(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Amen. All right. Heavenly Father, thank you for having us all reunited here. I pray that you bless the beacon and you fill it with your Holy Spirit so you can preach so it's boldly, Lord. I pray that everybody has ears and the heart to listen and understand and that we all go out there and put this sermon and practice in our lives, Lord. The mighty name is Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Let's start our hymn. It's a song of 216. It's a song of 216. It's a really good piece of verse. 216. 216. 116. 116. 116. 116. 116. 116. 116. As always, the service times are listed there on the upper left-hand side. We're going to be back on Sunday at 10.30 am against 5.30 pm. for the book of Genesis will be chapter number seven tonight I have the salvation of baptism school of the month and year and a couple notes about the church and also over on the right-hand side the donuts of course is last Sunday everybody's celebrating month of February so if you feel like any of these people on this list deserve a little bit more than just a donut for their birthday you can maybe make a point of at least wishing them happy birthday below that we're still doing the east side blitz so this is just Saturday dates there mark such excuse me February 17th and March 2nd which can meet the building we're gonna go to the east side about a half hour away and just do some slowly over there for the morning in the afternoon and then on the back also we have the Bible memory pass it's not really a Bible memory passage necessarily this week more of just some Bible stats so we're doing the six days of creation this week so if you can do children and young people can recite the six days of creation correctly to an adult non-relative in the church then they'll earn of course the cookies back there and if you want the different pies well you have to eat the cookies first so let's let's get through the cookies in the milk first and then we can talk about you know the Takis and we're not she goes everything else okay but we got to get through that also there's a double bonus this week if you can name the four rivers that flowed from Eden so I know some kids have already got it down so again adults you might want to get this down because they might approach you about this and you could I guess you could always use this as a cheat sheet but if you need this as a cheat sheet to know these things well you know maybe you put a little more effort into your Bible knowledge but before rivers flowing from eating I'll give you is kind of it's kind of a little bit more but you know it's to get that double bonus like I said you gotta get these cookies eaten up so also don't forget there's a couple of events taking place up in Tempe of course tomorrow the big one for other urban his bride or is the wedding so that's tomorrow at 2 p.m. it's not too late to go you don't have to RSVP you can go up there it'll be cake and punch at the ceremony and then there's going to be small-town soulmate and Eloy on Saturday February 24th which is not this Saturday it's actually two Saturdays from now so if anyone wants to participate in that let me know and I'm still kind of in the air a little bit if there's enough interest down here we'll make a point to go up there and meet with the Tempe brother to do some soulmate and Eloy is there here that feels like they probably would want to go several hands okay all right well I'm not gonna say I'm making it official just yet I know you really want to come all back you know so we got some visitors from from Wisconsin I was told it's warmer in Wisconsin than a Tucson so don't figure you know anyway that's going to do it for announcements we'll quickly just count up the soul winning going back to Monday the fifth there's anything from Monday one on Monday anything else for Monday to and Tuesday Tuesday what about Wednesday and today okay keep up the great work slowly sing one more song before we get into the picture Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh as always yes first one the Lord said Noah come down all that houses in York to be have I seen righteous before me in this generation very clean beast I shall take to the by sevens the male is female and the beasts that are not by two the male is female a thousand also in the air by sevens the male and female to keep see you live on the face of all the earth we had seven days no what caused it to rain upon the earth 40 days before you nice every living substance that I made will I destroy the face of Europe and no according to all of the Lord's humanity no 600 years old when the flood of waters upon Europe and no one in the Sun's his wife my son's wife with into the yard because of the waters of the flood of clean peace and a beast are not the fowls of everything that creeped upon the earth their women too and she wants no one's in New York the male and female started to know that came to pass after seven days the waters of the flood upon the earth in the six hundred years know his life the second month 17 day of the same day well found the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven rope and the rain is upon your 40 days for a nice the self same day no no no no his wife three wives of the Sun with them into the earth they every beast that there's time two and two of all flesh it was 40 days upon the earth and the waters of priests bear up and it was lift up above Europe and the waters prevail and we're increased creating here and the ark went upon the face of the waters and the waters prevail exceedingly upon Europe and all the high hills that were under the whole Earth have been recovered and all flesh died upon the earth both the fowl the cattle and the beast and very creeping creeping upon the earth and every man on whose nostrils was the breath of life and of all that was in the dry land died and every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground both man and cattle and the creeping beast and the fowl of the heaven and they were destroyed from the earth and no one who made them live and they that are with them today's so now Adam would you pray for us Lord may the father just take it for the day Lord God just thank you for the opportunity to be in the church Lord I say to the blessed servant just feel thinking about your Holy Spirit Lord God and just give us understanding of your word thank you for all you do and just all the names of prayer you have. Amen. Everyone knows pretty much the story of Noah's Ark and this is where we're at tonight. I'm being told I'm muted even though you can hear me. I'm just kidding. That's not how that works but anyway we're gonna look at this tonight I'm gonna kind of go through it quickly really just gonna try and make one point tonight out of the story it's an important one but before we get into all that reiterate some things that the Bible is reiterating here there's a couple statements that are made here in chapter number seven. Remember in verse one it says the Lord said unto Noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I made the point that Noah found grace that Noah was in the extreme minority okay and we're gonna look into that a little bit more detail of just who was still around maybe kindred you know his uncles and grandfathers and things like that some people that were alive during Noah's day the grandfathers that we proved using a very conservative number that there was at least 10 million people alive on the face of the earth I believe it's many many many more times than that many more millions of people were alive but just using what we know from the Bible using those as our they were at least in all likelihood at 10 million people if not many more so when the Bible is telling us that the earth is filled with violence and that the imagination of every heart of excuse me the imagination ever of man's heart was only wicked continually why God chose to flood the earth some people might read the story and think how cruel you know some people you know let's make a you know I mean I think one of our maternity shop you know when you read the story it's you kind of wonder where people are coming from with that like get the cake with the arc and all the happy animals you know they're they leave out all the water you know on the cake and stuff like that you know all the animals are happy even though the rest of their species has been wiped out who's got to do this right but we have to remember that this is God punishing man for his week we talked about you know the Nephilim and that that theory there we debunked all that so God God and he judges the earth he's a God that judges in the earth that's what the Bible tells us but again it's pointing out here and I'm just reiterating all this because the Bible does right we're just going chapter by chapter through the book so they might as well repeat it too okay the Bible says that he that God said to Noah I have seen the army in this generation it's a great lesson there that Noah found grace and that he was in the minority about the flood how he took this you know certain beasts by seven certain beasts by two to unto him in the boat and then after seven days he caused it the rain to rain upon the face of the earth and again verse five I'll point out this is something the Bible reiterates these two chapters chapter six and seven the Bible says and no word commanded him you know you could see why Noah was called a righteous man why he found grace in God's eyes because he's a type of man found him yeah he was being obedient unto the Lord he was following God he was with God's people he wasn't given 600 years old when the flood waters extreme the flood of waters was upon the earth so we get a little bit of a timeline here Noah was 600 years old she goes on talks about how no one went in with the sons and his wives for seven the clean beasts all going in two by two and then after they were in there for seven days verse 10 the waters of the flood were upon the earth in the 11 the same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up so that's another fact that a lot of people they might not know this detail that it was actually not just the rain but that the fountains of the deep you know came up from underneath here that was part of it wasn't just rain obviously the rain had a lot to do with the two but there was this breaking up of the great deep that really probably was responsible for most entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth the sons of Noah Noah's wife and the three wives of his that cattle after their kind every creeping thing they went into the ark verse 15 two and two of all flesh reaching a whole series on this just all the little miracles that you see in the Bible that you don't really pay attention to or you just kind of miss because it's saying that they that they talking about the wasn't like Noah had to like open up like a dog catching service or something right he didn't have to like go animals and chase them down if they came to him and just went into the ark you know he just opened the door however that happened you know however the logistics played out I don't know but the point is is that these animals just came to him that God just directed them to the ark and it's kind of a mini miracle you just kind of read over because you don't read about Noah running around and trying to catch animals and he was kind of busy building an ark you know that's he's like you know that's a big enough project I mean it's like build the ark okay now go catch all these animals right go catch birds go catch all these things that would I mean I can't even get my dog to come to me I mean it'd be a pretty difficult to go catch you know and I don't know what all animals were there you know but I'm sure there's some of them were probably not the kind you want to go chasing after anyway so that's just one of those mini miracles that you see in the scripture and if you kind of pay attention in your Bible reading you'll notice things like that where there's just these little things that the Bible just mentions that are a miracle in and of themselves we're kind of obviously we're kind of you know focused on the flood here that's kind of the main thing that's taking place that's the I don't want to call it a miracle but obviously it is rain you know it's kind of a miracle back then but then you know we're focused on that we kind of miss these things so anyway I just thought I'd mention that and then it says verse 15 they went into no one of the ark to and to of all flesh wherein is the breath of life okay so these are you know animals that are are breathing oxygen above water okay so no one did not have an aquarium all right you did the water took care of that okay that's an actual question that's out there I've heard people ask how did the fish survive at that point you just kind of pat them on the head and say there there and walk away right verse 16 it says and they went in and they that went in went in male and female of all flesh as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in so the Lord is the one that's sealing the door of course there's this great picture of salvation in the ark the fact that the door was in the side of the ark right so it's a picture of Christ's side being pierced you know he's going to see us through the wrath of God you know we're not going to be you know in the flood as it were we're not going to be destroyed with the wicked if we are in the ark which is Christ right another interesting thing in the ark if you notice in the construction of it there's one window that's looking upward right so once you're in Christ you know you only have one direction that you're headed you're always looking up you know you're kind of what's going on around you doesn't really matter anymore you know it's obviously I'm not saying we're gonna not care about those around us but the point being you know where are we headed well we're headed towards heaven we're always looking up so anyways that's a whole sermon in of itself that's really not what I want to focus in on tonight verse 17 it says in the flood was 40 days upon the earth and the waters increased and bear up the ark and it was lived up above the earth and the waters prevailed and were creased greatly upon the earth and the ark went upon the face of the waters and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth and all high hills and that were under the whole heaven were covered so all the high hills under the whole heaven right so this debunks the notion of a local flood right we believe the Bible teaches in a global flood this is a very great verse on that you know and that wasn't even my notes I'm just reading that and it's just like there you go there's your proof all the high hills under the whole heaven are covered 15 cubits upward did the waters prevail and the mountains were covered verse verse 21 and all flesh died that move upon the earth both of foul and of cattle and of beasts of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man all in whose nostrils was the breath of life but all that was in the dry land died and every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the earth but face of the ground both man and cattle and the creeping things and the foul of the heaven they were destroyed from the earth Noah only remained alive and they that were with him in the ark and the waters prevailed upon the earth and hundred in fifty days so I know I'm kind of already at the end of the chapter but wait there's more so what I want to focus in on tonight again is the idea that Noah is being found righteous in guy's eyes he's being seen as a as a holy person as a righteous man he's finding grace in the eyes of the Lord in a time when the earth is being filled with violence so much so the word world has become so wicked that God has decided to destroy it with the flood that's not something God just does on a whim right obviously we're living in wicked times you know we're living the Bible does say we'll look at it a little bit but in the latter times perilous times shall come right that we're going to face you know spiritually dark times and we see you know that taking place we can see kind of a spiritual shadow being cast over our land as Christianity is being more and more rejected and as these you know demonic influences these demonic philosophies are being promoted and adopted more and more but I don't believe we're anywhere near as wicked as it was in Noah's day OK how do you know you say oh how do you know well I mean just the picture that the Bible's painting you know here it doesn't go into specifics but when he's saying that you know that the imagination of every man's heart was only evil continually meaning man is just completely being given over to just whatever they want to do they're not being tempered obviously back then they didn't have the word of God they didn't have the commandments weren't given they didn't have a lot of these things to kind of temper man's spirit you know the Bible even when it's not you know embraced as the word of God if it's used as kind of just a guide or rule book in society you know it kind of tempers man it kind of puts you know a man on a leash so to speak right it kind of reigns in some things that teaches us you know how to be moral and good people right it's just something you know the founding fathers understood that the that the Bible's Christianity specifically in this country you know played a great role in society that it was important to have that to you know so that people could you know learn to govern themselves using the morals and commandments out of the word of God. They didn't have that in Noah's day. They didn't have any of that. So things are just getting really out of hand back then things are getting really bad so much so that God destroys the earth with the flood and obviously things will get worse and we know that before the return of Christ things are gonna get so bad that God again is gonna pour out his wrath upon the earth and God is going to once more judge the earth. You know that's that's a promise. That's something that's foretold in scripture. I just don't think we're obviously there yet. Okay. How far away are we. Who knows. I can't tell you. I don't know but I can tell you that I don't think things are as bad now as they were in Noah's day. Okay. But I think there are still some lessons that we can learn from the story and apply to our current day. Okay. Because again this didn't happen overnight. This was something that was a gradual progression right over a millennia. That's how things got to be as bad as they were. Okay. And if you remember when we looked at math or excuse me when we looked at Genesis chapter number five, we looked at the generations of Adam and we did some math and I'm gonna do a little bit more math tonight but don't worry. I've already done the math. We're not gonna. I'm not gonna botch it this time. Okay. So no one's gonna have to break out a calculator but I wanna kinda just point out you know who might have been alive you know when Noah was alive. You know who are his spiritual I guess and literal you know his actual you know kinsmen in the flesh as Paul put it. We're still alive right. His literal blood relatives. Well we know Adam and I won't take the time to turn you there but Adam was 130 years old when he had Seth. Seth was 105 when he beget Enos. Enos was 90 when he beget Canaan. Canaan was 70 but Mahalel was 65 when he beget Jared and Jared was 162 when he beget Enoch. So if you just start doing the math, you start to see how old people are getting right. Adam you know is 130 when he has Seth and then Seth is 105 when he begets Enos. So now we know that Adam is 235 right. He's 230 plus 105 is 235 and then you just kinda keep adding like that. Enos is 90 years that makes Adam when he begets Canaan. That makes Adam 325 years. Seth 195 years. So you can just kinda do the math there and and keep working that out right. Canaan is 70. So you add another 70 years to Adam's life 395 and you keep going and by the time you get all the way down to when Methuselah begets Lamech, Noah's father, Adam is 879 years old and we all know that Adam lived to be. We got one alright 930 years old right. So he so obviously Adam without even doing the math right. He's dead when Noah was born. Some people have asked do you think Noah knew Adam? No. He didn't because you just do the math. You realize that he died after the birth of Lamech and Noah's father and not that and he wasn't even that alive that long really for Lamech. Also, Seth has already passed away by the time Noah was born. However, what is interesting with the exception of Enoch who walked with God, it was not right cuz God took him. He went alive into heaven at 365 with the exception of Adam, Seth, and Enoch. Everybody else that's born in that lineage is still alive when Noah is born. Okay. In fact, they're still alive. Well, not when he's born right. You have Lamech obviously his dad was alive. Enoch, Mahalel, Jared, Methuselah. These guys are all alive at the birth of Noah. Okay. And then Noah the Bible gives us this detail right. You say why are you going into this? Well, the Bible gives us this detail in this chapter that Noah was 600 years old when he entered in when the flood came upon the earth and he entered into the ark right. He was 600. So that gives us the ability to you know do the math a little bit more and I won't bore you with all the math. But Noah if you just wanna trust me tonight, then I won't have to confuse everybody half to death trying to do the math. Okay. But Noah was 600 years old. Do the math yourself if you if you question me when he entered in. We know that meaning this that the only person that was alive when Noah went into the ark was Methuselah. Okay. Because Methuselah is 369 years old when Noah is born right and then 600 years passed when the flood comes. So what's 600 plus 369. It's 969 and we know that the Bible tells us that Methuselah died at 969 years old making him the longest person that ever lived that's recorded anyway in scripture and in all likelihood he is the longest to have ever lived right. So that ties in perfectly. The math works out. Okay. He's that he's he's 369 years old when Noah's born. 600 years later he's 969 and the flood comes upon the earth. So Methuselah is the only one that's alive when Noah finally goes into the ark. So what you're seeing you know this kind of correlates with the fact that God's people the sons of God you know are they're going and marrying the daughters of men right we read that last week and then the spiritual forefathers these direct descendants from Adam are dying off and as these descendants are dying off the world is becoming more and more wicked. Okay. So you can kind of get that in your mind and you can start to make you know application to where we are today as the truth of God's word as God's people begin to diminish the wicked begin to increase okay. And that's why I think you see the flood coming when it does is because God's people are dying off and the sons of these godly men these direct descendants of Adam are going off into the world right. That's what we read last week that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and took them as wives okay. So Methuselah he's dying off at 969 years the same years as the flood but that also tells us some things also that that Methuselah knew Adam 51 years and he knew Noah 595 years okay. And I'm not going to go through all the math here so all these other guys that knew Adam right for instance Enos knew Adam 605 years and Noah 84 years Mahalel knew Adam 465 years and he knew Noah 169 years Jared knew Adam 303 years and he knew Noah 336 years Methuselah knew Adam 238 years and Noah 600 years so you add all that up Noah did not have direct access to Adam but he had the combined first-hand knowledge of Adam in these men that would have been 1662 right kind of like when you add up man hours right if we took a crew of guys to go do some work we wouldn't just say you know we put in boss we put in an eight-hour day no it's that you would add up everyone's eight-hour day right so if you add up everybody that knew Adam for all those years you have one at that and also knew Noah you have 1662 years so he has this ability to call upon everything that Adam knew right that combined experience because obviously when you got you said what's the significance of Adam well you know he walked with the Lord in the garden in the cool of day right he had direct communication with God you know so obviously he has a lot of knowledge we don't know everything that he knew but there's a lot of great wisdom sure he's imparting to these other men you know he's telling them all the stories like you know these are these are godly men okay that have this knowledge of the Lord of God and this is all being relayed to Noah right and Noah kind of has to you know be somebody just accepts a lot of this by faith right Adam's gone right the people say no you're a great great great great great great great grandfather Adam you know was the first man and and by again remember by the time Noah's around there's just millions of people no you're you're our descendants were the original you know your great great great granddaddy was the first man that was ever made you know that you have to kind of step out by faith and believe that don't you at that point when you're Noah okay so you can see how Noah is is believing all this how he's a righteous man why he finds grace in the eyes of the Lord because he's just believing a lot of things by faith he's doing all that the Lord commanded him and he has this knowledge that's being passed down to him but the main point that I want to make tonight again as I already alluded to it is that spiritual uh degeneration happens quickly okay again as these men begin to die off wickedness begins to increase and if you would go over to proverbs 14 we're going to spend a little bit time in proverbs tonight and this is a principle that we need to take heed to in our own lives on a personal level and as a society okay I don't know that I need to get up here and and hopefully hopefully this isn't the case I have to get up here and convince people that our our nation is becoming more and more wicked all the time you know I consider myself others might argue this point a young man okay you say how old are you it doesn't matter I'm just kidding so 43 so I'm 43 you know so I'm in you know the middle years of my life right thank you I needed that reassurance I'm just kidding but you know even in my you know the in the in the time that I've been alive how much the world has changed is is it's kind of alarming I mean just just looking back at all the things that have happened in society over even my 40 years on this earth you know a lot has changed hasn't it you know and others that could go back farther could probably testify this as well you know they could probably say yeah there's been a lot of change even leading up to when you came around we saw a lot of things take place right so spiritual debt you know degeneration is something that could happen quickly and what do we see happening in our own nation you know we see wickedness on the rise and again do I really have to convince and go over all of these things I mean when they're mutilating children and giving kids hormone blockers you know and I know it's an it's not something like talk about feeling oh you always bring that up that's what's going on out there you know this is the kind of this is where we're at and we can all just turtle up you know we can all just go stick our head in the sand and pretend it's not happening and we can come in here and I can just tell you tell you all sweetness and light but the truth is is that our nation our world really is is you know just swirling down the bowl of sin I don't know I mean it's it's nasty it's ugly it's not a pretty scene out there and it's and it's and it's increasing greatly okay I don't want to spend a lot of time on that I think everyone can see that from themselves anyone who's honest has any integrity unless they want to embrace the spilt that's being promoted unless they think all this is a good thing all the sodomy and everything else that goes along with it if they think that's a good thing well then yeah I can see how they would say oh no things are quite progressive out there you know we're turning the whole world into a giant safe space you know unless you're unless that's your mindset yeah then I we're gonna have I'm gonna have a hard time convincing you but anybody who has just like any sense of decency anyone who could just clearly see right from wrong right can look at the world and see that things are getting worse not better okay and I don't mean just in terms of politics I don't just mean in terms of the economy or some policy somewhere I'm saying morally I'm saying we as a nation I mean the birth rate in this country is below replacement people are casting off traditional values when it comes to marriage you know I mean let alone you know the fact that it's you know dudes marrying dudes and chicks marrying chicks you know the people that actually you know are marrying according to the bible traditional marriage even they are refusing to have children okay that that's just one thing I mean all the drunkenness the adultery the fornication I mean I heard a statistic the other day and I didn't fact check it but I heard someone saying it it's a credible source I believe is that one in five people in america right now have an STD that's that's horrific that's like you know and people got all worried about coronavirus it's like oh put a mask on we don't want this to spread it's like hello you know oh you're gonna be sick yeah and I get it you know coronavirus you know was a real thing and it did harm people I mean it did kill people okay and if you disagree just don't talk to me about it it's over okay whatever we believe about it it's funny now that it's like several years behind all these people are coming out and saying well I didn't agree with it when it was going on the shutdown it's like well where were you then okay okay but anyway you know people are all up in arms about coronavirus it's like well what about the pandemic of of diseases that are just being spread through fornication and other means I mean that's out I mean that's just where we're at as a country things are getting worse and worse and worse and well the last thing we need is god's people cowering and saying the last thing we need is less men of god preaching the word of god the last thing we need are more cowards behind a pulpit and that's what we have that that's another spiritual epidemic in this country is men of god you know that I can't believe you know some of them I I have a hard time even calling them that I don't know how I can call somebody a man of god when they get up behind a pulpit in front of god's people with god's book and then just not preach what it says or make excuses for it or try to you know explain something away you know it's gonna get and I'm it wouldn't surprise me if we're at this point in this country already where there's guys out there that are trying to like apologize for god in the flood oh you know god back then was just angry you know he's calmed down or something you know he's not he's chilled out a little bit you know he learned he's he's evolved on that issue right it's like well read the last book of the bible where god kills the most people okay we're we're the we're jesus christ comes and slays people with the sword out of his mouth of his word all right that that's the lesson I get out of this you say what's with all the math what can we learn from that I didn't come to here for a math lesson right well the math shows us that by the time the flood rolls around and you have noah there's just you know there's him and methuselah and that's it and as and during that this this span of time from adam to noah these guys are dying off their children are going off and just you know going and marrying the sons of men they're forsaking the god of their fathers and you know as a result the earth is filled with violence and god has to destroy it that should be a lesson to us today you know what can we learn from noah's flood well it's a warning you know these things are written on as in samples unto us unto whom the ends of the world are come now we need to read these things and and take note and notice these patterns right the righteousness of man goes down the wickedness of man goes up and we see the same thing playing out before our eyes today and that's why we need more bold preaching not less that's why we need more men of god to get up in pulpit and to sound the alarm not less okay spiritual degeneration happens quickly and the results are not good to put it mildly right that's the other lesson when man becomes wicked god doesn't just sit on his hand and say oh well god says oh you want to go that route well i let's let's let's go there you know you know you want to step outside that's kind of how god is you know he's he'll meet you where you're at if you look at proverbs chapter 14 look at verse 34 righteousness exalted the nation you know that's a great promise in the word of god isn't it that righteousness exalts a nation i mean how do you think the united states became as prosperous as as it did i mean some people can make some arguments you know that the economy took off you know as a result of you know world war ii and things like that but long before that america was a very prosperous industrious country and and god blessed this country i mean more gospel preaching has been done through the united states of america than any other country probably throughout all of history combined okay why because it was a nation although maybe they didn't all weren't all independent fundamental baptists okay maybe they weren't all even necessarily saved christians maybe there were even a lot of people that just fell under that you know umbrella of christendom that weren't necessarily you know bible believers but were at least people who embraced biblical principles even in high places of office back then we had those kind of people in this country that exalted this nation this nation was exalted and this is a god blessed nation i believe that and that's why it's so heartbreaking that's why it's such a shame to see what it's turning into today that you know that it's turning its back on god you know and it's not and and and the worst part of that is it's not just that god is being forsaken but that god isn't you know again he's not just going to go hide somewhere he's not just going to you know take his ball and go home god judges when people turn on him when god's people turn away he judges the earth when man wickedness gets to a certain level he judges the earth so it's alarming to see what's taking place and look i you know i know you came to church and you know maybe you were hoping to get more of a feel-good message you know and there is a there is the feel-good message i mean noah was safe noah was afloat right noah floated his stock while everybody else was in liquidation right you know noah it was nice and warm in the arc i don't know what it smelled like in there with those animals but you know he was in there just fine you know that's a lesson to us that you know the world can get more and more dark and more and more wicked but if we do all that god commands us if we walk with god if we're righteous before his eyes you know god will protect us i believe that miraculously okay the bible says in providence 14 that righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is our approach to any people to any people it's our approach so we don't want to get this attitude america will you know will god bless america right you know we're just we're god you know why would give me a reason why god would still bless this nation when it spits in his face i mean this nation has turned their back on god you can't you can't talk about god in in public school you know these the bible's not being taught there you know and you could probably go get some you know college classes on the bible but they're probably going to tell you why it's just some old archaic book written by a bunch of goat herders or something they're kind of just trying to discredit the bible right i mean the bible is just being thrust out god's being thrust out and as a result what do we see from the story of noah when righteousness goes out sin comes in right and sin is our approach to any people the bible says so as our nation begins to embrace sin and things that god calls an abomination that's our approach to us in the eyes to who it's our approach to us and in the eyes of god exactly you know and america is kind of a laughing stock of the world at some places you look at some of these african countries where they they don't want our american values they don't want sodomy pushed on them they don't want to embrace the alphabet people over there they say you know keep your federal money keep you know to a lot of places america has become the ambassador of sodomy to the world that's that's our approach folks because that that you know calling that a sin is putting it lightly god calls it an abomination you know i wish more preachers would get up and preach that i wish we'd have more preachers behind a pulpit that were willing to say things like that then get up and just you know tell us who to vote for this election cycle you know or would spend more time reading these gnarlier parts of the bible than they would you know the constitution or something go to proverbs uh chapter six proverbs chapter number six actually go to proverbs 29 i gotta i'm already gonna run out of time here but again righteousness exalts a nation and sin is our approach to any people okay and that should be you know concerning to us because we're seeing things begin to play out in our own country in our own world the same as in noah's day and again it didn't happen overnight right it took it took a thousand years or so for this to finally happen took about 1600 years for this to finally come about right from adam to the day noah went in the ark okay we have this and i'm not an exact figure okay but i've i think we've had enough math for one night okay the point is is it didn't happen overnight it's it took time okay and that's what's playing out right now where are we on this timeline of spiritual you know degeneration i don't know but i feel like if we're not past the halfway point we're really close if not already because of the way things are in this country and the way it's just become so so normal i mean just think about it for a second remember back you know i don't even it's hard to even put it in the early 2000s right when when all the conservatives were up in arms over what homo marriage i'm not going to call it gay marriage okay there's nothing gay about it about all the homos getting married that's what they remember that they were all up in arms we can't let this happen right to where we are today well just just hold off you know hormone replacement therapy until they're 18 that you know that's that's the that's the banner of conservatism now in america so you know excuse me if i want to check out of politics at this point okay when that's you know that's the that's the wave i'm supposed to or the the flag i'm supposed to wave like hey just don't let minors into the uh you know transvestite drag queen story hour right that's one of our arizona representatives you know that was the great that was the hill he's going to die on you know was it let's ban all trannies from teaching school children or from reading them stories in public places that are paid for by our tax dollars no it was just like well just wait till they're 18 just wait till they're 18 you know just no one that's under 18 is allowed to go there but you see you see how you me saying that some people are probably just thinking well what's i don't see what's so bad about that this is how people are desensitized to to sin this is how spiritual degeneration take it takes place this is how a righteous nation forsakes god and becomes a reproach in his eyes because they embrace sin right i mean no one bats at an eye at a couple of dudes getting married today nobody that's that's not what they're up in arms about because they're just boiling that frog aren't they slowly but surely look at proverbs 29 verse 2 when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when the wicked beareth rule the people mourn okay so the bible's real clear that there's wicked people and there's righteous people okay there's there's the wicked and the righteous and the people you want ruling over you are righteous people and when wicked people get into power it's not good the people mourn things are not going to go well because sin is reproach to any people so that's what we see happening in noah's day right less and less godly men more and more wickedness less righteousness and more wicked people ruling keep something uh well actually just go over to first timothy second timothy chapter number three second timothy chapter number three i'll just begin reading in verse one and let's just see if we can kind of you know see some parallels from second timothy chapter number three and the world we're living in today verse one this know also then in the last days which if you know your bible is describing the day those are the days that we're living in right the last days perilous time shall come perilous times and i believe he's referring to spiritually perilous times right it's going to be dangerous it's going to be perilous why what's going to make it so dangerous for verse two glad you asked men shall be lovers of their own selves men shall be lovers of their own selves i don't know do we see any of that today yeah we see a lot of that don't we where people are just only concerned about themselves they they they they you know they don't care about their other people they they they're in love with themselves right look and i don't want to be one of these guys it just harps on social media all the time but i mean when i read that i just instantly think social media lovers of their own selves right you know it's all these guys that are out there just and and gals right that are just posting photos of themselves look at me follow me like me right we see a lot of that covetous no there's none of that today clearly covetous is not a problem in this country right no people are discontent people are trying to get more they want more they got to have more boasters you see a lot of that proud you know i'm trying to think where that how i could apply proud you know you know pride where does pride come in in this equation in in our world how can i draw a parallel from second timothy three to our world today using the word pride hmm g i don't know oh i don't know maybe it's like we have a bunch of people half naked homos marching up and down every major metro in the city once a year waving a flag called a what pride flag blasphemers that's you know practically every movie song comedians all the entertainment that's out there you know blaspheming god disobedient to parents you know let that sink in children these are this is the end times attitudes right this is what people are going to be like in perilous times and when you disobey your parents when you're disobedient to your parents you're on the same list as these other people i think it seems to me like god takes obeying your parents pretty seriously and he says honor thy father and mother for this is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and that they days may be long upon the earth you want to live a long life honor your mom and dad period there's a whole sermon that most kids don't mean to preach unthankful unholy without natural affection right without natural affection meaning they affect they have affection for things that are unnatural they're perverse in their affections despisers uh well i gotta i gotta finish the list here truce breakers false accusers incontinent meaning they cannot contain themselves they just they just anything they want they they take they just gratify the lust of the flesh anytime they want fierce i mean try standing up to some of these people and see how fierce they really are when churches are being bombed you know when churches are being burned down when when christians are being you know opposed and persecuted when men of god are being uh you know taken to court you know you're dealing with fierce people people that cannot be placated despisers of those that are good you and you look you i don't you know hopefully everyone agrees with the preaching tonight but whether you like it or not this is what the bible says okay and god is good god is good and that means everything that proceeds out of his mouth is also good you know the commandments of god are pure thinking why is it simple we just sang it right the testimonies of the lord are right okay the law is right god's word is right it's good and those that embrace it are also good those that preach it are good those that believe it are also good who are the good people that love god's word god's word is good and today we have people that despise those that are good there's people out there that hear this type of preaching and despise it i can't believe you'd say that can you believe what this guy said they despise it despise of those good traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god big time having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away and we're to turn away from these type of people but this is what you know we're going to see in the end times this is what's going to come upon us in the last days these are the perilous times they're spiritual in nature how does this happen how do you get to a point where this you know this description here is what fits the vast majority of people in the country it's when the righteous decline it's when there's less of god's people there's less of biblical preaching taking place and that's where that's what's going on right now in this country we have less and less biblical preaching taking place i mean people wouldn't bat an eye even back in the 80s and 90s you know at preaching some of these these harsh sermons these you know what we would call today hard sermons people wouldn't bat an eye at it but today you know people they get all up in arms over it don't they philippians uh if you would actually go to hebrews 11 go to hebrews 11 so what are we supposed to do well you know you're supposed to be like noah be like noah don't be afraid to be alone don't be afraid to be the last man standing you know if you know if everyone else forsakes you you know god's still with you he said i will never leave thee nor forsake thee you know and if you're you know the last light in a dark world then you're just going to shine all the brighter you can still find grace in the eyes of the lord you know but if we have to be but we have to be like noah right we have to do all those things which are commanded of us right the bible says i'll just read you in philippians chapter number two for it is god which worketh in you both to do will and to do of his good pleasure do all things without murmurings and disputings do all things without murmurings and disputings you shouldn't you know the christian life should be like well because if i have to you know we don't want to be that despondent teenager who's told to take the trash out spiritually in the eyes of god but have to you know yes sir go do it just get it done right do it all things without murmurings and disputings hey noah i'm gonna destroy the earth it repented me that i've made man go build an arc all right i don't want to drown you think that's noah's attitude and he's like oh i'm righteous in your eyes lord i love you i'll do anything you want oh you're gonna say spare me and my family praise god how big do you want it you know what kind of nails do you want what should i use for a fastener you know tell me where to put the window where's the door going where's the blueprints do all things without murmurings and disputings that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of god without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation you know we could look out you know and we could look out the world around us and just complain about it and how bad it is and and you could say well that's what you're doing tonight i'm just pointing it out folks i'm just pointing out the obvious because sometimes we need that we sometimes we need somebody to kind of shake us a little bit and say hey wake up it's bad it's getting worse okay it's not like i go i'm gonna leave here and go to work tomorrow and just dwell on the fact that my nation's wicked you know i'm still gonna i'm gonna live my life and come home and spend time with my family and and be blessed i have to do all things about murmurings and disputings if i want to be blameless and harmless in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine as lights in the world you know we have an opportunity to shine as lights in this world as it gets darker you know or you could just you know be a murmurer you can just complain about it you can just do nothing about it or we could hold forth you know the glorious light of the gospel right as he says here in verse 16 holding forth the word of life you know that's what we ought to be doing is shining the light of the gospel in this dark world you know and and that's what noah did when he was building that arc that whole time when he's telling people blood's coming blood's coming and i bet you they all mocked him and ridiculed him until the day he went in there and then as soon as it got up to their knees or what you know they're kind of like hey noah i believe too late it's not by faith now it's like that stupid jehovah witness doctrine that the people in hell are going to have another chance to believe on christ who's not going to believe at that point do you believe in hell now you know that it's not you know obliteration it's eternal destruction do you believe in hell now that you're there now that you're actually there and you're in the smoke of your torments ascending up forever and ever you have no rest in your night of course you're going to believe it right here in hebrews 11 look at verse 7 by faith noah being warned of god of things not as not as seen as yet he's warned of god and god and he's like hey there's this thing called uh rain it's gonna happen i'm gonna flood the earth there's no sign of it there's no clue you know there's no hint he just by faith believes god when he's warned oh you're gonna flood the earth i believe you he moved with fear prepared an arc to the saving of his house that's the way we ought to be today when things are getting worse and worse and more and more wicked we had to move with fear and get some people saved in the process get some people saved i mean noah moved with fear and he saved his house by the which he condemned the world and became heir of righteousness which is by faith right he believed god and he acted on it that's what we need to do because we're in we're not in the exact same situation as noah obviously we can't compare it's not an apples to apples comparison but we're on that trajectory we're on that same path as a nation a nation that's being turned into hell the bible says all they that forsake god shall be turned into hell excuse me the wicked i got it right here the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget god the wicked shall be turned i'm gonna say it again the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations all of them that forget god and that's not talking about a hell on earth folks that's like a literal time in a literal hell i mean think about that like every time i read that verse it always blows my mind that entire nations can forget god and then entire nations entire countries of people birth of people you can just go right into hell i mean we could probably think of countries that are like that today where just the vast majority of people do not believe on christ they are not saved and they will suffer for their sins in hell entire nations that are like that today you know and and to a large degree our own you know i know the stats are out there you know like so many people are christians but when you start to really ask people who identify as a christian who call themselves a christian you start to kind of drill down you find out they don't believe the gospel they believe that going to heaven is through their own good works that somehow they're going to be a good enough person to earn or merit heaven because that's what a lot of people are taught even within you know the scope of christianity the catholics teach it the mormons teach it i i i wish i didn't have to call them you know christians but they call themselves that you know and all these other religions they all take this this uh workspace salvation that's what it is the bible says you're saved by grace through faith and not not of yourselves it is the gift of god you don't work for a gift you simply believe i mean that's what hebrews 11 is showing us that's what it's saying about faith abraham or uh noah here that he became an heir of righteousness by faith he simply believed god he believed god's word when there was nothing seen as yet he believed god's work and he was saved but what did he do with that he moved with fear he did something he prepared something he did some work for god in the midst of a wicked world we should not let this wicked world quench our love for the lost and our love for god if anything it should it should light a fire under us to want to do more i mean it's just like i mean don't we care about people i mean that's the problem that we read in second timothy they're lovers of their own selves right they're they're without natural affection they don't care about their common man they don't care about their fellow man they don't care about their neighbor you know don't we we should care about people and you know we that know and believe the truth i mean it's like if you really believed that hell is a real place and that that the gospel has power and if you really believe that there were people out there that would get saved if they just heard a clear presentation of gospel why wouldn't you preach it how could people sit there and say yeah i believe the gospel has power i believe the right gospel i believe people will get saved and then not preach it to lost people you're not moving with fear you're nothing like noah you're not preparing anything for the wrath to come you're not saving anyone noah moved with fear and saved his household he got people saved as a result you know why because he was a righteous and godly man we can't we can't sit there and and think that we're on anywhere near on noah's level when we don't want to even pull people out of the fire um that's what we need to be like it's like no and not let this world you know snuff out the last bit of light that's in it because it's going to get to that point i'm not saying that's where we're at okay i know there's always seven thousand that haven't been the knee to bail right but it's just you know i don't think our numbers are going up you know i mean even amongst baptist churches it's like all you hear anymore is how they're not doing the soul winning you know i listen to these other guys and it's like they're not they're not doing the preaching that needs to be done they want to do everything else but soul winning that's just that's just the general condition that we're in that's just the general state of of where we're at spiritually in this country i guess we should all just throw in the towel then and just become covetous and just become lovers of our own selves and only concerned about ourselves just like everybody else and what's the point well you know i'm glad noah didn't have that attitude otherwise none of us be here i mean i'm sure somebody like god could have started over or whatever you know but you know and what if that was how the story went and noah just went right along with him methuselah died off you know he tried to tell noah one last time about adam about everything that he'd learned about the lord all these other guys that knew adam they're trying to tell him one more time how it all played out and now it's kind of whatever everybody else is doing it everybody else is wicked nobody else cares about things god might as well just go along with them and just be another covetous proud poster who just loves my own self and nobody else you know and just let the rest of the world go to hell you know that the only thing that would have gotten on arc is a bunch of animals that's it you just have an arc full of animals floating around then they'd all get off and god had to start all over again we don't you know we want to be like noah move with fear move move you know what's the movement we're supposed to do today go and preach the gospel to every creature and and save some you know that's what he did he moved he prepared an arc the beautiful thing for us is that the work is already done we don't have to go build a boat folks and i tell you what if you built a boat here probably you would get some crazy looks you're in the desert what are you doing the boat whenever i see somebody hauling a boat around here i'm just like where do you think you are right but we don't have to build a boat we don't have to haul some boat around the boat's built the arc is done it's called christ it's already prepared we just got to go tell people about it and people will get saved i got we got numbers to prove it that it still works soul winning is not some outdated relic of the past you know it's so funny when people say that isn't it oh that's just something they did back in the 70s and 80s this door-to-door soul winning it's like hello have you read matthew 10 did you read when jesus sent his disciples two by two before his face everywhere whether he himself would come i told him to go preach in every gospel and village or every town and village now when he left he told us to go and preach the gospel to every creature yeah you want to call it outdated you need to throw it back to jesus though if you get it right then see it's some old relic that jesus taught because that's the truth oh it's just some outdated you know method from when jesus was on earth you know what a stupid thing to say you know that's what jesus taught we ought to go that's the movement right but noah moved with fear we need to move we need to go you preach that arc get some people on board because whether you believe it or not it's getting darker out there it's getting spiritually and spiritually worse the thoughts the imaginations of men's hearts are getting only worse and worse and worse it's just that we're just the degeneration is just escalating right now you know i and i just for one for me i'm not going to stand idly by and do nothing about it you know i'm going to get up behind this pulpit i'm going to preach this book to whoever wants to hear it and i'm going to go out there and preach that gospel and anybody else that wants to come along with me let's go let's get it done and let's let's save some people let's not just have this defeated despondent and just uh you know despairing attitude let's not do things with murmurings and disputings let's hold forth the word of life let's go ahead closing the word of prayer dear lord again thank you for this great example of noah and lord help us to be more like him help us to be people of faith lord that despite a wicked world we could still see that you're moving and you're working that there's still work for us to do and that that great work can bring salvation or that uh that the ark has been prepared for us in christ lord thank you that that we're saved lord i pray that we would do something with it that we wouldn't just selfishly hoard it to ourselves that we wouldn't just let the gospel go unpeached even despite the fact that the world yes is being more and more wicked lord but it just means that our message will sound all the louder we ask you bless us as we go in jesus name amen all right we'll go ahead and sing one more song for you hey matt so so oh me so so you