(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're here in 1 John chapter 4, and we're not going to finish the whole chapter here today. We're going to kind of bounce around. We're not going to cover all the verses, but the name of the sermon is Exposing Oneness and Other Heresies of God's Nature. Exposing oneness and other heresies of God's nature. You say, what is oneness? Well, let me give you a quick description of the difference between the Trinity, which we believe, and oneness. What we believe is that God eternally exists in three persons. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost have always and will always exist. That God did not decide to be three persons, but that is his nature, that he is three persons. Four persons. There can't be a fourth, you know, the appointed Son of God in Davao or whatever. I mean, he is intrinsically three persons, okay? He can't be two, he can't be five, he is three. There's God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, and they've eternally existed, meaning none of them were created, they've always existed and always will exist. Now what oneness teaches, though, is that basically at the beginning there was just one, that there were not three persons, and then somewhere along the line, God decided, you know what, I want to be three persons, so I'll be this, this, and this. So traditionally, they believe that God started off as just one, and then at the virgin birth, then came the Son of God, and he turned into the Son of God, and then once he left, it's like, whoop, okay, now I'm back, but now I'm the Holy Ghost, and he's indwelling us. That's traditionally what oneness teaches. But when you look at oneness in terms of religions, this is what Hinduism teaches. Hinduism teaches that there's one God, but he exists in 300 million persons, or however many he wants to. And he can exist in more persons tomorrow and become all these different things. That's not what the Bible says. The Bible says that God is one and God is three. The three and one, that is who he is, okay? But many religions believe in this oneness doctrine, that God can just decide to be more persons and everything, but that's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches the Trinity. Well, 1 John 4, it's actually exposing oneness and these confusing heresies about God's nature. In verse 1, it says this, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. The Bible says that we should try the spirits whether they are of God. You say, what does it mean to try the spirits? What's saying people to see if they have the Holy Spirit inside of them or an evil spirit? So trying the spirits is trying or testing the spirit inside of that person who is claiming to be like-minded, okay? Now here's the thing. When it comes to somebody teaching a work salvation, you don't really need to try or test that very hard. I mean, if somebody stands up and says, you must be baptized to go to heaven, false prophet, right? I mean, it's just automatic you know that. But see, there's other heresies that are damnable that will send you to hell, but they're actually very hard to detect. And so honestly, in 1 John 4, it's not really talking about work salvation. It's talking about heresies of God's nature. The person who led me to the Lord, he would always say this, to be saved, you have to believe two things. You have to believe that Jesus is who he says he was and that he'd do what he said he'd do. And that's a true statement. You have to believe that he'd do what he said he'd do. He said he'd pay for the sins of the whole world. Well, there's the work salvation and baptism and all those things, but you have to believe that he is who he says he was. You must understand that Jesus is the Son of God. You must understand that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. Now here in the Philippines, most people already believe that. Most people understand who Jesus is, and that's great because it makes soul winning a lot easier. But see, if you were to talk to Hindus and just explain that Jesus is the Savior and it's not by works, they would still probably be confused on the nature of God and they probably wouldn't get it because they must understand who Jesus Christ is. And that's what it's talking about in 1 John chapter 4, okay? It says in verse 2, hereby know ye the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. So how do you know if somebody has the Holy Spirit of God or a full spirit? Well, if they confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, you say, Brother Stuckey, doesn't every religion confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh that's of Christianity? Well, it's going to describe what he means by that. It's not just believing, well, yeah, you know what? Jesus Christ was here on earth. That means you're saved. That's not what it's saying because when you look at the context of this chapter, it's saying you have to understand the actual nature of who Jesus Christ was. Not just say, well, yeah, I believe that he was here in the flesh. You have to actually understand what that means, okay? I give this example sometimes or I used to more often, but I told people because I used to give the gospel to people that, you know, were from Mexico a lot and, you know, because I used to go soul winning in various places. Like in California, there's a lot of people from Mexico. And I said, hey, if you believe that your neighbor Jesus died for you and paid for your sins, it wouldn't be good enough, even though it's the same name. Do you understand that? Just because it's the name Jesus, that doesn't mean that it's going to save you because you have to actually understand who the Jesus of the Bible actually is. It's not just the name, but actually understanding who he is. Not just what he did, but actually who he is, okay? And it says here in verse 3, and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world. And so we're going to talk about this at the end of the sermon, but it says the spirit of Antichrist. Now, look, if you're just reading over that, you might think he's just trying to have strong language. Like that's the spirit of Antichrist. No, actually, it's telling you what the Antichrist is going to be like. Because it says in verse 3, whereof ye have heard that it should come, referring to the Antichrist, and even now already is it in the world, okay? And see, what I've said before, and this is true, the Antichrist is going to come under oneness guise, and that is what should come, the spirit of Antichrist. But even now, there's people that teach oneness. But it's going to be more popular and prominent during the end times. That's the spirit of Antichrist, and I'm going to prove that to you here today at the end of the sermon. Verse 4, year of God little children, and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Now what does it mean, greater is he that is in you? If you're saved, you have what indwelling you? The Holy Spirit of God, right? Because you're testing the spirits, do you have an evil spirit, or do you have the Holy Spirit of God? And if you're saved, greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. As a saved person, you're indwelled with the spirit of God. Unsaved people are not indwelled with the spirit of God. You say, Brother Stuckey, aren't we all God's children? No, you're a little child, you're a child of God if you have the Holy Spirit inside of you. And so no, everybody is God's creation, not everybody is God's child. But when you become God's child, you get indwelled with the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit of God. That's the spirit that it's referring to. And it says in verse 5, they are of the world, therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. So he's making a distinction between those that are saved and those that are unsaved. Now when we're talking about false prophets, if someone's a false prophet, as in a preacher, he's a reprobate. Okay? However, the world's going to listen to that guy and not listen to me. Right? Now look, very few people in this world are actually reprobates. This is a small percentage, but if you actually look at pastors of churches, you actually find it's very high. And look, actually when they study psychopaths and they don't understand all of these things, but even the world says that that's a profession that's right near the top of the list of the highest percentage of psychopaths are pastors of churches. That's what they've determined. And it shouldn't be shocking when you see Joe Loestein and all these famous people, and it's like, yeah, you know what, that lines up with the Bible. And as a false prophet, they're going to be indwelled with an evil spirit, they're a bad person, but the world hears them. Why does the world hear them? The world listens to them because they say the things that the world wants to hear. Right? Because that's how they get their money. How do you get money? Say the things that people want to hear. So what do they do? They don't say the things that are true, just say what people want to hear. And guess what? They make a lot of money. I mean, it's comical when you see these false prophets on TV and they're being interviewed like Joe Loestein on Larry King is a famous example. And Joe Loestein's on Larry King, and Larry King's like, I noticed, you know, you don't use the word sin. He's like, yeah, I just like to be an encouraging preacher. You know, I don't like to use the word sin, you know, gets people down and everything. And then, like, Larry King brought up homosexuality, and then he's like, what about that? Would you say it's a sin? Well, I just, I don't like to judge people's lives. Right? Like, it's not, you know, it's not their best life now, it's not what I would advise them to do, but I'm not going to sit here and, and I'm just paraphrasing. I don't have the exact words in front of me, but that's literally what, that's what Joe Loestein said. And it's like, why does he do that? Because he doesn't want to offend, you know, half of the Christians that love the homos. And so he says the things that the world wants to hear, and guess what? The world listens to him. The world loves him. Guess what? If they broadcast my sermons to the world, they'd delete me from YouTube. You know why we haven't been deleted from YouTube? We're not famous enough yet. Right? You say, Brother Succy, all these other like-minded pastors are getting deleted. Yeah, it's going to come once they start listening to my sermons. We don't have enough subscribers. We got like 1,000 some or whatever. But the reality is, the world would hate the message we're saying. You say, why? Because honestly, when it comes to the Bible versus the world, usually the Bible and the world are at odds with one another in all areas of life. I mean, it doesn't even seem to matter what the topic is, and then you discuss it, and the world gives the opposite advice. And as we get closer to the end, it's going to really be like that in every area. Because it used to be, in certain areas, the world was in agreement. For example, when it came to the family unit and raising kids and discipline and that the husband was the head of the home, the world used to agree with that. Not anymore. And in all areas, they're going to be attacking everything that the Bible says. Now the world's like, no, that's not what it teaches. Right? I can go on in many stories. I don't want to get sidetracked. But notice what it says in verse 6. We, referring to saved people, are of God. He that knoweth God heareth us. He that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. And see, the Bible says that as a saved person, you can hear and understand the word of God. The Bible says as a saved person, you're not going to follow the voice of some false shepherd. Okay? You're going to know the voice of God. Now, look, of course, I'm just speaking what the Bible says, but these are the words of God. And so if somebody gets up here and preaches what the Bible says, as a saved person, it should resonate to you, does that make sense or does it not make sense? I'll give you an example. A long time ago, I was 20 years old and I was at a church, it was the second church I went to after I was saved. It was a Baptist church and the pastor was a five-point Calvinist, repentance of sins for salvation. Most of you know exactly what I'm talking about, right? And here's the thing. I didn't know much about, I knew Calvinism was false, but I didn't know all the details. I didn't know repentance and all these things. But I remember I was at the church for a while and then I remember the pastor preached a sermon and me and my friends would always eat lunch after church and talk and everything about the preaching and stuff. And we're just like, it didn't sound right. I mean, because we knew our pastor was saved just like us or we assumed, right? Because he believes in eternal security. He says it's by grace through faith. We knew he's saved. It's like, something wasn't right about that, right? Because he's teaching subtly lordship, salvation and Calvinism and everything. And of course, it turns out this pastor is a false prophet. I just didn't know enough about the Bible at the time. But as a saved person, I didn't have a verse where I was disproving him, but I'm like, it just doesn't make sense what he's saying. Everything didn't match, right? And many of you probably have a similar testimony at your old churches. You heard sermons and you're like, there's something not right about that, right? I mean, it just doesn't match up. There's something off about that. And you say, why is that? Well, as a saved person, you've got the Holy Spirit of truth indwelling you. Now, I'm not saying that a saved person can never get confused. I'm not saying that you know everything the Bible says, but I am saying, especially in regards to salvation, it's just like, you know what? Either the Holy Spirit of God is going to resonate to you, yeah, this is the truth. Or if something sounds a little bit off, there's a good chance there is something off, okay? Now, go to 1 Corinthians chapter 2, 1 Corinthians 2, 1 Corinthians 2. Now as a church, I always encourage people to read the Bible and study it for yourself, because I encourage you to just check everything I say. I mean, I'll be honest, as a saved, I mean, if you're saved, I'm confident that you're going to come to the same conclusion as me on things. Obviously, there's some deep things that people could have different opinions, but at the same time, you know what? I'll be honest, I listen to my sermons sometimes, and sometimes I hear myself misspeak when I'm listening. I'm like, oh, why did I say that? It's like, I meant to say like the opposite word, because sometimes you're thinking something and, you know, you say the wrong thing, right? And so just in my sermon from Sunday, I listened to, and then I said one word that was off, and then I contradicted myself like 15 seconds later, and it wasn't a big thing, but I'm just saying, I encourage you to read and check for yourself. Make sure that everything I say is correct, right? You know, I remember a like-minded pastor one time, you know, he was preaching, and then he said, and I think I did this once just recently, just briefly said the wrong thing, but he said that Luke 16 was a parable. And then all of a sudden, a couple minutes later, he was like, no, I don't know what I was talking about, because he realized that he said that. He's like, Luke 16 is not a parable. They use real names. But sometimes you misspeak when you preach. Brother Matace was just talking about this on Wednesday, right, that he talked about how sometimes you missay things, and look, I'm willing to agree, yeah, you know what, sometimes I misspeak, or sometimes you might have something a little bit off, and then afterwards, you're like, man, did I say that right? I encourage you to check everything I say with the Word of God, okay? First Corinthians 2, verse 6, howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world that come to naught, but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world under our glory, which none of the princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. So the Bible talks about the wisdom of God and the wisdom of this world, and it said in verse 8 that if the princes or people in power of this world knew the wisdom of God, they would not have killed the Lord Jesus Christ, which makes sense. They're not going to crucify Jesus Christ if they actually are saved, right? But they didn't believe it, and it said they would not have crucified the Lord of glory, but see, when they heard actually the message of God, they hated it because they didn't have the Spirit of God inside of them to tell them what was right and wrong. And so basically, they went on the world's wisdom, and the world's wisdom hated the message of Jesus. Look, if Jesus was around today, 90% of Christians would hate him, would hate his message. You say, why? Because when we preach the same message today, they hate it? You say, Brother Stuckey, that's just in today's world. Well, what about before Jesus Christ came with all the prophets? They're preaching God's message, and then they get mad at the message. And they're getting mad, but it's not me. It's actually what the Bible says. And it doesn't even matter who says it. Well, what if you're John the Baptist? Well, you'll get your head chopped off. What if you're Jesus? You're going to get crucified, right? I mean, that's just the way it is that the world does not like the message of God. Go to 1 John 4, 1 John 4, 1 John 4. Now I will say this, though. Let's say an unsaved person likes a lot of the things I'm preaching, especially against the sin and the LGBT and stuff like that. That's actually someone who would probably could be someone who would like our church if they got the gospel and got saved, because honestly, you know, a lot of stuff, it's going to depend on, you know, the things that you heard growing up and the things you believe. Like, my parents are very conservative. So when I started listening to this type of preaching, it wasn't as big of a shock to my system. It was a little bit of a shock, I'll admit that. But it wasn't just like, whoa, what happened, right? But if people come from a completely different background, they might just, it might just be too much for them. But, you know, sometimes there's unsaved people that might like this preaching because maybe they already believe some of these things, and that could be someone who could actually be a good member of our church if they got saved and, you know, started coming. But by and large, the world hates our message. That's the truth. 1 John 4, verse 9, and this was manifested the love of God toward us. Now point number 1 is that Jesus Christ is eternally the Son of God. Jesus Christ is eternally the Son of God. It was manifested in love toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him. God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him. So the love of God is manifested to us that He sent His Son to die for us, okay? Now when it says God because that God sent His only begotten Son, the God there is referring to God the Father, okay? Sometimes in the Bible, the word God is just referring to God in totality. Sometimes God's referring to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it's referring to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Usually it's referring to God the Father, and here we know it's God the Father because God sent His only begotten Son into the world, okay? And so God the Father has a son, God the Son. He sent His only begotten Son, okay? Now notice the wording, though, because it says God sent His only begotten Son, okay? Using the word sent proves that the Son of God already existed, both God the Father and God the Son. For example, if I was not married, would it make sense for me to say I'm sending my wife to pick up the groceries? Well, if I'm not married, that doesn't make any sense, does it? Or if I said, let's say, for example, you know, let's say I didn't have any children and someone said, hey, Brother Stuckey, you know, I got something for you to pick up at the church building. And I said, okay, I'll send my son to pick it up, but I don't have a son. Does that make any sense? I mean, it wouldn't make sense to say I'm sending my son if you don't have a son. It only makes sense if you have a son. And so what does that teach? Well, it teaches that Jesus is eternally the Son of God because if God the Father is sending his son, that means there's God the Father and God the Son, and he's sending his son. It's not really that complicated. And you would say send if it's somebody else, but if I was going myself, if I was going to the church, I say I am going to the church. I wouldn't say I'm sending myself to the church. That wouldn't make a whole lot of sense, right? Oh, man, we forgot something at the church building. I'm sending myself to the church building to pick it up. No, I would say I'm going to the church building, right? But if it's somebody else, it wouldn't make sense to say I'm going my son Zephaniah to the church building. I'd say I'm sending my son Zephaniah to the church building. Look, I know this is very basic. This is basic grammar, but oneness people don't believe what I'm saying right now because they believe that God sent himself, and then it's like, whoop, all right. It's like, all right, here I am. It's like, no, he's sending his son saying that there's both God the Father and God the Son, okay? It's not that complicated. Verse 10, here in his love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins. Oh, let me just say this, though, about verse 9, because sometimes they try to attack the love of God, and they say, well, if he loved us so much, why didn't he send himself? Well, here's the thing. When you have a child, anybody who's not a complete reprobate is going to say they love their child and are willing to lay down their life for their child. I mean, if you ask me, Brother Stuckey, you know, right now, would you rather you died or your son? You know what, I would rather that I died for my son, and it's expressing the love that he has toward us, and you know what's a greater love is the fact that he would send his son to die for us because his son has more value than himself. Just like if you have a son, you care more about your son than yourself. Isn't that true? I mean, anyone who's a parent in here would say, you know what, I care more about the life of my child than myself. If I had to make a decision right now, it's like, take me, spare my son, spare my daughter, right? And so it shows God's love in the fact that he would allow the thing most precious to him, his son, to die and pay for our sins. That actually shows a greater love for us, okay? Now here's the thing, though. If you don't have any kids, really the greatest love you could show is laying down your own life. Now, if you're married, then, you know, but I'm saying, like, let's say you're a single guy, the greatest love you could show is laying down your own life. So God the Son expressed his love in the fact that he was willing to die for us. God the Father expressed his love in the fact that he was willing to have his son die for us. That shows there's no greater love that you could have for either the father or the son than the way that it was expressed, right? I mean, it makes sense, right? So verse 10, here in his love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins, okay? Now, go to John 1. I'll show you one more verse that shows that Jesus is eternally the Son of God. This is why it's important that Bibles are correct with their words, because these modern Bibles change things, and I have no idea what it says if it uses the word sent or something else, but the word sent shows, okay, he's eternally the Son of God. Even small changes make a big difference. Now, an example of this is that in John 1.1, I don't have this in front of me, but I'm going to read to you, I know from memory, the New World Translation and how they translate this. The New World Translation is the translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and in the New World Translation, you're looking at John 1.1 in your King James Bible, but in the New World Translation, it says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God. That's only one letter difference, Brother Stocky. You have to make such a big deal about just one letter, I mean, come on, it's only one letter. Yeah, they just made Jesus a God instead of God. That's a pretty big difference. So look, every word matters. That's why the Bible says, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Every word actually matters in our Bible. But in John 1.1, it said that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ, because the Word was made flesh, the Bible says in verse 14. But in the beginning was the Word. So here's the thing, if Jesus was here at the beginning, was He created? No. He was here at the very beginning. And it says, And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. So we're seeing the Trinity. He is God, and He's with God, because we believe one God that exists in three persons, okay? All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. So all things were made by Him. Made by who? Made by the Word. Made by the Son of God. Made by the second person of the Godhead, God the Son, okay? And so all things were made by God the Son, and without Him was not anything made that was made. So if the Lord Jesus Christ made all things, if He created or made all things, could He have been created Himself? No, because He made all things, right? If the Lord Jesus Christ made all things, He could not have been created or made. Because there are religions like the Jehovah's Witnesses who say that, well, in the Old Testament, Michael the archangel, that's actually the Lord Jesus Christ, and he turns into the Son of God at the virgin birth. And so they say, well, Michael the archangel was created by God, and eventually God just decided to turn that angel into God, right? Now, that might make a good science fiction movie if you're into sci-fi, but you know what? That's not what the Bible teaches, okay? And so the Bible says that in the beginning was Jesus Christ, and it says He made all things, meaning He was not created or made Himself, okay? Now go back to 1 John, 1 John 4, 1 John 4, 1 John 4. So point one, Jesus is eternally the Son of God, and so here's the thing. When you hear people that are preaching opposite of that, well, it probably means they're a false prophet. Now this is more confusing than someone getting up here saying, well, you've got to be baptized to be saved, right? I mean, if somebody stood up here, think about this. If we had a guest preacher up here, and then they said, you know, and not just that they misspoke because everybody misspeaks, but they're just like, you must be baptized to go to heaven, Acts 2 38. It's like all the men would run up here and throw that person through the window, right? False prophet, right? But if somebody said something a little bit off on the nature of God, you know, you would stop and think because it's a little bit more confusing, and also it's a little bit easier to misspeak as well because some of these things you don't think of like all the time. Here's the thing. When we go soul winning, you know, we don't talk about this usually because most Catholics believe in the Trinity. Now, look, if we were in India as a soul winning church, we would probably be experts on the nature of God because we'd have to preach on it all the time. Every time you're preaching the gospel, you're getting tested. You know all the verses like Ezekiel chapter 17 verse 19 or whatever, it's like you'd know everything because you'd always have to be using it. But when it comes to the nature of God, these are not always things that we think about, so this is something you've got to test and try and make sure that it is of God because we've seen, if you've been like-minded for a while, a like-minded church in the U.S. that went through that where there's a lot of people that were respected people and they were subtly teaching oneness, and it's tricky so it can easily slide under the radar. And I'll be honest, I didn't really know a whole lot about that when I heard it. I mean, I had heard of oneness before once, but I didn't know a lot of it. I mean, so there's a lot to necessarily think about until you're forced to think about it. And then, and you can see why the Bible's saying, hey, test these spirits because this is something that can actually trick people that have even been soul winners because they don't always deal with these questions, okay? Point one, Jesus is eternally the Son of God. Point two, Jesus is the only begotten. Jesus is the only begotten. What it said there in verse nine was, at the end of the verse, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through. You say, what does it mean by only begotten Son? Because it does not say only Son, okay? It says only begotten Son. And you know, when you think of verses like in John 3.16 where it says He gave His only begotten, there's a reason why it uses that terminology because Jesus is not the only Son of God. If you are saved, you are a Son of God. So it does not say His only, it says His only begotten, okay? Because we must be born again, we must become children of God. So it says He sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him. Well, what does that mean? Go to Acts 13, Acts 13, Acts 13. Now there's a couple things you need to keep in mind about this word begotten and this phrase. There's the phrase only begotten and there's the phrase first begotten in the Bible, right? Only begotten and first begotten. Now first begotten implies what? That there's got to be at least a second, right? Only, not only implies, it directly says only, one. So first begotten and only begotten, those are not the same thing because a lot of people get confused by that. They think, well, it's the same thing. Well, it can't be the same thing because only means only and first means, well, there's more to come. So what is the difference? Well, Acts 13, notice this phrase, Acts 13 verse 33, God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children in that He raised up Jesus again as it is also written in the second Psalm, thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. Acts 13, 33, in that He raised up Jesus again. Raised up is the resurrection, right, in Acts 13 verse 33 and it says, this day have I begotten thee. Now here's the thing, Jesus being raised up took place 2,000 years ago but if you're saved, guess what? You're going to be raised up too at the rapture. So Jesus is the first begotten of the dead because He is the first that got raised up but He's not the only. Go to Revelation 1 verse 5, I'll show you where you see this phrase and that's what it's referring to in Acts 13, Revelation 1 verse 5, Revelation 1 verse 5, and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead. First begotten of the dead meaning that He's not going to be the only one who's begotten of the dead, right? Now here's the thing, what is the book of Revelation about? The end times, right? And what happens at the rapture? We get our glorified body. Doesn't it make sense why it mentions that in Revelation 1 verse 5? Jesus is the first begotten of the dead but if you're saved at the rapture, you get the glorified body also, okay? So the first begotten of the dead is referring to at the resurrection. Now these things, you might say, okay, that makes sense, brother, why is this important? Why is this important because oneness will try to use some of these verses to confuse people. Yeah, there's a difference between first begotten and only begotten, okay? Go to John 1, John 1, John 1. When you're reading lists of genealogies, you see a word that's not really common in today's world, begat, begat, begat, right? I begat Zephaniah. That's the expression that the Bible uses. It's not really a common expression in today's world now but that's what the Bible uses to say. Basically, it's your offspring, okay? And so when it's saying the only begotten, it's referring to the offspring of God the Father. And here's the thing, God the Father has, it says only begotten because the Son is the only one who directly proceeds from the Father. I'll give you an example of what I'm talking about. All of us that are in this room, we have a sin nature. You say, where did we get that sin nature? Well, what does the Bible say? It says we got that sin nature from not our moms, from our dads, right? By one man sinning into the world and death by sin. It talks about that with Adam. And so look, if you have kids, your kids are sinners because dad's a sinner. I'm a sinner because Curtis Stuckey's a sinner, my dad, okay? Now, you wives out there, don't start being arrogant and... It's your fault. It's your fault, right? Well, here's the thing though, who's the Father of God the Son? Who's the Father of Jesus Christ? God the Father. God the Father is not a sinner. So here's the thing, why doesn't God the Son have a sin nature? Because He's the only begotten of the Father. And so this phrase comes out, the only begotten Son, He's the only one who directly comes from... I've heard people say various things to describe this, I've heard people say, well, He's special compared to anyone else. And of course I would agree with that, I don't think there's anything wrong. But if we really get down to what it's saying, begot is in reference to like your offspring. So God the Father eternally had God the Son and He's the only one without a sin nature, He directly proceeds from God the Father. Whereas all of us, we have a sinful father and so that's why we sin. And when we have kids, we pass down that sin nature to our kids. That's the way it works. It says in John 1 verse 18, no man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him. So it says the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, because He directly proceeds from the Father. He has the very nature of God the Father, He has no sin nature, He's perfect, okay? And it says the only begotten Son. Now in some modern versions of the Bible, they screw up some of these verses. John 3.16 says in the NIV and I'm sure some other versions, God gave His one and only Son. You say, what's wrong with that? Because if Jesus is the only Son, it really sucks if you're a male, right? If you're a male, if you're a man, if you're a guy, it's like, I guess the ladies can become daughters of God, but it's like if Jesus is the only Son of God, it's like, well, I guess as a guy, I have no hope to go to heaven, right? God didn't give His one and only Son, He gave His only begotten Son, okay? And so look, when we get saved, we get born again, the spiritual birth, you become a child of God, and as a man, you become a Son of God, right? And so that's what we see with only begotten. Now turn to 1 John 4, 1 John 4, 1 John 4. So this is why the virgin birth is so important. It's not just some miracle that took place, but the fact that He did not have an earthly father is why He does not have a sin nature passed down to Him, and He comes from God the Father. Now in the Old Testament, when He appeared, you have to realize, flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God. So when Jesus Christ came here in the Old Testament, I don't believe He had blood, because flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God. However, when He was here in the New Testament, He did, but He didn't have any sin nature passed down to Him. Now look, these are things that are a lot deeper than the normal sermon on work salvation. It's not really hard to see why someone could subtly preach a false gospel, you know, or a false salvation, and, you know, because some of these things are confusing. One famous person who changed his position on it after 20 years of ministry was John MacArthur, who did not believe that Jesus was eternally the Son of God. He said that He became the Son at the incarnation, right? He said He became the Son, you know, at the virgin birth. I don't remember the theological term, but He basically said that Jesus is not eternally the Son of God, but it took place at the virgin birth. Then after 20 years of ministry, He's like, ah, I changed my mind. It's like, okay. Now look, there's many reasons why we know John MacArthur is a false prophet, but there's one famous person, and there's other ones that they don't believe Jesus is eternally the Son of God, but you know what? There's plenty of verses that clearly say it, especially in 1 John 4, for example. So in 1 John 4, what it said is because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him, and here's the thing. That implies that the Son of God eternally existed, but what it also shows, as I've talked about, is that there's two, because you're sending somebody, you don't send yourself. So there we already see God the Father and God the Son, and unless you believe in duality or whatever, I don't know what you'd call it, then you know that there's God the Holy Ghost. You know the Trinity, okay? So the Bible teaches the Trinity. Now let me show you a few verses to prove this. Genesis chapter 1, Genesis 1, Genesis 1, Genesis 1. Now there is no doubt that in the Old Testament, the focus of the Old Testament is not on teaching the Trinity. It's more on teaching that there's one God, which we believe, but there are verses that teach the Trinity, and just because the focus is on teaching there's one God, that doesn't deny the Trinity because we believe there's one God. And so yeah, hero Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, right? I mean, how many verses in Isaiah is there a God beside me? Yea, there is no God, I know not any. And you know what? It also refers to that God as being the Savior. Well, we know Jesus Christ is the Savior, but the Bible also speaks of God the Father and God the Holy Ghost. And see, the problem people have with believing this, it's not that the Bible doesn't teach it. They just don't understand it. Whenever you talk to people that do not believe the Trinity and say they believe the Bible, their defense is always, well, that doesn't make sense. But they can't deny that that's what the Bible says. But should it really be surprising to us that it's confusing? Because we are the creation, right? We're not the creator. I mean, as the creation, you're not going to fully comprehend the creator. And look, God created us in a system of time where you're going to live to be 70, 80, 90 years old or whatever, and eventually we die. And God's outside of time. That's kind of hard to comprehend, isn't it? I mean, stop and think for a couple hours, where did God come from? Well, He's always existed. That doesn't really make sense when you're created inside of time. But that's what the truth is. He always existed. Now, here's the thing. The alternative of atheism doesn't make any sense because where did the rock come from or where did whatever come to start the thing either? Now, but it does make sense that if we have a creator and we're the creation, we're not going to be able to fully comprehend God. What we can learn is what does the Bible say? And you know what? There's some things you're just not going to be able to understand like it's a math problem, and you just got to take it by faith, okay? Genesis chapter 1, verse 26, and God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness. Now, why does God say our image? Because our is plural, right? Our image after our likeness, okay? The Bible says man is made in the image of God. And so some people say, well, maybe this is the angels. Well, angels aren't made in the image of God. The Bible doesn't teach that. Man is made in the image of God. So our image, our likeness, what is that? Well, it's referring to the plurality in the fact that there's God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. You say, Brother Stuckey, but I thought it was just one God. Well, notice verse 27. So God created man in his own image. You say, why? Because there is one God, but he exists in three persons. You say, Brother Stuckey, I mean, I got to fully comprehend this to believe it. Well, you know what? Some things you have to take by faith. This is what the Bible teaches. He has eternally existed in three persons. And when we die one day and we go to heaven, you're going to see three. Because there's God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, okay? God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he, him, male and female created he, them. So look, unless you believe that God is schizophrenic, what are you seeing here? You're seeing the Trinity. It's plural, and then it's singular, okay? Look at John chapter 5, John 5, John 5, John 5, John 5, verse 30, John 5, verse 30, I can of mine own self do nothing, as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness of me, and I know that the witness which witnesseth of me is true. So it talks about another witness, okay? Jesus is saying there's another witness besides myself, okay? Here's the thing. If Jesus is God the Father, that's not another witness. It's the same witness, right? I mean, if I'm up here preaching and I wear a suit when I preach, but then all of a sudden I go home and I take off the suit and I take off the tie, well, here's a second witness. I mean, does that work in a courtroom situation? You're trying to say, hey, you know what, that person's guilty of murder. I can prove it. We've got plenty of witnesses. All right, bring up the first witness. All right, here I am, the first witness. I saw him do it. Bring up the second witness. All right. All right. I'm the second witness. Bring up the third witness, and, you know, I'm not very good at tying ties, so I don't want to do that. It's going to be hard to put back on, but that doesn't make any sense. If it's another witness, that means there's another besides just God the Son, because the Bible teaches the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Now go back to 1 John, but go to 1 John 5, 1 John 5, 1 John 5, 1 John 5, verse 9. First John 5, verse 9. And it says in 1 John 5, verse 9, 1 John 5, verse 9, receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. For this is the witness of God, which he hath testified of his Son. Now look, we know there are plenty of verses that say that Jesus Christ is God, and you know what? That's going to be a later point in the sermon, because obviously that's a very important thing to believe about the nature of God, and that's the main thing we normally focus with people. You know, when we're trying to preach the gospel to someone, and someone comes from one of these cults, you really hone in on them believing Jesus is God. Sometimes what's funny is somebody from a cult will believe that Jesus is God, because they haven't been taught by their cult yet that Jesus is not God. They were Catholic, and they converted, and they're like, no, I believe Jesus is God. It's like, are you sure you believe Jesus is God? Right? The funniest example I have is, I was in Utah for a couple summers, and you know, we were helping out a Baptist church out there, and it's not really a like-minded Baptist church, but this is a long time ago. And me and my friend, we go out for a jog, and we stopped, and this is in Utah, where most people are Mormons. And it was very near Salt Lake City, where it's like 80-plus percent Mormon. And we stopped, and we were, you know, thirsty, so we stopped. Some teenage girls were selling lemonade, so we stopped and bought lemonade. All of them were Mormons, but they were slightly different ages. And so we were – I remember – and I don't – this is not the best way to preach the gospel. I'm just saying what I did back then. We were just saying all the heresies and weird teachings in the Mormon religion. And then all of a sudden, the two younger girls are like, we do not believe that, because we told them, hey, Mormons don't believe in the virgin birth. They're like, yes, we do. They're like, no, you don't. Like what you believe is that God slept with Mary, and that is what Mormons believe. They believe that God slept with Mary, and they say, well, it's still the virgin birth, because she didn't sleep with an earthly person, just with God. It's like, you're a pervert. It's like, what was wrong with Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, right? But that's what they believe. And we told them that. They're like, no, we don't believe that. And then the older ones are like, no, actually, we do believe that. You'll learn that next year, right? And so, you know, when it comes to these cults, sometimes they don't necessarily know all of the things that they believe. Some of these cults we run into here in the Philippines, they don't even realize that they do not believe Jesus is God, okay? The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ is God. Usually that is what we focus on. And so what are we? 1 John 5, verse 9, is that where we are? If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater, for this is the witness of God, which He hath testified of His Son. So what we're seeing, the witness of God, which He hath testified of His Son. So what are we seeing? Well, God is the witness of His Son. It's not the same witness. It's a different witness. What are we seeing? We're seeing multiple persons within the Trinity. There's God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, okay? Go to 1 John 4, verse 12, 1 John 4, verse 12. First on 4, verse 12, point 1, Jesus is eternally the Son of God. Point 2, Jesus is the only begotten. Point 3, the Bible teaches the Trinity. Point 4, God the Father has never been seen. God the Father has never been seen. First on 4, verse 12, no man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us and His love is perfected in us. Now somebody might try to just look at this verse and say, well, see, this proves that Jesus is not God because no man hath seen God at any time. Well, it's referring to God the Father here. The word God is sometimes referring to God the Son, sometimes referring to God the Holy Ghost, sometimes referring to God in totality, sometimes referring to God the Father. Usually it's referring to God the Father. When it says no man hath seen God at any time, we know that's referring to God the Father, and that's similar from John 1, which you saw earlier, which the Son which is in the bosom of the Father hath declared Him, okay? No man hath seen God at any time, referring to God the Father. So in the Old Testament, did you see appearances of God? Yes, you did, of God the Son. And so when people talk to God face to face, they're speaking to God the Son. Now turn to 1 John 3, 1 John 3, 1 John 3, verse 16. When Jacob wrestled with God, he wrestled with God the Son. That's what you're seeing. And so point one, Jesus is eternally the Son of God. Point two, Jesus is the only begotten. Point three, the Trinity. Point four, God the Father has never been seen. Point five, Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is God. This is the most important one of these to understand. Some of these it's like, you know, it's a tough topic, right? That's why you've got to test the spirits when you're listening to preachers and things like that, and, you know, test for certain things like this. But the most important is that Jesus Christ is God, okay? First John 3, verse 16, Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. So when it says, He laid down His life for us, who's it referring to? Who is He? Well, there's the pronoun, and it's referring back to, and we know it's Jesus Christ is the one who laid down His life for us, but in this verse, who does it refer back to? The love of God. So God laid down His life for us, because Jesus Christ is God, right? Now, I love this verse because it's very easy to remember, First John 3, 16, right? So it's very easy to remember. That's a very great verse teaching that Jesus is God. Go to First John 5, First John 5, First John 5. And look, there are hundreds of verses that teach Jesus is God. I'm just looking at First John because there's a few verses in First John, but First John 5, verse 20, And we know that the Son of God is come, Jesus Christ, right? And hath given us an understanding that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Now, this verse only makes sense if you believe that Jesus Christ is God, because it says Jesus Christ is the true God and eternal life, and Jesus is eternal life. I am the resurrection and the life, referring to the second person of the Godhead. Jesus Christ is the true God, and here's the thing, throughout the Old Testament, what does it talk about? It talks about the living God and the true God. Now, when He weighed the truth and the life, He was declaring He was the true God. He's declaring He's the living God, and He said, I am the resurrection and the life. And when He rose again from the dead, well, it's pretty clear that you are the living God, right? It's pretty clear you are the true God. And so when it says the true God, well, that's a term throughout the entire Bible. Throughout the book of Isaiah and the Old Testament, it talks about the true God. Well, Jesus Christ is the true God and eternal life. Say, how is that possible? Well, we believe the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ is God. He is the true God and eternal life. Verse 21, little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Now, we're not done with the sermon, okay? But this verse, I always used to think, was just out of place. Like, why does it say little children, keep yourselves from idols? It almost sounds out of nowhere. But think about this. In verse 20, it shows us that Jesus Christ is God. And what do a lot of people believe about idols? They believe that those idols are God. They believe that when they make this container, you know, they believe that they're now speaking to God. I think you've got to put, like, a nose on it and a smiley face or something. But then it's like they believe that they're speaking to God. I mean, if you listen to Hindus talking about, you know, worshiping God, they say the true worshiper ends up believing that they're talking to God and becomes God while they're worshiping the idol. It's like, what in the world? It's like, I'm glad I wasn't born in India, right? Like, what in the world? But it's like a lot of people, these religions, they believe that the idols they're worshiping are God and that God is manifested in that idol. So when it says, keep yourselves from idols, well, of course, as a saved person, we know that an idol is false. We see the Feast of the Black Nazarene, and we're like, man, these people need the gospel, right? You look at all these idols here in the Philippines, we know that, man, that's not God. It's an abomination to God. God speaks against it. And as saved people, we should have nothing to do with idols. And look, in a country like this, that's a verse we need to take to heart. Idolatry is wicked. You say, well, you know, the idols, they're beautiful, I like the statue, I like to look at it. It's wicked. God thinks it's evil. It's wicked. And in a country that's very idolatrous, hey, keep ourselves from idols, because that's a false God to a lot of people. When they are praying to those idols, they believe that that's God. And look, Catholics try to deny it, but they believe just like the Hindus do. They don't call it a God, and yet they treat it like a God. It's like you're supposed to pray to God, not to an idol. Peter's been dead for thousands of years, okay? He shouldn't have been praying to him when he was alive. When they tried to do that when Peter was alive, he said, stand up, I myself also am a man. Now that he's dead, it's still not okay to pray to him, okay? It's still not okay to reverence him. Go to 1 John 4, verse 14. First John 4, verse 14. First John 4, verse 14. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. He really talks about that in 1 John 4, the Father and the Son. Then in verse 15, whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. Now doesn't everybody confess that Jesus is the Son of God? Yeah, but not everybody confesses that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. People that believe in oneness don't believe that. They would say that they believe Jesus is the Son of God, and yet they don't actually believe the things that are being talked about in 1 John. I mean, we've been mainly focusing in on 1 John, and it's all about the nature. There's nothing about the work salvation, because testing the spirits, it's referring to the nature of God and these heresies like oneness or partialism. I mean, there's so many different terms for these – I cannot pronounce that. It's like this long word that starts with an S, and all these different, like, weird divergence from the Trinity and everything. And even, say, people can get confused on some of these things, because some of these things are deep and confusing things. That's why we need to be very careful that the things we're hearing are actually true. So if somebody says, well, I believe Jesus is the Son of God, what I believe is just like the Trinity. No it's not. No it is not if you're teaching a oneness doctrine, because most of what I said, they don't believe that. Even though they would claim, no, no, no, it's the same thing, no it's not, okay. Now go to 1 John 2, 1 John 2. Don't worry, we're almost done, 1 John chapter 2. Verse 22. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son. Why does it use the word antichrist? Because if you look up the word antichrist in the Bible, it doesn't appear that many times. I don't have the number in front of me, but it's very, very few times that the word antichrist appears. But it says he is antichrist, who's an antichrist? Those that deny the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father. He that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also. Look, if you tell me you don't believe that there's God the Father and God the Son, I would say, hey, I hope, I hope you're very confused, but most likely you don't have either one. You say, well, I believe in Jesus, but I don't believe that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. Well, I don't think you're saved then. Because that is exactly what 1 John is talking about, about testing the spirits. Now, look, some of these things are confused and people can say the wrong things and have the wrong terminology. I understand that. But isn't the Bible really clear that the Father sent the Son? Right? I mean, it's not really that complicated, and yet there's people that would even say they're Christians and they deny that. They say, no, no, no, the Father turned into the Son. Hey, that's not a synonym for sent the Son. The Father turned into the Son. No, the Father sent the Son, indicating there's God the Father and God the Son. And if you deny the Father, then you don't have the Son. If you deny the Son, you don't have the Father. And so, look, when you've got religions like Judaism, oh, we believe in the Old Testament. Islam, we believe in the Old Testament. But then they deny that Jesus Christ is the Savior. Well, if you don't have the Son, you do not have the Father. Right, right. Anyway, Jews do not believe in the Old Testament. If you ever talk to Jews, why do they believe the earth is billions of years old if they believe in the Old Testament? Right? I mean, if they believe the Old Testament, why is it that most Jews think the earth is four and a half billion years old, or however old it is now? I don't know. They change the amount all the time, right? That's only a 700 million year difference we changed it to, right? It's like, if they believe the Old Testament, why don't they believe the things found in the Old Testament? Because they don't believe the Old Testament. And the Old Testament prophesies of Jesus Christ. If you have the Father, you have the Son. If you have the Son, you have the Father. Okay? You can't sit here and say, well, I believe on Jesus, but I deny the Father. It doesn't work that way. This is an all or nothing thing. You either believe that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world or not. And so here's the thing. You've got to believe that Jesus is who He says He was and that He'd do what He said He'd do. When we go soul winning, we usually focus on He'd do what He said He'd do because most people already have an understanding of the Trinity. And look, when I go soul winning, I don't bring all this stuff up. I just usually ask, do you believe that Jesus Christ is God? Yes. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Yes. Is that right? You just move on, right? Right. Most people in the Philippines, they've already got this basic stuff down. But if you were to run into someone who would deny this stuff, then yeah, you'd have to show them Jesus is God, okay? But what it said in verse 22 was anti-Christ. Go to 1 John 4, verse 2, 1 John 4, verse 2, 1 John 4, verse 2, and it says, Hereby know ye the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God. And this is that spirit of anti-Christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world. So this spirit of anti-Christ is directly related to the nature of God. And see, what the Bible is saying is it already exists in the world because there are false prophets that are getting up saying, No, we believe in oneness. We don't believe that there's a Father and a Son. Right? It's just oneness. Yeah, that's the same thing as Hinduism. You've got the same religion as Hinduism, my friend. You've got the same religion as cow will die and all of those religions. And guess what? When the anti-Christ comes, what is that spirit of anti-Christ? Well, the anti-Christ is going to be a manifestation of the true God. The anti-Christ is not going to come and say that Jesus Christ was false and I'm the true one. That's not the way it's going to work. He's going to stand up and say, Hey, you know what? I'm a manifestation of God. It's going to be a oneness God because that is what the spirit of anti-Christ is, according to 1 John 4. It already exists in the world today, but considering that's what the anti-Christ is going to be, when people are teaching oneness, they are preparing people to accept the anti-Christ. That's reality. This doctrine is going to increase as we get toward the end because this is what the anti-Christ is going to promote and the world is going to prepare people for this. And you know what? Haven't you seen this even in Baptist churches recently where they're denying the Trinity? This is not something that they did in the past because the Trinity is a pretty foundational topic. Now, it's always been a confusing topic. I'm not saying it's an easy topic to understand, but it's clearly what the Bible teaches. And now you've got these religions that are going against it. Why? Well, they're preparing people for the anti-Christ. And look, those spirits that you're listening to, you say, Brother Saki, do you think Tyler Baker is saved? Did you listen to the last hour of this sermon? No. Test that spirit. And here's the thing. That's a tricky spirit because a lot of what he preached sounded good. Faith alone, not repentance of sins. I mean, he preached a lot of the same things, but that spirit was tested and he was turned out to be fraudulent, right? And look, I know not everybody knows these names. Some of you do. Some of you don't. My old buddy, Garrett Kirchway, that I was so in with a lot of times, guess what? That spirit was tested and it turned out he was false. It turns out in that Pentecostal soul-winning demonstration, he never got converted. Some of you understand that joke and some don't, right? If you don't understand it, I'll explain to you after the service. These are – he was someone I used to consider a friend, someone I knew pretty well and turned out that he was actually a false friend. You say, what? Well, the spirit is tested because, you know what, it's a completely different doctrine because they don't believe that Jesus is who he says he was. And here's the thing. Are there – is this a confusing topic? Yes, it is, but it's not confusing when it says the Father sent the Son. That is very, very basic, but they don't believe it. Why don't they believe it? Well, whenever you hear these people that say they don't believe it, they say, I don't understand it. That's what they say. That's what Garrett Kirchway said. He's like, I never fully understood the Trinity. They don't believe it because they don't understand it. And you know what? That's the same argument the Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses used too. They say, well, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense that Jesus was praying to the Father. It doesn't make sense, so I don't believe it. Same thing Jehovah's Witnesses say. It doesn't make sense. It's like, yeah, but I just showed you 25 verses that show Jesus is God, but it doesn't make sense. So I don't believe it. So you don't really believe the Bible is what the truth is. And so, look, this is a confusing topic, and you know what? This is a doctrine that needs to be exposed because, hey, if I'll be honest with you, if you had asked me five years ago about this topic, I didn't know much about oneness. And there's a lot of tricky verses and things you haven't thought about. That's what people need to understand. So what do we believe? Well, this is what the Bible teaches. God has eternally existed in three persons, and He always will exist in three persons, but there's one God. And yet, was Jesus Christ God? Absolutely, because God was manifest in the flesh, and there's hundreds of verses that teach that. Is that tricky? Yes, it is, but that is what the Bible teaches. Let's close in the Word of Prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see what the Bible says about this topic and help us to understand this. A lot of these things are deep things. This is not the milk of the Word. A lot of this is the meat of the Word, but help us to be able to test these spirits and be ready for false teachers like this because it will increase as we get close to the end times. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.