(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Title of the sermon tonight is beauty is vain beauty is vain of course in Proverbs chapter 31 This is a great list of of attributes that ladies should aspire to have Now I will say this about this chapter This is something that is set up as a type of a bar to try and achieve I mean the woman that's being described here is a great woman and these are things that I think sometimes ladies that are in church They read this and they they think oh I'm doing this but I'm falling short here And they feel like they have to accomplish all these things This is a I think put in here as again as a standard to try and achieve But it's not something that everybody's always going to just have down pat It's something to aim for basically is what I'm saying, but it says there at the end it says in verse 29 many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excel ist them all Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that fear at the Lord She shall be praised now obviously when you read chapter chapter Proverbs 31 And you're going to preach on beauty being vain you know that's typically a sermon that you would preach for women, but you know Let's just get it right out get it right out in the open even today There's a lot of men that are just obsessed with their looks. I mean it's it's gotten ridiculous So it's like now even we have to preach the men that you know obsessing about your looks Is vain and this is something that that that men are falling into more and more You know they're constantly worried about how they look they're prepping and preening They're making sure all the the clothes match they have to have the ensemble put together before they walk out the door I mean I had friends like this growing up I mean he would take longer than my wife does to go anywhere We'd be it would like be like an hour of him Just you know making sure the right cologne on and all the clothes match And you have to stand in front of the mirror make sure the hat was just so before he walked out the door and It was actually you know what it is is it's a feminine You know a man that it sits there and spends so much time on his looks is an effeminate quality Men should not be so obsessed with their looks Not so obsessed making sure everything matches now This is where wives come in great for guys like me because I managed to walk out the door and something that looks like Okay, somebody helped him do that You know he he matches and one of you know one of the things about you know I'll tell you about my wife one of the things that actually attracted her to me is The fact that I had no fashion style whatsoever. I had no clue how to dress at all You should see the picture that she had of me when she was when she was crushing on me She'd taken this photo when I was working on the bus route I'm coming off the bus and I'm standing next to my pastor and his son and she takes this picture I mean my hair is just completely out and like it's just all puffy You know how my hair gets when I don't when I don't cut I mean the stuff on the next like coming around got like a neck scarf practically going, you know This is me as a single guy. This is the guy she's attract I'm shocked to people a you know what I mean? And I mean, I'm wearing that I've got the tweed suit coat on with the leather The leather elbows, you know and the one guy in church would always mock me and say hey professor. How you doing? I'm like, what are you talking about? He just laughed at me it wasn't I figured I was like a professor's jacket for reading, you know And then I had the vest the woolen tweed vest underneath of it And even that didn't match the the coat and the khaki pants that were too small So, you know the pockets start to kind of flare out like that They get the little crimp because that's that's how you know, you're that's how I figured out lots means Your pants are too small when your pockets start to do that one shoe in the photo. I'm not kidding. It's literally untied You think I'm joking it's the truth and that's what was on her nightstand or whatever in her mom's house And you know that was that was the man of her dreams, you know And after we started dating I asked her about that I said, why did you choose that photo because it's embarrassing It makes a good sermon illustration now, but it was embarrassing at the time And she said cuz I looked at you because she was a hairstylist for years So she was used to these guys that were always coming in and had to you know The pretty boys that had to just have everything just so and she's like I took one look at you and I knew You had you were not that kind of guy And I was like, yeah, that's obvious. I Mean my fashion style is go find something that fits like this Like you'll notice in all the YouTube videos blue shirt every time the only thing that changes is the tie I had someone type like how many times do you preach in a day? Someone commented? I'm like I own several of the same shirt You're like, oh like man this guy just preaching constantly how many times is he preaching a day like no I own five of these Okay, five of these shirts five of these pants one suit coat, you know, it's one last thing I have to think about because I'm not I'm not you know obsessed by you know, shocker. I'm not obsessed about my looks You know, I don't care. Well if people are gonna say, you know examine my attire and say well that isn't that clashes You know, that's not in style. I don't care because I'm not a feminine Because I'm a man and that's something, you know when we start preaching about Beauty being vain unfortunately, even today we have to bring it up and say look man, you know be a man Don't get so obsessed about your looks Now obviously, you know, they should at least make sure this is you know, comb the hair and walk out You know, that's that's pretty much how I comb the hair just real quick and then we're done. We can walk out We don't want to walk out looking like total slobs obviously, but I'm just saying there's some guys out there They're just they're just way into fashion They're just spending way too much time worrying up, you know, making sure everything is name-brand They're getting it from the catalog making sure everything, you know Got to get the designer shoes and the the right everything and put have a little ensemble put together It's an effeminate attribute men should not have shoe closets Okay, that's for women and either you know, even then even the women, you know who just obsessed with fashion, you know, it's vain Beauty is vain. That is what the Bible says that if you're just obsessed with beauty If you're just obsessed with having a look you're spending your life on vanity It's meaningless. It's gonna go away. It's not gonna have any eternal value whatsoever So if you look here in Proverbs chapter 31 actually go over to 2nd Kings chapter 9 2nd Kings chapter 9 You keep something in 2nd Kings chapter 9 I'm gonna add something in here real quick that I had before the service go over to Ecclesiastes chapter 7 Ecclesiastes chapter 7 You know people today get so obsessed with just trying to hide their flaws you know and people are you know, so worried about what everybody else is going to think about how they look and You know Here's the thing about having flaws whether it's a physical flaw or you know people have Speech flaws in their speech sometimes or they have even disabilities or there's something wrong with them and every one of us You know has something wrong, you know Every one of us might have some kind of a physical flaw in our life And here's what I want us to understand is that having physical flaws or any flaw really is something that'll actually make you a better person People that have it all all going for them, you know, they're just the best-looking. They're just have all the money They just everything comes easy into them. They usually grow up to be rotten people Because they can't sympathize with anybody. They don't have any humanity because that they're just why I look good. I've got all this They just have all this advantage and they just think why doesn't everybody else? Now obviously that's not always the case people can you know? Be all that and still be good people but often it does ruin people So don't don't get so obsessed about trying to hide your flaws or or obsessing about it or trying to cover it up or making? Sure, nobody else notices some flaw that you might have because that flaw that you might get picked on about or teased over might actually be What God uses to make you a better person? Look at Ecclesiastes chapter 7 look at verse 1. It says a good name is better than precious ointment You know more better than you know Having the the the right cologne or the right perfume or having the right scent is to have a good name You know, maybe that guy doesn't smell the best but man. He's a good guy You know, maybe he maybe he's not the best-looking guy, but you know, he's somebody that I can confide in He's somebody that can I can trust he's somebody that's gonna be there. He's a good person. He's a good man It says a good name is better than precious ointment and the day of death and one of one's birth It is better to go to the house of mourning to the go to the house of feasting For that is the end of all men and the living will lay it to his heart. Look it's vanity I mean, that's what Ecclesiastes is all about vanity of vanities sayeth the preacher And the Bible says that beauty or an obsessing about beauty is vanity. And why is that? Because the end of all men is to go to the house of mourning. The end of all men is death And look, I don't care how good-looking you might think you are today. But when you get old, you're not gonna be good-looking Everyone starts out good-looking and then it's just you know So it's vanity to sit there obsess about something I'm gonna just sit here and try and improve on something that I didn't even do anything to achieve I'm just gonna sit here and try to just obsess and make my life all about and prove something That's just gonna continually go downhill my looks I didn't do anything to earn them except be born and then you just make your life all about that and It's something that's just gonna get harder and harder to maintain something It's gonna get farther and farther away until one day you're gonna wake up and you know What you're gonna you're gonna go the way of all the earth and you're gonna get wrinkly and old and gray And that's that that is the end of all men Look at verse 3. It says sorrow is better than laughter sorrow is better than laughter and that's what the Bible says for by the sadness of the countenance of the heart is The heart is made better by the sadness for by the sadness of the countenance. The heart is made better He's saying look it's better to to to mourn and to weep and to be sorrow and to be sorrowful And To always be happy to always be laughing and to have everything to go just go perfectly in your life Because by that the countenance of your heart is made better You are made better by suffering and whenever we go through things in life that are hard and difficult Or even tragic or we have some kind of a flaw or there's something they're always picked on about You know We should thank God for that because that's gonna be the thing that God uses to make you a better person That's something that God is going to use to change the countenance of your heart and make you better You know since I'm kind of picking on myself already, I'll just continue in that vein You know, not only was I poor dresser. I Was also as skinny as a rail up to the time I was about 25 and now I know that's hard to believe right Thanks, I Deserve that It's true though, I was about to the time I was about right about I turned 25, you know metabolism changes But I was like a hundred and sixty one hundred seventy pounds same height I'm not gonna tell you what I weigh today. Okay, but when I was growing up, you know It's just a real skinny kid and my dad. My nickname was toothpick Hey toothpick, come here. Hey toothpick. I mean all the way through my teen years everything. It was just toothpick You know that used to bother me, you know, and people used to make comments man. You're so skinny Why don't you put some muscle on and and whatever, you know, and I used to used to bother me But you know then then apparently something changed. I went from toothpick to like bowling pin, I guess So, but you know what that being called that and going through that and being picked on and being teased You know, it made me more like it made me a better person, you know, I'm not trying to brag on myself But now when I see other people kind of you know That are shy about their appearance or they feel like they're getting picked on, you know I can I can you know sympathize with that person and I'm less likely to do that to somebody else except for Adam, you know Cuz he can take it we go back and forth, you know I don't I'm less likely to pick on people that are sensitive about things, you know I'm not gonna go around mocking people for their physical appearance because I've been through that, you know Maybe that's why God let me grow up a toothpick and turn into a bowling pin, you know To try and you know, keep me humble But if you would go back to 2nd Kings chapter 9 because again the title of sermon is beauty is vain So we're just talking about the vanity of beauty and and typically this is something that that deals more with women because women You know, they they're more concerned with their looks typically than men are And so I just want to kind of talk about this tonight and just and look at a couple things but It said there in Proverbs 31 that that favor is deceitful You know when people are favored because of their looks they can become deceitful people they can actually use Their good looks to to fool people and to confuse people and to to flatter people even But it says there that favors deceitful and beauty is vain so having good looks is something that deceitful people can actually use to their advantage and You know, you'll see this with women women will use their good looks to kind of you know get an advantage over people this this does happen and I think a great example of this is You know in 2nd Kings there the woman Jezebel Now there's another example. We won't look at you know, Delilah, you know who brought down the mighty Samson You know if we all know that story, I don't think Samson went looking for an ugly woman I think he went looking for a good-looking woman. I think Delilah was probably very nice to look at I don't know how she dressed and all that March, but she seduced him, you know, and she used her favor She used her beauty to what be deceitful and to bring down a mighty man of God You know in 2nd Kings chapter 9 If you if you know who Jezebel is in the scripture, she's a wicked woman the wife of Ahab Who did many terrible things in Israel? But it says in second second Kings chapter 9 verse 30 when Jehu came to Jezreel And I remember who Jehu was he was anointed by Elijah To go to to go in and to you know Bring the wrath of God and vengeance upon the house of Ahab and he did that and this is probably you know Maybe it maybe I'm a little macabre up here But this is probably one of my more favorite stories whenever I read this I just especially this section Because Jezebel had it coming. I mean she's trying to kill Elijah. She's turning Israel over the prophets of Baal. She's a wicked woman I mean we read about her this morning right where she went and killed a Naboth right Naboth Naboth's vineyard She brought out that she brought in the sons of Belial and she had him bear false witness and had an innocent man killed So her husband could grow some herbs somewhere. This is a wicked woman. Okay, so she's got what's coming here in this passage And it says in verse 30 and when Jehu was come to Jezreel after he's just cleaning house You know Jezebel heard of it and she painted her face So this is the she's hers that old J who's coming and he's gonna he's cleaning house he's gonna wreck You know, she's he's bringing he's just gonna wreck some people cuz that's what he's been on. He's on the warpath So what does she do? Does she put ashes on her head and get some burlap on and try to repent? No, she paints her face And that's interesting. She painted her face. It's talking about she put on makeup and Tired her head and looked out at a window now. Here's the thing about makeup You know, I think this is like a personal standard people can wear whatever kind of makeup they want But here, you know, here's the thing about makeup. You got to be careful with it You know ladies and that shouldn't apply to any men If it is, you know, there's the door Here's the thing, you know You know, I get that ladies want to doll themselves up and make themselves look nice and I think that's you know Every man has to decide what he wants his wife to do or what every man is gonna let allow what his daughters are gonna Do in this area, but the one word of advice is this don't you know, what would have that song go? You better go light on the powder and the paint or you'll end up looking like something you ain't You know, and that's the truth You know you put on all the makeup to cover everything up, you know My wife used to wear makeup and and she she was you know, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this I probably should have asked her Poor lady she goes through so much for having me up here Hey, I've been picking on me. She can share a little bit in my agony, right? Because you know ladies they have what's called blemishes this is a term I've learned okay, we all know what a blemish is if you've if you're a later you've you've been married to one and She would she'd say hey, I don't want to wear all this gaudy makeup Can I but it's okay if I just you know cover my blunts like that's fine with me. Go ahead you know and What she found those when she actually quit using the makeup is the blemishes went away I mean irony of ironies when you actually quit wearing makeup, you don't need it anymore. I Don't know where I'm going with all that but it's worth noting right there that this woman Jezebel who was wicked the first thing she thought of when she realized that God was gonna bring the hammer down was painting her Face why because she's trying to be deceitful she's trying to win people over with her beauty and Tired her head. I mean she's she's doing up her hair and then she goes to the window and as J Who entered in at the gate? She said had Zimri peace who slew his master And I love his response and he lifted up his face to the window and said who is on my side who he doesn't even Respond to her. He just goes. All right, who is on my side who? Right and they're looked out the out to him two or three eunuchs and he said throw her down This is a great. I'm gonna read it. It's good. I love the story Throw her down So they threw her down and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses and he trode her underfoot So she's coming. She's like, oh I got him right where I want him She's got herself all dolled up had Zimri peace who slew his master You know, she's just noodle necking up there and he doesn't even respond. He just says who's on my side Oh, we are throw her down and then when she just splat Blood goes everywhere and he just trode her underfoot. I mean who needs all these Hollywood movies. This stuff's great. This really happened This is good stuff people. He's a all the Bible so crude You know what? You like it plainer than that on your television. Yeah, you like it plainer that at the movie theater Oh the Bible so crude, you know, whatever, you know, go watch another blow him up blood and guts horror movie So he said so he then he just trod her underfoot He's like not only is she just dead splattered all over the pavement. He's just like run over her with the chariot And when he was coming he did eat and drink. I mean the guy just Didn't even have it didn't even bother him a bit Runs her right over why cuz she's a wicked woman and she had it coming And he said go now this go see now this cursed woman and barrier for she is a king's daughter and they went to barrier and They found no more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands Wherefore they came again and told them and he said this is the word of the Lord which he spake by the servant Elijah The Tishbite saying in the portion of Jezreel shall the dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel and the carcass of Jezebel shall be as dung Upon the face of the field in the portion of Jezreel So that they shall say not they shall say so they shall not say this is Jezebel I mean that was the end of that wicked woman and she went out looking pretty good and she went out She was all dolled up, but it didn't do it again. What she was trying to do was be deceitful Because favor and beauty is deceitful and people will use this to their advantage And you know, it's unfortunate because our culture puts emphasis on women being physically attractive above everything else above everything else The objectification of women is what our culture teaches and they say a woman has no worth other than the way she looks That's our culture Cannot get an amen that's the way it is They put an emphasis on a woman being attractive rather than a woman being godly Rather than a woman being a 30 Proverbs 31 woman What they want a woman to be is this this this preconceived notion of beauty they want women to have a certain figure and half a certain look and act a certain way and If they're not that then they're of no worth, you know, and you know what that's not God's standard God's standard is not the way you look because that's vanity God's standard is your character your heart your spirit your service to God your the way you live your life things that have lasting real value That's where God puts the emphasis You know our culture puts it in a completely wrong place The Bible says as a jewel of gold and a swine snout so is a fair woman, which is without discretion I mean that verse has always stuck with me for a very long time You know when I was starting to look for you know, cuz when I was single, you know And I was kind of looking for a wife and wanting to know what to look for. I Made sure that you know now obviously I've said fairly well because I got a beautiful wife. I Did you know and but I made sure I said look that's not gonna be the determining factor now I think you should probably marry somebody that you're attracted to You should and you know, that's because that's a big part of marriage but I'm just saying this that that is not the most important thing in life and And women that are just gonna be all about their looks and leave off everything else there it's like putting us it's like it's like a it's like a swine putting a jewel of gold in its nose and forgetting about the rest of itself Forgetting about you know Everything else all the other ugliness and and and and the filth that it wallows in and all the other Character flaws and everything else that it has and it's just worried about the fairness the beauty It's like a pig just you know like oh making sure that they have this this little jewel of gold in its nose and Not only that but you know another way you could look at that verse is that it's kind of a waste It's kind of a waste and it'd be great if you had you know That had the beauty and the character, you know, you had the jewel of gold instead of a swine, you know He had that jewel of gold somewhere where it belongs So, you know, we should not put the emphasis like the cult like our culture does on women be on beauty only But women should seek to be godly. They should seek to be holy go over to 1st Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3 That's What that jewel of gold in a swine snout is it's women trying to decorate Something ugly they're trying to make up for something else that's lacking poor character a Lack of godliness a lack of the attributes that the Bible teaches we should have that lady should have Look at 1st Peter chapter 3 and you know who can blame them because they're I mean the the culture pushes that and they're being taught from just little girls What what what really matters by the world? They're not teaching them that you know that they're certainly not telling them to be subject to their husbands Unless something's changed out there, but I'm certain that's not the case anymore You know feminism is just running amok. He says here in 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 1 Likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands That if any obey not the word They also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise now You just you'd lose people right there go preach that at ASU Go preach that on some college campus somewhere that women are to be subject to their own husbands you get run out of town on a rail and Women they they bucket that I've known women I have no pastors who's told me that they've gone to passages like that where it says women are to obey their own husbands And they walk right up the pastor said oh, yeah, I blocked I scratched that right out of my Bible Say look what I did preacher I took a black marker, and I went because I don't like that well shame on you That's too bad You know you're gonna You know what you are probably trying to do is you're probably gonna go home and put a jewel of gold on a swine snout instead of trying to actually live what the Bible says You're gonna. You're gonna try and you know it's actually take care of what really needs to be dolled up and decorated You're gonna just emphasize on everything that doesn't matter looks beauty vanity He says wise be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word They also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise While they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of Plating the hair and of wearing of gold and of putting on of apparel He's saying don't let the adorning in your life be everything. That's external Ladies don't make your life everything about just what can be seen with the eye Don't get obsessed with beauty because it's vanity But let it be the hidden man of the heart That's what ladies should be that's because that's not vanity when ladies are actually trying to adorn the inner man in Christ Because that then that which is not corruptible that's what's going to last that's what's going to carry on through eternity You know and and ladies have a hard time with some of this stuff sometimes But you know, there's a reward for the all this And I think there's gonna be a lot of godly women who did their did their part scripturally obeyed the Word of God They're gonna get to heaven and outshine a lot of men They're gonna shout out shine probably a lot of preachers Because it takes a lot to do that takes a lot of humility It takes a real spirituality to actually practice this He's saying look let it be the hidden man in the heart which is in which is that in that which is not corruptible even The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price The Bible says that when a woman has a meek and quiet spirit the world would mock at that the world would laugh and say oh You're a doormat Obey your husband Girl it's it's it's a new world. Yes, we can That's What they'd say they'd laugh at you if you said well, what do you want to do? What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be I want to be subject to my own husband and have a meek and quiet spirit. Oh, you're so oppressed That's what the world would tell you Well, what God says is it's a great price It's invaluable. You can't put a number on it So We should you know ladies need to get get make sure that you know, they're not spending their life in vanity Trying to just you know adorn everything that's external Now I'm not saying they have to you know, you know, stop doing their hair and putting on something nice Every every you know, all the ladies don't need to show up next church service. Just hair some mass And they're like, oh, I'm just adoring the inward man, brother, you know Just completely let everything go I'm not saying that I get it, you know, everyone think and when you preach this they all think Oh, you just want me to wear some little house on the prairie dress or something Do you know you can still be it godly you dress like a godly woman and still look nice and still be you know fashionable And I remember my wife she struggled with that when she first started getting in church She said I can't wear in some of these dresses that some of these ladies wear like the grandma floral prints and everything Some people can pull it off my wife wasn't into it Then she met some ladies that kid that wore, you know, some some nice stuff Some hip stuff whatever you want to call it. I don't know and she realized look you could it's not It's not one extreme of the other that you can dress like a godly young woman and that you can you know It's still ordained the inward the inward man, you know and not look like you just are like you're going to doubt on the Oregon Trail You know So what should women do who want to ordain the inward man if there's ladies out there today, you know that one or You know ordain the inward man They say, you know I agree with you that you know, all of the external is just vanity and I'm tired of just spending my life chasing vanity Something that just keeps fleeing away from me Year after year, it gets harder and harder to just you know, try to make myself Look the certain way and just spend your life chasing beauty, which is vanity Where which where do I start I agree with you Well, he says there. Likewise ye wives, you know, and this would apply obviously to the ladies that aren't saying that aren't married You know marriage would be a good start, you know, find a godly man and get married be in subjection You know that takes that's an adorning of the inward man being in subjection to your own husband's May let him rule the house and call the shots and be the boss You know, and again, I preach I've already preached on this recently about man, you know men need to do that That's a great responsibility and if men fail to do that, you know late if you can't really blame a woman for You know filling that vacuum You say oh she's running the house. Yes, she is. But maybe that's because the man isn't what he needs to be Because somebody's got a lead somebody has to and if the man's not gonna do it the woman will step up and do it It's really not her fault Now that's not always the case someone, you know, sometimes the women they they're gonna rule no matter what You know, they're just they're just gonna put their foot down and a real man would put a stop to that You say how how you know, well, that's another sermon If you don't know then look any real man knows how okay But he says be in subjection. It takes humility, right? That's an ordain Adorning of the inward man ladies That's not vain the world might mock at it The world might scoff and call you a doormat or whatever, but God says that's by sight. That's a great price Chased conversation, you know learn what is appropriate You know learn how to say what's appropriate and not say inappropriate things Have a chase conversation. I Mean today and people talk it's like people are just they just talk about anything and everything they want to anymore it's like it seems like just some subjects are just No holds barred and you know, I'm just gonna say it I don't think it's been a problem here, but I it has happened and it never should it's a little preventative maintenance right now You know bedroom talk is not proper conversation even between ladies ever You say who would ever do that it happens That kind of talk should never take place among men or women That's a very private thing. That's a very You know that that should be kept between husband and wife And if you if you ever hear somebody talking like that, you should rebuke them sharply and say I don't want to hear that You keep that to yourself chaste conversation Learn what is appropriate to say and what it isn't that's an ordain. That's an adorning of the inward man Meek and quiet spirit, you know learn learn to let your husband be your voice. Oh Yeah There I said it, you know, let your husband speak up for you. Let him lead Adorning the hidden man It's a lot easier to doll up the outward though, isn't it? The world's not gonna mock you for that The world's not gonna ridicule you if you spend your whole life just chasing vanity and ordaining the outward man They're gonna say good job. That's the way to do it right there. You you show them you go girl That's what they're gonna say And you know and if people do that why cuz that's easier. That's the easy way To just doll everything up now. I know it looks like I struggle Right, but that's the truth. That's the ease that would be the easy path, you know, let me just invest in the outward It's a lot harder at to adorn the inward man But it's also much more valuable and quite frankly it makes you a much more beautiful person You see some ladies that you know, you see some ladies she's you know Just some babe just some good-looking woman and I often I'll think myself. I wonder what she's like to talk to you. I Wonder if you could stand 30 seconds with her. I Wonder what you know what she's read lately. I Wonder how deep the intellect really goes there? You Know here's what ladies that need to ask themselves whose eye do you want to catch? Whose eye or do you want to catch tonight? You want to catch the world's eye? You want to catch some stranger's eye, which I've never understood You know and I think a lot of a lot of ladies don't understand this is that men are looking They think oh I'm just gonna dress this way because it feels nice and it just makes me look pretty and They don't realize how many heads are turning and looking Total strangers just googling or ogling or googling or whatever you want to call it and looking at you staring at you. I Don't I mean who would want that and then there's ladies that do want that and that's really weird They say oh, I'm gonna put this on and I'm gonna go out and turn some heads. Well, enjoy it while it lasts And go ahead or you know adorn the outward woman Adorn the outward man put all that on and enjoy it while it lasts But you know what? It's gonna get harder and harder to do and eventually it doesn't matter what you do You're not gonna turn a single head and then what have you got? nothing So why don't you instead of doing that start adorning the inward man? Which maybe nobody in the world will notice it'll catch God's eye Whose eye do you want to catch tonight the world some man's some strangers Or you want to get God's eye? You want him to look down and say I'm pleased with that. That's what we want to see But it's easier to doll up that the outward and the woman who would down adorns the out of the inward man is gonna go unacknowledged by the world You know, I'm not holding my breath waiting for you know the the Miss Virtuous America pageant You know, it's not gonna happen. There's not gonna be like alright for our next category, you know, we're gonna we're gonna have the the The skirt and the the the skirt show where they come out, you know, just godly dressed walk out and turn around That's so modest Is that what the world does? No, it's it's the bikini contest. That's what they do There's not going to be you know, there's some pageant where they say, okay, let's see let's see how good you are at sewing How well do you how many nutritious meals do you know how to prepare for your family That world's not gonna no one's impressed by that in the world. Oh Let's see how well you can teach your children how to read or mathematics or history That's hard work That's really hard work The world doesn't care. They say I'll just just send them off and let the world will teach them that You just you just worry about your looks. We'll take care of that for you There's no pageant for Miss Virtuous America And if Miss America had, you know, all these godly categories, they pull it off the air Because that's not what the world wants to see But here's the thing truly godly women Who are serious about ordaining or I keep saying that adorning adorning adorning not ordaining Adorning the inward man truly godly women that want to just adorn the inward man. They don't mind going unnoticed by the world They don't care Doesn't bother them They don't care if they never make some magazine cover or they you know, turn some heads out in the world They don't care they'd rather go unnoticed They'd rather have shame-facedness and sobriety as the Bible says Go back to Proverbs 31 I should have had you stay there Well, who's gonna notice me who's gonna notice if I just make my life all about adorning the inward man? Well God for one God for one the Lord will notice and bless you for it But you know, that's there are gonna be some people in your life who will appreciate you adorning the inward man ladies If you don't just spend your life in vanity chasing physical beauty If you don't just make your whole life about just trying to put some jewel on a snow swine snout But actually try to do something of value and live as a virtuous godly woman Look at Proverbs chapter 31 verse 28 who here's whose heads you're gonna turn if you adorn the inward man Her children arise up and called her blessed. I Mean how many ladies can say that today that they've got children that that bless their mother that appreciate their mother for investing in them For spending, you know instead of being so worried about just chasing their appearance or whatever That they actually take the time to teach them and instruct them and be a godly example to them You know, it might not happen when they're just little ones when they don't know any better But you know children the Bible can also mean grown children You Know there's gonna be some ladies, you know that if they spend their time or date adorning the inward man they're gonna raise some kids that one day are gonna you know a Appreciate what their mothers did for them. They're gonna turn around they're gonna rise up and say you're blessed. Thank you Thank you for taking the time to to teach me and instruct me Thank you mom for adorning the inward man and not getting caught up in vanity and neglecting me So there's one eye you can catch your own kids How about this one her husband also and he praises her You know, my husband doesn't appreciate me well, is there anything to appreciate Ask yourself that is there anything to appreciate Or is it just a bunch of outward outward that or is it just you know? Because there's a lot of other men appreciating it saying thanks for dressing like that Appreciate it Or do you want your you want your husband to praise you? Well, then maybe it's time to adorn the inward man And not make it all about the external not chasing beauty because beauty is vain