(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen so the title of the sermon this evening is Jew are you Jew are you okay now of course I'm being clever here this is kind of a play on words but you'll kind of see what I mean by that as we get into the sermon and really what I want to talk about tonight I guess if you wanted to put you know a categorized assortment as to what it's about you know we're I want to talk about who the real people of God are is it today the the people that are living over and modern day in Israel that call themselves Jews are they the chosen people of God or is it the modern day is or is it the New Testament believer that is the the the child of God is it us as New Testament believers that are in fact the chosen people so I want to kind of get into that a little bit but really if you were to ask a Christian you know who are you you know we could ask answer for them well Jew are you you know that's kind of the play on words that I'm using tonight like you know who are you Jew are you all right you see what I'm saying there that's what you are now we would go to the modern-day nation of Israel and we say Jew are you and the answer would be no all right we'll get into that here in a minute so that's kind of the meaning of the of the title there so and if by the way if you're already getting nervous that I'm even bringing this topic up you know this just tells me that you need to hear it because we're living in such a sensitive culture today and there's so much brainwashing going on that as soon as you start to talk about you know who's a Jew and who isn't people want to start pulling out you know the race card and calling you anti-semitic and all of these things and this isn't just an some anti-semitic rant that I'm gonna go on tonight I want to look at the Bible I want to look at a lot of scripture and I want to figure out tonight who's God's chosen people really are who are they okay because there's people out there that are claiming that it's them and there's a lot of other people that are standing up for them you know there's even you know the Zionist Christian that'll say oh yeah Israel God's chosen people you know we got to bless them whosoever blesses them will be blessed and so on and so forth so you know it's an important doctrine and it's something we got to get to the bottom of and I'm sure most people in the room tonight have this figured out that they've heard this kind of preaching before they've already made their mind up on this subject but it's good to be reminded of these things and really it's good to be reminded this because when we when you really let that sink in that we are God's chosen people and not the fraud that's over there that you know that's something special and makes us feel you know like we are special and we are I'm not saying we're better than everybody else because of who we are or what we've done obviously it's in Christ because of his righteousness because of you know his having saved us that we can say you know we are something special we're something special in Christ so you're there in Romans chapter 2 Romans chapter 2 and really there's one thing I kind of to start out the sermon I want to focus on you know there's one particular you know tradition that the Jews have there's one particular commandment that was given in the Old Testament that they still hang on to that is a major theme in the Bible okay and that is the topic of circumcision okay and probably everybody who needs to know what that means knows what that means tonight okay so Romans chapter 2 verse 25 the Bible says for circumcision verily profiteth if thou keep the law but if thou be a breaker of the law thy circumcision is made on circumcision so what he's saying here is that if you that circumcision would profit you if you kept the law because when you're saying you're trusting in circumcision or any other tradition or any other commandment that God has given as as your means of righteousness you're saying well then you're then you are you're bound to keep the whole law is what the Bible teaches us if you're gonna keep it in one part then you have to you're a debtor to keep the whole law so what they are putting a lot of their trust in is a lot of different traditions a lot of different Old Testament Commandments things you know and to the exclusion of other things which really at the end of the day is hypocrisy to say we're gonna go to heaven because you know we're keeping these Old Testament Commandments because of you know but we're gonna not do certain of them you know like oh I don't know the sacrifice I mean they'll say oh we don't have the temple but God taught in the Old Testament that you could just pile up some stones and have an animal sacrifice so they want to pick and choose what things are convenient for them and to say oh we're keeping the law that's how we're going to go to go there that's fine you want to try and keep the law just make sure you keep all of it whosoever shall offend in one point is guilty of alls what the Bible says you know we could go to heaven a person you know technically could go to heaven if you lived your whole life sinless you could go to heaven there is a second option you know Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life not because there wasn't another option of you being sinless but because that other option is unattainable it's impossible so that is why he is the way the truth in the life now you're there in Romans chapter 2 keep something in Romans all night we're gonna come back and and I know it's the evening service and I know several have been out soul-winning and it's Sunday and all of that but stay with me tonight all right and we're gonna look at a lot of scripture we're gonna do some reading so he's saying in Romans to go to Romans 4 that circumcision profit if verily profit if thou keep the law but if thou be a bit breaker of the law thy circumcision is made I'm certain circumcision so because you've broken the law it means nothing it's it does not profit and everyone has broken the law so circumcision does not profit anyone today you know the Jews cannot just trust in some tradition like this to get them into heaven it won't work because of the fact that they have broken the law the Bible says there's not a just there's not a just man alive that that's that's sin if not that do with right and sin if not that there's none good no not one what is circumcision though why did God give that did God give signs like circumcision for people in order to work their way to heaven is that was that the purpose of it for God to say if you're circumcised you can go to heaven well the problem with that is you know that would exclude you know about half the population you know women so obviously that's not what he meant what he meant by it is several different things and first of all circumcision was meant as a sign of the faith that was within a person that's what it was back then it was a showing of the faith that they had within and we've been reading about these type of things in Deuteronomy over and over again just these reminders that God gives the people of Israel to remind them of who they are and who he is and circumcision was just another one of them just one of those daily reminders that were just worked into life that that people would see and understand that it had spiritual significance just like all the other ones that we've read about in Deuteronomy I won't go on about that but look there in Romans 4 verse 4 it says now to him that worketh the reward is not reckoned of grace but of debt you know if you're gonna trust in your works you got a lot of work to do it's gonna be you're indebted in fact you got a lot of you got some things to work off but to him that worketh not but believeth in him that just at the flight and justify at the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness even as David also described it the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are coven not blessed are they who have outworked their sins not blessed are they who have done more good than bad it's saying blessed are they who have their iniquities forgiven and whose sins are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only now when he's saying the circumcision only he's referring to the Jews that's what he he often refers to the Jews in the New Testament the circumcision okay he's saying does it come upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision also now the uncircumcision would be us the Gentile nations that are not of Jewish descent and he says or upon the circumcision also for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness how then was it reckoned say they say well you know Abraham believed you know and it was rec it was counted to him for righteousness how was it reckon you reckon just means how was it counted you know how was he accounted as being righteous and what state was he in is what it's asking here he's saying well how then was it reckon verse 10 what when he was in a circumcision or an uncircumcision and if you know the story of Abraham you know the answer not in circumcision but in uncircumcision so what he's saying is there look Abraham was counted righteous by faith before he even was circumcised and that's the point he's trying to make here and he says in verse 11 and he received the sign of circumcision that's what he's saying it that it is that it is a sign a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the father of them that believe though they be not circumcised that righteousness might be imputed unto them also so Abraham is actually our example to look back to and see what is it what does it mean what does it take to be saved and it's belief it's not the works of the law it's not circumcision circumcision it's not the sacrifices it's not the Sabbath day it's none of those things it's not the Levitical priesthood none of those things will save us and they knew that back then because they were all looked should have known to look to Abraham that was the purpose that Abraham served he was there to show them that he was that he was that's what it says there verse 11 he received the sign of uncircumcision a seal the righteousness of the faith which he had being an uncircumcised that he might be the father of all them that believe though they be not uncircumcised that righteousness might be imputed unto them also so he serves as a sign something we can say oh well Abraham we know was counted for righteousness his faith was kind of righteousness and that was it that he was the father of all them that believe not the father of all them that keep the law and he says in verse 12 and the father and circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only but who walk in the steps of the faith that our father a of our faith or ever Abraham which he had yet being uncircumcised so the first thing that we see about what was the purpose of circumcision you know was you know that it was a meant as a sign for the faith that somebody already had it was not something that they did in order to work their way to heaven or to to keep the law so that they could be counted righteous you know he's showing us that hey it's something that Abraham had within he was counted as righteous and his by his faith and then he went and had that done as a sign so and really what that sign was also to show if you would turn over to Joshua chapter 5 Joshua chapter 5 was that circumcision was a sign of separation from the unbelieving it was a sign of separation from the unbelieving because God you know he puts a difference between his people the saved those that believe and the unbelieving and he and again we just see that all throughout the Old Testament of God trying showing them that there's a difference between those that have have been read righteous through faith and those that have not you know and God goes over that again and again and circumcision served to that end that it was a sign of separation from the unbelieving you're in Joshua chapter 5 look at verse 1 and it came to pass when all the kings of the Amorites were on which were on this side of Jordan Westward and all the kings of the Canaanites which were by the sea heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel until they were passed over that the heart that their heart melted neither was their spirit spirit in them anymore because of the children of Israel at that time the Lord sent unto Joshua make these sharp knives and circumcised again the children of Israel the second time and Joshua made him sharp knives and circumcised the children of Israel at the hill of the foreskins and this is the cause why Joshua did circumcise all the people that came out of Egypt that were males even all the men of war died in the wilderness by the way after they came out of Egypt now all the people that came out were circumcised but all the people that were born in the wilderness by the way as they came forth out of Egypt Egypt them they had not circumcised so the purpose was they had this whole generation that had grown up been born and grown up in the wilderness that were now the men of war that were going to go and fight the Canaanites and they had not yet received this sign of circumcision in themselves and he's saying look you need to take care of this and he looks and he says here in verse 6 for the children of Israel walked 40 years in the wilderness to all the people that were men of war which came out of Egypt were consumed because they obeyed not the voice of the Lord unto whom the Lord swear that he would not show them the land and so on and so forth so we see that you know circumcision was a sign of the faith that people had within and it was a sign to them those believing people that they were to be separate from the unbelieving that there was a difference that God put between them and the heathen of the land and God wanted that to be there so we see also that circumcision was a sign also between the Lord and Abraham's seed and really that's that's what the distinction is you know that's what that's who's Abraham seed are the believing right so he's showing hey there's a difference between you and the unbelieving there's a difference between Abraham seed and those that are not of Abraham seed go over to Genesis chapter 17 Genesis chapter 17 this is what Peter brought up to the to the Jews to the elders and the rulers when he was he was accosted of them in Acts chapter 7 and he gave them the covenant actually this is Stephen what am I talking about and he gave them the the covenant of circumcision and so Abraham begat Isaac and circumcised in the eighth day and Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs and he's saying that God gave them the covenant what is that an agreement a sign right that's what that is that covenant look at Genesis chapter 17 this is referring to verse 9 and God said unto Abraham thou shalt keep my covenant therefore thou and I seed after thee in their generations this is my covenant which he shall keep between me and you and thy seed after thee every male child among you shall be circumcised and he shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you so they weren't just doing this you know for hygiene or something like that there was a real spiritual significance behind circumcision and you know it was it was something they had to do to be a part of the nation of Israel and what what's interesting about this is this kind of where we're gonna get into the to the you know the point of the sermon more so is that a stranger could receive this sign as well you know this was something that was given to Abraham seed right this was something that was reserved for those that were of of the faith of Abraham right and his and his descendants the nation of Israel but what's interesting is that a stranger could receive the same covenant as well and by a stranger I mean a foreigner somebody who was not born in the land somebody who was not of Israel an outsider to the nation could receive this covenant and become a citizen of Israel and look there in verse 12 you'll see that it says in verse 12 and he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you every man in your every man child in your generations he that is born the house or bought with money of any stranger which is not of thy seed he that is born in thy house he that has bought with money must needs be circumcised and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant and the uncircumcised man whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised that soul shall be cut off from his people he hath broken my covenant he's saying look if you bought a money any or bought with money of any stranger right he's saying look even if there was a stranger that was there they are to receive this the sign of circumcision which tells us this that you know it was possible that anybody in the Old Testament and if you would go over to Philippians 3 anybody in the Old Testament be could become a nation of Israel that's a fact so this whole this whole idea that God is just you know only cares about a certain bloodline that God only cares about a certain you know race of people that God only cares about a certain genealogy called you know the Jews is not biblical it's just not biblical okay and the fact you know what you know they say well prove it well how about Esther chapter 8 if we don't remember the story of Esther when they conspired to try and kill all the Jews of the land and then everything gets turned on its head and the Jews are you know given permission to destroy any of their enemies and it says in Esther 8 verse 17 and in every Providence in every city whithersoever the King's commandment and his decree came the Jews had joy and gladness and a feast of a good day and many of the people of the land did what became Jews they became Jews for the fellow the Jews fell upon them for the fear the Jews fell upon them so you're talking about people who are you know not of the nation of Israel heathen lands just all throughout the world just overnight becoming Jews you know and that's something that still goes on today you know people convert to Judaism all the time so when you start to talk about these issues about Judaism and Jews and God's chosen people things like that it's not an issue of race it's an issue of religion it's an issue of belief what does a person believe that's what makes you a Jew is what you believe what you practice not who your daddy was that's not what it is at all I mean you have all kinds of people that were clearly not of the nation of Israel that are not descendants I become Jews I mean who was that famous singer the the black guy from a long time with Sammy Davis jr. right became a Jew you know and now do you think that was because he was the long-lost tribe of Israel or something like that no it's because being a Jew has nothing to do with you know what blood what blood is flowing in your veins has everything to do what's in your heart as far as what you believe so we see here you know strangers were commanded received this covenant there was given them to receive this covenant in Esther and you know this even goes on today well actually today that the irony is is that is that some people cannot are for bad for becoming Jews or they're not allowed to come into the land you know despite that they're they're so called Jewish ancestry right this is a part of the 1970 ancestry amendment to the it's the 1970 and ancestry amendment to the law of return and that was a law that was established about who was allowed to come back to the modern-day nation of Israel big long subject but there's certain people that are not allowed and in fact even Jews people who were formerly a Jew Jews who have converted to another religion are not eligible to Emma to immigrate under the law of return that's it's against the law and that just you know further proves the point that being Jewish has nothing to do with you know your blood has everything to do what you believe but hey so what what does it matter you know what I believe I'm Jewish well it matters a lot because we don't want people coming in here that don't believe like us which is kind of a strange law if you ask me you know what kind of a religion do you have when you have to forbid people from coming in and bringing another another gospel you know the gospel you know these messianic Jews these these Jews that get saved they believe on Christ and now they want to go back to Israel they're like whoa we don't want you here well what have you got to hide what are you so afraid of what what's the matter with having them there you know you're afraid that they might actually convert people away from your false religion is that it the truth fears no investigation so you can see laws like that are highly suspect you're there in Philippians chapter 3 look at verse 4 he says though I also might also have confidence in the flesh if any man other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh I more circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin and Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the law of Pharisee concerning zeal persecuting the church touching righteousness which is in the law blameless so what's Paul doing here he's really touting his former credentials he's really saying hey look I was a I was a Hebrew of the Hebrews man I was I was the guy I was a model Jew in my day and of course we know he says what things were gained to me I count but loss the excellency of the knowledge of Christ but the point being that a man like that like the man who had that pedigree in their religion would not be allowed there today for one simple reason because he believed on Christ by their own law they'd say you're not welcome Paul because you don't have you have a different religion so people got it you know and it seems like the Jews understand this you know those that practice Judaism they seem to get it that hey yeah it's about a belief it's a belief system it's not a bloodline but there's a lot of Christians today that seem to get mixed up on this topic and think oh they they're they're automatically saved you know the John Hagees of this world that say oh the Jews don't have to receive the gospel because you know they're automatically in because of the fact that well they're Jewish well you mean well here's the thing whether you realize it or not John Hagee what you're saying is they're automatically in because they're Jewish and that means that they believe something other than the gospel but but in his mind he's saying oh they're Jewish because they're automatically in because of the blood that's in their veins and it's the Christians and John Hagee is not a Christian by the way it's the it's the people within Christendom that are getting all mixed up on this that think people that you know practice Judaism are gonna get a pass because somehow they're the long lost descendants of you know Abraham which is not true and anyone who's you know it's a it's a complicated subject and you know it's not something I'm an expert in but I've listened to people who have studied it and who know people that are experts in it look there's no way that there's anybody that can claim a direct lineage to the the the you know the the nation of Israel in Abraham's day of the patriarchs day it's impossible mathematically you know and pastor Anderson's done a great sermon on that he showed that just it that the exponents that are involved like there's not even enough people on the earth to make that possible when you go back that far it's it's kind of a complicated subject but just from a mathematical standpoint there is nobody on the earth's day that can say I am I am all of a certain tribe that you read about in the Old Testament it's not out there anyone who says that is a liar or stupid or both excuse me go over to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 1st Corinthians chapter 9 it's interesting what he says you know what go to 1st Corinthians 7 I'll just read 9 to you he says and Paul said unto the Jews I became as a Jew well how can somebody become as a Jew if being a Jew is based on your on your you know your nationality it's kind of an odd statement to make because anybody hello can become a Jew today if they want to deny Christ they and follow a false religion so basically what I'm getting at right now is that biblically speaking you know since any nationality any person on this planet can become Jewish yes that's available to you tonight if you've had enough of this IFB preaching you know if you're just wore out with this Judaism is as another option to consider folks just kidding right but anybody could anybody could become Jewish because being and because of that fact being a Jew refers to one's religion and not one's nationality itself so we see some things about you know that's kind of the point I was making there about you know the circumcision that it's just a sign of the faith that we have that it was a sign of separation and that other people were to receive it that were not Jews right but circumcision like all other Jewish questions I'm just kind of using that one because it's such a big topic in the Bible but it could be representative of all other Jewish traditions and customs and practices that they hold to circumcision like all their Jewish costumes count for nothing toward being the people of God they count for nothing being toward the people of God I don't care what kind of hat they put on I don't care how long they grow their little locks or how long they rock back and forth or how what color apron how many ribbons of blue they put in what garments or if they're circumcised or if they keep the Sabbath or whatever they do none of those things make them the people of God none of them look at first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 18 is any man called being uncircumcised let him not become let him not become uncircumcised is any called an uncircumcision let him not be circumcised circumcised circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing he's taking their their part of the law just and again just I'm just using it to represent you could say about that it just represents all these traditions and saying your commandment that you keep your law that you're trusting in your tradition is nothing that's what he's doing there circumcision is nothing it doesn't matter it won't make you the people of God you know and that point you know just just to kind of because this is a question that comes up every from time to time and this is just kind of a you know I'm kind of on the topic of circumcision so you might as well just you know you know we've already got over the awkwardness of it so I might as well just address it while we're here but every now and then people ask you know hey do we need to continue to circumcise our children and really it's a personal preference you know if you do you know it's not a sinful thing but there is no need to do that today none zero it's not something and I've heard and I'm gonna take the time to mention that because I've heard Baptist preachers counsel people and say well you know you should do it you know just so that they can be like unto the nation of Israel you know I we circumcised our son I'm saying I didn't do that we didn't do that what I'm saying is this is what this preacher said well we did we circumcised our son because you know we wouldn't want him to be associated with like like a Philistine or something like that like a heathen so you can see this mentality that creeps in and it just it starts to elevate the Jews oh we got to circumcise our kids so they can be like the Jews you know and Paul says it's nothing it's nothing there's no point in it it's been done away you know whether it's circumcision or anything else there's no need to keep any Jewish tradition since it means nothing any Holy Day New Moon Sabbath they're all done away in Christ and they mean nothing you go are you in Colossians to have you go there Colossians chapter 2 and this is something that Paul goes on and on about in multiple epistles and warrants people over and over again people that want to creep in and bring in they want to judaize you they want to bring Judaism into Christianity today you know ergo you know the Hebrew roots movement which is nothing more than a bunch of Judaizer Judaizers trying to bring people back under the law you know idiots who want to you know come and you know blow a shofar at church or something like that hey can we blow the shofar before every service no ain't happening well hey maybe before you pray before the congregation you should put in a prayer shawl maybe we should all just get doilies on our hats or something you know just so we could be like them I don't want to be like them I'm happy with who I am in Christ more than happy to just be a child of God that's more than I could ever wish for look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 beware all right this is something he's saying well does this really something that concerns us I don't know Paul took the time to write about it he starts out by saying beware beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ wherein him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily for ye are complete in him we're complete in Christ I don't need to add some Old Testament or some Jewish tradition to my faith to make me feel good about the fact that I'm going to heaven or feel somehow spiritually you know hold I'm complete in Christ and so are you tonight if you're saved he's saying he says there for you where was I and out of Christ when him dwelt the full guy but and ye are complete in him verse 10 which is the head of the all principality excuse me in power and whom also you're circumcised with the circumcision made without hands you know the Jew wants to come here you circumcised yeah I am in Christ without hands it's a circumcision of the heart something they know nothing about because they've hardened their hearts I am circumcised in the circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ that's the picture that God was giving them in the Old Testament that by faith in it by faith in God by the righteousness that comes by faith in believing you are severed you are the reproach of is of Egypt is rolled off of you you've been made different you're separated from it you've been brought out of the world you've put away that the flesh is put away from you do you see the picture there that's what he's kind of drawing that that let that that line there verse 12 buried with him in baptism where else you are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God with race and from the dead and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision your flesh hath he quickened together with you having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over in it let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or inspect of unholy day or of new moon or of the Sabbath days which are what verse 17 a shadow of the things to come but the bodies of Christ these people that want to observe these type of you know that we got they we don't observe the Sabbath they want to you know eat the kosher meal they want to you know circumcise they want to you know whatever vain tradition they want to bring back in whatever ordinance that was contrary to us they want to put back in our lives you know what those people are doing they're looking at the shadow they're not beholding the Sun they're looking at the shadow you know what they're doing they're walking in darkness that's what they're doing they're too busy looking at the shadow they can't even see the Sun they can't see the Lord Jesus Christ the picture who is the picture of those things that are is yet to come the Bible says if we walk in the light as he is in light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses this from all his son you can have your shadow go ahead and you have your shadow the old of the ordinances and the those things that were contrary to us go ahead and have that you can have the shadow all day long I'll walk in the light with Christ and I'll be complete in him and I won't need some vain tradition to be added to my faith no thank you Hebrew roots movement no thank you Judaizers you can have your shadow go ahead and continue to walk in darkness if that's what you want to do but don't expect me to join you you know and I can say that with boldness because of the fact and this is really what I want to drive home tonight is that we are God's people there I said it we are God's people and not them and I'm not gonna stand here and let somebody take that away from me and I'm not gonna get brainwashed and I don't want any of you to get brainwashed or make you feel like you're somehow some kind of second-class citizen and there's plenty of preachers that even get into Baptist churches today and stand up and try to make the congregation that they're preaching to God's children God's people whom he died for feel like they're second-class to a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews I'm not going to stand for it we are God's people because of the faith and the blood of Christ because of the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us not because I wear a hat some funny hat and I keep some stupid traditions none of that that's not why I'm special that's not what makes me special tonight that's not what makes me so bold to get up and say I am God's child that we are God's people not because of some inherent goodness in any of us but because of Christ because of the blood of Jesus Christ that precious and holy name that they blaspheme and say things about that I don't even dare repeat in this auditorium because they're so wicked and blasphemous are you I didn't have you go there first Peter chapter 2 first Peter chapter 2 this is a great passage we should we should know this passage this is one of the most encouraging and empowering and just dear passages in the Word of God that we can read first Peter chapter 2 verse 9 but ye are a chosen generation who's he speaking to he's speaking of Gentiles he's not writing to a bunch of Jews he's speaking to Gentile people he says ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people that ye should show forth the praises of him with called you out of darkness into its marvelous light which in times past were not a people but now the people of God which hath not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy and I want you to pay a special attention to this word in verse 10 it says which in times past were not a pet people but are now the people of God the singular not not another people of God not not a not a second-class citizen not somebody who's just you know been fortunate enough to have stumbled into this and that God you know didn't have anything better to do and decided well I guess I'll save them too no he says you are the people of God to the exclusion of all others that there is no other people of God out there today if they're not in Christ if you're not in Christ you know if you have not the Father you have not the Son period the Bible couldn't be clearer clear in the same way and how is it that we are we become the people of God go over to Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3 how can I get up here and say that we are the people of God how does that happen to somebody it's because you were born into it is it because you know you have some lineage or you have some kind of a you know pedigree about you is that what makes us the people of God tonight I mean if I got up here and said oh we're the people of God tonight because of you know who our parents were wouldn't that sound just a little racist wouldn't that sound just a little arrogant and puffed up and prideful but that's exactly what people say about the Jews oh they're God's people just because of the fact that well who their daddy was is that why we are today no we're the same we're God's people the same reason Abraham was what makes us God people God's people is what is the same thing that made Abraham God's people faith that's it faith in Christ that's the one thing look at Galatians chapter 3 verse 6 even as Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness it was his faith in God that made Abraham righteous not his works know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham hey if you're if you're a faith tonight you're a child of Abraham you're you're the Jew tonight folks you are Jew right that's the title of the sermon Jew are you rather that's who we are because why because we are they which are by faith and not and in our anything of our own selves not our pedigree and the scripture for seeing that God would justify the heathen through faith preached before the gospel to Abraham saying and these shall all nations be blessed and these shall one small nation in the Middle East be blessed and these shall just one you know nation come to fruition in 1948 and they'll be blessed no indeed all nations shall be blessed because that seed that was going to come from Abraham is Christ that was the seed he's referring to and all nations and kindreds and tongues are blessed in Christ verse 9 so they which would be a faith are blessed with faithful Abraham for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed as everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them the Jew tonight or anybody else that wants to trust in their works is cursed because none of them nobody is doing all of it and they can't you know the body he's making a perfectly clear here you can't just say well I like that law I like this tradition oh that commandment fits my lifestyle yeah I'll do those you're saying look you want to do them you're if you're you're gonna keep the law you're dead or to do the whole law and if you don't do it you're cursed who so I mean is that now what it says in verse 10 for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written curses everyone that continue with that and all the things which are written in the book of the law to do them but that man verse 11 but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident for the just shall live by faith it's obvious he's saying I mean we anyone who has any sense is going to understand that the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that when the law came sin revived and I died and we say then we see oh I need a Savior I need somebody to come and save me because I can't keep the lie saying look that no man is justified the law of God in the sight of God it is evident for the just shall live by faith and the law is not a faith but then when I do with them shall live therein and live in them right the man that shall do him shall live in them you know again if you kept the whole lot today from birth onward you could go right to heaven you wouldn't even need Jesus but that's the point he's making is that nobody's done that that's why it's evident he says in verse 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed as everyone that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith how do I get up here tonight and say hey we're all we are God's people it's because we have the faith that Abraham had because the righteousness of Abraham is the same righteousness that we have it's the righteousness that is imputed unto us through faith and not anything else so you tonight you the believer in Christ you are the Jew tonight that was that that was the point of that title as odd and strange as that sounded and still does Jew are you okay who are you Jew are you that's who you are tonight you are the true Jew tonight not these imposters that are over there go back to Romans if you kept something there Romans chapter 2 verse 26 Paul just spells it out plainly and tells us who the real Jews are and who isn't and you know and that's why it's no coincidence that Jews hate the New Testament and they they have just vitriol for Paul you go watch marching design and you listen to you know what was Leo a Brahmi or whatever I mean the way he brings up Paul that's what you know you know what I'm talking about if you've seen the movie they get he me Paul triggers these guys they hate the New Testament it's and it's obvious why because it condemns them and it takes their their precious little title that they they think they claim of God's chosen people and gives it under the Gentiles and that's exactly what happened though and the Gentile and that's that's the way it is because again it's not anything that's in us not by our own works you know but by his by his grace he saved us we understand that all our righteousness is as filthy rags everyone that's saved no one's trusting in there no safe persons trusting in their work so they're not saved they're not trusting in their vain tradition they're trusting in Christ so you tonight are the real Jew you the believer Jew are you Romans chapter 2 look at verse 26 therefore if the circumcision hey you straighten up right now verse 26 therefore if the circumcision keep the righteousness of the law shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision shall not and shall not the uncircumcision which is by nature if it fulfill the law judge thee who by the letter and circumcision does transgrace transgressed the law verse 28 for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh he's saying the G the guy who looks like a Jew that everyone calls a Jew that's not the Jew the guy at the Wailing Wall the guy dressed in all black head to toe you know and everything else you know I'm talking about that guy Paul is saying is not the Jew Jerry Seinfeld not the Jew Steven Spielberg not the Jew you know whatever silver Spielberg or any other Stein or anything I think Stein's Germany but you know any other you know Jewish name that's out there that says I'm a Jew not a Jew according to the Bible they might look like it outwardly oh they all have all the trappings of the Jew they're there in Israel you know they're doing they're doing all these Jewish things they eat all their kosher meals not a Jew according to the Bible but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart and in the spirit not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God and you know what the world might never look at us and say oh you guys are God's chosen people and lift us up and send us billions of dollars in aid every year you know that's not gonna happen but you know what they can have it because I'm not interested in the praise of men I have the praise of God tonight because my circumcision is inward in the heart I'm a Jew inwardly and I have praise of God and you know what shame on every Christian who says otherwise shame on every other Christian who wants to lift up that wicked blasphemous religion called Judaism and tell us that we owe them some kind of respect shame on them shame on every single Christian who sides with them or anybody else that blasphemes the name of Christ shame on them they ought to know better so the question I want to kind of let and end the sermon with tonight is where does that leave the imposters if we believers in Christ are the real Jews tonight which we are according to the Bible where does that leave these imposters over there and make no mistake about it they are imposters I don't believe a single one of them has a drop of that I'm of any of that blood that goes back to Abraham and his descendants not a drop it's been so I mean no more than you or I it's been so diluted and mingled they've been scattered among so many nations I mean the ten of the tribes are gone before we even got out of the Old Testament the Samaritans hello so I don't believe that for a second I mean they're they are imposters tonight and that's what the Bible says go over to Acts chapter 4 Acts chapter 4 the Bible says in Revelation chapter 2 I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not the Bible showing us and we're gonna look at another passage in the next chapter because it repeats this exact phrase it says that there are people out there that say they are Jews and are not well who are these people who could they be it says they are the synagogue of Satan and there's only one religion folks that uses a synagogue and it's Judaism and God calls it satanic and you say well that's kind of harsh that's anti-semitic call it whatever you want I'm a Bible believing Christian and I'm I'm sick and tired of having the Zionist Jew worshiping crap put in my face by other so-called Christians you know anyway where does that leave the imposters where does that leave them it leaves them in the needing to hear the same message that Peter preached and it's not that I hate them it's not that I have some kind of you know though they hate my God and they hate me and you know what I probably maybe I should start hating people that hate the Lord a little bit more do not I hate them they hate the Lord yeah I hate them with a perfect hatred well you know what maybe they're just some out there they're just a lot of them are just confused they were just brought up in it they were put in their their schools they were taught the language they just it's not that they hate the Lord's just their juice that's what they were taught just like any false religion but where does that leave these imposters it leaves them needing to hear the same message that Peter preached here in Acts 4 look at verse 8 then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost said unto them he rulers to the people and elders of Israel if this day we be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man by what means he has made hold be it none unto you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom ye crucified whom God raised from the dead even by him that this man stand here before you hold this is the stone which is said it not of you builders which has become the head of the corner neither is there salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved what part of this does the Zionist not understand what part of this there's people like Sam Gipp and these dispensationalists not understand that there is no other name given under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and that they're damning Jews and people who are caught up in this false religion to hell by not preaching them Christ but not sent telling them that hey your religion your bloodline so-called is not going to get you there they need to hear the same message these imposters they need to hear the same message that Jeremiah preached go over to Matthew chapter 8 I'll read you Jeremiah's message for thus saith the Lord of the men of Judah Jerusalem break you up you follow ground and so not among thorns circumcise yourselves to the Lord and take away the foreskin of your heart the men of Judah inhabitants of Jerusalem lest my fury come forth like fire and burn that none can quench in it because of the evil of your doings and there's a lot of evil going on over there even today I mean Tel Aviv is the homo friendliest place in the world apparently Tel Aviv that's where they all want to go and they're over there blaspheming Christ and and you know the genocide and everything that's going on and the irony is is that the Palestinian probably has a closer link to Abraham and his descendants and they ever will talk about irony of ironies that's the message they need to hear hey quit doing your evil works and circumcise your heart why don't you let the preacher in why don't you let the Christian in and let him and proselytize your people actually teaching the truth and get you out of that false religion they need to hear the message Jesus preached well that is this doesn't sound very like a very loving sermon brother Corbin well let's see what Jesus said to them let's let's turn back the clock and see what Jesus's attitude was towards these people Matthew chapter 8 verse 11 Jesus speaking and I say unto you that many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven what's he saying there that many shall come from the east and from the west he's talking about there's gonna be people from all over the world that come and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob you know your fraternal you know descendants you know those that came before you those that at that time they probably could link themselves to genealogically but he's saying look there's gonna be a lot of people that come from the east and west and they're gonna sit down with your forefathers in the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom and he's referring directly to them he's telling them right to their face but you the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth I mean Jesus didn't hold back Jesus wasn't afraid to just tell him hey you're gonna end up in hell that special seat that you think you have in heaven it's not there it's not waiting for you because you haven't trusted in me because you're rejecting me that's what Jesus said go over to mark chapter 12 let's see you some more about what Jesus had to say about them in the parable in mark 12 where he's sending you know the servants over and over again to the to the keepers of the vineyard the master is you know sending people to his vineyard which is representative of the prophets and and those that came before Christ to preach you know to preach to them to get them right with God and it says in verse 6 and having yet therefore one son well beloved does that not something sound familiar you know for God's a little world that he gave his only begotten son that's who he's referring to here having yet therefore one son his well-beloved he sent him also last unto them and by the way he's saying hey this is it he sent on them last beating I'm not sending anybody else after this I've sent you prophets after profit after profit and you've slain them and you've killed them and you've beaten them and you chase them off and you've disregarded them and now at last I'm sending you my own beloved son and he says here he sent him also unto them last saying they will reverence my son that's what he was hoping when G when he sent Jesus down to preach to them when Jesus said going on into in the house of the Samaritans or the Gentiles but to the lost house of the tribes sheep of the tribes of Israel that's what he wanted he wanted them to revere him but what happened he came unto his own and his own received him not and he said they will reverence my son verse 7 but those husband men said among themselves this is the air come let us kill it him and the inheritance shall be ours now I can't help it every time I read that this is what I see right the greedy Jew the inheritance shall be ours where they want they want the vineyard they want some earthly possession that's how important it is to them money and they took him and killed him and cast him out of the vineyard what therefore shall the Lord of the vineyard do oh well they can't help it you know but they they're still God's chosen people after all you know they're descendants of Abraham so he will come and destroy the husband men and will give the vineyard unto others he's saying oh you're not gonna reverence my son then I'm just gonna destroy you I'm just gonna come and wipe you off the face of the earth and give it to somebody else who will and that's us who you know who's gonna get the vineyard us the meek shall inherit the earth those that have tries to in Christ that's what they need that's what the imposters need tonight you know and this is kind of a caveat that I'm tagging on the end of this sermon because I don't want people to walk out of here just thinking you know we hate Jewish people or something because we don't we want them to be saved like anybody else we've knocked nearly every door in Tempe a highly Jewish neighborhood you know I've knocked a Jews door and said hey can I show you are you 100% sure you're gonna go to heaven you die of course I'm Jewish that was his response well I tried I've knocked on doors so they have you know they're little scrolls above their door I don't walk up to it oh that's a junior mine oh there's a star of RAM fan or David here never mind I'll just forget it and it's not because I go oh well they're good I heard John Hagee what he had to say and his people don't even need to hear what I had to say no they need it and that's why we bring it because we still love them they need to hear this and so do the Christians out there today that have been brainwashed into thinking that they don't need to hear it they need to hear this too they need to hear these messages that have been preached to them by Peter and the Apostles and the prophets and Jesus Christ himself they need to hear that message the message that they must trust in Christ like everybody else because they're nothing special like everybody else go back over to Romans 9 hopefully you kept something there Romans 9 the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 but their minds were blinded for until this day there remaineth the same veil untaken taken away and the reading of the Old Testament which veil is done away in Christ they're getting up in their synagogues I don't even if they read the Torah or whatever anymore but even if they did they're reading it with the blindfold is what the Bible saying they can't understand it but it will be taken away in Christ you know the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God neither can I know them for their foolishness unto him for they are spiritually discerned you have to have the Spirit of Christ to understand the Word of God and they don't have that the veil it says is upon their heart nonetheless when it shall turn to Lord the veil shall be taken away now there's a saying that the veil is gonna be taken away when Jesus comes back and they behold him oh now we'll believe on Christ that's you know some people want to interpret that it's when they trust in Christ when they turn from their false way like everyone else that has ever gotten saved had to do turn from their their their false unbelief unto Christ that veil is lifted in our hearts and we can understand the things of God look at Romans chapter 9 verse 6 these people they need to trust in Christ that's what we want for them so we want for everybody not as though verse 6 not as though the Word of God hath not taken effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed by be called that is they are the children of the flesh and these are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed and that's the picture there of of Isaac's children Esau and Jacob thank you is that you know the the Esau you know he came first but he did not you know he got he was hated you know he rejected God's way and then it was Jacob that that received the promise jump down to verse 30 what shall we say then that the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith the Gentiles got the righteousness they're the ones that have who weren't even following after it but they attained it you know he says I was found of them that sought me not you know that's us verse 31 but Israel which followed after the law of righteousness they followed after the law that was their problem as they got caught up in following the law and have not attained the law of righteousness wherefore because they sought it not by faith they need to trust in Christ they need to put their faith in him or they're going to just continue trying to follow the law and it's not going to be good enough and they're not going to attain under the law of righteousness because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at the stumbling stone as it is written behold I lay in Sion a stumbling stone and a rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed you know and people today they might disagree with that I had to preach tonight I don't think anybody in this room does but there are people out there that would disagree with me and they would say no the Jews are still God's chosen people you know we need to reverence them and bless them and and and God's not through with Israel no he's through with them friend he sent his son last and then he said I will miserably destroy those wicked servants he's done with them and unless they turn to Christ and trust in him that veil will remain on their hearts until the day they die and split hell wide open and they need to trust in Christ and whether you know the Zionists of this world and anybody that's been brainwashed by him believes that or not one day Jesus is gonna make it perfectly clear and go to Revelation chapter 3 we'll finish there one day Jesus is going to make it perfectly clear to everyone who he loves and who he doesn't he's gonna make it perfectly clear who his chosen people are and who isn't and he's gonna he's gonna show everybody and the and the arguments gonna be over there's gonna be no disputing it revelation chapter 3 verse 9 behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee you know one day we are gonna sit down in that kingdom with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and they're gonna see it and everybody else is too and there's gonna be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and no one's gonna sit down at that table and wonder anymore who's God's chosen people are and who they aren't he's just gonna say it's perfectly clear who it is and who it isn't so all we can do in the meantime we understand this but all we can do is just try to win these people like we try to win everybody else and if we can't win them then let's warn them and no matter you know like Paul did you know like Jesus did he's trying to win him and if he couldn't do that he warned him you know so no matter what they choose to believe they choose to reject Christ or they choose to believe on Christ don't let anyone ever rob you of the fact that you are God's chosen people through Christ let's go ahead and pray