(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) That's what we need to be people that love God's commandments above money above any riches Above anything out there that the world has to offer and I've seen this where Christians are faithful for many many many years Things get a little tough and what do they end up doing? They end up switching jobs and trying to find something that can continue to give them the same You know a payment that they've had for a few years because maybe their current job starts to scale back Maybe they cut their pay so what they start looking they start looking for work that still pays them similar to what they had before and Sometimes they end up getting another job and sure sure enough what ends up happening They end up having to take a job or they take a job where they end up missing one service So now they're one service less than what they used to whether it was Sunday morning Sunday evening or even Wednesday Wednesday night They end up getting a job that helps them cut Wednesday night But the Bible says not forsaking the assembly so much the more even more towards the end before Christ returns We need to be in God's house as much as possible grow faith as much as possible because guess what? This is a church that believes in a post trip. Amen. We're not pre trip We believe like Christ said that things are gonna get so ugly. It's gonna be worse than than any moment in history So the only way to prepare yourselves is by being in God's Word being right with God You know being a fear a person that fears the Lord and keep his commandments getting ready for what's coming in the future You know But not just obeying God because we have to obeying God because you want to that's a great attitude to have I get to do These things whatever it may be whether it's going to your job Whatever it may be where it's going to church coming to hear brother Segura instead of thinking I was brothers a girl this Sunday really, you know change that attitude and say to yourself I get to come see brother Segura Amen, not I get to not have to but I get to and that will help you as well Especially if you want to be a preacher as well Think of it like look man. I have to preach this Sunday think about man. I get to preach this Sunday, man I got to go to work man. I get to go to work There's a lot of people that want to work that can't work because they're disabled and they wish they can just get up and go Out there and work hard and be able to and not feel like they're useless, you know But be able to feel like hey, you know what? I have the ability to work I get to work I'm gonna go take advantage of that and go to work, you know, but here's a few more more verses They talk about how much King David loved God's Word Psalms 119 113 says this I hate vain thoughts, but thy law do I love Psalm 119 163 says this I hate in the poor line, but thy law do I love Psalms 116 165 is a famous verse grace peace have day Which love thy law and nothing shall offend them so we see that God doesn't want us to just obey him God wants us to love his law This is an example how we should be people that love God's law People that read God's law and they've come across a verse then maybe maybe it affects them Maybe it's something that shows them their sin and instead of thinking. Oh really that's in the Bible instead of thinking that It should think you know what that is an awesome verse. I need to obey that commandment. This is true All of God's commandments are great. I mean, what does it say up here pure words? God's Word is pure There's nothing in the Bible that we should be embarrassed about there's nothing in the Bible Then we should think it's a dumb thing to have in there It's nothing in the Bible that you look at and think that's outdated. This isn't something that can help me today No, all of God's Word will edify you and build you up and help you out in one way shape or form, you know So you see that in 1st Timothy chapter 3? There's a lot of characteristics a lot of things that a bishop must have in order to be able to be a qualified individual You know, not just that but you see in the Psalms King David talk about how much he loves these things in God's Word How much he loves his law, you know, but the first thing I want to bring up today the first attribute I want to bring up is simply this that God's people Need to be people need to have this attribute God's people need to be people that love to avoid sin Amen love to avoid sin. What do I mean by that? You guys are right there in Job, correct? Well, let's take a look at what made job one of the greatest men If not the greatest man on the planet at the time go ahead and look at job chapter number one verse one Job chapter number one verse one says this there was a man in the land of Oz whose name was Joe and that man was perfect and Upright and one that feared God and what's to say right there and it should evil What does that word mean is shoe? It means to avoid for go for swell renounce Sean shy away from swore off duck elude evade I like the word evade it reminds me of my training in the military where I had to go through training It was called escape and evade What was that about it was his fever to be captured or if something bad were to happen in the middle of a fight? We basically had an escape and evade plan. It was called an E&E plan So before we went into some operation, they always told us a this is the mission. This is the supplies We're gonna take you know, this is what support we have. We got artillery. We got jets. We got helicopters, etc, etc But one of the most important parts was the escape and evade plan what to do if things just go bad What to do if you get captured is that you need to you know, do XYZ in order to evade the enemy So when it said evade is basically getting away from the enemy as far as you possibly can and getting back to friendly lines So evade is not referring to yes They as close to the enemy as much as possible and continue to keep your distance No when it says a it's time to escape and evade and means you're getting out of there getting far away from the enemy as Possible and that's how we should be when it comes to sin getting away from it as much as possible Because the closer you are the higher your chances are that you're going to fall So we need to be people that avoid sin avoid sin and you can tell that Job was one of those individuals that avoided sin and it says it in three places in the book of Job, Job 1 8 if you can't just go ahead and look down at Job 1 8 if you were in Job 1 1 just go Look at 7 verses down Job 1 8 says the same thing He says in the Lord said unto Satan has thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth A perfect and upright man one that fear of God and there you go again and is sheweth evil So this is brought up again about job the writers bringing it up again. Now, let's go to the next chapter If you're in job one just go and flip the page And now we're going to be in job chapter number two and go ahead and meet me in verse number three So if you're in job two three, let's just look at these verses These are famous verses if you've been in church for a while You probably came across them many many times or the pastor has preached about these many many times It says in the Lord said unto Satan has not considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that fear of God and there's that word again and is sheweth evil and Still he holdeth fastest integrity Although thou moveth me against him to destroy him without a cause so we should be people that stay away from sin As much as we possibly can like what are some places as Christians? We should avoid that we can tell a these places are just bad Anybody want to give me something The bar as a matter of fact, that was number one on my list Because I figured that's probably the one that people gonna say right away, you know So I wanted to make it easy the bar and believe it or not There are Christians that think there's nothing wrong with going to the bar They literally think there's nothing wrong with drinking as long as you don't get drunk You kept heard that before and these bars have destroyed Marriages they have destroyed Relationships and especially they destroy your walk with God your blessings are taken away because the bar There's just so much stuff at the bar that can cause you to fall The box is not to make provision don't provide your flesh or your body an opportunity since that may not provision for the flesh You know, but besides the bar, I just threw these in there and I'll just go over them because I'm running out of time Other places this is just me that I thought was like, you know what? I'm gonna just avoid this place I don't think I'll ever come back to that this type of place and the place that I'm thinking of right now It's basically a sporting event Specifically a baseball game and you're thinking to yourself. What does it mean by that? Well, look a couple years ago or maybe three years ago could have been up to four years ago I hadn't been to a baseball game in who knows how long but somebody came up to me from church And I didn't think anything of it at the time and they said look do you guys like baseball? Your kids like baseball, yeah, you know, we don't really we're not really hardcore fans But yeah, you know like fun playing sports and it's like look I got a couple of tickets to the Diamondbacks You know, it's like hey, I know a guy up down there. You got some tickets. Do you want them? And I'm thinking sure why not, you know, just have a time to go out with my kids, you know Go to a baseball stadium. They don't really know much about sports, but I'm thinking why not but when we get there It was like a bar just telling you that right now and not just that like as soon as I got to my seats They're already taken so they already had taken our seats, but you know wasn't a packed game so I'm like, hey no big deal I'll just sit right behind the seats where I'm supposed to be because who really cares that the people who seats I'm sitting in say Something I'll say something people in front of me And the reason I don't wanna say anything is because it's only the first inning and these guys already drinking And I said, I'm not gonna mess with that. So I just sit down I don't know how long they were drinking, you know, but they already had a couple cans put away So I said forget it But then it wasn't just the people in front of me is the people behind me and the people next to me and then you Got these guys going around say Budweiser, Budweiser You know what I'm thinking? Oh man, am I at a baseball game or am I at a bar? But did anybody ever think of that baseball stadium did that come across anybody's top 10 top 100? No, am I making sense here nowadays the devil has his hands in everything in everything and I don't know how bad it was But I've been to baseball games before and that's not the first thought that came to my mind was beer You know, not just that the way the way people were dressing was just kind of like a little off for me You know the man with no shirts on or whatever is like man I don't know if I want my daughter staring at this guy with a big belly I'm probably just gonna stay away from this place for a while, you know, but you know what? I need to just avoid me person. I say, you know what sporting events in general Whatever may be whether it's cage fighting you name it you and I both know which is real about it Whether it's hockey you name the sport. There's gonna be a lot of alcohol. I mean, it's so bad now correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the Oakland Raiders they banned serving alcohol either after halftime or You know in general this is like two or three years ago Maybe five years ago where it was just getting so bad so many fights the Oakland Raiders fans are known for doing crazy stuff I guess and I remember them saying no more fights or no more alcohol past half even they know it's a problem But the lovey money is the root of what all Evil, what else did I put in here? Well, not just the physical but we need to be people that also Avoid evil not just the physical not just the external but also the internal amen And I'll just read this while you guys go ahead and go to Psalms 1914. That's a great verse for children go to Psalms 1914 So a good attribute to have a good attribute that I see You know that I see from the Christians in the Bible from these awesome Christians these amazing Christians in the Bible Obviously job is one of the most amazing people to have ever lived I get inspired by job He's a guy that keeps me from complaining Let's just face it. Just what I feel like complaining and I get to the book of job. I'm like, oh man I'm reading job today. Oh, but it's great cuz I mean, I don't know doesn't job help you not to complain Doesn't joke give you motivation to just keep serving God because there's always a happy ending always True or false for the Christian that stays with it that doesn't quit on God you name the person How about Steven in book a book of Acts chapter 7 got stoned today for that happy ending. Yes It was because I believe that's what he wanted I've said this before and I even said it here the Bible says that he'll give he'll give you that desires I'll be hard if you delight yourself in the in the in the law of the Lord, you know So this guy you could tell you know, he knew his Bible and he could have prayed He could have prayed God deliver me from these people. He didn't say that. He said Lord Jesus, you know Forgive them and receive my spirit. He just wanted to go home And guess what his resurrection? I don't think he's gonna regret what happened him in Acts chapter 7 But that's not that's not the future for everyone. It wasn't for King David, you know pastor Anderson His desire is if it's gonna happen in our lifetime when Christ returns He wants to basically see the trouble he wants to be on earth and I believe God's gonna answer his prayer But if he doesn't God's gonna get on what it really wants because we have the Holy Spirit to kind of change our prayers when we Pray, that's what we tell people. Look pray even if you're praying for the wrong thing Hey pray for the wrong thing He's better not praying at all because the Holy Spirit is just gonna come in and fix your prayer for you and tell God Yeah, you know he's begging for a Ferrari, but he really needs a Ford That's what's really gonna happen, you know It's like yeah Lord this guy saying he wants to get his head chopped off for the glory of God But you know, he ain't gonna do that, you know, just just let him live a long time and serve you forever You know cuz you know when the guillotine comes he's gonna run, you know That's just what's gonna happen, you know, that's just a fact, you know But if you're you guys are in Psalms 1914, what am I talking about right now talking about avoiding? What's an awesome attribute? What's an awesome characteristic of Joe that he is shoot evil he stayed away from it What's it say in second Corinthians 10 5 says this casting down? Imaginations so it's not just the external avoiding the external but also the internal, you know avoiding simple thoughts avoiding lustful thoughts avoiding foolish thoughts because last time I checked is not the thought of foolishness sin and We'll get into it later, but it starts with the thoughts and then come the action So if you don't cast down the imagination Guess what you're gonna imitate that imagination and you will commit that sin that your heart said your heart's meditating on consistently you know, but it says casting down imaginations and every high thing that is salted itself against the knowledge of God and Bringing it to captivity Every thought to the obedience of Christ. So it's not just avoiding sin like the bars or the baseball sporting events, you know It's also the internal, you know I'm pretty sure Joe basically try to avoid as much sin internally not just externally and what does it say in Psalms? 1914 it says let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight So second Corinthians telling us look cast down these wicked imaginations. Be careful what you're thinking about It's like yeah, I'm just thinking it but I'm not gonna do it that thought already is foolish And guess what? The thought of foolishness is sin So we need to recognize that it's our thoughts also that we need to be careful of and not just avoid simple places But simple thoughts because it says right there are is the meditation of our hearts are the thoughts of our hearts acceptable unto God Yeah, we don't know what you're thinking but God does and it's what you're thinking. Is it acceptable unto God? Whatever it may be we need to be people that know how to avoid externally and internally It says in Sakuraya 817 to let none of you imagine evil Imagine that God doesn't want you to imagine evil. So what does it say and be careful what you think of? It's in Corinthians casting down imaginations getting rid of them avoiding them bringing into captivity every thought controlling your mind Not just controlling the exterior. So I'm talking about avoiding not just simple places but simple thoughts Sin in general externally internally, that's a great thing. I want my kids to understand It's not just the external you need to avoid these these wicked thoughts like pain got angry Had thoughts of killing his brother next thing, you know, he's killing his brother We need to be humble people avoiding these wicked imaginations these wicked thoughts these foolish thoughts So what makes what made Joe great he avoided he is shoot evil and guess what evil is not just evil places Evil imaginations. Amen Now I'll just give you these verses just as a bonus Matthew 15 18 20 But those things would proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile the man Not going to the bar is gonna defy you per se it's probably even just the thought of going to the bar That's gonna defy internally not even like you come in an adult tree But even the thought of adultery can defy you how to know because that's right there But of the heart precedes evil thoughts murders adultery. So are we talking about actions or thoughts thoughts? So Christ is preaching about thoughts He says for out of the heart precede evil thoughts murders adulteries fornication steps false witness blasphemies These are the things which they follow man and not the bar. No the bar does too not the baseball stadium No, that will to that will to but not just those things but the internal things as well says these are the things What are the things these thoughts what thoughts the thoughts of murders adulteries fornication steps false witnesses blasphemies So as I raise my kids tell them look, yeah, you should avoid fornication not just externally but internally as well It's because these things that follow you as well. Well, dad, I'm fine with the Lord. Look, I'm not coming I'm not out there coming in fornication. I'm not drinking. I'm not I'm not stealing. I'm not XY and Z whatever But it's a by some but how's your internal? How's your thought life? You know, are you avoiding sinful thoughts as well because that defiles you to not just the external but the internal But he says hey these things that follow man But the eat what I'm washing his hands that follow not a man these six things as the Lord hate proper six Yea, seven are abomination unto him a proud look. I need to be careful with that one How look man this verse always convinced me a lion tongue and hands us your innocent blood a heart that divisive wicked Imaginations we need to avoid those casting down imaginations being careful Imagining evil not just like well, I don't go to the bar. I don't go to the movie theater or whatever I'm not watching this radar movie that whatever that I'm not doing X Y Z. I'm not doing X I'm gonna do but you know what we need to be people that also in our minds We need to avoid we need to get rid of we need to just you know, like it says cast out imaginations You know and avoid them stay far away from waking imaginations as much as we possibly can and when we know we messed up We allow one to get in got to confess it and forsake it and God will have mercy and you can continue to prosper But until then if you have it and you just can't let go of it Whatever that may be We need to be careful because guess what that's gonna do that's gonna defile you and the lungs is in your heart You're defiled once you confess and forsake it you're clean again. So it's easy to get right with the Lord internally Hopefully you don't mess up externally because the externals hard to fix amen, but the eternal I think is a little quicker So the first point the first attribute is you and me if we want to be great Christians We need to know how to avoid sin. We need to know how to avoid it. Stay away from it or Using the Bible word is shoe it. Amen Another thing that I see that I think is an awesome attribute by these awesome Christians in the Bible is that they love arms What does it mean when it says arms? It means to give to assist the aid to donate now if you got your Bible go to Luke 10 Go to Luke 10 if you have your Bible and this is what God even commands us go to Luke 10 The word alms is found over 10 times in the New Testament over 10 times I believe it's exactly 15 times but for sure over 10 times and if you're there in Luke 10 25 Go ahead and get there. If you're not there. I'm gonna lose I'm gonna read from Luke 12 32 Through 33 which says this fair not little flock for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom sell that you have and give alms so this is something that Christ is telling people to do give alms and What is alms again alms is just assisting aiding donating giving whatever the case may be It says this give alms provide for yourselves bags which wax not old a treasure in the heavens that faileth not Where no thief approaches neither muff corruptive So it says look give give give give alms obviously we pay tithes But giving alms is you just helping people it could be financially, you know, it could just be of your time It's not always something that's financial But if you're right there and look 10 It says to behold a sword and lawyer stood up and tempted him saying master What should I do to inherit eternal life and he said out to him? What is written in the law how read us down and he answered and said I should love the Lord I God with all thy heart and with all thy soul with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself And he said unto him das answer right this do and I shall live but he wouldn't to justify himself Said unto Jesus and who is my neighbor and Jesus answered and said a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves which stripped them of his raiment and wounding him and departed leaving him half dead and by chance I came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed on on the other side and Likewise the Levi when he was at that place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side But a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion of him and went to him and bound him in and took care of him and on the morrow when he departed took out two Pens and gave them to the host and said unto him take care of him and whatsoever thou spendest more. I will come again I will repay thee wish wish now these think is thou was neighbor unto him that fell among thieves And he said he that showed mercy on him. This is Jesus unto him go and do likewise So we see that Christ doesn't just want us to be people that just take care of ourselves Just care take care of those that are closest to us even people that are strangers helping people out when you see a need I always tell my kids look if you see a need take the lead, you know Try to be the one that has his hands always raised Anytime anyplace When they say hey, I need help a is it consider it done and I do it and I do it because to me It's fun It's just that simple helping people Helping others as much as you possibly can and the person that comes to mind the Christian that comes to mind Which I think is the awesome Christian is Cornelius Cornelius when I think of alms giving I think of Cornelius why let me tell you why if you have your Bible go ahead and go to Acts chapter number 10 verse 31 Acts chapter number 10 verse 31. I'm going to start early in that chapter. I'm gonna start early in Acts chapter number 10 I'm gonna start with verse 1. So you're going to 31. I'm gonna read from verse number 1 which says this there was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius a Centurion of the band called the Italian band a devout man one that feared God with all his house Which gave much alms alms To the people and pray to God always now just to give the heads up Cornelius He was not saved at this time. He later ended up getting saved. So go ahead and look at verse 31 So the Bible mentioned that twice about him I didn't think it was necessary, but that's something that was highlighted about Cornelius and I think it's a message to us Hint hint this is what it says again and said Cornelius thy prayers heard and thy alms are Had in remembrance in a sight of God and mentions his alms again and once again What is alms alms is just helping aiding giving and it doesn't have to always be financial It could be somebody needs a ride help him out because it is costing you something to give somebody a ride Number one is costing you gas That's not free these days or is it free unless you have electric I guess it's not You know, but not just that what if you do get into an accident now, it's definitely not not something It's gonna cost you a little bit It's gonna cost you a lot now saying that's gonna happen and if God obviously is with you, you'll be okay But just helping somebody with a ride or how about helping somebody move? Because guess what that's taking your time right take six eight hours to help them load and move stuff Hey, do you do it because you have to or do you do it because you want to That's the thing about Cornelius. He it says hey your arms. He gave a lot of arms to the people and Exactly. What did it say? It says that he gave much arms to the people It was constantly helping is a man that was learned was known for having arms all the time helping people aiding people You know and I had this one situation when somebody said hey, man, you know, I gotta do something. I was going on It's like this person called me the other day and they asked me to go pick up this thing and it was like 20 minutes Out and 20 minutes back in or whatever the case may be, you know, it's like man. I'm thinking what for this little thing I'm like, no, I was busy that day I told him no, but they told me that you told him to ask me and I was like, yeah, you know Cuz I wasn't available they called me. I said I'm not available but try such and such, you know Maybe they can help you out, you know, you would actually go get that for them. I'm like, yeah I would go get that for them It's like so you're telling me that you would do this and this and then go down there just for a little thing I'm like, why not? They can't do it, you know if it was something where they could do it, but they don't want to do It that's one thing but the reason they're saying they can help me out is because we have the vehicles to go do it You know, I have a personal van. It has a lot of space in the back I can go pick up this item from them, you know, and I'll just drop it off. No big deal. No harm No foul and I'd be happy to do it and even kind of do this and I will do it for pastor No problem, why would I do it for them for no problem, you know, and they're like, well, I guess I need to fix my attitude And you know what everybody can end up like that where it's like I don't really want to do it, you know, but we need to people that you know I'm ready to be people that are known for your arms, you know for your love for your giving, you know And when I go volunteer and I said look if you need something if I can do it consider it done You know and I do it because to me it's fun, you know Any time any place and always raise it's kind of what I like to have because how could I not if I can't do it It's like I can't do it, you know But if I'm if I'm able to do it I want to be a person that can help my brothers and sisters in Christ or even just some stranger Whatever the case may be, you know, our church doesn't give people money But if they really want to we'll help them get a job Whatever the case may be people come to our church and they're like, hey, I'm a little down this and that and I'm like Well, here's the situation, you know this place out here that hires you and yeah, you know We don't give away money to people. We don't know if I don't get some food in a fridge You know we can give you that for now, you know Even some people that show up and you know, we don't even know who they are and then I look man I hate to ask but I know you guys are at church, you know, it's like this is going on I'm trying to get the job whatever the kids may be. We're like, okay. What exactly do you need? I just need a place to stay and then you see them with kids. I'm like, you know what man you have kids Don't don't don't worry about it We'll take you up for a couple days or whatnot and I'm paying out of my own pocket I'm not saying that because I'm trying to boast or whatever But it's because I was able to help so I'm like look I'm gonna do it I'm gonna help you personally cuz they're like, oh I'll pay the church back. No, man I'm helping you personally if you can pay me back the money. That's fine The person like yeah, you know what XYZ promised me to pay me back and it's just some stranger They showed up with kids in the van, you know, and I felt bad for the kids I'm like, hey get the kids in the church. Let's get him some water. Hey kids. There's some water There's some gator in there go help yourself out. It's like look man. This is my ID whatever look I'm just a little down. I've got this job, you know, whatever the case I'm getting this place. Look here's paperwork I'm being helped by the city to try to get a place for myself what not and he's just kind of like man You know, it's like I just don't know where I'm gonna stay tonight and this and that it's like already borrowed money from everyone I'm gonna pay by the back. I'm like look. Okay. I know problem. I'll help you out You know, let me get you a hotel get on my phone get him a hotel Got your hotel for two three nights. Why cuz that's what I see with the Samaritan now They weren't beat up or anything, but he showed me all this paperwork. I said, all right, you know sincere And it's like look I shouldn't start working. I'll pay you back No problem No big deal and I just set him up or whatever and I feel good about it and I was happy to do it And you know what? Not everybody. I'm gonna help like that. But in this case, I'm a decision Okay, I see your kids. Let's get you guys in a hotel. Don't worry about it. Don't sleep in your vehicle It's Phoenix is hot. Don't worry about it. He promised to pay me back and I'm thinking okay, no harm No, pay me back pay me back Well, he never pay me back, but I didn't really care because I passed Anderson always says hey if you're not willing to kiss the money Goodbye, don't loan it. Don't help people financially if this is your last, you know hundred dollars or whatever Don't don't let somebody else get it, you know, cuz you'll need it etc, etc, but I didn't really care I just wanted to really help them, you know, I'm like hey whether you're telling me truth or not I think you are I'm gonna help you out No big deal, you know the little that I can do to get you basically in a hotel for a couple days while you fix Your situation. Hey, I'm happy. I'm fine. Pay me back if you can that's pretty much what I told him Well, I guess he kind of hurt Don't worry about pay me back Probably happen in that situation, you know But when I think of arms like I said The first person every single time is Cornelius every single time comes up because that's what they keep mentioning about him And not just him but other ladies as well not just men but other feet or other characters were also mentioned as far as giving arms You know, but that's one thing that I want my kids to be known for is not just people that I've always seen But I want you to be a person that loves to help people Loves to help other people and if anything just do it for the Lord because the Bible says whatever good thing you do that Seems to receive of the Lord, you know, and I like how people, you know, how how about you know individuals without even Mentioning or us even know who they are because the Bible also talks about being careful doing your arms before men He kind of wants you to do it secretly and whatever you do secretly says if you do your arm secretly guys gonna reward You openly and it happens time and time again I get I get these envelopes and it has members names on it and I open it up just see what it is and sure Enough as a gift card or whatever the case or sometimes it's just like a money order and it says give it to such-and-such For his personal issues or whatever the case may be these people are giving and they're giving secretly and they're giving arms This isn't their time, you know sure enough open stuff up to such-and-such. Can you please give it a second? I'm like, no problem. Go to the church. Remember a this came in for you Somebody you know wanting you to have this they open it up and they're like, oh, you know I've opened things up where it's church members not even giving it to the pastor and it's like a thousand dollars in cash I'm like, oh man, no problem. Hey, somebody wanted you to have a dozen dollars in cash, you know So they give secretly so not just want my kids to be people they give and help and they're known for arms But a kids do it secretly, you know, don't be the guy You know, like it says don't sound a trumpet look how much I hope people look how much I give you know Do this stuff in secret, you know But this is something that I think it's an awesome attribute to be somebody who's known as somebody they give somebody that helps out You know and even Christ told you a give alms give alms, but do it secretly and God will reward you openly. Amen It's going the extra mile like he said in Matthew 5 whosoever so compelled me to go a mile go with him Twain Twain obviously means to took me a while to figure it out when I was a new Christian So I'm just throwing it out there like what is Twain? What is that that's weird, you know, and it's like what is twain finally googled it to make sense All right So the first thing obviously that I'm bringing up is being somebody who avoids sin second thing somebody who's known for their offs And the other thing is somebody who hates or here's how I put it Someone who have whores evil that word of whore comes up a lot a lot and a lot and a lot in the Bible And what I mean by a poor well, here's what I mean Somebody that hates the spices the test low scores abominates. I don't know why this in there be allergic to be grossed out Sometimes we will get upset cuz pastors like that's simple. That's the way kid. That's gross on to me That's disgusting and it's like well, what's wrong with your pastor? Nothing It says to a poor evil and that's what a poor means It means to be grossed out to have no use for so an awesome attribute that I see You know from Christians in the Bible is that these guys they hate evil They hate evil and I give you an example if you got your Bible, I want you to go ahead and meet me just go ahead and meet me and Let's take a look here first Samuel 17 verse 48 go to first Samuel 17 verse 48 But I'll just read a few verses talk about or use the word I pour You know, here's one in Psalms 5 8 thou shall destroy them to speak leasing the Lord way of whore the bloody and deceitful, man So God loves everyone no, he doesn't he says that he abhors the bloodiness of a man he hates it He hates them the wicked boasted of his heart's desire and blessed the covetous whom the Lord at whore God hates individual that has a boasting heart and his blessing the covetous blessing those that love money God says the Bible says God hates him Psalms 119 163. This is David talking. I hate and abhor lying. I Abhor line by that law do I love there it is again. He loves God's law, but he hates evil Psalms 101 3 I was said no one could think before my eyes I hate the work of them to turn aside. It shall not cleave unto me. So keyword he hates. So what is abhor to hate? Psalms 119 128 therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right and I hate every false way And is David a great Christian? I think he's an awesome Christian and yet what is he saying? I abhor I hate I abhor I hate do you hate evil? Do you hate sin now? What was the first thing that I thought was cool about Christians in the Bible? What was the first attribute that he is shoot evil to avoid it, you know that you can avoid evil without hating it Not the same thing Avoiding his hating is two different things Take for example lost wife. I guess she was forced to avoid Sodom as she's being dragged by the angel But was she really happy to leave? She knew what's the right thing to do because he said hey the Lord's gonna destroy this place She knew it's the right thing to do. She need a little help doing the right thing like most of us. Amen But did she really want to do that? Did she really want to leave? No, she did not and if you don't cross that line if you don't get to the side where you hate evil It's not gonna go well for any of us It's just not so I'm just here to be the voice of reason that you know, what? Yes, you don't go to the bars, but do you despise alcohol? Yes, you don't go hang out with your buddies at these bar fest baseball games understand But do you actually know why you shouldn't go and believe in it and realize you know What I love the sport and the Arizona Diamondbacks are my favorite team or whatever Man, it's not worth it It's not worth to take my kids down there because you're gonna see the little whatever Modest females like every other seat or whatever because they don't go down there to be modest. It's not a church service Let me put it that way when you go to a baseball game these days or whatever event or rock and roll fast Or whatever country fest rap fest, whatever you name it That's not a church service and the people that go to these events, you know, let's just put it this way I don't think they're all unsaved. I Think they're either we Christians water down Christians or baby Christians And if we don't tell them look that's not a healthy environment to be it's not gonna help you grow it can help you even Sin because guess what? Yes, it was alcohol, but there's been certain Activities or whatever where people take it up a little bit more and you see them smoking weed and you see them doing whatever You know because it's a it's a it's just a cool thing to do, you know Because I mean, I guess I guess a lot of people that that go to these events They just go for the music but a lot of them go because they want to sell their drugs You know, they want to sell whatever the case may be, you know So it's not a great place to be and it's not enough to like avoid it. We have to be people that hate it I mean look what David says 119 104 that precepts I get understanding therefore. I hate every false way and then what's the same romance? This is a great verse romance. Hope let love be with without the simulation Abhorred that which is evil. It's not a suggestion and if you don't hate evil start by asking God to help you to hate evil and Guess what? That'll probably solve 99% of your problems that we just get to the point where we hate it Not just like I know it's bad. I know I shouldn't do it, you know, and I'm not doing it You know, I haven't done it in years, but do you despise it? You know, do you hate the fact that you ever committed such sins ever got into such activities such music such whatever You know because the the awesome Christians in the Bible they hate they hate evil. They don't hate good They hate evil and I was always wondering if I should preach a sermon, you know Because our pastor obviously you guys know who he is. He gets a lot of hate mail and like why are you so hateful? You're such a wicked man X Y&Z you're just a mean pastor and I've always wanted to kind of like go through the Bible write down names of these Christian characters and Basically come up with a sermon with a title something like this, you know, ten men that are more mean than Pastor Anderson Ten men that are more mean than Pastor Anderson because sometimes, you know new Christians are confused like This is a little mean, you know, but we'll go into it you guys are there for Samuel, right? I'll just go over a few more verses than I hit up for Samuel It says in a hit of Psalms 36 1 through 4 says the tradition of the wicked say is within my heart that there is No fear of God before his eyes for he flatter it. So the subject is a wicked person, you know, how do how do you know? How do I kind of know if I'm being wicked? Well, here's an example, you know, if you read this and this is you Yeah, God's not happy with you, but I'll just read it out loud for he flatter it himself in his own eyes There's talking about a person who's not right For he flattered himself in his own eyes until it's iniquity be found to be hateful The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. So are you a person that use a lot of flattery? I was constantly flattering people, you know, are you a deceitful person? He says he has left off to be wise and to do good Says he divisive mischief upon his bed. He said it this up in a way that is not good. He abhor it not evil Is that you? Do you know that it's wrong, but you don't really have a big deal a big problem with it. Yeah, you know most pastors Homosexuality is a sin, you know bottom line sitting down with them having a conversation You know how many homosexuals have email pastor we sit down and talk no because you're an abomination not to me But that's the truth Because what was what was one of the definitions of abomination? It's like disgusting to you It's an it's an it's an allergy to you. Let me see if I can quickly pull it up. What did I get? Oh, there you go, you know abominate be allergic to grossed out That's one of the definitions of abhor grossed out so you grossed out by them And they're like, I can't believe your pastor's grossed out by this sin, I don't like it, but I'm not grossed out That's because it's not an abomination not to you. You don't have poor that sin. You can handle these people supposedly you know, but Look at the kind of people that were in the Bible you guys are right there in first Samuel 17 This is where Samuel's rebuking King Saul says then it came to pass when the Philippines arose and came and drew nigh to meet David that David hastened and ran toward the Army to meet the Philistines and David put his hand in his bag. Oh, no, I'm sorry. This is story of David and Goliath You know he took us when he fights Goliath and David put his hand in his bag and took there's a stone and slanged in and smote The Philistine in his forehead that sunk that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth So he kills the guy and you're thinking boom done over with I mean think about it you fight a guy You know, you you you pretty much killed him. He's down He's out, you know, that person would just be like boom done over with right. Well, let's see what David did Let's go to verse 51. It says therefore David ran and threw it upon the Philistine So, you know, he ends up knocking him out throws a stone kills the guy the stone went inside his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth and Then David ran upon the Philistine took his sword drew it out. And what did he do? He slew him and he cut off his head. That's mean That's pretty mean the guys already dead. Why are you cutting off his head, you know, what else one character is more meaner than Pastor But why did he do that was it because he just wanted to do it No It's because he abhor the bloody and deceitful man because he hated the fact that this guy was Blaspheming the Lord, you know just sending it up in front of his face and ended up killing them You know and there's stories where a man and a woman got basically pierced You know through and killed because they're committed for an occasion and a person that did it did it not because he just wanted to Be mean because he hated that sin. He abhorred evil. You got your Bible. Let's go to Exodus 32 Exodus chapter number 32 and I'm almost done Don't worry. I'm using a tablet on my 5% battery. So I will be done I Know I should have charged it. I really was gonna die this quick So if you can help me out and get a little quicker to Exodus chapter number 32 Here's another guy that hated evil. He abhorred it so much and you can tell by what he did. This is talking about Moses Exodus 32 17 and when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted He said unto Moses there was a noise of war in the camp and he said it's not the voice of them that shout for Mastery neither is the voice of them that cry, you know for being overcome But the noise of them that sing do I hear and it came to pass as soon as he came nigh unto the camp They saw the cap and the dancing and Moses anger Waxed hot. Why did he get angry? Cuz he's just a mean person No, cuz he saw the sin. He saw the sin that was going on and that's the anger us as well Cuz he abhor sin, that's where he got this angry attitude your pastor such an angry person not 24-7. Oh, he's not But when it's when it's time to get angry and you look up as being angry that's just the Bible Bibleman says be angry and sin not how do you know when you're sinning and you're angry when you're when you hate things that are Not evil when you start getting angry at good things like a pastor who's preaching right, you know And he's preaching right you get mad because he preached against something you like and you disagree or whatever That's when your anger is not right. But when you're angry like Moses because they're they're building a golden calf It says that his anger wax hot and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount Here's the part. I want to show you verse 20 and he took the calf which they have made and he burned it into the fire and ground it to powder and Straw it upon the water and what did he do? He made the children of Israel drink of it Here's another pastor who who's more mean than Pastor Anderson He melted this thing and made the people drink it He's like you like this calf so much. I'm gonna drink Pastor Anderson is never gonna close to making us drink anything Drink it, but isn't that pretty wild that's a wild story. How would he do that? Because he hated sin so much He wanted to teach them a lesson. They never forget, but they did forget it eventually and they went back to what they were doing Another guy is also Caleb. I'm sorry Samuel Samuel I mean this guy What can I say about the prophet Samuel I'll just read it first Samuel 15, you know, he rebukes King Saul I got him out of order I said originally the first story was about King Saul and King or Samuel King Saul wasn't it was about David and Goliath But this last story is about Samuel rebuking David And so I'll start out with rebuking him first Samuel 15 says wherefore then did thou not obey the words of the Lord But this fly upon the spoil and this evil in the sight of the Lord and Simon says this I did obey the Lord But he didn't he disobeyed him He was supposed to kill everyone because they were wicked especially the king but they allowed the king to live and then sure enough What happens, you know verse 33 says this? Samuel said, you know to King Agag he says as thy sword had made woman childless so shall thy mother be childish among woman and Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord and Gilgal So Samuel chopped this king up in pieces because he was a murderer He was a wicked King, but how was he able to do it because he abhorred evil He hated evil so much It was an offer him to kill this man because this man was an abomination on to Samuel God had told King Saul Hey kill him King Saul was too nice. He didn't hate evil like like Samuel did So why didn't Samuel kill this guy or why didn't King Saul kill him because he didn't hate him as much as Samuel did Samuel took a sword and chopped them up in pieces. And that was what God wanted to happen to this individual So, what do we see? Characters in the Bible that really really hated sin and I try to wonder what if that was me Could I really do it? Could I really take a sword and start hacking King Agag into pieces? Could I really ground down the golden calf and make people his woman children make them drink it? I don't know, you know Can I really be you know, like like David and you know? Knock a guy out kill him and take off his head and walk around with it It's like I don't know if I could do that, you know, then I wonder man I must not hate sin like I should but I'm like Lord how many hate sin like Moses? How many hate sin like Samuel how many hate sin like King David, you know? How many do I afford sin to hate it not just avoid it but avoid it and hate it Because that's what I see these awesome Christians doing so three awesome attributes. I believe these are great attributes I want my kids to be filled with these attributes. And once again, it's a shoeing evil or avoiding sin Stay away from it. Get away from it. If it looks whack move on get away from it You don't want to you don't want to get near it better safe than sorry But that I don't think is wrong to go to this place think there you go Think there's a difference between knowing and thinking thinking is a guess What if you're wrong? You're gonna hurt your walk with God. You're gonna hurt your blessings. You're gonna you're gonna commit sin Versus I know this place is like this church. I know it's a great place to come to I don't wonder I know Right. What about blah blah blah community church? I think it's a good place. I think it's fine What is what am I telling you? I'm guessing right? I'm guessing So that's the thing about avoiding if you're not sure avoid it It's just you're not fully persuaded in your mind avoid it just a bottom line avoid it Better safe than sorry and that's how we should be better safe than sorry. It's shoe evil because was job not the greatest So it's like well, I want to be great, but I don't know if I can do that you'll never be great Well, okay. I'm fine being just regular. Well, guess what? These things are not even an option We're supposed to aim for them. Anyways, so it's supposed to do them Anyways, it's not like in 1st Timothy 3 the qualifications for a bishop Those are just if you think if you think you want to do these things Oh, you want to know how to be a cool Christian? Here's some here's some suggestions No those qualifications are for us as well to aim for to try to have and then when you see these things as well where Job and shoe evil guys, I can't hint. That's what I want you to do, too I want you to be known for somebody who you know issues evil. So when your friends like bro Why won't you go here? Because I don't because I don't want to go there. That's just the bottom line I don't want to go there. You know, I love God's Word I'm not just doing it because it's the right thing to do. I'm doing it because I love doing the right thing That's what I want to be and what was the other one arms? I want my kids to be people that they love to give love to help, you know I'm ready to just hope whatever the kingdom would be look around, you know Because here's the thing a lot of people come to me because I'm in charge of the cleaning Professor girls anything I can do for you as they see the trash is overflowing because you just had donut sundae You know as you see all the donut crumbs on the carpet as you see the tables all up Then we have to put away, you know saying as they see me like a stress monkey trying to get the baptisms done It's like are you really asking me this question look around? You know look around I like when people are like pressure girl, where do you keep the trash bags? Oh way back there in that closet. Thank you. You know, they're not asking they're like, hey man, where's the mops? Hey, man, where's the vacuum, you know, where do you keep the vacuum? You know after a while people that really care about helping out they know where the vacuum is I know the trash is that you know, they know they know where the dumpsters at, you know They don't need to be told they don't need to come to me. Hey, do you need help with anything? It's like are you really asking me right now? You know, they just want to basically kind of like hey pay attention to me, you know, well We know what we know what's up. And of course, what's the last one? I want my kids to hate evil It's like you know what you're doing these things because I'm making you do them, but do you understand why? Do you realize that this is wrong? This is wrong. This is wrong Yeah, but do you despise those sins? Do you hate those sins? You see why I don't want to do these things I don't want to yeah, they're doing it, but I don't want to do them, you know, help me out kids You know because when the kids are on board it's easier for the parents to tell them to do things You know sometimes when they are against you it's harder to want to say hey You know do this because you don't want to deal with it, you know, but at the end I think these are great three things. I mean, there's so many this could be part one Maybe tonight will be part two But I'm thinking what are some awesome attributes that Christians have in the Bible and I see this this and this and I'm like wow That's a lot and they all start with the letter a so maybe I will do part two tonight Other than that, let's just pray there father. We thank you so much for this opportunity to come to your house Lord Help us to just be awesome Christians as well. I know it's a big task there father None of us want to walk around like I'm just a great wonderful Christian We don't want that what we want to do Lord is be great Christians in your eyes not in our eyes and father We know what the truth is. We have it in our hands So the more we read it the more we're gonna realize how we're doing in life But father at the end of the day, we need your help without you we can do nothing and we understand that So I prayed there Lord ages blesses of wisdom Not just that understanding not just that there father joy Cuz that's what keeps bringing us back a lot of things so much for this opportunity to be able to preach here Lord I really you know, don't know, you know, why why in the world there father, you know A lot of people are falling away But I think it's because they just need to get themselves some good characteristics some good attributes Give themselves something to aim for and in reality father is gonna help to just try to do what's right and we ask you To just bless everybody here Lord, please bless them as they go home and we ask you to do all this in Jesus name. Amen All Right take out your song books and turn to our last song song number 228 Song 228 I love to tell the story Song number 228 there on the first I love Story of Jesus and his love I love to tell the story Because I know it is true it satisfies my longings as Nothing else can do I love to tell the story It will be my theme in glory To tell the old old story of Jesus and his love To tell the story More wonderful it seems then all the golden Fancies of all our golden dreams. I Love to tell the story It did so much for me and that Is just the reason I tell it now to thee I Love to tell the story It will be my theme in glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I Love to tell the story Tis pleasant to repeat What seems each time I tell it more wonderfully sweet I Love to tell the story For some have never heard The message of salvation From God's own Holy Word I Love to tell the story It will be my theme in glory to tell the old old story of Jesus and his love I Love to tell the story For those who know it best seem hungering and thirsty to hear it like the rest and when in scenes of glory I sing a new new song Twill be the old old story that I Have loved so long. I Love to tell the story It will be my theme in glory To tell the old old story of Jesus and his love Amen you're all dismissed You