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Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's take our steps and start our first service. Let's get our hints and turn to hint number 59. Let's turn our hints to hint number 59. Let's sing a song, bought up together. On the first. I see. Those bodies. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Welcome to Verity Baptist Church. Take out your bullets and we'll go through a couple announcements here today. And our verse of the week is Genesis chapter two, verse 24. The Bible reads, therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. And that's a great verse there. We are a family integrated church. Many children and infants are welcomed during the services. We do have a mother baby room back there for your convenience, as well as the ladies restroom men's restroom is up here in front. Remember, actually, on the next page, our service times are listed. First service is at 10 a.m. Second service. Eleven fifteen Wednesday Bible study at seven p.m. So many times listed two p.m. on Wednesdays meeting at Marquina Freedom Park. On Saturdays, we have soul winning at case on Memorial Circle. And, you know, we're kind of running into some issues with case on Memorial Circle. So just pay attention to the group chat in case we have to change the location. But just pray that we we have free course to preach the gospel there. And so and on this Saturday, we are going to have some people already here for the missions trip from out of the country. And so anyways, that's just something to keep in mind. And then we have so many, of course, this afternoon and so many today. So the people that are married are going to be going so many nearby. Those that are single, we're going to send you to Bickel to go solely the group there today or something like that. But for those that are married, we're going to send you nearby and have a shortened time. And for those that are not here as a married couple for the banquet later on, we can send you to a further location away. But let's see. So you'll have a normal soul winning time, not a shortened one. Our salvation and baptisms are listed there for the year as well as the month, also last year's results. And on the next page, we have a Bible memorization challenge. Today, of course, is our Sweetheart Banquet. So it's always a fun event. So after the soul winning time, the order of events will be, first we get a picture for each of the individual couples. Then we get a group picture with all the married couples. Then we eat the food. And then we do the Sweetheart Banquet competition. So good luck, everybody. Let's have, you know, we'll have some rules like no fighting, no punching, no biting. We want to have less chaos than last year. But anyways, then our monthly Laguna Church service is coming up this next Sunday, February 18th. Then, of course, our missions trip is February 19th through the 25th. For the missions trip, we created a WhatsApp group and we created a Facebook group. And I haven't added anybody from our church because I figure most people are going to be working. So you're not going to be able to be a part of it. But if you are planning to be a part of a lot of the soul winning and you want to be a part of the group, anyone's welcome to add you to that group. Or you can tell my wife or tell me and we'll add you to that group. I just don't want to add you to the group. You're thinking, I'm working, so why are you adding me to this group? You know, I'm going to be busy Monday through Friday. But absolutely, you could be added to that group just to, you know, keep up to date on all the events that are going on. Current and upcoming series, we are in the alphabet of characteristics and also the book of Matthew. Our birthday is an anniversary for the month of February. So Brother Vaughn's birthday is on Wednesday. Sister Lourdes is on Thursday. Then on the back, we have just our rules of conduct for our church and basic organization. And then on our sermon notes page, we do have a place for the sermons here today. Very romantic sermons to fit the occasion. Reasons why your husband hates you and reasons why your wife hates you, right? So it's a good balance, you know, so those two sermons. And also coming up this next Sunday, Pastor Kevin Sepulveda is probably going to be here preaching for us. I say probably because everyone in Australia, their flights got delayed one day. So I don't know what the update is. He was supposed to come in on Saturday, I believe, and it's possible with the shift. I don't recommend Philippine Airlines, okay? Philippine Airlines, there's a few flights, and they always change flights. That's what I've seen. But anyways, I think he's going to be here preaching for us this coming Sunday. So pray about that, that everything for the missions trip is going to go smoothly and everyone's able to come in. Obviously there can be complications when you're doing flights and everything. And also for a soul winning schedule, if there's any obstacles, we can overcome them in the next week. So we can have just a smooth time and be able to be most effective. And the thing for the missions trip is it's going to be exciting for our church. It's exciting that we host an event. We have all these people from out of the country. But really, the big thing is that we make it a great time for those that are coming in to visit. They're spending money to come here. They're taking their vacation time. They're largely coming from areas where you knock on doors and you get the door slammed and nobody wants to listen. So we want to make it the best time possible for those that are coming in. But anyways, that's our announcement, so we'll have Brother Marlon lead us in another song. For our next song, let's turn our hymn to hymn number 60. Hymn number 60, let's sing the song Face to Face. On the first, everybody sing. Face to face with Christ my Savior Face to face my heavenly King When with rapture I behold Him Jesus Christ to the King Face to face I shall behold Him For he hath the sparrow's eye Face to face in all his glory Eyes so sweet in light and light Only with me now I see him With the dark and clear with glee For the passing day is starting When His glory is all we see Face to face in all his glory Far beyond the starry sky Face to face in all his glory Eyes so sweet in light and light On the third we're going to sing in a cappella. Everybody sing. Watch me joy sing in His presence When our banish weep and pain When the crooked ways are straightened And the dark things shall be plain Face to face I shall behold Him Far beyond the starry sky Face to face in all his glory I shall see him by his might On the last. Face to face I'll face no more Face to face to see and know Face to face with my Creator Jesus Christ, who loves me true Face to face I shall behold Him Far beyond the starry sky Face to face in all his glory I shall see him by his might This time let's take our nights in offering. Amen. For a scripture reading, please open your Bibles to the book of Ephesians. Ephesians chapter 5. You will only be reading verse 21 down to verse 33. Ephesians chapter 5 verse 21. Please say amen if you're there. Amen. Ephesians 5 verse 21. Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as prized as the head of the church. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as prized as the head of the church. And he is the savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything. Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. That he might sanctify and glance it with a washing of water by the word. That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not have you spot or wrinkle or any such thing. But that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives with their own bodies, he that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourished and cherished it, even as the Lord the church. For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. With this God shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they too shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his wife, even as himself, and the wife see that she reverenced her husband. Bless the reading of God's word, let us pray. For God in heaven, we thank the Lord for the state you've given to us. And for all the truth, please bless the Lord for this day. Give us good weather for our soul, and in our fellowship later on. I pray, Lord, that you would also please bless the preaching and our prayers to the Lord this day. We love you, Jesus, and we pray. Amen. All right, we're here in Ephesians chapter 5, and both these sermons go along with our sweetheart banquet here today, and they're romantically themed. And the name of this sermon is Reasons Why Your Husband Hates You. Reasons Why Your Husband Hates You, a very, very romantic sermon we have today, okay? And so when it comes to reasons why your husband hates you, or reasons why your husband might be mad at you, we've got it down to three points here today. And so point number one, why your husband might be very mad at you, or he might hate you or grow bitter toward you, is because you do not respect him, because you do not respect him. And underneath this idea of respecting your husband, I have three ideas, and one of those is you don't obey him. You don't do what he says. Your husband tells you to do something, and you don't listen. Now, notice what it says here in Ephesians 5, verse 21, submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Now, verse number 21 in our Bible is probably one of the most misunderstood verses, because it says submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Then the next verse says, wives, submit yourselves to your husbands. So it seems like it's a contradiction, right? Because it says everybody submit to one another, and then wives submit to husbands. But actually, verse 21 is basically saying this, that if you are in a position of having an authority, you submit to that authority. And then you're going to see the Bible's going to give you three examples of this. Wives to husband is number one. Number two is children to parents. See, the problem is sometimes we read our Bible and we think it's the end of the chapter, so I'm on a completely different idea, but that is not always the case. There are books like Psalms and Proverbs where you get to the end of the chapter and it's a brand new thought. But in Ephesians here, the thought is continuing from the end of chapter 5 through chapter 6. So you have wives to husbands, children to parents, and servants to masters are the three examples of submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Because what submission is, is when you willingly put yourself underneath someone and look at them as the rule, so it wouldn't really make sense to say, okay, wives put yourselves under husbands, but husbands put yourselves under wives. That's not what it's saying. What it's saying is if you are in a position of having an authority, you submit under that. For example, we live in a government that has rules. What do we do? We submit to that authority even if we don't agree with it, right? Now, notice what it says here in verse number 22. One example of this is wives submitting to husbands. Wives, submit yourselves under your own husbands as unto the Lord. Submission means to accept or yield to a superior force or the authority or will of another person. You can think of a submarine that goes under the water. You can think of an object being submerged in water. You see that prefix there, sub. And what the Bible is saying is that wives willingly put themselves underneath their husbands and look at their husbands as being the leaders. Now, here's what we have to understand. If you say, you know, pastor, I'm a very submissive wife and the proof is that I came to church today. My husband wanted me to come to church and I'm here. Well, my question would be did you want to come to church? And if your answer was yes, I want to be at church, you didn't submit to your husband because submission is when you do not want to do something and you willingly go along with what the authority says. So the only proof of submission is in a situation where you don't want to do something and your husband says to do it and you willingly put yourself underneath that authority. And look, I hope you did not have to submit to your husband here today to come to church. I hope you're happy to be in the house of God. I hope that you would say I'm glad. I was glad when they said let us go into the house of the Lord. But here's what I'm saying. The only way that you can prove you're submissive is in a situation where you do not want to do something. Your husband says I want chicken. You say beef and you say, okay, you know, I'll go underneath what my husband's wish is. Verse number 23. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body. And so the Bible says the husband is the head of the wife. He is the authority over the wife. Even as Christ is the authority or the head of the church. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, the church goes underneath the wishes of Jesus Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything that they want to. Is that what the Bible says? The Bible says in everything. So your husband says something, you follow the authority of what your husband says. And look, if you've got a problem with what I'm saying, if you've got a problem with God and what the Bible says, not with what I'm saying, I'm just the messenger giving you very clear verses that I don't think are disputable in these verses we're seeing about wives being underneath your husbands. You say, well, yeah, but my husband's supposed to be a loving husband. This sermon is reasons why your husband hates you. I'm not preaching to the guys in this sermon. I'm preaching to the women. And I'd say grow some thick skin and just realize this is what the Bible says. And realize that God has your best interest at heart. It's not like God's saying I'm going to force you to obey your husband and you're going to have a horrible marriage if you do what I say. No, actually if you do what God says, you're going to have a good marriage. If we do what God says in our lives, we're going to have a happy marriage and a good life. We're going to have good success and God is going to bless us. Your problem is you're listening to what the TV says. You're listening to what the news says. You're listening to what all of your friends and relatives are doing rather than just doing what the Bible says. And the Bible says that in everything the wives submit to the husbands. Go in your Bible to Proverbs 21. Proverbs 21. Proverbs 21. Somebody on YouTube this week, I think they were trying to be offensive. Somebody said, I bet you would have fit in really well in the Middle Ages. Yeah, just give me indoor plumbing and I would love to live there. Personally, I don't know if I could go without indoor plumbing after having that my whole life. But yeah, the Middle Ages where people were respectful and husbands were the head of their homes and it was a more godly society. Yeah, sure, it would be a better place to live. And I'll tell you what, instead of going back to the wickedness and the Filipino roots of the LGBT and feminism and all that garbage that has existed in this country for a very long time, why don't we go back to some old-fashioned values of husbands being the head of their homes and fathers leading the homes and why don't we just go back to what the Bible says in all matters? Because I'm sorry, when we look at the way this world is, you cannot tell me that this world is a success in 2024. It is a mess in 2024 and it's not getting any better. And yeah, I think we should go back to some old-fashioned values that would fix a lot of problems in this world. And what the Bible says is husbands are the head of their homes. You say, well, pastor, when do I get to disobey my husband? The only exception you have in the Bible is when your authority is asking you to sin. Your authority is asking you to do wrong. Your authority says, I made this golden image. I want you to bow down to it Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and guess what? You disobey the authority. Why? They're asking you to do wrong. They're asking you to do sin. But if your authority gives you an assignment to do, you do it. It's like a boss at work. When you have a boss at work, your boss tells you to do something, you do it. Do you always agree with what your boss says? Of course not. Look, I've had a lot of different bosses in my life and you know what? Every boss I've ever had, there are things that I agreed with and I did not agree. And you know what you do when you don't agree with what your boss says? You just do what your boss says. You say, why? Because they're the authority. And you submit underneath that authority. And so one aspect is because you don't obey your husband. And a great example for all ladies in this room to look at from the Word of God is a woman by the name of Naomi. What a godly lady Naomi is in the Word of God. Here's a woman whose husband is sending the family to Moab because there's a famine. Now look, we don't know behind the scenes what the conversation was, whether or not Naomi said, I don't think this is a good idea. I personally think she probably did, which is you're allowed in a respectful way to tell your authority, I think this might be a better idea, but it's up to you. And so I presume Naomi probably did that, but here's the thing. Her husband and Linlick said, we're going to Moab. So what does the wife do? Well, she goes along with what her husband says. Was it a good choice? Absolutely not. Was it the right choice? Absolutely not. But Naomi's job was to be respectful and submissive to her husband. I have heard Baptist preachers preach that Naomi was in sin and messed up the family. And they said the proof is when she came back, she said, I went out full and I came back empty. And basically she's the one who persuaded her husband to go to Moab. Now actually it's called that when things don't work out, you don't blame other people. She never blames God. She never blames her husband. You say, why? Because Naomi's an example of a very godly woman in the word of God. But it was a Linlick's job to make that decision. And she went along with what her husband said. So one aspect of not respecting your husband is you don't listen to what he tells you to do. You disobey. I mean, it's like a big fight on everything. He says, I want this for lunch. And you're like, no, I'm not going to listen. I'm going to do this. And it's like, why does everything have to be a fight? But it's to another level when not only do you not obey what he says, you boss him around. It's not just that you don't listen to what he says. You say, no, no, no, no. I've got to get my way in all areas. And you try to make yourself the boss. Now look, when you're bossing your husband around, do you know what that's called? It's called acting like a man. That's what it's called. Look, I get it. A sermon like this, there's probably not a whole lot of amens because the husbands are a bit afraid. And I get that. But let me tell you something. When your husband got married to you, he wanted to marry someone who was feminine. He doesn't want to marry someone that acts like a guy. You know why? Because God naturally created women to be attracted to men. And not just physically, but in the way they act as well. The same thing with men. And there is nothing less attractive than a woman acting like a guy. I mean, it's a fact. Paul even says, doesn't even, you know, nature, I mean, basically you decide, judging yourselves, is it commonly that a woman pray unto God uncovered? What he's saying is women are more attractive with long hair. And every guy in this room would say that's true. Every guy in this room finds women more attractive when they dress like a lady, they dress like a lady, they talk like a lady, they act like a lady. No husband wants his wife to just get into a brawl, you know, outside of the house and like beat somebody up. It's like, what happened? Did this person get hit by a car? No, I knocked him out. That's not attractive to a guy. That's called acting like a man, and that's not attractive to a guy. And so, look, number one, he wants you to respect by listening to what he says. He can ask you to do something and you just do it, but it's even worse if you're bossing him around. We're saying, hey, I want you to do this and this and this, and it's like, wait a minute, who wears the pants in this marriage, right? Notice what it says in Proverbs 21, verse 9. It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman in a white house. The Bible's saying it would be better to basically just have a small house, not have a lot of money than have this rich and fancy house with your wife being brawling. What the Bible's saying is it's better to marry a godly woman than marry some celebrity that's got millions of dollars. That's going to be a brawling, obnoxious woman that acts like a guy. That's what the Bible's saying, right? Go to Proverbs 25. Proverbs chapter 25. Proverbs 25, verse 24. It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman in a white house. I mean, when God repeats things in the word of God, you know why that is? Because it's important and because it's applicable. Go to 1 Peter, chapter 3. You say, well, you know, I don't know about this pastor. I think this is outdated advice. Well, look, God says the husband's the authority. There is no question about that. So ask yourself how you act toward your boss at work. I mean, or ask yourself how you talk to, like, you know, I don't know, like, you know, let's say you met President Marcos and you're just like, okay, this is what you're going to do. You're going to do this and you're going to do this and you're going to do this. It's like you're going to get arrested. You're going to get fired from your job if you go to your boss and say, well, this is how it's going to be. It's like learn some respect. And look, if you're a wife that's bossing your husband around and telling your husband, it's going to be this and this and this, you know what? You're going to have a miserable marriage and your husband is going to despise you in his heart. And he might do what you say because he just doesn't want to get in the fight, but you're putting him in a rock and a hard place where basically he says, I want this, but if I don't choose this, which my wife wants, she's going to be brawling and obnoxious. So therefore this is the better option just because I don't want to have to deal with my wife being obnoxious. That is the spot you're putting your husband in. And look, the bottom line is the Bible says husbands are the authority. First Peter chapter three, verse one. First Peter three, verse one. Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. The Bible tells wives to be in subjection, put themselves underneath their own husbands. Then it says this, that if any obey not the word, that's referring to husbands that are ungodly, husbands that are not serving God, husbands that are not doing what is right, that if any obey not the word, you're married to someone that doesn't want to live for God. They're not letting God guide them. They're living a sinful life. They also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. Now conversation in the Bible is your lifestyle, so it's saying it's not your words, but it's your lifestyle that converts your husband over to live in a godly life. Now can you apply this to salvation? I think you can, but that's not really the primary application here. Look, there can be husbands that are saved, but it doesn't mean that they're living godly lives. It doesn't mean that they're really serving God, and the Bible's saying if you're in that situation of married to someone that doesn't really want to serve God, how do you win them over? How do you get them to love God? You do it by your attitude. You do it by the way you live your life, and your husband's going to think, man, I'm very blessed to be married to this person, and it's going to cause him to fit his proper role and live a more godly life. That is what the Bible teaches, and so as we say, actions speak louder than words. Everybody in this room is going to say they're trying to serve God, or they love God, but wait a minute. Actions speak louder than words. The proof is in the pudding. Verse number two, while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear, who's adorning? Let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel, but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. Now look, the Bible is not saying that the outward appearance doesn't mean anything. Obviously we should try to look nice. We should take care of ourselves. Obviously that's kind of more something that ladies are geared toward than guys because guys don't really care what they look like, to be honest, but here's the thing. More important to your husband than whether or not you focus on the outside is whether or not you have a meek and quiet spirit on the inside, whether or not you're reading the Bible, whether or not you're being a godly person. Now, of course, when you get married to someone, one aspect of marriage is that you're attracted to them. Obviously you ought to be attracted to the person that you get married to, but here's the thing. Beauty fades, whether it's for women or men. This is the way it works. It's like the sun rising and setting. We kind of hit our peak, and then it's all downhill, right? You know, as a guy, I'm already in the downhill process. It just is what it is. You just accept it. You move on. Here's the thing. If you're focusing so much on the outside, which is going to fade, I mean, you're foolish because the inside is going to shine through, and whether it's in a good way or a bad way, so if your inside is rotten and rebellious and brawling and bitter, that is going to come out, and it does not matter how attractive you are. It's going to cause your husband to despise you in his heart, but if you have the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, as the Bible says, that is also going to shine through, and it's not only that he will love you more. He'll find you more attractive as a godly person that's not focusing as much on the outside. Now, look, if you can do both, then do both, but here's the thing. If you're spending three hours on your appearance and you never open up the Bible, good luck. Say, I don't understand why my husband doesn't find me attractive. I mean, I'm doing all this stuff, but the problem is you don't have the meek and quiet spirit. That is the secret. That's the magic formula the Bible says, and this is why you get your advice from the Word of God and not from what the world tells you. This is not what the world's going to tell you. It says here, and it said in verse number 5, For after this manner and the old time, all women... No, no, no, it says the holy women also. Let us see what holy women did, and not just all saved women. Let's see what holy women did. Let's see what holy and godly and righteous women, let's see how they acted, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection onto their own husbands. So here's what they're saying. The ungodly women, they were not in subjection to their husbands. But the holy and godly women, they put themselves underneath their husbands. Oh, how dare you say that? I mean, how dare me just read the Bible? Which is very clear. This is not one of these things where I could see where they're coming from. There are topics in the Bible that I feel very strongly about. Like, for example, a topic that doesn't really matter much. I feel strongly that Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses during the end times. But here's the thing. If somebody has a different opinion, I can't prove dogmatically 100% 2 plus 2 equals 4. I'm just kind of looking at what I think is the evidence, and that's my conclusion. So I could see where somebody else might be coming from. I mean, I've heard arguments with Enoch and even John the Apostle, where I can see where they're coming from, even though I don't agree. But this is not disputable. Husbands are the heads of their homes. The Bible says very, very clearly. Then it says this in verse 6. Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whose daughters he are as long as he do well and are not afraid with any amazement. Now, when we're saying Lord, we're basically saying who's the boss? And Sarah looked at her husband as being her Lord, being her boss. Now, I'm not saying she looked at Abraham as her God. Like, I'm worshiping you. You're my God. But she looked at him as the boss in their marriage. She said, you know what? It's not about what I want. It's what my husband wants. Why? Because I'm the helpmeet. You know Adam was created before Eve, and Eve was created for the purpose of being the helpmeet to her husband? That's what the Bible says. You know the Bible likens the man, the husband, to be in the sun, and the wife to be in the moon, which merely reflects the light of the sun? Did you know that? That is what the Word of God teaches. And what that shows you is the husband is the boss, and the holy women, people like Sarah, you know what? They realize this and say, you know what? I look at my husband as being my boss. He's the leader. I will put myself underneath what my husband says. Why? Because the Bible commands me to obey him. So look, even if you don't want to obey him, look at it this way. Your boss is not really your husband, but your boss is God Almighty. And what does God tell you to do? God tells you to obey your husband. Look, God tells us to obey what the government says. Now, there's a lot of things the government says I'm not too crazy about. And yeah, there are times the government might ask, you know, try to get you to sin against your conscience, and that's a situation that I'm asking you to do wrong. But there's many laws the government has where it's like, I don't really agree with it, but you just do it. You say, why? Because God tells me to do it. That's why. Turn your Bible to Proverbs 17. Proverbs 17. When you think of Sarah, the thing I think about is the comparison between Genesis 18 and Genesis 19. Genesis 18, the chapter right before Sodom and Gomorrah, the angels come to Abraham. And then Abraham just goes to his wife and says, I need you to do this, this, this, and this. And guess what? She just doesn't. She doesn't complain. She doesn't say, well, why? And then, you know, he has to give 10-minute explanation why. It's like, look, if your husband says I want chicken and not beef, you know, just do it. You don't have to make it a big deal. Because Abraham is basically busy, and he's just like, hey, I need you to do this, and then he's got something to do also. So look, you don't have to hear his explanation of why so you can determine if you're going to still do it. You understand what I'm saying? You want him to explain, and until you reach a point you agree with it, you're not going to obey him. Just do what he says. Or he can be like Lot's wife in the next chapter. Let me ask you a question. I don't know the answer to this question, by the way. Where was Lot's wife? It kind of reminds you when the Bible speaks about the harlot woman, her feet abide not in her house. Like literally, where's his wife? I mean, Lot's the one that's cooking the food. He's the one taking care of the kids. It's like, what is she doing, gambling away the money? Just going out and being a bad example to her daughters? I mean, I have no idea. But there's a comparison meant to be made between Sarah and Lot's wife. And there's nothing good about Lot's wife, right? Proverbs 17, point number one, or aspect number one of not respecting your husband, you don't obey him. You don't do what he says. Letter B of that is you boss him around, which is even worse. Now you say, pastor, you know what? I appreciate what you're preaching, and I'm not guilty of this. I do what my husband says. I don't boss him around. But maybe when things don't work out perfectly, you make it a point, I told you so, I told you. You should have listened to me. You just give that backhanded jab that's at a level where if he rebukes you, he looks like a jerk. But actually, you just made a really obnoxious statement to him. Is that what you do to your boss at work? It's like, well, I told you you shouldn't have done that. Is that how you speak to him? Right? Because you're going to get fired if you act that way. And that is the exact situation. Your husband is your boss. And so look, let me help you out on something. Because as the leader of this church and the church in Pampanga and overseeing in Wieckl in Poland, you know what? I have to make a lot of decisions every day of my life. And it's not always fun. And of course, I'm a husband, I'm a father, which means I have a lot of decisions to make. Let me help you out with something. Some decisions I make are correct, and some are incorrect. Some are right, and some are wrong. But let me fill you in on something. I make a lot of decisions that are also correct. I make some wrong decisions, just like every husband in this room does. But you know what? Your husband also makes a lot of correct decisions. And you make it a point to say, I told you so, when it doesn't work out perfectly. But what you don't do is, you know what? You were right. I was wrong. See, those are the words that ought to come out of your mouth as a wife, saying, hey, you made the right choice. Great job leading our home. Instead of being condescending and saying, I told you so, what is the benefit of saying, I told you so? The benefit is to try to make yourself look better than your husband or smarter than your husband. And the reason why you're doing that is because you're brainwashed by what this world is doing. That's the reason why. The Bible says in Proverbs 17, verse 9, He that covereth a transgression seeketh love, but he that repeateth the matter seperated the very friends. The Bible says the person that covers a transgression seeks love. So here's the thing. When your husband screws up and you don't make it a point to point it out to him, you know what you're doing? You're seeking love. And let me help you out with something. If your husband makes a decision, and this is kind of a silly example. It's never happened in our home. So if this has happened in your home, I don't have inside information. Let's say that you get into a disagreement on how hot the oven needs to be. And you as the wife say 300 degrees. Your husband says, I'm thinking in Fahrenheit, not Celsius. 300 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't want to convert and do math this morning. And you say 400 degrees Fahrenheit as the husband. And what takes place? The food burns in the oven. Here's the thing. He can see that he was wrong. He already knows it. You don't have to let him know that. What you can do is cover transgression. Don't insult him. Don't make him feel like an idiot. There's no benefit in saying, I told you so. The only reason why you're trying to do that is to try to make him look bad and make yourself better than your husband. You know what that's called? It's called not respecting your husband. Everybody that makes decisions makes wrong decisions. And it's not even about whether or not your husband makes a higher percentage of decisions correct versus you. That doesn't matter. And I would imagine in this room when it comes to making decisions, I would imagine, yeah, you know what? Sometimes you're writing decisions. And you might be insulted by what I'm going to say, but here's the truth. I believe husbands make a higher percentage of correct decisions than their wives. And it's not a matter of intelligence. It's called guys don't add emotion into decisions. They look at it completely logically. Does that mean your husband's always right? It does not mean he's always right. And you can be mad and say I'm sexist and whatever. I don't care. There's a reason why God put men in charge of making the decisions. That does not make men smarter than wives. It does not make them better than wives. It makes the fact that God put them as the leaders in the home to make those decisions. Because I would say guys don't really attach emotion to it. They just look at the situation logically. Whereas wives, and look, having emotion in your decisions, it can be a very good thing in raising kids. But here's the thing. Sometimes you just got to make decisions and it doesn't matter what the emotions are. This is the best decision and this is not. Now I'm not saying it's like that with every single husband and every single wife, but regardless of whether or not you agree with what I said and regardless of whether or not you think I'm the biggest sexist in the world, it does not change the fact that husbands are the head and they make the decisions. Go in your Bible to Proverbs 11. Proverbs 11. We tend to have selective memory. We tend to forget all the things that we were wrong about. We focus on all the things that we were correct about and literally if you're making a bunch of decisions every day, you're not going to make the right decision every time. You make wrong decisions. You decide something and it's like sometimes it could have worked out better. This would have been better. It just is what it is. It does not change the fact husbands are the heads of their homes. The Bible says in Proverbs 11 verse 22, As a jewel of gold in the swine snout, so is a fair woman, which is without discretion. Discretion means the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information. So the Bible's saying a woman that's beautiful that just she's speaking in a brawling and fighting way to try to cause problems, just complaining and bitter and fighting. The Bible's saying it doesn't matter how beautiful the woman is. The women in Hollywood and the famous actresses and whatever, it doesn't matter how beautiful they are. Based on what comes out of their mouth, it's like all you see as a guy is pungy because of the way they act. It's a fact. I mean, yeah, you know, technically, a lot of Hollywood actresses and famous singers, they probably got there because they're naturally attracted by the world's standards. But then you hear what comes out of their mouth, and they're just like... Right? And I can think of, like, the women that were famous singers that when they started off, they were kind of more conservative and quieter, like the Taylor Swifts, who used to be, like, a beautiful young woman, and she's a whore now. Oh, I can't believe that you'd say that. I can't believe you would not say that if you know anything about her. It's like, I don't understand the shift that happened because back when I listened to music, she was, like, the godly, quiet little country girl that sang, like, Christian hymns and stuff like that. And then, like, ten years later, it's like, okay, I'll take what Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus does and Katy Perry, and I'm gonna just, like, do it times ten. And it's like, that's the sort of person that's meant to be an example, and she just happens to be in the news now because, like, the Super Bowl is big, so she's, like, all over the sports feed. She's a whore. I mean, just look at her. Just look at the way she acts, and she's gonna be the example to young ladies in this room? This is the problem. You're looking at these famous actresses and singers that are acting like whores and harlots, and show me the ones there that have successful marriages. So why would you take any advice from them when they failed? Why would you do that? Bible says, you know what, you're gonna be like a pig that, like, looks really nice. You're the color pink you got on that pink dress. You got all the jewels and everything like that, but it's not gonna change the fact the way you act and the way you speak, your husband will not find you attractive. You know, I get reminded of this whenever I see pigs. I mean, obviously, I preached in the sermon recently, but we were going to Tarloc and we saw, like, this big staple of, like, pigs beside us, and we're just like, this is, like, the ugliest animal on the planet. The way they act, the mannerisms. I mean, think about that the next time you see a pig. Remember the sermon I preached a couple weeks ago? And think about that. It's just, like, it doesn't matter what you do to that pig. It's a very ugly and disgusting animal. Turn your Bible to 1 Timothy 5. 1 Timothy 5. And this has really nothing to do with the sermon, but I was studying an old famous king in Assyria, and it was talking about how wicked he is and how he brutalized his enemies, and then it said that, you know, his pattern was he would always, like, kill this group of people and then feed them to the dogs and the pigs. And I'm like, what a shock, right? It reminds you of the Bible. The Bible always proves itself to be correct, right? And anyways, point number one is because you don't respect him. That is why your husband's mad at you. That's why he gets bitter towards you and angry because you don't respect him. He feels disrespected by the way you talk to him and treat him and act to him. And you can get mad at what I'm saying, but if you want to have a happy marriage, take heed. Look, we're going to have a sermon directed toward the husbands in an hour, and what I would say is instead of focusing, because what can happen is husbands can listen to this sermon and say, man, I'm so happy you preached that sermon. Actually, husbands, listen to the next sermon and say, okay, this is what I need to change rather than focusing on what your wife needs to change. Worry about what you need to do. That is always the way preaching is meant to be. You apply what you need to and not focus on other people. But number one, not only do you not respect, and number two, maybe because you waste money. You are not smart with money. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 5 verse 8, but if any provide not for his own, especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. The Bible shows us very clearly it's the husband's job to be the financial provider. And you know what that means? It means there is an added stress to the husband that the wife does not feel and cannot understand. It's like a child doesn't feel any stress with having the next meal or the bills being paid. You say, why? Because they're not responsible. Kids don't worry about that. They just want to buy whatever. They don't realize, well, wait a minute, this costs money and you've got to work for it. They still at a young age think that money falls from the sky or people give you stuff for free. They don't understand that stress. But here's the thing. Wives also do not understand the stress with being the sole provider in the family. You say, why? Because they're not in that position. It is not the same thing to be providing just for yourself as a single lady versus providing for a family with kids. As a single person, you can eat whatever, sleep wherever, it doesn't matter, you can get by. Then you get married and you have kids and it's like you look at your kids and you are responsible. There is something that women do not fully understand. Just like a guy cannot fully understand the burdens with raising kids because we're not around. We don't think the same way. Go to Proverbs 31. I'll give you an example of a difference between men and women. The other day, my kids are great kids and one thing I love about them is they give me a lot of sermon examples. Sometimes in a good way, in a bad way. Like all kids, sometimes kids spill things on the ground. My son Zach, he accidentally spilled chips on the ground. Let me explain to you the difference between men and women. When chips fall on the ground, you know what women are probably thinking? What a mess that I need to clean up. You know what men are probably thinking? They're probably thinking a 100 purple pesos. The color purple I don't have it in front of me. They're thinking that costs 100 pesos. That's what I thought when the chips hit the ground. That's 100 pesos out of my wallet. Every guy feels this way. You think of things financially. If something spills on the ground, you're not thinking of the mess to clean up. You're thinking that costs money. That's money wasted. That's the way guys think. I presume the way ladies are thinking is what a mess I need to clean up. There's a difference between men and women. Just realize the world is trying to make men and women the same. Then you're going to take advice from the world that's saying men and women are the same? I'm giving you the truth here. Men are different than women. That's the way that men think. They think financially. Oh man, it's 100 pesos we lost. A Coke spills on the ground. It's like it's 50 pesos for the Coke. It's 20 pesos for the tissues. It's like 5 pesos for the cleaner. That's the way the guys think. That's not the way that the women think, I would presume. They think, man, what a mess I need to clean up. Right? Men and women are different. Notice what it says in Proverbs 31, verse 10. Who can find a virtuous woman for her price as far above rubies? Now, is there symbolism with a woman's price being above rubies? Yeah, the idea would be, you know what, I don't care how much money I have in the world. I'd rather have a godly wife. That is the way that she ought to feel, but I don't think that's really the only application because if you look at the next verses, there is a literal sense of a godly woman's price being above gold, above rubies, above silver. You say, what do you mean? Verse 11, the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her. What does that mean? What do you mean by spoil? Isn't it, you see, in the Old Testament, because it's not necessarily a word we use in the same sense today, you see wars that take place and then you take the spoil of your enemy. You take their clothing. You take their weapons. You take their food. And what the Bible's saying is a husband can trust that he provides a paycheck and the wife doesn't just spend it all. That's what it's saying. Now, of course, you want to trust his wife in terms of she's not going to go after some other guy. Well, of course, but that's not really the context. If you isolate that phrase, a husband trusts in his wife. Well, yeah, that's true in a lot of ways, but what's the context financially? He can trust, because here's the truth. Generally, women are going to do more spending than men because they're the ones that have to make the decisions what groceries to get, what clothes to buy, what diapers to get. They're going to be the ones making the decisions most of the time. And what the Bible's saying is that a husband should be able to trust my wife's not going to waste all the money. I provided this much money per week, and guess what? She was wise with what she got. Right? Verse 12, she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. What's the context? Well, the context is still financially, because look at the next couple verses. What's the context of your husband trusting in you and doing good? Because it says, she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. Well, that's a way to save money. Work hard, save money. She's like the merchant ships. She bringeth her food from afar. Why does she bring her food from afar? Because it's more expensive at Robinsons than the Palenque. That's the reason why. The Bible's saying, instead of just getting whatever's nearby, you know what? You can trust that his wife is not going to blow all the money. That's what the Bible's saying. And look, you can take heed to this advice or not, but if you want your husband to really love you, be smart with money. Don't just spend all the money. Because what's going to happen is when you're making purchases in the back of your husband's head, all he's saying is, how expensive was that? And you're going to cause him to grow bitter and hate you in his heart. So Luke 16. Luke 16. And I'll say this. You can get mad at this sermon, but everybody in this room knows I'm right. It's very clearly what the Bible says. Instead of just lying to yourself, the Bible says, lie not against the truth. Quit lying to yourself and just say, you know what, it's not just Brother Suggies, Pastor Suggies' opinion. It's what the Bible says. That is what the context is in Proverbs 31. This is what the Bible says. And since your husband is the provider, realize you don't get that stress with, oh, you know, this costs this much money, but your husband does. And so be wise with what you spend. The Bible says in Luke 16, verse 1, And he said also unto his disciples, There is a certain rich man which had a steward, and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. The direct context here in Luke 16 is not about a husband and a wife. It's about being a good steward, being responsible for certain money that gives to you to use it wisely. But the application can be made. Verse 2, And he called him and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? Give an account of thy stewardship, for thou mayest be no longer steward. Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? For my Lord taketh away from me the stewardship, I cannot dig, so to beg I am ashamed. And the idea here is being a good steward with money, and look, whatever amount of money that you get in your life, be smart with it. Be wise with it. Don't waste it. Right? When we were driving to Tarlac the other day, you know, we went by this restaurant that looked very interesting to me. It said it was a Mediterranean restaurant. I thought maybe the food's authentic. I pulled up on my phone, and it's like 4,000 pesos per person. It's like I will never eat at that restaurant. You say, why? It's a waste of money. Right? And even if you have the money, it's still a waste of money. It's like 4,000 pesos? It's like, really? It's like, is the food that much better than what I'll get anywhere else? I mean, to be honest, I like the taste of pan de salt. So it's like three pesos for one piece. I can just eat like 1,000 pieces of pan de salt, you know, right? For the same price. It's like, it's a waste of money. Right? Be a good steward with what you can give. Go back to 1 Timothy 5. 1 Timothy 5. Look, you don't need to fulfill every want and desire you have in your life. In fact, that's a very unhealthy way to live your life. Even if you were really, really rich, it would be a very unhealthy way to live your life to fulfill every desire that you have. If you never deny what your flesh wants, there's a problem there. You say, why? Because the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing, and if you get one thing, you're going to want something else. That's just the way it works. And just learn to be content with what you do have, and say, hey, you know what? Maybe it would be nice to have something else, but I'm happy with what God has blessed me with. Otherwise, you're going to be a miserable and discontent person that's, no matter what the circumstances are, you're upset. Why? Because you've never learned to be happy with what God has given you. You're not thankful for what God has blessed you with. So one reason why husbands might hate their wives is because the wives don't respect them. They feel disrespected. Number two, because wives, maybe they waste money. Maybe they're not smart with money. Lastly, because maybe the wives don't take care of the home. 1 Timothy 5, verse 13. And withal they learn to be idle, wondering about from house to house, and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. I will, therefore, that the younger women, marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion the adversary to speak reproachfully. The Bible says that women are to guide the house. Now, what exactly does that mean? Well, you can think of things like cooking and cleaning as kind of the basic things that you think of, but let me just get on a more practical level. Let me ask you a question. Who is more responsible in a home to teach their kids the word of God? The wives. Now, I'm not saying that husbands just provide money and never spend time with their family. That's sermon number two, my friend. But look, the wives are more responsible for the kids to be godly and to hear the word of God and learn manners and learn, you know, their subjects and all of those things. You say, why? Because they're around them more. So if there's something lacking in one of your kids, as a wife, as a mom, you should look at yourself and say, what could I do better? Now, I'm not saying that husbands don't have any role in these things. I don't believe that husbands just come home from work and they just don't help with anything around the house. I do believe that husbands ought to be invested in their kids and spend time with them. And I believe, yes, husbands can help their wives as they come home and not just, you know, sit on the couch and watch TV and drink a beer, right? But wives are more responsible for teaching their kids the word of God. Why? They're around them more. Because your husband is gone working a full-time job, he's not going to be around the whole day to help out with those things. On a side note, who's more responsible to spank their kids, the wife or the husband? The wife. Why? She's around the kids more. Don't expect her to say, well, you know what, you need to spank your son because, you know, eight hours ago he did this. No, you spank him. The parent that gets rebelled against is the one that does the spanking. That's the way it works. And all you're going to cause is your kids to just, you're doing love, love, love. Your goal, I guess, is that your kids will love you and despise your husband, although the opposite is probably what's going to be that takes place, to be honest. Let me tell you something. It's more the responsibility of the wives. Why? They're simply around the kids more. Now, I'm not saying it's not the husband's job. I mean, I spank my kids when I need to. When they do me wrong or they do wrong and I'm the one there, I spank my kids, but the reality is I'm not around my kids as much as my wife. You say why? Because I'm working, right? And so it's your job as a wife to take care of the home. For the sake of time, skip Titus 2. Go in your Bible to Proverbs 31. I'll just read you from Titus 2. The Bible says, to be discreet, chase keepers at home. Good, obedient to their own husbands that the word of God be not blasphemed. The Bible tells women to be obedient to their own husbands and it says in that passage, keepers at home. It's where we get the term housekeeper, housewife, homekeeper, because you keep the home. You're there taking responsibility for the home. Now, I do want to say this on a side point. Although you're the one around your kids more often than your husband, it's still the husband's rules for raising the kids. So if your husband says, no, the kids aren't going to watch this, then it means no, the kids are not going to watch that. You say, why? Because he's the head of the home. Like, I don't want them to watch this. I don't want them to listen to this. I'm not okay with this song. It's not okay to me. So make sure that at home, they don't listen to it. You say, why? Because the husband's the head of the home. And so, yes, he can tell his wife, hey, I want to make sure the kids, they need to learn this today. I want to make sure they don't watch this today. You say, why? Because he's the head of the home. But who's the one that's going to be enforcing it? Well, the wife, because she's around the kids. It's kind of like a boss would give instructions to an employee, and then it's kind of like their job to do it. Just like a husband should be able to give his wife instructions, and she doesn't. But then the wife is the one there taking care of the home. Proverbs 31, verse 15, and let's just see what the Bible says about the virtuous woman here in Proverbs 31, verse 15. It says in verse 15, she riseth also out as yet night, and giveth me to her household and a portion to her maidens. You say, what does that mean? She riseth also out as yet night. She riseth before the sun rises. So you would think of basically the day and the night. The night would be when the sun is down. So generally you think 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is daytime in this part of the world. Obviously that changes depending on the time of year. But roughly 6 a.m. the sun rises and 6 a.m. the sun sets. And guess what people did during this day and age? Men would go out and start working when the sun started to rise. You know what that means? If you're going to be working out in the field, you need your wife to cook the food before you go out to work, right? Look, in our modern day, it's a lot easier for you ladies. You have microwaves. You have, you know, a lot of modern conveniences that can make it easier. You might have an oven or a stove or whatever you have at your house. You have a grocery store where you can get everything. Just about everything you can find at a grocery store, at the Palenque. I mean, it's not as hard in today's age. But you're still going to make the effort to wake up and prepare food for the family. And that's what the Bible says the virtuous woman does. She rises also while it is yet night. Why? Because she's cooking and preparing for her family. She can sit at the field and buy a fit. With the fruit of her hand, she planted the vineyard. Now look, in verse 16, I would say that you don't just make a big financial purchase without asking your husband. Because once again, he is the one that makes the ultimate decisions. But the idea would be that she's thinking of ways to be wise with money. And there are ways, especially in today's world. One great thing in today's world is there are more possibilities for ladies to make money while they can still keep the home. A lot of jobs where you can work at home or a lot of jobs where you can work online and various different things. When my mom raised us growing up, we were homeschooled starting in middle school. My mom, once my sister was born, she became a housewife. And she had a secular job. She had a secular career. She had a master's degree and she just decided to be a stay-at-home mom. That's the decision my parents made. And my mom was a transcriptionist. She would type letters for doctors. It was something she'd do like 10 hours a week, make some extra money. In our day-to-day, there's a lot more opportunities like that where basically you can actually be very helpful financially and take care of the home. The Bible says she girdeth her loins and strengthens her arms. She perceived with that her merchandise is good. Her candle goeth not out by night. What does that mean? Here's what that means. It means that when nighttime comes home, nighttime rolls around and the husband opens up the door and comes home, you don't just say, okay, my job is done. You throw off the apron. All right. Cook the food. Change the diapers. I'm just gonna go to bed. That's not the way it works. What it means is when your husband comes home, you're still busy. Look, I believe the husbands ought to be as well, and that's the second sermon. But the Bible's saying that for wives, that when your husband comes home, don't expect him to be responsible for everything. That's not what the Bible teaches. And look, it's a lot easier in 2024. Man, life would have been very stressful and difficult during these days, and guess what? When the husband came home, the wife didn't just say, hey, you know what? I'm turning out my candle. I'm going to sleep. It's your job to make sure everything's okay. That's not the way it works. And look, if that's the way that you're being as a wife, you need to change. You need to look at what the Bible says. You know what? I'm gonna start being a godly wife and start working harder. And you know what? It's up to you. You don't have to listen to me, but you're gonna cause your husband to love you less. You're gonna cause him to grow bitter in his heart and despise you because you're not doing what you're supposed to do. Drop down in your Bible to verse number 26. She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She's kind. Not a brawling wife, not a bitter wife, complaining, bad attitude, yelling. And look, obviously, you know what? Every single person, whether it's men or women, we make mistakes, we're not perfect. Every wife is gonna lose their temper sometimes raising the kids. I know as a guy, I lose my temper around my kids. The idea is not that your wife is perfect or that you as a woman have to fit every single thing 100% perfectly, but this ought to be what you're striving toward. You say, well, you know, pastor, it's not fair. I mean, the Proverbs 31 woman, I mean, this is just theoretical. This is too hard. Look, the guys are told to be like Jesus Christ. That's a little bit harder than being the Proverbs 31 woman. The guys have to be like Jesus Christ. That's a tough bar to live up to. You say, well, this is very hard. Yeah, it's very hard, but at least God is giving us a standard to strive for. You know what this means? Your entire life you're trying to get better and better and better. It's not just becoming more knowledgeable in the Bible or getting more people saved. You know what? As a woman say, you know what? I want to become a better housewife, more meek toward my husband, more quiet toward my husband, have a better attitude, work harder. That is what the Bible's telling us. It says in verse number 27, she looked well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness. She's not lazy. Pastor, why would I want to do this? Verse 28, her children arise up and call her blessed. Her husband also and he praises her. Do you want your husband to praise you? Do you want your husband to love you? Or let me ask you this question. Maybe you're so bitter in your marriage that you're like, whatever. We're just in this to raise the kids and I'm done with this. But let me ask you a question. Do you want your kids to grow up and not love you? Is that what you want? Because the Bible's saying if you as a wife invest your time and your heart and your energy into being a good wife and a good mom, your children are going to rise up and they're going to praise you. They're going to call you blessed. They're going to love you. They're going to want to spend time with you. They're going to care about you. But you know what? You raise your kids. Well, Pastor, I'm doing everything right. I'm homeschooling them the old fashioned way. My husband's the one working and this is how you're a housewife every single day on social media letting the kids be raised by Cocomelon or whatever. Well, that's not going to cause your kids to grow up and praise you and love you because you weren't ready for them. It's up to you. It's up to you what you want. You can say, you know what? This is too old fashioned. You're too extreme. Okay, go ahead and lie to yourself, but you know I'm right. Go to Colossians chapter three. Colossians chapter three. I will say this that I have confidence in the ladies at our church and what I've generally seen in my life that although women can get more emotional sometimes they can get upset at my preaching. You know what? What you often see with godly ladies is they actually take it in and even if they're mad at first, they're like, you know what? That's what the Bible says and they take heed to what the word of God says and I am confident that if you are trying to do your best and look, obviously, if you're a wife in this room, you're not doing it 100% perfectly, but keep in mind this. Your goal in preaching is not to leave thinking you're already perfect. Your goal is to leave thinking there's areas I need to improve, I need to get better at. So look, don't be mad at me if you get, oh man, you're being so mean to me, I'm trying my best. I do believe that you're trying your best. I'm not saying you're not. I am giving you godly and helpful advice and yeah, sometimes advice comes in reasons why your husband hates you. It's not as much as a romantically themed sermon this year or whatever. Yeah, but you know what? This is what you need to make the changes. Sometimes it takes that push, but here's the thing. Your husband is going to love you. He's going to praise you. Your kids are going to praise you. They're going to love you. Isn't that what you want in life? You want to have a happy family. Take heed to this advice. You say, well, you know, I'm a man in this room and my wife is not doing this at all. Well, first off, that's between her and god because this is a sermon directed toward the women to apply with the Bible says. But here's what I would say to guys because all of us need to be reminded of these things. Here's what it says in Colossians 3 verse 18. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord. Hey, praise God. Wives, submit to husbands. But wait a minute. Husbands, love your wives and be not bitter against them. You say my wife has not been doing anything of what you preached. Be not bitter against them. You know, all of us can use some forgiveness in our lives and some mercy and being long suffering and if God has forgiven our gift. And look, with both sermons here today, this is what you need to do as a husband or a wife. Just decide in your heart and in your mind, you know what? Yeah, we haven't been doing things perfectly. This is a good reminder. We're going to start from scratch and not hold any bitterness and anger and hatred but it's a new start to try to do better. And look, you know, it's not a complicated sermon but you know, here's what I found in life because there might be many things that you could preach about like how to help your wives be good wives but it's really just very simple things that will make you successful in life. And these are the basic things that you see in the Bible. It's just wives respect your husbands. If you don't respect your husbands, there's nothing that a husband will get more mad at than his wife disrespecting him. Respect your husbands. That includes doing what he says, not bossing him around, not making it a point to say, I told you so, he that covered the transgressions seeketh love. He that covered the matter seeketh love. Respect your husband. Be wise with the money you spend. You don't have to get everything that you want and if you have to get everything you want to be happy in life, you're headed down a road like Solomon where I hated life. You're going to be a miserable person. And then keep the home. Take the responsibility on yourself to raise the kids and do a great job and take care of the home. Provide with the cleaning and the cooking and all of those things and take it seriously. Don't just think about, it doesn't really matter. It's like, no, that's your job. It's like, take it seriously. And look, if you do those things, your husband will love you. Let's close with a prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for the loudest spirit of the day and ask you to help all the wives in this room to do the things their lives got and help all of us in our marriages to try to do a better job and have healthy, happy, and strong marriages. We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen for our last song. Let's turn to hymn number 67. Hymn number 67. Let's sing the song, the pearly white singing. Sing to your queen and king Flower tracks. Sing, there's a holy and beautiful city. Oh, Maximum Amen! Everybody on the first sing, there's a Holy and Beautiful City. And when my front end here is folded, My eyes shall its glory be full. There I am waiting, waiting and longing, For the light city that's soon coming. There I am waiting, waiting and longing, For the light city that's soon coming. There I am waiting, waiting and longing, For the light city that's soon coming. 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