(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we're here in Genesis chapter 8 and we're going to finish the whole chapter here tonight And there's a lot of symbolism in this chapter, but also a lot of just literal stuff that we'll look at here We'll just go verse by verse And point number one we see the Bible talks about the water is lessened in the earth obviously we just looked at the worldwide flood that took place in Genesis chapter 7 where the waters came from the crust of the ground and From above and so obviously they're flooded and everything and now the waters are going to slowly Basically recede and there's gonna be a little bit less water So verse number one and God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark and God Made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters assuaged The fountains also the deep in the heavens of the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained So up until this point it keeps raining and raining and there's water coming from the crust of the ground So there's more and more and more water and then eventually it just kind of stops God just stops it The reason why it stops it is it says God remembered Noah in every living thing and you know The truth is that sometimes you go through trials in your life and there could be Disasters and maybe you happen to live in an area with a big disaster but you know oftentimes you'll see that God will say and God remembered so-and-so and God protected them through a difficult time period and obviously God's anger was upon the earth and he destroyed everybody and then as this is going On God remembers Noah and then basically his wrath is pacified and he allows the water to stop and then you know Obviously at the end of this chapter we're seeing they're about to get off the ark and everything verse 3 And the waters returned from off the earth Continually now this seems to be kind of a reference of you know Basically how the water cycle works the waters return from off the earth continually because obviously, you know We have it rains and there's more water here, but it's not like the waters vanishing There's just kind of a cycle that goes on you know the basic water cycle the Bible seems to be making a reference to this in verse 3 and it says after in after The end of the 150 days the waters were abated so abated means to be less and then it says in the ark Rested in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat So once again, you're seeing throughout this chapter here in this verse as well The Bible is very specific with the exact day and the precise time Because it's trying to give you this as basically a historical narrative that this actually took place It gives precise dates and it says upon the mountains of Ararat Okay And there's a lot of debates out there about has the ark been found today because obviously this is a literal story This took place But you know people aren't really sure where is the ark obviously we know the general area in terms of you know What country and it says on the mountains of Ararat, but there's been a lot of just debates about has the ark been found There's been a lot of like Christian archaeologists that have tried to do discoveries and a lot of them have said they found it Here's what it says about Mount Ararat on Wikipedia Mount Ararat is a snow-capped and dormant compound volcano in the extreme east of Turkey It consists of two major volcanic cones greater Ararat and little Ararat Greater Ararat is the highest peak in Turkey and there are many in Highland with an elevation of 5137 meters little Ararat's elevation is 3896 meters so many people think that the the ark is resting in that location Of course, we're looking at the name of something from thousands of years ago We don't necessarily know if if things have changed and the names are a little bit different They got things a little bit off, but that's what it says about Mount Ararat, but there's been many basically Christian So-called archaeologists that have tried to discover Noah's ark It's like if they can just discover this then they can prove the Bible is true is basically the general idea Okay, and so here's an example of this of a ministry called Noah's Ark Ministries International It says Turkish and Chinese explorers from a group called Noah's Ark Ministries International Made the latest discovery claimed Monday in Hong Kong This is not this past Monday, but reading an article from a long time ago where the group is based It's not 100% that it is Noah's Ark, but we think it is 99.9% that this is it Yung Wing Chung a filmmaker accompanying the explorers told the Daily Mail now Here's the thing about this, you know, this could have been Noah's Ark. I don't know I mean obviously Noah's Ark existed We don't really know exactly where it is or but the thing is there's been a lot of Christian ministries that have found Noah's Ark and Obviously, they can't all be correct and perhaps none of them are correct Okay, but what I want you to understand is this that when you look at it like the false religion of evolution Evolution often lies to basically promote their theory They'll find a bone and they'll make false claims and the reason why they do that is if they can find something More money will be given to them basically as a donation or as a grant or whatever you would like to call it So basically if they can't find anything and they're running to the end of their five-year, you know program of getting money It's like oh we found this we think this is the missing link or whatever and this has happened many times in evolution Well, the reason why they do that they lie to get money because you know what it's in their best interest to find something Well, I'm not saying this is true with these organizations that are Christian organizations But it certainly could be true where they could basically just say we found it because they're going to get more money that way Right if they can make this big discovery I mean obviously the love of money is the root of all evil and when we're talking about Christian organizations, we know that Christian is more like, you know Christian, of course. I don't know these people. Maybe they're saved I have no idea but I know many people that have supposedly found Noah's Ark there's a famous seventh-day Adventist who found like Noah's Ark and the Ark of the Covenant and Ron Wyatt, there we go. He's found like Everything supposedly it's like man. This guy's like the luckiest guy in the world. Just walking around. Well, here's Noah's Ark Here's the Ark of the Covenant and he's in supposedly it's proving Christianity, but I want you to understand something You know, I think it would be cool if we found Noah's Ark and we knew it was Noah's Ark But that isn't going to get a single person say it does nothing to get somebody saved I'll prove it to you with Bible go to Matthew 12 Matthew 12 Matthew chapter 12 And not only that when you're looking at these Christian organizations that are basically Christian archaeologists they don't go to church They basically their full-time ministry is to find Noah's Ark But they're not going to church They're not going soul-winning. I mean doesn't everybody need to be in church and Their full-time ministry is to find Noah's Ark. Well, here's the thing if we lived in this part of the world if we lived in Turkey You know what we'd have our normal church service times until the Muslims killed us because it's a Muslim country We would have our soul-winning times and hey Maybe we'd have a hike on a mountain and be like on a side point Just kind of keep an eye out in case you see Noah's Ark But we we wouldn't make this our main ministry where we're gonna quit soul-winning And you know not go to church and not read the Bible because it's all about finding Noah's Ark you say, you know brother Stuckey What's what's wrong with that? Well, what I'm saying is it's it's not gonna do anything and I'll prove it to you Matthew 12 verse 39 But he answered and said on to them an Evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the Prophet Jonas and what Jesus says is the only sign they're gonna get is The sign of the Prophet Jonas now, this is referring to Jonah you say what's the sign of the Prophet Jonah? Well, it tells us in verse 40 for as Jonas or Jonah was three days in three nights in the whales belly So shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so this is a reference that Jesus was actually in hell because it's the heart of the earth for three days and three nights and what Jonah was in the whales belly for three days and Basically the idea is Jesus was in the heart of the earth for three days and then afterwards up from the grave he rose Right So what's the sign that he's saying? Well, the sign is this that Jesus died was buried and rose again That's the sign they're gonna get because how do people get saved they get saved with the gospel of Jesus Christ What is the gospel the death burial and resurrection of Jesus? Right now Jonah was in the whales belly for three days and three nights. I would imagine being inside a whales belly is not fun right and You know what that shows us since that's an analogy of Jesus that those three days and three nights Jesus was not in a good place because today you've got these you know churches that will say well Jesus was in hell for three days and three nights, but it was the good part of hell You know where they basically got to drink the fountains of the living water and it was paradise and everything like that But was being in a whales belly for three days and three nights fun Obviously not I mean obviously it was dark I would presume the stomach acids were probably, you know, very hot and everything like that The smell was probably terrible probably in many ways a good depiction of hell Maybe that's why God used that example and he's right in the middle of that whale Right, and so Jesus was in a bad place for three days and three nights. He was in hell, obviously as the Bible teaches But the only sign he says he's going to give them is the sign of the Prophet Jonas Look when we're preaching the gospel if we preach the gospel and show what the Bible says and they don't get saved That's the only sign that we can give them. We can't give them anything else You say brother Stuckey But if you want to get a Buddhist save you got to read like all the Buddhist Scriptures and everything like that and study the eightfold path No You don't because people get saved the same way for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God Under salvation to everyone that believe it the Jew first and also to the Greek Also to the Mormon also to the Buddhist also the Jehovah's Witness Also to the unsaved Christian or Catholic that's out there. It's the same message that gets them saved. It's the Word of God That's what gets them saved. The Bible says he's not going to give any other sign You say the brother Stuckey because there's these people out here that will say if I just saw a sign I would believe Right, they say if God just showed me a sign I would believe Well when Jesus was alive, he gave him a pretty good sign. It's called resurrecting from the dead. Did everybody get saved? No Right just because he rose again from the dead everybody didn't get saved. I mean they saw miracles done by Jesus They saw miracles from other people in the Bible. They didn't all get saved The reality is the Word of God is more powerful than anything else And if they're gonna get saved it's gonna be saved from the Word of God now go to Matthew 7 real quickly Matthew 7 And I'm not trying to be down on finding Noah's Ark because I think it would be cool Right if I was going on a hike and I found out that you know Noah's Ark was on Mount Pinatubo. I bet cool. I discovered it. Nobody thought it was here, right? That'd be awesome right to find Noah's Ark and you know The other thing is I'm not I'm not down on these historical places because if we lived in this part of the world and Biblical events took place there wouldn't it be cool to go in like a church event go hiking and see some of these things I mean absolutely that'd be great, right? But so I'm not down on seeing these places. I'm just saying these places aren't going to get anybody saved Okay Matthew 7 verse 24 There's other symbolism though from from what we saw in Genesis And that's the idea that there is this flood that destroyed everything and we can use that for symbolism in our lives notice what it says in Matthew 7 verse 24 Therefore whosoever hearth these sayings of mine and doeth them I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain Descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for was founded upon a rock And everyone that hearth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and It fell and great was the fall of it See the Bible says that if there's a storm that takes place upon your house referring to your body If you are founded upon a rock, you're gonna last through it. If you're not then you're gonna fall right there There's importance of having a strong foundation. You know, I'm always when I mean when I'm preaching about building houses I'm hesitant as we've got, you know Architects here. I don't want to say anything wrong. But the idea from the Bible is you need to have a strong foundation for a house Okay, well here's the thing when you think about what happened during the flood I don't believe those eight people inside the boat were having the time of their life during that flood I mean, obviously they survived it but and look they got to experience one of the greatest historical things that ever took place One of the most amazing events, but honestly for the eight of them They probably weren't having that great of a time inside the ark I mean, I can't imagine that every day they woke up and said, oh, what a beautiful day I'm so excited Let's check what the animals are doing I mean probably you know that they're kind of miserable and see I want you to understand that you know We are going to go through difficult times in our lives. We're gonna have times the storms beat upon us. We're tired We're exhausted. We're trying to hang in there But you know the idea is God is going to remember Noah as he says and then waters are going to go down The same is true in our lives Look when we're going through a storm and it seems like everything's messed up and everything's wrong You just got to wait it out and things are gonna get better. That's the bottom line go back to Genesis chapter 8 Genesis 8 Genesis 8 Genesis chapter 8 Genesis 8 verse 5 in the waters Decrease continually until the 10th month in the 10th month on the first day of the month were the tops of the mountain scene So gives you the precise day and it says the tops of the mountains are seen because the water is coming down Then it says in verse 6 And it came to pass at the end of 40 days that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made so our first Point we talked about the lesson water here What I want to talk about is the comparison between the Raven and the dove and what we can learn from this And so it says Noah opens the window of the ark which he had made now I'm sure that was an exciting time where he's able to open the window and just get some fresh air and see what was outside And everything like that. Then it says here in verse 7 and He sent forth a raven which went to and fro until the waters were dried up from off the earth So basically sends out a raven and the reason why he's doing this is because now the water has gone down But he still doesn't know if they can actually just safely like, you know land the ship so to speak and then get off and continue With their lives and so he sends out the raven to kind of test on these things Okay, now from what I read online Ravens can fly for up to 40 hours So after 40 hours, they run out of energy now That's quite a bit of time right to fly for 40 hours But apparently they can fly from what I read for about 40 hours. Of course It's possible that it might have been a little bit different 4,000 years ago because people live longer Maybe there's a difference with animals. We can't necessarily be sure of that But in today's world from what I read they live they fly for about 40 hours Okay, now realize a raven is an unclean fowl an unclean bird meaning there would be one male and one female So the Ravens going to be sent out and the raven does not return So if the rave I mean when I'm reading this, I think the raven drowned to be honest I'm not really sure but he sends out the raven the raven never comes back But if that's the case if the raven drowned then the Raven would have had to already mated with the female one to be able To eventually have the Ravens continue. Obviously we have Ravens today And so I'm not necessarily sure but what we do know is the raven is sent out and it doesn't come back What's possible the Raven was sent out and found a place to land and just kind of hung out and just didn't come back to The ark not really sure the Bible doesn't tell us we don't necessarily know a hundred percent for sure But we know this story we take it literally we believe this story even though it doesn't necessarily always have every single precise detail But then it says this in verse 8 Also, we send forth a dove from him to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot and she returned on them into the ark for the waters were on the face of the whole earth So it's possible that the Raven did find a rest for the soul of her foot But I presume that the Raven didn't and I don't know got lost or whatever I'm not really sure but the dove ends up coming back and what that signals to Noah is that okay? It's not time right? You know, we can't go out yet. We still got to wait So he sends out the dove the dove comes back then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her in onto him Into the ark and he stayed yet seven other seven days and again He sent forth a dove out of the ark and the dove came in to him in the evening and lo inner mouth was An olive leaf plucked off. So no one knew that the waters were abated from off the earth now verse 11 is A verse that sometimes people read to try to question the Bible because they say if there was a worldwide flood Why would there be any plant life? Right because a worldwide flood just took place and then all of a sudden it mentions an olive leaf It's like well, how is there an olive leaf if there's a worldwide flood? But see actually there's a lot of plants that although their normal dwelling place is not inside water They can survive inside water and all of leaf is one of those plants Right. And so this is something I read online because it was kind of new to me as well I don't I don't know much, you know about plants But obviously we know there are a lot of plants that are permanently always under the water, right? There's a lot of plants that live under the water But there's also other plants where their normal dwelling place is not in the water However, if they are submerged in water, it will not destroy them and it said an olive leaf is actually one of those plants This is from from an article read It said it is a remarkable fact as bearing indirect testimony to this narrative that the olive has been a certain to bear leaves Underwater, so this is something that they did not know Until the more modern times, but they've actually proven that olives can actually bear leaves underwater olive trees So it is possible for some plants to actually survive in the water that are not normally in the water Which it makes sense because we're reading about the olive leaf here and it's like well, how did that happen? Well because they can actually survive in the water Okay, people always want to question the Bible they question the Bible They study it out and it turns out all the Bible was right on that, right? And so all of leaves can actually survive in the water So verse number 12 and he stayed yet other seven days and sent forth the dove which returned not again onto many more And it came to pass in the six hundred and first year in the first month the first day of the month the waters were dried up from off the earth and no remove the covering in the ark and look to Behold the face of the ground was dry So once again, very precise details on the time and in the second month on the seventh and twentieth day of the month was the earth Dried so point number one. We looked at the lessened water Point two we looked at the raven and the dog We have these two different fowl and then the dove comes back The raven does not come back and the dove is sent out again And now let's just look at some other highlights that we see from this chapter verse 15 and God spake unto Noah saying go Forth of the ark thou and thy wife and thy sons and thy son's wives with thee now Once again, you know remember we said when they went into the ark it uses the word come into the ark Right, and you know when it's using this this, you know Go forth of the ark that the indication seems to be that God's kind of saying from within just go forth because obviously God's presence Was there with them the entire time, right? So he told them to come into the ark and now he's saying go forth of the ark thou and thy wife and thy sons And thy son's wives with thee bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee of all flesh both of fowl and of cattle And of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth that they may breed abundantly in the earth and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth So what he says the animals is he wants them to breed abundantly and basically he wants to have a lot of animals Now, of course God tells us to be fruitful and multiply But he also basically says the exact same thing to them because he says that they may breed abundantly Then he says be fruitful and multiply and those are synonyms that he's saying and he's saying I want you to be able to have a lot of offspring okay, so God wants our planet filled and Here's the thing. Obviously if we're gonna be here as people one thing we actually need are the animals Partially because we eat the animals but also because the animals serve a purpose They actually have a purpose and God tells them to breed abundantly in the earth now, of course today You know you look at a lot of things like endangered species, which is something the world is often very worried about Okay, obviously there was dinosaurs and you know today We don't have dinosaurs at least not in areas that are populated. Perhaps they're in some, you know, jungles or waters or whatever We're not necessarily sure but we don't have you know Dinosaurs like they had in the Bible because when he's describing the Leviathan and the behemoth It's like job knows exactly what he's talking about. Like oh, I've seen Leviathan before now to us We're like, oh, yeah, what's Jurassic Park, right? But he had actually experienced, you know those animals, okay But obviously some animals have died out now Look, I'm not for species dying out in general because obviously God created them for a purpose so I think it's good for them to exist and look part of me is a bit sad when a species dies out an Animal dies out because obviously they were made for a purpose, but I'm not going to spend my life devoted to that or worried about that Okay. Now here's what's funny about this though evolution teaches survival of the fittest Right, we're basically just roll the dice and whatever happens happens if you don't make it you don't make it Well, why is it the same people that say survival of the fittest are the same people trying to protect these animals that are dying off? It doesn't make sense Right. They always contradict themselves in so many different ways because the exact same people that are just like we got to protect these species They're dying off. It's been around for 500 million years It's like we got to protect it and it's the same one that teaches survival of the fittest We're basically the fit are the ones that survive. So whatever happens happens, right? It doesn't make any sense Go to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis 1 Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 And it says in Genesis 1 verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over Every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth God tells us to have dominion over these animals so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and Replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living Thing that move it upon the earth now. Here's the thing God commanded humans to have children Right be fruitful and multiply but he says the same thing to the animals He wants there to be a lot of animals as well You have to understand that you know what if we're supposed to have dominion over the animals But see there's going to be a problem if the animals are having a lot of offspring and people are not Because if man's going to have dominion over the animals there has to be a lot of man Right look in areas where there's a lot of people There's usually very few animals. That's the way it works Animals are afraid of people Now oftentimes we're afraid of the animals as well, right? You know, you see a mouse that's crawling underneath your fridge or whatever. It's like yeah, you know what? I I'm not happy to see that either right but animals will flee from people They're afraid of people, you know in the United States, you know, Detroit, Michigan is a very famous city There's a lot of stuff and from you know, a lot of music was famous in that area. It's a well-known area but in Detroit They basically just destroyed their city and basically what took place is everybody lost their jobs Everybody was out of money and basically the people moved away from Detroit basically, the population just decreased by like half of it was gone and Literally all over the newspapers. They'd say you know what Detroit has turned into a zoo Because there were so many animals just roaming the street I mean animals you never expect to see because Detroit used to be like San Francisco as a big city Or New York City or Chicago or something like that It was a big city lots of people then all of a sudden the people leave because for whatever reason You know all the jobs and finances were messed up everybody leaves and then they reported that you know You're driving down the road and there's all these animals You say why because when people are not there animals will take over Well, here's the thing. You can't really say that the people have dominion over the animals If you've got to stop when you're driving your car to let an elephant cross the road Right. I mean you understand what I'm saying. So here's the thing Animals are going to obey this commandment from God See the reason why humans don't always have kids is because we're afraid of money You know, you're like I'm busy, you know my time in life and stuff like that. Well animals don't think about things like that So they're going to procreate and have a lot of animals anyway But it used to be that people would have a lot of children You know to basically carry on the name and be fruitful and multiply in today's world. It's not that common anymore Well, here's the thing We're supposed to have dominion over the animals and if there's few people and lots of animals Then we're not going to have dominion over the animals because when there's a lot of people animals will flee if there's not a lot of people animals take charge I mean animals are afraid of humans But if there's only a few humans then that's where they're going to be end up hanging out That's just the way it works. And so we're commanded to have dominion over the animals Well part of that to actually work is that there's a lot of humans because where humans are The Bible says animals are afraid of them, right? And we actually see that in the next chapter. We'll see that in Genesis chapter 9, but animals are afraid of humans That's what the Bible teaches Go back to Genesis 8 Genesis 8 Genesis chapter 8 The other thing you have to consider is this when it comes to having children obviously we understand that you know What it's God that opens and closes the womb, but there's a lot of false religions that actually do have You know a lot of children Right, you know Islam one of the big reasons why Islam has grown as a religion is just they have more children than you know the umbrella of Christianity on average now it used to be some of these like Catholicism used to be very much into having a lot of kids because they used to preach against birth control But they've obviously changed a lot as a religion. So they used to have bigger families, but not so much anymore but Islam has grown largely because you know what they have a Lot of kids right Mormonism one of the big reason why Mormon Mormonism grew as a religion is just they had a lot of kids That's what they're kind of famous for because Mormons don't convert anybody Jehovah's Witnesses do convert people Mormons don't convert anyone But the reason why they've grown as a religion is because they generally have a lot of kids Well, so the thing is if if Christians are not having children what's going to take place? Well, number one We're not going to have power over the animals when people are not having a lot of kids But as a religion in terms of being fundamental Baptist Salvation by grace through faith, you know what if we're not having a lot of children that we are basically teaching the ways of God What's going to take place? Well, you're going to have other religions that are going to basically take over and you know There's there's very few soul winners in today's world very few soul winners. I mean here in Pompanga I don't know how many people go soul-winning or know how to preach the gospel, but I would say it's definitely less than a hundred Definitely less than a hundred Right. I mean, it's a very small amount of people and it's just like even some that might preach the gospel Maybe they they go to other Baptist churches. Maybe they don't really necessarily know all techniques or whatever But the thing is if you have a lot of kids and you teach them to be so winners in the long run when you think Of like exponents and math it's going to do more good than just you know, basically one person getting a lot of people saved so it's a commandment God has for us and there's many reasons why but Obviously we should just obey what the Bible says Genesis 8 verse 18 and Noah went forth and his sons and his wife and his son's wives with him every beast every creeping thing in every fowl and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth after their kinds went forth out of the ark and Noah built an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar And the Lord smelled a sweet saber and the Lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth Neither will I again smite any more every living thing as I have done now the next chapter will talk more Specifically about the rainbow and how he's not going to flood the earth But notice what it says verse 22 because this is in the context of verse 21 while the earth remaineth while the earth remaineth So what does he mean by while the earth remaineth? Well go to Revelation 21 Revelation chapter 21 while the earth remaineth What he's referring to is That one day there's going to be a new heaven and a new earth and what the Bible teaches and I'll have time to prove it is what God's going to do is take this earth and Basically as it's destroyed he's going to recreate from this earth He's not going to create a brand new earth from nothing but he's going to take this earth that is destroyed and basically make it new kind of like because our bodies and the earth have many similarities and Just as when we get our glorified body. It's not some brand new body It's our body that was decrepit and died and decayed and everything like that and grew old and God's going to take what's waxed old And make it new same thing with the earth. He's going to take this earth that is waxing old as a garment It's going to get destroyed but then he's going to take what's destroyed and then create from that So it's not a brand new earth from scratch, but he's going to take what's destroyed but it says here in Revelation 21 This is the reference while the earth remaineth Revelation 21 and I saw a new heaven in a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away And there was no more sea. So the idea is while the earth remaineth while we are here before it's destroyed Then what's going to be true in Genesis 8 go back to Genesis 8 Genesis 8 Well, here's the thing revelation 21 is not going to happen anytime soon This is a long long long long long long time in the future Right. This is long after the end times have started Okay, I mean revelation 20 you're seeing you know the lake of fire You're seeing the second death and those are you know being cast into the lake of fire We're in Revelation chapter 21 you have the new heaven and a new earth. This is a very long time in the future So look in today's world, we don't have to worry about this at all The new heaven and a new earth the rapture is going to take place far before this would take place So while we are living here on earth if we live for the rapture We still don't have to worry about this because we're going to be raptured before this takes place if we die before the rapture We don't have to worry because that the while the earth remain if the Bible says here in Genesis 8 verse 22 See time and harvest and cold and heat in summer and winter and day and night shall not cease So the Bible says is while this earth remains You're always going to have seed time and harvest you're going to plant food and gather it up. Okay? Because nowadays around the world they're really scared about things like this. We're not going to be able to make plants anymore Well according to the Bible you will It says in cold and heat Until this happens, there's going to be cold and heat now you say brother Stuckey I don't think we're going to have we've never had cold before. What are you talking about? Well in certain parts of the world, obviously the temperatures are different Obviously in this part of the world, it doesn't really get cold in most parts of the Philippines Okay, and what people here in the Philippines consider cold like they'll say well Baguio is cold. That's not cold 20 degrees or 15 degrees is not cold. What's cold is below zero degrees Celsius. That's cold Okay, and some people would hear zero degrees Celsius and say well, that's not cold They say what's cold is like negative 20 degrees Celsius Now it gets below zero degrees Celsius every single year in West Virginia where I grew up in Sacramento, California It gets right at that line It will get to like two or three degrees Celsius that usually does not drop below zero at all during the year Every once in a while it will snow and by snow. It means a couple white dots on the ground That's all that happens in Sacramento in West Virginia, though We have four seasons summer winter spring and fall all four seasons three months basically for each of those seasons It definitely gets cold It gets to the point where I obviously have to wear a sweatshirt or a coat or whatever like that and it's snowing on the ground Well, here's the thing. There's going to be cold in West Virginia until the new earth comes That's what the Bible is saying. It's not just gonna be like, oh, wow There's no more cold weather anymore or there's no more warm weather anymore. This is gonna exist to the very end And it says in summer and winter Summer being the hot weather winter being the cold weather and day and night shall not cease All of these things are going to take place now when it comes to science or so-called science this is something they've been worried about for a very very very long time and I kind of understand because the Bible says the earth is waxing old. So there's changes that take place in our earth Right. I mean sometimes you'll have you know, but lots of volcanoes during a certain time and people are paranoid. Oh, man We're just going to be destroyed by volcanoes or there's going to be basically a lot of earthquakes and then sometimes over a couple years There's gonna be a lot of tsunamis But not really some of the other natural disasters and the world's always concerned that everything's going to be destroyed The Bible says you don't have to worry about that now, let me read you an article about global cooling and this was an article in about from 1967 to 1970 they're talking about this because 50 years ago a lot of the scientists were scared to death that an Ice Age was About to take place and all over the media. They're like we see that the next Ice Age is about to take place Okay, here's what it says in 1967 Hansen went to work for NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City where he continued his research on planetary problems around 1970 some scientists suspected Earth was entering a period of global cooling decades prior the brilliant Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitch had explained how a world warms warms and cools on roughly 100,000 year cycles due to a slowly changing position relative to the Sun so supposedly You'll go through a hundred thousand years of global warming and a hundred thousand years of global cooling So in 1970, we started the 100,000 year cycle global cooling So apparently it's getting really really cold all around the world and in another 99,000 years we're going to start having the global warming right of course nowadays That lasted about 20-30 years now It's like all global warming global warming global warming but this this Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitch Said it's a hundred thousand year cycles Milankovitch's theory suggested Earth should be just beginning to head into its next Ice Age cycle The surface temperature data gathered by Mitchell seemed to agree The record showed that Earth experienced a period of cooling by about 0.3 degrees Celsius from 1940 through 1970 so basically they researched the earth for 30 years and the temperature was 0.3 degrees Celsius colder in 1970 to 1940 and Because it was 0.3 degrees Celsius colder They're scared to death at this rate and another 500 years It's going to be like 5 degrees Celsius colder or whatever and they just were paranoid. It's going to keep at the same rate It's only 0.3 degrees Not even going to notice 0.3 degrees, right? I mean, it's going to feel like basically the exact same but they're paranoid because they're making all these charts and they don't understand the way the world works Right. There's there's this idea that Scientists and the medical industry and all the that they're experts on everything. They know exactly what's going on They've got all these gadgets. They're figuring it out They've done all these studies and tests and they've charted from 1940 to 1970 that the temperature is going like this and It's just like this slowly linear graph down and another 1,000 years can be five degrees colder And that's going to be like the end of the world, right? But they have no idea why it's slowly going down because nowadays they talk about global warming all the time, right? Isn't that the craze global warming global warming global warming and they say well, it's due to pollution And you know all the the vehicles that are out there are causing smog and all these things are taking place And there's these changes in the environment. Well, here's the thing I'm not saying there's not a shred of truth to what they're saying because the earth is waxing old as a garment There are going to be some changes they talk about there's certain melting that's taking place as certain ice caps That's probably true. They're probably not lying about that. The earth is waxing old as a garment There are some changes taking place But to take a small little change because here's the thing if we were to go back to all of us when we were born Maybe it's 0.3 degrees Celsius warmer now Maybe it's back at the temperature was in 1940. I have no idea It doesn't really affect our lives that much and here's the thing The Bible says there's going to be you know summer and winter and cold and heat until the very end So look if this world lasts 500 more years, you know what they're probably going to be talking about global cooling or global warming But it's going to be basically the same temperature It is now because the Bible says there's not going to be much of a change So I'm not saying there can't be any truth to what they're saying. I will say this though. I Watched the big documentary on global warming which was done by Al Gore. Al Gore was the vice president for Bill Clinton and You know Al Gore made this big documentary and I was on a long plane trip I think it was when I first visited the Philippines they had options on there It's like a 14-hour flight or 18 hours to Japan or whatever and I watched like the Al Gore documentary I wish I had written down the notes better, but there were three different things where I saw complete mathematical lies or manipulation was very misleading what they were saying and it was completely just False information where they basically took a shred of truth and they basically misled you into thinking something So if I spotted three Obvious errors, there's probably a lot more than three and I'm not saying there's no truth to it I'm just saying here's the thing Al Gore makes a lot of money because he promotes this theory and that was basically his retirement job after being the vice president and not being successful in his run for president and So he flies around the country creating all this pollution just to do this presentation, right? hypocrisy political hypocrisy part 2 to discernment coming this weekend political hypocrisy Right, and then it says of course Mitchell was only collecting data over a fraction of the northern hemisphere From 20 to 90 degrees north latitude. So not only does it say 0.3 degrees Celsius is the only change But he only looked at a small part of the earth. I Doubt I doubt it was 0.3 degrees worldwide because he probably took the area where it seemed to be the biggest evidence and he said 0.3 degrees in this part of the world over the course of 30 years Who knows it could have been 0.3 degrees the other way in the rest of the world But he's trying to promote a theory of global cooling Still the result drew public attention and a number of speculative articles about Earth's coming Ice Age appeared in newspapers and magazines You can go to YouTube today and watch some of these videos where they'll talk about on the news programs is The world coming to the next Ice Age, right? That was the big thing that they were concerned about now. I will be fair in what I'm saying I don't want to be misleading that there was not a Consensus that an Ice Age was coming because pretty much there was an argument some scientists said is global warming Some said is global cooling, but pretty much all of them said, you know There's Problems, right? It's not going to last or whatever But it says here in Genesis 8 verse 22 while the earth remain at sea time and harvest and cold and heat in summer and winter and day and night shall not cease so The bottom line is that you know, there's a lot of information in this chapter We can trust the Bible even if we don't understand everything like the olive leaf that's mentioned there It's like well, how are your plants in the water? Well, it turns out they can actually survive in the water the Bible's rights Or you look at this global warming and global cooling and the world's lying to you and giving you all this information Oftentimes it contradicts the Bible. Look if the world contradicts the Bible the world is wrong every single time Let's close in word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting you see your word in this topic help us to apply this to our lives