(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, we're here in Numbers chapter 22, and we're continuing our series on types, tactics, and teaching on psychopaths. And so this is the third sermon in the series, and the first sermon we preached was a bit of just an introduction on the topic, and you know, that was a really long sermon. This is a really in-depth topic, and last week's sermon was also really long because the Bible talks about this a lot. And we're talking today about the coverage of psychopath, and that is what Balaam represents. Now, you don't have to turn there, because we're going to be right back in Numbers 22. What the Bible said in Jude 1, verse 11, which is kind of our theme verse for this entire series, is it says, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward. And in this chapter, what it talked about was the rewards of divination, okay, basically money by being an ungodly person. Now when we talked about Cain, Cain was the violent psychopath because Cain killed Abel. That is what he represents. Balaam on the other hand represents the covetous psychopath, and as we mentioned, the Bible speaks about three different types, okay? And so in Numbers chapter 22, we see the covetous psychopath, and this is Balaam. Now a lot of people believe Balaam was saved, and the reason why they think he's saved is because he's talking to God in this story, but if you look at his actions, he wants to curse God's people, okay? He's not a good person, and he's in the section both in Jude and in 2 Peter chapter 2, which we'll look at later, of bad people of false prophets, okay? Numbers 22 verse 1, the Bible reads, and the children of Israel set forward and pitched in the plains of Moab on this side Jordan by Jericho, and Balak the son of Zippor saw all that Israel had done to the Amorites, and Moab was so afraid of the people because there were many, and Moab was distressed because of the children of Israel. Now in the Bible, is Moab a godly area or ungodly? They are always an ungodly area, okay? Moab and Am in their ungodly, wicked areas, okay? Verse number 4, and Moab said unto the elders of Midian, now shall this company lick up all that are round about us as the ox licketh up the grass of the field, and Balak the son of Zippor was king of the Moabites at that time. And so Balak is the king, okay? This is a powerful person. This is not just an ordinary person. Balak, not Balaam, but Balak is the king of Moab, okay? This is a very famous person, a powerful person. And the first point we have here today is that Balaam, the covetous psychopath, has no integrity. No integrity whatsoever. Verse number 5, he sent messengers therefore unto Balaam the son of Beor to Paithor, which is by the river of the land of the children of his people, to call him saying, behold there is a people come out from Egypt, behold they cover the face of the earth and they abide over against me. And so Balak is looking for someone to curse God's people. And the king of Moab says, I know somebody, I know a religious person I can count on to curse this group of people, and that was Balaam. Now look, you have to understand, when the world knows who you are and they love you and you're lifted up, it's because you're a bad person. Think about the prophets or the preachers today, Joel Osteen. The world loves Joel Osteen, and literally when I was in Guyana, I ran into a couple Hindus there that said, I'm not a Christian, I don't like Christian preachers, I disagree, but there's one preacher I love, Joel Osteen. And it's like, look, when Hindus are praising you because you're such a great guy, you know, there might be a problem there. Okay? Now don't misunderstand me, we should have a good testimony and be good people, but look, when all these ungodly religions are lifting you up as being some great person and everyone in the world is just lifting you up, woe unto you when all the world shall speak well of you, for so did they to the false prophets, the Bible says. And so Balaam is the one Balak calls on. Balak, the king of Moab, is looking for somebody to curse God's people, and he's like, I know somebody, and his name's Balaam. Now look, if you're the first person on the list, there's a problem there, okay? And the reason why he can count on Balaam to do this is Balaam has no integrity whatsoever, okay? That's what it says in verse number six, come now therefore I pray thee, curse me this people for they are too mighty for me. Peradventure I shall prevail that we may smite them and that I may drive them out of the land, for I want that he whom thou blessest is blessed and he whom thou cursed is cursed. Now in verse six, this is not Balak talking to Balaam, because it says in verse five he sends messengers. So he's giving them a message to give to Balaam, okay? And what he says is, there's a people come out of Egypt, I want you to curse them. Notice, he doesn't give a reason for why they should be cursed. He just says there's a group of people that are too strong, just curse them for me. Now look, if somebody said, you know, Brother Franklin, can you curse this group of people? You have to have a reason to do that. It's like, I want you to pray that these people die or they're cursed or they lose all their money. It's like, well give me a reason why I'm cursing them, okay? But no reason is given to Balaam. Why? He doesn't need a reason. All he needs is money, money, money. That's all he cares about. So basically, curse this people. I don't need to give you a reason why, but you know what, I'll pay you a lot of money. Will you do it? Well sure. No problem. Because that's who Balaam was. That was his reputation of having no integrity. He was well known to be someone with no integrity whatsoever. And the world lifts these people up. And you can look at the famous religious people out there, and they're either lifted up by the world or people that are knowledgeable or know what's going on, they don't like those people. Whether it's the false prophets of the Philippines, the U.S., or whatever country, these people, they don't have any integrity, and they prove that over and over again. But he's not giving them a reason to curse the people, he just says, can you curse them? Well verse 7 is the answer, and the elders of Moab and the elders of Midian departed with the rewards of divination in their hand, and they came unto Balaam and spake unto him the words of Balak. So why would Balaam even curse these people that he doesn't know? Because of the reward. Because of the financial benefit. It's like, sure, no problem, I have no problem cursing these people. Why is that? He represents the covetous psychopath. Now remember, a psychopath or a reprobate is somebody without a conscience. Oftentimes we look at the murderers, the pedophiles, the serial killers, and we think that's the only type of psychopath, the only type of person that's a bad person, and that is a misunderstanding. Because the Bible gives us three different classifications. They're all completely defiled, their minds are reprobate, they're seared with a hot iron, but you have to understand, there are people in the corporate world today, CEOs of company, people with lots of money that are covetous psychopaths. That's the reality of the matter. There are people without a conscience there, and they don't care who they harm because all they care about is money. In America, the famous guy in the last 10 years was Bernie Madoff. Who knows Bernie Madoff? A few people. Bernie Madoff. Bernie Madoff was just this rich person, and he just lied to all the people, and he basically took their money, and they thought they had a lot of money on the other side, and it's like, oh, I just stole like a billion dollars or something. He was the most successful, and he didn't even care about it. When his son died, Bernie Madoff, because his whole family was in on this, and his son got depressed and committed suicide after he got caught, and when they interviewed him, he didn't even care that his son committed suicide. What kind of a father wouldn't care if their son commits suicide? Look, if my son one day committed suicide, I would be sad, I would be grieved, but not Bernie Madoff. You say, why? He didn't have a conscience. Now, he wasn't someone who went down the road of killing people and raping people as far as we know, but what he did was money, money, money. He stole money from people, and he didn't even care about that. You say, why? Because he's a covetous psychopath. Numbers 22, verse 8, and he said unto them, lodge here this night, and I will bring you word again, as the Lord shall speak unto me, and the princes of Moab abode with Balaam. God came unto Balaam and said, what men are these with thee? Here God is speaking to Balaam. He's talking to him. This is why people think that he's a saved person, because God speaks to him, but what you have to understand is that God can use anybody pretty much to do as well. When you look at the people that translated the King James Bible, I hate to break it to you, but most of those people are probably in hell right now. You say, why? It wasn't necessarily a saved person that translated it. Look, there are people of false religions that translated the Bible. Look, when you listen to the audio Bible online and you listen to Alexander Scorby. Look, Alexander Scorby does a great job reading the Bible, doesn't he? But look, Alexander Scorby wasn't a saved man, and if you do any research on him, that's the truth. I don't think there's anything wrong with listening to his audio Bible, because it's still the King James Bible, but he wasn't a saved man. He was an unsaved person based on his testimony and his beliefs. I believe he was an Episcopalian or Anglican until his death. He was not a believer on Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean it's wrong to listen to the King James Bible, though, because it's still the King James Bible. What I want you to understand is that just because God is talking to Balaam, it does not mean that Balaam is one of his prophets. Balaam was a prophet, not of God, though. He was a child of the devil. He was one of the devil's prophets, and you can see that in the story. Verse 10, and Balaam said unto God, Balak the son of Zippor, king of Moab, hath sent on to me, saying, Behold, there is a people come out of Egypt which covereth the face of the earth. Come now, curse me them, peradventure I shall be able to overcome them and drive them out. And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with him, thou shalt not curse the people, for they are blessed. And so what Balaam is basically telling God is, I want to curse this group of people. This is what Balak wants me to do. I would love to curse them because I'm going to get money out of it. And God says, you know, no, you're not going to do that because these people are God's people. So the first point is that a covetous psychopath has no integrity. But the second point is that a covetous psychopath always talks about money. They always think about money. They always talk about money. That is what they're thinking of. Look, when it comes to someone who is a violent psychopath, literally what's in their mind is harming kids, killing people. That's what they think about. That's what they dream about. But a covetous psychopath is someone who's only going to be thinking about money, money, money. You see that here starting in verse 16. And they came to Balaam and said to him, Thus saith Balak the son of Zippor, Let nothing I pray thee hinder thee from coming unto me. For I will promote thee unto very great honor, and I will do whatsoever thou sayest unto me. Come therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people. Balak's a good picture of the devil. I will give you whatever you want. I'll promote you to great honor. You can be second in my kingdom. All you have to do is just curse the people. Verse 18, And Balaam answered and said unto the servants of Balak, If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God to do less or more. What is Balaam thinking about? He wants to curse the people. What does he say if you gave me this house full of silver and gold? What is it that Balaam wanted? He wanted his house full of silver and gold. He wants to curse the people. He's like, Yeah, I want the reward. And this is actually what I want. A house full of silver and gold. Now look, a house full of silver and gold is a lot of money, okay? That is what's on his mind. That is what he's saying out of his own mouth. You say why? Because covetous psychopaths, they always talk about money. They always think about money. Now when it comes to a church, various examples of this, I've heard of independent fundamental Baptist churches doing this. They will basically have the ushers or the deacons close the doors and say, We got this fundraiser. We must raise $20,000 before we leave this place. And then they'll have some sort of altar call or something like that. And it's basically like, you know, write your check now. We must raise $20,000. And these are famous. I'm choosing not to name the names, because I didn't really research this ahead of time. I don't want to miss say something. But some of the famous ones in America, IFP preachers, they'd close the doors and say, We need $20,000 before the service is over. And then they come in, they get one round, it's like, All right, we're at $8,500. Next round, who's going to get more money? And they would wait until they raise $20,000. You say why? Because if you're a church that is running schools and Bible colleges and all these things that aren't scriptural, the result is you need a lot of money to do that. Now at our church, when money comes in, we use it for soul winning and things such as that. But we don't have major expenses at this church. We don't run a Christian school. We don't run, you know, whatever, Bible college and things such as that. But I've literally heard of churches doing that. Now that doesn't guarantee that the pastor is a coverage of psychopath, but it's very likely. And you say, Brother Stuckey, that sounds a lot like the Bible Baptist here in the Philippines. Yeah, it really does, doesn't it? It's not really a whole lot different. When they have conferences, it's like we're going to have an old fashioned conference here. And what are we going to have the conference about? We're going to have it about money. And literally, that is what they do here. Conferences about money. I mean, good night, I mean, of all the topics in the Bible to talk about. I mean, you could have a conference on eternal security, salvation, on why we're Baptist, but no, let's just do it on money. You say, Brother Stuckey, are we ever going to have a conference? Maybe, but it will never be about money. I have not since this church started preached a single sermon on tithing or why you should give money. Not a single sermon. And I need to eventually, because the Bible does talk about it some, I have never preached a single sermon. In fact, Brother Raffi had a suggestion last night in the group chat, and next November I'm going to preach a sermon called Thanksgiving Exposed. Next, Thanksgiving, it will be Thanksgiving Exposed. Why? Because Baptist pastors here in the Philippines are guilty of this, and it's all about money. And look, the reality is a lot of people that are coveted psychopaths, as I mentioned in the introductory sermon, they will use religion for what they want, and they will get into religion because you can make money doing that. There's a famous pastor in America called Jack Scott, and he was the one who took over for Jack Hyles at Hyles Anderson College. He's the son-in-law of Jack Hyles, and he ended up being a pervert. He was with some 16-year-old girl. He was like 51 years old, cheated on his wife and everything, but he's very famous. He was the most famous IFP pastor in America, and there's a clip before he ended up getting exposed as being a weirdo, and he was talking about money for a minute, and he just kept going on about money. He's like, the Bible talks about money more than any other topic. It talks about money once every five verses. It talks about money more than the blood of Jesus Christ. It talks about money more than salvation by grace through faith. It talks about money more than any other topic. Good night! Why? And that's exactly what he said, and look, I used to imitate that voice. I'm not as good at it anymore, but just that ending, he pauses for a few seconds. It's like, good night, why? And it's like, I don't remember the Bible talking about money every five verses. I mean, I understand that the animals represented money, so like I guess when God is creating animals, it's like, well, there it's talking about money. No, it's just talking about an animal, okay? But it's like every five verses talks about it more than salvation, more than the blood of Jesus Christ. We end up being exposed as a bad person, but what you need to understand is a lot of religious leaders, what they are are covetous psychopaths. And honestly, I don't know what the percentage is, but I would imagine a huge percentage of the ones, not just the Baptist, but in any of these denominations, they get into religion for the sake of money. They're like, I don't know what to do with my life. I guess I'll just become a pastor and just steal money from people, right? And that is the reality of the situation. That is what Balaam represents. Now, turn to Jeremiah 6. Jeremiah 6. Now, I don't want you to misunderstand me because the Bible does say that saved people can be covetous. The reality is I think all of us from time to time will exhibit some covetousness. And in 1 Corinthians 5, when it talks about sins that will get you kicked out of church, one of them is covetousness. You say, how do you know if somebody's covetous if they always talk about money? If they're always talking about money, that is how you know that, okay? But the reason why it's so serious is because this will spread. It's like an infection, okay? That's why it's such a serious sin. So I'm not saying everybody who's covetous is a psychopath reprobate. But what I am saying is there are a high percentage of people that are these covetous psychopaths and they will basically do whatever, they have no integrity, they'll do whatever in order to make money, and that's all they think about, all they talk about. And in Jeremiah 6, we see our third point, that these covetous psychopaths, they are willing to lie. They are willing to lie. Jeremiah 6 verse 13, for from the least of them even unto the greatest of them, everyone is given to covetousness. And from the prophet even unto the priest, everyone dealeth falsely. In the days of Jeremiah, what does it say? All of the preachers, all of the prophets, they're all phonies. They're all just covetous people. That is why they're lying. Literally all of them are just covetous psychopaths. Look in today's world, do you think just none of them are covetous psychopaths? In the days of the Bible, just this great number of people are just covetous psychopaths. And yet in today's world, oh, they're all just nice people, right? They preach in the love of God all the time. They seem like they're great people. No, why don't we just use the Bible for our authority? And when you see in back of the day of Jeremiah, all of them are these covetous psychopaths. In today's world, it's not going to be much different, because it says from the least even unto the greatest of them. So basically the one who basically isn't that famous versus the one that is really famous. You say, why would covetous people get into religion? Because a lot of money gets passed through church. And the reality is it's a very easy place to steal money. It's not that hard. And so they're going to get into religion, because that is their avenue to steal money. That is what we're seeing. And it says they deal falsely, which means they tell lies. They don't feel bad about it. They just tell lies. You say, what is an example of this? An example of this is these mega churches that just say positive only things. They just say God loves you. No matter what you do, it's OK. No problem, God loves you. No matter what you do, no matter what you listen to, no matter what you see, no matter what you hear, no matter the sins you commit, no matter what you do, no matter whether you never read the Bible, you never pray, no big deal, as long as you give your 10%, or as long as you give your 10% and your first fruits in the Philippines, as long as you give your Thanksgiving offering. And see, that is what you see with the preachers. You say, why do they always talk about money? Well, that's what's in their hearts. In fact, I didn't write this down, but in the book of Exodus, one thing it said is, one of the requirements for leaders is that they're not covetous. That is one of the things listed. You say, why? Because whether someone's a covetous psychopath or just a saved person who's covetous, if you're covetous, you could easily see yourself stealing that money. Why? Because if that's what's in your heart and you have the avenue to do it, that's what you're going to do. Verse 14, they have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying peace, peace when there is no peace. Now, some people get confused when it says slightly here. It doesn't mean that they're just lying a little bit. It's kind of like a sleight of hand that magicians use. It's basically a trick to completely fool you. Because notice what it says at the end, peace, peace when there is no peace. They're saying peace, there is no peace. Not a little peace. There's no peace. So these prophets are saying peace, peace. God loves Israel. We're not going into Babylon. They're lying. God's judgment's not upon our country. In reality, there's no peace, though. They're just lying. That's what it's saying. So they're completely lying. Verse 15, were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed. Neither could they blush. Therefore they shall fall among them that fall. At the time that I visit them, they shall be cast down, saith the Lord. Verse 15, do these people feel bad about doing this? Nope. They don't feel bad of lying at all. And one sad reality in life is that just because somebody tells you something, it's not necessarily true. These couples of psychopaths, they're fully willing to lie. They don't feel bad about it. They don't feel guilty because all they care about is making money. Turn to 2 Peter chapter 2, 2 Peter chapter 2. And as your turn to 2 Peter 2, let me just read you in John 8 verse 44 where the Bible says, he was a murderer from the beginning, referring to the devil, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. Now, I did talk about last week that when it comes to violent psychopaths, usually the person who does these crimes is a family member, an uncle, a cousin, someone that you think you can trust, and they'll be dishonest in order to do their crimes. Well, it's not just the violent psychopath, though. It's also the covetous psychopath, and probably even more so where they will be dishonest. They will lie because they're of their father, the devil. That's the context of the verse. And so these psychopaths, they are willing to lie to get what they want. And the Bible speaks about people that are like Balaam, that are lying to get what they want. You say, was Balaam a religious psychopath? Well, not really. He used religion as his avenue. It didn't really matter what he did. He just chose religion because it was a good way to make money. It's not that there's really these religious psychopaths, it's just that they use religion. And that is what Balaam is doing. He's using religion to make money. Second Peter 2, verse 1, but there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And so the Bible's speaking here of people that are false prophets, false teachers. And what they do is they give Christianity a bad name. And look, it's not just the Catholics that give Christianity a bad name because of all their pedophilia and all those scandals. It's also just other churches. They give Christianity a bad name. And people are speaking evil. And look, even in the independent fundamental Baptist world, now this doesn't really apply to the Philippines, but there's a famous situation in America this past week of someone who was basically a teacher, he was basically defiling some 17-year-old girl in his class. That gives Christianity a bad name, and they try to cover it up, and it's shameful. It's embarrassing. And that's what's going on here in 2 Peter 2, and the Bible says this is going to happen. Verse 3, and through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you. What does it mean by feigned words? Remember how David feigned himself to be kind of crazy? He pretended to be crazy. And so basically it's being fake, it's being phony. And so basically these preachers, because they are covetous, they will preach lying words, they will be dishonest. Why? To make merchandise of you. That is what the Bible says. You say, why is it that so many churches don't really want their members to read the Bible? Because they want to make merchandise of you. And it's not just the Catholic church that has forbidden people from reading the Bible. Even in, I mean, who cares about all these denominations? Let's just talk about the Baptists, and the reality is Baptists really do not encourage people to read the Bible. Next month we're going to be starting our New Testament through the month in January. Last year we did it in February because we had the missions trip in January. This year we're going to be doing it in January. I love the start of a new year. As a church we have the goal to read the entire New Testament as a church because it's a challenge for all of us, and all of us learn the Word of God. If you don't know the Word of God, you are at mercy of the person preaching to you. And everybody assumes they're telling the truth, but what if they're just lying to you? You need to know the Bible for yourself, and the reality is that there are prophets, there are preachers that are phonies, and they are making merchandise of their members. It's like, just touch the screen right now. Just give $1,000 your Thanksgiving offering of $1,000, and God's going to bless you. The windows of heaven are open, and just $10,000. You give God $1,000, he'll double that amount. You give God $5,000, he'll triple that amount. And look, that's not just the Pentecostals. The Pentecostals are the most obvious about it. But the reality is these other churches do the same thing because they only say nice things to you, and if you're right with God, God's going to bless you. All this garbage. And why are they doing that? They're making merchandise of you. They're being dishonest to you. They're guilting you into giving money. And that's the reality. Notice what it says in verse 12, 2 Peter 2 verse 12. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed. Boy, does it sound like God likes these people, these brute beasts. He calls them beasts. He says they're to be taken and destroyed. What does destroyed mean? It means killed, destroyed, and then forever in hell. These bad people. We're not just talking about someone who's a normal preacher, just a nice person who say, we're talking about someone who's a liar, a covetous psychopath, and they don't care about people. And it says, speak evil of the things that they understand not, and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. Why don't they understand these things? Well, I mean, when you're a psychopath, you're ever learning and never able to come under the knowledge of the truth. They don't understand. They cannot understand the Bible because the natural man doesn't understand the things of the Bible, the Bible says. Only a safe person who has the spirit of truth inside of them. Verse 13, and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they count it pleasure to write in the daytime. Spots they are in blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceiving. So deceivings, being dishonest, lying, while they feast with you. So when they're eating at, you know, whether or not this is communion or other big, you know, celebrations, we're having food together, they feast with us with their deceivings. They're liars. They feast with you having eyes full of adultery. Boy, that sounds like a good person. They have eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin. Why is it that they can't stop sinning? Because their mind's given over. They're a reprobate. They're filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, et cetera, et cetera. Cannot cease from sin. Beguiling unstable souls. Who do they take advantage of? Those that are without knowledge. Those that are unstable. When we look at the Pentecostal churches out there, I mean, don't we wonder how in the world could you believe them? How could you honestly believe when they don't give you any reason to just give $5,000? It's like, all right, here's my check. $5,000. God's going to give me a brand new car next week. How do you believe that? Man, those people are really unstable. But quite honestly, even in other churches, people can be unstable. They can be without knowledge. That's why you need to read the Bible for yourself so you know what's true and you know what is not true. It says beguiling unstable souls, they don't try to take advantage of people that are knowledgeable and aware. They take advantage of people that are unaware. In heart they have exercised with covetous practices, cursed children, which have forsaken the right way and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, the son of Bozor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness. So Balaam, who's the son of Bozo, you know, an idiot, Balaam, he has the wages of unrighteousness, covetous practices. And so Balaam, the way of Balaam. Last week we talked about the way of Cain, as it says. As we cross reference in 2 Peter 2, we see the way of Balaam. What was the way of Balaam? He basically was a lying false prophet for the sake of money, the wages of unrighteousness. Now he gets his money, but realize their reward is they're going to be punished in hell forever. They can live it up on earth and have an $8 million house. They're going to pay in hell forever for being phonies and devils and liars. Turn in your Bible to John 12, John 12. These people, they have no integrity. These covetous psychopaths, they always talk about money. They're also willing to lie. Not only that, though, they're willing to steal. They're willing to steal, and they don't feel bad about it. They don't mind stealing from anybody. Now the only thing you're going to see is sometimes they're worried to steal because they might get caught, but they don't feel bad. They are willing to steal from anybody or anyone. It doesn't matter, but they're worried sometimes to get caught, but they're willing to steal from anybody. Why? They have no conscience. John 12, verse 4, then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, why was not this ointment sold for 300 pence and given to the poor? So what do you see? You see Judas Iscariot talking about money. He's saying, you should have just given this money to the poor. Why is he always thinking about money? Because I believe Judas fits under the covetous psychopath category. I don't believe he fits under the violent psychopath because there's really no indication that he was a pedophile or he was murdering people or anything like that. But I think he fits under the covetous psychopath because he's always talking about money in the Bible. He says, why didn't you give this money to the poor? Well, why would he say that? Because in verse 6, this he said not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief and had the bag and bare what was put therein. Judas is not concerned about the poor people. He's lying. He's willing to lie. What he cares about is I'm the one who gets this money and I would have really loved to have this. Judas was a thief. You say, why was Judas motivated to be with Jesus Christ and the 12 disciples and go on all these soul winning adventures and preach the gospel if he didn't believe himself? Because John 6 at the very end, it makes it clear that he is a devil. That's what Jesus Christ said. So in John 6, he was already a child of the devil. Why was he willing to do this? He was willing to do this because he was a thief. He wanted money. We don't know how much money he stole, but I'm sure he stole quite a bit. Now I don't know where he put it. Maybe he put it at home in some safe place and maybe he was planning, I'll just kind of do this thing for three, four years and retire. I don't really know, but he was a thief. That's what the Bible says. And so he's mad because he wants to steal the money. Now look, in this room, I'm sure many people have stolen something from time to time, but stealing from church is pretty serious. And it's like it takes a certain sort of person when the offering is going around to just be like, I mean, people are willing to steal stuff, but stealing from church, that's pretty serious. And how do you think God feels about that? Now look, when I was a kid and I was like six years old or seven years old, I was at the store and like there's these other kids saying, you know, telling their parents, I want a candy bar and they were complaining. And so I stole a Kit Kat bar from Kmart when I was like six or seven years old. And you know, as a kid, I figured I just put the wrapper in my closet in the back corner and somehow my parents found it and realized. And I don't remember what lying words I said to try to defend myself, but I got caught red handed. And so what did my dad do? Well, we drove back to Kmart and I apologized for stealing it. I was embarrassed. And then basically it took me like six months to work off that candy bar, like basically doing all these jobs. It's like, it wasn't worth it. You say, what does that teach you? It teaches you never to steal because I didn't have that problem after that. But look, stealing from church, though, that's a lot more than just stealing a candy bar. Okay. You say, oh, brother, you know, I stole a pen from the bank one time. Yes, stealing a pen from the bank is a little bit different than stealing from a church. And with coverage of psychopaths, they're stealing money not really from companies usually. But oftentimes they're stealing money from just normal people that need that money for their survival. They're stealing their retirements, their pensions that they thought they had talking about Bernie Madoff and other people. And honestly, the Bible said the love of money is the root of all evil. And honestly, and I'm not trying to go too much into it because this is a really in depth topic, but you look at all the wars and bloodshed that has been fought through this world. It wasn't really over violent psychopaths. It was over covetous psychopaths. It was over money. And there's this military industrial complex where basically they want the wars to go on. Why? Because people profit off those wars. And they don't even care about millions of people dying. They just care about money. That's the reality. And you can look at all these wars. It's fought over money. And look, you can say, why does America always fight all these Muslim countries? Because they have the oil. It's the reality of the matter. I mean, all that's the other American. Amen. See, I mean, we're willing to admit the truth. They do that because of money. They want the oil. That's the reality. And look, the politicians are not any better in this country either. They do things based on money. They don't care whether kids die in schools because of the stupid things they do. They don't care about that stuff because what they care about is they care about money. Covetous psychopaths are all out there. They exist in our world. They exist in companies, in churches, as politicians. This is where you're usually going to find these people. And they don't feel any guilt about it because they do not have a conscience. Turn to John 10. John 10. John chapter 10. And look, I'm just picking various stories because this is throughout the entire Bible. Usually when it comes to these people that are false prophets, the reason why they're doing this is for the sake of money. You look at guys like Benny Hinn, the Benny Hinns of the world. Look, Benny Hinn, I don't believe that he's a violent psychopath. I doubt that he's murdered people. But I'm sure he's a covetous psychopath. All he cares about is money, these famous ones. But here's the thing. Those covetous psychopaths, if necessary, they will kill to protect their money. I talked about that last week. The Bible gives classifications. Basically the covetous psychopath, they're not getting their enjoyment in life from defiling kids and murdering people. But if necessary to protect their money, they would have no problem doing that. That's why when there's all these conspiracies that are out there, which I'm sure many of them are true, and someone uncovers the truth about it, all of a sudden they die of a heart attack the next week. It's like, man, this person went to the gym five times a week. He ate lots of goulai at Pruthas. He ate healthy. He had a good diet. He was only like 42 years old. He died of a heart attack. It's like, wow, it's amazing how that always happens to these people that uncover this conspiracy. You say, why? Because those people, usually money is the trace of that. I mean, the love of money is the root of all evil. Money is the trace of that, and if necessary, they will kill to protect their money. That is why, as a church, we're not on some agenda to uncover all the conspiracies in this country. You say, why? It's not worth dying over. We as a church, we go out there, we preach the gospel, we get churches started. I have no doubt that many or most of these conspiracies are true, but it's a vain waste of your time because you're not going to be able to end the problem. It's always going to exist, and all you're going to do is end up six feet under the ground. That's what the reality of the matter is. Why? They have no problem with killing if necessary, but they'd still be under the category of the kavicha psychopaths. We think of the violent psychopaths because, let's face it, we live in the Philippines, and there's all these Catholic priests that fit under the violent psychopaths that are pedophiles. But the reality is there's many kavicha psychopaths in this world as well. John 10 verse 7, then said Jesus unto them again, verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. Many people would rise up and say, I'm the Lord, I'm the way to heaven, blah, blah, blah. You say, why? Because they're doing that to steal from people. That is what their goal is. Even today, after Jesus rose again, people come and say, well, you know, I'm Jesus Christ in today's world. Why are they doing that? They're doing that to steal money from people. They're liars. They're phonies. Verse 9, I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture. The thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. Now, why does the Bible speak about these covetous psychopaths, these false prophets as thieves? Because it talks about that in Jeremiah as well, that they're stealing. You say, why? Not only are they stealing the money, but they're stealing the people. You say, why is that? Because when you're running a church and preaching the sermons, it takes a lot of hard work to get a true church to grow and build. And then somebody would just come along and just be dishonest and steal the people for the sake of money. It takes a lot of hard work to get those people to come to church. They just come in and steal those people with feigned words, making merchandise of people. Why? Because they're covetous psychopaths. That is often the reason why. You say, Brother Stuckey, what does this mean to us? Well, you have to realize that people like this will come into our church. People like this will come into our church. These people exist everywhere, but they will come into our church. And quite honestly, this is going to be a big problem here in the Philippines. And you say, why? Dahil Maputi Akol. I'm white. Let's be honest. That's the reason why it's going to be a big problem here. Just a couple months ago, I ran into someone here on Magsaysay. And he just stopped and he just wanted to talk to me. He's like, oh, where are you from? Just wanted to talk to me. And I was friendly. I gave him an invitation and everything. He kept telling me on Facebook, I'm going to come to your church. I'm going to come to your church. And he always wanted to talk to me. Never visited. But then he just sent a message, hey, I'm really sorry I haven't been able to come to your church. Do you know how I can move to America? It's just like, and I gave him an honest answer. I said, quite honestly, I've never had to move to America because he said he had family in America. I was like, you should probably ask your Filipino family of how they moved to America because they would honestly know a lot better than me. And that's true. It's not like I'm great friends. I'm great friends with Donald Trump. It's like, let me just recommend you. You're in. It's like, I don't really know how I'm going to help you. But honestly, this sort of stuff will happen where they'll basically try to steal money. And this is something that happens all the time. And honestly, I mentioned this recently because whenever you're preaching a sermon, it seems like God gives you good sermon material ahead of time. Look, we just started Verity Baptist Church Pampanga. It's not even that old. And just these past two weeks, someone started messaging me randomly who's a former pastor in Mabalakkad. And he was being overly friendly. You know how sometimes people are just a little bit too much? They're overly friendly. And you're kind of wondering. I have a wife, the messages. And it's just like, well, let's just wait for it. He's going to ask for money. And he kept messaging me. And then he was showing me like he's in a hospital. And then all of a sudden, he's showing me all these pictures. And I'm like, and I showed a couple of guys. Weren't they discussing the pictures? It's like, why is he showing me these pictures? Like, I don't want to see all that. Look, I didn't become a doctor or nurse for a reason, okay? I got a math degree because I can't take that sort of stuff. And they're showing me all these disgusting pictures. And he's messaging me every day, you know, hello, how are you? And I'm not responding to anything. And then all of a sudden, you know, I heard that he asked somebody that goes to Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California for money. He doesn't even know the person. But I'm good friends with Matthew Stuckey. And it's like, I have this ministry and I kind of got sick. You know, I need money. Can you help me out? That's basically what he said. That's basically what he did. I didn't see the exact message. But that's what I heard. And, you know, what did I do? I told the person, you're not welcome at Verity Baptist Church Manila. You are not welcome at Verity Baptist Church Pampanga. If I know of one person that he's trying to basically, one American he's trying to steal money from dishonestly, how many more people could there be? And if he came into our church, what do you think he's going to end up doing? Now, look, I can't guarantee the person is a covetous psychopath. I'm not saying I know two plus two equals four. I can guarantee you he's covetous, though. And I can guarantee you that we've had people like this come in our church, whether they're covetous or covetous psychopaths. And this is many times now I've said, you are not welcome back at our church. That is honestly the issue here that I've seen where people get banned from our church is when you're asking people for money and guilting them into money. It's like in the last time it happened, it's like, you know, they told me, well, I only asked Brother Timothy for money because he's really nice. And it's like, well, why are you trying to steal from him? I mean, if he's nice, why are you trying to steal from him? And I don't know if that person's, you know, a saved person who's just covetous or if they're a covetous psychopath. But it's not something you do at church. You don't go around and guilt the church or guilt the members into giving you money. That is wicked in the sight of God. And look, that's lumped into something that covetous psychopaths would do. And it is a problem we're going to deal with. You say, well, how does that affect me? Because last week I talked about the violent psychopaths. We will not really have a problem with violent psychopaths at our church because we have no junior church. We have no Sunday school. We take care individually, people take care of their kids, and we don't just bring in all these random kids into our church. People watch their own kids. It's not really going to be a big situation at a church. The covetous psychopaths, that's going to exist at any church because it happened at Verity, but it's going to exist more at our church. Now quite honestly, when I first came here, because I asked my wife, you know, why didn't they ask anyone from our church? And my wife said, well, for one, why they asked an American is because Americans might have more money and they'll be more naive about the situation. See, a Filipino from day one would be like, I know what this person's up to when they're starting to do that. And the reality is, when I first moved here, I was a little bit naive to this as well. You say, why? Because I didn't deal with it as much in the U.S., okay? And so they're being smart about it. They're asking somebody, you know, from another country, blah, blah, blah. And then they said, you know, far from the message he gave back, because I told him he's not welcome, he said, it sounds like he says he didn't do that. It's like, well, you know, I know you're lying about that, okay? But here's what you have to understand, when somebody asks you for money, ask yourself this question, do you know why they need money to begin with? Because if you don't know, then like what if, let me just give you an example. Let's say somebody was just like a lifelong smoker and they got lung cancer. They got lung cancer for a reason. That doesn't mean the church is obligated to give them that money. Because there's a reason why they got it. Now, no doubt about it, people can have health problems and it's not their fault. But sometimes you're reaping what you've sown. And look, reaping what you've sown is a universal law and I can't change that universal law. And if somebody got something because it's their own fault, and honestly, when the Bible speaks about giving people money in terms of the church setting, there's requirements it lists. They have to be faithful people, okay? When it's someone who doesn't go to our church and has never visited but says, man, I want to visit, I'm just too sick to visit, but I need money. It's like that's not a faithful person. I don't know that person. And Brother Francis down in Pampong, he went back on his Facebook and it's like, what must you do to be saved? Repent of all your sins. Right? So it's not the same message we believe about salvation. We believe salvation by grace through faith. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Mani wala long ka hiza Christo. And so I want you to understand, people like this, they will come into our church, okay? I'm not saying every time, like the people we've told not to come back, I don't know if they're covetous psychopaths, that they don't feel any guilt or whether or not they're people that are saved that are covetous, because both can exist. Either way, it's not welcome in church, okay? Now turn in your Bible to 2 Kings 5. 2 Kings 5. Say, Brother Stuckey, why are you so harsh about people that are not members of our church asking for money? Because my job is to care about the people in this room, the people that are members, the flock. The Bible uses the terminology shepherd for the people that are here. Obviously I'm not a pastor yet, but I mainly do the same sort of role for the most part. I'm supposed to care about the people in this room, okay? The church cares about the people that are in this room. Someone who's not part of our church, though, it's like you're not part of your church. Go to your church and ask money from them. You say, well, I don't go to any church. Well, then you shouldn't ask any church for money. Then go to your family to ask money. But what they do is, well, I'll start going to church to try to get money. It's like, no, you have to prove yourself faithful beforehand. So look, the church is willing to help out people they know. But here's the thing, some random person that I've never met that just messaged me on Facebook that says, we be brethren. I love Pastor Jimenez. I love Pastor Anderson. How do I know if that's true? They could just be lying about it, okay? And honestly, more often than not, they probably are. You say, Brother Stuckey, whether in this situation that was recent, because I mentioned in the group chat that this person is not welcome, or you say another situation earlier, I think you were too harsh, Brother Stuckey. And the reason why I think you were too harsh is I think that person was saved, okay? Well, turn to 2 Kings 5. Let me show you something. 2 Kings 5. Because what you have to understand is, I don't think it matters whether they're saved or not. That's not the argument. In 1 Corinthians 5, you get kicked out of church for being covetous. Right? The argument's not about, well, what if they were saved? That's not the argument in 1 Corinthians 5. The argument is getting kicked out because you're covetous. That's what the Bible says, whether you're saved or unsaved. Okay? 2 Kings 5, notice verse 15, and he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came and stood before him, and he said, Behold, now I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel. Now therefore I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant. But he said, as the Lord liveth before whom I stand, I will receive none. And he urged him to take it, but he refused. This is the very famous story in the Bible where Naaman, who's a very powerful man, he has leprosy. And Naaman is cured from his leprosy by Elisha. Not Elijah, but Elisha. And so Naaman, and it's a long story, that's a whole sermon in and of itself, he's kind of stubborn at first, but then he gets healed by Elisha, and when he first comes up it's interesting because Naaman's a very powerful person, and he basically knocks on the door, and then Elisha's like, you know, he just tells his servant, Gehazi, hey, just go deal with it. I don't care. It'd be kind of like if the most powerful man in the world comes and knocks, Donald Trump knocks on your door and it's like, yeah, you know, Brother Rafi, go deal with it. I don't care. You go deal with it. Give him whatever he wants. Just tell me later. That's kind of like how Elisha says. Because Elisha was not a respecter of persons. Whether or not he was a very powerful man or a normal, ordinary person. He didn't really care. But he ends up healing him, and it says here in verse 19, and what he wants to do, Naaman wants to give Elisha money. Now realize when you're a very powerful and rich person and someone cures you of leprosy, you're probably going to be willing to give up a lot of money as a thank you. He's willing to do that, okay? Now Naaman actually has a lot of integrity. He's not a bad guy because remember in the Bible, very few people, only one out of ten came back to thank the Lord for healing them, okay? But Naaman says, I'm very thankful. I'll give you money, okay? Elisha says, no. You say, why? Because it's not the time for money. It would be like if we go soul winning here today, and you know, you're going through the example of it being a gift, you say, hey, you know, and then you say, but let's say I gave you a gift, but I said 15 pesos, like, oh, let me just give you that money now. It's like, no, no, no. I don't want leprosy, okay? Don't give me the money. Why? It's okay? It's not the time to get money when you're going soul winning. You don't use religion for money. And here in this country, people are used to it. So honestly, if you wanted to try to make money out of soul winning as like a part-time job from people that you're getting saved and preaching the gospel to, you could probably make a lot of money, okay? Now you'll probably be dead in a couple weeks. The Lord will probably strike you down dead if you're saved, right? But honestly, you could probably get money because people will be gilded into it, okay? An evil person would do something like that. But Elisha says, I don't want money, okay? No, I don't want money. This is not the time for money. Verse 19, and he said unto him, Go in peace. So he departed from him a little way. But Gehazi the servant of Elisha, the man of God, said, Behold, my master hath spared Naaman the Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which he brought. But as the Lord liveth, I will run after him and take somewhat of him. So Gehazi sees this man healed. And keep in mind, Gehazi didn't heal Naaman. Elisha healed Naaman. But Gehazi thinks, man, we should have gotten money from that. He offered money, we should have gotten something, okay? And so he goes after him. Verse 21, So Gehazi followed after Naaman, and when Naaman saw him running after him, he lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said, Is all well? And he said, All is well. My master hath sent me, saying, Behold, even now there be come to me from Mount Ephraim two young men of the sons of the prophets. Give them, I pray thee, a town of silver and two changes of garments. Now look, is Gehazi telling the truth? No. He's lying. He's making up this story. Why? He's asking for a town of silver and two changes of garments. And Naaman said, Be content, take two talents. And he urged them, and bound two talents of silver and two bags with two changes of garments, and laid them upon two of his servants, and they bare them before him. And when he came to the tower, he took them from their hand and bestowed them in the house, and he let the men go and departed. And they departed. And so Gehazi basically lies to Naaman to get money from him, and then he goes back home. He goes back where Elisha is. But he went in and stood before his master, and Elisha said unto him, Whence comest thou Gehazi? You know, where'd you come from? And he said, Thy servant went no whither. And it's like, look, when you're finding yourself being dishonest and lying in life, you might want to check yourself whether or not you're really back-siding or doing something really wrong. Because whenever you start doing something wrong, isn't it amazing how you almost have to always lie to cover it up? Or you're like really paranoid. And you don't even have to lie, but you just do it because you're really scared. You start making up stories, and that's what Gehazi's doing. Thy servant went no whither. And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money and to receive garments and olive yards and vineyards and sheep and oxen and menservants and maidservants? The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave onto thee and onto thy seed forever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow. And so as a result, Gehazi gets struck with leprosy because he's trying to use religion to make money. Brother Stuckey, was Gehazi a covetous psychopath or was he saved? It doesn't matter. He still had leprosy. That's my point. He said, Brother Stuckey, I think he was a false prophet. It doesn't matter whether he's a false prophet or saved. He still has leprosy cleaved to him forever. And if somebody comes into our church and tries to take money, it doesn't matter whether they're saved. People that I've told not to come back for the sake of them trying to steal money from members, it doesn't matter if they were saved or not. It matters what they did. It doesn't matter whether Gehazi's saved or not. What matters is he's using religion to make money and he has leprosy forever no matter what. And so look, if somebody gets kicked out of this church for being a covetous psychopath or kicked out because they try to steal money from members, look, the argument's not whether or not they're saved. The argument is did they actually do that? Did they try to guilt people into church into giving them money? And if the answer is yes, they're guilty whether or not they're saved or not. And look, they can go to some other church then, but the Bible speaks about being covetous. Now, I will tell you my personal opinion and I can't prove this to you. I believe Gehazi was saved. I believe Gehazi is in heaven today. And here's the reason why I believe that. Because if you notice, Gehazi doesn't ask for much. He asks for a little bit. You say, why? Probably because he would feel guilty about asking for a lot. Now look, Naaman's willing to give lots. Isn't he willing to give lots in this moment? He's willing to give up a lot, okay? Gehazi seems to be a saved person who feels guilty about asking for a lot, so he only asks for a little bit. I mean, two changes of garments. I know back then clothing cost more money, but I'm like, that's really not a whole lot that he's asking for. Now, if he was a covetous psychopath, what would he have probably said? Well, we just had like 50 people come. We need 50 changes of garments. We need one town of silver apiece. I think he would have asked for a lot. Because a covetous psychopath has no conscience. And if Naaman's willing to give up a lot of money, it's like, yeah, I'll take everything you have. We need a lot of money. We had this big situation come up, okay? He only asks for a little bit, and I think the reason why is because he's probably a saved person who's covetous. But it does not matter. Look, when people come into our church and they try to use our church for money, and they're found to be guilty, and then it's determined, and it's two plus two equals four, and I've said this is the finalist. The people that I've asked not to come back again, they're not welcome at our church. You say, why? Because they're trying to steal money from members at our church. And honestly, when we first dealt with this situation, I was long suffering. I was like, you know, whatever, I don't care. But then when I found out they actually got people to give them money during the last missions trip, it's just like, no, you're not welcome back at our church. You say, why? Because we're not going to create this atmosphere of just people coming in and using the church for money, okay? We can't create this atmosphere as a church. You say, Brother Stuckey, what fields would people... Now turn to 1 Timothy 6. We'll look at one last place. 1 Timothy 6. 1 Timothy 6. I say, Brother Stuckey, what sort of careers would people that are covetous psychopaths get into? Well, I went online to see what the secular world would say, and you know, I agree with the things they're saying. But basically situations where you could basically steal money from people and think nothing of it. You know, you think of things like, you know, policemen. That would be a career that covetous psychopaths would get into. You say, why? Well, it's not that really difficult to plant evidence at a house and then just take their money. It's like, oh, wow, there's four of us went in, you know, me, Brother Marlin, Brother Raffey, Brother Ehrman. It's like, all right, we found $10,000, you know, because of their drug deal. We'll just split it, $2,500 apiece, right? You say, Brother Stuckey, how dare you say that a cop would ever do that? Common sense would tell you that would be a career where they could get away with that. Use common sense. Just like with a violent psychopath, where are they going to go? They're going to work at daycares, nurseries, school teachers, or they'll be involved at church where they can work with children. That's why we don't have to worry about them here. We don't have junior church. We don't have Sunday school. We just have one service with everybody. That's why they're not going to be around here. But careers where they can basically steal money. And you look and CEOs, a high percentage of CEOs are psychopaths based on the secular world's percentage. You say, why would a high percentage be CEOs? Well, what they found when it comes to people that are psychopaths, if they really look at the work they do, they're actually very bad at their jobs usually, but everybody thinks they're very good. Everyone's like, man, that person's so nice. They're such a nice person. When they actually look at their production, it's very little. And I'm not going off the Bible, although I will say the story of Haman, you can see that, because Haman produces very little in the book of Esther, and yet he's the right-hand man of king of Haswars. But in the secular world, this is what they say. Psychopaths basically produce very little, but everyone thinks they're the nicest person. Like, oh, man, so-and-so's such a great guy, but he never actually gets his job done and always kind of pawns it off to someone else or takes credit from someone. That's what you see, but they never actually produce anything. So basically careers where they can take advantage of people, okay? This is why we need to be careful about churches we will and won't fellowship with, because honestly, in today's world, there is a market for being a like-minded, we love Pastor Jimenez. We love Pastor Anderson, why? Because if tomorrow, let's say a church started in Beekle tomorrow that said, we are new IFB, we love Pastor Jimenez, we're supporting 100%, we're post-trib and everything, do you realize that there'd probably be like 20 people at that church starting next Sunday? Because there's a demand for it in our country, and so that's why we need to be careful. And look, we always give people the benefit of the doubt, you know, we get to know them and stuff like that, but there is a market now for pretending to be like us, okay? That's the reality, and it's happening in the US, and it's going to happen here in the Philippines as well, okay? So in 1 Timothy 6, what we see here in verse 9, it says, but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and to many foolish in hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Now I want you to realize this applies to saved and unsaved people, but as a takeaway as a saved person in this room, don't go down the road of being covetous. You will pierce yourself through with many sorrows. You will destroy your life. I knew people that went to Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, and they went down this road of being very covetous. You say, how do you know that? Because honestly, all they talked about was money, money, and you're just like, I don't care. It's like, you don't want to keep hearing about money, money, money, but they would always talk about money, and you know what, they ended up leaving the church. You say, why? Because you pierced yourself through with many sorrows. That's what ends up taking place, and so us as saved people, let's not go down this road of being covetous, but I want you to realize, don't be too naive. Realize we'll have people that are going to come in here, and they will try to just use the church to make money. That's the reality of the matter. The Bible warns about it. So it's not just when it comes to being the preacher or pastors here in the Philippines, but also just members. People use church, use religion to make money. It's something we all need to be careful about, we all need to be aware about. Let's close in a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today and just getting to see this topic of covetous psychopaths, God, and help us to learn from these scriptures. The Bible speaks about it a lot, and help us to be all aware of these situations and knowledgeable, God. Help us not to be deceived by people like this that would cause harm to our church, God. We just pray all these things in Jesus' name. Amen.