(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] weekly the weekly bible memory passage so the kids got uh you know until next sunday to get uh this passage here memorized if you memorize it word perfect to a non-relative adult then you can go ahead and collect yourself an ice cream bar out of the freezer on the back don't forget we have our monthly mexico monday which is tomorrow so that's the first monday of every month brother sagura uh from faithful word tempe comes down with the group he usually stops by here around nine o'clock use for a quick bathroom break anybody that wants to go uh can can get hop in the van there we'll take you down to nagales you can go soul winning and uh we'll feed you we'll get you lunch and dinner so if you want to do that it's kind of it's longer it's a it should say nine i always do that because i copy and paste it from the tempe bulletin it says seven to ten that's for the tempe people so you think you have it hard you know you're closer to tucson or you're closer to nagales so it's actually going to be nine to like seven or eight for you okay so ignore that that mistake there in the bulletin that's what happens when you do the bulletin at like nine o'clock at night you just start you got to just get it done all right and then below that don't forget we are still doing operation confiscation that's what the metal wastebasket is up here we are king james only baptist church we believe that the king james is the inspired inerrant and preserved word of god for english-speaking people and i've been preaching a whole series about that the last few weeks i'm kind of putting that series to rest for a while just because there's some other things i want to preach but if you have any questions about that you always go to our website and look that up but you know we believe that these false versions need to be replaced the king james version so when you're in your personal life out soul winning you can replace a false version with the king james version you can take the paperbacks that we provide the paperback bibles they're everything back there is free you're welcome to it as much as you need and you can swap that out with somebody and bring back their false version sign your name in it here and throw it in there and then at the end of the year we'll go through it and we'll count up who's got the most and whoever's got the most can collect uh the king that came one of the cambridge bibles that are under the pulpit here so i've got three brand new cambridge beautiful bibles for those who can collect the most replace the most they can do the most conference skating so that's uh that's going to be it for announcements we'll go ahead and sing one more song oh i wanted to say too uh thanks for everybody who came out to the movie night and made that a great night i think that went really well so um you know the mess was about what we expected right just it was just fine you know much much you know the by you know where no oxen is the the or the the stall is clean but much increases by the strength of the ox right so when you got a dirty stall it's because you got an you got some animals getting some work done right so it was a good thing to see uh but uh i definitely want to do it again i didn't put it in the announcements but i meant to we'll be doing our next one april 1st okay which is friday april 1st we're going to do uh the one past the the documentary pastor anderson made professing themselves to be wise idiot scientists and it's a really entertaining film it's about 45 minutes long and if you haven't seen it you know it's a great time to see it come on out and uh we'll probably it's a it's a shorter one so i'm trying to find another 45 minute one that we could maybe sneak in there too but just keep that on your radar and thanks again everybody for coming out and making that a great night friday night that's going to do it and come up and uh we'll have more song before going to preaching is right Oh Right Oh Jesus Oh First one about I See Here Father Amen so the title of sermon this morning is shameless and blameless shameless and blameless and really the point I'm trying to make is that if you want to get to the end of your Christian life When you meet God and not hang your head in shame or to be blameless You have to you know live a life That's not shameful about the Word of God in order to be blameless on that day. You have to live a life That's shameless regard regarding the Word of God We can't be ashamed of the Word of God in the day and age That we're living in and look we're living in a day and age where people want Christians. They want preachers They want God's people to be ashamed of what the Bible actually teaches You know and we as God's people should not be ashamed of anything that the Bible teaches You know if the Bible says it I believe it, you know if the Bible says it, you know, God wrote it That's good enough for me That has to be our attitude if we want to get to the end of this life and meet God and not Be found, you know to be found blameless before him, you know to not have to have him wonder You know what we did with the talents that he gave us that we didn't go and hide it in the earth We didn't apologize for God's Word, you know, we need to preach God's Word believe God's Word without apology Okay, and again, we're living in a time when people they want to make excuses for the Word of God They want us to apologize to the Word of God, but you know, that's not what we see in Scripture You don't see great men of God accomplishing things for the Lord by tiptoeing around what the Bible says by handling people with kids gloves and And you know and being ashamed of God's Word Okay, we need to be we need to be shameless if we want to be blameless you're there in 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 look at verse 6 Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 6 nevertheless God that comfort of those that are cast down comforted us by the coming of Titus and Not by his coming only but by the consolation wherewith he was comforted in you When he told us your earnest desire your mourning your fervent mind toward me So that I rejoice the more now you remember 2nd Corinthians is a follow-up letter to 1st Corinthians And if you've read 1st Corinthians, you know, that's one long scathing rebuke of the 1st Corinthian Church You know that a lot of things they weren't doing right in the in the church of Corinth You want to learn what not to do in church? Just go read 1st Corinthians Okay, there was and one of the major things that they were doing is they were tolerating certain sins within the church you know the Bible teaches that there are certain sins that if a person's found guilty of They are to be put out from the local assembly until they get it, right You know fornication drunkenness covetousness idolatry extortion there are certain sins that if you're found guilty of You know you're to be as Paul said delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh and the whole purpose of that You know Church discipline Which is something that's gone completely by the wayside today is something that people are ashamed of in God's house today Though we practiced Church discipline here I'm not ashamed of that because 1st Corinthians 5 teaches Church discipline and other passages as well You know the purposes of that is that when people would go out that are found guilty of those sins You know they would get right with God, and they could be restored unto the body You know and live a godly life and get that sin out of their life Now yet remember that's the context in which he's writing 2nd Corinthians You know he's writing 1st Corinthians, and he's you know he's just rebuking them for the sin That's taking place in there the fornication which is not so much as named among the Gentiles He said in 1st Corinthians 5 that one should have his father's wife I mean, this is how out of hand things have gotten in the house of God But he's talking here in 2nd Corinthians 7 about the fact that when Titus came back You know they were comforted by the report that he brought He said he was comforted in you when he told us you know Titus your earnest desire your mourning What were they mourning about they were mourning about the fact? You know that they got busted that Paul called them out on the carpet and said hey you need to fix this you're wrong Here you know they mourned about it your fervent mind toward me You know he found out about from Titus about how he came back to the report said man They're they want to get right with God. They love you Paul They they took the correction well, and they they avenged themselves You know of that sin it says so that I rejoice the more okay, so he's saying look when I heard the report I was glad I rejoiced the more, but notice verse 8 He said he rejoiced the more for though I made you sorry with the letter I do not repent though. I did repent So you know repent just means you know he he he wanted to have a change of mind about it, right? He said I made you sorry with the letter Even though I hurt your feelings Even though I wrote a letter that you know you know chapped your hide even though I preached some things to you that you didn't like he says you know what I don't repent. I don't repent about it I'm glad I wrote that letter You know he wasn't ashamed of what the Word of God said he wasn't ashamed of the things that he preached and taught He said though I I do not repent though. I did repent. You know he repented after he wrote it because he felt bad It's not like you know people have this misconception about you know preachers You know especially Baptist preachers, especially you know hellfire and brimstone Baptist preachers that you know We somehow enjoy getting up and just you know preaching all the hard things of the Word of God You know it'd be a lot easier just to do 40 days of grace or 40 weeks of grace It'd be easier to just focus on all the nice things in the Word of God and never touch anything You know that might upset somebody you know that make my job a lot easier You know you know it's hard when you get up You just have to rip face and people making faces at you, and you wonder are they ever going to come back You know that's it. They're going to walk out the door They're never going to come back to this church But you know that's not my job my job isn't up here to you know and see which way the winds are blowing You know try to win some kind of popularity contest my job as a preacher as Paul told Timothy is to preach the Word to be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering And doctrine for the kind will come when they will not endure sound doctrine But shall heat to themselves teachers having itching ears saying look you got to preach the word Don't get up and preach. You know your opinion don't get up and preach. What's popular He said preach the word just stick to the Bible preach whatever it says in season out of season What does he mean when it's popular when it's not when people like the preaching when people don't like the preaching? You know Baptist churches like this used to be a lot more popular You know did you notice that if you were here Friday night when we were watching them that movie the trailers were the Baptist Church Has had huge congregations. I mean little country churches with just hundreds of people are in them You know people used to be you know America was a church going people When a Baptist Church opened up in town people just showed up You know but today it's become less popular hasn't it the message of the word of God has come increasingly less popular It's gotten to the point now where they're even trying to shame people for preaching what the Bible says That's not where to do as preachers We're here to preach the whole counsel the Word of God in season out of season You say look I made you sorry with the letter though. I did that though it hurt your feelings I don't repent he's like I'm glad I did it though. I did repent said I didn't enjoy it I didn't like the fact that I had to tell you about all the sin that was in your church I didn't like the fact that I had to tell you about all the things you were doing wrong and to get him Right, so I didn't like doing it. You know what I had to do it I had to do it Why he said for I perceive that the same epistle you know first Corinthians that hath made you sorry though It were for but for a season now rejoice not that you were made Sorry, it's like I'm not I'm not just up there trying to be a bad guy I'm not just trying to make you feel bad under rejoice that you were made Sorry, but that you sorrow to repentance He said why what I'm glad about is not that I hurt your feelings with that You know I hurt went ahead and hurt your feelings, and you got right You know this is why I'm not ashamed of of the Word of God because hard preaching works You know is it gonna offend some people sure are some people gonna You know hear a message out of the Word of God and and just get all bent out of shape and never come back Sure, they are you know what that's not who I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach the person who has a tender heart who loves the truth who loves the Lord and when they hear the Preaching the Word of God you know they're gonna get right they're gonna get the sin out of their life They're gonna start living for God, and they're gonna do you know great works for God. They're gonna become a soul winner They're gonna live that leave their family for Christ You know that's gonna have so much fruit when you preach the whole counsel the Word of God There is fruit that comes from that it produces something He's that's what Paul said he said look when I wrote that epistle you sorrow to repentance for you were made sorrow Sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage by us in nothing So you see here in 1st Corinthians or 2nd Corinthians 7 then you know that Paul was shameless he preached what without apology You know he does say you know I did repent and made me feel bad I didn't enjoy it, but you know what I'm glad I did it because it got you right with God So he doesn't preach with apology if you would go to 2nd Timothy chapter Number 1 2nd Timothy chapter number 1 Paul said in Romans 1 you're going to 2nd Timothy 1 Said I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek You know we shouldn't be ashamed of God's Word. We shouldn't be ashamed of the gospel We shouldn't be ashamed of being called a Baptist We shouldn't be ashamed of being called a Bible believing back It's we should be ashamed of being a King James only independent fundamental soul winning Baptist Those are all things that I those are those are names that I embrace You know what I don't I don't tip toe around and wonder well If should I tell this person who I really am what I believe no I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it that's the power of God the power of God unto salvation. You know it's the gospel. It's going to get somebody say Why would I ever be ashamed of that? You know and here's the thing people want to cherry-pick out of the Word of God and say well of course I'm not ashamed of the story of Jesus You know a lot of people will claim the name of Jesus, but they're ashamed of everything else That's in the Word of God You know they don't want to go to Romans 1 they don't want to go to Jude They don't want to go to 2nd Peter 2 they don't want to touch the Old Testament with the 10-foot pole They don't they're ashamed of everything else, but they love the story of Jesus look. I love the story of Jesus It's the power of God unto salvation But there's a lot of other things in the Word of God that need to be preached That we cannot be ashamed of you know Paul didn't just write the Corinthians and say let remind you again how to be saved He said let me remind you of everything you're doing wrong in that church So you can get it right you know he preached without apology He wasn't ashamed of the gospel look at 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 11 wherefore Where excuse me weren't you I am appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles For the which cause I also suffer these things Nevertheless I am not ashamed Say look I suffer and boy did Paul suffer Paul suffered a lot of things didn't he? And you say you know what people they try to shame me they try to shut me up They've whipped me they beat me they've imprisoned me they've you know affected my livelihood They've stoned me to death. You know they've tried to kill me You know by not nevertheless. I'm not ashamed. You know Paul never let himself get backed into a corner You know he never apologized well. You know I'm sorry that I he never told the Jews well I'm sorry. I just exposed your false religion I'm sorry I just exposed you for the the Pharisees and the hypocrites that you are for rejecting Christ You know he never apologized for any of that He said nevertheless I am not ashamed why for I know whom I have believed and It persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him Against that day saying I'm not ashamed because I know who I've I believed in you know when you see people who are ashamed of Being identified as a Christian or ashamed of the Word of God or ashamed of the church that they go to Or ashamed of the preacher that they have you know sometimes. I weren't really wonder I wonder how real is your Christianity how real is it? How much do you really know him and whom you have believed? I'm not saying I don't question their salvation I mean it doesn't take but a grain of a mustard faith the size of grain of mustard seed to move a mountain You know whatever the little bit of faith you have if you put it all in Christ. You're saved You know But I really don't think it's second really the reality the spiritual reality of the fact that you're saved and going to heaven you're gonna Stand before God one day has set in with everybody And when I see people who say well you know I don't want to let them know I go to that church Or that I believe that about the Bible, or that's my preacher You know I really wonder you know have you really believed. You know has it really set in with you I mean, I'm not questioning your salvation. I'm just saying like Paul said here He said I'm not ashamed because I know whom I have believed And I'm persuaded that he's able to keep that which I've committed to him against that day He's saying look whatever. I suffer whatever I go through the Word of God I know God's gonna keep me and he's gonna provide for me and at the end I'm not going to what be blamed for being ashamed of the Word of God He's going to be shameless and blameless That's why I told Timothy in verse 13 hold fast the form of sound words Which thou hast heard of me in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus Saying hold on the form of the the form hold fast the form of sound words sound words No whole words good words good doctrine hold fast to the Word of God That's what he's telling don't be ashamed of it Timothy you've seen what I've gone through, you know that I've been a persecuted. You know, I'm not ashamed. You need to do the same, okay? Now if you would go to 1st Corinthians chapter number four keep something in 2nd Timothy But go over to 1st Corinthians 4 keep something in 2nd Timothy go to 1st Corinthians 4 You know, and this wasn't just all talk with Paul you say oh, he's just he's just a big blowhard in the scriptures You know Paul suffered a lot You know we say wow, what a bold preacher But was it because he just got up and wrote these these letters You know his the proof of his boldness is the fact that he was willing to suffer approach You know, it's one thing to say. Yeah, I'm gonna live for Christ and you know, I don't care what happens You know, I don't care if we get protested I don't care if you know the anti I live when the Antichrist comes man I'm gonna be there on the front line standing for Christ. I'm gonna be this this great martyr You know the proof of that is how you're living your life now You know the the I've heard it said, you know, don't tell me they're gonna die for Christ If you aren't living for him, you know if you're not living for Christ now my the chances of you being willing to go and suffer a martyr's death if that ever came is It's me. I'm sorry if I doubt it a little bit. I'm sorry if I am wondering like you can't even get to church You can't even read your Bible and when you do, you know it you're ashamed of it You know you but you're gonna boldly proclaim, you know claim the name of Christ during some persecution if people talk like that Not Paul Paul backed it up didn't he the proof of his boldness is his willingness to suffer approach Our mind is of acts 14 It says in verse 19 and there came further certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium who persuaded the people and having stoned Paul You know, they they stoned him, right? They threw rocks at him until he died and drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead You know there's debate. Did he actually die or not? I don't I don't know. I know we could talk about that later It's not the point but the one things for sure, you know, he took some stones to the head and elsewhere They thought he was dead How be it the disciples stood around about him he rose up and came into the city and said, I'm sorry I'm sorry for everything. I said, I'm done. I'll stop don't do that again No And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derby and when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many They returned again to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch Confirming the souls of disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith that we must through must tribulation enter into the kingdom of God You say look par for the course in stone by the Jews for the things that I preached par for the course Being hated of men, you know hated of all men for Christ's sake par for the course You know what? He didn't do he didn't apologize. He didn't feel ashamed You know what? That's why Paul is gonna stand before God blameless and here well done thou good and faithful servant Because he was not afraid of man You know being ashamed of the Word of God obviously is gonna stop you from preaching the gospel It's gonna keep you from preaching the Bible, you know, you're gonna be one of these undercover Christians Which is you know completely? Against the model that we're given you know We were told to let our light shine before men That no man light at the candle and put on a bushel But he put on a candlestick and giveth light unto all that are in the house So let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven Saying look don't hide under a bushel Don't put you know Put on a candlestick let people know you believe the Bible let people know that you're a bible-believing Christian that you love the Word Of God don't be ashamed of that because if you're ashamed, you know what you're not gonna preach it That's why a lot of people will never go slowly because they're embarrassed. They're embarrassed to knock on the door and ask somebody Confront them and ask them. Do you know if you died today? You're 100% sure you're going to heaven Because they just have all these you know scenarios run through their mind Well, what are they what if they say? What if they get mad at me? What if they slam the door then you just go knock on the next one? Well, what if they say something mean then just go knock on the next one What's the worst thing you're gonna do? I mean it gets to the point you do it long enough It's like it's humorous It's it's like I'm just excited about you know, what what the reaction will be You know, are they gonna get mad? I'm kind of like, you know, they just move on You know what eventually I end up doing is I knock on somebody's door I asked him that question and I say can I show you from the Bible how? Salvation is by grace through faith and not of works Let's any man should both say sure and I could just take them through the Bible and show them what the salvation is and what it isn't and they get saved and They're they're eternally secure in Christ You know, that's worth me being a little uncomfortable in my opinion You know, but if you're ashamed of if you're if you're a little, you know, you don't want to get uncomfortable If you're ashamed of that, you know what? You're you're gonna stand before God and you're not gonna be blameless. He's gonna there's gonna be some blood on your hands There's gonna be some souls that you were responsible for What about the people we just can't reach out so any what about the people you know in your personal life? What about your co-workers and your family members the people that you come in contact with? Are you are you hiding that light? Well, don't let them know I believe the Bible Don't let them know I go to that church. Don't let them know that that's my pastor Don't let them know that I believe this or that about the Word of God Though, you know don't preach them the gospel because I wouldn't want them to think that I'm one of those You know uptight stuffy, you know goody two-shoes Christians Okay, you know go ahead and be ashamed of that. But when you stand before God, you'll have their blood on your hands You'll be blamed for it and say you were with this person every single day You saw them week in and week out you had opportunity after opportunity after opportunity to preach them gospel But you're too ashamed of my word to do it You were too afraid to get a little uncomfortable. I think you know, and here's here's some motivation for you Just think about how uncomfortable Christ was on the cross Every time you get a little some butterflies in your in your stomach and your palms get a little sweaty at the idea of preaching Somebody, you know the gospel just think about the fact that Jesus rides an agony on the cross so that you had opportunity to do that and Then maybe you'll actually preach it in that way. You won't stand before God and be blamed for the souls that you could have reached We can't be ashamed of it or we'll stop. You know, we can't be ashamed of the whole counsel of God We'll stop preaching it You know, that's why men of God who preach the whole counsel of God are standing out Are you know sticking out more and more like a sore thumb these days? Because more and more people are ashamed of the Word of God and they're stopped preaching it and those that actually are still Preaching it. We just we just continue to become more and more odd to the world, you know, so be it You know if I'll become I I prefer to be an oddball in this world. You see how this world's going. I Mean they're embracing some things in this world. I'm sorry. That's odd. They don't even know which bathroom to go in anymore They don't even know what gender they are anymore. That's how confused they are, but I'm supposed to be ashamed It's a bunch of nonsense I had you in 1st Corinthians chapter 4 Look at verse 11 He said even under this present hour we both hunger and thirst and are naked and are buffeted and have no certain dwelling place I Mean, I don't I don't know anybody that could claim any of that I mean, I certainly couldn't say any of that, you know when he's saying hunger It's not he's not talking about it's been three hours since I ate he's not using hunger like hung hangry Right. That's not he's not he's this is he's talking about real hunger like days have gone by maybe weeks Where he's you know scrounging to find a meal He's like look to this present hour. We hunger we thirst we're naked, you know I'm not and I don't think he's talking about he didn't have any clothes. He's just saying look our clothes are so Tattered and torn up that we're exposed to the elements We're buffeted, you know, that's not talking about a buffet. All right That's later, okay, you can do that later He's talking about being eaten for Christ and have no certain dwelling place He's like, I don't you know, I don't know where I'm gonna go. Jesus said the Son of Man had not where to lay his head And he said and you know what they'll be labor He didn't say it. So we're quitting so we're gonna throw in the towel So we're gonna go ahead and apologize for everything He said so we can just you know Get that food and get that clothing and and and have a nice safe and secure life And I said, you know what but we labor working with our own hands being reviled we bless being persecuted We suffer it being defamed. We entreat it We are made as the filth of the world and are the off scouring of all things unto this day Look, if that's the way it was for the Apostle Paul. Why should it be any different for any one of us? And you know what? Well, none of us will probably ever come anywhere near suffering those type of things Well, I doubt you know, you know someone at your work or your family giving you a dirty Look because you believe the Bible that's not exactly making you the off scouring of the world That's not making you the lowest of the low You know and so if you can't get over that You know, don't tell me that you're gonna be this great soul winner for Christ because you're not People that are ashamed of the Word of God will not preach it just stands to reason look at verse 14 I write not these things to shame you He's saying look if you have he's not saying I'm writing this So well, if you haven't done this and you're nothing compared to me, he's not shaming them He's saying but as my beloved sons, I warn you saying look, this is the Christian life This is the Christian life Bible says ye and all they that live godly Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution That means when you see when you see Christians just never suffering persecution Just you know, just never going through any turmoil whatsoever. Never upsetting anybody You know, Jesus said I think not I came to send peace but a sword You know, he said that a man's foes shall be they of his own household He's come to set a man at variance. We know with his own family And he look if you if that never happens in your life Then I wonder are you living godly in Christ Jesus? Because that's what the Bible says all they that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution And Paul's saying here. Look I warn you. This is the Christian life. It's it's persecution. It's suffering. It's being Defamed you know what when you're defamed you got in treat it When you're made as the filth of the and off scarring of all things, you know what you have to say Well, that's that's par for the course That's what Jesus warned us about. That's what Paul said And we have to understand this today because there's a lot of ungodly people a lot of haters of God in this world That want us to change the message They want us to tone things down and not call a spade a spade And not say it like it is that's what they want and it's working folks. They're they've got they've got Christians on their heels They got him backing down and cowering and and and you know, but not here Not here and not in other churches that I know of Not where people who you know are willing to suffer some persecution are found Only godly want people want to change the message. That's nothing new go back to Jeremiah chapter 5 Jeremiah chapter number 5 You know, we're to take the the the the prophets as an example of sufferings What it tells us in Hebrews we're to look to them and say that is an example of what the Christian life is like And look when you actually go read Isaiah you go read Jeremiah go read Ezekiel go read Daniel go read these prophets of old You know their life wasn't a bed of roses There was a lot of suffering. There was a lot of persecution and should be why would it be any different for us today? He said in Isaiah chapter 30 verse 8 now go write it Before that, I know I had you go to Jeremiah He said write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come Forever and ever great verse about God's the preservation of God's Word. They write these down write this down Jeremiah It'll be forever and ever. Okay, that's another subject. This is a rebellious people This is this is the right Jeremiah or what Isaiah was told to write down. This is what's supposed to be recorded forever It's what we still have today. It's the testimony of the people of Isaiah's time. So look, they're rebellious people They're lying children children that will not hear the law of the Lord You know if nothing's changed today We have people who do not want to hear the law of the Lord and you what that Bible calls that rebellious Calls them, you know, they're liars. Oh, we love the Word of God you liar. You hate it You hate it when someone gets up and says thus say it the Lord Don't tell me you love God if you hate the Bible If you say well, I just don't believe that's what that means what that says No, the Bible is very plain about what it says and either you love it or you don't Either you're rebelling against it or you're not Children that will not hear the law of the Lord Which say to the seers and seers just another way of saying prophet, you know preacher Right what they this is what they say these lying rebellious children. This is what they say this year see not and To the prophets prophesy and not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits You know people get to a place they get so far and from the Word of God They rebel so much against the Word of God. What do they end up saying lie to us? people want to be lied to That's why he told them look preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove ebutex work with all and suffering doctrine Why for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine But shall keep to themselves what teachers having itching ears they get to the place. It's like look We just want our ear scratched We just want someone to come and lie to us and tell us that everything's okay that we're right with God that what we're Doing is just fine that this isn't sin that you know, my abomination isn't a sin They're saying look Prophesy unto us right things speak unto us smooth things now notice the wording there out and I know you're not there Okay, so this is what I'm saying. He's saying prophesied unto us right things speak smooth things So what's the you know, what's he didn't say? He didn't say, uh, you know prophesy unto us right things speak unto us wrong things He said prophets not into us right things, but speak unto us smooth things You know that tells me about right things is that they're not smooth Right things are not smooth You know the Word of God is not is not just some this isn't some buttery book That's just you know, this isn't the aloe vera, you know, it's just gonna come and soothe all those You know make you just feel so good all the time. Look there is a balm in Gilead. I get it There's healing for our soul. We can be saved to the grace that isn't Christ Jesus But you know what this book is. It's sandpaper friend. It's not smooth. It's the opposite Right things are the opposite of smooth things. They're rough things. They're hard things Is it because of the word God's mean? No, it's because people prefer lies. It's because people prefer Deceit that's what they want. They want smooth things. They don't want the hard things. They want to rebel They say to them get you out of the way turn aside out of the path cause the Holy One of Israel to cease perform before us Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel because he despised this word and trust in oppression and perverseness and stay there on Therefore this iniquity shall be as to you as a breach ready to fall That's saying look you reject the Word of God You know you want these people to get up and lie to you and prophesy smooth things to you You know what? All you're gonna get is judgment. That's what comes to a people that that that's their attitude prophecy on unto us right things give us smooth things, you know, and that's it might be a real clever way of Wording it but at the end of day what they're saying is lie to us lie to me about what the Bible says lie to me about what the Word of God says and There's plenty of people out there that will fill your ear with lies about the Word of God You know, that's why you need to read the Bible for yourself That's why you should be in your own personal Bible reading, you know you that's why you need to be you know Searching daily whether these things be so don't just trust what the preacher says, you know read it prove it from the Word of God Because you know what? There's plenty of preachers today to say Hey, if I just lie to these people if I just prophesy to them smooth things more people will come You know and that tithe plate will fill up faster You know and I can get finally get that bigger house and that new car and I could spend all that money on me Or I could feel like a big shot because I've just assembled some giant I filled a stadium with people Good are you in Jeremiah chapter 5 verse 30? Look this isn't this Isaiah dealt with it Jeremiah dealt with it Look at Jeremiah chapter 5 verse 30 a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their means and My people love to have it. So You ever wonder why these false prophets get away with it, it's just people love it people love the false prophets You know, they love false prophets. They hate they hate the real man of God They persecute the real man of God, but they love the false prophet because you know what he's gonna prophesize smooth things He's gonna say it and say beloved. Let me tell you about your best life now He's got that perfect smile and that perfect haircut and that nice suit. It's your God just wants your best for you God just want just God just wants them. God's not mad at you beloved Let's just talk about the love of God. Look. I'm all for the love of God We go out and preach the love of God every you know Several times throughout the week when we go out and preach the gospel the people that aren't even you know Don't even see it coming there, you know total strangers to us You know, I'm not trying to get him in here. I'm trying to just preach them at the Word of God We're just trying to get him saved so they go to heaven That's the love of God. Don't tell me about the love We don't preach the love of God around here, but when we get God's people together We got the saved here, you know It's time to get into the the things that are a little less smooth the rough things in the Word of God Because these are the things that are going to you know, have an effect on people's life You know, no one likes sandpaper, but Boyd it, you know, it's it's ironic how it smooths things out, isn't it? It's rough. You know, it doesn't feel go good, you know But you have a piece of wood that's got some splinter is that you take that rough sandpaper and it'll it'll smooth it out It takes a rough something rough to make something smooth You say look my people love to have have it. So Go to Jeremiah chapter 6 You know, and here's here's the point there, you know There's so many people that are clamoring for lies so many people that would just embrace deceit They would just embrace false preaching and just say yeah Give me more right and you know, that could be a real temptation to preachers to say well Let me just give the people what they want You know and to be what ashamed of what the Bible says, you know What then they're gonna they're gonna be they're not gonna be found blameless on that day. They're gonna have to give an account He told Jeremiah the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word Let him speak my word faithfully You've got God's Word then that's what you need to preach Don't preach your opinion. Don't preach what's popular. Don't preach what people want to hear preach my word faithfully Just tell them what the Bible says Because then he goes on and says I love how he ends it. He says what is the chaff to the wheat? What is the chaff to the wheat? You know, the chaff is that which is is worthless You know God's Word is the wheat My opinion my feelings what you want to hear over over what bit, you know, rather than what you need to hear That's just chaff The wheat of God's Word is what needs to be preached, you know, don't be ashamed of the Bible That's the thrust of this message. Don't be ashamed of God's Word today and we're living today and it's important You got to keep preaching this because we're just getting it on all sides today just from every direction People are just oh, you know trying to mock Christianity mock mock the man of God You know mock the Word of God mock God himself and just make it all seem like a big joke and Then people are ashamed to actually say well, I believe the Bible You know who should be ashamed is the wicked They're the ones that should be ashamed The Bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness Ephesians 5 That's what it says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness But rather reprove them for it is a shame to speak of those things which are done of them in secret It's a shame to speak of those things which are done of the wicked in secret You know, but the things that they do in secret, that's not what they show you You know, they just show you They just show you the the happy cup the happy, you know gay couple on On the sitcom so this is what it is. They don't show you what's done in secret. Look. It's a shame You would speak of it. I can't even bring it up But they want us to be ashamed of that, you know, they're the ones that need to be ashamed of their filthy lifestyle It's a shame to speak of those things which are done of them in secret look at Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 13 You know, they're the ones that be out to be ashamed Not the preacher of the Word of God not God's people Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 13 for from the least even to the great under the greatest of them Everyone is given a covetousness and from the Prophet even the priest everyone deals falsely Right. They're just prophesying lies. They're just teaching the people's smooth things. Just telling people what they want to hear They're ashamed of the Word of God and they're dealing falsely They have also healed they have healed also the hurt of my people the daughter of my people slightly Saying peace peace when there is no peace Say oh God's not mad. God's not upset with anything that's going on in this country God's fine with all the abortion and the sodomy and everything else that's going on You know the God and you know condemns in the Bible all repeatedly Old Testament and new God condemns these things God hasn't changed. You know, God said I change not Yet Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever That's just blows my mind when people are like, oh, that's all Old Testament everything you're talking about All that stuff about sodomy and and abortion and all that, you know, and God's God's okay with all that now Have you read Revelation? Have you read Romans 1 have you read 2nd Peter 2 have you read the book of Jude? It's only one chapter Have you read all these other chapters of God is still saying look even a Sodom Gomorrah gave themselves over to strange flesh God has set them forth from an example Suffering to them which should afterward live on godly suffering what eternal vengeance eternal fire saying that's what God thinks of it He doesn't say let me turn you back to Genesis 19 and let's rehash all this again Let's go back to Judges 19 and and and tell you the truth about the side of my again He's saying look I said it once twice I you know We went over all that the Old Testament go to Romans 1 they which commit such things are worthy of death You know and then and then but Jesus just all love today Yeah, except when he comes back in a second coming and just you know wipes people out. Well, God just starts pouring out his wrath And just millions of people are dying, but Jesus just only loved today. It's the same God You know it to me. It seems like the guy the Old Testament is actually you know If you want to if you want to take that approach, you know, God was a little bit more lenient in the Old Testament You know, he winked at some things, you know, but now commandeth all men to repent But you know, that's a whole nother debate. Where were we Jeremiah six? He's you know, don't be ashamed of the Bible The wicked are the ones that ought to be ashamed of the word of what they're doing. We shouldn't be ashamed of the Word of God It's a shame to speak of those things which they do in secret He says they look they've healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace Verse 15 were they ashamed when they committed abomination nay Means no, they shall not they were not at all ashamed neither. Could they blush? You know They got to the point where where they get the where the point where they could just talk Openly about all the filth and disgusting perverseness that they're into and not even blush about it But God's people they say oh, you know, I believe the Bible whoo Preacher gets up you well, you know, I Still think you know, the homosexual lifestyle is a it's a sin Bible calls an abomination Bible says that you know, they would commission things are worthy of death That's what it says folks. I'm not ashamed of that They're the ones that I'd be ashamed They get the place where they can't blush anymore. I Mean you should hear you should go read the comments in some of these YouTube channels Where some man of God gets up and just preaches the whole council where to God and people just go on there and they just mock and ridicule and just blow off their mouth and just say the most blasphemous things and Then they go and they go and they get off and they go live their life and they lay their head down their little Pillow at night and they don't blush They're not ashamed at all of the things that they say that the things that they mock God over Go to 1st Peter chapter 3 Were they ashamed he said in Jeremiah chapter 8 going to 1st Peter 3 were they ashamed when they committed abomination Nay, they were not at all ashamed. You're saying you just read that. No, he said this twice Neither could they blush therefore they shall fall among them that fall in the time of their visitation They shall be cast down sayeth the Lord First Peter chapter 3 look at verse verse 10 first Peter chapter 3 I'll begin reading in verse 10 for he that will love long love life and see good days Let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak. No guy let him askew evil and do good Let him seek peace and sue it for the eyes lured over the righteous and his ears are open in their prayers But the face of the Lord is against them that do it that that do evil, you know, God's not neutral It's not like well if you're right with God that he'll bless you and if you're not ready with God Well, he'll just feel sorry for you. It says he's against them that do evil. That's what we read in Jeremiah Said they were not at all ashamed. You know what therefore they shall be cast down sayeth the Lord He said therefore I'm gonna pour out my vengeance upon them I'm gonna I'm gonna make them ashamed. I'm gonna you know judge them That's what he's saying Look the eyes of the Lord over the righteous and his ears are open their prayers But the face of the Lord is against them that do evil and who is he that will harm you if you be followers Of that which is good You know what? What is he saying there? Don't be ashamed That's what he said who is he that will harm you if you be followed that's what which is good You know if we do with that which is good if we're not ashamed of the Word of God if we live The Word of God if we embrace the Word of God Who's gonna harm us? What are they gonna do? What's the most they can do to us? Maybe that more they'll take my life Okay, well then I'll go to heaven and Paul said to depart and be with the Lord is far better You know as nice as it is things are down here, you know taking me threatening with heaven is not exactly a threat. Oh They'll cause you to lose your job. I'll get another one God will take care of me. Oh, they'll beat you. You know what? Bones heal and you know chicks dig scars Sorry, I shouldn't send that it's like that's an old skater bottle I guess all right, I Guess this is the Christian way to say it scars are cool, right? You know broke me up bruises go away Those things go away, you know if we do good who is he that will harm you Verse 14 but and if you suffer for righteousness sake happy are you and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer saying look don't be ashamed of the Word of God Give an answer to every man that seeketh you of a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear Having a good conscience that that whereas they speak evil of you as evil doers They may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ What's he saying? You have no business being ashamed of the Word of God They have every they they're the ones that should be ashamed That stand against the Word of God that mocked the Word of God that want to shut God's people up They're the ones that have you ashamed not us You know, we're the ones that should not be afraid We're the ones that should give an answer that they may be ashamed should shame them Go to Hebrews chapter 2 Hebrews chapter number 2 Bible says in 1st Peter 4 if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed But let him glorify God on his behalf You know, that's you know, that's why I'm not a I'm afraid of being persecuted You know if I suffer for righteousness sake I'm supposed to be happy about that folks He said don't don't be ashamed, but let him glorify God You know when they beat the Apostles they they went away rejoicing that they were kind of worthy to suffer for his name's sake You were a far cry from that today and so called Christianity, aren't we? Well, they people just don't want to they don't want to rock the boat at all And no wonder our no wonder our country has just gone down into the moral cesspool that it has It's just a gutter of iniquity. That's America today morally if you could see it spiritually We're just it's just it's just a giant gutter of iniquity Just flowing out into all the world just trying to spread its filth all over the world. That's America He's saying look don't be ashamed of Christ Let me just give you some practical application here at the end You know because a lot of this that would apply maybe a little bit more to me as a preacher of God's Word You know, that's my job to not be ashamed of God But just get up and preach the whole Council Word of God and just you know If people get offended they get offended and if people love it, then they love it You know, my job is to not be ashamed but willing to suffer persecution, but you know what you shouldn't be ashamed either You know, obviously you should be ashamed with God's Word that all applies to us But you know for you don't be ashamed of your church Don't be ashamed of the fact that you go to faithful word Baptist Church You know, we whether you realize it or not that name and certain with certain people that will ring a bell You know, I've knocked on doors out here and handed the materials and say pastor Anderson's your pastor And they just blow a gasket and I'm just like, oh, I'm sorry, you know, I didn't realize you were something I said Yeah, no, I'll take the DVD back Yeah, take it. I don't want it. I want to do that guy. All right. See ya Don't be ashamed of your church Are you in Hebrews 2 did I have you go there? look at verse 10 it said it for became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things and Bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings talking about Christ for both he Jesus that sanctify it, you know, he's the one that saves us He sanctifies us forth he that sanctify it and they who are sanctified. That's me and you We're sanctified by the blood of Christ through faith He that sanctify it Jesus and they who are sanctified us are all one For which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, you know, Jesus isn't ashamed to you He's not ashamed to say yeah, I saved that soul. Yeah, I bled and died for him I bled and died for her. I bled and died for that person that person I Saved him. I sanctified that one. I sanctified that one. Oh, I think if I yeah, I think to find that one Does he say that? Yeah, you know I had to after all it's for everybody Didn't have any choice in the matter. No, he's not ashamed of us. He's not ashamed to be called our brethren Saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church. I will sing praise to thee Say look, I'm gonna I'm not ashamed of my church You know Jesus isn't ashamed of his church. Why are you don't be ashamed of your church? And again, I'll put my trust him and again behold I come and I and the children which God have given me Go back to 2nd Timothy where I had you Don't be ashamed of your church He said in Hebrews 11, but now they desire a better country that isn't heavenly Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God God's not ashamed to be our God Jesus isn't ashamed the fact that he saved us and and and purchased his church with his own blood Don't you be ashamed of me there and you know what don't be ashamed of your preachers Now yeah, I said preachers plural You know, I'm the deacon here. Let's the church is under the authority of pastor Anderson Don't be ashamed of him and don't be ashamed of me Don't be ashamed of any man of God that gets up and preaches the Word of God Don't be ashamed of that You know, let me just say this, you know If you are let's just say, you know, you don't want to make waves in your at your in your family at your job Or wherever Don't come tell me about it okay, look if you're ashamed to have if you're ashamed to claim me as your preacher a Pastor Anderson is your pastor if you're ashamed to claim the fact that faithful word Baptist Church is your church Fine, just don't come tell me about it Because I mean think about what do you think I'm trying to do week in and week out to cause you to not be ashamed To go out there invite people to come to church to get soul saved to help the church grow You know and if you're saying that don't come tell me that you're doing the complete opposite Because you know that might just be a little bit discouraging to me Okay, so, you know keep that to yourself if you're if you're ashamed of the church You're trying to avoid it, you know as being identified as a member of this church you feel that way fine Just don't tell me about it. Please. I don't want to hear about it. Look at 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 He said for God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind Well, I'm just afraid you know if they find out well, you know what that's not a spirit that came from God Well, I'm just afraid if they find out that I'm associated with faithful word that you know deacon wrestle You know, he preached that hot sermon and you know I'm just afraid what might happen if my job or my family finds out people at school find out Well, that's you know that you feel that way. Okay that just understand that's not the spirit of God That's not boldness. That's the opposite God has not given us a spirit of peers for your spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind Look at verse 8 be it not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord nor of me his prisoner He's saying Timothy don't be ashamed of me His prisoner, you know Timothy or Paul's writing this from jail And people say oh you're you're you're that guy. I thought Paul around, you know, he's in jail now, right? Like oh, well, yeah, but just because somebody went to jail doesn't mean they did something wrong You know, they crucify Jesus you didn't do anything wrong Don't be ashamed of your preacher He said in verse 16 No verse 15 this thou knowest that they all they which are in Asia be turned away from me There were plenty of people in Paul's life that were ashamed So, you know, we can't have anything to do with Paul. Let's just not associate with Paul We don't want anything to do with him All they in Asia is turned away from me of whom are five jealous and homogeneous That's not the shout-out you want right there The Lord give mercy in the house of anissa forest for he oft refreshed me So, yeah, he's saying look there was all these people in Asia They all turned away from me But you know this one guy and it's a forest he off refresh me and was not ashamed of my chain The Lord grant him verse 17, but when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently and found me You know this guy and it's a forest. He actually went looking for Paul. That's how unashamed he was He's saying I don't care what kind of reputation Paul has among the Jews I don't care what kind of reputation Paul has among the Romans I don't care what kind of you know, reputation Paul has amongst the world the unbelieving the unsafe I don't care about his reputation. He's the man of God. I love him. I'm gonna go refresh him That's what people you know, that's what the man of God needs sometimes You know, he needs people that will stand alongside him and say hey, I'm with you Now people are gonna come and say, you know, did you really have to say that? Did you really have to you know, if you just tone that down a little bit, you know Maybe if you just back off against preaching against the sodomites, you know, maybe just back off a little bit You wouldn't have so much persecution Yeah, but then you know what then I wouldn't be a minister would I that wouldn't be a faithful minister then? I wouldn't have any integrity with Word of God You know, that's what Paul was he had integrity he was willing to suffer He was ready to preach the whole thing You know what and he had somebody that wasn't ashamed of him, but actually was someone that could refresh him You know, it's it's not refreshing when you hear oh, you know, I didn't want to be associated with your church I don't want people to know I went to church there. It's like oh, thanks You want to slap me in the face while you're at it maybe spit on my shoes? Tell me to shut up Look at verse 18 the Lord grant unto him Let me find mercy in the Lord of the Lord in that day and how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well You know, don't be ashamed of your preacher and let me get a little bit more practical Okay, you know and this is for the men, okay, you need to learn to say Amen in church Thank you, see what was that that hard And I know we get it, you know, we have some in here but I And and look I know some people they'll let me they'll start a menning the announcements You know, we have services at Wednesday at 7. Amen. It's like okay. Amen when it counts You know when the preacher gets up and says something hard You know says something that's not popular You know, that's not the time to go. Well, I'm not gonna say it in fact, I Don't want people behind me thinking I agree with that even though I do I don't want my spouse thinking I agree with that even though I do you know what say Amen You know make your Amen's count. I'm just getting like this is a little more practical part of the sermon You want to show some support say Amen You know, it's kind of discouraged you know, because here's the thing. I Have no idea how you're taking the sermons I can't just look at you and say oh they're you know, you can have an idea but sometimes people they just do this the whole sermon They're just frowning And I'm thinking they are not liking the sermon They don't like it. They're never coming back. And then it's those people walk up and go good sermon. I Really enjoyed that You know So I have no it's like I've learned there's just there's no way to gauge how people are taking things based on facial expressions I mean, it's a lot of time to see ladies going this, you know Don't be nodding. Mm-hmm. I Could tell sometimes they want to be the ones But you men, you know say Amen When I say something and you know make it count But when the preacher says something, I mean, I I know that's what I did when I sat out in the pew If I heard the pastor just drop a big old bombshell and everyone was quiet I'd be amen And I'd say it just like that like duh Then anybody else agree with that. I thought we were Baptist here. I thought we believed the Bible. Amen Where'd you know everyone else that was amening, you know, the fact that okay at this time We're gonna go ahead sing a song. Amen You know, they're amening everything else, but then this big old bomb gets dropped by the pastor and it's just like crickets That's why I mean by a make your Amen count, I mean amen whenever you feel the need. Amen But when it's like I'm preaching on, you know, women's roles, you know, I'm preaching on dress standards I'm preaching on just something that you know is just making people bristle You know, that's when I you know want to refresh me, you know, seek me out diligently and give me an amen And let me know that I'm not the old not I'm not taking crazy pills up here And I'm not the only one that believes these things You know, it's just a practical way you could show some support if it was some some some Some some support I'm trying to speak here go to Jeremiah chapter number 12 Jeremiah chapter number 12 Should I keep you something there? Look, you can't be ashamed of the Word of God today And look if you don't have the right perspective about persecution, you will be ashamed If you think that persecution is just something that was reserved for the prophets It's just something the Apostles went through it was just something that was for the early church, you know Oh, that's just for the preacher, you know, that's just for them. I'm not supposed to have anything to do with persecution You know what? Yeah, you have the wrong perspective. You need to adjust that you need to fix that You get the right perspective on persecution Look at Jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 He says there in Jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 if thou hast run with the footmen and they have wearied thee How canst thou contend with horses and if in the land of peace where in thou trustest they wearied thee Then how will it not do in the swelling of Jordan? Talking about you know, when the armies like come over Jordan You know if the footmen wear you out, what are you gonna do in the Calvary shows up? You know if you're a co-worker You know if your client if your family member is somebody that you're afraid of offending because they might find out that You go to a Baptist Church You go to that Baptist Church. That's your if that if that wears you out Then okay, but just don't tell me how you're gonna take this righteous stand when the man of sin is revealed Yeah, but yeah, amen, you know when the when the Antichrist shows up Yeah, but now I'm ready to just be this bold Christian ready to suffer and endure them to the bitter end Yeah, but you yeah, but you couldn't preach the gospel to your co-worker Yeah, but you know Every you are afraid to claim the name of Christ, you know, it's like Peter, you know that little maid You know, I will die with you Lord and you know Then so said they all they are all men forsake you Lord never yet Not will I I'm gonna go with you to death Lord. Let me tell him he said you look You're gonna deny me for the night's over And who how did he get offended by who was it that put Peter to shame? It was a little maid Was a girl Little servant girl. No, weren't you with him? Aren't you one of those two, but no, I know not the man began to curse You know But he's got you know, and that's a great example. I mean god bless Peter for just You know allowing himself to be Shown for the flawed character that he is. He's why so relatable But you know we can apply that to our own lives. Oh No, I'm gonna die I'm ready to die for Christ I'm ready for the Antichrist to come I'm ready for the Great Tribulation You know, I'm gonna go through all of it. I'm ready Yeah, but you know what you're afraid, you know, you're you say hey when you send your tithe statement to me Can you can you not put the church's address on there the return address? That's never happened. I'm just using as an example You know when you send my here and giving statement could you I just don't want the postman to know that I go to that church I Don't want to look at them potentially look at the piece of mail coming from faithful word Baptist Church and that's gonna go in the mailbox and then he's gonna know that I go to faithful word Baptist Church and That you know, you're my preacher and that you know You've been in the news and your church has been protested and then he's gonna think that I believe what you believe And even though I do I still anybody know about it But don't worry when the Antichrist comes out. I'll be there with you No, you won't You won't that's what he's saying. Look if the if the footmen wear you out the Calvary is gonna just blow right over you They're not even know you were there. You make a little bug just done I Mean, that's what Jesus said in Luke 23. I won't take the time to go there But when they're when they're, you know leading them up to crucifying about the hill They're there. You know, there's a group following why you know Just bewailing moaning crying out lamenting and he turned around and says weep not for me You know weep for yourselves. He said look what he said if they do this in a green tree. What will they do in a dry? Saying look if they're willing to crucify the Son of God when everything's going up good in this country Just wait till things get bad Because then they're gonna turn on everyone You know, so it should why should we be surprised, you know, if they're willing to crucify Christ You know, why should we think that we're gonna get off the hook Well, I was just for God. I was just for the Lord It was just the Apostles just for the prophets just for the preacher No, it's for you to all day that live God in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution Have you I'll have you go to one last place go to Philippians chapter 2 He said in James 5 take my brethren the prophets who have spoken in the name of Lord for an example of suffering affliction and of patience You see he didn't say look take my brother in the prophets and I just count yourselves lucky that you're never gonna have to go Through anything they ever they went through. That's not what he said in James Oh, you know go read the Apostles go read the prophets go read about them And just I just thank your lucky stars that they've done all the suffering for you and that you'll never have to feel any discomfort at all in the Christian life No, he said, you know take them for an example who spoke in the name Lord for an example of suffering affliction and of patience Behold we count them happy which endure You Know really in the Christian life. These are your options Suffer shame on earth or suffer shame before the Lord Those are your options You can suffer shame here for the name of Christ for Christ and his name and his cause or you can shut you could Suffer shame in front of Christ from him, okay That's what he said He said Matthew 10 whosoever therefore shall confess me before men Him will I also confess before my father which is in heaven But whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven You know and we could apply that to salvation, but we also could apply that to you know People that just want to deny Christ on earth, you know, they're saved They got saved by grace, but they just don't want to have anything to do with the Christian life They don't want to be associated with you know, the Bible they just don't want anyone to know that they're Christian You know, he's gonna deny you too You know, you're gonna stand for the father you say, you know this one here father did nothing for me. I barely know him, you know, I know I sanctified him he saved but I Got nothing for him because he just spent his whole life ashamed of me next Then, you know, that's a sad story. That's a lot of what Christians are gonna hear next Okay, what let's get those talents back. What'd you do for me while you're down there? Oh, I was totally ashamed I didn't do anything next and Then all of eternity nothing You know and then then then, you know, you know some some, you know Godly Christian woman's gonna come along and just God's just gonna go. Oh look at all the work. She did she wasn't ashamed Just boom It's gonna walk away. It's crowns and everything else and Some big strong bold man. He's gonna have nothing What's the difference one was ashamed one wasn't? Once spent their life fulfilling God's role not ashamed of what God had for them the other didn't He said look Whose service shall deny him four men him Will I also deny him before my father which is in heaven think now that I have come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace but a sword for I have come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her Mother-in-law and a man's foes shall be they of his own household And that happens and I know it from experience. I And I know it I've seen it happen other families where the Word of God Living for Christ is just like a sword that comes in and just divides even families apart You know and if you don't like that well, I'm sorry, but this is the Bible That's what it says. Those are the words of Jesus Did I have you go to Philippians? Chapter 2 verse 14 said do all things without murmurings and disputings. Well, I just don't want to live for God It's just too hard. I just don't want people to know that I'm a Christian I'm just afraid of what might happen, you know, do all things about murmurings and disputings quit murmuring about it Just live the Christian life You know live for God You know cuz those are your options folks You can either be ashamed of Christ here or you can be ashamed before Christ there. Those are your options You say you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, I Mean, it's it's it's shocking me when people are ashamed of Christ and what and in this nation When we're living in a perverse and crooked nation folks, we are it's corrupt. It's perverse and We have no business being ashamed of God's Word He's saying look You be the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world You know the darker it grows in this world spiritually the more we need to shine for Christ not less You know and the devil wants nothing more than just put out your lamp So they can just make the world a little bit darker. That's what he's trying to do He doesn't want that light shining. He wants to snuff out that lamp. Don't let him Don't let him How are you gonna do that verse 16 by what holding forth the Word of Life How am I going to shine by holding forth the Word of Life? By by proclaiming thus saith the Lord That's how you're going to shine as lights in this world in the midst of a perverse and crooked nation By holding forth this book and not being ashamed of it That I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain neither labored in vain That was that's what Paul gets out of it He's saying look if you if you shine as a light if you hold forth the Word of God the Word of Life Then you know what? I haven't labored in vain And look, that's what I feel like, you know when people when people, you know, come to church They learn the Word of God. They embrace the Word of God They start to you know, apply the Word of God to life. They take the preaching they do something with it They make it personal as I haven't labored in vain. This is working Well, I'm glad I didn't hold back. I'm glad I didn't I wasn't ashamed the Word of God This is having an effect. I'm glad it's working But you know when people say well, I know that's what you preach I don't know what the Bible says, but I just don't know if I can do that I don't know if I want to be associated with that. You know what? I wonder have I labored in vain With this individual have I labored in vain with this church these groups of people if people are shaming wouldn't Paul say that He's a look. I was an example to you. I suffered affliction. I went through all this persecution I didn't hold back. I preached you the Word of God But if you're gonna and you're gonna put that candle out you're not gonna shine a slight you think then it was all in vain What was the point of all that? What's the point of Paul going through all that? Look, you need to hold forth the Word of Light You need to you need to shine as a light in this world and not be ashamed You know be shameless why so that you can be blameless Because those are the only options you have as a Christian you can be ashamed here You know of the Word of God or you can be ashamed in front of the Word of God the Lord Jesus Christ You know, I'd rather suffer shame here because there's no reward for suffering shame before God That that's just that's that there that's there's nothing good that comes out of that You know if I suffer shame here, there's a reward for that You know, that's why Jesus said look when rejoice when men shall persecute you And and say all manner of evil against you falsely for mine for my name's sake rejoice to be exceedingly glad He said Luke leap for joy Or so that persecuted the prophets which were before you I Mean, I'd love to be counted that number. I Mean getting to heaven and being like yeah. Hey Isaiah, I can relate a little bit. I Mean, I'm he's it's probably gonna be a far cry from anything. I ever go through that. He went through Hey Jeremiah, I know a little bit about what you're talking about Hey Paul, I could I could cut, you know, I could sympathize to some degree Now I have no idea what any what suffering is like at all I just have no idea what it means to suffer for Christ one bit. That's not what the testimony that I want in heaven Get that new stone that stone. We're in as a new name written that no man knew when God gives me that new name You know, I look at it coward You know, how about this just comfortable and he who was at ease, you know, maybe it'll be like an Indian name Didn't work much, you know, that's your name, you know was that ease on earth You know was ashamed of Christ Was ashamed of his word Or if I got that someone said a bright shining light in a dark world that was unashamed Of God's Word. That's that's what I want. And look that's what I want for everyone in this room I'm not sure I'm not up here to try and labor in vain You know I want people in that I preach to to understand these things and and to be willing to suffer shame for his name's sake You know to whatever degree you're going to in your life if it's if it's in your house if it's on your job wherever You know, we need to be willing to suffer that shame You know, we need we need to not be ashamed the Word of God so that we won't be will be found What blameless before God let's go and pray dear Lord again. Thank you For dying for us Lord for cut for not being ashamed of us Lord for not being ashamed To come down here and to well among us Lord to Lord as the Bible says, you know You condescended Lord that the great condescension that you made to come down here and bleed and die for us Lord Help us to never be ashamed of you help us to never be ashamed of your word in any circumstance Lord and help us not be ashamed of our church or The man of God or the men of God that we associate with or anyone that is just taking a bold stand In this dark and wicked day that we're living in or help us to shine his lights. We ask in Christ's name. Amen All right, we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go And also right after the service right after we close the last song we're gonna have a baptism. So just stick around here We'll have a baptism right after we're finished singing I Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh He Affirmed that he was still saved so he understands salvation is by grace and faith that it's eternal. He can't lose it So damn my brother based on your profession of faith. You want to just put your arms on your chest there I baptize you in the name of the Father Son Holy Ghost buried in likeness of his death Rise risen to walk and newness of life Congratulations, all right. I'll help you out. There's a towel for you He's our first indoor baptism so he's got that honor. All right, we are dismissed. Thank you for coming