(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening, everyone. Welcome to Take the Word, Baptist Church. Great to see you all here for our Sunday evening service. If you could all please have a seat and grab a hymnal. And I open up those hymnals to a song of 140. You can begin the sequence by singing a song of 140. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. We have a hymn. 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So let's do some making of opening the snack station. We have a snack station. We will work out all the details. Just remember right now you cannot check in until 2,30 atinese combat Club. That is 2,30 p.m. on monday. Then we have about the B Crypto The Bible Memory passage. Birthday Donuts next week—" spoil We will countup on the soul winning Friday the 17th. What about the groups at proof We went out with I don't we had anything on Saturday today Sunday had one. Amen. All right We'll keep up the great work soloing. We'll go ahead and sing one more song before we get into the preaching this evening Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh First Generation Oh Oh You You Is able to Fear and really what I want to Drive home or the title of the sermon this evening is Satan's attack on children Satan's attack on children and this isn't something on this is something I've had on my list of sermons to preach for several months and Honestly, it was something I kept putting off. It's not really a pleasant topic It's not something I want to preach But you know, I decided to go and preach it today for several reasons one You know, it's Father's Day, you know, and as we talked about this morning, you know fathers Part of their job as a father is to protect their children, you know And this is a good sermon to kind of illustrate You know the importance of that, you know to kind of drive home The fact that we need to protect our children that there's people out there You know that are doing the will of Satan that are trying to attack our children You know in a very specific way that we'll get into to you know, it's that time of year It's it's you know, it's the it's the it's the month where all the freaks come out and try to just amp ramp up You know the brainwashing and it's good to kind of talk about this, you know to get it out and and three You know your problem I know I've preached sermons on this topic where we're coming out against these people that are you know Are attacking our children that are coming after our children against the you know The lgbtq the the alphabet people the rainbow people or as we affectionately call them here the fags You know, they're coming out here And this time of year and you know, you might be even tired of not just hearing their message But you might be thinking oh, you know, there goes another preacher, you know rattling his cage in the month of June There's another guy, you know because there's been several sermons that I've seen Several from even the same pulpit over the last few weeks and I thought amen that's great You know, I'm glad that people are you know, trying to push back against this agenda, you know But even people in the puke it start to think okay, we heard it You know, let's let's move on to the next topic, you know, and I don't want to beat a dead horse I don't want to and I don't think that I am and I don't think anybody is I don't think honestly You can preach against this enough, you know And and that's important to stand because today we have even preachers and Baptist churches who think that preaching against you know The filth of this world the scum of the earth that are out there You know decry, you know crying out their message loud and proud they think oh leave that to the politicians You know leave that to the legislature to take care of them, you know, and it's like one scratch in my head I'm thinking you know Excuse me, but it isn't aren't there were politicians the ones that are kind of responsible for where we're at Aren't they're the one that's legislating all this filth aren't that they one that's giving the stamp of approval Don't we have you know, these freaks in some of the highest offices of our land today I mean isn't the the the the head of the Department of Health. I mean talk about irony I mean is a full-blown transvestite But what I'm supposed to sit back as a preacher and just kind of say well, you know, Leviticus 2013 is you know That's not something it doesn't do you any good to preach that from the pulpit You need to just let the you know You do you do better off taking a public office and trying to bring that up. You'd lose your job You'd never even get elected trying to do that You know so you can't sit back and let other people try to preach this message to try to get this out there to get This truth out there and it's important to get it out because you know here we see a very literal Physical attack of Satan upon a child and we're living in a time today where that attack is not physical It's spiritual now. There is a physical attack You know these freaks physically attack children obviously there we could talk about that And again, this isn't something I've been wanting to preach because it's a very unpleasant subject But it needs to be preached because of the fact that you know, so many are pulling back on it So, you know lest you kind of tune out and just say well here we go again You know that there goes the preacher again, you know, and how long until June's over, you know That's you see in your subscription on YouTube just sermon after sermon after sermon on the subject and kind of get weary with it Let me just remind you the reason why it needs to be preached is because today in America there is a satanic attack on our children and You know, it's not where they're casting him into the fire into the water You know, it's not a literal devil possession But they're attacking their mind and you know, and they're out and they're they just boldly say that I mean they just come right out and say hey, we're after your kids They're not hiding it And we see it here, you know that Jesus rebuked the devil when he saw what was taking place, you know He rebuked the devil and and cared enough for the children. So that's really where this is coming from tonight This is why I just said I stared at that computer screen that blank sheet of paper going What else can I preach I you know, what other subject can I preach on it's just like you got to preach this This is what you got to preach. So this is what we're gonna preach Now, you know The satanic attack on children that's taking place in this country, you know, it is very calculated I believe in it and it's very intentional because of the fact that the devil understands that you know attacking children You know attacking their mind trying to influence them and to get into the worst filth of possible and to accept and be tolerant of That which God considers abomination Is is most of that is most effective when a person is a child when their mind is still forming or what the Bible You know might refer to as an unstable soul Okay And the Bible says of these false prophets in 2nd Peter chapter 2 that they have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin Beguiling unstable souls, they're trying to trick they're trying to beguile They're trying to deceive, you know, the unstable among us and you know, it's not an insult the children to call them unstable You know and we even know adults that could fall into that category that are Unstable like water that are tossed to and about with every wind of doctrine, right? They're unstable You know, but their children just by nature are very naive they don't understand and thank God for that They're very, you know, just kind of assume the best about everything. They don't understand How wicked the world it really is, you know They kind of come to that realization the older that they get as you know, we begin to see and understand things In and because of that because of that Naive this that they have because of the fact that they're unstable. They're easily beguiled and The Satan attacks our children today, you know in many different ways through the school system and also through the media Through the culture that our children are being exposed to in this country To the point now where it's not even subtle anymore. I mean folks I'm gonna I'm gonna just cite a few things tonight But there's just there's just story after story after story after story after story after story out there of these freaks You know Pushing their agenda on our children just out in the open Where they're dragging them to literal taking children to literal drag queen like runways Taking them to strip clubs for fags It's it's complete filth And it's and it's like how did we get there? How did we end up in this place? How did we get to this place in our society? That's where we're at You know and it's because so many people just want to sleep on this and just pretend it's not happening You know, we're just want to leave it up to the politician to take care of it It's like well the politician isn't getting the job done the politicians probably the problem And you know, this is where where this is how you end up with a society that is just completely given over To this sin of sodomy where you have a society like Sodom and Gomorrah. I mean that didn't just happen overnight And you know, we're not there as a nation, but I believe that's the direction that we're headed And you say how bad is it gonna get? Well, you know, Jesus said it's gonna be in the days of the coming of Son of man It's gonna be what it's gonna be like unto Sodom and in the days of Noah or of Noah It's gonna be like Sodom and Gomorrah when Jesus comes back So no, he's talking about how you know, swift destruction is gonna come that he's gonna come suddenly That's part of it But why did he come with swift destruction to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Because of the cry of it that went up to heaven because it was completely given over Why did he destroy the what the earth with the flood in the days of Noah because the whole earth was given to violence where they're Violating one another in the worst ways imaginable And that's why God you know, that's that and he says look that's the way it's gonna be when the Son of Man returns You know that day is coming You know and we could just say well you throw our hands and say well, we just can't stop it You know even so quote so come Lord Jesus, you know, or you know, we could actually try to put that off You know, it's gonna happen to somebody but I just don't want it happen on my watch And I don't want to happen to my kids I want to have my children have to grow up into that that society and be the ones that have to deal with that It's gonna happen to somebody. I believe that you know, I'm just I'm just one voice in a crowd of voices That and I you know, honestly our voice is is pretty pretty weak Comparatively speaking our message is powerful The message that we speak is powerful. It's the Word of God. That's why they don't want to getting out That's why they ban these sermons on YouTube. That's where they take down channels That's why they they don't want the truth getting out there because they know it's powerful. It will resonate with people You know, but comparatively speaking our messages is the one that's being silenced is it? You know, I don't see skittles putting, you know, Leviticus 2013 on the front of their packaging You know, they're making a black and white and saying hey, there's only one rainbow that matters You know and there's just all of these, you know The message that their message is the one that's being promoted and their message is an attack on our children And it's going to lead us into being a Sodom and Gomorrah. That's what it's that's where it's taking us I'll remind us of Sodom and Gomorrah the Lord said the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great because of their sin is very grievous And you know, I've often wondered what does he mean by the cry of it? Like it's crying out like it's screaming. It's it's yelling. There's just anguish Like where is this cry coming from? You know, and I believe it's the children look when you're when you have a society where We're all the people from every quarter both old and young are coming out To perform that wicked act on those two men those angels from the Lord Saying bring him out that we know when you have an entire society that's given over that That were the children that city are completely surrounded by predators and that's what these people are they are predators and they they are preying upon our children and And they're molesters and they're the they're the worst type of people And you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna prove that too. I'm gonna show you some cite some examples And you know the satanic attack and our children is something that Is old as time itself We know that you know God it's very prophetic of course talking about how God was going to put enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of The serpent right between his seed and the seed of the woman prophetic being of Christ But also, you know that just shows you that that that Christ that that Satan himself, you know, it wants to Has nothing but enmity against any children of any woman He hates mankind. He wants to destroy it You know if Satan could he would he would he would drag every single human being down with them into hell Because he knows that's his end ultimately He's gonna end up in hell and he wants to destroy as many as he can along the way take as many people with Him as he can and in the process He wants to make God as angry and upset with his own creation as he can he could why because he has enmity in His heart. He is a murderer from the beginning And There's a whole group of people today that do his bidding that attack our children on his behalf and Jesus warned us of people like this in John 8 where he said You're the father you hear of your father devil the lusts of your father. Ye will do look There's people out there there, you know, it's their own lusts, but it's also the lusts of their father attacking children brainwashing the youth Infiling them and heart and soul and body they that's that's their lust but you know what that is the will of the devil and they're more than happy to Carry it out and you say well, how is it being done? You know, I mean, it sounds like you're You know, this sounds kind of over-the-top But remember that Satan was the most subtle beast of the field. He did things very subtly and You know, it's like that proverbial frog in a pot of water You slowly turn up the heat and the frog doesn't even realize that it's boiling boiling until it's too late You just throw the frog in a boiling pot of water. He'll hop right back out But if he's kind of in the cool water and it starts warming up he's gonna say hey, this is a sauna This is kind of nice a little hot tub. It's getting warm. You know, it's kind of I'm a cold-blooded animal Anyway, I kind of like this heat, you know, I'm this is good to me Feeling good and then he sees the bubbles. Oh, it's look there's bubbles and get a little massage And the next thing, you know, he's cooked You know and that's a picture of how Satan attacks, you know us as a society He slowly starts to cook us slowly and subtly, you know lays on the attack until the next thing, you know we have you know drag queen story hour across this nation until You know I have to go to Ace Hardware yesterday to pick something up right over here Right down the road and I'm standing in line the checkout and I see this freak in front of me and I think to myself That's probably just a hideous woman I'm thinking you know, that's probably just a very homely hideous woman Because it has the anatomy of a woman from the chest up or from the waist up and Then I hear it speak and like that's a dude And the lady behind the counter, you know, who's probably you know, not in my generation Probably several generations ahead of me is just acting like everything's normal Just make a chitchat with this freak. Well, have a good day It's nice seeing you and I walked up and I was just about as disgusted with her as I was with it with him And yes, it's a him. I don't care how much he mutilates his body. It's a him Kind of a weird society we live in it and I was just like you see you have an ace card no Anything else today? Nope. Have a good day Can't I can't have a good day I was having a good day till I came in here and had to see that freak The only thing good about my day is that I didn't have my kids with me Because I probably would have made a scene Thanks for coming in here and defiling my children's mind You know, it's too late for me You know, I've already I've already grown up with this crap, you know And it's it's only a matter of time until they have to start seeing these freaks around But you know what? I'm not gonna just sit here and say well, let's just get it over with. Oh, well, what can you do? Maybe maybe they'll take care of it in our legislature You know, we need more voices for people to cry out against this filth and Call it out for what it is not less What was you know, that's why I have no points in my sermon tonight I just reference this because I knew this is what was gonna happen I'm just gonna start ranting and I'm not even gonna know what I was talking about. What was I saying? Nobody knows He's saying look, you know, this is where we're at as a society people are we're being cooked like the frog Right to where we're to the point where you know The the lady who's checking me out at ace hardware thinks that you know This is just it's just another day in the office to have one of these freaks walk in and the rest of us Who haven't completely lost their minds have to sit here and put up with it That's what I was trying to say and I said it And We got these freaks that are you know attacking our children and And they want to just the way they do it again It's very subtle and they want to just make it about how oh we're not, you know We're just trying to influence your kids because we just want to make them tolerant What it is is they want to make them accepting they want to make them into one of them and these people are predators You know, the thief has not come but for to steal and to kill and to destroy that's what Satan does He's not there to to make you nice. He doesn't just want them to just be tolerant and fair. He wants to destroy them You know, I think a great proof of this is the fact that there was a judge in Milwaukee and former president of a fag organization that The LGBTQ. I'm just sick of saying it. Okay, I'm In one it's a tongue twister It just shows you what a bunch of brute beasts these idiots are you couldn't come up with something It's a that rolls off the tongue than LGBTQ You know and then they put the plus and everything else behind they can't even make up their minds what they what they all stand for So it's the fag organization three, you know one syllable Fag three letters nice and short and sweet and gets to the point fag organization That a sponsored drag queen story hour this Milwaukee judge he sponsored it He was a former president of this organization Was arrested on child pornography charges. Oh What a shock Can you believe it it's like no that makes perfect sense Because you know I because I've already read Genesis 3 I already know the story or excuse me Genesis 18. I already know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, I've already read it in the Bible How these people attack children how how they go after you know, the weakest among us I've already read you that they like to beguile stable souls. I've already read how their predators throughout Scripture I've already read Romans 1 so when I read about how this freak judge a judge folks. Oh We should just leave it up to the legislature it's the judge that's the problem He's ruling in their favor and he himself is a freak He himself is attacking our children You know in these charges of from Judge Brett bloom of 38 You know it wasn't he was he was accused of uploading Uploading images Now you know I don't want to go into it. You know. I don't know where he was getting his source to upload But when you're uploading images you know a lot of times. That's because you're the one who's making the images and This is a guy that's supposed to be you know judging and ruling You know judges in the Bible. We're supposed to be righteous people You know not respecters of persons You know this guy is a respecter of persons. You know that that mean that's just the worst of his crimes You know he himself is a member of this organization, and now he's you know he's he's sponsoring the you know the drag queen story hour Because that's his those are his people You know that's who that's what he's gonna look out for and this is a recent event You know Isaiah talks about this It says the vice a of five seven the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is The house of Israel and the men of Judah his pleasant plan he looked for judgment the behold oppression You know he looked where a place where there should be judgment, and that's what a judge does and behold oppression You know and and that's what we're seeing in Milwaukee oppression of the worst kind Where you're attacking children when you're promoting the you know the the physical attack of children the molestation of children Again it's not a pleasant topic, but you know this is where we're at in our nation He said behold oppression for righteousness, but behold a cry just like that cry we read about earlier back in Genesis 18 with Sod and Gomorrah You know God God's keeping track of these people And it's a good thing because you know our society has gone just completely soft on these freaks You know there used to be a time where you know that you know the lynch mob was a thing You know and I'm not saying that we're gonna start this up again You know I know I always have to Put that out there But it used to be that even when a judge got it wrong and everybody else kind of knew what was right They'd say okay. Well. You're not doing your job. We'll take care of it for you You know that's how the anti-defamation League got started When that you know that that that Jewish owner of a pencil factory you know murdered and raped a Catholic teenage girl and The judge you know and and the anti-defamation League got together all the other Jewish lawyers and got him off the hook By corrupting the judge. That's how it started. That's where the ADL came from It was a group of lawyers Jewish lawyers getting together To get their boy off the hook for murdering and raping of Roman Catholic teenage girl because she's just a goyim She's just cattle so why should he have to pay for his crimes? And the you know the good people that I believe Atlanta, Georgia Took care of business You know and again You know I have to be real careful saying stuff like that because that you know that's that's what they always cry against us Oh, you're you're trying to rally people to do violence against you know our community And it's like well who excuse me, but who are the ones who are really inciting violence? It's them I Mean I have yet have we have we thrown any bricks through any of their windows Have any of us called any of their voicemails and and threatened their wives and children if we put out any of their addresses publicly and and and Threaten to come down here and shoot everybody and bomb up and and in some cases literally bomb the place Like they did at first works, LA And I'm gonna keep reminding everybody of that that they literally threw a bomb and and a church and it detonated Thankfully in the middle of the night You know thankfully there wasn't some godly man in there. You know praying Or whatever You know, but here's the thing when you're taking us out of context Okay, when you're taking us out of context to make it sound like we're saying That we're calling to to to arms that we're saying let's go commit violence against these people to rile up your side Now you're the one that's inciting inciting violence does everyone follow that If they clip a sermon that somebody preaches and says oh look He said, you know, all fags should be killed He's called and then say see he's calling for us to for people to rise up and kill homos and Then they leave out the part where we say hey, we're against vigilante justice. This is clearly if you read scripture It's the job of a righteous government to execute You know these people amongst other people They'll leave that part out and then they'll rile up their base and then it's their base that's you know, standing out on the sidewalk yelling obscenities at our children and Doing all these things that I just listed the doxing right the death threats the bricks through the windows the the bombings, you know, they're the violent ones and It's funny how much they try to say their message is tolerance Their message is not tolerance Their their message is tall is yeah, it's tolerance tolerate us or else You tolerate us or else not hey, we'll tolerate you We'll tolerate you having your views your opinions you preaching what you want to preach the people that are here of their own accord that are coming here and and willingly hearing what they're what's being said and Amening it and and just repeating what people have been preaching for hundreds of years. We'll be tolerant of that in your church house They're not even tolerant of that. They're that bold now Well, they'll work to get people evicted from their buildings and succeed That's where we're at. That's why these messages have to be that's where we have to be reminded that these people are Doing the work of Satan attacking God's people and attacking our children. How do they get to the place? Where they're so bold, how do they get to the place where they're so successful because they over just for the last few generations They have been steadily attacking our children over and over and over I Mean they're they're everywhere they're even in the church houses These false prophets which come to us in sheep's clothing, but are inwardly ravening wolves Everybody remember former pastor Jack Scott of first works or not first works. Good night First First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana He was the guy who filled in for a great man of God named Jack Hiles probably everybody knows that and He back in March of 2013 was sentenced by a federal judge to 12 years in prison because he Himself, you know when was groomed and molested a 16 year old girl taking her across state lines Well, he's out. He's out of jail. He's walking about he's free They're everywhere And their message of tolerance, you know, they're never gonna tolerate us The Bible says under the pure all things are pure But to them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure even their mind and conscience is defiled Nothing's pure to them nothing is off limits to them and They'll defile anyone anytime they get a chance in any way You know a great example of this is this fag choir in San Francisco and this is an older story But this is probably one, you know, this illustrates my point very well Where they uploaded a video where they basic what's called basically the song is called we're coming for your children What's that song about It's about them the fact that they're coming for our children They're saying hey, we're gonna attack your kids And you say they're talking about how they're gonna do things to them physically No It's their talk openly about how they're going to convert them how they're gonna change their heart and mind to accept them You know, I'm just gonna read a few lines from this song you think we're sinful you fight against our right You say we all lead lives. You can't respect But you're just frightened you think well that will corrupt your kids is our if our agenda goes unchecked You think that we'll corrupt your children if our agenda goes unchecked Funny just this once you're correct You're saying yeah, if you don't check us, we are gonna corrupt your children I mean that's what they're saying in their own song this gay fag choir. Whoops. I said gay. Sorry this fat I meant to say fag, I promise This fag quiets in the article they don't use fag in these articles folks They incorrectly use the word gay, okay Anyway, I don't want to go off on that I want to go off on this You know, they're this is the fag gate the did it again the fag choir of San Francisco That is saying look we're gonna corrupt your kids if you don't check us Well, okay, I'll check you then how about I get up tonight and I'll check you How about we check their agenda during this month? How about when you see preacher after preacher preach sermon after sermon checking these people instead of just you know Rolling your eyes at it or saying oh here he goes again, you know actually understand there's a reason behind it because they are saying if you don't check us we're gonna win and Look, they're winning by the way News flash they're winning You know, you start to talk to the people in this country and the young people in this country You know people like me are gonna be enemy number one to them People like you people that believe like you do they're they're gonna they're not gonna be tolerant they're gonna hate you The song continues we'll convert your children happens bit by bit isn't that how Satan attacks subtly We'll convert your children Convert them bit by it happens bit by bit quietly and subtly you'll barely notice it And that's exactly what's taking place. That's what it's that is what has already happened in this country. I Mean, I remember when I was in junior high and it wasn't that long ago Despite appearances it wasn't that long ago where you know, the fag was what was used And where that you know that crap wasn't tolerated You didn't that was not cool to be the homo at school You know, but the change things have changed and it hasn't been that long Happens bit by bit quietly and subtly you'll barely notice it. We'll convert your children. We'll make them tolerant and fair Well, let's you know, we could say here and talk about what you mean by tolerant and fair Just like you worried they'll change their group of friends you won't approve of where they're going at night. I Mean this is like what are you what are you talking about? What are you getting like you're not we're not gonna prove where our kids are going of our children Where my children are going at night This is what these these fags are singing in their song and if you've seen the video I've never watched I saw a screenshot It's just like it's like all of the boxes of heads, you know, like the portraits of them just like like three dozen men Singing this But oh, you're not gonna prove where your kids go at night What's that? How does it even come out of your heart where my kids are going at night? Whose kids are going anywhere at night It's it's it's very suggestive And you don't think that's suggestive think about the here's the next line and you'll be disgusted when they start learning things online What in the world are they referring to I Mean do I need to say it or do we all kind of get the drift What you know what they're being, you know, oh so subtle about Then you know, they need to go back to the state needs to get with these guys and say look It's we got to be more subtle You're you know, subtly is not your strong suit in this song You'll be disgusted by the things they start learning online. Well, you know What what would disgust you for for them to learn online You know, I'll let you draw your own conclusions. We'll convert your children. Yes, we will reaching one at all there's no escaping it because even grandma likes RuPaul and RuPaul's that famous Drag that Dremis, you know, there's a good one not drag queen fag queen. She's a fag queen That's what you know, grandma likes RuPaul, you know what they're right about that That's what that lady at ace just showed me the other day. Grandma's behind the counter talking to this freak and saying oh The world's getting kinder, oh is it Could have fooled me, Gen Z'er's Faggier than Grindr, which is a fag dating app. They're saying hey this new generation, you know, they're fags We're coming for them. We're coming for your children. The agenda is coming home. The agenda is here Say well, you know, you're just up there rattling your cage you're up there just going off again. It's like Believe me I wish I could have come up with something else to preach because I don't like this But this is what needs to be preached today This is what people need to be reminded of of why and I just don't want to go down without a fight You know if this place if this country is just gonna in the next, you know Couple decades gonna turn into just a full-on Sodom and Gomorrah, you know I'm just not gonna I just don't want to go out like lot where I'm just vexing my righteous soul Just pitching my tent towards Sodom and just you know vexing myself, you know with their unlawful deeds You know, I want to go down with if I'm gonna go down. I'm going down with a fight I'm gonna go out preaching Kicking and screaming they're gonna have to drag me out of here. They're gonna have to rip this Bible out of my hands They're gonna have to sew my mouth shut to keep me from saying what the Bible says about the subject. I Don't want to just roll over like another compromiser That this country is full of and just be another, you know, you know another notch on their belt You know, this is pretty blatant what they're saying in the song but the attack on the satanic attack on our children's been going on much more subtly for a long time now and The main way they do this is through I believe through media and television mainly. I mean songs, of course and other things but there's this fact in this the this this article that I'm reading from sites the fact that there's this report out there that Shows that a number of a fag and transvestite characters again, that's not the language they use These fags and these transvestite characters in children's programming is going up So these these type of characters the number of them in children's programming Stuff that's made for your kids to watch the our nation's youth. I'm talking children There are there are there are at least 259 characters in children's programming that identify It's LGBT and animated shows 259 At first I'm like that has to be multiple of them in one character in one in one cartoon then And one show one children show that must be multiple. I mean 250 are there 259 children shows out there? Maybe there is you know, I come from the generation where you had a few hours on Saturday morning, and that was it You had from like, you know 8 till noon, you know to eat your cereal and watch Looney Tunes And the worst we ever saw was you know Bugs Bunny dress and drag and That was bad enough And now it's like they're just out proud and they're all over the place now they have a network where it's just 24-7 Aren't these programs just caught all day these cable and the satellite shows these these packages They just have channels are just nothing but children's entertainment around the clock and are just showing your kids All of these these these freaks these freak characters So they get the children get this impression that these people are one way when they're actually a completely another way You know, they go to some drag, you know, their parents allow them or take them to these idiots to some drag queen story hour If you've ever and I and I'm not suggesting anyone looks I mean I couldn't have helped this is probably why I put this off because I knew I was gonna look some things up and you end up seeing things that you just can't unsee and You see these these drags and it's not like at these drag queen story hours that they're just you know, it's not mrs. Doubtfire You know reading from the book. I mean, they're they're like demonic looking. I Mean they have sometimes have literal like they've shaped horns coming out of their head. I Mean it's it's bizarre. It's demonic But you know what that would shock a child at first But then they look over and they see mom and dad just looking on with such how far it's over take We're raising such tolerant children. Oh Mom and dad are okay. There's nothing to be afraid of and now they're And you know, this is normal And that's how Satan attacks our children very subtly They Grow up seeing these freaks and their animated shows on their Programming and then and then and then they hear me they hear some other man of God They hear somebody actually say what the Bible says it and that's what's shocking to them. Oh, I can't believe you'd say that Yeah, because you've been brainwashed That's the agenda there they've been brainwashing you And that's why we got to keep preaching it and keep bringing it up To to try to make sure that even the people in this room don't end up walking out of here and you know in a year's time End up thinking well, maybe they're not so bad Maybe they're not there. Look you can't find worse people Because what they're showing our children is not what they really are What they really are are it's like that judge, Milwaukee You know, I read, you know, we're another one of these drag queen story the fag queen story our storytellers was a convicted pedophile a literal convicted pedophile and and and The you know was in Houston and the library news is like come on in Whoops You think that's a coincidence that some some fag Says hey, I'm gonna go ahead and and and and go into a public library to try and teach children to read to them read stories You know, that's just a coincidence. No, that's that's because that's what's in their heart That's what they really want from your children They don't want to make them tolerant and fair. They want to corrupt them and do the worst things they can They want to attack them in every way imaginable That's where we're at and the threats real You know, we're living in poverty And we can't sit here and just think oh, you know, they're just it's just all you know, they're just all like Ellen You know Ellen and then it turns out Ellen's this big jerk, you know Isn't she getting canceled right now for being just like some implacable bully You know, so that's the the fag choir there That's what they're they're just out and proud just telling us what they're gonna do Then we've got these characters being you know Pushed on us in the programming family target and entertainment Disney I mean disney's just have you got these people that are content creators for disney just saying yeah We're trying to stick queerness everywhere we could And now they've got like multiple characters I thought I heard somewhere that buzz lightyear is a fag now And now they've got like multiple characters I thought I heard somewhere that buzz lightyear is a fag now Buzz lightyear is like what's the point in that? Like how does that add anything to that story Like what's the what's the plot twist that we have to okay, so all right buzz lightyear turns out he's a fag and then it's like What's the point? I'll tell you what the point is. It's the satanic attack on your child That's what it is. That's the only purpose behind it. So that make your children more accepting of this filth Because they know they can't reach me I'm just i'm just too hardened. I've just spent too much, you know, I i've got the defenses up There's just this bull work between me and them called the word of god There's just this tower that i'm in that they can't reach and pull me down So they're like, well, let's let's beguile the unstable soul You know, they can't reach the generation that that's that was raised hearing leather-lung preaching on this topic That know the bible that know the word of god that have been told the truth. They can't reach them But you know what? They they're they're reaching this these kids in mass By the millions in this country and around the world millions Tens hundreds of millions their message is reaching them You know and honestly sometimes I do I feel like well, what is the point preaching it what am I gonna do? I'm just our our message is just being drowned out Through people like disney nicholodian And all these other The buzz light years of this world Because i'm not going to go down without a fight that's why And you know what they might reach they might reach the you know, all these other children out there They might reach them, but they're not going to reach my kids They're not going to reach my kids You know what and i'm doing my best to make sure they don't reach your kids Obviously I can only do so much from this pulpit and it's your responsibility to to take it from there You know i'm that's why it needs to be preached You know and thankfully we we do still have some Semblance of sanity, you know, even in our local state legislature You know in places like florida texas and arizona, you know, I read this article this is very recent where uh state senate republican Leaders announced tuesday that they want to make it illegal for anyone under 18 to attend drag shows in arizona Now if I had to guess a lot of these republican leaders, they're probably not independent fundamental baptists that are in there They might be christian They might they're definitely conservative probably, you know in all likelihood But it just goes to show you that even people who don't necessarily subscribe to everything that we believe that about the word of god That even they have enough sense to say, you know, what minors probably shouldn't be at these drag shows in arizona They have enough sense to say well, you know, maybe we shouldn't allow that to happen because they know what goes on there And they're dragging kids to these drag shows Uh senator vite vince leech republican from saddlebrook said and it's a civil society you don't bring children up like that And that's the truth And that's you know, that's why when when you see satanic attack on children when they're trying to push their agenda that's why you know the nation's that's always a a a a descent from civility You know sodomy gomorrah was you know the bottom of that slow slide into wickedness Civils, you know societies that that are civil, you know, they're they're going to teach that You know, there's certain things that you don't talk about There's certain things subjects you don't bring up in in in everyday conversation Let alone Some of the the nastiest stuff that's out there that they just want to be proudly on put on display at these That these uh, you know these drag events I mean these pride parades. I mean, it's just it's nothing but filth I mean it's it's just You go down there I don't know why anyone want to go to preach down there and defile their minds with the filth that goes on there. I mean it's I can't even talk about it And it's it's out open and people take their kids to this stuff it's like what what in the world It's because they're the ones that are brainwashed Leach said he's been mulling legislation barring children and teenagers from drag shows since last year when he learned that the university of arizona Is that the one down here? Good old university of abomination University of arizona drag show for children So that's right here in our town, you know, just a few blocks away just a few miles away good old ua I don't care if I would if you know if I graduated out some alma mater if I heard that I would peel that Stuck here and I would burn every piece of memorabilia I had from that place That place is an abomination When he learned of a university of arizona drag show for children You hear what I said This university over here is putting on a drag show for children In this town in our city For kids for children Why you gotta preach so much about it because of them You know, that's why previous generations didn't have to preach about this so much Because all these fags were still in the closet And there was less of them And they weren't all over our televisions and our universities and our public schools and our museums and everywhere else And I wish I didn't have to fight this battle honestly, it's not fun but you know, this is where we're at This is where we're at The so leach here, you know He wants to he's been mulling about this legislation barring teenagers and children from last year when he learned about the drag show at u of a then in march in tucson Cassattlebrook is where he represents which is just north of here Then in march, uh, tucson magnet high school held a drag show for students Yet another reason to pull your kids out of public school But each time other legislative concerns prevented action he said, I mean, I don't know what else could be more concerning But you know what at least he's trying i'll give you know, if I voted i'd vote for him The final straw leach said was in seeing an indigenous drag show at the herd museum In phoenix earlier this month Let that sink in okay an indigenous drag show At the herd museum there was a link in the article I dared not click it Because i'm thinking i'm just like curiosity like what in the world is an indigenous drag show I mean, I know what a drag show is and I know what it means to be indigenous like a native peoples But how do you bring the two together? I didn't want to find out But apparently what you know Uh this legislator, uh, this uh, you know, this the senator saw was enough to just That was it. That was the tipping point was when it you know, it wasn't the u of a drag show for children You know, it was the the one up in phoenix the the herd museum when they put on their indigenous drag show Whatever in the world that is and he goes on to explains that you know some of the things that took place where children were exposed to some very Provocative imagery that's all i'll say about it You know and and i'm glad that there's men like this out there but it's not enough And you know and if they're even successful, what are they really going to accomplish? You just can't go there till you're 18 You can't go there till you're 18 Meanwhile while you're at home On and you're five six seven and as soon as you're old enough to know how to operate a remote You can be exposed to all kinds of filth On the cartoon network or wherever else on nickelodeon whatever the disney plus the disney channels You can go home and watch a bunch of stuff and get your brain washed so that when you turn 18 You think the indigenous drag show is a good idea? That's you know, I think i'd like to spend my weekend driving up to the indigenous drag show in the her museum Because i've been under such a satanic attack since my youth So as much as I appreciate, you know, some someone finally in in high office trying to do something about it I'm here to tell you it's not enough It's a far it's too little too late, buddy I mean by all means At least let's at least keep them out of that make it illegal Let at least let them know that we're not just going to roll over And let them just you know, go roughshod over us as they drag us all down into Sodom and Gomorrah You know, we we know what the what the remedy is what the bible prescribes is death That if a man lay with mankind as he lay with womankind they have committed abomination They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them. That's what it says You know and that's that's given in leviticus chapter 20 20 where You know, moses is laying out the civil law That is something that is to be carried out by the government, you know, that's what uh, you know This republican leader the senator, you know, that's what he needs to bring to the floor in the senate You know, he needs he needs to bring out a king james bible and say, okay Let's go back to the way it used to be in this country because that that used to be the law in this country It used to be that way That sodomy was punished was a capital crime that was punished And now we've gotten a place where like well, let's just let's just elite Let's just keep them out of the drag shows until they're no longer minors With a bold righteous stand you've taken sir It's too little too late The bible says because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily Therefore the hearts of the son of man is fully setting them to do evil You know, what was what was that judge sentenced to Can we find that where was that Each count against bloom carries within a maximum sentence of three years for uploading child porn in this country three years in prison Don't do it again You know tell that to the child who's in that video that that picture You know, it's had their life destroyed it was just that you've just been violated in the worst way possible Oh, don't worry. We sent him to prison for three years He's he's rooming with jared fogle and they're getting their, you know, culinary arts degree together And they have open cell because they're in the protected part of the prison with all the other chomos where they won't get shanked Because you know the the degenerates the criminals in our in our You know in our prisons have more sense than you know, our own legislatures apparently that these people are just worthy of death You know and because sense against an evil work is not executed speed speedily therefore the hearts of the sons of man is fully setting them to do evil That's why guys like this judge You know, he's saying hey three years. He knows what the sentence is. He's saying hey I could worth it Now because he because he goes they're implacable because they can't be placated because they are just given over to these lusts You know one count isn't what he got chart He's going to get charged with he's got several with seven counts charge against him Bloem is looking at a maximum of 21 years. Should he be convicted? I mean seven counts and that's 21 years Because seven times three is 21 I mean, what's it going to take? To put this guy where he belongs six feet under Where is it? What's it going to take for people to understand these people? The the only place that's suitable for them is at the end of a rope I can't believe you'd say I can't believe you shouldn't preach that that's why we are where we are in this country Because people are afraid to preach this stuff They're scared And it's funny because I think that's why people are afraid to preach this stuff It's funny because when you start to look at the people that they're scared of that You know these preachers and others are afraid to preach against You know whenever I see our fellow churches being protested. I always look at the protesters and I think what a bunch of pansies This is who they're afraid of You know, they're mostly a bunch of just you know, it's seriously obese out of shape Some of the limp-wristed weaklings you'll ever see it's like this is who you're afraid of They don't even have any guts to to throw a bomb or a brick or or try to attack you Directly, they got to do everything through the at night when no one's around it's because they're a bunch of cowards This is who you're afraid of They've got you know, they're they're punched. They're full of holes You know, they're piercing this and piercing that and they're just punching holes in their body They're dying their hair all these crazy colors Crazy colors They're afraid of a bunch of people that look like they got poured out of a box of fruit loops That's what they're afraid of a fruit loop little neon green, you know Little nothing that's gonna get all soft and milk That's got a hole in it That's what they're afraid of the fruit loop people And it's like well how in the world are they so six how are people just rolling over for this stuff Because it's satan that's behind them Because satan is the one Ultimately that's leading the charge. He's that's their general. That's where their answer whether they realize it or not You know, that's who these preachers are really afraid of You say well, I I don't know you just shouldn't preach that you shouldn't preach, you know That's just not the pulpit isn't a place to talk about the bible like that. Well, where else is If leviticus 2013 if this isn't a place to bring up leviticus 2013 tell me where is It's not up there and the state senator, you know on the state legislature I mean, I wish it was but that's you know, how how far you think you're gonna get That okay, i'll run for office and that'll be my campaign platform death to homos How far do you think i'll get I hope going I won't get anywhere. I mean some people in this room might vote for me. I would hope You might even you might even donate to my campaign you might even you know make some signs or something, right It's gonna take a whole lot more than the people in this room to ever get me elected You know, but here's the thing i've got other i've got other platforms got this pulpit got that camera I mean I got youtube for now. I mean, we'll see how long that lasts I Say well, I just don't think you should preach that well matthew 18, but I haven't had you turn anywhere So go to matthew 18. I don't want you getting out of shape go to matthew 18 because jesus brought it up Did jesus talk well jesus would never say anything like that. Oh really And it's it's so funny that these you know These these uh, these freaks are always the ones that are trying to tell us what the bible says I saw this great clip this afternoon of pastor joe jones Where he we went out and confronted who else saw this anybody else seen this where he confronted One of these freaks that was pro. It was the only one at protesting his church. I guess boise idaho isn't exactly southern california But they're still either even in boise, you know, or I don't know maybe there was more there But he he goes out and confronts this one freak and he and i'm not going to go through the whole conversation, but eventually asked he asked her he's like Well, have you ever read the bible and she's like i've read that book six times And he's like really have you read the book of hezekiah? Yes, as a matter of fact, I haven't you just turned around walked away You've read the bible six times the only thing you've ever read is second opinions Which is not a book in the bible And that's all they're ever citing and I just love it when they're always telling us what jesus would or wouldn't do Jesus wouldn't preach leviticus. He would say love your neighbor. Yeah, that's also in leviticus But what did jesus say matthew 18 verse 2 and jesus called a little child unto them and set them in the midst of them And said verily I say unto you except you be converted me come as his little children He shall not enter the kingdom of heaven Wherefore whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same as greatest in the kingdom of heaven And whosoever shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me He shall be given three years in federal prison and then let out early on probation House arrest he can't come within a hundred yards of a school But we will let him teach a drag time story hour at a public library Is that what jesus said? That whosoever should offend one of these little ones that believe in me were better notice He says it would be better. This is this is the best possible outcome for him For him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and then he were drowned in the depth of the sea He's saying look if it came to the place where you were going to harm a child Or or put a rock around your neck and throw yourself into the ocean. It'd be better to throw yourself in the ocean And go down into that darkness and let it crush you And let all the you know, the the the all the all the fish and every creatures of the sea to feast on your corpse He said that that that would be better than you harming one of these little children You say why would he why would he say that? He's not saying that's the punishment for doing this. He's saying no that that's what would be better Because if you did harm a child what i'm going to do you would be way is going to be way worse It's going to be way worse. You're going to wish You weren't you were going to wish you weren't you're going to wish you were an ocean You're going to be like that rich man who's going to be begging for a drop for someone to just dip their finger in water And just touch the tip of your tongue Because he's going to torment you in flame. He's going to take vengeance on you with eternal fire That's what's waiting for these freaks because people who do this and we all understand this there are reprobate There's no they're beyond the hope of salvation Romans one we all know it They've been given over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient to go after strange flesh like children He's saying look, you know if you're going to offend a child You know if it came down between you offending a child and you killing yourself kill yourself Because then you know, i'll take it a little bit easier on hell But if you offend a child if you harm a child if you attack a child When I get done with you, you're going to wish You know you'd thrown yourself in that ocean And committed suicide Because that's what he says it'd be better for you to do that because when he gets a holia it's gonna be a whole lot worse You know and that's you know, let me just you know, let me end by offering you some some comfort this this evening Let me console you beloved You know, let me let me let you walk out of here. You're not feeling so down You know, don't worry. Jesus is going to burn all these freaks There you go There's your there's your edification God is going to take vengeance on every last one of them I love verse seven now before I read verse seven. I want to point out the exclamation point at the end He said woe unto the world because of offenses for it must needs be that offenses come but woe to that man By whom the offense cometh? He's saying look it's going to happen, but it's going to be really bad for the people that make it happen The ones that do it They're the ones that are going to suffer the most look at verse eight Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee cut them off and cast them from thee It is better for thee to enter into life halt or main rather than having two lives Or two hands and two feet to be cast into everlasting fire And if thine eye defending pluck it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire He's saying it'd be better for you to cut off your hands and your feet and pluck out your own eyes Than to harm a child It'd be better for you to do all that and then drown yourself in the sea Because he's going to take vengeance Verse 10 take heed that you despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father, which is in heaven You know god cares about our children And their angels do always behold the face of our father You know god has a very the lord has a very special place for for children I believe that And and people that are going to harm children You know god knows it Are are the worst types of people there are And i'm telling you that's what every one of these freaks are If they haven't they you know, they would if they could You know, there's some countries where they'll just you know The the law is way loose the just you know, there is no practically is no justice and they'll just grab kids off the street at random And then just turn them loose. They don't care who they tell Places like that in south america central america And that's not and that's nothing new I mean societies that have have degenerated into saddam gamoras left and right throughout all of history Just not all of them to be made an example of But you know god will eventually make an example out of every last one of them and to that I say Even so come lord jesus to that I say, you know He that is filthy let him be filthy still Burn them Let god burn them quickly Let's go ahead and pray dear lord again. Thank you for The justice we know that is coming to this earth Eventually and lord I pray in the meantime that you'd help us to To stand for your truth and lord to stand up for the weakest among us our children lord and and though we can't We can't necessarily turn the tide that's that's been unleashed on this nation lord we can at least Protect our own children and those that we know that we can teach them and instruct them the right way And help them to understand that there there's wicked people in this world that mean them harm And to not be fooled and to not be deceived into thinking that it's fun and games and that they're harmless Lord I pray that you'd help us to not grow weary, but lord but to continue to do that which is right And to serve you with all of our strength we ask in christ's name. Amen All right, we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go Twelve Song twelve Oh Me Me I Me Me So You