(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music I want a divorce. I told her I want the food ready by 5 p.m. It's 5 10. It's not there. I'm done with this thing. That's what they're asking. Talk about a stupid question. Can I just get divorced for any reason? I wanted her to wear a pink dress and she wore a blue dress. I'm done. What a stupid question. That's the question they're asking Jesus though. Can a husband just divorce his wife for any reason that he wants? Right? He's not happy about something small. Just get a divorce. Verse four and answered and said to them, have you not read? Do you not know the Old Testament scriptures that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause show a manly father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall twain. They twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together. Let not man put asunder. Now that is referencing all the way back to Genesis chapter two. That's pretty early in the word of God. Right? It's going all the way back to when he was created by the way God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. It should be pretty obvious. But in the world we live in today, it seems like it's not so obvious. Right? But that references all the way back to Genesis two and he's saying at the very beginning when he first instituted marriage. You know what God said? He's like these two become one. What God has joined together. Let not man put asunder. But when I perform wedding ceremonies, I will say this phrase. You know, we believe God has brought these people together in the sight of God and inside of a friends and family in the church family. Well, God brought together. Let not man put asunder. Let not the husband put it asunder. Let not the wife put it asunder. Let not the mother in law or the father in law put it asunder. We're your friends that give you stupid advice. No, when you get married, you stay married. Well, God has joined together. Let not man put asunder. Hey, what that would teach us is that before you get married, you better make sure you're marrying the right person because it's not something where you just have a do over. Right? We're well, you know, I tried. It didn't work out. I'm just going to move on to a different job. It doesn't work that way with marriage. You marry somebody, you stay married for better or worse and sickness or in health and poverty. So as in, well, why got married? They had a really nice job and now all of a sudden they lost their job. They don't have any money and poverty. So as in, well, your spouse has a major illness because literally there's cases where a spouse, either husband or wife will get some major illness like cancer or become in a car crash, become handicapped. And then their spouse divorces them a year later, right? But God says in sickness or in hell, it says till death do us part, right? It says in verse number seven, they say unto him, why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away? Do you see the wording that they say here? It's kind of like, wow, you know, Moses made sure they got the 10 commandments, but wait, wait, don't forget the fact that we're allowed to get divorced. Right? That's very important. Is that what Moses did in the Old Testament? Did Moses say, you know what, this is like one of the most important commandments of all. There has to be an opportunity for divorce. Is that what you read in the Old Testament? Because what we just read and what we reference is God saying, hey, to become one, stay married and let them not be put asunder. That's what God says, right? God is against divorce. Then it says in verse eight, he said, I thought of them, Moses, because of the hardness of your heart suffered you to put away your wives. But from the beginning it was not so now this word suffer. What is the best way to say this in our modern language in English? Allow. It's probably the simplest way to understand it. Moses allowed God allowed for a specific situation we're going to look at. But from the beginning it was not so meaning God did not intend a lot of people to be getting divorced or getting annulments or whatever. Now in America where divorce is legal, what you're going to see is over half of marriages end in divorce. And statistics tell us 75% of husbands cheat on their wives. 60% of wives cheat on their husbands. Well, it's not hard to see why there's going to be a divorce when you're committing adultery with somebody. And you know what that says? Over half of adults in America, according to the Bible, deserve the death penalty. Isn't that what we just looked at with adultery? And it's not just, you know, the United States. Yeah, that's pretty wicked on the part of the United States, but I'm sure it's all over Europe. If you have statistics, same sort of thing. And it's like the world we live in today, marriage is not that big of a commitment to people, is it? It's like you get married and it's okay to just move on and marry somebody else. Not a big deal to people. But before God, he said, let not man put us under. You're meant to stay married. Why? Because God hates divorce. And in every single marriage, there are going to be times as the husband or as the wife where you're just like, man, you're not happy. Things aren't going well. Because look, the reality is we're all sinners. And when two sinners around each other 24 seven, you're going to have problems. It's just the way it is. I mean, look, if there was anybody in this room you hung out with 24 seven, you would end up getting so mad and frustrated with them eventually. Why? Because they're not always walking in the new man and neither are you. Right. That's reality. But it does not change the fact God says he hates putting away. He hates divorce. It was not so from the beginning because at the beginning when he had the first man and the first woman, what did he say? He's like, leave father and mother and cleave on to your wife, leave on to your spouse and you become one flesh support. Number one, God is against divorce. I think that's pretty simple in the word of God. It's not very confusing. It's pretty clear. Why? Number two, there is one exception to divorce when it comes to marriage. One situation where God says, you know what? A divorce is allowed only one situation. So that's what it says in Matthew 19 verse nine. And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife excepted be for fornication and shall marry another committed adultery and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. Now, when people see this word fornication, they will say for sexual sin. Doesn't say sexual sin or they'll say, well, this applies to adultery. Also, if it applies to adultery, also, why would he use the word adultery in the same verse? Fornication and adultery are different. He says, except to be for fornication. You say, what's the definition of fornication? What's the definition of adultery? As I said, when we preached through Matthew five, if two people are married and then they end up coming together away from their spouse, it's adultery. If one is married and the other isn't, and they come together, it's adultery. If the other ones married, the other ones not, they come together, it's adultery. If neither one are married, it's fornication. And any any dictionary you look at is going to say the same thing. That is what fornication is. Before you actually come together as husband and wife, you're physically involved with someone. That is fornication. This is consistent throughout the entire word of God. The word fornication is used many times. The word adultery is used many times. Adultery is after you are married. Fornication is before you're married. That's what the Bible teaches. OK, so he says the grounds for divorce is fornication. He does not say adultery. What does that mean? It means if you're married and your spouse commits adultery, you are not allowed biblically to get divorced. Because it says except to be for fornication, not adultery. For better or worse. Those are not just empty words, for better or worse. I'm not advocating or trying to condone adultery. I'm pretty sure I just explained a couple weeks ago it deserves the death penalty, which is also something Baptist churches aren't going to say. But what I'm saying is that if your spouse commits adultery, you are not allowed to then get divorced or put them away, according to the word of God. You are meant to stay married. Now the government is meant to put that as the death penalty, and the government doesn't do that, but that is reality. And so when you get married, you're meant to stay married. OK, now go to Matthew chapter one. Matthew chapter one. Matthew chapter one. She said, what exactly would fornication be then? Like, how would that actually work in real life? We're going to look at an example in Matthew chapter one. But here's the idea. You get married to someone with the belief that they are pure. They've never been with someone, and that's very important to you. And then when you actually end up getting married, you find out that, wait a minute, they're not pure. Right? It turns out that they have not waited until marriage. This is obviously a very unique situation. Let's say you legally get married, and then your spouse's ex-boyfriend shows up at the wedding, and it's like, I slept with your wife a couple years ago. That's how unique and strange of a situation it would be. It's like, well, wait a minute, I thought you were pure. That doesn't happen in most marriages. This is a very unique situation. This is a very, very, very unique situation where before you're actually with your spouse, you find out, wait a minute, they weren't pure, and I thought they were, and we agreed to that, and it was important to me. Why would this exist in real life? Because in some cultures, you legally get married, but you don't actually yet start living with them and come together. Now, this is not something that really exists here in the Philippines because you get married and then you're together immediately. It doesn't really exist in the U.S. because you get married and you come together. Every situation I've ever known, you immediately start living with your spouse. But with Joseph and Mary, it did apply because they legally got married, and yet they were not yet together. And in some cultures around the world, that exists. And then, of course, you know, we're going to see here that Mary ends up being with child, and of course, Joseph's like, well, wait a minute, I thought she was a godly, pure woman. This is what she told me, and it turns out she's not, and then that's what she told me. She's not, and then that's when he's thinking about getting a divorce. That's the situation we're looking at. Matthew 1, verse 18. So when it comes to marriage, there's basically two aspects to marriage. There's the legality of marriage, where depending on the country you live in, it could be different. You sign, you make an agreement, you have a ceremony, you have witnesses, and it's like, yeah, legally, we're together, via whatever taxes or anything you want to look at, we are legally married now. But the second aspect is when you actually come together. What the Bible's stating is, if you legally get married and you're not yet come together, that is the ground where you could get a divorce if it turns out your spouse had committed fornication before you got married and you were not aware of it, okay, before you actually came together, right? Verse 19. So Joseph doesn't want to embarrass this woman. He just wants to quietly, you know, put her away, get divorced because Joseph was pure and he wanted his wife to be pure. Now that being said, you know, a lot of times in marriage, both people are not pure and it's not that big of a deal to people that get married. And obviously that is up to you, but to some people it's a big deal that you've never been with someone. So if they lied about it or you got married under false pretenses, then you would have the grounds to get a divorce before you actually come together. You say why? Because when a husband and wife come together, there's this union that takes place and you're just completely unified inside of your mind. It's like a bond that exists between you. It's not meant to be something that you have with every single person under the sun. It's meant to be with a person that you get married to. Verse number 20, But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in hers of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of the Lord by the prophets, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be a child and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted as God with us. Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife, and knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son, and he called his name Jesus. So he did not know her or come together with her until after Jesus was born, the Bible says. Now, look, it should be obvious to us because we're not Catholics, but you know what? After they got married, Mary did not stay a perpetual virgin after Jesus was born because that verse clearly says, and knew her not until. And what that means is he had a normal marriage with Mary and Mary had a normal marriage with her husband, Joseph, after Jesus was born. And, you know, it should be obvious when Jesus had many brothers, four brothers, and at least three sisters, right? So you say, well, well, you know what? In the original language, it was actually the word cousin, and it just translates it as, you know, sister or brother. I mean, that is insane. That's ridiculous. But here in Matthew 1, it's very clear that they did come together after Jesus was born, had a normal marriage. You know what Catholics say with Joseph? That if you're going through a lot of trials and not getting what you want, pray to Joseph because he knows how it feels. He went through his whole life and his wife wouldn't physically be with him. What kind of a weird and sordid teaching is that from the Catholic church? Pray to Joseph. It's like, you don't get the job you want, hey, pray to Joseph. He knows what it's like not to get what he wants. I mean, literally, you can go online and it's like, this is what the Catholic church does. If you're struggling with this, pray onto this, saints. If you're struggling with this, pray onto this, saints. Explain to me what the difference is between saying saint or God in the Catholic church. It's the same thing. They're praying to those saints like they're gods and it's wicked and it's wrong. But the Bible's very clear here in Matthew 1 that he did have a normal marriage after Jesus was born with his spouse, okay? Besides the fact, and go to Deuteronomy 24, the Catholic church says in some weird way that a husband and wife being together is actually impure or wrong. Now, if that's the case, then why is it that God instituted marriage and that's the means in which children are born? That was God's plan. That's what the Catholic church teaches. And so according to the Catholic church, I guess it's okay for priests not to get married and just molest little boys, but God forbid a husband and a wife have a normal marriage, right? But the Bible says very, very clear God is against divorce. And the only exception to this is fornication that takes place before they come together as husband and wife. This is not that complicating the word of God, is it? And here's the thing. You might say, wow, this is tough preaching. It might hurt people's feelings. But if people had this preaching, they wouldn't make these mistakes. I want to help the youth in this church. I mean, my kids are not at that point, but I want my sons and my daughter to realize this. So when they get older, they realize when they're getting married, hey, it's for better or worse. And sickness or in hell, and poverty so is in wealth, till death do us part and you make it work. You don't run home to mom or dad when your marriage is struggling. You stick with it and make it work. That is what the Bible teaches. I'll tell you what. You know what? These days will creep up with you as a parent. My son Zeph just asked me the other day. He's like, dad, how am I supposed to meet a wife? I'm just thinking, you're five years old. I didn't think I had to worry about that for another like 15 years. And then I was like, don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. It's like, you don't have to worry. He's like, but you know, because I guess from my preaching, I said, I don't know whatever made him ask the question. I was like, in church. Okay. In 15 years in church, you can ask me that. Meet them in church. Okay. But anyways, Deuteronomy 24, Deuteronomy chapter 24, verse one. When a man hath taken a wife and married her and it come to pass that she find no favor in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her, then let him write her a bill of divorcement and give it in her hand and send her out of his house. This is the reference where Moses speaks about divorce. And what does it say? A guy marries a woman. He finds out she's unclean, which is a symbolic way to say she's been with somebody else. And then let him give her a writing of divorcement before they're actually together as husband and wife. Now, I don't know about here in the Philippines, but in the US, the common thing that people do before marriage is they have their partner take an STD test. Now, my wife and I didn't do that because we didn't have to worry about that. But that is what most people do before they get married because they want to make sure they don't care if their spouse is pure. They want to make sure they don't have an STD. If they do have an STD, okay, I don't want to marry you, okay? And I don't think that's exactly what it's saying here in verse number one, but the idea is that you would get married and then all of a sudden you find out, wait a minute, my spouse wasn't pure. I don't want to get married to them anymore, right? Before you actually come together. So you legally get married and then you never come together. It's like this is the final act that makes you permanently bound together. So you can still separate the two together but you can still separate after you legally got married but haven't been together. I hope that makes sense. I mean, it's hard for us to understand because the way our culture works is different. You legally get married and then you immediately live with your spouse in 90 whatever percent of situations, but it's not always like that. And so in some situations you can legally get married but not actually come together yet and you would still have the grounds biblically for divorce. Of course in the Philippines you don't have the grounds biblically or I mean by the government for divorce but biblically speaking God would not be against you getting a divorce if you got married and you had not come together and you found out your spouse was unclean. They had not been pure. Verse two, and when she is departed out of his house she may go and be another man's wife. So you get married to someone and then before you come together you get divorced because you find out they're not pure. Guess what? Both of you can get married to somebody else because you have not yet come together as husband and wife and so you can both get remarried to somebody else if you would choose. That's what the Bible teaches because you had not come together yet. That's what the Bible says. Verse three, and if the latter husband hate her and write her a bill of divorcement and giveth it in her hand and sent her throughout of his house or if the latter husband die which took her to be his wife her former husband which sent her away may not take her again to be his wife after that she is defiled for that is abomination before the Lord and thou shalt not cause the land to sin which the Lord thy God giveth thee for inheritance. Now the woman that's being used as an example here is not exactly the most flattering thing. So a guy's going to get married to her and his wife lied and she's been with somebody else so he divorces her. She gets married to somebody else and then later on the first husband says actually I want to get married to her now. It's like no, you can never get married to her. Ever. Now that might seem like a strange situation but isn't this what celebrities do? Wasn't it like a couple years ago Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are back together? It's like, you know, 25 years ago that was like the big Hollywood romance and now they're back together you know, 20, 25 years later or whatever. Well, God says that's wrong. God says you can never get remarried to that person. It's like you made the decision. It's like, no, you cannot be with them. And so here's the thing. You could reconcile to them but once they're with somebody else you can never go back to that person the Bible says if you've legally gotten a divorce now this is not the same thing as adultery because if you're married to someone and they commit adultery you can reconcile that marriage because you're still bound by them by law. Okay. But what the Bible is saying is if you divorce them or get an annulment and they marry somebody else you can never marry that person again or go back to them. It's too late according to the word of God. Now go to Jeremiah chapter 3 Jeremiah 3 Honestly this is not that confusing in the Bible. I mean the situation is a very unique situation that we only see with Joseph and Mary seeming to exist which actually it wasn't true with that situation either. This is an extremely, extremely rare situation. The Pharisees can you, can you put away your wife for every cause? I said synagogue and you made gula-lo it's over. No. It's like you know I told her you know that you know whatever you know to wear a pink dress and she wore a yellow dress it's done. It's over. Right. No. Now those are very big exaggerations I hope. I hope you wouldn't consider divorcing your spouse because and I mentioned synagogue because that's very near and dear to my heart. I love synagogue. But it's like in marriage you have problems. You say well what if you get in a big fight with your spouse and they don't talk to you for a couple days and they're mad. Hey you know what? That's part of marriage. In marriage you have fights. You have problems. You make it work. You stick with it. And the reality is you ought to think more about your kids than your own self because honestly you know what a child needs in this world? They need a mom and a dad with them. Right. That's what they need. I mean how are kids gonna make it in the difficult world that we live in? They need a mom and a dad. And obviously I understand this is not always a situation for everybody and this is why when it comes to this topic it's a harder sermon to preach because I feel compassion for people that are in these situations. I don't feel that much compassion for the sows I talked about last week but I feel compassion for people that are in this situation because of the fact you know if your spouse leaves you it's like you're not able to get remarried the Bible says. And it's like honestly kids need a mom and a dad in the home to raise them. Right. This is what the Bible teaches. Now Jeremiah 3 what are the arguments justifying divorce? Because make no mistake about it you will not hear what I just preached in other Baptist churches. Right. You will not hear that. In other Baptist churches the pastors commit adultery and they're still pastoring. It blows my mind. And it's like no I'm not just making up a fake situation. One of the most famous Baptist pastors here in the Philippines that's his situation. Right. Committed adultery had a mini church split. I mean our church split is hey we got a new ministry in Laguna it's like some go to Laguna some to passing their church split well the pastor commits adultery should we stick with it or not? I mean that's madness. Right. You're not going to hear a pastor like that preach against divorce. You're not going to hear him preach these things. Why? Because he's guilty. Right. And a lot of people are too worried about what their members think but my job is not to be the best friend of everybody in this room. My job is to preach the word of God with compassion but without apology. Right. You say why? Because when people hear the truth you know what takes place? Some will follow it and some will not. Anyone I owe it to everybody in this room to give you a chance to follow what the word of God says. And also the next generation because we have a lot of kids that are church and I want the next generation of people here at Verity Baptist Church to grow up and love God and go soul winning and read the Bible and then wait until they're married and marry somebody else that loves God we owe it to the kids to preach the word of God here. Because as adults we're often guilty so we get really offended at things but as kids you know what kids are like a blank slate. You can preach these things to them before they even have thoughts of this stuff. No child at a very young age is thinking about you know like they have no interest in someone of the opposite gender at a very young age but they can learn the word of God at a very young age and look make no mistake about it kids understand more than we often realize. I'm amazed at the questions my sons have asked me and I'm just like I didn't even know he was paying attention during the sermon and then he'll ask questions and he clearly knows what the Bible says just from a sermon I preached. But let's look at the arguments they use to justify divorce. Jeremiah chapter 3 this is one of their big arguments and it says here in verse 1 they say if a man put away his wife and she go from him and become another man's shall I return unto her again shall not that land be greatly polluted but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers yet return again to me sayeth the Lord. Now here's what you need to understand God is using symbolism and he's using like a parable or a story as like an example and he's using a literal marriage to prove a point when you're forming your doctrines on what you believe do you know what you do? You go to clear passages that say for example the Lord God of Israel sayeth that he hated putting away it's pretty clear as opposed to this story that I'm going to look at for these 9 verses and explain it's like this is not as clear and you know sometimes in parables and stories you might make the wrong application so for example people will look at the prodigal son and they'll say well the prodigal son lost his salvation he had to repent and come back to God and then I look at that same story and say I don't really apply it to salvation I apply it about getting right to God but he was still his son you idiot he was still his son when he was backslidden and gone from his dad biologically that doesn't change so if you want to apply it to salvation you got a wrong application anyway that is not about being saved it's about getting right with God here's the thing about this you can easily make the wrong applications with parables and stories what we do is go to clear verses so for a salvation do you go to the prodigal son to prove your point no you go to John 3 16 whosoever believeth that is pretty clear you go to Acts 16 what must I do to be saved and they said believe you go to clear places that tell us here in Jeremiah 3 this is not clear he's using this example he's using this story and he's saying if there's a husband and a wife and because symbolically we are married to God and here in Jeremiah 3 specifically it's talking about the nation of Israel and some of the nation of Israel is going to talk about the nation of Judah so he's proven to point to the nation of Judah through the example of the nation of Israel because he had the northern kingdom of Israel the southern kingdom of Judah they separated with Jeroboam and Rehoboam ten tribes went north two tribes Judah and Benjamin went south so the word Jew comes from the southern kingdom of Judah Judah, Jew, right? makes sense, right? he's using this example because of those two kingdoms which one was more wicked? Israel no question about it the southern kingdom of Judah stayed better for a longer period of time in fact the Jews and the Israelites they became very much enemies it's like people don't understand this today because they used the word Jew just generically to refer to any of the 12 tribes a Jew is someone that was part of the southern kingdom of Judah but he's proven this point to the northern kingdom or to the southern kingdom of Judah basically Israel rebelled against me they spiritually committed adultery on me and they kept leaving me but yet I said return Israel I'll give you a chance, right? come back to me, okay? now remember in Malachi what it said is did not he make one and in the Old Testament God's original intent was to use one nation not two just as in marriage you're meant to be married to one person not multiple Mr. Muslims and Mormons you're married to one person and eventually he intended one but then what happened well Israel and Judah separated and Israel became wicked and eventually what takes place we're going to see here is God is done with Israel notice what it says in verse number two lift up thine eyes unto the high places and see where thou hast not been lying with in the ways hast thou set for them as the Arabian in the wilderness with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness therefore the showers have been withhold and there hath been no latter rain and thou hast a hoarse forehead thou refusest to be ashamed wilt thou not from this time cry unto me my father thou art the guide of my youth we reserve his anger forever will he keep it to the end behold thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couldest the Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king hast thou seen that which backsiding Israel hath done she has gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree and there hath played the harlot for she hath done all these things turn now unto me but she return not and her treacherous sister Judah saw it so Israel rebels against God commits spiritual adultery is leaving God worshipping false idols and he's saying return return and Israel doesn't return and I saw when for all the causes whereby backsiding Israel committed adultery I had put her away I had divorced Israel and given her a bill of divorce yet her treacherous sister Judah failed and she feared not but went and played the harlot also yeah you know it's true God divorced Israel what does that have to do with the marriage between a man and a woman because in clear verses in a marriage between a man and a woman God hates putting away and the only grounds for divorce is fornication that takes place before you're married this is a nation it's not the same thing you say well I don't get the difference let me explain you the difference it was not for better or worse it was called you better act appropriate and obey my commandments or you're gone that's what he clearly said to the nation of Israel it wasn't the same thing as a marriage where it's like for better or worse no matter what happens we stay married no with the nation of Israel what he said was these are the conditions but you know here's what's crazy about this because what the Bible shows you is God does not justify divorce but he divorces Israel and yet the average Baptist Church they justify divorce but God would never divorce Israel it's like it's the exact opposite of what the word of God teaches yeah you know what God's done with Israel isn't that what we see in Jeremiah chapter 3 I mean that's all throughout the Old Testament and what is God doing I mean we preach through Hosea what is the whole book of Hosea about hey don't be like Israel Judah and God said you know what I'm gonna have the same thing happen to you well I mean did Judah keep serving God no they killed the Lord Jesus Christ so guess what God divorced Judah also and now what does he do he uses the local New Testament church to evangelize the world okay and this is not me being you know you know man my mind's blank pastor Stuckey's an anti-Semite look honestly I don't care what happens in Israel and Palestine because Israel's wicked and so is Palestine and Jews are wicked and so are Muslims I hate every false way I also hate the religion of Hinduism and Buddhism and I don't need to rank them they're all wicked and they're all evil last I checked he that believeth not the Son shall not see light the Bible does not say just believing in any kind of God gets you to heaven Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me that does not change for a specific group of people that's ridiculous God says clearly here yeah I divorce Israel but that does not give you a justification to divorce your spouse because we already looked at what the Bible says about that this is a parable or a story that you're looking at you can't take that to form your doctrine okay turn to 1st Corinthians 7 we'll close up 1st Corinthians chapter 7 1st Corinthians chapter 7 and I'm going to read these verses in 1st Corinthians 7 and then I'm going to answer kind of questions that you might have in your head because look sometimes people ask sincere and honest questions that they're not sure what the answer is oftentimes when you look in the Bible people ask Jesus questions like can you get a divorce for any reason it's like quit asking Bobo questions you just make yourself look like an idiot I mean what if there was a woman that was married to a man and the man dies then she marries the brother and he dies she marries the brother he dies she marries the brother she married all these guys like yeah she's a serial killer my friend don't ask stupid questions right but there are honest and sincere questions people have about this right and I want to answer those after I read you 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 and under the married I command yet not I but the Lord let not the wife depart from her husband so once again don't leave your spouse but and if she depart don't remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife so the Bible says don't leave your spouse but if you do don't marry somebody else this is not giving grounds to leave your spouse it's saying hey I don't even want you to leave your spouse but if you do make sure you don't marry somebody else and say why because the judgment is going to be worse upon you because now you're committing adultery according to the word of God and if you do make sure you stay unmarried right that's exactly what it's saying verse 12 but to the rest speak I not the Lord if any brother hath a wife that believeth not and she be pleased to dwell with him let him not put her away and the woman hath a husband that believeth not and if he be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband else were your children unclean but now are they holy so look if you get married to someone that's unsaved after you're married you stay with the person you're married to even though your spouse is not married that's clearly what the Bible says here there are so many situations I know this existing in real life and here's the thing I know many situations where the spouse ends up getting saved right you know there's a family in my early days of Christianity they really helped me grow as a Christian they love God and you know when the husband and wife first got married like way way way in the past because their kids were my age it's like they were in that situation one was married and one was not and yet you know what the spouse ended up getting saved and they love God and their kids love God and are serving God there's not an ideal situation obviously you want your spouse to be saved and to believe similar things to you but if you're married to an unsaved person it is not a godly thing to divorce them to marry somebody that's saved or to get an annulment and marry someone that's saved no you stay married to them that's what the Bible says verse 15 but if the unbelieving depart your sister is not under bondage in such cases but God hath called us to peace now what is it saying in verse 15 let's say for example you're married to someone and you're trying to get it to work and your spouse leaves you and you want to stay married you want to reconcile and they leave and look no husband or no wife does a perfect job in marriage none of us do what the Bible is saying is you don't have to beat yourself up your entire life or feel guilt for decades because your spouse left you and you were trying to make it work yeah you know of course every single person could have been a better husband or better wife that doesn't justify what the other person did what God's saying is and what Paul's saying what God is saying is you don't have to the rest of your life carry this guilt because man you know what I'm a failure and I can't do anything for God no it's like you know what they left you you tried to make it work it didn't work it's not your fault but you know all of us all the men here can be better husbands all the wives can be better wives but you know what if you're trying to make your marriage work and you make mistakes and you get in fights but you try to reconcile and they leave you and they refuse it's not your fault that's what he's saying in verse 15 he's showing compassion and honestly I have compassion on people that are in that situation I know of situations of people that are new IFB people they got married and then within the first couple years their spouse says I never believed this they wanted to marry me and they got divorced within a couple years and it's like I mean I don't know the whole details in those situations but it's like does that mean that person can get remarried no they can't get remarried because the Bible is very clear that you can't and that's why I have compassion because it's a difficult situation it'll be very difficult as a young person because there's a natural desire that you have toward marriage to basically never get married but that is what the Bible says but you don't have to beat yourself up over things that happened a long time ago you're trying to serve God you tried to make it work it's not your fault that's what he's saying it's like let them depart you tried to get it to work it wouldn't work they refused they moved on it's not your fault is what he's basically saying don't beat yourself up your entire life it's very easy for us to carry guilt for a long time like you think of the story of Joseph and his brothers they still don't think they've been forgiven they've got guilt for decades and decades and decades and God's saying hey you know what you don't have to carry that guilt your whole life everybody makes mistakes things happen you just move on you tried your best it's kind of something similar let's say you try to give the gospel to a family member and they reject you you don't have to carry guilt I mean look you tried sometimes you can't do anything about it you're not under bondage where basically your entire life it's like yeah now you are bonded by marriage till death do us part and that doesn't change but you don't have to carry that guilt for decades with you then it says verse number 16 for what knowest thou O wife whether thou shalt save thy husband or how knowest thou O man whether thou shalt save thy wife you got to stay married to someone who's an unbeliever wife you might get them saved look you may agree with my explanation on these you may not but I just want to address the questions that we think inside of our heads right let's say for example you marry someone and it turns out they're like an evil person they're a reprobate they're a pedophile right they're a serial killer something crazy you just stay married to that person you know what's the answer well the Bible says you stay married to an unbeliever because you might get them saved get away from that home and get your kids out and you might agree or disagree I'm just saying the advice I would give and I would have no hesitations it's like get your kids out of there if you find out your spouse is a pedophile I'm not justifying oh you know my husband did something wrong or my wife did something wrong no no no but I'm saying you actually find out your spouse is a reprobate they can't get saved who knows if you might get them saved but if they're a reprobate you pray every night you don't get killed by them I mean let's use some common sense I mean that's my opinion because they can't be saved at that point another question people would ask what if your spouse is like literally beating you to the point of death and you are scared for your safety look I would never justify divorce but I would also say in that situation I would recommend leaving for your safety not ever getting married to somebody else though now you might agree or disagree but I mean and I'm not saying you get into a fight and they yell at you but literally it's like you've got these massive bruises they try to choke you you're almost dead you know at that point yeah I would literally if I had somebody coming that's the advice I'd say hey I would just leave them and just you know what for your own safety now you might agree with that or disagree but and if they depart don't marry somebody else is what the Bible says there could be in my opinion extreme and rare situations where yeah you know what for your own safety get out of there and look if you want to try to take my words and justify every situation and leave your spouse well that's your own wickedness because that's not what I'm saying but I'm saying if you're literally worried every single night I'm going to be killed because they're choking me yeah you know what that's a little bit of a unique situation right so my opinion yeah you know what I would recommend to someone just leave them for your own safety right or if you find out your spouse is a reprobate I would say yeah get away from that so let me give you an example of this there's this guy who used to be so called a new IFP pastor Tyler Doka who knows Tyler Doka? probably a lot of people another name for him is Jesus Christ according to him he decided he's Jesus so he was a new IFP pastor you know and then all of a sudden he determined you know he started believing all these weird things and then all of a sudden one day he decided he's Jesus Christ from the book of John but not Jesus from the book of Matthew Mark and Luke you know look I didn't waste my time watching like all of his videos I don't know what the difference is between Jesus and Matthew Mark Luke and John because to me it's the same Jesus I mean Jesus feeds the 5,000 men in all four of the Gospels so like how do you have a different Jesus I don't get that right but this guy decided he's Jesus and somebody asked him on his YouTube videos it's like well what does your wife think about this and your child and he said my wife left me because she says I'm insane and she's afraid I'm going to kill her leave him look if tomorrow your spouse says I am the appointed you know whatever it's like leave them I am Jesus Christ leave them that's what I would say you say why because they're likely to end up killing you many people that declare themselves to be Jesus end up killing a lot of people right so is that a rare situation yeah it's a rare situation I mean there are going to be a lot of false Christs during the end days but that's and that's my opinion I don't think every single like-minded pastor would say the same thing and that's fine I'm just saying my opinion on this but that doesn't mean that you can get remarried make sure you do it right the first time and sometimes you know let's say you get fooled into marriage or doesn't go the way you think it's like you know what you still follow what the Bible says verse 39 the wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth but if her husband be dead she's at liberty to whom she will only in the Lord so here's the thing you get married and it doesn't work out you are stuck together until they pass away because it's till death do us part and at that point you can get married to somebody else the Bible says this is what the Word of God says now I said this is a difficult thing because honestly I have had several conversations with people at our churches where I had to sit down and show them what the Bible said and they didn't even know what the Bible said about this and some people ended up leaving church and some people ended up staying at church and praise the Lord for that and some people that have left over this because I had to talk to them about this and they listened to all of my sermons and they're nice people and whether I should or not I feel compassion for them because I understand it's a difficult situation and what the advice I would give to people in this situation the Bible says that whosoever shall lose his life you know here on earth shall gain it and shall gain so much more at the end and I know it's very difficult but you know what God is gonna bless you and you reward you for doing what's right especially as you're an example to your children and you're able to serve God and I understand it's very difficult for people that are in that situation but I have compassion you know I hope you realize that whether you do or not but you know what the thing is it doesn't matter that divorce is illegal here in the Philippines and annulment is basically impossible which is basically what divorce is because it's so expensive it doesn't change what the word of God says and the Bible is just very very clear you get married you stay married to that person and here's the thing there are certain sins that will get you removed from the local church and I get it we're the only Baptist church in the Philippines that preaches this just about but verity means truth and I'm not mad at people that have had you know marriages and things didn't work out or whatever as I said I feel compassion but you know what at this church we're gonna preach what the word of God says is what it says in Matthew chapter 5 and look God hates divorce let's close in word of prayer Heavenly Father thank you for allowing us to be here today and just getting to see the word of God in this topic and ask you to help all of us in this situation help us understand this help us to teach and train our kids to make the right choices in marriage and help them all find a godly person someone that genuinely loves you and wants to serve you help all the kids grow up and love you and serve you and go soul winning and bless their lives people that are doing what's right and making the right decisions and I'll just ask you to help those that are no longer at our churches that know what the Bible says God help them to do the difficult thing and bless their lives as a result of making the right choice we pray this in Jesus name Amen I hear the Savior say Thy strength indeed is long Child of weakness, watch and pray Find in me Thy holy call Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord Sing of the Lord Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord I hear the Savior say Thy strength indeed is long Child of weakness, watch and pray Find in me Thy holy call Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord Sing of the Lord Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord I hear the Savior say Thy strength indeed is long Child of weakness, watch and pray Find in me Thy holy call Jesus, clean and full Heaven's angels ever sparked Heaven's meadow, the heart of stone Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord Sin and lack, but crimson stain Be washed in fire and stone For the things that I have done I have done I have done I have done I have done I have done I have done I have done For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to be I'll wash my garments white In the blood of the risen Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord Sin and lack, but crimson stain He washed it white as snow on last And when, before the cold I stand in Him complete Jesus died my soul to see My lips shall still repeat Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord Sin and lack, but crimson stain He washed it white as snow Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord Sin and lack, but crimson stain He washed it white as snow on last And when, before the cold I stand in Him complete Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord Sin and lack, but crimson stain He washed it white as snow on last And when, before the cold I stand in Him complete Jesus, clean and full Woe to Thee, my Lord