(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And so the part of the chapter I want to draw attention to there in Isaiah chapter 32 is in verse 6 where it says, For the vile person will speak villainy, and his heart will work iniquity to practice hypocrisy and to utter error against the Lord. And we see right here a definition of what a vile person is like, right? It gives us some attributes of what a vile person is like. It says that a vile person will speak villainy. They're going to use their words to deceive people. They're going to use their words to bring people down. And it says that his heart will work iniquity. The things that are going to come out of his heart are evil and wicked, and he's going to practice hypocrisy. A vile person is somebody who's going to say one thing and then do another. And of course, you can be a hypocrite without being a vile person, but a vile person is somebody who practices hypocrisy to another degree, to where what they're saying and what they're doing are so far removed, and the actions that are involved are just beyond the pale. And it says there, To make empty the soul of the hungry. So this is somebody who is very cruel, right? And he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. That would be a very cruel thing to do to somebody. To cause people to go hungry. To cause people to go thirsty, right? To cause their drink and their meals to fail. That's what a vile person does. We see right away that a vile person is somebody who is very cruel. A vile person is somebody who is cruel. Go over to Romans chapter 1. Romans chapter 1. Another example of being vile, being associated with being cruel, would be in Deuteronomy chapter 25, where God is doling out the proper punishments for certain crimes that are committed. And it says in verse 3, Forty stripes he may give him and not exceed. So he's saying the limit of stripes that can be laid upon a person for the appropriate crime is 40 stripes and no more. Lest if he should exceed, if he goes over 40 stripes and beat him above these with many stripes, then thy brother should seem vile unto thee. He's saying, look, if you beat him with more than 40 stripes, if you go beyond that, you're going to seem vile. And what is he talking about? You're going to seem cruel. So a vile person is somebody who is cruel. Exceedingly cruel. Not only that, but a vile person is somebody who is perverted. So we're talking about vile people. What are some of their attributes? One is that they're very cruel, and another is that they are very perverted. And especially when it comes to, and I'm trying to use my words correctly, when it comes to the carnal desires of the flesh. They're deviant in this area. If you go there to Romans chapter 1 and verse 26, it says, For this God gave them unto vile affections. And we understand, he goes on to describe there, that it is the, for even their women, did change the natural use into that which is against nature. Talking about women with women. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. So God is saying that this affection that these people have for the same gender, a man with a man and a woman with a woman, is a what? A vile affection. Okay? And you can get mad at me, but that's what the Bible says. The Bible says that that is a vile affection. That's what God said about this type of relationship. That it is vile. Okay? Now I'm going to talk about a very unpleasant subject tonight, but in the light of some things that I've seen and heard over this last week, you know, and just where we're at as a country, I believe this is a topic that has to be preached on, and would to God that every preacher got up this Sunday and preached on this subject. Or at least at some point throughout his year of preaching, he would get up and preach on this topic, as unpleasant as it is. You know, I came to church this morning in a bad mood because I knew I was going to have to preach this sermon, and I had to say, Well, you know, Lord, it's your word, and it needs to be preached. And as we kind of look around and see the things that are taking place in our country, we understand the importance of preaching on this. And what I'm preaching about tonight is the vile affection of pedophilia. The vile affection of pedophilia. Now, a couple things happened this week that kind of caused me to want to preach this. One is that reprobate Josh Duggerd. Is that his name? Josh Duggerd? From the Duggerd family? You know, this Christian family that had this reality show, they had like 20 kids or something. I don't know. I never watched it. I know who they are. Very popular, right? Well, this reprobate Josh Duggerd, who had already been previously convicted of molestation, you know, gets caught this week for having, you know, involved in child pornography. You know, downloading, looking at it. You know, disgusting, sick, sin. And if you're into that kind of stuff, you're a reprobate. And I'm about to prove that from the Scripture. Okay? So that was one thing. I was like, Well, you know, maybe this is something we need to talk about. Because he's bringing a reproach on the name of Christ. Don't you think the enemies of Christ are just going to have a field day with that freak and everything that he's done? Not only that, but I've also received emails today for this last week of people bringing up this subject and people wanting an explanation of why God allows this type of thing to happen. And we're going to talk about that towards the end. But this is something that is on the rise in this country. And I don't want to get too ahead of myself. But I'm going to preach about this. This whole introduction, I'm going to preach on the vile affection of pedophilia. And if you don't know what pedophilia is, you're probably too young, and it doesn't matter. Okay? But we see that the vile person who's been getting over to vile affections, and that's what you would call pedophilia, by the way, is in a vile affection, desiring things which are strange to you. We see that vile people are cruel and perverse. And that is exactly what is involved in pedophilia. Cruelty and perversion. I mean, I can't think of a crueler thing to happen to a child. I can't think. I've sat there and tried it. What would be worse to have happen to a child? I think death would be better. Now, I'm not saying people that have gone through that can't recover, can't live good, godly lives, can't get past that. But the actual act of that happening to them, what could be worse? I mean, I don't want to sit here and brainstorm and try to come up with anything. But no doubt about it. It is cruel, and it is perverse. It is a vile affection. And the Bible, if you would, keep something in Romans. We'll be coming back there several times tonight. Go over to 2 Peter chapter 2, 2 Peter chapter 2. I'll read to you from 2 Peter chapter 2. It says in verse 14, having eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin, beguiling, unstable souls, and heart they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children. Now, if you know 2 Peter chapter 2, he's talking about false prophets, he's talking about reprobates, and he says of these reprobates that they are beguiling, unstable souls. Now, what does it mean to beguile? Well, if you look that up, it means to charm. It means to enchant, often in a deceptive way. You know, we could apply that to the vile affection of pedophilia tonight as grooming, okay? That's a big part of how these things take place. Is these pedophiles will groom children. What are they doing? They're beguiling them. They're beguiling them. They're charming them. They're enchanting them. They're gaining their trust, right, in a deceptive way. Not only that, who is it that they're grooming? Who is it that they're beguiling? The unstable soul. The one who does not have stability, that does not have a foundation. The one that is prone to fail. The one that is weak. That's who they go after because they're predators. That is an attribute of a child. Someone who is unstable, right? We're not just gonna, you know, expect kids, and they can't help that. That's just part of being a child. To be innocent, to not be able to take on all the responsibilities, to not be able to discern between good and evil, and to be, you know, open and to be susceptible to this kind of behavior where someone would come in and groom them. You know, it's a big part of the process because it works for these freaks. That's what they do. And pedophiles, you know, they are beguiling, they are unstable, and they desire children. You say, well, how do you call that a vile affection? You know, I don't think anyone in the room is actually questioning that, but pedophiles desire children, which is what? Strange flesh. Now, go to Jude chapter 1. Jude chapter 1. They desire strange flesh. The Bible says in Jude chapter 1, we're gonna look at verse 16, we're gonna look at verse 7, it says, even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication. Now, what was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah? What were they involved in? Sodomy, right? Men with men, women with women. We know the story. It says they were given over to fornication and going after strange flesh. So what is it to go after strange flesh? It's go after flesh that is foreign to you, flesh that people would not normally desire. You know, a man desiring a woman physically, a husband and wife, you know, even if you wanna go, say, in a place of fornication, fornication is wicked, but it's not strange. At least it's natural. At least it's normal. It's not a strange flesh that you're desiring in fornication. When you're desiring somebody of the same gender, you're going after strange flesh. That's what the Bible says. I mean, read it again. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner are giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh. And we all know what their sin was. It's not a mystery. It's sodomy. That's what they're involved in. And the Bible says it's strange. It's foreign. It's odd. They are set forth for an example. You say, well, that's Old Testament. Yeah, but God, this is the New Testament example of what God thinks about this sin. They are set forth for an example. I mean, how many times has God got to do it to get his point across about what he thinks about this sin? He did it one time. They are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Likewise, also, these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. You know, that's Josh Duggar right there. Despise dominion. You know, his mugshot, and he's just got this little smirk on his face. That guy needs to get drug out and shot. You know, the guy is a molester. The guy is helping, you know, promote, you know, child pornography. He's filth. He's scum. You know, and you know what? He despises dominion. He doesn't care about laws, and we'll talk a little about that a little bit later. So we see that the vile affection of pedophilia involves perversion. It involves cruelty. It involves going after what the Bible calls strange flesh. You know, in Romans, it defines it as, you know, being given over to that which is not convenient, right? God gave them over to those things which are not convenient, meaning it's not natural. It's not at hand. It's not easy to get involved in that sin. You have to go out of your way. Things have to happen for you to get involved in that kind of a sin, okay? It's not convenient. It doesn't come, you know, no temptation has taken you, but such as is common to man. You know, some temptations are just common to man. Fornication, adultery, these are just common to man. Going after strange flesh, whether it's in, you know, being a homo or being a pedophile, that is not normal. That is not convenient. That is not natural. That is strange. That is inconvenient. In fact, that's the definition of strange. Unusual, right? And boy, these freaks are unusual. You see some real unusual homos out there today, don't you? They're odd. You know another word that the dictionary uses? Queer. They call themselves that. Queer, foreign, outside of one's previous experience. That's what it means to be, that's what strange means. So when someone's going after strange flesh, they're going after that which is outside of one's natural, normal, convenient experience. They're going after that which is odd, foreign, unusual, queer. You know, we understand that it applies to the homo, but that's what applies to the pedophile. To desire the flesh of a child is strange. It's foreign. It's not natural. You still have something in Romans chapter 1? It is that which is against nature, not convenient. Romans chapter 1 verse 28. And even as they did not like to retain God and their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient things that are not at hand, things that are strange, foreign. But notice there that, first of all, I'm going to get at myself a little bit, notice who started the whole got the ball rolling. It's them. It's man, okay? It's not like God just woke up one day and said, I think I'll just make some reprobates out of anybody. No, even as they did not like to retain God and their knowledge, meaning they had the knowledge of God, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God. Neither were they thankful, they came vain in their imaginations. They understand who God was and said, no thanks, I don't want anything to do with him. And the Holy Spirit works, and someone preaches the gospel, they have the witness of the law written in their hearts, they have the witness of creation all around them, and they don't want God in their knowledge. They keep pushing God off. As they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. So who started it? They did, not God, okay? That'll come into play later. To do those things which are not convenient. He gave them over to a what kind of mind? A reprobate mind, okay? That's a very specific word, okay? Reprobate, with a very specific definition, okay? Go to Jeremiah chapter six. We're gonna turn to a lot of scripture, but this, you know, even amongst Baptists, this becomes a controversial subject. So I want you to see it with your own eyes out of the Bible tonight. Not just, you know, it's not just the ravings of some preacher frothing at the mouth up here. This is Bible preaching, okay? And it might not be going on in a lot of other Baptist churches, but it's gonna go on in this one because this is what the Bible says. And it says that these people have been given over to a reprobate mind. So what does that mean? There has to be a clear definition of what that means. Well, thankfully, Jeremiah chapter six, verse 30 makes it real clear what reprobate means. And this is a term, this is a word that got used, has been used a lot in the past. I mean, you would hear it in just common vernacular. It would just be an everyday language in times past, but today it's fallen out of style. People don't even know what reprobate means. It means to be rejected, okay? Look at verse 30, Jeremiah chapter six, verse 30. Reprobate silver shall men call them. He's talking about this group of people and says, you know what? There's this group of people. A man are gonna look at those people and say, they're reprobate silver. They're reprobate. Why are they gonna call them that? Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected him. Now, who rejected them? The Lord. Was it because other men rejected them? Is it just because they're outsiders, you know, or whatever? They were just kind of on the fringe? No, it's because other men didn't want anything to do with their company? No, it's because the Lord rejected them. They're gonna look at a group of people and say, these are people that the Lord has rejected. You know what we should call them? Reprobates. That's what it means to be reprobate. I mean, according to the Bible. I mean, that's very clear in Scripture, isn't it? Romans chapter six, verse 30. Or excuse me, Jeremiah chapter six, verse 30. Go back to Romans chapter one. Back to Romans chapter one. And say, well, why would God reject anyone? You know, that doesn't seem fair. Remember, who got it started? They did. Romans chapter one, verse 20. For the invisible things of Him from creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. You know, man has the witness of nature that there is a God, that there is a Creator. Verse 21. Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. How was their foolish heart darkened? Because they became vain in their imaginations. Because when they saw the witness of creation, when they saw the testimony of God in nature, they became vain. They said, well, we can't, God's not the explanation for this. No, no, you know, aliens planted us. You know, we're just, we're just, we all climbed out of some kind of, you know, primordial ooze billions of years ago. You know, billions of years ago, the entire universe was condensed to something smaller in a period, then it exploded, and everything came out of nothing. It's a vain imagination. Why do they go there? That's not plausible. There's no proof of that. Why do they do that? Because they don't want to glorify God as God. They don't want to retain Him in their knowledge. And they're the ones that started it. They become vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened by what? By their vain imagination. Neither were thankful. They became vain in their imaginations. Their foolish heart was darkened. Verse 22. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Because the fool has said in his heart, there is no God. Verse 23. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and to four-footed beasts and creeping things. Wherefore, because they did all these things, they darkened their own imagination through their own vain imaginations. Their own heart was darkened, and then they decided, well, you know, let's just explain God, and we'll just make up these other gods. Like, we'll worship oxes, and we'll worship insects, and we'll worship birds, and we'll worship all four-mannered, four-footed beasts and creatures. They're taking the uncorruptible God and making Him corruptible. It's an offense to God. It'd be like my children. I was explaining this to somebody the other day. It'd be like my children, if I went home one day, and they'd gotten the Play-Doh out, and made a little figurine of a man, you know, put some dumb little eyes or whatever in him, and said, this is my dad now. He pays all the bills. He's the one that puts food on the table. Don't you think I'd be a little upset if I said, hey, kids, what's going on here? They just totally ignored me. I'd say, you don't exist, Dad. You're not really there. You're not really there, Dad. No, this little plastic figurine, this little Play-Doh I made, that's my dad now. I'd be furious. What would I do? Well, let's look what God did. It says there, wherefore God also gave them up. So is it like God just woke up and said, I think I'll just give these people over to reprobate, right? No, he gave them creation. He gave them all manner of witness. He revealed himself so that they were without excuse, and they rejected him. And then God gave them up. Notice that word, also, meaning in like manner, meaning, you know, in turn. You want to give me up? I'll give you up. I mean, what's the point of trying to have a relationship with somebody that doesn't want one? And is gonna, you know, just offend you? Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts. Their own hearts. That's where these lusts come from. Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever, amen, for this cause. God also, I mean, God gave them up unto vile affections. Look at verse 28. And even as they, it was also, because of what they did, it was for this cause. It was even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. They rejected him. Therefore, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. You say, why are there pedophiles today? Because they're reprobates. Because they have rejected God and God has rejected them and turned them over to a reprobate mind and now they are given over to do all these strange, vile acts. Pedophiles desire strange flesh because they are reprobates. And we just understood that reprobates are rejected. They are rejected. Go over to 2 Peter chapter 2. 2 Peter chapter 2. You say, well, how could a person get so base? How could they sink so low? Because the Bible teaches us that when a person has become a reprobate, given over to do those things which are not convenient, they're basically an animal. God has just turned them over to do things that are just animalistic in nature. They're basically just an animal. The Bible calls them over and over and over again brute beasts. You know what that means? Dumb animal. They have no control. And we all understand what animals are like. The Bible calls them dogs. We'll see that in a minute. We also understand what dogs are like. They'll go after everything, anything. And that's what these people are like. They don't care about gender. They don't care about age. They'll go after anything. Deuteronomy, where did I have you go? 2 Peter? I'll read to you from Deuteronomy 23. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 23 verse 17, there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel. Nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Saying, look, when it comes to my people, there's not going to be any whores, and there's not going to be any sodomites. They're not allowed, okay? And the penalty was death. That's what you say. You're saying they're not going to be any because they're just not going to exist? No, they're just not going to be allowed, meaning they're going to be put to death, okay? Leviticus, 2013, their blood shall be upon them. We all know it. It says in verse 18, the support I want you to catch here, it says, thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, okay? Or the price of a dog. Did you see what just happened there, how the Bible just moved two terms around, sodomite and dog? Because it uses whore repeatedly, right? It says there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel. Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, right? But then it says there shall be no whores of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel, or the price of a dog. The Bible's calling them dogs. That's what it says about these people. You want God's mind on the sodomite, this is it. Like it or lump it. He said there shall be no price of a dog. And that's why the Bible, where you're at, 2 Peter 2, verse 12, describes them as what? But these as natural, brute beasts, dumb animals. Well, I mean, how could the Bible say this? I always thought they were so nice and friendly when I watched TV, they just seemed, they're always the funny one. Yeah, that's Hollywood pulling the wool over your eyes. You know, and even the ones you might know in your personal life, yeah, they're one way when you're around, but do you follow them around 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, to see what else they get into when no one else is looking? You know, people can put up a front. Do you think they want everyone to just look at them and think that they're a dog? To think that they want to project a certain image. They want to be perceived a certain way. And it's not the Bible, they don't want to be perceived as the Bible plainly paints them, as brute beasts, as dogs, as animals. People have been given over to vile affections. It says they are made to be taken and destroyed, and they speak evil of things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. You know, enter the STD, enter, you know, the death style of the homo. And all that they're just filled with disease, okay? Jude chapter one, go to Jude chapter one. They'll say, okay, I'll give you those two passages where the Bible calls them animals. Well, let's look at another one. In Jude chapter one, it says in verse 10, but these speak evil of those things which they know not. Boy, it's like we just read this in 2 Peter. But what they know naturally as brute beasts, and those things, they corrupt themselves. I'll read to you from Revelation chapter 22. Go to Ecclesiastes chapter 8. The Bible says in Revelation chapter 22 verse 14, blessed are they that do as commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city, for without are dogs. Who's not allowed in the gates of the city? The dogs. The sorcerers, the whoremongers, the murderers, the idolaters, and whosoever loveth the law. Do you think he's talking about literal dogs there in Revelation? Like God's just got something against canines? He's not a dog. He's a cat guy. He's talking about brute beasts. He's talking about the sodomites. He's saying they're not allowed here. Do homos go to heaven? No. No dogs go to heaven. Not even the homo. You say, why are you preaching about this? Here's why I'm preaching about this. Because pedophilia is on the rise in this country and in this world. And you say, well, how are they associated? Well, they're both predators and every homo in the Bible is a predator and nothing's beyond them. And you look at the stats I don't have well in front of me, go study it out for yourself if you doubt it. Go study the stats on how many children are molested by homos. You know, you have a very small segment of the population that makes up a vast majority of the molestation of children that takes place in this country. It's the homos. They're doing the vast majority of it. So, you know, this guy identifies as a hetero and he goes after boys. Well, then he's a homo. Duh. That's what it means to be one. And that's why I'm preaching this because of the fact that pedophilia and the centralization doesn't end in this big bullet just recently about that program on Netflix. I can't remember when it was called but they had like, I didn't even, because here's the thing, I don't want to see this, Phil. You know, I was real careful when I started to look for an article. I said, I just want to read literature. I don't want to see any examples of this. You know, someone sent me a link in a YouTube, in an email saying, hey, watch this video. It's about this kid that got adopted by a couple of fags and then just got passed around the country, for the world, literally, for two years and the fags just have his way with them. So I don't want to watch that. I barely want to bring it up in here. But this is what, and look, I could get up and tell you horror story after horror story after horror story and you know what, we could probably go around the room, other people probably have been affected by this either personally or know somebody else who has. It's on the rise. Pedophilia and I mean, the homos have definitely taken over. I mean, that's on the rise. Remember when it was just about they wanted to get married? Now it's like, you can't preach against them. Now it's like, to say anything against them in Canada is hate speech. They want to throw you in jail. It's on the rise. Now they got what they want there for their homos, the adults, and now it's like, well, now let's get the kids involved. That's the goal. It's on the rise. That stupid program on Netflix that everyone was up in arms about. That's just the tip of the iceberg. If you're real honest and start to look at some of the programming and the things that people do to centralize children in our culture, it's out there. You know, think about, you know, the child beauty pageants. It's like, what in the world? They have a, you know, you want to have a talent show, dress them up like a little princess, whatever, but the swimsuit part of it, like what in the world is up with that? Why do you need to have, you know, little children parading themselves around, walking around swinging their hips in a bathing suit? Isn't that the whole point of the adult version? When they have the beauty contest, they look at the woman, and they, oh, this woman's better looking than that one. You know, it's sensual. Go look at the way they want to dress kids today. Put them in the booty shorts and everything else. It's disgusting. You know, and I'm trying to be careful. I don't want to go off too much on that because I don't want to put that kind of filth in anybody else's mind, but you know it's out there. You and I both know that they are sensualizing children in this country and in this world through all the different media, through the Internet, all the child porn that's out there now, and all the kinds of things that they're putting out there, that's just taken off. It's in our films. It's in fashion. It's all over. And you say, well, I don't know about that. Okay, well, let's just real quickly just go through some stats. How can it not be, if it's not on the rise, then explain why one in three girls and one in five boys are abused before the age of 18. One in three girls and one in five boys are abused, according to the Advocacy Center. There are more than 42 million survivors of abuse in America. A typical pedophile will commit 117 crimes in a lifetime. 117. That's like average. It's like they're saying that's just typical. That's normal behavior for the pedophile, 117 crimes. That's mind-boggling. How does that happen? 117 times. There are nearly half a million registered offenders. I'm not using that word. You all know that word that gets thrown in there. Offenders in the U.S. 80 to 100,000 of them are missing. There's a half million registered in the U.S. 80 to 100,000, they don't know where they are. Because when you're an offender, you have to report. You have to go around your neighborhood and say, hey, I'm a pederist. I got in trouble doing this. You've got to go tell everybody. You're not allowed to live near a school and so on and so forth. Well, they lost track of 80 to 100,000 of them. Well, here's the thing. Here's a real good way to keep track of them. And I'll get into this in a minute. Instead of doing a background check, do an underground check. And I mean like six feet under. Oh, there he is. He's right there. And he's not going anywhere because he's dead. And that is the biblical punishment. And I don't care if it's popular or not. The Bible says the FBI estimates that there is an offender living in every square mile of the United States. One in five children are solicited while on the internet before the age of 18. Now, tell me it's not on the rise. When just the number of offenders are just skyrocketing, when one in three girls are going to be exploited or whatever you want to call it, before the 18, one in five boys are going to experience the same thing. And, you know, this is just what's reported because, you know, there's just, there's a whole other sermon about how to deal with that if you've gone through something like that. They just know that because, you know, a lot of times this stuff happens, these people are ashamed. They feel like it's their fault. You know, and it's not. It's not. So we see that pedophilia and centralization of children is on the rise through the media, right? And not only through the media, but another reason why it's just skyrocketing, and why it seems like you just read horror story after horror story after horror story, is because of the fact that there is a severe lack of consequences for offenders. There is a severe lack. You know, I heard one story. I'm not going to tell you how, you know, I didn't read any graphic details, but this, it was a sheriff. It was an old, like, guy was like in his 60s, been a sheriff for, like, years, you know, his whole career. And he, over the course of, like, I don't know how many years, just repeatedly raped a child, a young girl. Guy got four years in jail. Four years for repeatedly raping a child. Are you in Ecclesiastes? I'm going to read to you from chapter three. It says in Ecclesiastes chapter three, verse 16. And moreover, I saw under the sun the place of judgment. You know, I looked at the penal code. You know, I looked at the court system. I looked at the judge, the place of judgment. That wickedness was there. Look, when child rapists are getting this, wickedness is in the court system. When pedophiles and rapists are getting off the hook with a little slap on the wrist. Oh, they, no, they go to jail. Yeah, like Jared Fogle, right? Everyone remember Jared Fogle from Subway? Remember ringing bells? Remember the guy lost all the weight eating Subway? And he, and it turned out he was, you know, soliciting underage girls, was into child porn, and he ended up going to jail. You know, he's, last time I preached on this, I read a whole article about him. And he's, he's in a, what they call, you know, like, he has like an open cell in jail. One, he's not in general population. He's with all the other chomos, right? And he's in, he's in a, got an open cell policy. He just gets to come and go. He's working on his culinary arts degree. That's what Jared Fogle is working on. The pedophile, okay? Look, go look at the, at the judgment today. Look at the place of judgment in America and the world. You know what's there? Wickedness. Because it's wicked to just let these people off the hook and then turn them back loose on the community. That's wickedness. Are you in Ecclesiastes chapter 8? He said, in the place of righteousness, wickedness. Look at verse 11. Because, and this verse just rings through my ears every time I hear about these cases. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. You gotta think about what this verse is saying here, okay? It says because sentence, when judgment, when the gavel is dropped, right, that's what he's talking about. A sentence against what? An evil work. Whatever evil work you want. Tonight we're gonna apply it to pedophilia, okay? Because sentence against an evil work, the vile affection of pedophilia, is not executed speedily. Right, it's talking about even just the length of time it takes to do it, right? That there is no execution of justice there. There is, where the place of judgment is, there's wickedness, okay? Because that is lacking, right, because there is a flaw there, there is a result. And what is the result? Therefore, the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. You know, here's the thing. The pedophile looks at our penal system and says, hmm, if I get caught after I've done it 115 times or whatever, and if I ever do eventually get caught, I'll be like Jared. I'll get sent, you know, to some federal prison, and I'll be safe and sound with all my other chomo friends, and yeah, maybe I'll do five to 10 years or less, and I'll get out again. They think, oh, that would be a deterrent. No, it's not. Explain to me the statistics then. Why is it taking off? Why do we hear about all the time then? If that's a deterrent, because it's not a deterrent. The pedophile sits there and goes, hmm, fulfill my lust and go to jail or not. He says, I'll take my chances. That's what he does. That's it. That's what the Bible is saying here. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily. Therefore, the hearts of men, the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. They look at it and say, it's a joke. I could go do 10 years and get out and do it again. There was that guy, there's that famous YouTube video of that inmate that killed some chomo, right? He got put in general population. The guy started talking about what he did to some kid. He's like, you need to shut up, and he got out and took his shoelaces off and strangled the guy in his sleep. He said, well, I just knew the guy was going to get out. He was going to get out before me, and he's just going to go do it again. Look, they go in there and become better. They learn from the other ones, oh, no, what did you do? Nah, you got to do it this way. They learn how to become better at it. It's like, you know, it's where they get trained. Let me just read to you from some articles. I know we're going a little long tonight. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 2, 22. Deuteronomy 22. I'm going to read to you this article that was written on March 28th, 2006. A statute that could give offenders the death penalty passed the full state senate Tuesday, and I don't know where this is written in Columbia, so I guess D.C. So they're writing about the fact that there was this statute that passed the state senate. Oh, finally, oh, good, they're doing something about it, right? If it becomes law, anyone convicted twice, twice of raping a child under 11 could get a death sentence. Meaning you can do it at least once and not die. And people go, oh, bravo. Well, that's a righteous judgment. No, you know what? We look at the place of righteousness and wickedness is there. We look at the place of judgment and what we see is wickedness there, right? This is the world's logic. Well, you know, we've got a bleeding heart for them. Maybe it's just a behavioral problem. Maybe they just need to be rehabilitated. No, they're reprobates. They're dogs. They're giving over to vile affections. You cannot placate these people and you cannot reform them. And say, well, if they do it twice, okay, once, okay, probation. But if you do it again, you're going to die. They'll still do it. You know, in my book, once is one time too many. I mean, what if it was your child? How many times would that happen to happen to your child before you want that person dead? You know, as weak as that is, at least it's something. You know, recently, this is very recently, this is in the last month or two, this is in Arizona. On the heels of the Save Our Children campaign and a hashtag that dominated much of social media last year, you know, I'm going to put the hashtag in this sermon, Save Our Children. House Bill 2889 would create a no nonsense approach to child crimes in Arizona. Okay, no nonsense. Good old Arizona, right? I know we went blue this last election, but you know, we're conservative here and we believe in our rights and we're going to really stick it to these pedophiles. No nonsense bill. All right, this is speaking my language. What's it like now? Well, right now in Arizona, a convicted child offender can face anywhere from 10 to 20 years in prison. And some have the option of probation, parole, or work release. HB 2889 gets rid of that. We're cracking down on these guys. No more work release. No more probation. Sentence, someone convicted of producing or distributing pornography of a child 12 years of age or younger would serve life without parole. Then they get a life sentence. At least they're not getting out, as well as someone convicted of trafficking an exception would be an instance of statutory rape where an 18 or 19-year-old fornicates with someone under the age of consent. If the bill becomes law, Arizona will have some of the strictest offender laws in this country. That's what they just said. They just said that that is the strictest in the country? Life sentence without parole? I mean, it's better than, you know, Columbia where they have to do it twice before they get the death sentence. We don't even know how fast. That was just from 2006. I just made it through the Senate. I didn't look it up. You know, that's not really, it's beyond the scope. It's not really the point I'm trying to make here. Now, I'll say this about Arizona. That's better, but it's not good enough. And I'll tell you something else. It might be better, but it's not biblical. It's not biblical. And let me tell you something. God has the solution for these people. It says, here in Deuteronomy, it says in verse 32, who knowing the judgment of death that they, or excuse me, who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death. They which commit such things are worthy of death. That's Romans. That's New Testament. They're worthy of death. Well, I don't know. God says they're worthy. I don't care what some representative or what some senator or some governor or some president or anybody says about it. God says worthy of death. And you know what? If you're struggling with that, just put your child in that position. You know what? And if you have any kind of affection for your child, it's a pretty easy decision to make, isn't it? Yeah, death. In fact, let me do it. Which, by the way, you know, the thing is, you know, pray to God that kind of, your child is never put in that position, but do your part to never put your child in that position. Watch your children. Don't leave your kids with strangers. Don't leave them with anybody. You know, protect your children because we're living in perilous times, and evil men and seducers are going to wax worse and worse. You're in Deuteronomy 22, verse 25. It says, if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and the man force her, right, he's talking about rape, and lie with her, then that man only that lay with her shall die. So what is the death, what is the punishment for a rapist? It's death. This is a man raping a woman. Do we really have, well, doesn't say anything about kids. Does God really have to spell that out? It's rape. It's the principle of rape. How much more so if it's a kid? You know, the punishment here is that, you know, they should be stoned to death. You know, I think if it's a child that has this happen to them, it should be a slow, painful death. It should be drawn out. It should be made excruciating. Well, you're getting in your flesh. Yeah, maybe. But that's my take on it. The Bible says, go to Deuteronomy 24. He that stealeth a man and selleth him, or if he found in his hand shall surely be put to death. So what's the punishment for the trafficker? Is it a life sentence without parole? Is it no work release? No, it's death. Oh, you're dealing in human beings, you're trafficking people for all manner of things, adults, children, whatever. Death. I mean, what kind of a low life does that? Look, only wicked, evil people would do that. Calloused, reprobate people would think, well, I think, you know, I'm gonna traffic human beings. The Bible says death. Deuteronomy 24, that's where you are, verse seven. If a man be found stealing any of his brethren, of his brethren of the children of Israel and maketh merchandise of him or selleth him, which is exactly what Jared Fogle was involved in, soliciting underage girls. You know, a guy that's getting involved in child pornography, you know, you're supporting people if you're paying for it, if you're on sites that run ads on it or whatever, I don't know how it works. But I'm telling you what, it's a law of supply and demand. And if you're involved in that industry of child pornography, you're making merchandise of somebody and their body, you're selling them, then that thief shall die. He's just talking about, you know, how much more so when you're, you know, bringing them into bondage and filming them and just doing all manner of wicked things and then just selling it on the internet. If you're involved in that, it's death. Go to Matthew chapter 18. Matthew chapter 18. The Bible says, in 2 Peter we read earlier, as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. They're made to be taken and destroyed. God says they're reprobate, they're brute beasts, they've been turned over to reprobate mine, destroy them. Because they're not good for anything. All they're going to do is wreak havoc on society. So I don't know about that. That's exactly what's going on in our society. Kids are being, you know, exploited, molested, there's all kinds of manner, just, you know, we can't see it. You know, sometimes, I was thinking about this, we were up on that hike and I'm looking out over that valley and it's a beautiful sight but then I'm thinking later, I'm like, you know what, I wonder how much just vile iniquity was going on right under my eyes behind all those closed doors. I'm not saying every single door but don't you think there was some iniquity going on in the world? Look, it's out of control in this country. It's out of control in this world. The Bible says the whole world lieth in wickedness. You're in Matthew chapter 18, verse 6. Well, this isn't very Christian-like. Well, let's get Jesus' take on it. What do you mean a slow, painful death for someone who would harm a child? You know, at least have the decency to end it quickly. Well, let's look at what Jesus prescribed and then you can tell me how I'm coming across, okay? Matthew chapter 18, verse 6. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones, talking about children, which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea. Say, if you have somebody that offends a little child, you know what you should do to them? Put a millstone on their neck and throw them in the water. There's something out in this passage. I mean, isn't that kind of a slow, painful death? People say, oh, drowning is very peaceful. Yeah, the moments leading up to it aren't. Oh, oh, you know, let's get in the boat. What are we doing? We're gonna go drown you. Oh, okay. Well, at least it's a peaceful death, just the torment of going out there, being slowly drugged and then crushed under the pressure and suffocating. And that's what Jesus prescribed. You're so mean preaching this. Jesus. That's what he said. But I wanna point this out. He said it were better for him than a millstone because, look, the execution that takes place when they're put to death, that's just the beginning of their problems. Their torment has only just begun. There's nothing that we can inflict on them in this life that could even come close to the torment that God is gonna put those people through. The Josh Duggards, the Jared Fogle's, the, what, the Kevin Spaceys, whatever, all the, you know, the Epstein's. Epstein didn't hang himself. Well, I'm glad he did. I'm glad at least somebody took him out. Pedophile. Look, these guys, they haven't even, they're, Jeffrey Epstein is burning in hell, in the lowest hell today. The trafficker, the pedophile, the reprobate. Once God gets ahold of these guys, it's on. And, you know, at least we can solace ourselves in that. You know, man can't do his part. God's willing to just roast them and torment them for all of eternity, but man can't even just, man can barely lock them up and keep them away from our kids. It's a joke. And I want to end on this point because this is the kind of, because some people hear this and they say, well, God, and they have this stupid logic that I've heard. Oh, so God turns them over to a reprobate mind and makes them pedophiles so God's responsible for pedophilia. That's charging God foolishly. I don't think you've really thought that through. And I've heard that more than once. Let me just come out right now and say it. Pedophilia is not God's fault. You know, God is good. God is holy. Reprobates choose to do what they do. They choose to do what they do. God gives them over to reprobate mind because they've rejected him and whatever they do after that, they didn't have to do that. They didn't have to reject God. They chose to do that. Isn't that what we read earlier? Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge? Go to, I don't know if I told you you were going to close there, but we're not. Keep something in Matthew. Go to Jeremiah chapter 19. Jeremiah chapter 19. Look, don't, and look, even well-intentioned people get mixed up on this and they start to try to think this through and they come up with a logic and think, well, isn't God kind of responsible for this? Look, we're not Calvinist here. Man has free will and these wicked things happening is not God's fault and don't ever let your mind go there. I mean, you can kind of see a little bit what people are saying, but you have to put that out of your mind because that's not the nature of God. That contradicts a lot of other scripture. You know whose fault pedophilia is? Man's. It's man's fault. It's man's fault that we have numbers like this. It's our judicial system's fault that we have numbers like this. That's why the hearts of men are fully set them to do evil because they look at judgment and wickedness is there because sentence is not swiftly executed. That's man's fault, not God's. He says in Jeremiah 19, are you there? Verse four, because they have forsaken me. So who forsook who? They forsook him, okay? And have estranged this place and have burned incense in it unto other gods whom neither they nor their fathers have known, nor the kings of Judah, and have filled this place with the blood of innocence. I mean, this is what Israel was doing back then in Jeremiah's day. They forsook God and then they filled this place with the blood of innocence. And what is he talking about? Verse five, they have built also the bale, which is basically the Satan, the devil, to burn their sons with the fire for burnt offerings unto Baal. It's not a literal child sacrifice. Well, it's God's fault. God made those reprobates. God let Baal worship take place. That's charging God foolishly. And I take offense to it because that's the God I love. I love the Lord. The Lord is good. He's been very good to me and to all of us. You know, in him there is no shadow of turning. He is light and in him is no darkness at all, the Bible says. Every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lusts, the Bible says. Neither tempteth he any man, the Bible says. So this is their own fault, right, because they forsook him. They burnt their own sons and so on and so forth. He said there at the end, which I commanded not, nor spake it. I didn't tell you to do that. I didn't write that down. He said I didn't command it. I didn't speak it. Then get this. Neither came it into my mind. He's saying you guys are doing things I never even thought of with child sacrifice, pedophilia. Look, God makes them reprobates because God's holy. God's holy. God's not just going to stand there and just get repeatedly slapped in the face by somebody. That's the warning. You know, and people that want to have this logic, well, God made the reprobate, therefore it's his fault. Well, I hope you're out there doing your part to make sure there's less reprobates in the world, like we did this afternoon. You know, those two boys got saved, and I thought to myself, great, two less reprobates in the world. Now that they're sealed with the Holy Spirit, they can't be getting over to reprobate mine. They didn't reject God. So if you're going to lay that foolish charge at God's feet, you better make sure you're doing your part. And of course, you know, people that say those type of things, they're not doing anything for God. They're just sitting around watching filthy YouTube videos about this kind of stuff, and using their own stupid human logic to come to conclusions. The Bible says, and now that came into my mind. I never even thought of that. That's how holy God is. Go to Romans chapter 1. You know what? Go to Romans 5. Romans 5. The Bible says, in Psalms 81, but my people would not hearken to my voice. And here's the rule with none of me. So again, who's rejecting who here? They're rejecting God. So I gave them up under their own heart's lusts. That's what he said. I gave them up under their own heart's lusts to do those things which are not convenient. That came out of their heart. I didn't come out of mine. I didn't think of it. And they walked in their own counsels. Whose fault is this? It's man's fault. It's not God's. The Bible says, the Lord is known by the judgment which he executed, and the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. It's his own hands that snare him. Romans chapter one, verse 24. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts. How did they get unclean? Through the things that were in their own heart to dishonor their bodies between themselves. Go to Romans chapter five. Did I have you go there? Jesus said in Matthew seven, from within, out of the hard man, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetous, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile the man. Where does sin and iniquity come from? Where does these thoughts and things that men come up with come from within, from their own sinful nature? The Bible says that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? Look, we're sinners by nature. We do these things out of our own hearts' lusts. You know, we who aren't even reprobate, even as just God saved children, we still have the flesh. You know, we still struggle with sins that are, you know, common to man, but when God has rejected man, when God has put, given someone who would reprobate mind, you know, their heart's lusts just take them to another level. And you can shake your fist at God and say, it's his fault. That's a foolish charge. At the end of the day, it's man's fault. Romans chapter five, because where does sin come from? Verse 12. Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin, so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Who is responsible for sin in this world? Is it God? It's man. Man is responsible for all the sin that has come into this world. The Bible says in 1 John, go to Matthew 18. Matthew 18, we'll close there. This then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all. Look, pedophilia is a vile affection. There's all kinds of sin and equity running rampant in our country and in this world, none of it's God's fault. It's all man's fault through his lack of judgment, through his lack of executing, from his lack of upholding a perfect word of God, a perfect law that converts the soul in dealing with these things and putting the deterrence that God has put into place and dealing with things as they ought to be dealt with. That's man's fault, not God's. God is light. There's no darkness in him. Here in Matthew 18, verse 10, he says this. Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones. I'm just gonna say this. The guy who does not wanna hold up this book and enforce it despises little ones, whether they know it or not. I mean, God forbid, if that ever happened to one of our children and then the guy got caught, whoever got caught, and then we go to court and the judge just drops the guy and it's four years for some heinous crime on our children. You despise my child. That's what I told the judge. You despise my child. This is what's supposed to happen. You despise somebody else's child because that guy's gonna get out and do it again. He said, for I say unto you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. It doesn't mean God's gonna protect us from every little bad thing that happens to us or even really bad things that happen to us. It just means this, that we better be careful that we don't despise the little ones because God knows it all because their angel doth behold the faith of the Father which is in heaven, the face of him. He's getting the report. They're doing what down there? What happened to them? Who did that? Oh, okay, well, I'll get my hands on it eventually. Let's just see if man can get him to me a little quicker. Let's just see if man can do his part and then I'll take it from there and I'll, you know, vengeance is mine. I will repay, sayeth the Lord. So don't despise, you know, I wish our civil governments would just stop despising children with these little slaps on the wrist and I'm not holding my breath for it to happen but I want us to understand this. This is not God's fault what's going on in this country. The Josh Duggards of this world, the Jared Fogle's of this world are not God's fault. It's man's fault for failing to uphold the biblical position. You know, and I'm not gonna despise my children and I'm not gonna despise your children by holding back on this issue. I'm not telling you what the Bible actually says. So this doesn't sound loving. This is the most loving sermon you've heard in a while that I actually got up and tell you what should happen to the pedophile, that there's actually a man of God who's willing to get up and say it like it is. I wish there were some representatives, I wish I had some people in high places, I wish there was some judge that had the stones to just do what the Bible says and stop despising our little ones and they'll give an account. You know what, and I would rather just offend everybody in this room before a little one. You know, I would, I'd rather do that. You know, the vile affection of pedophilia should not be tolerated to any degree and no place more so than the house of God. I'm not gonna pull back, say, well, you know, I know what the Bible says, but you know, let's think about this. You know, let's get the psychologist in here and start, you know, let's ask him what happened to them. It doesn't matter. Why? It's, that's the way they are. The Bible has it, a prescription for it. I'm not gonna hold back. It's vile, it's wicked. It should not be tolerated to any degree and nowhere more so than the house of God. Let's go ahead and pray.