(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright we're here in Daniel chapter 8 and last week we talked about Alexander the Great as he is mentioned in Daniel chapter 8 and just start down at verse number 8 I'll give you a bit of an introduction before I tell you what the name of the sermon is but in verse number 8 the Bible reads therefore the he goat waxed very great and when he was strong the great horn was broken as we talked about last week that's referring to Alexander the Great and basically when he's strong when he's powerful when he's a young man that's when he's destroyed he's at the height of his power in his early thirties and then out of nowhere he just dies unexpectedly the result of that is and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven as a result of dying at a young age he was not ready to appoint a successor to follow after him and so the result is his kingdom is in chaos and it breaks into four different groups of power one of those was the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt which is toward the south one of them was a Seleucid Empire which is in Syria which is toward the north and then you have the Adelaide dynasty of the kingdom of Pergamon Pergamon might sound similar to you if you think of Revelation with the churches there's a church of Pergamos it's the same exact location so this is like a few hundred years after these events that are being talked about and then Macedon which is in Greece so his empire breaks into four different groups notice what it says in verse 9 and out of one of them came forth a little horn which waxed exceeding great toward the south and toward the east and toward the pleasant lands now go back to Daniel 7 real quickly because it mentions the little horn here in Daniel chapter 8 but go to Daniel 7 real quickly and in Daniel 7 verse 7 the Bible reads after this I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly now when we're talking about the fourth beast we are talking about the Roman Empire okay the Roman Empire springs up after these four stable power blocks of the Grecian Empire okay so the fourth beast is the Roman Empire the first being Babylon the second being Medo-Persian third being Greece or Macedonia and then the fourth the Roman Empire okay and it says and it had great iron teeth it devoured and break in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns I consider the horns and behold there came up among them a nut among them another little horn before whom there are three the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouth speaking great things so in Daniel 7 you see little horn and in Daniel 8 you see little horn your first reaction is to assume it's the same person it is not the same person okay in Daniel 7 it mentions the little horn but what you see in Daniel 7 as we talked about is the Bible gives you a segue between the Roman Empire and the end times okay because if you look at the verses right after this in verse 9 it says I beheld till the thrones were cast down and the ancient of days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like the pure wool his throne was like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him thousand thousands ministered onto him in ten thousand times ten thousands to before him the judgment was set and the books were open so in the Bible saying the judgment was set and the books were opened that's referring to the end times okay the very end and there's a segue in Daniel 7 from the Roman Empire to the end times you say well why would the Bible do that it's the same thing in Revelation because Revelation 17 is about the Roman Empire the Empire that exists during the time of John it uses the present tense okay when it refers to that one but then Revelation 18 is not about the Roman Empire so there's a segue from the Roman Empire toward the end times because obviously in today's world the Roman Catholic Church does not own this world like they used to there's no question a thousand years ago who owned the world they don't own the world anymore there's going to be another Empire that springs up and the Antichrist going to come forth during that time period and there's that segue in Revelation 17 to the Roman Empire which is very similar to the end times Empire but in a different location okay Daniel does the same thing now go back to Daniel 8 you say what's your point well here's my point in Daniel 7 the little horn is definitely after the Roman Empire and as we saw a few weeks ago it's referring to the Antichrist the horn made war with the Saints okay that is referring to the Antichrist but see in Daniel 8 this little horn is from one of those four empires that rises up after Alexander the Great this is not during the end times right and this is this is pretty deep because your first reaction in my first reaction reading through Daniel you just assume little horn little horn both referring to the Antichrist it's not referring to the Antichrist though because this is actually before the events mentioned in Daniel 7 of when this little horn rises up because what it says in verse 9 is this and out of one of them came forth a little little horn out of one of what out of one of the four that are mentioned in verse number 8 of the four notable ones so the little horn in Daniel 8 verse 9 is coming from forth from one of the four notable ones that is mentioned in verse 8 okay as I said you have the Seleucid Empire the Ptolemaic Kingdom or Empire you've got the Adelaide Dynasty and you've got Macedon those four different ones okay now I'll tell you the one that is referring to is someone who comes from the Seleucid Empire okay we'll look at this person here in a second but notice what it says out of one of them came forth a little horn which waxed exceeding great toward the south so mentions toward the south basically stating he would go towards the south and he was starting above there in the north and the entire Daniel 11 pretty much is about the Syrian Wars which are mentioned in history between the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Kingdom and this person who's coming from the Seleucid Empire goes to the south to constantly war with the Ptolemaic Empire so it's accurate when the Bible is saying this man went towards the south okay and it says and toward the east and toward the pleasant land referring to Jerusalem which is why the Bible speaks so much about this person okay verse number 10 and it waxed great even to the host of heaven and it cast down some of the hosts and of the stars to the ground and stamped upon them now verse 10 you know literally took place but I want you to see the similarity to the wording in verse 10 and it waxed great even to the host of heaven and it cast down some of the hosts and of the stars of the ground and stamped upon them go to Revelation 12 real quickly Revelation 12 real quickly I try to add suspense and not tell you who I'm talking about but realistically all you have to do is oh okay there it is right it's right on the back of your bulletin but anyways and notice what it says in Revelation 12 verse 4 and Revelation 12 is referring to the devil but it says in his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for devour her child as soon as it was born you see similar wording the host of heaven stars of heaven casting them to the earth and so this man who did this he did these things by the power of the devil okay now go go back to Daniel 8 real quickly Daniel 8 real quickly and what it said in Daniel 8 verse 9 is and out of one of them which is out of the Seleucid Empire Syria came forth a little horn which waxed exceeding great toward the south it mentions the south first because constantly they were going toward the south to battle the Ptolemaic Kingdom and toward the east and toward the pleasant land the pleasant land referring to Jerusalem now this little horn is a guy by the name of Antiochus the fourth or Antiochus epiphanies okay this is a man who did exist now what's interesting is last week as I talked about Alexander the Great everybody knows Alexander the Great everybody I say Antiochus the fourth and a lot of you are like man I should have paid attention in history class right because he's not as famous as Alexander the Great now another guy who exists in history before the time of Christ that probably everybody knows is Julius Caesar everybody knows Julius Caesar and yet there's nothing in the Bible about Julius Caesar and yet we see a lot of Daniel 8 about Antiochus the fourth or Antiochus epiphanies the last half of Daniel 11 is about this man Antiochus the fourth so the question would be why is it the Bible speaks so much about this man who was not as famous or powerful or prominent as Alexander the Great but he's mentioned more than Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar who's not mentioned at all as far as I'm aware in the Bible right and go to 2 Thessalonians 2 real quickly what you have to realize about the Bible is the Bible is written to save people look if atheists read the Bible that's great but it's not written to atheists right it's not written to Hindus or to Buddhists or Muslims or whatever it's written to God's people because we're the ones that can actually understand this book having the Spirit of God inside of us and Alexander the Great was a wicked man if you know anything about Julius Caesar he was also a wicked man but here's the thing neither one of them really had a special goal of destroying the God of the Bible or destroying God's people and Tychus the fourth he did have a goal to destroy God's people his mission in life and he was successful to a large degree was to murder and slaughter God's people he burned the scriptures he hated the Word of God so look honestly if you're looking at the biggest villain that has ever existed in this world for us as believers it is in Tychus the fourth this is the most evil man that has ever existed so even though he's not as prominent as Julius Caesar honestly he did more destruction and honestly you know people know who Nero is and Tychus the fourth should probably be more famous as a villain there's a reason why the Bible speaks about him so much let me just read you this about in Tychus the fourth now you need to understand something when I say in Tychus the fourth you know you have every king was named in Tychus okay this is just the way it was back then everybody named their son the exact same name with the Ptolemaic Kingdom it's like Ptolemy everyone has the same name okay what these leaders would do is they would take a title upon themselves to distinguish in Tychus the third from in Tychus the fourth Epiphanes is a title that in Tychus the fourth gave himself okay what Epiphanes means is God manifest so basically he gave himself the title God manifest he said he was a manifestation of Zeus he said he was a manifestation of God so basically if you were to say in Tychus Epiphanes you're basically saying in Tychus is God talk about a blasphemous title to take upon yourself right and here's an art from an article about in Tychus the fourth and Tychus Epiphanes was a ruthless and often capricious ruler he is properly in Tychus the fourth but he took upon himself the title Epiphanes which means illustrious one or God manifest and so basically he took a title where he's stating that he is God okay go to 2nd Thessalonians 2 2nd Thessalonians 2 now in the Bible we have something that we would call a type of Christ you say what is a type of Christ it's someone whose life symbolizes Jesus in a lot of ways for example Jonah was in the whale's belly for three days and three nights that event actually took place right we believe the Bible but isn't that a picture of something else as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth so what you would say about Jonah is he's a type of Christ in many ways many characters in the Bible are like that as we go through Song of Solomon Solomon in that book is a type of Christ and his wife is a type of the bride of Christ there's a lot of symbolism that you could show in that book and Antiochus the fourth was a type of the Antichrist and as you're reading events of Antiochus the fourth you might think it's referring to the Antichrist because the Antichrist does the exact same thing and we're going to see five correlations between this man Antiochus the fourth and things that he did shortly before the time of Christ 170 years before the time of Christ and what the Antichrist will do one day number one Antiochus the fourth declared himself to be God the Antichrist will declare himself to be God second thessalonians 2 verse 3 let no man deceive you by any means don't let anybody trick you or deceive you or lie to you for that day shall not come what day are we referring to the return of Christ where he'll rapture his people and pour out his wrath except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition the Bible says before Christ comes back the man of sin is going to be revealed okay now people get confused because they look at characters like Antiochus the fourth and they say well this already happened right some people would say this man was the man of sin no no he's a picture of the man of sin but what Paul is addressing is something that will take place right Antiochus the fourth existed before the book of Thessalonians was written during that section of malachite and Matthew those hundreds of years gap okay well Paul is stating is in the future before Christ comes the man of sin will be revealed he's stating it has not happened yet okay and look none of us know who the Antichrist is people throw out wild guesses all the time there's probably like a hundred guys some people would probably say Vladimir Putin here's my proof right and it's like you have no idea right who the Antichrist is and they throw out all these theories nobody knows it has not been revealed we are not aware at this point verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God the Antichrist will declare himself to be God in Jerusalem in the temple of God has that happened yet no it hasn't we don't know who this person is along with these events are the abomination of desolation the mark of the beast look that's something that hasn't taken place yet nobody's forcing you to get a chip in your hand or whatever the mark of the beast 666 whatever it will be nobody has done that to you right this event has not taken place yet but it will take place but one correlation is the Antichrist will declare himself to be God and Tychus the fourth he took upon himself a title saying he was God okay look at verse number eight and it says and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him who's coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders you say well how is the Antichrist so successful because he uses power and signs and lying wonders on a side point let me just say this in verse 9 where it says after the working of Satan that's not like before and after where Christ is coming after the devil it's saying the Antichrist is in the same manner using the power to do signs and lying wonders by the power of the devil so after the power of Satan is not referring to after the working of Satan is not a time frame it's basically in the same way the working of Satan power and signs in lying wonders now go to Daniel chapter 8 Daniel 8 Daniel chapter 8 so the Antichrist is going to be very successful we don't know how many people take the mark of the beast but it's going to be a lot of people right well here's the thing why wasn't I kiss the fourth so successful he also used sorcery the Bible teaches he also used lying wonders he used deception to get people to believe that he was actually the real deal it says in Daniel 8 verse 23 and in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are come to the full a king of fierce countenance this is in Tychus the fourth as this is being explained to Daniel and understanding notice this dark sentences shall stand up now it's not referring to a sentence written in black like you can understand that okay it's referring to the dark arts as we would say it's referring to sorcery and magic and with witchcraft I mean it's all bad these dark sentences now let me just say this in our modern day people have this idea well there's the good magic and there's the bad magic right people would say Harry Potter's a good guy right he has the good magic no he's a sorcerer that would get put to death in real life it's all dark magic it's all bad I remember watching a video on YouTube about a year ago and they went to like the top of this mountain in this Philippines in the Philippines where there's this Albulario who was basically he would get in touch with demons and cast out spells and everything and there's like this vlogger from another country who came in and he visited him and you know basically talked to him and the guy did like a seance or whatever to you know communicating with spirits and stuff like that and what the guy said in this video which I saw on YouTube he said well you know what my main thing I do is I uncast voodoo spells he said the voodoo is the dark magic the voodoo is the bad magic and I uncast them from the people that have this spell cast upon them here's what's interesting if you've ever watched any documentaries on voodoo which is like the most satanic religion ever I mean it's like the scariest thing you could ever see I mean where they got all these blood sacrifices and all these weird things that they're doing they'll say we don't practice black magic we practice white magic right look everyone says they have the good magic when you're communicating with devils it's bad you're a sorcerer call yourself whatever you want it's not good magic you deserve the death penalty according to the Bible right and this man who's doing dark sentences he's doing it by the power of the devil communicating with devils and getting special power that you would not normally get in your flesh it says in verse 24 and his power shall be mighty but not by his own power so it's not his own physical power why because he's just a man and Tychus the fourth is just a man okay but it's not his own power he's getting this by the power of the devil and he shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper and practice and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people verse 25 and through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand what does the Bible mean by craft think of which craft that's what's being referred to this man is communicating with devils and practicing sorcery and that is how he's getting people to be deceived he's getting people to believe in him by these dark arts that he's doing things that are not normal things that are not possible humanly and logically speaking well the Antichrist is going to do the same thing he's going to use the dark arts to perform this magic and people are going to be like you must be the real deal okay go to Matthew 24 Matthew 24 Matthew chapter 24 and look this is why you can't just trust things you see or things you hear I mean have you ever had somebody give you like a testimony of something and they say well I know this is true because this happened in my life and I always have the attitude well if the Bible says it's not true then I don't believe it right you know I've heard people tell me before why no speaking in tongues is real because I know people that have done it it's like well I know people that have spoken in tongues like a language but the Bible speaks against this idea of just speaking this heavenly language or whatever it's just like if the Bible says something is not true then it's not true right we believe what the Bible says and not just personal experiences but you know the average person doesn't really hold the Bible up to that value or importance basically they would trust their eyes or what they hear more than anything and yet Peter and Bible says you know what we actually partook in some pretty amazing things but we trust the Word of God even more than what we saw and what we experienced okay the Bible says in Matthew 24 verse 24 for there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect now what the Bible's stating here is if it's possible they would deceive the elect they would deceive us that are saved but with the Holy Spirit of God inside of us none of us will be deceived when the Antichrist rises again from the dead because his deadly wound is going to be healed that's a pretty compelling sign that's something people are going to believe in not us that are saved though you say why we have the Holy Spirit of truth inside of us and it's going to be very convincing we're going to see it with our own eyes and be like man how is that possible but we're not going to be deceived because we're saved okay now go to Revelation 13 Revelation 13 Revelation 13 let me just say this in passing a lot of people try to just throw away Matthew 24 and say it's just written to the Jews the Jews are the elect look the Jews are deceived during the end times the Bible teaches that so if it were possible shall deceive the very elect well the Jews do get deceived right the Jews get duped by the Antichrist they get deceived quite a bit so that's not saying hey the Jews won't be deceived no they do get deceived okay but save people they do not get deceived Revelation 13 verse 3 the Bible reads and I saw one of his heads as they were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast so the Bible speaks about the Antichrist basically coming back from the dead right wounded to death his deadly wound is healed what's the result people wonder after the beast you say why that's a pretty convincing sign right when you come back to life that's gonna deceive a lot of people right when you see somebody dead the hearts not beating clearly dead no question then they come back to life it's like whoa and a lot of people are gonna be like that's God right that's what a lot of people are gonna think because he's gonna declare himself to be God when he gets killed people are saying well he must not be God he rises again people are gonna say wow that's God because they don't understand what the end times talks about and they're not saved verse number 12 and in Revelation 13 verse 12 we're now looking at the false prophet helping the beast here it says he and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him and causes the earth and them which dwell there into worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and he do with great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceive at them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast so the Bible speaks about this false prophet who's basically the chief helper of the Antichrist he's like the the assistant pastor or the deacon of the Antichrist and he's doing these miracles and he's deceiving people and see a lot of people have this idea well you know what none of this stuff is real I don't believe in it and look obviously when you look at people that are like psychics and witches and wizards and magicians they fake a lot of stuff they don't fake everything though some things they are doing by the power of the devil right when it comes to the ten plagues of Egypt I mean the magicians of Egypt they were able to turn water into blood too now if I was an Egyptian I'd say well can't you turn the blood back into water that'd probably be better than turning the water into blood but they turn the rod into a serpent also right I mean they were doing a lot of the same miracles eventually it reached a point where they were not able to do it themselves but they were actually able to do things that are beyond belief things that are not possible you say why because the devil and his you know minions they have power that they can actually use go to Daniel chapter 8 Daniel chapter 8 Daniel 8 Daniel chapter 8 so number one one thing that Antiochus the fourth did is he declared himself to be God and guess what the Antichrist is going to do the same thing another thing that Antiochus the fourth did that the Antichrist will do is he removed the offering or the sacrifice of the Jews okay notice what it says in Daniel 8 verse 11 yeah he magnified himself even to the prince of the host and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away and the place of the sanctuary was cast down and so the Bible says is Antiochus the fourth is going to take away the daily sacrifice now realize this is before the time of Jesus Christ before Christ came they had sacrifices they had to do right you're reading through the book of Leviticus they had laws and rules they had animals they had to sacrifice so when Antiochus the fourth is taking away the sacrifice of the Jews he's doing an evil thing right because of the fact they needed to do those sacrifices and realize this those that were the Jews before the time of Christ that were actually saved they worship the same God that you and I worshiped there's one true God and he didn't change 2,000 years ago okay they worship the same God that we worship today but one thing Antiochus the fourth did is he removed the sacrifice that the Jews had and it says in verse 12 and in host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression and he and it cast down the truth of the ground and it practiced and prospered now go to Daniel 9 Daniel 9 Daniel chapter 9 Daniel chapter 9 and in Daniel 9 what we're looking at is actually referring to the Antichrist okay this is not Antiochus the fourth Daniel 8 is about Antiochus the fourth Daniel 11 is about the Syrian Wars which talks about Antiochus the fourth quite a bit toward the last half of that chapter Daniel 9 though is not referring to but notice what it says in Daniel 9 verse 27 and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week you know think of you know Daniel 70th week and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease and for the off over spreading of abominations he shall make it desolate even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate and so in the midst of this seven-year time period what do you have you have the Antichrist declares himself to be God but along with that he will set up an image that you must worship you must take the mark of the beast if you do not you cannot buy or sell but he's actually going to be removing the offering of the Jews in the temple of God where he shows himself to be God and then he's going to demand that you worship him you say wait a minute brother psyche I'm confused what do you mean about the temple of God there is no temple in Jerusalem the Jews don't work that Jews don't do any sacrifices well here's the thing if you talk to Jews about why they don't do any sacrifices or offerings what they will tell you is we need to rebuild the temple first right the temple was destroyed in 70 AD okay and what they'll say is once we rebuild the temple we're going to start the sacrifices and so once the temple gets rebuilt the Jews are going to start doing sacrifices now are those sacrifices going to be a good thing in the eyes of God no because Jesus already died now what I do not understand is why a lot of Christians are like we got to raise money for Israel to rebuild the temple so they can blaspheme God with blasphemous offerings so you can prepare for the Antichrist it's like why are you raising money to help the Jews blaspheme God right I mean the temple of God that's going to be rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem they're going to be blaspheming God by making offerings because Jesus already died for us there's no point of an offering now look we still do Passover but it changed the Lord's Supper and guess what we do not do we don't sacrifice a lamb you say why the Lamb of God already died for us but what's going to take place is the temple is going to be rebuilt and they're going to start to do offerings and they're going to think the Antichrist is on their side and the Antichrist will turn on the Jews midway through Daniel 70th week because the Jews are not looking for a spiritual Messiah they're looking to come to prominence and power and the Antichrist will act like he's on their side and then all of a sudden he said well just kidding you got to worship me and guess what some of the Jews will go along with it a lot of the others probably won't they'll be like what's going on here we thought we were being brought back I mean we're the chosen we're the elect and then all of a sudden the Antichrist turns on them that's what's going to take place and the Antichrist is going to remove the sacrifices the Jews are doing now here's the thing when in Tychus the fourth did this what he did was evil because of the fact they needed to do those sacrifices in a way the Antichrist removing the sacrifices is good because they're not blaspheming God the problem is he replaces it with worship my image which is even worse okay but it's going to be the same thing where he's basically going to remove the sacrifices just like in Tychus the fourth also did go back to Daniel 8 Daniel 8 Daniel chapter 8 you got these guys who are these so-called you know Christians like John Hagee I think the most famous one and it's like all about Israel Israel Israel we got to raise money and for Israel and help them rebuild the temple and all these things it's just like do you have any understanding of the Bible right he that believeth not the Son shall not see life except if he's got Jewish blood right is that what the Bible says right it's like you know what if you don't believe on the Son you're going to go to hell and look these Jews no religion blasphemes God more than the Jews they openly say that Jesus was a sorcerer they say Jesus was a wicked false prophet other religions say things nice about Jesus I mean Islam has them as one of the five prophets Hinduism says you know he's one of the millions of manifestations of God right I mean other religions say nice things about Jesus but the one religion that doesn't is Judaism right they blaspheme Jesus Christ Daniel chapter 8 so point number one and Tychus the fourth declared himself to be God the Antichrist will do the same and Tychus the fourth he removed the offering of the Jews the Antichrist will do the same point number three notice what it says in Daniel 8 verse 13 then I heard one Saint speaking and another Saint said under that certain Saint which spake how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice and notice this and the transgression of desolation to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot now what is a transgression well a transgression is a sin right and the Bible says the transgression of desolation doesn't that sound kind of similar to the abomination of desolation that everybody's heard of and yet the Bible says with in Tychus the fourth it says the transgression of desolation you see when he removed the offering of the Jews that's not all that he did okay what he did is he set up a statue of Zeus in the temple of God and said worship this statue or you will be killed and then he slaughtered an unclean animal a pig on the altar and he demanded people to worship this image of Zeus and guess what happened to those that refused to worship they were killed I mean can you see why the Bible is mentioning this person because isn't this just like the Antichrist do you see the similarities right worship this image of Zeus or you will be slaughtered you will be killed here's what it says from this article about in Tychus the fourth and Tychus of the fourth the king of Syria captured Jerusalem in 167 BC and desecrated the temple by offering the sacrifice of a pig on an altar to Zeus and seeking to prohibit Judaism and Hellenize the Jews you say Hellenize the Jews well the Greek philosophy is known as Hellenism okay so when it says Hellenize the Jews basically trying to get them to adopt their culture and philosophy but I will say I mean he was literally trying to Hellenize the Jews right get him to you know go to hell right but Hellenize that that's that's Greek philosophy Hellenism is like what it's referred to okay but in Hellenize the Jews and Tychus forbade their religious practices and commanded that copies of the law be burned all of which is related by Josephus and the antiquities of the Jews so basically sets up a statue of Zeus demands people worship it he burns copies of the Word of God and he kills those that will not do it and he slaughters an unclean animal and he gets a lot of people to turn on their own people he gets a lot of people to go to his side you say how does he do that by lying wonders by deception by sorcery and he gets people to turn on their own people in terms of ethnicity and he demands people worship this image of Zeus and he slaughters tons of people that refused to do that go to Luke 21 Luke 21 Luke 21 see there have been other evil leaders that have existed I mean many leaders have been powerful been evil people but the difference is in Tychus the fourth he made it his mission to destroy God's people and make no mistake if we were living during this time period we would be in that group we'd be some of the people that got murdered we'd be some of the people that got slaughtered if we lived in that part of the world because we worship the same God that they did right we would be the ones that would be killed by this evil man this is truly the biggest villain probably who ever existed in Tychus the fourth Luke 21 verse 20 and when he shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies then know that the desolation thereof is nigh then let them which are in Judea fleet of the mountains and let them which are in the midst of it depart out and let not them that are in the countries enter there into for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled verse 23 belong to them that are with child unto them that give suck in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled now go to Revelation 11 Revelation 11 Revelation chapter 11 and look I'm aware everyone's familiar with the abomination of desolation but I want to show you some verses on this revelation chapter 11 and it says in Revelation 11 verse 1 and there was given me a rod like read like unto a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and them that worship therein but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles in the holy city shall they tread underfoot forty and two months and so this starts to take place midway through Daniel's 70th week that's the big point to remember during that end times period because the first seals already started second seal there's no rapture yet third seal and everything like that midway through is the abomination of desolation take the mark of the beast the great tribulation comes right after that event because if you don't take the mark of the beast they're going to try to kill you right and they're going to come after you now of course we don't know exactly how all of these things will play out we read through the Bible we see through we see things kind of darkly when we look at prophetical things we don't know exactly what's going to take place I will say this that with modern technology it doesn't really seem that hard anymore because for example you know thousands of years ago if people reading this it's like they couldn't even conceive this being possible they wouldn't understand this but with the invention of a cell phone news travels fast everybody knows about things immediately right I mean if some famous politician died everybody would know within an hour right I mean last week or two weeks ago whenever everyone's talk like you know what do you think about the Prime Minister of Japan I didn't know right I'm not I don't always go on my phone I guess I don't know but it's like everybody knew it's like news travels fast in today's world right and you know I remember seeing I think it was in Tokyo where they had that giant hologram of a cat that they had set up I think it was in Japan I could be wrong maybe it's somewhere else but when you look at that it looks very realistic and it's like they can make those holograms speak as well I mean it's not really that surprising in Revelation it actually makes sense they can make them you know speak and they can be very convincing and they could potentially project this all around the world in every big city where basically if you don't worship this image it's going to be very obvious and they can kill you it doesn't really seem all that far-fetched anymore if you read this before the TV was invented you'd be like what's going on how is this possible how could they get everybody on the same side but with cell phones now it's not really all that surprising anymore right now go to Daniel chapter 8 Daniel 8 Daniel 8 Daniel chapter 8 number one in Tychus the fourth declared himself to be God the Antichrist will declare himself to be God number two in Tychus the fourth he removed the offering or sacrifice of the Jews and the Antichrist will also remove the sacrifice or the offering after the temple of God is rebuilt whatever three you have the abomination or transgression of desolation where in Tychus the fourth demanded people to worship the image of Zeus and otherwise he would kill you and then during the end times something very similar worship the image take the mark of the beast or we're going to kill you right point four in Tychus the fourth will use peace as a method to take power he will use peace he did use peace just like the Antichrist will use peace one day it says in Daniel 8 verse 25 and through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many he shall also stand up against the prince of princes but he shall be broken without hand by peace shall destroy many go to Daniel 11 Daniel 11 now here's the thing about this when you look at certain verses like this you know there's really no problem with applying this to Antiochus the fourth and the Antichrist because it's a dual prophecy the things that took place in the past are the same things just slightly altered so there's no problem with looking at some of these verses and say well this is what Antiochus the fourth did this is what the Antichrist will do because he's going to do the exact same thing right it says in Daniel 11 verse 21 and this is also in reference to Antiochus the fourth here Daniel 11 verse 21 and in his estate shall stand up a vile person to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries and with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him and shall be broken yea also the prince of the Covenant and after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully for he shall come up and shall become strong with the small people he shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province go to Revelation 6 Revelation 6 you say what does it mean by entering in peaceably what does it mean by using peace as a method well I mean think of our world that we live in today everybody says if we could just have world peace everything would be great isn't that what people say put a religious differences put aside your biases it's like hey it's okay to be Christian but let people be Muslim let people be Hindu let people be Buddhist let's just all join together on the same side but is that what the Bible teaches because correct me if I'm wrong but Jesus Christ said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me brother Stuckey do you respect Islam no it's a false religion do I respect Hinduism no it's a false religion false religions send people to hell I'm not gonna pretend and look I'm not saying all those people are bad people but they're believing something that will send them to hell we can't put aside those differences we believe different things now there's gonna come a time of peace when Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning and it's his rules and we go along with his program but if you're not going to promote the laws of the Bible I'm against it I believe what the Bible says above anything and look Jesus Christ said I did not come but he said I came to bring division he didn't come to unite everybody and bring everybody together I mean look if Jesus came to unite everybody and all he said was world peace why did they keep trying to kill him why they you know take the head of John the Baptist they don't take your head if you're preaching your best life now they take your head when you're saying something that they don't like to hear I mean isn't sure all of the prophets of God are getting persecuted and killed and stoned and all these things are taking place and look if you take a stand for the Word of God in 2022 they will mock you they will criticize you they'll say you're an idiot that you're a wicked person if you just promote what the Bible says that's the world we live in and they're gonna say you know why can't we just have love and peace look how can you have love and peace when you have pedophiles defiling children and nothing happens to them it's like you want an accurate punishment hey put those people to death and we can have peace who's the one who's taking peace from this world it's not us the law was not given for a righteous man but for the lawless and disobedience I'm not going around killing people I'm not going around doing these crimes so how am I the one who's taking peace and they would claim world peace world peace and they would basically throw aside purity and the Word of God and rules and laws and righteousness that is not what the Bible teaches but you know that's what people like to hear it sounds good let's just all have world peace I mean a war takes place why can't we just all get along well obviously there's a reason why a war is taking place which is usually the love of money but it's just like it's just like this this this this stupid pie in the sky very naive attitude that never would happen in real life you know I wish we could just have a day we're all just get along it won't happen it hasn't happened for thousands of years in human history wars have been fought for the love of money it's not going to change people still love money people will still kill and do crimes for money it's not going to take place and we have specific religious differences and they're not going to change look certain religions say you can believe whatever you want but here's the thing Christianity says we are the way Islam says we are the way how are those two religions going to get along then it's not going to happen and look I'm not going to be the one that backs down and says well I guess we'll just you know go the way to Islam because they're not moving to our side they're saying they're the way well you know what I say we are the way and yeah you know what every Muslim that doesn't believe on Jesus will die and go straight to hell that's what the Bible teaches oh that's hate speech it's the truth and people often hear the truth and they say oh it's hate speech it's evil it's bad you know why I'd rather just speak the truth and lie to people this is what the Bible teaches Revelation chapter 6 verse 3 and in Revelation 6 verse 3 this is before the Antichrist this is before the abomination of desolation the Bible says in Revelation 6 verse 3 and when he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and power was given unto him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword so you got the first three and a half years and midway through the Antichrist declares himself to be God here you've got the second seal okay there is no peace all the way up to the second seal right I mean they're taking peace from the earth people are killing no peace for people that say if we could just have world peace it's not going to happen there's no peace in the second seal but then all of a sudden there's going to be this man that rises up and says you know what I'll bring everybody together I'll give world peace and you know that that person is going to be the Antichrist he's going to be the one that unites the world together but here's the thing he unites the world together unless you go against him which means people like us are going to be his enemy there's going to be peace for everyone that takes the mark of the beast what about for those of us that don't take the mark of the beast they're going to kill us right it's going to be peace for everybody except those that are actually trying to serve God and do right okay turn your Bible to Daniel 8 Daniel 8 Daniel chapter 8 what's interesting is when you listen to these religions talk about what's going to happen in eschatology which means the end times okay and so basically eschatology or the end times in all of these religions they will describe about somebody coming and bringing peace and they literally just described the Antichrist and they don't even realize that all these religions are saying the same thing right I mean I think it's it's Kalki is the name in Hinduism of this avatar that's going to come and he's going to bring everybody together bring all this peace in the world it's like you're describing the Antichrist right there's one and a half billion Hindus which they're looking for the coming of the Antichrist I remember so many a long time ago with you know my friend pastor Jason Robinson in West Virginia and you know we knock on this door we talked to a Muslim and this Muslims telling us what's going to happen during the end times and he's describing the Antichrist but he doesn't say it's the Antichrist and he's talking about what's going to happen during the end and this man's going to come and bring everybody together and bring peace and we're like shocked because we're like he's describing the Antichrist right I mean literally all of these religions that's what they're looking for now they won't say it's the Antichrist but that's actually what their religions are teaching and look all the smaller religions say the same thing whether it be cow die or Zoroastrianism or all these small different religions they're looking for the return of someone who's going to be the Antichrist and they don't realize it now look unfortunately Christians even say people have done a really bad job understanding their end times and they're teaching people that Jesus is going to come back at any moment and they're confusing people now here's the thing they won't be deceived when the Antichrist reveals himself to be God when he says he's God I should say right but they're gonna be pretty shocked right I'm not sure at what point they're gonna figure out that they have the wrong belief about this preacher of rapture but they're preparing people for the Antichrist because they're saying there's gonna become a man that's gonna come there's all this chaos now but then one day Jesus will come back he'll rapture everybody to heaven and what they're doing is preparing people to accept the Antichrist whether they realize that or not and what's going to take place is in Tychus the fourth he used peace as a means to take power he came in peaceably I'm come to do goodwill I'm come to bring everybody together just worship this image of Zeus and we can all get along and the Antichrist he's gonna do the same thing he's like man we have all these wars all this chaos all this division we just need to unite together right you see these images online where you'll have this joint prayer session and you'll have like some sort of Christian you know a few different Christians in the crowd or whatever you'll have these Muslims you'll have a Jew you'll have this Hindu and then they'll all just join together and just do a joint prayer session and it's just right and of course the Pope is always there right the Pope is always the one who's uniting people together right there's a reason why he could very well be the false prophet that's mentioned as the chief helper of the Antichrist but he got all of these people uniting everybody together and Jesus said I didn't come to bring peace I came to bring division that's what the Bible says it's the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches we're not meant to unite together with everybody that is not what the Bible teaches point number one and Tychus the fourth declared himself to be God and the Antichrist will declare himself to be God but number two and Tychus the fourth he removed the sacrifice or offering of the Jews the Antichrist will remove the sacrifice or the offering of the Jews but number three and Tychus the fourth set up the abomination or transgression of desolation the Antichrist will have his abomination of desolation point four and Tychus the fourth used peace as a means to cause destruction the Antichrist will come under the guise of world peace to cause destruction point five and Tychus the fourth attacked believers that was his main objective the Antichrist his main objective is to attack believers or save people Daniel 8 verse 24 and his power shall be mighty but not by his own power and he shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper and practice and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people see the reason why in Tychus the fourth is mentioned a lot in the Bible is because his mission was to destroy God's people look we talked about Alexander the Great last week but Alexander the Great he was an evil man but his his method of his reprobate you know mind was just go after power and and things such as that but he didn't single-handedly just try to kill God he wasn't saying let me just take a detour to Jerusalem and kill God's people let me just burn copies of the Word of God Julius Caesar was a wicked man but he's not even mentioned you say why well because he wasn't doing that either he was all in it for himself and Tychus the fourth though even though he's not as famous or prominent or powerful his goal was to destroy God's people and he murdered a lot of God's people when he set up that image of Zeus he came to destroy the mighty and the holy people go to Daniel 7 Daniel 7 Daniel 7 the Bible says in Daniel 7 verse 21 I beheld and the same horn which is referring to the little horn of Daniel 7 which is the Antichrist and the same horn made war with the Saints and prevailed against them and see the Antichrist his main objective is to make war with the Saints war with the safe people now look the Bible says narrow is the way which leadeth on the life and few there be that find it the percentage of people that is saved in this world none of us really know what it is we don't know necessarily for every country but for me I'm pretty dogmatic it's definitely a lot less than 5% of people are saved and that's an optimistic if I say 5% in my opinion of course we hope a lot of people are saved and just confused about stuff I'm just saying for my personal experience going soul winning in several different countries I don't really run into a lot of say people you do sometimes and praise the Lord for that but most people are not saved and whatever you think the percentage is it's narrow right I mean it's definitely not the majority only 33% of this world I think claims to be Christian and of course claiming to be Christian also includes that church over there the Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses and churches that are so far from the truth so far from believing on Christ along with every denomination under the Sun so look if you take just a fraction of 33% you've got a small percentage of people that are saved and so when it comes to and I'm sure it was the same thing during the time of Antiochus the fourth most people aren't saved he specifically went to an area where there's a lot of say people in Jerusalem and slaughtered God's people right well during the end times most people aren't saved not every unsaved person is going to take the mark of the beast but it's going to be pretty obvious those that are trying to stand up for the truth and serve God and those that aren't look I'm pretty sure if the end times happens in our lifetime they're gonna make it a point to say well let's get that Verity Baptist right I hate to break it to you but if the end times happens in our lifetime it's just like you know you better untag yourself from every picture every whatever because you know it's like you'll be an enemy pretty quickly okay and it's like it's not gonna be too hard to find the people that are actually trying to serve God and standing up for the truth and look the Antichrist his objective is to take away and destroy safe people but here's the thing the majority of people they're not going to have a problem with this they'll say we're the small percentage that are the problem in today's world they say this small percentage of people that are trying to serve God they're the reason why we don't have peace we're not the ones killing people we're not the ones raping people how are we the ones that are taking peace from this world right the law is not made for righteous man but for the lawless and disobedient but yet they're gonna say we're the reason we don't have peace all that hate speech you say all the time right and look you know they'll say hate speech is preaching against the homos or whatever in 2022 but you know they'll say just saying Jesus is the only way to heaven to some people that's hate speech right I mean you go over to an Islamic country and you say Jesus is the only way to heaven it's hate speech right and it's only gonna be more and more as we get close to the end times they'll say well you can't just say that Jesus is the only way you can't be that harsh right it's okay to believe on Jesus but let people believe whatever they want go back to Daniel 8 Daniel 8 Daniel chapter 8 and we're gonna fly through the rest of the verses for sake of time and Daniel 8 verse 13 then I heard one Saint speaking and another Saint said unto that certain Saint which spake how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice in the transgression of desolation to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot and he said unto me unto two thousand and three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed now I definitely believe this date is accurate during the end times of when the sacrifices start and when it's all over whether or not it fully fits in terms of the exact amount of days during the ties of times of Antiochus the fourth during the times of Antiochus the fourth the number two thousand three hundred does not match what history would say but when it comes to history we don't necessarily know if it's always accurate but here's the thing about this you know when it comes to these verses we're looking at the application in the past and in the future and here's the thing sometimes you look at certain verses of the Bible and it fully fits as a dual prophecy sometimes it's just a picture of the future and this is why in time study is pretty complicated because you're reading about something and you're wondering is it talking about during this event or in the future right and so it can be pretty complicated okay but anyways verse number 15 and it came to pass when I even I Daniel had seen the vision and sought for the meaning then behold there stood before me as the appearance of a man so Daniel's confused because obviously I mean the Medo-Persian Empire hasn't even taken power yet and he hasn't even been told yet about this until later on in this chapter about you know this is you know this king and this king so he's like what is going on in this vision verse 16 and I heard a man's voice between the banks of Uli which called and said Gabriel make this man to understand the vision so he came near where I stood and when he came I was afraid and fell upon my face but he said unto me understand O son of man for the time of the end shall be the vision now as he was speaking with me I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground but he touched me and set me upright and he said behold I'll make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation for at the time appointed the end shall be the ram which thou saw as having two horns are the kings of Media in Persia and the rough goat is the king of Grisha king of Grisha being Alexander the Great and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king now that being broken whereas four stood up for it four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation but not in his power and historically we know this to be accurate that when Alexander the Great died his empire was split into four but not in his power meaning they weren't as powerful as the kingdom that Alexander the Great had none of those four I mean the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Empire were both powerful but they were nowhere near as powerful as when Alexander the Great ruled the world not in his power not in the power of Alexander the Great and in the latter time of their kingdom when the transgressors are come to the full a king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall stand up and his power shall be mighty but not by his own power and in Tychus the fourth he had the power of the devil to help him and he shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper and practice and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people and through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many he shall also stand up against the prince of princes but he shall be broken without hand in the vision of the evening in the morning which was told is true wherefore shut though up the vision for shall be for many days and I Daniel fainted in with six certain days afterward I rose up and did the king's business and I was astonished at the vision but none understood it and it seems like this is so overwhelming to Daniel like he gets sick as a result of this and I mean look obviously it's a pretty deep chapter right I mean this is a lot of complicated stuff I mean I can't really preach through this chapter and just keep it at very basic level because it's deep it's complicated there's a lot of history ties together with the end times a couple takeaways we can take though is number one the Bible is very historically accurate I mean this stuff can be verified in history and it's prophesying about what will one day take place and here's the thing nobody disputes that this was written before these events were all taking place and yet we can see that it's completely accurate the other thing is this stuff you know a lot of it's deep you say I'm not that into history but you know it is important with Bible history because this ties together with the end times and when you look at the life of Antiochus the fourth you could easily read Daniel 8 and just kind of miss the point where it's coming out of one of those four kingdoms and think this is the Antichrist because he did the exact same things that the Antichrist will one day do let's close in order prayer your Heavenly Father thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to read this great chapter of the Bible help us to understand not just the simple things in the Bible but also the deeper things and the end times and things such as that God we just pray this in Jesus name Amen