(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Galatians chapter 4 this morning. Galatians chapter 4. Galatians chapter 4 beginning in verse 1 the Bible reads, now as I say that the heir as long as he is a child differ nothing from a servant though he be lord of all but is under tutors and governors until at the time appointed of the father even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons and because he our sons God has sent forth the spirit the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba father wherefore thou art no more a servant but a son and if a son than an heir of God through Christ albeit then when you knew not God he did service unto them but which by nature are no gods but now after that you have known God or rather are known of God how turn you get to the weak and beggarly elements weren't he desired again to be brought into bondage he observed days and months and times and years I'm afraid of you lest I bestowed upon upon you labor in vain brethren I beseech you be as I am for I am as you are you have not injured me at all you know that how you know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel unto you at the first and my temptation which was in my flesh he despised not nor rejected but received me as an angel of God even as Christ Jesus where is then the blessedness you spake of for I bear you record that if it had been possible you would have plucked out your own eyes and had given them to me am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth they zealously affect you but not well yea though they yea they would exclude you that he might affect them but it is good to be zealously affected in a good thing and not only when I am present with you my children of whom I travail the birth again until Christ be formed into you I desire to be present with with you now and to change my voice for I stand in doubt of you tell me he that desired to be under the law do you not hear the law for it is written that Abraham had two sons the one of the bond woman the other of the free free woman but he who was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise which things are an allegory for these are two covenants the one from Mount Sinai which generate the bondage which is agar for this agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia Arabia and answer it to Jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with her children but Jerusalem which is above is free which is the mother of us all for it is written rejoice thou baron that bearers not break forth and cry that thou that travail is not for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath a husband now we brethren as Isaac are the children of promise but as then as he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the spirit even so it is now nevertheless what say it the scripture cast out the bond woman her son the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman so then brethren we are not children of the bond woman but of the free let's pray Heavenly Father again thank you for the for the Bible Lord for the preaching of your word Lord I pray that you would fill me with your Holy Spirit whether you would help me or that you give me utterance you help me just preach boldly and Lord that we would be reminded of these great truths in your Bible Lord that we would be able to leave this place rejoicing and Lord determined to serve you even greater in Jesus name amen amen now you're there in Galatians 4 keep your finger in Galatians 4 but if you want just quickly turn back to Exodus chapter 6 stay in Galatians 4 but turn back to Exodus chapter 6 the title of my sermon this morning is reminders about redemption reminders about redemption and the hope of this sermon is that we would be reminded again of the great redemption that we have in Christ Jesus and the cost that it it came to God and not only that but there would also be a reminder to us to go out into to see others redeemed now you're there in Exodus chapter 6 and if you look at verse verse 6 the Bible says wherefore say unto the children of Israel I am the Lord I will bring you out from under the burdens of Egypt and I will rid you out of their bondage and I will redeem you with a stretched-out arm and with great judgments and I will take to you me take to you take you to me for a people and I will be to you a God and you shall know that I am the Lord your God which bringeth you out from under the burden of the Egyptians now we see here that this is one of the first times the word redeem is used it's not the very first time but it's one of the very first times it is where we see there in verse 6 is I will redeem you with a stretched out arm so we can kind of get a sense of what it means about what the word redemption means it's not a word that we use a lot but it is a word that the Bible uses a great deal and here in this case we see that you know the Egyptians they receive something in exchange for the children of Israel that's what redemption really is redemption is to receive is to give something it's the process of exchange by means of a substitution it's where people exchange something you can think of perhaps like redeeming a coupon a woman might clip a coupon from a newspaper or a magazine and go to a store and to get that discount she has to redeem that coupon at the cash register now in this case Egypt they received judgment they were in exchange for the children Israel God said and he would redeem them he said I will redeem you with a stretched out arm and with great judgments so that was the exchange there so we also see that redemption is not always to the benefit of both parties sometimes it's in this case it was you know it cost the Egyptians quite a bit but really what I want to point out from this verse when God is saying that he was going to redeem the children of Israel what he's saying here and showing us is that redemption is a form of deliverance for example verse 6 it says I will rig you out of their bondage and I will redeem you so we see that redemption is a form of deliverance now you're still there in Galatians chapter 4 if not go ahead and turn back Galatians chapter 4 and I'll just read some some verses here very quickly about about redemption that show us how redemption is a is a is a form of deliverance and Psalms Bible says redeem Israel Oh God out of all of his troubles again the Psalms Bible says awake why sleepest thou Lord arise cast off forever wherefore hideest thou thy face and forget us our affliction and our oppression for our soul is bowed down to the dust our violet belly cleaveth unto the earth arise for our help and redeem us for thy mercy's sake Job when he reproved his friends said deliver me from my enemy's hands redeem me from the hand of the mighty so we see that redemption one of the definitions of redemption and one ways we can understand what dimension is is that redemption is a means of deliverance and it's remember we need to be reminded about this about redemption because of the fact that we are no longer in bondage we who are one time were in bondage are no longer in bondage you're there in Galatians 4 to turn over to Galatians 5 real quick in verse 1 the Bible says stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the oak of bondage now it's important to understand what this verse is not saying it's not saying that once you've been freed from the oak of bondage you could fall in you know in terms of salvation that you could somehow fall away and become unsaved you know a person who has put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ is bound for heaven and nothing's going to change that there's nothing that they could do to lose their salvation Jesus said you know Christ the Bible says here in Galatians 5 on Christ hath made us free Jesus said that the Son shall make you free shall be free indeed you see this means that we're going to be free from the curse of sin that is the deliverance that we receive in Redemption but it says there be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage so it is possible for a safe person even though they trust in Christ and they're bound for it they're they're they're destined to go to heaven to be entangled again and the yoke of bondage of sin the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 12 for as much then as the children are partakers of the flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and to deliver them through the through fear of death who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage you see there's the Bible saying here that the people before they before they are freed by Jesus Christ that they are they are subject to fear of death and that fear of death is given to them it is inflicted on them by the power of the devil you see a lot of people move this life very proud unsafe people must say oh no fear you know this is one of these things you'll see in the back of pickups trucks and stuff like that people take all these foolish risks just flirting with death with because they say that they have no fear but I guarantee you as a person lives and if they come closer and closer to death if they have time to ponder death and and what it means to die there will be a sense of fear they're very likely and if a person does die somehow without ever being afraid of death if they're not brought in you know through if they're now these people who through fear of death all their lifetime were subject to bondage if they're not subject to that bondage the instant they die without Christ they're going to be in fear for all of eternity but I believe that people will fear death as it comes near them and I think of an example kind of a personal one would be my own mother who I saw pass away just over eight years ago and watched her die very slow painful death from from cancer when she battled for about ten years and I remember when we brought her home from the hospital and we put her in the bed in the living room she's gonna die at home and she we put her in there was about the first or second night she's very restless she was hard saying so she kept wanting to get up out of the bed and me and my uh I was there with a friend of the family and I remember you know kind of trying to keep her in the bed she didn't do anything and I remember you're saying she's got to go she's got to go I said mom where are you gonna go and I'll never forget this that she reached out at that moment and she grabbed me by my shirt and pulled as hard as she could she said I'm going to hell those were her words now I could look in her eyes when she said that I could see that this person my mother was in the bondage of the fear of death now praise God I was able to you know at that time I asked well would you like my pastor come speak with you the next day she said yes emphatically yes and he came and was able to give her the gospel and I believe that she got saved and I won't go into all the details about that but when I thought about this verse it's you know people who through fear of death all their lifetime were subject to bondage you see we need to be reminded about our redemption because of the fact that we have been freed from the fear of death there's nothing that we need to fear in this life and if we allow ourselves to begin to fear in this life we are allowing ourselves to become entangled again with the yoke of bondage we need to be reminded about our redemption because we are not in bondage amen you're there in Galatians chapter 4 look at verse 3 the Bible says even so we when we were children we're in bondage under the elements of the world but when the fullness of the time was come God set forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons notice there in verse 3 where it says when we were children you see we were born into a world of bond we were born with that sinful nature we were born destined to go to hell but the Bible says that God sent his son to redeem us that was the whole purpose of Jesus Christ coming to this earth living as a man dying and being born and being raised again was so that he would redeem us from the bondage of death now these my next point is that we it is important that we be reminded about our redemption not only because we are we are no longer in bondage but because we could not redeem ourselves there in Galatians 3 just turn back one chapter the Bible says in Galatians 3 chapter 10 for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse of the law for it is written cursed is everyone that continueth not and all the things which were written in the book of the law to do them but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident for the just shall live by faith Bible says in James 2 10 for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet shall offended one point he is guilty of all Romans 3 19 now we know that whatsoever things the law say that say it to them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world become guilty before God therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin see we need to be reminded about our redemption because of the fact that we cannot redeem ourselves and despite all these verses where it says that you know that by the deeds of the flesh there shall no flesh be justified in his sight and that the law is given unto us to condemn us it is it shows us how guilty we are and that we've broken God's commandments even if one in one point we're guilty of all it's important that we remember that good deeds and a moral life cannot save us a lot of people you know you can't even show these verses out so many you're guilty you're guilty you're guilty and they'll even agree with you as you go on most people they start off the gospel with you know Romans 3 23 and Romans 6 23 showing people how we're all sinners and how we all deserve to go to hell and they turn to Revelation 20 14 and 21 8 and they'll agree with all of that and then you'll ask them you'll get sometimes it's so frustrating because they'll say yeah I'm a sinner I deserve to go to hell and get towards the end and I'll say well you know do you what do you think a person has to go to heaven they'll say well just live a good life so what do you think it takes to get don't just live a good life but we just shown you that your good deeds and that your your decent life and your and your moral life and what you think is being a good person it's not going to save you see the Bible says that all our righteousness are eyes filthy rags before God Bible says in Romans 7 what shall we say that it's the law sin God forbid may I had not known sin but by the law for I had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not covet but sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concupiscence for without the law sin was dead for I was alive once with I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and I died and the commandment which was ordained to life I found unto death for sin taking occasion by the commandment deceived me and by it slew me people still think they can go to heaven by keeping the commandments you can show them all these verses you could show them this passage in Romans 7 where clearly says that because of the law you are condemned you are sinner but people still think that they can go to heaven by keeping the commandments you see keeping if going to heaven were us keeping the commandments if going to heaven were us leaving that good life that would not be freedom that would not be deliverance that would not be redemption that would be bondage to say if God were to say you need to keep my rules which are you know impossible for us to keep that would be slavery friend that would not be redemption the Bible says that it is not by works of righteousness which we have done but by his mercy he saved us to ask a person to earn their own way to heaven it's like asking a man that is bound in debt for a loan it's like going up to a guy he's just up to his eyeballs and then saying hey can I get some money from you that would be the equivalent of God coming to us and saying can you keep all my righteous commandment to live a perfect life when you're in your sinful condition see God cannot expect us to redeem ourselves when we are bound it reminds me of that classic you know scene from the movies where it's the convict on the run and the orange jumpsuit he's got the handcuffs on and the chain going down to his ankles you know he's trying to escape he's trying to get away from his from his captors and it's very difficult making any room and to get anywhere when you've got a run you know and the one what's the one thing he wants he wants that hacksaw he wants that grinder he wants to get free from that but even if you were to find it if you were to find something to cut with I mean try to imagine cutting your handcuff trying to cut you know that's it just reminds me that when people are gonna say well I'm gonna work my way in heaven I'm gonna be a good person it's like it's like somebody you know it's just an impossibility the Bible says in Romans 3 23 all have sinned it comes short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus you see redemption is a free gift through Christ Jesus which leads me to my next point is this that we need to be reminded of our redemption because of who it is that redeemed us in Galatians 3 if you look down the Bible says Christ hath redeemed us so we see that it is Jesus Christ is the one that has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree go ahead and turn to Ephesians chapter 2 if you would you see there's the same God whose commandments that we had broken that has chosen to redeem us it is the same God who has who has declared us guilty that declared the whole world guilty before God that is the same God who has redeemed us you know I think of another family member when I when I think about this fact I remember years ago I gave a birthday card to my sister and I was newly saved I didn't know about soul winning I wasn't really clear on a lot of things that's not the point but I remember I thought well if I put this gospel track in her birthday card maybe she'll read it and get saved of course looking back now I believe that's kind of a foolish thing to do I think if you want to see somebody get saved you need to open your mouth boldly and make known the mystery of the gospel you can take that Bible in hand and actually explain to them you can't just give somebody a card and with a little gospel track and hope that they're gonna read it and here's why because when she read that card all she could see is that she was a sinner all that all the only thing she got out of the message is that she deserves to go to hell that was it she's saying she was very pretty upset about it even brought it up years later and you know even seemed to even that upset about hey thanks for the card that was telling me I was going to hell thanks for telling me that on my birthday but the thing is the reason that is is because some people will never get saved because they can't see past the condemnation of God that's all they can see all they can see is that they're guilty they're guilty they're guilty and that enough is alone for them to just completely reject God and go away from him we'll see these kind of well you hear these statements from people where they'll say things like you know well if God is just somebody that wants to send people to hell and that's not a God I want to worship that's as far as they get they won't get any further than the gospel they will never understand the riches of his mercy of his love and of his grace you're there in Ephesians chapter 2 look at verse 1 Bible says and you have the quick and who are dead and trespasses and sins where in times past he walked according the course of this world according the prince of the power dear and the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom also we all had our conversation in times past and the lust of the flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature the children of wrath even as others but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us like it together with Christ for by grace are you saved and that raised us up together and made us sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in the ages to come he might show his the exotic the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness toward us through Christ so we see that we need to be reminded of our redemption because of who it is that it redeemed us it says there in verse 7 that the grace the riches of his grace and kindness toward us was through Jesus Christ how did God show his riches of grace how did God show us that he is rich in mercy how did he show his great love it was through Christ that's how we need to be reminded of that high price that he paid for our ransom that's why we need to be reminded of who it is that redeemed us because it came at a high price the Bible says in Hebrews 9 22 and almost all things almost all things are purged by the law almost all things by the law purged with blood and without the shedding of blood is no remission you see without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin the price of our ransom was the blood of Jesus Christ that's why we need to be reminded of who it is that has redeemed us if you would please turn to Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 I'll read you a few more verses the Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 3 for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh and quickened by the Spirit Jesus said in Mark 10 for even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many Bible says in Revelation 5 9 and they sang a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou is slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation you're there in Colossians chapter 1 look at verse 14 in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins jump down to verse 19 for please the father that in him should all fullness dwell and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things unto himself by him I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven and you that were sometimes alienated enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now have you reconciled and the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unreprovable in a site turn to Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 the Bible says in Isaiah 5 52 3 for thus saith the Lord he has sold yourselves for not and he shall be redeemed without money you see the price of our redemption was the blood of Christ we cannot redeem ourselves it was we shall be redeemed without money the Bible says in 1st Peter and if you call on the father without respect of persons judge it according to every man man's work past the time of your soldiering here in fear for as much as you know you are not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot see the Bible showing us here that we were deemed through the death of Jesus Christ we are deemed through the blood of his cross and it is in the body of his flesh through his death that we are redeemed that we were ransomed that we are purchased from from bondage that we were redeemed by Jesus Christ let me ask you something you think that God wants to ask for receipt when God sent forth his son to die when God when Jesus Christ was on the cross dying for us when he shed his blood for us to redeem us do you think that he asked for a receipt you think there's some kind of return policy on us that this seat when people say things that you could lose your salvation they're cheapening the blood of Jesus Christ amen this isn't Walmart this isn't a spiritual Walmart you cannot lose your salvation God isn't gonna return us God isn't gonna reject us after paying such a high price for our salvation his own son I think of my own son if I were to take my only begotten son the only son that I have and if I were to send them into the world to die for everybody and someone came to me through my son through the death of my child would I then just cast that person away because I disapprove for their behavior look friend God didn't approve of our behavior to begin with that's why Christ even came was to die for our sins no there is no receipt there is no return policy with redemption once we are saying we are always saying once they are redeemed we are redeemed forever you cannot lose your salvation if we could it would cheapen the price that was paid the ransom of Jesus Christ you're there in Colossians 2 Bible says in verse 13 and you being dead in your sins and uncircumcision of your flesh happy quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses how many trespasses did he forgive all of them blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross the Bible says here that we are redeemed and that we are forgiven of all our trespasses my friend that means the ones we have committed that means so all the ones that we will commit the blood of Jesus Christ is the atonement for our sin it cleanses us from all sin it is the price of our redemption my friend we need to be reminded of who it is that picked every deemed us because of the price that he paid my next point is this we need to be reminded of our redemption because there are still others that need to be redeemed we need to be reminded of our redemption because of the fact that there are still others out there in this world that are lost that are dying that are going to go to hell and if they also need to be redeemed the Bible says in Titus chapter 2 of Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that we that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself of peculiar people zealous of good works you see because we have been redeemed we must redeem the time we must be zealous of good works and that good work is for us to go out and tell others the gospel the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 5 see that he walks circumspect circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is because we have been redeemed we also should redeem the time that we have to see others be redeemed and we should honor but that's what that understanding the will of the Lord is what now one way to understand the will of Lord is understand by what it isn't Bible says in 2nd Peter chapter 3 the Lord is not slack concerning his promises some men count sadness but as long suffering to us were not willing so this is what the will of God is not not willing that any should perish and then it tells us what his will is but that all should come to repentance that is the will of the Lord that we need to understand that we that is why we need to redeem the time as we have been redeemed because God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance you see it is God's will that all men be saved Bible says in first Timothy chapter 2 verse 3 for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come under the knowledge of the truth for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time Jesus Christ is the ransom for everybody that's what we need to tell people that everybody has the chance to be redeemed to God that's why it says there and if you would turn to excuse me turn to Corinthians chapter 5 the Bible says in second Colossians 4 it says walk in wisdom toward them that are without redeeming the time we are to walk in wisdom we are to be we don't have to be unwise but we're to understand the what the will of the Lord is we are to walk in wisdom towards them that are without why because God's will is that all men shall be saved why because he gave himself as a ransom for all we need to be reminded of our redemption because there are still others that need to be redeemed the Bible says that we are to walk in wisdom now in Proverbs 11 30 the Bible says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls is wise so if we're going to walk in wisdom if we're going to do that which is wise then we can compare spiritual things with spiritual look at Proverbs chapter 11 and see that if we win souls we are wise that's what it means to walk in wisdom we have to win souls I love that it says that we are to walk in wisdom and that he that that witness souls is wise you see this this correlation there where it says you are to walk in wisdom my friend how are you gonna see somebody saying you're gonna have to walk you're gonna have to walk to win souls that's why it says in Isaiah chapter 52 how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publishes peace peace and bringeth good tidings of good that publish its salvation that saith unto Zion thy God reigneth that same verse is quoted in Romans 10 how shall then how then shall they call on whom they have not believed how so they believe in whom they have not heard how so they hear without a preacher and how so they preach except they be sent as it is written how how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things you see we need to walk in wisdom we need to be wise and win souls we need to use our feet to go out and see others saved because we are the world's only hope of redemption we us those of us who have been saved the redeemed of God who have the knowledge of Jesus Christ who have the words of life are to walk in wisdom towards those that are without so that they also might receive an opportunity to to to be redeemed we know the Bible says in 1st John 5 and we know that we are of God and that the whole world life and wickedness Bible says in Psalms 49 where should wherefore should I fear in the days of evil when the iniquity of my heels shall compass me about they that trust in wealth and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches none of them can save by any means but none of them by any means can redeem their brother nor give to God a ransom for him see the world isn't going to save itself they cannot work their way to heaven they cannot purchase they cannot redeem their own brother they cannot save their neighbor why because the redemption of their souls is precious you see we have the answer we have the answer for that redemption of their souls but we need to walk in wisdom towards them that are without we need to be reminded of our redemption because of the fact that there are others out there that still need to be redeemed the Bible says in 1st John 2 and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world my friend the whole world lies in wickedness wickedness but there is one who is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world and if we would go out and teach others and show them how they can be redeemed we could see the world but you know is the whole world going to be redeemed of course not but the whole world could be redeemed if they so chose you're there in second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 read along where it says and all things are of God who have reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and have given to us the ministry of reconciliation to it that God was in Christ reckoning silent the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation you see God reconciled us to himself but that's not all he did that's not that's not the end of God's will for us well he saved us he's redeemed us we have redemption in Jesus Christ but it goes on it says that he has given to us the ministry of reconciliation you see it's our job to take that ministry of showing people how they can be reconciled to God and tell them but since he has committed unto us the word of reconciliation what good does that do if we don't tell people what good does that do if we're not willing to take our feet and walk in wisdom towards those that are without and tell them of the redemption that they can have in Christ Jesus it does no good Bible says in second Corinthians 4 3 if our gospel be hid it is hidden then that are lost if we hide the gospel you know it's not going to be a mystery to us we're still going to understand it we're still going to be saved we're still going to go to heaven we're still going to be redeemed but it's them that are going to be lost and that's why God has reconciled us to himself and given unto us the ministry of reconciliation that we would go and tell others that during Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 I'll just summarize here quickly and conclude you see we need to be reminded that we are that we are redeemed and not in bondage we need to be reminded that it was Jesus Christ who redeemed us with his own blood from all of our sins we need to be reminded that there are others that need to be redeemed and that it is our duty to tell them that's what this this sermon is about the reminders of our redemption there's one last thing I would like to remind us about closing and is that we can have joy and knowing that knowing that we are redeemed knowing that we are safe knowing that we are going that our sins are forgiven that they're blotted out as with a thick cloud the Bible says that we can that that is a source of great rejoicing you know no matter how bad or how hard this life can become no matter the disappointments and setbacks we might experience we can always rejoice and knowing that we have been redeemed the Bible says in Psalm 71 I will also praise thee with the psaltery even thy truth oh my God unto thee will I sing with the heart of thou Holy One of Israel my lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee and my soul which thou has redeemed you there in Ephesians chapter 1 read along with the Bible says blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings and heavenly places in Christ according as he hath chosen us and in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestinated us unto the redemption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace Bible says that we have redemption through his blood and that we have a we can praise God to the glory of his grace because of the redemption through his blood verse 12 the Bible says that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ and whom also after they he believed he heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that he believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory my friend we need to be reminded from our redemption because it is a great source of praise and it is something that we need to tell others about there are others out there that need to experience the same joy they need to know the same praise because a great price has been paid for their souls that's great and the father again thank you for the for the Bible Lord we thank you for the preaching of it Lord I pray that you would help us to always be mindful and learn to be reminded of the great love wherewith you loved us when Lord to be mindful of the great price that you pay for our souls and Lord that we now allow anybody to ever cheapen that salvation by preaching a false gospel or trying to tell us that that your blood is not sufficient for us the Lord that we would walk in wisdom towards those that are without that they also might know the joy that we can know through the redemption is in Christ Jesus we love you we thank you and give you praise and honor in Jesus name Amen all right if you would please turn to song 377 song 377 rescue the perishing song 377 on the first rest do the perishing care for the dying snatch them in pity from sin and the grave wait for the herring ones lift up the fallen tell them of Jesus the mighty to save rescue the perishing care for the dying Jesus is merciful Jesus will save though they are slighting him still he is waiting waiting a pendant child to receive plead with them earnestly bleed with them gently he will forgive if they only believe we're still a perishing care for the dying Jesus is merciful Jesus will save down in the human heart crushed by the tenter feelings library that grace can be stored touched by a loving heart waking by kindness chords that are broken will vibrate once more rescue the perishing care for the dying Jesus is merciful Jesus will save rescue the perishing duty demands it strength for thy labor the Lord will provide back to the narrow way patiently win them tell the poor wonder a savior has died rescue the perishing care for the dying Jesus is merciful Jesus will save thank you for coming we are dismissed