(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, who doesn't listen? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the St. Paul Baptist Church. It's simply great to see you all here for our Sunday evening service. If we could all please have a seat and grab a hymnal and open up those hymnals to the song number 127. We can begin this evening by singing the song number 127. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. Just to trust in God is good. Just to rest on his promise. Just to go to the safe of home. Jesus, Jesus, how unjustly Thou art good in all and all. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus. Oh, for grace we trust in God. Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus. Just to trust is twenty-one. Just in seraphim to the King. In the healing and in fire. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust in Thou art good in all and all. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus. Oh, for grace we trust in God. Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus. Just from sin itself to sin. Just for Jesus have we taken Life and rest in joy and peace. Jesus, Jesus, how unjustly Thou art good in all and all. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus. Oh, for grace we trust in God. I'm so glad to trust in Precious Jesus, Savior brand new. And I know that Thou art good in all and all. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust in Thou art good in all and all. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus. Oh, for grace we trust in God. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you, brother. Let's turn our handles to song number 165. That's song 165, or worship the king. We worship the king, all glorious above. And when all is seen, his wonderful love our children defend. The ancient of days, a very ambitious land, made for him with praise. He'll tell of his life and sing of his grace. Whose love is the light, whose hand on his face His chariot's the path, the king under the sword. And our business path on the wings of the sword. By the temple care, what's on every side, it breathes in the air. It shines in the light, it streams from the hills, it descends to the plain. And sweetly dispels him the dew and the rain. With children of dust, and people as well, we'll plead to be trust, for finding to fail. Die, for the seas, bow tender, bow firm to the end. Come, maker, defender, be deeper and friend. At this time, we'll go over the announcements. If you want to keep your I'm going to bring you one. As always, we've got our service times there on the upper left-hand side, as well as a church-wide soul winning and the salvations and baptisms. We're going to go ahead and count up the baptisms, or the salvations, rather, going back to Friday. So we've got one on Friday. Amen. And then we're going to go ahead and count up the baptisms, or the salvations, rather, going back to Friday. So we've got one on Friday. Amen. Did anyone have anything Saturday outside the group? And then today was a good day, I guess, right? Five. Five. Amen. Did you see any Hell's Angels out there? No. They were right near their little compound, so anyway. So praise the Lord for that. And then, of course, we had the baptism this morning, so praise the Lord for that as well. We got one on the map. So I'm going to be keeping this up here, I think, from now on. I think it's just good to keep it in front of us. You know, to remind ourselves that we're not just Baptists to name only. Like, we are interested in baptizing people, so I'm going to try and work on that here this year and see if we can get some more in. And then over on the right-hand side, don't forget to wish everyone there a happy birthday. That's celebrating the month of March. You've got the New Testament 90-day challenge, as well as the weekly Bible memory passage. So you've got until next week to get that done. And the Mexico Monday is tomorrow. Is there anybody here that's going on the Mexico Monday trip? Joanna's going? That's what I heard. Okay. So Brother Segura is going to be stopping by here around 9, so just to give the Tempe folks a bathroom break. So if you want to go, just let me know. But otherwise, you know, the ship will sail without you. Don't forget, we've got the Operation Confiscation. Again, all these Bibles, if you ever are curious about what you can win, you know, we've got them right here. You've got your KJEV wide margin. You've got the large print. This is one of my favorites right here. That's one I read for a while. Wore one of those out. And then the red letter. So these are all great. And if you want to come see them anytime, you know, I'll have them just sitting out here, or actually just under the pulpit. You can take a look. Just don't write any notes in it until it's yours. Don't write your name in the front saying, oh, for sure it's mine. I'm going to win this year. I'm going to go and sign it right now. All right, don't do that. But that's going to do it for announcements. Just keep in mind that there's going to be another movie night April 1st on Friday, so if you could make it out to that, you can go ahead and start planning for that as well. We'll go ahead and sing one more song before we get into the preaching tonight. Number 164, praise head and praise head. Number 164, praise head and praise head. And under his holy name, like a shepherd, Jesus will guard his children. In his arms, he carries them all day long. Praise him, praise him, tell of his handsomeness. Praise him, praise him, your very joyful soul. Praise him, praise him, Jesus all blessed to be denied. For our sins he suffered and bled in God. We are one, our hope will be turned to salvation. Hail him, hail him, Jesus the crucified. Sound his praises, Jesus to all our sorrows. Love unclouded, wonderful deepest song. Praise him, praise him, tell of his handsomeness. Praise him, praise him, your very joyful soul. Praise him, praise him, Jesus our blessed to be denied. Heavenly portals, levels and a tree. Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever in heaven. Round him, round him, prophet and priest and king. Christ is God. Over the world victorious, power and glory, unto the Lord be Lord. Praise him, praise him, tell of his excellent greatness. Praise him, praise him, ever in joyful song. All right, great singing, everyone. At this time we'll pass the altar real quick. As the play goes around, let's turn our Bibles to Revelation chapter three. That's Revelation chapter three. As always, we'll read the entire chapter. Please follow along silently as we read from Revelation chapter three. Revelation chapter three. Verse one of the Bible is the angel of the shirt whose heart is right and he seems safety to have the seven spirits of God and seven stars. I know that I have God's name and God lit us to the dead. He launched and strengthened things in his name that are right to God. For I have not found thy works perfect before God. Remember therefore how thou has received and heard the whole past and past. That thou in the focus shall not watch but come on me as it be and I shall not know that I will come upon thee. Thou is clean and is a men sergeant which is not the cloud of the darkness and they shall walk before the white for they are worthy. For I have come that the sand shall be cold and white of the angel and I will knock God out of his name and I will look light and I will confess his name before my father and before his angels he that hath been near doesn't hear what the spirit saying before the church and to the angel of the church before the elephant are right these things say a key that is holy a key that is true a key that has the key of David a key that opens it and no man shut it and shut it and no man opens it behold I will make them and sin of God his savior and say they are demons and are not with you God behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee because I was kept aware of thy patience I also will keep thee from the outer temptation which I will come upon all the world to try them to draw upon a mirror behold I come quickly to hold the fast that which thou hast that no man take thy crown and that I will come until I make a pillar in the name of the city of my God which is in Jerusalem coming down from the path of my God and I'll write upon him a new name he that man doesn't hear what the spirits say at the churches and that's the angel and the church is allowed to see and is right these things say if they be met they come true witness beginning the creation of God I know that thou art not a cold hot and without a cold work so that because thou root for me not as a cold or hot and that means nothing no it's not without our wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked and counselled and by me won't try by me won't try to define thou may'st be rich and why maybe thou may'st be clothed and that there is a shame that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I 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appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot appear and nor deny that I may be this cannot what about their works you know we can look down and say oh man they're doing such a great job I mean look at all the people that are toward him yeah but auditorium but God is looking down say you know lukewarm churches seem to attract a lot of people you know churches that aren't really because you know what they're they're not just gonna come out and say hey we're dead we're cold you know if you walk into a dead church you're probably gonna go well this is I know this is a dead church and get out of there right but if you go into a red-hot church you might say well that's too hot in there you know there's two there the preachings too heavy in there it's it's too hard of preaching it's too high I get my toes stepped on too much they're asking too much they they actually want me to participate in the program they actually want to go out right and you're just you're gonna feel nice and comfortable the porridge is just gonna be the right temperature you know what and there's gonna be a lot of people that are attracted to that but God looks down and says well you know that might appear to be better because you have a great congregation in the sense that there's a lot of people there but you know what I know thy works you know and he finds a lot of those churches wanting you know and that's why I believe that this congregation we have your why it might not be a great congregation in the sense that you know we're gonna have people lining up you know from the entering in of you know Marana all the way down to you know Green Valley or whatever we're not gonna span you know people are gonna be lining up the door and just filling up the i-10 or you know north and south trying to get in here you know we're not going to be maxing the place out but you know we have a great congregation because God knows our works you know and I wrote this sermon and today I really couldn't have fell on a better day I come in here and everyone's talking about how great the soul winning was today and we had his you know 20 soul winners on sim amen you know we have a great congregation because you don't just measure a church by its size you know and if that's gonna be your measure of a great church you know you're one you're probably gonna find yourself disappointed disappointed one because you're gonna walk into a church that's actually doing something to say well there's just not enough people here obviously you know that this isn't this isn't what God isn't blessing this and then you're gonna go find some other church that has a lot of people there and you're gonna go in there and you're gonna get a bunch of watered-down lukewarm preaching and they're not you're not gonna do anything for God and then that's gonna be a disappointment so you understand what makes a great congregation is not just a number go to Acts 17 go to Acts chapter number 17 you say yeah but more people doesn't that mean that that they're gonna get more done not necessarily not necessarily look I'm not again don't get me wrong I'm not against having a bigger congregation I mean would they God we max this place out and you know had to find a bigger building I'm all for that but you know that's not that's not my motivation that's not what I'm trying to do is just build some you know Empire here just you know some church that's just filled with people that don't want to do anything for God you know when it comes to church when it comes to a great congregation what you want is quality over quantity you know I'd rather just have a few dozen soul winners you know just a dozen or so so like two dozen soul winners whatever we have you know that that are just faithful that service faithful going out and preaching the gospel then you know 200 people that don't want to do anything for God because you know I'm gonna have to fight them every step of the way every side every Sunday I'm have to get up and try to motivate people and get out of people and and try to get you know when you have people that just want to get the work done we have a great congregation like this I mean you set the ball in motion and it just starts taking care of itself because why because it's filled with quality not just quantity see a great congregation is not just great in number and again I'm not opposed to big numbers I mean I want more soul winners I want more people that are serious about serving God living for God yeah I'm interested in that but I'm not just interested in you know in just putting people in the pew just for the sake of having them there you know the end don't take this the wrong way but this is something I have to constantly remind myself is that more people just means more problems you know this is the fact that's just a fact of life you know ask any ask any parents that have you know more than several children you know as soon as you start that you'd say oh we want lots of kids it's like oh and we do and look but you know what comes along with that more problems more dental bills you know more you know more emergency trips to the to the ER more clothes that have to be about more food out there's more and it's all worth it don't get me wrong I'm not disparaging the children or anything like that but it's just a factory a fact of life that if you want more there's more problems that come with it there's more difficulties so look if I'm gonna have more of something in a church what do I want just more people or do I want more you know soul winners more people that are sold out more people that want to do something for God and look we might never get there we might never have two 300 you know on fire people that come to this church I mean I'm not maybe we will I don't know we'll see how God leads but what we have to keep in mind is that you know a great congregation does not just in terms of quantity it's in terms of quality and that God can use a small number of people to do something great I mean think about Gideon's army right he will he you know he whittled them down to 300 people you know he turned to flight the armies of the aliens you know he delivered Israel he was a great judge look at Acts chapter 17 verse 1 it says now when they and by the way the they there is talking about two guys Paul and Silas two people you know that's less than we have in this room now when they Paul and Silas had passed through Epiphilas and Apollina they came to Thessalonica where was a synagogue of the Jews and Paul as his manner was went on to them and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen from the dead and that this is Jesus who might preach unto you that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ and some of them believed and consorted with Paul and Silas and some of the devout Greek Greeks a great multitude and a chief women not a few but the Jews which believed not moved with envy took them unto certain lewd fellows of the baser sort that's who they're always getting to do their dirty work right and gathered a company and set all the city in an uproar and assaulted the house of Jason and sought to bring them out to out to the people and when they found them not they drew Jason and certain brethren under the rules of the city crying this and notice what they said what they cried out these that have turned the world upside down are come hither also he's talking about two people two people and they're saying these guys have turned the world upside down I mean you say oh let's talk about all the Apostles look a lot of the Apostles just stayed in Jerusalem they did not follow through that's why you know you ever notice acts it starts out about the Apostles and it just becomes all about Paul because Paul was actually the one that said you know what I'm gonna take the the gospel to the Gentiles like Christ told us to so it just becomes all about him you ever noticed that he's the one that wrote the vast majority the New Testament because he's the one that actually followed through on you know preaching to all nations not just sitting in Jerusalem you know and he was somebody that was known that had a reputation of somebody that did what that turned the world upside down it was just two guys so again what you know it's not about the the number of people when we talk about a great congregation because God can use just a few people God can use two people God can use a dozen people God can use just a small handful of people to do a great work you know our you know faithful word Tempe is a great example of that you know so but they're so big you know and they run probably around 300 I think on Sunday morning which is a big church especially for an IFB Church that's big folks and that's that's what that criticism is so stupid oh it's a small church yeah right it's 300 people's big okay but you know was it always 300 people did it start out day one 300 people no you know there was a long time where it was far less than that you know less than two dozen I mean I got there seven or eight years ago I can't remember they hadn't even broken 100 yet you know but they it's you know what they had done is they had filled in a lot of that map that they had up there Phoenix they had won thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of souls to Christ they had baptized hundreds of people before they even broke a hundred people before they haven't had a hundred people in a regular attendance they had done all that work because you know a great congregation is not about the number of people that are there it's about the quality of those people it's about the work that they do you know two people can go out and do a great work they can develop a reputation as those that turn the world upside down I mean why can't that be said of us here there's no reason why it can't be said of us that eventually will develop a reputation as oh that's that church that just you know every it seems like every year they're coming by my door every you know every so often I just keep running I keep seeing their invites everywhere I go I mean I remember when I was locksmithing I'd get sent out on service calls to abandoned houses or whatever to go change locks and there'd be a church invite from faithful word that happened to me and several and Metro Phoenix I mean what are the chances you know I'm getting studying all over the valley up there and I'm finding church invites for my church why is that because it's not just that they had a bunch of people it's because they had a people there that were serious about serving God it's not just about a number it's about the people because what makes a great congregation is the people and the message that they carry that's where the power is if you would go over to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 4 2nd Corinthians chapter number 4 you know made me think of the story of Jonathan and his his armor bear you know he kind of kicked off the the revolt against the Philistines in Saul's day it wasn't Saul the king who started it was his son right and remember what he said to his young man that bear his armor in 1st Samuel 14 he said come and let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised in let's go to their fort let's go into where they've dug themselves in you know that's what a garrison is that's their defense let's go over there just me and you you know imagine being his armor bear okay you us and what army no no no me and you two of us let's go over under this Garrett the garrison these uncircumcised it may be that the Lord will work for us for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few you know God can save by many or by few God you know we can accomplish this mission of knocking every door in Tucson and Arizona and seeing hundreds of soul saved we can do that with a lot of people and one to God that we could or you know what we can do with a few just gonna take longer we can still get it done because a great congregation it's not just about the numbers it's about the people that make up those numbers look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 6 for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ but we had this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us look anything that we're going to accomplish in this life for Christ is not because of who we are but it's because of the treasure that we have in this earthen vessel the knowledge of the excellency of Christ I mean that's what you're taking out there that's what when you're going out there knocking the doors you mean you're you're bringing the excellency of the knowledge of God the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in this earthen vessel your body that's what you're taking out there because again you know what makes it the the message or what makes the the congregation great is the people in it and the and the message that they bring that they bear that's where the power is you know we don't go to the door and say hey you should listen to us because you know we run 800 people in our church because we have over a thousand people you have a thousand people in your church well now I'm now I'm interested you know that's not what we say you know we just hate let me preach you the gospel you know and we have the excellency of the power of God with us so what makes a congregation great it's not the numbers it's the power of God if you would go to 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 we're going to be there for a little bit 2nd Chronicles 7 is a parallel passage to 1st Kings 8 which is where we were Thursday night and I want to talk a little bit or preach a little bit about you know this this feast that that Solomon has at the end of his prayer when he's dedicating the temple you know we read it there I read it to you in 1st Kings 8 that he for seven days and seven days you know they sacrificed with all these people there's just huge this great congregation you know but what makes a congregation great is not just the number of people there it's the power of God that's what's going to make this congregation great it's not just us it's going to be the fact that God is with us that God is on our side that we have the excellency of the power of God with us look at 2nd Chronicles 7 verse 1 it said now when Solomon had made it end of praying so again this is parallel passage 1st Kings 8 the fire this is the detail that's not in 1st Kings 8 the fire came down from heaven what's he talking about he's not talking about lightning some of the fact that God showed up you know that you know I have everything that happened that day this is the most amazing thing you know wouldn't be such a great story if you didn't have this detail I mean 1st Kings 8 is a cool story I mean you read about all the people are there you know you get some of the same details you get in 2nd Chronicles 7 about all the number of oxen and the number of sheep that he slays I mean it's it's it's in the hundreds of it's over a hundred thousand it's a ton it's like hundred and thirty or hundred forty thousand people or not people sorry it wasn't like it's not that you know animals they get killed that day you know it's an amazing story but you know the most amazing thing that happened is the fact that when when he got done praying that fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the house I mean I don't care where that happened like that could have happened anywhere I mean think about in Elijah's day that same thing happened you know he called down fire from heaven but it was just on a pile of stones you know it was just a pile of rocks that him that he had that you know the the prophets of Baal had set up it wasn't some more Nate temple and what happened what was the result then you know all Israel fell on their faces that the Lord God the Lord he is God right and they slew the prophets of Baal you know that's what makes a congregation great is when you know the power of God shows up when God meets with that congregation and look he can meet with tens hundreds hundreds of thousands of millions or you know what he can meet with a few or he can meet with a small congregation and they can have power to go out and preach the gospel and do something great for God that's what makes a congregate upon the house they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement and worshiped and praise the Lord saying for he is good for his mercy and dorith forever so this power of God comes down and it results in them you know praising God when he showed up because here's the thing no matter how many people are there no matter how many people show up it's some congregation without the power of God and without the presence of God there is no praise there is no praise I mean they could call it a praise service if they want well a lot of churches you know they want to call it a church but all it really is is just a country club love for people to get together and network you know and hook up and everything else it goes on in some of these churches it's just for them to come together and you know learn how to do it start a microbrewery in their bathtub you think I'm joking but that's that's what they do that's beer night down at the church movie night no but not they're not showing a new IFB film they're watching some pg-13 are rated whatever you know that's why there's no power there and I don't care how many people you get to show up in a place like that if God doesn't show up there's no power and there's no praise nobody's gonna be in awe of God you know that's that's what we want we want the power and the presence of God in this congregation whether it's you know a congregation of a hundred or a congregation of 12 go back if you would to keep something in 2nd chronicle 7 but go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 he said in verse 13 I'll begin reading at 1st Corinthians 15 verse 13 but if there be no resurrection of the dead that is Christ not risen and if Christ be not risen then is our preaching vain and your faith also is vain look you know the power of God is the resurrection and if you know that didn't happen then our faith is vain you know what we're doing is just pointless yeah and we have found false witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he hath raised up Christ whom he raised not up if so be the dead rise not and if for if the dead rise not then is not Christ raised and if Christ be not raised your faith is in vain you're yet in your sins then also they which are fall asleep in Christ or perish verse 19 if in this life only we have hope in Christ and we are almost men most miserable verse 20 but now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept he's saying you know what if Christ wasn't isn't risen from the dead there is no power but the good news is that Christ is risen from the dead and therefore there is power and how does it what what ends up happening is God is praised look at verse 57 but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ you know when the power of God is in a place you end up having praise and that's what we want that's what makes a congregation great you know whether it's a lot of people or just a few you know we could talk about greatness in the terms of quantity but really what it's about for us is quality the quality that's what makes a congregation great is the the power the power of God but what also makes a congregation is this is it's playing your part you have to play your part you know it's not enough for us to just show up and and and and and think that oh we're gonna be great just because we're here you know we're here because we have work to do you know this is like a this would be like a spiritual barracks you know if we're if you know if we're like Paul told Timothy if we're you know enduring hardness as what good soldiers you know if God has chosen us to be a soldier right if we're in the Lord's army if we're fighting a spiritual battle which we are by the way the Bible tells us that we are that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but it gets powers and principalities in high places that you know we're fighting a spiritual battle we have a spiritual armor that we have to put on we have a spiritual shield we have a spiritual sword you know then what is the church house what is what is the meeting place it's a spiritual barracks you know maybe there's an infirmary ward you know people come in and there have been beat up by sin you know well we'll patch you up you know we'll put some gauze on that mean I'm a literal example of that lately I've got a bandage on every hand on both every hand both hands you know it but spiritually you know sometimes when you need that hey come over here let's get the spiritual first aid kit out you know let me find some gauze let me find some antiseptic you know let's let's patch you up and get you healed up you know what then we're gonna do is we're gonna put a sword in your hand and we're slap you know the the shield of you know we're gonna put the the the helmet of salvation on your head and we're gonna put the shield of faith on your other arm then we're gonna shod your feet with the preparation the gospel of peace and we're gonna send you back out because what you know because why because we have a part to play here what makes a great congregation it's not just the power of God look without the power of God then you know you know we are most men most miserable you know our preaching is vain our life is vain it's all vanity what we're doing but you know what we do have the power of God Christ is risen from the dead we do have a message to preach you know we do have the gospel you know which we have the the the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation that's what we have we have that power of God to go out there with and preach but you know what if that's not enough to just have that you have to do something with it you have to play your part that's what makes a congregation great if you look there in verse 58 of first Christian Chris 1st Corinthians 15 you know it talks about the power you know that we have verse 57 you get the praise but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and then you have you know okay great you got the power you got the praise but now you got to do your part in verse 58 therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain look because we have the power of God you know our labor is not in vain therefore you know we should play our part we should always be abounding in the work of the Lord you know and it's such a and if you would go back to 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 you know I was thinking about the sermon writing a sermon and then I hop on Facebook you know and brother Fabian's got his story up there on Facebook of you know and I didn't ask him for the service so he's probably upset with me right of you know and it's been what's his Facebook story of it's about all the church you know the church members here going out knocking doors I thought man what a great congregation that we have here you know and it was it's not because of how good-looking you are right we all know that go ahead say amen did you not hear this morning's room right I didn't say wow what a great-looking crew you know not saying that you aren't that's not what impressed me you wouldn't press me is that look there's people getting together on their Sunday afternoon and they're going out and doing the work of the Lord they're taking the power of God with them and playing their partners that's a great congregation that's what you have to do to have a great congregation you have to play your part I mean it's great that we have the power of God but if we don't take that message to the world then you know what's so great about that nothing 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 where we were look at verse 4 it says and then the king and all the people offered sacrifices you know it wasn't just the king that offered sac it was everybody everyone got involved they said the fire of God came down the power and presence of God showed they said let's all do our part let's all make a sacrifice let's all bring glory to God let's all sacrifice not just the king everybody offered sacrifices before the Lord and King Solomon offered a sacrifice and you know just let these numbers sink in of twenty and two thousand oxen twenty two thousand oxen he's slaughtering and we know in this time period and in hundred and twenty thousand sheep a hundred and twenty thousand sheep like I don't even know I can't even fathom how many sheep that is and it's so much you know it says that they that they actually ended up having to and what we'll get to that where they had to move it move the sacrifices out of the middle court because you know the the the inner court couldn't take it all they had to sanctify the rest of there just so many animals why because the power of God showed up and the people said hey we want to do our part let's make a great sacrifice unto our God and everyone got involved and you know what God was glorified it says in verse 6 and notice in all the people that are doing their their part you know they make these sacrifices so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God and the priests waited on their offices you know they had their part to do they had to go do all the things that were allotted unto them they had to tell you their part and who else the Levites also with the instruments of music to the Lord you know they had to do their part they had to get the chorus going they had to get the music service going you know and here's the thing you know God is interested in music I'm gonna start ringing this bell more often because I know there's people that have and self-included that that play an instrument and could play an instrument to the glory of God and make this church even better even greater they could bring more glory to God you know I'm gonna be building the stage out I've already planned I'm telling you what I'm gonna bring this stage out you know I'm gonna be standing right about here and I'm planning about another two to three feet of the stage coming out you know why it's not because I want to get closer to you it's not because I want to get some spit on you it's because I want to set be able to set up some instruments back here you don't want to have some musicians up here because I want people that can to play their part in the house of God you know and not just so we could put on some show and entertain people because it seems to me that you know God is pretty interested in music I mean that was the Levi's job everything that was part of their job that was like their full-time job just music you know King date and notice what it says which David the king had made to praise the Lord you know the book of Psalms is literally just a book of it's their hymnal it's what they played you know music is a very powerful thing God's very interested in it you know and and praise God for the the music program that we do have the people that do play piano and lead songs here and the people that sing out you know but you know what we could we could do better in that area you know and if we're just sitting on our talent if we're just sitting on that and hiding it and not using it to the glory of God you know that's that's a shame to us you know we should you know we should want to bring glory to God if we have that ability to do so because not everybody can not everybody can play an instrument you know cunningly with and and and skillfully you know that takes skill takes an ability and if you have that ability you know use that for God you know so everyone here is playing their parts you know all the people are sacrificing all people are getting involved in the work the priests are doing what they need to do the Levites are worried are taking care of the music they're getting that taken care of you know and it says there and ends and the priests sound of the trumpets before them and all Israel stood so everyone's getting involved what makes a congregation great is the power of God and the playing your part in the work you know that's what we just read about right all the work that went into it I mean I talked about it you know last Thursday that the work of sacrificing these animals I mean it's a huge task I mean it's just so much works going into that I mean the more I think about it like every time I read about this and just try to envision what's taking place I mean just imagine all the blood right I know some of you get a little sleepy so let's let's let's get you know let's get borderline here right this is imagine all the blood that's pouring out of this place all the blood and all the water it's getting mixed in I mean this is just just insane let's see if you really think about what's going on all these because look they didn't just you know bring dead animals they brought under the door and slit their throat and then they gutted them I mean there's all this work going on this hard bloody work right and it's good and everyone you know the singing and the music that's work it takes effort you know that doesn't just happen there's a lot of work that goes into it so look what makes a congregation great is playing your part in the work but not only that not just in the work but also in what in the fellowship in the fellowship you know fellowshipping in the local church you know is just as important I believe as the work because as the saying goes you know all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy right you know same things true in the Christian life and here's the thing we have a lot of work to do but that's not all we're gonna do you know this is a spiritual barrack but also you know it's a spiritual retreat it's a place where after you go out and do the work we can come back and we can fellowship it says in verse 7 of 2nd chronicle 7 moreover Solomon hallowed the middle court that was before the house of the Lord for there he offered burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings because the brazen altar which see it the Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings and the meat offerings and the fat also at that same time Solomon kept the feast seven days and all Israel with him a very great congregation from the entering into Hamath under the river Egypt so you know they're also keeping this feast you know and then and and and they're they're they're partaking in the sacrifices you know they're they're eating because what they're getting look folks it's a potluck you know basically you want to boil it down to what's whether they're doing they're getting together they're doing a lot of work aren't they but they're also a fellow shipping to you know that's important to have that to play your part to participate in the work and also the fellowship you know and to be there for the preaching this is what makes a great congregation you know I say well why are you pointing all this out duh we know that because you know whether you maybe you haven't realized it yet but we have all these things here you know we have the power of God we have people doing the work we have also what what else do we see the the the feasting the fellowship amen I mean when there were so many hot dogs in the movie night you guys couldn't even finish them there's still one more doughnut back there from this morning there's still like three more bags there's a whole bunch of oranges I noticed nobody's touching the oranges you know I paid my own good harder money for those oranges you know I guess I'll have to eat a few right but that we have the feasting going on we have all the elements what I'm trying to tell you is this is that you have a great congregation that's what I see well it's not that big though it's meeting in a warehouse is that but that's not that's not the elements of a great congregation it's not about numbers it's about the power of God it's about participating it's about the working and it's also about you know the feasting and the work and also here the preaching you know that's what also makes up that's what makes a great congregation you know if we were just all about soul winning and that's it you know that would be imbalanced you know if we were all about soul winning but then you know all about fellowship to that would there still be something missing you need to have the preaching of the Word of God and that's what they had here and it says in verse 9 and the eighth day they made a solemn assembly and what a solemn it's it's serious you know it's it's a it's a time of being you know having some you know being grave being serious being solemn they had a solemn assembly for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days and the feast seven days but on that eighth day they made a solemn assembly you know they were they were it wasn't just a big party you know it wasn't just a let's just get together and have a bunch of fun you know but let's also be serious about the things of God you know let's be serious about the preaching the Word of God to be serious about you know dedicating you know this this building unto God and doing something for God look we have all these elements we have the power of God we have people participating we have the fellowship and you know what else we have is we have the preaching we have all these things we have this is what this is the solemn assembly right now you know you all look pretty serious you know how look you're all looking pretty pretty somber right now you know some of you are looking pretty relaxed right but look why do you have to have all this because when you have all these things you know you have balance that's what makes a great congregation is when you have balance when you have the right amount of work and the right amount of fellowship and fun the right amount of you know levity and the right amount of being solemn you know once you have all these things you know you have balance in the Christian life that's what's going to make a great congregation and that's something that we have here and that's something I want to keep and maintain and not lose sight of you know and keep that going forward I'm already thinking about you know our anniversary service I've already got plans for it and one thing you know since you're all here in a Sunday night I'll give you guys the sneak peek right is that what I because our anniversary Sunday falls before Labor Day every year right because labor isn't Labor Day on Monday it's on the same day every year it's like it's like that other holiday that does that which is is that Mother's Day nobody knew Mother's Day doesn't do that I'm in trouble Memorial Day yeah you know it's just if Thanksgiving they just fall on the you know the certain day of the week right well our our Sunday you know our anniversary Sunday falls before Labor Day so I thought well man you know everybody's gonna have the day off including a bunch of unsaved people including a bunch of working-class you know unsaved people in Tucson they're all going to be at home in their backyards cooking up the carne asada drilling the wings doing whatever you know they're all gonna be hanging at home so I thought well that'd be a great way for us to reach them so I'm thinking let's have a labor for the Lord Day not just Labor Day it's where they call it Labor Day because nobody and nobody does any work it should be called not Labor Day you know anti Labor Day we call it lazy day is what they should call it right vacation day I said well hey let's let's let's go do some work for the Lord that's what I'm thinking so maybe you might you're probably all gonna go home and make plans for Labor Day now maybe I should have told you oh I'm out of town that weekend right I'm thinking hey let's go out you know early in the let's go out let's meet up at 10 o'clock let's you know and get to our soul winning assignments by 1030 let's go out to about 1230 I mean that's two hours right I mean we had what 20 soul winners out today let's say we get that number up to 24 soul winners by labor for the Lord Day in September first Monday in September right so divide that in half that's 12 you got 12 teams going out two by two right so now you've got 12 man hours for two hours you just did a whole day's worth of soul winning you know Paul and Silas doing that for 24 hours you know you just accomplished that in two hours because you got 12 teams you know 12 times to 24 right just did a whole day of soul winning you know in September you know do two and a half hours call it you know travel time you know but I'm not saying hey let's just do that all day and I look I'm not against that I'm not and I've been out and I have and will participate and we'll plan other days you know where we do go soul winning morning and afternoon but I thought hey have a labor for the Lord Day you go out in the morning then let's all come back here and have you know a cornhole tournament and let's have a ping-pong tournament and we'll have the kids room set up out front and they can have a checkers tournament or whatever they do right and we'll grill up some whatever will eat so we'll have what we'll have work and we'll have fellowship and you know it'll come right after a day of preaching our solemn assembly we'll have all of these things won't we that's what's gonna make a great congregation that's why I think we have a great congregation it's not because we're busting you know bursting at the seams with people but because we're in a church where there's people that understand we have the power of God that are about participating in the work of God and that have a balance in the Christian life that's gonna make it great because when you have this balance you know you you have a good life you go away glad and merry that's what it says here verse 10 and on the three and twentieth day of the seventh day of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents glad and merry in heart after you know two weeks of this of them you know leaving their homes and staying in tents and coming down and and and offering sacrifices and partaking in those sacrifices and fellowshipping and meeting for the solemn assembly and seeing the power of God you know after they did all that work and all that fellowship you know they left they didn't say I'm just exhausted I don't everybody that again they left glad and merry in heart for the goodness of the Lord that the Lord had showed unto David and to Solomon Israel his people you know that's that's when we when we look at all this you know we should see what we should see the goodness of God that's what I see in this congregation it just makes me want to praise God when you have a great congregation it should make us glorify God we understand that we have his power that we're participating and that it's not just all about work but it's about work and fellowship it's about work and fun it's about preaching and part it's about all of these things about striking that balance and that's gonna give you a good and merry heart you know and people think no no no what's gonna make me happy is if I just don't have to work at all it will make me happy is if I could just entertain myself 24 hours a day no it won't that will not make you happy and look that's that's the world we're living in where people just they just want to you know they want they want to just you know scroll through you know their social media and just get dopamine hit after dopamine hit after dopamine hit and your poor little you know dopamine valve or sack or whatever it is up there is just it's running dry you know you got to keep getting another hit another hit you keep chasing that because people just want to be entertained all the time but what they find out is that that never satisfies you know what satisfies is when you have work and and play when you have fellowship and participating when you have when you make a strike a balance that's when you're gonna walk away glad and merry and heart when you when you got some work done look I I have no doubt that you know a lot of you are gonna leave here to home leave here today leave the church tonight feeling glad and merry and heart because you know you came to a the solemn assembly and then and then I know what you did I know that works you know I saw what went on today I heard about it you went to brush fire a whole bunch of you didn't you you went to eat some barbecue you went ate a bunch of meat right hmm it sounds familiar right I mean you could have gotten a smoky nose but whatever you know that's your mistake but you went you had some good barbecue then you went out and served the Lord took them you know he took the excellency of the power of Christ with you you know and then he came back for some more fellowship playing ping-pong and hearing it's more preaching you know it's the power of God it's the preaching and it's ping-pong how's that for a literated sermon there's two of them right there ping-pong right but look if you're gonna you know you're already glad you're already marrying heart what I'm trying to get across tonight is the fact that you know this is what it takes to have a great congregation and I'm just you know newsflash you have one you know that's something I try to keep in front of myself that's what I always remind myself like we have a great church we have a great congregation you know if I you know if I walk in here and it's the numbers are down and people are sick or people are gone or whatever you know it'd be really easy just go hold this you know there's not there's not many very many people here tonight and just get all down in the mouth about it and be all sad and have a bad attitude but is that what makes a great congregation or you know what we should remind ourselves is what makes a great congregation is what we already have here you know as people that that love the Lord that have the power of God in their life and want to serve him you know and have some fun while we're doing it has some fun along the way has some fellowship that's what it takes to have a great congregation you have to have people you know check you got to have the power of God check and you got to have the people participating check you know so I'm looking down the list I'm thinking you know what praise God you know I'm you know I'm gonna go home glad and Mary of heart I'm gonna go praising God for what for a great congregation in Tucson let's go and pray dear Lord again thank you for this great church that you've given us thank you for the people here that desire to serve you that that love you that love your word that love lost souls and Lord I prayed help us to just continue in that Lord to to understand what we have here that it's not just about a building or but it's it's about the work that you've given us to do and the friendships that we can form and well I pray that you would just bless this congregation continue to bless it and help us to praise and honor you and all that we say think we do asking Christ ain't amen all right we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh