(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . instrument of 10 strings and upon the psaltery upon the harp with a solemn sound so here there's this instrumentation that should be used and this is the thing I want to kind of encourage here in our church is that if there's people in this church and you know what there's probably there's more people than I know of probably here that know how to play some kind of a musical instrument and one thing I found is that when one person starts to play an instrument then you find out you know three other people also play an instrument they come and say oh I used to play that in high school I used to play that whenever okay who in here has played an instrument in the past in high school or whatever several hands did you raise your hand I'm gonna be talking to you later all right lots you know but there's several hands some of them I'd already heard about other people I had no idea did you notice my hand was raised you probably didn't know that right I wasn't just raising it to tell it to show you what to do that's because I used to play the trombone okay and you know so that I'm kind of preaching this but I'm kind of putting myself on the spot because I want to encourage people to pick up instruments and as I was kind of writing this thinking well you can't get up there and tell people to do that and not do it so now I'm gonna have to go out and get a trombone and start playing it here in church and I'm gonna all right it's gonna happen all right but here's the thing I want people to do that you know I want to have some instrumentation here if there's people here you know people are just wondering well how can I serve God well you know what what else can I do to serve the Lord you know and they want to think different ways well you know what if you play an instrument that's one great way to serve God to bring to glorify the Lord in the house of God I mean that's a great thing and look you say well I don't play an instrument well then sing out loud you know you've got you know we've all got a musical instrument called our voice box and you can use that to glorify God okay but look if you have the ability to play an instrument use that to glorify God okay now it says there in Psalm 150 verse 1 it says look look there in Psalm 150 verse 1 praise ye the Lord praise God in his sanctuary praise him in the firmament of his power praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness praise him with the sound of the trumpet you know trumpets are something we should be using praise him with psaltery and harp who here knows how to play a trumpet anybody I see one all right amen who knows how to play a psaltery I don't even know what that is who knows how to play a harp that'd be cool right I'm not okay that one I was trying to get you to raise your hand I don't know how to play the harp right trombone that's all I got and then praise him with the timbrel and dance now we're not going to get into the dancing but praise him with string instruments and organs praise him upon the loud cymbals praise him upon the high sounding cymbals let everything that hath breath praise the Lord everything that has breath should be praising God everything so you say well I don't know if I should praise the Lord well are you are you still sucking air are you breathing you have a pulse that you know what you should be praising God and especially when you come here when you come to church let her rip sing out and you know if you want to get better at the singing portion you know that's something you should try start doing outside of church you know you can go ahead and put in the practice and here and here's the thing if you say well I don't have a hymnal here's what I want you to do take a hymnal home tonight so I'm trying to learn these hymns you know I'm trying to sing better at church you know I well then here's what I want you to take a hymnal home I'm dead serious just take one of those hymnals that's sitting in front of you right now and just take it home with you you know just make sure you leave I'm just getting five bucks and I'm just kidding we don't sell anything here I'm totally kidding I shouldn't even joke about that but I'm dead serious just take a hymnal I don't care if it's a brand new one and we'll get more you know if that's what's going to make you a better singer if that's what's going to make you glorify God even more and even to a better or greater degree than you currently are man that's an investment that's a great investment so take a hymnal home tonight and here's the thing if you play an instrument in church you know why don't you play one in church if you know how to you know we'll buy the books we'll even buy you know you come tell me what instrument you play and we'll get the you know they make the books for all the different instruments that match up with our hymnal if you play any instrument you know there is a there is a book that that they make that we can get and you can play here at church we'll buy the books you say well I play the instrument but I don't have one anymore it's been so long we'll rent you the instrument if you need it we'll even go rent you an instrument to get you to come here and play and sing and honor God through that instrument you know so I wanted to I wanted to preach a sermon for a while now it's not something I've talked a lot about I don't think I've ever preached a whole sermon on it but the point is this is I just want to encourage you tonight you know on how to praise the Lord and the way you got to do it is with your whole heart you got to do it because because you love the Lord and you want to glorify him whether you know an instrument or not you know praise God with your whole heart and if you can take it to you know I don't want to say take it to another level to make people who don't know how to play an instrument feel like they're second class or something because you're not but if you have an ability to you know come in here and play an instrument and make our music program here better and in the process also bring more glory to God let's do that I mean I'll mic everything that's up here I'll mic that piano I'll mic whatever instruments we'll make room up for here we'll have our own little orchestra right the Faithful Word Tucson Orchestra make it happen you know and I guess I'm just kind of putting myself on the spot publicly you know by saying I'm going to get a trombone and start doing it I'll lead the charge all right so but I wanted to I wanted to preach that tonight because I think that that's a very over often overlooked thing you know that we kind of sometimes just take for granted we just come to church we just open up our hymnal we mumble through a few songs and we feel like you know we've done something spiritual but you know is you know exert your own heart you know would God really be pleased with the way you're praising him or if you're holding back some talent or some ability just because you don't feel like it or you don't feel good enough is that really what would that really be pleasing unto the Lord you know it wouldn't use those things use those abilities that God has given us to magnify the name of the Lord let's go and pray dear Lord again thank you for the ability that you've given each and every one of us to praise you Lord and in song and in prayer and with our lives and Lord I pray you'd help us to just continue to glorify you Lord not just through our voice or through instruments Lord but even through the things that we think the things that we say that Lord the things that we do that everything that we do would always be honoring and glorifying to you Lord we thank you for how you've dealt bountifully with this church Lord I pray you'd help us to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto you we ask these things in Christ's name Amen all right we'll go and sing one more song before we go tonight all right we'll sing one more song before we go tonight all right we'll sing one more song before we go tonight