that he of the free woman was by promise Verse 24 which things are an allegory he's saying yeah, that is an allegory Ishmael and and isaac these two sons Yeah, that's that's an allegory and you're exactly right These are an allegory for these are the two covenants the one from mount sinai which generate the bondage which is agar right And isn't it funny, you know, how are the jews today trying to get to heaven it's not in christ It's through their works If they even believe any of the stuff, okay, even within judaism you get all these different factions and different degrees of of of being orthodox or liberal Liberal But they're all trusting, you know, ultimately in being a good person. They're trusting in the law The two covenants the one for mount sinai which generates bond, which is agar Verse 25 for this agar is mount sinai in arabia and answer to jerusalem Which now is and which is in bondage with her children. So to trust in the law is to be in bondage But jerusalem, which is above is free, which is the mother of us all For it is written rejoice thou barren that bearers not break forth and cry that thou Thou that travail is not for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath and husband Now lotus verse 28 Now we brethren as isaac was are the children of promise now, who is he writing to? He's writing to the galatians The last time I checked that was a gentile group of people. These are not jews. He's writing to He's writing to the gentile nations and he's writing to the gentiles in galatia and he's saying to them brethren as isaac was We are the children of promise we are not of agar we are of isaac, okay Verse 29, but as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit Even so it is now and let me tell you something. Nothing's changed from from paul's day It's the same problem today. The children of promise are still persecuted by the children of the flesh today That's why messages like this are going to get labeled anti-semitic That's why uh, you know messages like this will be banned from youtube That's why you know, if you were to actually try to go over to the nation of israel and preach the gospel, you know You probably be taking practically taking your life in your hands You know, they still persecute it today they still Want to repress the truth. They still don't want the the knowledge of the gospel to go out there the children of the flesh The devil the children of the devil. They still want to repress the truth even today. Okay, that's why it needs to be preached He that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so it is now Verse 30 never nevertheless what sayeth the scripture cast out the bond woman and her son For the son of the bond woman shall be not be heir with the son of the free woman you can't have it both It's one or the other and god is saying here. It's the free woman. That's the allegory. That's the picture that we see uh with isaac, that's a picture we see with uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, Ishmael and uh isaac, it's a picture we see with jacob and esau That's the picture. You know, the latter comes first even though he was born second Even though he was born second So then brethren we are not the children of the bond woman but of the free go over to matthew chapter number eight You know people say oh you're you're you're preaching replacement theology. Yep No apologies Because that's what the bible teaches And and look at your bible, you know, look at the word of god this morning Romans chapter 8 let me quote jesus for you. Okay See where do you come up with this doctrine of the bible the teachings of christ And when jesus was entered in capernaum there came unto him a centurion beseeching him now, what's a centurion? It's a roman soldier. It's a it's a high-ranking soldier. It's a captain in that army Not a jew, okay So the centurion comes to him beseeching him saying lord my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented And jesus saith unto him I will come and heal him the centurion answered and said lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof, but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed For I am a man under authority having soldiers unto me and say to this man go when he goeth into another come and he Cometh and to my servant do this and he doeth it when jesus heard it He marveled and said unto them that followed him verily I say unto you. I have not found so great faith. No not in israel He's saying this guy just believed I didn't have to say it believe and he'll be healed I said, hey i'll come He says oh don't bother just say the word only and it'll happen. He's saying I haven't found such great faith in this Gentile and this roman centurion that I have found in all of israel Now, how would you feel if you're of israel and you're hearing that and he's saying this about the very people that you know Have conquered your land And have been occupying your land and he's saying oh such great faith in the centurion Then he doubles down Verse 11 and I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down They're going to come from the east and from the west Meaning outside the borders of israel outside the borders of this nation and shall sit down with abraham and isaac And jacob in the kingdom of heaven But notice verse 12, but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out shall be cast out So who you know what if he's not referring to the jews if he's not referring to the nation of israel Those that would claim abraham as their father Then who is he talking to when he's saying that that kingdom is going to be cast out? These other nations are going to come in from the east and the west They're going to sit down with abraham isaac and jacob in the kingdom of heaven, but the children of the kingdom That were already there are going to be cast out That's replacement theology. You know, believe me go to matthew chapter 21 matthew chapter number 21 That's the gentiles replacing the jews You know, it's just it's as plain as as the nose on your face in the word of god it's right there Here another parable matthew 21 verse 33 There was a certain householder which planted a vineyard and hedged around about and digged a winepress in it And built the tower and let out the let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country So obvious is a parable it's it's an allegory of christ You know, he's planning a vineyard. He's hedging it round about he's digging a winepress. He's building a tower Right. This is the nation of israel and he's letting it out at a husband the people of that nation is the jews And he went into a far country, right? And when the time of the fruit junior he sent his servants to the husband men that they might receive the fruits of it The husband men took his servants and beat one and killed another and stoned another This is a picture of the prophets and others coming to this this nation Again, he sent other servants more than the first and they did unto them likewise But last of all, he sent unto them his son And he's the perfect picture of the nation of israel. That's what it is If it's not then you explain to me what this is Or he's creating a vineyard. He's lending it out to husbandmen the citizens of that country of of the jews of of israel And then he's sending, you know these others to receive the fruits thereof, right? Right, but they're rejecting them they're stoning them then he's saying now i'm going to send my son All right, that's a that's christ Saying they will reverence my son verse 38, but when the husband men saw the son they said among themselves This is the heir come let us kill him and let us seize on his inheritance So they don't want to give up the kingdom to the son. They don't want to submit to christ. Look the jews rejected christ This is a picture of israel. That's why he's he's preaching this to the nation of israel at that time You know, he's not just pulling some parable out of the air just because he wants to tell a nice story Saying look, this is a perfect picture. This is what you guys are like It's as if this man had lent out giving you a vineyard. You didn't want to give it up You didn't want to turn it over to the rightful heir Christ and you wanted to seize it for yourselves verse 39 and they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard and slew him Which is exactly what they do to christ When the lord therefore the vineyard cometh What will he do unto those husband men they meaning the pharisees say unto him? He will miserably destroy those wicked men and will let out his servant his vineyard unto other husband men I mean just follow his logic. Well, you got these wicked people in there that don't want to uh, you know, uh, give uh, their their the place the proper, uh, You know They don't want to respect the one who's supposed to inherit it. They're rejecting him Right, what else would you do with people like that? He'd get rid of them. He'd replace them, right? That's what you would do. Even the jews are saying they'll say oh, he'll he'll kill them out He'll kill them and lend it to other husband men The jews are teaching replacement theology right here. They're professing it. Of course you would what else I mean, it's just logical He said they say unto him he will miserably destroy those wicked men And will let out his vineyard under other husband men which he'll render under the fruits and the seasons and jesus is like, yep That's exactly right Jesus saith unto them verse 42. Did you never read the scriptures? The stone which the builders rejected the same has become the head of the corner This is the lord's doing and is marvelous in our eyes Therefore I say unto you the kingdom of god shall be taken from you and given unto a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof You know, that's not some note. I read in a footnote somewhere. That's the words of christ. That's what the bible says That i'm going to take this from you The kingdom of god shall be taken from you talking to the jews and shall be given unto a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof Saying i'm going to replace you It's bible friend Call whatever you want and whoever shall fall in the stone shall be broken and on whom whosoever it fall it will grind him to powder And when the chief priests and the pharisees heard this parable they perceived he spake of them That's the narrator of the scripture talking the holy spirit saying they figured it out But isn't it funny today even have baptists today who will read that hear that preach and just be like, oh, I don't know about that We had these christ rejecting pharisees back then. We're like, hey, he's talking about us He's talking about replacing us It's like yeah, duh because it's it's obvious it's it's just so plain who the true jews are It's not a bunch of christ rejecting haters of god It's people who have believed on the lord. Jesus christ. Those are the true jews Verse 46, but when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude because they took him for a profit And here's the thing, you know, if you've noticed this morning all i've been doing is just turning passages in the bible I just been turning to scripture I didn't need to get out some whiteboard and draw some elaborate chart to explain all these different dispensations And And how people got saved in different ways during different time periods I didn't have to see her twist and rest a bunch of scripture to try to make my point I just read what the bible says. Let's just turn to matthew. Let's just go to romans. Let's just go to galatians Let's just go to effusions. Let's go to deuteronomy. Let's go to ezekiel. Let's just turn to all these passages Look, we could keep going on and on and on and just hear what the bible says And why don't we just learn to just take the bible at face value? Instead of having to have people, you know twist these things and explain something that's not biblical and tell us Oh, no, you got it all wrong You know, it's it's replacement theology is wrong. Well, i'm reading the bible. It sounds to me like replacement theology is right on the nose When I read the words of christ Go back to romans chapter number nine Verse 22 what if god Willing to show his wrath to make his power known endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fit into destruction That he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he hath preferred Excuse me had a four prepared unto glory It's like what if god was just putting up with You know these these these vessels of wrath These fair Pharisees these rejectors of christ what if he just put up with them so that he could make known Under the vessels of mercy his riches of glory Even us whom he hath called not of the jews only but also of the gentiles So good, it's not at the exclusion of one or the other both can be saved in christ But it has to be in christ and nothing else Even us whom he hath called not of the jews only but also of the gentiles as he saith in oc or hosea I will call them my people which are not my people and her beloved which was not beloved And it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them. You are not my people They shall be called the children of the living god So paul here is quoting hosea chapter one He's saying look there's going to be this time and place where there's going to be a group of people That god will call them his people which were not his people That they shall be called the children of the living god who were not the children of the living god Right. I will call them There they shall be called now who's the them and they referring to verse 24 even us Whom he hath called not of the jews only but also of the gentiles We're included in that friend That's us You know the gentiles were not the people of god, but now we are the people of god through faith in christ You know and you can't you don't get to just reject christ and then you know get grandfathered in to the kingdom That's not how it works That's not salvation That's false doctrine That's going to damn people you think all this is a hateful sermon No me, you know getting up like john hagee and just saying oh the jews don't need the gospel But that's going to damn them to hell. That's the hateful sermon That's the anti-semite The one who wasn't going to look the jew in the eye and say you need to reject your false religion and believe on christ to get saved That's the message of love. That's the that's the compassion. That's what paul had for his his kinsmen That was the burden he had he said I would myself be accursed for them That they might what be saved in christ How does one become god's child Is it by faith or is it by the flesh it's by faith That's the picture that he's trying to give us through down through the ages. It's it's not of The flesh it's the child of promise. It's by faith all the way down through the ages Romans chapter 9 again verse 30. What shall we say then that the gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness Even the righteousness which is of faith But israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness So you have these two groups of people the gentiles and the and they that are of israel, right? Who are trying to follow after the law of righteousness? They're trying to follow after righteousness You know the gentiles they're not following after it by the law the the the the the the jews they are trying to follow it By the law But who attained it? The gentiles how why did they attain righteousness because they followed after righteousness which comes by faith and not by the law Wherefore he says how could this be? How could it be that israel which did follow after the law of righteousness not attain it And how is it that the gentiles who followed not after righteousness attain it by faith how is that Because they sought it not by faith But as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone they stumbled at christ They stumbled at the promise they stumbled at Uh, you know that that cornerstone that was set that that that of christ coming and the gentile nations being saved by faith in him They stumbled at that Instead of accepting that they rejected that they rejected that stone They sought it not by faith But as it were by the works of law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone As it is written behold I lay in scion a stumbling stone and a rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed For god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life It's always been by faith it will always be by faith And just having some kind of a pedigree is not going to get you a pass into heaven This is the message that needs to be taught This is the message that needs to be preached to every living soul that salvation is by grace through faith And god's people should not be made to feel second class just because they don't you know, uh Grow out locks on the side of their head and wear funny hats and rock back and forth in front of a wall And wear cubes on their forehead And trust in some false religion i'm supposed to feel second class to that. No, I don't feel second class I've attained under righteousness by faith. They sought it by the law and haven't attained it They're damned. Why would I envy that? Why would I make any of god's people to feel second class do a bunch of heretics that are going to go to hell? Just like anybody else that rejects christ But you know, that's what's taught out there today in baptist churches It's a shame Because the the pile of evidence scripturally is just it's just overwhelming we're going to look at more Go to romans romans chapter number two romans chapter number two Romans chapter number two verse 28 for he is not a jew which is one outwardly You know, and I wish the hebrew roots people would get this through their thick head These judaizers that are trying to bring us into law under the bondage They want to come and blow the shofar and and and wear, you know tassels and ribbons of blue and You know, they want to stop using the name jesus and start talking about yahweh. It's a bunch of jude It's a bunch of judaizers friends. That's what the hebrew roots movement is all about It's about judaizing the people of god and trying to bring us under bondage For he is not a jew which is one outwardly, you know, he puts on a show Of looking like a jew neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh But he is a jew which is one inwardly And circumcision is that of the heart and the spirit not in the ladder whose praise is not of man but of god You know, it's not something you did in your flesh it's going to make you a jew it's it's the inward circumcision of the heart Accepting christ by faith that's going to make you the true jew go to galatians chapter number two galatians chapter number two Verse 15 we who are jews by nature. This is paul speaking. He's saying by nature by the flesh You know in paul's day You know, they they could trace themselves back Into certain tribes and say hey, we're jews by nature. We're of that southern kingdom And not sinners of the gentiles knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law But by the faith of jesus christ, even we have believed in jesus. Jesus christ He's saying look there's even jews among us even those those of us who are jews by nature We understand that a man is not justified by the works of law, but by faith we have believed on jesus christ So obviously even back in paul's day, you know, there were jews that believed and got saved That we might be justified by the faith of christ not by the works of law For by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified So what makes them god's people today Is it the things they're doing is it their lineage they're just they're just grandfathered in by the works of the law shall no Flesh be justified none As it's written there's none righteous. No, not one nobody It's only by faith. So if they've rejected christ look friend, then they're not of israel They are not all of israel who are of israel there there are they those who say they are jews and do lie Galatians chapter three go there verse one. Oh foolish galatians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth Before whose eyes jesus christ hath been evidently set forth crucified among you He's saying there's people are trying to bewitch you cast a spell on you He's judaizers and that's what he's dealing with in this in this book Go read galatians. I mean it's you know, it just it just lays it all out there He's saying look they've bewitched you and that's the same thing that's going on today that nothing's changed It's the same playbooks. The devil has the same playbook, you know, because again the devil is not a mortal being We are You know something doesn't work out for a while. He just waits for that generation to die off He just goes back to that old playbook. See if they can fit this guy. These guys can figure it out Just constantly trying to people back out These guys can figure it out Just constantly trying to people bring under the law constantly trying to bring them back You know in under the law trying to constantly judaize them You know today it's taking several different forms, you know hebrew roots This kind of thing that's out there. They're bewitching god's people. They're trying to cast a spell Verse two this only what I learned if you receive you by the spirit The spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith. How did you get saved through the law or by hearing? Of faith are you so foolish having begun in the spirit? You're now made perfect by the flesh have you suffered so many things in vain if it be in vain? Let's look at verse seven No, look at let's continue on here verse five he therefore that ministered with you to you the spirit and worketh miracles Among you doeth he by the works of law or by the hearing of faith? Even as abraham believed god it was accounted to him for righteousness Why why was abraham made righteous Because he was abraham No, because he believed god That's why he was accounted righteous before god. That's how abraham got saved by faith Know ye therefore they which are of faith are the same are the children of abraham Abraham believed god it was counted to him for righteousness They which are of faith the same are the children of god. Who's the children of god? They Are of faith They which are faith. They are the children of god. That's bible That's galatians chapter 3 They which are of faith. They are the children of abraham In the scripture foreseeing that god would justify the heathen through faith Preached before the gospel of abraham saying and thee shall all nations be blessed plural And he preached the gospel onto abraham The good news that all nations and him should be blessed through christ through that scene So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful abraham Meaning this those that have are not of faith are not blessed with abraham no matter what lineage they claim Verse 16 Now to abraham and his seed where the promise is made he seeth and to seeds as of many But as not to seeds as of many but as as of one and to thy seed which is christ What is the seed of abraham? It's christ. That's how all nations are blessed in abraham through christ Verse 25, but after that faith has come we are no longer under a school master For you're all the children of god by faith in christ. Jesus For as many as have been baptized into christ have put on christ There is neither jew nor greek there is neither bond. Let me repeat that there is another jew nor greek There is neither jew nor greek. This is the apostle paul speaking a hebrew of the hebrews He's saying look there's no jew nor greek there is neither bond nor free there's neither male nor female But you're all one in christ. Jesus And if you be christ's then you are abraham seed and heirs according to the promise if ye be christ's And if you're not christ then you are none of his You know, we're made children we're made the child of god through faith We're made the children of abraham by faith in christ that's what makes you a child Of god, that's what makes you a child of abraham That's what makes abraham your father Which is why again john the baptist said, you know think now you say you have abraham to your father God could raise up of these stones children on abraham And You know, I won't belabor the point but go over to ephesis chapter number three ephesis chapter number three We know that jesus said you had to be born again, right unless you're born again You cannot see the kingdom of god. You cannot enter the kingdom of god What do you say in john chapter one verse 12? To them gave you power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name Right, you have to believe on his name then you become the child of god then you can be a part of the kingdom of god Look at ephesis chapter three verse eight. I want to make application here because probably you know I'm guessing probably most if not everybody in the room tonight for this morning understands this who gets this Salvation is by grace through faith that we which are of faith. We are counted the seed. We are the children of promise in christ In christ You know, hopefully we all understand that But here's here's what I want to challenge you with. Here's the practical application. What are you going to do with that knowledge? What are you going to do with the knowledge that all a person has to do is believe on christ to be safe? What are you doing with that? Are we going to sit on our hands and just gloat And say oh it feels good to be a child of abraham Too bad for the rest of these suckers You know, no we should do what paul did look at verse chapter three verse eight Unto me who i'm less than least of all saints is this grace given that I should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ He's saying it's a if this grace is given unto me that I get to go out and preach the unsearchable riches of christ to the gentiles Paul got it. He said hey, you know We who are jews, you know In the flesh, you know, we've believed on christ But he didn't just sit on that knowledge he did something with it he went out and preached the gossip among the gentiles Verse nine and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery? You know, that is what we ought to do with this knowledge this understanding that we are saved by faith That we which are faith, you know, we are counted as children of abraham through faith We need to do something with it. We need to go and preach that to the gentiles We need to make all men see that jew gentile bond free no matter what nationality No matter what religion they're in we need to make them see that we are we need to be saved by faith do something with it You know, we've been given a great advantage, you know to have this knowledge the mystery of christ We've been given the gospel, right? What's the first two letters in the gospel go? Don't don't sit and gloat with this knowledge go and preach the gospel like paul did You know, it's a great it's a great privilege to be counted the child of abraham Because if you're not the child of abraham You're not god's child Behold what manner of love the father bestowed upon us that we should be called the children of god That's a great privilege to be a child of god You know what? But here's the thing nobody in this room became a child of god without having it preached to them There's nobody in this room that got saved without somebody coming and preaching the gospel to them heard the gospel somewhere watched it on a video You'll heard somebody get up and preach the gospel and they believed it every child of god in this room. That's how you got saved So, how can we sit on that knowledge? How can we just sit on our hands and not do the same thing for somebody else? Paul didn't do it. He didn't say well, i'm glad I figured it out He said you know what? I have I have a great burden for my kinsmen in the flesh I have you know, I wish that they would be saved You know, i've been given this great opportunity to go out and preach the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ That's what we're preaching We're not just preaching. Hey come to my church We're preaching the unsearchable riches of christ You know that you can get saved and be a citizen of heaven be a child of abraham for all of eternity I mean the the riches of christ they they go deep And to make all men see that's why we've been given the gospel not to gloat but to go let's go ahead and have a word of prayer