(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And we're here in Matthew, chapter 7, and we're continuing our series on types, tactics, and teaching on psychopaths. As I mentioned, you know, if you stay for the second service, we have our Christmas sermon. We're going to have a good time of fellowship, but, you know, I decided to preach, you know, one sermon on Christmas and one not on Christmas. And this is the sermon that's not about Christmas, okay? And so we're continuing this series as we're talking about religious psychopaths, okay? Now I want you to keep your finger in Matthew, chapter 7, and go to the book of Jude, okay? We'll be back in Matthew 7 in one second, but just go to the book of Jude here real quickly, and I know we've seen this verse, the theme verse for this series. Because if you remember in the first sermon, and I still stand by my statements, you know, the Bible gives classifications, tat lon classe nang psychopaths, or reprobates, and one of the categories are covetous, violent, and controlling. There is no category for a religious psychopath, and I'll explain that here why I'm saying that, and then I'll explain why the name of the sermon is religious psychopaths. Because there's not really religious psychopaths, there's psychopaths that are very religious, okay? There's a difference there, okay? Now notice what it says in Jude, verse 11. Jude chapter 1, verse 11. It says, woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Cori, or Korah. Now when you look at these three people, as we mentioned, Cain fits with the violent psychopath, he murdered his brother, Balaam fits with basically the covetous psychopath, it specifically states that it's for reward, talking about a financial reward, and then it mentions that Cori, or Korah, perished in the gainsaying of Cori, it says, by what he said, the gainsaying. And as we saw last week, basically he's a controlling psychopath, okay? But what I want you to understand with Cain, Balaam, and Korah, if you were to name one person in that group that was the most religious, you would name Balaam. Because he was a religious false prophet, okay? Now that doesn't mean that Cain wasn't religious, but he wasn't some sort of religious leader, okay? And Korah was in the congregation, but Balaam was literally a religious false prophet, but he is not a religious psychopath, he's a covetous psychopath. And so that's why I'm saying these classifications, there is none in this verse to say that there's a religious psychopath, but what there are are psychopaths that will use religion and are very religious, okay? Now I want you to go back to Matthew chapter 7, Matthew 7. And I'll explain this more as we go on with the sermon, because what I'm going to show you here in Matthew chapter 7 is there are definitely people that are very religious out there that are false prophets, and they honestly believe they are going to go to heaven. They believe they are correct, they believe they are right, they believe that they're good enough to work their way to heaven, and they honestly think one day that they're going to die and go straight to heaven, okay? Now there's no question that when you look at false prophets out there, some of them are just liars and phonies intentionally to make money. Not all of them, though. Some of them are literally deceived and they do believe that they're correct, and I'll show that to you in Matthew 7. And so the first point is this, when it comes to religious psychopaths or psychopaths that are very religious, some of them think that they're good people and they're right. Matthew 7 verse 21, Jesus said, not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Now people like to quote Matthew 7 verse 21 out of context and they'll say, well, see, you got to do good works to go to heaven. Now did it say you have to do good works to go to heaven? It didn't say that. It said you must do the will of the Father, okay? Callo ben nang deos, the will of God. But it does not say in this verse what the will of the Father is. You say what is the will? Well go to John chapter 6, John chapter 6, John chapter 6. Now I want you to understand when we talk about the will of God, that can mean a lot of different things, okay? It's God's will for your life that you read the Bible for a long time every morning and that you pray every single morning, that you go soul winning every week, that you always come to church, you're always patient. These are all things in the will of God. Does that mean you must do all those things to go to heaven? If you don't pray for 30 minutes a day, then you're going to go to hell? Does the Bible teach that? So we're talking about the will of God. There are a million things within the will of God because there's maraming utos in the Bible, not just 10 commandments. There are a lot of commandments. And if you had to do all of those things in order to go to heaven, I wouldn't make it because I sin every single day. So when it comes to the will of God, there are plenty of things, there are lots of things within the will of God, but it starts with one thing and that is salvation, okay? John 6 verse 40, John 6 verse 40, and remember what it said, the will of my Father. And notice what it says in John 6 verse 40, and this is the will of Him that sent me. Jesus is referring to the Father because the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. And this is the will of Him that sent me that everyone which seeth the Son and believeth on Him may have everlasting life and I will raise Him up at the last day. So when it comes to the will of God, it starts with salvation. It starts with believing on Jesus Christ. Now if you remember in Ephesians 2, and I don't have time to go into those verses, verses 8 and 9, it talks about you're saved by grace through faith, not of works. And then after that it says you're His workmanship created on two good works. So when it comes to the will of God, yeah, all of that's included, the works and doing all of that stuff, but it starts with salvation. And so when Jesus Christ is saying in Matthew 7, you must do the will of the Father to be saved, well that starts with salvation. And look, nobody who's unsaved is doing the will of God because it starts with salvation. And so the only part you need to do to be saved is believe on Jesus Christ. And if you keep reading in Matthew 7, and go back to Matthew 7, verses 22 and 23, it will become very apparent that it's just by believing that gets you to heaven. What's interesting is that people that are unsaved that are very religious, they usually turn to the sections of the Bible that disprove them to try to prove their own points. Because this is a very powerful passage that proves you do not have to work your way to heaven. And yet you talk to unsaved people and they say, well Matthew chapter 7, look at these people, they ended up going to hell. They always turn to places that actually disprove them because they don't understand the Bible. And that's kind of your proof right there that unsaved people, they just don't understand the Bible. Matthew 7, verse 22, remember these are people that did not do the will of the Father, these are people that go to hell. Matthew 7, verse 22, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? Prophesying is basically preaching. And there are going to be a lot of people, many, not just a few, many, a lot of people are going to say, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? We preached in your name. These are people that are surprised, they are shocked that they end up in hell. They're saying, we preached in your name. We prophesied in your name. How could I go to hell if I preached and prophesied in your name? Notice what it says, and in thy name have cast out devils. Now I want you to realize they say, in thy name, in thy name, these are not Muslims. These are not Buddhists. As I checked, the Muslims don't do things in the name of Jesus Christ. These are not Muslims. They're not Buddhists, okay? They're not Hindus. They're not people of other religions. There are people that would say, I'm a Christian. I believe on Jesus Christ. We preached in your name, Jesus. I mean, we were in Quezon Memorial Circle every Saturday handing out invitations. We're at Rizal Park every single week. Our church has 50 people out here handing out invitations that you must repent of your sins. It's like we were doing it in the name of Jesus every single Saturday, every single week. It's like, and we saw these guys at Verity Baptist Church Manila. Why did they go to heaven? It's like we were both doing the same thing. It's like, no, it's a different message. It's a different message. But they would say they're doing it in the name of Jesus Christ. They would not claim they're doing it in their own name. They're prophesying in the name of Jesus. In thy name have cast out devils. So I guess you got the Pentecostals here. They're doing exorcisms or whatever, casting out devils. And in thy name done many wonderful works. You say, Brother Stuckey, why do these people go to hell? What are they trusting to get to heaven? Preaching in the name of Jesus, casting out devils, and doing many wonderful works. And isn't that the case with almost every Christian in the world? They think they're going to heaven, but they're trusting in their works to get to heaven. Look, when I was 18 years old, if you had asked me, you know, Matthew Stuckey, do you think you're going to heaven? I would say, yes, I think. I'm pretty sure 85, 90 percent I'm going to heaven. Why? Well, you know, I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I'm a good person. That's what I would have told you until I got saved five days before I turned 19. And I would have said, in the name of Jesus, yeah, absolutely. I believe Jesus died for my sins. I believe he was buried. I believe he rose again. I believe that. But I would have died and gone to hell even though I thought I was saved. And look, I was not extremely religious before I got saved. But I will tell you this, that there's a lot of people that are very religious and they say they're doing it in the name of Jesus, that doesn't make them any closer to salvation than I was before I got saved. Because if you have the wrong gospel, then you're not saved. Just because you're doing it in the name of Jesus, that does not get you to heaven. They are trusting in their wonderful works, and that is why Jesus is going to say in verse 23, verse 23, and then why profess unto them, I never knew you. He says, I never knew you. Now remember the Bible says this, my sheep hear my voice and I know them. The Bible says that if you're saved, if you believe on Jesus Christ, then Jesus knows you. But here in Matthew 7, he says, I never knew you. Were they ever saved? No. See, every single person that goes to hell, they were never saved. They never believed on Jesus Christ. You say, why? Once saved, always saved. Once saved, always saved. It's that clear in the Bible. That's what it's promising. It's forever. You cannot lose your salvation. These people are told, I never knew you. Jesus says, you were never saved. You were never a child of God. You never believed on me, even though they thought they were saved. Then it says, depart from me, ye that work iniquity. What I want you to understand is this group in Matthew 7, this group really isn't me before I got saved. You say, why? Because I didn't go to K Psalm Memorial Circle and hand out invitations. In West Virginia, I didn't hand invitations. In fact, when Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on my door, I basically hid in the house and pretended I wasn't home, like most people do. This wasn't me, because all I did was play soccer before I got saved, pretty much. In fact, there's probably a lot of people in this room, this didn't apply to you, but it does apply to people that are extremely religious, but not saved, and would say that they're Christians. In Matthew 7, this is talking about religious people, very religious people. As I mentioned, religious psychopaths, or psychopaths that are very religious, this is basically what we're talking about. The first point we're seeing is, there are people that honestly think they're going to heaven, they're extremely religious, but they're not going to heaven, because they have the wrong gospel. I want you to notice here at the end of verse 23 where it says, ye that work iniquity. Iniquity is another way to say sin, kasalanan. It's another way to say basically you're breaking God's law, because sin is the transgression of the law. These are people, what Jesus says is, you work iniquity. He doesn't say they're good people. He says they're bad people. He says you commit a lot of sins, you're a bad person. These are religious people that think they're going to heaven, they're actually bad people. He says ye work iniquity. You're bad people. You say, why is this, brother Stuckey? Well, turn in your Bible to Matthew 5. Matthew 5. What you need to understand is that these religious leaders with a wrong gospel, you have to understand that they're not good people with a wrong gospel. They're bad people. They're filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, you say why? Because every psychopath, every reprobate has no conscience. They are filled with all unrighteousness, fornication. You have to understand that these people that are these religious, these pastors that are false prophets, some people, and I'll name some names later on in the sermon of famous ones. You have to understand, these people are not just, they're such nice, good religious people. It's too bad they have the wrong gospel. No, they're fake. They're not good people. They're not nice. They're actually filled with all wickedness. You say why? Because every single person who is a reprobate is a child of the devil. They're filled with wickedness. They're not a good person, because Jesus said in Matthew 7, the Sermon on the Mount, ye that work iniquity. He didn't say, man, you're such a good person, it's too bad you have the wrong gospel. He says, no, you work iniquity. How did Jesus speak to the Pharisees and scribes and Sadducees throughout the Bible? Did he say, man, you're such a nice person. I see the love of God in you. It's just you don't understand. No, he actually said you're wolves, you're serpents. He said a lot of things, didn't he? He didn't say anything nice about them. Now, people think that they're good people, and I'll show you a verse that people could take out of context in Matthew 5, and I'll explain it, and then I'll prove to you with a couple of examples how psychopaths that are very religious are actually very bad people. Turn to Matthew 5, verse 20, Matthew 5, verse 20, and that's the second point. These people are shocked that they don't go to heaven. In reality, they're actually completely wicked people. In Matthew 5, verse 20, for I say unto you that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Now, some people could take this verse out of context and say, well, see, the scribes and Pharisees are actually very righteous people. No, the Bible says there is none righteous, no, not one. That's what the Bible teaches. There's nobody who's righteous, but the scribes and Pharisees were the most arrogant people. They thought they were very righteous, and so what Jesus is saying is you people that are trying to work your way to heaven, unless you get even more righteous than these people that have lifted themselves up this high, you're not going to enter into heaven. What is he saying? He's not saying you can live a really, really good life and make it into heaven. He's saying you can't make it. No one can make it by their works, and so he's not saying the scribes and Pharisees are really good. What he's saying is that the scribes and Pharisees act like they're really good. On the outside, they've got the suit on. They got the tie on. They say the right things, but within they're filled full of wickedness. Go to Matthew 23. I'll prove that to you. Matthew 23, Matthew 23. What you need to understand is that in life, some people do things just to be noticed. Some people do things to basically get credit, get accolades. They're actually very prideful, and they want the attention that man would give them. Say, look at how great of a person you are. What am I saying? I'm saying that when we have people in Casa Memorial Circle and Rizal Park that try to stop our Gospel presentations, and they try to prevent people from getting saved, those people are just as filled with evil as a homo is, just as filled with evil as what we talked about the last several weeks. They're filled with all unrighteousness. They're not good people. It's not that they're good people. Oh, they're such a nice, humble, patient, kind person, no bitterness, no envy. No, it's actually the opposite. They will pretend like they're kind. They'll pretend like they're humble. In reality, they're extremely prideful. You say, how do you know that? Well, I was the worst sinner in the world, but when I was 25 years old, I repented of all my sins. I've never drank again. I've never smoked again. I gave my life to God. That's kind of funny because I haven't given all my life to God. I still sin. I don't know about you. The Bible says if you say there's no sin in you, then you're a liar. The truth is not in you. I still sin, so I cannot say I've given my entire life to God. Look, if you gave your entire life to God, that means this morning you prayed for one hour, right? Pray without ceasing. Did you take the time to wake up early and pray for an hour and then read the Bible for an hour? Did you do that? I didn't do that. I mean, I read. I prayed a little bit. I didn't do it as much as I should because I haven't given my entire life to God because sometimes I get sidetracked with the things of this world, and I don't focus as much on God as I need to. Look, these Repentance of Sins preachers, though, they act like they're really good people. It's funny because they talk about how they were so wicked, and then they became so great. All they talk about is their personal testimony. Last I checked, it was a testimony of Jesus Christ, according to John 3, that gets you saved, not your testimony. You know how you get unsaved people out there? You explain how Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. He was crucified. He was buried. He rose again. He's offering you a free gift of salvation. Guess how people don't get saved? Man, when I was 22 years old, I was such a bad person. Man, I was fornicating with six different girls every week, and I was getting drunk, and I was doing drugs, and I was smoking cigarettes, but man, I gave my life to God. Isn't that literally what people tell you? It's like, first off, why are you glorying in your shame? You should be embarrassed about the sins that you committed in the past, and look, the past is the past. I'm not trying to bring up anybody's sins because I haven't done things wrong in the past, but I don't get up here and just say, man, let me tell you about all the sins I committed. Man, I've got this list. When I was 16 years old, in March of ... When I was 16 years old, I did this sin, but man, why would you do that? You should actually be embarrassed about sins that you committed and say, man, that was a past life. I'm just trying to serve God now, but that's not what they do. Why? Because the scribes, Pharisees in these modern day work salvation, repentance of sins, heretics, they're very prideful people. They're actually bad people. Notice what it says in Matthew 23, Matthew 23, verse 23. Matthew 23, verse number 23. Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. Hypocrites are people that basically talk a big game, but they're actually just lying. They're fake. They're phonies. It says, hypocrites, for ye pay tithe of mint and anise in common and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith. These ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone. What Jesus says is, you are tithing on everything. People are giving you a gift and you're making it a point to tithe on that. Now look, I'm not trying to sidetrack, but I do believe you should tithe 10% on everything, including gifts. I believe this verse would teach that as well. They're tithing on mint and anise in common. He says, hey, you did well doing that. Good job. That's a good thing you did. But they're hypocrites. You say, why? Because they're focusing so much on tithing, but they're not focusing on the law and judgment and mercy and faith. Look, yes, God wants you to give 10%, but here's what God doesn't say. Hey, you know what? If you give 10% of your money, you don't have to read the Bible. Skip your Bible reading. Skip going to church. You can be a bad person. You can curse and swear and just always be angry and not be patient. Obviously you're supposed to do all those things, do what's right. And they were doing things that made them look good, but in reality they were bad people. And notice what it says in verse 24, ye blind guides which strain it and that and swallow a camel. Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you may clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. You see, the Pharisees, the scribes, they'd make it a point to look good on the outside. They would make it a point to wear clothing that made them look spiritual and look like good people. They would make sure when it came to clothing standards, I'm not going to have any part above my knee exposed. Why? Because they're making it a point to look good on the outside, but within they're full of extortion and excess. They were actually bad people. This is why the vast majority of preaching should be focused on the inside. Because if you clean the inside, the outside naturally cleanses itself. That's the way it works. Now, look, I'm not saying the outside doesn't matter, and we're going to be starting a new series in about a month or less than a month that's going to focus on things such as that and clothing and things such as that. Yeah, that stuff matters, but you know how much that matters compared to your Bible reading and some other things? It matters this much, and that's why I haven't even preached a sermon on it yet. You say, why? Because it matters so much less compared to some other things. The inside is what matters the most, okay? Thou blind Pharisee, verse 26, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter that the outside of them may be clean also. And so the Pharisees were wicked on the inside, but the outside looked good. He says, no, cleanse the inside, and the outside will become good. Verse 27, woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like unto whited sepulchres which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Do these sound like good people? They're filled with hypocrisy and iniquity, why? Because when you're a reprobate, when you're a psychopath, you're filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetous, maliciousness, on and on down the list, okay? Now turn to Matthew 27, Matthew 27, and you say, Brother Stuckey, but these people seem like such nice people, you know? What about a guy like John MacArthur? Because John MacArthur, I mean, he preaches repentance of sins, he's a Calvinist, he doesn't believe the same gospel. I mean, he wrote a book called The Gospel According to Jesus, which basically just blasted the gospel according to Jesus, and he preaches work salvation, but he seems so nice. He seems so conservative. He's not like Joe Lowstein, I mean, he was on Larry King Live, and he seemed like such a good guy. No, he's full of wickedness. He's a devil because he's not saved. He preaches a false gospel. He's not a good person. People that are unsaid, and I'm not talking about the average Catholic or the average person at a church that's got a false gospel. I'm not even talking about churches that are just down the street, people that go to those churches. Some of them are just normal people. Okay? The majority are just normal people. But when we're talking about the religious leaders, which is who Jesus is blasting, the Pharisees and the scribes, they're fully evil. They're not good people. It's not just they have the wrong gospel. They're just literally bad people. They're reprobates. That's what he's saying. Matthew 27, let me prove it to you. See, I don't know, Brother Stuckey, that they seem really nice, you know? They're wearing these long dresses and things like that, and they just seem like they're such nice people. Matthew 27, verse 62, Matthew 27, verse 62, Matthew chapter 27, verse 62, now the next day that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together on the Pilate. This is after the death of Jesus Christ. And remember, the Pharisees and the chief priests, they're the ones who manipulated Pilate to kill him. They wanted Jesus dead because he was preaching against them. Verse 63, saying, sir, we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive, after three days I will rise again. And they said, Pilate, I know we talked to you and convinced you to kill Jesus Christ. We forgot. We just forgot the part about how he's going to rise again from the dead. It's like, man, that's kind of a big thing to forget. It's like you forgot to mention, oh, by the way, if you kill him, he's going to rise again from the dead because he says he's God in the flesh and he's the savior of the world. It's like, man, I think Pilate would have liked to know that information ahead of time before he actually put him to death. It's like we remember. It's like we forgot. It's like, yeah, right, you're liars. What's interesting is they call Jesus the deceiver. It's funny because when I read this, it seems like the deceivers are the Pharisees. It seems like the deceivers are the scribes because they say, well, we forgot to tell you that Jesus is going to rise again from the dead. They're the ones who are phonies. They're liars. They lied. They were deceptive to get Jesus put to death. Does that sound like a good person? Were the Pharisees good people that crucified our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? It's not just that they had a different belief system. They manipulated and lied to get Jesus put to death. They were bad people. Look, if you were to lie about someone to get someone put to death, if you had someone that was your personal enemy, and you lied and gave a false witness to get him put to death, that is beyond wicked. That is what they did to Jesus Christ, not just a normal man, but to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They were not good people. Verse 64, command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day. Lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people, he is risen from the dead, so the last error shall be worse than the first. It's kind of interesting they tell Pilate the last error is going to be worse than the first. Whoops, we shouldn't have killed him. It was a small pogacomoly, just a small mistake. It's like you crucified and killed somebody. Even if it wasn't Jesus, you killed somebody. Oh, it's just the last error is going to be worse than the first. Sadly Pontius Pilate tried to go along with this. I'm going to turn in your Bible to Luke 18. But you say, but the false prophets today, they would never do that. The people that are preaching repentance of sins and are heretics and unsaved, they would never do that today. That was just a special group of people during the days of Jesus Christ. You need to read the Bible more. You need to wake up to the truth. You need to realize that these people, they talk nice on the outside. They act like they like us. You must realize as God's people, when it comes to the end times, we're going through great tribulation. We're going to be persecuted, and people are going to want to kill us and destroy us. People are going to hate the message we're saying. These people that are unsaved heretics, they're going to gather together against us. You say, I don't know about that, Brother Stuckey. Did you forget about the Dark Ages? Did you forget about almost 2,000 years of human history where the Catholic Church just murdered tens of millions of people? I mean, they murdered people all over the world because they refused to believe in Catholicism. If you got baptized, you would be murdered, but they wouldn't do that today. They did that in the days of Jesus Christ. They did that in the days of the Dark Ages, the last 1,500 plus years until just about 150 years ago, but in today's world, they would never do that. No, these false prophets are fully evil. They're fully willing to do that. Okay? Now, it is true they're going to go down one of three roads, basically either violent, covetous, or controlling. They're going to fit in one of those categories, most likely probably either covetous or controlling, I would say, in general for the religious leaders, okay? But they're still fully evil, and they're still fully capable, and if they need to kill someone like Jesus Christ, they're going to do it. Why? Because when Jesus preached, he was preaching against them. It hurt their publicity. Luke 18, verse 10, Luke 18, verse 10, two men went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. Let me just explain what he's saying. God, thank you for making me better than other people. I am a really good person. Man, am I good. I'm such a great person. That's what you call a prideful, arrogant, obnoxious person. That is what the Pharisee is, and it's true that he went through the motions of doing things to look good on the outside. Why? Because he liked the praise of men. That's what you see throughout the Bible. He's fully evil. He's prideful. He's arrogant, and he's not saved. Verse 13, and the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God, be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other. For everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted. And Jesus says that the publican is the one who's going to go to heaven. Now look, publicans were not good people. They were stealing from people. What they were doing was wrong, but the publican's going to go to heaven because he said, they said, basically, I don't deserve to go to heaven. I'm guilty. God, please be merciful to me. And look, when a person gets saved, if they believe on Jesus Christ, it doesn't matter what they've done wrong in the past. They say, dear Jesus, please save me, and they believe it in their heart. They will be saved instantly. But people like the Pharisees that are prideful, they're not going to get saved. Now turn to Romans 1. Romans 1. You say, why? Well, because they don't think they need a Savior. They think they're really good people. That's what he says. I'm a really good person. Thank you, God, for making me so great that I don't need a Savior. That's literally what he's saying. And it's like, well, then, no problem. Jesus won't save you then. Then you're going to die and go to hell. That's what he's saying. We're in Romans 1, and I want you to realize here as we went to Romans 1, and I know we know these verses, but I think sometimes there's kind of a disconnect, and people seem to think that these religious false prophets are actually good people that are just deceived. No, they're not. They're fully evil, okay? Romans 1, verse 28, and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetous, maliciousness. Look, these people that are religious false prophets, these psychopaths that are very religious, these ones that fight against us when we're in Kaysa Memorial Circle in Rizal Park, make no mistake about it, they're very bad people. Not just they have the wrong beliefs, they are very bad people, okay? They're not good people. And I want you to realize that when you look at these famous preachers that are false prophets, they're very bad people. I named John MacArthur, but you could go down the list, whether it's T.D. Snakes or Benny Hinn, go down the list of these people. Look at all the pedophile priests out there, and you're going to tell me those are good people? They're fully evil, they're bad people, okay? And it says in verse 30, or continuing on verse 29, full of envy, verse 29, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers. They're full of murder. See, the Pharisees looked like they were nice people, but when the time came where they needed to kill Jesus, they had no problem doing it. You say, why? They're full of murder. Now, their lives seem to be about control and power, but they had no problem committing murder when necessary. Now, they didn't personally shoot the gun or use a sword to kill him or crucify him, they just got somebody else to do the job for them. They're still just as guilty. They're full of murder. They're full of debate. Think of all these false prophets. Don't they always love to debate? You say, Brother Stuckey, will you ever debate any of these false prophets? No, I won't. It's a waste of time. This is what I've literally said to people before, because every once in a while you'll run into people as you go out soul winning, and they basically will try to argue with you. They're really religious people. I remember one time somebody knocked, I knocked on his door, I should say, he didn't knock on my door, and he just wanted to argue with me. When people do that, I just move on to the next door. I don't waste my time. Anyone who's seen me going soul winning, you don't see me waste an hour with some false prophet. I've never done that. I did that the first year or two of soul winning, and I realized it was a waste of time, and I don't do that anymore. Yes, it's fun to make the Mormon look like a fool. It's not profitable, though. It's a waste of time. Give him one verse or something like that, but if you're spending 15 minutes with someone who's just arguing with you, you're wasting your time. I remember this is what I told him, because I just literally just walked away from the door. He just wanted to argue with me. He wouldn't let me say anything, and I just kind of turned around and walked out. Then he's yelling at me, he's like, you came to my door, and you're not willing to talk to me. This is what I told him. I said, well, I'll tell you what. You knock on my door, and then we'll have a conversation, but I knocked on your door. When you knock on someone's door, think about if you're a salesman. When you're a salesman, you don't stop at doors and let somebody sell you a product. You're there for a specific reason, okay, to make a sale, and if someone's not interested, you move on. It's logical. It's wise. It works the same way with the Gospel. I told him, I said, you knock on my door sometime, and then we'll talk. Guess what? I'm sure he doesn't go door-to-door soul winning, so that never happened. I told him, but I knocked on your door today. You didn't knock on my door. Look, I'll tell you what. The reality is that when you go soul winning, if somebody's trying to waste your time and they're not interested, you must have the boldness to just quit that conversation and walk away, even if they mock you and criticize you, okay? Because you have a job you're doing, okay? There was a person of a false church that was basically yelling at me. I was preaching behind those gates there, and I was going door-to-door, and this person stopped and just started arguing with me. It wasn't even at the house I was at, and he just wanted to debate me. He said, what did you do? I just ignored him and walked to the next house. You say, why? I'm not going to argue with someone for an hour on the street, because I don't debate. It's a waste of time. When I go soul winning, I don't debate with people. I show them what the Bible says, and if they choose to believe, then they get saved, and if they choose not to, then you know what it is what it is. I don't debate, and none of us should debate, but you'll see with false prophets, they love debates. In fact, all throughout the Philippines, isn't that true? All these false prophets, let's have this big debate and stage it, and we'll get five million viewers. The Bible says that the reprobates are full of debate. It's not a shock to us. It says in verse 30, backbiters, haters of God, you say, wait a minute, John MacArthur, he doesn't hate God. He talks about God. He prophesies in the name of Jesus. He seems to love God. Well, he hates the God of the Bible. I'm not saying all these people are atheists. I'm saying they hate the true God. They hate the God of the Bible. Look, almost everybody believes in God. It doesn't mean they believe in the God that you and I believe in. They get mad at the God that we believe in. They don't like the words of God. They're haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, on and on down the list, but what I want you to realize here is that everyone who's a psychopath, everyone who's a reprobate is filled with all of these things. There's not this special category of people that are, well, they're just nice people but confused on salvation. Now don't misunderstand me. The majority of people are just nice, ordinary people confused on salvation, but when I'm talking about someone who's a psychopath, someone who's a false prophet, that's different. They're not a nice person confused. When somebody argues with us at Kaysan Memorial Circle, and I don't know the name of this one guy. This guy tried to, Sister Angel was preaching the gospel and there was this guy at Kaysan Memorial Circle that we see all the time and he did interrupt the conversation and everything like that. That guy's a bad guy. It's not just that he has a false gospel. No, he's a bad guy. He's filled full of evil and even in his own testimony, he basically admits he's filled full of evil. He's like, I've done this and this and this and this and this. It's like, wow. Have you ever read Romans 1 before? Turn your Bible to 2 Peter 3, 2 Peter 3, 2 Peter chapter 3. What you'll see in the Bible, whether it's Paul the Apostle, whether it's the Lord Jesus Christ, whether it's John the Baptist or any of them, they're very kind and considerate and merciful with those that are just your ordinary, unsaved people. They talk to them. They have a conversation. Jesus preaches the gospel and not everybody gets saved. When we preach the gospel, not everybody gets saved. There's some people that are just nice, ordinary people and they want to listen, but they just don't believe. Hopefully, one day they will believe. What we don't do, we don't yell at that person afterwards. You're a wicked devil. What you do see in the Bible with Jesus, John the Baptist, Paul the Apostle, go on down the list, when they run into false prophets, those false prophets are always trying to interrupt soul-winning conversations and they give a strong rebuke to try to get rid of them. You say, why? Because they realize they're not good people. They're not just mixed up. Well, let me just debate with you for two hours about John 3.16. You say that it says you have to repent of your sins to be saved. I say it says only believe. Let's just argue about it. Look, if they don't understand John 3.16 when you explain, whosoever is anybody, whosoever believeth, and they still want to argue with you, they're never going to believe. Then it's a waste of your time. Second Peter 3, verse 13, and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to write in the daytime. Spots they are in blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you, having eyes full of adultery, and a cannot cease from sin beguiling unstable souls in heart they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children, meaning they're children of the devil. But it says they cannot cease from sin. They cannot stop sinning. Okay? You say, why? Because they're bad people. They can't cease from sin. You say, but Brother Stuckey, I'm confused because these people, they seem like they're nice, and they honestly think that they're going to heaven. John MacArthur thinks he's going to heaven, and I could name Ray Comfort or any of these people that are heretics, and some of you guys know who that is, some of you don't, which is fine. These are people that are very famous around the world. Those people, they probably think they're going to heaven. They probably honestly believe that they're right, but what I want you to realize, they're filled full of evil, and the only reason why they think that they're going to heaven is because they're so incredibly prideful that even though they are really bad people and do a lot of bad things, they still think they're good people. You know, honestly, isn't it true, even in our own lives, think of things in your life. Think of turning your Bible actually to 1 Corinthians 2, 1 Corinthians 2. You know, before I was saved, I had zero verses memorized in the Bible. I could not have quoted John 3.16, but I thought I knew the Bible pretty well, even though I didn't know a single verse and I had never read it. Isn't it true the more you read the Bible, the more you realize, I don't really know the Bible that well? And you know, the reality is that the better of a person you become, when you become a better person, you're cleansing yourself, you're becoming more pure or more white. Think about when you're cleaning a house. Let's say you haven't cleaned your house in a month and you're going to clean up all the dust. You know what you notice as you start cleaning up the dust? Wow, that's a lot dirtier than I thought it was. And so the reality is that when you start getting half clean and half not clean, it's like, whoa, that is really dirty over there. And see, these people are so dirty and so filthy, they don't even get it. See, once you start cleaning up your life, we as God's people that read the Bible, there's so many verses that step on our toes, we're like, man, I need to change this and this. It's like New Year's resolutions for soul winners is like 50 things. Here's number one, read the Bible more, number two, pray more, number three, get this in out of my life, number four, get this worldliness out, number five. We realize we have a long ways to go. Those people are so incredibly arrogant that they don't think they need to change anything. They think they're really good people. It's funny because Paul the apostle, he was actually a pretty humble person and he himself said I'm the chief of sinners. He saw things he had to change in his life, but these repentance of sins heretics, they think they're such good people. And all these false prophets, they literally think they're really good people. Look, you know, you can listen to interviews from people that are serial killers or rapists or really, really bad people and they say they think they're going to heaven. They think they're a good person. They say, well, I was justified for doing this. They honestly think they're good. Why? Everybody thinks they're good. Everybody thinks they're good. All you're seeing, all you're proving here with the Pharisees is they're very arrogant because we saw that they were not good people. They lied to get a man murdered, which was Jesus Christ. They're not good people. They just are really arrogant and they make it a point to clean the outside to look like good people, but they're not good people. They're bad people. And I want you to understand, point three, they cannot understand the Bible. These religious false prophets, they love to teach the word of God, but they don't understand what they're saying. 1 Corinthians 2 verse 14, but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto them, neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. And see, the Bible says the person who's the natural man that's not saved, not only do they not understand the Bible, but it's foolishness unto them. See religious false prophets, as we explain that the gospel is by faith alone, that's foolishness to them. They think it's stupid. They think we're Bobo. That's the reality. They think we're dumb. They think it's stupid. They can't just be by believing. That's literally what they think. They think we're stupid. They think we don't know what we're talking about. They think it's foolish. When we preach the word of God and take hard stands on sins, to them it's foolish. Why would you preach hard against this? Why would you do that? Why? They don't understand the Bible. Okay? Now turn to 2 Timothy 3. 2 Timothy 3. Now, look, that's any unsafe person in general, but that also applies to the religious psychopath, the psychopath that's very religious that's not safe. When we preach the word of God, it's foolishness to them. They think it's stupid. You listen to people that don't believe in the Trinity and they think we're dumb. They think we're stupid. You listen to people that don't believe Jesus is God. They think we're stupid when we say, well, the Bible says God was manifest in the flesh. Well, then how did he talk to God when he was in the garden? They think it's foolish. They mock it. They think it's dumb. They don't believe the words of God. They can't understand the words of God, and when they see it, they reject it. Why? Because they're not saved. Okay? Now, look, this is why when somebody is unsaved, there's one thing that person needs to hear. The Gospel. Your unsaved Catholic family member does not need to hear you go on for 20 minutes about how your kids will never get vaccinations. Your unsaved Catholic family member does not need to hear you spend just like an hour just going on to this and this and proving, you know, the Catholic. No, what they need to hear is the Gospel. That's what they need to hear. You say, why? Because if they're not saved, the Bible's going to be foolishness out of them. It starts with getting saved and hearing the Gospel. Okay? 2 Timothy 3, verse 5, 2 Timothy 3, verse 5, and this is referring here to people that are psychopaths that are very religious. It says having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, 2 Timothy 3, verse 5, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such turn away. You say they seem so nice. John MacArthur seems so nice and zealous. Ray Comfort seems so nice and zealous. Yes, they have a form of godliness. They seem like they're good. They make it a point to look good. They seem like they know the Scriptures. No, they don't. They don't understand the Bible and they're not good people. They have a form of godliness. They can fool a lot of people, but you as Christians should not be ignorant of this. You should not be fooled when you know the Bible. Now, look, I'm naming some names and some of you don't even know who these people are and that's fine because, you know, you don't need to know all these names. What you need to know though is the Gospel is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. And what you need to realize is when people will fight against the Gospel and they fight it being faith alone, those are bad people. It doesn't matter how famous they are. It doesn't matter that this sermon is going to get a hundred views and they'll get a million views in their sermons. It doesn't matter if the whole world speaks well of them for so did they to the false prophets. That's what the Bible says. Yes, the world loves its own. The world loves the preaching of the world. They love the message of John MacArthur. They love the message that you can work your own way to heaven. But they don't love this message. You say, why? Because they don't believe in the same God we do. They're not saved. 2 Timothy 3 verse 6. 2 Timothy 3 verse 6. For of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with diverse lusts. What it's talking about here in verse 6 is basically women who just don't really know the Bible very well and they're easily led astray. This can happen to men as well, but whether you're men or women, what it means is read the Bible so you're not ignorant. Read the Bible so you know what you believe. If somebody asks you, hey, what do you believe about this topic? What do you think about the King James Bible? Your thought is, I don't know any verses in the Bible on it, but Brother Stuckey said, we're King James only. So I'm King James only. What in the world? If I told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? You better believe things because you know what the Bible says. I want you to understand something. I am okay if I preach a sermon and there's a topic and you say, I don't fully agree. There's this verse that to me would say something different. I'm okay with that. We're not a cult. You don't have to believe every single thing that I preach. People are welcome to come to this church whether they're saved or unsaved. If somebody's a bad person and it's provable, that's different. We'll talk about that here during the sermon series. You're welcome to come. If I preach a sermon and you say, Brother Stuckey, you just preached that sermon on Obadiah on Wednesday night. I just disagree with you on Obadiah 1 verse 12. I think it's giving you this symbolism. That's fine. It is what it is. There's things that you can have different interpretations. You don't have to have the exact same interpretation on every verse. I want you to know the Bible for yourself. I want you to read the New Testament cover to cover in the month of January. You say, why? I want your faith to stand in the word of God rather than the wisdom of men. I don't want you to just say, Brother Stuckey said it, so I believe it. You say, why? Because here's the thing. I'm not going to be right on 100% of everything. Number two, I might kind of misexplain something or mis-say something. You're just repeating something that I don't even believe or something. I don't know. Just know what the Bible says for yourself. It's like, well, man, I thought it was just by believing, but I think I heard Brother Stuckey say you've got to repent now, so I've changed my mind. It's like, no, maybe I just misspoke. It's like, know what you believe for yourself, okay? Now notice what it says in verse seven, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. There are people that are ever learning, very religious people. They read the word of God. They teach. They teach. But they're not able to come to the knowledge of the truth. You say, why? Because when you become a child of the devil, as we've told, said, you're forever a child of the devil, okay? Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. It talks about people resisting the truth. They fight against the truth. Make no mistake about it. When we preach the gospel in these public parks and there's people that literally fight against us, those are bad people. They're bad people. They're filled with all unrighteousness. In fact, they're the worst people. Because when it comes to those that are pedophiles, yeah, you know what, they're evil and they're equally filled with wickedness, but that's not stopping someone from getting saved like a false prophet in a park is. Those people, when they hand out all those invitations and you walk up to someone in case of a memorial circle, isn't it frustrating when someone says, oh, somebody already talked to me, or they don't want to talk simply because the Jehovah's Witnesses have been annoying them, or because someone else who's a false prophet has annoyed them. It's frustrating. They make it harder to get people saved. They're literally the most dangerous and worst people. They're filled with all unrighteousness. They're not good people. Now look, when it comes to those churches, because some of those churches, evangelical ones, they have 50 people out handing out invitations. The majority of those people don't even know. The majority of those people have never read the Bible. They're not the leaders. They're just kind of going along with what they said. When we were in case of a memorial circle the other day, I talked to a group of like, I don't know, like 15 Mormons, just a ton of Filipino Mormons. I was talking to them for a while, and then eventually their spiritual leaders were looking and came over, whatever. When I was talking to those kids, they literally did not know what they believed. They're talking amongst themselves like, don't we believe this? They literally did not know what they believe. I literally asked them, I was like, why would a Filipino be a Mormon? I was like, that's teaching that I'm better than you. It's a white racist religion. Why would a Filipino be a Mormon? It doesn't make any sense. Then they're talking about all these golden tablets and everything that were found in New York City. But people, they get raised with these things, and I don't think those people were reprobates, those kids. But the people that are overseeing, those are the bad people. That's the difference. Look, the vast majority of us were raised in a church that taught a false gospel. But we weren't unsaved, terrible people. It's the same with them or any of these churches, but there are people that become a reprobate, that reject the truth, they become a reprobate, and they're very religious, and then the ones that are very religious, they will fight against us and fight against what we're teaching. Verse nine, but they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was. The Bible says their folly or their foolishness, it's going to be manifest. People are going to see it. People are going to know it. It's funny because they think we're foolish. They think we don't know what we're talking about. But what it says is their folly, their foolishness, it's going to be manifest to everybody. Everyone's going to be able to tell that they're phonies, that they're foolish. Now here's the thing. The key is that you know the Bible. If you know the Word of God and someone proves themselves to be a devil, a false prophet, you will be aware of it. If you're ignorant of the Bible, you might not be. The folly might be manifest, and it goes straight over your head because you say, I know he's teaching that Jesus isn't God, but he loves God. He must be saved. No, you need to read the Bible for yourself. Turn to First Timothy chapter one, and we're going to look at just a few more places here. First Timothy chapter one, First Timothy chapter one, and so our first point was this. There are people that are psychopaths that are very religious, that they think they're really good and they're going to go to heaven. And number two, we saw that they're actually fully evil. Number three, they cannot understand the Bible. But number four, they want to be the teachers of the Bible. They can't understand it, but they want to be the ones doing the teaching. They don't know the Word of God, but they want to be the ones teaching calculus when they don't know what two plus three is. That's the reality. First Timothy one, verse five, now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned, from which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm. And they want to be teachers of the law of the Word of God, but they don't understand the Word of God. And it's just funny. You would think that if you don't understand the Word of God, you'd say, maybe this isn't for me. You know, maybe because I can't understand this, I don't know what to say. Maybe I should just... Maybe because I always have to read a study Bible to figure out what this verse is talking about. Maybe I shouldn't be the one teaching, but these psychopaths that are very religious, they want to be the teachers, even though they don't understand the Bible at all. Look, it's foolishness. It would be like if I was trying to teach a class on how to learn Kappanpangan. I don't know how to speak Kappanpangan. I know like 50 words. That's about it. And look, if I don't know how to explain something, then why would I want to be the teacher? But these people are so prideful that even though they don't understand the Bible, they want to be the ones doing the teaching. And that's why they always use a study Bible, from C.I. Scofield, John MacArthur, whomever. Why? They don't know the Word of God. They don't know it for themselves. Now turn to Romans 1. We'll look at one last place, Romans 1. Romans 1. Now here's the thing, though. These people that we're talking about, the ones that fight against our message, they think they're right. They do think they're right. Now I do believe that there are false prophets out there that know they're bad people, and they're just intentionally using church for whatever, but I'll tell you what. I think the majority of the false prophets actually think they're right. They actually think they know what they're talking about. They think that they're good people. They think they're so godly. They think they're right, even though they don't know what they're talking about. Now as a saved person having the spirit of truth inside of you, you can tell that these people are phonies, but they can't tell that they're phonies. They don't realize that. But I want you to see something in Romans 1, because as I mentioned here, I don't believe really in a category of religious psychopaths. I think there are psychopaths that are very religious, but I will say this, okay? I do believe that religion can turn people, people that are not saved, religion can turn them into psychopaths, and if that's what you mean by religious psychopath, that if you're taught with false things and you become very religious, you can become a reprobate. I will agree with that, and I'll show you Romans 1 and explain this, okay? Romans 1, verse 19, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them. For God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made. Even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. The Bible says that people that are unsaved, they are without excuse. People who dies unsaved, they have no excuse before God. Look, it makes sense, because think about this. You go to hell because of the sins you've committed, and so look, if you've murdered someone and you stand before a judge and you're caught red-handed, what excuse do you have that you murdered them in cold blood? You have no excuse, and when it comes to people answering for their sins, they have no excuse. They have no reason why they've broken God's rules, okay? Now, we're saved because we believed on Jesus Christ, but if somebody does not believe on Jesus Christ, they're without excuse, and look, it takes a fool to be an atheist. It takes a fool to be an atheist. Now, I understand in the world that we live in, this world is causing people to be atheists and rejecting the Bible, but I want you to see here in Romans 1, it says the invisible things of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen. We can look outside and know there's a God, and look, I will stand by this statement. Every single person in this world is born believing in God, every single one. Every single one is born believing in God, but see, the world will brainwash people, and one thing that happens is people see false religion and they know it's not right. One thing I've noticed is that oftentimes people that grow up Catholic can oftentimes become atheists, and I think it's because they see so much hypocrisy and they know all the priests are pedophiles and they say, well, this isn't the right religion, and so it causes them to basically turn against all religion, thinking all churches are the same, but nobody's born with that philosophy. See, the Bible says that people are without excuse, and I truly believe that if somebody, whether it's in North Korea, whether it's in Iraq or Afghanistan, somebody who wants to know the truth and actually fears God, they will end up hearing the Gospel. The key is somebody that fears God. The key is a Cornelius. Cornelius, the Bible is very clear, feared God before he was saved. It is possible to fear God before you're saved. Now look, most saved people don't really fear God. I promise you, very few unsaved people fear God, but there are the Ethiopian eunuchs. There are the Cornelius's, and those people exist in every country around the world except Vatican City, okay? Every country around the world, okay? There are people like that, and they fear God, and I do believe they're going to hear the Gospel, okay? But you know what? The reality is there's a lot of people that don't really fear God, but they're not reprobates that might even never get to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel. But I do believe God will make it a point for the Cornelius's and Ethiopian eunuchs to hear it. And the Bible says people are without excuse because we can see God as real, okay? But notice what it says in verse 21, because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful. Now in verse 21, it's talking about people that have heard about God and learned some things about God, because when they knew God, they glorified him not as God. These are people that were exposed to the truth. They heard the truth. Whether that's a 20-minute Gospel presentation or just some verses here and there explained, they're exposed to the truth, but they don't glorify God as God. But became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. You say, what are you saying, Brother Stuckey? Well, here's what I'm saying from Romans chapter 1. The truth converts to either being a child of God or a child of the devil. When people get confronted with the truth and they hear the truth of God's word, eventually one of two things will happen. They'll get saved or they'll become a child of the devil. Now I'm not talking about them the first time they hear the Gospel, because people can hear the Gospel over and over again. Here's what I'm saying. Somebody could sit in a non-denominational type church like Victory or CCF for 50 years and they're just a normal, ordinary person. But if you sat in a church like this for 50 years, one of two things will happen. You'll either believe on Jesus Christ and get saved, or you'll reject the words of God and become a reprobate. It's going to be one or the other. Why? Because we give you heavy doses of the Bible. Because the truth converts. Because in Romans 1, they get confronted with the Bible and they reject it. The truth converts to either getting saved or becoming a reprobate. It's going to be one or the other. One or the other. Now in 99% of churches, you can sit there your whole life and just be a normal, ordinary person. You say, Brother Stuckey, I got saved when I was 32 years old. But here's the thing, you didn't hear the Gospel like 50 times. You just heard generic sermons about how, hey, you're a great person and that Christian rock made you feel real spiritual. You didn't get confronted with the truth. And see, when people hear the truth over and over and over again, one of two things will happen. They'll believe it or reject it. It's going to be one or the other. And so you know what? Yeah, people that are raised in churches and religions that basically really drill that religion home to them, they're much more likely to become a reprobate. Let me give you an example. You got these Mormons that go on their Mormon mission for two years. Now you say, what do Mormon missionaries do when they go on their two-year missions? As far as I know, from everything I've heard, they ride around on a bike until the Spirit kind of leads them in various directions and someone stops and talks to them. They don't go door to door. Whenever you see them going door to door, it's because they have an appointment at a door. Because you can go to the Mormon website and say, at this house, we want to have a personal Bible study with the Mormons. Literally, what they do is they ride around on bikes for two years, and some days they're just getting a good workout. Say, why are Mormons in shape? Because they don't actually do any sewing. They're just riding around on bikes all day. It's like all of us would be in much better shape if all we did for two years is ride around on bikes also. That's why you always see them riding. Because the only time they ever talk to people is if someone stops and talks to them. But here's what I'm telling you though. Every Mormon that goes on a two-year mission, they will have heard the Word of God over and over and over again from saved people. Because saved people, and when I first got saved, I really loved to stop and talk to the Mormons and give them lots of verses. They've heard the truth over and over and over again. After two years, they're going to either accept it or reject it. By and large, I believe many of them come out of those two years, and they're reprobates. I'm not saying every single one, but I'm telling you, if you're confronted with the truth over and over again, you're going to either accept it or reject it, and you say, how do you know that? Well, we know the truth converts to salvation. People hear the Gospel, and we've seen the power of God for people getting saved. But Romans 1 talks about, they know God, but glorify Him not as God. These are people getting confronted with the truth, and they reject it. And so, yeah, you know what? The truth converts to either salvation or becoming a reprobate. And there are many people, and that's why you have to understand, these people that are the religious false prophets, they had a four-year Bible college degree already. They already had their seminary training. They already made their decision, because they've heard the Gospel plenty of times. They already made their decision a long time ago whether they were going to believe or whether they were going to reject, and they chose to reject. Repentance of sins preachers that stand behind the pulpit and preach a hardcore repentance of sins for 25 years, they're not just confused. They had their chance, and they've been preaching a false Gospel for 25 years. I'm not saying that a pastor can't make some wrong statements here or there, because we can get brainwashed and confused by the world. But when you're preaching a false Gospel for 25 years, don't waste your time trying to get that person saved. It's not going to happen. I'm not talking about a normal church member. I'm talking about someone who is a false prophet, who's a psychopath that is very religious. That's what we see the Bible say. And so I want you to just read you one last verse here, and you don't have to turn there, but in 2 Timothy 3 verse 13 it says, but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse. Basically they're being bad. They're bad people. They're worse and worse. Deceiving, they're deceivers. They're deceiving and being deceived. Realize some of them are deceived. They think they're right. But here's the thing, they have no problem deceiving others to try to get them to believe what they believe. I'll give you a great example of this. The second church I went to after I got saved was a Calvinist church, an independent Baptist Calvinist church. I did not realize it was a Calvinist church, because me and my friends, we met with a pastor before the church, before we started going to the church, we went to one church service and we talked to him, and he was not honest about what he believed. He was very misleading, and I didn't know as much about the Bible. I didn't know the questions to ask. And so I didn't think he was a Calvinist, and he never mentioned Calvinism the first year of the church. I preached at that church three sermons. I got a chance to preach three different times. And I remember in the sermon, I was ripping Calvinism left, right, and down the center. And he screamed, Amen! And he's a hardcore five-point Calvinist. David Coe, the Bishop of Morgantown, West Virginia, self-proclaimed. He literally screamed, Amen, and pretended that he agreed with me. You say, why? Because these people that are false prophets, they are deceived, but they're also deceivers. And they're fully willing to lie and be dishonest and say, oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you Jesus is going to rise again from the dead. They have no problem. You say, why? They don't have a conscience. They have no conscience. They're not good people. You say, what can I take away from this sermon? Here's what you can take away. These people that are these religious leaders that are false prophets, these people that fight against our gospel presentation, these people are not just a little bit mixed up. These are bad people according to the Bible. But the members of those churches, they're not. Many of you, before you came to this church, you went to a church that taught repentance of sins or Calvinism for salvation, and some of the men at this church actually messaged me before this church started, after our missions trip, and they're like, Brother Stuckey, I need some advice. All of the churches preach a false gospel, and I don't think the pastor is saved, but I'm commanded to go to church. It's like, should I go or should I neglect it? And I said, you know, I don't know what the best answer is, because in the U.S. you can at least find a church where the pastor is saved. Or he's pretending to be saved, he's pretending to have the right message. Here it's just like, I don't know what to tell you. It's like, you can't find a church where the pastor is saved, it's like, I don't know. But what I want you to realize is the average person in your old church, they're not a reprobate. They're not a bad person, whether they're saved or not, they're just a normal, ordinary person. But the leaders of those churches, you better believe they're preaching a false gospel, they're reprobates, and they're bad people. Let's close in a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today and just getting to hear your words and see what you have to say about this subject, God, and help us to apply this to our lives. Help us to realize and not be ignorant of the devices of the devil. Help us to realize these various false prophets, God, and help us realize them for what they are. They're not good people, they're bad people, they're deceivers. They are being deceived themselves sometimes, though they believe they're going to heaven. But many of these people are just really bad people, God, and false prophets that fight against every single thing we do, God. Continue to bless our church, God, and I also ask you to help us have a merry Christmas here, a great time of fellowship later today after the second sermon, and also a great time of soul winning later. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.