(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So Deuteronomy chapter 25 again just getting a lot more into the just civil matters you know how to how to deal with certain things when it comes to society and so on and so forth and even with kind of familial matters as well in the case of you know a brother and a sister-in-law you know when a man dies but we'll just get it right into it here in verse 1 it says if there be a controversy between men and they come into judgment and that the judges judge them then they shall justify the righteous and condemn the wicked and it shall be if the wicked man be worthy to be beaten that the that the judge shall cause him to lie down and to be beaten before his face according to his fault by a certain number. For forty strikes may he give him and not exceed lest he should exceed and beat him above these with many strikes then thy brother shall seem vile unto thee. So you know this is something that's certainly fallen out of style in our you know modern judicial system which is you know a public beating that's what this is talking about you know in God's justice system if we recall we go through Deuteronomy there's only really three findings that you find in God's law three penalties for breaking law you know death was one of them we talked about that at length already you know the the fines you know being fined a certain amount of money having to pay back what you've stolen and a physical beating is the other thing you see here you know this isn't this isn't allegorical you know this isn't you know symbolic this is literally it telling the guy oh he's gonna lay down and you're gonna take a rod and beat him before the judge now you say well that's kind of you know that's kind of brutal you know that man that seems pretty tough you know well we as a society have gotten pretty soft towards a lot of things and that might kind of you know take us to the back but there's a few things in here that we should keep in mind when we read this one that the judge shall cause him to lie down and beaten before his face meaning the judge is gonna sit there and watch the punishment be carried out you know which and then that's why it says you know he should only cause him to be beaten with so many stripes so if you actually have to sit there and watch the judgment that you just doled out be carried out on another individual you know you as a judge you're probably gonna be you know try to be as fair as you possibly can you know he gets a specific number he says you shouldn't beat up more than 40 times as you see vile on your brother you know if the judge got up there and said yeah I just beat him 50 times and I would be like what would judge you know you got a problem in but so he's he's supposed to sit there and actually watch this take place which quite frankly is a lot better than what we see in our judicial system if you ask me I mean a judge can just dole out a life sentence on somebody 20 years 15 to 25 years whatever and then just not see that person again for the rest of his life yeah meanwhile that person has to go live in a cell with you know we're gonna get into a minute about what you know the people that are there and the judges goes about it in every way you know at the end of the day he takes the robe off he gets in his you know Mercedes or whatever drives to his big house and you know life's good whereas you know in this system he has to sit there and actually watch what he's doing out take place you know I mean we as parents we probably that if we're the type of parents that do what the Bible says and actually beat our children and by beat I don't mean smack around I mean take the rod of correction apply it to the seat of learning you know spanking you know we as parents that do that you know we're not there's there's a limit to what we're going to do when it comes time to do that to our children you know every parent is you know some parents are even a little too hesitant maybe they're just you know they do the little you know don't do that again you know and then they wonder why their kid does it again you know so it's kind of same thing you know we have to sit there and watch this this individual take what we're doling out you know that's gonna cause us to be hopefully more merciful more compassionate and try to be fair you know and God doesn't put a number on there he says that he's going to beat him you know according to the number you know it's kind of up to the judge to say oh you did this well you know according to what the situation and everything and your attitude when you showed up here and you know how you behaved yourself while this was all taking place you know you're gonna get X amount of beatings you're gonna take 20 so many stripes but people say well our system is better you know that's why we have prisons that's why we have a prison system because the prisons are better than God's system but let me just clue you in on something prisons do not exist because they're more humane back my opinion they're less humane yeah prisons don't exist because they're humane or they're better than God's system they exist because prisons make money yeah that's right it's a multi-billion dollar industry that's why prisons exist today they exist to make money in fact I looked into this we're gonna have a look we're gonna you're probably too far away to see most of this but I've got some data for you tonight you know I love my colorful charts right so there's this following the money of mass incarceration right at the end you end up with a hundred to eighty two billion dollars that goes into the judicial system as it is today a year right you know the public corrections agencies things like prisons jails parole probation eighty eighty point seven billion dollars that's what it cost public employees that have to do all the administrative work thirty eight point four billion with a B health care you got to take care of the prisoners while they're in there twelve point three billion dollars construction just building some of these facilities maintaining three point three billion this is a year folks and this should really appeal to the you know the right-wing so-called conservatives right you all are about you know just visit fiscal conservancy just want to cut cut spending you know here's a good place to start right here you know get back to God's Word and you can you could cut out a lot of spending what else could you do with a hundred eighty two billion dollars a year yeah right you know give it to me I'll show you no don't give it to but interest payments you know you know what it cost you to go to jail it's not just that you're being punished you actually end up having to pay to go there food to feed everybody two point one billion utilities one point seven billion private corrections which is booming private prisons are three point nine billion and then the private prisons actually profit point thirty seven billion worth in a seventy million dollars per year so don't tell me that's not an industry don't tell me it's not you know about making money safe well no that's how much it cost us yeah if it's costing you that much I mean somebody's making that much right you know let's say it's not just going into thin air that money's going from one pocket to another and I'm not going to go on and on about this portion of it but you can kind of see you know one one thing that's wrong with our prison system today is that it's there they're there to make money that's the point of that chart and me that's the first point I'm making they're not there let's get it out of our minds that they're there to just reform everybody and they're there to just make better you know people out of the people that go there and help them get back on their feet and move on with their life that's not why they're there they're there to make money that's it and what happens is it leads to corruption we have that much money just flying around you know people they get sticky fingers and they start to come up with ways who remembers the kids for cash scandal no one you're gonna love this no one's ever heard of the kids for cash scandal I'll just read it to you the kids for cash scandal centered on judicial kickbacks to two judges at the Lucerne County Court of Common Pleas and Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania in 2008 judges Michael Cohan and Mark Chiaravella were accused of accepting money in return for imposing harsh adjudications on juveniles to increase occupancy at for-profit detention centers so they're getting the detention centers like kicking them back some money be like hey make that a little bit harder on these kids send us a little few more kids keep them there longer you know so we can make a little bit more money off of them they make money off of inmates off of these kids juveniles I mean minors you know kids that there's kids this age in this room this evening I mean can you imagine that I'm going and this judge is just getting up and just you know maybe the kid you know spray-painted something or threw a rock through a window or did something stupid and he just just drops the hammer on because he's getting a kickback this happened to two judges in Pennsylvania back in 2008 Ciaravella disposed thousands of children to extended stays and youth centers for a first fences as trivial as mocking an assistant principal just getting wise and getting wise with the principal now should a kid do that no but she's gonna spend however long I mean she's been a day in a juvenile detention center for getting a lippy no he should be told his dad should be around but it's it's it's ridiculous oh it was on myspace by the way that he did that he mocked he mocked some assistant principal on myspace in this judge just like juvenile detention and the guy and one because the juvenile detention centers just lining his pockets you know he's getting that money after a drug after a judge rejected an initial plea agreement in 2009 a federal grand jury returned a 48 count indictment in 2010 Kohen pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering conspiracy and was sentenced to 17.5 years in federal prison I mean if you're a judge the last place you want to know what are you waiting for let me see your rap sheet buddy boy you'd be sweating bullets Ciaravelli opted to go to trial the following year he was convicted on 12 of 39 counts and sentenced to 28 years in prison in federal prison so this is just a perfect example now you know you say oh that's just one story how many story how many how many of them are not getting caught how much of this going on where they're just getting away with it right this kind of thing where this is corruption is taking place you know a lot of money is the root of all evil and when you have you know a hundred plus billion dollars in an industry you know there's people in positions that can make other people more money by what by their actions don't think that is it really that far-fetched to think that somebody might come in you know and grease the palm a little bit as it is so first of all you see that prisons you know you say well the beating there that's just so harsh you know well the prison industry's got you know there's a lot of worse things that have happened there and first of all we have to understand it's not that the prison system is better it's there to make money which leads to corruption okay and then the other thing I want us to just notice tonight is let's let's just look at it let's look at God's way it's comparing God's way to man's way and let's see which way is cheaper right that's that's like you know but that's the first thing you brought up with right is God's ways cheaper so yeah you have one it's right now it's estimated there's about 1.3 billion that's all right 1.3 million people in some kind of penitentiary right now 1.3 million people and and what I want to do is just focus on this one side of the chart here and this side of the chart is just state prisons okay because all this over here is pretty much just a smaller version of this all right they're in there for the same reasons they're just at a different facility for different reasons so let's just look at this chart right here okay I know you can't see this so just follow along with me but this chart shows us that there's 9,000 people are in prison for other that's kind of a vague thing what do you hear for I'm here for other you know so right there I don't know what they're in there for but I bet it's not for any reason they should be there and then you've got another people that 51,000 people in jail okay that are there for weapons all right there in the weapons now should they be there according to the Bible for weapons okay Bible says in Luke 22 Jesus said then he said unto them but now he that hath the first let him take it and likewise the script and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one you know we have a right to bear arms people should be able to you know buy arms quite freely it shouldn't be such a regulated thing that's a whole other sermon okay you don't agree with that but if you know that's what they're there for for guns weapons okay then the other group we have in there are people 25,000 that are in there for driving under the influence DUI now do I approve of you driving under the influence no I don't think you should look at alcohol let alone drinking that's what the Bible says look not upon the wine when it gets colored up when it moves itself right and you shouldn't be looking at it let alone drinking it let alone drinking it and then getting behind a wheel okay now here's the thing if people drive people are driving on influence all the time and they're and they're doing it and getting away with it all the time they managed to get to where they're going and everything turns out fine right but everyone you know not that's always the case you know a lot of people end up killing other people hurting other people so that would move the DUI people into a different category in my opinion you know that that actually if you went out and did that and and hurt somebody or damage their property you should be moved this statistic should be moved into another category like manslaughter really I would probably call it murder you know if you knowingly got yourself drunk and then got behind of a wheel whether you're intending to do it or not and then and they've got a 2,000 plus pound you know piece of steel and barreled it down a freeway at 80 miles an hour while you're drunk they killed somebody I don't know that I'm ready to call that's pretty much murder in my book yeah you know but they you could call it manslaughter we still give it that so there's 25,000 people that probably need just to be moved over and then you've got a hundred and fifty three thousand and another forty five thousand people that are in for drugs and drug possession okay now that doesn't deserve to be punished by the law you know it's its own punishment folks am I condoning that people should be you know taking drugs no of course not you know if people people would just learn to quit taking drugs you wouldn't even you know they wouldn't need a prison system and the people aren't going into jail and getting off drugs they're getting drugs in jail you can get drugs in prison you can get drugs in jail you can get you know they come out in the right back on it that's a that's what's called a what's the term I'm looking for a victimless crime all right drugs are they're harming themselves of course but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you what you can and can't put in your body I'm going to tell you you can't deal with the consequences the health consequences you know if you're a member of the church and you're getting drunk or high on a regular basis you're out you know but I don't think people should be locked up in a cage for smoking a plant you know or however they ingest it man so and then here's another one people are in jail for fraud okay now if you would turn up access 22 Exodus 22 keep something around me stay with me and I know I'm reading a lot but just stay with me what are we trying to do we're trying to compare man's system to God's to God's system and let's see whether or not you know this lines up with what's in the Bible do people deserve to be rather than having the punishment that God has doled out in his word do they deserve to be sitting in a cell with just the worst elements of society next to them and you know people go in there for for reasons as simple as you know they got caught with some crack on them or something you know they have bigger problems than the jails gonna fix that jails not what they need right right they need so they need help another type of help what they don't need is to be put in there next to like a rapist go to jail with a murderer you know go to jail with somebody who's just committed horrific crimes and then maybe become a victim of that person in jail that happens a lot but fraud okay so 25,000 people are there for fraud what's fraud it just comes down to stealing right I'm swindling you out of money you know I'm saying hey sign the contract here I'm gonna I'm gonna build you this house or I'm gonna do this work and then I don't do it and I try to get away with it that kind of a thing well what's the Bible say about fraud or stealing look at Exodus 22 verse 5 if a man caused a field or vineyard to be eaten and shall put in his beast and shall feed in another man's field of the beast of his own field and the best of his own vineyard and he shall make restitution right so he's putting in his own beast he's like oh my my field suffered so I'm gonna put my beast in your field and I'm gonna let him eat off your crop right what's that stealing right it's the same thing and he says he shall make restitution not he shall go sit in a concrete cell you know and wear orange or whatever and eat slop he's gonna actually make restitution to the person that he stole from if fire break out and catch him thorns so that the stacks of corn or standing corner of the field be consumed there with he that kidded with the fire shall surely go to jail for arson no he shall make restitution he shall pay back cuz here's the problem you're just sending these people to jail the grip the victim is not getting paid back right Oh great he's in jail he can't work you know when he gets out he's got a hard time finding a job yeah he's not gonna pay me back he's gonna have to pay the prison for his stay there and the state for a stay there you know he's not gonna be able to pay me back and God says them the victim gets paid back that's way better I mean if you were the victim what would you rather have this have him just go to jail and the state and make all this money off of them or at your expense now you're out you're not making any money but they're making money I'd rather be a have restitution let the guy out let him pay me back and then let him go on with his life that's what should happen he says here if the man shall deliver into his neighbor his money or stuff to keep and it'd be stolen out of the man's house if the thief be found let it pay double if the thief be not found the master of the house shall shall be brought into the judge's to see whether you have put his hand to his neighbor's goods for all men are trespassed whether it be of ox or brass or sheep or for raiment for any manner of law saying which another challenge is to be his the cause of both parties shall come before the judge to whom the judge shall get condemned he shall pay double unto his neighbor you know that almost makes me want to leave if that were the law I'd probably leave the keys in the ignition at night you're like come on man at things in oh seven I get my I get double my money back go buy a new car the gates open just like sure hope nobody takes it gets hot you know have a little stakeout a little bait and bait car you know just like make a little money that would be corruption that'd be fraud I'd probably end up paying somebody else do it anyway I'm just making a dumb what about burglary there's a hundred twenty seven thousand people sitting in jail for burglary which is just another form of stealing rather than doing it you know by sleight of hand or you know just being you know crafty and doing it wily and just trying to like you know deal big switch this is just straight up I'm gonna break in your house and take something out of it and run burglary it's a smash and grab kind of thing Exodus 22 verse 2 thief be found breaking up and be smitten that he died there shall no blood blood be shed for him now you got to keep reading okay everybody in Texas all right stand your ground right well if I find something this is listen I'm not gonna shoot somebody over stuff if you're willing I think I say this I'm like I'm not plugging anybody because they ran and grabbed you know what do I have it's valuable I don't know they took my car or something you know what I mean yeah my thank you a laptop right they grab your cell phone that's it you know I don't care if they came in and took your entire your sound system and your your big screen and and everything else you know what they just clean you just you come home one day and they've got a rider truck backed up and it's the whole house is empty I've known people that I've done a lot work for people in the past that happened to them they came home from working out of town and the place is just cleaned out they left like the carpet like one little square of a rug and I'm just it's gone and you you come in there you know they're pulled the door down they get in the car you're trying to make their getaway just you know I'm gonna light him up no way I wouldn't do it that what you say but what does it say there XS 22 if a thief be found breaking up and he spit 99 or so nobody we've shut blood be shed for him verse 3 clarifies it if the Sun be risen upon him there shall there shall be blood shed for him for each excuse me there shall be blood shed for he shall make full restitution meaning this there shall be blood shed for him meaning this if I did that if I if I killed the feet during the day my blood would be shed for me they would kill me they'd say you had you were unjustified you know and that's what you know we love the fact that we can carry weapons here you know but we really ought to think about the fact that if you ever use your weapon the cops aren't just gonna you're not they're just not gonna oh I had to shoot him officer why are you giving the reason they're like oh it sounds good okay okay no there's gonna be an investigation you're probably gonna get booked you might even have to get a lawyer could go to court you know unless there's just like multiple witnesses on site video where the cops can just say yeah no doubt about it they won't press charges so you know we can't just go around just shoot people brought daylight because they you know grabbed our wallet and ran you know or they were stealing from somebody else and we stopped it with the weapon you know and I've known guys that have done that that have drawn a gun on somebody that was just stealing something out of a liquor store or something like that you know they're just they grab somebody's wallet off of a table or something I can't remember exactly the details but the guy chased them down and put a gun at him and told me in the ground I told man I just let him go call the cops let him deal with it you know I mean when you accept when you you know when you escalate a situation like that by drawing a firearm you know they're gonna take a long look at the guy drawing the firearm so keep that in mind I know I know we're here in Arizona and we're all packing heat right but you know we watch a little too much ass sometimes you know but he's saying what child when can you shoot a thief but he says here you know if the it's if he breaks in at night you know if he comes in at night look if somebody breaks in your house tonight how do you know they're there to steal something right they can be there to do who knows what you know and at night when everybody else is asleep crying out for help might not be good enough you know he's not gonna just run out the door and be seen by a bunch of witnesses you know yeah he stole that you know what I mean and when it's coming in at night he's trying to do something extra devious you know so that's a good way to get shot is breaking in somebody's house and that would be justified at that point you would say there's nothing wrong with that so if the thief be found alive if the theft be found certainly found excuse me if the theft be found in his hand alive whether it be ox or ass or this verse 4 he shall restore double you know that's the punishment in God's law for burglary for breaking into someone's house and stealing something because you have to if you get found and you have it look you're gonna give it back and then you're gonna give another one you know so that's that's God's rule not go sit in a penitentiary somewhere for X amount of years that 48,000 people are in there for theft 9,000 are in prison today for car theft other property 26,000 the Bible says in Exodus 22 verse 1 if a man steal an ox or a sheep and kill it or sell it you shall restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep God's law is that the victim gets paid back but man's law is so that the system can make money make merchandise of people now moving on here we'll get into other thing there's a hundred and sixty thousand three thousand people in prison today for rape okay so there's a lot more people in there for rape today than even you know drugs there's more people in rape in there for rape today than theft 163,000 people are in there for for raping for you know assaulting somebody physically like that so what's God's law you know well God's law if you remember a few weeks ago in Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 but if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and the man force her and lie with her then the man that lay with her shall die you know talking about forcing her you know that's talking about rape God puts the death penalty upon rape you know and we talked about that and that's not something I want to go on and on about but that would free up some prison space we have this big you know overcrowding problem right well let's just kill the rapists yeah you know because here's let's let's face it you know in my opinion you probably have to take it case by case but I bet in the vast majority of rapists are probably reprobate that's right I mean to have the kind of mindset we're thinking I'm gonna go out and do that to somebody and you have to be so past feeling without a conscience and a lot of these serial killers and things like that that was part of what they did so yeah get rid of them that's what Bible says manslaughter there's a 18,000 people sitting in jail today for manslaughter Deuteronomy 19 we went through it a few weeks ago the city of refuge that's God's solution you know Deuteronomy 19 verse 3 thou shalt prepare thee away and divide the coast of thy land which Lord thy God giveth thee to inherit into three parts that every Slayer may flee thither and this is the case of the Slayer which shall flee thither that he may live who so killeth his neighbor ignorantly right this is what manslaughter is when he didn't mean to do it was an accident when we hated not in times past as when a man go through the wood with his neighbor and a few would and his hand fetches a stroke to act cut an axe down with the axe to cut down the tree and the head slip it from the hell and light it upon his neighbor that he died he shall flee in one of those cities and live so that's God's solution for manslaughter that people should just you know be allowed to live out their life there is still a punishment attached to it in the fact they have to go to one of these cities and dwell there until the death of the high priest you want to know more about that Deuteronomy 19 it got up I just got up what about murder there's a hundred seventy nine thousand people in jail today in prisons for murder so that's great that's who you're sending the pot smoker to and that's who you're sending the guy who you know stole a car stereo you know repeatedly or you know it's his third offense like ripping ripping somebody off or whatever you're sending in there with a hundred seventy nine thousand murders and a hundred sixty-three thousand rapists you know what is God's solution Genesis 9 you know who so shut up man's blood by man's book and by man shall his blood be shit we shed that's why is you kill somebody you're gonna get killed no capital punishment so who does that leave left over for the jail system to make money off of nobody no one that's every crime there I mean that's every form of crime there is you know so this shouldn't even exist you know what's interesting about this is there's people that are just sitting in there waiting to just to you that aren't even being they're even booked yet not convicted they're just sitting there right to a swift a trial in this country but not and they make money off of them too so we see first of all that God's way you know is cheaper right and wait and we could really cut down the costs by just getting rid of you know the people that deserve to die and basically letting other people that should even be there out and then making everybody else that stole something pay back their neighbor that they stole from you know that would stimulate the economy wouldn't it if every it's biblical you know it's humane I mean if you think it's humane to put five over a half a million people in a cell that don't deserve to be there in a cage basically in a giant cage you know you should probably step back and reevaluate you know your values in life there they should be out working most people the people that don't deserve either be dead or not be there at all you know they should be out working you know rehabilitating themselves through hard work and making a living and then the big part of it you saw like some of the biggest spending on that charter that first chart was 80.7 in in parole and 80.7 billion on parole and probation you know people when they pay their do their time even you want to use the system they should be able to do that and then move on with their life right and not just have this thing hanging over there and not have some record hanging over their head that's not what God does to us you know when we were forgiven by God says he separated as far as the East is from the West yet separate us from our sins he caught cats and by his back they're in the sea of God's forgetfulness you know we could bring up those old sins to God be like I don't know what you're talking about that's how much God's forgotten them you know they're under the blood and when somebody pays their dues when somebody's you know pay back their debt it should be forgotten and that applies not just to the judicial system but even when in church discipline you know when somebody's disciplined by the church according to 1st Corinthians 5 if they're guilty of the sins that are in there and they're kicked out from the church but then they get it right they should be welcomed back with open arms and it should not be mentioned under them again and that's that's a whole other sermon as well so God's way is cheaper it's biblical it's more humane and it's more effective go over to Proverbs 26 Proverbs 26 you say why does God command you to lie down before the judge and be beaten with the rod because it works because physical pain is a powerful deterrent you know some people in some cultures going to prison is a rite of passage it's not a deterrent right it's like oh when are you gonna be a man and go to prison like you know your daddy's and your uncle's and everybody else it's a it's a it's a point of pride for some people it's crazy to think that way but it's true the Bible says your province 26 says problem 10 to Proverbs 10 in the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding you know the foolish person the best thing that you could ever do to help them learn is to get a beating you know I mean that's not what it says about our children that the foolishness is bound to the heart of a child but the the rod of correction shall drive it far from him it's the same way even as adults when we when we do even more heinous crimes then you know push our sister or push our brother you know sisters they're guilty too right even when an adult does something worse you know he's saying beat them like you would any fool anyone that has foolishness bound in their heart physical pain is a powerful deterrent look there Proverbs 26 verse 3 a whip for the horse a bridle for the ass and a rod for the fool's back say that's so barbaric well they still whipping horses yeah you're seeing whipping the worst to get it to run faster are they still putting bridles and in the mouth of the ass of the mule of the horse yeah they're still doing that still works I wonder if that last one still works you know these are all effective we wouldn't call that barbaric but I guarantee you that if we start if this was implemented it would it would work yeah and there's still there's some countries and I probably should research that more that you do this I remember I don't know if it's still the case but I remember I don't know how long ago it was some kid was in I think Singapore we were just talking about how clean of a place Singapore is and he went out and he was on vacation some American tourists and he spray-painted he started just marking up the place graffiti and got arrested and they came the back of his legs they took a piece of bamboo and just whack right across the back of his legs I bet you that kid every time he saw a spray paint can he'd go to Ace Hardware just PTSD and everyone's all up in arms about it and Singapore's like we don't care right and they were like look how clean our city is because it works so go to Proverbs chapter 20 verse 30 Proverbs chapter 20 verse 30 Bible says in Proverbs 20 19 a servant will not be corrected by words you know some people are just the talking to is they gonna work for them you know I'm gonna go for the judge and be like well I'm gonna give you 15 years and you're gonna go sit and stew in the cell and you're gonna have to talk to your probation officer and yada yada yada you're gonna get a chewing out society's gonna look down you you know just just harsh talking to isn't gonna work you know what's he inferring there that something else will work the beating right Proverbs chapter 20 verse 30 the blueness of a wound cleanses away evil what's it talking about the blueness of the wound it's talking about a bruise you know that guy lays down and he gets hit with that he's not just gonna spring back up being like oh what about his business anyone who's ever gotten a spanking like that you know or beating like that knows when you have a board just injured in general you know if you ever gotten a real bad bruise somewhere I remember once and I was doing roofing I fell through I was walking along the sill plate and my foot caught a nail and I went through my feet went through the guys drop tile well I landed right here you know my my back parts on the guy's sill plate it was just like good and then I got a bruise like that big there was with me for a few days and guess what I thought about that stupid nail right I thought about what happened over and over you know this guy lays down he gets a beating before the judge for something that he did he's gonna think about it for a while he's gonna go home you know try to take the coat off you know you're stiff you're hurting you're in pain you're gonna think about what caused that why did I get beat oh because I did this so the next time you go to do that again you're gonna go is it worth the beating that I'll get right it works okay and anyone who's raising their children the way the Bible instructs us to knows that's the truth that when you start to discipline your children by spanking it works I mean people my you know my wife is getting compliments out all the time with the kids oh they're so well behaved they listen to you my wife will say come here and they come and people are just like how do you get them to do that oh your kids are so well behaved we say thank you they like that part they don't see everything that goes on at home they don't like that part well the Bible says to and God knows best and it's what works you know I didn't get it growing up you know we got a lot of yelling at you know and I'm not trying to you know put any of my parents down at all but we didn't get it like we should have and we got into a lot of trouble things you know then we probably wouldn't have done if we'd gotten the right way so that's what the Bible is teaching in Proverbs 20 verse 30 blueness of a wound cleanses the way evil so do stripes right that's like the beating the strike that it leaves on the back strut the stripes the inward parts of the belly it's not it's not just gonna affect the back it's gonna get in there where your emotions are and your logic isn't the inward person is going to be transformed they're going to be what cleansed of the evil that's in there so that's what the Bible teaches you know death finds or a shameful public meeting I mean it's not just the beating it's that it's being done in front of I mean I can't imagine anything more humiliating really I mean I probably could if I tried but it's a grown man having been forced to lie down before another grown man and let him just beat me with the rod I mean something's gone stare terribly wrong if I'm in that position right it's it's hard enough to get me to you know guy to use his turn signal on the freeway or get out of the way we're trying to get past him let alone you know get him to lay down in front of you and take the beating and it would probably come down to you don't lay down we're gonna force you down you know it's a shameful thing and it's effective it cleanses away the evil and it doesn't lead to with a problem the prison system has of well hopefully I say it right recidivism recidivism which is when people go out and make the same crimes that just got punished for you know they rescind back in their old ways right according to April 2011 report by the Pew Center in the States the average national recidivism rate for released prisoners is 43% almost half just go back out and do it again after a year how many years of prison then they just go back out and do it again according National Institute of Justice almost 44% of the recently released returned before the end of their first year out almost half come right back it's not working it's not cleansing away the evil it's not cleansing the inward parts of the belly about 68% of 405,000 prisoners released in 30 states in 2005 were arrested for a new crime within three years of their release from prison and 77% were released arrested within five years and by year nine that number reached 83% within a decade 83% of the people that were allowed these prisons are back 83% it doesn't work unless you're in it to make money you love those numbers if you are in prison you love those kind of rates if you're in it to make money and that's what they're there for it's not about reforming people but we got to move on we got we're only at verse 4 it says in verse 4 thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he tried it out the corn so this is kind of one of those verses that's just you know in there you got all these verses about you know what to do with the guy you know the beating they should receive how it's to be carried out and then just jumps to this and then it just moves on from there right so what is this here for it's it's symbolic in its purpose is what it is it's here's the thing it's not because God cares about the ox in fact that's that's what it tells us in the New Testament it's symbolic in its purpose so right out of the gate you know let me just dispel any notions in the room that God does not overestimate the worth of animals God does not overestimate the worth of an animal and we're living in society that just lifts animals up you know the dolphin free tuna I want to know what the dolphin tastes like but you know I believe the Bible does teach conservancy and all that but people today they're putting stupid bumper stickers on their car I like my dog better than you yeah and they're they mean it dogs because people suck excuse the crass language but that's what they I've seen that and they're elevating dogs and animals above people God doesn't then that's not what this verse is teaching you know this sympathy for the animal right that's how he's teaching I mean let's just think about let's just think about some of the ways God treated animals in the Bible and while you think about it you go over to Luke chapter 8 how about the first animal they skinned in Genesis for Adam and Eve when they put on the fig aprons it's like no no that's not gonna do your plant-based vegan you know your stupid hemp clothing he needs some leather right and we went out and skinned an animal how about the flood where he just drowns every animal save two or seven of the clean unclean except just with you they saved on the on the heart the fishes live people it wasn't an aquarium on the earth how about the Old Testament sacrifices yeah we're God just like bring these sacrifices continually and kill them before me and burn them how about when Jesus the sake of one demoniac sends the spirits into the swine and runs them off a cliff to drown in the sea chokes them in the sea the Bible says doesn't even hesitate doesn't even think about it you know the demons are like send us into the swine he's like well poor swine you know this piggy you know no one couldn't do that not peppy pig yeah he's like go and they ride violently down off the edge of the cliff and drown so there's you know there's a few instances where God just not even care about animals and this you know I was talking to somebody about this recently but I don't remember all the deep I just I just remember I expressed this at one point I said you know what I look at animals all I see are animated objects there it's like a chair that has a heart in it I'm dead serious that's how I view animals they're just things that God is animated you know it's no different than anything else in the world that's not human it's just some it's just an animated animated object it doesn't we say oh but it has feelings no that's you perceive that behavior as love towards you but that you know that same animal would love anybody that treated it the way you did didn't single you out you know give you those big eyes it's because you're feeding a bacon or whatever you go find the nastiest mutt alive and if you start eating a bacon every you know all the time it's gonna love you too all of a sudden you're gonna be its best friend so it's not like they have these certain feelings for certain people and animals experience this range of emotions like human beings they don't we just interpret it that way they say all that it loves me a dog is man's best friend no it's not there's a friend that's taken closer than a brother and his name is Jesus so you know God and I'm not against people having pets and lucky look I had a pet I had a dog that I grew up with you know I'm in gear to that dog I see other dogs are a mighty of it you know I get it you know we develop an emotional bond the animal doesn't it's just like it's no different and you know if you're all of a sudden your recliner you know grew eyes and ears and a tail or maybe horns you know right animals God is not over value overestimate the worth of animals what so okay well then what is it therefore I spent long enough explaining what Deuteronomy 25 verse 4 isn't about why is it there because it's symbolic and purpose and it's symbolic of the fact that the laborer is worthy of his higher he's saying look if the ox is busy doing work let him eat if he's grinding out the corn let him have some of the corn things while he's grinding up I started saying don't muzzle the ox and off of the ox while he grinded out the corn saying you know he should just only work and not enjoy the fruits of his labor he shouldn't have me partaker of the work that he's doing and he put that in there specifically I believe for to refer not only to those that minister in the New Testament look there Luke you're going to look a outreach from Luke 10 Jesus said into whatsoever house he entered first say peace be in this house and if the Son of peace be there your peace shall rest upon it if not it shall turn unto you but turn to you again and in the same house remain eating and drinking such thing as they give for the laborer is worthy of his higher go not from house to house he's saying look if you go to a house while you're out preaching the Gospels and they may receive you you know don't go to another house just stay there let your peace be upon it and let them take care of you as you go out and minister Luke chapter 8 look at verse 1 and it came to pass afterward that he went mrs. Jesus through every city and village preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities called from Mary called Magdalene out of him with seven devils and Joanna the wife of cuz up here it's a steward and Susanna and many others which did what which ministered unto him out of their substance so you say get his list of ladies as well as others that minister to him of their substance meaning they gave money they gave food they gave Raymond they gave a place to stay now is that because Jesus was some bum or was it because he was working and it says right there he's going throughout every city and village he's walking to all these different places and what's he doing he's preaching and preaching his work anyone it's gone out and done any soul when he knows that that you know you got a mustard up the courage to go knock on the door you know give it a few more months you'll see just how much work it is but it gets let's not even talk about it all right it's a little enjoyable yeah well you know it's work go out there and do that you know getting up writing the sermons preaching and delivering it you know that's all work and he's saying look he went up and did this and other people ministered unto him of their substance so either Jesus here is doing work or he's a violation of scripture because the Bible says the second festival means three that if any would not work neither should he eat now Jesus shouldn't be taking that food there that that substance that they're ministering if he's not working you should go get a job what is showing us is that what he was doing was working and he was laboring and the laborer is worthy of his hire and these things are considered labor you know the first four and Deuteronomy 25 is showing us that the labor is worthy of his hire and that what that minister should be paid by the local church you know well it's verse four what else is it about that's what it's about folks go over to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 he quotes it and exactly to that regard and you say well why you know and we don't have a problem here with this but you know there are some churches like the Mormon Church that doesn't pay them for the people that minister and those guys aren't worth their salt anyway because they're preaching damnable wise anyway but they brag about it well we don't pay our ministers well that's just another biblical belief that you have that just shows you know that's even more evidence that you don't understand scripture the first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7 who go with the warfare anytime in his own charges you know if you enlist in the army they're gonna be like we're glad you're here son I'll go buy a gun and come on back get yourself some boots and fatigues and a weapon you know no they're gonna supply all of that we want to work for any time it is charges who planned the vineyard even thought the fruit thereof who feed at the flock and eat it not the milk of the flock saying these things as a man or saith not the law the same also for it is written in the law of Moses thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn so why is that there did God take care for oxen no or saved it all together for our sakes for our sakes no doubt this is written that he that ploweth should plow in hope and he that thresh it in hope should be partaker of his hope jump down to verse 13 do you not know they which minister about the holy things live or the holy things of the temple so he's referring back to the Levitical priesthood saying look just in that the Old Testament the priests their job was to minister at the temple to receive the sacrifices to put them on the altar to minister about the tabernacle all the work that went into that picking it up putting it down cleaning it out all the ceremony that went on there that was their job full-time job that they were supposed to do and he's saying look they ministered there and they lived of those things that were brought to the temple then they that waited the altar are partakers with the altar even so meaning in the same way the Lord had ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel that's referring to you know the priesthood living off the tides and he's saying look in the same way they you know the preachers you know the pastors the deacons that the member levels that are employed by the church should live of the tides of the church that's what that's teaching and a lot of people want to argue with that today because here's there's there's so much you'll be very hard pressed to find a church that doesn't understand that I mean that's clear that's clear scripture right there for spending time and you'll be very hard pressed to find a church that doesn't believe that any church that's doing anything for God anyway that actually has a full-time staff or pastor so on and so forth that's getting something done you know you'll be hard to press to find that so as a result people who'd want to stay out of church they'll just say well you should they'll twist that doctrine and just say well tie these Old Testament and therefore any church that practices it is not it is not right and I'm not gonna go you just excuse yourself in the like ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of all churches that are out there because you're so spiritual if you figured out something that the vast majority of Christianity hasn't everybody else has got it wrong but you've got it right on the subject so that you can just sit at a church and feel spiritual about it that's what's going on about that you say oh you're just preaching that because you're the deacon and you're on staff look I made my mind up about this before I even knew who pastor Anderson was I made my mind up about tithing and I started doing that was one of the first things I did when I got saved someone show me that explain it I heard it preached I didn't say well I'll just wait till I'm on staff to agree with that so that's not the motive at all but you know that's what first steps with verse 4 is about I don't want to spend the rest of the night on that so let's move on look at verse 5 there's a lot here we gotta get through it he says if brethren dwell together and one of them die and have no child the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger her husband's brother shall go in unto her and take her to him to wife and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her and it shall be that the firstborn which which she parents shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead and that his name be not put out of Israel and if the man like not to take his brother's wife then let it and then let his brother's wife go to the gate of the elders under the elders and say my husband's brother refused to raise up unto his brother and named Israel he will not perform the duty of my my husband's brother then the elders the city shall call him and his brother's wife shall come into the presence of the elders and loose and loose his shoe from off his foot and spit in his face so she if he did not live up to this she's literally she's to take off his shoe and then spit in his face and that's one of the most insulting just just degrading things you can do to somebody is to spit in their face and God's saying do it saying it's it so he's saying look it's a shameful thing if a man will not perform the duty of a husband for it in his brother's stead unto his wife and raise up seed after him and he says uh and his name shall be called in Israel so he's gonna have a name right they're gonna nickname to the house of him that has his half his shoe loosed that's a mouthful you know there goes him that had the house of him that had the shoes you know but why what was the purpose of that so that guy would have to have that shame upon him everyone would know that's the guy that wouldn't you know was so cold-hearted towards his own brother that he would not perform this duty and he says uh when and then he goes on to verse 11 when men strive together one with another and the wife of the one put it drop here to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smite and so if the husband's losing and the wife's like well I'm not gonna let my man get big beat here so she goes in there to try and stick up for her man and it says and drug to deliver about it and him that's fine and put it forth her hand and take it them by the secrets now the secrets that's the part of a man's body that only a man has okay that's it and he taken them by the secrets then they'll cut off her hand and then I shall not pity her so I believe this bunch of verses are kind of all pointing towards one thing and that's the importance of a man having a heritage you know if the secrets are damaged you know that's the there goes your family life as the saying goes right that's what God is saying look I believe he's putting a premium on this he's putting the importance on the fact that a man should have heritage that a man should raise up children after him and that it's a it's not a good thing if I should have you stay in Proverbs but go back to Proverbs 22 if if your name is just forgotten from the earth he's saying in Proverbs go to Proverbs 22 verse 1 a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches go to Proverbs 17 I just read it Proverbs 17 you know it's good to have a good name you know and if you don't raise up godly children after you you know your name kind of goes away it disappears I mean yeah it's the world's never gonna recognize any of us we're never gonna go down you know I don't expect that you know they're gonna ask us to come put our hands in the walk of fame in Hollywood you know no one's gonna be carving my image next to George Washington and Mount Rushmore all right or any of us and I wouldn't want that you do that anyway but you know what my name will be remembered and that little blonde haired blue-eyed kid that sits up here who has the same name as me Corbin John wrestled the third right well it's not because we're you know English monarchs or something you know it's because he's the third one in a row right so that's kind of the purpose behind that you know and that I did that you know my dad asked me to do that you know I was named after him you named your son after me so I did that and so the purpose being that that name will continue and we'll think about you know within our family a lot of other people won't know who Corbin John Russell is but within my family you know they will they'll think about oh there was this Corbin John wrestling and before him there was that one and the memory will live on so what that's what he's showing I believe that's what he's showing us here you know in saying that a brother should raise up seed unto his deceased his dead brother by taking his brother's wife to him and not leaving her desolate in the process but taking her unto him and raising up a seed and the firstborn being named after him and not himself you know he could name the next one after him but and then the part about you know the woman that taketh him by the secrets having her hand cut off you know showing us that that's a valuable thing to a man to raise up seed after him to have that ability so we should desire to have our neighbor our name we should desire as men to have our remembrance you know carry on beyond our own lives you know we should desire as men that our children will look back on us fondly and tell stories about us and even our grandchildren you know if we live long enough that but that's our desire you know that they will call us fondly and tell stories you mean I hear people talk about their grandparents often well not often but you know I do hear that from time to time people talk telling stories about how their grandpa was this guy or that I mean pastor Anderson's a great example just last night in his sermon you know he's talking about how how his great his grandfather was known as this great soul winner that was known for winning our cases to the Lord I mean that's a good that's something I want for myself one day and I want my my grandchildren to look back and say oh my you know my great-grandpa Corbin you know he was a deacon at a Baptist Church and you know he led a church that knocked every door in the city of Tucson amen that's a great heritage that's something that I'd be like yeah and you all would be able to say yeah we hope to do it right and your kids would say that about you yeah he was a faithful member in a church and he wants souls to the Lord and did a great work for God he taught me this about the Bible he taught me this about the Bible and he showed me the way how to live for God that's a goodly heritage that's what we should want you know it's important that men have that you know it's sad when a man dies and he doesn't have any heritage it's unfortunate and we think about Absalom right I mean he was a wicked enough guy to begin with but one of the worst things about his life is the fact that it when it says in 18 and second 10 18 when he died and now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself he did it for himself a pillar nobody else put it up in his honor he did it and he reared up a pillar which is in the Kings Dale for he said I have no son to keep my name in remembrance and he called the pillar after his own name so he has no son to keep his name in remembrance so he sets up this pillar and calls it after his own name so that somebody would remember something about him and it is called unto this day Absalom's place but you want I wonder how many people took note of that pillar and for how long I mean they probably I mean it's the word in Bible the Bible we would never even know about it I mean how long do you think it took how many generations had to go by to someone what was that filler about again I can't remember I don't remember I don't know was something about some guy some and what was his name ever ever ever had a kid right it's forgotten that's a sad I mean he was bad enough guy to begin with but what a sad ending his life too you know the Bible says in Proverbs 17 where you are look at verse six children's children are the crown of old men and the glory of children of the children are their fathers it says that having grandchildren that's a crown unto an old man and that's an accomplishment it's saying if you raise up children and then those children go out and they have children you know and that's that's a crown upon an old man's head I mean I'm gonna take my time to get in there I'm in a rush you know but I look I prayed that one day I experienced that before I pass off this earth and go to be with the Lord that I get to see my grandchildren I think that'd be amazing I mean it'll probably bring a tear in my eye to see that first grand need to be born this that's something special so that's what I believe you know Deuteronomy 5 through 12 is kind of showing us there you know why is God putting these laws in place it's important for a man to have a heritage it's important for a man to be remembered we say well why does it we're going to heaven we're gonna live forever you know well it's because of the fact that those that are gonna come after you need to follow in your example you should want to set that example for them you know we so the best way to have a heritage that's gonna remember you and think upon you fondly you know is to lead them by example you know set the example for them and then they will follow in your footsteps you know and they'll think back on you and say wow you know what my grandpa did this my dad did this he's the one that taught me this he's the one that showed me how to do win souls and took me on this soul winning trip and that soul winning trip and you know he took me out soul winning every week and showed me how to win souls to Christ and I saw him you know with just all kinds of different people and and just set that good example the best way to make sure that your name is remembered and thought on is to lead by example and to serve the Lord go ahead and turn over to uh well just to turn back to do it or I'm not to turn to an old fool wrap it up here but the Bible says in Psalm 16 the Lord is the portion of my inheritance and up my cup thou maintainest my lot the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places yay I have a godly heritage you know the world can give you a lot of things the world has a lot to offer when it comes to material things they can give you money they can give you possessions they can give you fame they can give you pleasure they can give you all these things but they can't give you a good heritage they can't give you a line of people that are going to remember you you know that's why these people get you know they want to be immortalized in film or something like that you know these these actors and things like that are these recording artists they think oh I'll be remembered for eternity no you won't you know people what are they gonna remember you for some sleazy movie some dirty song you know you're just gonna be a jingle at some point in the world's eyes but do you think that some godly man that raises up a righteous need that follows after him is gonna have that problem but the people are gonna think about him and not hold them in regard and not hold them in high esteem so you know the world can give you a lot of things but they can't give you a god-fearing sea that comes after you only you can provide that and the Lord of course but we're the only we as men we're the only ones that can provide that for ourselves and we have to do that by leading through example go ahead and look at verse 13 we'll get down here it says thou shalt not have thy bag in thy bag diverse weights a great and a small thou shalt not have in thine house diverse measures a great and a small but thou shall have a perfect and just weight a perfect and just measure and shalt thou have that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee so what he's talking about is you know don't have a false balance you know when you're weighing out you know they would trade and they would this is how they exchange goods you know to get so many I don't know what the what you know so many Ephah there's so many shekels or whatever you know they're saying well let's put in the scale you've got some trick scale it's like the double-headed coin I'll flip you for it you know you don't know this it's a head on both sides of heads I went again how does he do it you know it's a trick and God's saying don't don't have that kind of thing going on and you know maybe you want to be perfect you want to do what's right you want to have integrity in business is what he's teaching here we want people to try to cut corners of business and look it's getting bad people are doing this all the time people are trying to you know skimp skimping a lot of money scam out of money you know get cheaper product charge them more than they should you know you know get down the end it's like oh it's time to fill up the invoice let me just tack on a few extra hours that didn't actually work no that's a false balance you know we don't have literal skills today but we have things that are equivalent to it you know and people should be should be they have integrity in their business feelings you know anything well I just need to make a little extra money what's it gonna hurt you know they'd be willing to pay it anyway what does it matter well it's because God sees it you know God says that he doesn't want that and if you'll do it right he says that died days will be lengthened in the land which Lord that God giveth you know God's gonna bless the guy he looks down he says he's got his business feelings are right he has integrity God's gonna bless that guy maybe you're not gonna make all that money in that job that you could have by kind of you know fudging things a little bit but when you have integrity God's just gonna make sure that there's a there is a next job and maybe that jobs gonna even be even better you know maybe the margins will be better on the next job maybe God will bless you with that I mean how long is it gonna take to put yourself out of business if work gets around hey this guy's a crook you know people that you know people try to make all their money at once by taking somebody's head off and they're like well I'm never gonna deal with that guy again you know you want the return customer but notice again in this verse what's interesting he says in verse 16 for all that do such things and all that do and righteously are an abomination under the Lord my God you didn't say they commit abomination he said they are so whenever you see God you know the Bible pointing out the fact that it's not just the sin that's abomination but the sinner that's an abomination we should probably take careful note to never be guilty of this when God says all that do such things are an abomination it's not just the act that God is disgusted by it's the person that he's calling the abomination do you see that there you say those that do it are an abomination look at verse 17 remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way when you're come forth out of Egypt how he met thee by the way it smote the hindmost of me even all that were feeble behind me when thou was faint and weary and feared not God so this guy's wicked you know he's coming on his pick on the weak he's picking on the the feeble and he's and why because he has no fear therefore it shall be when the Lord thy God hath given thee rest from all that enemies run about in the land which the Lord thy God give thee for an inheritance to possess it that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of the Amalek from under heaven thou shall not forget it you say you're not gonna say oh well you know I understand you Amalekites that was another generation you say no there's no there's a punishment for what you did it doesn't matter when it comes you know and that's something you America should probably take you to in fact it's probably too late we've been going around picking on the weak and picking on those that are faint and weary for a long time you know just bombing people from afar you know just taking advantage of people that are can't defend themselves against our military superiority you know that's been going on since the foundation of this country I mean there's just a history of that of this bloody oppression on the part of our country and you know what God's not gonna forget it guys that's gonna say all it was those people walking along oh you know the Iraq war and all that you know you know the bombings over there that you guys did you know building your empire and that was another generation God's gonna remember it okay God brings it back he avenges the weak God doesn't just let the innocent you know I don't want to say that service they're just weak defenseless people be oppressed and just go well it's too bad God keeps track of it and God keeps the tally and God repays he says vengeance is mine save the board so we should be afraid to afflict those that God will defend you know be afraid to afflict somebody you know here's here's the bottom line don't be a bully you know just because you're you know tougher bigger and badder it doesn't give you the right just go around pick on weak people and we should we should not do that because who's gonna ultimately stick up for people like that God and how is he gonna do it by putting us down by pressing them but the impression of the poor for the sign of the needy now will I arise save the Lord I will set him in safety from him that puppeted him you know God's gonna protect them the wicked have it coming you know sometimes we feel like that we feel like well we're the ones that are getting picked on you know we're the weak we're the oppressed we're the poor we're the ones that can't defend our the wicked prosper you know the wicked are there their eyes stand out with fatness you know they have no want of anything and it just seems like that everything their life just goes so well we're the you know we're trying to live a godly life and we're the ones that are struggling we're the ones that can't get by we're the ones that are having to deal with you know but you know the government trying to come down and we don't have it that bad yet but it's coming you know we we start to worry fret but the Bible says in Psalms 37 rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him fret not thy self of him who oppresseth in his way because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass cease from anger and forsake wrath fret not thyself any wise to do evil you know you know don't repay evil with evil why for evildoers shall be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord they shall inherit the earth you know these wicked men that are oppressing and ruling and waging war and hate God and hate God's people and promoting wickedness and filth that are just prospering they're going to be cut off one day and who's gonna inherit the earth that they covet the meek the meek shall inherit the earth verse 10 for yet a little while God calls it a little while and we look at human history and all just how it just seems like every it's just a long line of like a Chris oppressive dictatorship after oppressive dictatorship just genocide after genocide just innocent blood upon innocent blood just throughout all of human history God says forget a little while forget a little while and the wicked shall not mean you say look it's not gonna be long you won't even know those people won't even exist they'll be gone hey though shall did diligent consider its place it shall not be but the meek shall inherit the light and inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace so it's kind of you know a reminder there at the end about the fact that God you know he sticks up for the downtrodden that God you know remembers the oppression of those that cannot defend themselves you know and we could take open that as well you know we could be warned by that and we can also be comforted by that fact that God protects the weak so you know rather than just getting caught up and trying to cast our lot with the wicked you know who are doomed you know who in a little while they won't even be won't even see their place you know let's set the example let's be as shining lights in a crooked and perverse nation as the Bible says and we'll wait for the day when true justice will be delivered when you know these are these oppressive systems like prisons that man is set up will no more be you know in the meantime let's just live a godly life that's not fret ourselves at any wise through evil well let's just focus on setting a good example those that are going to come after us so we can have that goodly care goodly heritage let's go ahead and pray