(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We want God to be nice to us. We need to be nice to other people. That's the way it works. We reap what we sow. Now it says, as you're in Ephesians 6, Romans 2-11 reads, For there is no respect of persons with God. See, there's no respect of persons with God. God is basically like Boaz. Boaz was friendly to everybody, whether they were rich or whether they just were a reaper in the field. God's the same way. Whether or not you have a lot of money here today or you don't, what really matters to God is, did you wake up this morning and read your Bible? Did you wake up this morning and pray? Did you wake up this morning and just say, you know, I'm going to live for God? Are you trying to get the sin out of your lives? Because whether you have a lot of money or whether you don't, God doesn't really care about that. What he cares about is, are you obeying his rules? Fear God and keep his commandments, because this is the whole duty of man. That's what the Bible says. Are you keeping the commandments of God? That's what he cares about. Boaz said, I don't really care if they're rich or whether they're poor. He's just friendly, okay? Ephesians 6, verse 5, the Bible reads, Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters, according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ, not with eye-service as men pleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. And so in verse number 6, the Bible says, not with eye-service, as men pleasers. What that basically means is, when the boss is around you, you work hard. When the boss is not around, you don't work hard. Look, I've worked in an office for years. There are certain people that when the boss is around, when they're at their desk, they're typing away, they're answering on the phone and everything like that. It's kind of funny because I've always known you to be someone who goes outside and smokes all day when the boss has gone for the day. But now that the boss is actually here, there you are, working hard, looking like you're doing a good job. See, the Bible says, not with eye-service, as men pleasers. All of us need to remember that our boss is up ahead. And so God sees everything we do. Okay, verse 7, with good will doing service, ask the Lord, not to men. No, no, whatsoever good thing any man do it, the same shall he receive from the Lord, whether he be gone or free. Now, this was mainly talking to the servants, but in verse number 9, it's talking to someone like Boaz, someone who's a master, someone who has money. And he masters do the same things unto them for bearing threatening, knowing that your master also is in heaven, neither is there respect of persons with him. See, we have to understand, our master's in heaven and there is no respect of persons with the Lord. That's what the Bible teaches. And so whether or not you're a multi-billionaire, or whether or not you have no money, God expects you to act the same way. People that are rich, God expects them to humble themselves like Boaz. And look, it's not required to have less money to be godly, but the reality is most people that have less money aren't that godly. Most people that have the sort of money Boaz has, they're not very nice people. They're not very good people. They're not very humble people. Boaz, he was a humble person. Now, look at Ephesians 5, verse 21. I want to show you one other thing to think about. And in Ephesians 5, verse 21, what the Bible reads is this. Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Now, in Ephesians chapter 5, verse 21, it says submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Now, I don't believe this is saying that husbands and wives both submit to one another. Because if you look at the last 11 verses, verses 22 through 32, it talks about wives submitting to their husbands. And then in verse 21, it says submitting yourselves one to another. So I've heard a lot of people say that basically both submit to one another. And people kind of have different opinions about that. But here's what I want you to understand. That in Ephesians 5, verses 22 through 32, it tells wives to submit to their husbands. In verses 1 through 4, chapter 6, children submit to their parents. Versus 5 through 9, servants submit to their masters. What I believe is being said is this. That if you're someone who's in a position that you need to submit, then you need to submit. If you have a boss, you need to submit to that authority. If you have a husband, you need to submit to that authority. If you're a child, you need to submit to your parents. That's what I believe the Bible is saying. Now, here's the thing. If you're a master, what did we just learn? If you want your servants to be good servants, to work hard, you're nice to them. Now, a lot of husbands want their wives to do all these things. It's like, well, are you a jerk to them? Because, yeah, you know what, they're supposed to obey you, but they're probably not going to if you're a jerk. Just like if you have a boss who is a jerk, you're probably not going to work that hard for that boss. Don't expect your wife to really obey you much if you're a jerk. Don't expect your kids to really love you or care about you if you're a jerk to them, if you're rude to them. And so I believe what it's saying in Ephesians 5 and 21 is if you're in a position where you have an authority, where you need to obey or submit to that authority, then you need to do it. One example is wives to husbands. Another example which we saw in verses 5 and 9 is servants to masters. Now turn back to root 2. And so the first thing we saw was just simply this, that Boaz was just a humble and friendly person. That's what we see in root 2, verse 4. But I want you to notice something else, that Boaz was also very organized. Root 2, verse 5, the Bible reads, Then said Boaz unto his servant that was set over the reapers. Whose damsel is this? So Boaz has a servant that is set over the reapers. So in verse 4, Boaz gets there and just says hello to all the reapers. Now when we read this, it sounds like it's easy to do, but look, all of us were rushed in the morning. We're tired in the morning, we're in a bad mood sometimes, and yet still Boaz just goes around and says hello to all the reapers. And then notice that there's a servant that is set over the reapers. Basically, he has somebody in charge that's running that fort. There's somebody that he trusts to run it. Boaz was organized. He realized that if I was just organizing this vault by myself and doing all of it, I would not be that successful. Turn to Exodus 18. Now, I'll be honest with you, before this church started, I was actually planning to pick all of the songs for the music ministry in every single service. I actually heard a sermon preached by Pastor Joe Jones. When I heard that sermon, I just changed my mind. He used to have a business. He was in a company where basically he had a lot of people underneath him. He said one thing that he learned was if he gave the people that were underneath him kind of a leeway to kind of make it their own, they did a much better job, rather than him making all of the decisions. Now, obviously, he was ultimately the authority over that, but he gave them a little bit of leeway. And so when I heard that, I decided, you know what, instead of me spending all this time picking the songs for the music ministry, I'm going to let the people that lead the music pick the songs. Because when I went to Mary Baptist Church, all the services that I was leading the music, I was picking the songs for the music ministry. And I said, you know what, if I wanted those people to kind of make it their own ministry and do a good job, the best way is to let them make it their own. Give them a chance to do it. Sometimes they're going to make mistakes, sometimes they won't. When I led the music, sometimes they made mistakes, and sometimes they should have done things differently, and that's always going to happen with whatever you do. If anybody's running anything, everybody makes mistakes sometimes. That's the reality. Everybody makes mistakes, and when that happens, it's not the end of the world. It happens sometimes. Life goes on. It's not coming back today. We're all going to wake up tomorrow no matter what happens here. Whether or not everything goes perfectly or whether or not there's a mistake, it's not the end of the world. There's nothing to get upset about. It's fine. It's not the end of the world. And so I heard that sermon, and I realized, you know what? I need to try not to do too much. Because if I'm trying to micromanage every single thing, it's just going to be over. It's not a good idea. And we see that in Exodus 18. And Moses told his father-in-law all that the Lord had done to the Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, and all the travail that had come upon them, by the way, and how the Lord had delivered them. And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness which the Lord had done to Israel whom he had delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians. So Jethro's father-in-law is very excited. He's hearing about the great work being done, and he says, this is great, but then I want you to notice verse 13. And it came to pass from the morrow that Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening. And when Moses' father-in-law saw all that he did to the people, he said, what is this thing that thou doest to the people? Why sitest thou by self alone and all the people stand by thee for reporting on the evening? Now, what Jethro was telling Moses is that you're doing too much work. He's not saying what he's doing is bad. What he's just telling you is you're not doing it in a good way. You're basically saying you can't be the one who just decides every single thing. It's too much. Now, this is a fine line, because when it comes to final decisions, obviously I make the final decisions. But that doesn't mean that every single little thing I need to make that decision. See, there's certain things that happen. Let's say, for example, we're at the old building. Every once in a while, they just started blasting rock music during the sermon. Right? Who remembers those days? Right? Who remembers those days? And then sometimes Brother J or somebody else would just go down and just talk to them politely and nicely and get them to quiet down the music. Yeah, you don't have to ask me during the sermon if you can do that. It's like, praise the Lord. It helps. There's certain things like that that obviously I don't need to decide all of that. Obviously, you're going to know in your head, hey, he's going to agree with that. Now, obviously sometimes maybe you make a decision and maybe I would disagree or whatever. That happens sometimes. What I'm saying is I can't do every single small thing. I've got to give certain people a chance, people that run the music ministry, and just kind of trust them with it. And they're doing a good job. Look, we're having a meeting here in a couple weeks just to make sure it's organized, but I don't need to just decide every single small little thing. If they want to sing certain songs, they want to do this, that's fine. It's good to give people a chance to do something. Now, I'm not saying just chaos and no organization whatsoever, but I'm just saying that what Moses was doing in Exodus 18 is what I was trying to do, just a little bit too much. That's not what Boaz did because what Boaz did is he had a servant set over the reapers. He had someone who he trusted and said, you know what? I can trust this guy who knows what I want, he knows what kind of guy I am, he knows what I'm going to be happy with. I'm just going to let him do his thing. And you know what? He can trust the servant. We'll see that later on. But in verse 15, And Moses said unto his father-in-law, Because the people come unto me to inquire of God. When they have a matter, they come unto me, and I judge between one and another, and I do make them know the statutes of God and his laws. And Moses' father-in-law said unto him, The thing that thou doest is not good. Now, why is it that it's not good? Verse 18, Thou wilt surely wear a wang, though thou and this people that is with thee, for this thing is too heavy for thee. Thou art not able to perform it thyself alone. What it tells them is, it's just too much work for you. It's too much stress. It's not even necessarily the amount of work. Because, look, I could wake up tomorrow morning at six in the morning, and just if I had a job to do for twelve straight hours, that's not really that much. But the problem is, when you're overseeing stuff, there's always stress that whether you're working or not, you still feel that stress. Where you still feel like, man, if something goes wrong, it's my fault, things like that. And so basically, Moses would have just worn away. He would have gotten exhausted. We can only do so much in life. And even Moses is the leader. He needed to find people he could trust to do certain tasks. Okay? Verse 21, Moreover, thou shalt provide out of all thy people able men such as fear God, men of terrific hating covetousness, who place such over them to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens, and let them judge the people in all seasons, and it shall be that every great matter they shall bring on to thee, but every small matter they shall judge, so shall it be easier for thyself, they shall bear the burden with thee. If thou shalt do this thing, and God command thee so, then thou shalt be able to endure, and all these people shall also go to their place in peace. And so Jethro gives him good advice. He says, find your best people, find people you can trust, and put them in charge. Now, I do want to highlight verse number 21. When it says, able man, notice how it then says, such as, we are God, man of truth, hating covetousness. Let's say, for example, somebody joins our church that is the greatest song leader in the world. Okay? They're just so talented, they're amazing, okay? But they're not a very godly person. They're a sane person, but they just don't really love them. They don't go soul winning, they don't really read the Bible. It's just obvious to everyone that they're just not the godly person. But they're just an amazing song leader. They will never lead a song in this church until they get right with God. Say, why? Because the Bible said people that are in charge are men of truth, hating covetousness. Okay? Yes, they have to be able men, but they need to fear God. They need to be men of truth. They need to be men of covetousness. Not of covetousness. Hating covetousness, the Bible says. They need to be men that actually love the Lord. See, it's more important to find people that are faithful and talented. That's the truth. And quite honestly, that's one thing I learned. Pastor Minna's told me before that that's something he learned because your natural tendency is just pick the most talented person. Because you want it to be good and everything. But honestly, the most important thing is just finding someone close to you. And quite honestly, the music ministry is a good example. It's a ministry we have. I think our music's pretty good. And I honestly don't care if some person is the greatest song leader ever. But we'd much rather just have the men that we have that are doing a good job and love the Lord. And look, if somebody comes here and they're not at that point yet and they're throwing, that can change one day when they reach that level. But it's more important to find people that actually love the Lord. That's what the Bible teaches. When you find people that you set over certain things, they have to be men that are able. Yeah, somebody cannot leave music at all. They have the worst voice. They don't have the timing. No, they're not gonna leave the music. But just because they have the ability, they also have to fear God. They also have to be men of truth. They also have to hate consciousness. Now look, you know, certain churches could think guilty of this because they could have ordained someone as a pastor because he's the greatest speaker ever. . You know, I'm not against every once in a while if somebody has an opinion about something. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. If it's something that I think that's a good idea, you know, we'll adopt it. This bulletin board was not my original idea but I heard the idea, I liked it, and decided to adopt it. You know, if there's something that I think is a good idea, If you hear good advice, it would be foolish not to do it, just because you say, wow, you know, I don't take advice from him. If I hear good advice, I'll take it. And Moses was someone who hears good advice from Jethro, and he realizes that's a much better idea. Rather than me just doing everything, let's just find faithful people that we can trust, and they can run those things. 1 Corinthians 12, verses 4 through 6. Now there are diversities of gifts from the same spirit, and there are differences of administrations from the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it's the same birth of God who's working all in all. And so at this church, we have various administrations, we have various operations, and depending on what gift you have, if you're able to do that, but you also love the Lord, then yes, we'll put you in charge of that thing. And that's something we're going to hear in the next couple of months. We're going to start having really set things kind of in writing so people have a better idea. Just put people in charge of various different things. They do have to be people with that gift, people with that ability. But they have to be people that love the Lord. It's more important to find people that love the Lord than people that are really talented. Now turn back to root 2. So what makes Boaz such a great leader? Well, he's humble, he's nice, and he's organized. But he's also aware. Now, being aware is kind of a reflection of being organized. If you're organized, it's going to make you aware of stuff. But I want you to notice root 2, verse 5. Then said Boaz unto a servant that was set over the reapers, whose damsel is this? He's referring to root. Boaz sits there in the morning, and he says, I don't recognize that person. Who is she? Now, if you remember in this chapter, there were a lot of women out there working. We showed that. She goes out with the other damsels. It's not like there's a crowd of a hundred guys. It's like, whoa, there's a lady out there working. There's a lot of ladies out there working. But he shows up, and he says, you know what? I see somebody new. I don't recognize this person. Whose damsel is this? And see, this is a reflection on him being organized. But you're seeing that he's aware of what's going on. He sees something is different. It's kind of like at church, if there's somebody who's a new first-time visitor, I need to be aware of that. Now, this is something we all need to be aware of because we want to greet people and be friendly to them. But if somebody new shows up, I need to get an idea. Okay, who is this person? What's their name? Say hello to them. Be friendly to them. Make them feel as welcome as possible. We work very hard to bring people to church. Isn't it hard to bring a first-time visitor to church? We work so hard to bring visitors, and then they just all leave. I mean, what's the purpose? I mean, honestly, you do yourself more good than do a good job of maintaining who comes and visits, making them feel welcome, being friendly to them, than just bringing lots of visitors for one time. We need to do a good job trying to retain those people. It's work to get people to come to church. We also work to get people to retain people. You say, why? Because my preaching is not that popular. Look, they hear my sermons, and certain sermons people are going to hear, and they're going to love it. So far, I don't think anyone would really be offended by what I've said. Most people would say, wow, that makes sense. That's good advice. But I'll tell you what, on our next point, and a lot of people thought we'd get offended. I say when people come in and they visit, there might be a lot they like, but there's that one thing they get mad at. They're very likely to leave. But you know what causes people not to leave? If they feel welcome, and they think the people are friendly, they're going to say, well, maybe I didn't agree with that, but you know what? This church is really friendly. And then they might start coming back, and guess what? Over time, the preaching might not seem so weird. Look, I started listening in terms of being in this movement, so to speak. I started listening to Pastor Anderson in 2008. A long time ago. And I remember when I first started listening to him, I thought he was way too harsh on the sidelines. That's my first reaction. Quite honestly, most of us in this room, you probably thought the same thing because you weren't used to that sort of preaching. And see, I heard stuff that I didn't agree with, and I had been a sole independent fundamental Baptist for like five years. I had been a sole independent fundamental Baptist, but I still heard things, and I'm like, whoa, this passage is a little bit too extreme. I kept listening because I was still learning a lot, but what I want you to understand is, we have a lot of people that visit this church, and they hear me say certain things, and they're going to be like, whoa. It's like, he's a terrorist, or what happened? I don't think I'm way too extreme. What's going to cause them to stick around is, we're friendly to them, okay? In terms of getting people to stick around, honestly, everyone in this room has probably been doing more of that work than me. The preaching is one part of that, but making them feel welcome is a huge part of what we do in this church. Now, we're here at Ruth chapter 2, and I want you to notice verse number 6. And so he asks this sermon, who is this damsel? Now, notice what it says in verses 6 and 7. And the sermon that was set over the reapers answered and said, it is the Moabites damsel that came back with Naomi out of the country of Moab. And she said, I pray you, let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheep. So she came and hath continued from the morning until now that she tarried a little in the house. As I said in another sermon, in verse 7, this is not her talking. This is the sermon set over the reapers recapping what was said earlier. But what I want you to realize here is that Boaz just asked one question. Whose damsel is this? He doesn't ask a bunch of questions. He asks something very small, and the servant responds with a really long response. He says everything. He says, well, this is the sermon, he says it is the Moabites damsel that came back out with Naomi out of the country of Moab. See, verse 6 is pretty much the answer to the question. Then in verse 7, he goes on and on and on. You say, why? Because Boaz knew this sermon, and this servant knew what Boaz wanted. Because Boaz was organized, and Boaz had related the information he wanted. So all Boaz had to do was say, hey, whose damsel is this? And the sermon set over the reapers realized part of his job was to make sure he recognized anybody knew, he knew who they were, and he knew the information about them. Because this servant is very aware as well. Why? Because Boaz was very aware, and he made sure the person he set in charge knew what he needed to do. So all he says is, whose damsel is this? And he comes back with a long response. Why? Because he knows that Boaz wants to know the information. He pays attention, and he gives the information to Boaz. So that goes back to him being very organized. He relayed the exact information he wanted. If you have somebody in charge of something, you must make them aware of what you want. If I were to just tell my son, I want you to obey me, as he grows up and he's five years old, if I say, I want you to obey me, and let's say he doesn't clean his room, but I did not actually make it clear that I wanted him to clean his room. I just said, I want you to obey me. And then all of a sudden I spanked him because he didn't clean his room. He's like, no, wait a minute. I didn't tell him to teach me. I didn't make it clear what I wanted him to do. We need to be very specific with what we want. If you're very general and say, hey, I want you to get this project done, that doesn't really tell you much information. A better thing would be, hey, this project needs to be done by 2 p.m. on Tuesday. I need you to bring multiple reports of this, this, and this, this, multiple graphs, et cetera, et cetera. You have to be very specific. And it's very obvious that OSA is very specific. It's organized, and he clearly relays the information because the servant said, oh, the rate verse just comes back with all of the information. All he said was, whose damsel is this? That's only one question. He didn't ask all that other information, but the servant was aware of what he really wanted. Now turn to Numbers 13. And so one thing I think all of us can be guilty of sometimes is we don't necessarily do a good job of training people. Because, honestly, it takes time to train someone to do something. And Boaz could have been lazy and just said, I know what I'm doing in not taking the time to train the servant set over the rate verse, but in the long run, he's going to save a lot of time, and it's going to run much more efficiently because he told the servant what he needed to know. It says in Numbers 13, verses 16 and 17, these are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy off the land. And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun, Jehoshua. And Moses sent them to spy off the land of Canaan and said to them, get you up this way southward and go up into the mountain. And so Moses sent 12 people to do this job. They're supposed to spy off the land. They're supposed to find out the information. And I want you to go down to verse number 31. But the men that went up with him said, we'd be not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we. And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched on and the children of Israel saying, the land through which we have gone to search in is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof. And all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which came up the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers. And so we were in their sight. And so I'm not going to go through all the verses, but these men come back, and if you actually pay attention, they do give a detailed report. Now they mix in a lot of lies in there, but they actually give a detailed report. Now they try to spin it to fit their agenda because they're afraid of going to the land. It's not that Moses did a bad job of laying the information. Because they come back and they bring the report, it's just they're afraid. Now if Joshua and Caleb didn't go, they probably would have just come back and lied. Because that would make more sense than saying, yeah, this land is everything like God said. It's got milk, it's got honey, it's a great land. But because of the fact Joshua and Caleb were there, they probably couldn't lie about it. They probably would have just lied about it. But they come back to Joshua and Caleb and they bring an equal report. They basically say, we're not going to be able to win this battle. I mean, it's a land that heated up the inhabitants there. What does that mean? You just go there and the land just, you're just automatically killed? It's like, what? They're basically just trying to put everybody else in fear. Because they're afraid to go fight the battle. Isn't it true when it comes to so many, that people that don't go so many will say things like, well, you know, so many doesn't work here. That people will answer the door, they might yell at you. That every single place I've ever lived, so many has worked. And yet I've always found people in every one of those areas that says it just doesn't work here. Now look, I'm sure the Baptist missionaries report back that so many doesn't work in the Philippines. That's how they justify that they don't get anybody to say it. People will always make excuses for why they don't want to do it. But they do come back with a detailed report. So Moses basically took the advice of Jethro and he lays the information and they bring back a detailed report. They just kind of add, we're actually really, really scared, so we're just not going to do it. Now turn back to Ruth 2. And so, as I said, what I've preached so far isn't really controversial. The last one really shouldn't be controversial. But honestly, it can be. And I want to show you that Boaz is a very generous person. Ruth 2, verse 8, the Bible reads, Then said Boaz unto Ruth, Hearest thou not my daughter? Go not to glean in another field, neither go from hence, but abide here fast by my maidens. And so once again we see that there were other women out there in the field. It says abide here fast by my maidens. So there's a lot of women out there. It wasn't just Ruth. And Boaz is being very friendly to Ruth. Notice what it says in verse 9. Let thine eyes be on the field that they did reap, and go thou after them. Have not I charged the young men that they shall not touch thee? And when thou art first going to the vessels, and drink of that which the young men have drunk. Now, I want you to notice in verse number 9, where he says, Have not I charged the young men? Boaz did not show up from work expecting more things to do. But he shows up and he sees this woman, Ruth. And he makes it a point to talk to his young men and give them a charge. This takes time to do. He actually takes them aside. We can tell because he gave the young men a charge. And he told them, Don't touch this lady. Now, obviously, that's kind of given information that you're not supposed to touch this woman. That you don't know. Obviously, that's inferred more than just touching. But he's basically just saying, Hey, you better not do anything to her. So they realize even more so, Hey, we need to be careful not to do anything. Any guy who would have the wrong intentions. But I want you to understand that he's giving them a charge. He's actually taking the time to give information to them. And he tells them to actually drop basically some of the vegetables or fruits that they would get. That way she can pick them up more easily. So he actually takes time. He shows up from work. He has his normal routine. There's somebody new there. He notices her. He finds out why she's there. And then he actually takes the young men and gives them a charge. It takes time to do that. The reality is that when you come to a job, sometimes things come up that you didn't expect. More work ends up being to be done. At a church, we come here sometimes. And obviously our goal is everything's going to be perfectly smooth. Nothing's ever perfectly smooth. At your secular job, if you show up to the office sometimes, sometimes you get there and there's a problem. One example I like to give, which I guess is a good sermon illustration, is that I was working on a project with my boss when I was in Maryland. And he was giving a detailed report for this company in Kansas. The one in their actuarial world. And so I took the time, and this project took a lot of time. It was pretty much eight hours a day, pretty much almost my whole job, all day long, for like four weeks. And it was a big, it was a huge, multi-million dollar thing. You were trying to get a deal so every single year we would have them. Basically you invest time in the beginning until in the long run you have this company. And we basically had a preliminary run-through with just kind of the head person and a few others. And then the head person over there in Kansas, he's just like, man, I love it. He's like, this is great, this is just what I wanted. I just want one change. He said the problem is a few people in our company, a few people on the board are color blind. And so those rafts aren't going to work for them. So could you change it to have a numbering system? Now that doesn't sound bad. You know, just change it from colors to added numbers. Here's how much time it took to go into Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint and figure out how to make those changes. Because I'm used to just crunching the numbers, I make this big PowerPoint presentation. I watched every Google video of that. I was on YouTube watching all the videos and, man, nothing. It took so long. Now I didn't show up expecting that. I just had to get the job done. That's just the way it is sometimes. And that's the way Boa Steve is here. He shows up and he just gets the job done. And he charges his young men. But I want you to notice what it says in verse 110. Then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground and said to her, Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger? And so basically she's saying, why did I get grace from you? Why are you being so friendly to me? Verse 11. So basically Boa is aware of what she's done. She's forsaken Boa to serve God and to follow Naomi. He's heard about it and he's aware of it. That is the reason why he's being so friendly. Verse 12. And so my point in reading all these verses is this. Boa is very generous because she deserves it. He's generous because she deserves it. You know, yesterday, as I said kind of briefly in the morning sermon, there's somebody who wants to be a missionary in the Philippines that I've never met. And he's going around from church to church. And he was asking us to help him out financially. And I'm just like, I don't even know who you are. And I know they're supposedly like in this movement or whatever. But he's asking me for money and I'm just thinking, I don't even know who you are. He's like, I'm not going to give money to somebody I don't even know who they are. And then he was asking, can anybody help and everything like that. And I just told him, my advice to you would be move to a church in America and get trained up at that church. And I said, if you move to Baraboo, Pasture Minute is going to require you to be there for at least a few years. Probably more than three years. And this is if everything goes more than one. It's not like it's not after a year or three years. It's not Bible college. You're here four years. You get your ordination as long as you don't turn post trip. That's not the way it works. And I was just like, you're going to probably have to move there. And then you can get ordained. See, Boaz was generous to Ruth because she deserved it. But I heard about her. Random people asking for money. It's like, we don't even know who you are. And honestly, when it comes to running this church, one of the most difficult things is just dealing with the money. Because honestly, God has really blessed us. You know, I didn't know we were going to be able to have these units when we were sharing football games. You know, God's blessed us. It's great. We have a lot of stuff to do. You You You Show me all that I was done. He's fully aware that she's the real deal. He knows that you know what? I can trust this person. And so I'm not saying we would never give money. Because you know, there wasn't one time we gave money to someone outside of this church. But when it comes to giving money, the number one thing is already a member of this church. Because we'll help out people that are members of our church. But if they're not members of our church, and I don't know them, even if they listen to all the sermons we have online, it's just like, I don't know this person. And look, there are a lot of people that listen to sermons online. And a lot of those people ask for money, too. It was surprising. And here's the thing. If you listen to my sermons online, you want to heard me preach a whole sermon against this Baptist mentality of just moving and expecting to get paid by the church. And you say, why is that? Because this situation will always come up when somebody asks me for money. It happens all the time. Somebody yesterday just asked me for money. I've never met this person in a row. And I woke up today, you know, I talked to him a little bit, and then I had like a 10-minute audio message on Facebook. You can give somebody like a one-minute audio link. So I had like 15 different voice messages. It's like, I'm going to listen to these messages. It's like, you know, the advice is just go to a church and get trained in your name. That's the secret. You You You There's a universal law See in the Bible And look you could try to help them in that situation all you want It wouldn't help the situation out because he was going to reap what he's so no matter what he does Now there are certain people that they make choices in life And they are under the universal law That's the reality And honestly sometimes there's no way to fix it Now here's the thing about this If somebody's at our church We'll try to help people out Because the church is meant to help out the church What we're not going to do is help out people who don't know outside the church What we do is going to be a rare situation Because I don't know Take for example someone who's If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know Because the church is meant to help out the church What we're not going to do is help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out Thank you for watching If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know If somebody's at our church We'll try to help out people who don't know The church is meant to help the members out if there is a real deal and if they have a real deal and if they have a real deal and if they have a real deal and they have a real deal and they have a real deal and they have a real deal and they have a real deal and they have a real deal and they have a real deal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .