(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The topic I want to preach to you about this evening is the topic of prayer and I think it's an important topic It's not one that we've preached a lot about But you know the things that we don't often preach about are sometimes the most important and fundamental things we preach a sermon You know just recently about Bible reading, you know, and that's a they say boy I sounds like such a basic sermon, you know but really it's the basics of the Christian life that are gonna build you up and Often it's the basics that we lack as Christians these are the areas that because they're so simple because they're just presumed that they're done and just because It just seems like it's common knowledge that Bible reading and prayer are Ought to be the very foundation of Christian life because it's just assumed that it's there often Those are the things that get neglected and really that's unfortunate because they are some of the most important aspects of the Christian life You know Bible reading of course is one and prayer is as well I mean really it is the foundation of the Christian life these two things growing in knowledge and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ through the reading the Word of God and then actually having You know the ability to go boldly before God's throne and to make your your needs known unto him in a time you know when you're in a time of help of need to go to him boldly and to and to help him to move in your life and get the things that you have need of and Those make up the the basis of the Christian life, you know, and sometimes if we step back from our life Well, we might have the Bible reading down, but the prayer is missing or maybe we have the prayer We're real good at that. But the Bible reading is is wanting, you know, if we step back from our life Sometimes you say something just seems out of balance I mean you imagine a building that's been built on but they only put the foundation on one side You know They just said well this half the building has a foundation and this one doesn't You would step back and that building would look weird you'd say well what's wrong what's with this crack in the wall? Why why does it seem like this is weaker over here? It's because that foundation hasn't been laid so these are really just the essential just needful things that just we need to be consistent about in our Christian life and You know, so a lot of times we just assume that that it's being done that it's not, you know, and sometimes we become Neglectful in preaching it because there's so many other things to preach that about but you know be at the beginning of the year It's always good to get back to the basics That's always something we can never get enough of because again, those are often the things that are wanting It makes me think about I used to hear this illustration about I don't remember the the guy's name, but there was this famous Football coach and it was said of him that every you know preseason. It was a professional team He would walk out in front of the whole team of men that had been playing football for just years You know professional football players and he would hold up a football and he would say this Is a football and he would start to explain the just mostly you know, this is the end zone These are the mind you explain all just the basic just common knowledge that these guys have learned over and over and over again Because the fundamentals really in the Christian life, that's what's gonna help you succeed You know we could get up and there's time and place to preach on you know The deep things of God the you know the series through, you know The end times prophecy and you know and get up and rip on this in or that sin or this, you know Whatever it might be those are all great and needful But really what's gonna build you up in the Christian life What's gonna help you to stay in it for the long haul are the fundamentals the basics Bible reading prayer These you know church attendance. These are the things that are going to help us to stay in it Now you're there in Luke 18 if you would I'm gonna have you keep a bookmark there and then I want you to go over to Luke chapter 11 And when you get there put something there as well because we will come back to both of these passages a little bit later But we're gonna look at Luke 11 first. So this is a sermon about prayer But what you know, I'm gonna talk a little bit out first I'm not gonna really go into a lot about the actual how to go about praying because You know and and if that would be a good sermon to preach, you know You know, but what is what good is it to learn how to pray if we're not praying? So really what I want to do tonight is just motivate you to pray motivate you to you know, you know if you're not, you know, or you maybe you've fallen away or never have to you know reinvigorate your prayer life and Give you the reasons why we ought to pray now there in Luke 11 Of course, we could turn here and we could talk about how we ought to pray I mean that's what's being asked and explained here, right? He says in verse 1 and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he seized One of his disciples said unto him Lord teach us to pray So it's a good thing to want to learn how to pray right and we could teach a whole sermon on that and maybe perhaps Someday soon we will and he said unto them when you pray say our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven So in earth give us day by day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we also forgive Everyone that is indebted to us and lead us not a temptation but deliver us from evil So this is a great outline on how to pray now what Jesus is not saying pray these exact words You know He's not saying every time you pray get down and just pray this prayer and you're good because that would be and if you would turn over to Matthew chapter 6 again keep something in Luke 11 go to Matthew chapter 6 if God was just telling us there if the Lord was just saying hey just pray these words You know what how all we'd have to do is memorize that and then prayer would just be this You know emotionless Impersonal time that we spent before God's throne just reciting, you know, just rote memory of just some just some phrase You know, so what what is this? Well, this is a good outline of prayer This is a if you want to know how to pray this serves as a great outline You know you start out by saying, you know when you pray say our father which art in heaven You know when we get down to pray and and and and you know and treat the favor of a holy God It might we might do well to start off by praising him You know, so that that's a good point there, you know, our father works out in heaven hallowed be thy name You know, let's start out our prayer time with some praise, you know, let's praise God lift up his holy name You know give him the honor that's doing and we could go on from there, you know thy kingdom come You know God let your will be done Let me know what it is Help me to know the things that you want me to do in my life show me and you could get specific You know ask him these things And it goes on from there But again, I don't want to go into how to pray tonight What I but we got it, you know We can't just read that and say have people assume that they may Not go home and do that and just get down and say well, that's what he said to say So that's what I'm gonna say That would be considered a chance if every time you to pray to just say these words That would be what's called a vain repetition in the Bible just repeating words and there's religions out there that practice this You know multiple religions, you know Buddhists Orthodox the Catholics they all have some kind of just this wrote, you know, you think of the the Hail Mary's the our fathers That's what they say, you know, go pray this many Hail Mary's go pray this many our fathers, you know The the Orthodox Greeks, you know, they they have their they just sit there and chant for hours and God says don't do that He explicitly says in the Bible don't do that. That's what he says here in Matthew 6 look at verse 5 And he says and when thou prayest thou shall not be as the hypocrites are They love to stand in the synagogues in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men very lay say to you They have the reward But when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when I was shut thy door pray to thy father Which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly, but when he pray use not vain repetitions So he's even calling it vain to just sit there and vainly repeat. What does it mean to be vain? There's no meaning it's empty. It's hollow. I mean those words might sound nice, you know coming off the lips But there's no feeling behind it. There's no heart in it It's vain and he says as the heathen do it's a heathen practice to just sit there and just say Whatever it is, you know, I don't know any of their prayers But you know, they're they're out there But he's saying don't do that for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking And that's great because we can learn from that is that you know we we don't have to turn prayer into this just you know extended time of us just you know, Rambling on or whatever it is, you know prayer doesn't have to be this hour-long endeavor I mean, that's great if it is but what about just like your Bible reading, you know You can think about prayer and Bible reading like this, you know Bible reading is God talking to you Right that you people say if God told me really would you would you read in the Bible? Because otherwise you might want to you know, seek professional help right that voice in your head is not God Right. God speaks to us through his word his spirit bears witness with our spirit and it's done through his word So that's God speaking to you now prayer could be like it is obviously you speaking to God That's where that's your side of the conversation and it's really just that it's you praying to God and telling him Whatever is on your heart, you know, whatever it is that you need it ought to come from the heart It ought to be genuine and sincere not just some vain repetition Not just you rip, you know repeating something that you memorized a dozen or so times there's no feeling in that it's vain It's empty and he says here in verse 8 be there you not you therefore like unto them For what your father knoweth what things you have need of before you ask him That's a profound thing to think about that before you even go to God to make your request known unto him He already knows what you're gonna say and that's because of the fact that You know your God is omniscient and we're gonna get out of here in a minute But Jesus, you know, he forbids this chanting He says don't use vain repetition and then he and he's tells you why and the why is for your father know with what things? You have need of before you ask him you know, why waste that opportunity to go and make your petitions known unto God by just Vainly repeating something, you know what God knows you have needs God knows that there's things in your life that you're struggling with There's areas in your life that you're trying to work on That you need God's strength for that day and you're just gonna come before his throne and just repeat something And he's like look I know what things you have need of why don't you? Don't be as the hypocrites are don't be as they don't do as the heathen do Pray a genuine sincere prayer and it doesn't have to be much speaking if it's real if it's genuine if it's from the heart It doesn't take a lot So that being the case that being the case that God wants us to pray There's a way we ought to pray that it's expected of us that we should pray We must ask ourselves this question. God knows what we have need of so the question is this What is the purpose of prayer and that's the title of the sermon the purpose of prayer? What's the purpose of it? I mean what you say we could talk about how we should pray when we should pray You know all these things the the nuts and bolts of prayer But that's it's all in vain if you're not gonna do it and we'll do we're not gonna do it if we don't understand That there is a purpose behind prayer What is the purpose of prayer and before we really get into it? You know, there's some things we have to understand and one of them really is that God is all-knowing. God is omniscient You know, he said there God know with what things you have need of before you ask him. Why is that because God knows everything And and we're gonna look at a lot of scripture tonight, so if you know sit up perk up a little bit Hope you got a cup of coffee in your hand But if you could keep up go over to Isaiah chapter 46 again keep something in Luke 11 and Luke 18, but go over to Isaiah Chapter 46 we'll be coming back to Luke a little bit later a couple times But God is all-knowing, you know, it's kind of it's kind of we might even say well if God knows everything I have need of why even bother asking well, we'll get into that because that is the purpose of prayer And he says in Psalms 147 verse 5 great is our Lord and of great power his Understanding is infinite, you know, God understands all thing. You can't say well God only knows so much, you know everybody in this room There's only so much knowledge that we have. We only know so many things some more than others, right? But God his it's infinite There's nothing he doesn't know and that includes everything that you have need of before you even ask him You're there in Isaiah 46 look at verse 9 Remember the four former things of old for I am God there is none else. I am God there is none like me Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done Saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure He's saying look he's declaring the things The end from the beginning that from ancient times the things that are not even done yet God saying you ever notice it that Jesus is called the lamb slain before the foundation of the world Why is that because God already knew what's gonna happen when Christ came here? He already had already knew that Jesus was gonna come and die for our sins God already knows the beginning from the end. He knows everything that's gonna happen and he can declare it Go over to Isaiah chapter 42 just a few pages back, Isaiah 42 Bible says in first John 3 for if our heart condemn us God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things his infinite his understanding is infinite He declares the beginning from the end and he knoweth all things You know with what things we have need of before we even come and ask look here in Isaiah chapter 42 verse 9 Behold the former things are come to pass and new things I do to do I declare before they spring forth I tell you of them God saying look I tell you about things that are gonna happen before they happen I mean go read the book of Revelation That's all that is things that have not yet come to pass the things that but that are that will be And that have been that are and that will are going to come to pass That's what that is. God tells us everything that's gonna happen in the future, too I mean, obviously we don't know everything he puts a cap on it at the end of the millennium He says that's is all I'm gonna tell you and even John said there were things that were not lawful for Paul rather So there are a lot of things that are not lawful for him to speak And John was told to seal up certain things not to reveal everything But God he tells us he declares us things to us before they even come to pass even in his word Before they spring forth I tell you of them I mean people are to get so wrapped up sometimes and wanting to know the future. Well, it's like read the Bible That literally tells you the future of humanity. It tells you the future of the earth of mankind You know, you don't need to call 1-800 Miss Cleo You know Somebody some people know what I'm talking about. Right? Did she get some of your money? No, I'm just kidding But she's out there a call Miss Cleo now. Send me your credit card. I'll tell you the future, you know Anybody knows what I'm talking about then you you you're probably as old as I am right go back the the lady in the What was it the 90s, you know on the television at all hours of the night, you know the fortune teller You know people want to know the future. Well, it's right in the Bible. God knows everything Go over to Psalm 139 Psalm 139 Bible says in Psalm 33 the Lord looketh from heaven He knoweth all the sons of men from the place of his habitation. He looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth He fashioneth their hearts alike. He considerth all their works. God knows every person Jesus said that very hairs of your head are numbered. I Mean, that's something I was you know Karen was you know Feeling the the beards coming back by the way folks. That's what this is all about. I'm not just getting lazy up here That's another story. But you know Karen she's feeling it. She goes dad, you know kids they say some of the craziest things, right? They just tell it like it is dad. You've got black hair and you've got gray hair and you've got white hair I'm like, yes. Yes, I do. Thank you for pointing that out. And then she says I said, uh, well count the white hairs You know She's checking it out on the chin and she's sorry and a jacket feeler start to try she's like there's too many Right. Well think about that though. We'd go. Wow, let's go count each other's hair on our head Let's see, you know and and try to do that. All right, that'd be impossible But God says I know I could tell you exactly how many there are And when one falls out, you know or for some of us a few more, you know when that they start to fall out God, you know the count goes down, you know, God knows everything. He knows all the sons of men He's omniscient looking at all Psalm 139 where you are verse 1 Oh Lord thou has searched me and know and known me Thou knowest my down sitting and my uprising thou understandeth my thought afar off God knows the thoughts you're gonna think before you even think them Thou compass my path and like my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways For there is not a word in my tongue, but lo lo lo Lord thou knowest it all together God knows the things that you're gonna say before you even say them Thou hast beset behind me and before and laid mine hand upon thine hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me You know, can we say that about about this tonight? Do we feel the same way as a psalmist here? The understanding this about God that he knows our downright our down sitting and our uprising He knows the words that we're gonna say the thoughts that we're gonna think is that really sunk in that that's the God that we That's the true and living God that we serve The God that knows everything about us. He says This such knowledge is too wonderful for me verse 6. It is high. I cannot attain unto it first jump down to verse 15 my Substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth Thine eyes did yet see my substance yet being unperfect being not complete not home And in my and in thy book all my members were written Which in Continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them How precious also are their thoughts unto me Oh God How great is the sum of them if I should count them? They are more a number than the sand when I awake. I am still with thee You know, so what's profound about this passage here is not just that God knows all of your thoughts But that God also thinks about you every single one of us Just you know, and it says that he thinks about us So much that they can't even became there is the sands of the sea You know, you can't count someone's hairs on their head go count the sand on the scene That's how much God has thought about us as individuals. Yeah. Well who has the time to do that? Well, God is you know outside of time God has all of eternity and we and you know, we just throw that word around God We don't sometimes I don't think we really said it in who it is We're talking about and who what what God or who God is, you know outside of time, you know Endless with you know without end it without beginning, you know, he has all the time in the world To sit there and think about us and that's what he does You know I mentioned that a few weeks ago in a sermon about the amazing fact that God knows all the stars by number by name He and he tells them all he counts them, but the whole Bible is about man It wasn't just him bragging about how great he is it was him dealing with and talking about mankind That's how great God's thoughts are towards us So, you know God does care about us God, you know as great and marvelous and wonderful as he is, you know It's amazing. It's even more amazing to think that he condescends to such It comes down solo to sit there and think about me and you because at the end of the day, who are we? You know, we're we're just another just another face, you know, we're just another person Sometimes it feels like that in the world. We're just you know, a social security number or something But that's not how you are to God God looks down and he knows everything about you. You're down. You're down sitting you're uprising, you know He knows everything you think everything you say before you think or say it and his thoughts towards you are innumerable They cannot be counted So What's amazing about prayer? So I'm trying to just kind of lay the foundation here. What's the purpose of prayer? Well, first of all, we need to understand something that God, you know He thinks about us and God knows everything that God is omniscient and what one other thing that God knows is that God knows because some people they I Think they shy away from praying because they're afraid they're gonna do it wrong They make it into this overly complicated practice, you know, I'm not holy enough or you know, whatever They have these excuses and they're afraid that somehow they're gonna mess up prayer You know when they asked when Jesus when they asked Jesus teach us to pray, you know That wasn't this long dissertation on how to go about it. It was just a pretty rough outline, you know You might want to consider who you're talking to our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name You know and there are some other things about prayer that we could talk about But one thing you're never gonna do is pray wrong now you could pray for things that aren't you know That's not to say you might ask for something and the answer is no But hey God still answers prayer even when he says no. Amen But here's the thing. God knows what we should be praying when we pray wrong You can't mess up prayer. I mean even when you do do it wrong, it's God still makes it right Go over to Romans chapter 8. That's what the Bible says here in Romans chapter 8 You really can't mess up prayer even when you do it's kind of a paradox I'm not saying you can't pray wrong. But hey when you do pray wrong, God makes it right So really you can't pay wrong even though you can and I mean, oh man, that's one of those things Look at Romans chapter 8 verse 26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities For we know not what we should pray for as we ought. I don't know how to pray I don't know what to pray for But the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings that which cannot be uttered and he that search at the hearts Knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according the will of God That's one of the ministries of the Holy Spirit that we have one of the privileges that we have as born-again believers With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that even when we don't know what to pray or how to pray or if we pray wrong The Holy Spirit knows what we mean and he goes to God says this is what they're trying to say this is what they mean this is what's in their heart and Really, you know the purpose of prayer isn't so much of getting it right or saying all the right things It's just the fact that you need to do it and we're going to get into here You know, what is the purpose of prayer? Well one one is to receive the things as Jesus said that you have need of Right. That's what he said there in Matthew chapter 6 that your family father knoweth what things you have need of So what is the purpose of prayer to get the things that you need? Well, you know, I don't want to take advantage of God. Don't worry. He could spare it, you know I mean God wants to show himself mighty on our behalf God wants to do that I mean some of the most you know some of the most The times that I grew the most as a Christian is when I saw God answer prayer not even my prayers You know, I'm talking about prayer whenever I bring up prayer. I always think about this one this one story about God really does know what things we have need of I mean, I mean the most basic things like work boots Okay, this is a story I share whenever talking about prayer, but and I apologize if you've heard it, but I Remember when we were working we just got married We just had Karen our firstborn and you know, I was working in excavation and that's really hard on footwear You know, you'd spend a lot of money in boots you'd buy 150 $200 boots and you know you're up and down in the sand and the rocks and the water and all day and the heat and everything boots just get worn out and And we had we had worn out my boots to the point where you know The soul was kind of coming off the bottom I was losing my soul man, but it was coming off right and rocks were getting in there and sand and I was like every every every break I'm putting duct tape around it and we're laying like we're laying Municipal water lines and storm drains and stuff like that on this one job. So it's really wet So my feet are just getting wet and drenched but you know just married just had a kid, you know It wasn't exactly the most lucrative career digging ditches and we didn't have a lot of money So boots just kind of weren't on the budget for a while. You know, we weren't getting like well, we can't really afford the boots and Unbeknownst to me at the time my wife, you know, this is probably reflects more poorly on me I should probably been the one doing the praying but my wife is praying for boots for me She's saying you know, we need to get some boots for my husband because of his feet You know if you lose the feet go man, it's that's rough So she's like get to get him some boots, right? You got to get paid the bills. So So her mother I'm trying to recall it's been a while. So her mother goes to Massachusetts Right. Yeah to visit her brother and she had seen in a while and she's there with her brother and Her brother just out of the blue goes it could just pulls a pair of boots out of the closet in Massachusetts It says hey, I bought these they're too big. Well, I'm thinking why didn't you return them? You know, maybe lost her seat I don't know. Maybe God burned their seat up But he uh, she says take these back to Michigan and maybe somebody there needs them and so we I remember we went over to her mom's house after she had gotten back from that trip and To Massachusetts. I'm trying to say that word because I thought it's a hard for me to say So I went in there and I see this pair of boots on the kitchen table I said, what are those? She says oh my brother gave me those if somebody needs them I said well, I I'm like thinking yeah, I need them ten and a half. They perfect fit Brand new boots and I was just like and I'm like, oh cool I didn't really think a lot of it then I find my wife's just like Like for her like it was a major answer to prayer to me it was just you know a pair of boots But it just goes to show you that God knows the things that you have need of What's the purpose of prayer to get the things that you need like a pair of boots? Like see, you know, there's so many things that we could you know, we're probably missing out on because we just don't pray about it You know, we have some need we have some struggle whether it's financially or some item like a pair of boots or whatever You know if we would just stop have we stopped to pray about it You know, we just we're so used to just especially as men just being self-reliant and just well We're just gonna have to tighten up the belt this month and save up some money and or we're gonna you know We don't ever stop to think well, let's just pray about it Let's just ask God for what we need and see if he's he'll do it because God wants to show himself mighty on our behalf Because you know say well, what's the big deal about that? Well, it's a great testimony about prayer, isn't it? I mean, it's just a pair of boots Yeah at the time it was just a pair of boots, but I've got some sermon illustrations out of it All right And hopefully it's that story alone You know help motivate some other people to spend some more time in prayer asking and telling God the things that they have need of The Bible says in James 4 I'll read to you It says from whence come wars and findings among you come they not hence even of your own lust that you warn your members You lust and have not you kill and desire to have you cannot obtain you fight in war yet You have not why because you ask not why do people go without and end up going to the such extremes as even Fighting amongst themselves over things over over over things. It's because they don't ask you ask and receive not because you ask amiss And that you may consume it upon your lust He says you have not because you ask not and Jesus said ask and you shall receive knock and it shall be over and seek and you shall find You know, God wants to answer prayer and that's one reason that's one purpose of prayer, you know, maybe that'll motivate you Maybe there's something you need right now I mean even if it's just as carnal and simple and basic as a pair of boots You know God's wanting to answer that prayer that we have need of many different things. So that's one purpose of prayer But what's another one? How about to stay right with God? You know if you were if you were actually looking to pray to God and have your prayers answered It would probably affect your your your the way you conduct yourself You know if you're like, well, I need I have need things that I need God to do for me that I need God to Help me with and my you know, whatever it is, you know, you can pick something, you know I've got to pray to God ask him to help me with this or get me this or provide this Whatever it is If you knew that's what you're gonna do Don't you think he'd be a little bit more careful about how you behave in front of God who knows you're down sitting and you're uprising Who knows what you're gonna say and think you'd probably be a little bit more careful I mean, it's just like I'm kind of getting my head over myself a little bit here But I mean you can think about it like a father with a child, you know, God's a father. We're the children You know, I'm a lot more likely to give my kids the things that they asked me if they've been well behaved You know if they if they were in here, you know scribbling on the walls this afternoon Slashing the the chairs with a knife pulling the stuffing out dancing on the piano Pulling the strings out, you know Just go running a muck in here or whatever Yeah, and then we go home to go back to Phoenix and they're like, can we stop for ice cream? No way The way you've been haven't you're not getting anything. Well, you're gonna get something but ain't give me what you want Okay, that's the same way with God, you know, God will God will give you what you want He'll give you what you need, but not what you want, right? So if we want things from God you want him to come through for us and bless us and give us those things that we Have need of you know, and we know we're gonna be asking for those things. We'd probably Be more careful to stay right with him. So that's another purpose of prayer to keep you right with God Go over to Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 the Bible says in Psalm 66 if I regard iniquity in my heart The Lord will not hear me So don't get the idea or the impression I don't mean to give the impression that you could just do whatever you want and God's gonna you know God's just eagerly waiting to answer every prayer you have no matter no matter what, you know, God does expect us to keep up you know some level of Christian conduct in our life, you know to behave ourselves in a certain way and he says there, you know Hey if I regard iniquity in my heart if there's some sin in my life and we're look we're all gonna sin There's another reason to pray, you know confess your sins and if you confess and forsake your sins, you know, you'll be forgiven, you know First John 1 9, you know, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins that cleanse us from all unrighteousness We know we're gonna say but if he's saying if I regard iniquity in my heart if I go Oh, there's something wrong with my heart. Oh, there's some sin in my life. I regard it I know it's there and I just don't do anything about it and say yeah, but I'm not gonna change But I'm not gonna get over it. I'm not gonna give it up. You know, I'm gonna have my bad attitude I'm gonna have my my sin in my life. I know it's there and I'm gonna leave it there I have no intention of doing anything about I'm not even sorry about it They don't think God's not gonna hear you God's gonna so I'm not gonna listen You know, it's like the kid that comes, you know, you know, it's gotten in trouble Say hey, you know, come on get your spanking. No. No, you don't understand. She did it. He hit me first She crossed the imaginary line the car, you know all these excuses. I don't want to hear it It's so often we say it's parents. I don't hear it, you know, let's just get it over with When just get your heart, right just change your behavior, so that's another reason to To to pray another purpose of prayer to keep your heart, right? You're there in Matthew chapter 21. Look at verse 21 Matthew 21 21 Jesus answered and said unto them verily I say unto you if you have faith and doubt not Yeah, you shall not only do that which is done at the fig tree. Remember he had withered up the fig tree But I'll also if you shall say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea It shall be done all things whatsoever you ask in prayer believing you shall you shall receive. I mean, that's a pretty Powerful statement God's saying you could move mountains Now now don't go and pray that God would throw him out lemon one because we need that for the summer camping trip But don't expect that when I remember reading I first got saved like well If that's really true that I should I should be able to do that is Jesus really is that really what Jesus is saying? Hey, you should go see God move a mountain for you But what he's saying is like, you know What's the purpose behind God moving a mountain for you? Just to look cool. Yeah, I move that mountain. There's my prayer that got it in the ocean God's not gonna get glorified in that it doesn't help you with anything In fact, it hurts you because now the camping trip is in the ocean So, you know what I mean? But well look the purpose is that you're showing like got like through prayer God can do anything, you know But here's the thing. Here's like here's the caveat. It's it got to be in his will If you want to be right with God, you're only gonna pray those things that are gonna be glorifying to him They're not gonna just be selfish. Does that make sense? You're not gonna go Well, I'm just gonna take that, you know, it's not you. I heard a pastor preach and say it like just recently It's not like the force. That's not what this is. This isn't Star Wars Like ah Lord move the mountain, you know This isn't the mountain you're looking for Whatever. That's not what he's saying. Look if you prayed and you're right with God you could do anything But here's the thing if you're if you're right with God, you're not you're not gonna be worried about moving mountains you're gonna be worrying about doing God's will and The Bible says in Proverbs and staying right with God, you know, what's the purpose of prayer to stay right with God? It'll help you stay right Bible says in Proverbs 28 verse 9 he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law Even his prayer shall be an abomination Abomination is a strong word and that's a strong that's like what God uses to describe things that he hates You know, you know And you could do a word study on that and see how bad he a strong word that is But he says here. What does he consider an abomination? Prayer not just any prayer but prayer that comes from somebody who turneth away his ear from the hearing of the law You know, when someone says this is what the Bible says I don't want to hear that and then you're gonna go pray and ask God Say, you know, I don't care what you have to say Lord. I don't care what you want for me in my life I don't care what things you are asking of me in the Bible. That's you know, I'm not gonna listen I'm gonna turn my ear from that and then I'm gonna start making my own request of you You know, it'd be no different than my you know Me telling my kid to do something and then saying I don't think so dad in fact, but here's what I want You think I'm just gonna take that lying down You know, that's gonna make me upset like, excuse me We're gonna we're gonna deal with that and it's the same way with God when God hears us or sees us just disregarding the preaching disregarding the word Disregarding these Commandments just saying and then we have the audacity and the gall to come to him and to make all these requests So that's abomination to me. I don't want to hear it Look at first John chapter 5 first John chapter 5. I should add you turn there First chapter first John chapter 5 beginning of verse 14. I'll start reading a first John 5 14 It says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will those are some important words according to his will and His will isn't for you to throw mount limit into a sea Right according to his will he heareth us, you know, we need to pray if we're gonna pray we got to pray the way God Pray things that you know, God is going to want to do for you, you know, you know God, please help me win The the multi, you know, the what is the mega millions help me to know the winning number of the jackpot? You know, I swear I'll give half to the church, you know, or whatever it is God's not gonna answer that prayer because that's not according to his will Could God do that? God could move a mountain for you, but he's not going to do that because that's not according to his will Because that's covetous. That's you know, that would ruin your life quite frankly. That's a whole nother sermon He says in verse 15 and if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask We know that we have the petitions that we desire of him so You know, if you're right with God and you're praying in according to God's will Lord help me to win souls Help me to hide your word within my heart. Help me to get this sin out of light my life Lord Please, you know help, you know, help me read my body, you know pray the things that you know are gonna God's gonna want to do for you because they're gonna help you and Glorify him and and and bring in and help you be a better Christian, you know Those are the things you had to pray for then we know That whatsoever we ask that we have that petition. I mean you think God's gonna say no to that prayer Lord help me to you know, Lord open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. I don't think so. I Mean, I'd like to do that for you, but not today God's gonna answer that prayer You're gonna open it you Lord, you know You pray that before you open up the Bible on your daily Bible reading Lord help me to understand this book God will help you understand that book because that's a prayer that's according to his will You know instead of praying, you know Whatever whatever silly prayer, you know ask for some dumb thing that we don't even need in our life Well, it's probably might even bring, you know harm to us Help me win the lotto or help me just have all the things that I covet after you know You know Lord help me to have more Time off to go to the lake or something Like oh, yeah, sure. Let me let me take care of that for you No, God wants us to pray the things that are gonna help us So those are some of the purposes of prayer But I want to kind of get into the you know, what ultimately is the purpose of prayer the that I think You know the purpose of prayer is what to receive those things that you have need of Because God knows there's things that we genuinely actually need not just want but need in our life. God wants to provide those needs God it'll help us the purpose of prayer is to help us to stay right with God You know, we're gonna pray according to his will you know, we're gonna not we're not just gonna pray things So we can see and say well that was cool that God did that it's gonna be something that's gonna help us actually grow as Christians and the ultimate purpose of prayer is That what God will hear from us and that's really the purpose of I believe why I mean God know know if all know What things we have needed before we even ask why even bother praying? Why does God even want expect us to pray? Why should we have to take the time out of our day to just to tell God things he already knows? You ever thought about that, I think that's why some people draw back from prayer so God knows why I need that He'll take care of it. The purpose of prayer is so that God will hear from you and not be ignored God doesn't like being ignored. God doesn't want to be ignored. God actually wants to hear from you God wants you to get alone with him and Pray things that he already knows you have need of just so he can hear you pray You know prayer is something that's very special to God We go to Luke chapter 18 if you kept something there God doesn't want to be ignored. God wants to hear from us. That's the purpose of prayer. It's that God doesn't just become this You know this vending machine in the sky or something that you know when we put in a few coins when we feel like it Maybe we'll get something You know God is just somebody we might acknowledge once a week or something like that when we go to church God wants to be involved in your life and a day-to-day basis and he wants to do that through prayer I mean imagine I mean imagine any other relationship in your life that was that you did that, you know if you're married You just you only talk to your wife, you know when you need the coffee made Kind of pulling back the veil a little bit letting you see what's like in the Russell household, right? Yeah, and I'm trying to learn how to make coffee again. I Made a cup the other morning and it was like mud It's just like the most potent coffee Because she's got like all the markings and all the jars and she knows the bouncy I mean she knows the coffee machine backwards and forwards and I'm just like Just put a bunch of grounds put a bunch of water. It should turn out Right, but what if that's the only time I talked to my wife. Hey make me a cup of coffee That was it. Oh Every time I just needed something You know, have you seen where I put this you see or what's usually have you did you move that? I Know you moved it. I always put it there right that would not be a good relationship But isn't that what sometimes I think it's exactly what we do to God We're only gonna go to pray at him when we really need something You know when it's convenient for us That's not the relationship that you want to have a God the purpose of prayer is so that God doesn't go ignored God already knows everything I need why should I pray so they'll hear from you? Because it's special to him. God likes to hear prayers from his children And you know, it's pretty it's pretty cool when you pray something and he's watch God answer a prayer You say wow, God really is his thoughts towards me really are innumerable me. God's gonna answer my prayer That's really something look here in Luke chapter 18 verse 35 and it came to pass that as he was come nigh in a Jericho a certain blind man sat by the wayside begging and Hearing the multitude pass by he asked what it meant and they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by and he cried saying Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and They which went before him before rebuked him that he should hold his peace But he cried so much the more thou son of David have mercy on me And Jesus stood and commanded him to be brought unto him and when he was come near he asked him saying What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee? I mean you ever think about that question duh What do you think I want I'm blind But God asks him. Well, what do you want? I Think it's obvious Hello Like you didn't know he was blind did you see how hard it was for me to walk over here God in fact Why did you make me walk over here? I'm the one that's blind. Is that what the guy is that his attitude? The No, he says Lord that I might receive my sight and God heals him. I mean I read that I'm like God why did God ask why did Jesus ask that you know, cuz he wants he wants him to say it Wants to hear him say it Lord that I might receive my sight You know, sometimes I think God just wants to hear from us. That's the purpose of prayer God knows what you need and you know what? He's gonna make you get up and walk over to your prayer closet you get down on your knees and state the obvious Because he wants to hear from you You know we talked about You know that the relationship it's like a father and a child, you know, God has called our Heavenly Father And we are called the children of God, you know, that's not a coincidence obviously And like any father, you know, God doesn't want to be ignored Go to a Luke chapter 11 Luke chapter 11. Look at verse 11 I'll begin reading a Luke chapter 11 verse 11 if a son shall ask bread of any of you That is a father. Will he give him a stone or if he asked a fish? Will he give for him a fish a serpent? Let's bring in the modern vernacular, you know, if my son comes to me and asked me for a peanut butter sandwich You know, am I gonna give him a knuckle sandwich? No Unless he deserves it. Just kidding. I'm kidding Or if he asked an egg will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then being evil he's saying look you guys know how this works And you're a bunch of sinners You know you you guys know I got this figured out here on earth You at least have enough compassion for your own kids Even though you're both a couple of sinners that you're kind to one another you give them things what that they have need of He's saying if ye then being evil You know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost unto him then Ask him there's a good thing to ask for the filling of the Holy Ghost Lord. Give me wisdom Give me knowledge. Give me understanding. Give me the Holy Ghost Give me that power that he that I can have through him You know, God just wants to hear you ask sometimes So it's kind of like this father-son relationship father-child relationship You know when I come home my kids they get excited believe it or not You know I walk in the door and like they'll they'll hear the key sometimes that they wreck hear the van door or whatever the car door They'll they'll get there already know that's you start to recognize the sound of your like when I growing up We had a gravel driveway And I would hear my mom's I could hear the tires hit the driveway my mom's home now admittedly I wasn't as excited as my kids. It's probably like trying to hurry up get the chores done. You know in like 30 seconds You know look like I'm doing my homework. Oh, hey mom You know, but when I fortunately I my kids aren't as rotten as I am or was You know when they hear me they get excited. They don't get they're not afraid You know, I walk in the door and Heather Ann's already, you know, doing her little scoot thing all the way over there You know and I walk in You know and then she's following me around the house smacking me on the legs. Why cuz dad's home, you know, there she goes Just like that they get excited now, how would I feel as a father if I walked in and they just all had you know Just completely ignored me You know Karen's there on the couch reading her book like she always is I walk in. Hey, I'm home Nothing You know Heather's not interested Corbin's too busy playing. I mean I walk in they're all right there dad dad dad You know, that's special. That's dear. We love that as parents You know, that's from the so that's like the best part of our day. It's often, you know And change, you know, it makes it all worth it You know that the hard day that we just put it at work you come home. Oh, that's why I did that for them All right, but what if I walked in and they're just like So how did you get did you get you're not gonna get fired are you or did you put in a good day at work? You know Did you get enough hours in this week dad, you know, we're hungry here, you know, or just completely ignored me How would I feel? Especially considering the fact that I know that they need me That I'm not optional that I have what they need and that without me life is gonna be very hard for them It's the same way with God, you know, there's things that we need from God but we're gonna ignore him and God it wants to bless us and give us all these things and always asking is just let me hear you say it Let just just let me just can you just talk to me for a little while Just so I can hear you say it because I actually just think about God wants to hear from you I just want to hear you say it That's the purpose of prayer So that God isn't just this ignored person in his own house Being ignored by people whether they realize it or not that need him in their life So we'll just conclude here if you're you're there in Luke 11 You know, it's assumed that we'll pray if you read the scriptures it says there in verse 1 in Luke 11 verse 1 And it came to pass That as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased one of them his disciples said unto him Lord teaches to pray as John also taught his disciples verse 2 and he said unto them if you pray So he said said when you pray It's assumed Jesus is assuming you guys are gonna pray I mean, why would you be asking me how to pray if you're not going to? When you pray that's when not if You know, and maybe the reason we're not praying at least as often as we should or if not at all Maybe we're not praying And maybe the reason behind that and let's not forget what happens when we don't pray It's not just that we don't get the things we need that God goes unacknowledged in our life on a personal level Like a child ignoring his father in his own home That's what it's like, you know, maybe the reason why God's going unacknowledged in our personal lives is Because we never really understood the purpose of prayer to begin with that. It's not just all about us getting things That God is actually a lovingly Heavenly Father loving Heavenly Father who wants to just hear us say it That's the purpose of prayer that you could have a relationship with God. That's not all one-sided. Let's go ahead and close the word prayer