(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Hymn number 36, Hymn number 36, Hymn number 36, sorry sorry, Hymn number 37, Hymn number 37, Hymn number 37, Hymn number 37, there will be no dark hour. 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Anybody man people are backsliding one three. Oh, it's raining. No. I'm just kidding All right anybody else you got everybody all right, so we do have so many of course this afternoon Assuming the weather is okay, and the first sermon was very long the second sermon will not be though we're gonna start so winning at 1 30 here today and So we're gonna be getting started about 45 minutes early so winning will be shorter today simply for the fact we have a lot of activities for the kids and everything like that and I Don't want people to be here too late because if the weather is bad and some people are traveling back I don't want to be out late at night just in general, but especially if it might you know rain So if the weather would be bad, but anyways that's all we have for announcements. We'll have a brother Rafi lead us another song a Man type a moving on my way. I put on a tag. I look into garlic for nothing him That's what I put ice a peach number 70 peach number 7 0 peach number 70 tanning and do go in the crystal Nothing, but the blood nothing, but the blood way to say English poor Him number 7 0 him number 70 him now Peach number 7 0 page number 70 tanning and do go in the crystal Say a member for the general for a size up. Oh, they're my mother lilies, but first as already saying Ah Oh Ah Ah Oh You You Amen for scripture reading please open your Bibles to the book of Nehemiah Nehemiah chapter 8 Nehemiah chapter 8 You have the book of Kings Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Nehemiah chapter 8 and as our custom we will be reading the entire chapter Nehemiah chapter 8 Nehemiah chapter 8 please say amen if you're there Amen Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1 and all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street That was before the Watergate and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses Which the Lord had commanded to Israel and as where the priests brought the law before the congregation Both the men and women and all that could hear with understanding upon the first day of the seventh month and He read there and before the street that was before the Watergate from the morning until midday before the men and the women and those that could understand and the ears of all the people were attentive into the book of the law and Ezra described stood upon a pulpit of wood which they had made for the purpose and beside him stood Mathathiah and Shema and Anaya and Urijah and Alkiah and Masiah on his right hand and on his left hand did I and Michelle and Malchiah and ashram and ash, but Anna Zechariah and meshulim And as we opened the book in the sight of all the people Free was above all the people and when he had opened it all the people stood up stood up And as we're blessed the Lord the great God and all the people answered amen With lifting up their hands, and they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground and Joshua and Benai and Shribaiah Jamon, I could Shabbat. I would I just Masiya Kelita Azariah Jezebel Hainan, Heliah and the Levites Caused the people to understand the law and the people stood in their place So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading and Then Maya which is the Thursday and as for the priestess pride and the Levites that taught the people set into the whole set into All the people this day is solely into the Lord your God More not their weep for all the people wept when they heard the words of the law Then he said unto them go your way Eat the fat and drink the sweet and send portions into them for whom nothing is prepared For this day is solely unto our Lord neither be sorry for the joy of the Lord is your strength So the Levites stilled all the people saying hold your peace for the day is holy neither be agreed And all the people went their way to eat and to drink and to send portions and to make great mirth Because they had understood the words that were declared unto them And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the quarters of all the people The priests and the Levites unto as we described even to understand the words of the law And they found written in the law to the Lord had commanded by Moses that the children of Israel should dwell in boots And the feast of the seventh month and that they should publish and proclaim in all their cities and in Jerusalem saying Go forth into the mountain and fetch all the branches and pine branches and myrtle branches and palm branches and Branches of thick trees to make booths as it is written So the people went forth and brought them and made themselves booths Everyone upon the roof of his house and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God and the street of the water gate and in the street of the gate of Ephraim And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made boots and sat under the boots For since the days of Joshua the son of none unto the day that had not the children of Israel done So and there was a very great gladness Also day by day from the first day into the last day He read in the book of the law of God and they kept the peace seven days and on the eighth day was a solemn Assembly according into the manner Less ready of God's word. Let us pray Lord God in heaven we thank you Lord for the stage given to us I pray that you please give us good weather and for our soul winning a fellowship later on and also Lord for our activities I pray that you would bless the preacher and the preaching your word Lord is day. Good luck in Jesus name we pray All right, we're in Nehemiah chapter 8 and the name of sermon is How to get your children involved at church how to get your children involved at church And when I say how to get your children involved at church, I mean while you are at church So not about getting your kids involved into spiritual things But on days when you're at church how to get your children involved and as I said, you know We're trying to get done early. So I'm going to try to get done by 1230, which is 25 minutes The first sermon was long. We have a lot of activities here today so I'll be quick with the four points that we have but point number one is Studious you want to create a studious atmosphere for your kids where they're here to basically learn Okay. Now obviously there's different parts to a church day. We have soul winning later. We have eating lunch We have different times but during the preaching you want it to be a studious atmosphere for your kids where they're basically learning to pay attention and get information the Bible says in Nehemiah 8 verse 1 and All the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the Watergate and they speak unto Ezra the scribe to Bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had commanded to Israel and Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women and all that could hear with understanding upon the first day of the seventh month and he read there in before the street those before the Watergate from the morning until Midday before the men and the women and those that could understand and the ears of all the people were attentive Onto the book of the law what you see here in Nehemiah chapter 8 is you see men women and kids all together We do not have a junior church We do not have a separate room and generally when churches have like a junior church or a nursery school or something like that The kids will just kind of sing these goofy songs and eat candy and then the adults are actually paying attention to a sermon Well, I don't believe that's the structure that the Bible has now later on today. The kids are gonna eat candy and play games Okay But anyway, the kids at our church even on a non children's day week There's a lot of activities for the kids to have fun to run around and everything but not during the church service There is a difference during the church service The purpose is to learn what because the Bible says church is the pillar and ground of the truth I mean, we're here to listen to the Word of God and during a church service The primary reason you're listening to sermons is to learn Right To learn and to be motivated you're here to learn God's Word Well, of course, we want the same for our kids now. Here's the thing. Of course kids have different ages I don't expect my son Ezra that is five months old to be paying that much attention I expect him to smile and then I'm happy right? It's like once he smiles I'm in a good mood. But of course, my son Zeph is older and so their sons F I will ask him Hey, what was a sermon about try to quiz him try to because he's four and a half years old He's old enough to learn some information and he's also old enough to pay more attention Then you know our youngest son or even our daughter who's two and a half turn in your Bible to Ephesians 6 Ephesians 6 Ephesians chapter 6 Now a couple things we need to understand number one You know what if you're in this room and you know, you don't have children or your children are already older You know what? You should be long-suffering with parents that are raising their kids because it is hard to raise kids Right kids are just naturally makulit according to the Bible and you know what my kids are sometimes makulit and it is what it is Right. It's like, you know kids are gonna act like that. They're gonna run around They're gonna goof off sometimes if you don't have young kids be long-suffering To parents that are trying to raise their kids and do the best job they can because it's hard But if you do have young kids You want to try to teach your kids as early as possible to try to pay as much attention And you don't want your kids to distract other people at church Right. So if you have young kids to the best of your ability, you don't want your kids to be a distraction They're very young. Maybe they can't really, you know pay that much attention But you want to stop them from being a distraction to other people now at our church We have a mother-baby room at our church in Pampanga. We do not have a mother-baby room We don't have the capacity for that. We have a mother-baby room. You say what is the purpose of that? Well number one It's for moms With young children. It's not for dads Right every once in a while You know men have to knock to put in the offering or we need to get something from there or whatever But it's like that room is not for men. It's for women, right and for men that want to complain Well, if you want to watch your young kids during the entire church service and give your wife a break Then I'm sure she'd be happy with that Right, but we have that for a reason because in general it's gonna be the moms with the kids, right? Now I do believe husbands should try to help but obviously, you know young kids want their mom usually over their dad But here's the thing. The room is for moms, you know with young children So if you're not a mom or you don't have young children It's like it's not a hanging out room and you know, I know a lot of people most churches They don't really have a mother-baby room. So a lot of people aren't really sure you know what it's for Well, the purpose is that if there are young kids that are kind of acting up the moms can take those kids to avoid those kids from being a distraction to other people and It teach and train those kids to be able to sit through the service in the future Right, and you know, we have limited space in there But we do have a lot of kids now at our church and it's a room where you know Obviously moms are nursing their kids. I mean, it's not meant to be a room to hang out Now if you're a mom with young kids in there, once again, it's not a room to hang out It's a room where we have a video showing the sermon for a reason where you pay attention And you don't want to distract the other kids or your kids to be a distraction now, of course Sometimes kids are going to be a distraction. Sometimes I ask my wife, you know, what do you think of the sermon? She's like I didn't really hear a lot of it because you know, the kids were you know, being Makulit or whatever So sometimes she misses some of it. It is what it is But the room back there is for the purpose of moms with young children Because we want everybody to be able to pay attention as much as is possible, right? And so you want to create a studious atmosphere for your kids and obviously this is dependent on what their age is and look I don't think it's a bad thing for parents if you want to bring small little games for your kids if they're not able to pay attention during the service or they have a limited attention span because you don't want them to distract from Other people but you want to create a studious atmosphere. That is one thing that you can do as parents Number two, another thing that you can do is spanking. Spanking is something that you can do to get your kids involved at church When I'm saying spanking, I'm not saying that when your home and your kids act up you spank them I am talking about at church because we're talking about on days that you're at church One thing you can do is spank your kids when necessary You say why? Because if they're acting up and you want them to start being studious and pay attention You know what you have to do? You have to spank your kids to teach them to start paying attention Right? You say well brother Stuckey, this is your opinion Well, let's see what the Bible says Ephesians 6 verse 4, and he fathers provoked not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord We bring our kids up in the nurture of the Lord. We spend time with them We show them that we care for them But as a parent our job is to admonish or discipline or teach our kids and sometimes in a negative way Sometimes it's a reproof by words and sometimes it's you know a spanking This is what the Bible says go to Proverbs 22 Proverbs 22 Proverbs 22 And I get it nobody likes to spank their children I don't enjoy spanking my children I Doubt anybody in this room enjoys spanking their children It's not a fun thing to do you'd prefer it if you don't have to spank your children Well, here's the thing spank your children when they're young and you won't have to spank them when they're older You know, I don't think I got any spankings past the age of maybe like eight or nine or ten years old or whatever You say why because I knew I'd get a spanking if I acted up so I didn't act up Right. I mean, it's just like I don't want to get in trouble with my parents and you know You teach them at a young age Rather than just letting them do whatever at a young age and I'll start training them when they're five or six or seven Why not just train them when you're young and you can be done by the time that they're older Bible says in Proverbs 22 verse 6 Train up a child in the way should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it You say okay, Brother Stuckey. What does that have to do with spanking? Well read the whole chapter verse 15 part of that training according to verse 15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child You know, it's funny because the first half of this verse is quoted a lot Right and I quote the first half of this verse, but it's like well, let's quote the whole verse Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child But what does the Bible say here, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him Yeah, it's a fact kids act foolish But what corrects that the rod of correction? What's that referring to? It's referring to spanking your kids meaning when they're acting foolish You spank them you can give them a warning if you want you can tell them no But if they reach that point then you spank them you say Brother Stuckey. You're saying I have to spank my kids every week No, no, no, it depends on if they're being foolish There are some services. My kids are not foolish. They don't get a spanking There are some services they are and they get a spanking it depends on how they're acting Right, and so it depends on how your kids are acting I'm not saying hey, you've got to make it a point Hey, you got to get those spankings in no matter what they do at least five every single day No, no It depends on how they're acting if they're disobeying if they're acting bad That is when you spank him you say why because it's correcting them It's teaching now. Here's the thing people consider spanking to be child abuse in 2022 Now first off that's that's ridiculous because what we're talking about spanking on an area of the body that doesn't cause any injury We're not saying punch them in the face We're not saying strike them on the back. We're saying a specific spot that causes pain and no injury But but let me help you out with something how about just don't spank your kids ever and Let them grow up and just always break the law and go to jail for 20 years for something they do. I Am sorry But the spanking that lasts for a couple minutes of pain is nothing Compared to what's going to take place to them if they don't get discipline at a young age It's our job to teach them at a young age and look This is what it says train of a child same chapter the rod of correction shall drive that foolishness far from them go to Proverbs 23 Proverbs 23 This Is not a topic that's confusing in the Bible, but it is a topic that people really struggle to actually do Especially, you know when you're first time parent and I get that, you know, you're your first child It's it's especially the first time you spank your kid because they're not expecting it and it's your first you don't know what to do It's like and then and let me just help you out because if you've got young kids or maybe you're newer to this Here's what you do. You spank your child and Then you hug them afterwards. You kiss them on the cheek You tell them you love them and you explain the best you can what they did that was wrong and you know what you find with your kids in 30 seconds, they forgive you and they say they're sorry. I'm sorry mom I'm sorry dad when my when I spank my kids they don't end up hating me. They end up saying they're sorry for what they did Right, they realize because they don't that the biggest thing to young kids. They don't want to upset mom and dad That's really painful to them that they disappointed mom and dad And so when they get a spanking they're usually apologetic and I say, you know I'm sorry and it's like but but here's the thing when the Bible said foolishness is bound in the heart of a child It didn't say foolishness is bound in the heart of some children Didn't say foolishness is bound in the heart of just you know Other people's children. It says it's bound in the heart of a child. You say what are you saying brother Stuckey? I'm saying my children are foolish I'm saying I was foolish as a child I'm saying all of the kids in our church are foolish sometimes But here's the thing if you drive that foolishness away at the age of two three four or five years old They don't have to be foolish when they're 20 years old Because a lot of people that are adults are very foolish with the way they live their lives I'd rather drive that away at the age of three or four or five years old Then when they're 20 years old and they're getting into major problems Proverbs 23 verse 12 apply thine heart unto instruction in thine ears to the words of knowledge Instruction what does that mean exactly well withholding out correction from the child for if thou beatest him with the rod He shall not die you say brother Stuckey What does it mean he's not going to die what means that when you spank your kids? They don't die It's very literal right. It's like don't worry. You're not causing. You're not causing any injury. Don't worry Not only do they not die they don't get injured It's not like well I was spanking my kid, and they broke a leg I mean that doesn't take place if you're spanking them on their bottom What happens is they cry like it's the worst thing ever and then literally a minute later They don't even remember it right. It's not a big deal to them right and the Bible says though You know withhold not correction and what what that's saying is there's something that's appropriate or important for their kids don't withhold it It's your job. Would you want somebody to withhold your salary at work? No, because you need that money, but here's the thing for those kids They actually need that spanking because it drives away foolishness it instructs them it Teaches them and if your kids are acting up at church And you spank them why is that helpful to get them involved the church because they realize okay? I need to pay attention or I realize I can't do that right Thou shalt beat him with the rod and shout deliver soul from hell It will also help your kids get saved because they're going to realize that you know what there's a punch Punishment for doing wrong go to Proverbs 29 Proverbs 29 And I'm being quick with this because I want to get done by 1230, but you know these are verses I've covered before and talked about but About two years ago I Preached a sermon series on I don't remember the name of the church But it's from 1st Corinthians about strife and envy and divisions in the local church It was I believe an eight-part series if you remember that series One of the things that I said Causes fights at church and one of the big things and when I preached this I think to a lot of people It's probably just in theory because we didn't have a lot of kids at our church I said one of the big things that causes fights at church Is that when children fight with one another the parents start fighting one another? Now what happens is the children get over it very quickly? But the parents oftentimes will be upset because let's be honest our our natural reaction as parents Is that if your kid is crying somebody else must have done something and sometimes that's true Or your kid gets in a fight with another kid well of course it was the other kids fault Right and look that might be true But you can't be naive as a parent my child would never do anything wrong. Well your child's foolish How dare you say that well how dare me quote the Bible all children are foolish? Right and and and here's the thing the reason why it causes problems number one is it's it's just you know Obviously if somebody hurts your child or does something you're going to be upset But one thing that often causes problems is that when somebody does something to your child? And then they don't discipline their child it causes a lot of resentment and anger now Here's the thing I'm not a perfect parent by any stretch of the imagination I think everybody would say there's no doubt brother Stuckey and his wife spanked their kids if they do something wrong To other kids right I mean I spanked my kids plenty of time You know I go to the back room we go to a quiet place There's no question that if my kids do wrong. I discipline my kids, and you say why do you do that brother Stuckey? I don't want my kids to keep acting foolish as they get older Let me just say this in all Sincerity if my kid does something wrong to your kid And I don't see it me my wife And I want to know it you say why because we want to up the opportunity to deal with the problem So it doesn't stay a problem, but here's the thing you know what the truth is not all parents Discipline their kids when they act up, and I'm telling you it causes problems at church You know when I was in Sacramento the church is a lot bigger than ours There's a lot more kids a lot of people have like families of like nine people. You know seven kids six kids five kids It's probably the most common fight that happens in church because kids every single week are going to be doing some fighting and Then people get mad, and then the parents get mad at the other parents it causes major problems, right? It is one of the big reasons that causes strife and problems in the local church here's the thing when I go out to the park with my kids and Other kids are you know bullying my kid or whatever I expect that from the world of course That's what's going to take place And you know what it frustrates you sometimes when you see another kid do something to your kid And the parents are there at the park, and they do nothing about it. I'm just thinking not even a sorry It's just like but here's the thing that's not something that should happen at church because people at church should know what the Bible teaches about spanking and So it's something that you should do as a parent, but here's the thing I don't get that worked up about it because at the end of the day When a child does not get spanked for doing something wrong to another kid The person who's being harmed is the kid who did wrong Not the kid who got wronged you say why because if that kid doesn't get disciplined for the wrong They do they're going to end up getting into more and more problems They're the ones that are having correction withheld from them But I will say this you know I've had times where my son asked me like you know Why didn't that kid get a spanking? I mean what am I supposed to answer? I'm just like well. You know every parent makes their own decision That's what I say because my son asked that because he knows well if I did that you'd spanked me dad So it's like well. It's a good question. I just say well. You know every every parent makes their own decisions But I said you know what? You just listen to mom and dad what we tell you because it doesn't concern me at the end of the day But I am preaching the entire Bible And I'm trying to help you out that one of the big things you can do To get your kids involved in church is spank them if necessary It's an important thing for your kids to teach them to be obedient Proverbs 29 verse 15 the rod and reproof give wisdom Why I mean the Bible says this I mean Interpret these verses however you want the rod and reproof give wisdom But a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame What does that mean? Who's what it means if a kid doesn't get discipline? They're going to eventually embarrass their parents You say what do you mean? Let's say we're in 2042 my son's 24 years old and let's say you know God forbid that my son becomes very rebellious and goes to jail for robbing a store and Let's say I run into someone. I haven't talked to in years, and they say hey, you know. How's your son's f doing? change the subject Hey, my son's in prison right now. It's not great. He robbed the store Now I'd be embarrassed by that wouldn't I I'd be shamed by that I'd be embarrassed by that Right here's what I'm saying. You know what every child Embarrasses their parents from time to time at a young age no question about it And honestly as a parent you always feel like if you're trying to do a good job You always feel like your kids are doing worse than they actually are because all kids are acting foolish sometimes But you get a bit embarrassed if your kids do something wrong. It's like man You know why'd you have to do that in public? You know it's embarrassing, but isn't it better to be embarrassed by a two-year-old or a three-year-old than like a 22 year old Or 23 year old and the bottom line is if you don't provide the proper parenting and discipline Then your kids are going to embarrass you once they're adults Right and look. I'm just trying to help people out. I mean it's at the end of the day It's up to everybody what what they do we don't have any sort of code of rules for spanking your kids I'm just saying you want to get your kids involved and get them spiritual you need to provide discipline when it's necessary Is it fun? No, it's not is it easy. No, it's not because there's limited space You know you need to go to a private place and talk to your child There's a back room there or the mother baby room if it's the moms of the kids It's not an easy thing to do nobody wants to do it, but if it's necessary. It's necessary right it says When the wicked are multiplied transgression increases, but the righteous shall see their fall Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest yea He shall give the light unto thy soul look if my son in 20 years is a soul winner and somebody says hey How's your son doing Mike? Yeah? You know he's doing great. You know he just got married You know he's got a child on the way. You know he's serving God. He's going soul-winning. He's reading this Bible He's that he's become a really great man. It's gonna. Give me delight I'm gonna be excited and talk about my son once again if he's in prison. It's gonna be an embarrassment It's gonna be a shame It's gonna be something I would want to avoid and you say better Stuckey is spanking your kid at a young age really that Important to get your kid to turn out right well according to the Bible Yes, it is train up a child same chapter foolishness is bound the heart of a child, but the rod of correction Shall drive it far from him go to Matthew 9. We'll look at a couple more places Matthew 9 Oh This is just one of those things you got to trust what the Bible says cuz the world's gonna say I'm wrong They're gonna say well what you're saying is child abuse right well. They can say whatever they want I'm gonna believe and do what the Bible says And if you do what the Bible says if you train up a child in the way He should go when he is old. He will not depart from it as a parent with young kids That is a verse that we walk by faith and for the most part not by sight because my son's not old But I will say this I can even see it that my son at the age of four has learned Obedience by not that we're doing a perfect job because we don't but he's learned Obedience because we actually put in the time and you're gonna start to see that at a pretty young age whether or not your child Is going down an obedient road or whether or not they're going down a rebellious road when I was in grade school There are kids at the age of five and six that were already getting into major major trouble as a young child Now for me, I knew that if I act up at school, I'm gonna come home and get a horrible spanking So guess what? I didn't act up at school Right because I knew I would get in trouble But you know there are two kids at five and six years old that and as another kid It was kind of humorous or whatever to us is but it was pretty bad the way they're going down for example There's this one kid who at a young age this kid is like five or six years old on April Fool's Day He stole all the teachers books and just threw them in the toilet and just basically destroyed them And you know and he's like haha April Fool's Right now as a kid. It was hard not to smirk. It's one of those things where if your kids smiling It's like don't smile. It's not funny right, but here's the thing that same kid. I'm pretty positive as a reprobate at this point I've actually tried to give him the gospel and I stopped giving the gospel after he just cuz I heard he was he had become Suicidal he was thinking about killing himself, so I was like man I tried to reach out to him and talk to him in ten years try to give him the gospel Once he started mocking God After you know a week of me sending him sermons and stuff. It's like alright. Well. You've already made your choice obviously You're just mocking me now, but here's the thing do I think he was a reprobate at the age of five or six I don't But He was not getting any discipline from his parents and if you knew anything about his family his family was super rich both parents were doctors and They just sent him off to school. They never spent any time with him. You know it was all work work work It's like well child left to himself Bring it this mother to shame. I mean it sounds like the Bible's accurate Because honestly this kid I know I'm gonna be I'm not gonna hold true to my 1230 But I'm going on the rabbit trail, but honestly if you had asked me at that age Who is the smartest kid in your school this kid would have been my answer it would have been the answer for most people Smartest kid and yet he became a drug addict He got went to jail many times for beating his his living girlfriend and all kinds of things and then just mocking God But see there's the problems at a young age That did not get corrected, and it just got worse and at some point I believe you know he became a reprobate as he's mocking God I would assume I could be wrong, but he certainly seemed like it anyways Matthew 9 number one When I create a studious atmosphere for the kids number two you want to do spanking when necessary number three How about soul winning? Soul winning is something that you can involve your children on. The Bible says in verse 37 Then saith the unto his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous But the labors are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labors into his harvest this is the most exciting part of the Christian life and Part of what makes this so exciting is the fact that we know if we don't do this It's not going to get done There's that responsibility It's so important, but it also makes it exciting because you realize hey, it's not like these other churches are going to do it It's our job to do it Here's the thing a lot of people got into serving God because of the excitement so winning you love it. It's exciting you're doing something Here's the thing we need to make sure we create that excitement for our young children as Well, and so when you're going out soul winning you can try to take your children with you now A lot of things to understand about this if it's really raining on a day and you've got young kids Probably not the smartest to take your kids your kids are going to get sick. Everyone's going to get sick. It can be a disaster Obviously the weather can depend on these things obviously, you know with kids sometimes one of the kids is asleep I mean things but you know one thing my wife and I do Sometimes when we take your kids so winning here on Sundays, we'll go so winning nearby Not for as long and you say brother Stuckey. Why do you do that? Well, because we want to get our kids involved in so winning now could I get more people saved on my own without you know having to stop for the kids or could my wife get saved more on her own probably But in the long run it's more important to get your kids involved in the things of God and get them involved in so many and Look, I believe even before they're saved. My son is four years old. My son is not saved However, if you ask my son, why do you go so winning? You know, he's gonna say is like to get people to believe on Jesus Otherwise, they're gonna go to hell I mean he has a lot of the answers memorized Because you know, he's you know been involved in so many and I've talked to him at home and stuff like that My wife's talked to him and everything like that, but you want to get them involved in the excitement at young age Hey, here's the thing you take your kids out Sometimes they get tired and they say they want to come back now I'm not saying you got to go so winning until they fall over or whatever But what I'm saying is, you know, honestly that teaches them some patience to realize what things that have real value Are not easy They take work and I get it, you know best-case scenario you bring water with you But we've taken our kids and forgotten to bring water forgotten to bring money to get water and it is what it is But you know, I've told my son before is like hey, you know what? We're waiting because so-and-so is preaching the gospel It's like I'm sorry. I forgot water, but I know it's hot Seth. It's a lot hotter in hell, right? It's a lot worse for them. It's gonna be okay. You go back, you know, we'll get you a snack We'll get you some water. It's gonna be okay, but you want to get your kids excited in this at a young age Go to Acts 21. We'll look at two last places acts 21 acts 21 If You are a parent with young children and you say brother say it's very hard to take my kids out soul-winning You're correct. It is very hard Let me help you out with something if you say brother Stuckey I want to go so with my kids on Sunday, but you know what? I can't take them in the gym It's gonna be too far. You can go soul-winning nearby. The church will give you an area You don't have to go out for two hours. You don't have to go out as long. It's perfectly fine I understand that right because it's hard I mean if you have young kids and you're trying to get them involved in soul-winning You're perfectly welcome to go soul-winning nearby. Will you get as many people saved? Well, no because we've knocked these doors 700 times But we still get people saved and at least is teaching them and training them. You're perfectly fine You could could mention it to me. I have no problem with parents with young kids going soul-winning nearby where it's easier Okay, obviously It's harder when you have young kids Right. I have three kids and one of my kids is you know a newborn. It's like yeah It's hard with all three kids. So, you know what when we go soul-winning here on Sundays we go nearby If it's a day that's rainy, I'm not going to take my kids because I don't want them to get sick Right, but you don't want to just give up on the idea of taking your kids soul-winning because the difficulty you want to get them involved in that excitement Bible says in Acts 21 verse 8 and the next day we there were a pulse company departed and came on to Caesarea and we Enter into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven and abode with him and the same man had four daughters Virgins which did prophesy now the Bible says this man has four daughters. I am assuming there's no twins Okay, I'm assuming the fact that it highlights their virgins would indicate we're not talking about women that are 40 years old. I Think we're talking about women that are old enough where they could not be virgins if they went down that road But they're still under the authority of their parents. What's my point? My point is I'm expecting that at least one of these girls is not yet a teenager I would assume I you're thinking the ages of 11 13 15 17 because Generally people probably got married at a younger age back then Especially when people grow up in a Bible believing church, you know moms often have the goal of getting married at a young age So I'm assuming kids are 11 13 15 and 17 is my guess I could be wrong my point is though These kids obviously at a young age. We're going so any because they're not only going they're the ones doing the preaching Is that not what we see in these verses even if the youngest is 15, and I'm wrong Still obviously, you know, it takes time and getting practice and she's a bonafide soul winner as a teenager Look the goal as a parent should be that when your kids are teenagers, they're so winners They know how to preach the gospel But that does not come by accident that comes by them going and getting Experience and getting that discipline and so you could say that you know what when your kids are teenagers You know what? My daughters are not pastoras, but they are preachers of the gospel right get acts to will close up acts to acts to Sermons like this can can oftentimes be a little bit hard because It's hard to raise your kids it's difficult and You know what? Sometimes it can be kind of you know People can get emotional or about all if he said something look I'm preaching the sermon to try to help you out and help myself out because these are things I need to be reminded about It's very easy to let some of these things slip because it takes a lot of work and it takes a lot of effort And it's it's not easy If you're if you don't have young kids in this room be long suffering with parents with young children Because it can be stressful. It's hard. It's not easy I mean it takes time and patience and a lot of lessons you learn Mistakes that all of us make as parents But if you are a parent with young kids don't get upset if I say something that maybe steps on your toes a little bit Just say okay, you know, I'm gonna try to get better Because it's better to learn these things when they're young and try to apply them So when they're older you already know how to do it. And also they've already learned from experience Bible says in Acts 2 verse 41 and 42 Number one create a studious atmosphere point to spanking when necessary point three so winning but point four social Involvement for your kids one things you can do to get your kids involved at church is social involvement The Bible says in Acts 2 verse 41 then they that gladly receive his word were baptized in the same day They're added on them about 3,000 souls and they continued steadfastly the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers The Bible mentions fellowship in verse 42 and one of the big things that gets people connected to a local church is when they fellowship at church what I've noticed is When people first start coming to church and they're listening to the sermons You don't really know whether or not they're going to get connected or not. I Kind of know though once they start staying for activities. That's when I know hey They're here and they're going to endure because they're forming friendships. They're forming a church family They're getting you know, their whole family involved once they start sticking around for lunch to me. That's a big step again It's great. They start sticking around for lunch because they're trying to get involved with the other kids They're staying for Children's Day the activities they're staying for other things that we do Obviously depending on your schedule, that's not always possible But but here's my point as adults social involvement is actually pretty important to us You get involved in church a lot of your activities and hobbies You don't have time for anymore. And so it's good to create a fun atmosphere at church But it's the same way with kids as well I mean, here's the truth If all you do is bring your young kids to church and just always leave right after church Probably not going to create an atmosphere where your kids enjoy church Because listening to the sermon is going to be hard for them Right there. Oh, how much longer is this right now? Of course church is not fun fun fun But at the same time I do believe you should be able to say I was glad when they said let us go into the House of the Lord and you want to create that atmosphere at a young age now I'm not saying that if you can't stick around today, there's anything wrong with that It's completely up to you But I'm just saying you want to get your kids socially involved in church And that is an important step that you can do if you want your kids to end up serving God and Loving God create a studious atmosphere during the sermons Take them out soul winning spank them when necessary and then create a social atmosphere where they're forming friends And I mean my kids will often be excited for church. It's like what are you excited about? I want to see so-and-so right they'll mention one of the other kids at church because the closest friends in this world to my kids Are the kids of church both in Pampanga and here they're excited to see the other kids at church And you know what? That's a good thing for those kids because you start forming friendships with godly people He that walketh with wise men shall be wise the Bible says let's close in word of prayer. Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us be here today and ask you to help us as parents with young kids Help us to do a good job. Help me and my wife to do a good job Help us try to live by this and not just preach but actually live by it and help all the parents It's very difficult to raise young kids But help the kids in this room grow up to not only get saved but end up loving you and serving you God Page number 99 page number Page number I think Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh