(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In Philippians chapter 4 last week we had kind of just a review I guess you would say of the background of the book and again I'm not in a real rush to get through this book just because you know the book of Philippians is a really great book a lot of great doctrine in here so we are going to start getting into it chapter by chapter verse by verse you say well you read chapter 4 tonight we had it read rather you know we left off in chapter 1 well we're going to get there so you know by the time we get around to chapter 4 you might have forgotten what was read tonight so unless you're you know you're getting into it yourself but we're gonna we're gonna get there I'm gonna continue in the vein of last week a little bit last week if you remember we looked at the fact that we looked at the place and the people of Philippi we looked at Acts chapter 16 how that's very closely tied into the book of Philippians you see a lot of the characters that were there Lydia the young maiden who was possessed with the devil the Philippian jailer so on and so forth so that's a real you know Acts 16 is a real gives us a lot of background into the people and the place of Philippi which is of course you know where the church of the Philippians is and we saw how that they were the people there basically the kind of the thrust the message was that we saw from Acts chapter 16 that the people that were in Philippi were you know they had advantages being a chief city of the Romans people have said it was like they called it the mini Rome or something like that it was a smaller version of Rome but it was a very chief city it was located in a place where there was a lot of commerce there was a lot of wealth there was a lot of the economy was strong Lydia was a good example of that the fact that she had a home that could host the church she was a seller of purple which is a very expensive garment you know dyed garments were very expensive we saw also that you know just logically because of the fact that she's making purple obviously somebody's buying it and we saw that they were a very open-handed church they were very liberal in their giving and and Paul made mention of that in chapter 4 where we read tonight and even mentioned it to the Corinthians and second Corinthians chapter 8 and the kind of thrust again last week was we saw how much the Philippians invested of their substance in the in the gospel and how we should do that you know we might not have the affluence that they have we might not have the resources that they have but the one thing that we all do have is time right and that's the most valuable thing that we all any of us have that's our most precious asset so that was kind of last week I don't want to spend a lot of time on that but I'm gonna look a little bit more tonight just kind of do an overview of the book itself and just point out some things and one of the things is that we might want to look at is the fact is why is Paul even writing this book you ever open up a book of the Bible one of the epistles and say well why did he even write this you know and I'm sure there were other epistles that Paul may have written that we don't even know about but you know God saw fit that the book of Philippians was there for us so let's look first of all tonight and we're gonna be mainly in Philippians we're gonna we're gonna do some flipping around at the end so stick with me but we're gonna be mainly in Philippians throughout the book but Paul had several reasons for writing this book I believe and one of them was this relationship between the Philippian people and Epaphroditus if you remember he's a major character in the book of Philippians this man Epaphroditus and I believe was through him that the Philippians learned of Paul's imprisonment because there was this back and forth with the Epaphroditus once we see that in the book of Philippians he's coming and going a few times that we know of and through him the Philippian people learn about his imprisonment he's looked there in Philippians chapter 1 you see that it says in verse 29 of Philippians chapter 1 verse 29 for unto you it is given on the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake having the same conflict which you saw in me so Paul had some kind of conflict when he was there with the Philippian people right that's where we know from Acts 16 that he was jailed he was beaten so on and so forth see they saw that conflict and now here to be in me so not only they see a conflict there but now they have heard of another conflict that conflict being that he is now in prison again he's writing to them from Rome and how did they hear about that they heard that from this man Epaphroditus we see and if you want to go to Philippians chapter 4 that the Philippians had sent Epaphroditus to Paul with an offering it says in Philippians chapter 4 verse 10 but I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at the last the carrot your care of me had flourished again wherein you were also careful but he lacked lacked opportunity verse 18 so he's talking about his their care for him right meaning you know how they wanted to give to him they gave him an offering says here in verse 18 but I have all and abound for I am full having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you so we see that Epaphroditus has gone to them hey Paul's in jail and the Philippians have said take this offering to Paul and take care of him with it and it says that he had having received Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you an odor of sweet of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to God so we could see here Epaphroditus is this guy that is communicating between Paul and the Philippian Church and you know it stands to reason that Epaphroditus is a Philippian that he that's where Paul probably got to know him and then what do we also see here concerning Epaphroditus is the concern that the Philippian Church had for him you know they had this this deep concern for him it says in verse 25 yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and my companion and labor and fellow soldier so that's a pretty you know those are some good titles to have you know would to God that it could be said of us that that that a man like Paul might say something like that of us or that Christ would say that of us you know that we are his companion and labor that we are a fellow soldier right but your messenger and that he ministered to my wants for he longed after you all so why is Epaphroditus longing after the Philippian people and he was full of heaviness because that ye because that ye had heard that he had been sick so Epaphroditus you can see this this mutual concern between Epaphroditus and the Philippian people he they're they're saying oh man Epaphroditus is sick and they're concerned about him and Epaphroditus I mean this guy what it must be just a real tender hearted guy I mean because he's saying he was concerned that they heard that he was sick I don't know that I've ever done that I never you poor thing I'm sorry I concerned you that that I got sick you know I'm usually turned into a big blubbering baby you know you know anyway he says in verse 27 for indeed he was sick nigh unto death so he's upset that they're upset about how sick he was but God had mercy on him and not him only but on me also lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow so you can kind of see this this care this loving care between Paul Epaphroditus and the Philippians and you know I don't know I don't know maybe this is just this is the impression I've gotten over the years is that I think people sometimes they think Paul's just kind of it was kind of a hard case I don't know if everyone's ever and he felt like that I remember when I would read the epistles and man this Paul I mean he's a godly man right he's God's he's God's man he's preaching he's doing he's got to do but sometimes you know he's saying things that are pretty rough right and I know I've read some of the things an ouch Paul really and he stepped on my toes but then you see passages like this which reminds us that Paul is a very tender hearted man you know and it's a he does everything out of his love for the Lord and his love for people because it says there he was he was sick nigh unto death but God had mercy on him and not on him only but on me also he's saying if paphroditus are gone my fellow labor my fellow soldier your messenger you know that would have brought sorrow upon me to showing us that Paul would have been very upset had a paphroditus gone lest I should have sorrow upon sorry say it's bad enough you know I'm here in prison so on and so forth please you know it's at least God had mercy didn't take a paphroditus from me and it goes to show us when people are going through hard times you know companionship goes a long way when people are going through a hard time in their life like Paul's going through here you know those relationships that we might otherwise take for granted become very valuable don't they you think about you know preachers that are go through some kind of persecution you know one of the best things that we can do in that time is yeah pray for him but maybe even just send him a message you know an email or text or call or you say hey I'm thinking about you we're behind you support you so on and so forth you know that's you know kind of relating that to Paul but even just you know in our in our own lives you know as we're just going through our lives because life you know obviously we all go through difficulties we all have trials in our lives you know and and we should make sure that we we see a brother or sister going through that that we reach out to them let them know that we're there that they don't have sorrow upon sorrow so we're just kind of making application as we go through tonight and kind of looking at the overview of Philippians before we start to really dig it into here but we see a little bit more here about Epaphroditus Paul sends this epistle that we're reading by the hand of Epaphroditus so he was the one that carried it you see that Philippians chapter 2 verse 28 I sent him therefore the more carefully that when you see him again you may rejoice that I may be the less sorrowful so again there it is again speaking to this this concern that they all had one for another oh that the Philippians are upset that Epaphroditus was sick and Epaphroditus is sick or sorrowful that they found out he was sick and Paul's sorrowful over the fact that they're both sorrowful that's what's kind of going on here he's saying he said that when you see him again you may rejoice that I may be less sorrowful receive him therefore it says in verse 29 in the Lord with all gladness and hold such in reputation because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death not regarding his life to supply your lack of service towards me so that's one of the reasons we see here for Paul's writing is this there's this mutual concern between the Epaphroditus and the Philippians he sends this epistle by his hand and of course you know it wasn't just a hey everything's okay it wasn't just a hallmark card don't worry about Epaphroditus you know he's here don't worry about me there's a lot of great doctrine in here but this is one of the reasons why Paul wrote this epistle because of this relationship with Epaphroditus that's why he sought to send him more carefully right another reason that Paul went ahead and wrote this epistle I believe is because he wanted to assure the Philippians that his own ministry would continue and that's because they had heard right of his conflict that he had been in jail and you know when we see something like that happen the tendency might be to think well I guess it's over for Paul you know Paul had a good run but this is the end of the road for him you know and that concerned them and rightfully so you know we wouldn't want to see you know we never want to see a man of God a great ministry or a man of God his ministry come to an end we always want to see that continue and go forward and Paul here you know it stands to reason that someone would think that I mean humanly speaking he's in jail you would think the Philippians would would know a little bit better because of what happened when he was there you know 20 years previous in Acts chapter 16 when he was miraculously freed from the prison and and brought out of the city by the magistrates but a little bit of a different situation here so he writes them not only because of Epaphroditus and their and their relationship but also to assure the Philippians that his ministry would continue Philippians chapter 1 says in verse 23 for I am in a strait betwixt two having a desire to part and to be which Christ with Christ which is far better nevertheless to abide in the flesh is for more needful for you and having this confidence I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for the furtherance and joy of the faith that your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me but am I coming to you again so Paul's speaking very confidently not only is my ministry going to continue but I'm actually going to come to you again right this is the confidence that he has so he's writing to reassure the Philippian people don't worry I'm in jail but I have the confidence you will see me again okay and not only that but Paul also reminds them that his trial his difficult circumstance is actually to the furtherance of the gospel that he doesn't want them worrying but to understand that all things work together to good for them that love God to them that are called according to his purposes it says in Philippians chapter 1 verse 12 but I would have you under should understand brethren that the things which have happened unto me have fallen out far rather unto the furtherance of the gospel you know that's something we should always keep in mind whenever we see brethren going through persecution or going through a hard time you know is that the word of God is being preached that that is actually a good thing of course you know every it's probably coming to everybody's mind everything that first works Baptist Church in El Monte California went through with the bombing and the protests and everything like that you know we could look at that and we could worry about it and say oh no what's going to happen here but then we have to now we can step back and say well but look how the the gospel the the message of Christ was spread even further you know and I remember when that was going on I was told that what was said was that you don't get to have your message go out there without paying the price and I mean look at the message that Paul's spread I mean he he preached to the ends of the earth I mean his message went out you know all over I mean we're still reading it today we're still sitting here reading his exact words but you don't get to do that without paying the price there's a price to be paid for the one that would deliver that message so he's just reminding him of that hey the things that have fallen out on me are to the furtherance of the gospel and we even see that he's even now preaching to those that are of Caesar's household right so that's one of the other reasons that Paul wrote not just for the relationship and the concern over Paphroditus but also because of the fact that the he wanted to assure the Philippians that his ministry was going to continue this was at the end of the road for him but he also wrote you know just briefly here a few other things concerning the unity that was in the church right and you can see that in Philippians 2 but we read here in Philippians chapter 4 verse 2 it says I beseech Euodius and St. Tyche that they be of the same mind in the Lord so these two ladies you know were buttonheads in the church and he's saying hey I want you to be of the same mind you know and to to esteem one better than the other he wanted you know them to bear the axe you know or bury the hatchet I guess the saying is right and he says in verse 3 and I treat thee also true yelp true yelp for help those women which labored me with me in the gospel with Clement also and with other my fellow laborers whose names are in the book of life so you know a lot of great doctrine right there you know I don't want to dive into all this because we're just kind of doing an overview but you know he is writing because of the unity of the church we also see that you know women play a very important role in the local church you know we kind of get the rap of you know just trying to being misogynistic and so on and so forth but what we see with Paul here is that there are women that labor with him in the gospel right they might not be doing the preaching the teaching but they're doing that very important work of preaching the gospel you know and I know I know plenty of great women of God over the years that that are some of the best soul winners I know are women I'll just be perfectly honest they really are and you know that's a powerful thing you know you think oh and you think oh this is where it's all at if you're not behind the pulpit it's you're a nobody that's not the case at all that's not the case at all with Paul here he's saying look you need to entreat the also true yokel help those women which labored with me in the gospel and with Clement also so we see real quick here another reason why he's writing is concerning the unity of church you know that was you know and again I just kind of went off a little rabbit trail there it's a great doctrine though right and he's saying here beseech Euodius and some Tyche that they be in the same mind so we can see and if you look at Philippians chapter 2 it talks about he wants them to be you know to to that they let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better themselves look not everyone has own things but also on the things of others so you know he's addressing maybe there's this little bit of disunity in the church right and he's addressing that and then very briefly Philippians chapter 3 if you would go there great passage he talks about Judaism there's a brief warning here so we're just looking at why did Paul write this epistle we're going to spend all this time reading what he wrote and dissecting it and learning from it you know maybe we should know a little bit about the people that were there a little bit about the place that those people live maybe we should know a little bit about why Paul even felt like writing this epistle and one of the other reasons he did that was because of Judaism he gives us brief warning concerning Judaism it says in Philippians chapter 3 verse 2 beware of dogs he's not talking about literal dogs although that is good advice beware of the literal dog as well we went out to practice today I gotta tell a story and this little it wasn't little was it it was kind of a bigger dog but he was trotting around and we were at this place getting breakfast and there's a lot of construction going on right there and I thought well this must be I had gone ahead and to say hey I've got a family can you see this so and so forth my wife's getting ready and this dog's there and he I could tell right away he's friendly but I don't know why I'm telling the story but I started now I gotta finish it and this time I'm like okay so I go and get the family and little Corbin he just sees Corbin goes over and just plows him right over and I'm thinking is this one of the constraints we thought I was a construction guys dogs you know sometimes guys go to the job site they bring their dog so I'm thinking I can't kick this dog in front of a bunch of construction guys so I might get kicked next you know because he knocked right over he's licking his face and I pulled him off everyone we walked here in the restaurants just like I saw one guy ready to pounce and he was ready to get up and get he had my back but I don't know what they had to do with anything I don't even know why I brought that up but I did anyway oh beware of dogs right good advice you know if you see that sign beware of the dog right and he's talking about reprobates he's talking about you know without our dogs right beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision so this is all reference to Judaism because concision or circumcision that is something that they practiced right verse three for we are the circumcision which worship the God in the spirit rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh rather than be followers together me and mark them which also walk this verse 17 as he also have an example and he goes on right giving that warning talking about how they you know they are the enemies of the cross of Christ very you know that's not something you want to be labeled that's a very hard thing whose end is destruction verse 19. So these are just some of the reasons why Paul wrote this epistle at all he wanted to concerning Epaphroditus and their mutual care one for another concerning the fact that his ministry is going to continue he's trying to reassure them really that's what this is all about is Paul's trying to reassure them about Epaphroditus reassure them about his own ministry and then you know kind of admonishes unity and gives a brief warning about Judaism these are some of the things that he included and you know I want to you know of course we're just doing an overview but I don't want to go through without making some application in this we should definitely learn something from this and one that we should care about one another you know we should care about one another and we should also work toward unity right that is something we always strive to maintain in the local church is unity you know if the church starts to go in different directions we're not gonna be able to get everything done that we can get done so I mean that's something we always want to strive for and we should should care for one another but we also have to understand this that no church is perfect right we would look at the Philippian church on a whole and say this is a really good church I mean they're Paul's bragging on them about their love Paul's bragging about their giving about their work we saw everything in act 16 that they did great church right a really a model church I mean not so much like the Corinthians we look at first Corinthians and say there's a lot of things we shouldn't do you know you can learn a lot of things that you shouldn't do from the first current from the Corinthian church you know and some good of course right because again no church is perfect the Philippians we'd say wow what a great church but they even had their issues didn't they they even had to work on unity even even even as loving as they were you it's kind of surprising when you read about how they're they're concerned that Epaphroditus is sick and Epaphroditus one of their own is concerned that they're concerned that he was sick and there's this there's you can feel you know the love right there you can feel the love right but they weren't perfect in this area and no church is that's why something unity we strive to keep unity we strive for that we work towards that end meaning sometimes we have to back up and say whoops I made a mistake here or I'm not working to that end let me correct this right no church is perfect no per and no church is immune either from this that's one thing we can learn about the Philippian church and that you know and even in a church like Philippians you know the Philippian church you know they have to be united and they have to be vigilant right even and all the more so when you're a church that's getting something done for God you have to stay vigilant you have to stay vigilant you have to be aware of the dogs you have to be aware of the evil workers so on and so forth because when a church is doing great things for God that's the church that the devil's going to target that's the church that got or that the devil I hope I said that right did I just get that all backwards that's the church that the devil is going to target he's going to go after that church that is actually trying to get something done for God and that was the Philippian church wasn't it I mean they were they were getting something done for God big things but you know and Paul was warning them look out look out for you know the lack of unity look out for people who want to creep in and bring in false doctrine so they need to be united they need to be vigilant that's why Paul is writing to them to remind them of these things so that's kind of the purpose behind Paul's writing uh to the Philippian church but I also want to look tonight real quick at kind of we're again just doing an overview of the book tonight uh what's the theme of the book what's the theme of the book of Philippians well if you've read through it you're probably going to notice even the few passages we've turned to tonight there's been a lot of talk about joy and rejoicing right and that is the theme of this book is that it's a book about joy and specifically about joy in the Lord and this is an important point this is something that we as Christians have to understand in fact I would say you know Philippians chapter 4 verse 4 is probably the most famous verse in the whole book right rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice you know there's even a little chorus that people sing you know I'm not gonna sing it but that's right it's that famous everyone knows that verse rejoice the Lord always and again I say rejoice so that's what Paul is really driving through here that kind of backs up the purpose for why he even wrote the book to reassure them that their joy would continue right that they wouldn't be overly concerned about Epaphroditus or himself but that they would be vigilant that they would stay united if they would continue to have that joy in the Lord I mean let's just look real quick go over to Philippians chapter 1 you could try and keep up with me through this but I'm just going to read several verses and we're just going to look at several verses here to see that the theme of this book is about joy and specifically joy in the Lord it says in Philippians chapter 1 verse 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy verse 18 what then notwithstanding every way whether in pretense or in truth Christ is preached and therein I do rejoice yea and will rejoice verse 25 and having this confidence I know that I shall abide with you or excuse me and continue with you all for the furtherance and joy of faith verse 26 that your uh that your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for uh for me by coming meet my coming to you again chapter 2 verse 2 fulfill ye my joy that you be all like minded having the same love being of one of court one mind verse 16 holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ and have not run in vain neither labored in vase verse 17 and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and the service of your faith I joy and rejoice with you all for the same cause you also do joy and rejoice with me verse 28 I sent him therefore the more carefully that when you see him again ye may rejoice and that I may be the less sorrowful verse chapter 3 verse 1 finally my brethren rejoice in the Lord to write the same things to you to you to me indeed is not grievous but for you it is safe verse 3 for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh chapter 4 verse 1 therefore my brethren dearly beloved and long for my joy and crown so stand ye fast my dearly beloved verse 4 rejoice Lord always and again I say rejoice verse 10 but I rejoice in the Lord greatly and that now at the last your uh care of me hath flourished again see how many times that word's coming up I mean over I I've lost count but it's it's probably close to 20 times rejoice joy rejoice joy this is the theme of the book and you say well okay what's the big deal about that consider where Paul's writing from you have to consider where Paul's writing from and this is the point I want to make tonight Paul's writing this from prison Paul's writing a group of people that are free to to go about their lives and he's reminding that he is reminding them to rejoice he's in prison and we need to understand this because here's the thing about the Christian life all they that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution you know we say that ad nauseum right but this is a fact of the Christian life it's a fact that tribulation if you're going to live godly in Christ Jesus is guaranteed it's guaranteed ask Paul you know ask many many many many other saints down to the ages ask Jesus Christ himself it's guaranteed and it's how you handle it is what matters and that's what we see with Paul that's the point I want to make tonight is that tribulation is guaranteed Paul knew it he was writing this from prison it's how you handle it that matters some people tribulation comes their life they throw in the towel that's it ain't worth it this is depressing I don't need this and they're done other people take it they go through it they understand it they embrace it and you know what those people have they have joy and they rejoice I mean that's what Paul's doing here and this is a fact of the Christian life we're going to turn to several passages real quick just keep up with me if you want to go to Romans chapter 5 Romans chapter 5 the Bible says in Luke 6 this is Jesus speaking blessed are you and men shall hate you and they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil for the son of man's sake what did he say boo hoo in that day feel sorry for yourself walk around with a frowny face you know get all sad about it no he said rejoice in that day rejoice when when men are going to separate from me when men are going to cast out my name as evil he's saying that's the day to rejoice why and leap for joy for behold your reward is great in heaven that's why Paul's writing this from prison going man I'm just he's just hearing that you know that cha-ching cha-ching up in heaven every day he's in prison every minute he's there every time he takes a beating every time he goes through something for the Lord he's just thinking about what's in heaven waiting for him and that gives him that allows him to endure not only endure it but to rejoice over it to leap for joy the Bible says you're in Romans 5 he said it's Paul writing in verse 3 and not only so but we glory in tribulations also oh do we all do that I appreciate the assumption Paul we glory in tribulations and he's speaking of course you know including himself and they do knowing that tribulation worketh patience right what's why should you be glad about going through some kind of tribulation in your life because it works patience I remember being out on the when we were doing these res trips and I'd have people and and I remember one person came to me and said brother Corbin you're very patient man it's like well I'm dealing with adults it's not that hard you know but you when you deal with people you know people and you know when people ask you the same question over and over and you you know or people whatever anyone who's dealt with people know that it can be frustrating and in the in a and if you're a good leader you'll smile and nod and no one will ever even know that you're a little perturbed or annoyed and someone's saying well you're patient and then thinking well why why is that how did that happen that wasn't only that way that's like I had kids I went through that tribulation right and you know that worked patience in my life right and that's something you rejoice over you know when we go through some kind of persecution in our life you know and you say well what's the point of this well it might just make you a more patient person it might make you able to endure hardness like a good soldier go to Romans chapter 12 I mean this isn't an isolated you know set of verses here in Philippians chapter one this is a common theme with Paul in many of his writings and many of his epistles it's a theme of the New Testament that when we go through hard times we should rejoice in tribulation he said in John Jesus said in John 16 these things have I spoken unto you that you me might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation he said you might you might have tribulation no he said you shall have and look at if we're a Christian and we're not having a tribulation then we have to ask ourselves are we really living godly in Christ Jesus then because the Bible says all they that live godly not all Christians not everyone that saved and believes is going to have tribulation he said all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall have suffered persecution and if Jesus said ye shall have tribulation in the world so if we're not having it as a Christian we have the question is you know you can ask yourself one of two questions is the Bible true well we know it's true or is it that I'm not living godly in Christ Jesus you know only we can answer that and he says but be of good cheer right he said look ye shall have persecution right and then what does he say after that but be of good cheer rejoice I have overcome the world he said in Romans 12 you there verse 12 Romans 12 12 rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer there he is again telling people to rejoice and hope to be patient in tribulation go over to second Corinthians seven second Corinthians chapter seven I'm going to read to second Corinthians one it says who comforteth us in all our tribulation god comforts us when in our tribulation that's something you rejoice over is that you know when we're when we're suffering for Christ's sake to whatever degree whether it's friends or family or co-workers or some mob outside our church or whatever or any of the things that Paul's gone through that we might never experience or maybe we will I don't know but whatever degree we're we're suffering persecution we can rejoice in the fact that god will comfort us in that tribulation that god you know that god's not far off god's not distant in that time you know people that go through those things that's probably when they feel the most the closest to the lord when when the Christian life is the realist when when when the things in the bible really become alive to them is when they go through these things that's when god will comfort us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are any trouble you know that's part of the the rejoicing hey I'm going through this god's with me and when I get through the other side I'm going to be helped able to help somebody else go through this tribulation too and again life is full of it you know just being a Christian aside life has its own tribulations just by the nature of life right we all go through similar experiences and when we go through them if we take it well we can help others when they go through it look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 4 2nd Corinthians 7 verse 4 great is my boldness of speech toward you great is my glorying of you I am filled with comfort I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation well good for you Paul right I'm exceedingly joyful he said he's I'm glorying over here I'm bold my bold of speech for you I am filled with comfort because we're all going through the same tribulation together and Paul knew how to take it didn't he and that's why when we get to a book like Philippians where he's writing people who are free from prison joy becomes the theme right now how is that how does Paul how is he able to do that because here's the thing here's that people have to understand joy and happiness are not the same thing joy and happiness are not the same thing look lots of things make us happy very simple things make us happy don't they the tub of ice cream you might think you're rejoicing you're just happy okay and you're gonna eat that and you're gonna be happy while you eat it and then after you're gonna you're not gonna feel so good you keep it up eventually you're not gonna be looking so good and then you're not gonna be rejoicing right you're not gonna be happy right but rejoicing you know it's something different you know rejoicing and and joy are things that are lasting I think those are the fruits of the spirit right those are the type of things that help us get through tough times right happiness is just something that just comes and goes and it's frivolous and and people get happy about the simplest things right but joy is something that is long lasting that isn't dependent upon circumstance it's something that is dependent it's it's it's a mindset it's a way of looking at life a way of looking at eternity it's it comes from a spiritual understanding of how the world really is and what our role in it is and our position in Christ and all of these things and when we have a deeper understanding of the things of God that's when we have real joy and that's the type of thing that's why Paul is able to go say things like hey I'm exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation that's why Jesus is able to tell us to leap for joy when men persecute us because they understood that joy and happiness are not the same thing and we should never confuse the two you know you might not be happy you might be sad about something but you can still have joy you know and that joy will help us get through those tough times that rejoicing will help us get through that we can always find you know that that's the ability to find the silver lining right and I heard it said recently I can't remember where but somebody said you know everything has a silver lining in the Christian life all the Christian life is is one giant silver lining you know that's important to keep in mind you know and and this this that's what this last year you know it was taught me anything is is learn to see the silver lining because you know the world's going to do whatever the world's going to do you know that's out of our control right and it can we can get upset and mad about it and I and I understand all that but you know what they're not going to do I don't care what they do they're not going to steal my joy they cannot take that from me now they might make me unhappy in fact they might even make me mad right they might even make me upset when I when I have to when I get out of the car and I go stupid mask where I didn't bring up put the shirt up right that's what's great about ties wrapping around you're good right it might even make me mad but you know what they're never going to be able to do is steal my joy in Christ and I'll be able to endure whatever they throw at you know hopefully you know if we have a walk with God that's what Paul had I mean he was look at everything Paul went through and he never lost his joy in fact he was exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation right so that's kind of you know the application here of point one and our first point and we're just kind of looking at you know the reasons why Paul wrote this epistle lastly I'm going to close very quickly I know I'm going a little over here but you know we looked at the theme of joy in the book but you know the ultimately the theme of every book you know obviously there is a theme of joy here but the theme of every book in the bible the whole theme of the bible itself is Jesus Christ everything points towards him all the time he's in every chapter every verse every line Christ is there everything is about him right and that's what I'm going to close with this thought go to Philippians chapter 3 you know if we wanted just to give a quick uh uh outline of Philippians from Paul's perspective Paul's perspective as a type of outline in the book of Philippians you know one of the things we would see is that Paul's purpose his purpose was Christ he said in Philippians one for me to live is Christ and to die is gain he said look if I'm gonna stick around if I have to be here then I'm going to minister for Christ I'm going to live for God and I'm going to earn rewards in heaven I'm going to endure all things for the elect's sake that was Paul's purpose in life right that was in Christ that's what you see in Philippians chapter 1 chapter 2 you know and just again an outline from Paul's perspective is that you know his pattern of living is Christ the way he conducted himself because Christ was his purpose obviously it only stands it stands to reason that there would then be a behavior that follows look we cannot say that Christ is our life if our life does not show it if we say you know I for me to live is Christ and die is gain okay when we like the to die is gain part right I die for Christ but are you you know I only believe that in so much as far as you're willing to live for him that was his pattern of living let this mind be in you he said in Philippians 2 which also was in Christ Jesus have the same mind that Christ had to do God's will you're in Philippians chapter 3 we see first of all his purpose was Christ his pattern was Christ his pattern of living was was centered on Christ the pursuit of Paul's life was Christ that's what he pursued with his life was Christ Philippians chapter 3 verse 8 doubtless I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord that's a bold statement especially when you consider the pedigree that Paul had in the Jewish faith in Judaism he said I counted all loss you know I counted a waste of time because it was not focused on Christ that was his pursuit in life that's what mattered to him he says and it goes on and says for whom I have suffered the loss of all things now now when he's saying suffered there he's not saying like a pity party like oh I gave up so much for Jesus he's saying you know what I suffered it I put up with it I said that's fine with me like we are to suffer the little children Jesus said you know allow them accept it he's saying look I accept the loss of all things I count all things but dung right all things but loss he says and do count them but dung that I may win Christ that was his pursuit that was Christ was his pursuit Christ was his pattern of living Christ was his purpose and you say well that sounds great but it's really hard to do and it is you know it's it's how did Paul accomplish all this did he do it just in the will of his own flesh he's just you know he just toughed it out no lastly in chapter four go to verse 11 we see that his power was found in Christ his power was there too he said in verse 11 not that I speak a speak a respective want for I have learned I want to draw attention to that word there learned I have learned in whatsoever state I am there with to be there with I am there with to be content I have learned whatsoever state I am there with to be content he learned that you know contentment is not something that is just automatic in the Christian life you didn't just get saved and all of a sudden the things of God are the most appealing things to you and the things of the world are are not you know the flesh is still there the lust of the the eyes and the pride of life and all that it's still there the old man hasn't gone anywhere and Paul's saying like I learned to be content he said in verse 12 I know both how to be abased and how to be out of bound and everywhere at all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and suffer need and then he says of course the famous verse in verse 13 I can do all things through Christ you know he couldn't do without Christ Christ was his power yes Christ was his purpose yes it was his pattern yes it was his pursuit but none of that would have been possible if Christ had not first been his power he can do all these things through Christ and of course that's a very misquoted verse today isn't it a lot of people like to quote that verse completely out of context thinking you know all the all the you know the big sports stars and things like that they tattooed to some themselves right you know I'm a Christian professional sports player and they put Philippians 4 13 somewhere and they have no idea what that even means it's not so you can deadlift you know that's not the power he's talking about here so you can run a race and win or or compete in some tournament that's not what the power of Christ is for but they love to put that stuff on there and quote these type of things don't they what is the power that what what is it that empowered Christ or powered Paul what did the power of Christ empower him to do to be content to be a based I mean is that what these guys are doing being content no where's my multi-million dollar contract well I thought you could do all things through Christ I thought I obviously I thought that meant you must be a content person you're willing to be a based that's what Christ that's what Paul used the power of Christ for to keep Christ the center of his life even if it cost him everything he's willing to count it all down suffer the loss of all things that he might know him the power of his resurrection so the but you know we see you know Philippians is a book about joy and and we have to understand that that joy is not happiness joy is something that carries us through the Christian life rejoicing is something that we can do in tribulation and through tribulations and Paul was as we see here is someone that has true joy in his life I mean if you're writing us from prison you think he's faking it folks he's really got it I mean the when he was you know in act 16 after getting he's there with Silas after getting whipped there in and in the prison the innermost part you know part of the prison singing hymns in the middle of the night they weren't expecting an earthquake they weren't like counting down they just say well then that when the when the apostles got beat in acts chapter two they went away rejoicing you know that they had been counted worthy to suffer for his name so I want that kind of joy well then you have to have the priorities that Paul had you have to have the priorities and what are those priorities well first of all it's Jesus right Jesus he said whether in pre sense or in truth Christ is preached he said I don't care what I go through I don't care if they preach Christ of goodwill or contention Christ has preached Jesus is first and then others right J O right Jesus others that you're rejoicing he told the Philippians may be more abundant in Jesus Christ he was more concerned about them he said I have a desire to part and be with Christ which is far better nevertheless is more needful for you than I abide he said I'll stick around for other people he's more than willing to go more than willing to go and then yourself right we come last that we esteem the things we you know we look not upon our own on our own needs but also the things of others right that's the mind that was in Christ Jesus and that is the key to true joy in the Christian life and if we don't have it maybe it's because our priorities are out of whack the we're putting the Y before the J right it's us and then maybe others maybe you know Jesus got to come first and then after him then other people and then ourselves and we you know here's the thing this type of rejoicing it's there for us and it's sad when not when we when when we see Christians that don't know it and they live it'd be sad to live your whole Christian life and never really know the joy of the Lord and that's it'd be sad to live your whole Christian life and never really know the joy of the Lord through contentment through having the right priorities the real joy that is there that can be found in just simply reading his word being content with you know whatever state you're in caring about the things of God caring things about the things of Christ making that your priority in life it'd be sad to miss out on that in the Christian life but people do it's theirs to be had but we just have to remember that God as I was told once God would have you holy rather than have you happy and that ought to be our our motto if my if it comes down to a decision between well I can either be holy or I can either be happy choose holy because eventually holy is going to bring rejoicing it's going to bring real joy happiness is just fleeting let's go ahead pray