(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Faithful Worship at this church. Great to see you all here for our Sunday morning service. Put your own peace on the seat, grab a hymnal, and open up that hymnal. Song number 39. To begin this morning's service by singing song number 39, How Beautiful Heaven Must Be. Song number 39. ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] ["How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"] S'il vous avez pas de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la vie de la Glow Hi it's time for the undergraduates. Let's not waste time, all right. all right well thanks for coming everybody this morning we don't have a bulletin this morning we'll go through a few announcements but it's just a very hectic week obviously with the missions conference up there in Tempe that's coming to a close today but I was up there just really didn't have time this morning we're at the seat last evening to get that completed but I'll make sure to cover all the important things I know everybody's wondering why the donuts okay let me just explain that okay cuz all right cuz donuts like do you need a reason all right so and in part to kind of help with the the lamest of the donuts last week the signature select from Safeway just doesn't really compare to King donut I mean it's in the name right it's called King donut for a reason but speaking of food the big news this this month of course is we're having the Thanksgiving potluck dinner so this is already here this is gonna be next week right I got my dates right I'm like double checking the calendar and flipping back and forth like we're already there okay so we're gonna have the potluck dinner here at the church building from 3 to 6 p.m. and of course we always have us we always have services on Thursday this Thursday will be no different however it'll probably just be around 5 30 I'll probably just get out and preach a you know a shorter sermon you know hopefully you know you never know I'm assuming I'm gonna have eaten just as much food if not more than any of you so I'm sure I'm gonna want to just roll over into a food coma as much as anybody else so we'll have is some tables here we'll have a nice little spread right down the center and then it'll just be kind of a family meeting to be kind of casual so it won't be a real formal service but I'll get up and we'll at least have a Thanksgiving message that evening so if you want to participate in that I know it's Thanksgiving people have other plans people go out of town they have other relatives they want to go visit so that's totally understandable but if you want to join us you're more than welcome to and you don't have to bring anything but if you could bring a dish to share of course that helps but don't feel obligated to do that don't don't stay home and and cry into your instant mashed potatoes that night you know your your Salisbury steak that you got from you know the the hungry man or something like that in the dark you know just because you couldn't cook something come on down bring your appetite that's all that's needed and but if you did want to bring something there is a sign-up sheet back there that way everybody can kind of get a feel for what's being brought and I feel like we're covering quite a bit of meat this year I'm seeing turkey ham brisket so we're getting all the food groups right poultry swine and beef right those are the four three major food groups all we need is a little bit of fish you know maybe later maybe not on Thanksgiving but anyway please come on down and enjoy the day with us and enjoy a good meal and feel free to invite folks as well also at the end of this month there's gonna be the the portraits taken for the yearbook down here so brother Ramon will be coming down so we'll have that all set up Sunday morning so it'll be right after the morning service just plan on sticking around and trying and get your picture taken you know try to keep the clothes clean you know maybe skip the donuts that morning I don't know but come on in and we'll get your photo taken and maybe even get a nice group shot too I think that's it that's all I had for announcements this morning let's go ahead and just sing one more song before we get into the preaching Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh the last ones chapter 2 that's the last ones chapter 2 has always been the entire chapter chapter 2 beginning at verse 1 the Bible reads for I would have broadly that he knew what great conflict I have for you and for many as have not seen my face in the flesh that their hearts might be competent together in love and unto all the riches of a full assurance of understanding the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ in who are you are here all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge this I say this any man should be guided with the Tyson words but though I be absent in the flesh yet am I with you in the spirit join and beholding your order in the steadfastness of your faith in Christ as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk me in him rooted and build up establishing the faith excuse me beware this any mess spoil me through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ for in him while it all the fullness of the godly body and ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality in power in whom also you are circumcised with this circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ buried with him in baptism wearing also he arisen with him through the faith of the operation of God who have raised him from the dead and you being dead in your sins and the circumcision of your flesh and quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses log out the handwriting of ordinances that were that was against us which was contrary to us took it out of the way to the cross and having spoiled principalities of powers he made a show of them openly triumph over them in it they don't bad therefore judge you and meet or a drink or the respect of the Holy Day or the new moon or the Sabbath is which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ they don't have to guide you of your rewarding a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels intruding into those things which he has not seen mainly fucked up by his fleshy mind and not holding the head from which all the body by joints and dance having nourishing administered and knit together increase it with the crease of God record if he be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though living in the world or the subject ordinances touch not taste not handle that which all are to perish with the music after the commandments and doctors are many which things have indeed show of wisdom in will worship and humility neglected the bottom not in order to be satisfied you questions chapter number two will continue on there in a minute but if you would like to go back to mark chapter one mark chapter number one I'm gonna continue going through the book of Mark as we've been doing the last several weeks now and of course we've looked at a few things already concerning Jesus's baptism calling of Peter James John the doctrine of repentance we've looked at several other things this morning and I want to just focus in this morning on verses 21 and 22 as we're making our way through here and it says in verse 21 and they went into Capernaum and straightway on the Sabbath day he entered into synagogue and taught and they were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one that had authority and not as described so of course this is right after Jesus has called the fishermen the four fishermen that we looked at last week Peter James John and Andrew and they've come into his ministry they've forsaken all and now they're following Jesus into Capernaum and it says there again that on the Sabbath day he entered into the synagogue so obviously back then they were worshipping on the Sabbath day that's when they were gathering and that would be Saturday to us today that was something that happened at the end of the week if you would we'll look at mark a couple more times this morning I'll just lift a few points out of this you can keep something there if you'd like you might be very familiar with chapter one at this point but if you want to go back to Exodus chapter number 20 we'll look at that briefly that and remind ourselves that the Sabbath was something that they were commanded to keep it wasn't something that was optional they were to rest on the seventh day from all their labors and of course they took it that opportunity as well to have places of worship where they would go for the preaching and teaching of God's Word and for the worship of the Lord that's where they're gathering in these synagogues and we could look at other passages but where we're told that this was Jesus's custom it says this as his custom was he would go into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he would read from the scriptures so Jesus is in the habit he's in the custom of going to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and even though he's starting his own ministry even though his earthly ministry has begun he has not left off doing that he's going in there and he's still doing as his custom was going and attending the service there now if you look in Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work now I know we're doing things a little differently here in modern America and in the Western civilization in general you know we're trying to get the five-day workweek right or even now they're trying to they're they're petitioning for the four-day workweek they want to just work four days a week and have a three-day weekend and I know I'm sure there's already some European countries that are on that program but what's God's program God says hey you're gonna work six days is what you what you do and you get one day off right now I'm not saying if we're not working six days that somehow we're in sin obviously we don't observe the Sabbath and we'll get into that here a lot of these things have been done away but it's worth pointing out you know that's that work isn't something that should be shied away from you know we shouldn't be people who are always trying to do less or get out of work or not having to put in long days you know man was built to work both men and women of course you know men are supposed to go out and labor in the field and women are obviously the Bible says that that Paul said that he would that woman would would keep house right they would keep keepers at home good faithful obedient to their own husbands that they would raise up children and we don't know that is all work in and of itself if you ever tried to be a stay-at-home mom you know that's work too okay so but obviously we're not trying to get out from under work you know God has made us to work God commanded that man would eat bread in the sweat of his face all the days of his life okay now obviously we're living in a very privileged time in a very affluent country very prosperous country where you know we have that Liberty we have that privilege to you know and have to work less but let's you know you want something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving let me just remind you of that that throughout history people put in long days sometimes even seven days a week I mean people were working very hard and this is what's what God commanded here in Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 he said remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work everything you got to get done that week you got six days to do it but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God and it thou shall do thou shall not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter so even the kids get off the hook right you can't just pawn it off onto the children give them a list of duties right there they're gonna rest as well thy mains manservant that nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is with within thy gates for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth to see and all that in them is and rested on the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it now it's worth pointing out here that we see some of the purpose behind God's plan for having the Sabbath day right not necessarily just because man needs to have a day of rest and I know there's a lot of people out there they'll just kind of naturally say you know or have a natural inclination to just take that one day off to say hey it's good to have one day off to have a day of rest and no doubt it is obviously we need time to recharge our batteries and to you know rejuvenate and just to be catch our breath especially after a busy week but really what we're seeing here in excess 20 is that the purpose behind the Sabbath day while all those things are fine and good the there's a there's a physical benefit to hit perhaps is that it's actually a picture of something it actually was to remind them of what that God in six days made heaven and earth that's what it says in verse 11 right four in six days so he what's the four therefore he's saying you're gonna take six days and work and then you take the seventh day off why because that's a picture of what God did for in six days excuse me the Lord made heaven and earth and has seen all them in it then in them is God completed all of his work in six days you do all your work in six days God rested on the seventh day you rest on the seventh day so the purpose is that I believe when they would rest on that seventh day they would understand why they're doing it and say why are we resting on the seventh day why are we not doing all these other things that need to be done why aren't we going out there and and doing all the work that we have to do why even take the day off well because God rested on the seventh day and just in that alone just in taking that day off they're being reminded of God they're being reminded of the Lord that's really the purpose behind the Sabbath day it's not just so man could get a break it's so that they could be reminded that there is a God in heaven that he's a creator of all things and that he took a rest on the seventh day and beheld everything that he had made and said that it was very good okay so that's quite a bit different than the society we're living in today right not only we taking an additional day off but even with that additional day off many today don't even acknowledge God at all there's many people that are having their two-day three-day maybe even a one-day weekend you know they're just having their day off and God is the farthest thing from their thoughts but is that the purpose of the Sabbath day the purpose of the Sabbath day when it was prescribed in the Old Testament was so that the children of Israel be reminded of the God that they serve and that's another thing that we need to be reminded of even today God's people today need to be reminded of the God that they serve you know why is it important to come to church so you can be reminded that there is a God in heaven why is it important to take at least one day every week and come down here and hear the preaching the Word of God so that you can be reminded of what it is that God hath said and be reminded that there still is a God in heaven and that he cares about how we conduct ourselves so obviously today in our in our modern day we don't observe the Sabbath day per se we don't take Saturday off while there's you know groups out there that are proponents of that we in the New Testament Christianity we take Sundays off you know that's the first day of the week that's when we gather together rather than on Saturday right Jesus is going in to into the into these synagogue on the Sabbath day right but we no longer observe that if you would go ahead and turn back to Colossians 2 now go back to Colossians 2 and we'll look at this as to why it is that we don't observe the Sabbath day it's because these things have been done away in Christ quite simply and it's good to be reminding these things today because we're living in a time where people are still trying to bring us under the bondage of the law they're trying to bring in a lot of these Old Testament covenants these Old Testament prescriptions these things that were observed the Old Testament that have been done away in Christ and they're going to insist like that we still need to practice some of these things this is something that Paul was battling in his day and it's still something that we battle today we no longer observe the Sabbath day but the principle is still there take a day off get together with God's people hear the preaching of God's Word and be reminded that God is in heaven and it is God that has created all things and give him thanks and praise for the things that we enjoy throughout the week you know and sometimes people can get an attitude about this and say oh go to church you know I only get one day off maybe you work six day workweek you say well I only get one day off a week I only you know I only have so much time for myself well you know God's only asking for one God's only asking for a couple hours the rest of the week is yours you can do whatever you want with it obviously you got things you got to do or you know life's not gonna go well but it's not like God wants you down here every single day right he's only asking for a little bit of our time to acknowledge him so that he you know and give thanks to him for the blessings that he gives us throughout the week okay if you would look at Colossians chapter number two we'll look there beginning in well just jump down to verse 8 it says in verse 8 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ so Paul's issuing a warning raising beware beware of what lest any man spoil you and what and what ways can someone spoil us through philosophy through vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ so he's saying hey there's these things that men can use to spoil you beware of them okay for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily he's saying you don't need all these other things you have the fullness in Christ okay everything we need we're complete in Christ as he says in verse 10 and you are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power okay so we don't need to bring in these other things we don't need to bring in the rudiments of the world we don't need to bring in the traditions of men we have all things that pertain unto life and godliness in the Word of God so everything that we do when it comes to our faith our belief our practices ought to come from the Word of God okay if people want to bring in extra things that they want to you know try to bring us back under the bondage of law they're gonna have to show me chapter in verse and they're not going to be able to do that it says in verse 11 whom you also also you are circumcised with a circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ buried with him in baptism where he also risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead and he being you being dead in your sins and uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way and the ordinances that he's referring to there are the things that are contained in the law you know we don't want to be have a burden put upon us that others were not able to bear okay the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ the law was not a means by which we obtain salvation okay Paul said when the law came sin revived and I died right the law is good but what does it remind us of that we fall short of the glory of God okay so he's saying that ordinance that was against us those ordinances the keeping of the law the sacrifices all the things that are contained in that they were against us you know those were things that we could not attain unto those things are what taken they're contrary to us they are taken out of the way and they are nailed to the cross of Christ praise God that we don't have to go sacrifice some animal this morning that we don't have to you know keep all the the commandments that are in the scripture when it comes to things like the sacrifices okay now we don't want to run to extreme and say that all the Old Testament has done away in Christ obviously the things that are specifically repealed in the New Testament are the things that we no longer have to worry about okay and Paul gets real specific about those things right he says there in verse 15 and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink right because remember there were certain things there was dietary restrictions certain things they were not allowed to eat or drink in the Old Testament okay those things have been done away those things were all a picture of Christ they've been done away they've been nailed to the cross therefore he says in verse 16 let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink the things that you eat or drink or inspect of unholy day right like a Sabbath as he goes on and says or of the new moon or the Sabbath days those are all things that were taught and in the Old Testament things that they were commanded to keep in the Old Testament these things have been done away right including the Sabbath days okay so we were done away with the Sabbath days you're saying why am I in church this morning you know why am I even here then are you telling me Sabbath days are done see you later nice knowing you okay grab a donut on your way out and we'll never see you again okay no because obviously we're not worshiping on the Sabbath day okay but we're not going to be brought under the power of you know people who are gonna say hey you must worship on the Sabbath day the sixth day of the week is the day that you ought to worship okay those these things were all a picture of Christ that which was to come we're looking back on Christ okay as he says there verse 17 which are a shadow of the things to come but the body is of Christ so all these things in the Old Testament these new moons these Sabbath days these holy days these even these dietary restrictions these were all things that were pointing them to Christ they were looking forward to it they were the shadow of that which is to come that was was coming in the future right but the body is of Christ now we are now in Christ we're not standing in the shadow of it we are in the body of Christ okay so these things have been done away we understand Christ we understand you know the mystery that was that was revealed unto us in the resurrection of Christ okay we are no longer standing in the shadow of these things look at verse 18 let no man beguile you of your ward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels intruding those things which he hath not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind and not holding the head from which all the body of joints and bands having nourishment ministered and knit together increases with the increase of God wherefore if you be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though living in the world are you subject to ordinances okay these rudiments these ordinances we've been I've been done away in Christ we are complete in him and one of those things that's listed there is the Sabbath day you know Jesus is our Sabbath right he is also called our Passover right Jesus Christ is our passable Passover which is crucified for us that's why we don't need to get together on the Passover and slaughter a lamb and and eat the whole thing and the future is thereof and not you know and go through that whole sacrifice that that's all been done away in Christ that was a shadow of the things which were to come it was a picture of Christ so you say well the why then do we get together at church if the Sabbath day has been done away the why are we still getting together once a week and hearing from the Word of God well we gather together on the first day of the week because first of all that's not the Sabbath right six days shalt thou labor and on the seventh day that shalt thou rest that would be at the end of our week Saturday right now if you would go over to John chapter 20 John chapter 20 the reason why we meet on the first day of the week on Sunday is because that is the day in which the Lord was risen okay and that's what we see in the New Testament see the Old Testament was pointing us the Sabbath day the Christ which was to come he came he was crucified resurrected and then the disciples began meeting together on the first day of the week and you know obviously it's a picture of the work that's been accomplished in Christ that these old things have been done away and then we had this new thing called the New Testament Church and you see many examples of this I'll just read a couple to you as you're going to John chapter 20 in Acts chapter 20 verse 7 it says and upon the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread Paul preached unto them right so on the first day of the week they came together to break bread and Paul preached unto them ready to part on the morrow so and his speech continued until midnight it says there so that's quite a long service right they're getting together for dinner and then he's preaching until midnight you thought I went long 1st Corinthians chapter 16 verse 1 now concerning the collection of the Saints as I have given order to the churches of Galatia even so do ye upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prosper him that there be no gatherings when I come so when was that that collection to be taken up was on the first day of the week when they all came together okay and the reason why they're meeting on the first day of the week is because of the fact that that's the day in which the Lord was risen okay if you look at mark 16 well you're in John chapter 20 mark 16 verse 9 the Bible says now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils so he rose on the first day of the week John chapter 20 verse 19 then the same day at evening right so this is the resurrection day right that same Sunday than the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews came Jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them peace be unto you right so they're gathered together they've got the doors shut and then all of a sudden Jesus appears unto them right so they begin they have begun gathering on the first day of the week that's when Jesus met with his disciples that's one of the you know really the first church service if you want to think about it in the New Testament now don't take this as a proof text for you know a single evening service right because they're there they're meeting later in the day and they're they're getting together then you're thinking why are we meeting in the morning maybe we should only be meeting in the evening right well go over to Hebrews chapter 10 to let me dispel that foolish thought I'm sure no one in here thought that right I'm just projecting a little bit I guess this morning but you know we are obviously we meet on the first day of the week we meet twice a week here on Sundays and then we meet on Thursdays as well and obviously you know that's not something you can point to specifically in scriptures where it says you know two days on Sunday shalt thou meet and once during the midweek okay there's no chapter and verse necessarily for that and I'm not gonna say if you're you know the Sunday morning only you know if you're just somebody only meets once a week that you know somehow you're in sin for not having been here the rest of the week obviously that's not true either you know I believe if you're showing up to church once a week you're completing the command to you know have have gotten together with the brethren because going to church is a command okay if you look there in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 it says there in verse 19 having therefore brethren boldness to enter the holiness by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh so Paul is laying in a heavy on him right saying hey let's remove you know let me give you some reasons why we're gonna should be meeting more often than not it's because Jesus through a new and living way he consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh that is to say his crucifixion you know he did all this for us therefore you know we have an high priest over the house of God let us draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled with an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is for faithful that promised and let us consider one to another one another to provoke unto love into good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you say see the day approaching okay now obviously whenever you bring up church attendance Hebrews 10 25 is if 24 and 25 is where you go okay when we've all heard these these verses but let's not again forget that they're preceded by those other verses that we just read where Paul is saying hey the reason why we need to consider one another the reason why we need to provoke one another and to love into good works the reason why we not need to to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together but a gather even so much more as we see the day approaching the reason why we need to do that is because Christ through the veil of his flesh has made that possible that's why we don't meet on the Sabbath day because of what Christ has done for us now we meet on the first day now let's get together even more often let's provoke one another more often to love into good works the reason why we need church this morning is because it encourages us it's going to encourage us to do works for God at least it ought to we ought to come to church and feel compelled to serve God more we should leave this place saying hey this week I'm gonna get this right I'm gonna serve God more I'm gonna get this sin out of my life I'm gonna start doing this you know we ought to come to church and feel compelled to leap when we leave here to serve God through with the week and I guarantee you by the end of the week you're gonna need that again because by the end of week what you're gonna realize is the Christian life is hard boy it's hard to get up a little extra early this morning every morning this week and read my Bible for 15 minutes boy it was harder than I thought to you know ask and pray and ask God for some things you know this week it was hard for me to get down on my knees and realize oh I have this sin in my life then I found it very hard to get that sin out of my life I found it very difficult to you know want to testify for the Lord throughout the week you're gonna find out if you try to live the Christian life throughout the week that you need to assemble more and more with God's people why so that you can be encouraged and and provoked unto love and a good works that's why we need the local church and Christians who try to serve God without church do not go very far not as far as they could go we could go so much farther when we are plugged in to a good local church and get encouraged every week on the first day of the week that's why we meet it's interesting Jesus you know calls Peter James and John and Andrew and what's the first thing he does let's go to church they go to synagogue right now I know I'm saying Church of synagogue synonymously I know it's not the exact same thing you know it's a congregation of people but you know hey let's go in there let's hear the preaching the Word of God and you know and Jesus had a little sermon prepared himself as well you know he's setting the example for us and we're seeing here in Hebrews chapter 10 that we need to not forsake the assembling of ourselves as the manner of some is Paul saying like there's some people that's just their manner it's their habit right if you had a manner of doing things well that's just his manner you'd say that you that's something they just do habitually you know some people just habitually are not in church you know it's it always scratched my I always scratch my head I always wonder it always amazes me when I see Christians who've been saved they've been in and out of church for years that have yet to just make the decision that they're going to be in church no matter what it's like they wake up every Sunday morning go am I going today oh I don't know what else have I got going on I mean that's the decision I made very early on and it's and not what you know and I wasn't on staff I wasn't it wasn't there because it was my job to be there you know that's only been the case for the last five years however over twenty years that I've been saved you know the vast majority of my Christian life I was just in church for the preaching the Word of God because I made a decision early on that I'm not gonna be have the manner of forsaking the house of God you know and I feel bad preaching this especially on a Sunday morning because everybody's here and the people that needed the most you know they're sitting at home right and I understand people are sick and people are up in Tempe this morning but you know what I bet you there's people right now that could be in church that should be in church and they're just simply not here because that's their manner that's just how they live their life they just think well church isn't that important well I mean don't you think it's pretty important when Jesus to the veil of his flesh made a new and living way for us to come boldly before the throne of Christ of God to find mercy and help in a time of need don't you think it's a pretty important thing when Jesus resurrected on the first day of the week and showed himself alive on his disciples I think it's a pretty important thing but you know there's so many people today they just they just say well my manner is just to not be in church and what happens is they're not exhorted okay that's what he says in verse 25 not forsaking assembling ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another exhorting encouraging one another to do what to live for God to to do the things we know we ought to do and that look there's a lot of there's a lot involved there isn't there let's talk about all the things we need to be exhorted to do this morning we'd be here all night I would preach till midnight you know some of you would be falling out of your chairs by the end of it right just like they fell out of the window Eutychus fell out of the window right some of you would pull Eutychus if we did that I can't get up and one Sunday and exhort everything you know encourage you and teach you everything that's in the Word of God I can't it's impossible it would take a lifetime to do that and many of those things you find out when you get into this side of the pulpit is there's a lot of things you just have to keep repeating such as church attendance this is one of those things you have to keep bringing up okay so that's why we need to be in church why so that we can be exhorted I mean ask yourself how much you know good godly exhortation are you getting down there in the workplace how much good godly exhortation you're getting you know flipping through the channels or scrolling through some device it's you know maybe some maybe if you're subscribed to the right channels I don't know but the point is this is that the world isn't exactly offering a lot of good godly counsel are they they're not exactly offering a lot of godly exhortation you know that's that happens here and with God's people the preaching of God's Word and that's why we need to be here and just early on in our micro you know in our Christian lives just say I'm gonna be there no matter what I remember hearing the story of this guy and I don't know if it's just Baptist lore or not but of a guy who it was the minute was then we're talking a midweek service this wasn't even a Sunday morning he would gone home this is somewhere up in the snowy hills of Pennsylvania somewhere he went home after work and he was gonna get ready for church and his one of his pipes had burst in his kitchen and of his trailer and instead of you know and I don't know look I'm not saying and this is you don't stop and fix your pipe but I'm just saying this is the mentality that some people have and some people could stand to have a little bit of at least you know he saw his pipes were burst and it's you would think oh there's an excuse not to go to church right there in the midweek service the pipes are burst you know probably everyone any one of us would say hey you know what can't make it the pipe I got it I've got the my kitchen is flooding now this guy I think the story goes it was single so maybe you can get away with this I don't know but instead of stopping and fixing the pipe and missing church he literally just took an axe and chopped a hole in this floor and let it run out underneath the trailer and went to church and told the pastor what happened so what's going I said well my I got to get home now after the service because the water is running what do you mean the water is running oh don't worry I put a hole in the floor now but you know say and maybe that was some made-up story me and some Baptist lower I don't know but you know what it's it's it illustrates a good point that some people you know need to just get in a place where nothing's gonna stop them from being a church now these sets and it's an extreme example there are going to be things that stop us from being Church and look if you're sick stay home let me just say that okay don't you know I don't want to promote this other culture that's out there in Baptist churches run to this other extreme where it's like unless you're dead or dying you know that's the only excuse you have for not being here drag yourself in okay I'm not saying that please stay homes you know we believe you know the Bible teaches that people should you know separate and stay away when they're sick right but let's not go to the other extreme too and just you know every time you stub your toe or some little minor inconvenience comes up or any excuse you can find you know you just say well I'm not going to church you know some people look if you're if you're looking for an excuse not to come to church you'll find it you'll find it it's out there what we need to do is not be people who have the manner of forsaking the assembling of ourselves together but be people who just decide hey you know what I'm gonna be in church unless there's a very good reason for me and by the way if the pipes burst fix your pipes that was just an illustration all right but not be people who just look for every little excuse to stay out of church go to Titus chapter number two Titus chapter number two you know we worship on the first day of the week Jesus was meeting on the Sabbath but you know what he was still getting together with God's people on the Sabbath day there was a service to attend he went you know we don't observe the Sabbath day but we do observe you know a church service at least on the first day of the week at the very least I don't think that's a lot to ask considering everything what Jesus is considering everything that Jesus has done for us the fact that he's consecrated for us that through the veil that is to say his flesh away for us look at Titus chapter 2 verse 11 for the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying and godliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world so what what do you know how do you live the Christian life well deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and then live soberly righteously and godly in this present world that's how you live the Christian life and people don't like that first half because there's denial there isn't there there's some things we're gonna have to deny ourselves if we're going to live the Christian life as we ought to looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior who gave himself for us right you know we don't want to get this attitude we're like we're throwing Jesus a bone and we're doing him a favor by showing up to church you know he did something for us he gave himself for us it's our privilege to be under the preaching the Word of God that he might redeem that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works you know you if you start denying the these worldly lusts and if you start living godly in Christ Jesus you're going to stick out like a sore thumb in this world you're going to be a peculiar person right you know I you start pulling out of the driveway three times a week to go to church some of the neighbors gonna go really again you know I guarantee you they all know I'm church going to my block you know everything I've got a giant billboard called the church fan that's parked in my driveway they all and yet the Mormons still try and come out knock my door even though there's a giant van in the driveway says Baptist Church I just want to answer the door and go really really what do you think's gonna happen here son of elder you know not now it's not gonna go the way you think it's gonna go right but all you know the Mormons can't figure it out the neighbors have though you know they see us March our kids out there everyone's in their Sunday dresses and well not me obviously but everyone's in their Sunday best client in the van twice on Sunday once on Thursday don't you think they might just assume some things about us well they must do this and they must not do that I never hear them out there on Saturday night you know living it up blaring the music in the backyard and lighting off fireworks and sleeping it off the next morning why because they're peculiar but why are we peculiar just because we like being odd just because we like standing out I know some of us can't help being odd right but you know why are we peculiar in this way because we've been purified unto him okay yes we've been redeemed from all iniquity but then we're also being purified unto him right unto a peculiar people he's trying to purify us and to get us to live godly and righteously in this present world right that's what you know these verses are all connected we need to deny ourselves on godliness and worldliness we need to live soberly and righteously that's that's a process of purification if you're to purify some precious metal you put it into a furnace and you burn off the dross there's things that are taken away that's how you purify it and if we start to you know deny ourselves some things and start to say hey I'm gonna live a certain way what we're gonna find ourselves doing is being purified unto him and we're gonna find ourselves being a more peculiar people and we might get some comments and we might get some looks but so be it you say why would anyone do that because as it says there at the end of verse 14 that they are what zealous of good works you know the kind of people that God is looking for this morning people that are zealous of good works people that want to do something for the Lord people that want to preach the gospel want to be in church like hard preaching like the preaching of God's Word they want to be taught they want to be instructed they don't have to drag themselves into church you know when Churchill will be less of a drag for you is when you want to be here when you're actually zealous about the things of God it'll be a lot easier to get in the car and make that drive and come down here and be inconvenienced and all of that and look I'm sure I'm not the most exciting preacher in the world I do my best I try to put a little you know sugar in there you know to help the medicine go down but I also know this from experience you could be in a lot more boring churches than this okay it could be a lot duller too now I get it it could be a lot more exciting if we wanted to just compromise on some things and just start you know it stop instead of denying world worldliness we'll just bring it into the church house and we'll just bring the rock music in here we'll just bring the rap music in here and we'll all worship Jesus you know we'll all get together and sing some you know living on a prayer by Bon Jovi that sounds Christian and we laugh but there's church that's exactly what I'm not even kidding that's exactly what they do you know and we can I'll get up start illustrating my my sermons with r-rated movies I've seen that and then you know for the instead of the candlelight service for Christmas Eve let's get you know some ballerina in here to dance for Jesus and her little tutu I've seen it it's out there and it's a joke and it's not denying ungodliness it's done it's not denying worldliness and it's not gonna make you peculiar it's gonna make you fit in with the rest of them right I'm not trying to start some you know cult you know Center of Cultural Arts down here I'm trying to you know start a New Testament Church that's gonna do something big for God because I'm zealous for good works that's what God wants from his people people to be zealous but you know zealous is the end of that zealous is the result of these things you know if we're zealous of good works we'll be in church zealous comes after the purifying it comes after the denying it comes after the living if you would go over to Ephesians chapter number four I'll move on from this point get a mark one it says in verse 21 and they went into Capernaum and straightway in the Sabbath day he entered in the synagogue and taught and they were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one that had authority and not as described so Jesus went goes there and he does some teaching right he gets up and he preaches he gives it delivers a sermon and everyone that hears him is astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one that had authority said the end of the mark 120 121 that he entered in the synagogue synagogue and taught right so church you know when we get together with God's people I know we're not meeting on a Sabbath day we're meeting on the first day of the week but when we get there we have to understand that church is a place for teaching and instruction okay which not always the most exciting type of exciting things in the world are they you know teaching and instruction that's something you do a lot in school coming up right you know some people pay good money to go down to the university and to receive teaching and instruction and I don't think they're doing that just because they're trying to entertain themselves they're trying to better themselves they're trying to get a better career they're trying to educate themselves you know they're they're that's they're investing in that you know it's not you know most exciting thing in the world you know if we're just looking for entertainment you know we would just you know instead of spending money on an education you know we just take vacations all the time you know we just go out to some amusement park and amuse ourselves so church is a place of teaching and instruction Jesus went in the synagogue you know he didn't you know lift his arms and just sway back and forth for 30 minutes and listen to a little sermonette he got up and taught and people were astonished at his doctrine okay they weren't astonished at his graphic tee and his holy jeans you know with literal holes in them okay and you know and his and his and his tattoos and everything and and just rapping with the people okay they were astonished at his doctrine they're astonished at the things that he taught okay so church is a place of teaching and instruction 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 19 your infusions for it says yet in the church I'd rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue Paul is obviously dealing with this the gifts of tongues and I'm not going to go into all that but Paul is saying here I'd rather just say five clear things that can just be understood that would actually teach other people I want to go in a church and I want to teach others he goes on and says in verse 20 be not children and understanding now the purpose of the church is so that we would grow up in Christ so we would move off of the milk of the word of God and into the meat and then we would start to grow and develop and become mature believers Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 it says there in verse 11 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers okay so these are these different offices that are given and you know one of those last two offices are pastors and teachers now let me say this all pastors are teachers but not all teachers are pastors for example you know Paul commanded that the the elder women teach the younger to love their husbands so on and so forth so even ladies in the church can teach other ladies right through their example through instruction through helping them through offering counsel look we can all teach one another we can edify one another right everyone can be a teacher if they have something to teach there's something that there's a pupil that can learn something you have an opportunity to be a teacher but all teachers are not pastors are they but all pastors are teachers there's the saying that you know what's the difference between preaching and teaching well the best way I've heard it defined and the best way I understand it is this is that not all preaching is teaching but all teaching excuse me not all teaching is preaching but all preaching is teaching I know it's kind of a tongue twister there okay but all preaching you are instructing aren't you I mean I'm preaching this morning I feel like I'm doing some instruction I'm doing some exhortation right but that doesn't mean you still can't teach other things other things can't be taught outside of the pulpit within the local church but we're being given these things right we've been given pastors and we've been given teachers we've been given people to instruct us why because the church the local New Testament Church is not a place to come and be entertained it's a place to come and learn and to be instructed that's not to say we can't have fun look I mean I know not everyone was able to make it but we had some fun over the last few days I mean we went up to that bishops conference up there in Tempe and there was some fun to be had you know there was roller skating there was the church picnic and just having fellowship you know we we have the ping-pong table here right we can do some other things I'm not saying that you can't come to church and smile and have fun but look when it's its main purpose is to be taught and to be instructed verse 12 for the perfect perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ and again I'm not against people having fun or and doing fun things at church but it just seems like too often people want that to be the emphasis but when I read the New Testament it seems to me like the emphasis is on instruction the emphasis is on work for the work of the ministry why are we giving pastors and teachers so that we would be perfected so that we would be complete so that the work of the ministry would be done for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come to unity the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ then we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine the reason we need instruction and teaching and doctrinal sermons is so that we wouldn't just be tossed about with every wind of doctrine that's out there today and look there are lots of winds of doctrine blowing about today there is so much false doctrine being taught today there's so many churches that are teaching things that are contrary to the Word of God there's so many people that are you know on all kinds of social media platforms you know teaching things that are not correct they're not doctrinal there's heresies there's false doctrine abounding we need the local church to be a place of teaching and instruction and not a place to just have fun okay and so many people today want to just turn God's house into a source of entertainment that's not the purpose of it the purpose is so that we would grow up so that we would become a perfect man that we would attain of the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ that we would not be children they would not be carried about by these winds of doctrine by the slight of men by the cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him at all things which is the head even Christ now I love how Paul puts it there speaking the truth in love sometimes you speak the truth that people say that's not very loving that wasn't very nice but you know the truth isn't always nice is it the truth is the truth and if the truth hurts then so be it okay now we speak it the truth in love because when you speak the truth to somebody you want you're not trying to deceive them you want them to understand the truth that's a loving thing to do and sometimes that's the way instruction and teaching comes across sometimes the teaching instruction is going to just be some hard truths that are spoken in love you get up long enough and just say thus saith the Lord you know people are gonna say whoo that wasn't very loving yeah but was it the truth was it the truth is it what the Bible says I mean I you know you wouldn't be the first one that went home mad what the preacher said you know and I'd be lying if I said that I'd never had that same attitude that there weren't times in my life where I walked out and upset and angry and by the time I got home had to go yeah but he's right I had to open up the Word of God and go yeah that is what it says though and had to make an attitude adjustment towards the Word of God if you would go to Matthew chapter 28 Matthew chapter 28 so what do we see in mark 1 21 and 22 that Jesus entered into the Sabbath on the excuse me entered in the synagogue on the Sabbath day and we see that that that's an example for us in the New Testament obviously not meeting on the Sabbath day but still assembling together for the teaching and instruction of God's Word getting together with God's people and that it's a place of instruction where doctrine is taught with authority you say you know why well I'll get into that I want to finish up here in this point you know church is supposed to be a teeth a place of teaching and instruction look at Matthew 28 verse 19 this is of course the Great Commission that we're all familiar with instead of verse 19 go he therefore and teach all nations baptizing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost now teaching all the nations obviously he's referring to go and teach them what the gospel right let's teach all nations and then baptizing them because we understand here that baptism is something that you do after you get saved not before you get saved then you get baptized not for salvation not to keep salvation but because it's just the next step in obedience in a Christian life it's just a public profession of the faith that you have within okay so obviously the teaching there that's proceeding baptism is talking about the gospel right teaching them the name of the father and baptizing the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost but look at verse 20 the teaching continues teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you how are they gonna do that when they get together in the first day of the week when they get together the more and more as they see the day approaching when they're getting together for the exhortation of God's people when they're getting together and provoking one another love and good works they're gonna take out the Word of God they're gonna remind themselves of everything that Christ has taught them you know and when you do that you're gonna speak to the truth in love you were going through Mark chapter 1 with the book of Mark chapter 1 thus far line by line literally verse by verse you know I guarantee you stick around there's gonna be a time when I get up here and we land on a verse that's gonna you know we're not gonna like as much as the other verses let's just put it that way then we're gonna find offensive then I'm gonna preach it we go oh ouch we're gonna wince we're gonna say that's me we're gonna come under conviction but understand when that happens you know it's simply because we're observing this to teach them to observe all things all things whatsoever I've commanded you well Jesus you mean just the things that they like right no all things you mean just the things that aren't gonna upset anybody the things that aren't gonna you know ruffle any feathers those things right Jesus know all things whatsoever whether they like it where they don't like it whether it you know it rubs them the wrong way or not teach it and lo I am with you always even though the end of the world look you start teaching all things that's becomes a more encouraging verse to you that Jesus is with you always well look the Word of God is what's supposed to be taught when we come together and and we saw there in Mark chapter 1 its purpose there that that the church is is a place of teaching and instruction and it's not this you know pick and choose what I'm gonna preach out of the Word of God it's all things what I want to point out in closing here is that when Jesus taught it says they were verse 22 of Mark 1 they were astonished at his doctrine and doctrine just literally means teaching okay anything you're teaching out of the Word of God is a biblical doctrine okay but he taught them and he taught with authority okay now why is it that Jesus taught with authority obviously it's because he is the Son of God that he is the Word of God right but consider this that when a pastor gets up and preaches out of the Word of God he is preaching with authority and not his own he's preaching with authority because he is preaching the words of Christ he is he is teaching all things whatsoever Christ has commanded and we had that you know that's why it's so important for preachers to what preach the word you know not to get up necessarily always preach their opinion or preach their preferences but to preach the word because when you preach the word you preach with authority and when you preach the word and you preach you know what the Bible says you know people will be astonished now I don't know exactly what that means there when it says astonished and obviously there's they're shocked they're surprised that he taught with authority and not as the scribes or astonished at his doctrine I don't know it necessarily means that they were impressed or approving it just means they were kind of taken aback and look you get up and you preach with authority you preach doctrine you preach God's Word people get astonished they go I'm not going back there and look and if I got up and just started saying offensive things and just you know just started preaching my opinion as as commandments of you know started preaching for the doctrines of God the commandments of men yeah you'd have a reason you could say yeah that guy is just up there you know tooting his own horn and and and just making what up just saying whatever he wants but when I'm getting up and preaching the Word of God and it offends you understand I'm preaching with authority I'm preaching of the authority of God's Word if it's biblical so be it and that's you know that's the attitude I have to bring behind this pulpit like it or lump it this is what the Bible says and it's important to understand this today because so many churches have gotten away from this they don't want to preach line by line through the Word of God they just want to do this big sweeping overview of a book and just cherry pick a verse here or there that's not gonna upset anybody you know they want to talk about all the nice parts in Genesis you know they want to talk about the nice parts and judges Leviticus they're just gonna go yeah we're just gonna move right past that I mean it's just some stuff about the the sacrifices there's nothing in there especially chapter 20 we don't need to go near that you know they didn't we need to go in near any you know chapter 18 just don't even touched out the 10-foot pole but it's all things whatsoever we have been commanded those are things we're supposed to teach so when you're have a church when you have somebody that's trying to do that understand they're preaching with authority and if you get upset if you get offended you have to ask yourself what am I really upset about what am I really offended by is it me and I look I know with this face it's easy to you know I could see how people could get offended right or is it that you're offended with what this book says and if you're sending with this with this bucket that what this book says who do you really have a problem with I don't like what the Bible says about the roles of men and women I don't like what the Bible says about wives and submission I like what the Bible says about men and and husbands being leaders and what the Bible says about spanking your kids and I like what the Bible says about homos and I like what the Bible says about this and that and the other thing well just remember in every instance it begins with you don't like what the Bible says and if you don't like what the Bible says that's your problem not mine so that's you know when they went in they were astonished at Jesus doctor and you kind of wonder what exactly that meant it might have been like can you believe this guy who does he think he is to get up and say that well he taught with authority and not as described because he's preaching because he is Christ the literal words of Christ and look I'm not getting up and preaching like some sauce so you know just got lace on my britches preacher with a big yellow stripe down my back there are dime a dozen out there today I want to get up and preach with authority so why do you want to go through every book you know line by line because I want to preach with authority I want to obey the command to preach all things that we've been taught and instructed because doctrine is what's to be taught in the house of God go to second Timothy chapter 3 I'll wrap it up there Bible says in Isaiah chapter 28 whom shall he teach knowledge whom shall he teach now whom she make to understand doctrine them that are weaned from the milk is weaning always a pleasant process I mean was so long ago when I went through it I can't really remember cuz I certainly haven't weaned anybody I done been weaned right but you know I don't really remember I'm glad it happened cuz I like food right I like meat right but it's not a pleasant experience is it to be weaned it's not fun to wean a child right it's difficult people throw fits there's crying and screaming involved right well you know that's what it takes to mature doesn't it that's how you move on to the strong meaning the word of the Word of God too and I don't want to just pastor a church where it's just it's just a bottle-fed sermon after bottle-fed sermon just another nice sweet little milk toast sermon for you to just come in and coo and gaga over and then go out there and you know spit up all over yourself spiritually you know we shot to come to the house of God and have the preacher get up and say here let's let's have a t-bone steak this morning let's get let's get into the meat here and you might have to go home and you know maybe chew on it a little bit and figure that out and get you to the place where you know you can go home with knife and fork and open up the Word of God and chew it and you know put it in your mouth and and feed yourself and not have to be spoon-fed everything but who is that gonna happen for you know who's who is it gonna get to that place where they could start to digest and process the strong meat of the Word of God those that have been weaned from the milk those that have been drawn from the breast how do you do that by teaching and instructing by preaching the doctrine from the pulpit and not just preaching a bunch of feel-good sermons bunch of motivate look we need to feel good foot sermons we need the motivational sermons but we need the doctrinal sermons you know that's a big part of the reason why I'm forcing myself to go through this book line by line you know because you get into doctrine that way you know we start preaching about repentance you start preaching about baptisms you start preaching about church attendance you start getting into these meat of the word and there'll be more to come where are you at second Timothy look at for chapter 3 verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it's profitable all of it every single line how much scripture all of it no no no no just the New Testament no all of it it's all profitable there's something to be learned from every bit of it and it's profitable for doctrine and what's doctrine it's just teaching it's the nuts and bolts it's the meat it's the strong me of the Word of God it might not be the most exciting thing but it's profitable when you think about people who are you know have gone through teaching and instruction think about people who have learned a skill who have gone to higher education or have gone through some kind of a program people who have a marketable skill how did they get there they someone taught them someone instructed them you know and I'm sure they didn't do it all with puppets you know it wasn't probably this big entertaining thing it was all and you know some animated series that they saw it sat down and watched so they could learn you know some valuable skill that helped them earn a living there was probably just a lot of boring dry instruction there's probably just a lot of you know sitting down with with a blank piece of paper or answering questions you know that kind of thing just just really dry stuff but that's how they learned right look I want to make things exciting I wanted to make things entertaining because that's how you get people's attention and keep it but the fact is is that sometimes you get in the Word of God there's just going to be just some some doctrinal things that are just really kind of plain aren't they they're the things that we need to hurt we need to hear they'll profit for us there it's profitable for doctrine for a proof for correction for instruction what's reproof being told you're wrong what's for correction how to get it right for instruction here's how you do it that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works how are you going to become that zealous peculiar person how are you going to become furnished unto all good works through doctrine through the profitability of being taught the Word of God by and by line that's what he told Timothy in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 just read you verse 2 preach the word be instant in season out of season when they like it when they don't like it in season out of season when it's popular when it's not preach the word and I don't know if anybody else has noticed but the Word of God has fallen out of fashion in this world today it's not exactly what's being promoted in the United States of America anymore it's out of season so should we stop preaching it should we just not preach the things that are gonna make people upset that's not what he said that's not what Paul told his protege Timothy he said preach it in season out of season and if you preach it out of season you know what you're gonna reprove you're gonna rebuke and you're gonna exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine right the Bible the words of Christ these are this is the authority Jesus went in and they were astonished at his doctrine because he spoke as one that had authority and not as the scribes I don't know exactly what the scribes are preaching but if there was anything like you know the scribes today the scribes of people who copied out the Word of God and studied the Old Testament we spent a lot of time down in the synagogues they spent a lot of time in their institutions of learning if there anything like you know perhaps the guys today just spent a lot of time in Bible college just being taught what not to say and what to say and how to do this and just want to just you know get up and just preach anything but what the Bible actually says you know I don't know exactly what it is with the scribes preached today but I wonder if it's all kind of like the guys that we have today who don't don't want to preach every word out of the Word of God who want to preach things that are only popular who are more interested in getting up you know I'm preaching out of some you know the founding documents than they are the Word of God you know there's a lot of that that's out there today people wanted to get up and they want to preach everything but what's in here they don't want to preach all things that we've been commanded and then when people get around somebody that actually wants to do that but actually wants to stand on the authority of this book and preach all of it they're astonished well you know what you're astonished at is the authority of the Word of God that's what astonishes people today that's what astonished them back in Jesus day they were astonished at his doctrine because he spoke as one that had authority well what's his authority the Word of God obviously he was the Word of God everything he said was the Word of God well it's the same way today the Bibles the Bible the words of Christ they are the authority the Bible says in 1st Timothy 6 if any man teach otherwise and consent not the wholesome words he is proud knowing nothing but doting about questions and stripes of words where it comes envy strife railings evil smisings perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute the truth destitute the truth from such withdraw thyself they suppose that gain is godliness you want a lot of guys want to appreciate they just want to preach whatever is gonna build a big church because they think that gain is godliness the more popular than I am the less offensive that I am the more the bigger the offerings are the bigger the facility the bigger the program the more we can afford to do that must mean I'm godly what means you know the only way we know we're godly is if we're doing what God told us to do if we're preaching and rebuking and exhorting with all long-suffering and doctrine because the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but they'll heed to themselves teachers having itching ears because there's guys today they know there's people out there all they want to hear is it's all they want to hear and they're more than willing to be the ones to tell them oh you got a little scratch you got a little itch well let me be the one to give you a little you want to come to church and get a little you know massage this will scratch your ear make you feel good you know you want me to just tell you what you want to be told hey come on down I'll tell you exactly what you want to be told and we'll build we'll pack this place out we'll pack it out and we'll have a big offering and I can go buy a new suit finally it come down to here right and I could roll in a jacket roll up here in a Jaguar and and all that and I could be TD Jakes when any of these other false prophets that are out there that are just gonna make people feel good why do we need to preach with authority you say you know sometimes you preach authority and it astonishes people they get offended yeah but you know what a lot of times too is that you'll see what it always is amazing to see is that how people respond to hard preaching you know some people out there they want to be told that they're wrong some people want to fix things they're like hey what do I got to do to fix my life stop doing that and start doing this hard preaching works that's the example you know I some examples I get out of Mark chapter 1 there verses 21 and 22 Jesus was in church he took his disciples down there I mean and that church wasn't just some place in the synagogue there to just go and just make everybody feel good he got up and he preached with authority he got up and he preached doctrine and as a result people were astonished at the things that he said and he wasn't like the scribes who are just cherry-picking or just making up things just preaching the traditions of men he's preaching the whole council the Word of God that's what we strive to do today no we don't meet on Saturday we meet on the first day of the week but you know what the spirit is the same preaching with authority preaching with doctrine speaking the truth in love that's what people need whether they realize it or not whether they want it or not and if we're gonna get that you know what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to be willing to deny some things deny the worldly lust deny the ungodliness and start living godly in Christ Jesus be willing to be a peculiar person and receive the Word of God and you what you'll end up doing is being a person who's zealous of good works let's go ahead close the word of prayer dear Lord again thank you for the preaching of your word thank you for this great book Lord that there's so much we can learn from it take a lifetime to learn everything Lord but there's so many things that we can immediately apply to the here now help us to be students of it help us to be those who practice it daily in our lives and Lord help us to always receive the preaching of it Lord as as as it's given in authority and Lord like me it be the authority in our lives to guide us and to lead us and to help us grow and to mature until we come into the fullness that is in Christ we ask these things in your name amen all right we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh