(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you Welcome everyone to steadfast baptist If you could please find your seats and grab your song books We're gonna turn to one hundred and seventy five. It's just like his great love Song 175 it's just like his great love Song 175 sing it out nice and loud. It's just like his great love a Friend I have called Jesus Whose love is strong and true And never fails how e'er is tried No matter what I do I've sinned against this love of his But when I knelt to him Confessing all my guilt to him The sin clouds rolled away It's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away It's just like Jesus to keep me day by day It's just like Jesus all along the way It's just like Jesus to keep me day by day It's just like Jesus all along the way It's just like his great love Sometimes the clouds of trouble Be dim the sky above I cannot see my savior's face I doubt his wondrous love In heaven's mercy seat Beholding my despair In pity burst the clouds between And shows me he is there Just like Jesus to roll the clouds away It's just like Jesus to keep me day by day It's just like Jesus all along the way It's just like his great love When sorrows, clouds o'er take me And break upon my head When life seems worse than useless And I were better dead I take my grief to Jesus then Nor do I go in vain For heavenly hope he gives that cheers Like sunshine after rain It's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away It's just like Jesus to keep me day by day It's just like Jesus all along the way It's just like his great love on the last Oh, I could sing forever Of Jesus, love divine Of all his care and tenderness For this poor life of mine His love is in and over all And wind and waves obey When Jesus whispers peace be still And rolls the clouds away It's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away It's just like Jesus to keep me day by day It's just like Jesus all along the way It's just like his great love Great singing. Let's open up in order of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this evening's service and thank you for all the people here. I pray that you would bless this service for your honor and glory and that you would fill Brother Ben with the Holy Spirit this evening. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, for our second song, we'll go to 161, our great Savior. 161, our great Savior. Song 161, our great Savior. Jesus, what a friend for sinners Jesus, lover of my soul Friends may fail me Foes assail me He, my Savior, makes me whole Hallelujah, what a Savior Hallelujah, what a Friend Saving, helping, keeping, loving He is with me to the end Jesus, what a strength in weakness Let me hide myself in Him Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing He, my strength, my victory wins Hallelujah, what a Savior Hallelujah, what a Friend Saving, helping, keeping, loving He is with me to the end Jesus, what a help in sorrow While the billows o'er me roll Even when my heart is breaking He, my comfort, helps my soul Hallelujah, what a Savior Hallelujah, what a Friend Saving, helping, keeping, loving He is with me to the end Jesus, what a Guide and Keeper While the tempest still is high About me, night o'er takes me He, my Pilot, hears my cry Hallelujah, what a Savior Hallelujah, what a Friend Saving, helping, keeping, loving He is with me to the end Jesus, I do now receive Him More than all in Him I find He hath granted me forgiveness I am His and He is mine Hallelujah, what a Savior Hallelujah, what a Friend Saving, helping, keeping, loving He is with me to the end Alright, at this time we're going to go through our bulletins If you don't have a bulletin, go ahead and raise your hand and an usher will bring you one On the front of our bulletin there, we have our Bible memory passage of the week, Revelation 1.16 If anyone 18 years of age or younger quotes this to myself, Pastor Shelley, or an usher You'll get a treat after the Wednesday evening service Also, just as a reminder again, I put a picture there to remind myself of the conference coming up in Vancouver, Washington this week Some people from Steadfast are going to this, but make sure you tune in online Pastor Shelley is going to be kicking off the conference on Thursday evening So make sure to check out the Sure Foundation Baptist Church YouTube page for that conference, should be a great conference If you open up on the left, we have our service times there Sunday morning, 10.30 AM, our Spanish service every week at 4.30 PM And our Sunday evening service, 5.30 PM, Wednesday evening service at 7 o'clock We're blessed to have Brother Ben filling in this evening for us Pastor Shelley is preaching at our church plant in Oklahoma City And so be sure to be praying for a safe return this evening Also we have our soul winning information there listed Our church wide soul winning times that meet at our location And our regional soul winning times meet everywhere all over the DFW area So if you're interested in any of those, you can talk to those respective leaders there We do have our stats there listed on the bottom left And the Bahamas definitely helped us with our stats for this year So that was great, hopefully we can do that in the coming years as well We have our expecting ladies list there, make sure to be keeping those ladies in prayer for healthy pregnancies, healthy deliveries As well as our weekly prayer requests listed there And if you ever have a prayer request, send them in to our email Or like I said this morning, sometimes you need prayer right away You can post that on Facebook, if you don't have a Facebook You can let me or Pastor know and I can post that for you Upcoming events talked about this morning We have the Shreveport, Louisiana soul winning marathon coming up June 3rd There will be church transportation provided for this if you want So please sign up at the sign up sheet up there And let us know if you need a ride or if you can give a ride as well And there will be more details as far as when the church van is going to be leaving To come July 1st is the wedding of Suhail and Laurie And that ceremony is going to be at 11am 12pm noon is the reception There's a link there where you can RSVP and have some more details about their wedding And just as a reminder, the RSVP window does close June 1st You got to do it before then if you'd like to attend that wedding Otherwise the door is shut, no man can open It's just too late, you can't go So make sure to do that before Alright, let's go to our third song Psalm 150 In your white handouts, Psalm 150 Psalm 150 Praise ye the Lord, praise God in his sanctuary Praise him in the firmament of his power Praise him for his mighty acts Praise him according to his excellent greatness Praise him with the sound of the trumpet Praise him with the psaltery and harp Praise him with the timbrel and dance Praise him with stringed instruments and organs Praise him upon the loud cymbals Praise him upon the high sounding cymbals Let everything that hath breath Praise the Lord, praise ye the Lord Praise God the Father, praise God the Son Praise God the Holy Ghost, praise God in three persons Great singing as the offering plates are being passed around Please turn in your Bibles to Genesis chapter number 18 Genesis chapter number 18 Genesis chapter 18 The Bible reads And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre And he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day And he looked up his eyes and looked and lo, three men stood by him And when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door And bowed himself toward the ground And said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight Pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched And wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree And I will fetch a morsel of bread And comfort ye your hearts After that ye shall pass on For therefore ye come to your servant And they said, So do as thou hast said And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah And said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal Knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth And Abraham ran unto the herd and fetched a calf tender and good And gave it unto a young man And he hastened to dress it And he took butter and milk And the calf which he had dressed And set it before them And he stood by them under the tree And they did eat And they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold in the tent And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to thy time of life And lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son And Sarah heard it in the tent door which was behind him Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age And it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women Therefore Sarah laughed within herself saying After I am waxed old, shall I have pleasure, my Lord being old also? And the Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh saying Shall I of a surety bear a child which am old? Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee according to the time of life And Sarah shall have a son Then Sarah denied saying, I laugh not for she was afraid And he said, Nay, but thou didst laugh And the men rose up from thence and looked toward Sodom And Abraham went with them to bring them on the way And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do? Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation And all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him And they shall keep the way of the Lord to do justice and judgment That the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great And because their sin is very grievous I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether According to the cry of it which has come unto me And if not, I will know And the men turned their faces from thence and went toward Sodom But Abraham stood yet before the Lord And Abraham drew near and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Paraventure there be fifty righteous within the city Wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from thee to do after this manner To slay the righteous with the wicked And that the righteous should be as the wicked That be far from thee, shall not the judge of all the earth do right? And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city Then I will spare all the place for their sakes And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord Which am but dust and ashes Paraventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous Wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it And he spake unto him yet again and said, Paraventure, thou shalt be forty found there And he said, I will not do it for forty sake And he said unto him, O let not the Lord be angry and I will speak Paraventure there shall thirty be found there And he said, I will not do it if I find thirty there And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord Paraventure there shall be twenty found there And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty sake And he said, O let not the Lord be angry and I will speak yet but this once Paraventure ten shall be found there And he said, I will not destroy it for ten sake And the Lord went his way as soon as he had left communing with Abraham And Abraham returned unto his place Let us pray Father we thank you for this great chapter We thank you for brother Ben and his family We just pray that you would fill brother Ben with the power of the Holy Spirit right now And help him to gather his thoughts and lay on his heart the message that you have prepared for him to deliver to us Help him to preach with boldness and authority And hold nothing back And help us to apply what he gives us to our Christian lives And also we pray that you would bring Pastor Shelley and his family home safely to us And we just ask these things in Jesus name, Amen Amen, I want to thank Pastor Shelley for the opportunity to fill the pulpit today We're going to start in Genesis chapter 18 and we'll look at verse 11 where the Bible read Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age And it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women Therefore Sarah laughed within herself saying After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure my Lord being old also And the Lord said unto Abraham Wherefore did Sarah laugh saying Shall I of a surety bear a child which am old Pay attention to this in verse 14 Is anything too hard for the Lord At the time appointed I will return unto thee according to the time of life And Sarah shall have a son Now this is part of the Abrahamic Covenant That Sarah would conceive seed And that there would be physical descendants coming through her God's chosen people They would be promised a land And we know that those people really are a picture of the spiritual nation of Israel that would come And those consist, that nation I should say consists of believers But what's interesting is this really famous rhetorical question in verse number 14 And the question is coming from God Is anything too hard for the Lord It seems fairly obvious The answer is no, right? God is omnipotent He's all powerful There's nothing too hard for him Yet Christians apparently forget this every single day Because you look at a lot of people who are saved Who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ And they struggle with having a defeatist attitude And a lot of people have lapses in faith And they have lapses in their trust They're resting in God And a lot of them are very anxious and nervous about the future And I understand that We live in a wicked world There's a lot of adversity that we all have to go through as Bible believing Christians I get that But I think every once in a while we need a reminder that you know what There is nothing too hard for God Whatever situation you might be going through right now Scenario, hardship Doesn't matter what area of life you're struggling in You have to remember there is nothing too difficult There is nothing too hard for God to handle And that's the point here in Genesis 18 Is that even though Sarah is well past child bearing age The Lord would miraculously still enable her to conceive And that's exactly what happened Now Sarah laughs within herself And I find it kind of funny because she denies it And it's like, no you laughed, right? If you read the text Thou didst laugh, okay? We all know you did It's alright, you can admit it But you know, kind of called out there And again, this phrase here It's something that all of us need to keep in mind When we're going through tough times And that's the title of my sermon this evening Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Now this has such a deep meaning And there's a lot of different ways we can A lot of different applications we can make Based on this phrase here in scripture I believe it's a rhetorical question The answer is obvious But I think first of all it speaks to the omnipotence of God Now what do I mean by that? That phrase, or that word I should say Omnipotence, the omnipotence of God One of God's attributes It's talking about the fact that he's all powerful You know, omni, all, potent, powerful And there are multiple ways we can expound on this But I think the biggest one is that God is all powerful And so we can trust him with our burdens Now look over at chapter 21 Chapter 21, Sarah doubts here And I mean, how could you blame her? Right? She's well past childbearing age And she's being told that she's going to bear a child But that's exactly what happens In chapter 21, it says in verse 1 And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said And the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him Whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac So Isaac right here, this was the catalyst for the chosen lineage But in spite of her internal laughter And perhaps some doubts Sarah gives birth to Isaac Aged 90 90, 90, 9-0 This is miraculous Now what seemed impossible though What seemed impossible was possible with God And that's a common theme you'll find in the scriptures What seems impossible with man is possible with God And we'll see that over and over again But I want to kind of lay the bedrock for the sermon The foundation for the sermon first And then we'll get into some application Turn to Exodus 14 to start Exodus chapter 14 And we started off talking about Sarah And she laughed within herself when told she would conceive seed But she does anyway And bears Isaac And this is, you know, the chosen seed The descendants that went through Sarah And Isaac, Jacob, Israel eventually And we'll look at Israel because Israel, their journey through the wilderness pictures the Christian life They had ups, they had downs, a lot of downs A lot of doubts Lapses of faith over and over again in the wilderness And it seems like they forgot that there was nothing too hard for God Every time they faced a situation that seemed impossible to them At that point they lost faith And they said let's just go right back into Egypt again It's like they forgot who they were dealing with It's like they forgot the omnipotence of the Lord That he would orchestrate their entry into the promised land That he promised them that land That's why it was called the promised land It was for them, it was saved for them And yeah it might have been occupied by a bunch of heathen nations at the time But the Lord would wipe them out on their behalf And yet they just kept having Over and over again these lapses in faith Now I had you turn to Exodus 14 I wanted to quote a few other places first Before we read some scriptures in Exodus 14 The Bible says in Jeremiah 32 Ah Lord God behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth By thy great power and stretched out arm And there is nothing too hard for thee So Jeremiah extolling the Lord in prayer And he says there is nothing too hard for thee Again speaking to the omnipotence of God The all powerful nature of the Lord And this is something we should be doing in our prayer life And I get it that yes we should ask If you ask you'll receive I understand that's one of the main purposes of prayer Is that we can ask God for things We could place our burdens on him And rest on him for those things And ask him for things And I get that but we should also make sure That we are glorifying the Lord in our prayer life Extolling the Lord in our prayer life Pedestalizing God in our prayer life That's what Jeremiah does And I appreciated that In Jeremiah 32 it also says Behold I am the Lord the God of all flesh Is there anything too hard for me Again that same phrase that we read In Genesis chapter 18 And in Jeremiah 32 God pronounces judgment on the southern kingdom of Judah He tells them about the Babylonian captivity They would eventually be redeemed from that after 70 years But the same concept is taught there And it's taught in multiple places in scripture Including in the New Testament Where Jesus said with men this is impossible But with God all things are possible Speaking to the situation with the rich young ruler Who had attempted to justify himself to get to heaven And Jesus teaching his disciples that It's very difficult for a rich man to get to heaven Because of what they were trusting in To get there and the disciples were kind of incredulous to this But Jesus said hey with God all things are possible With God all things are possible So the same sort of concept taught in the New Testament But like I said there are several key moments When you look at the journey of Israel In the wilderness where they needed to be reminded There is nothing too hard for the Lord Exodus 14 is one of those spots And look at verse 10 See there were several moments Where the inheritance seemed improbable Or even impossible for them to acquire But they did Look at verse 10 Exodus 14 verse 10 The Bible read there And when Pharaoh drew nigh The children of Israel lifted up their eyes And behold the Egyptians marched after them And they were sore afraid And the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord And they said unto Moses Because there were no graves in Egypt Hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness Wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us To carry us forth out of Egypt Chased by Pharaoh's armies The Red Sea in front of them They're thinking this is it we're done It's over for us You promised us safety You promised us a land that we would procure It would have been better for us to remain in Egypt Why did you bring us out into this wilderness We think you did it intentionally To have us slain here by the Egyptians And they want to go back One of many times where they respond this way To a scenario that appeared to be Not just improbable But perhaps impossible Discounting the providence of God Look what happens next Verse 21 We all know the story It's very famous But in verse 21 The Bible read there And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea And the Lord caused the sea to go back By a strong east wind all that night And made the sea dry land And the waters were divided Certain death Seemed to be the only realistic outcome here But instead the seas are parted In one of the most famous stories in scripture When they walk on dry land And it's Egypt that's drowned in the sea We see that God miraculously saved them From this predicament Is there anything too hard for the Lord The answer is no Let's look a few chapters later at Exodus chapter 17 Exodus chapter 17 Where the Israelites have a very similar reaction To a difficult predicament The realization sets in There's a lack of natural resources here What are we going to do It's like wait a minute God literally just led you through the Red Sea Part of the seas for you specifically And you're still going to doubt him It's kind of mind-blowing if you think about it But Christians do this every day Exodus 17 Look at verse 1 And all the congregation of the children of Israel Journeys from the wilderness of sin After their journeys According to the commandment of the Lord And pitched in Rephidim And there was no water For the people to drink Evidently this was just an insurmountable problem There's no water What are we going to do I mean look how they react Wherefore the people did chide with Moses And said give us water that we may drink And Moses said unto them Why chide ye with me Wherefore do ye tempt the Lord And the people thirsted there for water And the people murmured against Moses And said wherefore is this That thou hast brought us up out of Egypt To kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst So it's like Okay we make it to the Red Sea Egypt is chasing them and they think Alright this is why you brought us out here to kill us Well God's miraculous hand intervenes He opens up You know he parts the waters They walk through on dried land And everything works out Then in chapter 17 there's no water And again they think You brought us out here to kill us Just get a grip Alright Let's see what happens Obviously that's not the reason Why they were removed, redeemed from bondage There is no water in Rephidim And they believe they're dying They believe they're in an impossible No-win scenario Again They believe that God's promise Would not materialize God promised them land And they thought in that moment Not gonna happen It's not gonna happen But Is there anything too hard For the Lord? No Obviously Let's look at verse 5 And the Lord said unto Moses Go on before the people And take with thee Of the elders of Israel And thy rod Wherewith thou smote us the river Take thine hand and go Behold I will stand before thee There upon the rock in Horeb And thou shalt smite the rock And there shall come water out of it That the people may drink And Moses did so In the sight of the elders of Israel So God orchestrates a miracle yet again And Moses smites the rock Water comes out of it A tremendous picture of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the rock The Bible tells us in the New Testament Jesus Christ is the rock And just as Jesus was smitten to offer living water It was that rock that was smitten by Moses Which then offered water For the Israelites who were then Their thirst was quenched And in Numbers chapter 20 We see a similar deal Where Moses and a rock are involved And this time God asks Moses to speak unto the rock Because it had already been smitten Instead Moses smites it And he's not allowed into the promised land Screwing up the picture of the gospel So that's I think one of the reasons Why God was very upset with him Upon a cursory reading of the text You might wonder well what was the big deal there But once you understand the spiritual significance I think it makes more sense That's kind of a side point But what I'm trying to show you here Is that God orchestrates a miracle By which they receive water Even though they felt like they were in An impossible to win predicament And yet is there anything too hard for the Lord He gets them through it In spite of their anxiety In spite of their unbelief The lapses in faith that they had along the journey God took care of them because he made a promise Look at Deuteronomy chapter 1 Deuteronomy chapter 1 Now there comes a time though Where even as a saved Christian It gets to the point where God's about to Cloud up and rain on your life And when you exhibit unbelief Over and over and over again There are consequences for that And that's what happened with Israel Where the men of war Who doubted that the Lord would offer them Or would actually procure the promised land On their behalf They ended up falling Other than Caleb and Joshua though Because they had faith And in Deuteronomy chapter 1 We see their unbelief rearing its ugly head again In verse 26 After searching the land for 40 days It says in verse 26 Notwithstanding you would not go up This is kind of a recap of what happened But rebelled against the commandment of the Lord your God Verse 27 in Deuteronomy chapter 1 Verse 27 And ye murmured in your tents and said Because the Lord hated us He hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt To deliver us into the hand of the Amorites To destroy us It's like good night Here we go again First you thought you wouldn't make it through the Red Sea Then you thought you would die Because of thirst Now here you think that The heathens that are occupying the land at the time Are going to kill you And there is no way you can possibly overcome them To take what God had promised for you And in verse 28 it says Whither shall we go up? Our brethren have discouraged our hearts Saying the people is greater and taller than we The cities are great and walled up to heaven And moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there So the spies confirm That the promised land is filled with milk and honey But you have people who were overtaken with unbelief And they said there is no way we could ever procure that land There is no way we can overcome this predicament It is an insurmountable opponent that you're asking us to defeat But what are they discounting? Well what did we read all the way back in Genesis chapter 18? Is there anything too hard for the Lord? See in their mind they're thinking well this is where the journey ends You know we've got a formidable opponent The Anakims being one of them They were very tall and strong people In the land at the time that they thought they couldn't defeat But Joshua and Caleb said this I'll quote it for you If the Lord delight in us Then he will bring us into this land Only rebel ye Let me rephrase that sorry Only rebel not ye against the Lord Neither fear ye the people of the land For they are bred for us Their defense is parted from them And the Lord is with us Fear them not Notice the faith that they had That God would deliver on his promise Saying fear them not God will fight for us In other words is there anything too hard for the Lord? Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Is there anything too hard for the Lord? This land was promised by God He will deliver on his promise Have faith in him Trust in him Rely on him Depend on him Rest on his promises You know I have two statements this evening that I want you to remember That I think are connected to this famous phrase in Genesis 18 You see it elsewhere in scripture as well Two statements that I think are really important for us To understand as Bible believing Christians And remember as we go through the storms of life The ups and the downs that we all have to face in our lives And the first one is this In relation to this phrase Is there anything too hard for the Lord? It brings into remembrance this There is no promise that is too hard for the Lord There is no promise that is too hard for the Lord There is no promise that is too hard for the Lord He can't lie This is basic stuff But there is no promise too hard for him to keep And one of the promises that he makes for us in scripture is what? Preservation This is a promise that Israel struggled with They didn't think they would be preserved Until God gave them the land And there were several moments where they thought Alright we're done This is an improbable or even impossible situation to get out of It's finished They didn't believe they would be preserved But God expressly promises preservation Preservation is a promise And I think there are multiple components to this promise You see he also promises to preserve his words And his eternal words tell us that he'll preserve his people But first of all let's look at Psalm chapter 12 What seems improbable or even impossible with men is possible with God And in Psalm chapter 12 we have a promise There is no promise too hard for the Lord And in Psalm 12 we have a famous promise Related to I believe not just the word of God but his people And we'll get into that But look at verse 5 when you get there Verse 5 the Bible reads For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy Now will I arise, sayeth the Lord I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him The words of the Lord are pure words As silver tried in a furnace of earth Purified seven times Thou shalt keep them, O Lord Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever The wicked walk on every side When the vilest men are exalted So the poor, it's saying, would be safe from those that are puffing at them God's word, the Bible tells us here, is pure Purified seven times Some people look at that and connect it to the lineage of the King James Bible I think that's kind of intriguing But my point is that God promises his words would be kept forever For all generations That's the promise made so clearly in Scripture The promise of preservation And there is no promise that is too hard for God to keep And it's too bad that Just As Sure as Israel had an issue with faith And over and over again just suffered with this unbelief that they had to deal with Yet we see people today who exhibit unbelief when it comes to the promise So clearly outlined in Scripture of preservation Of preservation These are basic doctrines, folks Basic doctrines that are taught in the Bible One of them is this, that God preserves God not only inspires, but he preserves And he promised us preservation in Psalm chapter 12 But there are some who would say preservation as we understand it Preservation as it was outlined in our documentary, The Preserved Bible Which you can check out, thepreservedbible.com You guys have already seen it Gotta get the cheap plugs in there for any new people out there Thepreservedbible.com As it was outlined in that documentary There might be people who look at that and say The way you understand this doctrine of preservation Impossible There is no way God could have preserved his words the way that you're describing That just doesn't, you're telling me every word preserved from the very beginning But what about all of the new discoveries that we've made The archeological discoveries that have been made Thanks to the geniuses and textual criticism Who've given us Codex Vaticanus Codex Sinaiticus Westcott and Hort The Nestle-Allen Greek New Testament You're telling me you're discounting all that? Yeah, I am Because there is no promise too hard for God to keep And if that's the philosophy you want to adopt You're telling me that apparently it was too hard for God to keep the promise of preservation So clearly outlined in Psalms 12 And elsewhere And elsewhere But critical text advocates in spite of what we just read there They want to reconstruct the text Let's go on an excavation mission to find the originals Let's find them originals folks And today, as a result of their philosophy The Nestle-Allen Greek New Testament is on its 28th edition 28th 28th edition Because the new philosophy of textual criticism says that Hey, the Bible is an ever evolving work And we need to work to get closer and closer to the original That we will never discover Seriously Let's work our way to an original that we don't know what it says We never will know what it says And we'll never discover it Doesn't that sound like a fun mission to go on? Let's go find something we'll never find because we'll never know what it says And it's not possible to ever know what it says It's not possible to ever find these originals They're lost But let's try and find them anyway I don't know if we've ever found them You say this sounds crazy They don't actually believe that Okay, I'll give you a quote You say you're just making stuff up Nope Dan Wallace from Dallas Seminary Now who is Dan Wallace? He's a very famous critical text advocate Here's a direct quote from him He said We do not have now in our critical Greek texts or any translations Exactly what the authors of the New Testament wrote So we don't have what the author said in the originals Currently in the modern era But he adds this He says Even if we did We would not know it Interesting Even if we had the originals We would not know it Uncertainty I mean, boy, that sounds like an atheistic worldview to me It's the atheists who say we can't ever know anything for certain It's Christians who are supposed to have certainty in their worldview So here's a translation of basically what he said No certainty on what we can consider scripture There is no certainty on what we can consider to be scripture In other words, we don't know what the Bible is We do not know what the Bible is in 2023 And we never will I mean, in that case, might as well shut this thing and go, you know, bowling or something Like, what are we doing here? Do we even know this is the Bible? Do we know any... What is the Bible? Right? But yet they keep looking anyway It's an impossible mission, but they're still engaged in it And now they've found a new way to engage in textual criticism The coherence-based genealogical method And what they do with this Of course, you know, Westcott and Hort led to the recent eclecticism of the 20th century And now CBGM in modern times is being used to compare witnesses with extant Greek manuscripts They had to come up with different readings that are brand new This is why they had to come up with a 28th edition of the Nestle-Allen Greek text Which is the bedrock of modern Bible translations And there will be a 29th edition of the Nestle-Allen Greek text Which will be using the CBGM method Perhaps they'll use it on the gospels And they'll come up with some new verses that they decide to add in Or maybe they'll take some out and they'll make some changes here and there We don't know which, every verse is up for grabs James White said so Now he'll deny it because he's a liar But he said so as clear as day in a debate with Jeff Riddle Every verse is up for grabs We don't know what the Bible really says And all this is based on the idea that we do not have the originals But more so than that, it's based on the idea that we cannot know what the originals said Because when God promised preservation, he didn't really mean what we all think he meant You know, every word, preservation, it's not what we think Okay, here's my response to that Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Is it possible that maybe the plain reading of Psalm chapter 12 means what it says? Isn't it possible? I think it is, in fact I think that's a lot more reasonable than believing that there's some mystical text out there that we'll never procure And that we all need to go find it in some archaeological dig Hey, you know what? I can find you exactly what the Greek New Testament said Go to the Trinitarian Bible Society website Go purchase yourself an 1894 FHA Scrivener's edition of the received text And you've got what the originals said Because that's the word of God, that's the preserved Bible You can go get the Daniel Baumberg Masoretic text in Hebrew And you can know what the Bible said in Hebrew And make no mistake about it, you can go to a dollar store And you can pick up a King James Bible in English And I'm telling you right now, you've got what the originals said In English A perfect translation of the originals Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Can he preserve every single word of the scriptures? Yes, and he has done it Now there's a refining process at times And the Byzantine manuscripts were refined And gave us the received text of scripture which was further refined Until Scrivener's edition The Masoretic text, the English Bible went through the same refining process Starting with William Tyndale's edition But yet here we have it The perfectly preserved word of God If you're asking me, can God possibly preserve every single word exactly like he promised? The answer to that question is yes Psalm chapter 12 verse 7 says it so clearly Thou shalt keep them, O Lord Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever But that's not possible How could that be possible? Is anything too hard for the Lord? Of course not The grass withereth, the flower fadeth But the word of our God shall stand forever And there are many different scriptures that would substantiate the doctrine of preservation But just as sure as he promised to preserve his words Listen up folks, he promised to preserve his people And the preservation of his people points us to the preservation of his words We're all collectively a symbol of the preservation of God's word I think the preservation of his people points us to the preservation of his words A picture of the preservation of his words Because I think that people are also in view In Psalm chapter 12 it's a secondary application to be clear But look at, if you would, Psalm 37 The poor would be preserved in Psalm chapter 12 People being preserved, picture God's word being preserved Israel doubted this repeatedly in the wilderness Forgetting there is nothing too hard for the Lord There is nothing too hard for God And we need to be reminded of this fact because Like I've said, you go through life, you've got your ups, you've got your downs But we need to remember that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord And he delighteth in his way, though he fall Yet he shall not be utterly cast down For the Lord upholdeth him with his hand, the Bible says And that's earlier in the chapter I had you turn But look at verse 18 Look at verse 18 where the Bible said there The Lord knoweth the days of the upright And their inheritance shall be forever They shall not be ashamed in the evil time And in the days of famine They shall be satisfied Many people are worried about the state of the economy In the United States of America Rightfully so because we've got a brain-dead moron freak pedophile in the White House Who's intentionally destroying this country at the behest of his son So yeah, I get it But you know what? Here's the thing about that Are you right with God? Have you got your spiritual life taken care of? In that case, you have nothing to worry about Let's read it again They shall not be ashamed in the evil time In the days of famine They shall be satisfied In the days of famine They shall be satisfied Let's skip down to verse 27 Depart from evil and do good and dwell forevermore For the Lord loveth judgment and forsaketh not his saints Pay attention to this They are preserved forever But the seed of the wicked shall be cut off You know who should be worried? During a time of trouble During a time of famine When this economy inevitably collapses The destruction of the US dollar It should be all these wicked people out there Who hate the Lord Jesus Christ Let them be anathema maranatha They're the ones who should be shaking in their boots at the wrath of God And you know what? I'll add this into the mix Christians who are unprofitable They're not useful You know, the received text of scripture was being used, wasn't it? And it was preserved If you want to be preserved You need to be useful So God can use you You can be meat for the master's use You say, I want to be preserved During a time of trouble And so I'm heading over to infowars.com And I'm buying me some storable foods You know, he plugged it on his radio show about 85 times a minute And I'm ready to purchase some Hey, great! Get your food if you want But if that's what you're relying on to be preserved You will be severely disappointed You ought to rely on this Then you can support the broadcast later, all right? Get your spiritual life in order first Some would say, you know what? I'm struggling, man It's easy for you to get up and rah rah sermon Get everybody to say amen Easy for you to get up there and say that But you don't understand what I'm going through right now You don't understand this economy You don't understand living paycheck to paycheck You don't understand what it's like You know, struggling badly To put food on the table, to provide for my family And look, I don't want you to feel like I cannot relate to that I can, okay? And I understand that There are struggles and there are probably people in this room Struggling right now with that And I get it And it may be hard And it may induce stress And he might start to doubt Is God really going to preserve me? Is this really going to happen? I mean, when's my next meal? Am I going to have enough in the bank to provide for my kids? I've got a big family Some of you might be thinking that But here's my question in response Is there anything too hard for the Lord? There is no promise too hard for God to keep Including the promise of preservation Get your spiritual life in order first And it'll work itself out Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness And all these things shall be added unto you That's what Jesus promised Do you believe it? Or are you going to have a defeatist attitude and say I'll end up on the streets, there's no way Well, with that attitude maybe it will happen But you ought to trust in the promises of God One of them is preservation You know, some might ask this question How is it possible for someone to attend Steadfast Baptist Church And even be kind of public about it Aren't you afraid? I mean, what if your employer finds out I mean, what if your family finds out And they find out what you really believe It's like too late, I mean, that already happened to me Some of them don't want anything to do with me That's cool, I've got a family right here in front of me, so it's fine Oh no, what could possibly happen? You know, I got a phone call the other day It was funny, I got a phone call the other day from somebody He said, look, I agree with a lot of what you believe I do, I agree with a lot of what you believe But just, you know, why can't you just kind of keep quiet about it though Like, do you have to post about it on your social media Like, advise me not to even preach right now Like, wait, you're going to preach on the internet And people are going to hear you? It's like, what are you doing? Are you crazy? And, you know, it's funny, I think about that and I go Okay, so this is basically what you're telling me to do Go cower in fear, go hide in a cave somewhere Don't tell anyone anything Don't stand up for the things of God And just let the wicked reprobates do that all up and down the streets You know, that's the attitude, and this is a nice person I'm not down on them, if you're listening, I'm not trying to attack you But, you know, that's the attitude that's destroying America Because guess who has the boldness Guess who has the trumpet that they're sounding all over our culture right now Going up and down the streets and flaunting their filth The enemies of God Because God's people have hid in a cave somewhere And decided that they're too afraid to believe the promise of preservation That's outlined in the Bible And so they're not saying anything They're not doing anything for God They're too afraid And, you know what, over my dead body I could not live with myself if I compromised on the things of God I could not live with myself if I knew what the Bible said And I shut up about it Because I was too afraid of what the left might do Give me a break What are they going to do, hit me with a purse? These people are literally a bunch of pencil-necked, spineless cowards I'm not afraid of them You know, me and my friend Glock sleep very well every single night Knowing that I've got a hedge of protection about me that comes from the Lord Cower in fear No No, I'm just going to openly say it I don't care Put me on your Twitter Put me wherever you want I believe the Bible And it's time for Christians to stop being so ashamed of the Bible Stand up and say I believe Romans 1 I believe Leviticus 20-13 I believe the Gospel You don't like it? Nuts to you We need some spines We need some courage And some But what about Just stop Just shut up Is there anything too hard for the Lord? There is no promise too hard for God to keep Including the promise of preservation He will preserve His people You ought to be more afraid of cowering in fear Than standing up for what's right Stay confident in His promises That's what this phrase should elicit from us A renewed confidence in the promises of God There is nothing too hard for Him Let's go to Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 You know, there's a famous portion of Scripture in 1 Peter I'll quote this for you as you turn to Matthew chapter 21 But it says in verse 15 For so is the will of God Or sorry, wrong spot, that's chapter 2 It says, But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts And be ready always to give an answer to every man That asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you With meekness and fear You all know that meme Where everything's burning around the dog And what does the dog say? This is fine That's the hope that we all have as Bible-believing Christians That we should be ready to give a reason for that hope To everyone who asks How could you remain so calm knowing That there are people out there who want you to die Who hate you Who hate you because of your faith Who are persecuting you because of your faith Is there anything too hard for the Lord? God promised to preserve me And I believe it That's the hope that we should have as Christians Matthew 21, look at verse 21 It says, Jesus answered and said unto them Verily I say unto you If ye have faith and doubt not Ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree But also if ye shall say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea It shall be done And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer Believing ye shall receive Here's another promise How about the promise of prayer Ask and you will receive How about the promise that God will answer your prayers Believing though is the key word Have great faith, rely on him Cast your burdens on him James tells us, yet ye have not because ye ask not And some would respond, well you don't understand my predicament though I mean, yeah, I get it, all right, pray, whatever Every preacher says that But my predicament, you have no idea The burden, the stress that is on my shoulders Oh, is there anything too hard for the Lord? Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Stay confident in his promises He said he would answer prayers How about you take him up on that offer Here's my second statement, speaking of prayer My second statement is this There is no prayer that is too hard for the Lord There is no prayer that is too hard for the Lord How about this one The prayer to have children Go to 1 Samuel chapter 1 1 Samuel chapter 1 There was a man of Ramathium Zophim 1 Samuel chapter 1 Elkanah, he had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah Hannah did not have children Was barren up to this point In 1 Samuel chapter 1 Let's see what she does about that In 1 Samuel chapter 1 Remember, there is no prayer that is too hard for the Lord And in 1 Samuel chapter 1 it says in verse 5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion 1 Samuel chapter 1 verse 5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion For he loved Hannah But the Lord had shut up her womb Now Hannah was a godly woman Yet she was barren And what you have to understand Is that yes, having a barren womb can be a curse of God We all understand that But not always Don't get carried away with that Not always There were several women in the Bible who were barren for a long time Yet righteous And Hannah was one of them But look what she said in verse 11 Verse 11 She vowed a vow and said, O Lord of hosts If thou would indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid And remember me and not forget thine handmaid But will give unto thine handmaid a man-child Then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life And there shall no razor come upon his head Speaking of the Nazarite vow We can't get into that for sake of time Read more about it in number 6 Verse 19 And they rose up in the morning early and worshipped before the Lord And returned and came to their house to Ramah And Elkanah knew Hannah, his wife Speaking about the physical relationship within marriage And the Lord remembered her Verse 20 Wherefore it came to pass when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived That she bear a son and called his name Samuel Saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord She asked and she received She asked and she received God blessed Hannah with a child, not just any child, Samuel An epic picture of Christ right here, Samuel And yes, she was barren for a time But notice what happened She prayed for that to be rectified and it was And she received a child Turn to Luke chapter 1, Luke chapter 1 Zacharias and Elizabeth Also another example of a righteous couple The Bible even goes as far as describing them as blameless And yet childless Blameless and yet childless But that was not the end of their story In verse 36 it says, in Luke chapter 1 and verse 36 And behold thy cousin Elizabeth She hath also conceived a son in her old age And this is the sixth month with her Who was called barren Verse 37 is the theme of the whole message For with God nothing shall be impossible Nothing shall be impossible Zacharias and Elizabeth barren for a time But then John the Baptist's parents right They were righteous yet God delivered them a child We see the same thing with Hannah And all the way back in Genesis chapter 18 That was the reason that Sarah laughed within herself Thinking there was no way she could ever conceive Beyond your typical child bearing age And that's what happened with her as well Even at age 90 via a miracle All examples of barren women And there's more who eventually conceived But Hannah specifically prayed And asked God for a child She had been afflicted by the kind of feud She was having with Peninnah And she was in a scenario that seemed impossible It seemed improbable But there are many things rather That are improbable or impossible with man That are possible with God And this is one of them right here You say well but Ben I have been praying I have been hoping And I understand that And there may be somebody like that And you might think it's an impossible request from God That it's just not going to happen But is there anything too hard for the Lord? The answer is no And we see that in the scriptures What seems improbable What seems impossible with man Is possible with God And the prayer for God to bless you with children Is not too hard for him to answer And I get it Maybe the answer is no And in that case We need to just have faith that the Lord knows why We need to have faith in God To know why that's his answer The answer might be no But how are you going to know unless you ask? And so if you're that person Keep asking Keep requesting Keep praying The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5 17 Pray without ceasing Pray without ceasing What seems impossible or improbable to us Is possible with God There is nothing too hard for him A doctor one time told my wife You are not going to have children That's it It's done It's just It's not going to happen And that's tough Right? We thought, all right What can we do? Let's just get that on our knees And ask the Lord to fix this for us Right? I mean, think about how jarring that is You're not going to have kids The doctor says Well, today we have two We asked And asked And asked And asked And asked And asked And asked You pray without ceasing Is there anything too hard for the Lord? But as if that wasn't enough All right, she gets pregnant And then When she delivers the baby He comes out blue Gray Grayish blue Not breathing And just kind of flops there And I'm thinking like What? Like this isn't how it's supposed to happen That's not what I You know, in the movies and things like that They're supposed to cry What's going on here? And I'm thinking All right We prayed and prayed and prayed up to this point I guess it's time for us to pray again And so I prayed And this is all I said I said God, please just let my baby live That was it I said God, please let my baby live And it was only a few seconds later That he starts coughing up Whatever was stuck in his lungs And he starts crying And we had one of the best Midwives in the business Working on him And And he started crying You know, he took his first breath But In that moment I had to realize this Even though it seemed dire And frankly in my head I'm thinking like Okay This isn't good But is there anything too hard for the Lord? What seemed improbable What seemed impossible What seemed like it was over What seemed It seemed like it was done It seemed like a tragedy had just occurred With the birth of our first child Well Nothing's too hard for God You pray in those situations When you're in that predicament You pray You rely You trust You rest on him You cast your burdens on him And you realize There is nothing too hard for God There is no problem Too hard for him to solve And there is no prayer Too hard for him to answer What seems improbable What seems impossible With men Is Possible With God And I was gonna talk about health But for sake of time we'll skip that You know, people have a bad diagnosis Perhaps the doctor says You only have A certain amount of time to live Whatever the case may be There may be someone in this room right now Struggling with a health issue Struggling with something That you've been dealing with for years And you just can't figure out Where to go next Well have you prayed? Have you asked God For a solution? And even if it feels like There's no end in sight Never forget What we read in Genesis chapter 18 Is there anything Too hard For the Lord? Is there anything Too hard for the Lord? Remember Hezekiah He was told That he would die But God gave him 15 more years Let's move on to Acts chapter 4 Acts chapter 4 And I'll look at This last example here Acts chapter 4 We tend to think That There is no solution Israel felt that way They got to the Red sea and felt Alright I guess we're gonna perish here Rephidim they thought There's no water We're gonna perish here They got to the promised land Saw who had occupied it At that time And said I guess we're gonna perish here And you might come To that point in your life And think I guess I'm gonna perish here I guess it's over for me I guess this isn't gonna happen I guess this request Isn't gonna be met And there are plenty of requests On that bulletin That we can all look at And pray for every single night And there may be people Who put those requests On that bulletin Thinking there is no way That those requests Could possibly be met I'm not sure Who else to turn to I'm not sure If God is hearing me And it's at that point That they need to be reminded Is there anything Too hard For the Lord Is there anything Too hard For the Lord Now I believe I told you To turn to Acts chapter 4 Is that right? Now in Acts chapter number 4 We have an epic verse In verse 29 And What I want to talk about Next is this The prayer for boldness Because there are people Who have crippling anxiety That prevents them From thinking They can never do Anything mighty for God They have crippling anxiety And they think There is no way That they could ever Preach the gospel There's no way That they could ever do anything In a public setting For the Lord Not them No way Not gonna happen I'm an introvert It's just not gonna happen Well look at verse 29 Acts chapter 4 verse 29 The Bible says there And now Lord Will hold their threatenings And grant unto thy servants That with all boldness They may speak thy word Peter and John stood firm For Christ and the council And you had The Phrase there It is better to obey God Rather than men Later on But my point is That they go back to the Their own company After standing firm For the cause of Christ They go back To their own company And the prayer of believers Here is this Grant your servants Boldness They go back To their own company And they pray And what do they ask What do they require What are they looking for They're looking For boldness The believers Are looking For boldness The believers Want to stand strong On the word of God And stand strong On the word of God And advance The cause of Christ And who is it That they ask God And there's some in this room Who think But that just couldn't be me There's no way I'm too introverted I'm too shy I'm too timid But is there any prayer That is too hard For God to answer If you ask For the Lord To give you boldness He Will Give You Boldness I don't care who you are As I'm walking To the classroom To preach The gospel In the Bahamas We're in the Bahamas And I'm walking To the classroom We went to the public School system there To preach To the kids And I'm walking To the classroom And they're leading Me there And I'm thinking In my head That's when the doubts Start to creep in I'm thinking I can't do this They're not gonna Take me seriously They'll laugh at me They've never seen A Middle Eastern guy Before maybe They'll be like Who's this I have to say You know I was worried about it And I started to get Anxiety about it And I started to think I don't know that I can do this As I'm being led To the classroom So in that moment I prayed for God To give me boldness So I can cast out those fears And do what I was Sent there to do And do what I went there to do Why did I fly there? To do exactly that And some of you are thinking Well I'm shy I'm timid I'm fearful I've never done something Like that before There's no way I could ever do Such a mighty work for God There's no way I could ever publicly Preach the word There's no way I could ever stand For the truths Of God's word I have crippling Social anxiety That prevents me From doing that And I'm too scared There's no way I could ever knock a door And ask somebody About what it takes To go to heaven Not me I'll cheer you on As you do it But I can't do it Hold on Is there anything Have you asked for boldness? Have you asked God To solve that problem For you? Now Peter went from denying Christ in front of a damsel To preaching Christ In front of a council Didn't he? He can take anyone of you And use you mightily For the Lord As I lose my mic Is there anything Too hard for God? There is Look folks What seems improbable or impossible with men is possible with God. And the prayer for boldness, I don't care who you are, who you think you are, how much you doubt yourself, it is not too hard for God to answer that prayer. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? The prayer for boldness is not too hard to answer. He can take someone who is shy and timid and fearful. If that's you this morning, you're thinking, yeah, that's me. He can take any one of you, no matter who you are, whether you're shy, whether you're timid, whether you're fearful, whether you have anxiety, man, woman, boy or girl in this room right now, and he can make you bold like a lion. He can make you bold as a lion. He can take any one of you and use you mightily for God. If you ask for boldness, he can, look, if you pray without ceasing, don't give up and you ask God for boldness and ask God for courage and ask God for strength, he could take you and maybe one day you'll walk into a city council meeting, you'll look the mayor in the eye and rebuke the fire out of him for helping to destroy America. Could be you. Maybe you'll go to a foreign country, maybe you'll go to the next Bahamas trip, maybe you'll go to whatever other missions trips we have planned here at Steadfast Baptist Church and you'll walk into a classroom somewhere in a foreign country and you'll look those kids in the eye and you'll preach in the gospel of Jesus Christ and maybe, just maybe, you'll get them all saved if you ask God for boldness. You see, if you pray without ceasing, if you rely on him to come through for you and you realize there is no prayer too hard for God, you can fight the good fight of faith. You could be unashamed, you could be strong, you could be courageous, all for God, standing for the truths of God's Word, preaching his Word with boldness, you can fight for him, you can fight for the cause of Christ because you asked God for boldness. Let me ask you this question, we've been asking it all throughout this entire message, is there anything too hard for God? Well, you don't understand, I have a speech impediment, I don't think I could do it, I'm too nervous, no, no, no, I don't want to hear that. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? No, no, ask for boldness, he will give you boldness, the boldness to fight the good fight of faith, to be unashamed, to be strong, to be courageous, to do mighty works for him, to do mighty works for him. Let's wrap it up in Genesis 18 and we'll be done. Now according to my clock here, I have 30 seconds to hit an hour, that is great, I'm really happy about that folks, like super excited right now. You say, no, no, no, no, no, this is impossible, I can't do it, I can't go, you know, I'm not gonna go to the classroom, I'm too scared, I can't preach the gospel, I can't knock on someone's door and get them saved, I can't stand firm for the cause of Christ. Then you've missed the entire point of the sermon. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? He could take you and mold you and make you into something great. How about you let him, how about you yield to him, rely on him to do that. Genesis 18 is where we're gonna wrap it up, verse 14, and I'll wrap it up here. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son. Whenever you feel discouraged, whenever you begin to doubt, whenever you start to think that maybe God will not come through on his promises, whenever you start to doubt the power of prayer, repeat this in your mind. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? No, there isn't. The answer to, you know, with anybody, anybody who has like a modicum of understanding realizes that. It's the most fundamental truth you could possibly preach, the all-powerful nature of God. What can we learn and apply to our lives from this verse in Genesis 18 for 14? Well the first one was this, stay confident in Christ's promises because there is no promise too hard for him to keep and pray without ceasing because there is no prayer that is too hard for him to answer. There is no prayer that is too hard for the... But most of all, this phrase should give us peace. It should give us an inner peace. It should give us peace and it should motivate you to cast your burdens on him and realize whatever it is you're going through right now, he can handle it. He can handle it. Because ultimately, like I've said, what appears to be seemingly improbable and impossible even with man is possible with God. And if you've missed everything I've said so far, I hope you at least remember that. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father in heaven, we thank you Lord for your promises, for the truths that are expounded in your word and I just pray Lord that you would help us to never forget there is nothing too hard for you. There is no problem too hard for you to solve. There is no prayer too hard for you to answer. There is no predicament that you could not handle on our behalf and I just pray Lord that you would help us to be strengthened, help us to be bold, help us to stand for the cause of Christ and help us Lord to never forget this most fundamental truth that there is nothing too hard for you. In Jesus name I pray, amen. Amen. Master, the tempest is raging, the billows are tossing high. The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness, no shelter or help is nigh. Carest thou not that we perish, how canst thou lie asleep? When each moment so madly is threatening, a grave in the angry deep. The winds and the waves shall obey my will, peace be still. Whether the wrath of the storm toss sea or demons or men or whatever it be, no water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies. They all shall sweetly obey my will, peace be still, peace be still. They all shall sweetly obey my will, peace, peace be still. On the second. Master with anguish of spirit, I bow in my grief today. The depths of my sad heart are troubled, awaken and save I pray. Torrents of sin and of anguish sweep o'er my sinking soul. And I perish, I perish, dear master, oh hasten and take control. The winds and the waves shall obey my will, peace be still. Whether the wrath of the storm toss sea or demons or men or whatever it be, can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies. They all shall sweetly obey my will, peace be still, peace be still. They all shall sweetly obey my will, peace, peace be still. Master, the terror is over, the elements sweetly rest. Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored, and heaven's within my breast. Linger, oh blessed Redeemer, leave me alone no more, and with joy I shall make the blessed harbor and rest on the blissful shore. The winds and the waves shall obey my will, peace be still. Whether the wrath of the storm toss sea or demons or men or whatever it be, no water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies. They all shall sweetly obey my will, peace be still, peace be still. They all shall sweetly obey my will, peace, peace be still. Thank you all for coming. God bless. You are dismissed.