(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now what is 150? I'm not trying to add math to the sermon. I'm trying to make a point here. What is 150 divided by 30? Five! Exactly! Doesn't that seem like a big coincidence to you? My personal opinion is first day of the month they pretty much sang Psalms 1 through 5. Second day they sung 6 through 10. Because often times people talk about the proverb of the day. Because there's almost 30. There's 31 proverbs. And many people when they do their Bible reading schedule, me included, some months I'll say this is a Psalms month. Because Psalms is pretty repetitive. So basically the first day of the month I read the first five Psalms along with my other Bible reading. Second day 6 through 10. All the way down to the end of the month. And I do the same thing with Proverbs. Eight months have 31 days. So basically I'll pick the proverb of the day for a couple different months during the year. So I get through the book of Proverbs three times a year or four times a year. Because Proverbs is also very repetitive. And those books are both kind of written in a way where it can be maybe a bit overboard if that's all you're reading. But we kind of need it every day. Right? We need that wisdom every day from the book of Proverbs. We need that singing and songs to God in the book of Psalms every single day. So look, God even has those books by chapter. 150 chapters. You can disagree with me if you want. I just think it's a big coincidence. 150 chapters. 30 days. Five per month. For me personally, I incorporate that into my Bible reading schedule. Same thing with the book of Proverbs. I don't think it's a coincidence. Now in other places, which is not really like the Philippines, but we have seasons. Right? Here we have rainy and non-rainy. Okay? It's a little bit different because it always feels like the same time of year to me here. Now in the U.S. it's very different though. Because you have the winter. You've got snow. You've got ice. You've got cold weather. Then all of a sudden you've got, you know, hope of life as spring comes around. The days are getting longer. Right? Because look, you can love snow all you want. I'm just saying, when you drive to work in the morning and it's dark and cold, and you come home at like 5 p.m. and it's already dark and cold, it's pretty miserable. Right? When you don't have any light during the day. Okay? And so, you know, you get through the wintertime and then you have the spring and then you've got plants and vegetation and everything like that. And then of course you get to summer. Then you get to fall. You have four very unique seasons. And you know what happens as you go to a new season is you kind of stop and think about your life and you kind of ask yourself, what did I do the last three months? Right? What did I do during this time period? And look, I think those things are a good thing because it helps you basically just reset yourself and think about what have I been doing with my life? Now look, here it's not really four season weather. Okay? If you want to count January through March as, you know, season one or whatever, then, you know, it's a little bit different. But we do have months and then every single month you can kind of reset yourself and think about your life, how are you doing? So we have a daily reset button. We have a weekly. We have a monthly. And we also have a yearly reset button. The earth rotates yearly around the sun. Right? At our church we have, actually turn to Psalm 90, Psalm 90. As I said, it's a shorter sermon. We'll close up here in Psalm 90. And look, at our church we have a yearly Bible reading schedule. Right? Now the reason, now we have different yearly Bible reading schedules. I gave you the option of one time through a year, two times, three times. And my opinion is if you're extra zealous above that, then just make your own schedule. Right? It's like I'm not making 55 different schedules. Right? But basically, you know, we have a yearly Bible reading schedule and you know, we do that to try to help you out. For me personally, I use a Bible reading schedule. And it prevents me from skipping out of my Bible reading. It helps me realize what I need to read every single day. Otherwise, it's just hard to stay in that routine. And you know what, every January we've got the beginning of the year. We start our New Testament Bible reading challenge. Doesn't it reset you back to the things that are important in life? Right? You really think about, man, I need to spend more time with God's Word. I love January. Right? Now Christmas is my favorite holiday, but look, I love January because of our Bible reading schedule that we do. And it kind of helps you get rid of all the wasteful things in your life and just meditate on God's Word. Look, we do things on a yearly schedule in many different ways because of the fact God has given us years. There's a reason that He did it. Some other examples in our lives. Think about, for example, at our church we have various activities. We have the Sweetheart Banquet. And you get to the Sweetheart Banquet, and you can kind of consider the last 12 months in your marriage and try to do better the next 12 months. Right? We have the Lord's Supper one time per year. We're going to be partaking in basically a spiritual reset button in a little bit. Because for me personally, when I do things that are spiritual events, you know, I really want to get right with God. I feel guilty about things that I've done wrong. And you know, you meditate on God, and you ask God for forgiveness and to cleanse you. I mean, you see that in the Bible. People are getting baptized confessing their sins. That has nothing to do with salvation. But when you're doing a spiritual event, you want to get right with God. You're coming soul winning, we pray beforehand, you want to get right with God. Right? You're taking the Lord's Supper, you're thinking about the death of Jesus Christ, you're thinking about the blood that was shed for Jesus Christ, and you want to get right with God. It helps you hit the reset button and just kind of start over brand new. Right? And so look, this reset button yearly, it doesn't have to just be 2022, 2023. You can do it mid-year, just kind of pick 12 months to look at your life and look at how you're doing at something. And I think you should do that. I am all for New Year's resolutions. I think they're great. I think it's great to just look at your life, pick 12 months and say, you know what? I did this during 12 months. The next 12 months, I want to do a better job. Right? It says in Psalm 90, verse 9, Psalm 90, verse 9, For all our days are passed away in thy wrath, we spend our years as a tale that is told. And by the way, also, just to let you know, in case we ever have a trivia competition, this is my favorite verse of the Bible, Psalm 90, verse 9, Psalm 90, verse 9. For all our days are passed away in thy wrath, we spend our years as a tale that is told. Now, what that means, what the Bible's trying to say is, the way we live our lives is like a story that's being told. But the thing is, we're not the ones who tell the story. We're the ones who write the story. So basically, I write the story based on how I live my life. If I go soul winning, I read the Bible, I serve God, I'm writing the story of my life, but I'm not telling the story. Right? Other people tell the story because, you know, like a fairy tale, people tell the story. Right? We live our lives as a tale that is told, the Bible says. So basically, live your life in a way where you're writing the story by how you live your life and live your life in a way where other people are going to talk about what you did. For example, and look, obviously we don't like to think about things like this, but just think about that one day when you pass away at your funeral, what do you want people to say about you? I mean, what story do you want told about your life? Man, so-and-so had a lot of money. He had a lot of nice cars. Right? Is that what you want told about your life? Right? What do you want people to tell about your life? I mean, I would love for people to say, man, that person was zealous to win solos. That person, man, you know, he read the Bible. That person, he loved his kids. Man, that person spent time with his family. I mean, you want something good told about your life. Because isn't that what people do at funerals? They reminisce about the great things about somebody. Right? The things that they accomplish. What story do you want told about your life? You're not the one telling the story. You're the one writing the story, though. The way you live your life writes the story, and we should live our lives in a way where we understand someday somebody's going to talk about my life. What do I want them to say about me? What do I want to accomplish in my life? What do I want to write that way people will say something great about me? Because, look, none of us would want, in our funeral, people to just say, yeah, that person, man, he was, he was a really angry person. Right? That's what I remember about him. That person was really bitter. Man, that person, you know, stole a lot of money. I mean, nobody wants things like that told about them. Right? We should live our lives in a way where we realize, you know what, we only have a certain amount of time on this earth, and what do you want people to remember you by? What do you want them to tell about your life? For all our days are passed away in thy wrath, we spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are three score years and ten. Score meaning twenty, so three score is three times twenty, three times twenty is sixty, and ten, so sixty plus ten, seventy years, and if by reason of strength they'd be four score years. Four score is four times twenty is eighty. So basically, people live on average between seventy to eighty years. Obviously, depending on what country you live in, it will be higher or lower. Here in the Philippines, it's a little bit lower than other Asian countries, but in general you live between seventy to eighty years. Right? That's what the Bible says. Yet is there strength, labor, and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away. Who knoweth the power of thine anger even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. What the Bible says is, you know, we ought to number our days and by doing that, it helps you apply your hearts unto wisdom. When I was in college, me and my friends we looked at these verses and we talked about them so what we literally did is basically counted the number of days in seventy years. And I don't have that math in front of me now. I don't want to make a mistake, so. But anyways, three sixty-five times seventy years. This is how many days we have. Well, this is how old... you You Gave a yearly reset button where we can look at our lives and stop and say, you know what? I haven't done the best job. Let me just start over. Brand new start. Let's go to a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today and I ask you to help us to apply this to our lives. Help us all to just try to get right with you on a daily basis but also make it a habit of coming to church on a weekly basis and getting right with you but also just in our months and years that we go by just to kind of chart our success and try to do better than we have before. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Okay, so hymn number three hundred twenty-two hymn number three two two hymn number three hundred twenty-two living for Jesus. Hymn number three two two living for Jesus. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. First stanza already. Sing. Proudly I've seen any space but such love was facing you and certain peace love but don't mislead me let me be my hope only it's a story I give myself to me for that is my hope it's for me my water my heart shall be my light my skin and soul for the earth living for the sun wherever I am today I'll be here till summer the lake shall evolve to near you I'm a part of my power oh Jesus Lord and myself to me for that is my hope it's my hope my heart my life my life oh Christ Lord living for the the why my secret the love it's my Let's not be dined to be To be in the fear Like nasty morons All things have started saying All that I give myself to be For that it dies all day It's here, Dyson, for me My old underwater master All my heart to be the hero I like my events, born to live All the lights for the time of Let me just say this in terms of how we operate the Lord's Supper Because we want to do things decently and in order Number one, if you're going to take the Lord's Supper It's important that you're saved The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven The Bible says that you need to know that you're on your way to heaven