(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so you can keep something in Psalm 2 if you'd like. I'm gonna be just referencing that later But really where I would like to focus this morning is over in Luke chapter 12 So if you would turn over to Luke chapter 12 again, you don't need to keep anything in Psalms 2 I'm just gonna you know quote that there but you know Psalms 2 is kind of a shorter passage compared to Luke chapter 12 so that's kind of what we did there, but Luke chapter 12 and we're gonna be looking at verse 49 the title of this morning sermon is a fire already kindled a fire Already kindled so it says there in Luke chapter 12 verse 49 I am come to send fire on the earth and what will I if it be already kindled? So Jesus there, you know, he's not just waxing eloquent. He's just not you know, talking a big talk He's speaking in very literal terms there when Jesus says I am come to send fire on the earth You know, he's literally going to do that one day Yeah, if you would keep something in Luke chapter 12 for the rest of the sermon Go over to 2nd Peter chapter 3 2nd Peter chapter 3 the Bible predicts and tells us that there's going to be a time When this entire earth is consumed in flame that's going to be baptized with fire you're going over to some or excuse me 2nd Peter chapter 3 it says in Psalm 97 a Fire goeth before him and burneth up his enemies round about his lightning and lighten the world the earth saw and trembled The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the whole earth So again, this isn't just poetic talk. This isn't just something you know They're trying to make some kind of impression upon us through the use of you know Allegories and illustrations and these type of things there literally is a fire that is going to go before the Lord one day He literally is going to send fire upon the earth and it says there in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 10 We can see that where it says but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens Shall pass away with the great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat and the earth's earth Also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up So again, this is you know talking literally that one got one day God's going to burn the elements of the earth Seeing then all these things shall be dissolved What manner of persons you ought to be in a holy conversation and godliness to saying look you this is going to happen So consider what kind of person you need to be while you're here in all manner of godliness and holy conversation Look at verse 12 Looking for and a hasting unto the coming of the day of the Lord where in the heavens being on fire Shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat So when Jesus is saying I didn't come to send fire on the earth, that's just not big talk That's really what he's going to do one day now, of course at this time, you know, he didn't do that But here's the thing. He's coming back again, you know, he left for a while, but he's coming back He is going to come and he's going to send fire upon the earth Not to you know, we could talk about all the different ways that he's already kind of sending fire before him We could talk about the fact that you know hit that that hell is kindled by his very mouth that the people that are there are tortured in the presence of The land and of the Holy Angels the Bible says in his presence, you know You hear people falsely say all the time that hell is separation from God. That's not true. That's not biblical That's right That's just something that people like to say because they don't want to think about the literal fire that is there It says that they have no rest day or night and that there's the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever And it says that they're they're tormented in the presence of the land. So he's there So there's another way we can talk about the fact that Jesus, you know Someone who is sending fire before him We could talk about the two witnesses in Revelation that fire was able to proceed out of their mouth and devour their enemies You know and or Elijah who of old, you know called down fire upon the 50s and so on and so forth But really what he's saying here in the context of Luke chapter 12 What I want to focus in on is where he says what if I and what if I excuse me And what will I if it be already kindled? Say look I'm coming to send fire on here One day the elements will mat will melt with a fervent heat The heavens shall melt even and all the elements of the earth and what will I if it will be already kindled? He's saying look there's already a kindle. It's already kindled You know how much greater is it going to be if there's already a fire on this earth in a sense? And he goes on there and we'll get into it in a minute where he talks about the division that he causes amongst mankind It should remind us, you know, if you read the context of that that those verses there in fact Let's just read it if you're there in chat Luke chapter 12 verse 49 Go on in verse 50 says but I have a baptism where to be a baptized with and how am I straight till be accomplished? Suppose he that I have come to give peace on the earth. I tell you nay, but rather division From former while it goes on in verse 52 for from thenceforth there shall be five one household divided Three against two and two against three the father shall be divided against the son the son against the father the mother against the daughter The daughter against the mother the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law So all these relationships, you know, and yes, of course name every single relationship But I'm going to come and I'm going to set fire and what if it be already kindled? It would should remind us of what we read in mark and Matthew chapter 10 turn over Revelation chapter 2 Revelation chapter 2 He said in Matthew chapter 10 think not that I have come to send peace on the earth I came not to send peace but a sword and People, you know, sometimes they don't understand who Jesus really is. They don't understand this aspect of the Lord He says there in Revelation chapter 2 verse 26 and he that overcome it that keepeth my works unto the end To him will I give power over the nation's and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter Shall they be broken to shivers even as I received in my father? So this is a you know This is something that we take Hope in that one day we will become worthy of being able to be one of those people that rule and reign with Christ The one day he's going to say to his servants be thou over ten cities and be thou over five cities And he's even saying here that some shall rule with the rod and iron with him, you know in his stead under his authority So peace is coming to the earth, you know, everyone's clamoring for world peace Everyone wants just peace and who can blame them for that, right? But at what cost you know is what we have to ask ourselves But make no mistake about it. Peace is coming to the earth But it's probably coming in a method that some people would rather is not Something a method that some people just would not prefer it come Because it says there when he's going to come it's going to he's going to rule with the rod of iron That it's not just gonna be he's not gonna come and negotiate with the nation's not gonna sit down at the UN And work things out with everybody. It's gonna be peace or else a rod of iron He's ruling with authority go over to Revelation chapter 19 I'll read you from Psalm 2 where brother Garza read this morning It said in verse 9 thou shalt break them with the rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel I mean, that's one thing I just love about the Lord is that he's not gonna struggle to you know When he comes back when he returns it sets up his millennial reign It's not gonna be this long drawn-out press. Let's do like taking the rod of iron and just smashing a You know a piece of clay with it I mean who is that who's ever thought of that has taken a bat and just you know, go to town with the Bases and things, you know how easily they break, you know It's probably the people in here that I actually been horse playing or something and Alice and actually knock one over Well, we see how easily these things are so brittle they're so frail they're so delicate they're so easily just smashed That's what's getting like with Christ returns. I mean, he's gonna come back and it's just gonna be bam in a sweep With just the words of his mouth. It's not gonna be a struggle for him. Look at Revelation chapter 19 verse 11 And I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him is called What's called faithful and true and in righteousness that he the judge and make war? His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns He had a name written that no man knew is but him see himself And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God and the armies which were followed Which were in heaven followed upon him Followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean. Hey, that's me and you Yeah, that's one of the coolest things about the Bible. Sometimes you read these stories like well, that's me. I'm gonna be in that army You know That's that's an amazing thought goes in verse 15 and out of his mouth with the sharp sword that That with that he should spike the nations and rule over them with what a rod of iron And he tried at the winepress of the fierceness and the wrath of Almighty God and he hath on his vesture in his thigh Name-written king of kings and Lord of lords. He's not going to struggle to do this This isn't going to be difficult for him over to Hebrews chapter 10. Look you saying I'm gonna send fire upon the earth I'm sending a sword now. I don't think I've come to send peace I'm bringing the vision upon the earth and one day I'm going to come and I'm going to sever the nations The just from the unjust and I'm gonna dash some with a with a with a rod of iron Look at Hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 So who's going to be on the receiving end of this judgment of this war that he is going to make? Look at verse 24 It says and let us consider One another to provoke and to love and to good works not forsaking and assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is But exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching for if we sin willfully After we receive the knowledge of truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the enemies now It's not saying that people that he's describing these prior verses are going to be You know devour he's saying they're gonna have that same mentality a certain fearful looking about For judgment and fire negation which shall devour the adversaries the people that are gonna be on the wrong end of that rod of iron Are his Adversaries his enemies and there are people today that are the enemies of God that are opposed and then exalt themselves against everything That is called God and and that's who's going to receive This fiery indignation that the Lord is going to bring and what if it be already kindled? You know, there's already people that are Flaming those the fans of that fire of his fire indignation You know, they're making it even easier for him when he gets here to just go ahead and do what he wants to do Go ahead turn over second Corinthians chapter 2 Second Corinthians chapter 2 I'll read you from 2nd Thessalonians 1 and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and Obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power so again, there are people that are going to Have vengeance taken upon them with flaming fire They that know not God those that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ You know, it's a big deal when somebody says I'm not interested in hearing the gospel. I don't believe that What you've done is you made yourself of that number. He said well now I'm the adversary of God now I'm going to be among those that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ So Jesus is saying here in Luke chapter 12 That this fire is already kindled and how is it kindled by the preaching of the gospel? That's one way. That's one way. This fire has already been kindled upon the earth I mean, that's what we read there in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 that those that obey not the gospel Are those that are going to be have flaming fire take vengeance on them, right? And so Jesus saying look this fire is already kindled by the preaching of the gospel. Look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ and make it manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ and then that are saved and in them that perish To the one we are the savor of death unto death and to the other save of the savor of life unto led And who is sufficient for these things? So I'm saying look we are a savor unto God Either way God is pleased by the savor that we are and the people that are hearing the gospel preach to them We are either a savor of death unto death unto them or you're a savor of life unto life unto them Some people hear the gospel and all they hear is the death or the wages of sin is death That's what they hear and they say well, I don't want that and they reject it out of hand So that becomes a savor of death unto death Because they reject the gospel they will face that eternal vengeance, right? They will face that being cast in the lake of fire the dead earth. That's where the dead go So they are there. We are a savor unto those people unto death But to the others we are a savor of life unto life for the wages of sin is death But the gift of God is eternal life unto Jesus Christ our Lord Some people hear the gospel and they hear the life they hear about eternal life and they embrace it and therefore they receive life So it's a big deal to preach the gospel somebody. You know, it's a big deal what people do with the gospel It's either a savor of death unto death or of life unto life But either way God is pleased. That's what it says there He says for we are unto God a sweet sight of savor of Christ in them safe and in them that perish God just loved looks down and loves to see his children preaching the gospel He says that's what I want to see that as a sweet savor unto me Now what I wanted to kind of point out here in this juncture is look there at the end It says and who is sufficient for these things? You know who can stand this who is you know, who's able to bear this? You know who measures up to this what I wanted to understand is that it's the gospel that is the offense You know Jesus he came to send a sword and he you know, he brings division But the Word of God does that all on its own, you know It's the gospel that is a savor of death unto death or of life unto life It's not us who is sufficient for it these things. I mean, which one of us is sufficient to We know we have this treasure in earthen vessels the Bible says You know who is sufficient for these things, you know, it's not us that's gonna be the offense. It's not our personality It's not who we are as a person the offense that we bring to the world is the gospel itself You know if we just shut up and quit preaching the gospel and quit preaching the Bible the world get along with us We wouldn't have to change anything else You wouldn't have to change the way you dress the way you look All we have to do is change the things that we say All we have to do is change what we preach Just close our Bibles put them away now mention anymore and the world would just go right on its merry way And be more than happy to just take us arm and arm But that's not what we're here to do and just goes to show us that it's the gospel that should always be the offense It's the gospel that's going to help to kindle that flame of vengeance See, we're nothing special if you go on there in second Corinthians chapter 3 just flip over the page Second Corinthians chapter 3 it says in verse 4 verse 5. He answers this question who is sufficient for these things Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God You know, we should never get this puffed up attitude. Well, we're really something special because we're out preaching the gospel I mean, it's a good thing that we're doing, you know, what do God more people were doing it Well, you know what our sufficiency is of God. It's God. That's the offense It's the it's the gospel that has the power and not we ourselves You What what are these things that help kindle this flame that that is that has already been kindled What are some of the things that are gonna fan that flame that are gonna bring that division? They're gonna bring that sword that Jesus said he was bringing Well, one of them we just saw you know is by the preaching of the gospel itself just that just in that one act You know You're going to separate people For those that are going to die not receive it and those that are going to live on to life eternal What about the living of a separated life You know people who get saved, you know, and we understand you don't have to live a separate life to get saved You know, you could be saved and live however you want and go to heaven because you know salvation is by grace through faith That's right You know, it's to him that work it not but believe without him to justify it the ungodly his faith is counted to him for Righteousness and if you're counting in your works and your good life, you're not counting in Christ You're counting in your own righteousness as the Bible says that's filthy rags before God so we understand that right But when a person gets saying this I know I'm gonna live for the Lord You know, I'm gonna I'm gonna start take reading the Bible and applying it to my life I'm gonna get in church and I'm gonna take the preaching I'm gonna do something with it You know, that's another way to kind of fan this flame that it's already kindled Look there if you would if first Peter chapter 4 go over to first Peter chapter 4 First Peter chapter 4 and when you get there keep something there We'll come back a little bit later in first Peter chapter 4. I think it reading verse 1 For as much then as Christ has suffered us in the flesh for us in the flesh arm yourselves. Likewise with the same mind For he that has suffered the flesh hath ceased from sin That he should no longer live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lust of men, but through the will of God For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles when we walk in lascivious this lust excess of wine revelings banquetings and abominable idolatries He's saying look you've already had enough of that simple life You've already had enough of all these things, you know, you don't need to do that anymore If you're saved you need to just continue you need to live for the Lord and not you know Keep going on and in this lasciviousness we brought the will of the Gentiles, you know, if that be us, you know Hopefully, you know when there's a generation that comes up that says no I haven't done any of that You know not they're gonna be perfect or sinless But there are people that you know Peter was addressing here that did live in all this, you know They were living in all these lusts and excesses and these banquetings and all these other things that they were into these abominable idolatries And look what he says in verse 4 Wherein they think it's strange that you run not with them to the same excess of riots speaking evil of you He's saying look you came up from that. You're not doing those things anymore with the people you used to party with They're going man you changed They think it's strange What do you mean you're not coming over on Friday night? What do you mean you're not gonna help me finish the six-pack? What do you mean you got a problem with the fact that we're serving liquor at the family gathering, right? You know, what do you mean you got a problem with all this you're what's the matter with you you changed You know, I'll never forget when I first got saved. I didn't here's a kind of getting ahead of myself You know, I didn't have to go really broadcasting it to my family You know I got saved and I decided to finally start living for the Lord it became pretty obvious pretty quick because I quit doing a lot of things That I was doing and I'll never forget one of my relatives coming to me and saying you know what? The the old you would make fun of the you today And she was right So the old you used to make fun of people like the you of today I'm just thinking oh, it's just a matter of time. You're just on some kick You know, you're just on some bandwagon. You'll fall off. You'll be back I'm not gonna say I was perfect the whole time and it has you know, make mistakes along the way But I think you know, they could look at my life now and say well, I guess it's not just some kick Yeah You know, it's not you know, nearly two decades later. It's not just some bandwagon That I actually believe these things, you know that I actually want this for my life And he's saying here look when you do that people are gonna think that's strange That's weird. And what are they gonna do? They're going to speak evil of you. And what is this? This is that division This is that flame that has been kindled on earth that Jesus brought Which is just a taste of what's coming That he's saying look when I'm bringing I'm kindling this flame It's going to cause division so that we can know who the people of God are who they aren't And he's separating people even now through the preaching of the gospel through the living of a godly life Go over to Luke chapter back to Luke chapter 12 He said in verse 49. I am come to send fire on the earth And what will I have to be over Kendall but I have a baptism Where it to be baptized? Well, I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna read from Matthew 10. I referenced that earlier But this is you know, this is a very similar thing to what he said in Matthew chapter chapter 10 verse 35 He said for I have come to set a man at variance against his father the daughter against his mother The daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law and a man's foes. I mean they of his own house They have his own household, you know, you get saved you started living for God You know, you're gonna find out is that the whole families and you just jump on board and say this is great Where's this been all my life? No, they say man keep that keep your religion You know, we don't want to hear about it. They want us to keep right on going with what they were doing Keep on going the same sense. And if you don't go along with them, well, you know what you're just kind of You're just kind of you're cramping my style, you know, they don't come around go live your weird life with your weird new friends That's the kind of things they say. That's how they think They think it's strange is what it says You Know I remember, you know going I'm just kind of reflecting you're thinking about when I got saved I you know, I had a friend who called me out, you know, cuz I started talking about man I went I got saved I started talking trying to talk about the Bible a little bit And he's like, you know, I hear what you're saying, but I see what you're doing And it's two different things And he's like everybody's kind of talking about it. You should probably pick one or the other What he didn't see coming was I ditched them It's all right, I'll take one I'll go with Jesus I'll go with the Bible then you can you can have your your parties and everything that goes along with it I'd have enough of that and every all the you know, just the Just the same the consequences and the negative effects that comes along with living that life You know and I'll say this, you know, even at the since getting saved and living for the Lord My worst days are still better than a lot of my best days as an unsaved It's true But what am I saying you're saying look he's sending this he's setting this fire There's a fire to come and this flame has already been kindled by the fact that Jesus brings the vision Just like that fire is going only gonna devour You know a certain group of people those that oppose God those that obey not the gospel be unsaved That's who we're gonna suffer that eternal vengeance And he's sending division through these different means through the preaching of the gospel through living a holy life So this divisions this division, you know this variance as he calls it is a fire that's already kindled Okay, and here's really what I want to drive in at this morning. Is that that fire is kindled without any help from any of us You know, we should We should really kind of hold back and just try to go through life Try to see how big we can make that flame ahead of time You know, there's a big enough flame coming There you know, Jesus is gonna devour the whole earth and fire You know that flame will grow naturally. It'll spread on its own in our own lives We don't have to go out of our way to try and divide people from us and try to offend people With you know with the Bible Okay, now I'm not against you know Standing your ground and saying what needs to be said and making things clear to people But on the other hand, you know, we're I see a lot today You know, especially in the area of social media where it seems like people are just trying to fan a flame That doesn't really need any help It's already there, you know grow on its own. It's a fence all of itself You Know the the passive-aggressive social media posts This is like one of the this is just such an easy dead ringer target whenever you talk about this I think there's just so much of it out there And you know, let me this is just something I gotta say because I see it over and over again And I've said it before but I'm saying again is that you know, it's appreciated when people you know when somebody goes on social media and they rail a man of God and they say pastor so-and-so or whoever it is that You're affiliated with You know and they and they go after them they attack them, you know You don't have to come running to their rescue on social media. Did you know that? You know I've had people like I remember saying this because people started they left a few comments in our channel And I'd go through and I'd read it So I would make some snarky remark about the way I look or something like that, you know, and we all know it's true But somebody somebody's got jumping they're like, hey, let me defend brother Corbin here It's like I appreciate it, but I'm not looking for it. And I really, you know, quite frankly don't need it That kind of a thing But you know the other thing is just well Let me just post this just to see who I can trigger Let me just post this so I can see if somebody's just gonna get angrier and angrier Let me just try and fan this flame and I got going to see how big I can get it You don't need to do this How about you know, we start berating the unsaved for not living a godly life You know, we see some unsaved person, you know, we see this all the time about knocking doors Someone will come to the door. You're like, whoa, you're just not trying to let it show on your face You're just trying to be like hi. I'm from Baptist Church maintain high contact And they look like they trip and fell into a tackle box Someone's just been using them as a sketchpad You know, they the kids got old some spray paint just went to town They're They're wearing something that's probably like made for somebody four times smaller than them They're hanging out all over the place in front of God and everybody We've run into this type of thing right where somebody comes to the door. They're just Just a really bad sad statement sins. Just got a hold on You know, it'd be really easy just to get a real cynical attitude Can you believe that guy you believe the way she looked You know, I know I'm up here kind of doing it We don't do that out there. We don't go out there and just like and I'll talk to you when you kind of You know just berate people because they're not living as godly a life as we are You know getting this holier-than-thou attitude. We shouldn't berate the unsaved You know try to fan that flame that's already kindled. Look they've already got something coming, you know And I'll say this this might surprise some people and I you know, this is just a preference This isn't something that you know, I'm saying anybody has to head be this way This is something I've kind of heard other people talk about and I've kind of developed this a little bit You know the the queer waiter, right? You go to the way that you go or that you go to the whole of the restaurant and you got you know You got the fad come and serve your food Now that can ruin your meal, you know, you know and there's way to raise the handle But sometimes you're just kind of stuck with that person Right I'm not going to go out of my way to try and make them have a miserable experience Because I know what's coming to them and that they're beyond hope teaches that's another certain You know, I can get through a meal And I think I can do all that without letting them know that I would rather the earth just opened up underneath their feet You know I'm saying they've got it it's bad enough for it's coming up You know at the very least just let them go through this life, you know We can't do anything about it. Anyway, so I'm not just gonna go out of my way to just you know, berate them You know unnecessarily Now I get it. Sometimes we have to let it out The world we're living in folks And if we just wanted to go around berating every unsaved person that we come across For what they're involved in You know that that'd be a miserable existence You know just getting you know, try and defend every right every wrong on the internet Rebuke every homeless bum who just needs to get up off his feet and go get a job at every intersection You go horse in this town Trying to do that You know this division this variance that Jesus brought brings just by Who he is just by the Word of God itself this flame that is already kindled in this world It grows and it arises just as naturally now as it did in Cain and Abel's day And we think about that Think about the fact that you know did Abel have to go out of his way to get Cain to rise and slay him He just did what was right You think he walked by with that lamp and looked at his vegetables like No, man, he was just worried about making sure he was right doing the right thing And when he found out that God rejected his older brother's offering of fruits and vegetables And he said when God said take this vegan mess away from me No I'm saying he just went about his business Made his sacrifice went back to his flock was just doing what he needed to do Living his life and just as now that flame is already kindled And you know, of course we know the story It says in 1st John 3. This is the message you have heard from the beginning that we should love one another Not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew him Because of the the relentless taunting and berating that that Abel, you know inflicted upon him day by day No Wasn't that because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous Just by living that righteous life just by living and doing what God said That was enough to just trigger Cain to the point that he's really killed And that's what I'm trying to get across this morning Is that we don't have to go out of our way to offend people unnecessarily now I'm not saying don't offend people at all costs You know if you're just going about your business and living your life and and saying what you have to say offense people So be it, you know, I'm not saying we need to turn in a bunch of PC snowflakes or something like that But all I'm saying is we need it. We need to have some discernment and check ourselves I might just bang a flame here for no other reason to see how big I can get it Or is there really a reason I'm taking this thing? So It arises just as naturally didn't cable day Abel's day He said, you know Marvel not my brethren if the world hate you You know the world's gonna hate you just just for the sake of the fact that you read the Bible to leave the Bible you Preach the Bible that's enough right there to just fan that flame You know in in just in case you haven't caught on here, you know the unsaved friends and family that we have You know, they are of the world So don't let it surprise you when even your own friends and your own family You know, they don't go to they of course the extreme pain did but they will hate you It might just cost you something I'm not saying to back down and not take your stand when it's appropriate and let the Word of God be an offense And you know, I think I can tell you about that I mean, I've got I've got relative that because of the preaching the Word of God said I don't want to do with you And they cut me off You know and the kind of spirit saved me in the trouble a little bit because it was headed that way anyway But what did I do? Oh, well, you know, let me let me explain my let me apologize for what the pastor said No way. Yeah, I told him well what pastor said was Bible and I don't apologize for it That's right. And I said, well, I don't I didn't do with you. See you later I'll tell you something. I didn't have to go out of my way page here with my pastor said hey, did you hear the sermon? I'd have to bring it to some unsaved relative and put it in their face and say let's see if this offends you Let me see if I can fan this flame It just happened of its own accord. I Didn't have to go out of my way So, you know That's really the thrust of this message this morning. It's not a long sermon Okay, it's gonna be a shorter one. But that's really I think it's an important truth that we need to understand That Jesus said it's already kindled, you know, hey, I'm gonna bring the judgment I'm gonna bring the fiery indignation people are going to be consumed with Eternal vengeance and flaming fire the end of the wicked is a horrible end You know and I'm glad God's God You know because I don't know that I could do that to those people to be quite honest I'm not saying that I'm right and he's wrong I'm just saying, you know If it were up to me, I'd probably try to get out to just you know It'd be like when you're playing dodgeball, you know You get down to last place and the guy calls out jailbreak and everybody gets to jump back in I'd probably be the guy yells out jailbreak Let them out, you know forgive them. Just let them out. You know, they just suffered long enough But that's not right, you know our ways are not his ways our thoughts are not his thoughts And when we get to heaven and we have the mind of Christ, I'm sure it'll me I'll say you know what I was You know, I'll totally understand it and say they're completely they deserve to be there just like the rest of us by the way, you know You know We're just saved by grace something you don't deserve So I'm saying is that end is already there for these people I don't have to make my life's goal you know about reminding them of that fact or You know seeing how offensive I can be with the Word of God It's it's offensive enough on its own So rather than you know going out of our way to just stoke these flames just getting out the billows And whatever area of life that we do that You know stoking this flame that's one day going to consume everything that exists everything that you see just turn to ash We Should probably show some compassion and patience with people. That's really what we need to do Because we understand the flames there. This flame is already kindled. The defense comes naturally. We know what the end is So in the meantime rather than just going through our life trying to stoke that flame let's actually show some compassion and patience towards people and try to pull them out of the fire and And understand something that when people are rejecting the gospel when they're rejecting Christ or the respect or rejecting what something that the Bible says They're not rejecting you Sure, they might be projecting their offense They might be projecting their objections towards you because that's who they have an argument with but ultimately at the end of the day They're rejecting Christ. They're rejecting the Bible And you can't reject something in the Bible and say I believe the Bible you either believe the Bible or you don't and that's that's you know, that's kind of another sermon too, but That's what I want to understand is that look this flame is kindled. It's coming but shows the compassion Understand that if the defense comes for the gospel sake they're rejecting Christ not you. He said if the world hate you You know that I hated me before I hated you Jesus says, you know, I'm first, you know, I've already been there I've already been around that block You know the world hates you and we feel like we're all alone we're being persecuted for the Lord's sake Well, you know what? Welcome to the club. That's what Jesus says Yeah, welcome to the club and guess who's the president of that club the Lord? I mean I tell they drug you out and arrested you and you know spat in your face and pulled out your hair and whipped you And crucified you, you know, I don't know that you've really suffered his degree that he has And no one ever will because we know there's a lot more to that as well So that should neither surprise that should not surprise us right when the world hates you That's what he's saying there if the world hate you know, you know that I hated you for your bar Well, not my brother if the world hate you You know that's going to come naturally that's not we don't have to go out of the way to make that happen all we have to do is just go about our lives and Live a life for Christ and just walk the offense will come for the word sake by and by So that shouldn't surprise us wait on the other side. It shouldn't be a source of pride either Now he does say, you know, we should rejoice for a minute, you know Let's sorry to mention I'll revile you to persecute you and shall sell all men of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice to Be exceedingly glad for great as your word in heaven We should rejoice But we don't need to wear that like a badge of honor, you know We can go around and try to show everybody how persecuted we are You know or how we turn this, you know We got a thousand comment thread going back and forth with a bunch of atheists or something. I Don't know what an exam, you know exact good illustrations to me, but I think you get my point Is that we don't need to turn this into a source of pride of how persecuted we are I'm so persecuted You should see my my social media accounts. I've been banned so many times from There's no need to doubt to to to stoke this flame with people we should show compassion that's what I want to get across here And because here's the thing that flames kill that fires coming do we want to just sit there and pour gas on them and be like Take that Go over to first Peter chapter 4 if you're still there dad keep something there probably not first Peter chapter 4 I Should go over to 2nd Timothy chapter 2. We'll start wrapping this up First Peter chapter 4, I'm gonna meet you It says for as much then Christ has suffered in the flesh Arm yourselves likewise the same mind For he that has suffered in the flesh as seeth from sin They should no longer live there in the rest of his time the left to the will of men He said in verse 4 wherein they think it's strange that you run not to the same within the same exits of right Speaking evil of you and we're talking about something like man. What's from you changed? You know we could get offended of that Yeah, you better believe I changed you need to change and we could get all fucked up and proud about it But here's the thing it said you know what the Bible says of those people Who shall give account to him that it's ready to judge the quick in the dead? You know they might think it's strange they might they might even speak evil of us But you know what they're all gonna give an answer to him one day for the Lord, and he'll judge him Our job in the meantime is to have an attitude of compassion towards those people You know not just go out of our way to see how many family members or friends or co-workers That we can just you know aggravate To where they are pushed away for the wrong reasons Look at 2nd Timothy chapter 20 chapter 2 verse 23 He said the foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing they do gender strikes you know that would probably knock out 90% of online debates right there people would just enact that and The servant of the Lord must not strive Must not you want to serve God don't strive with people Now I understand we need to contend for the faith. There's a time and place But I think I wonder sometimes that a lot of the so-called contending we're doing is really just a striving unnecessarily Instead of showing an attitude of compassion as it says here being gentle unto all men act to teach patient in meekness Instructing those that's a real that's the litmus test right there when you're you know going back with force to somebody You know look inwardly and say is this coming from a place of pride Or is this coming from a place of meekness Is this coming from a place where I'm trying to help them and instruct them am I being patient? Or am I just you know not listening and waiting to see how quickly I can respond and kind of get the aha You know everyone's trying to up. We know I'll do the other one. You know I'm gonna burn you you got no comeback kind of thing That's the wrong place. You know if we're gonna. We're gonna contend with people. You know we need to do it in the right manner Why and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God pre-adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth Isn't that what we want? Check your motive Why why are you going about striving with people if we're striving with someone? That's another thing you check What's my motive here is that that the word pants and you're right with God? Or is it just so I could say well. I won that debate Well, I guess I'm right. I want to hear you say well. I guess you're right. I'm wrong Is that the goal or is it that God will give them a repentance to the acknowledging of the truth? Because that flames already kindled we'd rather have them repent and I have you know when he when he pours out the gasoline That they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will You know we'd probably be a lot more compassionate with unsaved people if you could see them in that light in verse 26 People that are in the snare of the devil and are taken captive by him at his will The best way I've ever heard this illustrated that you ever see a cat play with the mouse. It's caught a Lot of times cat will a cat will catch a mouse. It isn't just you know thrash it and kill it It'll play with it for a while. Yeah, let it go and catch it again throw it up in the air It'll play with that thing That's what the devil does with some people They think they're getting away oh They come back thrashing a little bit throw them around That's what I'm saying to unsaved. That's what their life is like folks And when they start to get a little light they start feeling our standing They're trying to go in the right direction. They're trying to understand the gospel or some biblical truth or something like that and Then we come along and you know sometimes our attitude. We just kind of You know hold them up for the cat say here is You know they've got a hard enough time we should be Trying to reach out and compassion you know and help these people and again Here's all this is a great checklist if we find ourselves driving Let's go through this list and see if it's coming from a place of neatness. What's our attitude and what's our motive? So the purpose of this message is kind of twofold this morning And you know first of all don't be surprised when you keep feel the heat from that flame That's already been kindled in your life You know we're all gonna experience that at some point another if you're gonna live for the Lord You will suffer persecution yay, and all day that will live godly with Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Didn't say they might and say there's a good chance. He said they shall so just be prepared for that That one day you you're gonna feel that heat if you're gonna live for the Lord because that flames already kindled But understand this when you feel that that God is gonna fan that thing plenty on his own one day And we feel that we know there's that heat. Let me just blow on that see how big I can get it That should not be our attitude now again I'm not saying don't stand your ground not saying compromise what you believe or back down and stand up for what's right Because here's the thing you know and I don't mean this in a haughty way we have the higher ground It's a fact because we have the Bible on our side You know we're we're on the rock and everybody else is on the shifting sands We have the higher ground We just do Again, not because of who we are because of who the Lord is and what he's done in our life by saving us and teaching us these things But what do you want to use that higher ground for just look down on people? You know see if I can hot glue guns You know just tease them well look out You know laugh at them when they're when they're sinking You Know and instead of us standing on the higher end just kind of puffing our chest look where I am everybody Look how far I've made it. What's wrong with you That should not be our attitude should be Let me help you up here. Let me see if I can get you where I am that needs to be our motives Let's pull people up to where we are help them to get on that rock, too I should have had you over to Jude we're gonna close there Jude chapter 1. I'll begin reading in verse 21 Jude 121 keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life That's it. That's a good attitude to have in your out-soul winning. Keep yourself in the love of God out there folks That's a good attitude to have towards people in our lives keep yourself in the love of God And look for mercy for the Lord You know pray God will grant them mercy Under eternal life and some having compassion making a difference You know you bending down from that higher ground You don't know what kind of difference that might make there might be somebody looking up wanting to be where you're at Just looking for a helping hand someone to show some compassion and pull them out of that fire But again, he says here and others with fear there is a time and place to say hey What you're involved in is damnable what you're involved in is false But you're involved in is gonna take you to hell and you need to get rid of it We understand that But there's a time and place and there's a way to do it and it has to be the right motive in the right way He says others say with fear pulling them out of the fire Hating even the garment spotted by the flesh Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy To the only wise God in our Savior be glory and majesty and dominion the power of now and forever. Amen So we need to learn To use discernment to know which is appropriate this morning Do they need to be shown compassion or do they need to have some fear? Which is it? Well, we have to have discernment to know which is appropriate And we need to use discernment and in no way that you know That he made us faultless before his presence You know, it's the Lord that made us faultless We didn't get there on our own And not to have this pumped up hottie attitude But to have compassion on people, you know, he's the one that made us faultless and therefore, you know He's the one that gets all the glory and the praise and the honor the majesty and the power Dominion the riches and everything so on so forever and ever. Amen And that's my message this morning, you know, let's Let's have some compassion on the only unsaved and those about us Let's not just go through life trying to fan a flame that Is already kindled that God one day is gonna fan himself in the meantime Let's use discernment and let's pull people out of that flame. Let's go ahead and pray