(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) chapter here tonight and of course last week we started by talking about Joseph and when you read chapters 37 38 and 39 in Genesis one thing you notice is these cannot be chronological because the amount of time that goes by in chapter 38 is a long period of time and so Joseph in chapter 37 is 17 years old and he's sold into slavery and then he's going to be 30 but yet there's more than 13 years that are going by because we have children that are born and become adults and so what this would be called is a thematic chapter meaning the chapter is kind of has this theme of Judah and so when you look at these chapters 37 is about Joseph and his brothers selling them into slavery which that probably took a little bit of time then you have chapter 38 that covers kind of the life of Judah you don't necessarily know the exact time frame of when all these things are happening compared to Joseph but it's not just 37 then 38 and 39 I would say some of 38 actually happen before you get to the end of chapter 37 probably in terms of time frame but this chapter is about Judah and you know when you think of the word Jew that actually comes from the tribe of Judah and so eventually Judah becomes pretty good but in this chapter you see actually a lot of estates from this person and notice what it says in verse 1 and it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brother brethren and turned into a certain Adulamite whose name was Hyrum. Now the question is who is Hyrum? We'll go to verse number 12 verse number 12 and it says in process of time the daughter of Shua Judah's wife died and Judah was comforted and went up onto a sheepshares to Timnath he and his friend Hyrum the Adulamite. See in verse number one it says he turned into a certain Adulamite and you might think just passively reading that that this is like his girlfriend but actually Hyrum I believe is actually a guy I don't believe it's actually a girl and you can see that in verse 12 because he's involved with some other woman and Hyrum is his friend his friend Hyrum the Adulamite but it never mentions him actually being physically involved in verse 2 he's involved with this woman but in verse 1 you see this guy named Hyrum and what I believe this is just basically a guy that he's friends with probably an unsaved person that he's just kind of rooming with and of course in today's world this is actually very common when you look at people that go to college and the name Hyrum you got to think about it because it's not really a common name right you wouldn't know someone named Hyrum is that a male name or female well according to Google it can actually go either way male or female so we really have to look at the context of this chapter but you know I remember thinking before this is some woman that he had slept with in verse 1 but I don't think that's the case I think it's just this guy that he's friends with because then in verse 2 he ends up getting involved and married with somebody else there's just a friend of his mentioned in verse 1 and verse 12 so it mentions Hyrum the Adulmite now go to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis 2 Genesis 2 Genesis chapter 2 it's very easy to get confused there because in verse 2 what we're going to look at from Genesis 38 is him being involved with someone so you kind of think well he turned into a certain Adulmite but that's not actually referring to physically intimately being involved it's just saying he became friends with that person and you know what this kind of explains why Judah does a bad job raising his kids and why he's you know worldly and ungodly because for at least the time period because his kids end up becoming very wicked well if you hang out with unsafe people you hang out with people the world what's the results right I mean the people that you hang out with ought to be God's people but there's another thing we can learn here that's what it says in Genesis 2 verse 24 it says therefore shall man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and at the very beginning God set forth the principle that basically you know you basically live with your parents and then you get married and you're part of your own household now this does not mean it has to be like this in every situation and I believe you have to look at every situation a bit differently because let's say for example you know what your parents are hardcore Muslims and you believe on Jesus Christ I don't believe in that situation it's going to be best to be in that household you know forever until you're married and so situations can be different but in an ideal situation if you have godly parents it is good for those kids to live with their parents and have that authority structure until they're ready to have their own family and you know what obviously it depends on what age they are and what age they would get married I would just say this that you know what especially when people are young they are prone to make stupid decisions and mistakes and not really realize how dangerous it is at the time right you get a bunch of you know 18 year olds together you know they're going to do they're going to race with their cars on the streets and then just be lucky nothing happens isn't that true because people when they're young are just naturally immature because they don't understand all these things when I was a teenager I did a lot of stupid things immature things it's like you know what it's good to have that parental authority because there's no telling what's going to take place if you just kind of go and live with unsafe people at a young age in fact you can look at the college scene today and this is why there are so many problems because you have people that are you know 17 years old leaving their homes they are not ready to be on their own they need that authority in their lives especially if they didn't get raised in a godly home and so the Bible says here you know man shall leave his father and the mother and put you on his wife and they shall be one flesh when you get married husband and wife become one go to Genesis 38 Genesis 38 Genesis 38 now I mean I do believe that there are some exceptions because two very obvious exceptions to living with your parents until you get married are John the Baptist and Jesus right I mean and you can say with Jesus when he's an exception and I get that but John the Baptist it's like well there's somebody who was off on his own and he was not married so I understand there can be exceptions especially when you think of a guy because the guy is going to be the provider for his home so maybe if he's got a career job maybe he does go off on his own when he's in his 20s but I'm just saying the general principle is that you need that authority in your life right there's two too often in today's world people just let their kids do whatever they want right it's just like you know seven years old we'll just you know buy you a cell phone and not even pay attention to what you're watching look you give a young person a cell phone or a computer and you don't actually pay attention to what they're watching they are going to get into trouble especially in 2022 they need that authority in their lives to help them out I needed that authority when I was younger everybody does when they are young I was in Genesis 38 verse 2 and Judah saw their a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua and he took her and went in unto her and she conceived and bear a son and he called his name earth so Judah is marrying this woman and then they have a child and he called his name earth and she conceived again and bear a son and she called his name onan and she yet again conceived and bear a son and called his name Shayla and he was that chase and when she bear him and Judah took a wife for hers first born whose name was Tamar so he has a son named her and then he gets a wife for a son a lot of time goes by right you see that it's only a couple verses but for him to have a son her married this woman have a son her and he found a wife for his son I mean obviously his son is not you know one year old or two years old he's an adult now so a lot of time is going by so you can't just have chapter 37 where Joseph is 17 and then he's going to be 30 years old in chapter 39 and only 13 years go by more than 13 years go by you know very obviously from this it's just kind of following the life of Judah and he gets married and he has these children then it says this in verse 7 and urged Judah's firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord and the Lord slew him and so we don't really know a whole lot about her all we know is that God killed him because he was wicked because he was a bad person right and that obviously speaks to the parenting that's involved here because you know what I mean Judah you would think of as being a really godly person and apparently he wasn't all of his life we don't really know a lot about his wife but what we do know is his oldest son ends up just living wicked and then God ends up killing him then it says in verse 8 and Judah said on the own end go in on to thy brother's wife and marry her and raise up seed to thy brother so basically bird dies and then all of a sudden he tells one of his other sons to marry this woman who no longer has a husband and that might seem very strange to us but turn your Bible Deuteronomy 25 Deuteronomy 25 Deuteronomy 25 now of course Genesis is before the Mosaic law but it does appear that this sort of principle is understood in cultures and I'm not saying that something that has to be done in 2022 but I'm saying before this was in the Mosaic law it was something that Judah actually looked at as being the right thing to do and he told his son well I want you to marry this woman to raise up seed on to thy brother basically you know the oldest brother he was killed he wants his name to be basically remembered by his brother Deuteronomy 25 verse 5 if brethren dwell together and one of them died and have no child the wife of the dead shall not marry without on to a stranger her husband's brother shall go in on to her and take her to him to wife and perform the duty of an husband's brother on to her and it shall be that the firstborn which she bears shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead that his name be not put out of Israel and if the man like not to take his brother's wife and let his brother's wife go up to the gate on to the elders and say my husband's brother refused to raise up on to his brother or name in Israel he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother in the elders of a city shall call him and speak on him and if he stand to it say I like not to take her then shall his brother's wife come on them in the presence of the elders and lose his shoe from off his foot and spit in his face and shall answer and say so shall it be done of that man that will not build up his brother's house his name should be called in Israel the house of him that had his shoe loose and so kind of an interesting custom that God actually puts in here where the shoes gonna go off you're gonna get spit in the face and you know the reason why this is in the law here is because everybody was kind of given in allotment of a certain land right you know this is hard for us to understand because we don't have this in 2022 but basically they they were they have the promised land and they had various land that was given to them and it was just that every tribe would have been fine but then they become ungodly and they lose their land and so it was a necessity back then I go to Genesis 38 Genesis 38 Genesis 38 that's all kind of introduction to what we're gonna be preaching on and I'll just say the name of the sermon is God's view of God's view of birth control now I preached on abortion recently and I did talk about birth control but we're just going verse by verse and we're looking at the context of what Genesis 38 is about now I don't want to just re-preach what I just preached so I have different information I'm going to bring forth just I don't want to be repetitive but obviously you know it's an important topic to talk about having kids you think about abortion and birth control and obviously you know this is something that the Bible does give us some wisdom about and that's what it says in verse 9 and Onan knew knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went in on to his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother and the thing which he did displease the Lord wherefore he slew him also and so basically Onan agrees to marry his brother's wife as his brother has died and then he marries her and then he's basically refusing to have children with her right he says well it's not really going to be mine it's going to belong to my brother and he refused to have children it's like well why did you even marry her then right I mean if this is what you're going to do you're going to refuse to allow your wife to have children then why did you marry her in the first place but God is very angry at this and he ends up getting killed as a result now realize this is a pretty unique situation this is not the exact same thing as we talked about birth control pills or other methods it's a pretty unique situation but I would say this that you know all throughout the Bible the Bible talks about the blessing of having kids and the only really time that you see people intentionally try not to have kids any sort of form of birth control you can think of right here in Genesis chapter 38 God is very angry at him for actually doing this okay now let me read you from an article on birth control it says although the birth control pill and other hormonal contraceptive devices are modern inventions birth control has been around for thousands of years the earliest known record recordings of birth control methods date back to ancient Mesopotamia around 1850 BC the ancient Egyptians Greeks and Romans all had various forms of birth control now let me read you also from an article about a woman named Margaret Sanger who's the one who founded Planned Parenthood which is the biggest abortion organization that is in the world today it's responsible for you know millions of babies in the u.s. being murdered and it's an organization that I think it's become worldwide we're basically a lot of countries I'm sure all over Europe it's like yeah we got to make sure we don't have too many kids we need to have some sort of abortion clinic they call it Planned Parenthood okay really it's just an organization to help women kill babies inside of their belly right here's what it says about Margaret Sanger she was and I'm going to spend a lot of time reading this to give you different information about this topic of birth control says she was born in 1879 Sanger came of age during the heyday of the Cornstalk Act a federal statute that criminalized contraceptives and so basically just over a hundred years ago using birth control methods were illegal just over a hundred years ago I mean methods that would actually be you know any sort of like medicinal thing where you're taking any sort of pill or something like that was illegal in the United States it was illegal in many countries around the world maybe it used to be something that was looked at as being a really bad thing even the biggest religion in our country Catholic Church they were hardcore anti birth control for the vast majority of their history until basically the modern days and they kind of changed their perspective on this I mean it was it was against the law to use those forms of birth control and it says this starting the 1910s Sanger actively challenged federal and state corn stock laws to bring birth control information and contraceptive devices to women her fervent ambition was to find the perfect contraceptive to relieve women from the horrible strain of repeated unwanted pregnancies now let me say this this article is a very pro Margaret Sanger article okay I'm just reading you from the article I don't agree with the the the slant that they have I'm just reading you from this and they say mark they're making Margaret Sanger out to be like some great you know person that invented something to help so many people out she's like the horrible strain of repeated unwanted pregnancies right and primarily this was for people that were not married but the thing is if you're not married just wait till you're married right I mean it's just like God designed things in a set way and he'll guess what God says and it is what it is right but she wanted to create this so women and men that are not married could just sleep around with no repercussions right the horrible strain of repeated unwanted pregnancies what's interesting though is that when it comes to women getting pregnant God actually has a natural system that works pretty well right now I understand that there can be exceptions to this and women are different but here's the thing it's not like if you know a woman gets pregnant and just automatically you know if she lives for 20 years she's gonna end up having like 25 kids right it doesn't work that way because generally and I understand there's there can be exceptions I understand people are different or whatever but generally there's a time period in between when you actually have kids because you know there's an automatic several months that are going to take place but then even after that when women are you know basically breastfeeding their children which is the natural way you know for your kids is the best thing if you get possible it's going to basically space out your pregnancies in general now I understand there can be exceptions but I'd say this my sister has 11 kids and it's basically spaced out one and a half to two years the entire time there's been basically a general gap right that takes place now of course there can be exceptions but this is the general way that God created we're basically there is going to be a recovery time for those women before they have their next pregnancy in general which that is a good thing because there's necessary recovery after a woman has a child right from the first couple months if it's a difficult labor she could really have trouble doing a lot of things she's in recovery mode but also just you know raising kids at a young age when they're very very young can be extremely demanding right so it makes sense that God would have a method to space it out but in general that is what actually takes place here's what it says in the article Sanger's commitment to birth control sprung from personal tragedy one of 11 children personal tragedy that's kind of interesting one of 11 children born to a working-class Irish Catholic family in Corning New York at age 19 Margaret watched her mother die of tuberculosis just 50 years old her mother had wasted away for the strain of 11 childbirths and seven miscarriages facing her father over a mother's coffin Margaret lashed out you caused this mother is dead from having too many children now I don't know the exact specifics of her mom's death here's what I would say that over in Europe and in the United States they had really unhealthy methods that they were using in hospitals and a lot of women did have problems when they gave birth but just because they weren't doing what the Bible actually said for example wash your hands under running water like the Bible says in Leviticus and yet at hospitals you have the doctors and the nurses they wash their hands and a person would perform surgery wash their hands in a bucket of water and do another surgery wash the hands in the same water I mean they're using dirty water and they're passing blood from patient to patient right and so a lot of people were actually dying because the practices they were doing were not the best right I don't know this exact specifics about her mom's death but it says she died at the age of 50 years old well I don't think she was getting pregnant at 50 years old right I mean this is probably a long time past when she had kids so her daughter Margaret Sanger is blaming it on having the kids and I don't know that could have contributed I really don't know that's a long time after she had kids and a lot of people died at young ages especially back then but then it says this determined to escape her mother's fate Sanger fled Corning to attend nursing school in the Catskills eventually she found work in New York City as a visiting nurse on the Lower East Side it was there that Sanger saw her personal tragedy writ large in the lives of poor immigrant women lacking effective contraceptives many women when faced with another unwanted pregnancy resorted to $5 back-alley abortions and this is kind of the argument people make to defend abortions they'll say well if we don't make it legal and make safe ones women are going to go in some back alley and then just get divorced and it's gonna be very dangerous for them it's like well you know what you reap what you sow right you're trying to kill a baby this is murder and we talked about that a couple weeks ago I mean abortion is murder right Bible teaches life begins at conception and that baby inside the belly is a human at the moment of conception and look I don't wish anything ill on people for example you know if somebody does something stupid and just overdoses on drugs I don't want that person to die but you know if they did die I wouldn't call it a tragedy because it was self-inflicted right you know I'll give you a bit of a more silly example to really understand what I'm saying in America and in other parts of the world there's this game called Russian roulette and I don't know why it's called Russian roulette in America it's called Russian roulette who knows that anybody's heard of that game Russian roulette basically what Russian roulette is is you have a gun and you put one bullet in the gun and you randomly spin and then just hope that you don't blow your brains out okay if somebody plays that game I don't want them to die but if they shoot themselves in the head with a bullet and die because of their own stupidity it's just like I mean I wouldn't call it a tragedy I would just be like what are you doing right it's just stupid and here's the thing I mean it's like obviously there can be dangers in pregnancy and tragedies happen but when you're intentionally trying to kill a baby I don't want something bad to happen but if it does it is what it is especially when 99% of these cases are not married people they're unmarried and it's like well you make your choices you live with your choices right unwanted pregnancies is like we'll just wait until you're married then right and so here's what it says in this article Sanger began to devote more and more of her time to her mission this is her mission work right just helping women in pregnancies is she's a missionary Margaret Sanger missionary Margaret Sanger right in 1940 in 1914 she coined the term birth control and soon began to provide women with information and contraceptives he said brother second what is abortion and birth control have to do together well the woman who founded the organization that aborts all these babies she's the one who coined the term birth control that's where it came from right and it says indicted 1915 for sending diaphragms through the mail and arrested in 1916 for opening the first birth control clinic in the country so it's illegal birth control at that time used contraceptives methods to end pregnancy or prevent it was illegal just over a hundred years 1916 Sanger would not be deterred in 1921 she founded the American birth control see she's known for Planned Parenthood she actually found an organization called American birth control but actually she only found one organization it was renamed Planned Parenthood the original name for Planned Parenthood was the American birth control league so what's the link between abortions and birth control I mean it's the same woman the woman who founded the abortion organization see Planned Parenthood sounds a little bit better than American birth control we just want to help women plan their pregnancy plan your parent right it sounds a lot better doesn't it Planned Parenthood then American birth control league it's the same organization it just got renamed and let's see how much of this do I want to read for sake of time I'll go to the part about the birth control actually let me read you this part about one of the reasons why because Margaret Sanger she openly said that people should have a right to sleep around with whatever they want without having to worry okay but here's the thing she was also very concerned about population growth so she's like well we got to control the population but you should be allowed to sleep around with whatever you want right it's like the exact opposite thing of what works it's like well if you want to control the population there's there's a secret to that right here's what it says about this Sanger now in her 70s and in poor health was not ready to give up she had been dreaming of a magic pill for contraception since 1912 she was no longer just concerned about women suffering from unwanted pregnancies now a firm believer in the theory of population control she was also worried about the potential toll of unchecked population growth on the world's limited natural resources now that is also a lie because our world is not overpopulated yeah Metro Manila is overpopulated right parts of big cities are overpopulated but you know what what's interesting is when I drive from Pampanga to Metro Manila every week I see a lot of open grass with nothing there right I mean there's plenty of open space and it's like that all over the world even in countries that you think of as being some European countries most of that country is just kind of open farmland grassland mountains this world is not actually overpopulated and it talks about the pill that she created and she basically hired someone to create the birth control pill and it talks about all these great things that she did now let me in this article now let me go back to the sermon and here's what it says thankfully today's women have a chance to take advantage of safer more reliable contraceptives and says the following article will explain the history of birth control and how the pill has changed women's lives so from another article it says in today's world women are so lucky they have safe reliable methods for birth control you know what's interesting when you study the history of the early forms of birth control yes there were a lot of archaic and dangerous things that sound pretty gruesome but actually people really understood their health better and the way a lot of people were doing birth control was various forms of diet would either increase your chances of pregnancy or lower your chances of pregnancy and we do believe that God opens and closes the world but even in today's world I mean depending on what women eat it can increase their chances of pregnancy or decrease their chances of pregnancy and so a lot of forms in some other countries a long time ago they would just eat certain diets to do that that would actually be a lot safer than the birth control pill because the birth control pill is actually very dangerous to women this article says it's very safe but then it says this even though birth control pills are very safe not to say very safe to try to convince themselves using the combination pill can slightly increase your risk of health problems slightly increase your risk of health problems okay complications are rare but they can be serious these include a heart attack that's more than slightly increasing your health problems right I mean if it was like it causes your heart rate to increase by two beats per minute well that's causing a minor setback in your health causing you to have a heart attack it's not a minor problem heart attack stroke blood clots in liver tumors boy it's such a safe pill not to say it's very safe but it can cause you to have a heart attack right and here's what's interesting in these articles when they talk about birth control what they don't tell you is how many women died during the testing to create this very safe pill because they were basically like guinea pigs being tested they're just you know because when they started it that the the dose of birth control was 20 times more powerful they're just kind of randomly testing and a bunch of women died it's like whoops we better lower the dosage right but make no mistake about it when you introduce medicine into your body it can have major side effects I am NOT against all forms of medication sometimes there can be an necessity I mean just recently my two oldest kids weren't antibiotics we got very sick as a family I'm not against all form of medication but make no mistake about it even though I'm not against it I still think antibiotics can cause side effects we even notice minor side effects from our children afterwards where our daughter was having this stomach pain even after she was recovered it still had minor side effects and birth controls are not some small thing because they're ending human life it's actually a pretty powerful thing they're doing they actually cause long-term problems to women oftentimes and they can lead to heart attacks strokes blood clots and liver tumors can I take the birth control pill this is in this article like all medications the pill isn't for everyone smoking and birth control pills don't always mix if you're over 35 and a smoker you shouldn't use the combination pill or any other kind of birth control that contains the hormone estrogen if you're 35 and you vape talk with your nurse or doctor about whether the combination pills safe for you also avoid using combination pills if you've had blood clots and inherited blood clotting disorder for vein inflammation breast cancer heart attack stroke angina or other serious heart problems migraine headaches with for us seeing flashing or zigzag lines uncontrolled high blood pressure very bad diabetes or liver disease I mean there's a lot of reasons that you should not take it if you have certain health concerns well here's the thing though the way these pills are offered now anybody I mean they're not going to doctor I mean in what's taking place and look I promise you women that are getting pregnant and then on the birth control medical or sleeping around and trying to prevent having pregnancies by being on the birth control pill they are not looking at the health that's involved in this right it can have very serious side effects it also says avoid this if you have forms of lupus breast cancer kidney disease adrenal insufficiency liver disease cervical breast ovarian uterine or endometrical cancer then it talks about how birth controls cause silent abortion now go to Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11 Hebrews chapter 11 and once again whenever I preach on topics it's like I understand we're all learning various things and this is not a criticism what anybody's done in the past past in the past but you know what this information is very important especially when we're looking at the dangers of the health involved I mean it's not just a matter of you know biblically what's right wrong me there's just actual real dangers in taking this medication and they're not worrying people about these things they're making it seem like it's very very safe and this is common if you're selling a product because if you remember the early cigarette ads that came out 50 years ago they promoted smoking as something was very healthy because you actually find you know commercials on YouTube and it's kind of fun you'll see somebody smoking a cigarette and he's like goes down the smooth and they're promoting it as being like a vitamin that you're taking like 50 or 60 years ago and what became big was actually a famous actor I believe is the person if you've seen the Ten Commandments who played the Pharaoh I'm pretty sure I'm 90% sure I could have the wrong person died of throat cancer or something like that as a result of smoking I'm 90% sure that's the actor but right before he died he filmed a commercial saying the dangers of smoking because it's sort of like his personal mission that's why he was dying I'm 90% sure that is the correct actor but it left this huge imprint on people because it's like wrong of course now today we understand that cigarettes are very dangerous and they're trying to sell it as something was being very safe and that's the way they're making birth control pills today they're making it sound like it's very very safe it's not right you're entering a dangerous medicine into your system and there are serious side effects that often take place as a result of this right and here's what the Bible says in Hebrews 11 verse 11 through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised and what it says about Sarah is she had strength to conceive seed and is delivered of a child of course Sarah was barren unable to have children for a very long time and God opened her womb and it talks about conceiving seed well when you think about this because the Bible is looking at the seed as being very significant for human life we say life begins at conception and people try to change that and say well life doesn't begin at conception it begins at implantation but implantation is something that occurs one to two weeks after in general one in two weeks but it occurs after conception at that point the seed is gone see life is involved with conceiving seed the Bible says and so during that time period when it's a zygote as the world says it is a human life you say why because according to a Hebrews 11 verse 11 she gave strength to conceive seed two weeks later you know that's gone it's at the zygote cell stage at that point as the world would point it right see life begins at conception according to Hebrews 11 and see the birth control pills not only are they very dangerous but as I talked about recently oftentimes they actually end human life because step number one is prevent a woman from ovulating which would prevent pregnancy step two is making implantation difficult but implantation occurs after conception and so if a woman is on some sort of pill that kills a child of the zygote stage that is a human life according to Bible because life begins at conception turn your body to Genesis 1 Genesis 1 and let me read you a little bit more from from articles of birth control there are now more than 200 grants and varieties of progestin estrogen birth control pills in the market all of them from a lease to zobia sometimes prevent implantation of the developing human being prevent implantation right which life begins at conception which occurs a couple weeks earlier but it prevents implantation that is killing a human life the low-dose pills work in essentially the same manner as the old high-dose pill however a much higher percentage of ovulation occurs in women who use the low-dose pills due to their lower estrogen dose dose this means that all the newer oral contraceptive pills act as abortive feces at least part of the time but that stating is that sometimes these pills do not prevent a woman from ovulating but it prevents implantation so it's called an abortive feces right what you can see the term abortion the same sort of terminology there now what it's saying is the lower dose pills are not as effective as preventing a woman probably you have to have the higher dose here's the thing if you're on a higher dose of medication is that safer or more dangerous we're dangerous and so if you really want to make sure that you don't ovulate then you're going to have a lot of powerful medicine inside your body that's dangerous right I'm not against all forms of medication but I try to avoid it as much as possible say what because it's dangerous a side effects right when I had surgery on my knee you know when I tore my ACL you know I was on pain medication if I get in there for hydrocodone after the surgery because I was in a lot of pain I mean it was unbearable for a couple days but I'll tell you what that medication you know it helped to prevent the pain but it's like right when you take that you feel like this nausea you feel very sick I mean it's a very powerful thing that you're putting in your system it's like it's best to avoid if possible medication but when people are on these birth control medication they're introducing this to their body all the time look it's one thing to have medication to get over a sickness but when you're permanently on that for years and years and years and years who knows the side effects right look if you have a headache then by all means take a tylenol aspirin or whatever you know to get rid of it but if you're doing that every single day that's not going to be good for you long term it's going to be very dangerous it also says in this article women who use these pills thus frequently can see in order to prevent the continuation of pregnancies in these cases the low-dose pills also prevent implantation thereby acting as backup abortive faeces several studies have shown that women on low dose birth control pills experience an early silent abortion and so when you're on this medication it's called a silent abortion because it's it's killing a baby at that stage in a very early stage but women don't know that if you're taking this this birth control medication you don't know if you're killing a child or not but it is possible that's why Christians should have nothing to do with these birth control pills because sometimes you're actually ending a human life now I believe that children are blessed and we should strive as married couples to have children if God would bless us with children but as I stated recently when I talked about abortion if you decide that you you don't want to have too many kids do not use a form of birth control that could actually in the human life make sure you use some sort of technique that actually prevents pregnancy not prevents pregnancy 80% of the time but completely prevention right now I'm against using any form birth control because I believe children are blessing I'm just stating that if you're going to use a form do not use a form that would actually possibly end a human life Genesis 1 28 Bible says you God bless them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that move upon the earth Bible tells us in the first chapter be fruitful and multiply and replenish here the fastest growing major religion in this world is Islam and it's not even close in my lifetime Islam will pass Christianity as the biggest religion in the world one of the primary reasons is because they have a lot more children than Christians just a fact they're basically more than twice as many children as Christians and if you're having a lot more children I mean it's not just you think of twice as many if you understand multiplication and how that works where it's basically a more kid it's like exponential and what you see whenever you look at these YouTube videos of religions by population you see Islam just skyrocket one of the reasons is because they have a lot more kids all right go to someone 27 someone 27 someone 27 someone 27 the Bible says in someone 27 verse 3 low children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as errors are the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth happiest the man that hath this quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate Bible says in verse 5 first who has a lot of children are very happy right one reason why I believe parents and have a lot of kids are happy is because you see your kids playing with each other and having so much fun and it brings joy to you I have three children right now and seeing my kids play with one another and they're so excited for Ezra to grow so he can start walking and playing with them and everything and that's something that I'm going to be able to just see every single night as they grow up through the years just coming home and see my kids play with it brings joy to you right I don't know whether God will bless my wife and I with more kids but if he does I will be very happy fortunately turn your bottom of Genesis 38 will close up Genesis 38 Genesis 38 as I said in general God does have basically natural spacing methods and I would say this that you know what we were very excited when when our son Zach was born because we had waited a few years to have children that just shows you the fact that we waited I mean there's no guarantee if you get married you're gonna have kids all the time I mean it's up to God I mean God opens and closes the womb the Bible speaks about that now when our son was born you know January 28 2018 if my wife got pregnant you know like very soon after that it would it would have been very difficult right you say I mean I think of women that have you know twins and I think man that's got to be difficult you know having to you know newborn babies that you're raising at the same time because one child is hard enough because they get sick I mean it takes a lot of time lack of sleep I mean I think man you know people that have twins and me obviously that's that's a blessing you know to have children would be very difficult be very hard and if my wife had gotten pregnant right after Zach was born it would have been very difficult because we're dealing with the newborn child but even now you know our son Ezra is seven months old and you know what honestly in my mind I feel like would be better if there was more time you know as our son is still very dependent on my wife but it's in God's hands I mean at the end of the day God opened and closed the womb I mean if God blesses with more children than great I mean if not or if there's a time period in between it's in God's hands right and as Christians we need to leave things in God's hands I mean because as I said recently when it when it comes to the topic of birth control this is something I got converted on basically right after I got saved after I talked to my sister and it just made sense you know the Bible says be fruitful and multiply so God tells us he wants us to have children right he says that right he wants us to have children and he's the one who opens and closes the womb we should leave it in God's hands and basically as far as I know according the Bible says children are a blessing so basically you know we'll just leave it in God's hands if you get into this road you're great right if not then great I mean either way it's in God's hands right Genesis 38 verse 9 and Onan knew that the seed should not be his and it came to pass when he went on the in on to his brother's wife that he spilled it on the ground lest that he should give seed to his brother and the thing which he did displeased the Lord wherefore he slew him also so as far as I know from Genesis to Revelation this is the only instance you see any form of birth control and you what it makes God very angry right I mean and how much more because when you think of the method of birth control in Genesis 38 that is nothing compared to methods that are going to end human life and that's that that is pregnancy prevention and God's angry about it how much more if women are getting pregnant and then they're ending human life you know what they're doing in the world I don't know about yours probably behind what the u.s. is doing but now it's like it used to be a debate about abortion in America now it's like what about partial birth abortion it's like partial birth where there's basically depending on the situation after the baby's born it's like partial birth abortion and it's just like the world is getting more and more what are you gonna do raise the age to whoa you know if you want to kill the child with two or three I mean it's crazy this sort of sin that is running rampant in this world but you know when you look at the amount of people that are aborted in this world I know in America it's it's definitely over half million but somewhere between a half million to 1 million babies are murdered that they know about I'm not referring to silent abortions that are unknown at the zygote stage I'm referring to no over a half million babies are aborted per year in the u.s. right yes it's a terrible tragedy that is actually a tragedy right and God's view of birth control always tells to have children what I would say is if I believe in Christian is we got to leave this in God's hands to either choose to open the world close the wall let's close in order prayer family father