(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen so we're gonna finish up second Samuel chapter 15 remember last week. We looked at Absalom's mo just kind of how those people operate, but we're gonna look a little bit closely tonight at Some some several other people here and the rest of this passage But really we're gonna be dealing with tonight is the subject of loyalty, and I know this is something I've preached on but you know it just comes up again here in this chapter And it's you know we saw it again in second Samuel chapter 2 But you know you got to kind of preach What's in in the text here and whenever you're dealing with people who are in leadership if you're ever dealing with people that? Are following leadership you know this subject of loyalty is something that comes up quite often And we see it again here in this passage because you have what you have a leader like David And you have those around him that are following him So we're gonna look tonight at just some different examples of of loyalty And then and there's actually some unlikely sources here And if you would we're gonna look first of all at those that are loyal to David Okay, and if you look at verse 14 it says and David said and all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem Arise let us flee for we shall not escape from Absalom make speed to depart lest he overtake us suddenly and bring evil upon us and smite the city with the edge of the Sword and the king's servant said unto the king behold thy servant thy servants are ready to go What to do whatsoever though my lord the king shall appoint so the first group of people that you see that are loyal to David Are his servants okay, and that's pretty expected. You know that's not something that would really catch you off guard I mean, they're the ones that are you know serving the king. They're the ones that are you know helping him They're the people that have been near him the most But they notice they're ready to do whatsoever my lord the king shall appoint and of course They're probably kind of wanting to save their own skin as well here a little bit So this loyalty from the servants really isn't that surprising but there are some other sources in this chapter where it is a little bit more surprising and would come from people that maybe you wouldn't expect and Says in verse 16 and the king went forth and all his house sold after him and the king left ten women which were cute concubines to keep the house and the king went forth and all the people after him and tarried in a place that was a far-off and all his servants passed on beside him and get this and all the Cherithites and all the Pelethites and all the Gittites 600 men which came after him from Gath passed on before the king now who are these people who are the Cherithites the Pelethites and the Gittites well these are Philistines Okay, these are people that are coming after him from Gath it says okay So this is kind of an unlikely source of loyalty that you would see to David because typically What we see in scriptures is that the Philistines are often the oppressors of Israel They're often the enemies of Israel. In fact, you're probably thinking of a very, you know import a very big figure Forgive the pun a very prominent figure in Scripture, you know Goliath who was also from where Gath He was the champion of Gath. He was a Gittite, right? So he was a Philistine Okay So that's that's who's following David here is not only his servants those that you would expect To stay by him those that you would expect to be loyal to him But also these this unlikely source of loyalty in the Philistines you say well, why is it? Why were these people loyal to David? You got to remember David spent a lot of time in the land of the Philistines when he was fleeing from Saul He did exploits there You know, he even was probably well known and respected there because of the fact that he did kill Goliath, right? Which was their champion and you know It just goes to show you that even these heathen nations that were around them could acknowledge and see You know that God was working through David that he was his anointed so this is this on you know likely source of people that are going to show their loyalty to David and You know and again, you know, why is it that people are going to be loyal to somebody? Is it because of their charming personality? Is it because they just like you know them as a person is? Because they're just so nice and kind all the time or is it because of the things that they do because of the stance That they take you know one it would be you know a cult of personality like if we're just following somebody We're just loyal to somebody because you know We just like how they speak or we just like the way they are their personality Are we really what are we really loyal to you know? We're really not loyal to any kind of a principle, okay? We're just loyal to a person Okay, now we should be loyal to people who stand up and take a strong stand You know, it's that's another thing, you know to be loyal to David in this instance What are they being loyal to they're being loyal to somebody who was anointed of the Lord? They're being loyal to somebody who is being used of God in a great way That's who they were being loyal to they weren't being loyal to David because of his charming personality Okay, in fact David had some faults, you know, and a lot of people knew about it You know, he were just coming out of his sin with Bathsheba or just a few years, you know several years removed from that And so he's got you know some imperfections. He's got some flaws. He's got some shortcomings, but you know loyalty can look past that loyalty can forgive people and understand that people aren't perfect and Be loyal to not just a person but actually to a set of principles that that person Represents okay, and you know, this is something that kind of gets lost on people today This idea of loyalty or if you even suggest that people should be loyal to somebody, you know It's it's they think oh, it's a cult. You're just trying to you know, just blindly follow somebody No, I you know, I'm loyal to you know our pastor pastor Anderson because of the fact of the the righteous stand that he takes You know when I moved out here eight years ago from Michigan I didn't move out here just because you know, I wanted to bask in the glow of Pastor Steven Anderson You know I moved out here because I wanted to be in faithful word Baptist Church Where there was some soul winning going on where there was a man of God who was preaching the whole counsel of God That's what I wanted to be a part of You know, I didn't move out here just so I could be part of the new IFB Okay, and I'm not against all that I'm for it, you know, we're in it But you know, I moved out here to go to faithful word Baptist Church Moved out here to be under the preaching of God's Word and to learn how to go so many I was loyal not to just a person but actually the Principles that that person stood for the stance that that person took on the Word of God. That's what I was loyal to and You know again you you start to talk like this to people about being loyal to somebody for the things that they do for the Things they stand for and they just they just glaze over they just think it's just odd, you know the strange concept You know, but we should develop loyalty in our lives not and not just in the church situation You know, how about loyalty in a marriage, you know, that's something that's gone out the out the window these days, isn't it? Where people are no longer faithful people are no longer loyal to those that they've taken their vows to You know so you can apply this to a lot of different areas in your life But again, these Philistines you would think that they would this they would seize upon their opportunity Oh, they got David on the run, you know, you think maybe they're just you know brooding for years after everything he's done to them and all the The battles that he's won against them and killing their you know, their champion and Goliath But what you find out is that they actually are very loyal to David Instead of pouncing on him and trying to just you know, stab him in the back They remain loyal and when David has to flee when David has a time of trouble They're there with him because they know what kind of man he is. Okay, so this is one unsourced This is one source of unlikely Loyalty the other one I want to look at a little more closely here is this newcomer and I tie it Okay, I the get tight, excuse me It says in verse 19 then said the king to a tie the get tight wherefore goest thou also with us Return to thy place and abide with the king for thou art a stranger and also an exile Whereas thou camest but yesterday should I die this day make thee go up and down with us? So he says to him that he came to him but yesterday now I don't believe that he's actually saying look you literally showed up yesterday But what he's saying is look you're new here, you know, you can't it's like you just showed up You know, you just came and you're and you're just trying to follow me. You're somebody that's that's just recently found out about me he's a newcomer right and He's saying look you don't need to come with me. I understand, you know, if you want to go back This is maybe a little over your head. You know, this is maybe not what you thought you were signing up for It's understandable. I don't expect you to be loyal to me. You hardly know me Okay, and he says they're seeing I go whether I may return thou and take back thy brethren Mercy and truth be with thee. I love my tea eyes Tais answer here because you know he get he's given an out, you know and think about what's going on in the story He's about to go with David They're not really sure exactly how things are gonna turn out and it could be that if you know Maybe things have gone the other way at a I you know might have gone down with them So he's kind of sticking his neck out here on David's part saying, you know what? No, I'm gonna go with you I know I'm new here. I know I just got here. But you know what? I'm gonna be loyal to you David And again, this is an unlikely source of loyalty and he says in verse 21 and I tell you I answered the king and said as The Lord liveth and as my lord the king liveth surely in what place my lord the king shall be Whether in death or life even there also will thy servant be he's saying look. I don't care if it cost me my life I'm willing to be where you are go over to Luke chapter 8 keep something there. Go to Luke chapter number 8 This is I love it a eyes answer he's saying look whether it's in death or whether it's life It doesn't matter why because I'm loyal to the king. I'm loyal to David I'm not just going to take this, you know, even though David is saying hey look I don't understand if you need to leave, you know, you're a newcomer. I know you just got here I'll understand if you know, you're not comfortable with going on and you need to go back He says you know what? No, I'm loyal and look this is somebody that's new that just instantly has this This is somebody that's coming and just already has that loyalty just built into them, you know And would to God more people had that especially people who should know better people who have been long around long enough People who should have more discernment on the importance of being loyal and aren't and sometimes it's the it's the it's the new guy It's sometimes it's the the young person. Sometimes it's a someone who you know, who's new to church who's most loyal You know Maybe that's to the fact that they haven't been around long enough to start getting mad at the preacher and start you know getting a lot of anger and resentment and bitterness in their heart to where they when they see their first opportunity to Get out or stab the pass from the back. They're just on it Maybe that's why it a I is so zealous here Or maybe it's just that he has that in his character that he's just a loyal person understands the importance of being loyal to people Especially being loyal to people who stand for righteousness and truth and the Word of God You Know what I love about a tea eyes that he's not testing the waters here is he? He didn't just show up and kind of say well, let me see about you know, this whole church thing Let me see what this Christian life's about. Let me just kind of dip my toe in it and see if I like it Let me see if things are gonna go my way, you know a tea eyes like look I'm here I'm going all the way in life death. It doesn't matter. I'm gonna be loyal He goes all the way in and that's we need to learn about, you know real loyalty. It sticks through the hard times You know, it's easy to be loyal when everything's going easy when everything's going well when everything is working out great. It's real easy Oh, I'm loyal, you know when they're when there is no persecution when they you know The sodomites aren't protesting outside the door when you know, the the preacher isn't on the nightly news You know when my family isn't a you know getting after me about that church or whatever It's easy to be loyal then but real loyalty isn't you know, isn't really proven until what it's tested Okay, and that's what you see and I tell you I and again It's not this guy who's been around a long time This newcomer shows up and has more loyalty than even some of David's, you know own Counselors as we'll see here in a minute. You're there in Luke chapter 8 look at verse 13. It's a familiar passage I know but it says in verse 13 They on the rock are they which when they hear receive the word with joy and these have no root Which for a while believe in the time of temptation fall away? Of course is the parable of the sower he's talking about look there's some people they're gonna receive that seed they're gonna get saved They're gonna they're gonna rejoice But you know what when the temptation comes when the trial comes when the persecution comes they're not gonna remain loyal They're gonna fade away. They're gonna they're gonna be the opposite of a tie They're gonna say you know what? I was testing out that whole Christianity thing and it turns out it's not really for me You know, I was trying out that whole going to church thing and it's not really my bag You know, I'm gonna go I'm gonna go back to what I was doing before and they'll say, you know I didn't really expect all the persecution. I didn't that's not what I signed up for. Well, you're no Attai then You know, there's a Philistine back then that had more loyalty than even some of David's own, you know brethren his own kinsmen He says in verse 14 and that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard go forth and are choked with the cares And riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection But verse 15 but that on the good ground are they which in an honest and good heart having heard the word and keep it and bring forth fruit With patience why patience because the tribulation will come because the testing will come because the persecution will come Yeah, all they that live God in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution the Bible says And that first group there they fall away when that temptation comes why because there's no loyalty there The second group sticks around because you know, they're they're loyal they want to have that fruit They want to bring it forth with patience. They have what an honest and good heart. They're the Attai eyes of this world You know, they're tempted just the same as everybody else Except they stick by the stuff They remain loyal You know, these are unexpected sources of loyalty, you know, there's these heathens from this heathen nation That's typically an adversary of Israel are showing more loyalty to him than David's own son, you know He's the one Absalom is the one creating insurrection. It's an unlikely source Men like Attai who are just new to it you'd say well surely and we understand David's servants were there You'd think there'd be some other people in the story that would have gone with David and they didn't Those you would expect to be loyal or not You know that's sometimes when that's when you find out who your friends really are when loyalty is put to the test and People you would think oh surely this person's gonna stand by me You know surely this person at the very least isn't gonna attack me surely at this at the very least this person, you know, if they are gonna be able to just let things go and Not harbor resentment against me But a lot of times the people that you would think would be loyal to you turn out to be the ones that are the most Unloyal you see example of that in the scripture It says in verse 12 and Absalom sent for a hit the fell the Gilead night David's counselor Okay, David's counselor, you know, this wasn't just anybody And in the Bible is telling us about this guy for a very particular reason This is David's counselor from this city Even from guy low while he offered sacrifices and the conspiracy was strong for the people increased continually with Absalom So when Absalom, you know breaks out in this rebellion he says, all right, let's go get a hit the fell because he's gonna join me He'd already been conspiring with him He's getting David's, you know counselor somebody you would expect that would have been loyal to David isn't he stabs in the back I mean think about what he's saying though. You see he's David's counselor He's saying you know, he's his peer right? He's he's a confidant to David He's somebody that he should have been able to go to counsel for and and and and and got advice from You know and it's it's unfortunate when you see leaders being disloyal to other leaders It's unfortunate when you see pastors being disloyal to other pastors I mean look it's one thing to not like a pastor to not like a Movement to not like a set of churches and just say you know what? I don't want to be their friends I don't want anything to do with them and just kind of do your own thing It's another thing to get up and malign a whole group of people and get up and just you know Talk trash on a whole group of people and just lump everybody together and just call them some of the worst things you can call And you and you see that you see pastors do this and it's like of all the people that should have known about Loyalty and what it means to be loyal To have at least enough decency to to not do what they what they do it and attacking You would think it would be them of all the people you would think it would be a pastor It wouldn't go so far as to malign another pastor But it happens all the time. I mean we see it. It's like a cycle nowadays. You know. It's just one pastor after another It's just done with the new I've been and we can't stand these people and they're this and they're that And look I know we're not gonna be everybody's cup of tea You know and I'm sure we have some people that are a little rough You know, we might have some at a eyes that are a little bit new to the game You know, maybe they didn't come from a church background. Maybe they're not as polished as you know, the old IFB Maybe they're a little rough around the edges Maybe they don't you know have all their ducks in a row and are just gonna be the perfect little church members You know, but at least they're standing up for something at least they're you know, loving the Word of God At least they're loyal at least they love soul-winning You know, but unfortunately what we see today are these a hit the fell types Who just when things aren't going their way when they're thinking of it get advantage in some other way just disloyal to somebody that they should have remained loyal to Pastors turning on other pastors. How about how about this? You know, the fifth of felt was not only was his counselor That hit the fell was from the same tribe as David and you'd see that if you go you can read it on your own Joshua 15 if you like long lists of names that are hard to pronounce you go to Joshua 15 read it should be reading anyway At least at least when you do your Bible reading, right? That's where they're dividing up the land and when it goes gets to Judah That's when you know this town guy low is mentioned, right? So guy low is in Judah Meaning that they're from the same tribe meaning that this is his kinsmen You know, it's it's bad enough that we see, you know pastors turning on pastors people who should know to be loyal not being loyal But you know you even see that with Christians You know just brothers and sisters in Christ, you know, so often they'll just turn on each other and it's not right You have a fifth of felt not only was his counselor, but he was also, you know, his own kinsmen He was from the same tribe. They probably knew the same people might have grown up together had memories You know what disloyal people are only looking out for themselves. They'll won't put themselves out for somebody else I mean, that's what it means to be loyal If I'm gonna be loyal to somebody, you know, and if that loyalty is gonna cost me something, you know, that's real loyalty Where I actually might have to make a sacrifice where I might be in convenience where I might be put out where I might be made Uncomfortable, you know, that's that's what a loyal person does they go ahead and go through with that Disloyal people can say oh, I'm loyal. I'm loyal. I'm loyal I'm a loyal person But as soon as things get a little uncomfortable as things things get tough as soon as it's gonna cost them something As soon as it makes them a little a disadvantage there and say well never mind I'm just gonna go run with Absalom now I'm just gonna get with Absalom and hang out with him because you know He's probably gonna take over and I'll just be loyal to him they're just loyal to that what whoever they think can do something for them and Once they've used somebody up They're just on to the next guy and let me just be loyal to him until I use him up and then I'll be on To the next guy That's what this a hit the fellas like he's David's counselor I bet he was real came across as real loyal that whole time that everything was going great for David But as soon as things got a little rough, it's like well, I'm gonna be loyal to Absalom now Then you want you were never really loyal were you? We see this Christians turning on Christians, you know Christians who can't let things go You know part of loyalty is just like I said over overseeing the overlooking things You know, somebody has a fault somebody does something you don't like You know just Christian love just Christian at it out of just for the sake of unity People need to just learn to let things go and not dwell on fester on little stupid things that in the long run don't really matter You know, it's an opportunity to show love Go over to Proverbs chapter Proverbs chapter 19 Proverbs chapter 19. We're gonna look at a few passages and problems just a few You know part of loyalty is learning to let things go You know if I'm loyal to you, I'm not gonna sit here and pick you apart I'm not gonna sit here and try to find everything that's wrong with you And when you do do something wrong when news flash In a group of people you're gonna you know, you're gonna do or say something that's gonna upset somebody You're gonna get this many people together this many times in a week for you know, you're we're gonna be coming here for years on end There's I guarantee you at some point somebody's gonna just step right on your toe And say something rude say something you don't like And you know what love and loyalty just says, you know what? I I'm gonna forgive them even if they don't ask for it. I can look past that Because you know, this is a brother. This is a sister in Christ This is somebody that I should be loyalty loyal to because I'm gonna tell you right now There's not a lot of us in this world. I don't know if you've noticed that There's not all I mean there's there's Christians right there's the umbrella of Christianity and then you start to narrow that down to Baptists right which could mean anything these days then you get down to you know, independent fundamental Baptist That's the even smaller group then you get down to the new IFB You know, that's an even smaller group about like ten to ten churches or whatever it is right now It's a very small group. There's not a lot of like-minded people like us So we should be careful to do is not start tearing each other down and picking each other apart What you'd actually try to do is practice a little loyalty to one another and be grateful that we have people who see things That the way we do I Mean a lot of people who just start out in the new IFB They don't I don't think they understand what it's like to be in the old IFB I mean being in the new IFB is great because of the fact that you know You don't have to put up with a lot of the things you got to put up with the old IFB and look No, well that B has plenty of great things about it Okay, you can go to an old IFB Church and you can go in there and you can thrive and you could serve a Lord I know it because I've done it okay, and you know I know plenty of other men of God and other good Christians who have just who've gone in for years and Served an old IFB Church and have grown and love and love the Lord there and worship God there and have done great things for God Do you know you get that here too in a new IFB Church like this one? But you know also you with some of the things you don't have to put up with You don't have to put up with you know, the the six week long series on the pre-trib rapture You know while listen to a preacher get up and try to explain that nonsense You know, I went to an old IFB Church for like 11 years. I heard that one Series on that and in 11 years, it was just a few months of trying to make sense of that Imagine trying to you think sitting through my sermons is hard Imagine a guy who's just confused about what the Bible says trying to teach it to you. It's it's it's it's tough to sit through You don't have to put up with you know, the the hey, you know, we got a nursery, you know We got a nursery, you know, you know if you're gonna be if you're gonna be you know feeding your child You need to make sure you go in the back and sit in the stall somewhere You know, we're just turn your kids over to whoever Look, there's a lot and I'm not gonna go on and on about it, you know But I'm just saying this is that if you're if you're in a church like this You should be grateful for that and you should show some loyalty to it And you should show some loyalty to those that have provided that to you, you know pastors like pastor Anderson Who's done a lot for you know, this movement who's done a lot for this church, you know We should it should expect, you know, I don't think it's a it's a it's a you know A crazy thing to ask that, you know, we show loyalty to somebody like that and I'm not saying blind loyalty Look, I'm if some if some pastor somewhere gets into some outlandish chin or there's something it's honestly needs to be addressed so be it but what happens is people just start to nitpick each other and You wonder where it's really coming from when people start to just pull each other apart like that Is it really because that you know, they have an issue with you know How mean-spirited that person is or is it they've just been harboring some kind of resentment for years over something else And now it's just they're projecting that on them The Christians turn against Christians. It shouldn't be that way Loyalty demands that we overlook Transgressions Bible says I have you go to Proverbs 19 look at verse 11 It says the discretion of a man defer his anger and it is his glory to pass over a transgression Bible says it's a glory for a man to say, you know what you've offended me. You did something wrong You you know, you've upset me, but I'm just gonna pass over that transgression I'm gonna forgive you as Christ has forgiven me It's an opportunity for you to be Christlike to be like the Lord So I want to be like Jesus. You know what be a forgiving person. I want to be like Jesus be a loyal person Be a friend Go over to Proverbs chapter 15 one more Proverbs chapter 15 Bible says he that covereth a transgression seeketh love Seeketh love look and when people just get so upset over some little transgression. There's no love there There's no loyalty there Bible says that he that cover at the transgression seeketh love, but he that repeateth a matter separate it very friends And look you can put up with you can overlook a lot of transgressions You can look up with a lot of just put up with a lot of disloyalty and look over it But it gets to a point where it's just one subtle jab after another when it's just one You know just shot across the bow after another when people are just subtly taking jabs at your pastor when people are just You know picking apart people it gets to a point where if you're this type of person, you know And you're dealing with somebody who is seeking love and will look over transgression, you know, there is a limit to that It's you know at some point they are gonna get upset at some point. They are gonna lash out The Bible says if you're there in Proverbs 15 verse 1 a soft answer turneth away wrath a Soft answer turning with the way rat that you know, we love that first part. Don't we? I mean, we probably even know that one We might even quote that to ourselves, you know when we get upset, you know when somebody makes us mad I say, you know what a soft answer turneth away wrath and isn't that so true? When you run, you know some you might be out in your business, you know throughout the day Someone's having it. Some people are just having a bad day folks, you know, and it probably even some of us from time to time You know, you didn't get that cup of coffee on the way out or you know You had some argument on the way out or the kids didn't who knows what you know? You got some bad news. Who knows you could just be having a bad day. We all have them Sometimes we run into people and you know what they're upset. They're angry. They're wrathful They're looking to just take it out on somebody and then you just say that give them that soft answer and it turns it away And it says oh, you know what? I'm sorry. I'm having a bad day. But look when when people Get pushed to a point, you know, there's the second half of this verse that comes into play It says but grievous words stir up anger Grievous words stir up anger You know when people start just calling other people names When people just start bashing someone's church or bashing someone's pastor repeatedly Don't be surprised if some people get upset by it and decide to actually call it out for what it is So, you know we should be loyal and Christians should be loyal to Christians and we should overlook a transgression and we should seek love You know, but we should also make understand that there is a limit to that with people, you know if we're just continually going to be a disloyal person, it's gonna come back on our head and That's what we see happening here at the hip of L You know somebody you would have expected to be loyal who was nothing but Eventually, I mean we'll get into it later, you know, he comes on it comes back on him So we see some loyal people here in the get-tites and the in the and we see some Loyal people here in men like a tai some disloyal people, but we see this split take place. Don't we? Where are these people are siding with? Absalom and other people are siding with David now. I want you to notice who gets what kind of people Okay, and and David actually draws what the spiritual crowd they actually are the ones that are this is the spiritual crowd That's following David that's sticking with him verse 23 and all the country whipped It says with a loud voice now the people passed over the king also himself passed over the Brook hydrant and the people passed over toward the way of the wilderness and Lo Zadok and all the Levites were with him bearing the ark of the covenant of God and they set down the ark of God And that Abiathar went up until all the people had done passing out of the city So notice who it is that's following David. It's the priests. It's the Levites. In fact, they're even bringing the ark Which is a pretty bold move because remember the ark isn't just something you move around on a whim You don't just slap it on a cart, you know and just on a new cart, you know, remember Uzzah, right? He got killed for that. There's a lot that goes into that and the spiritual crowd here saying, you know what? We're gonna follow David. We're gonna stick with him. That's who he draws, you know, the other guy, you know Absalom Yeah, there were some people that were loyal to him. But who was it a hit the fell? You know what? You can have a hit the fell go ahead and keep your hit the fells These people that will turn on you in a dime They'll be loyal to you for years and then just one thing you say one thing you do you don't like and they'll turn on You and side with your sworn enemy You know, go ahead and have all the hit the fells, you know, I'd rather be with the spiritual crowd I'd rather have you know, the spiritual people following And that's what David had he had the priests and I love what David says when he sees this, you know He doesn't say well, of course, you know, of course, they're gonna follow me, right? He says in verse 25 and the king said unto Zadok carry back the ark of God in the city If if I shall find favor in the eyes of the Lord He will bring me again and he and show me both it and his habitation And what's going on here with David as David is trusting in the Lord in the story David is still a man of faith because you gotta remember this isn't the first, you know, this isn't David's first rodeo You know being on the being on the run from somebody remember that whole book called first Samuel where he's running from Saul and and so he's used to this and you know, he's learned from experience that hey if I'm right if I'm doing right if God's with Me, you know, he will bring me back and You know, that's how it always turns out in these situations. Is that you know, the Lord preserves those that are True and faithful and he keeps them. Okay He says he will bring me back again and show me both it and his habitation But if you say thus I have no delight in thee behold here am I let him do to me as seemeth good unto him And the king said also into Zadok the priest are thou not a seer return into the city and peace and your two sons with you Ahima, ahima As thy son and Jonathan the son of a be the son of a be a be a thar See I will tarry in the plain of the wilderness until there come word from you to certify me Zadok therefore and a be a thar carry the ark of again to Jerusalem and they tarried there And what this shows me is that you know, David had some real spirituality Yeah, he didn't just you know, have an air of spirituality or put himself out there as a spiritual person You know, he actually had a real spirituality because again like loyalty true spirituality isn't proven until tested You know, we say oh, I'm spiritual. I love the Lord Yeah, but what about when you're you know set up when you got across the Brook Cai Dran You know and your enemy is gonna be hot on your trail You actually have to go through some persecution that's when your spirituality is really proven you know when you actually have to have your own personal walk with God and Look, this is this is a good message for you know, the young people, you know young people in this room Need to actually develop their own spirituality It needs to be real for you You know You can't just ride on mom and dad's Coattails spiritually for the rest of your life because eventually you're gonna become adults and you're not to make your own serious spiritual decisions You're gonna have to decide am I gonna follow Christ? Am I gonna live for the Lord? You know mom and dad aren't gonna be there your whole life breathing down your neck. Did you read your Bible? Did you say your prayers you can go ready to go to church? Eventually, you have to get a point and say you know what? I'm gonna read my Bible. I'm gonna pray I'm gonna go to church I'm gonna serve the Lord because I want it because I want to have a spirituality. That's real That's what David had he's somebody that's why people are loyal to David it's because he actually had a real genuine Spirituality and he didn't have to go around telling everybody about it. He actually was just that way And we see that here with him being a having a genuine spirituality Where as on the other hand a hit the fell has this completely fake spirituality if you notice there in verse 12 It says an Absalom sent for a hit the fell the Gilead night David's counselor from his CD city even from guy low while he offered sacrifices So, you know hit the fells they're offering sacrifices But you know what as soon as Absalom this betrayer this Judas comes along and says hey, it's time He just drops what he's doing and says, alright, let's go commit. So, you know, let's commit insurrection. Let's start a civil war Let's turn on the man of God that's not a real spirituality. That's a fake spirituality in it And you know, he's sitting there making his sacrifices, but you know what? What was really in his heart came out didn't it? And how did he show that through his actions? And it hit the fell ends up turning on his own, you know His own a man from his own tribe not just as King not just as leader Not just someone who's been a blessing to him, but actually somebody that is of his own kin You know the Bible warns against us, you know We should be loyal to fellow Christians and be very long-suffering and not have such a short fuse with one another The Bible says and I'll read to you from 1st John 4 20 It says if a man say I love God and hate if his brother he is a liar So I'm spiritual, you know, I love the Lord, but I hate my brother. You know what then you're a liar. You don't love God For he that loveth is not his brother whom he hath seen how can he love whom he hath God whom he hath not seen Saying look if you can't love your brother who is right there in front of you Where your actions are gonna have an impact on them. Your words are gonna have an effect on them How can you sit there and say you love God whom you have not seen? It's a fake spirituality and fake spirituality will fail when it's tested And when it does come time to prove your loyalty to prove your love for one another to prove these things they're going to fail Now I want to point out here that That these these the spiritual crowd that followed David, you know, it wasn't following David that made them spiritual and say well I'm on David's side. So obviously, you know what they followed David because they were spiritual They could see what was going on They had some discernment and they could say this guy's right and this guy's wrong This guy's gonna hit the fell this guy's King David I'm gonna follow David because despite his faults despite that maybe he's not perfect in every way. He loves the Lord He has a real spirituality and he's leader. I'm gonna be loyal to him And we should done any say well, why do you want it? You know, I know I've preached a few sermons on loyalty But it just seems like a topic that needs to be preached on more and more these days You know and it's important for us to get this down because I'm telling you right now God values loyalty God puts up an emphasis on it. God puts a premium on being Loyal to who? Well, we talked about it earlier to fellow Christians go over to Psalms 101 Psalms 101 You say why should I be loyal to my fellow church member? Why should I be loyal to a brother and sister in Christ because God wants you to be? Because God puts a premium on being loyal to your own Look at Psalms 101 verse 4. It says a forward heart shall depart from me I will not know a wicked person who so privately slander at his neighbor him Will I cut off him that hath an high look and a proud heart? Will I not suffer mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me? He that walketh in a perfect way. He shall serve me He that work at the seat shall not dwell within mine house He that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight What is he saying? Look I'm gonna be faithful to what the faithful of the land That's where my loyalty is going to be to those that are the faithful of the land I'm not gonna put up with people who tell lies. They're not gonna tarry in my sight People that are gonna slander their neighbor. I'm gonna cut them off Why because I'm trying to be faithful to those that are faithful be faithful to those Of the land that they may dwell with me he that worketh in a with the walketh in a perfect heart He shall serve me. You know, we should be felt we should be faithful to our fellow Christians People that are the faithful of the land and you know what that doesn't mean you get to just say well, I'm faithful But I'm also gonna tolerate these other people who are slandering and lying You know and those people need he says look if you're gonna be loyal to the faithful and those people need to be cut off Those people need to be put away Those are people you have to separate from You can't say look you can't wear it's like if you want to use the analogy of the Civil War You know if I wore the blue pants and the gray coat, I'm gonna get shoot at for shot at from both sides You can't you can't be on both sides. You have to pick one. That's what loyalty is Meaning loyal to your fellow Christians loyal to leadership go over to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 You say well, of course you preach about being loyal to leadership you're in leadership well, how about I'm just preaching because that's what the Bible teaches and There's value to it and God puts an emphasis on it The Bible says in 1st Timothy 5 verse 17 let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor Especially they who labor in the word and doctrine saying let them be counted worthy of double honor You know if they're laboring in the word, they're laboring in doctrine if they're getting up and teaching the Word of God If they're studying and reading, you know, they're worthy of honor Look at 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 12 And we beseech you brother in verse 12 to know them which labor among you who are over you in the Lord and admonish you You know, there are people in the Christian life that are over you in the Lord You know whether it's you know in the church leadership or it might even just be a brother and sister of Christ That's just been at it longer than you have you know, you should know them and And Those that are over you in the Lord and admonish you and look why does God put people over us? Why does their authority structure so that they can just hold us under their thumb? And try to beat us down and make us do what they want. No, it's so that they can admonish you And that's what leadership does Lee, you know leadership gets up and is you know, that's why it's called a pastor, right? Because he's overseeing a flock and a good pastor doesn't just let flock the you know, his sheep go astray He goes and says you need to come back, you know, oh he's headed straight for a cliff You know, but I don't want to I don't want a medal. I don't want to get in his business That's not admonishing. That's a poor pastor a Good pastor a good preacher a good leader would say hey look out for that cliff. You're about to go off You know, he's not gonna sit back and just watch a wolf come in and devour the flock He's gonna do something about that wolf And you know what? We owe those people in return some loyalty We owe them, you know a little respect It says there in verse 13 and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake Not because of how who they are and because of how charming they are or anything like that because of their nice personality No because of the work that they do Because of the fact that they run the wolf off because the fact that they're watching for your souls That's why these people deserve a little bit of respect and a little bit of loyalty That's what it says in Hebrews. I won't have you turn there Verse 13 or chapter 13 verse 17 obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves. Why? So that they can feel powerful No, why because they watch for your souls. It's not an ego thing It's it's because they're there to watch for your souls as they that must give an account That they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you You know if you buck at church leadership and you say that preacher he's you know, he's off. He's off his rails Whatever. I don't listen to listen that guy. You know what? It's it's it's not gonna be unprofitable to me. I'm gonna be fine. I Mean, I'm not gonna be able to give an account for Joe with joy Let's say yeah so-and-so, you know, I try to warn them but that's what happened and it's gonna be a sorrow To me, but you know what who it's good who it's gonna be unprofitable for is you You're the one that's gonna say I don't need anybody to watch for my soul I don't need anybody to admonish me and you're gonna end up in sin Because look is the world gonna come to you and say, you know, you shouldn't do that Is the world gonna come to you and you're living in you know? Being a drunk living in fornication and committing adultery or whatever sin you get into is the world gonna come to you and say hey You should probably cut that out. It's not gonna turn out well for you. You're gonna make God mad doing that No, of course not. They're gonna say hey you want some more you want to do that some more. Hey, keep at it Hey good for you They're gonna encourage that kind of behavior There's very few people in your life that will come to you and say hey you need to knock that off You need to get that right you need to straighten that out You know and you can apply this all the way down to you know, the parent-child relationship You know parents or children should appreciate the fact that they have a set of parents with rules Oh, I don't like their rules, you know, the rules are in place to keep you from making a wreck out of your life That's what they're there for Not just so, you know, you know, it'd be a lot easier to just not have rules It'd be a lot a lot easier. Just let people do whatever they want It'd be a lot less grief to have to you know, it's not easy to go to somebody and say hey You're doing something wrong. You need to knock that off. It's not fun You know, it's not fun for parents to have to constantly discipline and correct their children It'd be a lot easier in the short term to just let the kids do whatever they want We see it all over the place you go out in public You see these kids that are just left to themselves to do whatever they want. Why because their parents are lazy Because it's easy. Just let the kid throw the fit. Oh, can I give you this? Oh, what do you want? Oh, please stop It's it's harder to draw a line and deal with your children and get them in line, isn't it? We should be thankful that there's people in our lives that will admonish us and encourage us and watch for our you know As the Bible says for our souls So we should be loyal to these people to our fellow Christians to leadership But most of all obviously and if you get this one, right everything else will just fall right in line to the Lord You be loyal to God The Bible says in Matthew, I'll read to you It says in verse 37 he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or Daughter of more than me is not worthy of me, you know, our utmost loyalty be should be to God before all else And it should be a loyalty that's willing to go like a tie the get-tight unto death He said whether by life or whether by death Where you are David that's where I'm gonna be if it means it's gonna cost me my life That's how far real loyalty will go And that's what Jesus told the church in Smyrna in Revelation chapter 2 fear none of those things which thou shall suffer Behold the devil shall cast on you in prison that you may be tried and you shall have tribulation ten days And I'll understand, you know if you need to go fight the government I'll understand You know if you need to go and and take up some other banner and some other cause other my own and and for Sake the church and quit living for me and and just go fight for your silver liberties or get involved in politics Or whatever. I'll understand. I know the tribulation is gonna come. I know you're gonna suffer things I know the world's gonna get worse and if you want to just go fight some vain empty You know battle and just constant uphill battle all understand. Is that what Jesus told them? Look, I'll understand if you need to you know Go on a crusade against the Jews and defend yourselves No, he said be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life He's saying look you need to be faithful to me all the way even it costs your very life and People today are just forsaking church forsaking men of God Forsaking their fellow Christians to go fight some vain empty uphill battle that they can't even win And it makes me question sometimes their motivations But you know if some people are just so genuinely upset about some of the things that are taking place in our world You know, it just makes me wonder what are you gonna do when things get really bad? So like I got to quit this church and forsake all these people and quit serving God so I can go fight, you know COVID You know, I'm not you know, I'm gonna put down the banner of the cross. I'm gonna put down the God's Word I'm gonna stop standing for that and just go wave the flag of no masks And look, I'm not a fan. I ain't even either and I wish it would all go away What do you think's the more important battle to fight? The one the fighting for the Lord are going to fight that battle because I are you know I preached about a few weeks ago. That's a losing battle Evil men and seduce your cell wax worse and worse, you know, unless everybody, you know, just makes it They're a vendetta to wake up the sheeple That's that's not what's gonna happen. It's that's a losing battle And it's just amazing you watch Christians just lose their minds over COVID It reminds me in Jeremiah said in verse 12 chapter 12 verse 5 if thou hast run with the footman and they have wearied thee Then how can thou contend with horses if in the land of peace where in thou trustest they wearied thee then how will it do? Without do in the swelling of Jordan Look, I understand it's difficult. I understand times are hard, you know, and people are having to make decisions about you know, these these You know getting the jab or whatever, you know or lose their job I understand there's real tough decisions and it's not easy, but I'm just here to tell you, you know compared to what's coming down The pike that's nothing That's the footmen You know, that's that's us in the land of peace You know where the masks are optional where jobs where you don't have to take that are still available But people are losing their minds over this and I just wonder what are you gonna do when the actual mark of the beast comes? What are you gonna do when the Anak ice actually does come to power if you can't handle this? If this gets you out of church and gets you off track for serving God and gets you chasing your tail What are you gonna do when the actual thing comes when the real persecution comes these people aren't gonna last You know, that's why we need to remain loyal to the Lord most of all if we remain loyal to the Lord You know, then you know what come what may? Come death. I've got a crown of life Come take my life Come come persecute me Because I know that ultimately all things are going to work together for good to them that love God to them That are called according to his purposes You know, I know when I get to heaven if I gave my life for Christ or I suffered persecution down here I'm gonna be rewarded So I'm just gonna stay loyal to him and keep serving him and just let come what may But you know a lot of people out there they don't get that and they become very unloyal and they become very vocal about how unloyal they are and You know, that's why I say and we see this in this chapter here. Is that unloyal people, you know deserve to be exposed Unloyal people deserve to get called out Unloyal people deserve to be marked as what unloyal people Backstabbers people who will turn on you look at verse 30 and David went up by the ascent of mount all of it and Wept as he went up and he had his head covered he went barefoot and all the people that was with him covered every man his head and they went up weeping as they went up and One told David saying it hit the fell is among the conspirators of Absalom So he finds out that his own counselor his own kinsman is with and sided with Absalom And he said well You know, I'm sure he's just confused. I'm sure he's just you know, he'll come around eventually You know, I'm sure he could still do good things over there, you know serve in Absalom You know, I'm not gonna say anything about it because I wouldn't want to upset anybody that likes a hit the fell He said no and David said Oh Lord I pray thee turn the council of a hit the fell into foolishness and then he goes and not only that He plots against him look at verse 32 and it came to pass that when David came to the top of the mount Where he worshiped God behold who shy the arkite came to meet him with his coat rent and earth upon his head Unto whom David said if thou passest on with me, then thou shalt be a burden unto me He's saying look I don't want to worry about you, okay But if thou return to the city and say unto Absalom I will be thy servant Oh King as I have been my father's servant hither to So will I know also be thy servant then mayest thou defeat for me the council of a hit the fell David just they come to bring in this news about a hit the fell he says, you know what? he just prays his prayer and says God turn his turn his council into foolishness and Then he actually sends a guy back to counteract His his his counsel You know, he sends back who shy the hit tight, I mean David is exposing this guy and he's plotting against him He says verse 35 hast thou not here with these Zadok and Abiath are the priests Therefore it shall be that that thing whatsoever so ever thou shalt here out of the king's house thou shalt tell it to Zadok and Abiath are the priests and Behold they have there with them their two sons a high my as Zadok son and Jonathan Abiath our son and by them He shall send unto me everything that you can hear so who shy David's friend came into the city and Absalom came into Jerusalem and You know, we're gonna get in next week and if you've read the story, you know what happens is that a hit the fells council is defeated and he ends up taking his own life and What we see is that unloyal people deserve what they have coming They deserve what they have any judgment that comes in our life for their being disloyal to who? To the man of God to their fellow Christians to their own you know, they deserve what they got coming and You know on unloyal Christians, they deserve harsh criticism in my opinion Look people that will turn on Other soul winning churches people that will turn and malign whole groups of people that are trying to do something for God They deserve every bit of harsh criticism that they have to coming to him because they've asked for it And you say well, I don't know that's not very Christlike well, what did what did Jesus say let's just end on this thought Luke 9 Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed When he shall come in his own glory and his father's and in his father's and of the holy angels I mean, he's gonna be ashamed of some people there's gonna be some harsh criticism You say all right, let's try the works and yours comes up all ashes There's no well done thou good and faithful servant It's an it's an eternity of I could have done more. I failed as a Christian. That's one long harsh criticism folks. I Mean Christ, you know, he's gonna have some things to say everyone's like I can't wait for Jesus to come back. Are you sure? That could be a scarier thought than you think Especially if you're not right with God, especially if your life has counted for nothing for Christ. You've been out spinning your wheels Over some vain thing and that's gonna all come to not it's not gonna count for anything There might be some harsh words that are spoken when Christ comes back. In fact, there will be you know in the meantime people that want to want to Separate chief friends that people want to drive wedges between people and falsely accused people. They deserve harsh criticism Why because they're unloyal people and let that never be said about us. Let us be people that are loyal You know be loyal to the leadership that you have Because they're not they're there for your sake to admonish you to watch for your soul You know be loyal most of all to God You know all those other things will fall in place. Let's go and pray