(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now we're going to finish basically part of Genesis chapter 9, basically the last 10 verses or so. There's a pretty unique story that kind of is away from the rest of the chapter. But before that there's basically three lessons to basically the liberal crazies that are out there. People that have all this liberal agenda and all these weird things. There's a lot of lessons that are taught here right in Genesis chapter 9 of the things that we believe. Notice what it says in verse 1. And God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Verse 2, And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea, into your hand are they delivered. Now the first point is this, vegetarianism rebuked, right? Vegetarianism rebuked, right? You know today we have a lot of people that say it's wrong to eat meat, it's healthier just to eat plants, we got to care about the animals, you know protect them. And the ones that are real extreme are like the vegans that say not only do we not eat any meat, but you know we don't even eat any you know milk or eggs or anything like that. And then to an even more extreme level you know I've talked about briefly that religion you know Jainism where there's certain vegetables they don't eat because it's too destructive, okay? But we see here in Genesis chapter 9 that being a vegetarian or being a vegan, that's rebuked very early on because notice what it says here in verse number 2. It says that in the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth. See what you're seeing is animals are afraid of humans according to verse 2. It says the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth. The indication is before Genesis chapter 9 verse 2 they were not actually afraid, but here in Genesis chapter 9 verse 2 what we're seeing is the animals are afraid of the humans. And so it says here and upon every fowl of the air, upon all the movement upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea, into your hand are they delivered. So the birds, the beasts, the fish, they're all afraid of humans. Well the question would be why? Well the reason is because we're eating them. Verse 3, every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have I given you all things. And see what the bible is indicating is that before this the green herb and plants were given to humans to eat. But now he's saying every animal as well. He says every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you. Meaning any animal is okay to eat. Now realize we are before the mosaic law because we often think of the mosaic law. We think of like unclean animals and things like that. This is actually before the mosaic law and what the bible is saying is any animal you want to eat is okay. There is no restriction on an animal. Go to Genesis chapter 6. Genesis chapter 6. So this is actually unique because before this event you know humans were not really eating animals. Notice what it says in Genesis 6 verse 18. Genesis 6 verse 18. But with thee will I establish my covenant and thou shall come into the ark. Thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy sons wives with thee. And of every living thing of all flesh two of every sort shall thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee they shall be male and female. Of fowls after their kind and of cattle after their kind. Of every creeping thing in the earth after his kind. Two of every sort shall come on to thee to keep them alive. So he's naming all of these animals coming into the ark. Then in verse 21 and take thou on to thee. So he's saying I want you Noah to take on to yourself. Take on to thee of all food that is eaten. So take of all food that's eaten. Then he says this and now shall gather it to thee and it shall be and it shall be for food for thee and for them. So the bible saying is on the ark the food that was eaten was the same for the humans as it was the animals. And he's saying I want you to gather the food that's eaten of all that is eaten it's going to be food for you it's also going to be food for the animals. Now there are animal sacrifices you know before the flood. So presumably they probably ate some meat but it wasn't part of their normal diet like it is today because there was no fear of the animals. That would have been something on kind of a special occasion. That would probably be my interpretation. They still ate the animals when they did sacrifices but that's not a very common thing that's taking place because on the ark he says you know what? The food you're going to get it's going to be for you it's also going to be for the animals. Then in Genesis chapter 9 when they get off the ark all of a sudden the animals are afraid of humans. Now what's interesting is some people try to use this and say well we're just trying to go back to the Garden of Eden and the original diet that you were meant to have. But wait a minute in Genesis chapter 9 God made a permanent thing where he said the animals are now afraid of humans. So we're eating animals. There's nothing in the Bible that would say we should go back to a time period where we're not eating animals. He says the fear of you is going to be upon every animal. So the indication is that in 2021 just as in the time of Christ we're able to eat animals there's nothing wrong with that. Okay go to Romans 14. Romans chapter 14. The Bible doesn't tell us a lot about the first couple thousand years of human history. I mean we know people used to live very long lives presumably whatever caused the flood. You know the Bible doesn't necessarily tell us all the details other than the fact that it was you know a miraculous event by God. Presumably just the world changed quite a bit. Now one obvious change is that if you have a worldwide flood even though we talked about last week that some plants can survive in a flood not all plants can. So if you have a worldwide flood a lot of what you're going to eat is just not there anymore. So now all of a sudden it's like you get off the ark and what does God say? He's like all right now go after those animals that you protected for that time period on the ark you know just get them right. Now it's like the animals are going to be afraid of the humans and since there's a lack of resources with plants the animals also are going to start to be eating themselves as well because of the fact of necessity. That's just the way it works right. So you know I don't necessarily know with every single animal but presumably I would say that the way God designed many of these animals before the flood just completely different than today. And so you know you might look at some animal that has you know very sharp teeth and they say well see you know it must have been you know he must be a carnivore. Well that's not necessarily true because there's animals with sharp teeth that just eat leaves. And you think of I think panda leaves I'm not an expert on pandas but they say well you know they look at animals like that and you know when they're trying to talk about evolution and stuff like that what I'm saying is you know what there's obviously a change that took place when the flood happened. We don't necessarily know what caused the flood. We know the ages of people dropped dramatically. So the world's just a much different place. I personally would presume because you know when you eat fruit, fruit is either very good or it's kind of like eh you know matabang or malang lasa right. It can be either very good or it's kind of like eh you know nothing special. Depending on how good it is how fresh it is and everything like that I presume that the fruits and the vegetables before the flood were probably really nice right. I would presume that it was probably you know very good very healthy so people would want to eat that. But you know nowadays you know things are just completely different than they used to be. But regardless of all the reasons or what we think the bottom line is the Bible says that we can eat animals now. And it tells us to do it. So obviously this is part of our normal diets that we need. It says in Romans 14 verse 1 him that is weak in the faith receive ye but not to doubtful disputations. Now what this is talking about is basically receiving in the body of Christ receiving in a church. And the Bible says that you know what if people come to our church you know what we're supposed to receive those people even if they're weak in the faith. And you know it's going to give us an indication of being weak in the faith. But one part of being weak in the faith is just that you don't know the word of God and some of your beliefs are going to be wrong. Right. And I remember you know I've seen this before in Sacramento at Verde Baptist where somebody's kind of new to church and they want to do something nice or whatever. And I've had people come up to me and say hey you know what there's this Billy Graham book that would be that's a really great book you should read sometime. Now here's the thing you know I don't think it's a wise thing or respectful thing to rebuke a person who's making an honest mistake because they're trying to say something nice. And the idea is that as a church we should receive people like that. And if we are more spiritual or we do know more we should just say oh I appreciate the suggestion. Just let the preaching of God's word make the changes in people. If people are new to our church but they're zealous they're probably going to say a lot of things where it's just like okay that's definitely not what we believe at Verde Baptist. But as long as they're not spreading heresy it's okay. What the Bible is saying is you know we should receive these people unless they're causing all these disputes and fights and then it becomes a matter of the church where it's like you know you know I don't know about your old church but here at Verde Baptist you don't come in and just start intentionally spreading the opposite of what we believe. So it's one thing if somebody's new to our church and they make honest mistakes but if they're coming here to try to cause discord or cause problems or explain why we're wrong on doctrines well then it becomes a matter where it becomes a church matter because we need to be a united body of Christ. Notice what it says in verse 2. For one believeth that he may eat all things another who is weak eateth herbs. So the indication here is that one thing people might dispute about is things related to diet. And what the Bible is saying here is one person thinks he can eat anything. And a person who is weak only eats vegetables right. What the Bible is saying is the person who is and it's not saying physically weak but if all you eat is vegetables you're going to be physically weak also okay. And so the Bible is saying is this the one who is weak spiritually weak and unknowledgeable about this stuff all they do is eat plants all they do is eat herbs. Maybe they watch some YouTube video that said that hey we should go back to the Garden of Eden and just eat plants it's more healthy for you it's better for you. The Bible is saying the person who is spiritually weak is the one that's not eating the meat. The person who's spiritually weak is the one that is putting all these restrictions on their diet that are just not found in the word of God. Okay now here's the thing about this there's nothing wrong though if somebody wants to just eat vegetables and eat no meat if that's what they choose to do that's what they choose to do right. So if somebody comes in and they believe that it's wrong to eat meat it's perfectly fine for them to come to our church and just you know if they come for lunch fellowship they can bring you know obviously not eating any meat or whatever but the problem would be is if we're having church events and then they're always criticizing like oh I see there's pepperoni on that pizza and it's just like well now you're causing problems when you know you're making a big deal out of it when it's just like let everybody else be fully persuaded in their own mind if people think they can eat meat then they should be able to eat meat right and so you know this is an example but you know you have other things as well because especially in 2021 a lot of people follow different sorts of diets people have different opinions about certain sorts of things and oftentimes they're the exact opposite of one another you got the vegetarians that are on one extreme with vegans but then you also have people it's called the carnivore diet where all you eat is meat and there are people where all they eat no bread no fruit no vegetables now I think that's a quick ticket for an early grave I mean I think that's a terrible diet but you know what I don't try to give people advice if they don't ask me for advice right and there's people on all ends of the spectrum then you got like the Atkins diet which is like no carbohydrates and no rice it's not a popular diet here in the Philippines but outside the Philippines you know outside of Asia it's a popular diet in the U.S. you know no bread no rice less than 40 grams of carbohydrates per day and so that's not a lot I mean 40 grams of carbohydrates that's 160 calories a normal diet of 2,000 3,000 calories and you've only got like 100 gram 100 calories coming from carbohydrates the rest is coming from fat and protein I personally am not for that diet but you know what honestly many like-minded people that love God are all for the Atkins diet and you know what I don't make it like a big issue to tell people hey you're wrong about I mean in the U.S. every like-minded church there are going to be a lot of people that follow the Atkins diet to a T where they basically eat no bread no rice no fruit or very very little the reason why I'd be against it is give us this day or daily bread bread strengthen at the heart the Bible says the Bible speaks well of honey and your juice can be a good thing even milk has a lot of carbohydrates in it so I don't think it's the exact diet if you're trying to follow what the Bible says but you know maybe people think it's a good diet for them or maybe they have certain health reasons why they can't eat certain things it's perfectly fine for people to eat the way they want to eat there's no problem with it right I mean even just on Saturday you know my stomach was feeling a little bit sick so I just ate soup you know I know a lot of food was brought but I had kind of had a stomach ache so I was like well for today I gotta have you know a different diet because I'm trying to recover whatever people might be having a certain diet to try to lose weight or to try to help in certain areas or whatever you know it's perfectly fine for people to do that the key would be that you know you're not trying to tell other people what to do and force people to follow your lifestyle if you have a lifestyle that's fine just don't force other people to follow that though and see the indication is that oftentimes the people that are forcing this are usually the people that have the extreme diets like the vegetarians and the vegans oftentimes they come into churches and tell people oh you shouldn't eat that blah blah blah well the Bible says here very clearly in verse two that the one who is right is the one who eats all things who believes that you can eat anything right the one who's correct is the person who says you can eat anything the one who's weak in the faith is the one who says all you do is eat plants but then it says this let not him that eat it despise him that eateth not so here's the thing us that know what the Bible says we're not weak in the faith we've grown a little bit in the Lord we should not look down on those that don't eat certain things if somebody comes to our church and you know what they basically do not you know have a full understanding of the things in the Bible on whatever topic because this is just an example but let's say for example they come into our church and you know they have a wrong perspective on diet and they say no meat and that's their attitude but they don't push that belief on us well we should not despise them or look down on them and we shouldn't try to force them say well now you should really just try pork one time or try chicken one time or try beef one time it's like you know just let them do what they want right let us not look down on them or think that they're a bad person because if we're right on what the Bible says and someone stays at our church and starts reading the Bible and going soul-winning their beliefs are going to change on a lot of stuff so we don't have to worry about pushing that on people okay so let us not look down on people that are new to our church and they're wrong on some doctrines and they don't understand certain things if we get somebody saved who is brand new to this they're going to be wrong on a lot in the first year it's going to be like this steroid dose of knowledge that's coming to their head right all this stuff is going to be new they're going to be wrong on some stuff and says let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth for god hath received him and so if somebody says you're not allowed to eat you know meat or has an extreme diet they should not be judging other people and saying you're in sin for eating that piece of chicken you're in sin for eating that piece of pork you're in sin for eating eggs or whatever well it'd be wrong for them to do that then it says in verse four who art thou that judges another man's servant to his own mastery standeth or falleth yea he shall be holding up for god is able to make him stand and so the Bible says you know we should not be judging other people on something that's kind of a gray area issue or personal preference let god be the judge okay now some things are just black and white thus saith the lord but you know there's a lot of things that are just kind of gray area where people just have different opinions you know you could look you could think of a lot of examples you could think of a documentary on youtube some people might see a certain documentary and think i think it's worldly you shouldn't watch it others might say i don't see anything wrong with it now of course if you're looking at a hollywood rated r movie with you know violence and cursing well thus saith the lord there's many reasons why that's wrong but there's many documentaries that i watch and i don't feel like it's wrong to watch then sometimes i start watching a documentary and i stop 10 minutes in because i start feeling guilty like this one is just you know billions of years ago it's like all right next right but what i'm saying is there's a lot of things that are just gray area where people just have different opinions and that is okay it says in verse five one man esteemeth one day above another another esteemeth every day alike let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind so some people think that if you know you let's say for example you have a church day they think we should dedicate our entire day to god no working on a church day some people have that idea and follow that others don't others say you know what i'm going to do both you know i worked a job before where i had you know morning church service i worked in between the church services and then evening church service where basically i worked on sundays you know we had church on sundays and i worked for five six hours every sunday in between church services my personal preference is to be able to spend a day pretty much completely devoted to god but i don't think it's wrong to work on a church day either because we're not following the sabbath like they did in the old testaments okay and it's going to talk about that here in a second but you know there are people that that say i think you should just dedicate an entire day to god away from all distractions there's nothing wrong with that it's a great way to live your life if you're able to do that and if if somebody has that philosophy it's great but if somebody does not have that philosophy there's nothing wrong with that either so it's really just let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind verse six he that regardeth the day regardeth it on the lord and he that regardeth not the day to the lord doth he not regard it he that eateth eateth to the lord for he giveth god thanks and he that eateth not to the lord he eateth not and giveth god thanks and kind of the idea is this when you're looking at vegetarians like we were talking about in the book of genesis here's the thing let's say i have the carnivore diet no bread no fruit no vegetables what the end of the day if i've got a plate full of chicken and steak and beef and that's my meal all day long but i pray to god to bless the food well the bible's saying that god will bless the food to the body right now i'm not saying you'll never have any health problems because obviously god gives us wisdom and i think we should follow that but you know the bible's saying that you know what if he giveth god thanks before he eats god can bless that food or if somebody says you know what all i'm going to eat are vegetables and fruits and no meat no dairy just all bread fruits and vegetables but they pray to god to bless that food i believe god's going to bless that food right because they're it's not like they're drinking alcohol okay i wouldn't suggest that diet but it's not sinful to decide not to eat meat i just i don't think it's the best thing though but it's not sinful okay go to acts chapter 10, Acts 10, Acts chapter 10 Acts chapter 10 and you know honestly probably all of us you know i don't think it's a good idea to be a picky eater you know my my christabel is not a picky eater at all zaff can be a little bit of a picky eater christabel at this stage is not at all i don't think it's good to be a picky eater i don't i think we should try to teach our kids to just eat whatever but you know probably all of us that are adults there's probably certain foods that are just not our favorites and we just kind of avoid them because we just rather eat something else and it's not that you know we can't eat it but either we don't like the taste or it's just you know not our favorite you know for me i i eat junk food but there's certain junk food i choose not to eat because it tastes okay to me but i feel like if i'm going to get calories on something unhealthy i'm going to pick something else so i would just basically you know avoid it in general but i don't think it's wrong to have it for example if somebody got it to me as a gift i wouldn't be rude and not eat it but it wouldn't be something i'd eat in my personal preference in my free time so there's probably all of us have certain things we try to avoid so if somebody comes in here and they have a more extreme diet of avoiding certain things it's fine right as long as they're not shoving their beliefs down our throats acts chapter 10 verse 9 on the morrow as they went on their journey and drew nine of the city peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour and he became very hungry and would have eaten but while they made ready he fell into a trance and so a trance is kind of like a dream kind of like you're just out of it but he's you know he's he's not i i don't know a trance is pretty similar to a dream but it says in verse 11 and saw heaven opened and a certain vessel descending upon him as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners and let down to the earth where and where all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air so peter basically sees this vision when he's in a trance where he's basically half awake kind of half daydreaming and he sees all manner of four-footed beasts now realize this that in genesis 9 they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted but then under the mosaic law there were restrictions on clean versus unclean animals okay so before that restriction there was nothing unclean in genesis chapter 9 but then under the mosaic law there were certain things that were clean and unclean the reason why is because it was a picture of jesus christ clean versus unclean animals and so for peter when he sees this vision of all manner of four-footed beasts and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air and then it says in verse 13 and there came a voice to him rise peter kill and eat well the first reaction of peter is going to be well i'm not going to do that because these are unclean animals right it's the obvious reaction that peter is going to have it's like these are unclean animals then it says in verse 14 but peter said but peter said not so lord for i've never eaten anything that is common or unclean and the voice spake on him again the second time what god hath cleansed that call not thou common this was done thrice and the vessel was received up again into heaven now remember peter's the one who talked about how the word of god is basically a more sure word of prophecy and we shouldn't just trust you know things we see or things we hear and he's obviously very hungry and a little bit out of it and so peter doesn't really believe this at first either but the words that god responds to peter peter thinks upon those things and what god's going to do and i don't have time to go into it but he's going to basically preach the gospel of cornelius and god ties a few things together to help peter understand about how there's nothing you know common or unclean that you cannot eat and he understands the scriptures now certain things that he didn't understand before it's just very clear it's kind of like you know if we learn some new doctrine in the bible think about when you learn the post-trib rapture didn't it just everything was just really clear like oh man makes sense that's what the bible's saying that's kind of what peter's experiencing here where he was a little bit off on his understanding and then once you know he just had a little thing to basically help his mind get it it's like everything's just flushing into his head oh it makes perfect sense that's the reason why we weren't able to eat those animals and so he's understanding this okay now go to genesis chapter nine genesis nine so it's very clear in acts 10 that at this time you're able to eat anything once again they were under the mosaic law as a picture of jesus christ but that's gone now they're not allowed to eat anything there's no restrictions it's very obvious in the bible now i will say this though that even though i believe that's a picture of jesus christ i will say that in general if you look at clean versus unclean animals clean animals are a lot healthier than unclean animals to actually eat and so i'm not saying it's a sin to eat an unclean animal but i do think that if we would try to follow that to some degree it's probably going to be very healthy for us because the clean animals are a lot healthier than the unclean animals to actually eat but and look there's probably certain animals that we look at in our head and yes god's cleansed it but i still don't want to eat it it's still unclean to me like we joked about the bat and pretty much any any animal that ends in act the bat the cat the rat it's just like certain of those animals are just like i don't know right you know eating soup with a bat in it well i mean it it wouldn't be wrong but it's not what i would would do as a preference right but the bottom line is anything that we're actually able to eat at this point according to the bible genesis 9 verse 4 but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof shall ye not eat so he does put one restriction here and he says that when you're going to eat flesh or you know meat or some sort of animal with the life thereof which is the blood thereof because your life is your blood shall ye not eat so the bible saying we're not supposed to eat blood okay now here's the thing this is before the mosaic law so i believe the same thing would be in in use today as well which is probably why james talks about eating nothing you know with blood that's something he mentions in acts in the book of acts but at the same time every animal has blood in it at some point right i think the general idea is just that if you're going to eat meat that you you cook it to the point where the blood's basically gone it's no longer just this juicy red blood that you're just you know it because for one it's not healthy to just eat raw meat that just has all the blood soaked in there it's not good for you right so the idea is just that you would cook meat and the blood's basically for the most part gone of course it brings up questions like what is it dinuguan which i've never had before it's always a question like when i first came to the philippines it's like do you think it's wrong to eat dinuguan and i was like what is you know am i pronouncing that right dinuguan and it's it's i actually read today how dinuguan is made you know how there's uh you know with pig blood and everything like that i would say this i know other dishes where basically there is a little bit of blood in the cooking process but i don't necessarily see that being that much different than you cook a steak and then you cook you cook to the point where the blood's basically gone or it's it's it's no longer dangerous unhealthy i know certain soups in the us where there's blood in it but then they actually heat it up and then it's at the point where it's the same thing as cooking a steak and it's gone i guess it would it would kind of depend on how much they're cooking it i don't think it's the healthiest thing because it looked like from pictures i saw it seemed like there's a lot of blood that they're cooking in if they were to cook it out i don't think it would be wrong but i definitely don't think it would be the healthiest thing either so you know i guess i'm not giving a really dogmatic answer i would just say the general principle is that you know when you're cooking meat cooking things with blood the blood should be cooked out of it or heated to the point where it's no longer there if you got something that's just like a a burger that's just red and not cooked or sometimes you know i love mung nasal but sometimes you get the chicken and it's still kind of red and it's just like number one it's not healthy and number two it's not that tasty right and so it's just like that's not a good thing for you so i think that's a general principle in genesis chapter nine and i think it would come down to certain judgment calls personal judgment calls of whether someone thinks this is okay or not but the general idea is that just you know blood should be cooked out of it it's not a healthy thing it's not a good thing for you so basically any meats you're allowed but at the same time if you're going to eat a meat you need to cook it it's kind of the general idea that i think is being taught in genesis chapter nine so number one we talked about kind of extreme diets but also vegetarianism and what in today's world being a vegan or being a vegetarian is very common and the same people that are the lgbt are the same ones pushing the vegan and the vegetarian diets the same people that are pro-abortion and you know pro-protecting the animals are the same ones that are pro-vegetarian and pro-vegan what's unbiblical it's wrong if somebody chooses to be a vegetarian that's fine but it's certainly not something where you have anyway you see certain people that try to make you feel guilty about eating meat it's like well do you know where these chicken have been and it's just it's like they want you to feel guilty about a chicken that got killed but yet god said those animals were created for man and part of that is the fact that we eat them so it's like you know no i don't think anyone should you know uh torture animals but if an animal gets it's you know killed and and eaten it's like well that's that's what they're designed for to be killed and eaten that's just the way it is right that's what the bible teaches so number one vegetarian vegetarianism rebuked it's a hard word to say number two the bible speaks about the death penalty here in genesis chapter nine and the same people that are anti eating meat are the same people that are anti-death penalty they say well you should never kill anyone everybody deserves a second chance well whenever we have any question we always come back to the bible what does the word of god say about the death penalty genesis 9 verse 5 and surely your blood of your lives will i require at the hand of every beast will i require it and at the hand of man the hand of every man's brother will i require the life of man who so shedeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed for the image of god made he man so here it talks about that if you kill another human being you get put to death this is the death penalty before the mosaic law because some people try to tell you well an eye for an eye is just the mosaic law but the death penalty was around before the mosaic law and number one jesus didn't get rid of the law because he said i came not to destroy the law but to fulfill the law but even if you believe that the law was done away with well the death penalty would still be around because it existed before the mosaic law and see the mosaic law says an eye for an eye and it gives certain things that you get the death penalty for it's very specific it makes it very clear and it's something that we should still follow today but even before the mosaic law in genesis 9 we have the death penalty go to genesis chapter 6 genesis 6 genesis chapter 6 it's funny the same people that say we should not have a death penalty if somebody let's say you know were to kill an animal they would say well that person should you know be killed for this it's so terrible and they value an animal above a human life well what's interesting is in genesis 9 he told us to eat animals then he says the death penalty for killing a human so it seems pretty clear according to the word of god that god values a human above an animal because he's telling us in genesis 9 kill the animal don't kill the human if you kill the human you get killed kill the animal to eat it don't kill a human or you're going to get killed okay you say well brother stucky why do we have the death penalty here in genesis 9 well the bible gives us some insight on the world without a death penalty notice what it says in genesis 6 verse 11 the earth also was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and god said unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth so we're seeing that the earth was a very violent place before the flood once again the bible does not tell us a whole lot in the first six chapters of genesis when it's saying violent i think we can assume murder rape are kind of the two big things that we're thinking of pedophilia i'm sure i'm sure the lgbt was really loud and proud in in genesis chapter six because of the fact god thought the world was so wicked that he destroyed it we're a pretty wicked world now but we're not at that point yet and yet the earth to some degree is filled with violence and rape and murder and all these things today but obviously in genesis chapter six it was filled with violence so here's the thing if there is no death penalty what's going to happen people are going to do whatever they want if they're not going to be put to death they're just going to do whatever crime and not think anything of it go to ecclesiastes chapter eight ecclesiastes eight now i was raised conservatively so pretty much my entire life i've been for the death penalty where basically if somebody's a violent criminal they should be put to death and i didn't know necessarily the exact laws or rules but i just kind of i i just had the general idea if somebody's some wicked evil person you got to pay for that if you do something wrong you got to pay for it if somebody commits some sort of crime there must be some sort of punishment the bible tells us very clearly what things will get you the death penalty but i'll say this i'm going to confess my faults one to another for a very short time i was against the death penalty and it was actually after i got saved and the reason why is i used man's wisdom and i thought to myself well i don't think we should have the death penalty because even if somebody's some terrible person they still have a chance to get saved i think it's better for them to be in jail and have a chance to get saved you know even until the day they die even if they've done some terrible crime like murder and everything like that and the reason why i said that is i was using man's wisdom without actually knowing what the word of god said you know i was saved for a short time i wanted everybody in the world to be saved i was naive to what the bible said and so i thought to myself well you know what i think it's better not to have a death penalty because even if someone's a violent criminal they deserve to get a chance to be saved because god wants everybody to be saved right i was like it's better for them to have a chance until the day they die well of course we understand when you look at things like the reprobate doctrine there are certain people that have lost their chance already people that are you know rapists and and pedophiles and these group of people that have lost their chance to be saved it's just like well they deserve the death penalty according to the bible but the other thing is this even if someone is not a reprobate see somebody could commit murder it doesn't mean that they're a reprobate somebody could even commit rape and it doesn't mean that they're a reprobate but it doesn't change the fact that you have to pay for the action that you did and so according to the bible the punishment is the death penalty for crimes such as that now certain things like stealing it's not the death penalty but certain things you deserve the death penalty for it says in ecclesiastes eight verse 11 because sins against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil the bible says you know if a sentence against something evil is not done speedily what happens is people are fully set to do evil and the indication is this that if somebody commits some sort of crime they commit murder okay you got it on video there's a hundred witnesses beyond a shadow of a doubt guilty no questions asked well according to the bible they should be put to death very quickly because if time goes by it's going to teach criminals well i can do whatever and they're not going to go too harshly on me i can get away with it anyway isn't that the role that we live in today people commit murder in the us and they're on trial for the death penalty for like 20 years it's like what is there to figure out i mean if they committed murder and you know it it's death penalty that's how simple it is and it needs to be done speedily because if it's not done speedily what's going to happen people are going to think they can get away with whatever that's the way it works you need tough crime executed very speedily to prevent crime now what's interesting about this is this is not just the word of god saying this it's not just my opinion but when i was in college i was taught this i had a criminology class in college that talked about crimes and murder and things like that and the professor talked about the death penalty and if you're a teacher or professor you can't really tell what your opinion is but i could tell what our teacher's opinion was but he was talking about the death penalty and he basically said whenever there's a major death penalty trial in the us for example you know or a major murder trial the oj simpson was the big murder trial when i was growing up there's other ones casey that woman who killed her baby she got off as innocent casey anthony might have been her name or casey something i'm not sure but whenever there's a major murder trial in the us what ends up happening and whenever there's a major death penalty trial and someone gets the death penalty what they've noticed is that crimes actually go down for murder dramatically while that's taking place and so basically if somebody gets the death penalty for several weeks the amount of murders drastically drop because people are afraid to commit murder then after a couple weeks what happens what just bounces back up because people are no longer afraid to commit murder and it's almost like the word of god is true right i mean according to the word of god if there's harsh if there's a harsh punishment for a crime it basically is a deterrent to commit that crime people are afraid to do it and doesn't that just logically make sense i mean foolishness is bound in the heart of a child our kids all do things wrong but isn't it true that sometimes they don't do something wrong simply out of fear they don't want to get that spanking they're afraid of the punishment isn't it true that you know what if it just became legal for one day if for one day it was legal to basically steal from any store you wanted to isn't it true that people just steal from every store there was 7 11 everything would just be stolen in one hour because it's legal there's no punishment so people think i'm getting away with it now of course you're not getting away with it because god sees that but i'm just saying people will do whatever right but if there's actually a punishment it actually stops people from committing those crimes and see what's interesting is this people look at the bible and say it's so extreme it's so hateful it's so evil because of these harsh punishments but actually those would make it a better world to live in i'm not afraid of the death penalty for murder because i'm not planning to commit murder i have nothing to fear i'm i'm not afraid of the death penalty for rape because i'm not planning to commit rape right and the bible says the law is not made for those that obey the law it's made for the lawless and disobedient so for us that obey the law it's great god's law is great right when god says the death penalty for something that's actually good it protects us because we're not doing those things but those that do those things well they're the ones that are in trouble go to judges 17 judges 17 judges 17 you know what's interesting is people criticize the bot or people criticize the the religion of islam and you know there are many things to criticize the muslims about obviously it's a false religion obviously we reject it but what's interesting is the number one thing that they criticize islam for is not that they think there's another way to heaven to jesus not for the fact that pedophilia is rampant in the religion of islam and you know their prophet that started it was married to a nine-year-old but the thing they criticize islam about is that they give the death penalty it's like how could they give the death penalty for murder and adultery and for the lgbt the thing they criticize islam on is the thing that islam's correct about right i mean islam's correct about the death penalty and i don't know exactly all the things they give the death penalty for but you know what they're correct on those things right the bible has the death penalty for certain things and you'll see christians that will criticize the religion of islam for the death penalty and it's like that's what you should be saying they're correct about the one thing you should not criticize them for the wrong on everything but we're just going to focus on the death penalty how could they give the death penalty how could they give the death penalty to homos that's so hateful isn't that what they criticize islam for and that's the one thing islam is actually correct on right people just do not know what the bible says judges 17 verse 6 notice this in those days there was no king in israel but every man did that which was right in his own eyes and so in judges 17 verse 6 the bible tells us that when there was no king no rules the result is everybody did what was right in his own eyes if all the laws were gone it would be a very scary world for us i would just i would just stay indoors all day long and but we've got neighbors that are homeless so i that's kind of scary too because of i mean who knows they try to burn down our house or whatever right i mean it'd be a very scary world maybe we just hang out at church that might be a target right everyone might come after our church i don't know it'd be a very scary world for us if there were no laws and you know honestly it's becoming a scarier world for true christians because of the fact laws are not being enforced like they used to be enforced and it says that in judges 17 judges 21 says the same thing and yet these five chapters 17 through 21 has the craziest most perverted disgusting stories in the entire bible and basically it's book ended by this idea no laws no rules no punishment lots of sin is going to be taking place and that's exactly what we see and see if tomorrow all of a sudden we said you know it's just anarchy no rules no government no laws it would be chaos now i disagree with a lot of laws that the government has but it's better for us to have laws we disagree with than no laws because that would be a very scary world go to go back to genesis 9 genesis 9 now i'll skip this for sake of time but you know romans 13 talks about the fact that governments put in place to execute those that would do wickedly and those that would do evil and you know i'm not you know obviously sometimes the government puts people to death that maybe or doesn't put people to death they have different rules but i'm never going to be against our government that's actually enforcing crime and you know the big thing people criticize the philippines about before i moved here the big thing i heard from people that are just various you know christians you know that are kind of half in half out they're just like oh man their president is so evil because he's putting people to death that's the number one thing they said and i'm just like well i don't i don't disagree him putting people to death and look i i believe the bible teaches the death penalty for sorcery which drugs as a drug dealer i believe that would qualify personally that's my opinion maybe other people have different opinions but i was taught that as an independent baptist when i was 19 20 years old i was taught that sorcery you know being a drug dealer sorcery because it's mind-altering many of the drugs that they deal out and you should get the death penalty for it now i don't know what the line is for a mind-altering drug because certain drugs i don't believe are mind-altering but some drugs that people take they can turn them into being crazy and you know oftentimes it can be associated with people getting possessed obviously we looked at alcohol just this you know a couple days ago and you know there's harder drugs people use in various religions to get possessed and stuff like that i'm not against the death penalty for drug dealers so what i'm trying to say is this we shouldn't be against the government giving out harsh punishment to people that are evil doers now of course sometimes governments have harsh punishments for things they shouldn't for example in communist countries somebody will be reading the bible communist russia communist china and they get arrested for that well obviously that's wicked but when the government's actually you know having harsh crime to people that are evil doers well that's a good thing it actually protects us genesis 9 verse 7 and you be fruitful multiply bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply therein so point number one we saw that being a vegetarian or a vegan is rebuked we saw you know the death penalty is something that's a good thing according to the bible we don't have to look at this because we talked about it before but you could honestly look at verse seven and say having children's a good thing which the liberal agenda does not want you to have children but lastly let's look at the rainbow because the rainbow is talked about in genesis chapter nine okay genesis nine verse eight and god spake unto no one do his sons with him saying and i behold i establish my covenant with you and with your seed after you and with every living creature that is with you of the fowl of the cattle and of every beast of the earth with you from all that go out of the ark to every beast of the earth now once again it you're going to see in these verses it's very clear that you know this is basically that it's going to be very clear that the flood was a global flood from the wording okay and i will establish my covenant with you neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth so here's the thing about this we've had events since genesis chapter nine tsunamis that killed a lot of people right i mean there's been tsunamis killing a hundred thousand people but it didn't destroy the whole earth right so here's the thing we saw very clearly the last couple weeks the flood was a global flood it was a universal flood every part of this earth some people try to say well it's just a local flood well if that's true god's saying i'm never going to flood again but haven't we had floods that have killed people because it was just a local flood in genesis seven and eight well we've had local floods since this time period there's been many tsunamis that have killed a lot of people we talked about voodoo on saturday and when new orleans got wiped out by hurricane katrina eighty percent of the city was flooded so people have died from tsunamis and floods i mean there's a big one in i think japan several years ago that you can see we're just got out of control well it's not like we've never had a flood but we've never had a flood and we never will have a flood that's going to destroy the whole earth like it did in the days of noah verse 12 and god said this is the token of the covenant which i make between me and you and of every living creature that is with you for perpetual generations so he's saying i want to make a promise to you i do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth when he says i'm going to set my bow in the cloud we're talking about a rainbow that's what he's talking about and he's saying the rainbow is going to be a promise i'm never going to flood the world anymore so here's what takes place if you have a big heavy rainstorm oftentimes then the sun will shine and then you see this great rainbow and that is god's promise i'm never going to flood the earth again so you don't have to worry about that ever taking place now what's crazy about this is that when i was a kid the symbol of the rainbow i mean it's like a kid's favorite thing dinosaurs and rainbows as a kid are like the two favorite things of kids i mean rainbows are beautiful god's creation what he made the rainbow is a very beautiful symbol anyway it would always be exciting you're going for a drive and then all of a sudden you see a rainbow it's again look at the rainbow then of course sometimes you get the double rainbow right that's pretty cool right but of course now the rainbow is no longer a symbol of god basically being merciful but now it's a symbol of the lgbt and i don't think it's a coincidence right is it a coincidence that god says here's my symbol i'm never going to flood the earth again and then basically the lgbt uses it as a symbol to mock god right now here's the thing about this though god never said he's never going to destroy this earth again he said he's never going to destroy it with a flood again right they need to read their bibles a little bit closer because they put out this symbol like nothing's going to happen to me we can do whatever we want just like we did in genesis 6 just like well i mean what about genesis 19 i mean god destroyed that fire and brimstone right so it's just like it wasn't a flood but you were still destroyed and you know this earth is going to be destroyed one day and you can use that symbol to mock god and they think they're getting away with it they think they can do whatever they want because we've got power we've got influence we got control we'll just wait till the end of the book because they're not going to get away with it forever now one change with the rainbows is this an actual rainbow is seven colors right red orange yellow green blue indigo violet now oftentimes we think of indigo and violet we just think of purple and you know what in the the symbol of the lgbt it's red orange yellow green blue purple they have six colors instead of seven colors well i don't think that's an accident because seven is the number of completion with the word of god and six is obviously think of six six six the number of the beast and everything like that and it's like they're doing that to basically mock god and basically you know they're taking god's symbol and changing it a little bit it's really frustrating because you know what you see the rainbow everywhere with children's things like t-shirts tv shows and everything and you know what i have mixed feelings because i love the rainbow i think it's the most beautiful thing but unfortunately because it's such a symbol of the lgbt sometimes you know you don't want your kids seeing certain things because i don't want to feel like i'm supporting the lgbt i don't want my kids to think the lgbt is okay because they're getting brainwashed at a young age and it's really frustrating and i'm not saying it's wrong to have i mean if you have a toy with you know you know the rainbow colors or whatever i'm not saying that's wrong but you know i'll just give you an example when we had our just you know weekend kids day thing you know one of the toys that that we had was actually like you know rainbow or one of the things it was like six colors and i was like oh we can't bring this because i don't want to give the wrong idea even though i love the rainbow it's like i have mixed feelings about it and i still love seeing rainbows but then you see people that are lgbt just basically you know wearing that as a symbol mocking god when i was in um when i was teaching a long time ago we had this program in the city for like a day where basically you know it was a community event that we were reaching out to the community because we were a charter school and i saw this woman who is very obvious that she was tomboy just looking at her just the way she was looking at everything but she had a shirt on that had a rainbow and it had one word on that shirt it said recruiter that's all it said the only word was recruiter it had a rainbow and it said recruiter now obviously what it's saying is we're recruiting people to be homos that's what she was saying i was very angry i was just like this person's not even hiding the fact that they're a pedophile and they're a wicked disgusting pervert but it's like you know you can't do anything i mean it is what it is we live under this government it's like i'm not gonna destroy my life just because i have it's just what we have to deal with but they're going to mock god for so long and then when they say peace and safety they're going to be destroyed that's what the bible says it says here in verse 14 and it shall come to pass when i bring a cloud over the earth that the bow shall be seen in the cloud and i will remember my covenant which is between me and you and of every living creature of all flesh and the water shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh and the bow shall be in the cloud and i will look upon it that i may remember the everlasting covenant between god and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth and god said unto noah this is the token of the covenant which i've established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth so we see the rainbow is actually a symbol of god and scott's promise that he's never going to flood the earth again now it's interesting because pope francis he actually made a video and he talked about how global warming might be what causes the second worldwide flood and he says we gotta protect against global warming because he's afraid otherwise we're gonna have a second worldwide flood that's gonna wipe out everything it's like do you not know anything about the bible pope francis because god made it very clear we're not gonna have another worldwide flood and he said global warming could cause this entire earth to be flooded so we need to basically protect the environment and pay money to basically make sure this doesn't happen obviously he doesn't know anything about the bible but what do we see in this sermon well we actually turn to first thessalonians five i just quoted it but let's just close here in first thessalonians five new testament point number one we saw that you know what being a vegan or vegetarian it's not biblical i mean if you want to do that that's fine there's nothing wrong with that if that's the way you eat i'll never criticize you it's completely up to you but it's it's certainly not the best biblical diet and it's certainly not something people have to do it's certainly not a sin to eat meat number two we saw the death penalty is biblical the death penalty existed before the mosaic law it still exists today anyway when jesus came he didn't get rid of the death penalty he just wasn't the government he basically came as just a normal person like we are just like we if somebody gets gets in on trial for murder and they committed murder i'm not going to put them to death because it's not my job to do same thing with jesus but it doesn't mean the death penalty is wrong though number three we saw the rainbow which is obviously an lgbt symbol now where basically they wear the rainbow and everything six colors that's actually a symbol that god's never going to destroy the earth with a flood but notice what it says in first thessalonians five verse three first thessalonians five verse three for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape now of course this is linked with the return of jesus christ and right when they say peace and safety right when they think they're okay right when they think they have power and everything's going well because there's gonna be a lot of chaos in the world right there's gonna be chaos during the daniel 70th week and then eventually that leads to the anti-christ the abomination of desolation midway through bad people are gonna take power you can't buy or sell without that mark it's going to be you know difficult for us that are saved people and then all of a sudden they finally get everything organized and they say we got peace we got real peace we got safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them so they can parade around that symbol of the rainbow all they want to mock god it's only going to last for so long and they're going to spend forever in hell let's close the word of prayer dear heavenly father