(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) How to Spot a Psychopath. Next week we'll probably close it up. And what we're looking at today is Antisocial Personality Disorder, ASPD. And so this is one of the four facets of these 20 characteristics. And there's five points underneath ASPD. And then there's two other points that we're going to cover here today that covers the 20 characteristics. And so ASPD, Antisocial Personality Disorder. Now before I get into this, I want to just show you that this is not the same thing as being shy, okay? Let me give you three different definitions. Let me give you the word introverted, being an introvert. An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people rather than large groups or crowds. So basically an introvert is someone who just kind of likes to be alone. They don't like to be in big groups. They like to do things like reading or working out by themselves and everything like that. I would label myself as an introvert. I personally don't really like being in big crowds. Obviously I love being in church and talking to the brethren. But when I get done with work, it's not like I'm like, I've got to go to some sort of party. I'm happy to go home and just study or read or do whatever. I don't like to be around lots of people. That's actually a little bit different than the word shy. The word shy is this, being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people. So being shy is someone who when they are around people, they just don't really talk very much. Somebody could be extroverted where they like to be around people, but they're actually shy in person. Now I am introverted. I'm not shy though. When I'm around people, it's not like I'm the quietest person. I don't have a problem with talking. So sometimes introverted and shy can go along together, but not always. Someone can like to be around people, but then they never say anything. People think my dad is the most outgoing person in the world. It's like, no, he's the most introverted person. But what makes him feel comfortable is he talks a lot when he's around people, and people think he wants to be around people all the time. He doesn't. He likes to go home and read and everything. Now antisocial though is contrary to the laws and customs of society. Devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices. Basically being antisocial is being a jerk disorder, being bastos. That is what ASPD actually is. I don't know why they call it a disorder. It's called just doing a lot of bad things. You're going to see this has nothing to do with being shy or introverted. So look, at the end of this sermon, if you tell me that you're antisocial, that's a major red flag, right? If you tell me this is me, Brother Stuckey, I'm always close to getting arrested. It's like, whoa, wait a minute, right? And so let us look here at 2 Peter 2 verse 10. And the first point is this. Poor behavioral controls. Poor behavioral controls. Psychopaths struggle to follow rules, laws, and policies much of the time. Even if they set out to follow the rules, they usually don't stick to them for long. So poor behavioral controls, they do not like authority. 2 Peter 2 verse 10. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise government, presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. So here's the question. Does this line up with the Bible? And the answer is yes, because it talks about despising government, despising authority, speaking evil of dignities or of those in authority. And that is what poor behavioral controls is, okay? Go to Jude 1. Jude 1. Jude 1. Jude chapter 1. Now look, I think everybody agrees that the government does a lot of bad things. But when some people are so obsessed with wanting to tear down the government, sometimes it makes me wonder, right? I mean, yeah, I don't always agree with the speed limit, but it's not like my issue in life. It's like, do you hate any sort of authority? I mean, nobody always agrees with the rules of government, but you've got to go along with what those rules are. And if people despise the government, and look, there's people that are libertarians in the U.S., and when it comes to libertarians, there's two types of libertarians, Bible-believing libertarians and the atheistic libertarians. And the Joe Rogans, if you know who that is, he's a famous person in the U.S., in the podcast. Jesse Ventura, who I think he ran for president. These are people that hate God, because they hate any authority, right? Now look, the proper understanding as a Bible-believing Christian is that we are underneath a governing authority, and when you're underneath an authority, you're expected to obey that authority. That's what the Bible teaches. Now when you cross-reference in Jude 1, verse 8, we're going to see the parallel verse with what we saw in 2 Peter. Jude 1, verse 8, second to last book in your Bible. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. So in 2 Peter 2, it said despise government, and in Jude 1, it says despise dominion, because government is basically the authority over you. And so despising dominion, they despise someone who has a position above them. And that is actually what poor behavioral controls is. So this lines up with the Bible. Now go to 2 Timothy 3, 2 Timothy chapter 3. Now let me just say this, that I hope at the end of today that everything that's happened the past week will just be behind us, and we don't have to talk about it. But I am going to use it as an example here today, and I understand some people are emotional. My goal is not to make you feel bad or agitated, but we must learn from things. Let me give an example of stuff that I do not appreciate in the house of God. You look over at these pictures here, and I do not know 100% for sure who did this, but someone thought it was funny to put a pinprick in the head of someone who got kicked out a year and a half ago. You just ruined all the pictures. Like what's the purpose? Did somebody ask me if they could do that? What's the purpose? That's called being a five-year-old, because I like those pictures. They're good memories, and every single one of them is ruined. Why would somebody do that? Because they despise authority. Because they don't want to listen to authority. That's being disrespectful. And here's the thing. I always make it clear I'm not the pastor of this church, but I am the ordained evangelist of this church, and this is a position that demands respect. And I have this position because I've been soul winning for 15 years, I've read my Bible scores of times, I've memorized over 100 chapters of the Bible. I'm not just the little buddy here. I'm the authority of this church. And look, I don't like being a jerk, but look, if I get pushed in that position, I have no problem saying what needs to be said. And let me tell you something. People need to respect authority in their lives. They need to respect the authority of this church. You need to respect the authority at your job. You need to respect the authority of the government you live under. You need to learn to respect authority, and it is not a good attribute for a Christian to despise authority. Despise dominion. Hate having government over them. Look, me being the authority of this church, that does not mean I'm a better person than you. It does not mean I'm a better Christian than you. I've never preached that. It just means I'm in a position above you in terms of authority. I do not believe I'm better than my son, but I'm the authority over my son. I don't believe I'm better than my daughter, but I'm the authority over my daughter. I don't believe I'm better than my wife, but the husband is the head of the wife according to the Bible. And let me tell you something. I am not the one who set up the leadership positions in the Bible. God is the one who set up every leadership position, and if you're in a position where you have an authority above you, you need to respect that authority. Do you realize I don't make big decisions here without talking to Pastor Jimenez? You know why? Because I'm not the final authority right now. Now, when I am the ordained pastor of this church, I will be the final authority, but on big decisions, I still talk about them and say, Hey, I'm sorry to have to bother you. I know the Red Hot Preaching Conference is going on. Can you just quickly let me know if this is okay? Because on big decisions, I do have a final authority above me, okay? And look, in this church, I am the authority of this church, which means things get run by me, which means people don't just do things their own way and say, Well, you know, I'll just do it because, you know what? I have just as much right to do it. No, there's actually an authority structure, okay? And look, this is something that most people understand. Most people respect authority, but you know what? There are people that struggle with it. And let me just be very clear that, you know what? I do not like to be a jerk when I preach, but I came in last week with the intention of sounding like a jerk. Because I knew we had a problem, and my goal was to preach that person out of our church. That was my goal on Sunday. My goal was to preach him out because I knew that there were real problems, and I knew they had to be revealed. And I understood, you know what? Some people are going to look at me as a jerk, but you know what? I have to make that call when I'm in the higher position, when I'm in the authority position. Because when you got a problem in the church body, you know, you cannot sacrifice an entire body for one part. That's the way it works. Point number one, poor behavioral controls. Point two, early behavioral problems. One thing that they find with psychopaths is at a very young age, we're talking six, seven, eight, nine, ten years old, they notice early behavioral problems. Here's what it says. Most psychopaths exhibit behavioral problems at an early age. They may cheat, skip school, vandalize property, abuse substances, or become violent. Their misbehaviors tend to escalate over time and are more serious than their peers' misbehaviors. There's this kid at our school in Bridgeport, West Virginia, and you know, when he was a kid, all of us thought he was the funniest guy in the school. Anyway, he did a lot of things that were pretty funny to a nine-year-old, like we thought it was funny back then, right? But one of the examples is this. It was April 1st, April Fool's Day, and so his April Fool's Day joke was he took all of the books of the teacher and just like threw them in the toilet and then he was like, April Fool's? Now look, that's funny to a nine-year-old. We thought it was hilarious. That same kid is a reprobate today. And I tried to give this kid the gospel three years ago because he was talking about committing suicide on Facebook, and I was sending him messages, because I didn't live in the same state. This was back when I was in California. And I was sending him messages, hey, listen to this, listen to this, and then eventually he just started mocking God and it was just like, there's no hope for this guy. Always in and out of jail, doing drugs, beating his girlfriend up and stuff like that. But you know, it started at a young age when he was just doing things like that and his parents didn't stop it, okay? Now, here's the thing. I do not believe this means somebody's born a psychopath because I don't believe anybody's born a psychopath. The world sees that and they say, well, it must be because he was just born a psychopath. But the reality is it's just showing that kid was going down that road of being a bad person. That kid in Bridgeport, West Virginia. What's interesting about it is this kid, everybody agreed, was the most intelligent kid in our school. He was. He was the most intelligent kid in our school and he doesn't work, just lives off his parents who are doctors. Now, notice what it says in 2 Timothy 3, verse 2. The question is, do you see this in the Bible? 2 Timothy 3, verse 2. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Notice how it says in 2 Timothy 3, being disobedient to your parents. And you know what? With kids, their authority are their parents. They need to obey mom and dad. Now, look, we understand that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. Every kid is going to act foolish, but those kids need to learn to respect and listen to mom and dad. And guess what? Kids sometimes will test you. It's not like they automatically just obey everything you say. Sometimes they disobey and it's like, all right, you're going to test me. And then they have to get the spanking, right? And see, at a young age, you see kids that are just disobedient to your parents. And you know, you see this in the world today. I've been before at a doctor's office in Sacramento and I saw this five or six-year-old girl slap her mom in public. I'm like, man, good night. If I had done that, I would have lost my hand, right? I would have been too afraid to even do something like that, right? And then the parent is just trying to give the kid candy. It's like, you know, do you want us to spank your child for you, right? But see, that is the world we're coming to where kids are just not listening to and respecting their parents. Go to Romans 1, Romans 1, Romans chapter 1, Romans 1. Romans 1. And let me show you this also in Romans chapter 1, verse 30. Romans 1, verse 30. And it says, Romans 1, verse 30, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents. So this is a consistent theme with people that are reprobates is they disobey their parents. They're disrespectful to their parents. When I was a kid, it was, yes sir, yes ma'am, to my mom and dad, right? When I wanted something, it's like, I better say please. If I don't say please, it's like, I get rebuked by my parents. It's like, don't say that without saying please. And then you get it, it's like, I didn't hear thank you, right? It's like, and look, we need to teach that to our kids at a young age. Teach them authority. Teach them respect. Teach them that they don't run their own show. Teach them that, you know what, you have parents that you must obey and listen to, right? At a young age. Otherwise, if they don't listen to their kids at a young age, they're probably not gonna listen as they get older either, okay? Now turn your Bible to Genesis 19. Genesis 19. Genesis 19. So when it comes to ASPD, antisocial personality disorder, point one of that is poor behavioral controls. Point two is early behavioral problems. Early behavioral problems. Point three is juvenile delinquency. So early behavioral problems, we're probably looking at before the age of 12. Juvenile delinquency, now we're getting to the age where they're not fully an adult, but they're starting to do things that are much worse than just flush the teacher's books down the toilet, right? They're doing things much worse, and that's juvenile delinquency. Talking about people that are teenagers but not yet at the age of 18, around that age, and they see with psychopaths that oftentimes as juveniles they do these things as, you know, when they're 15 years old. The question is, do we see that in the Bible? Well, Genesis 19. Genesis 19, verse 4. Genesis 19, verse 4. But before they lay down the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compass the house round both old and young. Do you see that? Both old and young. You say, Brother Stuckey, how old is young, right? What is that age? Well, in today's world, if I said somebody was a young man, I'm probably talking 20, 25, he's a young man, right? Before 30, he might be a young man. When the Bible's saying young though, it's not referring to someone who's 25. It's referring to someone who's still a teenager or below. You say, how do you know that? Well, verse 11 proves this to you. Verse 11. Genesis 19, verse 11. And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door. Right? Both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find the door. So both old and young, both small and great. Now, here's the thing. If you looked at someone who was a 16-year-old kid, is anybody 16 here? Anybody? No? Nobody 16? How old are you, Sean? 17. 17, right? He is about the size he's going to be in 30 years, in terms of height. You don't grow from 17 and then double your size. He's obviously going to get a lot older, but what I'm saying is, even at the age of like 13 or 14, you're about the height you're going to be. So when we're talking small, it's got to be below the age of 13. Do you understand that? It's got to be a young age where you're not a fully grown man. Time, you're a teenager. I was taller than my dad when I was like 15 years old. Right? Now, my dad is, you know, my dad told me as a kid, he's like, son, basketball is not the sport for our family, right? But what I'm saying is this, if it's saying small, it's referring to your stature, and the reality is that people at the time they're 12 and 13 are oftentimes almost the same height. They don't necessarily grow a whole lot after that. So when we're saying small, we're looking at young reprobates. Right? Young homosexuals from Genesis 19 is what we're seeing. And the reality is, we see that in the world, don't we? Right. My theory, my opinion, and I cannot prove this to you, or at least I don't know off the top of my head where I could prove this, my opinion is if you're old enough to get saved, you're old enough to become a reprobate. Because becoming saved is walking through a door and making a choice. Becoming a reprobate is walking through a door and making a choice. And that can be at a very young age. Right? Now, why does that happen? Well, in Sodom and Gomorrah, I'm pretty sure all of us know why this happened. Because all these young kids are getting molested by the older people, and unfortunately, many times when that happens, they end up growing up and becoming the bad person. Now, that does not always happen, though. Obviously, this is not something people like to think about or talk about, but I am positive there are people in this room that were molested as a child because people have had that happen to them. But that does not mean that they make the choice to become a reprobate. People still have the free will choice. And it's terrible what happened to those young children, but the bottom line is this. They made a choice. And at a young age, you see that in Genesis 19, where they made the choice to open up that door, and basically their conscience is permanently seared. Okay? Go to 2 Samuel 16. 2 Samuel 16. 2 Samuel 16. You say, Brother Stuckey, can that really happen at a young age? Well, when we're talking about juveniles, there's a guy in the U.S. who used to be really famous. His name was Charles Manson, the Manson family. Who's heard of Charles Manson? He was a famous person who was a murderer in the U.S. Anybody heard of Charles Manson? No, he's famous in the U.S., the Manson family. They're famous because they murdered a famous actress. And Charles Manson said that he was... He didn't say he was the appointed son of God, but he said he was the son of God. Okay? Not much difference, okay? But he said that basically he was a representation of God on earth, and this guy, you know, they called it the Manson family. It wasn't his relatives, but it's this cult he started, and they joined the Manson family. And then they murdered all of these celebrities, and he didn't do it, but he convinced everybody else to commit the murders. And they murdered some very famous people in the 50s. But here's the thing about this. This could have very easily been stopped, according to Wikipedia. You say, why? Because on January 17, 1952, when he was 17 years old, however in January, he was caught raping a boy at knifepoint, according to Wikipedia. Do you know what the Bible says about that? Death penalty. He should have been killed at the age of 17. And it's like the world's like, let's just give him 100 chances. Man, we tried vitamin A as a medicine. Let's give them vitamin B. Well, there's lots of types of vitamin B, right? Vitamin B6, vitamin B12. I'm assuming there's 1 through 12 as well. I don't know much about vitamins, but it's like, let's try this vitamin. Let's try this vitamin, right? Let's give him a gummy bear. Maybe he'll change. I mean, it's ridiculous. It's like when you committed a crime like that, he deserved the death penalty, and guess what? It would have saved a lot of people's lives if people actually followed what the Bible say. But as a teenager, he's committing violent, wicked, evil crimes that reveal what kind of person that Charles Manson actually was. So point one, poor behavioral controls. Point two, early behavioral problems. Point three, juvenile delinquency. And point four is revocation of conditional release. Revocation of conditional release. And I'm going to spend a lot of time on this point here today. But revocation of conditional release, you say, what does that mean? Most psychopaths don't adhere to the rules of conditional release when they are released from prison. When they release them from prison, they have certain rules where they say, hey, if you do this, you're going to be in trouble again, okay? Revocation of conditional release. They may think they won't get caught again, or they may find ways to excuse their behavior. They might even blame getting caught on other people. So what they found with people that are psychopaths, once they get in prison, they're given certain rules where it's like, hey, we gave you five years of jail time for this, but if you do it again, and they always assume, well, they're not going to do it again, we warned them. And then they do it again, right? And that's what they find with them, where basically, they've already gotten caught for the same thing. You would think they'd change, but they never change. You know, pedophiles go to jail for a couple years, and then all of a sudden, in the U.S. at least, they're put on this list of sex offenders, and then they're like, hey, you better not do this again, and then they always do it again. Pedophiles are always repeat offenders, and they put them back on the streets and it's like, well, they won't do it again. I mean, Charles Manson learns his lesson, right? We told him, you know, you shouldn't do that, right? You shouldn't threaten someone's life and commit, you know, a sexual assault on someone. And what a shock, Charles Manson did it again, right? The question is, do we see this in the Bible? And the answer is, yes, we do. 2 Samuel 16, verse 7. And thus said Shimei when he cursed, Come out, come out thou bloody man, and thou man of Belial. So 2 Samuel 16, verse 7. And thus said Shimei when he cursed, Come out, come out thou bloody man, and thou man of Belial. Shimei accuses King David of being a child of the devil, a man of Belial, a man of the devil, a child of Belial, a child of the devil. He accuses him of being a child of the devil. You say, why would he accuse David? I mean, he doesn't really give any evidence for why he thinks David's a child of the devil. You know why he accuses him? Because he's a child of the devil. And that reveals what's inside the heart of Shimei. He projects himself onto somebody else. He knows that he's the one who's guilty. And what does he do? Well, he throws that blame onto David. And it's like, Shimei, you just basically proclaim guilt without really realizing it. Because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. And when he says that, to me when I'm reading this, I'm like, yeah, this is pretty obvious. He's actually the one who's a child of the devil. And when you look at his actions, I mean, he's doing a wicked thing. Why did that happen? Well, because he despised government. He despised the king. He had the opportunity to strike. I mean, he had an opportunity to criticize David. You're a man of Belial. No, actually he just revealed that you're a man of Belial. Go to 1 Kings 2. 1 Kings 2. 1 Kings 2. 1 Kings Chapter 2. I mean, it's like you see these videos with these homos. They make these videos, and they accuse us of being guilty of child abuse. Right? I mean, they accuse us, like, by teaching religion, you know, you're guilty of child abuse. Well, you just revealed what you're guilty of. Right? I mean, I just saw that video. Pastor Shelley put it up. Man, what exactly was it said? I commented on that. But they accused everybody at steadfast of... Why are they accusing them, being a pedophile or they said something like that? And it's like, no, actually you just revealed that that's what you do. Right? They said, and everybody at steadfast is a child abuser or something like that. It's like, no, I'm pretty sure it's you, Mr. Homo. Right? But it's like, they accuse them. You say, why? Because that's actually what they're guilty of. And this is reality. When somebody accuses, hey, so-and-so is the biggest gossip in the world, it might be revealing what they are. That's the truth. And that's what Shimei's revealing when he calls David a child of the devil. If you remember the story, I don't have time to go into it fully, but you see the story, and David doesn't pronounce judgment on Shimei directly. What takes place is David seems to let it go. And, you know, it can be kind of confusing, and I used to be confused until I really thought about it. And here's the thing about this. Shimei has not done something that gets you the death penalty at this point. Now, this is terrible to throw stones at someone, to scream at them and everything, but you don't get the death penalty for that if you're following the laws of the Bible. Right? I mean, it's a terrible thing to do, but he doesn't get the death penalty. But David's a smart man. He is aware, well, you know what? I'm pretty sure Shimei is a bad guy, but I don't really have the evidence. I can't do anything about it right now. And so he tells Solomon. It's one of his instructions before he steps out. He's like, Solomon, you're a wise man. You know what to do. And Solomon was a wise man. He knew what to do. Notice what it says in 1 Kings 2, verse 36. And the king sent and called for Shimei and said unto him, Build thee in house in Jerusalem and dwell there, and go not forth thence any whither. Verse 37. For it shall be that on the day thou goest out and passest over the brook Kidron, thou shalt know for certain that thou shalt surely die, thy blood shall be upon thine own head. And Shimei said unto the king, The saying is good. As my lord the king hath said, and so will thy servant do. And Shimei dwelt in Jerusalem many days. Shimei agrees. Okay, I'm not going to break this rule. I am going to make sure I dwell here. I'm not going to pass my guideline. Thank you very much. What you said is good. I will follow it. Verse 39. And it came to pass at the end of three years that two of the servants of Shimei ran away unto Achish son of Maacah king of Gath. And they told Shimei saying, Behold thy servants be in Gath. And Shimei arose and saddled his ass and went to Gath to Achish to seek his servants. And Shimei went and brought his servants from Gath. And it was told Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and was come again. So Shimei breaks his agreement. I mean wouldn't you think if somebody says you're going to be put to death if you do this that you're not going to do it? But he does it and just assumes he's going to get away with it. Verse 42. And the king said and called for Shimei and said unto him, Did I not make thee to swear by the Lord and protested unto thee saying no for certain on the day thou goest out and walkest abroad any whither that thou shalt surely die? And thou saidest unto me, The word that I have heard is good. Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the Lord and the commandment that I have charged thee with? The king said, Moreover to Shimei, Thou knowest all the wickedness which thine heart is privy to, that thou didst to David my father. Therefore the Lord shall return thy wickedness upon thine own head. And you know what? Solomon ends up putting Shimei to death because he didn't follow what he said. And what is this? This is the revocation of conditional release. Hey, I'll let you go. Make sure you do not do this. And if you do it, you'll be put to death. Shimei doesn't listen. He gets put to death. Okay. Now, I do want to talk about this for a couple minutes. And as I said, I'm not trying to make people super emotional, but I kind of have to talk about this a little bit to learn from our mistakes. Let me just say a few things. And I'm not going to remake a 35-minute video. That's not the goal here. Probably most of you saw it. That's fine if you didn't. Let me just say this, that we had a meeting a couple months ago at Brother June's house, and there were a lot of people at that meeting. And you can ask anyone who was there. And I said, hey, I'm not trying to make all the church know about this situation. Let's handle it in house. You know what? And I gave a strong warning. I said, if you ever do something like this again, you're going to be kicked out of our church. Now, nobody noticed that I said that because I came to church. I acted very friendly. Right? It's not like I acted like a jerk to him and everything. But I made it very clear there. And one of the requirements was this. Make sure you never talk to her again or you're kicked out of our church. Then he makes a new Facebook profile and sends her a friend request. It's like, are you kidding me? And it's like, I didn't know that until Friday. He would have been kicked out a couple months ago if I knew that. It's like, you were told, never have any contact ever again. And then you send her a friend. I mean, how stupid. What is that? It's called revocation of conditional release. Here's your release. Hey, I'll let you get away with this, but you better watch it, buddy, and then you don't even listen to it. Right? That would have gotten him kicked out because what is that? Revocation of conditional release. Last Sunday, I preached a pretty hard sermon. And I said, last warning, right? And I said, if you try to change the narrative or make yourself the victim, you're out of here. What did he do when he messaged Marlon? Made himself the victim. Said, hey, you didn't tell brothers to talk about the money I owe you. Right? And it's like, you know, he's worried more information's going to come out. And what did he do? He said, that sermon was misinformation. Why does everybody always assume? Because the same thing with Dustin. They always assume Marlon's not going to tell me. Right? Marlon's always the one. We can trust Marlon's never going to tell brothers. I don't get that. Right? But it's like, he said it was misinformation. Well, you broke the rules of the sermon that I said last warning. Not only with Marlon, though, also with Brother Tito and Sister Allen, where he said what he said about me was not really true. Right? What is that? It's called the revocation of conditional release. Now, obviously, there was a lot more information that came out above that as reasons he had kicked out, but he would have been kicked out for that because you're just not willing to listen to what I said. Right? I said in the sermon last week, I'm pretty sure I've made it very clear. Didn't I say that? It's like, I don't know how much clearer I had to make it. I mean, literally, I mean, when I got home on Monday, like, my hand was like, ouch. Right? From pounding the pulpit. I was like, man, you know, my finger's been hurting ever since and, you know, I hit the pulpit so many times. I'm not used to pounding the pulpit. That's not really normally my style. Right? But he didn't listen. Now, let me just say this, that, you know, I don't care who it is in this room. This goes for everybody. Everybody in our church needs to be on board with the judgment that took place. Because I make the final decisions. And look, I understand people have been emotional this past week, and that's fine. The past is the past. Everybody in this room, you have a fresh start. But let me say this. If I hear about anyone criticizing me and saying that I'm the bad guy in that situation and trying to change the narrative, the same rule's going to go for anybody in this room. I don't care who you are. You're going to be removed. Because you know what? Honestly, I would rather this church ran 20 people that were united than 50 people where people were backbiting me and criticizing me. I didn't make the mess. I fixed the mess. Now, of course, not everybody's going to agree with how I fixed the mess. But you know what? I fixed the mess. I dealt with the problem. And you know what? This is the best thing for that kid because I have preached and given him so much advice. And you know what? Friends of his at church have given him advice. He will not listen. Being publicly humiliated, that is the best thing for him. And look, I'm sure it hurts, but you know what? That is what he needs, right? And I will say this because I said a lot of information, and I think everybody agrees now at this point. We're on the same page. But let me just say this. Here's my proof of what I said. I've printed off everything. Here's the proof of all the situations. And you know what? If you have more questions, I don't have stuff with Brother Marlon or Brother June, but you know what? Everything I said was out of the mouth of more than two or three witnesses. And I think after the last week, people found out that is definitely the case. The people that I talked to, and I didn't name the names of the video. I did accidentally name Marlon's name in the video once. Right? I made the video, and then all of a sudden we were listening to him. My wife and I was like, oh, why did I say the name Marlon? Because it takes so long to edit stuff out, at least for me. I'm not a tech-savvy person. I said, Marlon, is it okay? Right? Well, I named your name. Now everybody knows, right? But let me just say this, that this person, by my estimation, is not sorry at all. You say, how do you know that? Because afterwards he tried to change the narrative and lie about it. And I'll tell you what, it's not like he's made plans with Marlon how he's going to pay back that money. Right? If you're really sorry, pay back the money. I also shouldn't have to beg him to turn in the contract to pay back the money for $70,000. Why is it that I have to, and look, I'm willing to do it because I'm going to stand up and defend my church members. But why is it that he forces me to beg for it? Oh, it's going to be returned on Tuesday. Not returned on Tuesday. Right? You can ask Brother T too. I have a message throughout the week. Did he return it yet? Did he return it yet? It's like, always, and you know what, it finally was returned, but it's like, why are you making me do that? It's like, you don't really seem like you're sorry. You're trying to make yourself a victim? Brother Stuckey was the bad guy. And look, he lied to people and said that I was the one that was lying. He said that video was a bunch of lies, trying to turn people against me. Right? It's like, well, this is up here for anyone who wants to look at it today. If you question what I said, it's like, this took me a long time. Here's all the evidence of what I said that was true. And look, you know what? This is not a church where I'm on a hair trigger to kick people out. I like to give people a chance. It's not like, I mean, if you've been at this church for a year, this is the first time someone's been kicked out since you've been here. I mean, I don't kick a lot of people out because I try to give people chances. I talked to this kid. I tried to give him chance after chance after chance. I tried to give him chance after chance after chance. I talked to him, gave him advice. He did not listen to me. Did not listen at all. Would not listen to my advice. It's not my fault if that's what happened. But you know, this is the best thing for him because I'll tell you what, if he keeps doing this sort of lifestyle, he's going to end up in prison for a long time. Because eventually, you steal money from people, somebody is going to take you to court, and you're going to be thrown in jail. That's the truth. And so look, let me just say this, that everybody has a fresh start. I understand people are emotional. Let me just say this, I expect everybody on our church to be on board with what took place. And look, this is a very cut and dry, two plus three equals five, easy case to make a determination of kicking someone out. It is very hard to kick somebody out, so I really go allow a lot of stuff to take place before somebody ends up getting kicked out. This is a very clear case, and whether or not you think I should have made a public video, that's the choice that I made. I decided to make that choice because I wanted to warn people because I didn't want them to borrow money from other people to pay off the debts for the people in this church, right? And I knew that there was probably a lot more stuff. Everybody needs to be on board. And look, if I find out anybody is criticizing my decision, whether it's people in this church or like-minded people online, that is going to get back to me. I promise you that. Look, I'm not the most sociable person on Facebook, but people are loyal to the Verity Baptist Church name, and people reported all this stuff to me. And so, you know what? I trust everybody's going to be on board with this decision, and we're going to have a fresh start and be united as a church. And I would just say this. You know what? I just would encourage people, whether it's a close friend of yours or family, you know what? Being bitter about it is the wrong attitude. If he may get kicked out, don't destroy your life of serving God and reading the Bible and being a sole winner. Don't destroy your life because right now he's destroying his life, okay? Now, turn in your Bible to Romans 1. Romans 1. Romans 1. Romans chapter 1. Romans chapter 1. Point number 1, poor behavioral controls. Point 2, early behavioral problems. Point 3, juvenile delinquency. Point 4, revocation of conditional release. Does anything that I've preached so far sound like shy? Right? When we're saying antisocial, does this sound like somebody, oh, I'm a little bit antisocial. I'm a little bit shy. No, that's not what antisocial is, okay? And so point 5 is criminal versatility where people that are psychopaths, they tend to commit crimes in all areas of life, okay? It says here, psychopaths tend to view rules as suggestions, and they usually view laws as restrictions that hold them back. Their criminal behaviors are quite often varied. Driving infractions, financial violations, and acts of violence are just a few examples of the array of crimes one might commit. Of course, not all of them get incarcerated. Some may operate under shady businesses or engage in unethical practices that don't lead to an arrest. So when it says criminal versatility, it's saying it's not like we're just talking about serial killers. Those same serial killers were robbing stores, committing violence, beating people up. They did a lot of bad things. It's not just that they're a specialist in one area. No, I mean, they're multi-talented. They go in all areas causing crime and mayhem because it makes sense because they just don't respect any authority. They play by their own set of rules, so they're going to just do whatever they want and cause problems in all areas of life, okay? The question is, do we see that in the Bible? Well, Romans 1, verse 29. Romans 1, verse 29. Being filled with all unrighteousness. Now, when it says being filled with all unrighteousness, what it's saying is being filled with all unrighteousness, with all fornication, with all wickedness, with all covetousness. The with all is implied for each of these terms, okay? So being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. You say, criminal versatility, right? Criminal versatility. In all areas of life, they're just filled with wickedness, and whether that's fornication, whether that's covetousness, whether that's murder, I mean, in all areas, they're going to cause problems. That's why when you're looking at famous serial killers, they were guilty of a lot of stuff, not just a few things. They're guilty of everything. And someone who's a psychopath, they're going to mess up in all areas and do all kinds of crime. It's criminal versatility. Now go to 2 Timothy 3. 2 Timothy 3. 2 Timothy 3, verse 13. 2 Timothy 3, verse 13. We also see this in 2 Timothy 3, where notice what it says in 2 Timothy 3, verse 13. But evil men and seducers shall get better with medicine. Is that what it says? Evil men and seducers shall get better if you get the right vitamin. Is that what it says? Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. And see, the Bible says someone who's a bad person, they open up that door to be in a reprobate, but they get worse with time. Their conscience is seared, but usually when it first gets seared, they don't commit the most heinous and wicked crime ever. They just kind of progress to that level, getting worse and worse and worse. When you look at famous serial killers, none of them started as serial killers. You know what they started as? Robbing houses, doing small little burglary, and then they progressed to sexual assault, and then they progressed to murder, and then even things that are more disgusting. They didn't start just doing the worst thing ever. They started doing this, and they got worse and worse, and they committed worse and worse and worse crimes. So the question comes up, Brother Stuckey, I'm confused because don't serial killers sometimes stop killing? And the answer to that is yes, they do. You say, why is that? Because they get bored with it. They no longer find excitement in it. It's not because, oh man, you know, because you got, most serial killers get born again in prison. I don't know if you realize that. It's not just Jeffrey Dahmer. David Berkowitz, right? Man, he killed all these people, but he gave his life to Christ, right? All of these serial killers, I mean, that guy just from two years ago, Chris Watts, who murdered his wife, he just got saved. I don't know if you realize that. He just got saved recently. You say, how are they all getting, they're getting saved, that way they can try to get out of prison or get a light sentence or not have to go to the worst jail. It's fake. It's lies. Don't just trust what somebody says. Trust their works. And look, these serial killers that are getting saved, it's like, well, it's amazing that, you know what, you murder all these people, then all of a sudden, you got this revelation. It's like, all right. It's a joke. It's a lie. It's not real. You say, how do you know that? Because their conscience is seared. But what does sometimes take place is they might get bored with committing murders, and they're going to go to a life of crime in another area because they lose excitement. Look, serial killers, if you listen to them why they kill people, they talk about the joy of doing it. But eventually, they run out of joy because eventually, it's just like, oh, it's not fun anymore, and so they move on to something else. That's why these serial killers, like the Golden State Killer, the Golden State Killer was big because he was the biggest serial killer that hadn't been spotted a couple years ago, and he lived in Sacramento, California, right? Verity Baptist Church where we lived, right? And I remember we started talking about it because someone we knew thought they knew who the Golden State Killer was, and they seemed to have a lot of evidence. It did not turn out to be the person because they had this guy's voice recorded and it sounded similar, and the person they thought it was would tell his wife at nighttime, oh, I'm going hunting, and he would go hunting through the night. It's like, what are you hunting, right? But he did not turn out to be the bad guy. Let me just say this, though. You know what? You should be kind of concerned if your husband tells you I'm going hunting and it's 10 o'clock at night. It's like, whoa, what in the world? So I thought that guy was probably the, I mean, I'm telling you, this is how serious it was. They thought they knew the house of the person. They were trying to get us to get DNA evidence. I'm like, I'm not going to do that. I'm not getting anywhere near this house if this is like the Golden State Killer. I'll pass on that, right? But it turned out to be somebody else. But this guy, the Golden State Killer, they were perplexed because he murdered, he started robbing houses. Then he did sexual assault. Then he murdered people. Then he just stopped. And it's like, did he get better? Well, he was still leaving voicemails to the people that he had killed 10 years in the past with people that he had almost killed just making them scared. People that he had forced and he was leaving voicemails saying, I still know where you live. But he wasn't murdering anymore. But does it sound like he got better when he's mocking the people that he assaulted? Right? It's fake. But you know what? He lost excitement in it. But he's still a dangerous person. I don't know what he did after that, but I'm sure he's like robbing people or whatever. But it's like, that is a dangerous person. You say, how do you know this? Because they wax worse and worse. And they do not get better. There is no way to fix the psychopath. Their conscience is seared. Okay? Once you walk through that door of being a reprobate, sin lieth at the door. And that's what lied at the door beside Cain. There was no fixing him. It was done. It was over. Not a chance after that point. They wax worse and worse. And those are the five characteristics that are in the antisocial personality disorder. However, there's also two other characteristics that do not fit under any of the categories. Go to 2 Peter 2. So being antisocial means poor behavioral controls, early behavioral problems, juvenile delinquency, revocation of conditional release, criminal versatility. It's all related to being in trouble with the law and obeying authority. And so basically, if you don't obey authority, you don't obey rules, you're going to get in trouble and get arrested and things such as that. But there's also two other characteristics that are under the neither category. One of them, one of the 20 characteristics of psychopaths is promiscuous sexual behavior. Promiscuous sexual behavior. It says here, promiscuous sexual behavior. Since they don't care about the people around them, psychopaths are likely to cheat on their partners. They may engage in unprotected sex with strangers or they may use sex as a way to get what they want. Sex is never an emotional or loving act for them. And so under this, what it's saying is it's very common for psychopaths to just commit adultery on their spouse and not care about it. Chris Watts was an example. This guy was committing adultery. The reason why he killed his wife, he was committing adultery on his wife and he wanted to marry the other woman. So his secret to fixing that was murder his wife and his kids and blame it on somebody else and get away with it. It's like, what in the world? Just get a divorce. But he didn't want to have to pay the money. It's like, how in the world could somebody be, But he got saved six months ago, Brother Stuckey. All right. Whatever. And it's like promiscuous sexual behavior just committing adultery and adultery and adultery not caring about it. Now look, this does not mean that if somebody commits adultery they're a reprobate, but it does mean that if someone's just committing adultery over and over again, it certainly could be a sign because that is one of the 20 characteristics or even somebody before they're married just fornicating with person after person after person after person. That could be a sign they might be a psychopath. Now I understand in today's world it's considered, oh, it's a great thing for guys just to sow their wild oats, but that's actually a wicked thing according to the Bible. And if somebody just does it over and over and over again, it could be a sign they might be a psychopath. You say, well, Brother Stuckey, is this biblical? It is. 2 Peter 2 verse 14. Having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin. And the Bible says about the reprobate or the psychopath, they have eyes full of adultery. You know what that means? It means as they go about their day, they're looking at people where they might be able to commit adultery on their spouse. Or they're trying to find someone who's married and sleep with that person. They would rather sleep with someone married than single. Why? Their eyes are full of adultery. They want to commit sins. They want to do bad. I mean, this is the psychopath. This is the reprobate. They have eyes full of adultery and they cannot cease from sin. They can't stop sinning and they're looking to commit adultery. And look, you know what? In the world, you need to be very careful. Look, as a married person, stay away from other people that are not of the opposite sex because there are people out there. It's like a game to them. And look, in both men and women, and the Bible actually speaks about that with women. Go to Proverbs 7. Proverbs 7. Proverbs 7. There are people out there, both men and women, there are people, and you know what? Here in Proverbs 7, we're going to look at a woman and it says, the attire in Harlan, there are women out there that are trying to find guys to commit adultery with them and destroy their marriages. And they think it's fun. They think it's a game. That's what their goal is. They're trying to seduce married guys because they're a bad person. And they find enjoyment in that. Instead of going after a single person, let's just find someone who's married and seduce them. And you know what? If they've done it to you, there's a good chance they've done it to someone else also. Use some common sense. And the Bible says, beware of these types of people. And look, you know, people think that our church is too extreme with stuff. We say things like, you know what? As a married guy, you should not be alone with another woman that you're not married to. Brother Stuckey, that's extreme. Yeah, well, it will help you avoid committing adultery. I mean, people think this sort of preaching's extreme. You know, I don't personally find it extreme. As a guy, I should be friends with other guys. Now look, I want my wife and I to be friends with people at this church, but me being friends with a guy, my wife being friends with a girl, I don't want my wife being friends with guys at this church. Right? I mean, any married guy who's going to say, yeah, I want my wife just hanging out with all these guys, going on lunch dates with all these guys, it's like, no. You say, Brother Stuckey, you sound like a jealous husband. You better believe I'm a jealous husband. The Bible doesn't say jealousy's bad. The Bible says envy is bad. See, envy is when you desire something that does not belong to you, but guess what? When my wife and I said I do, she belongs to me. And I belong to her. And so look, I am a jealous husband. My wife is a jealous wife. And look, as a married person, you should be. And look, this idea, well, you know, I'll just hang around with all these other people of the opposite gender and become friends with them and hang out with them. We're just friends. We're just talking. Well, you know what? Once you got married, it's like, forget about that. When you're married, you belong to the person that you're married to, but you know, when it comes to psychopaths, they have eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin. And what it says in Proverbs 7, verse 10, And behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot and subtle of hearts. What is attire of an harlot? Well, attire is your clothing. Harlot is a whore, a prostitute. You say, brother, I can't believe he'd say that word. Well, I can't believe the Bible would use that word. I can't believe a woman would dress like this. You want to get offended? Get offended at the woman that's dressed like this. The Bible's saying, hey, that's terrible for a woman to dress like a whore, and the Bible says there are women like that. Proverbs 7, verse 10, The attire of an harlot. You say, but she's nice. She's got a good personality. She is loud and stubborn. Her feet abide not in her house. That doesn't sound very good. I mean loud and stubborn. See, look, there's a difference between a guy and a girl being loud. Right? Brother Stuckey gets up here and he pounds the pulp and he screams, hey, it's okay. But imagine if my wife got up here and was screaming, you'd be like, what in the world? You know, inside of yourself, you know that that's not appropriate. God built that inside of you to know that, and the Bible says women should have a making quiet spirit, but honestly, it's built inside of you where you know that. You realize that it's okay for a guy to be, I mean, look, it's normal for a guy to be a fighter, right? Guys want to fight. Guys are tough. Guys protect their family. Look, if somebody breaks into our house in Pampanga, guess what? I'm not hiding underneath the covers and waiting for my wife to deal with it. You say, why? It's my job. And look, every husband, you know that. So look, it's not right for a woman, though, to be loud and stubborn. You say, Brother Stuckey, what do you think about, you know, female preachers? I don't have time to talk about that, but Proverbs 7, verse 11. But notice this in verse 12. Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in weight at every corner. So the Bible speaks about this woman, and she lies in weight at every corner. You say, how does she lie in weight at every corner? Is she like superwoman, right, where she flies around in every corner? No, it's saying this sort of woman exists everywhere. It's not saying this specific one person is everywhere. It's saying this sort of woman lies at every corner. Right? What the Bible's saying is, hey, you know what, in the course of life, you could run into this sort of person, whether it's at your job, whether it's outside of a restaurant. The Bible's saying beware of this sort of person. You say, Brother Stuckey, what's a good way to spot this sort of person? The way she's dressed. The way she's dressed. You single guys that want to find a godly wife, guess what? One thing to look for is how is she dressed? Right? Isn't that what the Bible says here in Proverbs 7? How is she dressed? Because if her goal is to draw attention based on her looks, there's a good chance that's not going to be the right type of wife. It could be a Proverbs 7 wife. Okay? Now, that does not mean that this exact woman is automatically a reprobate, but it certainly means this sort of woman could be. So this goes for both guys and girls. Look, it's a... And, you know, it's funny because in today's world, people consider it a shame for a woman to be sleeping around, but for a guy, it's like, whoa, it's cool for a guy to have a lot of partners. It's a shame for either one. Right. For a woman, it makes her a whore. For a guy, there's a word in Revelation 21 8. Brother Saki, what does whore monger mean? It means a male whore. Right. It means a guy who just sleeps around with a bunch of women. It's terrible. It's a terrible sin. Go to Esther 5. Esther 5. Esther 5. So of the other category, we have promiscuous sexual behavior. And is this not what you see with famous psychopaths where they just slept around with everyone? And, you know, sometimes it would be a guy sleeping with women, but they'd also sleep with men in just everything, just promiscuous sexual behavior. Very common. Right. With famous psychopaths, if you ever study any serial killers, they just had a million partners in their life. It's disgusting. It's terrible. And lastly, many short-term marital relationships. So when it comes to psychopaths, they often have short marriages. Now, why is that one of these 20 characteristics? Let me read it to you. Psychopaths may get married because it serves them well. For example, they may want to spend a partner's income or share their debt with someone else, but their behavior often leads to frequent divorces as their partners eventually see them in a more accurate light. So when it comes to psychopaths, they marry not because they care about the person. They marry for other reasons. So what often takes place is they get married for this certain reason. They no longer have a benefit for being married to that person, so they divorce them because it doesn't do them any good. Now, of course, biblically speaking, it's till death do us part. But what it's saying here about psychopaths is they often have short marriages, and then when they no longer get any sort of benefit out of it, it's like, well, you know, it doesn't benefit me. I'm just going to move on and get a divorce. Now, when it comes to these 20 characteristics, there were two of them that it was hard to identify a psychopath that fit this. One was with the revocation of conditional release, but I figured shimmy eye fits perfectly. Then there's this one because you don't really see people getting married multiple times in the Bible. You don't see them getting divorces. But the same characteristic is true with Haman when you look at him and his wife, which is the same sort of thing that they're talking about. So go to Esther 5, and let me give you the perfect example of this. The perfect marriage to illustrate what I'm talking about was Bill and Hillary Clinton. We called it in the U.S. a political marriage where basically they don't care about one another. I mean, when Bill Clinton, I mean, wouldn't you think that if your husband cheated on you and the whole world, I mean, he was the biggest embarrassment in the world that would bother you, it didn't bother Hillary Clinton at all. Right? And I'll tell you what, this joke would not fly in today's world, but when this happened in the 1990s in America, the joke that everybody said is, well, it doesn't bother Hillary Clinton because I'm sure she slept with more women than Bill. Because everybody knew that Hillary Clinton's a tomboy, and if you don't agree, then, you know, you don't really know a whole lot about Hillary Clinton. I'm just saying, that was the joke in the U.S. I know that in today's world it's like, oh, how could you say something? That's what everybody said 30 years ago. I was like, the joke around the school was like, well, I'm sure Hillary slept with more women because everybody knew that, you know, she's a lesbian, and I'm just saying, that was the joke around the school. I'm just saying, that was the joke around the school. But it was a political marriage. Why did it not bother Hillary? Because she wanted to become the president one day. It's a political marriage. They were married because of power and money. They didn't actually care about one another. And we see that in Esther 5 with the marriage of Haman and his wife. Neither one cares about each other. Esther 5 verse 10. Nevertheless, Haman refrained himself, and when he came home, he sent and called for his friends and Zuresh his wife. And Haman told them of the glory of his riches and the multitude of his children and all the things wherein the king had promoted him and how he advanced him above the princes and servants of the king. Now first, I'll say this. I think it's weird when you come home from work and then you have a meeting with all your friends and your wife. Wouldn't you just spend time with your family? Well, that's not what takes place in Esther 5. He calls for his friends, oh, and also his wife, like on the side. It's like, he calls for his friends, oh, yeah, my wife needs to be there too, right? Verse 11. And Haman told them of the glory of his riches and the multitude of his children and all the things wherein the king had promoted him and how he had advanced him above the princes and servants of the king. Haman said, moreover, yea, Esther the queen did let no man come in with the king unto the banquet that she had prepared but myself, and tomorrow am I invited unto her also with the king. Haman comes home to his friends and his wife and he says, you know what? I'm above everybody else in the world. By the way, that includes his wife that he's talking to where he's saying I'm better than my wife, right? He's saying the king has promoted me to somebody else and only I'm invited to the banquet, not you, honey. Right? Verse 13. Yet all this availeth me nothing so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king's gates. So look, I'm never going to be happy unless Mordecai is dead. Verse 14. Then said Zaresh his wife and all his friends unto him, Let a gallows be made at fifty cubits high, and tomorrow speak thou unto the king that thou, Mordecai, may be hanged thereon. Then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet. And the thing pleased Haman to be made. So Zaresh, his wife, and his friends, they convince Haman to kill Mordecai. Okay, that's the advice they give. Now Haman's friends and his wife, in America we call them yes men. Do they use that phrase here? Yes men? Where basically whatever they're asked they say yes. You know, that's the perfect decision. Right? And it's like Haman has a bunch of yes men as friends. Let me say this. In life the last thing you need are yes men as friends. You need friends that are willing to tell you the truth sometimes. But Haman's wife and his friends they're only friends because he's powerful. That's why Zaresh married Haman because she became rich and powerful. Not that she cares about him. You say, well, how do you know that, Brother Stuckey? Chapter 6. Chapter 6 proves this to us. Verse 13 of chapter 6. Chapter 6, verse 13. Haman told Zaresh his wife and all his friends everything that had befallen him. Then said his wise men and Zaresh his wife unto him, If Mordecai be of the seat of the Jews before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou shalt not prevail against him but shall surely fall before him. You say, what is the word thou? The word thou means you but it's singular. Ye is plural in the Bible. You is plural in the Bible. The and thou are singular. So basically they're saying Zaresh's wife is like, thou, you decided to kill Mordecai. Now wait a minute. Didn't we see in chapter 5 it was his wife's advice? So much for her caring about her husband, right? It's just like she gives the advice to put Mordecai to death and then all of a sudden it's like, now all of a sudden let's just step away from this one. Hey, if you decided to fall against Mordecai and kill him, you're not going to survive. Why? Well, they don't want to be killed either. Man, that's the sort of woman you want. Someone who convinces you to do terrible things and then she's like, I had nothing to do with it. It's like, thou has decided to fall. You say, what is this? This is Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton from thousands of years ago. It's a political marriage. Why did she marry Haman? Well, because of the fact he was powerful. He was rich. Why did he marry her? Probably because he found her attractive. I don't know. I mean, we don't have a picture of her. But this is a political marriage. They don't actually care about each other. So what are we seeing that Zuresh is doing? What we're seeing is Zuresh is basically like, well, this marriage doesn't benefit me anymore. Let him get stoned to death. I'm going to move on to another guy that's rich and powerful. Right? That's what we're seeing. And this is what you'll see with psychopaths. Famous serial killers have been married like four or five times. They're married and then after five years they just decide to get a divorce because somebody else has something that they want. They don't actually marry because they care about the person. They do it for other reasons. And that is one of the 20 characteristics that they've seen with psychopaths. So we looked at the five points of antisocial personality disorder. Two other ones are promiscuous sexual behavior and many short-term marital relationships. And next week we'll look at the conclusion and tie all the takeaway points from this series together. Let's close in a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be in your house here today and I ask you to bless this church, God, and help us get many people saved here today later with soul winning. Help us to apply this to our lives. Help us to learn to study these things and see them in scripture and be aware of these things. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.