(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're here in Psalm chapter 83, and the name of the sermon is The Major Heresies of the Jehovah's Witness Cult, The Major Heresies of the Jehovah's Witness Cult, Hearts One. We'll preach two parts on this today. And obviously Jehovah's Witness is a false religion, and they have a lot of false beliefs. And you know what, what's interesting about the Philippines is the Philippines has a lot of homegrown Christian cults, but they've also kind of imported all of these cults from other countries, especially America, because funny Mormons in the Philippines, I mean Jehovah's Witness, they used to have a building right down there that they met, so I mean Jehovah's Witnesses certainly have a presence here in the Philippines, and so they are one of the religions that we run into, and they are no doubt about it a cult. Now what are some of the heresies? Well, point number one is related to their heresy on the name of God. If you talk to Jehovah's Witnesses, the big thing they focus on is the name of God, and they will try to stump you and say, well, what is the name of God, right, and you know a lot of times Christians aren't really sure how to answer, and they're like, ha, see, I got you, it's like the name's Jehovah, right? Well, I mean, here's the thing, Jehovah is one of the names of God, it's not the only name of God. Now the verse they're going to point to is in Psalm 83 verse 18, where it says this, that men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth. Now if you were to just look at this verse, and not look at the rest of the Bible, I could certainly see their argument, because it sounds like whose name alone is Jehovah, it sounds like that the only name of God is Jehovah, that's what they say. But wait a minute, turn to Psalm 148, let's cross reference. Psalm 148. You say, well, brother, what about other names of God in the Bible, well, what they'll say about names before Jehovah is they got replaced. So for example, you know, when God says, I appeared onto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them, they say, well, Jehovah basically replaced God Almighty, so that's no longer a name of God, it's an attribute, but not actually a name, his only name is Jehovah is what they're going to say. But here's what it says in Psalm 148 verse 13, let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is excellent, his glory is above the earth and heaven. And what it said in Psalm 83 was, whose name alone is, here it says, his name alone is, isn't that pretty much the exact same wording? The only difference is one says whose, the other one says for his, I mean, name alone is Jehovah, name alone is excellent. So my argument would be this, well, I mean, it says name alone is excellent, after name alone is Jehovah, so I think the only name is excellent because it replaced Jehovah, right? If they're going to use that logic, right? But no, actually it's just stating that, you know what, he's the only one who is excellent as he's also the only one who is Jehovah God. It's not saying that's his only name though, no one else is Jehovah, no one else is excellent, only God Almighty and yeah, God Almighty is still a name of God. See, you have to understand the name Jehovah did not replace the name God Almighty, God is revealing more about himself and that is another name of God. Go in your Bible to Psalm 68, Psalm 68, Psalm 68, Psalm 68. Psalm 68 verse four, let's look at another name of God mentioned in the Bible. The Bible says in Psalm 68 verse four, sing unto God, sing praises to his name, extol him that writeth upon the heavens by his name, Jah, and rejoice before him. So here in Psalm 68, it says his name is Jah, J-A-H. Now, J-A-H, think of the word Hallelujah. What are the last three letters of Hallelujah? J-A-H, and so Jah is actually a name of God and the word Hallelujah that we get, Jah actually comes from that name. So it's all about basically praising God. That's kind of what it's focusing on. And so when it comes to sing praises to his name by his name, Jah. So Hallelujah, you're praising God and Jah is actually a name of God. So that's a wonderful word Hallelujah because it incorporates God's name as well as you're talking about praising God, which is what this focuses on in this verse. With the religion of Rastafari, you know, Bob Marley and the Rastafarians, that's the name that they give to God. They're not wrong, Jah is the name of God. But they'll be like, yeah, Jah man, right? They'll say that is the name of God. Well, that's not the only name of God. Just like Jehovah is not the only name of God, Jah is not the only name of God. There's actually many names of God in the Bible and they basically focus on different sort of aspects. So here you're seeing the focus in Psalm 68 verse four on praising God when you think of the word Hallelujah. So that's what the focus is of that name, Jah. Go in your Bible to Philippians chapter two, Philippians two. There's many verses that say his name is God Almighty and that name was not replaced. It's not God, it is still a name of God, God Almighty. And of course, God Almighty, what does that focus on? It focuses on the strength and power of God, that he is omnipotent, right? So different names focus on different things. But here in Philippians chapter two, let's go to the New Testament. And notice what it says in Philippians two verse five. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be eaten with God, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, who was made in the likeness of men, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore, God also hath highly exalted him. Notice, and given him a name which is above every name. You see how the name Jesus is above every name, the Bible says? Above the name Jehovah, right? That doesn't negate the fact that God is Jehovah God, God Almighty, Job, and he has many names. The Bible says here, a name which is above every name, because here's the thing, before Jesus Christ, this name was not revealed of Jesus. But now since Jesus came, everybody must believe on who to go to heaven, on Jesus Christ. And that's the name we focus on, isn't it? We think of Christmas, we think of Easter, the focus is what do you believe about Jesus Christ? Because neither is there salvation in any other. I mean, a lot of people would claim to believe in Jehovah God from the Old Testament, but then you go to the modern time of Jesus Christ, and then they deny Jesus. Muslims say they believe in the Old Testament. Right, Jews say they believe in the Old Testament. But the question is, what about Jesus Christ? What do you think about him? The Bible says, a name which is above every name. The notice says that the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. You know what that's saying in Philippians 2? Every single Jehovah's Witness one day, after they died and gone to hell, they will bow down and beg for mercy and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord. But it's gonna be too late. We don't believe in purgatory. We don't believe in baptism for the dead or whatever these religions come up with, or reincarnation. You die unsaved, you are in hell forever. But every single person that goes to hell will beg for mercy and declare Jesus Christ as the Savior, hoping that it's gonna give them a second chance, but there is no second chance because they're gonna be in hell forever. Bible says his name is above every name. Go to Isaiah chapter nine, Isaiah nine. So Jehovah's Witness asks you, well, you know, what to say something quick and probably lean because in 99% of the time, if that's the way they're coming at you, they just wanna argue. They don't wanna actually listen, right? But if they ask you what's the name of Jehovah or what's the name of God, I'll be like, well, there's a lot of not just Jehovah is what I'd say. And if they're gonna turn to that verse, whose name alone is Jehovah, right? Whose name is Jehovah, what about that? Well, the Bible says his name alone is excellent. So I believe his name is excellent, right? Bible used the exact same terminology, right? And so look, what I've experienced from Jehovah's Witnesses and you know what, I've had less success here in the Philippines. I've actually, you know, in America, I got plenty of Jehovah's Witnesses to say, what you find is it's actually a religion that converts people. And what I've found is they really focus on those that are kind of depressed and down and feel miserable. You can tell from the invitations they hand out. It's like, why is there so much suffering in this world? They're like the Christian version of Buddhism, right? They actually convert a lot of people that are not born Jehovah's Witnesses. What you also find is those that they convert are not always really solid on their beliefs. So sometimes somebody will say they're a Jehovah's Witness. What that really means is they're studying what the Jehovah's Witness is, but they're still actually reaching them. Of course, if somebody is born in the Jehovah's Witness religion and they believe with all their heart, it's the same thing as anybody in any false religion. Good luck getting them to be actually receptive and get saved. But you'll find some Jehovah's Witnesses that are actually receptive. Whatever one, their heresy on the name of God, Jehovah is not the only name of God. Point two, their heresy about Jesus Christ, they do not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. They do not believe that Jesus Christ is God. Now, there are a lot of verses I could choose to go to to prove Jesus Christ is God. Because I mean, if you're reading your New Testament, you probably find a lot of verses where you're like, hey, there's a proof Jesus is God. Hey, here's a proof Jesus is God. And yet they don't believe it. You say, how could they deny it? They always use the argument, it doesn't make sense. Same thing with Muslims that deny the Trinity, it just doesn't make sense because they will have to pray to the Father if he's God. But they can't really deny all these verses that say that Jesus Christ is God. Now, it starts here in Isaiah 9 verse six. Notice this, it says, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Now, Jehovah's Witnesses will admit this is referring to Jesus Christ, unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. And you'll say, but it says he's the Mighty God, but he's not the Almighty God. That's their defense. It says he's the Mighty God, why is it going to say he's the Almighty God? And it's just like when someone's using that as a defense, they obviously don't have an answer. Right? It's just like, you know, what's even the point? I showed you a very clear verse. Oh, the Mighty God. I mean, it still says he's God though. What's your point? I mean, you can remove the word mighty, the God. I mean, but they're like, but not the real God, like a lower case, like powerful, but not really God. It's very clear. Now, there's a lot of debates people have on exact meaning of the Everlasting Father, but the fact that he's everlasting proves he's God. Regardless of your interpretation of the Father there, you know, he's the Mighty God. Forget about mighty. Forget about Almighty. It says he's the God. I mean, it says everlasting. I mean, what more do you want? Right? But they don't believe that. They believe that Jesus Christ is a created being. Even though the Bible says all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. So how can he be made if he made all things? Right. It doesn't make any sense. Go to Micah 5, Micah chapter 5. Micah 5. Micah chapter 5. Micah 5. I remember the first time I showed that to a Jehovah's Witness and that's what he told me. He's like, yeah, it says he's the Mighty God. Doesn't say he's the Almighty God. I was dumbfounded. I was like, what? You got to be kidding me, right? But you'll see when you show verse after verse after verse, some people are just not going to change their mind on topics. They're already set in their wake. You can show a million verses to prove your point and they'll just come up with some sort of excuse. Micah 5 verse 2. But thou, O Bethlehem, if rat of those, I'll be little among the thousands of Judah. Yet out of these shall they come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth have been from of old. Notice this, from everlasting. Once again, they'll admit this is Jesus Christ. They'll say it's a mistranslation though. They'll say it shouldn't say from everlasting. Now we'll say some modern versions have perverted this verse. Some modern versions will say from ancient times and things such as that. Bible says here, from everlasting. He has no beginning. His goings forth, from everlasting. Forever in this direction, there is no beginning because it says the beginning and the ending. The alpha and omega. I mean, he's always existed. He's not created by God. He is God and he has always existed. And go to John chapter 2. Let's go to the New Testament. John 2, John 2, John 2. What Jehovah's Witnesses believe though, is that God, and they don't believe the Trinity, which we will talk about that as well. But they believe that God created Michael the Archangel. And Michael the Archangel of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ in the New Testament. It's like, what? And we'll see why that's false later on. But they believe a lot of weird things. And a lot of people aren't aware. They believe Michael the Archangel is Jesus. They say, well, he doesn't turn into Jesus. It's just, I don't know. It's very bizarre, right? But they say Michael the Archangel is Jesus. And they say, well, God created Michael the Archangel and then he became Jesus Christ. And this is not what the Bible teaches at all. John 2 verse 19 says this, Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple and in three days I'll raise it up. Now, here's an example where Jesus is using a physical earthly example to prove a point because he's allowing these people to be confused. He's saying, destroy this temple. And they're thinking of like, okay, who solid filled it, right? That's what they're thinking. And what he's actually referring to is this temple. Destroy me and I will raise it up. And we know that from the next verses. Then said the Jews, 40 and six years was this temple and building and worked our rear up in three days. That's kind of what we've been seeing in the book of Ezra that we were reading about recently. But he's thinking the temple of his body. Cause they're saying took us 46 years to build this temple and you're going to build it in three days. And they're focusing on how ridiculous is it to think that you can build a building in three days. It's like, no, actually something that's even more magnificent. I'm going to resurrect myself from the dead is what he's actually saying. And you know what you notice is when Jesus spoke to people that refused to believe he spoke almost a bit cryptically, right? He spoke on them in parables, not always extremely clear where they thought he meant this. And in reality, that's not what he meant. And you say, why? Because people are desiring a sign and no sign shall be given to them but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly. So should the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 7 verse 22, when therefore he was risen from the dead his disciples remembered that he had said the son of them and they believe the scripture and the word which Jesus had said. So if you go back to verse 19, destroy this temple referring to the temple of his body. And in three days, who's going to raise it up? I will raise it up. He says, I am going to resurrect myself from the dead. Now I don't know if this is the best argument to use Jehovah's witnesses or not but it's my favorite to prove the deity. I will ask Jehovah's witnesses this question. I'll say, well, who resurrected Jesus from the dead? Now they don't believe in a bodily resurrection. They believe in a spiritual, who resurrected Jesus from the dead and they're going to say God or they'll hesitate because they're afraid of what you might show them. And then if they say, God will say, okay well, if I can show you a verse that says Jesus resurrected himself from the dead will you believe he is God? And of course because they know obviously I'm going to show a verse that they're not going to be able to answer. Right, and I take them to John chapter two and it's kind of like, I mean, I'll often just show them clear verses like God was manifest in the flesh to see their reaction. Very clear verse. And if they're not hardcore Jehovah's witnesses then it can resonate. But if they're being stubborn it's kind of like my last ditch effort. I'll show you John two. And if they refuse to just say, well, I don't believe his God. And they just want to argue. It's like, all right, well, you ever want to come to church? You know what, we'd love to have you visit church and just kind of end the conversation because I feel like it's a waste of time at this point. Go to John chapter 10, John 10. Now there's verses that say God the father resurrected Jesus. There's verses that say that God the Holy spirit resurrected Jesus. We do believe in the Trinity, God the father God the son and God the Holy ghost how they work together in the resurrection of Jesus. I don't fully understand exactly how that works. But what I do know is Jesus Christ is fully God in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And so exactly how to wrap your mind around it I really don't know, right? Great is the mystery of godliness. And there's a lot of things associated which are a bit of a mystery that we can't fully understand, right? Just a basic thing that kids ask you where did God come from? It's like, you know what's the best answer to that question because we're not fully gonna be able to understand that, right? He's always been here. That's the answer. Can we fully grasp that? I can't fully comprehend that because everything else has a beginning but God has no beginning, right? John 10 verse 17. Therefore God my father loved me because I laid down my life that I might take it again. No man take it from me, but I lay it down on myself. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again. This is just like he said when he said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. I have power to take it again, right? Go to John 20. If you go to John 20 and you know in John 11 he says I am the resurrection in life. And look when he rose again from the dead it's like, oh, I get what he means by I am the resurrection. I am the light. He resurrected himself from the dead, right? What more powerful proof of deity do you need? I mean, just imagine if somebody said that they were God and they said, you know what? I'm going to be killed and I'm going to resurrect myself from the dead after three days. And then all of a sudden he rose again after three days and be like how can you deny that, right? I mean, it's obvious that he's gotten out or some people want to be stubborn would say, well, it's just a magician's trick and they use Jesus to be a sorcerer or something like that. Come up with some sort of excuse but it's an undeniable group. The Bible says that, you know his resurrection many infallible proofs and people saw him and then they saw him go to heaven. I mean, there are many witnesses of these events and everybody knew he was dead. John 20 verse 24 but Thomas one of the 12 called Didymus was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the Lord, but he said unto them except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe. Now let me say this. This is not really on my list of heresies with the Jehovah's Witnesses but verse 25 actually disproves another false belief in Jehovah's Witnesses because Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that Jesus died on a cross. They did not believe that he had his arms out. You know, like in the Passover the blood was put on the side posts and in the shape of a cross which is an obvious picture of the blood of Jesus Christ who would one day come and die but Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that he died like this like pretty much everybody else believes. Right? You know, in Gogurama you see Catholics going around like this. They believe that he died like this that it was just an upright stake. And if you see these pictures from Jehovah's Witnesses you'll see that with his hands there is a nail one nail through his hands. Wait a minute. The Bible says the print of the nails plural in his hands the print of the nails plural. That's more than one nail. You know why that makes sense? One nail here one nail here. Right? Multiple nails in his hands. Why? One for the left and one for the right. Now, when this error was pointed out to the Jehovah's Witnesses a couple things they did they said, wow, it's just a picture. We're not saying it's accurate. Right? And, you know, in modern times they just are trying to change the pictures but everybody's aware of this. You can search it online where it's like they would show the picture with one nail between his hands. Well, look, when you're the modern day witnesses and prophets of God on earth you think that we can trust your pictures. Right? But their big picture one nail here it's like, well, the Bible says in his hands the print of the nails. So I don't necessarily consider that a major heresy of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's certainly a false belief but it's nowhere near the top of the list to focus on but that also disproves their belief unless Thomas didn't know what he was talking about. I thought you died like this. I thought you died like this and you actually died like this. Right? Obviously, Thomas knew what he was talking about because it's in the Bible here. And then it says in verse 26 and after eight days again his disciples were with them and Thomas with them. Then came Jesus the doors being shut stood in the midst and said peace beyond you then say to Thomas reach into thy finger and behold my hands and reach into thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him my Lord and my God. Right? I mean, he says to Jesus my Lord and my God they'll say, well, you know he was just speaking to Jesus and he was speaking to God. But why does it say he said unto him what did he say unto him my Lord and my God? They'll say, well, no this is actually what took place. He's like my Lord and my God. It's like, come on. And look, it's hard to comprehend this because you would think if you just show people several verses they would just be like I was wrong. But when people are part of religions like this you can literally because I used to do this when I was younger and I realized how foolish it is to show them like 20 verses and you're thinking the next one's going to do it. The next one's going to do it. And then there's like, yeah but what's the name of God? I've given you 20 verses showing Jesus is God and you still don't believe. They're just not going to believe. That's just the truth, right? And by the way it says here at the end of this verse 31 but these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God and that believing might have life through his name to the Jehovah's witness. Hey, this is the book of John it's written that you might believe in the true Christ because you got a false Christ a false Jesus because you refuse to acknowledge him as deity. Go in your Bible into 1 John 5. I mean the religion of Mormonism is stranger than Jehovah's witness in my opinion but in terms of major heresies I think Jehovah's witness probably have Mormons eat and they're very dogmatic on what they believe it's hard to compare because they're pretty much both off on everything but they're not even close to say it's not like they're just off on repentance no, no, no they're not even close you have to show them a lot of stuff that they're wrong on they also don't believe in the Trinity from the Jehovah's witness website for one thing the Bible does not mention the word Trinity well I mean the Bible also doesn't mention the word Bible but I still believe the Bible exists I mean yeah it has the word Godhead right it has the three and one and it says for another Jesus never claims to be equal to God instead Jesus worshiped God well number one let me just go back to this people worship Jesus Christ and if he wasn't God he would refuse worship because Peter says stand up find myself also on my hand why did he accept worship? right but they'll say that Jesus from their own words never claimed to be equal to God go to John 5 their words not mine they could have worded it a little bit differently but they used the word equal John 5 verse 18 John 5 actually verse 17 John 5 verse 17 but Jesus answered that my father working together to and I worked therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he not only had broken the Sabbath but said also that God was his father making himself equal with God but but he didn't say he was equal with God but the holy word of God says he made himself equal with God I mean it's like you're gonna deny it then you know what else can I say you're the ones on your website he never claimed to be equal to God go to Philippians 2 we looked at it earlier Philippians 2 it uses the word equal to Bible to us well it's like but but but the King James Bible is not the word of God it's the new world translation why is it for half of the existence of the Jehovah's Witnesses they use the King James Bible as their Bible for half of their existence the new world translation was not there in the 19th century they use the old-fashioned King James Bible so why did you use a Bible that disproves everything you believe it says in Philippians 2 verse 6 who being in the form of God God did not robbery to be equal with God I mean they use that word equal yet I showed multiple verses where it says he's equal with God but Jesus didn't say it it doesn't matter it's still the word of God that says this the word of God says made himself equal with God so yeah you know what he did declare himself to be equal with God he said he was the Lord he said I am the resurrection of life he accepted worship and so that proves his deed he also said I am my father are one I mean what else do you want him to say you have to use the exact words I am equal with God he said everything that proves it right turn your Bible first John 5 first John 5 they also say this a third line of evidence concerns Jesus relationship with his followers even after he was raised from the dead to the spirit realm Jesus called his followers my brothers were they brothers of almighty God of course not but through their faith in Christ God's pre-eminent son they too became sons of the one father well we believe that Jesus Christ is God almighty God but also the son of God we believe in the trinity and he is the son of God the father and we are sons of God the father we are sons of God right so yes we are his brothers because he is also the son now you say brother stocky well make that make perfect sense to me that's confusing yeah it is confusing as I said when you're talking about the nature of God it's very hard to comprehend this fully but there's no doubt that the Bible teaches this and they really can't deny that they just say it doesn't make sense mistranslation why do they have to say that because there's a lot of verses that show Jesus is God and prove the trinity as well the Bible says in first John 5 or 7 for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one the father of the word and the holy ghost and these three are one here is the trinity now of course they change this in their version go in your Bible to John 1 John 1 and let me say this I'm not going to turn there for a second time but even in Genesis 1 we see the trinity where it says and God said let us make man in our image next verse so God created man in his own image you have our image plural next verse own image you say why would it do that because we believe in one God we believe God has eternally existed and always will exist in three distinct persons that's what the Bible teaches the holy trinity John 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God I mean and the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without it was not anything made that was made I mean these verses prove the trinity they prove that Jesus Christ is God I mean it's pretty much undeniable what did Jehovah's Witnesses do with this verse? they change it in the New World Translation John 1 1 they add one letter and in the New World Translation it says in the beginning was the word and the word is with God and the word was a God and a lowercase g the word was a God instead of the word was God once again why did you use a King James Bible for the first half of your existence? and it's wrong because that's a pretty major error if your Bible teaches I mean can you imagine if we had a Bible that taught John the Baptist is God this is obviously the wrong Bible Moses is God it's like what's obviously the wrong Bible Elijah is God it's obviously the wrong Bible but they say well you know we have the wrong Bible the word teaches Jesus is God many times and they change it right because it obviously teaches Jesus Christ is God go to June 1 June 1 June 1 June chapter 1 June 1 verse 9 let me just show you this disproof of the Jehovah's Witnesses where they say that Michael the Archangel is Jesus or Jesus is Michael the Archangel June 1 verse 9 yet Michael the Archangel when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses does not bring against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke me well Jesus Christ is Lord so why would Jesus Christ say the Lord rebuke thee if you know he's talking about himself I mean Michael the Archangel is Jesus and Jesus is Lord why would he say the Lord rebuke me but Michael the Archangel is not the Lord Michael the Archangel is believe it or not an archangel not deity that's why he calls on the Lord to rebuke him because it's not deity right but Jesus Christ is Lord there's plenty of verses that say that and so this shows Michael the Archangel and Jesus are not the same go to Exodus 3 Exodus 3 Exodus 3 and we've got a couple more verses on this then we'll quickly cover a couple verses on salvation I'll try to do it quickly for sake of time I mean they're these are some major things they're wrong on they are really messed up on the nature of God the deity I mean come up with stuff like Michael the Archangel is Jesus it's like I don't even know how they came up with that because that doesn't fix any of their problems because oftentimes false religions will make up something weird to basically cover up for something that is wrong that doesn't cover up for anything it just adds more heresy like what are you talking about right it says in Exodus 3 verse 13 and Moses said unto God behold when I come unto the children of Israel and say unto them the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you and they shall say to me what is his name what shall I say unto them God said unto Moses I am that I am and he said thus shall they say unto the children of Israel I am hath sent me unto you by the way I am is the name of God there's another name right there I am that I am I am has sent me unto you this is a very famous scripture for those that were of you know Israeli descent or Jewish descent those that were of the 12 tribes they knew this this was major because this is when they're leaving Egypt they understand this reference very well I am that I am that is how you're going to basically refer to me as when people ask me we'll go to John 8 John 8 John chapter 8 John 8 verse 58 Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am now there's several things he's saying here first he's saying he came before Abraham which would be considered blasphemy and he's saying I am that's the the literal words I am present tense I am in church right now you think of what I am means present tense but but he's saying before Abraham I was existing present tense then and basically I've always existed so go eternally in the past I am go forever in the future I am because that is still the name of God and so when he says before Abraham was I am they immediately knew he's declaring himself to be God he's declaring himself to be deity because what did what did Moses talk to God about God said tell them I am that I am and so when he says before Abraham was I am he's stating that he's God he's not stating I'm he didn't say I am like with the archangel he said I am now you say brother second well how do you know he was declaring himself to be God well notice the reaction then took they have stones to cast at him but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by why are they trying to stone him because he's declaring himself to be deity that's the reason why go to Acts 4 we'll quickly go through a couple more couple verses on salvation they're all in the name of God the deity of Jesus the trinity and obviously the deity of Jesus and the trinity are very linked together so a lot of these verses prove both points and of course they're wrong on salvation now let me just be very clear you can't be right about salvation if you're wrong on the deity of Christ and the trinity but I'm just saying salvation in terms of what they say about works repentance baptism faith and things such as that this is from their website what is the way to salvation to gain salvation you must exercise faith in Jesus and demonstrate that faith by obeying his commandments and they put in in the verses Acts 4 verses 10 and 12 Romans 10 9 Hebrews 5 9 and we're going to quickly look at these verses that they list the bible shows that you must have works or acts of obedience to prove that your faith is alive James 2 verses 24 and 26 you know faith without works is dead however this does not mean that you can earn salvation it is God's gift based on his undeserved kindness for grace Ephesians 2 8 and 9 and then from this article also can you lose out on salvation yes just as a person saved from drowning could fall or jump back into the water a person who has been saved from sin but fails to keep exercising faith could lose out on salvation for this reason the bible urges Christians who have received salvation to put up a hard fight for the faith June verse 3 it also warns those who have been saved keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling so let's look what it said from Acts 4 these are all the verses they list Acts 4 verses 10 through 12 we have known on you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom he crucified whom God raised from the dead even by him doth this man stand here before you hold this is the stone which was set it not to be builders which has become the head of the corner neither is there salvation in any other there is none of their name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved I don't know why they list that verse by saying you have to have works where are the works that are mentioned all it says you got to believe on Jesus and I'd say that Jehovah's Witness says hey that's a good verse thank you for turning to Acts 4 12 neither is there salvation in any other by the way there's also no salvation in your works also no salvation in your baptism I mean that's the verse they list I have no idea why they list Romans 10 9 right I mean you don't have to turn there because we know this verse but and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved and then later on in that chapter so then faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of God okay I guess they listen to verses that say it's by faith alone just there and then I don't know that's where they turn they have Hebrews 5 verse 9 Hebrews 5 verse 9 Hebrews chapter 5 verse 9 and it says in Hebrews 5 verse 9 and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey him so they'll say well see eternal salvation unto all that obey him there it does not mention believing okay well it says obey him in verse Hebrews 5 verse 9 go to Romans 10 now actually so I'll show you this one Romans 10 Romans 10 verse 16 but they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah said Lord who hath believed our report what does it mean to obey the gospel believing so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God what does the Bible mean by obeying the gospel it means when you hear the message of salvation you believe it that's what it means when you cross reference that's what it says in Romans 10 verse 16 and 17 obey the gospel they have not believed our report faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God so when it said unto all that obey him it's referring to obeying the gospel but you know another way to look at this you say why would the Bible use that word because you can see how it could be confusing because be saved you must have zero sins on your record you must perfectly obey every single one of his commandments that's one method of heaven the problem is nobody does that but when you get saved it's as if you've obeyed every single thing he ever said and never done anything wrong right so there's a bit of a dual application but in terms of the gospel being the gospel it's believing according to Romans 10 verse 16 and 17 go to Jude 1 we're going to skip James 2 because obviously we know that one faith without works is dead proving you can have faith without works boy these Jehovah's Witnesses sound a lot like other Christians in their argument on salvation right I mean they sound the same James 2 they go to just like everybody else goes to Jude 1 verse 3 and it says you got to contend for the faith prove me you got to work it out right Jude 1 verse 3 beloved when I gave all diligence to write on you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write on you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered onto the saints so you got to earnestly contend for the faith I don't have to earnestly contend to keep my own faith what it's saying is you defend the faith what's an example of contending for the faith declaring salvation is my faith alone contending and defending the faith we believe in salvation by faith alone which is why we stand up against repentance of sins and work salvation baptismal regeneration and all of these things why because we contend for the faith at Verity Baptist Church when we go soul winning what are we doing every single week we're contending for the faith because there's those that have been deceived by false gospels and we're trying to help them understand what the actual message of salvation is we're contending for the faith one last place go to Philippians 2 Philippians 2 Philippians chapter 2 this is the other way and I'm just going to the ones they went to obviously you know if you're a soul winner you're saved you probably know a lot of verses that are very clear on faith alone for salvation and if you have the opportunity to preach the gospel of Jehovah's Witness focus on the verses you would normally focus on you do have to prove the deity of Christ to them and help them understand the nature of God but John 3 16 is where I would go John 3 36 when I've gotten Jehovah's Witnesses saved I didn't try to you know go through all of their arguments I went through the best arguments to prove salvation is my faith alone and those that were humble did get saved those that are not humble are not going to get saved no matter what you showed them right Philippians 2 verse 12 they point to it says wherefore my beloved is he have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling now it doesn't say you have to work out your own salvation in order to go to heaven it's saying to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling of God I'm not afraid that you're going to go to hell but just the fact that you know that you know that people are going to go to hell and you need to obey what God's commandments are it doesn't say you have to work it out to keep it you already have the salvation it'd be like saying you know work out your body well if you don't work out your body you still have your body but that means good advice work out your body stay in shape right well work out your salvation what's that saying yeah it's saying do good works obey God and fear God I'm not afraid I'm going to lose my salvation just as if you don't work out your body you still have your body you don't work out your salvation you don't read the bible you don't go to church you still have your salvation it's secure because it's eternal and even they quoted hebrews 5 9 of eternal salvation that's their one that they quoted in that list eternal it's right you cannot lose it let's close the word of prayer your heavenly father thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see these verses and this topic on Jehovah's Witness and I ask you to help us give us the opportunity to preach the gospel to Jehovah's Witnesses here in Kampanga God who spray these things in Jesus name