(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, thanks for coming everybody, we'll go ahead and get started tonight if you want to turn over to song number 459. Song 459, Ferris, Lord Jesus. Song number 459 tonight. Ferris, Lord Jesus, Lord of all nature, hold thou of God and build us up. He will I cherish, He will I honor, help my souls for a joy and pride. Here are the shadows, there is still no other place, hope in the blooming harvest will come. Jesus is fairer, Jesus is pure, who makes the woeful heart to sing. There is the sunshine, there is still more light, in a twinkly starry heart. Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer, than all the angels there can boast. Beautiful Savior, Lord of all nations, Son of God and Son of man. Glory and honor, praise and oration, new and forevermore be thine. All right, let's go ahead and open up the word of prayer. Dear Lord, again thank you for the opportunity to come into your house and to hear your word preached. Lord, I pray that you would just bless us for having me tonight and Lord that you would serve us as we ask that we bring honor to you in Jesus' name, Amen. All right, we'll go ahead and sing our next song. We're going to sing song number 66 at Calvary. It was crucified, long in God it was for me, he died on Calvary. Mercy there was great and grace was free, pardon there who longed to lie to me. There my burdens sold my liberty in Calvary. Like that sword it clasped my sin I heard, then I trembled and the Lord expired. Till my guilty story glory turned to Calvary. Mercy there was great and grace was free, pardon there who longed to lie to me. There my burdens sold my liberty in Calvary. All of the true salvation's playing, all the praise the heart had come to give. All the righting of the God raised me, take Calvary. Mercy there was great and grace was free, pardon there who longed to lie to me. There my burdens sold my liberty in Calvary. Now I give to Jesus every key, knowing that He only has my key. Now my rights are spoken only, sing of Calvary. Mercy there was great and grace was free, pardon there who longed to lie to me. There my burdens sold my liberty in Calvary. Thursday's at seven we're going through the book of Psalms being chapter 12. Below that we have the Churchwide Soul Winning, Salvations, Baptisms, Offering Totals for the Month and Year. We'll count up the Salvations going back to it'll be Friday and then Saturday. I don't know if the group went out on Saturday or not and then on Sunday today didn't have anybody but we definitely got to knock on some doors and plant some seed. Over on the right hand side the coffee and donuts from this morning which I believe there's still a few back there if you don't object to a slightly stale donut you're more than welcome to still have one but they're there they were in honor of everyone celebrating their birthday in March and now now that he's here he's I'm busted I forgot Jojo so apologize for that Josiah. Anyway we'll get to next year all right and then below that we got the small town soul winning trip we had 19 soldiers and 15 salvations I was told I said five it actually was 15 that's not a misprint so we're getting done out there so if you ever want to participate any of those just let me know and I'll get you set up we got one next week going out to Globe on Saturday not Friday and I know there's just typos all over the place but bear with me and so if you want to go just let me know below that today is the deadline to recite Psalm 68 so the clock is winding down on that you're coming into the the midnight hour so if you can get that done go ahead and sign up on the sheet back there below the painting and get that special prize on the back the home school field trip to out of Africa wildlife park has been rescheduled for Thursday March 18th if that's something folks down here want to participate in please just RSVP either through myself or if you have contact Mrs. Furbay not Furbay Forte let her know as well and then below that just a couple of notes to take there of the upcoming small town soul winning trips and of course the Tucson camping trip I'll have a sign-up sheet when it the closer we get probably you know a month out or something like that this is just to kind of let folks know ahead of time that's taking place if you need to take time off or make sure you're staying busy in case you don't want to go and need an excuse but anyway you'll know where and when it is we're going to have it up there at showers point we run out the whole site so if you can make it out please come on out and and then we'll have that sign-up sheet out later that's gonna do it for announcements let's go ahead and sing our next song we're gonna go to song 60 face to face song number six zero song 60 is i shall see is is is is all right this time i'll go ahead and pass the offering plate and as the plate goes around you can follow along with brother gabriel as he reads from wherever i told him to read from first peter chapter three first peter chapter three tonight first peter chapter three verse one the bible reads likewise you wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word being won by the conversation of the wise while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of the plating the hair and of wearing of gold or beyond of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great price for after this manner in the old time the holy women also who trusted in god adorn themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands even as sarah obeyed abraham calling him lord whose daughters he are as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement likewise he husbands go with them according to knowledge giving honor to the wife as into the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brethren be pitiful be courteous not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing but contrary wise blessing knowing that ye are there unto called that ye should inherit a blessing for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile let him skew evil and do good let him seek peace and sue it for the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers but the face of the lord is against them that do evil and who is he that will harm you if ye be followers of that which is good but and if ye suffer for righteous sake happy are ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear having a good conscience that whereas they speak evil of you as evildoers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ for it is better if the will of god be so that you suffer for well doing than for evil doing for christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit but which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison which sometimes were disobedient when once the long suffering long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is few that is eight souls were saved by water the like figure where unto even baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward god by the resurrection of jesus christ who has gone into heaven and is on the right hand of god angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him brother elmer would you pray for us thank you lord father god for this uh evening service thank you for this church thank you for bringing brother corbin down to teach to us uh please help us to hear and uh receive the word uh today this evening lord father god in the name of jesus amen amen the title of the sermon tonight is the eternal nature of hell the eternal nature of hell you want to keep something in first peter three but go over to a deuteronomy chapter 32 deuteronomy chapter 32 hopefully you can uh if you're if you're a little tired if you're a little uh sleepy out there tonight you can wake up a little bit and just be ready to just send you to some scriptures uh we're going to turn around quite a bit but uh i'll take it easy on you but uh the first thing i want to point out is the fact that you know hell is a real place and most of christiandom or what would fall under the umbrella of what is considered christianity today would admit that you know it's very rare that you'll find somebody who claims the name of christ that would deny the existence of hell and the reason why that is because the bible just talks so much about hell it says so there's so many references to hell there's so much use of hell i mean it's just a place that's referred to over and over there's really nobody that's going to deny that hell is a real place you know with the exception of the jehovah witness church you know the joe witness church believes some very strange things about hell that it's a place where you just cease to exist that it's destruction and one of the things that jehovah witness church will teach you is that hell that one of their objections to hell and they say oh it's not a real place is because they say oh it goes against the nature of god it's not in god's nature to torment people in hell for all of eternity well that's just not biblical you know that is the nature of god god is a god of wrath god is a god of justice and indignation and he does send people to hell and they are tortured there forever that's why i'm going to get focused more on the fact that hell not only is it a real place it is also eternal there is no escape from it here there if you went to deuteronomy chapter 32 look at verse 22 it says for a fire is kindled in mine anger and shall burn unto the lowest hell and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire the foundations of the mountains so not only is hell a real place but the bible teaches us that it is it is kindled by god's anger the reason why hell exists is so god or the source of hell rather is it's god's anger his wrath being poured out and it says there that it is kindled in his mind anger and shall burn unto the lowest hell so you know sorry jehovah witnesses but you're wrong okay hell is a real place and it is a place of torment and it does not go against the nature of god in fact it exists because of the very nature of god the breath of the lord kindles hell go over to revelation chapter 14 revelation chapter 14 in isaiah chapter 30 the bible says in verse 33 you're going to revelation 14 for tophat is ordained of old yea for the king it is prepared he hath made it deep and large the pile thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the lord like a stream of brimstone doth kindle it he's saying here that it is the breath of the lord that like a stream of brimstone you know you would think about lava flowing out of uh a volcano like a stream of brimstone doth kindle it it says that the breath of the lord is like a stream of brimstone that kindles what it kindles tophat and tophat is a place that was in the valley of the sons of hinum which is often in scripture a picture of or an allegory of hell okay and again so this is another reference maybe a little bit more obscure but that points us to the fact that not only is hell a real place but that it is god himself who kindles hell that it's not against his nature that it's not like god made a mistake and went oops i didn't mean to make hell he was very intentional making hell he kindles hell it is his breath that makes it it is his anger that fuels the very fires of hell you're in revelation chapter 14 look at verse 9 it says in the third beat angel rather followed him saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb so he's talking of course in the end days that those that receive the mark of the of the beast either in the right hand or their forehead that they are going to drink of the of the wrath which is poured out without mixture meaning it's not diluted it is the full weight of god's wrath into the cup of his indignation his anger and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone again a reference to hell and that it is done in the presence of his holy angels and that it is done in the presence of the lamb so to sit there and say that that hell goes against the very nature of god is blasphemous just to to accuse god of somehow being wrong to have created a place like hell is wicked in fact god says not only did i create it that he's actually going to be there now we can't understand with our carnal minds and with our our limited understanding of what exactly how that's going to play out how you could be tormented in the presence of the lamb of the angels and the presence of the lamb in heaven there's a lot to talk about that there but the point being is this is that you know hell is real god made it and it is eternal i want to talk to you tonight about the eternal nature of hell again most people are going even within christendom are going to admit that hell exists because as we just read a few references it's rep it's it's mentioned so much in scripture it's brought up over and over again very few people would deny it but there is this type there is this tendency amongst those that would admit it's real let's say yes hell is a real place there's no denying it then you get into this other false doctrine they teach that somehow it can be escaped that somehow people can go to hell and then get out of it later and you know they like to say that because it kind of sues the conscience doesn't it it's kind of a reassuring to thought that hey maybe somebody went to hell but you know what they're going to get out later and it's not going to be that bad you know one of the worst things about hell is that there is no escape that's probably the most terrifying thing about it is that once you're there you're there for all of eternity okay and and that's it's that way for a reason now some some people that teach that hell is escapable would be the mormon church and also the catholic church they both teach that hell is not permanent now notice there in revelation chapter 14 verse 9 it says in verse 11 and the smoke of their torment those that have been sent and are being uh that are that are being tormented with fire and brimstone the presence of the angels the presence of the land the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for how long forever and ever now if these people somehow could get out later is that an accurate statement to say well the smoke of their torment they would have to read something like the smoke of their torment ascendeth up period or ascendeth up for a short time or a long time it would they could not say that it sends up forever and ever if hell were not eternal in its nature it says they have no rest day or night who worship the beast in his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name so hell tonight is not only real but it is also eternal in nature hell is an everlasting punishment that's what the bible teaches us and if you would go over to second thessalonians chapter three second thessalonians chapter number three keep something again in first peter three tonight we'll be coming back but go to second peter's chapter three this also is a false doctrine to teach that somehow down the road people are going to escape hell hell is eternal it could not be escaped that was the bible teaches and we could go to a few references perhaps you know where jesus taught in mark nine he talking of hell said where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched it never goes out and if thy foot offending cut it off for it is better for thee to halt enter halt into life than having two feet to be cast into the hell into the fire that shall never be quenched Jesus's warning look you don't want to go to hell because the fire there is never quenched it is eternal it will never end proverbs chapter 27 verse 20 the bible says hell and destruction are never full they are never full so the eyes of man are never satisfied it says in isaiah chapter 5 therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure and their glory and their multitude and their pomp hath rejoiced and shall descend into it so the bible says that hell and destruction are never full and it says that hell has enlarged herself meaning that hell has made room for more people right now if people you know if hell is like this turnstile where people are coming and going does it have to enlarge itself is it would it reach a point where you'd say oh now it's full and now we have to get some people out of here thessalonians chapter 3 you say well that's kind of a reach there that's a little bit of you know you stretch it a little bit let's read second thessalonians chapter 3 verse 7 and see how long hell lasts for people that go there it says in verse 7 and to you who are troubled rest with us when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels and flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not god and then obey not the gospel of our lord jesus christ now what does it mean to obey the gospel it means to believe it it means that people that do not believe the gospel are going to be what verse 9 punished with ever lasting destruction who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the lord and from the glory of his power so again how long is this destruction that they're going to take partake in it's everlasting if hell is temporary that is not an accurate statement you cannot say that they're going to be punished with everlasting destruction just as much as we would not say you know that everlasting life hasn't end you know we say that all the time out so many hey how long is everlasting the last people you know i give unto them everlasting life you know and they shall never perish we have everlasting life how long is everlasting oh it lasts forever it never ends well we can't turn around then and say well that that's not a proper way to interpret you know uh second thessalonians three well it says everlasting there you know it needs temporary no friend it's everlasting destruction hell you know one of the most terrifying things about is the fact that it never ends for those that go there mormons in particular are the ones i want to look at tonight and and the mormon the mormon uh church teach that people in hell will be given a second chance you know a lot of times today uh when we out door knocking we're going to these mormon neighborhoods a lot of times you can tell if somebody's a mormon without them even saying it just by some of the things that they'll they'll say at the door you know when i was talking to a young lady just recently and my my inclination was i think this lady this young lady is a mormon and sure enough as i as i started to pin her down about hell and sin and she began to say things like well yeah people go there but they can get their they can work out you know god jesus is going to go there and preach to them and set them free and even people in hell are going to have a second chance now what does it take to go to heaven it requires faith right you know that we are saved by grace through faith you know it's by what we believe now is it does it take much faith to believe in god when you're in hell you think there's going to be anybody in hell going i still don't know this is real i don't know if god exists no they're going to know the instant they end up there everything the bible said is true that's going to require zero faith on their part so how is it that they're then going to be able to go to heaven when it doesn't require any faith at all on their part it's not going to happen you know that's a false doctrine and the mormon church is in grave error in telling people that those in hell are going to be given a second chance now that of course we understand that's not the only place where the mormon church just goes completely off the rails they don't even have the right gospel and they're that's a whole other sermon in of itself but they teach on their own website this is quote what they said quote latter-day revelation speaks of hell in at least two senses first it is the temporary abode in the spirit world for those who are disobedient in more and more in mortality those that were disobedient mortality because again they believe in a works based salvation they say are going to go to a place in hell that is going to be a temporary abode don't worry it's only temporary it only lasts so long and again this is something that you'll even notice among the roman catholics they'll believe this too and i worked around roman catholics i haven't studied a lot of their doctrine but i know enough to know that this is something that they believe that they'll go to hell and they will pay for their sins in hell they'll burn off their sins so to speak right and uh they believe that and you'll leave i've even known catholics that'll say well i know i'm looking at living a wicked life but you know what i'll just burn off in hell anyway and go to heaven and that's kind of that's a crazy thought to even think i mean even if you believe that you would probably think you would want to minimize your time in hell as much as possible because it's so horrible but i've even known them they think oh you know i'm just gonna go out and just commit all this sin and just do that and then i'll just burn it off in hell and i'll go to heaven everything will be fine you know i know it's wicked but i'm willing to pay for it i'm willing to pay the price because they think it's temporary you know it's gonna be quite a shock when they find out it's not that they've been lied to that the catholic church has been lying to them and telling them oh you can just work that off later they'll even say you know when they get around uh remember i worked with one guy and said oh i got i got a gift going on sunday and give confession so i'm gonna live it up on saturday he's talking about all the sin he's gonna get involved in and i'll just confess that on sunday and you know it's and i'm not doing that to just mock them i'm not just doing that to to ridicule people in that you know i'm trying to direct this at the churches themselves you know we should feel pity we should feel remorse for people who believe that because it's gonna be a very rude awakening one day when they wake up and realize that they've been lied to okay and and a lot of people unfortunately i've been duped into these these false religions and told hey yeah hell's a real place but it's temporary it's not that bad and you'll you know you can get out of it eventually so it says here you know that it is a temporary vote for those that were disobedient and mortality in this sense hell has an end that's what the mormon church is teaching their people today the spirits there will be taught the gospel and sometimes following their following their repentance they will be resurrected to a degree of glory which they are worthy of which they are worthy so you say well where are they getting this and they don't really reference any scripture but what from my interaction with with mormons they've always turned to first peter chapter three or they haven't turned there at least they'll know what the first peter three says roughly and this is what they'll cite to build up this false doctrine in first peter chapter three and verse 18 it says for christ also hath suffered once for sins the just for the unjust then he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit by which also he went and preached under the spirits in prison which were sometimes disobedience when disobedient when once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that his eight souls were saved by water now a lot of people will read that and they'll walk away and say the mormon church will say see that's jesus going to hell and preaching to the spirits in prison now does this say anything about hell it talks about a very specific group of people at a very specific point in time but they want to read this and say well jesus is going to go preach to the spirits which are in prison and bring them back and and again he's going to preach to them and they're going to believe the gospel yeah who wouldn't who would not believe the gospel at that point zero faith required it's another thing to get up when we go to a door today and just open up a bible and say do you believe the book that takes real faith but when you're in hell and jesus himself appears to preach the gospel you know you're going to believe it and that won't require any faith that's not what this passage is teaching at all now i'll try my best to kind of break this down i know this is kind of confusing this can kind of throw people for a loop but here's the thing there's a very traditional interpretation of this passage which is correct okay there's a lot of a lot of other ones that are out there that are incorrect and here's the thing about this you say well you can't just base it on tradition but you don't want to just write off tradition either what people have you know orthodox views or traditional views like oh i don't know the virgin birth or the trinity you know these other things that are just orthodox views that we all share even amongst you know you know you know uh you want to say cross denominational or something like that there's some things in the christian faith that are just everyone kind of believes it that way and there's a traditional way that this has been interpreted and i believe it's correct and um and you say well you know they didn't know we don't want to just write off people from from back in the day that you know read the bible studied the bible preached the bible you know they knew what they were talking about it's not like nobody understood scripture until you know we came along or something like that so he says here in verse 19 well let's let's back it up verse 18 christ for christ that also once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but about quickened by the spirit so how are we brought to god we are brought to god by the death of christ right we are he might bring us to god god being put to death he suffered for sins that's how we are brought to god okay through faith and it says but quickened by the spirit and the verse 19 says by which what's the by which referring to remember this is one sentence this is not a separate statement he's saying by which well he's saying by the spirit right he was quickened by the spirit the spirit by which he did what he went and preached unto spirits in prison and people want to read prisoners oh that's hell but that's not what it's referring to it's not referring to hell so the by which is a reference to the spirit meaning jesus preached in the spirit to who the spirits in prison and again that does not mean hell because you know prison often you know you don't really see hell referenced to as a prison okay but we do see sin referenced to as a type of prison or a bondage right what does it mean to be in a prison it means you're bound right you're you're bound in a place you can't be you're not set at liberty you're not free to do whatever you want you are in prison you are bound and i'll just read to you a few verses okay the bible says in hebrews chapter two and delivered them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage the fear of death is a type of bondage that is a type of prison being fallen in sin being a fallen man you know being sinful man that we are we are bound to hell we are already in a type of prison romans chapter 8 verse 21 says because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption you see how the bible it you know uses the word bondage to kind of talk about how we are we are bound by corruption we're bound by sin we are already in a type of spiritual prison from from birth until jesus our redeemer comes and sets us free from the bonds of sin it says in galatians 4 even so when we were children excuse me when we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world but when the fullness of time was come god sent forth his son made of a woman under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoptions of sons now a person goes to prison when they've done what when they've broken the law right we have broken god's law right and we are therefore sentenced to prison spiritually we are already bound okay so these these spirits in prison were what they were disobedient when once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah he's talking about a very specific group of people here so he's going to preach to the the spirits which were uh long suffering and uh were one excuse me when once the long suffering god waited in the days of noah so let's just take a minute and pretend that the mormons are right okay that that jesus went to hell you know and preached to the spirits which were disobedient are they preaching to all of the spirits in hell according to this passage is that who jesus preached to by the spirit no he preached once uh and he preached to those that were disobedient when once the long suffering of god waited in the days of noah so by there if you want to interpret this passage just what you have to then admit that what they're saying is is that jesus went to hell and preached the spirit but only to those that were disobedient times of noah sorry everybody else everybody else that died from noah onward not for you this is oh you see what i'm saying there that's what this passage is saying is that jesus went and preached to the spirits which were once disobedient in the days of noah a very specific group of people so do you think that's what it's saying is that he went to hell and preached to just the people in hell that died in noah's day that died in the flood not at all and we'll get to what he means here in a minute these spirits in prison they were disobedient in the days of noah meaning they disobeyed noah's preaching and that's how jesus preached to them now some people say well maybe jesus went back and it was like an old testament appearing of christ like christophany where he showed up in the days of noah and literally preached to those people or it could mean what the bible says in second peter two that that noah was a preacher of righteousness you know noah was a preacher you know and he preached for those hundred plus years while the ark was preparing that's why it says in the long su- you know when once uh uh uh once the long suffering of god waited and he said there's going to be a flood the rain's coming you need to you need to get on the ark and you know what that was the long suffering of god and that was when jesus preached to these people through a preacher of righteousness named noah okay that's i believe the proper interpretation of this passage and here's another thing you say well i don't know about the prison thing but think about it if you're living in noah's day whether you realize it or not you are in a type of prison in the sense that there's no escaping they are there's no escape they are on a planet that is going to be absolutely drowned in water and everyone that's anyone that's not on the ark is a goner so you can kind of see again how that is a reference to a type of prison isn't it doesn't necessarily mean hell now is hell a type of prison sure but that just doesn't line up with scripture that jesus went and only preached to a certain group of people in hell and somehow they got let free you know what that is it's a really nice thought isn't it but it's just not scriptural it's not reality and as much as that might soothe some people's conscience you know what it's not biblical and our job is always to be biblical and to preach the word for what it says with no apology and here's the thing this understanding that jesus preached to the people in noah's day when when god was long suffering right that fits with the context of that passage of first peter three because that's what first peter three is about is about being long suffering you know submitting you know to wives submitting their husbands husbands loving their wives loving his brethren you know it's all about love and patience and understanding and long suffering right and he uses christ as that example of long suffering then it would make no sense for him to just say it's all it's all about long suffering and patience and oh yeah by the way it's this really obscure doctrine where jesus went spirits in hell for two verses and then just jump back into it that would be a huge doctrine i mean think about it if if jesus went to hell and preached to people there and they're going to get saved and we're going to be delivered from hell don't you think there'd be more than two verses in the bible about it don't you think we'd have a little bit more clearer scripture it's just not what it means at all it's it's it's a it's a gross interpretation of it it's not correct so this understanding that jesus was preaching to those in those ways that fits the context but that's not what the mormons believe today they believe that hell has an end in the sense that people are going to be released from hell and the bible does not teach that it goes on in their website it says those who will not repent but are nevertheless the son's perdition will remain in hell through the millennium after these thousand years of torment they will be resurrected to a terrestrial glory look there's not going to be if this were true there wouldn't be a single person who wouldn't repent who in their right mind would not repent you know those that will not repent they're saying when jesus goes and preaches the spirits in prison you know and people are going to get delivered but those that don't repent you know they're going to stay there for another thousand years do you think anybody in their right mind would say no i'm good it's ridiculous if you're if you're in hell and you've been there for who knows how long you've been there for a second and jesus shows up and preaches to you and say hey you want to believe on me and get out of here who wouldn't take that you know it's ridiculous to think that anybody would stick around no i'm good i'll hang out in hell and it says second so this is their you know they're saying hey hell you know uh hell the latter day revelation speaks of hell in these two senses the second sense is it is the permanent location of those that are who are not redeemed by the atonement of jesus christ now of course there's a grain of truth to that right we understand that people go to hell because they have not believed on christ because they are sinners right in this sense hell is permanent it is for those who are found filthy still this is the place where satan has angels and his sons of perdition who have denied the son after the father has revealed them will dwell eternally now i don't know what they mean when they say that you know after the thousand years those that didn't repent will be resurrected to a telestial glory i don't know if they mean that then they're going to be judged again but you know hell hell is is permanent because you know both hell today which is in the center of the earth and the lake of fire are both referred to as hell okay they're both hell when you say hell you can eat those places now i do believe that there are going to get a very brief those that are in hell today will get a very brief reprieve from it for just a moment before they're cast in the lake of fire and that's in revelation chapter 20 if you want to go there and look i know this isn't a pleasant subject i know this isn't what we always want to hear but this is the bible tonight and we need to we need to be reminded of these spiritual truths because of the fact that they are very sobering and they should motivate us to want to win souls and not only that to be grateful the fact that we're not going there that we've been saved you know there's nothing special about us folks you know if you're saved it's because jesus died for you and that's it and you put your faith in him and before that we were all headed here you know and if you're not saved tonight this is a good reason to get saved because hell is real and hell is permanent and there's no escaping it and the bible teaches that people go from hell to the lake of fire which are again both referred to as hell but it says in revelation chapter 20 verse 4 and i saw thrones and they that sat upon him and judgment was given unto them and i saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of jesus and for the word of god in which had not worshiped the beast neither his image neither had received the mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with christ a thousand years but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection so the people you know of course you know that are dead in christ when christ returns we're going to be resurrected in a moment and twinkling and i you know they're going to be with christ and then and then we which are alive remain shall be caught up together with them and so shall we ever be with the lord but the rest of the dead those that died without christ are going to stay in hell for a thousand years and then when the thousand years are finished that's when we're going to have what's called the great white throne judgment it says this is the first erection blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of god and of christ and shall reign with him a thousand years jump to verse 11 this is that same time same time period at the end of the thousand years and i saw a great white throne and him that said on it from whose face the earth and heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and i saw the dead small and great stand before god and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works so this is talking about the people that are then resurrected out of hell and what are they judged by they're judged by their works and isn't it ironic so many people today if you talk to them and say well how do you know you're going to heaven by being a good person by keeping the commandments by doing what by doing works and unfortunately those are gonna be the very things that condemn them they're gonna be judged by their works because you know it's it's you know there's gonna be there's a lot of bad things that people do too we all commit sin and you can't you can't balance not like you can tip the scale in your favor or something like that we all understand that verse 13 it says and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire and here's the thing about that you know i really want to focus in on those last few verses where it says and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire so you're talking about a group of people that have been in hell for a thousand years at least you know if they died at the beginning of millennial reign if they died at the second coming of christ you know they've been there at least a thousand years but there's people that have been there over two thousand years there's been people there that have been there since you know the beginning of time that have been there over six thousand years there's been people in hell this entire time in torment and they've been there for all this time that's a long time and then the bible teaches that they're going to be resurrected at the great white throne and i've and i've heard other interpretations and i'm not you know maybe they're right but some people say that somehow when they're standing before god that they'll still be on fire that they'll still be in that torment i personally don't believe that i believe that they're going to have a moment's reprieve to stand before god to have their senses to understand what's going on and then to be judged out of the books that are opened and to be found guilty and look every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god in that day you know you can do it now or you can do it then at the great white throne and you know they're going to say the same thing and they're going to say the same thing that peter said when jesus came i am depart from you lord for i am a sinful man there won't be any denying the fact that they're a sinner they won't be any denying the fact that god is righteous and they will confess that jesus christ is lord and they'll have to say to themselves and they'll understand on that day that god is right and that they deserve to be where they were but here's the thing it says they were cast in the lake of fire you know i believe they're gonna they're gonna be shown everything they're gonna be found guilty it's gonna be indisputable they won't have anything to say back there won't be any pleading the knee will bow the tongue will confess and then as much as they're going to want to stay they're going to be cast into that lake of fire so yeah hell might not be eternal in the sense that you know the literal the physical location the center of the earth stops for a moment and then it's cast into the lake of fire the outer darkness but it's still hell it's still torment it's still you know this terrible place and they're going to stand there before god and they're going to be cast and like you know what says cast because he's not just going to say all right go over there okay then go to lake of fire now they're going to have to be a drug over there kicking and screaming and cast in lake of fire and that's a you know and again this isn't the pleasant thing that we'd like to think about and i'm not trying to give people nightmares or anything that but this is reality this is the bible that i'm preaching tonight and say i don't know if i like that this is very sobering good it should be it should sober us up to think about the fact that are going to be people that stand before god one day are found guilty after having just spent thousands of years in hell and have a moment's break be able to just catch their breath for a second and then have themselves judged and then be taken by the angels and cast in lake of fire once and for all and here's the thing about that you know i believe that we'll be there we're going to sleep we're going to witness this happen you know we'll be there in heaven with him we'll be sitting on those thrones we'll be part of that assembly and they'll probably be people that we know we'll see our loved ones we'll see our friends we'll see our co-workers we'll see people that we knew to fire you know i i don't know how i'm going to take that you know that should motivate us you know it'd be a terrible thing if we sat here and you know to my shame i'm sure there's going to be people that i'm going to have to look at and say man why didn't i preach him the gospel why didn't i preach that guy the gospel i had a chance i i was alone with him in the work vehicle you know i had a moment where i could have at least asked if he wanted to hear it but you know what out of just shame and embarrassment i never said anything i didn't want to be known as one of those christians i didn't want to you know i didn't want any reproach but now that guy is you know gonna have to suffer you know that's that's a heavy burden to bear and that's why the bible says that god shall wipe away all tears it might not just be tears of sorrow it might be tears of shame and guilt that we feel for our part the things that we the other when we dropped the ball and didn't preach the gospel was that god's the one casting in the hell yeah but god's the one that came and sacrificed his own son god's the one that came and bled and died and lived a righteous life and did all the hard work all he wants us to do is just tell him that's it can you at least just do that and tell them so that you don't have to see that happen someday somebody you love be cast in the lake of fire you know the the permanent nature of hell should compel us to save others it should compel us you know we it's important that we understand the doctrine tonight it's important that we know where the mormons are wrong where the catholics are wrong where the jw's are wrong that's good well you know more than that rather than just being biblically sound having the right doctrine we should do something with it it should compel us to go out and reach the we should do something with it it should compel us to go out and reach the lost with the gospel the bible says if you would go over to proverbs 15 there'll be a quick sermon tonight but go to proverbs 15 we'll close there the bible says in jude and if some have compassion making a difference and others saved with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garments spotted by the flesh you know there's some people we should save with fear you know that's not what the mormon church is doing tonight that's not what the roman catholic church is doing tonight you know that's not what they're doing when they say oh hell's hell's not permanent they're taking the fear out of it they're saying oh it's bad i mean if you can avoid it by all means pray the rosary you know keep the sacraments you know uh do whatever the you know learn the handshakes or whatever the mormons do i don't know nobody knows because they do all that closed doors whatever weird stuff they get into do all their mumbo jumbo if you know if you can if you can find time to fit in your busy schedule you know at least shorten that time in hell up as much as you can what are you doing when you do that when you take the permanent the eternal nature of hell away from it you take away the fear because look it's it's it's scary right it's frightening to think about being in hell being tormented you know in a bottomless pit where there's no up or down or left or right with all these other wicked people who are just being punished i mean you know it's not just going to be your unsaved neighbor it's going to be all the reprobates and everybody else that's hated god that through all the thousands of years you're going to be there that's going to be your your company that's going to be rubbing shoulders with it's a terrifying thing but the most terrifying thing of all is the fact that once you're there you never get out that's the most terrifying thing and it's something would save them with fear pulling them out of the fire well that sounds scary it's supposed to be you know the the hell should should scare the sinner to christ god made it so terrifying that they would go running and in the other direction save me and that you know what jesus is there with open arms i'll save you i've done everything and there needs to be done and here's the thing you know we we don't like to be reminded of sermons like this you know and i'll be a perfect glance i'm not a big fan of preaching it but it needs to be preached you know i went through the sermons i said have i preached this down here you know what i hadn't i'm sure i've talked about hell but i don't think i've ever preached a sermon on hell from this pulpit and we think oh you know i don't really want to preach that it's not a very pleasant topic to start out you're weak you know it's not a very pleasant topic for us to dwell on to think about but it's one we need to think about and as much as we might not like it i want us to consider the fact that god sees it all the time look if it bothers you don't you think it bothers god the bible says that he made hell for the devil and his angels that was the original intent but when man fell god being a righteous god has to punish sin and that's how he punishes sin you know and we even say well that's not fair but who are we to reply against god who are we to say well you shouldn't do it that way isn't there another way can you at least make it you know can you at least make a way out let's just change things in his word and just see if we can twist passages like first peter three and make it say something that's a little bit more soothing to us but here's the thing the bible says that hell is naked before him and destruction hath no covering you know we don't often think about hell like we are tonight probably we probably don't sit and dwell on the fact that hell is this terrible place and that it never ends and that one day that people that are there are going to be judged by god and cast a lake of fire for all eternity we probably don't dwell on that thought because it's not a very present one but bible says that hell is naked before god that it hath no covering that god sees hell every single day and he sees people going into hell every single day you know the people estimated like every four seconds someone dies just every four seconds some other soul is just slipping off and you turning every four seconds just someone dying how many of those people do you think knew christ just every four seconds another soul just god sees it we don't think about it very often but god sees it just over and over again all day every day month after month week after week hell hath no covering and god just sees it as like this just i mean imagine what it is to him just this flood of souls just pouring off over to eternity into hell so before we go i don't know about that you know just consider that god sees it every day and it's not like god is calloused it's not like god is cold-hearted it's not like god doesn't care god does care look at proverbs chapter 15 verse 11 it says hell and destruction are before the lord hell and destruction are before him they're they're open they're naked it has no covering how much more the hearts of the children of men how much more the hearts of the children of men hell and destruction are before the eyes of the lord and he sees everybody dying and going there how much more the hearts of the children of men as much as he sees that he sees the hearts of men he sees the sons of man he says i want to save them and he did and you know what he did he sent his son to do that and he's done everything that he needed to do on his part to save everyone he's not willing that any sheparin he's asking us is just go and tell him go and you know what tell us real it's permanent tell tell the the deceived that you believe in a false gospel and i'm not saying in a haughty way i'm saying in a humble way i'm saying in a way that was that the desire to see them and god sees them as another soul for whom he died you know the the permanent nature of hell should compel the lost to get saved but how should they hear without a preacher and how should they preach except they be sent you know telling people just telling and here's the thing you know why why is this important why is it important we understand the eternal nature of hell tonight because if you tell people that hell is not it is is is not permanent they'll take that deal they'll take it they'll say well then i won't believe on christ you know what if it if it's if it's not permanent you know i'll believe on him when i get there and i'll just you know have my fun whatever that means and just live my wicked life and just fulfill the lust of the flesh and and and i'll deal with my sin you know and i'll go to hell and then i'll believe on christ there and i'll go to heaven so if we go around telling people that they can get out of hell later they're going to take you up on that but if we go to them and say look hell's permanent that you have this one life to believe on christ and that's it and you could die tomorrow no one's guaranteed tomorrow right you know you know not what a day we shall bring forth if we told people that you know what we'd be doing we would be happy that would be the compassionate thing to do and we would be saving them with fear pulling them out of the fire that eternal fire which is hell let's go ahead and pray your lord again thank you that lord you brought us to this realization lord through your spirit through your word through a preacher who came to us through somebody who told us the gospel that showed us that we're sinners that we deserve hell but that you loved us and then you died for us thank you lord that uh the eyes of our understanding were open and lord i pray that you'd help us to make it our life's work to go out and to tell others lord there's no other thing we could do with our lives besides preach the gospel that has more significance there's nothing more important than we can do than go to tell others that you've died for them and lord we understand that it's up to them that they have to make that decision but lord at least help us to do our part so that a day where we see those souls stand before you we can know that we've at least done our part as you've done your part we just pray and ask now you bless us as we go christ say we pray amen amen all right we'll sing one more song before we go tonight song number 207 song number 207 only a sinner song number 207 seems this is my story Only a sinner, save my grace. God sends coalitions to involve my heart, Causing my footsteps when God gave my heart. Jesus, help me, may be my case. I'm now and a sinner, save my grace. Only a sinner, save my grace. Only a sinner, save my grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner, save my grace. Tears from the veil in the mirror in my eye. Mercy can save me, or else I must die. Sick and hungry, fearing God's grace. But now I'm a sinner, save my grace. Only a sinner, save my grace. I'm only a sinner, save my grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner, save my grace. Stuck to a sinner whose heart overpose. I'll be the sinner to tell what we lose. Once more to live, what I embrace. I'm only a sinner, save my grace. Only a sinner, save my grace. Only a sinner, save my grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. I'm only a sinner, save my grace. Alright, thanks for coming everybody, we are dismissed tonight. Thank you. I'm only a sinner, save my grace. I'm only a sinner, save my grace. This is my story, to God be the glory. Copyright © 2020, New Thinking Allowed Foundation