(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So in Exodus 29 you've got this commandment here that the Lord is giving Moses when it comes to the sanctification of Aaron and his sons into the priesthood and of course we just read it there in Exodus 29 in verse 1 and this is the thing that thou shalt do unto them Aaron and his sons to hollow them to minister them unto me in the priest office take one young bullock and two rams without the blemish and there's this whole procedure that takes place we'll jump down to verse 19 this is the part I want to focus on and it says and thou shalt take the other ram and Aaron his son shall put their hands upon the head of the ram then thou shalt kill the ram and take of his blood and put it upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron and upon the tip of the excuse me the tip of the right ear of his sons and upon the thumb of their right hand upon the great toe of their right foot and sprinkle the blood upon the altar around about so part of this whole sanctification process that they went to when they were being put into the priesthood was that the blood of that sacrifice was to be put on the right tip of the right ear and the tip of the right thumb and the tip of the right toe and this is something that's being commanded Moses and if you would go to Leviticus chapter 7 Leviticus chapter 7 where we see Moses follows through on this he actually does it the Bible says that Moses was faithful in all his house you know Moses was told hey you need to do this we see him in Exodus being told this is what you're going to do and then you go into reading Leviticus and he does it okay and if you go to Leviticus chapter 7 beginning in verse 22 and he brought the other ram the ram of consecration and Aaron and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram and he slew it and Moses took the blood of it and put it upon the tip of the right of Aaron's right ear and upon the thumb of his right hand upon the the great toe of his right foot and he brought Aaron sons and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of the of their right ear and upon the thumbs of their right hands and upon the great toes of their right feet and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about and we have to understand the the picture here of this blood is the picture of the blood of Christ the Old Testament sacrifices are always a picture of the sacrifice that Christ made for us if you would go over to Hebrew keep something in Leviticus chapter 7 go to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter number 10 the Old Testament sacrifices are a picture of Christ the Old Testament that the picture of the blood of those sacrifices are a picture of the blood of the sacrifice of the sacrifice of Christ his own blood that was given for us if you look there in verse 1 of Hebrews 10 the Bible says for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things so the things that we're reading of in the law in the Old Testament these sacrifices these are merely a shadow of the things that are going to come the good things to come that sacrifice that is Christ and isn't it a good thing that Christ came and made that sacrifice that you and I today don't have to go through this ritual of animal sacrifice and keeping these uh these these ordinances that these things have been nailed to his cross he says because he says there these are good things to come they're a shadow of the good things to come and not the very image of the things uh can because those things what can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers there unto perfect the Old Testament sacrifices were not what saved people in the Old Testament it was always faith they looked at they saw the sacrifices being made and they understood as Abraham said that God himself will provide that God will provide himself a land they understood that it was a picture of the good things to come the picture of God's land slain before the foundation of the world and he says look these things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers there unto perfect verse 2 for then why would they have not ceased to be offered look at if the if that sacrifice was good once enough and they wouldn't have to come year by year and make that sacrifice why because the worshippers once purged should have no more conscience of sins but in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year look at verse 4 for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins so what's the purpose of all this why if the blood of bulls and of goats and these rams and other things can't take away sin what's the point behind it because there's a picture here that God is trying to give us and that picture is that of the blood of Christ and we'll get more specific here about the right year and the right thumb and the right toe here in a minute we have to understand first of all that that blood is a picture of Christ's sacrifice for us if you would jump down to verse 9 then said he lo I come to do thy will oh God he taketh away the first that he may establish the second talking about the fact when Christ came he took away that which was you know that which is done away in Christ the Old Testament sacrifices by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all so what is it that sanctifies us what is it that makes us whole what is it that saves us it's the offering of the body of Jesus Christ it's not these Old Testament sacrifices those were merely a picture of Christ who should come and what I want us to understand in this passage if you would go to Revelation chapter 1 in Leviticus is that the sanctifying of the priests what represents the priesthood of the believer not something we've preached on here in the past that we as Christ children as as born again believers are are in a we are priests unto our God that's the Bible teaches us so I thought the priest was the guy that wore the dress and you know stood up before everybody and tell them to call him father had his collar on backwards no that's not that he might call himself a priest but you know who's a real priest to God me and you if we've been sanctified by the blood of Christ we have been made priests unto our God this is what the Bible teaches us now we see that in the Old Testament what made Aaron and his son sanctified in the priesthood was what the blood of the sacrifice and it's the same way with us once we are once we receive the blood of Christ once we accept Christ by faith you know we put our faith in his sacrifice we are what made priests unto our God that's the Bible says in Revelation if you went there verse chapter 1 verse 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood so again there's that anointing there's that sanctification through the blood that we saw in Leviticus and that when and then only that verse 6 and hath made us kings and priests unto God unto God and his father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen so the Bible is real clear here that we are made priests unto our God by what by the blood of Christ you would go to Revelation chapter number 5 Revelation chapter number 5 the Bible says in 1st Peter chapter 2 you're going to Revelation 5 it says in 1st Peter to ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ we are made priests we are in a holy priesthood the sacrifices that we offer today are spiritual ones we're not gonna you know break out a ram or a goat here at some point in a service and sprinkle the blood around the altar up here if you want to call it that you know the pulpit and start anointing everyone's right here you know that's already happened we've already been anointed by faith through the blood that's in Christ we offer spiritual sacrifices it goes on and says in verse 9 that we are chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation that's Peter and he's speaking to what Gentiles he's saying look you have been made a chosen generation you are a role of priesthood you are that holy nation you are that peculiar people through what through the blood of Christ you look there Revelation chapter 5 look at verse 9 and they the four and 20 elders of course sung a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou was slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and has made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth and you might read that and say well he's just saying that four and 20 elders are saying that you've made us kings and priests unto our God but it says there that they said in verse it said there but that they have redeemed us unto has redeemed us to thy God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation look there's more than just 24 kindred there's just more than 24 nations upon the earth the 24 elders here are speaking on behalf of the collective they're saying look you have made all of us that are washed and sanctified by the blood of Christ to be kings and to be priests unto our God and we shall reign upon the earth now what I want to just establish that right out of the gate because of the fact that we need to understand that in the Old Testament the picture of that blood is a picture of the sacrifice that Christ made for us so what is this I want to make application this morning about how that one Aaron and his sons were put in the priesthood Moses was specifically told that was specifically told to put the blood upon the right ear and the right thumb and the right toe if you are still in Leviticus go back there to chapter 7 verse 24 we're gonna be coming back several times so go ahead and keep something there and he brought Aaron's sons and Moses put on the blood upon the tip of the right ear and upon the right thumbs of their hands and upon the great toes of their right feet and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar roundabout so you say what does this represent you know this why not the left foot you know and maybe there's a lot of Fox News Baptist and say oh this is about partisan politics you know that's not it there's a deeper spiritual meaning here okay what does this represent well I believe you know there's probably other interpretations there's other applications that can be made but the way I want to apply this morning is that this and you know when I was reading this this stuck out to me is that this is represents what our dual nature it's true that you know we've been sanctified by the blood of Christ so we've been made priests but only only we've been fully sanctified you know we were going to say but you and I still have what this flesh to deal with there's still part of us what the old nature the old man that we have to live with in this life now it's the right and the left sides right that's see there's a division here now let me just make this perfectly clear before we get into it is that we are completely saved by the blood of Christ there's people out there that I want to teach this doctrine of being you know fully sanctified or attaining some kind of sinless perfection that you have to you know live a sinless life in order to into achieve salvation you know that's you know Bible says for by grace you say through faith that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works that's any man should boast and you know you know that's funny it says that less any man should boast because usually that's what people like to boast about you know how you're gonna go to heaven well I live such a good life you know I didn't commit adultery I didn't kill anybody I don't steal like these are these great moral you know bars of high bars that we have to not killing people it's like oh good job right but this is what people see people that get in this false doctrine of reaching sinless perfection really what they're trying to do is just boast about themselves about that the hell they live some godly holy life and there's so much holier than somebody else and look I'm all for living a holy life but that's not what's gonna get you saved and I'm just saying right out of the gate making it perfectly clear the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5 therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new I'm we are 100% saved by the blood of Christ but the fact is is that you and I still have what a dual nature we still you know the right hand is you know it has been anointed we still have that left hand that we have to deal with that old man we are fully sanctified by the spirit but we still have what this unregenerate flesh to live with I don't know you know we've probably and this probably isn't news to anybody and a lot of times people get confused and they get frustrated the Christian life because you know they get saved but then they realize that they still sin and they still struggle with sin then they start to question their own salvation look you're still saved but what you're dealing with is the old man you're still dealing with that nature it's that left hand that's still there that you have to drag around with you so let me just again make it perfectly clear go to Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 full sanctification or this doctrine of sinless perfectionism which I've preached against in the past recently is a false works-based salvation that's what it is Bible says in Hebrews 10 by the which will we are sanctified through the offering the body of Jesus Christ once for all you know Christ is the complete atonement he's the only sacrifice that we need he has been offered for us once for all for by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified and that word perfected means made whole look either Christ made me whole either his offering makes me perfect either it makes me whole and complete in him or doesn't and the Bible says that it does that he has perfected forever them that are sanctified and it's not something I have to work to keep it's once it's done it's done where we'll remain sanctified that doesn't change the fact that we still have what a dual nature to deal with in Romans chapter 7 if you're there Paul talks about it in verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal sold under sin for that which I do I allow not for what I would that do I not but what I hate that I do if then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that it is good now then it is no more I that do it with sin that dwelleth in me saying look I'm carnal I still have sin I still have the old man I still have flesh that's why I still do the things that I hate and when I do those things I feel guilty and I feel shame and I want to quit doing them but I keep going back to those things why because it is my flesh that when which dwelleth no good thing for to will is present with me verse 18 but how to perform that which is good I find not verse 19 for the good that I would I do not but that which I would not that I do now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me look when you got saved and you got sanctified when the blood of Christ was applied to you you got saved you're gonna you once for all forever you're gonna go to heaven no matter what but sin it still dwells in us in this flesh and that's what we deal with every day and that's the struggle that Paul is describing here this difference between the two natures that right hand that has been sanctified and is going to live you know go to heaven right that's it's made a priest unto our God and this left hand which has not been sanctified like the you can't make this physical sinful flesh perfect it's never going to happen it's always going that the Bible says knowing that the spirit which would dwell in us lusted to envy but the old man the flesh it lusts to envy it wants to sin we and we have to fight it every single day our sinful flesh versus our renewed spirit if you would go over to Colossians chapter 3 this is something that the Bible deals with at length at length Colossians chapter 3 verse 1 if you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above what well I thought if I was saved I just automatically seek those things which above no you won't you know there's a lot of saved people that aren't in church this morning why because they're not seeking it you know maybe they're busy or maybe they're sick I get it people miss church but when people fall out of church and don't come to church a lot of times it's because they don't want to be there because they're not seeking it they're not seeking those things which are above they're in the flesh they're backslidden set your affection on things above not on things on the earth these things aren't automatic for he are dead and your life is hidden Christ when Christ is who our life Christ who is our life shall appear then she'll you also appear with him in glory and that's when the flesh is made perfect not when this flesh is made perfect we're getting out that new body in Christ right but in the meantime what are we supposed to do verse 5 mortified therefore your members which are upon the earth he says you have to kill the flesh the affections and the lusts those things have to die I mean think that's what mortify means mortify think about the term mortician right what is a mortician deal with deals with dead people right mortality talking about the fact that you could die okay mortify therefore your members kill your members put your members to death which are upon the earth he's talking about the old man now he's not saying you need to go kill yourself but he's saying look you need to crucify the flesh every day mortify your members which are upon the earth and then he gives an example fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness which is idolatry for which sings sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience so it's not this mystery what it means to mortify the flesh it means you know what don't be a fornicator don't be unclean which is something that comes with being a fornicator not don't be given or inordinate affection and we don't want to be you know gluttonous in some area of our life evil concupiscence you know like a court you know just being given over to sin that concupiscence and covetousness lusting after all these things that we we can't have for which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience for seven in which he also walked sometime when you lived in them but now he also put off all these so here's more mortifying of the flesh it's not just the fornication anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth lie not one to another seeing that you have put off what the old man with his deeds these are the deeds of the old man this is that left hand that we have to drag around with us even though we've been sanctified into that priesthood go to Ephesians chapter four he deals with it again Ephesians chapter number four like this is you know we're getting into the nuts and bolts of the Christian life and this is the type of preaching that we need to hear to be told that look you have an old nature that's going to haunt you every day until you go to heaven it's going to be there to try and trip you up to try to drag you away try to get you into sin to try to get you to do things you know you shouldn't do and if you don't mortify it if you don't deal with it it's going to get you Ephesians chapter four verse 17 this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that you hence force not walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind having the understanding dark and being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart and again Paul's commanding them not to do this which tells me that it's possible for Christians to do this to walk as other Gentiles in the vanity of their mind to walk as people you know even though they're saying that what are are ignorant that walk as if they're blind we can't blame what the what the lost world does I don't hold it against them when they you know when their lives are full of adultery and fornication and drunkenness and all these other sins and it's evil concupiscence and the wrath and the malice and the anger and everything else that they're given to that they're they don't have another nature all they have is the left hand that's it the right hand hasn't been anointed the priesthood it's not going to seek out the things of God but it's a real shame when God's own people at the same way they do and it's possible for us to do this if we don't mortify the flesh if we don't deal with the old man if we don't realize that we as Christians have a dual nature in us look there verse 21 if so be that you have heard him and have been taught of him as the truth is in Jesus verse 22 that he put off concerning the former conversation the way you used to live the old man that's what it means to have that that conversation there's not talking no we use that as like we have a conversation we're going to talk to one another the conversation also means you know like your behavior the way you conduct yourself in this world and he's saying look if you if you have heard of him if you know the truth that is in Jesus you need to put off that former conversation and quit living the way you used to yes we used to be gentiles that walked in the vanity of our mind yes we used to be just given over to the lust of the flesh by saying that now that you know Christ that you've been sanctified on that right hand you need to what put off that that conversation concerning the old man because it's corrupt according to the deceitful lust he says there verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind that you need to change the way you think we can't we can't approach the Christian life with the same philosophy that we had about the world you know when we lived in the world you can't approach life the same when people get saved want to live for the Lord it should change your philosophy about life your priorities should change you should be renewed in the spirit of your mind there needs to be a change there doesn't mean it's going to be there a lot of you know a lot of Christians just keep on living the way they did they'll still go to heaven why because they're not doing the hard work of mortifying their members of putting away the flesh be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness so it's a putting off and it's a putting on right you know it's kind of like he's liking unto clothing right I don't about you but every I got this morning I had to tie this tie I had a button these buttons I had to put this belt and I had to pull this coat on no no one did that for me I didn't wake up ready for church you know I had to actually put some effort into that I go in the closet and find the shirt and put it on and all of that and it's the same way in our Christian life you're not just going to automatically start walking the spirit because you got saved you have to actually put effort into putting off the old man and saying I'm going to put on the new man I used to spend my time doing this I'm going to start spending my time doing this I used to spend my time just you know watching television and filling my mind with worldly entertainment and everything else now I'm actually going to spend some time picking up the word of God and reading it and being transformed and by the renewing of my mind I used to spend my Sundays on a golf course on a lake I used to spend my Sundays just doing whatever I wanted watching you know games and everything else but now I'm going to spend my Sundays going to church and serving God it's a change there it's a putting off the old man and putting on the new that's what the Christian life is that's what it means to live the Christian life but it's up to us to live it we have to decide whether or not we want to walk in that new man or the old man and guess what that old man is always there verse 25 and a lot and again he makes us very practical verse 24 and put on the new man which is after God created and righteousness the true holiness verse 25 wherefore put away lying just like we saw over in Colossians 3 speak every man truth with it with his neighbor for we are members one of another be angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give place to the devil and he gives this whole litany litany of things that we could do to put on the old man some practical examples the transforming of our mind what I want us to understand is that when Moses anointed Aaron and his sons on that right hand side with that blood into that priesthood and left that left side unanointed unsanctified what the Bible is showing us that even though we are priests in the service of God we have two natures that are at odds with one another they're opposing one another and we need to learn to put off the old and put on the new because that is not automatic that's something that has to be practice and look here's the thing there's no neutral ground here it's not like well I'm just gonna walk that razor's edge between the two and it'll everything will be okay no the stronger nature wins every time the stronger nature is going to win whichever you know whichever nature you're feeding that's the one that's gonna win and that struggle will always be there there always be this tension in the Christian life even if we're no matter how far down we go into the depths of sin there will still be the Holy Spirit of God there convicting us and telling us that what we're doing is wrong you know a lot of the sins I used to do after I got saved you know before I got saved when I try to do those same sins afterwards it was not as fun there was always that nagging thing in the back of my mind saying you shouldn't be doing that you need to knock that off you need to get in the old get out of the old man get in the new when I got out of when I get out of church or if I quit reading my Bible stop praying or getting some sin there was always God's Holy Spirit there convicting me and convicting me and convicting me and that's the way it's always going to be but here's here's what I want you to understand the stronger nature is the one that's going to win they say you know what I want to put off the old man I want to put on the new man I want to walk in holiness and with Christ Jesus I want to I want to walk in that new man but you're always going to feel that tension it's not like well I've been I've been living right long enough and now it's just everything's perfect it's you know I don't have to worry about that anymore no the old man will always be there but it's going to be that stronger nature that wins it's kind of like you know the sumo wrestler versus the weakling right or how about this you know I'm Corbin John wrestled the second my son is the third right he's named after me you know it's we're kind of the you know the same guy you know we kind of almost look the same a lot of ways if you saw a picture meet his age you think it's the same kid but let's say you know he and I are going to get into an arm wrestling match who do you think is going to win me right amen amen think I'm going to beat by some five-year-old you got your mind right no I'm going to win why because I've been around longer because I'm bigger I've been exercised more I've been fed better I've seen what he eats trust me I'm more than eating pork chops and he's got white rice hey there's nothing wrong with white rice it's great have a lot more right we're more pork chops for me but that you know if I'm that old nature you know I'm going to win that battle every time and look that's what a lot of Christians they walk into that in their life they get saved later on in life and it's it's like they don't understand why they can't start living for the Lord so easily as other people can because you have this giant sumo wrestler called the old man that you've been feeding your whole life and now you have this little tiny babe this newborn babe in Christ this new nature this little fledgling of the Christian life that's you know the old man is going to stop him no problem so the secret is what you got to start starving the sumo right and start feeding the baby you got it you got to put that that old man on a diet and he says hey I want to go do this it's hey remember that old sin hey let's go to the casino let's get drunk let's watch this let's look at that let's go run around let's do that and you have to say no I'm not gonna do that you're gonna I'm gonna starve you out and kill you and look that's not an easy process I'm not gonna get up here and say the Christian life is easy because it's not it's hard work that's why so many Christians just choose not to live it to say I know I'm saying I'm not I know I'm gonna go to heaven I die but you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and keep living this wicked sinful life because it's easier it doesn't take so much effort now the you know as I was preaching last week the end thereof are the ways of death you know I mean in the lot the way the transgressor is hard you know you think it's easier now it's gonna be a whole lot harder when the bill comes do we have to stop feeding the old man and start feeding the new and start you know we have to get in church get in our Bibles get in prayer serve the Lord and you know what that they will turn into a child into a teenager into a full-grown man that will get stronger and stronger and that that old man will get weaker and weaker and weaker I'm not saying he won't always be there but you know what a lot of those temptations will just bounce right off us you know the old man that you know the old man will deal bone of the old man will move and we'll want to do something we know we shouldn't say well you know what it's been so long since I've done that it's I've gotten victory over that so much time just get out of here old man it'd be like you know Corbin outgrows me and I turn into shriveled old man right and I try to take him on and he just smacks me across the room right why because he's had time to grow and develop and you get stronger while I've gotten frailer and weaker and sicklier the nature that you feed and exercise is always going to be stronger so which one are you gonna feed tonight are you gonna feed the old man are you gonna feed the new man are you gonna feed that right hand or are you gonna feed that left hand go over to Colossians chapter 3 Colossians chapter 3 well how do I feed him how do I feed the old man look I want him to I want to walk in newness of life I I want to you know live after the new man which is created in Christ Jesus but how do I do that what does that mean give me some practical application well Colossians chapter 3 look at verse 10 he says and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him look at verse 16 let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom somewhat the Bible there the word of Christ we have this Bible which is our spiritual nutrition this is the the manna that God has given us that's going to help us grow and become stronger Christians people wonder why am I spiritually why am I just this this weakling of a Christian why is it I feel like I just can't live for God when's the last time you got a good meal in you know we want to a lot of times we want to work out and get stronger physically you know you can exercise all you want but if you don't eat right you're never going to get stronger in fact you'll you'll burn yourself out you won't be able to recover you'll injure yourself and we understand that when it comes to you know physical exercise but the same principle applies spiritually you know if we want to get stronger as Christians and to be bolder in our faith and walk in the new man we have to make sure we're still getting the same you know sustenance spiritually we need to be getting the word of God breaking up what the bread of God and eating it the milk of the word of God he's saying look let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts the Lord you know learn in him sing the hymns walk in the spirit these things will help you do that so we have what the old man versus the new man we have to decide which one are we going to feed which one are we going to walk in we have that left hand versus the right hand yes we're sanctified in the priesthood by the blood of Christ it's sealed on the day of our redemption but that left hand is still there with us everywhere we go which one are you going to feed the thing you're going to put the things into the left ear that the left ear likes listen to the world's music we're gonna we're gonna put the things into our mind that the left hand side likes you know the the the wicked movies all the filth that's out there are we gonna are we gonna do things with that left hand that the old man likes to do are we gonna go work the works of the flesh in this world we're gonna get in the fornication and everything else are we gonna go to the places that the old man likes to go with that left foot that we drag around with us it'll carry us right down those same old paths take us right in those same old haunts and right back in the same old sins if we want to follow that left hand or are we gonna follow the right hand side are we gonna put the things into our mind that that sanctified believer can grow on are we gonna put the things into our minds and into our ears and into our eyes that that are gonna got edify us and help us to grow in Christ are we gonna be in the Word of God are we gonna be with the brethren are we going to go do the things at the right hand that's sanctified wants to do are we gonna go work the works of God with that sanctified right hand are we gonna go with the left are we gonna go to the places that the right hit that right foot wants to take us get into the house of God go out soul winning go out and do the works of God are we gonna go out and do the works of the flesh are we gonna follow the old man or the new man which one's it gonna be you have to choose there's the old man and then there's the new man there's also what the outward man right and the inward man the Bible again makes this division between our two natures that are in us the new man which is the the inward man that unseen spiritual man I mean brother court when you're telling me that you're a new creature in Christ that all things are new but you're not looking so new I mean I look at you you look just the way you did before you got saved you know we keep talking about that new body that we're gonna get in Christ look it hasn't come yet one look in the mirror should tell you that you say I'm a new creature I sure don't feel like it yeah because it's the inward man that's new it's the spiritual man that which cannot be seen which is created new in Christ Jesus if you would go over to if you were in Romans go back to Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 the new man is the inward the unseen the spiritual man he said in Colossians 3 have put on the new man which is renewed and what in knowledge it's the understanding it's the knowledge that we have that's been renewed Romans chapter 7 verse 21 I find that a law that when I do good evil is present with me Romans chapter 7 verse 22 for I delight in the law to get a law of God after the inward man it's the inward man that desires to do the things of God that that delights after the law of God but the I see another law in what my members usually talking about his members is his body his physical flesh I see another law my members warring against the law of what my mind look the inward man the unseen is created in knowledge it's the thing that's unseen it's the understanding that we have it's the it and that it's what wars against the old man in the mind the inward man but I see it the the the another law and my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity captivity to the law of sin which is in what my members so the outward man is our flesh the old man is your flesh that body that carcass that we have to drag around everywhere we go that's the old man because it has not been made new in Christ Jesus it will be you know there is that new body at the resurrection we will receive that new body all things truly are made new in Christ Jesus it's just that we haven't received it yet but if you would go over to 1st Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3 he said in verse 2nd Corinthians 4 for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day this is what's so frustrating with when you see Christians who desire who want to just live after the old man who want to just live after the outward man who just want to live for their members and for the flesh because that's going to get old and wear away and die say well I'm just gonna you know I just I just want to live for the flesh and enjoy the seasons of the pleasures of sin for a season and just you know and just live for myself and be selfish the rest of my life yeah until you're old and you've been living for the flesh and the flesh the pleasures you know are not so pleasurable anymore you've lost that sense of taste the visions going the hearing is gone and then what's there to live for if we just live for the flesh one day that flesh is just going to get old and weak and crippled and die and we'll have nothing to show for it he said yet the inward man is renewed day by day does the inward man the spiritual man does he wear out no never he's renewed day day by day he's made new every single day look you can get up and walk in the spirit every single day of your life until you die and then you'll go in the spirit to heaven it's never gonna go away it's always gonna be there first Peter chapter 3 verse 1 likewise he wives being subjections to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they may also without the word be won by the conversation of the wives while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating of the hair and wearing of gold or putting on of apparel he's saying look you're you're a you're a wife a Christian woman who's married to an unbeliever and you want to get him saved it's not going to be about what you put on on the outside it's gonna be about what's on the inside that's gonna win him over he's saying you know who's adorning let it be not that outward adorning of plating of the hair of wearing of gold and of putting on apparel if anything you're probably just gonna make it more mad like where'd you get all that stuff you know you've been swiping my credit card again right that's a bit of a joke you say look that's that's what's gonna win him over to Christ oh I think of you a Christian because of how nice you look that doesn't make any sense but he says in verse 4 but I let it be the hidden man of the heart that inward man that new man that new creature that is within which is unseen which cannot be adorned with you know physical objects but let it be the hidden man of the heart and which is not in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and a quiet spirit which is in the sight of God a great price the world's not gonna say it's a great price but God's gonna look down and say that meek and quiet spirit that adorning of that inward man ladies is of a great price so you know we are flying this to everybody this morning which nature are you going to adorn which which nature are you gonna doll up every day which which you know what nature are you gonna live for who are you gonna be more give put more time and attention to you think about you know the braiding of the hair and the plating of hair and the putting on of gold and costly peril and all these things you know how much time are you gonna spend in front of the mirror dolling up that physical old man and I don't care how good you make it look it's still an old man it's still an old nature it's still something that's gonna wear out and get old and die and become it's corrupt no matter how much you know makeup you want to put on it no matter how much you know jewelry you want to put on know how matter how much you pretty you want to try and make it look it's still corrupt are we gonna spend you know hours in front of the mirror making that happen or we gonna spend our time and energy adorning that inward man we're gonna make the inward man look good by you know taking on the things of Christ by trying to walk it with a meek and quiet spirit by trying to do good and to live for the Lord and on all of these things look that's quite the adorning too I can't go over everything this morning about what that means that's why we need to be in church that's why we need to be in the Bible so we can learn how to adorn the inward man but you have to ask yourself which nature are you gonna adorn the inward man the secret man or the outward man which everybody can see and you know I'm just gonna make the statement you know a lot of because I see a lot of Christians that do this you know they they they live for the outward man they live for the flesh and then they wonder why their life stinks you know the reason why your life stinks is because you're dragging around an old corpse I mean it's just as ridiculous you know spiritually speaking maybe just as dumb as if I had a dead body strapped my back and I got up and like did you guys smell something what is that smell it's that dead corpse on your back that's what stinks why does my life stink is a question because you're living in a dead for the dead corruptible flesh you're living for the old man you're adorning him you know you're trying to you try to put some corpse down in some beauty chair in front of some vanity and put powder on it and lipstick it's a dead corpse what's the point it'd be better off adorning the inward man the new man getting the old man off your back go over to Romans chapter 6 we'll close here Romans chapter 6 and look I'm trying to make this point that this is the point this morning this isn't a one-off you're not just gonna kill the old man once and that's it I'm done you're gonna have to do this every single day you want to live for God you're gonna have to wake up every single day and decide today I'm living for God today I'm gonna read my Bible today I'm gonna pray today I'm gonna tell somebody about Christ today I'm gonna go to church today I'm gonna not give in to the lust of the flesh you have to decide that every day you can't just walk out of here this morning so you know what brother Corbin's right that's what I'm gonna do and then wake up tomorrow and go right back to the old man it doesn't work that way it's a continual mortification of the flesh day by day that's what Paul said he said I keep under my body and bring it into subjection he didn't say hey I keep my body under my body under I brought it into subjection I did I took care of that a long time ago I got over the lust of the flesh I crucified the old man and I've never had to deal with it since no he said I bring it into subjection let's by any means I have preached others I myself should be a castaway you say look it's still possible for me to be a castaway if I got even me the Apostle Paul if I don't keep my body under it's still possible that one day I'll be a castaway even after I've preached all these things to all these other people and told them how they ought to live and told them what they ought to do according to the the word of God the Spirit of God it's still possible for me if I don't keep my body under to become a castaway that tells me that this mortification is putting off the old man is something you have to continually do for the rest of your life now again it'll get easier the more you starve that old man the more you feed that new man more time you spend adorning that that out the inward man more than you do that outward man the easier that battle will get but will always be there that's why I said in Romans chapter 6 verse 11 where you are likewise reckon he also yourselves to be dead and beat into sin and that word reckon isn't like they use it down south well I reckon right what they mean but that reckon you go look that up in the Old Testament Leviticus and Deuteronomy other places it means to count you would you would count something right it means a reckoning is a counting of something he's saying you know sum it up here you know you might as well just count yourself to be dead indeed unto sin because guess what you are dead indeed unto sin that right hand that right ear that right foot has been anointed by the blood of Christ it's been sanctified into the priesthood of the believers and that's it's sealed on the day of our redemption reckon yourselves that you be in debt indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord and look if it was automatic then verse 12 would make any sense let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in the lust thereof and I'm not saying this morning I try to clarify this at the beginning is that you're gonna reach some sinless state of perfection as a Christian that if you just you know that if you crucify the old man long enough that he just won't be there anymore he'll always be there but you know he won't be this big bloated corpse that a lot of people have in their lives you know he'll be in a coffin off where he belongs he'll be six feet under but always be there he's saying let not sin therefore what reign in your mortal bodies don't let it reign we're always gonna say look we're gonna slip up we're gonna do things we shouldn't do we're gonna have sin in our lives we're gonna have to fight this struggle every day and you know what sometimes we're gonna fail you know if we confess our sins and forsake our sins we'll have mercy you know the every day you know the blood of Christ Jesus Christ they'll cleanse us from all sin we just need to when that happens to say you know what God I'm sorry I messed up I sinned please forgive me help me to walk in newness of life help me to crucify the old man and go on for Christ the problem is a lot of times as Christians they get into sin and they just completely backslide and say well I committed that sin I might as well just go all the way now I'm worthless as a Christian no you're not worthless you're just dealing with the dual nature you're just dealing with the fact that you have the old man and the new man to contend with every single day and some days are gonna be better than others but what you don't want to do is just to let sin reign in your mortal body just let it take over the lust of concupiscence don't obey it in the lust thereof so look God has made us priests by the blood of Christ praise God for that and we are sanctified on the day of our redemption but I'm trying to get ahead across to us this morning is that we still have this unregenerate flesh called the body to deal with to do what with to mortify it that's the challenge this morning are you gonna walk in the right hand or left are you gonna crucify that old man or are you gonna keep feeding him you know and it's it's gonna be a parent to people around you which which person you're feeding you know if you're not living for God if you're not if you're not for the about the things of Christ you know we'll watch that old man just grow in your life and we'll understand well that's what happens when you feed the old man well look don't let that be said of you this morning need to mortify the flesh crucify the flesh live and it's not just like well now I'm just I crucify the flesh and now I don't get to have to get to do anything it's like no live for Christ and the things of Christ will become more and more pleasing the more and more you do them there'll be more satisfaction more joy in the Christian life the further you you get away from the old man but you have to make a decision this morning of who you're gonna live for not just this morning but tomorrow morning and the morning after that and the morning after that who you gonna live for the old man or the new man the inward man or the out man are you gonna walk in that left hand or that right hand let's go ahead close and a word of prayer