(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Now, when you add these two together, it brings you to the number 69. That's where we get the term Daniel's 70th week from because it's the 70th week that it's referring to, that it's talking about in Daniel Chapter 9 prophetically. So you get to 7 week, you have the 7 week period, you have a gap, which we don't know how long this gap lasts for, which is why it's foolish to try and calculate the time from the Cyrus Declaration to the death of Christ, because there's a gap between these two time periods and we don't know how long it lasts for. But then there's also a gap between the 69th week and the 70th week. Some people would say that the 70th week is fulfilled in AD 70 through the 7-year Roman-Jewish war, which the Roman Empire invaded and of course at the midpoint desolated the temple. And yeah, that was a shadow fulfillment of that, but in reality, the end times fulfillment of Daniel's 70th week, it's coming still in the future and that'll happen when the Antichrist is revealed, when he sets up the abomination of desolation in the temple of God, and when the great tribulation commences, the mark of the beast is instituted, Christians are afflicted and persecuted worse than they've ever been before, and many of them died, they're decapitated or beheaded for refusing to take the mark of the beast. It'll be a time so horrible, so bad for Christians that if Jesus didn't return, the Bible says in Matthew chapter 24, then no flesh would be saved. No Christian would be saved from this wrath. Their flesh would all die. You know, Christians would be wiped out by the Antichrist if his era of wrath wasn't cut short by the rapture. Look at verse 26, if you would. And after threescore and two weeks, shall Messiah be cut off. So basically after this 62-week period, it's talking about this 62-week period right here, it's referring to the death of Christ, talking about Calvary, that Jesus will die. It says after the 62-week period that Jesus will die, but pay attention to this, but not for himself. This is the Old Testament, Daniel knew the Messiah back then would die and that it wouldn't be for himself. Daniel understood that when the Messiah would die, it would be to die for the sins of the whole planet, not for his own sins, and certainly not for himself. Put that in your dispensationalist pipe and smoke it. Let's finish the verse, and the people of the prince that shall come, so this is the Antichrist. The prince that shall come is the Antichrist, from an end times perspective. And the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, and the end thereof shall be with the flood, and under the end of the war, desolations are determined. So you have Calvary, then you have shortly after that, the people of the prince that shall come are going to destroy the city. People will look at that and point to the Roman Empire invading Jerusalem, and that's perfectly fine. Yes, Titus is a shadow fulfillment of this, but in reality, there is an end times fulfillment coming, which will occur when the Antichrist invades Jerusalem at the midpoint, sets up the abomination of desolation like I talked about. Look at verse 27. He shall cause the sacrifice and the ablation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. You have the dual fulfillment of the Roman Empire, but also end times Bible prophecy. The Antichrist will set up the abomination of desolation in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, and it will be at that point when he reveals himself as a false messiah figure, as a false religious figure, and people will worship him. The entire world will worship him as God. Flip backwards to Daniel chapter 7. Daniel chapter 7. Look at verse 23 when you get there. Daniel chapter 7 verse 23. I believe it will be that midpoint when we know who the Antichrist really is. Some people have speculated different names, and it's fun to speculate, but we won't know for sure till this time. Daniel 7. Look at verse 23. It says in Daniel 7 verse 23, Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces. Yes, this can be the Roman Empire, but I also believe there's dual fulfillment here where you're looking at a future new world order, a future global government headed by the Antichrist, a new world order, a global government that will be set up one day, and it will be the mechanism by which Christians are systematically eliminated. Verse 24. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise, and another shall rise after them, and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. We see a ten king league will be created at some point in the future, and during that time period, three of those kings will be subdued. We can surmise that those three kings of this ten king league that's described in Daniel chapter 7 will be subdued at the midpoint when the Antichrist invades Jerusalem and declares himself to be God. We can surmise that that is when it occurs, but the reason why I bring this up in Daniel 7 is because I believe when this ten king league is created, that likely kick starts Daniel 70th week. That likely kick starts the end times milestones that must come to pass before the second coming of Christ, before the wrath of God, before Armageddon, and eventually before the millennial reign of Jesus. Turn back to Joshua chapter 6, if you would. Joshua chapter 6. And meanwhile, I want to read for you from Revelation as you turn back to Joshua chapter 6, and we'll look at some more parallels between the fall of Jericho and end times prophecy. But for this sermon, and I believe that when it comes to the fall of Jericho, it mostly parallels or symbolizes the second half of the seven year period, the second half of Daniel 70th week, which contains the seven trumpet and bile judgments, the wrath of God, the fall of Babylon, which we'll get into a little bit later, and Armageddon. But I would say that the fall of Jericho more so pictures the second half and the events that take place in the second half of Daniel 70th week. But I just wanted to show you what I believe kick starts the seven year period to begin with that we'll be talking so much about during this sermon. So to recap, the seven days, the seventh day specifically, in which the children of Israel passed Jericho seven times, that seventh day pictures Daniel 70th week, I believe. When they can pass the city seven times, as they pass Jericho seven times before its fall, that points to the seven seals of Revelation, the seven seals of Revelation, which mostly take place in that first half of Daniel 70th week. Obviously, it sort of bleeds over. You have your fifth seal at the midpoint, and then seals six and seven take place 75 days after the midpoint. But it's essentially during that first half when we see the seven seals other than seals six and seven, which again take place 75 days after the midpoint of Daniel 70th week. But we're heading back to Joshua chapter six real quickly. Before I continue reading, I just wanted to remind you what these seven seals entail. We don't have time to go through all of them in detail in Revelation chapter six, so I'll just go ahead and lay it out for you verbally. But the first seal is a white horse. Now these are the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The first seal, which is the white horse, is about the antichrist rising to power. We can surmise that he's rising to the top of a New World Order power structure, a globalist power structure. The Bible says that he goes forth conquering and to conquer. And it's no surprise that the first seal is symbolized by a white horse. We know that the antichrist is the devil's minion, and the devil in fact ends up inhabiting him eventually. But the devil is a great counterfeiter. Jesus Christ ends up returning on a white horse during the battle of Armageddon, and so it would make sense for the antichrist, the great counterfeiter, to be symbolized through this white horse and seal number one. Seal number two is a red horse that is just pointing us to warfare. There's going to be a time of great warfare coming in seal number two. Seal number two would be warfare. Seal number three, a black horse, I believe is pointing us to hyperinflation, famine. It's not going to be very easy at all to procure food for your family during that time. Seal number four, a pale horse. This is in reference to the fourth part of the earth dying, literally. There's going to be death. There's going to be destruction during this time. Seal number five, which occurs right here at the midpoint. Seal number five talks about martyrs. There will be martyrs who appear in heaven when the fifth seal is opened, courtesy of the great tribulation and the mark of the beast which is introduced, which stipulates that those who refuse to take it will be decapitated. There are going to be Christians, multitudes of Christians who are slayed during this time as a result of a refusal to take the mark of the beast. The sixth seal is the rapture. That happens 75 days after the midpoint. I can go into detail on exactly why that is, but I don't have time for that, so you'll just have to take my word for it. You can ask me after the service if you want to know why it's 75 days, but trust me, I'm dogmatic on that. It is a 75-day great tribulation which starts right after the midpoint there. So you have 75 days, then you have the rapture. Jesus returns, and it's on the same day of the rapture that God's wrath, that's when that seventh seal is opened as well, and God's wrath begins to be poured out on this world for all of its sin and iniquity and wickedness, the pent-up frustration and anger that God has at sin. It gets released during that time through the seven trumpet and bile judgments. Look at Joshua chapter 6 verse 16. Joshua chapter 6 verse 16, it says, And it came to pass at the seventh time, so this would be representative of Daniel's 70th week, the 70th week of Daniel. It says, And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout, for the Lord hath given you the city. So on the seventh time, we have the seventh day, which is Daniel's 70th week. They come past the city's seventh time. Each time they pass it on the seventh day, I believe is representative of a seal being opened in Revelation chapter 6, and it's at that seventh time, which would be the seventh seal, when they begin to start playing the trumpets, when they blow the trumpets, and it's at the seventh seal in the book of Revelation when the wrath of God begins. When the wrath of God begins. Look at Revelation chapter 8, and we'll look at that together. Revelation chapter 8 will tell us what happens when the seventh seal is opened. So to recap, each day that they pass Jericho, I believe the seventh day that they pass Jericho is Daniel's 70th week, and the seven times on the seventh day that they pass Jericho would be the seven seals of Revelation. It isn't until the seventh seal is opened that the wrath of God begins. Look at Revelation 8, verse 1. Revelation 8, verse 1. It says, when he had opened the seventh seal, so Joshua 6, 16, and it came to pass at the seventh time, so the seventh time that they pass Jericho. Revelation 8 says, and when he'd opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour, and I saw the seven angels which stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. So we keep seeing this number popping up, seven, seven, seven, over and over again. Now during the time of the conquest of Jericho, you might have noticed that it was seven priests bearing seven trumpets. Well, here in Revelation chapter 8, we see seven angels, each of them with a trumpet. So that's another parallel between the fall of Jericho and end times Bible prophecy, where in Revelation 8, you see seven angels with seven trumpets, and in the time of Jericho, you see seven priests with seven trumpets. And it isn't until that seventh seal is opened that the wrath of God begins. Now what are the highlights, right? We want to kind of pick on the highlights. What would be the highlights of the wrath of God? Well, I think that the highlights would be the three woes, the three woes of Revelation which correspond to trumpet 5, trumpet 6, and trumpet number 7. Look at verse 13. You're in Revelation 8. Look at verse 13. It says, So these three woes that it talks about in Revelation 8, 13, correspond to trumpet 5, trumpet 6, and trumpet 7, as well as vial 5, vial 6, and vial 7 because the trumpets and the vials are concurrent with each other. The trumpets and vials are concurrent with each other. It's not that the seven trumpets happen and then the seven vials happen afterward. No, they're actually concurrent one with another. Remember, it's the fifth vial that mentions the seat of the beast, which tells me then that if the fifth vial is mentioning the antichrist still in power, then obviously those vials don't happen after the trumpets because the antichrist loses his power at the seventh trumpet. So that's how you can prove that they're actually concurrent and that's also how you can prove that the book of Revelation ought to be divided in half. Let's go back to Joshua chapter 6, Joshua chapter 6. So again, I might have screwed this up earlier, but the seven times that they pass the city in Jericho, that they pass the city of Jericho, I believe represents the seven seals. It isn't until they pass the city on the seventh time that they begin to play the trumpets and that's symbolic of how the wrath of God doesn't occur until the seventh seal is opened. Now look at Joshua 6 verse 16, Joshua 6 verse 16. It says, So once the priests begin to play their trumpets, Joshua says, shout because God has given you the city. God has given you Jericho. God has taken it from the heathen, from the wicked and given it to you. That's what he's saying. Now let's look at Revelation chapter 11, so flip back to Revelation. We'll be flipping back and forth between Joshua and Revelation. Flip back to Revelation 11 and let's see how that is paralleled in the book of Revelation. Shout for the Lord has given you the city. I talked about those three woes. If you study Revelation, you'll notice three woes, the three woes of Revelation. The first woe corresponds with the fifth trumpet of God's wrath which is when locusts from hell torment people. That doesn't sound like fun. Praise God that we'll be out of here by then because we believe in a post-trib pre-wrath rapture. We'll be gone by the time the wrath of God is poured out on this world. Trump six, let me start over. Woe two or the second woe corresponds to Trump six in which a 200 million man army destroys people. The third woe is Trump seven in which thunderings and the largest earthquake ever occurs. Great hail as well and that's officially when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God. And when Babylon falls, Armageddon happens. The antichrist's power structure, his army is destroyed and the millennium is set up. Now look at Revelation 11 verse 14. Remember where we left off in Joshua six. Shout for the Lord has given you the city. The Lord has given you the city. I want you to remember that verbiage from Joshua six. The Lord has given you the city. Well, let's look at the parallel in Revelation 11. It says in verse 14, the second woe has passed and behold the third woe cometh quickly. Here's the third woe, verse 15, and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever. So just as sure as Jericho, God had given them that city, that Joshua said shout for the Lord has given you the city, it isn't until the seventh trumpet sounds that the kingdoms of this world are given to Jesus Christ. Just as sure as the kingdom or the city of Jericho was given to Israel in Joshua chapter six, well, in the book of Revelation we see at the seventh trumpet that the kingdoms of this world are given to Jesus. Daniel seven tells us, until the ancient of days came and judgment was given to the saints of the most high and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. The saints possessed the kingdom it says in Daniel chapter seven. There's coming a day in which we will possess the kingdom which is led by Jesus during the millennium. We will possess Christ's kingdom during the millennium. The saints will possess the kingdom. Just as sure as Israel possessed Jericho, there's coming a day in which the saints will possess Christ's kingdom. Go to Joshua two if you would, turn back over to Joshua chapter two. Now Revelation 12 says, therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil has come unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. So I think that this is really when the end times starts. You have the devil getting kicked out of heaven, you have the ten king league forming and that's sort of what starts Daniel's 70th week. You have the wrath of the devil in the first half, abomination of desolation, 75 days, rapture and then the wrath of God through the rest of the timeline. But in Joshua chapter two, notice verse three. Joshua chapter two and verse three. It says, and the king of Jericho sent unto Rahab saying, bring forth the men that are come to thee which are entered into thine house for they become to search out all the country and the woman took the two men and hid them and said thus, there came men unto me but I wish not whence they were. Joshua sends two spies in anticipation of the fall of Jericho and Rahab the harlot in a famous story hides them from the king of Jericho. She was already saved by the way before she did this. Some people get confused about that because of James 2. But she was already saved prior to hiding the spies. She hid the spies from the king of Jericho. And my second point is we look at the second parallel between the fall of Jericho and end times prophecy is this. The spies are like the two witnesses. The spies are like the two witnesses. And I'm referring to the two witnesses of revelation. The Bible talks about in the book of revelation, two witnesses who come down. Some have speculated that it could be Moses and Elijah. But these two witnesses are preaching and they're doing miracles and things like that. Look at Joshua 2 though in verse 18. Joshua chapter 2 verse 18. Behold, when we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window. This is the spies talking to Rahab. Thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by and thou shalt bring thy father and thy mother and thy brethren and all thy father's household home unto thee. The spies give Rahab this sign. Basically saying, look, there's going to be a scarlet thread used for us to denote your home and you and your family will be protected from the ensuing destruction of Jericho. This is a picture of the blood of Christ. It's the blood of Christ that protects us from the wrath of God. It's the blood of Christ that enables us to be protected from his wrath in hell, from the wrath of God, thanks to the blood of Jesus. The scarlet thread, you kind of see it throughout the Old Testament, pictures that aspect of the gospel. But these two spies ensured that Rahab and her family would remain safe. There are going to be people who actually get saved after the rapture. There will be people who get saved during the wrath of God, during the second half of this timeline I have on the board. And the way in which they'll be saved is through the ministry of the two witnesses. But also, I believe that the 144,000 as well, which appear, they come down and they also preach during the second half of Daniel 70th week. I believe they probably come down during the rapture. But the 144,000 are also preaching the gospel during the second half of this timeline as well. But the two witnesses, they're called witnesses for a reason. They're witnessing. They're witnessing. They're getting people saved. They're preaching the gospel. And these two individuals during the end times, they're going to be protecting people from God's wrath by getting them saved. If you would turn back over, we were just there, to Revelation chapter 11. Revelation chapter 11. Just as sure as Rahab and her family were sort of protected by these two spies, I believe the two witnesses will offer spiritual protection during the end times through the gospel. Some have hypothesized that maybe it's Moses and Elijah who are the two witnesses. Some have said it's Elijah and Enoch since Elijah and Enoch were taken up, sort of quote raptured if you will. But I really don't know who they are. And I don't think we'll know for sure until they actually manifest themselves, until we see them. They could just be two random people alive during that time. I don't know. But Revelation 11, it says in verse 3, Revelation 11 and verse 3, And I will give power unto my two witnesses. So you have the two spies sent in anticipation of the destruction of Jericho. Well here we have these two witnesses and they're sent in anticipation of the wrath of God. Look at the rest of the verse. It says, And they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, so one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth. So Zechariah chapter 4, if you read that chapter, it actually foreshadows the two witnesses, calling them anointed ones. It also talks about olive trees and candlesticks. But these two spies are sent in the time of Jericho, the time of Joshua, these two spies are sent in anticipation of the fall of Jericho. Well these two witnesses are sent in anticipation of the wrath of God. Remember their ministry lasts one thousand two hundred and sixty days. Well that encompasses this second half of the timeline. This is a one thousand two hundred and sixty day period. Look at verse, so that's the second half. It's starting, this one thousand two hundred and sixty day period that it refers to in Revelation 11 starts at the midpoint and it continues to the end. That's how long their ministry lasts. It's a three and a half year ministry of witnessing to people, preaching the gospel, as God pours out his wrath on this earth. And you'd have to be completely insane not to get saved during that time. Like why wouldn't you get saved? You can clearly see God pouring out his wrath. You can clearly see how angry he is at sin. You would think that everybody would want to hear that message at that time. But there are going to be many reprobates who hate the Lord, who have taken the mark, who want nothing to do with their ministry. And we know that the two witnesses are actually killed. They're brought back, but they're hated. The two witnesses are hated for what they preached. Let's go back to Joshua chapter six and I'll make my final point. Joshua chapter six. My final point is this. The fall of Jericho is like the fall of Babylon. The fall of Jericho is like the fall of Babylon. I'm actually done with this. I'm going to move it because we're done. We're through with the white board. But the fall of Jericho is like the fall of Babylon. And I'm going to show you how really the city of Jericho pictures Babylon in so many ways. But look at verse sixteen when you get there. Joshua chapter six, verse sixteen. Yes, this is more of a Bible study. But remember what I said in the morning. We've got to get our spiritual broccoli. We've got to get our spiritual green beans. Got to get that healthy spiritual diet and preach on the Sodomites another time. Look at Joshua six, verse sixteen. And it came to pass at the seventh time, so the seventh time that they passed Jericho, when the priests blew with the trumpets. Each time they passed Jericho, I think it represents one of the seals being opened in Revelation. When the priests blew with the trumpets. This is obviously pointing us to the seven trumpet judgments in Revelation. Joshua said unto the people, Shout, for the Lord hath given you the city, and the city shall be accursed, even it and all that are therein, to the Lord. Only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that were sent. So because Rahab hid those messengers, those two spies, who are symbolic of the two witnesses that we read about in Revelation chapter eleven, she would be protected from this destruction. But the city was going to be accursed, just as Babylon was cursed as well. What does that word even mean? What's it talking about when it says that Jericho will be accursed? Well, it simply means that it's doomed to destruction. That Jericho would be doomed to destruction. And guess what? Babylon was also, Mystery Babylon, the great whore of Revelation. And yes, I just used the word whore, because every word of God is pure, and the Bible says whore, so I'm going to say it as well. But that great whore of Revelation is cursed and is doomed to destruction as well. In Revelation fourteen it says, I'll just quote this for you, you don't have to go there, it says Babylon has fallen, has fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Why would it say that Babylon has fallen in Revelation fourteen when it doesn't happen until Revelation chapter number eighteen? Well the reason why is because God, here's how we know about it, here's what we know about how he communicates. He called it those things which be not as though they were. And Babylon was doomed to destruction. And so you might as well say that it's fallen in Revelation chapter fourteen, because it's going to happen with a hundred percent certainty, and it does in Revelation chapter eighteen. Only Rahab the harlot shall live, it says in Joshua six verse seventeen. Only Rahab the harlot shall live. Well you know what, only the saved will avoid God's wrath. That's another parallel you can look at. We're not appointed to wrath. Verse eighteen, and ye and any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse and trouble it. Israel is warned, hey stay away from the accursed thing. You say well I'm not so sure Ben that Jericho represents Babylon. You haven't gotten me convinced yet. Well look at Joshua seven verse twenty. Joshua seven verse twenty. Remember stay away from the accursed thing. Who violated that? His name was Achan. And he was killed for it. He suffered greatly. But pay attention to what he took. And this should prove without a shadow of a doubt that there is a connection between Jericho and Babylon. Look at verse twenty. And Achan answered Joshua and said, indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done, when I saw among the spoils a goodly, what? Babylonish garment. That he took from where? Jericho. So Jericho is symbolic of Babylon and specifically within the context of end times prophecy, mystery Babylon, the great whore of Babylon that sits on many waters. And he talks about it and two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold and fifty shekels of weight. He coveted them etc. Let's go back to Joshua six verse nineteen. But what he stole, the accursed thing was a Babylonish garment further proving and strengthening the connection between Jericho and Babylon. Look at verse nineteen. Joshua six verse nineteen. The title of the sermon is what? The Fall of Jericho and End Times Prophecy. So we're looking at different components of this story and seeing how they relate to Bible prophecy. In Joshua six verse nineteen it says, but all the silver and gold and vessels of brass and iron are consecrated unto the Lord. They shall come into the treasury of the Lord. So Jericho was a land of silver and gold and vessels of brass. It was a city of great wealth. Certain items were supposed to be consecrated to the Lord, including the silver and the gold here. Well I'll read this for you in Revelation eighteen. It talks about in verse twelve the merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and all thine wood and all manner of vessels of ivory and all manner of vessels of most precious wood and of brass and iron and marble. Mystery Babylon of the end times is also a great city of wealth. And they share this commonality where in Revelation eighteen verse twelve it said that Mystery Babylon contained gold and silver. Well that's exactly what Joshua six verse nineteen says about Jericho that it also had silver and gold. So that's another parallel between the two. And in Revelation eighteen we see the wicked lamenting the loss of Babylon because they're lamenting the loss of all the vast wealth that has been accumulated in that city. Look at verse twenty as we move along here. Verse twenty. So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets and it came to pass when the people heard the sound of the trumpet and the people shouted with a great shout that the wall fell down flat so that the people went up into the city every man straight before him and they took the city. So when the trumpet sounds the people shout the wall falls down flat and an invasion begins. But notice a great shout. That's what occurs directly preceding the invasion of Jericho. We read this multiple times already during the sermon talking about a shout. A shouting that the people would shout and then take the city. That they would shout and take the city. We'll turn over to Jeremiah chapter fifty one. Jeremiah chapter fifty one. And I'll show you how this also strengthens the connection between the fall of Jericho and specifically the fall of Babylon. Jeremiah chapter fifty one. Now Revelation sixteen eighteen says when the seventh vial is poured out it says and there were voices. So just as sure as the children of Israel shouted and took the city. Once the trumpets blew. But once the seventh trumpet sounds and the seventh vial is poured out. There are going to be great voices heard which I think is also a connection. But in Jeremiah fifty one verse fourteen. Jeremiah fifty one verse fourteen. Remember that Jeremiah fifty and fifty one concern the destruction of Babylon. Jeremiah fifty one verse fourteen. Notice what it says. The Lord of hosts hath sworn by himself saying surely I will fill thee with men as with caterpillars. Just as sure as Jericho was filled with men when it was invaded by Israel. Now let's finish the verse. And they shall lift up a shout against thee. So in Joshua six what does it say? Shout and the city is yours. Symbolizing the destruction of Babylon. Well here as we get more detail on the destruction of Babylon it says and they shall lift up a shout against thee. So you have a shout taking place in the destruction of Babylon and also the destruction of Jericho. Another parallel between the two. Let's go back to Joshua chapter six. Joshua chapter six. So many parallels between this story and end times Bible prophecy. You've got the seven days where they pass the city. You've got on the seventh day them passing the city seven times. Reminiscent of the seven seals of Revelation. It isn't until the seventh time that they pass the city that the seven priests blow their trumpets. Just as sure as once the seventh seal is open the seven trumpets sound in the book of Revelation. But look at Joshua six verse 21. It says and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city both man and woman young and old and ox and sheep and ass with the edge of the sword. But Joshua had said unto the two men that had spied out the country go into the harlot's house. Notice and bring out thence the woman and all that she hath as ye swear unto her. Rahab brought out of her house as the city of Jericho is taken. She's brought out. She was promised. Remember she was promised preservation from destruction. Spiritually seeking. What's God's promise to us? Preservation from destruction as well or you could just say eternal life. Eternal life. That's God's promise to us so you see that parallel. Now Revelation 18 tells us this. Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plague. There are going to be saved people who are told leave Babylon because it's about to get nuked. Because it's come out of her because it's getting destroyed. Well that reminds me of Rahab leaving Jericho before it gets destroyed. So just to assure as Rahab the harlot left Jericho directly before its destruction. Well God is telling the saved come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues. God would judge Babylon and so the saved are told to leave it just to assure as Rahab left Jericho. Some say well that's a picture of the rapture. That's fine. It could also picture the rapture. When it comes to shadows and types there could be multiple events that are pictured at the same time. So I'm not going to be dogmatic and say that it has to be one or the other. Look at verse 23. And the young men that were spies went in and brought out Rahab and her father and her mother and her brethren and all that she had. And they brought out all her kindred and left them without the camp of Israel. Verse 24 pay attention to this. And they burnt the city with fire and all that was there in only the silver and the gold and the vessels of brass and of iron they put into the treasury of the house of the Lord. Rahab the harlot brought out with her family and by the way you know what I keep calling her? Harlot. Rahab the harlot. She was a sinner my friend. I mean you can't get more. How much more sinful do you want to get? The harlot and yet she got saved because the harlots would go in to the kingdom of God before the publicans and those hypocrites that Jesus preached against in Matthew 21 and verse 32. But that's a different topic for a different time. My point is this Rahab brought out and then Jericho is burned with fire. Jericho is burned with fire. Everything that was there in. So similar to the wording of what happens in the wording of Revelation when it describes what happens to Babylon. Look at Revelation 17 if you would and we're almost done here. Revelation chapter 17 and the sermon is beginning to wind down. Meanwhile I'll read to you this as you turn to Revelation 17. The Bible read in chapter 18. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day. Death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire. For God is the Lord God who judgeth her. The plagues come in one day. Babylon is destroyed in one day in one hour. Well just as sure as Babylon is destroyed in one day how long did it take for the destruction of Jericho to occur just one day. So there's another parallel between these two events. Revelation 17 16 and the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast. The shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Babylon the great whore of Babylon mystery Babylon burned with fire. Just as sure as in Joshua chapter 6 it said that Jericho was burned with fire. Babylon in Revelation 17 verse number 16 is burned with fire as well. It says that these ten kings burn her with fire. Verse 17 for God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and to give their kingdom unto the beast. Until the words of God should be fulfilled. Jericho is burned with fire. Babylon is burned with fire. Here's my theory of exactly how Babylon is quote unquote burned with fire in Revelation chapter 17 nukes. Nuclear weapons. These ten kings send nuclear weapons to Babylon and let me tell you who Babylon is. USA. The United States of America fulfills I think all the characteristics of Babylon. And I think I heard someone here on this side of the room saying you know I don't want that to happen. Well you know we ain't going to be here anyway. We'll be eating popcorn. Watching this whole thing go down in heaven. And it's going to be great because you know what? America deserves it. There I said it. America deserves the wrath of God and America is doomed my friend. It is doomed. There is no hope. Read the back of the book and you'll see what comes to pass to the good old US of A so-called. It's going to be wiped out. Destroyed with nukes. And you'll notice God uses the wicked to fulfill his will. Just like he did with Israel. You know in the time of the judges he had these gentile nations afflict Israel until he sent them a deliverer. He used the Assyrians to occupy the northern kingdom. The Babylonians to occupy the southern kingdom for 70 years. Look at Revelation 18 verse 9. Revelation 18 verse 9. And in the end times he uses the ten king confederacy to wipe out Babylon. To wipe out the USA. This sermon might not go over too well if it was the 4th of July. This kind of preaching, you know, you opening up your Bible to Revelation chapter 17 and Revelation chapter 18 might not go over too well at your 4th of July barbeque. Right? The people might think you're nuts or crazy but hey it's the word of God. Revelation 18 it says in verse 9, And the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her shall bewail her. Now think about that. How is it that the kings of the earth commit fornication with this great whore if we're applying it to America, well think about this, what has the most influence on this entire planet? America! America has the most influence in the world. And also, think about it this way too, American multinational corporations, they're all over the world. You go to India, what are you going to see? You're going to see a KFC, you're going to see a Domino's, you're going to see these American companies. You're going to see them all over the place. How about American media? The filth, the disgusting music produced by Hollywood and the movies that are produced by Hollywood. They're played all over the planet. Hey, I used to live in the Middle East and I could go to the movie theater and I did. And I watched American movies all the way across the pond because the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. The influence of America is planetary. It says, and lived deliciously with her, many people have enriched themselves through the United States, shall bewail her and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning. This nation will be burned, it'll be nuked. The ten king confederacy are sending nuclear bombs to wipe out mystery Babylon. Babylon is burned with fire and the smoke of her burning is seen there in Revelation chapter number 18. But mystery Babylon, it matches the United States in every way. It matches America in every way. Think of the endless wars. Think of the murder of children, the defiling of children that we have going on in this country. The sodomy, the false religion, the idolatry as well. It all fits the characteristics of Babylon. And the Bible says in the book of Jeremiah that Babylon is the hammer of the whole earth. Well that's exactly what the United States is. It's the hammer of the earth. It's the military superpower of this planet. Let's go back to Joshua 6 and we'll wrap it up. Joshua chapter 6. It says in verse 26, Joshua 6 verse 26. Well we see that Jericho, it's cursed, doomed to destruction. The same thing is true for Babylon. It's cursed, doomed to destruction, but also the Bible says it shall never be inhabited. That's one of the characteristics of the destruction of Babylon, that it will never be inhabited again. And we know that to be true, that the smoke of her burning ascendeth up forever and ever. It's going to continue to burn forever and ever, that it will be desolate forever. It will never be inhabited again. Now I had you turn back to Joshua chapter 6 and basically it goes through this curse, but I'm going to skip it. Let's see, what can I skip here? What doesn't matter? I'm going to skip it so we can wrap it up. Just, you know what, go to Revelation 18. We'll go ahead and wrap it up. Revelation chapter 18. That'll be the last place I have you turn. So there are a lot of different parallels between the fall of Jericho and end times prophecy. And we went through some of them, but I think, first of all, the timeline of the fall of Jericho is like the timeline of the end. Talked about the seventh day picturing the 70th week of Daniel, and then you have them passing the city seven times, picturing the seven seals of Revelation. You've got the two spies who get Rahab out of Jericho picturing the two witnesses that appear in Revelation chapter 11. And then you have the fall of Jericho picturing so strongly the fall of Babylon. Now we'll end the sermon here in Revelation 18. Look at what it says in verse 17. For in one hour, Revelation 18, 17, For in one hour so great riches has come to naught, And every shipmaster, and all the company, and ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, Stood afar off and cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, Saying, What city is like unto this great city? And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, Saying, Alas, alas, that great city wherein were made rich, All that had ships in the sea, by reason of her costliness. For in one hour is she made desolate. In one hour Babylon is made desolate. No more, nuked, like I've talked about. This merchant city that enriched so many kings of the earth and so many merchant men. They were crying, they're crying here, and they're lamenting, they're weeping the destruction of Babylon. They're casting dust on their heads, wailing as they see this great destruction, Which ultimately came from God using the ten king confederacy. What are we reading here? We're reading Bible prophecy. We're reading about things that are going to happen in the future. We're reading about things that will come to pass. And so the application that I want you guys to take home with you tonight is simple. Understand that although we might feel like there could be some political hope out there, that maybe there will be someday some candidate who rises to the top of the Republican Party that we can go vote for, and we can place our hope in, and that we can ride that train of momentum politically to perhaps turn this country around. Look, I just got to hit you with the truth right now. There is no remedy. It's sad but true. There may be a time where America experiences a bit of a revival. Don't get me wrong, revival could happen for a short period, but the ultimate end of the United States, the ultimate end for this nation is simply this, destruction. The ultimate end is a nuking. The ultimate end is merchantmen weeping and wailing, casting dust on their head. There is no political remedy that can stave off Bible prophecy. The Antichrist will rise to power. The 10 King Confederacy is going to burn the whore with fire, as Sodom and Gomorrah, as Jericho, as Babylon. The USA will burn, and the only hope we have is to reach as many people as possible with the gospel of Jesus Christ, not the gospel of the Republican Party, not the gospel of politics, not getting them to go out and vote. Go to the ballot box where when you click on one candidate, it switches it over to another one anyway through the Dominion voting machines. The whole thing is a fraud regardless and a waste of time. The only hope we really have is Jesus Christ. Our hope is in Jesus because this is going to happen regardless. The end times will come to pass. The Antichrist is coming. The New World Order is coming. The seven trumpet and bile judgments will be poured out. And yes, Babylon, the United States, will one day be destroyed. And the only hope we have for this nation isn't a bunch of spineless Republicans who lie and cheat their way into office anyway. They campaign on one thing and do the total opposite once they're elected regardless of what they said on the campaign trail. The only hope we have is through Jesus Christ. You say, well, how does God want us to feel about the fall of Babylon? Should we lament like they did? Look at verse 20. Now, Mystery Babylon changes hands throughout history. And so Mystery Babylon at one point was the Roman Empire. In the end times, we believe it will be the United States. And so this could be in reference to Mystery Babylon as a whole. But still it says, rejoice. Rejoice at her destruction. Rejoice at her doom. Rejoice at her burning because you've been avenged of her. You have to realize how much bloodshed, how much death the United States has been responsible for. And it's only going to get worse as we inch closer to the end times. It's only going to get worse as Christians are persecuted for believing the Bible. For simply being saved. Why rejoice? God's vengeance. Because God's vengeance is a wonderful thing. So to recap, the timeline of the fall of Jericho is like the timeline of the end. The spies are like the two witnesses. And the fall of Jericho is like the fall of Babylon. And I also wanted to give you some application to take home with you tonight. But that's all I had. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word and for all the different connections and the spiritual pictures that are contained in it. And I just pray, Father God, that you would help us to find more. That you would reveal them to us. And also prepare us for the end by getting us ready to preach the gospel. To get us ready for the spiritual fight rather than the carnal fight. Because we know that America is doomed. We know that Mystery Babylon is going to be destroyed like you said it would in your word. And so help us, Lord, to get ready to get as many souls saved as possible so they don't have to be here for your wrath when it's finally poured out. And in Jesus' name I pray, amen. Jesus, what a friend for sinners. Jesus, lover of my soul. Friends may fail me, foes assail me. He, my Savior, make me whole. Hallelujah, what a Savior. Hallelujah, what a friend. Saving, helping, keeping, loving. He is with me to the end. Jesus, what a strength in weakness. Let me hide myself in Him. Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing. He, my strength, my victory wins. Hallelujah, what a Savior. Hallelujah, what a friend. Saving, helping, keeping, loving. He is with me to the end. Jesus, what a health and sorrow while the billows o'er me roll. Even when my heart is breaking. He, my comfort, helps my soul. Hallelujah, what a Savior. Hallelujah, what a friend. Saving, helping, keeping, loving. He is with me to the end. Jesus, what a guide and keeper while the tempest still is high. Storms the valley, night o'er takes me. He, my pilot, hears my cry. Hallelujah, what a Savior. Hallelujah, what a friend. Saving, helping, keeping, loving. He is with me to the end. Jesus, what I do now receive in Him and all in Him I find. He hath granted me forgiveness. I am His, then He is mine. Hallelujah, what a Savior. Hallelujah, what a friend. Saving, helping, keeping, loving. He is with me to the end. Hallelujah.