(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And what we're talking about here today in this sermon is Mary all a tree and this is basically the worship of Mary and Obviously we know that the Catholic Church is very guilty of that, but it's not just the Catholic Church I want you to understand that the Orthodox Church, which is I believe the second biggest You know Christian Church in the world many countries are like 90 plus percent Orthodox They also worship Mary and it's kind of like a competition because there was the great schism that happened almost a thousand years ago I think was 1031 AD and basically they separated from each other and they're like in a competition to worship Mary more You know I've seen videos on YouTube where a woman will be dying in a hospital and these Orthodox pre Orthodox priests will come and bring Mary's girdle Which is like a famous thing and then they bring it and all of a sudden you see these these older women they're crying And they're so happy to get it and they feel like they're being healed by it's kind of like the Feast of the Black Nazarene very similar and so I want you to realize there are a lot of religions worldwide that worship Mary, okay It's not just the Catholic Church and as we're talking about mariology exposed The first thing you need to understand is this that worshiping Mary is not new This goes back more than 2,000 years. It goes back before the birth of Jesus Christ You say how is that possible? Well, notice what it says in Jeremiah 7 verse 16, Jeremiah 7 verse 16 It says in Jeremiah 7 verse 16 Therefore pray not thou for this people neither lift up cry nor prayer for them Neither make intercession to me for I will not hear thee And so what God says in this situation is don't pray for these people He's like, I don't want to hear prayers for these people because they were so wicked and God was so angry with them He didn't want to hear any prayers. Why is God so angry? Verse 17 Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem The children gather wood and the fathers kindle the fire and the women need their dough So basically they're cooking for this idol the queen of heaven. Okay, they're based It's kind of like with the Buddhists, you know They'll basically have food prepared and they'll put it in front of a statue of Buddha and they'll just kind of leave it there And somehow, you know, I guess that statue is gonna somehow, you know spiritually just get that food or something I don't know but this this is nothing new. Okay, religions have done this for a long time Why do they need their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven the queen of heaven? You see the Catholic Church calls Mary the queen of heaven This is something God's very angry about in Jeremiah chapter 7 when they're making doughs dough for the queen of heaven Okay. Now I understand in the book of Jeremiah. This is not the same Mary They're worshipping today by name, but I want you to understand they're doing the exact same thing They were doing in the book of Jeremiah Why don't they call Mary the princess of heaven? I mean, they literally use the term in the Bible that God is very angry about calling her the queen of heaven Okay, why they don't really believe the Bible now here in this story. They're basically worshipping the Babylonian goddess Ishtar Okay, but I want you to realize that Mary has just replaced the Babylonian goddess Ishtar in today's world with the Catholic Church They're doing the same thing. They're worshipping like a mother God, which a lot of religions do this Okay, it's really no different because there is no new thing under the Sun Okay now Catholics will deny this and they will say well, this is not the same queen of heaven as in Jeremiah 7 Well, technically it's not the same but you literally use the exact same term You use exactly what God is angry about you would say it's something else if you're actually following the Bible You wouldn't call her the queen of heaven. Okay notice what it says and to pour out drink offerings on to other gods that they may provoke me to anger and So God is angry about this because notice they worship the queen of heaven and notice how they're pouring out drink offerings to other gods As well because when you're gonna worse up this queen of heaven, you're gonna worship lots of gods and goddesses And isn't it true with the Catholic Church? They have a lot of gods Oh, no, wait a minute. They're just godly priests that have died Basically godly saints someone that after they died we declared them a saint that is no different than the Roman Basically gods and goddesses before the Catholic Church came and brought Christianity to the world. Okay. No, it's the same thing They're worshipping false gods and look the Catholic Church. I mean it boggles my mind on Facebook like a month ago I saw this thing pop up about basically prayers. You can give to Joseph Mary's husband And what they said about giving prayers to Joseph is that you know he overcame various struggles in his life and they basically talked about how because what the Catholic Church teaches is that they were never together as a couple so they basically talk if you're trying to overcome that sort of sin basically give prayers on to Joseph up in Heaven because basically he knows your pain I guess I don't know and it's just like the Catholic Church does this though all over the world and they'll worship various Saints more and say give prayers. Okay, and so look I want you to realize the Catholic Church has a lot of gods They will claim they just have one God then why are you praying to dead people? Okay, they are worshipping lots of gods and it starts with worshiping Mary Mary all a tree Okay, do they provoke me to anger saith the Lord? Do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces therefore thus saith the Lord God Behold mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place upon man and upon beast and upon the trees of the field and upon the fruit of the ground and it shall burn and Shall not be quenched. God is angry as their worst being a female deity turn to Jeremiah 44 Jeremiah 44 And I want you to understand something as we're turning to Jeremiah 44 I don't have time to go into it for sake of the length of this sermon But in Jeremiah chapter 42 the people feel bad and they agree we will do whatever God says It's like we've sinned We've messed up Whatever God says we will obey that is what they agree to in Jeremiah chapter 42 But just two chapters later. Let's notice what they do verse 16 As for the word that thou has spoken on to us in the name of the Lord Jeremiah 44 verse 16 as For the word that thou has spoken on to us in the name of the Lord. We will not Harken on to thee now look in chapter 42 Whatever you say whatever is from the mouth of God. We will do that two chapters later We will not do what you say It's like boy They changed their mind really quickly and isn't it true in today's world if you talk to all the Christians in this country all The Christians boy, they would all say man. We'll do whatever the Bible says we'll just follow the Bible You know if he tells me not to eat meat for a week and do Lent or put black ash on my head whatever We're gonna do it Okay, but then it's like when you show them certain things in the Bible, and they don't like it Well, we're not gonna harken on to you. We're not gonna listen to you We're not gonna do that and that is the truth with with not just Catholics, but most people they don't care what the Bible says They'll claim they want to feel spiritual, but when it comes down to it They're not actually gonna do what the Bible says if they don't like it, okay? They say we will not harken on to thee verse 17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth boy That's a scary world if everyone just does that which is right in his own eyes. We'll just do whatever we want to burn Incense on to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings under as we have done We and our fathers are kings and our princes in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem For then had we plenty of victuals and were well and saw no evil They say you know what we're gonna burn incense on to the queen of heaven and worship Ishtar whether you like it or not That's what we want to do so they go against what they said two chapters earlier Why are they doing that because when we were doing this we saw no evil That's what I said at the end of Jeremiah 44 verse 17 Let me explain something to you It is a foolish thing to look at how your life is going to determine whether or not you're right with God Say man, I'm making a lot of money at my job. I must be right with God. That is a foolish attitude Look and we're gonna see that in this chapter But people often look at their present circumstance to determine whether or not they're right with God Well, what about in the Old Testament with Joseph when he was in prison and he followed everything God said he did not end up committing, you know fornication and he basically was lied about and everything like that He went to jail and he's just obeying everything God says you look at his life during that time period God must be angry at Joseph No, God was not angry at Joseph and see this is what the Pentecostals do and the CCFS and the victories Hey, if you're right with God, you're gonna have lots of money. You're gonna have great health Well, that's not what the Bible teaches and look you can be sick and you can die at a young age and be right with God and you what you can live A long and prosperous financial life and not be right with God You don't look at your present circumstances and they say we tried living for God and here's the thing Before we live for God before we did what you said we were doing better and once we started to live for God It just everything just went terrible in our lives. I look sometimes people have this attitude with church They come to a church and stuff like that and things don't always go perfect for them when they go to a good church They're going soul-winning and reading the Bible and they say man Everything in my life is just falling apart. I must not be right with God No, you know what? You can't look at your present circumstances because of the fact we all have ups and downs That's just the way life works. Okay, you're gonna have ups and downs in your life verse 18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings onto her We have one at all things and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine So basically as we stopped worshipping the queen of heaven We were killed by the sword we were killed by famine we didn't have food we were doing better It kind of reminds you of the the children of Israel the Hebrews in the wilderness. They're like, man We missed the garlic in Egypt. We missed the cucumbers. We missed those melons, you know It's like man. We wish we could go back. It's like well if that's the case, why were you complaining so much when you were there? It's like the grass is always greener on the other side You're always gonna think what if I move to this place what if I did this I just be so much happier and guess what? Once you reach that point, you're not gonna be happy either learn to be content. That's what the Bible says That's what Paul the Apostle said And so in verse 19 and when we burn incense to the queen of heaven and poured out drink offerings onto her Did we make her cakes to worship her and pour out drink offerings onto her without our men and look the truth is this There are a lot of Catholics out there That you know what if we talk to them and tell them they've got a false religion and everything like that They might say well, you know what? I tried out that Christian thing I started going to church for six months and you know, I lost my job Things weren't going well in my life I made more money before So I decided to go back to the Catholic Church and the truth is that is how a lot of people pick their religion They say what makes me happy what makes me prosperous or whatever and that is how they determine what church to go to That's a foolish attitude and go to the church that's preaching the truth verse number 20 Then Jeremiah said unto all the people to the men and to the women and to all the people which had given him that answer Saying the incense that ye burned in the cities of Judah in the streets of Jerusalem Ye and your fathers your kings and your princes and the people of the land did not the Lord remember them and came it not Into his mind so the Lord could no longer bear because of the evil of your doings and because of the abominations Which ye have committed therefore is your land a desolation and an astonishment and a curse without an inhabitant as at this day Because he have burned incense and because he have sinned against the Lord and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord Nor walked in his law nor in his statutes nor in his testimonies Therefore this evil has happened on you as at this day what he's telling them is this because You were worshipping Ishtar that is why you have no food now See sometimes in life. You know what you reap what you sow six months down the line When David committed adultery with Bathsheba look the judgment didn't come until after she gave birth That's at least nine months if not more time. It doesn't specifically tell us it could have been a whole year Okay, and so he could have looked at his life and said I must be right with God No, you just committed adultery You're obviously not right with God So you don't look at present circumstances and sometimes God's judgment comes five months down the road a year down the road It's not always immediate. Okay. That's why you cannot look at your present Circumstances to determine if you're right or not turn to Luke 1 Luke 1 You say how do I know if I'm right with God? Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. Are you reading the Bible? Are you praying are you going to church? Are you committing bad sins that will determine whether or not you're right with God or not? What will not determine whether you're right with God is how much money you make? Whether or not you got a raise that does not tell you if you're right with God or not Luke chapter 1 Luke 1 So the first point is simply this that worshiping Mary It's not new Although it's Ishtar, although it's another goddess. It's the same thing people do the same vain traditions Okay, it's not new Okay But the second thing I want to talk about as we're talking about Mariolatry is the teaching from the Catholic Church that Mary was without sin the Catholic Church teaches that Mary was Sinless, okay. This is what's known as the Immaculate Conception as called by the Catholic Church. Let me explain something to you Because here's the thing People think and I thought this as well that the Immaculate Conception referred to the virgin birth It does not refer to the virgin birth and I'll show you I'm going to quote you from Catholic.com The Immaculate Conception refers to the Catholic teaching that Mary was born without sin Not that Jesus was virgin born and see if you had asked me do you believe in the Immaculate Conception like a month ago? Yeah, I believe in the virgin birth That's not what the Immaculate Conception is the Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was born without sin I'll prove it to you and you can and we did this yesterday a few of us looked on Google and it's like wow It's like the Immaculate Conception is the teaching that Mary was perfect. It's not the virgin birth. This is what it says on Catholic.com It's important to understand what the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception is and what it is not Some people think the term refers to Christ's conception in Mary's womb without the intervention of a human father But that is the virgin birth. This is on Catholic.com They're saying that's not the Immaculate Conception. That's a virgin birth Okay Others think the Immaculate Conception means Mary was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the way Jesus was but that too is incorrect So apparently some people teach that Mary was born of a virgin like a virgin birth. I don't know It's like I didn't even know people taught that but The Immaculate Conception means that Mary whose conception was brought about the normal way So basically a husband and wife come together the normal way was conceived without Original sin or its stain. That's what Immaculate means without stain the essence of original sin Consists in the deprivation of sanctifying grace and its stain is a corrupt nature. Mary was preserved From these defects by God's grace from the first instant of her existence She was in the state of sanctifying grace and was free from the corrupt corrupt nature Original sin brings so the Immaculate Conception taught by the Catholic Church is that Mary was without original sin And what that means is Mary was perfect She didn't have sin passed under she was basically like Adam and Eve before they ate the forbidden fruit She was without sin, which means that she was never rude to her parents when she was a baby She just always obeyed her parents from day one because the Bible says you come forth from the womb speaking lies and Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child But not that baby that baby at the age of two months when she was hungry. She just put a smile on her face Mary just put a smile and and just you know, she was just always just the perfect baby That's basically what they're teaching. Okay that she was without original sin. She never told a lie in her entire life Well, the problem with this is the Bible shows her committing sins and look next week We're going to talk about how virtuous Mary was but the Bible shows her making mistakes She was not without original sin And my question is if because they teach that Mary had to be perfect if she gave birth to the perfect Jesus Christ So wouldn't Mary's parents have to be perfect if she was perfect and wouldn't those Parents of them have to be perfect Like if Mary had to be perfect for Jesus to be perfect doesn't that just keep getting passed down logically I mean, it's stupid. It's foolish. Okay, obviously Jesus was God in the flesh Okay, and so this became dogma of the church on December 8th 1854 when Pope Pius the ninth declared this to be official dogma that basically Mary was born without original sin She was perfect. Okay, that's what they taught Luke chapter 1 Luke chapter 1 and We're gonna see this is not the case verse 46 Luke chapter 1 verse 46 Luke 1 And so there's actually a holiday on December 8th, which is not celebrating Jesus Christ It's celebrating Mary. Okay on December 8th when they worship the the Immaculate Conception This is about Mary being without original sin Luke 1 verse 46 and Mary said My soul doth magnify the Lord Luke 1 verse 46 and My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior God my Savior look if she's saying God is her Savior That means she needs salvation and if you're without sin You don't need salvation The reason why you must believe on Jesus Christ is because you are guilty and you are on your way to hell So you need a Savior? Okay, but if Mary was perfect, she did not need a Savior She had no sin according to them. She didn't need a Savior Why does she say God my Savior then if she if God is not her Savior if she just saved herself by being perfect Then God's not her Savior turn to Luke 2 Luke chapter 2 Luke chapter 2 Luke chapter 2 And look I'm not I'm not trying to make Mary look like such a terrible person in the sermon because if we preached on like The transgressions of Peter that's like a 10-week series by itself. You know what I mean? I'm just showing you a few mistakes She's made that she's not perfect because we got a lot of things to cover in this sermon Luke 2 verse 45 Luke 2 verse 45 and when they found them not they turned back again to Jerusalem seeking him This is when basically they they they go back to Jerusalem because Jesus stays behind and all of a sudden they realize Oh, wow, our son's not here Now I want you to realize this that you know, you might say like how in the world does that happen? But they had a lot of kids We're gonna see in this sermon that I believe it's here later on that Jesus had a lot of brothers and sisters Okay, and so they didn't just have one child They have this big company and all of a sudden they realize like oh, whoops we forgot Jesus so they have to go back and they have to get Jesus and So they're coming back verse 46 and it came to pass that after three days They found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors Both hearing him and asking them questions and all that hurt him were astonished at his Understanding and answers and see the Bible says that you know at basically the age of 12 that Jesus was very wise Says he grew in wisdom and stature Okay He grew in knowledge and so he had knowledge of a lot of things Because if you don't sit around watching TV all day you learn a lot Not just that he's got in the flesh and he knew scriptures But he just knew stuff in general as he's asking questions, and he's actually learning from them He's telling them things, but he's also asking questions like learning about stuff. That's new to him It's not like he was born understanding how to Basically, you know drive a car or whatever, you know cars existed back then a lot of that stuff You know, he would have been learning that stuff Okay and so it says he grew in wisdom and stature verse 48 and When they saw him they were amazed and his mother said on to him son Why hast thou dealt with us thou? Why hast thou thus dealt with us? That's a tongue twister there Behold thy father and I have sought the sorrowing When she says thy father and I she's referring to Joseph now Here's the thing Joseph raised Jesus Christ, but what she's basically saying is declaring, you know, he's your father She's basically denying that God is his father that he was virgin born now She he was born of the Virgin which means, you know Joseph, although he raised Jesus he was not physically the father of Jesus and notice what Jesus says and He said unto them. How is it that he sought me? Whist he not that I must be about my father's business my father's business notice in verse 49 He says my father's business. Who is he referring to? He's referring to God the Father Notice the capital F. You probably have in your Bible father's business He's saying no. No, my father is up there She says, you know my father, you know your father and I thy father and I have sought the sorrowing He says no, wait a minute. My father's up there. Okay. Now many modern versions of the Bible they change this Okay, but obviously we believe in the King James Bible We believe it's preserved and perfect and Jesus is rebuking her and saying you know what? My father's up in heaven. Okay. I'm about my father's business of he's probably preaching the gospel getting people saved He's doing God's work Okay Now I want you to realize it says after this that Jesus was subject unto them in all things because he obeyed his parents Because of the fact you obey your parents right honor thy father and thy mother and at home He would have obeyed their rule Okay But this is Mary making a mistake because of the fact Joseph was not the father of Jesus Christ turn to Mark 3 Mark 3 Mark chapter 3 Look by all means we all make mistakes, but I'm just showing you Mary did too. There's a mistake She's wrong and Jesus corrects her on the next verse Okay, and I don't think that was a common thing because he obeyed his mom He obeyed Joseph since he lived in that house Okay, but here's the thing she made a mistake by saying that and he corrects and says no. No, wait a minute God is my father. Okay. That's what he tells her Mark 3 verse 31 Mark 3 verse 31 And in Mark chapter 3 basically they're having a church service You know Jesus is preaching and I want you to see something Mark 3 verse 31 There came then his brethren and his mother and standing without sin unto him Calling him and so basically he's basically preaching and all of a sudden the service is interrupted by his brothers and his mom his brother and his mom is probably his brothers and sisters and his mom and Basically, they're calling him like they want to talk to him It would be like for example if I was preaching here and then all of a sudden my sister my parents just kind of were There and just like hey, you know, we need to talk to you. It's like I'm preaching a sermon right now It's like why don't why don't you come and listen to the sermon? It's like why aren't you here with us? And that's the question. Why was Mary not listening to the sermon? Why was she not there verse 32 and the multitude said about him and they said unto him? behold thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee and he answered them saying Who is my mother or my brethren and he looked round about on them which said about him and said Behold my mother and my brethren For whosoever shall do the will of God the same as my brother and my sister and mother and what he's saying is hey My brethren are the ones that are in church with me Okay, and this kind of shows you and this isn't the point of the sermon, but you know what honestly your church family should Be the most important family that you have. Okay, and that's what he's saying here. Here's my my brethren Here's my mother and what he's basically saying is you know what they should be in church with us Okay, but they're not why Mary was not without original sin Mary was not sinless Okay Now let me say this quickly about original sin now turn in your Bible to 1st Timothy 2 1st Timothy 2 But when it comes to original sin what the Catholic Church means by that we actually don't agree with to begin with They believe basically that a baby is guilty When they're born and will go to hell if they die, okay, this isn't the point of the sermon But what they mean by original sin is that they're guilty from day one when they're born And so how do you fix that? Well, you got to baptize that baby, right? That's where they get the justification for infant baptism because there's that original sin and they are guilty and if they die I mean, they're gonna have to go to purgatory now That's not what we believe because we believe if a baby dies they go to heaven But what the Catholic Church teaches is they have original sin so they must be baptized as a baby So in case they die at a young age, they'll spend probably less time in purgatory Okay, because they pretty much believe everybody goes to purgatory. Okay. Now look what the Bible teaches is we're all born with a sin nature But my son would go straight to heaven if he died right now. My daughter would go straight to heaven if she died Okay, now do they have a sin nature absolutely, okay, you will see kids at a young age being rebellious they make mistakes It doesn't take long to see that in them. Okay, but until they can comprehend Basically salvation then they are innocent. It's like Adam and Eve before they ate their forbidden fruit Okay. Now that age can vary depending on who it is I would say but I would say, you know there's children that get saved at the age of five that they can understand they deserve hell and they're guilty and For some people that might come later on and if somebody has maybe mental disability or something Then obviously that could change and obviously that's up to God I'm not saying I know for every single person but what I'm saying is until people reach that age They can comprehend that although they make mistakes and do things wrong. They are innocent like Adam and Eve were before They ate of the forbidden fruit. Okay, so we do believe people are passed down with a sin nature But look, my son is not guilty and on his way to hell right now Now once he reaches the age of accountability where he can comprehend these things then yes, he'll be held accountable for his sins He's not at that age yet. So we don't believe in original sin if somebody says do you believe in original sin? Well, look, we don't believe in original sin like the Catholics believe now Some people will say they believe in original sin because they don't understand what the Catholic Church means by that I would have said that myself at one point Okay But what original sin by the Catholics meaning is this that basically you're guilty from day one? And you got to be baptized from day one They probably I mean, I guess they believe they're guilty before they're even born out of the womb I don't even know what happened because they're alive in the womb. They can't be baptized So I'm not really sure I'd have to ask the Catholic priest. What would happen then? I'm not really sure what they would teach but anyways, so number one Worshipping Mary is not new and number two what we saw is this that Mary was not without sin You know, we do not believe in the Immaculate Conception as the Catholic Church says but number three Let's talk about the the blasphemous titles of Mary the blasphemous titles of Mary one of the big titles She's given is this she's called the Mediatrix The Mediatrix. Okay now notice what it says in first Timothy 2 verse 4 Who will have all men to be saved and to come on to the knowledge of the truth? This is God's will it's his desire that everybody gets saved. Okay. He wants everybody to be saved That's why he died for everybody for there is one God and one mediator between God and men The man Christ Jesus notice how the Bible says here The only mediator between God and men is is Christ Jesus Okay, which means the Catholic priest is not your mediator to talk to God either Okay, the Catholic priest is not your mediator some dead Saint is not your mediator and neither is Mary Okay, but what the Catholic Church will say? Well, yeah. Yeah, there's only one mediator But Mary's the mediatrix Not mediator, okay She's the mediatrix. Okay, and they will call her the mediatrix now They also they will claim that basically Catholic priests are not mediators to God and yet you have to confess your sins to a priest Explain to me what the definition of mediator is because mediator means you mediate a situation And what they're saying is you're mediating to talk to God that's called being a mediator And so if you need to confess your sins to a priest that is called having a mediator to talk to God The Bible says only Jesus is your mediator Why who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time? Look Mary did not die For your sins right now and and and I believe this is the next week's sermon I do believe that Mary actually the there's a verse in the Bible that would indicate that she basically was a martyr Okay, but when she was martyred, she didn't die for your sins. Okay, I believe she was martyred in the faith But she did not die for your sins. Only Jesus Christ did okay turn to John 19 John 19 John 19 John chapter 19 And In John chapter 19, we're gonna go to the next thing about titles of Mary One thing is they call her the mediatrix another other terms that they gave her is the co-redemptrix the co-redemptrix, which means she's co with Jesus as being your redemptor or She's called the cause of our salvation The Catholic Church will refer to her as the cause of our salvation or the co-redemptrix in 200 AD the Church Father Arrhenius referred to Mary as the cause of our salvation. Look, this is why I don't trust Church Fathers It's like people always want to go back to the Church Fathers. Well, the Church Father said this Yeah, the Church Father Arrhenius referred to Mary as the cause of our salvation Okay, so obviously a Church Father means nothing because in the Bible times and I believe the Bible was finished probably before 100 AD But before 100 AD the Christians were fighting against false doctrines already in the book of Galatians They're fighting against people bringing in work salvation So look if just because someone was a Christian 1800 years ago, we don't know if he was a good person or a bad person Okay, but we can go to the Bible and know that everything in this book is perfect We don't have to see what I mean did the Church Fathers teach a pre-trib or post-trib rapture? Who cares? I don't care what someone I've never met in another country from 1900 years ago taught. What does the Bible teach? Okay, that is all that matters John 19 verse 25 and I'll show you why do they say she's the cause of our salvation? Why is she our co-redemptrix? Well, it's in John chapter 19 verse 25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother and his mother's sister Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciples standing by whom he loved he saith unto his mother Woman behold thy son then saith he to the disciple behold thy mother and from that hour that disciple took her onto his own home So there you go Mary's our cause of our salvation. You say I missed it in those verses. Yeah, let me explain to you what they're what they're claiming here Well, let me first explain what's happening in the story when he says behold thy mother What he's saying is basically that this man the disciple whom Jesus loved does not have a mother and basically behold your son She's saying you know what? He is going to take care of you She will act as a mother to you and basically as she's older at this point And this is telling you that Joseph has already passed away. Okay, you wonder what happened to Joseph somewhere along the picture Joseph died We don't know when we don't know why but that's why saying behold thy mother because Joseph is not There to basically take care of that family and to provide for that family So Joseph has passed away at some point over the last, you know, 20 years basically time frame some point He died. So he says, you know what behold thy mother Basically, I want you to this is someone he trusts and he says I want you to take care of my mom Okay, behold thy mother and what he told her was behold thy son because basically, you know He didn't have a mom or he didn't have a family to take care of me There's basically saying and from that hour that disciple took her onto his own home Why does he take her onto his own home because she's older now, you know And she's not going to be able to take care of herself provide financially and for whatever reason Joseph has passed away Okay, but what they say is this That basically when it says behold thy mother, she's just like the mother of all of us Okay, it's like this is a symbol that basically marries the mother of all of us behold thy mother that she's basically the one that Is is the cause of our salvation? So basically, it's not just Jesus's determination whether or not we get saved Mary also partakes in that it's like behold thy mother now This is pretty crazy because I don't see how you could read verses 26 and 27. These are their big verses when I was looking online I was like, is that all you got to call her the cost of our salvation and they say well verse 27 It's like behold thy mother. It's like what in the world? It's like I don't know how you could interpret the Bible like that It says in the Lumen Genshiam the dogmatic Constitution on the church states. So this is of the Catholic Church in this singular way. She cooperated by her obedience faith hope and burning charity in the work of the Savior in giving back supernatural life to souls Wherefore she is our mother in the order of grace So basically Mary partook in the work of our Savior by giving back supernatural life to souls It's all in John 19 verse 27 It's like alright, whatever. It's like obviously you don't have any verses to prove this turn to Romans 5 Romans 5 Romans chapter 5 I mean honestly, I could have probably preached a sermon series just on the blasphemy that they have with Mary But I don't necessarily see a point to that I'm just kind of hitting highlights but to call her the cause of our salvation our mediatrix. Those are blasphemous terms Okay, the Bible says that we have one mediator Jesus Christ and obviously our cause of our salvation is that Jesus died on the cross And paid for our sins actually a cause of our salvation is the fact that his soul winner gave the gospel If you want to say what's a cause of salvation? But a cause of salvation is not Mary and it's not John 19 verse 27. Okay, Romans 5 verse 15 But not as the offense so also is the free gift for through the offense of one many be dead Much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded on to many the Bible says this grace is by one man Jesus Christ. I Suppose they'd say well, yeah one man, but also one woman as well. Okay, you got one man You got to have one woman. Look if you're reading Romans 5 15 it's very clear that it's only Jesus Christ because they said in in our mother in the order of grace and The order of grace but Romans 5 15 said much more the grace of God and the gift by grace Which is by one man Mary did not partake in the work of our salvation turn to 1st Timothy 3 1st Timothy 3 1st Timothy chapter 3 And of course The most blasphemous title of Mary is calling her the mother of God the one that we're all familiar with They call her the mother of God now I do want you to realize this is not the only blasphemous title they have to marry We've seen other blasphemous titles the mother of God I would say is the most common one we're familiar with and what it says in 1st Timothy 3 verse 16 is this and Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh Okay Look, Jesus Christ was God in human flesh, but Jesus Christ existed before the virgin birth In the Old Testament, you see appearances of Jesus Christ as Melchizedek and other appearances as well Okay wrestling with Jacob Jacob. You see those appearances in the Old Testament because in the beginning was the word He didn't become the son at the birth of Jesus Christ He was the son at the beginning in the beginning was the word the Bible says referring to Jesus Christ and the word was made Flesh and dwelled among us according to John chapter 1 So I want you to understand was Mary the mother of Jesus Christ Absolutely, because he was he was he was in human flesh but Look Mary was not Existent from the beginning of the world in the beginning was the word Mary didn't give birth to Jesus like before the foundation of the world Okay, Jesus already existed. So to say she's the mother of God. That's blasphemous. Okay She's the mother of the human side of Jesus Christ, but she didn't just oh wow Man, I just gave birth to God. Okay, that's not what took place. That's not what the Bible teaches Okay now turn in your Bible to Matthew 13 Matthew 13 Matthew chapter 13 and so first I want you to see that when it comes to worshiping Mary, this is not new and Secondly what we saw is that the Immaculate Conception is a fraud. It's a lie. Mary was not sinless We saw the blasphemous titles of the Catholic Church But another thing the Catholic Church teaches is this that Mary was perpetually a virgin That Mary was always a virgin not just that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary But basically, you know Mary and Joseph just lived together Married and just you know, they were never together. She just remained a virgin Okay, which is why you can go to Joseph with your prayers It's like I know your pain you can go to Joseph because of the fact he felt that same pain That's what the Catholic Church teaches. Okay, and so well, this is disproven very easily from the Bible though. Okay, Mary Matthew Man, I almost said Mary chapter 13 Matthew chapter 13 Matthew chapter 13 verse 53 Matthew 13 verse 53 and it came to pass that when Jesus had finished these parables He departed thence and when he was coming to his own country He taught them in their synagogue in so much that they were astonished and said whence or from where that's what whence means Whence half this man this wisdom and these mighty works is not this the carpenter's son Referring to Joseph now realize that this is people saying this isn't this the carpenter's son because people assume that People did not everybody believed in the virgin birth. Okay is not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas These are his brethren now who was just mentioned in the verse before the carpenter's son. That's Joseph Joseph and Mary and then it mentions four Sons that they have the brethren. These are the children of Mary and Joseph which would be the half brothers of Jesus Christ Okay, so there goes your vert the the perpetual virginity of Mary because you see four sons listed Okay, and throughout the New Testament It says that Jesus had brothers and what the Catholic Church says is well brethren is a generic term and it means cousin That's what they'll say. These are just the cousins and they'll say well this Mary's a different Mary This is not Mary that gave birth to Jesus I mean they're like all over the place to try to defend themselves and they say well the brethren there is just referring to cousins It's clearly not because it just mentioned Joseph and Mary. Okay, why in the world would have mentioned Joseph in some random Mary? Okay, it's obviously mentioned Joseph and Mary the who raised Jesus Christ. Okay, and they say well, this is just cousins. It's clearly not cousins, okay, these are his brethren and His sisters are they not all with us and actually let me say this what the Catholic Church teaches I don't have this in my notes But what the Catholic Church teaches is there was not a word for cousin in the original language Okay, so they had to just put brethren It's like what kind of moron would create a language and not have a word for cousin. Do you expect me to believe that? It's like there was no word for cousin. It's like and here's the thing about this I looked it up and there was a word for cousin in the Greek language. So it's like what are you talking about? It's like guess what there was a word for grandfather grandmother uncle aunt brother Sister mom dad, you know nephew niece why because in every country every part of the world Guess what? They need a name for that because everybody there's nephews that are out there There's cousins and they say well, there's no word for cousin So they just put brethren and what they actually met was cousin. That is so stupid It's like even when I when I heard that I was just like you got to be kidding me Do you expect me to believe that and then I looked it up. It's a fraud. It's not even true They just lie about it. Okay, so it says he has four brothers four brothers listed Okay, now and I want you to realize I think you know this but the Judas there in verse 55 is not Judas Iscariot Okay, Judas Iscariot was not his brother. Okay, that's a different Judas is a common name and His sisters are they not all with us? His sisters sisters is plural. That's more than one but notice it says are they not all with us? Look if it was just referring to two are they not both with us? That is what you would say Grammatically in English are they not both with us? What does this mean all means three or more at? Least three sisters. It could have been four. It could have been five sisters means at least two All means at least three at least three. So it doesn't say are they not both with us? It says there are they not all with us. So he had at least three sisters now. We don't know And this is very common for that time If there's a family of eight children four brothers three sisters in Jesus, that's pretty normal for that time period Okay during this time period it people didn't practice, you know, basically at Abstaining or some sort of birth control. That's the word I'm looking for They didn't practice birth control in this society only wicked societies. I know Egypt did a long time ago That wasn't a common thing though. So basically big families were the common they were normal to have lots of kids So it could have been seven eight nine ten We don't know how many brothers and sisters Jesus had But we see that Mary was not a virgin according to this now turn to 1st Corinthians 7 1st Corinthians chapter 7 Now the Catholic Church has changed their teaching on this because the Catholic Church used to preach against birth control They thought it was wrong But the Catholic Church has this bizarre teaching and they don't really talk about it now But throughout history you can look at it We're basically the only purpose for a husband for a guy and a girl to come together is Husband and wife to create a child and if it's not for that purpose, it's a sin That's what they used to teach that it was a sin for a husband and wives to come together Unless for the purpose of having a child So basically once you reach an age where you can no longer have children, it would be a sin for husbands and wives to come together It's like boy that really works well with the Catholic priests They say just don't be involved with anyone and they're really following that to a tee, right? That's a stupid teaching and it's not what the Bible teaches, but I want you to understand something They basically teach it would be a sin and that's why Mary was a perpetually virgin Because they used to teach it would be a sin for her to be with another guy So basically she just stayed a virgin her entire life. Okay bizarre teaching But I want you to understand the actual opposite is taught. It would actually be a sin for her not to be with her husband Okay, this is what it teaches in first Corinthians 7 notice what it says in first Corinthians 7 verse 1 now concerning the things Where have you wrote unto me? It is good for a man not to touch a woman Nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband So one of the purposes of getting married is the fact that if you don't get married, you know There's natural desires you have at a certain age. You might commit wicked sins such as fornication That's what the Bible is teaching there. So Paul is basically talking about, you know getting married You know having a wife or wife having a husband verse 3 let the husband render onto the wife do benevolence Benevolence is basically kindness and likewise also the wife onto the husband the wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband and Likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body But the wife the Bible says when you get married as a woman your body belongs to her husband and the husband your body belongs To the wife, okay verse five What exactly is the context here defraud ye not one the other except to be with consent for a time? What it's talking about as you look at the context of fornication and a man having his wife what the Bible is teaching is When you get married you are Obligated that is part of marriage to come together as husband and wife that is part of marriage That's what it teaches in first Corinthians 7 verses 1 through 5 and look, you know I teach all things in the Bible. Okay. This is what we're talking about in this sermon This is what this passage is talking about that Paul the Apostle wrote and look it would be wrong for a husband to defraud his Wife, it'd be wrong for a wife to defraud her husband You say why because that is part of marriage when you say I do's that is part of it Okay, and the husband doesn't have power over his his own body and vice versa which means, you know If the wife says, you know, I'm just not interested tonight Well, here's the thing you're defrauding your husband if he is interested and vice versa that is what it's teaching in this passage Okay, and so when the Catholic Church says that Mary was just perpetually a virgin I guess her husband just never had any interest at all in his wife That's stupid It's like so he was just married to her. I mean they must have slept in a different bed or something I have no idea to never have any interest in his wife. That's ridiculous Okay, but that's what the Catholic Church teaches But what we're seeing in 1st Corinthians 7 it would actually be a sin for her to defraud her husband in that way Because that is part of marriage what the Bible says here is consent for a time So if there's a time period where you agree to it and said for whatever purpose, you know Maybe we're trying to fast or pray, you know various things. We're not going to come together during this time period but otherwise you have that Obligation. Okay, you say why? That you may give yourselves to fasting in prayer, so you might consent for a time We're going to just devote ourselves to fasting in prayer and come together again Why that Satan tempts you not for your incontinence see the Bible says that if husbands and wives defraud one another It's going to tempt them potentially by saying to commit a really wicked sin Look a lot of adultery that happens in workplaces and things such as that You know why it takes place because the husbands and wives they're both working so many hours and they're just never coming together and they Just kind of lose that romantic desire for each other But there's still that natural desire people have inside and they might fulfill it some other way So looking and I'm not I don't talk about this often, but we're talking about this is what the Bible says This is what 1st Corinthians 7 verses 1 through 5 is teaching This is part of marriage and if Mary were basically state of virgin They said she took a vow of virginity Show me that in the Bible Where does this say Mary took a vow of virginity? That would be a sin because it says consent for a time Which means you can't say well I'm just gonna be a virgin my entire life that would be a sin for her to do that according to 1st Corinthians 7 Verses 1 through 5 why that is part of marriage according to 1st Corinthians 7 verses 1 through 5 Turn to 2nd Peter 1 2nd Peter 1 Not so not only was Mary not a virgin for her and her entire life But it would have been a sin for her to be a virgin her entire life because she was married. Okay, and So basically we looked at the fact that worshipping Mary is not new we looked at Mary definitely had sin We do not believe in the Immaculate conception We look at blasphemous titles of Mary and we looked at the teaching from Catholics that Mary was just perpetually a virgin the last point I want to talk about is this The Catholic Church has this bizarre apparitions of Mary meaning appearances of Mary like all over the place like in countries like you know say man I saw Mary and then just like the Whole town of Catholics just worship and like this is I mean there were so many I was shocked when I saw how many so I'm just gonna go into this into the story of one of these instances a very famous appearance of Mary and it's really weird because when you hear things like Our Lady of Let's say you know I don't know Rio de Janeiro what that would mean is basically Mary made an appearance in Rio de Janeiro Brazil And I don't know if she made an apparition there I'm just naming a place and basically she's sort of like the mini God of that area like this is our Mary we worship But there's like Mary's all over the place Sometimes priests make appearances, you know, but usually it's Mary and they see Mary doing all these things There's these like bizarre things where they've just all these like fake Miracles that Catholics have seen and they attribute it to Mary and this is all over the world One of the most famous ones is in Portugal Our Lady of Fatima Portugal and there's actually a new movie that that just came out or is just coming out on this these three people that saw these three kids that saw Mary and They have like a whole movie on it because it was like a big thing in Portugal where everybody's worshipping this appearance of Mary I mean, this is bizarre. This is this is Pentecostal type of stuff. It's like what in the world between May 13th to October 13th 1917 about a hundred years ago a lady more brilliant than the Sun Appeared six and when it says more brilliant than the Sun it says Sun, but I'm kind of wondering if that's like a typo. It's like more brilliant than the Sun They're saying the Sun as in like, you know the Sun are out But I don't know maybe supposed to be SO and I'm not sure a lady more brilliant than the Sun appeared six times to three Portuguese Shepherd children Lucia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Martel And so these three young children the lady asked them to devote themselves to the Holy Trinity and to pray the rosary every day So they see this appearance of Mary and she says pray the rosary every day Devote yourselves to the Holy Trinity. What does devote yourself to the Holy Trinity mean? Anyway, I mean, I believe in the Trinity But what does it mean to devote yourself to the Trinity? I'm not really sure Prayer would end the Great War then still raging She also showed them a vision of hell and entrusted them with three secrets The children's visions drew thousands of visitors and upset the political balance in the country with a young anti-clerical republic fighting off a strong conservative reaction the children were even briefly jailed and Variously ordered to reveal the secrets or admit that they had lied the local administrator Even threatened that he would boil them one by one in a pot of oil at the Virgin's last appearance Many of them many of the up to 100,000 visitors 100,000 and we don't know if it's exactly a hundred thousand because that big of a crowd It's like if you ask how many people were at the Feast of the Black Nazarene last year Nobody knows a large large crowd though a hundred thousand visitors reported a miracle of the Sun Multicolored light and erratic movement from the Sun others saw nothing out of the ordinary So a hundred thousand people said like it's like the biggest miracle I've ever seen and others like I didn't see anything It's like I think that there's some people either You know drinking too much alcohol or smoking some weed beforehand or they just wanted to see something Okay, and so some said they didn't see anything as predicted by the Virgin Francisco and has seen two has seen two died soon Afterward in the Spanish flu pandemic that started in 1918 now Let me say this because as we have this pandemic going on now, this is nothing compared to the Spanish flu And so people dying in the Spanish flu look that it's not like you made it some big miracle prediction that someone's gonna die in The Spanish flu because like half of Portugal probably died a lot of people died in it So to say well, you know, you know, this person's gonna die. Well, a lot of people die in the Spanish flu It's not just some random thing Like there's no epidemic going on say this person's gonna die of some random disease No, lots of people were already dying and honestly in times like this people look for miracles It's not really surprising this lines up with a Spanish flu because in times of Fear and things such as that people will look for crazy miracles I mean, they're probably an apparition of Mary somewhere in the world like right now. I don't know But anyways, they died in the Spanish flu pandemic that started in 1918 Lucia became a nun and sporadically saw the Virgin again Later in life as well as Jesus. So she saw Jesus as well. She died in 2005 aged 97 Already in the first few years after the events Fatima attracted millions of visitors Our Lady of Fatima was popular among anti-communist and traditionalist Catholics Pope John Paul the second credited Our Lady of Fatima with saving his life in the attempt on his life of May 13th 1981 The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima the Pope donated the bullet that wounded him to the sanctuary at Fatima Fatima currently is one of the world's most popular sinners of pilgrimage And so look this is this is just one apparition appearance of Mary I'm talking about but basically people will see an appearance in an area and this is in Portugal and they'll basically say well see this Was Mary that appeared and then they start worshipping Our Lady of Fatima today in Portugal They would worship Our Lady of Fatima But in Italy they're gonna see some other apparition and for whatever reason the Pope said it was Our Lady of Fatima They saved me because you'll see this phrase with the Catholics all the time Our Lady of Because these are all the appearances of Mary they've seen I mean are these like different gods I mean what in the world I mean, this is really bizarre teaching. Okay, what would the Bible say about something like this? And this is one of like hundreds of different appearances or weird things like this 2nd Peter 1 verse 16 2nd Peter 1 verse 16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we made known Known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ But were eyewitnesses of his majesty and Peter said, you know what? We were actually eyewitnesses of his majesty Then he says in verse 17 For he received from God the Father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased That's when basically, you know, they were up there on the mountain and they saw Moses and Elijah and they saw you know Jesus and then Peters like should we build to Moses and Elijah too and God gets angry Says this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased verse 18 and this voice which came from heaven We heard when we were with him in the Holy Mount we have also a notice these words more sure word of Prophecy more sure word of prophecy where unto you do Well that you take heat as unto a light that shineth in the dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in Your hearts when he says a more sure word of prophecy what he's saying is this I will trust these words more than what I saw Say, how do you know Our Lady of Fatima is a fraud now, let me say this It's possible they saw some sort of demonic image. I have no idea the Bible says that's possible. They could be lying They saw something demonic I don't know but here's why I know it wasn't an appearance of Mary because we have a more sure word of prophecy And Mary's not making appearances nor nor any of the Saints, okay, you can quit worshipping Padre Pio or any of those people Okay, they're not making appearances or anything like that. Quit praying to them We have a more sure word of prophecy and this is Peter that actually saw this on the mountain. Okay verse 20 Knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture So when we say scripture the word of prophecy we're talking about the Word of God is of any private Interpretation for the prophecy came not an old time by the will of man But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and what Peter says is this, you know what I will trust the words of God more than any vision I see and This is why when people have these crazy stories like people have the story like oh, I got to visit heaven for 30 minutes And then someone else says I got to visit hell for 30 minutes like man What did you do have to visit hell for 30 minutes? But they'll say I and then they write a book about it and make lots of money. I visited heaven I visited you say well, how do you know they're lying about it? Or how do you know? They're deceived? How do you know it didn't happen because we have a more sure word of prophecy and look people will tell you personal stories all the time and Oftentimes they contradict the Bible and it's like it doesn't matter who is saying it according to Peter We trust the Word of God more So all these appearances of Mary in these miracles and her magic girdle and all the stuff that they worship look It's all a fraud. It's all fake. And look here's the thing Catholics believe in this I'm not denying that people believe in this. I'm not denying that people that go to the Feast of the Black Nazarene They are sincere. They honestly believe that somehow if they basically shine that idol of Jesus They're gonna be healed of whatever they have. They honestly believe that they're very sincere and they're sincerely deceived Because the fact they probably have never read the Bible They don't know what the Bible says and you know what they're not saved Okay, and look when it comes to the Catholic Church, you know We preach against the Catholic Church a lot and it's not because I have personally anything against the Catholic Church because I really Yeah, obviously I have something against every false religion, but it's not really my Big pet peeve or what my hobby horse they say it's just a fact This is a Catholic country and I'll tell you what There's a lot of very superstitious Filipinos in this country the Feast of the Black Nazarene these various idols like all of this stuff It's not in the Bible and look Mary worshiping Mary is real and whether the Catholics admit it or not. They worship Mary as a god It is Mary all that you that's why there's a name given to it Okay, and they're not the only ones the Orthodox do and and honestly the Protestant Church fathers They worship Mary as well. They believe a lot of these bizarre things That's like a whole nother sermon that will come sometime but look Mary all trees obviously very wicked but it's not just that what we saw in Jeremiah is when they worship the Queen of Heaven they end up worshipping all these other gods. There is no new thing under the Sun the Catholic Church They worship Mary and they worship all these Catholic priests as well these dead saints in the past Let's close in a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see what you have to say about this topic of Mary all the Tree and how it's wicked. It's wrong. It's not biblical help us understand Catholics are deceived, but they are sincere We just need to get them saved God They just don't know what the Bible says and you know Praise the Lord that that most Catholics are very receptive the gospel in this country God So help us do the best we can to continue to reach people. We just pray this in Jesus name. Amen