(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. She's song number 215. Song 215. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Song 215. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. I need you guys to sing nice and loud with me on this one. Alright. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Oh what a wonderful wonderful day day I will never forget. After I wandered in darkness away Jesus my savior I met. Oh what a tender compassionate friend. He met the need of my heart. Shadows dispelling with joy I'm telling. Made all the darkness depart. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. When at the cross the savior made me whole. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Born of the spirit with light from above into God's family divine. Justified fully through Calvary's love. Oh what a standing is mine. And the transaction so quickly was made when as a sinner I came. Took up the offer of grace he did proper. He saved me oh praise his dear name. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. When at the cross the savior made me whole. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Now I've a hope that will surely endure after the passing of time. I have a future in heaven for sure. There in those mansions so fine. And it is because of that wonderful day when at the cross I believed riches eternal and blessings supernal from his precious hand I received. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. When at the cross the savior made me whole. My sins were washed away and my night was turned to day. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. Amen. Brother Joel you want to pray for us this evening? Amen. Amen. Alright, go to flipping your handles to song 441. This song is 441 Great is Thy Faithfulness. On 441 Great is Thy Faithfulness. 441 On the first Great is Thy Faithfulness O God my Father There is no shadow of turning with Thee Thou changes not Thy compassion's they fail not As Thou has been Thou forever will be Great is Thy Faithfulness Great is Thy Faithfulness Morning by morning new mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto me summer and winter and springtime and harvest sun, moon and stars in their courses above joined with all nature in venerable witness to Thy Great Faithfulness mercy and love Great is Thy Faithfulness Great is Thy Faithfulness Morning by morning new mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto me pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and pride hope for tomorrow blessing so fine with ten thousand beside Great is Thy Faithfulness Great is Thy Faithfulness Morning by morning new mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath provided Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto me Amen. Great seeing you this evening. This time we'll go ahead and go over the announcements. Go ahead and pull out your bulletins from the morning. On the top left of the bulletin we do have our service times listed. We meet Sunday morning at 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening at 5 30 p.m. and that mid-week Bible study is on Thursday at 7 p.m. We have our church-wide soul-winning times with the respective leaders and our salvation and praise report underneath there. I think I did take account. We had a total of six this afternoon. Amen. So good job soul-winning. Did I miss anybody? Does anybody have anything else? I had six to that. So good job soul-winning. We also have an expecting lady in the church, Sister Corinne Darnell so keep her and the developing one in your prayers. We have a list of guest preachers here. February 20th today we have brother Chris Zegura preaching for us. Always a blessing having him and his family. Thursday March 3rd we'll have brother Dylan Oz and then he's coming right back March 6th. So we'll have him twice in a row and then we'll have brother Chris Zegura back with us March 10th and then on March 20th we'll have brother Ben Naim preaching for us. We've got a great lineup. Again thank all these guys for coming to preach for us. It's a blessing having them. And then just some upcoming events. We have a lot of things to look forward to. A lot of soul-winning opportunities. February 6th which is next Saturday. There's a soul-winning marathon in Waco, Texas. And then March 24th 25th and 26th is the soul-winning seminar at Steadfast Baptist Church up in Hurst, Texas. We have a small town soul-winning marathon in College Station. That's April 2nd. And then May 21st we have a soul-winning marathon in Austin, Texas. That's being put on by Steadfast Baptist Church as well. So a lot of soul-winning opportunities. A lot of things to get involved in. We're still trying to reach that 1,000 mark goal for salvation this year. I think we can do it. Very doable. But that is basically the announcements for the evening. Lastly if you have any prayer requests definitely always email those into the church at purewordsbaptist at gmail.com. We can be in prayer for anyone that needs it. With that let's go ahead and go to our third song. Pull your hymnals out and we'll go to song number 127. Song 127. Song 127. Song 127. You might have the piano. The piano helps out. It helps me out. I know that. Sounds good. Song 127. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. Go and start there on the first. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. Just to take him at his word. Just to rest upon his promise. Just to know the saith the Lord. Jesus, Jesus how I trust him. How I proved him more and more. Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus Oh for praise to trust him more. Oh how sweet to trust in Jesus. Just to trust his cleansing blood. Just in simple faith to punch me beneath the healing cleansing blood. Jesus, Jesus how I trust him. How I proved him more and more. Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus. Oh for praise to trust him more. Yes tis sweet to trust in Jesus. Just from sin and self to cease. Just from Jesus simply taking life and rest in joy and peace. Jesus, Jesus how I trust him. How I proved him more and more. Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus. Oh for praise to trust him more. I'm so glad I learned to trust the precious Jesus savior friend. And I know that thou art with me. Wilt be with me to the end. Jesus, Jesus how I trust him. How I proved him more and more. Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus. Oh for praise to trust him more. Amen. Amen. So at this time you can go ahead and pull out your Bibles and turn in your Bibles to John chapter 9. John chapter 9 we'll have brother Jeff come read for us and we'll go ahead and pass the offering plate. Alright so you all are there in John chapter 9. In John 9 the Bible reads in verse 1, as Jesus passed by and saw a man which was blind from his birth the disciples asked him saying, Master who did sin? This man or his parents? That he was born blind. Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must work the works of him that sent me. What would his day? The night cometh when no man can work. As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world. When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground and made play of the spittle and anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, and said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, which is my interpretation since. He went his way therefore and washed and came seeing. The neighbors therefore, and they which were before had seen that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged? Some said, This is he. Others said, He is like him, but he said, I am he. Therefore said they unto him, How are thine eyes opened? He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay and anointed mine eyes and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam and wash. And I went and washed and I received sight. Then said they unto him, Where is he? He said, I know not. They brought to the Pharisees him that was a four time blind. And it was the Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. And again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes and I washed and do see. Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them. They say unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him that he hath opened thine eyes? He said, He is a prophet. But the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and received his sight. And so they called the parents of him that received his sight. And they asked him, Saying, Is this your son who ye say was born blind? How then doth he now see? His parents answered them and said, We know that this is our son and that he was born blind. But by what means he now see if we know not, or who hath opened his eyes? We know not. He is of age. Ask him. He shall speak for himself. These words fake his parents because they feared the Jews. The Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue. Therefore, said his parents, He is of age. Ask him. Then again they called they the man that was blind and said unto him, Give God the praise. We know that this man is a sinner. He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not. One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see. Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? How opened he thine eyes? He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear. Wherefore would ye hear it again? Will ye also be his disciples? Then they revolved him and said, Thou are his disciple, but we are Moses' disciples. We know that God spake unto Moses. As for this fellow, we know not from whence he is. The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvelous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes? Now we know that God heareth not sinners, but if any man be a worshiper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth. Since the world began, was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind? If this man were not of God, he could do nothing. They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and thus thou teach us? And they cast him out. Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe the Son of God? He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him? And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe, and he worshipped him. And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see might not see, and that they which see might be made blind. And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? He just said unto him, If you were blind, you should have no sin, but now you say, We see, therefore your sin remaineth. Let's all bow our heads for a quick word of prayer. Your Heavenly Father, if this is your spirit, and a couple of your feet, and a couple of your feet, and a couple of your feet, and a couple of your feet, and a couple of your feet, and a couple of your feet, and a couple of your feet, and a couple of your feet... Amen. And yes I was late. And yes I was late. Somebody did point it out. But I haven't been late in who knows how long. Obviously I work for the church so I'm usually there early to set up, whatever, so I don't remember what was the last time, but 5 o'clock rolls around. Alright Clock rolls around our girls. Let's get ready to go called the uber. Everything's going well go outside waiting for the uber guy Five minutes four minutes three minutes two minutes one minute and I just kind of try to make it easy on the guy Hey, I'm at the home book suite, you know, just out here in the entrance even sends a message. I see you he thrives Sees me and drives past me. Like what was that? I'm like, hey, that's alright. I'm like, hey I'm at the front and he kind of like just whatever I'm like, okay Well, he'll be here soon put my phone in my pocket figure don't need anymore Then I'm looking around like where the heck is he turn it on. He cancels the ride I'm like what in the world but quickly I get on there and get it again Because he's the one in the area they give it back to him. So I'm like, I don't care bro It's like hey, I thought I hit cancer accidentally I'm like did I hit cancer accidentally and so I just put it back in my phone anything anything of it I'm like, well, he's right around the corner somewhere I'm like his let's go up to the street so he doesn't have to like pass us so we can kind of wave him down So we go to the street and then sure enough. I'm like, he should be around here I'm like, no way look it out. Look down. He canceled me again This time is saying that I didn't have a man all three of us have masks on So now I can't even get in there until I take a picture on the uber app and prove I have a man There I am snapping away and I'm like, okay. Boom. I got a man then it lets me finally get in and get another one So at this point, I'm just like hey, I don't care I just got the one up because I figured I'm getting the cheapest one. All right one up So get the one up the Excel ride Where's only a couple bucks more or whatever and then that guy showing up at six minutes away But he shows up fine. It's me no big deal even finds me goes into the parking lot and whatever I don't know what's going on and I'm not trying to judge but this name was Muhammad So, I don't know that that would just possess this dude, I mean he could be Christian I don't know and I don't need I don't even think is that I'm just giving the guys benefit out Maybe he just realized I'm too tired if I get this guy and his kids in my vehicle I don't want to be responsible for killing three. So who knows because I've been there I've done that I got the t-shirt that I'm driving sometimes that I'm so tired. I got people like brothers a girl. You okay? Yeah, why cuz you're driving 50 on the 75. Oh my bad Hey, it's happened. All right, but that's why I'm late not trying to make any excuses Tell my kids a a loss is a loss no matter what the cause we're late. We're late We can't blame people should have got the uber at 445, you know to be there at 5 o'clock Hey, man, so no one to blame but myself Well, let's take a look right there at the Bible John 9 27 It says that he answered them I have told you already and you did not hear wherefore would you hear it again? Will you also be his disciples and the title of my sermon is this annoying others? Annoying others, I don't know that's ever been a sermon priest on annoying. Oh, oh see we need it. Look at this They're like that's you know, that's you sis But listen if there's a chapter that I like pulling out to show my kids don't be an annoying individual is John 9 Because this is the story with Jesus. He was a blind guy and he's going around and people are like, hey, what's the deal? How come you can see now, but let's take a look at the Bible Let's kind of see really quickly while you're turning right there. Look at verse number six I'm just gonna give you the definition of annoying from dictionary comm it says this to disturb or bother in a way that displeases troubles or slightly Irritate I guess all the words we can use is pester pick on bug I was at a church members house one time not a faithful word. So don't be looking at faithful word people This is back in California. We were having a meeting It was a meeting from an addictions program that I volunteered and the guy that that I was running it He was having to meet at his house and at his house, but the guy had like 12 kids You know one of them looks like seven years old, but they didn't discipline them the way they should have Let me put it that way because I'm an adult. I'm there I'm their guest and this kid keeps picking on me like he keeps poking me hiding poking me hiding And so I'm thinking I ain't gonna say anything, you know, I'm just kind of dealing with it And so lately I'm just kind of they're listening in all of a sudden I fear somebody poke and run poke and run finally the dad got upset cuz he was embarrassed and he's like Thomas You know stop, you know, I'm messing with brother girl. Stop being a pest and the kid responds back. You're a pest dad and I'm like And I never looked up that word pest but when I saw that one of the words used to describe Annoying it says pester. It wasn't hard to figure out pest pester Stop being a pest. Let's not even look at the word pest. It's an annoying person big shocker. Amen But let's take a look at verse six. Look at this story It's just an awesome story of how people are being annoying and they don't even see it It's like they're clueless to how knowing their being to the point where the other person ends up being annoying themselves Let's take a look really quick It says when he had thus spoken, this is the one this is the guy who was blind now You can see it says we now thus spoken he spayed on the ground and made clay of the spittle And I'm sorry, this is Jesus Christ Basically healing the man and Jesus anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay and said unto him go wash in the pool Shalom, which is by interpretation said he went his way therefore and washed and came seeing the neighbors therefore and they wish before Has seen him that he was blind Said it's not that he that sat and begged some said this is he others said he is like him But he now he himself, you know, he's testifying he's telling these people what happened But he said I am he I'm the one that was blind and now I can see says therefore say they out to him How would they nice open? They're asking him how you can see now and he tells them he answered and said a man that is called Jesus may claim known to my eyes and said unto me go to the pool Shalom and wash and I went and wash and I Receive sight then said they out to him. Where is he? He said I know not then they brought to the then it says they brought to the Pharisees him that a fourth time was blind And it was the seventh day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes then again the Pharisees also asked him how he Have received his sight and I'm pretty sure by this time. They're not like the second group of people I'm sure the first group it's like a it's a you he says I am he and I'm sure that people kept asking what happened What happened? Who knows how many people asked him? But he highly doubt that the Pharisees are like the second group of people asking him like what happened? You know and he tells him he says in verse number 15 He said unto them he put clay upon my eyes and I and I washed and do you see Therefore says some of the Pharisees this man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabbath day Others said how can a man that is a sinner do such miracles and there was a division among them They say unto the blind men again. So now they're asking him again. What say is of him? He has opened my eyes He said he is a prophet But the Jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and received his sight until they called the parents of him That had received his sight and isn't that annoying when somebody asked you something and you tell him And they just keep down there. Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? Let me just put it this way. Don't be mr. Sure Are you sure about that man? Are you a positive? All right. Okay. All right, you know Unless you know for sure the guy you're talking to you has a history of being wrong then okay, you know, then you could be mr sure Verse 19 and they asked him saying is this your son who me let me say was born blind how then does he now see his Parents answered him and said we know that this is our son that he was born blind But but why means he now seeeth we know not or who has opened his eyes We know not, you know, he is of age ask him. He shall speak for himself These were spake his parents because they feared the Jews for the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was Christ he should be put out of synagogue. Therefore said his parents He is of age ask him then again called a the man that was blind and said unto him Yeah, if God the praise we know that this man is a sinner He answered and said wherefore he be a sinner or no, I know not one thing I know that whereas I was blind now, I see then said a to him again. What did he today now? They're asking him again This is called being annoying So he's annoying the daylight side of them and let me make it very clear Hey, if you're being annoying is contagious you can cause people to be annoyed Therefore they're gonna become annoying themselves and we'll see that in a second There is a guy trying to give God the glory trying to say hey I don't know who this guy is, but hey, I used to be blind now. I'm not I'm not sure if he's a sinner I highly doubt that but hey, you know what he opened up eyes now I can't see you know, so let's take a look at verse number 17 or verse 27 He got so fed up. He says this he answered them. I have told you already so now he's annoyed You know and then for because he's annoyed then he becomes annoying. Look what he does and he did not hear wherefore Will you hear it again? Will you also be his disciples? He knows that was gonna rub them the wrong way. Well, let me put it this way What was the definition of Annoying someone it's basically to disturb bother in a way that displeases troubles or slightly irritates He knew that they were out to get Jesus. He knew that he liked Jesus He knew they have something against Jesus But he wanted to just rub it in so they kept on knowing him by kept asking him what happened How can you now see he's like are you gonna be as disciples now? Cuz he knew that wasn't what they wanted to do And as soon as he says that they get annoyed and what do they do? They get all upset verse 28 then they revile him and said don't hurt his disciple like that's a bad thing Because they're not thinking you know, they're so annoying They can't even realize how annoying that they are and we've done that before Okay, I got a point of there because they were fighting with each other. They're like, yeah, you're annoying me No, you're annoying me. Hey, I've been there done. They got the t-shirt off out with my brothers. I picked on them I said things that I knew was gonna cause my brother to get upset and I think the worst Thing I ever did to him I was picking on him so bad because something had happened I'm not sure but we're so mad at him We were picking on my older brother Jose and I ended up just getting so mad then the last one of the last things I said was way to go genius and Instead of him like like cussing at me or whatever. He basically like yells at me. You know what? You're the genius And I say yeah, that's right I am the genius you're the idiot that causes to get grounded But he wasn't thinking like this Pharisee so reminds me of my brother Jose Cuz he's like you gotta be a sample. You're there's disciples. Like that's a big this And he doesn't stop being annoying cuz this guy he's having some fun with the Pharisees. He's loving it Look at what happens verse number 30 the blind man, then the man answered and said unto them Why here in is a marvelous thing that you know not from when he is and yet he has opened my eyes Man he did that just to make them mad and then he says this now We know the guy heard not sinners But if any man be a worshiper of God and do this as well he here with him Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind If this man were not of God, he could do nothing and they got so mad the answer to set out to him Now it's all together born and says now they're taking pop shot at him But they were the rude reason behind all this annoyings that's happening because that's what they're doing. It keeps second-guessing Are you sure whatever and their motives are wrong and this guy can see it and see that's the thing about you know Annoying people and we'll get into that when you look at scriptures. It's not always wrong It's not always wrong but most of the time it is wrong and If you got your Bibles go to first Samuel go first Samuel and they're all mad and they're like, hey That was born the sense that I'll teach us now you want to teach us then they cast them out You know, even though they were the problem. They were the ones that were causing this guy to get upset They were knowing him but he therefore started to annoy them and in this situation if I have to say was the guy in the right or the wrong I have to say that he was in the right because these Are Pharisees these are wicked people. He's trying to help them by telling them. No, Jesus is legit I don't know who this guy is, but he was a he's a good guy in my book. He healed me I don't know anything about him, but he healed me. I was blind now. I can see I don't think the guy's bad I don't think God listens to wicked people It's like I think God here is those that are righteous and answers their prayer I think that's what we have in the situation and they're like, oh you're teaching us Get out of here because of their pride because of their waken No, but let me read a verse right now Exodus 22 21 says this thou shall neither vex a stranger Nor oppress him for you were strangers in the land of Egypt Now if you google search it whatever use a software to look up the word annoy It's not gonna be found in the King James Bible You're not gonna find it But it's funny that you'll find Exodus 22 21 that says thou shall neither vex a stranger nor oppress them But when you look up the word vex, which is in the Bible, here's the definition of X dictionary calm to irritate annoy irritate annoy So what is God saying? Hey, don't irritate don't annoy a stranger a stranger is a foreigner Somebody that's not from that land. He's like, hey don't annoy these people. How can you know him by picking on him? Every did that in high school. I'm ashamed to admit it, but it's crazy. My parents were immigrants I'm Mexican American. She kind of knows what they call us. My parents are from Mexico They cross illegally got amnesty because of Reagan now their citizens or my dad passed away from a monster citizen But anybody that crossed the border in high school the Chicanos the Mexican Americans We picked on them so bad. We called them chokes. Who's ever heard that before? Chokes you heard it before Chopes is short for Chopra. What's a Chopra a Chopra is a type of fish in Mexico So we call him chokes which is short for Chopra's which is the way of saying this guy's a Chopra Meaning that he crossed the river illegally So it's always the Mexican Americans versus the Chopra's we despise them We look down upon them because guess what? They're here illegally. They can't get good job So they don't have the fanciest stuff. Not that I had it either but look at me. Mr Hypocrite here making fun of these Chopra's when my parents were Chopra's as well They were chokes, but anytime we wanted to make fun of these strangers We just vexed them by calling them chokes because they hated it. They chokes Chopra's there was an English We just call them chokes if they didn't speak good English. We call them Chopra's they knew we were talking about We're basically calling them wetbacks Wetbacks talk about oppressing a stranger. We didn't make them feel welcome We despise them kind of like that because we fell for the media. They're coming over illegally. They're messing up the country They're criminals. They shouldn't be here. This should only be for America Americans first Americans only Hey, I fell for that and my parents were illegals. They were strangers. How stupid of a teenager was I? But here God is saying hey, it's a sin for you to vex the strangers a sin for you to annoy a stranger So don't do it and guess what going to know each other either But I told you to go to where? first Samuel, correct Like I said First thing I want to say about annoying people is can be sinful. It can't be simple. Let's take a look here for Samuel Chapter number one it says this now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim of Mount Ephraim and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham the son of Elihu the son of Tohu the son of Zeus and Ephrathite and he had two wives which you shouldn't have done But that's another sermon for another day The name of the one was Hannah and the name of the other Peninnah and Peninnah had children But Hannah had no children and this man went up out of this city yearly to worship at the sacrifice on to the Lord of Shiloh and the two sons of Eli half-life in has the priests of the Lord were there and when the time was that Elkanah offered he gave to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and her daughters portions But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion for he loved Hannah But the Lord has shut up her womb verse number six and her adversary whose hand is adversary Peninnah it says her adversary Provoked her Sword or to make her fret because the Lord has shut up her womb Like I said, you look up the word annoy It's not in the King James Bible, but you are gonna find a word back which means to annoy But another word that you're gonna find in the Bible is the word provoke and what does the word provoke me? I'll give you the dictionary definition dictionary.com says this To provoke means to feel or express worry annoyance. I'm sorry I'm ahead of myself. Let me just give you the definition provoke. It just means to annoy It's one of the definitions but the word Fred I wrote that one down the other one I was just going to give it to you So I'm a little bit ahead of myself, but the word provoke if you look it up It just means to anger to upset to annoy and that is part of the definition that is part of the dictionary.com I didn't write it down But the other one that caught my attention was the word Fred and this is what the word Fred means that means to feel express worry Why would you express annoyance because you're annoyed and that can come from people it can come from situations But God forbid it should come from us Annoying people for another reason than to cause them to fret See what you saw with the blind guy is he was annoying the Pharisees because they were annoying him But he was annoying them for a purpose to get them to see how stupid they're acting Just how wicked they're being, you know But here Penina is provoking or she's causing Hannah to fret he's annoying her for one reason because she's her adversary. She doesn't care about her She wants to hurt her. She wants to make her feel bad She wants to make her cry and the fact that she doesn't have children was one of the things that caused Hannah to be upset and Penina knew that and Provoked her to the point of her fretting and being upset and annoyed but that's what happens when wicked people You know kind of want to hurt you they do it by annoying you in a way Whatever way that may be. I'm making a little bit of noise clicking their pants But if it annoys you they'll do it because their intent is to basically hurt you get you to get upset But that wasn't the issue with the blind guy. He didn't start out. I'm gonna make these Pharisees lie for living nightmare I'm gonna embarrass him in front of everyone that was in the situation. He was just trying to show a Jesus a good guy I don't know who he is, but he healed me now. I can see I don't know Maybe we should consider the fact that hey, this could be a prophet of God. What do you guys think? Just shut up. Just tell us what happened. I already told you like three times maybe more So is that a big shocker that he gets annoyed and he's just back and he says oh you guys just want to know him See, are you guys trying to be a disciple? No, we're not trying to be a disciple It's a was a marvelous thing. They don't even know who he is and they get all upset. Oh, you're teaching us now Let's get out of here But he didn't do it to cause him to get upset for no reason He was just trying to show me you guys are being idiots right now This guy did a very he did a miracle and why you guys acting all crazy like he's some bad person He said hey, he did on the Sabbath. No, we should go after him, but that's the thing though He wasn't annoying them because he just wanted to be mr. Annoying He did it because these people kind of deserve it because hey, that's kind of what you see in Scripture You know, so if you go to first Kings go to first Kings if you can Go to first Kings 18 and obviously when it comes to children, they're the ones that are the most guilty It's envy that usually causes one sibling to annoy the other All in the name say things sing sometimes a song that they know the other person doesn't like and I know It's like stop singing that song, you know, and they sing it kind of open I'm just being spiritual, you know I'm just singing this song It just happens children are children My kids don't be looked at as a child as an annoying child Don't be like that guy from California But they're not discipline this kid and tell your kids not to be annoying to be respectful not to call people Especially adult, you know just by their first name and I've seen it and unfortunately I've seen it even at faithful word where there's kids. There's kids that they mouth off to adults And I'm sending back like wow, I'm saying this was my kid You know, he would definitely get it and I'll make him apologize for saying certain things to the adults But the adult because he's too nice He's just kind of letting it go But you could tell this teenager was trying to annoy this adult by picking on them saying certain things Bring enough stuff that he had done in the past not simple stuff But just dumb mistakes little things here and there and the whole goal But just provoked this guy to have an emotional reaction and I'm thinking that is messed up And I'm just kind of sitting back like man. I'm embarrassed for your parents You talk to adults like that It's like you're not even you're not even 17 and you're talking to this man who's almost 30 Like he's your closest buddy and you're saying things that you know only friends that are really close to each other say to each other because let's just face it when you're close to each other you Can pick on each other all day long because you guys enough, you know snowflakes You're not gonna get offended and put each other in the face It's just something that you do because it's kind of brotherly love because you could say, you know But the first thing that I brought up is like yeah, it could be sinful You know, if your motives is to cause somebody to get upset for another reason and to see them suffer. Hey, that's wicked But let's take a look at this example one of my favorite examples of somebody who's being very annoying But yet it's in the Bible to show us the right attitude to have when it comes to certain people ie false prophets Take a look. Did I tell you to go to first Kings if I didn't go to first Kings 18? I'm sorry. I said it to you to go there. I'll go to first Kings 18 It gets where you go there I just look from third I'll read from Luke 13 32 says this You know and he said on to them go ye and tell that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected Who is the man that's that's famously known for saying go you and tell that Fox who is that? Jesus Christ Talking about Herod. He's saying this because he wants to get a reaction at a Herod and of course Jesus Christ. He didn't fear No, man is a very bold individual. Hey, he preached that you shouldn't fear then to kill the body Guess what? He practiced what he preached. He didn't fear Herod. That's what people like. Hey, he's out to kill you And what'd it say? Go tell that Fox To me, it doesn't seem that disrespectful a fox Maybe if you were to say go tell that what's an animal that if somebody would say you're like this animal will become a snake I'll tell this. Yeah snakes a good one. I'll tell that snake. You know saying that I'm doing miracles He has a problem take it up with God or whatever Yeah, I would not like to be called a snake. But is it the snake in the grass? Man, if you want to disrespect someone, yeah, you say that to him. Look at little snake in the grass You don't know me. I know you're a snake in the grass. You don't know about me Is it now it goes you want to get somebody to get upset almost like provoke them to fight you and they tell the cops He started it It's like you want to know then call somebody a snake in the grass. That's a good one. Thanks for the example, brother I'm glad you're here tonight. Amen But the other the other one where I was saying hey, it's not always simple we're right there in Kings right first Kings Let's take a look at this man, and we'll start in verse number. What do we got 25? first King 1825 This is one of my favorite stories of somebody being super annoying but yet it's in the Bible for a reason and it's not What people think I just see it as like yep He's annoying them and I guess God just says hey This is what I let you do, but it has to be with these sort of people So what do we got here? This is story of Elijah and the false prophets of Baal So let's take a look It says and Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal choose your one bullet for yourself and dress it first for your many and call on the name of your gods but put no Fire under and they took the bullet which was given them and they dressed it and call on the name of Baal From morning even until noon saying oh Baal hear us and these are the false prophets begging on to Baal Hear us But there was no voice nor any that answered and they leaped upon the altar which was made and it came and passed at noon That Elijah mocked them and said cry out loud For he is a god either he is talking or he is pursuing or is in a journey and I like this one a perfect Sure, he sleepeth He was like hey, why don't you wake up your god? The key imagine how he's doing it. I don't think he's doing it with a nice voice Probably doing it worse than me Hey false prophet. Why don't you wake up your god? Where's he at? What is he up to? Is he sleeping? Let's wake him up a little bit, huh? He's being super now. You mentioned the prophets of Baal. Shut up Thinking Elijah he's a pro. Let's just keep cutting herself Because it started cutting themselves when they're bail God wouldn't answer them But he imagine you're the false prophet and Elijah's is over there ripping on you. Are you guys almost done over there? Is your guy gonna answer you anytime soon? Maybe he's sleeping Why don't y'all do something to get his attention or maybe he's on a journey and guess what? He's not gonna be able to help you today Not a good day to be a false prophet, but wouldn't that annoy a false prophet? I would have known any false prophet and guess what? I don't think it's in here making Elijah look like he's a simple person So what I'm saying kids is if it's not a false prophet of Baal. Hey, don't annoy people Amen how people provoke them to go worse don't provoke them to fret like Penina Trying to get Hannah to get all upset because he doesn't have any children, you know, so that's the key thing Why are you saying the things that you're saying when you know, this person is gonna clearly get upset Well, is it because you want to hurt this person or is it because this person is the false prophet or because Christ is being? Attacked there's another example shattering means you're gonna bend ago and can never can answer is like is it true that you guys are? Bowing down, you know, they weren't trying to be annoying but it did annoy King never can answer We got so all messed up so angered and they're like listen and they didn't have to answer it But it's kind of interesting the way they answered. We're not gonna be careful to answer you. It wasn't well, let us explain Never can answer let us explain. All right, we got together and you know what? Politely as gently with all due respect. We just wanna let you know that we can't do that You know, we can't bow down to your image sir. They didn't do that. He said oh never go We're not careful to answer you. We're not gonna bow down and our God is able to deliver us But if not, we're gonna burn and bow. That's what happened. He got super annoyed What at the fire turned up so hot that this just got close to it and his man got burned up That's how crazy this guy got but they did that to make it very clear We don't care for this annoys you upsets you, you know provokes you or whatever We're doing it because it's the right thing to do We're gonna stand up for God if that offends you and annoys you so be it same thing Like I said this morning the old lady me knocking doors. Okay, maybe not over the old lady yet, but it's come getting there But yeah, she got annoyed by what I said, right you got annoyed everything I was saying was annoying But was I trying to do it to make her mad for the sake of making her mad? No, I'm trying to show the truth because truth make her free if she don't want to hear it So guess what? She was like you never can answer if I had a fire right now throw you in there You know, but she's just told me to leave and that's I guess better than getting burned amen But the first thing that I wanted to say is yeah, it can be wrong So I know you someone second thing I want to say is it's not always wrong. So I know someone you saw the guy That was blind and then he was healed. What did he do? He annoyed the Pharisees then you see Elijah. What is he doing? It's annoying the false prophet. What do they have in common? Everything for profit same thing wicked unsafe individuals trying to kill the Lord Jesus Christ the crown not allowed So if you're gonna annoy someone provoke someone attack someone hey attack false prophets Hey, man, everybody else unless the brother who's doing something that's a sin out to death Then maybe you have to do a little bit more than just pray but until then hey We can kind of let go 99% of the things that happen in church that happen to us because guess what? None of us are perfect and I get to that in a second But the last point I'll make I'm 20 minutes 28 minutes into the sermon is That you know when it comes to annoying others is not always obvious if you can't go to mark 14 It's not oh, it's not always obvious that you're doing it. It's just not and if you go to Matthew mark 14 Please go to mark 14 We're gonna see a story of some people that were very annoying and I don't think they were wicked people I don't think they were meaning to you know annoy someone but they did They did end up doing it and I want to look at it together If you can go to mark 14 meet me in verse number three Mark for 14 verse number three The Bible says in mark 14 3 and being a Bethany in the house of Simon the leper as he sat and meet There came a woman having an antler an alabaster box of ointment a spiken are very precious It should break the box and poured it on his head and there were some that had indignation within themselves and said now that is a key thing Indignation meaning that they're they're mad on the inside for whatever whatever reason MB you name it That that indignation within themselves they were upset there are no they run quote-unquote annoyed if you want to say that and This is what they say Why was this waste of the ointment made or it might have been sold for more than? 300 pence and have been given to the poor and they murmured see they're upset they murmured against this woman But look what Jesus says and Jesus said let her alone Why Trouble ye her so here she is trying to do a good thing breaks an alabaster box of ointment Why Jesus tells us why it says that she brought this work, you know because of his burial It says she had done what she could She is calm beforehand to annoy my body to the burial So he's telling us she ain't doing this because she's trying to show off She's doing it because she's doing something good on to me because she knows I'm about to die And sure enough these guys like Jesus said they're troubling her they're causing her to be upset They're annoying her just think about that. She's there. She's crying. She's upset. She breaks a box She's trying to do something good for the Lord and then you got you know people in in in the room You know just upset over what she's doing, you know saying things. What are you doing? You know, you could have sold this You know here she is trying to do a good thing and she's getting attacked And these guys don't know it but they're being Annoying because they're provoking her to fret to get upset making her double-guess herself But guess what Jesus said hey, no, she's doing this thing and because of this she's gonna be remembered forever for this act Because she's doing it for me. She's not doing it to glorify herself. Look how much money I got I could just break it, you know, like guys that that that have money and they're on Instagram Look at all this cash, you know one guy he was a boxer. I don't know if he's still boxing I think he is forgot his name, but he was flushing down 20s down the toilet He did a video flushing 20s because all this guy carries. What is his name? Adrian Broner ever to that guy? Adrian Broner Floyd Mayweather anybody? Okay, Floyd Mayweather. He was the one to be Floyd Mayweather He knew Floyd Mayweather. Well, maybe was about to retire He tried to follow in Floyd Mayweather steps by showing off money and gaining attention and whatever for all the wrong reasons But this guy at the height of his popularity was getting paid very well like a million a fight It's so sure enough. He does videos. There's like what is this? What is this in my power? What is oh, no No, no, no. Oh, no, you know taking out of 20 thrown in the toilet Lily throwing 20s in the toilet These are not worthy on my wallet. Nope. Nope. No, this is all I carry bandages Benjamin Benjamin's and he's flushing. Who knows maybe 80 bucks 60 bucks I don't know what it was, but he's throwing 20s in the toilet showing off. This isn't what this woman's doing Look how rich I am clock ching. Y'all smell that I Got plenty of that. What's up, you know My Gucci didn't do that He didn't do any of that She was trying to glorify the Lord but instead they're attacking her and I don't think the apostles were meaning to be mean You know, but they didn't check themselves, you know They just kind of saw that and got holier than down and all of a sudden is like, what are you doing? It's just like what you know, I mean think about it. She's crying. She's like, oh Lord, you know Forgive me for so much. This is the least I can do and they're like, what are you doing? Just annoying this woman for no reason, you know, they murmured against her They troubled her is what the Bible says and not just this story But job look what Joe says in job 61 to 3 his friends are trying to comfort him But what they're really doing is annoying him. Come on job. What are you into job? The curse constantly doesn't just come God doesn't just curse you for no reason job. Come on job Maybe your son's we're into something the job. You just gotta fess up job. You're hanging out with wicked people job This only happens to crazy wicked individuals What what are you into job? And this is what Joe said and job answered. It said I've heard many such things Miserable comforters are ye all So vain words have an end. They're annoying him with the stuff they're saying So don't be annoying like like Joe's friend. But what was it? There's his envious like, haha Mr. Holier than thou now we got you if you're so holy Why are these bad things happening to you and this is one of him to confess maybe because that's just how wicked people are When somebody's glorified that this is job is a righteous man. He's a god-fearing man He has a reputation. He's got his wife. He's got his family. He's got his business. He's successful He's spiritual and that bad things happen People just can't wait to see something bad happen because it's too good to be true to some people But guess what job was not too good to be true. He was the real deal and guess what these guys Were probably offended by that because he was outshining them and they just wanted him to admit that he's wrong and he's wicked So maybe they can feel better about it But one sure thing that they were doing they were annoying him He says you're miserable comforter trying to cover me you're annoying me, you know But like I said, hey, sometimes these things happen without us even knowing. Here's the verse 5 verse 25 17 Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor's house. Lest he be wary of thee and so hate thee. Why would he hate you? Because you're probably annoying him You're spending too much time coming over. You don't get the hint and I've seen this Well someone just just wants to hang out with a certain Individual and a certain individual trying to give him hints like oh maybe next time. I don't know about that We'll see we'll see and they keep trying to like Get this person for some reason to just be part of their lives and they just kind of like attach themselves And even when I went solely one time I saw it and I'm trying to separate somebody from somebody else They got tell like this couple was already kind of getting annoyed by this individual and I tried to get him to come with me But it was just one of those things that he just didn't want to and ends up just taking off I want to go hang out with them or whatever and he was kind of clueless He just didn't know he didn't realize that he had been in his neighbor house a little too long And it was time to withdraw his foot. So his neighbor wouldn't hate him, but I could tell as soon as he's like Yo, can I go with them because they're so nice. They're not gonna say no on the spot and I was just today man I'm sorry about that. You know, I could tell you guys just want to go alone, but he's like, I don't worry about it You know, some people are just like that but don't be the one He's the guy who was draws his foot from his neighbor's house because you don't want to wear out your you're welcome You know, but you know, what is this about it basically causes you to just cause you know Whoever just get a little bit annoyed by you Because you're just being here a little too long coming over way too many times You come over without even calling and I don't know about you, but I don't like anybody showing up in my house You know when I don't know they're coming. It's not that I'm doing something wicked Is that I just don't like people showing up Like whoa text me next time nothing that happened But I'm just saying be courteous if you want to come over and eat something by some people do show up, you know You know, so we got to be careful not to annoy each other amen But it's gonna happen though, you know, if you got your Bibles boy to meet me Let me send you to Yeah, let's go to 2nd Kings we'll finish up with 2nd Kings to go to 2nd Kings to Go ahead and meet me in verse 23 You know, but I quickly say that a sometimes we annoy people and it's not always obvious We're being annoying so we have to kind of keep that in mind Be careful if you notice when you say something somebody reacts a little bit too quiet you might want to you might want to realize that a You probably says something that annoy this person up into this person You know, but obviously it is what it is nobody's perfect James 3 1 says this my brother and being a many masters knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation for many things we Have fed off if any man offend not in word the same is a perfect man and able to also to buy the whole body Behold, we put bits in a horse's mouth that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body behold Also the ships which though they'd be so great in a driven a fierce winds You know They turn about with a very small helm with a server the governor listed even so the tongue is a little member of both Of great things and isn't that one of the things that kind of causes us to get annoyed when people are just boasting like crazy Ah, man, these 20s. What are they doing in my wallet? You know just bands. That's all I hang out with you know, it's like my goodness. This guy is like yes Yes, you gave you up to look at you, but they're all laughing at you not with you, you know But that's the thing is our words that tend to offend people the most more than our actions, you know But what is James about James is about eight just realize that you're gonna offend and you're gonna get offended So realize that it's not because we want to is because sometimes guess what the tongue it's not really thing It's very difficult to control So we may say something that causes somebody to get annoyed and we need to realize hey, you know what? I didn't mean it or you know, just give people benefit it out They didn't mean it like that But obviously if it happens once and twice then stop being nice and go up to the person say man You keep calling me this you keep saying this about me. You need to be careful watch out You know don't annoy me like that. It's getting a little bit out of control and obviously if somebody's humble They'll accept it and realize yeah I need to watch what I say and that's why I'm reading James to just kind of let you know that listen No one's perfect. We're all gonna annoy somebody at some point So just be merciful when somebody annoys you because a good chance you'll annoy somebody else as well Amen, but out of all the people to be worried about the most important person not to annoy is obviously God Let's finish it up with 2nd Kings 2 to 23 2nd Kings 2 to 23 it says this and when he went up from thence unto Bethel and as he was going up by the way they came forth little children out of the city and mocked him and said and said Sorry about that and said unto him go up thou bald head go up thou bald head and he turned back and looked on them And cursed them in the name of the Lord and there came forth two she-bearers out of the wood and tear 40 and two children of them and he went from this to Carmel and from this he returned to Samaria So one of the things that you see are these kids mocking a man of God saying go up thou bald head Mocking his bald head picking on him Provoking him positive to get annoyed but in reality who was who were they really annoying God? Because this is a miracle that he curses them and I mean it's a crazy story All these kids were guilty of was just picking on people but they were picking on the man of God which is way worse But even then they ended up annoying God with their words and their actions and they ended up losing their lives because of that But let's let's realize that yes, you know what we're gonna know each other but at the end of the day Let's realize hey, we need to be careful not to provoke God to anger either, you know Because he's the most important guy not to annoy and it's very easy to do Moses a famous source of him where he didn't want to go to Egypt and it says really quickly, you know that the Lord You know what's angry with him? It says in the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses and he said it's not Aaron died Levi died brother I know that he can speak well, and he also behold he cometh forth to meet thee. So what's going on here? He's telling Moses go go and he's making excuses and he knows their lies, but he's just scared. I'm saying God. I'm scared He's just lying. I can't speak. Well, you know what? There's other people you can get what do you pick somebody else? He wasn't even being honest with God could have been like hey, I'm scared. You know, I'm scared I don't know. Can you send me some help? He didn't do that. He's trying to pretend like oh good There's people that are better than me. It's not about being scared Lord Other people are better than me can talk better than me, etc Etc, even though the Bible says that he was mighty in words and indeed so he kind of dined himself out there But the thing is that he annoyed the Lord to the point where he was angry with him And we need to be careful to do the same. Amen. Let's pray their job We thank you so much for all that you've done Lord. We ask you to just bless us father Help us to live for you and thanks so much for these people that are here tonight Lord is not easy to come to church at night other so many things that can distract you But I thank you so much for allowing these people to be here and Lord It's such a privilege to be able to come here and preach to them if I let's just ask you to bless them all give Them special blessings for being here tonight and we ask you to do all this in Jesus name. Amen All Right the final song for the evening will be song 413 On 413 And up stand up for Jesus On 413 we're gonna do this one acapella. I mean you guys sing nice and loud for the last song Stand up stand up for Jesus. Yeah start there on the first stand up stand up for Jesus Ye soldiers of the cross Lift high his royal banner It must not suffer loss from victory unto victory His army shall he lead till every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed Stand up stand up for Jesus The trumpet call obey for to the mighty Conflict in this is glorious day Ye that our men now serve him against a numbered Leg courage rise with danger and strength to strength Stand up stand up for Jesus Stand in his strength alone The arm of flesh will fail you ye dare not trust your own But on the gospel armor and watching unto prayer Where do he calls or danger be never won wanting there Amen with that you are dismissed you have a blessed evening