(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. 1 Corinthians chapter 5, the Bible reads in verse 1, it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife and you're puffed up and rather have not mourned but he that had done this deed might be taken from away from among you. For I verily absent in the body but present in the spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that hath so done this deed. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together in my spirit and the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such in one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your glorying is not good know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump for as ye are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world or the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must he needs go out of the world but I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such in one one know not to eat what have I to do it to do to judge them that are also that are without do not he judge them that are within but them that are without God judgeth therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person and what I want to preach tonight is go through this of course a very famous passage and I want to start a series on several of these sins here that are listed that would actually get you kicked out of church and I think we're gonna focus obviously first this morning on the first sin that's mentioned which is fornication and you know this doctrine of people being kicked out of church or as the Bible puts it to be put out from among the congregation is a very important doctrine you know it's not something that we're totally unfamiliar with here at faithful word this is something that we practice it's something that has gone on from the very inception of this church but something that we always need to keep in front of us because of the fact that we're living in a day when many other churches are downplaying this and many other you know Christians they don't believe this doctrine or they simply just don't understand it and you'll even have people when you preach this kind of when you preach this doctrine or put this teaching out there that will come back at you and say well this this is unloving you know kicking people out of church you know that's so unChrist like they'll say you know would Jesus do such a thing you know but the Bible is very clear here they mean these are the writings of the Apostle Paul and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that there are certain sins that God would say that if a person is found guilty of them they're here to be put out of the local church until they repent and cut and get right and then they should be allowed back in but these people you know this is they'll claim you know this is so unlike Christ like this is so unloving how could you teach such a doctrine but and that's the reason why we need to kind of review these things and keep these things in front of us especially in a time that we're going through right now such as we are where you know for the sake of the safety and health of people in our congregation we've gone to a live stream only we've limited severely limited the number of people that can come to the actual preaching service you know when people get in a situation like that when they start you know they're they're not in physically in church and they're not there they might have a tendency to backslide they might have a tendency well maybe you know the authority of the church somehow has been nullified during this time look if even in a time during like during such as we're in right now going through this this crisis you know these rules still apply you know God hasn't suspended his judgment God hasn't suspended chastisement God hasn't put the authority of the local church on hold this is not a time for us to get lax this is not a time for us to get loose and our Christian living if anything it's a time to tighten it up it's time to walk even straighter than when we before to walk even in a more in holiness of life not that we weren't before but the danger is is that during a time like this people could begin to develop a very lax attitude towards the things of God so I think that's why it's important we should maybe take some time to remind ourselves of these things the authority of the local church and you know some specific sins that God you know calls out and says look these are worthy of being put out from the local church and people will say things you know and if you would keep something in 1st Corinthians for the more this afternoon but we're gonna be coming back there several times but go over to John chapter 2 because that is the objection that we hear it's like oh that's so on Christ's like would Jesus do that well actually yeah Jesus did kick people out of church Jesus did run people out of the temple on more than one occasion you know if you'd read your Bible you probably would understand you would know that without even having to point it out but if you look there in John 2 you know you're just you know the second chapter into the book of John you know the gospel you see Jesus you know doing this very thing and it says in verse 13 the Jews Passover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and the changers of money sinning and we had made a scourge of small cords he drove them all out of the temple and the sheep and the opposite and poured out the changers money and overthrew the tables and said unto them that sold doves take these things hence make not my father's house and house of merchandise and the disciples remembered that it was written the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up then answered the Jews and said unto him what signs show us unto us seeing thou doest these things so it's interesting right there that the people that would criticize you know enforcing a passage like first Corinthians 5 of teaching a doctrine of Church discipline the irony of them coming back and saying oh well Jesus wouldn't do that is that Jesus did do that you know and we're not instructed to the New Testament to sit down and and make a you know basically you know make a scourge make a small core you know make a whip is basically what he's doing here you know and we we read over these words but think about what's being that how the story plays out Jesus goes there he sees what's going on and he doesn't just blow up in a rage you know he doesn't just lose his cool he's not just you know lost a temper this isn't him just being hot-headed this is a very deliberate thing that Jesus did this required you know intention and forethought this is something that he took his time doing because of the fact we know that he it says in verse 15 when he had made a scourge of small cords he didn't have one on hand when he went there he went oh I see what's going on here let me step back from the situation let me make this whip I don't know how long it would take to make a scourge of small cords but I can't imagine it's something you know as matter of just pulling your shoelace off and there you go you probably have to sit down and do some braiding you have to get the materials so Jesus this entire time is thinking about what he's going to do why he's going to do it and then when it come time comes proceeds to go ahead and do it so we see that you know Jesus he didn't fact practice this you say well that's not the local church well of course not but it's a perfect example that there are certain things that God would run people out of his house over you know we're not instructed to do that you know you won't see any any anybody you know any pastor hopefully I that I know of you making a literal scourge of cords you know and chasing some fornicator out of the church but all the same you know we have that authority the pastors the local church has that authority to execute and to carry out first Corinthians chapter 5 and in fact a church that fails to do this they're really the ones that are unloving and we'll see here why in a minute but I also want to point out there in John chapter 2 is notice who it is that's criticizing Jesus for doing this you know wasn't his disciples his disciples step back oh yeah then they remembered the scripture the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up they're saying wow he's zealous for the things of God you know they're being confirmed by this they're being reminded of God's holiness and righteousness and when we see Church discipline take place you know that should be something we should reflect in the same way we see first Corinthians 5 carried out for any one of these sins that it lists on somebody that we know a fellow church member you know it should cause us to fear also cause us to step back and remember oh yeah you know our pastor has zeal according to knowledge and should cause us to walk in a right in a right way but notice who the critics are it's the unbelievers right it was the Jews it was the Pharisees who are stepping back and saying hey who are you to do that you know that's that so who is who's what side of this story are you falling of which side are you coming down on in this story when you're going to start criticizing a pastor or attacking a man of God for carrying out clear instructions such as are found in first Corinthians 5 you're not coming down on the side of Jesus Christ you're not coming down on the side of the disciples in the story you're coming down on the side of the unbelieving Jews those that would later attack and crucify the Lord now that's you know that's the reason why we need to preach this you know for several reasons one because a lot of Christians they don't believe it they'll even go on the offensive and attack this doctrine so maybe be simply because they don't understand it and they'll make outlandish claims saying that it's on Christ like another reason we need to preach on these subjects and this is all introduction leading into it is that a lot of Christians understand this they believe it but they still don't take heed to it and that's kind of a danger I feel like we might be going into with this you know this temporary hold on church services is that Christians they could maybe not take heed to the warnings in the Word of God and find themselves on the receiving end of this punishment if they're not careful you know they hear it preached they they hear it read they read it themselves and yet Christians who still understand that this is the way it is even you know in this church you know many there's been Christians even believers in this church that have seen other people suffer this church discipline but then they still insist on doing it themselves and also are you know are chastised in this way as well so we need to be reminded of these things so that why so that we take heed to this so we don't allow these Luke Luke warm and watered down churches and preachers you know cause us to get a lax attitude towards church discipline and sin in our lives and and and then or even just not taking heed to what's being taught because here's the thing it's important because of the fact that you know when you commit the specifically this sin that we're going to talk about today a fornication it has great consequences it's you know that's why this is something that we need to preach because of the fact that fornication has severe consequences I mean think about being being kicked out of the local church you know that should strike fear into the heart of every believer that should cause us to want to walk up rightly and to live right and to not suffer that you know if we're have this flipping attitude will like of church if I could take it or leave it you know you're probably less likely to to mind your P's and Q's or to keep yourself from sin now I understand nobody's perfect and then you know the the sins that are listed here are very specific you know we all have sin we all mess up but we're not all fornicators you know we're not all extortioners and drunkards and idolaters and covetous and so on and so forth but we should always understand that if we do suffer these consequences that you know these are grave consequences these are not things to be taken lightly you know that being kicked out of church that would be one of my worst fears you know I mean to find myself outside of faithful word Baptist Church or any other church that has sound biblical preaching in it because quite frankly they're getting fewer and far between and harder to come by you know and not to mention the fact that you know that would be the that I you know what's over is bound on earth is bound in heaven you know if I'm being punished by the local church you know God's probably not too happy with me either so these things are serious this is why we need to review these things we've probably all heard sermons on fornication and other these other topics but we have to keep these things in front of us we have to be reminded of them because of the grave consequences that come I mean look there if you're still in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 he says in verse 5 to deliver what such in one unto Satan you know it's not just you know you deliver you unto you're you're not welcome at the potluck you know sorry no Sunday you know no birthday donuts for you that's not the punishment oh so you know that is a form of punishment oh you don't get to have any fellowship it's not just that you're not included in everything that's going on a local church you have been delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that's that's frightening where God's just gonna say oh my child's misbehaving he's being kicked out of local church and just kind of drawback his hand of protection say well have Adam teach him a lesson you know this reminds me of you know this is kind of a side note here but especially with everything that's kind of going on with the the corona virus and everyone kind of being afraid of things and apprehensive and having all this anxiousness about what's going to happen or isn't going to happen and so on and so forth is we know ultimately behind all this is it's Satan that's behind it you know but I've all I've heard this illustration and I think it kind of ties in here what we're talking about is that you know Satan is you know he what Roman Roman about as a as a as a lion seeking who may be made of our you know he is a fearsome foe you know none of none of us can can stand up to him on our own you know he will have his way with us you know he says that those that are there that are blinded by him that he is taking they are taken captive by him at his will he's like a cat who just plays with the mouse before he kills it I mean he has great control over them you know Satan he is he's like a like a dog you know that's just just a rabid ravenous dog that just wants to you know you ever see a dog that's just pulling at the leash just barking frothing you think of these pit bulls or these these other war breeds that are just you don't want to get out there and to attack a stranger attack somebody walking by you know you could just see it these dogs are just hell-bent on on maiming and mauling and destroying that's kind of like the devil you know he's pulling at that leash and I feel like so often especially what's going on right now so many Christians are looking at that dog and they see the fangs and they see the drool and they see the fur up and they see the pawing at the ground and him wanting to get loose and so afraid of that dog but what they should be looking at is that who's at the other end of that leash and who's at the other end of that leash is God God's the one that's holding the devil back so what you know rather than sitting there and fearing this this mutt ultimately which is the devil you should be fearing the one who has the control over that one you know we should be more afraid of being put out of the local church not because we're gonna miss out on what's going on because God's gonna let a little slack out on that leash and let that dog get a little closer and you know let Satan get a little closer and he just might take a bite at you if that's the case so that's really why we need to preach about these things because if we find ourselves in the receiving end of church discipline we have to understand the consequences are grave they are not to be taken lightly and God doesn't you know he of course the first Corinthians 5 and I believe there's other instances what we'll talk about later where church discipline comes into play that's outside of these specific sins I don't want to get ahead of myself there but first Corinthians chapter 5 is limiting itself here to some very specific sins right and that should show us that you know God doesn't just God isn't just picking sins out of at random God's not just sitting here oh man I got he got the first Corinthians 5 and like what are some things we should punish people for oh I don't know I mean he names these sins for very specific reasons and I believe he starts out with fornication because it has severe consequences to those that practice it so that's what I want to talk about this morning this is kind of all introduction but we'll move your through it this over a little quicker but you know I want to talk about specifically the one of the sins that's going to get you kicked out which is fornication and I've entitled the sermon this morning get right or get out fornication okay so there's several sins here that you either need to get right get out of your life or get out of church that's that is a biblical doctrine and the first one on God's list here is fornication now why is that is that because God just couldn't come up with anything else is that just because God felt like that was a good one to pick on or is it because fornication in and of itself has severe consequences that come with it you know despite what Hollywood and the mainstream media and and everyone's putting out there you know with all their movies and things of people going to the bedroom together outside of marriage and then just being happy and in love you know fornication has some very serious consequences that come with it and I know the world through their ungodly methods have ways to try to nullify some of these consequences but ultimately at the end of the day you play that game long enough you are going to suffer negative consequences one way or another be it physically or spiritually you're going to suffer if you look there in 1st Corinthians go to chapter 6 1st Corinthians chapter 6 excuse me 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 the Bible says flee fornication flee it he didn't say you know see how close you can to it and not actually go and go there he didn't say you know flirt with it he said flee it you'll be like Joseph you know when when Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him you know he didn't just you know oh no no I mean he he got out of there he'd left his coat behind he's trying to get out of there so bad and said keep the garment I'm out of here you know and he ran out of the room that should be the attitude that we have towards this sin you know if we're a single person in the room tonight and we ever find ourselves in a position where you know we're being propositioned or the temptation to commit the sin is there you need to flee that you need to run screaming in the other direction because if you hang around long enough that kind of thing begins to wear you down it'll begin to wear you down people don't just wake up one day and fall into this sin I don't believe that I believe people have been thinking about it maybe looking at things they shouldn't have looked at maybe thinking about things they shouldn't be thinking about and they have allowed themselves to be slowly just kind of lulled into this sin and then once the opportunity comes BAM they fall for it they don't flee you know we should flee every appearance of fornication we should flee things that are going to teach us to be fornicators or show us fornication and especially the very act of fornication itself is something that should be run from by every one of us they go why because it says there goes on in verse 18 every sin that a man do with is without the body but he that committed fornication sin it against his own body he sent it against his own body what is he saying there you're gonna bring harm upon yourself even physically you're doing you're not doing yourself it might you say well it's gonna feel good or you know we can you know we have certain measures that we can take now to minimize that the the negative effects that come upon us physically but either the Bible's true it's not you know you're going to suffer physically from doing this the Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 you know maybe in verse 8 it says neither let us commit fornication a son of them committed talking about Old Testament Israel in their wanderings and fell in one day three and twenty thousand now do you think they fell because they all contracted some deadly STD no it's because God went and slew them because God went through the camp and killed them you know so you might be able to you know through all these ungodly means and things like that to try to minimize these effects with all the devices that man has come up with but that's not gonna stop God from reaching down and doing something show me what what man-made invention is going to prevent God's chastisement it doesn't exist so we if we mess around with this sin of fornication look friend it's only a matter of time before we bring harm upon our own body not to mention the fact that the fornication itself has its own built-in punishments I mean God sometimes with a lot of sins just has to sit back and let let it take its course just let sin run its course and it's got its own built-in punishment and I believe fornication is a great example of that you know I don't want to go on and on with all the studies that you know and all the statistics that are out there but you know STDs are on the rise and they have been they've been surging for five straight years five years in a row as of 2018 which is some of the most recent data that's available and the CDC and it stated that that STDs such as chlamydia gonorrhea and syphilis which are not things you want which are not things that are easily gotten rid of some of these things are permanent you can't get rid of them and have a terrible effects now I've talked about them in other sermons you know people can literally go insane for some of these diseases if it gets into the nervous system and it affects and get you get an infection in the wrong place I mean it could cost you dearly but these things there's over 2.4 million cases of this in 2018 in America there's 2.4 million cases and the number it rises every year for the last five years it's going up you know you might and here's the thing you know nobody's nobody's that has this is putting a bell on themselves and you know covering their mouth and walking up and down the street and saying unclean and clean you know you wander into one of these nightclubs or bars or whatever and meet some you know loose woman or some whoremonging man you know you just you might just wind up with one of these you know they have already got it they don't really they might not even know they have it they might not even care they might be even so callous to think well you know I've already got it what does it matter so you know there's 2.4 million people wandering around and more and this is just three of the potential diseases you could catch say they say nothing of HIV and herpes and all these other things that are out there do you do you really want to roll the dice with your body that way do you really want to see if maybe you know if you can go out there you might you know roll those dice it might come up snake eyes you know and you're gonna end up you know permanently damaged for the rest of your life so why are you preaching on this morning because there's grave consequences for this sin God didn't just put it in there willy-nilly you know there's there's spiritual consequences there's God's chastisement there's the chastisement of the local church and not to the fact and not to mention the fact that if you get involved in the sin you could bring it upon your own body and harm yourself with any one of these diseases think about the fact that you know diseases like congenital syphilis is on the rise meaning newborns children are being born with this disease they're not even the ones that made this mistake they're not even the ones that went out and committed the sin and yet they're built ones being born with some you know STD at birth this is on the rise in our country now this is why these type of sermons need to be preached this is why people need to give heed to this type of preaching because of the fact that we see these things on the rise we should have no part with this what are some of the other severe consequences that come with fornication we've talked about STDs what about how about this one maybe you won't contract an STD but what if you end up having an unwanted pregnancy does that happen sure I could tell you people I know in my past that happened to and they went on to live very miserable lives and that's that child was not a source of joy that child was not a delight to them it was a burden it was it was a source of heartache and pain because people people get in that situation and they stop you know a lot of times they get together they have their fun she ends up pregnant right and then she runs off to go you know take care of this kid on her own and leaves dad in the dust or he says oh I don't want anything to do with this kid that was you know I didn't mean to have him too bad honey you're out on your own you know these aren't you know people that typically get involved in this in they're doing it for selfish reasons they just want to gratify their own flesh they just want to you know to you know gratify that lust that they have in their hearts they're not interested in taking care of that person or raising a child or starting a family they're not interested in that so when that happens when that unwanted pregnancy comes along they just assume that you go ahead and go live your life on your own and raise that child on your own or you can't have any part in this child's life that's the thing that happens and what it leads to is people who just look at their children I can just think of scores of people that I've worked with or known over the years that just view their children as nothing more than a financial burden they just say well you know I got to pay child support for the rest of my life for this kid and you know what often they don't even get to see him they don't get to play a significant role in their life but they've got to pay for it and then I don't ever want my children to be that now our children are financial burden of course but when you've intended to have those children when those children are bringing joy and delight believe me friend it's worth the investment and that's a that's a burden I'm more than willing to bear it because of all the return that you get from it it's worth it what about the fact that these unwanted pregnancies often lead to abortion often lead to just innocent blood being shed in this land to the tune of 3,000 babies a day when you average it out you know that's innocent blood that God is going to hold us accountable for even if it all stopped today you know it's too late we that all that there's just a pool of blood that still has that still cries out from the ground and God hears so we see that you know I mean can you imagine that can you imagine being you know a young man who just goes out and commits this sin with some some loose girl some floozy she gets pregnant and you find out about it and she said well you know what I'm gonna go have an abortion you can't do anything about it your own your own child is just gonna be butchered in the womb so these are the severe consequences that come with fornication can we begin to understand now why God says kick the fornicator out he's not welcome you better go get it right that he God when he says that the the fornicator is gonna be delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh God doesn't want these type of things taking place not to mention the fact that if you maybe you maybe you'll skate by maybe you won't catch some disease maybe you know you won't have someone wanted pregnancy but do you really want to be lumped in as a fornicator with all these on wicked other wicked people do you really want to be known as the guy who's a fornicator I mean let's go over to go over to Rome Romans chapter 1 right everyone gets excited when you when you say Romans 1 right Romans chapter 1 I mean what's what you know fornicator is a wicked person Bible makes it very clear it's a very wicked sin and it's practiced by wicked people look at Romans chapter 1 verse 28 it says and even as they did not like to retain God and their knowledge God gave them over to reprobate mind so who are we talking about here we're talking about reprobates people who God has given over to do the most vile filthy disgusting imaginable acts that are out there and and and and and God goes on here and says they're doing those things that you're not convenient and what are these type of people filled with they're filled with all in righteousness and what else fornication is that the type of people you want to get lumped in I'm not saying if you're committing fornication you're a reprobate you know that a fornication is at least a sin that is common to man these people however have been given over to a complete rapper reprobate mind do those things which are not convenient meaning they do they do those things which you know sins which are not common to man because of the fact that God has turned them over to give them heart of a beast but do you want to be lumped in with that be guilty of some of the same sins that people that are this vile and disgusting have been given over to fornication I mean it's right there it's the second thing you list unrighteousness and fornication go ahead and turn back to a first Corinthians chapter 5 if you kept something there I'll remind actually what go to Jude chapter 1 let's go there and look at it you know maybe you won't catch the disease you know maybe maybe the odds will be in your favor maybe maybe you know you won't have the unwanted pregnancy but what about just being lumped in together with these people when you're cut when you're found out when you're cast out of local church when your reputation is ruined when you're known as a fornicator you want it that I mean you're being lumped in with a very wicked people look here in Jude chapter 1 even as Sodom and Gomorrah now we all know what they look what Sodom was guilty of and in the wickedness that they practice and the cities about them in like manner gaming giving themselves over to fornication see we always like to focus in on that you know the act of sodomy that they're involved with men with men we're doing now which is unseemly right but it says also that they were given over to fornication because it says fornication and going after strange flesh but they what they go both ways folks it's not that I mean it's anything that moves with these people okay I mean is that who you want to be lumped in with the sodomites who are given over to the same just you know lustful desires now again I'm not saying that that's gonna make you you know a reprobate but I'm saying you're practicing some of the same sins that these wicked ungodly people are with are you know maybe that that person you you know hook up with at the club you know you don't know who they've been with how many different partners how many other people they hooked up that week that month that year you don't know how many that is maybe they hooked up with one of these people maybe they got together with some filthy disgusting sodomite and now you're hooking up with them we don't want anything to do with this this is a that's why God calls this a very unclean thing and churches need to preach this today and you know we need to preach this here not because it's not being preached but because even when it is preached people grow dull of hearing and in a time like this when when when things are seen you know are uncharacteristic when we're staying home for the sake and safety of others you know people can get a very lax attitude and then and what people can do is start to slip into these things and I want to warn us tonight or this afternoon rather that you know fornication is something to be taken very seriously and we should flee from it we don't want to get lumped together we don't want to suffer these severe consequences churches need to preach this look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 because a lot of times it's not just that churches aren't preaching this I'm telling you there's churches out there that are perfectly fine with you being a fornicator they're saying come on in come as you are and leave as you were and then they have they don't want you to change a thing though though you can be a fornicating couple and have a Bible study in your home and be an example to others how you live together outside of and are sleeping together outside of marriage and they're perfectly fine with that there's churches that are fine with that you don't have to look very far look at 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 he says your glory is not good I mean that's what was going on in 1st Corinthians that's why he had to write that excuse me at the church of Corinth and the Corinthian people he had to write this because of the fact that they weren't doing anything about it yeah that's why he's sitting here admonishing I'm saying get you know put them put them out from you put away that wicked person I mean if they were taking care of business Paul wouldn't have to be that's the same situation we find ourselves in today a lot of churches that are just glorying in it they're they're they're just compliant they're just fine with the fornicators in their church they couldn't even they you know kick somebody out out of church for fornicating gasp how could you do such a thing well because the Bible teaches us and people need to hear this preaching people need to be reminded of this and they need to be made accountable to God and let me say this if you hear this type of preaching if you're in a church like this where this is being preached where this is being practiced where you know better you are all the more accountable to God not less you know the servant that knew his Lord's will and did it not shall be beaten with many stripes as opposed to servant who not knew not as Lord's will and did not who shall be beaten with few stripes they're both beaten friend but the person who knows more unto whom so much is given of him shall also much be required if we understand these things and know these things we should be even more afraid to cross God and to break these commandments and too many day too many churches today they neglect to preach this they neglect to practice this this doctrine of church discipline and they say things like well you know we're not under the law we're under grace they say you know go over to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 since they're right there 1st Corinthians chapter 9 they'll say hey man you know that's all Old Testament you know God's not like that anymore and I've heard it I've heard it you know I've heard people preach this and talk about this and express this Christians say you know hey there God's perfectly fine with what we're doing and when it went with God's okay with us fornicating because you know what it's as if we've never sinned you know the blood of Jesus covers it all yeah that's true you know what you know God has forgiven us all our iniquities you know he and if we're saved we believe on Christ we understand that God's not gonna send us to hell for those sins but go read Hebrews 12 and come back to tell me that God doesn't chase his children go read Hebrews 12 that where God says he chases every son who receiveth and if you be without chastisement then you're bastards and not sons you know God chases his children that's the point you want to get across this morning not that you need to stop fornicating go to heaven but you as a Christian need to not be involved in this sin so you don't suffer the consequences it's like God doesn't have to bring the hammer down in your life to get you to do right but too many churches today they just want to say oh well God's not gonna do anything about it God's just as benevolent you know just you know absent-minded old man in the sky who's just not paying attention to what we do because we're saved that's not the case God is a thoughtful careful and you know diligent father who's looking over the welfare of his children and desires that they walk in newness of life and is willing to do what it takes as any decent father would to get his children to do right and if it means a beating if it means a spanking that's what he's gonna do now God's obviously you're not gonna see some you know the hand of a man appear and literally give you a whipping but God will call engineer circumstances in your life God has given authority local church to enforce that that that chastisement that he brings they'll say things like oh you know well we're all things to all men it's okay for us to fornicate it's okay for us to go in these bars and drink with these people because we're just trying to win them you know it's okay for me to go in the club and you know and and and go out there in the floor and do all these you know these these these lewd dances because you know we what we got to meet the people where they're at you know we got it we got to be you know with them you know we got to be all things to all men but what does it say first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 21 he said to them that are without the laws without being not without the law to God but under the law to Christ you know this isn't a license for you to just go out and live however you want you know salvation is not just and people that we get criticized a lot for that saying oh well you you teach people you can they can live however they want and go to heaven yeah that's true that's the good news of the gospel that Jesus Christ did everything for us but they somehow they misconstrue that in their mind to where they think we're saying oh you can live however you want and not suffer any consequences that's not what we're saying we're saying you can live however you want because Jesus paid it all he is the one that lived a perfect and sinless life died for his sins was buried again we can live however we want and still go to heaven if our faith is in Christ but we can still suffer the consequences of sin along the way and in fact we will and in fact because we are God's children it's guaranteed if we want to disobey that we will suffer the consequences now one of the if you would go over to Romans 8 I remember and I've shared this I don't know if I've shared it here but definitely down in Tucson I've shared this story from the pulpit before but whenever I get on this topic it always bring and it's always comes back into my mind and I think it's a great illustration and reality check of the fact that this is where a lot of churches are today I remember first getting saved and going to this you know ecumenical Bible study you know they had a lot of younger people in it and there was this one guy that I knew from junior high high school and I and he was a Christian I didn't know that until I actually saw him there but you know and then there was this other girl that was coming you know and she's showing up and the tank tops and the short shorts you know just there was no standards or anything like that and very slowly but surely these two you know what they're there and then they're you know the next meeting they're here the next thing you know they're walking around holding and then you're seeing them out in public you know you know acting very inappropriately towards one another and it became quite evident what was going on and I actually had the you know the boldness to kind of go to this guy and say hey you know the Bible says you shouldn't be doing that Bible says that's a sin and he says well I talked to my pastor about it you know what his pastor told him his pastor didn't turn him over to 1st Corinthians 5 friend that's not where he took him he took him over to Romans chapter 8 and he read verse 1 part of verse 1 and this is what this guy expressed to me he said hey there's no there no for there's therefore now no condemnation of them which are in Christ Jesus and that's where he stopped that's where he stopped that sounds pretty good if you're in that situation doesn't it hey pastor you know I've got this girlfriend and you know she wants to you know we want to fool around and mess around is that okay well you know there's no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus you go right ahead what a wicked doctrine what a wicked thing to tell somebody when the reality is that yeah if you go ahead and do that God's going to chase in you that you might end up suffering from an STD or an unwanted pregnancy or God just might you know brain up and cloud on you what a wicked thing to tell somebody but a half truth without a lying prophet that guy is and you know the rest I didn't really have a good rebuttal at time I was pretty newly saved but I went home and read it looked up the verse and it goes it goes on there do you know that verse doesn't end there buddy the pastor didn't bother telling you the latter half where it says who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit you know if you're saved and you want to walk after the flesh you can mark it down that you know you're gonna suffer for it after the spirit you gotta what you don't want any condemnation your life you don't want any judgment in your life you don't want God to come down on you then you need to walk after the spirit and if you're gonna walk after the spirit you're not gonna be going running around committing fornication so we could see why God you know he puts this on his list of sins that get people kicked out it's a wicked sin that's practiced by wicked people it has very severe consequences and God doesn't want a church filled with diseases and let me just come out and use a biblical term for you bastards okay and that's not it that's a harsh term just a lot of people today that's the language the Bible uses and if we got back to using some biblical language PME people would be a little bit more careful because they used to be a shameful thing it used to be something that you didn't go around you know bragging about it wasn't something that you know churches they had a whole ministries to single mothers of bastards and that's you know that's their big outreach and they glorify the single mom she should be ashamed not lifted up and praised although the hardest working person is the single mother give me a break you know the hardest person is the woman who was maintaining a marriage and a household and doing all these things doing things the right way that's who we should be lifting up that's who we should be glorifying not these people who want to go out and just make a mess out of their lives and then suffer the consequences for it then we're all just supposed to break and have our have a little broken hearts for them and just reach out those poor little things I'm not saying we shouldn't be out compassion and people need to you know be forgiven for the mistakes that they made but we need to preach these things so that those mistakes aren't even made in the in the first place and if you started using a word like bastard to describe your unwanted pregnancy you know you probably be a little bit more careful not to have one and then maybe you wouldn't have a child growing up without a father growing up and becoming some kind of a derelict I'm not saying you know that if there's people in the room I don't know everyone here you know if that's you that you're without hope you know God God can still use any one of us but the fact is God does not want his church filled with these people he doesn't want fornicators running rampant and just you know causing all this disease causing all this on I mean what do you think was gonna happen in first grant and excurs you in first Corinthians what do you think was gonna go on in that church if Paul just was like well there's no condemnation then what you're in Christ Jesus what if Paul had that attitude I mean the guy's sleeping with his mother in law and then what and then everybody else in the church is looking at go oh well your Paul's okay with it nothing everything seems fine that church would just be filled with all kinds of sin that's why he said a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump and tell them to purge that lemon out you know it's God's will that you do not fornicate and if you would turn over to first Thessalonians chapter 4 we'll wrap this up first Thessalonians chapter 4 why does God you know punish fornicators why does God have them kicked out of the local church because God doesn't want you fornicating there are constant because of the consequences that come with it the Bible says in Ephesians 5 you're going to first Thessalonians 4 but fornication and all uncleanness he calls it uncleanness and all uncleanness or covetous not it let not let it not be once named among you not one time don't let it go on don't let it carry become a thing in your church you know don't become the church that's just okay with fornicators so don't let it be named once among you as become a saint look at first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 3 for this is the will of God what's the will of God for my life what does God want me to do even your sanctification the people get so worked up about finding out what it is what God wants them to do you know it's really not that much of a mystery you know God wants you to get the sin out of your life and keep yourself pure that you should abstain from fornication you're not in the will of God if you're committing fornication period you're just not you can't sit there and tell me that you know God's pleased with you if you're a fornicator you should abstain from it that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel and sanctification and honor not in the lust of concupiscence even as the Gentiles which know not God there he is again lumping them together with people that don't even know God that no man go beyond and to fought his brother in any matter because the Lord is the Avenger of all such as we have also forewarned you and testified for God hath not called us unto cleanness but unto holiness he therefore that despises despises not man but God who get hath given also also given unto us the Holy Spirit his Holy Spirit so you get mad at the preacher you get mad at the church that's practicing this and saying fornications wrong and that you should be kicked out of church for it you know you despise that person you better be careful who it is you're really despising is what he's saying here you despise this teaching you criticize it you attack it you call it on Christ like you call it loving you know who you're really attacking you're despising God that's who you're really despising you're saying oh I don't like first Corinthians 5 well welcome to Christianity welcome to New Testament biblical preaching where you believe everything where you can't just pick and choose what you like out of this book where it's the whole thing or nothing else it's the whole enchilada that's what you get with Christianity true Christianity and if you got a problem with it you know that's your problem is with God it's not with me it's not with the pastor it's not with any preacher it's not with any man of God it's with God himself that's what he's saying there read it again he therefore that despises despises not man I can't believe that preacher I can't believe that church look you're not despising me you're not despising this church you're despising God so you said well I don't want to be a fornicator what are my options you got two options that's really it you have two options marry or contain marry or contain that's it those your options not well you know every so often I'm just gonna go out and commit this in and then I'll get right it'll be okay again no that's not how it works you have two options if you would go over to 1st Corinthians chapter 7 1st Corinthians chapter 7 1st Corinthians chapter 7 I'll begin reading in verse 1 it says now concerning the things where he wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband there's your option right there you know and that's it that's the that's the option that 99% of people need to pursue in their life because we all have this God-given natural desire to that those feelings that we have those physical impulses are God-given God gave us those those they in and of themselves are not wicked they're not bad those physiological impulses that we have are God-given and God wants to satisfy those needs but not through fornication the only way that God allows us to satisfy that need is through marriage and and we could see why because if it's you know you want to cure all these the STDs you want to cure them overnight you want to you want them to see and just eradicate it off the face of the earth you want all these unwanted pregnancies you want all these abortions to end how about how about one man one woman for life and you could I mean other than the fact that they're letting the homos donate blood I mean they'd still leak over it from there that's another sermon right well here's the thing you could you could drastically cut it down you know there wouldn't be any problems you know if you got married and you had that that that need satisfied right there you're you know what you're not gonna have to worry about any of that you're not gonna have to worry about getting caught and kicked out or catching a disease or knocking somebody up none of that those are your options to to have our every man his own wife and every woman her own husband you know rather than just satisfying our flesh through you know instant gratification you know we should be preparing and seeking for we should be preparing for and seeking a spouse rather than you know just you know looking at things we shouldn't look at or going to places and hooking up with people that we shouldn't be hooking up with you know we should spend that time you know preparing ourselves for marriage preparing ourselves for our spouse you know getting better our jobs so that you know we can get married if we're men you know we can get married and provide for the children that we have you know women could be preparing to be a homemaker learning skills cooking cleaning the sewing you know I know that's not a popular message in the world today but that's Bible you know that they should be keepers at home that they should learn to love their husbands and their children you know that's the things that we could be focusing on as single people you know I'm praying and seeking a spouse and going out there and finding them and you know what as I've heard said and I believe it I and I and I've been there I know what it's like to go years wondering if you're ever gonna have somebody and and eventually they kind of come out of the blue that at least that's the way it was in my experience but I believe this that there's a lid for every pot I believe that that if you're faithful to God and then if you're if you're you know living for the Lord that you know God will provide that spouse in time you know it might not come when we want it but you know I believe that if we seek it and we're preparing ourselves God will provide if we ask the Bible says marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled you know that it's a blessing you know it's a blessing to be able to meet that need to share that with somebody and to have that for your whole life and to develop that relationship even beyond just the physical to where and so on and so forth but what does the rest of this verse say but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge he said he will judge it's not a maybe it's not a gray area where well maybe if I commit a fornication if I go around and be a whoremonger I might get away with it no God will judge and that's why we need to preach this that's why this is why we need to keep these things in front of us because of the severe consequences that come upon us physically and spiritually you know you might be able to avoid some of the physical ones but God will judge you know and if we choose to just disregard God disregard the warnings of Scripture you know disregard God's method of satisfying these natural impulses we will suffer punishment and you know that punishment is going to be carried out you know it through circumstances in our life but most certainly in any Bible believing church that actually practices what the Bible teaches that punishment will be carried out through the form of local church discipline of being put out of the body and to what end so that you'll get right okay so that's the message this morning get right or get out let's go ahead and pray dear Lord again thank you for the Bible Lord thank you for the many warnings thank you for Lord not sugarcoating things for us but looking upon Lord our lives and and speaking very plainly about them and and warning us of the dangers that are out there and Lord not only that but also providing us a way to escape Lord every temptation that we have Lord if we would just seek you or you'd help us to overcome that there's no content temptation that has taken us but it's such as is common to man Lord help all of us to to be faithful to our spouses and Lord those that are not married to be faithful to you and Lord to keep ourselves in holiness Lord and I pray that you would just let not let these sins be once named among us be praying ask these things in Christ's name amen all right thanks for coming we are dismissed you