(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're here in John chapter 14 and the main theme of this this chapter is really about the Holy Ghost the comforter That's why we sang that song. We will talk about a few other things but we want to really focus on the Holy Ghost here tonight and Obviously as you're going through the book of John you can talk about salvation every single sermon But you know kind of gets old after a while. It's like alright, we're saved Yeah, we preach the gospel all the time. We know all about salvation So we're gonna cover some different things tonight, but look at John chapter 14 Let's start at verse number one where the Bible reads Let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me now I want you to understand something as we're going through this chapter because there's a lot of verses We can spend a lot of time on but we'll spend some time on them This chapter really makes a huge difference between the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost There are very clear differences mentioned throughout the chapter and yet in the same chapter You're gonna look at one verse later on that You know the oneness crowd really likes to highlight and make a big deal out now. Look, let me make it very clear There's a clear distinction made of all three of them. Okay, it starts in verse number one We'll talk later on about that verse But I just want to let you know real Right up front that this really is a chapter that destroys oneness Yeah There are so many verses that just completely show a distinction between them and so you can't allow one verse that you don't fully understand Or people could have different opinions on can't let one verse throw you. Okay in the first verse you believe in God We also in me. Okay, so he's saying you believe in God now believe also in me That's not saying Jesus is not God, but you know, there's God the Father who's got the Son who's got the Holy Ghost Obviously, we believe that verse number two in my father's house are many mansions if it were not So I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you Okay. Now the word you in the Bible is plural Okay, you and ye those are plural words the ones that start with Y that these and the vows Those are the singular words, you know the great mystery of understanding King James Bible. I just solved it down Okay, you and your plural the in our singular But it's very important that you don't just have this generic word you for everything You say why because you can make a difference between what's being said when it says you he's clearly saying plural Okay, when you just have a generic word like you that can mean either plural or singular It makes it a little bit more confusing the King James was written in a very poetic way It was written with very good grammar to really help us understand what's being said when he says I go to prepare a place for You he's talking to multiple people because you is plural. Okay He says you so he's talking about plural. So he says I'm going to prepare a place for you a Singular though, so he's preparing one place for a lot of people. Okay, he's not saying Hey, I'm preparing one place for you and one place, you know, he's preparing a place for a lot of different people Okay, and so look at verse number three, I'll show you why this is kind of it's not really important But it's kind of interesting verse three And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you on myself that where I am there ye may be Also, so in verse number two, we talked about there being many mansions, but he's preparing a place Okay So when he says a place he's not talking about all of these mansions because that would be plural a place is one He prepared a place for all of the mansions Okay All the mansions are going to one place because a place is singular you is plural and many mansions that's plural Okay. Now turn to John to I'll show you what I'm talking about John to Because usually when people look at this they kind of focus on this and they say well You know what? He's basically saying is I prepared a mansion for you brother urban a mansion for you brother Sean Lee Mansion for you brother Dustin what I believe is being said we're we're gonna see some verses that would explain this I believe the mansions actually referring to your body and basically he's preparing a place Heaven is prepared for each of our bodies. Okay. Now I'll tell you look at John chapter 2 John 2 And by the way, this is the only time you see Mansion mentioned in the Bible. Okay, there's not a ton of time So if we're gonna understand what mansion is talking about from John 14 you look at John 14 That's when you see the word mansion. Okay, John 2 verse 19 Jesus answered and said unto them destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up then said the Jews forty and six years was this temple and building and woke that rear it up in Three days, but he spake of the temple of his body So he describes his body as a temple and naturally the Jews think he's talking about a building And they say this building took 46 years to build and you're gonna build it in three days But he's fake of the temple of his body Okay, and so what he's doing it's referring to his body as a temple It's not strange to think that your body can be referring to the mansion because your body referred to as the temple throughout the Bible Boxes our bodies for the temple all it goes now turn back to John 14 turn back to John 14 now here's the reason one big reason why everybody thinks this is referring to us having a literal mansion like a house with lots of gold and lots of silver one of the big reasons why is because I've got a mansion It's a nice song But that doesn't mean that the songs accurate right just a little silver a little gold just because that was a song written It's not a bad song I don't think so You know, I enjoy the song we've sung into this church before that doesn't mean that what they're teaching in there is a hundred percent accurate This is the only time you see mansion mentioned in the Bible and here's the thing about this You know why we have a house But why you have a house that you live in you need a house to protect you from the rain You need a house to protect you from the Sun when we're in heaven We don't need to be protected from the rain. We don't need to be protected from the Sun We have a house here on earth because we need it. It's a necessity to have Protection. Okay, you're not going to need that in heaven And so honestly, you know, what would honestly be the purpose of having you know, a giant house now Look, if some people leave that you in this room might believe that it's referring to an actual building. That's fine That's what most people do maybe right but you know, honestly, I think it makes sense more sense It's referred to our bodies because our bodies are mentioned as the temple of the Holy Ghost So our bodies are referred to as being a temple. It's not weird that we refer to as a mansion This is the only mention of mansion and I guess I just don't really see what would be the big purpose of Having a literal house and a mansion up in heaven. There's no real purpose. Okay So when he's saying I prepare a place he's talking about singular so he's preparing a place for all of the mansions now You could think that man should referring to literal building and that's fine I think the a place is being prepared for our bodies. We're gonna have glorified bodies up in heaven. Okay now Look back at John chapter 14 John 14 and if you can believe you know that it's referring to building that's fine Yeah, I can't really be dogmatic because it's not really like 2 plus 2 equals 4 But I think it makes more sense that it's referring to our bodies because we're not gonna worry about snow And you guys don't worry. We don't worry about snow. Anyway, here we go. We're not gonna worry about rain up in heaven Okay, we're not worrying about getting if I go outside without a hat without a hat so winning for a couple hours I will be sunburned all over and very mopty. Okay, my skin cannot take it but you know up in heaven We're not gonna have the need for a house to protect us Okay, now look at John 14 verse 4 Bob reads and wither I go you know and the way Okay. Now Jesus makes it very clear that Where I'm going, you know that in the way, you know now look you cannot go to heaven unless you know how to get there He's saying you have saved people you got to know the way Okay I've heard Calvinists preach and they say, you know You can get saved and not even realize you got saved because God can just BAM regenerate you and you have no idea it even happened Okay, what in the world kind of nonsense is that you have to know the way you have to know where you're going Nobody's gonna get saved if they have no idea that is through Jesus Christ They have no idea that they're going to heaven. They don't even know what heaven is Oh, I thought you got reincarnated look they can't get saved They have to understand where they're going they have to understand how is the way that you get there and Jesus makes it very clear Where I wither I go, you know and the way, you know, you cannot be saved unless you know the actual way to get there Okay, look you can't you say well, you know, someone's just kind of confused, you know, they think that you know You get to heaven through Muhammad. They think you get to heaven through Buddha, but they still believe in Jesus They don't know the way you must clearly know the way in order to be saved You must understand it's salvation by grace of their faith and it's only in Jesus Christ You cannot believe that there's multiple ways All roads lead to wrong they say right look all roads all religions don't need to have The only religion that leads to heaven is belief on Jesus Christ leaving on him alone You must know the way and notice what it says in verse 5 Thomas saith on young Lord We know not whither thou goest and how can we know the way now? Jesus made it very clear in verse 4 that if you're saying you do know the way okay now I believe Thomas is safe. Okay, but Thomas doesn't necessarily understand what Jesus is talking about He understands the way to heaven that's by faith alone. He understands he's going to heaven. He understands it's through Jesus Christ But he doesn't us necessarily understand what Jesus just said Okay, and so he says, you know, we know not whether thou goest and how come we know the way What it sounds like to me is that Thomas wants to get kind of more information about heaven He's like I want to know about this place. He's like we don't know where you're going. Just tell us about okay now turn to 2nd Corinthians 12 2nd Corinthians 12 Now here's the truth about this we do know the way to heaven and We know where we're going. But honestly, we don't really know a whole lot about heaven The Bible does not talk about heaven that much Now there's a lot of things I like to think of in my mind like for example They say that there's there's many colors in the spectrum that we cannot actually see and there's gonna be new colors in heaven You know, that's a nice thought and you know, it makes sense to me. That's probably true, but we don't know if that's true There's not like there's a verse in the Bible says you will see you know this and this and this I mean We don't really know what heaven's gonna be like. Okay, the Bible is pretty vague and you say why well In 2nd Corinthians 12 it kind of gives us an idea why he's vague about it Okay, 2nd Corinthians 12 verse 1 and what you need to understand is that if we could fully comprehend heaven in our human state It wouldn't really be heaven. Okay, it's gonna be something that we cannot fully comprehend here as human 2nd Corinthians 12 verse 1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man in Christ above 14 years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell God know if such in one caught up to the third heaven now When it says the third heaven here The Mormons will go around and say we'll see there's levels of heaven if you're like a bad Mormon You go to the first heaven or if you're like not that good of a person But if you're kind of a better Mormon or a better person you go to the second heaven if you're really good though You get to go to the third heaven you get all these wives and stuff like that And so they they they make a distinction here between different levels of getting of heaven The Bible says third heaven what you have to understand is that there's only one heaven in terms of where humans will dwell after they Die as we okay. What was understood was the atmosphere was referred to as a heaven I mean in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Okay, and then you see, you know distinctions made there So what it's talking about third heavens talking about where we go as believers when we die to be with the Lord and it says Such a one caught up to the third heaven now people have different opinions on who this is referring to Okay, he says I knew a man. It does not tell you who that man is Okay, so we cannot necessarily be a hundred percent sure who that man is referring to Okay. Now what I believe in what most people believe is that Paul is referring to himself That is what I believe and I'll give you my reasons here in a second, but we can't know this for sure This is one of those topics where it's okay to have different opinion Okay, because it doesn't say I knew a man and his name is John the Baptist I knew a man. His name is Elijah just as I knew a man We don't know who that man is. And so honestly we could be opinionated either way And you know what? We're gonna find out in heaven one day who was right? I guess we don't really necessarily know But it says in verse 3 I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God know it how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words Which it is not lawful for man to utter now Honestly, the big reason why I think Paul's referring to himself is because it says he heard unspeakable words That means these things couldn't be spoken if somebody else Went to heaven that person could not tell Paul about all he could tell Paul is hey I went up to heaven, but I can't tell you about okay I don't think Paul would believe it And I think that would be kind of honestly I would have trouble believing someone if they told me hey, by the way I went to heaven, but I can't tell you about it. Okay, I wouldn't believe Even if they were a godly person I'd be like you had a dream or something, you know But Paul says, you know heard unspeakable words, which is which is not lawful for man to utter So if this is somebody else who went to heaven all they were able to tell Paul was hey I went to heaven But I can't tell you about it at all because it's unspeakable words Okay, and honestly you could possibly even argue unspeakable he couldn't even really say that he went there I guess I don't know, but I believe Paul's referring to himself and he's saying you know what? I saw these great things, but I can't really repeat them to you I think that makes more sense than someone else saw it But you know people have different opinions and that's fine. One thing to notice here verse number four is this where it says Paradise, okay. See paradise and heaven are referred to as the same place in the Bible now I know there are some people that seem to think that paradise is a word for the non-burning part of hell But you're not going to find that anywhere in the Bible. Yeah paradise is being in heaven Okay, it's not a great area in the Bible. It says how he was caught up into paradise and what people will say is well Paradise was moved to heaven. It used to be right there with hell Okay. Now I don't know about you, but if we go out so when you tell people hey, you know You get to go to paradise and guess what, you know, it's right by hell It's been very close to being burned. Okay, you say brother Stockton yet people go to heaven now So yeah, but guess what so when he existed in the Old Testament Yeah, and so what did they tell people in the Old Testament then? Hey, guess what? We all go to hell Don't worry. It's the good part of hell the non-burning part of hell. I mean, does that make any sense? Can you imagine your soul any presentation in the Old Testament because I tell people that when you die You either go to heaven or hell, but apparently the Old Testament you say hey when you die You're gonna go to hell But there's a good part. There's a bad part. Don't worry Eventually the Lord will take you up into heaven But you got to be there in hell for a little while. That's ridiculous and you're never going to see that in the Bible So we do see that heaven and paradise are used anonymously here in the Bible And so when people died the Old Testament they went to heaven or they went to paradise now turn back to John 14 back to John 14 And so we've already looked at a few things that honestly people could have different opinions on you know If you don't believe that's referring to Paul that's fine Or if you think the mansions are literal buildings There are a lot of things in the Bible that quite honestly we cannot necessarily be dogmatic about Okay. Now what will happen is that people will look at something that you know We can't be dogmatic about let's say for example the end times is the end times confusing a little bit Are there some things that honestly people could have a million different opinions? Absolutely, and they'll use something like that and say we'll see we can't really know the end times Therefore you don't know what Jesus coming back now that doesn't mean that everything in the end times is complicated Look the the book of Revelation is confusing the book of Daniel There's a lot of confusing parts that I don't understand but you know, I do know what after the tribulation means Yeah, it's not just a documentary movie title. That's actually words from the Holy Bible Yeah in Matthew 24 after the tribulation Okay, so just because the end times is confusing. There's one part that's not confusing about it And that is when Jesus is coming back whether it's before or after the tribulation and it's very clear. He's coming After the tribulation you say but I don't think God's people are pointed on the wrath I agree with you the tribulation in God's wrath are different Look up tribulation throughout the Bible and it's God's people going through persecutions afflictions Tribulations the wrath of God. We're not appointed on the wrath the unbelievers are appointed on the wrath and when people die and go to hell Forever he that believeth not the Son shall not see light but wrath of God abideth us Yes, we as believers are not appointed on the wrath. Okay, but unbelievers they are but we do go through tribulation We do go through persecution. Okay, I mean and this isn't really persecution, but you know, Charlie and I were kicked out of the apartment complex But you know what the message we're presenting people don't always like It's a lesson to us when someone starts saying brother Soriano brother Soriano brother Soriano It's like that guy's probably gonna hate us. Okay Look at John 14 verse 6 with Bob Reese Jesus sayeth on them I am the way be truth and be like no man cometh unto the Father but by me And this is one of the great verses in the Bible that shows Jesus is the only way to heaven Okay. Now notice how he says the way Notice how he says be true. Notice how he says be like look when you look at these other religions Islam is not true. It's complete lies. Yeah, I believe the false Buddhism is completely false You say but they believe in following good morals as well. No, it's all false All of its faults look the devil said a lot of true things in the Bible But when you mix in some lies with it, it makes everything said false The only truth is the Word of God is Jesus Christ all these other religions. They're false Okay. Now look Jesus himself said he is the way to heaven I am the way be true in the light if he's lying about this He's the worst human being who ever lived Look everyone in this room is lied, but I've never gone around telling people that I'm the way to heaven I've never told people that I'm eternal life And if I said that to someone that would make me an evil crazy person and if Jesus is lying about this He's a really evil person now look the only that really leaves only two religions that that makes sense and That is what we believe in Judaism because at least with Judaism they say Jesus was a devil-worshipping liar Right. That's what they say about the Jews hate Jesus Christ at least what they say makes sense though What doesn't make sense is to say that he was a good teacher, but he wasn't God Yeah, he was really good But he wasn't the way if he wasn't the way he's the most evil man who ever lived Just believe like the Jews do that It does not make sense to say he was a good teacher or a good prophet But he wasn't truly the only way to heaven either was or it wasn't he said he was the only way to heaven verse 7 And once again, he notices you notice a distinction made between the Father and the Son Okay, now verse number seven if he had known me should have known my father also and from henceforth You know him and have seen him Phillips 8th on a ward show us the father and it's to fight this us now I want you to understand that Philip has been trying to get more information about heaven more information about God and you know Honestly, there's only so much you're going to be able to learn here in our human state We're not going to be able to fully get it here on earth and he said in verse number eight Show us the father now turn to Exodus 33 Exodus 33 Now have people seen Jesus Christ absolutely have they seen the father well, let's see what it says in Exodus chapter 33 Exodus 33 verse 18 and he said I Besee she show me thy glory and he said I will make all my goodness pass before thee and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before the end will be Gracious to whom I will be gracious and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy They said thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and live No one's gonna see him in life. Now. Did people see Jesus Christ? Absolutely. In fact, a lot of people saw him after he rose again Plenty of people saw Jesus Christ, but what they did not see was God the Father Okay, why no man can see the face of the Father and live Okay, you're not gonna be able to see him. That's what it says in Exodus 33 now turn back to John 14 John 14 And the reason why I've said this is because of the fact In verse number nine is that is a pretty debated topic and look the Bible is just very clear in this chapter There's a distinct distinction between the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost, but I'll be honest with you I don't believe verse 9 is saying what most people think it is from what I've heard people talk about verse number nine And I'll show you why here in a second verse 9 though Jesus saith unto him have I been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known me Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father and how sayest thou then show us the Father Now he says if you've seen me you've seen the Father Okay, now the oneness crowd uses this and they say well see Jesus is the Father There's so many verses in this chapter that would tell you he's not the Father We've already seen several of them Okay But I'll tell you what I do not believe that this is actually saying in this verse that Jesus looks like the Father I don't believe now I do believe Jesus looks like the Father But I don't believe that's what this verse is saying because we go to Colossians 1 who is the image of the invisible God? Okay, he's expressed image of his person I don't think that's what it's saying in this verse though And the reason why I don't think it's saying this is go to verse number 10 verse 10 and 11 I'll explain here Verse 10 11 believe is thou not that I am in the Father and the Father and me the words that I speak on you I speak not of myself with the Father that dwelleth in me He doeth the worst believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me or else believe me for the very work Safe, so if you look at verses 10 and 11 what Jesus saying is I'm in the Father and the Father's in me now Look, the Holy Ghost is inside of me. That doesn't mean that I look like the Holy Ghost Right the Lord's inside of me. It doesn't mean that I look like the Lord I really don't think even the purpose of what Thomas was saying was specifically. What does the Father look like? I think he's trying to get more information about God and the afterlife and things like that and What Jesus says is hey, I'm in the Father and the Father of me. I've always taken verse 9 through my life It's just a proof that Jesus is God Basically because you know, you really can't separate Jesus from God now There's a distinction between God the Son and God the Father but it's not like they're at enmity with one another It's not like they hate one another he's like I'm in the Father in the Father in me So I think he clarifies in these next verses verses 10 and 11 where he's saying I'm in the Father the Father me Don't you believe this? I don't think that's specifically saying though in verse number 9 that I look like the Father now I do believe that he's expressed image of his person But in the context of the verses before and after I've always just looked at it as a proof that Jesus is God I haven't looked at it as a proof that he's God the Father specifically and there's no God the Son Okay There's plenty of verses in this chapter That would specifically make a distinction and we haven't even come to the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost is gonna come to this chapter And there's a clear distinction between all of them now Let's look at John chapter 14 and he said in verse number 11 or else believe me for the very work See the works of Jesus proclaimed that he proceeded forth from the Father Okay, his works were made it very evident who he was verse number 12 Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these Shall he do because I go on to my father now verse number 12 is an amazing verse because even though Jesus You know fed the multitudes even though he healed people and did all these miracles even though he did works that were undeniable I mean he told John the Baptist disciples Hey Go back and back and show him again the works that I've done Because those show that he proceeded forth from the Father those show that he's got the Son those show that he's the Savior But then he says that we're gonna do Greater works, okay, and that doesn't mean that I'm gonna go out to Resolve Park and feed thousands of people Okay, it doesn't mean I'm gonna go down the street healing people But you have to realize that we're able to accomplish quite a bit in today's world Look, you know through the online ministry. Do you realize how many people listen to sermons online that live on the other side of the world? I mean you realize you can advertise as a soul winning marathon or so many missions trip In Manila and have like people from all over the world show up Okay in Jesus day yes crowds follow him But it's not like he can make a social media announcement that hey We're gonna have this mission strip in Manila on this date and have over a hundred people show up But in today's world, we're able to accomplish that I mean today's world you can announce the soul winning event and then in every state throughout the nation at the same time You know in the United States and all over the world. There's so many marathons taking place We're able to accomplish quite a lot in this day Now the day we live in is honestly the most simple and wicked day Probably since you know the flood Quite honestly, you know worldwide. It's probably more wicked than it's ever been except of before the flood took place But you know honestly in today's world We were able to accomplish more you have to understand that it as it gets darker and darker the lights gonna shine brighter Okay, a light's not gonna be that bright if it's bright outside already You're not going to notice that but as the world gets really dark we as as shining lights as we see in Matthew 5 16 We're gonna shine really brightly in the darkness and in today's world We're honestly able to accomplish quite a bit that people have never been able to accomplish And look honestly different people that have been much better people than us that have lived You know great men of God, but they could only accomplish so much in today's world. We're able to accomplish quite a lot it's a great time to live verse number 13 and Whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son if you shall ask anything In my name, I will do it verse number 15 if you love me keep my commandments Now this is a verse I've heard quoted by people often to say that you have to do good work to get to heaven Okay. Now the only way I can understand this is that for most people it's hard to memorize long verses So this is kind of as long as it gets it's like if you love me keep my commandments those seven words I can memorize and that will be it. Look he doesn't say to go to heaven keep my commandments Yeah, he doesn't say to be saved keep my commandments He doesn't say you know, all he says is if you love me keep my commandments Who said you have to love God in order to go to heaven? Where does it say that in the Bible? You say well, of course, you have to love God Well show me that in the Bible because everything I believe I can prove from the Bible This is our basis for what we believe show me where it says you have to love God go to heaven You say but wait a minute, you know, the Calvinists say that a saved person loves God and an unsaved person hates God Show me that in the Bible Here it says if you love me keep my commands see the proof of whether or not you love God is if you keep his Commandments. Yeah, the proof of whether or not you're saved is what you believe Okay, whether or not you keep his commandments has nothing to do with it Okay, and honestly if keeping his commandments was the prerequisite to getting to heaven Then I guess none of us are going because I have not kept all of his commands. I'm not perfect So how many of them do I need to keep is it? Okay, if I've just never murdered anyone and do I've done everything else or I mean doesn't matter how many times I break You know if I've lied only like 50 times in my life now, where is the cutoff? It does not make logical sense. Okay. He says if you love me keep my commandments and honestly, I quote this verse Sometimes I'll so any myself and just tell him hey the boxes if you love me keep my commandments Not to go to heaven keep my commandments The Bible does not say you have to love God in order to go to heaven But what the Bible does say is that the only person who can truly love God is someone who is saved Okay, so that is true, but that doesn't mean that everyone who's saved loves God quite honestly Most say people do not love God Okay, you say how do you know that because most say people don't go so many most say people don't read the Bible Most say people live a worldly life and if they really love God the proof would be in the pudding Everyone would be able to see it. They'd be keeping his commandments, but if they don't keep his commandments, guess what? They don't love God. That's what the Bible teaches Verse number 16 and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever now Once again in verse number 16, we're seeing all three mentioned Jesus speaking says the Father and he shall give you a another Comforter now, I want you to turn to John 15 John 15 I mean you see these people that They say they love God and they're really respected Baptist pastors and they're going to Japan Let's say to preach at some, you know Big Baptist Convention and then they take a picture and then of course they're wearing Disney gear and everything And it's just like you say that happened yeah, you know check Facebook Check Facebook last night and it's just like wow You're really respected and there you are and it's like, you know, everything comes from the sovereignty of God and then it's like, you know Why are you living a worldly life? And you're taking that picture on Facebook. You're obviously not ashamed about it And yet you're the most respected Baptist Bible Baptist here in the Philippines And it's just like, you know, yeah, you really look like you love God Love God you're gonna keep his command John 15 verse 26, but when the comforter has come Whom I will send on you from the father even the spirit of truth which proceeded from the father He shall testify of me You say why are we going to John 15 to look at the comforter? Because Muslims believe that in John 14 verse 16 where he says he shall give you another comforter Muslims believe that Jesus was referring referring to my heart. That's what they believe They believe that some of these verses were mistranslated misquoted But that Jesus spoke about a comforter because Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet They believe in five great prophets and Muhammad was the final one Moses Noah And I'm missing one Jesus Muhammad is one other one Abraham. There we go. Those those five. He knows all the false prophets That's the category the Bible church. We're never gonna get him on but They believe that Muhammad was the final one, but they believe Jesus was a prophet So they believe a lot of what he said was misunderstood or mistranslated his quote or whatever But they believe Jesus talked about the comforter coming and they believe that's referring to Muhammad Okay. Well, there's a few problems with that referring to Muhammad in John 15 verse 26 When he says the spirit of truth, which proceeded from the father He shall testify Now first off being the spirit of truth would imply that you're just a hundred percent true Now Muslims don't even claim Muhammad was perfect. Yeah, okay, and they they it's amazing how they don't think it was perfect And yet, you know being married to like a five-year-old No, he didn't constantly till he was nine, but they don't think that's wrong It's like wow, you got a weird standard of right and wrong. Okay, but they don't think it was perfect Well here it said the spirit of truth the spirit of truth that implies perfection Okay, but notice what it says proceeded from the father look Muhammad didn't proceed from the father Yeah, he didn't come from the father. Okay, they don't even claim They don't claim that he's literally God They don't claim that he was dwelling up in heaven in what way do they believe he proceeded from the father? They believe he was just a really good man a really good prophet because they don't think there's any deity in Abraham Noah Moses or Jesus for Muhammad they don't they just believe that you know Well, he's a really good man. He came from Mecca turn to John 8 John 8 So when the Bible says the comforter proceeds from the father look Jesus the son the Son of God the Holy Ghost and God the Father they existed from eternity past it always existed. Okay When the virgin birth came Jesus Christ does not have a physical father Why well he proceeded from the father, okay, he doesn't have a literal physical father here on earth That's what it says in John 8 verse 42 Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God Neither came I of myself, but he sent me. He says I proceeded forth and came from God. You say why is Jesus God? Yeah, okay. That's what the Bible teaches and he literally was sent by the father. Okay, he came from heaven That's where he is today, that's where it was before he came down to earth Okay, I mean even even when he was here he was often because obviously God's ever he said that in John chapter 3 that he Was everyone but what I want you to understand is Muslims don't even claim that Muhammad proceeded from God And so if you're gonna look at the Bible and take this one verse John 14 verse 16 and say we'll see This is referring to Muhammad. Why don't you go to the next chapter where it talks about comforter and it says it's the spirit of truth Now no Muslim that you're ever going to meet as far as I know is going to claim that Muhammad never told a lie But if this is the spirit of truth, that means there's no lies the spirit of truth 100% truth and no Muslim I've ever met is ever going to say that he came from heaven or he Proceeded forth literally from God the father. I've never met Maybe there's a small denomination of Muslims that would say something like that But I've never met and so how in the world are you gonna take our Bible and take one verse completely out of context? I mean in John 14 turn back to John 14 I don't really know how you go to John 14 verse 16 and walk away and say we'll see this is Muhammad Anyway, I mean what part of that verse where does it say that you know, this person was born in Mecca or whatever Why would you think this was Muhammad? Verse 16 John 14 verse 16 and I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you Forever when he says comforter, he's referring to the Holy Ghost Okay, and so when we get saved as believers we are in dwell with the comforter of the spirit of truth the Holy Ghost Forever. Okay now people in the Old Testament though. They were not in dwell with the Holy Ghost Now when Jesus was here on earth, it's still technically the Old Testament time field I understand that the book of Matthew starts the New Testament While Jesus was here before he rose again, we're still kind of under the Old Testament Okay, but Jesus is saying that when I leave I'm going to send a comforter the comforter is going to come Okay. So here's the thing when they were living at this time. They were not involved with the Holy Ghost Why because Jesus had not? He had to die Be buried and so was in hell and then once he rose again the comforter comes Okay, Jesus is up in heaven and here's the comforter that indwells us forever people in the Old Testament they were not told the Holy Ghost Peter at this time was not involved with the Holy Ghost None of the apostles were involved with the Holy Ghost at this time But the comforter is going to come and they will be involved with the Holy Ghost Now what you do see in the Bible though, is that in the Old Testament the Bible talks about the spirit coming upon someone Okay, Bob talks about the spirit coming upon King Saul Talk about the spirit coming upon Samson quite a bit And so you see that people you know be they're filled with the spirit the Bible says they're not involved with the Holy Ghost So people the Old Testament were filled with the Holy Ghost they were filled with the spirit, but they were not as well So people in the Old Testament they would be filled with the Holy Ghost and what you see in the Bible Is that when you're filled with the Holy Ghost is to do something might okay Now what you have to understand is that being indwelled with the Holy Ghost does not replace being filled with the Holy Ghost See people in the Old Testament were not as well with the Holy Ghost. They were filled at times Okay, they get on fire for God. They'd be filled with the Holy Ghost to go soul winning or to fight some mighty battle Preach some sermon we in the New Testament. We are indwelled with the Holy Ghost, but you can still be filled with the Holy Ghost Okay, now if you live a really simple wicked life you're not gonna be If you're just disobeying everything God says you're not going to be filled with the Holy Ghost But what you have to understand is that the comforter indwelling us does not replace being filled If that replaced being filled with the Holy Ghost what that basically means is it really doesn't matter If you you committed some wicked sin like adultery earlier today or whether or not you're reading the Bible You can still go out so many in God's gonna use you in the exact same way that you can still literally Just you know commit some terrible sin deal drugs You know the night before commit some murder and step up here to preach and it's no different from somebody who just was reading The Word of God and praying and living a godly life Why well because you're both involved with the Holy Ghost, but see here's the thing you live that wicked life You're not gonna be filled with the Holy Ghost But you're living righteously will be filled with the Holy Ghost Now what you notice when you listen to Baptist preachers You can often tell if somebody's filled with the Holy Ghost When you see pastors who are always really boring They don't know the Word of God and honestly the big thing is when they lack boldness. They have no guts to say what needs to be said those people are not filled with the Holy Ghost Yeah, why being filled with the Holy Ghost gives you boldness? And so when you see these Baptist preachers that are afraid to preach against the LGBT They're afraid to just make it clear that you know Catholics are following some false demonic cult They just won't they're not willing to say that it's like just say what needs to be said They're not even willing to say the Pentecostals are unsafe. They believe you can lose your salvation You believe some tongue-talker is safe. They're not even willing to say what they believe Even if they believe certain things they're not willing to say and that is someone who's not filled with the Holy Ghost Being filled with the Holy Ghost is going to give you boldness to do what's right to say What needs to be said and when you see people in today's world that have no guts They're not filled with the Holy Ghost. You say what about people that you know don't go soul winning because they're shy Well, they're not filled with the Holy Ghost Yeah, it's not meant to insult them, but honestly if they were filled with the Holy Ghost They would have boldness to do something. That's a little bit uncomfortable Look going soul winning is uncomfortable for every single person the first time they do It doesn't matter how confident you are It doesn't matter if you're the most eloquent speaker Look, I've done soul winning with people that are new at soul winning that are just very confident people in their flesh They're confident. They're a people person. Everybody loves them and they get to that door and it's like My name's John and it's like they're really scared Right, and that's not meant to insult them because that's what happens when you first go soul You know when I first went soul winning, yeah, you know what I was shy I was scared I was worried what was gonna happen Okay But what happens is you're filled with the Holy Ghost and gives you boldness to do what's right And when you see people that don't have the guts to say what needs to be said, they don't have the guts to stand up for God They're not filled with the Holy Ghost Doesn't mean they're not saved though We need to understand the difference between the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and the filling of the Holy Ghost And we need you to understand the importance of the filling of the Holy Ghost Because it's going to make you realize the importance of living a godly life Okay, John 14 verse 17 Even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him But you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you And so once again, this the Holy Spirit is referred to as the spirit of truth verse 18, by the way Bible commentaries are not the spirit of truth Yeah When you read the Bible you have an option of relying on the spirit of truth to teach you or you can rely on Bible Commentaries written by unsaved devils. It's up to you. Yeah Now I think it makes more sense to rely on the spirit of truth You say why is it then that you preach sermons and explain the Word of God, you know, what's wrong with Bible commentaries? Because what's the difference? But here's the difference because the Bible talks about preaching Yeah Bible speaks about preaching being a good thing and here's the difference When you cry aloud and spare not and lift up your voice like a trumpet and show people their transgressions and sins It causes a change in people That doesn't happen by reading the Bible commentary See preaching is something that you see throughout the Bible. I say what's wrong with Bible commentaries It's never mentioned as something in the Bible that you use Yes, preachers are here to preach the Word of God and to motivate you and yes, they can teach you stuff but look in your personal time your best source of learning is Spirit of truth. Yes, right. It's the spirit of truth. It's perfect verse 18. I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you. Okay now I want you to understand something that The Bible says the Holy Spirit's going to involve this is another first one is people would take But just because the Holy Spirit is in dwelling us. It doesn't mean that the Lord won't come to us as well Okay, Jesus Christ is eternal life Don't you have eternal life inviting you? Look, just because the Holy Ghost is coming on to us. That does not mean that the Sun is not also coming Okay, and so that's something we need to understand is in the Bible Sometimes we will talk about the Sun doing something in the Holy Ghost of the Father But the Bible talks about Jesus rising again from the dead Jesus said quite clearly in John 2 that he's gonna resurrect himself Okay, no question about that's during Easter I preached that and then you know, there's someone who commented on the video and said well, you know Actually the Bible talks about you know, the Father resurrected or said the Spirit. I'm like, yeah I'm not denying that either that wasn't the point of the sermon though The point of the sermon was to highlight how Jesus resurrected himself from the dead It doesn't change the fact that the Bible speaks about the Holy Ghost and the Father resurrecting It's it's not impossible that they all did it. Okay. Now does that mean I fully comprehend this? It doesn't mean I fully comprehend this. He says I will come to you though. You know, I believe that's true I will not leave the comfort of this I will come to you verse 19 yet a little while in the world seeth me no more But he see me because I live he shall live also at that day He shall know that I am in the Father in ye and me and I in you verse 21 He that hath my commandments and keepeth them He it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love them and will manifest Myself to him once again to verse 21 if you have the commandments and keep them That's the person who loves the Lord the person who does not keep the commandments of God. They do not love Now here's the thing about this Everybody is going to tell you that they love God Every single person you talk to Look, you know you talk to people all soul winning and you ask them, you know for sure you're going to heaven Guess what? Most of them don't know Most of them will admit they don't know. Some will lie about it. In reality very few know But sometimes people say they know and then you ask them, you know, well, how do you know? Pā no kā nā kā kasigoro. And it's like and then they stop they pause and it's like That's not the right answer sometimes they'll lie about it and pretend like they know when they don't know Okay, but look every single one of those people be asking do you love God they say oh I love God Why? They're basing it on a feeling. Everybody feels like they love God. You love God if you keep his commandments That's what the Bible says. Now, how in the world can you keep his commandments if you don't know the commandments? Most people you preach the gospel to or just normal ordinary people you meet if you ask them to name the Ten Commandments They would get maybe three or four. That is it. They don't know and Most of them probably think that there's only Ten Commandments Like they literally think that there are Ten Commandments God has for you. No, no, God is more than just don't kill people Okay, there's there's a lot of rules about everything. I mean the book of Leviticus is like a whole book on cleanliness laws There's rules and laws and commandments on everything. It's a lot more than ten people have tried to count It's like they say it's like around 700 or something like that. I don't know I have not taken the time personally to count and to double-check if some are the same commandment mentioned all the time I have no idea. All I know is there's a lot. Yeah, okay But if you don't know the commandments You can't really say that you're keeping them because you don't even know what you're supposed to do Verse 22 Judas saith unto him not a scariot Lord How is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world? Jesus answered and said unto him if a man love me He will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our go with him He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings and the word which he here is not in is not mine But the Father's which sent me these things have I spoken on you being yet present with you I mean once again several verses that says that the person who loves God is the person who keeps his words and keeps his Commandments keeps his sayings. He says commandments words sayings in this chapter You do not love God unless you're keeping doing what he tells you to do. It's just plain and simple verse 26 But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost Whom the Father will send to my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I said on you now I don't know what must think about this verse because they think the Comforter is referring to Muhammad It clearly says the Comforter is the Holy Ghost. Well, if we go back to the Arabic There's just that little you know apostrophe and it's almost like the same word like that little Apostrophe changes it from the Holy Ghost to Muhammad Isn't that what people do that make fun of the King James Bible or try to you know, you look up You know Bible contradictions answered by these people and they say well, this is a really simple Explanation in the original Hebrew there was just this little apostrophe or comma and they obviously forgot it And when it says 40, it was actually supposed to be 400. It was only off this little comma They say something they make it sound like they're really intelligent. It's like no, there's just no errors You're just not smart enough to understand It's plain and simple. I don't know what Muslims say this verse because they say well, you know the Comforter is referring I guess I guess the only verse that's inspired by the Bible is John 14 verse 16 According to Muslim every single other verse is mistranslated John 14 verse 16 though, man That that's the one that one's perfect and the next verse was supposed to say and by the way This is referring to Muhammad who's gonna be born in Mecca and we're gonna worship him, you know every single year or whatever Anyways, verse number 27 peace. I leave with you my peace I give on you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither Let it be afraid and see what the Lord says here is I give a peace unto you that the world does not give See there's a peace of God that passeth all Understanding and the world is never gonna understand You know an example I know my life is when a good friend of mine died when he's 20 years old I was a college student. I was 22 23 years old and you know, it was just a tragic death You know, he's someone who loved the Lord He went so winning and everything like that and you know at the funeral me and my friends, you know I include pastor Jason Robinson and you know, some other people as Franklin, you know people comment It's just like, you know, why is that you guys seem like you're in a good mood and you seem fine It's just like we understand heaven And it's like yeah was I sad absolutely were there times that I cried? Yeah, you know, I cried like my friend died I definitely had some times there where I thought about that and I mourned but look there's a piece of God that passeth all understanding and Honestly believing that heavens a real place. It's like, you know, if somebody dies, it's a believer. It's not the end of the world it's really not the end of the world and Especially when they're living for God because if they're living for God then you know what? We don't know why God allowed them to depart from this world, but they went to be at a better place So it's like, you know, maybe God allowed them to go to heaven this to save them from whatever Maybe God allowed me to go to heaven for whatever reason we don't necessarily know but they're living for God. It's really not tragic Now look does that mean that you're not supposed to cry at all? No, I mean when Lazarus died didn't Mary and Martha cry didn't Jesus cry in that chapter didn't Jesus Jesus swept There's nothing wrong with crying. But look, you know, there's a piece of God that passes all understanding and the world cannot offer They can't give you a piece the piece that God can give verse number 28 You have heard how I said on you I go away and come again on you if you love me You would rejoice because I said I go into the father for my father is greater than I and so once again The father is greater than I so once again, we're seeing a difference there He says if you love me you would rejoice and he's telling them, you know this this should not be sad for you that I'm the party and Yet when Jesus tries to explain about how he's gonna die he gets rebuked by his by his followers and everything like no That's not gonna happen to you. It's just like look they shouldn't be sad about this They should be rejoicing saying it's not the end of the world Okay, verse number 29 and now I've told you before it come to pass that when it has come to pass you I believe Hereafter I will not talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing But that the world may know that I love the Father and as the Father gave me commandment even so I do Arise, let us go and so it's a great chapter in the Word of God There's a lot of great information where we're two-thirds of the way through the book of John This is really kind of the introduction to the comfort I really speaks about the comforter the Holy Ghost here and I guess the thing to take away is this is not Muhammad Okay, let's go to the word of prayer