(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, good morning everybody. Welcome to SURE Foundation Baptist Church's morning service and I gotta say before I get into my sermon this is a great chapter in the Bible. The Bible is truly an amazing book and there's so much to be read and taught. The Matthew 28 and the Gospels are the pinnacle of what the Bible is trying to tell us. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Look at verse 6 it says, he is not here for he is risen as he said come and see the place where the Lord lay. And that's not what I want to get into I'm just saying we need to really be thankful that the Lord Jesus Christ not only died not only was buried but that he rose again from the dead. That is the pinnacle of the whole message of the cross of Christianity. But what I want to explain to you guys this morning the title of this message is we are not playing church. Let me ask you something this morning are you here for the right reasons? You know my wife and I moved back here to Hawaii from Arizona two months ago right and there are so many people who are playing church today in America and around the world. We're not playing games here. We are here to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. We are not playing games we need to take the work of God seriously. So like I said the world today looks at evangelical Christianity and they kind of say to themselves that it is a joke what they are doing how they are serving the Lord and make no bones about it. God wants us to serve them in a certain way. There is a lot of commandments in the Bible of how we are to serve the Lord Jesus Christ how we are to go about a church service and things like that but you know what the world today is not patterning their churches after what God has explained they're patterning their churches after what the world wants. They're trying to appeal to the world to get people into their churches and let me tell you this you know these evangelical type churches and churches like them are known as mega churches and there's nothing wrong with having a big church a lot of people going to church nothing wrong in the world with that but if you compromise to get people to come to church that's where you just come into gross error you know because what important is it really that you have a building of over a hundred thousand million something people who aren't let alone saved but they're not doing the real work of God. We're not playing church here at Sure Foundation Baptist Church Hawaii. We are here to do a real work for God and Sure Foundation churches in our movement and the NIFB are known to be the tip of the spirit and the work of God around the world today and of course though we are primarily currently in America Hawaii is now the part where we can now scale into the rest of the world you know though there are similar churches like ours in the Philippines some in other places like Australia and in Africa things like that but you know what we're starting to sprout ourselves all around the planet and Hawaii will be the place that can launch ourselves all around the world we're not playing games here at Sure Foundation Hawaii we are here to do a real work for God let's never forget that as we continue in our service for the Lord no matter what state we are in we can find ourselves contributing ourselves to the church in some way shape or form and let's never compromise our church services how we serve the Lord with patterning ourselves after how the world does it or how these evangelical churches do it I'm gonna grab my water really quick excuse me I'm sorry about that I'm too excited up here we shouldn't be excited this is this is a big part of our lives as Christians Church you know what does the Bible say this is forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of especially as we see the day of Christ approaching if you look out in the world today is there no doubt that the second coming could very likely happen in our lifetime is there no doubt that as we see technology wrapping up and men waxing worse and worse and men becoming lovers as themselves as we see in Revelation becoming a reality in our lifetime is it not impossible to believe that you know it may not be in our lifetime but we need to be ready for when the Lord Jesus Christ comes and like I said let's just start out simply by explaining what a church is well the Bible says forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as a matter of summons so the church simply is the assembling of born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that is what a church is in Hebrews to the Apostle Paul arguably no one really knows who wrote the book of Hebrews but we're gonna venture to say it was the Apostle Paul there's a lot of evidence to prove that it was him but we don't definitively know usually Paul starts off his epistles would say I Paul was speaking to these people in the book of Hebrews to say God is speaking to Hebrews and you know we know that holy men speaking as they were moved by the Holy Ghost it's very likely that it was Paul the Holy Spirit speaking to Paul to the Hebrews because Paul himself was a Hebrew but in Hebrews 2 there's a passage in verse 12 it says in the midst of the church I will sing praise to thee that is a direct quote from Psalms 22 22 where it says in the midst of the congregation will I sing praise unto thee so we equate the congregation with the church the assembling of ourselves together with the church we are the church believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are serving the Lord and doing a work for God that is what a church is and what a church ultimately can provide you know what does Jesus Christ say the two greatest commandments is that you love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself you know we were given right here in Matthew the Great Commission this is what surprises me about why these churches are not doing what is clearly emphasized by Jesus Christ himself the last commandment given to the church to his disciples to go out into all the world to preach the gospel baptize them in the name of the Father the Son and Holy Ghost and to teach them to observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded is that what we see these churches doing is that what we see these fun centers these giant mega churches doing and we're gonna go into a comparing contrast between what is the right way to serve God what a real church looks like and what a fake church looks like what a bad church is doing we're not playing games here and let me tell you this if we are sincere as Christians and trying to truly please the Lord of Jesus Christ then we gotta find ourselves using the Bible to tell us how to serve him we're not gonna take it upon ourselves to say well I know that a God has told us to do this but I think it'd be better to do that you are foolish to think that thought there is nothing wrong with adding to the service of the Lord but not to subtract what is commanded of you you know God told us for instance to sing songs hands and spiritual songs and also to sing a new song with to the Lord in your heart but I'm getting ahead of myself I'll get to that in just a moment I'm just trying to clearly emphasize that the church is a congregation of born-again believers and that Jesus Christ gave us the Great Commission it says here go and teach all nations but that is paralleled in Matthew 16 where it says go and preach the gospel you know our primary objective as the church is to preach the gospel speak the words of God using the Word of God wouldn't Paul say I became all things to all men that I by my all means save some what does it matter if we have this huge building of people that aren't going out and preaching the gospel how is it that here at your foundation Baptist Hawaii we have a group of 27 some people here who are doing more work than all our Baptist brethren around us that are filled with 50 plus more people how is it that they are not doing the works of God because they're not using this as their final authority they're taking them upon themselves to think that well we are living in 2019 America so that doesn't apply to us we can do new and contemporary ways to serve the Lord that is bad logic bad thinking and you know the church is truly as it says in 1st Timothy but if I tarry along that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth if you want to know the truth of any one subject you come to the church you come to the assembly we forsake not the assembling of ourselves together as the matter of some is but so much the more as we see the day of Christ approaching you know we need to understand that the church of the living God the real God there is a real God that is really judging a real world and there is a real hell where people will really go we're not playing church here we're not such symbolic it's not hypothetical there is a real world out there that is going to a real hell and if we have love for our neighbor and we want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ the fulfilling of the law is to have love if we love the Lord our God and love our neighbors as ourselves what are we going to do we're going to go out into all the world and preach the gospel that is what we are commanded to do that is the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ we are ambassadors in Christ's stead you know if Jesus Christ has bestowed upon us the ministry of reconciliation and you put that under a bushel you're ashamed of the cause of Christ it's not that you're not saved you are saved by grace through faith believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is your savior his blood shed on Calvary you are saved but let me tell you this do we end there do we stop our lives as Christians we understand that we live from faith to faith that is is written the just shall live by faith we trust that the Lord provide for our needs in our everyday life if we seek him and serve him and do it he says and let me venture to tell you this it is not the easy road it is the harder road to live godly in Christ Jesus so we get it David we're not playing games here this is really going on there are people who are really dying and going to hell we are really trying to help the brothers and sisters of Christ to better their lives we're trying to save a lost world that is what's really happening and we need to understand what our role is as Christians but let me show you the compare and contrast between a real church and a fake church we are here though little in number a real church what matter is it that you have five hundred people who are doing nothing when you can have ten people who are doing the works of God you know the Bible says in James 2 you know faith without works is dead not for salvation but to show the world that you are truly a Christian what good if it doesn't matter if a brother or sister come to you naked destitute of daily food and you say to them be warm be filled what does it profit them we need to profit each other we need to profit the world and serve the Lord Jesus Christ so this church is a real church and I'm gonna have us look at a couple of examples if you want to know what a real church looks like just open the book of Acts read the whole book of Acts you're gonna see right things that the church does and wrong things that the church does because there is no such thing as a perfect church even in the book of Acts we see examples of the disciples doing wrong things Paul trying to circumcise Timothy you know and Peter not eating with the Gentiles and other things like that they're not perfect men and the Bible shows us imperfect men God using to further his gospel and not only that they were stuck on the thought of just evangelizing to the people of Israel they were stuck on just trying to as Jesus came to his ministry was to go to the last sheep of Israel but he left them with the thoughts and go into the world preach the gospel unto the Gentiles because there are sheets that are not of this fold that must come in and that's the general they want to be saved the Jews have rejected Jesus Christ by and large but with that being said they decided to do their own thing preparing if you would to act 16 I'm just trying to get us to understand this is not a joke this is not a drill this is not a game this is real this is really happening and we need to understand the severity of what is going on today right now someone some I forget the statistic but some like every third of a second someone dying on the planet like not even a full second like a third of a second one person has died and you know I find myself in my day to day week month to month you know and maybe you could find yourselves when you're driving to the store when you're at the store and you're doing your grocery shopping or things like that just look around you and ask yourself of this group of people who's going to heaven when they die and it's probably as most people us as Christians know a very small minority Jesus Christ at broad is the road that leads to destruction and very many go there in app whereas narrow is the way to peace and everlasting fights can very few be there that find it so we need to understand the severity of what's going on but what does a church look like well the first thing we know that a church really does and I'm gonna show us a couple of examples of all three of these but every chapter that I take you to you can find all three of these examples in every chapter but each one emphasizes one above another and the first one is the going aspect go you there into all the world and preach the gospel the second thing is preaching the gospel the true message of Jesus Christ the death barrel resurrection of Christ and putting your faith in him and the third thing is a real church will be persecuted for this for the work of God but where I had you turn in Acts 16 look down at your Bible the commandment is to go go you there into all the world and preach the gospel a real church goes up to the lots we're only sitting here standing here today because our pastor see that the importance of going and serving the Lord and decided to come to the furthest point it says going there into all the world from arguably Jerusalem or Israel is Hawaii the furthest point away from it the our pastor pastor Thompson you know he understood that going and just going to his neighbors go to your neighbor do they know the gospel what about those in your city your state are you giving them the gospel so many times these fake churches are so invested in going to Africa so invested to go in South America so invested in going to third world countries to not necessarily preach the gospel they're preaching a false gospel in most cases but even if they are preaching the right gospel they're also mixed up in other things but like I said I keep getting ahead of myself and I'll get into that in just a moment but our pastor had a dream and a vision and understood the importance of going and if you listen to his sermons on the subject of coming to Hawaii he's even mentioned himself he says why do I have to pray on this I was told to go and to preach the gospel I don't need to sit here can contemplate should I go and start a church in Hawaii it needs it there is a necessity the where of God's Word is not as important as the what of God's Word what did he tell us to do go we see an example of the Apostle Paul going Paul the Apostle said the Bible logs himself you know I labored in them all more abundantly why as we go through the book of Acts do we see the Holy Spirit starting to leave the disciples and start following Paul because Paul understood what was given to him the importance of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles God commanded him of that heard the early church of they decided to stick in Jerusalem but because of that Paul picked up the mantle and moved forward and we see that look down at your Bible in verse 4 it says and as they went through the cities they delivered them the decree for that keep that we ordained of apostles that and elders which were at Jerusalem and so were the churches established in faith and increased the number daily let's just pause there really quick notice it says and so where the church heads you know we don't believe in the Catholic doctrine of the universal Church we don't believe that all believers of time that have been assembled together are the church or one church that is mentioned the Bible uses the plural term for churches we believe in the local assembling together of the born-again believers in Christ if I'm not assembled with them in Washington then they're a church we are a church though we are the same church a satellite of them you know faithful word Verity Baptist Sharmel Baptist pillar Baptist all these other churches are that just that their churches there is truly a bride of Christ which is made up of all believers of all time but that's the bride and he's not the church the church is the assembling of local believers in the Lord Jesus Christ I just wanted to touch on that because that's a false doctrine we need to address we do not believe in the universal Church we believe in the local assembly but notice it says an increased in number daily you know don't be discouraged if we don't see visitors coming weekly we don't see new people coming regularly monthly so on and so forth you know the Bible teaches you know one man souls and another man waters but God gives the increase Jesus Christ told Peter upon this rock will I build my church our commandment is to do the work and to go God will decide in his foreknowledge of who and what churches will grow because of the hearts of the believers that get saved they'll be sown on good ground and they will decide to take it upon themselves to serve the Lord Jesus Christ we cannot take it upon ourselves to grow the church God builds the church now we see the early church growing because the Holy Spirit was upon these men and there is a furtherance of the gospel needed but I just wanted to touch on those points that we don't need to be discouraged if we're not seeing people coming visiting or things like that we don't believe in the universal Church but we do notice that they still go look at verse 6 it says now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia or forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia after they were come to Missia they decided to go into Bithynia and by the spirit suffer but the spirit suffered them not pause there we just mentioned five different locations Phrygia, Galatia, Asia, Missia, Bithynia this is five different regions within two verses that Paul has himself ventured around to go potentially preach the gospel and if you're an evangelist and you're trying to come a great evangelist look at Paul look at what Paul is doing he is going to these places hence the first part of the Great Commission go he's doing the Great Commission he's going to these places but look what it continues to say and they passed by Missia came down to Truaz and a vision appeared to Paul in the night there stood a man of Macedonia and prayed him saying come over into Macedonia and help us look at verse 10 after he had seen the vision immediately we endeavored to go into Macedonia assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them so that's my next point I'm going to go into but the primary thing I wanted us to understand and even if you look at number verse number one we see Durbia or Derby and Lystra I mean he's literally mentioned like ten different geographics within one chapter that he has ventured to go through I'm not an exact I don't know like the the Paul's missionary journey travels in his first and second I'm not like a expert on knowing the exact regions and how long it took but we do know that it took him a long time to do this and he understood the importance but notice when it says this man had a dream and a man of Macedonia said come to us and then Paul understood the importance of going there and so many people in Macedonia got saved so that's the first thing we need to understand that we need to do as a church is to go go to your neighbor go to your city go to your state and if your pastor can and understand the Holy Spirit decides to bless the church to go outside of your state that's what we need to do it's not the where that is important it is the what go these churches are going these evangelical false phony churches they're going but what are they doing when they go they're preaching a false doctrine this is what the Bible said in verse 9 and there stood a man of Macedonia and prayed and saying come over to us and in 10 it says and after he's seen the vision immediately whomever to go to Macedonia assuredly gather that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel into them that's the next point I want to go into we go we get it what do we do when we're there preach the gospel these churches when they go to these places like South Africa South America third world countries they're most times in most cases not preaching the gospel they're having a movie showing they're having a rock concert going on they're having youth services they're doing humanitarian work they're building schools or building hospitals let me mention to say this there's nothing wrong with building a hospital there's nothing wrong with building a school there's nothing wrong with building homes for these places but is that what we're called to do we're not called to build these communities with with schools and things like that what we're called to do is to preach them the gospel what good is it that they have a school but they don't understand the message of Christ and dying go to hell what important is that we understand the severity of let alone going but then also preaching to them the gospel maybe you can understand in your life throughout your days that like while you're talking with co-workers or family members or people who aren't saved you know they're invested in the things of this world they don't necessarily care or believe that there is a real hell they don't necessarily understand the severity of what's going on so they're very invested in their stock portfolio they're very invested in their careers they're very invested there's children's education and things like that but they're not invested in getting people saved and these churches follow and pattern themselves after the world in doing that they think it's better to be seen as men to have their righteousness than to be seen in the sight of God do I have to please men or God as a Christian God has called us to preach the gospel hope but it's by the foolishness of preaching that get people saved well I need to first bring to them the understanding of there is a God we need to have apologetics we need to show them young earth creation no that's not important it will be for what the furtherance of their faith but to get saved as a primary start let's preach the gospel to these people and these churches they've missed the ball of that let alone if they're even preaching a right gospel in most cases they're preaching a repentance of your sin salvation you know just yesterday we went out soul winning in and we're going around preaching the gospel to the neighborhood and Brandon and I went around to a couple doors and we noticed an assembly of God track on some of the doors and I'm thinking to myself you know even though we don't they're not saved they're they're damnable heretics let's see what they are doing that if you read their their track it's just a big joke it's a false plan of salvation and at the very back it's like well pray this prayer they're literally doing the one two three repeat after me concept of a false gospel but then they're saying if you want to further your faith and blah blah blah come to our church because that's what they really care about you know I know that we do care that people come to church because it is important that we go preach the gospel get a baptize and then teach them to observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded the only way you're gonna know as a babe in Christ what God has commanded is by going to the assembly hearing the elders explain to you the truths of God's Word you then go to the scriptures yourself and study them yourself to see if these things be true but that's their agenda we when we go out to preach the gospel that I noticed brother Isaac does this a lot that we give the track as a buffer or we give our church invite as a buffer kind of just to open the door to the gospel I guess we care if people come to church but we're kind of just trying to open them up ready to explain to them the gospel I noticed brother Isaac comes right down the middle it's like I am I think I'm here to tell you about the Lord Jesus Christ and what he's done for us mentioning church so I'm just like hey right on because what if you don't have a track or what if you don't have a church invite you know we run out from time to time and it doesn't matter that we bring them the church first but matters that we get them saved that's the primary objective preach to them the gospel if we see an example of that in turn if you went to acts 8 in the Bible and like I said if you read these chapters you're gonna see people going you're gonna see people preaching the gospel you're gonna see persecution occurring to the church and in verse chapter 8 we start off the chapter from a great persecution that occurs if the just are the Deacon Stephen has just been martyred the very first martyred of the Bible the New Testament has occurred in chapter 7 we're gonna get to that in a moment but what was the outcome of Stephen getting martyred and Paul or at the time Saul wreaking havoc upon the church they were spread because like I said they wanted to stick in Jerusalem God made a miraculous event occur so that they're forced to go into the world and it says that if you would look down at your Bible in verse 4 it says therefore they were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word that Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them and the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake hearing and seeing the miracles which he did so like I like it says when he was scattered abroad when the persecution arose and they went to go do the work they preached the gospel that in bill in the school that didn't try to do these these humanitarian work or or rock concert so to say they went to go preach the gospel that's what we're doing that's what sure foundation is doing they're coming to start a church here to preach the gospel to the people of Hawaii to show them that they can be saved by their sins that's what the Bible is showing us you need to go and we need to preach the gospel but uh the next point I want to get into is the persecution you know the Bible teaches ye all that live godly in Christ Jesus South suffer persecution if you are doing the works of God and you're living godly in Christ Jesus you're gonna be persecuted it is inevitable that you might that it is possible if you live godly in Christ Jesus you shall be persecuted that's just a fact Jesus Christ said if they hated you they hated me before they hated you if the world loved you the love of the Father is not in you what good these people these churches are trying to get the love of the world to they're trying to have their pioneered to so to say they want the love of Christians but they also want the love of the world you know the Bible says pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this that you visit the fatherless in their affliction and the widows in their affliction and then you keep yourself unspotted from the world we need to keep ourselves unspotted you are not of this world as the Bible teaches your ambassadors in Christ's stead we don't we're pilgrims and soldiers as we go along in our life we are not invested in the things of this world that we shouldn't pattern the church after the way these businesses pattern themselves or after a rock concert or like a church service should not pattern themselves and how the world is doing it and these churches miss the ball on that because they're not going into the preaching the gospel because I've heard it said and it's so true that if you're not getting people saved or going to the church it's either that the gospel has lost its power or you know the gospel is not being preached so if you're not going and preaching the gospel yeah no one will be saved that is true but we know that the gospel has not lost its power for it is the power unto salvation that everyone believe it so we understand that these guys aren't doing the actual work of God but what are they doing you and I both know that these you know what we call the fun center these mega churches these evangelical churches aren't they're I keep saying rock concert because I've just experienced in my life throughout going to these type of churches that they're truly not their big rock concerts and my mother who is truly saved goes to a church in Hawaii and she tells me clearly she loves going to this church for the music and you know and I know we've heard so many Christians say I just love the worship I just love how they praise look and it's like an hour have service of an hour of singing and like I said they're singing contemporary Christian music is there something wrong with Christian contemporary music I don't think so I don't think there's something wrong with seeing a new song unto the Lord but then to replace that with the hands to replace that with the songs is where you've just gone into gross error you know seeing songs hymns and spiritual songs if a church service decides I had a friend growing up or before when I wasn't safe I went to a Calvary Chapel Bible College and at the time Facebook was fairly new and he something was posted on his feed and it was a Calvary Chapel Church service and it was cut in half one half was a Calvary Chapel Church service and the other half was a metal rock concert a straight demonic lasers and light shows and smokes and fire and men just whipping their heads like doing just like demonic practices of a look even the world looks at heavy metal or death metal as a pretty extreme example of rock and roll they had these two side by side and on the bottom it says there's no difference between the the rock concert and the Christian service and my friend at that time was saying how cool that was wow look how cool that is look at how amazing it is to see that we're so we're so acceptable we're so edgy and we're so like able to get down to their level you know you know Jesus but they'd love to use this example that the prostitutes and the and the tax collectors are hanging out with Jesus but that's not necessarily the truth then Jesus didn't go to them they came to Jesus Jesus Christ was keeping himself unspotted from the world he was trying to be sanctified and show them the way to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and these prostitutes and these people who were horrible wicked sinners understood that they wanted to be more like Christ after the fact we're not trying to pattern church services after then why are they trying to do that because if they're not preaching the gospel they need to reach the world somehow how oh I got it let's throw a rock concert let's bring in new type of music that can that can appeal to the younger generation of the younger demographic what about the older demographic what about the older brothers and sisters in Christ that's why they're ditching the King James Bible because the these and the vows are so hard to understand and it's too deep we don't need to have this this deep message they just need a pick-me-up and you know what I know in a church like this and churches like ours we have scores of passages that we go through we on average go through some 47 verses every church service 40 separate verses that get preached from Sunday morning to Sunday evening to midweek services and showings and just a plethora of the teaching of God's Word all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for correction for reproof that the man of God may be perfectly furnished in the works of God you know it's it's that they need to be reproved they need to be corrected but these churches aren't doing that they're just trying to get people to come in by the wrong means they're going about it the wrong way that is what a fake church does look at Joel Osteen's churches look at TD Jake's churches look at any type of mega fun center go up to the congregants and ask them if you were to die today you know for sure you're going to hell 90 some percent of them don't even know the clear plan of salvation so are they reaching people they're reaching people to come to church but that's what they're after the love of money is the root of all evil which will some coveted after they've earned from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows they've come to see and land and made one cross the light twofold more to child a bill than themselves they're going to South Africa they're going to South America they're going to the highways into the hedges to preach him a false gospel to make them become twofold more a child of hell than themselves these are horrible wicked people some knowingly some ignorantly and that's the job of these pastors that's the job of our pastor is to keep vigilance in the church we believe in a pastorally led church this church is not ran by me it's not ran by Ryan Gallagher it's not ran by Richard it's ran by our pastor pastor Thompson he is the under Shepherd of Christ Christ is the one he was in charge every one of us here follow Christ but you know what Paul said follow me as I follow Christ we follow our pastor to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and I agree with his vision to go preach the gospel and then teach them to observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded he got that from the Bible and we're just doing the same thing these churches aren't doing that these churches are deacon board they're ran like a democracy they had the congregants they give them like little it like little cards and tell them what do you want to see us talk about what would you like us to see how would you how would you like the church service to go not in this church not in a real church but we allow the congregants to run how the church service go me included I may disagree with all some things but go but you know it doesn't matter what I think I need to get on board with what our pastor says and that is how you know you know the I've said once before in a sermon of mine if you're not willing to be corrected in the things of God by a man of God then you're not right with God you know I understand that I am a babe in Christ so to say oh I am up here preaching and expounding the truths of God's Word I can always learn you can always learn we can always learn our pastor can always learn but you know what they have studied to show themselves approved the workmen that need a knock that anyone show them but these other churches are trying to like I said have their pie needed to they're trying to appeal to the congregants well you want more worldly music hey guys let's let's bring in more worldly music some churches let alone do they sing Christian contemporary music they're also literally bringing in rock and roll music and just switching words like to Jesus or to God Kanye West that stupid false wicked prophet that made no bones about it Kanye West is a false wicked profit no one in here I better be convinced that that is a true man of God it's going out and starting his stupid Sunday service ministry that he's doing where he brings elite elitist I wasn't even gonna speak on this matter but you know what I think the Holy Spirit is starting to steer me and to tell you that this is a fake church this isn't real they're convincing the world and you and I know look like I said I didn't even want to speak on this subject truly was like I'm gonna avoid this like I don't want to speak on this and it's such a joke but yet people are convinced that he is a Christian if you go on YouTube and like I don't know I guess because pastor Anderson preached on the subject all of a sudden on my feed it's all about Christians opinions on Kanye West is you a Christian is he sincere it's like are you that dense aren't you that naive to understand that some son of the devil that a man confess himself to be God who is openly explaining that he's in it for the money he's sincerely doing the work of God this is a joke that is not a real church real church does what Jesus Christ has said and we ought to get zealous on this subject because I don't want people deceived by this I don't want even a babe in Christ a Christian who is truly saved to be stirred up in their heart to be like no you need to just realize that this guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing and like I said I didn't want to go into that but I ended up there so one last point that I want to get into on the the understanding of what a real church looks like and what a false church look like I know I went through like you know mainly a church a real church goes and preaches the gospel a false church will go but preach a false gospel or do humanitarian work a real church look Jack Hiles his church you know the the saint that he was and the Saints that were going to his church were filled with thousands of people you know First Baptist Church of Indiana was was a huge church was it the size that was the problem no he was a true man of God truly serving his community it's not the size that's the problem it's if they compromise on message these churches are compromising and trying to pattern themselves after the world let's not do that if a Baptist Church and I have be Baptist Church decides to bring in contemporary music fine don't forsake singing the hymns and I really appreciate our church in the commas to be able to create the songs into music that's something that the old I have been other generations of Christians have lost they stopped singing the hymn or the songs you know it's a true blessing to take the songs that were given and instructed to us to sing and to create them in a melody and a view I love singing the songs I mean it was Isaiah 6 what's that one that your view and your your parents have made it's honey as that is one of my favorite songs personally and it's not a song but it is one of God all in Psalm 19 and I just I love to hear sure foundation churches in our movement are starting to get that they're like we need to get back to singing the songs because there's so much doctrine in them you know the hymns do quote some passages the hymns take some verses sometimes and make songs around them and that's great holy men created these songs and if a Christian today decides to make a completely new song that's fine that's cool right on don't forsake the singing of Psalms hymns and spiritual song what if a new IFB church or an old IFB church or a Christian genuine bona fide house of God Church service does an altar call something wrong with doing an altar call I don't think so what's wrong with at the end of every service preaching the gospel to a visitor that may be there or some of the young people that don't understand the plan of salvation they just don't know they're there they're still they're too young they don't understand it I'm not imposed to a church doing altar calls unless they replace it for going out and preaching the gospel that's where they come into gross error they need to the man of God needs to go and preach the gospel that one of the qualifications of a deacon or a pastor is to do the work of an evangelist if they're stopping that and then doing altar calls that's where they're wrong but if they add that to the Arsenal hey you just did more right that's good but nevertheless even though we're not big at altar calls I know you don't do altar calls if a church did that as long as they're still going out and still winning then I have no bones I have no beef with them that matter but we go preach the gospel and we will be persecuted the Charlie the early church is gonna be persecuted I've heard it said before and you know brother Isaac I know I kept mentioning here but it's because when we talk you bring this up and they're good points you know brother Isaac was kind of newer to the movement right that long ago and he'd been saved a lot of his life raised in the IFB Church and when found out about you know the new IFB movement he said to himself he's watching these videos and hearing about the persecution of like you know pastor Anderson and border patrol thing and sodomites you know trying to protest against Verity Baptist pastor Fritz being called out by the sodomites and things like that you know he says I'm seeing what it looks like in the early book the early church in the book of Acts these are the people who are getting persecuted you know if you're not being persecuted guess what you're not doing the works of God do you think you're above the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ says you're not above me says you should be sufficient to be equal as me if you think as a Christian you're gonna live godly in Christ Jesus and not be persecuted you're ultimately saying you're better than Christ that you're able to crack the code and figure out how to have your pie and eat it to to serve the Lord Jesus Christ to truly get people saved and do real work for God God call out sins and do these things and have the world like you have the world bless you have the world accept you look down at your Bible that vert act 7 verse 51 and this is another point that I'm going all over the place but here's another point real church preaches hard against sin we're not preaching five minute sermon ends ten minute sermon ends but two verses we are preaching the whole counsel of God and preaching hard against sin as it says in 51 Stephen the deacon calling out the Pharisees Pharisees he says he's stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears he you always resist the Holy Ghost has your father said so do ye which of the prophets of your father's purse which of the prop which of the prophets have not your father's persecuted and they have slain which have showed before the coming of the just one of whom you have been now betrayers and murderers who have received the law by the dispensation of angels and have not kept it when they when they heard these things the Pharisees they were cut to their heart and they mashed on them with their teeth and I'm not going to go into the rest of the story but we know what happens they stone and they kill him do you think that like I said we're not playing games here are you ready to die for the cause of Christ I know I am I know that as Stephen the deacon understood that he's not going to compromise on the message on sin neither should we we don't need to be as these churches are all-inclusive the church is not for everyone the church is for the saves the believers in Christ will unsaved people make their way in here yes and we want them to know that they're welcome here who do do unsaved people visitors make their way here yes there are children who are raised in this church that aren't saved that will eventually get saved but we're not all-inclusive we don't allow pedophiles here we don't allow you know like serial murderers we don't allow sodomites into these churches why because they are the children of the devil we are not all-inclusive these churches are all-inclusive and because of that they're not getting persecuted they are willing to sacrifice the message of the gospel to just like anyone anyone's allowed into church not here not anyone is allowed here and you better understand that if a sodomite a son of the devil ever tries to step their foot in here they're getting the boot faster than you can ever know physically hands-on thrown out and that is our stance we are not all-inclusive and neither should these churches because of that you give them an inch they will steal the mile you know the Bible teaches that they're in placable unmerciful why Bible teaches that shouldest thou help the ungodly therefore his wrath is upon you I don't want God's wrath on this church do you want God's wrath on you do you want God's wrath on us what about the children we're gonna allow a known pedophile to come and sit down in the congregation with children around that is a joke that is that is the stupidest logic follow but nevertheless that's what these we will be persecuted because we're not all-inclusive and too much today we're all look to us and say you're a hate preacher you better know I hate the sons of the devil you better know that if you are a wolf in sheep's clothing that you better be afraid to come to a church like this he had to fear the man of God the people of God calling you out for who and what you are you know and this is a subject that needs its own sermon in and of itself but when in the realm of we're not playing Church Pastor Thompson's job is to be vigilant and to keep out for the sheep he is the under Shepherd and we're not out on a witch hunt we're not trying to look we're not assuming everyone is guilty until proven innocent everyone is innocent until proven guilty if you come to church and you professing the aren't a believer in Christ you're not allowed here we hope you eventually get saved but we want you to understand that the Lord's house is a house of prayer that you can come hear God's words preach and at least you're getting the truth somewhere you may not be getting it at home and things like that but eventually we're hoping you get saved but what about a Christian a professed believer in Christ who is a fornicator who is a drunk who is an idolater who is a an extortioner with such in one no not to eat expel that person out of the church and that's another sermon in and of itself Church discipline but we practice Church discipline here in this church other churches aren't doing this I don't went through a lot of points but it goes like this we need to go preach the gospel to the lost and we will be persecuted in the midst that is a real church fake churches aren't going and if they are going they're not preaching the right plan of salvation they're doing humanitarian work having rock concerts and watering down their messages and they will not be persecuted because they're not going to touch on the depths of God's Word they're not going to touch Leviticus with a 10-foot pole they're not even gonna mention it they're not in their name they're not nothing like that so we get it David what a real church looks like what a fake church looks like what is the conclusion of the matter this is the conclusion of the matter take church seriously if we understand that this is not a game we need to take it seriously there is a real world of real people who are really going to a real hell but that's taken to your hearts and understand we're not playing games here when you go up so many are you just following emotion and trying to appeal to the church and be like I'm contributing you know but like do you care about that person at the door do you as it says in Jude and of some have compassion making a difference pulling the man of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh I do you love the Lord your love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself if you have love you will fulfill you will walk in the spirit and you will go and preach the gospel to these people so take church seriously when you're singing in the morning so you just kind of like you know sing make a melody in your Jesus loves a little children I don't have a great voice I'm just saying you know we can get better as Christians in our music in our soul winning in in our in our severity of the work of God let's take this seriously this is not a joke this is not a drill this is not a game this is really happening we are part of a real work it's a matter of fact we are the tip of the spear and the souls of men we are standing in the head between life and death we are the ambassadors of Christ take that seriously and the last part I want us to understand is joined into the work joining the work Jesus Christ says the harvest truly is plenty us but the laborers are few you know praise the Lord that we here have like a 90% participation in our evangelizing and preaching of the gospel and we have already with 27 regular congregates three four now four soul winning times you know like we are doing the works I'm just saying like join in in the work you know if people hear this message outside of our church or in other places join in contribute to your church even if you're a silent partner people down themselves for being a silent partner hey you're furthering the efforts to do more you have now another talker and you can go to another place more people can be saved just go that's the commandment go in time with studying your Bible and praying the love of the Lord will come into your heart you will want to open your mouth to make known the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but just go that's the first thing just go and in time you'll learn to serve the Lord in other ways shape the fashion contribute in the music program contribute in the cleaning of the church contribute in the taking of author the offering the ties to contribute in whatever way shape and form you can contribute to your to your church help out where you can but the last thing is this turn if you to Revelation 2 I know I said that a second ago but this is really the last thing says in Revelation 2 in verse 1 this is the church of Ephesus it writes under the angel of the church of Ephesus right these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walked in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy words and thy labor and thy patience how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars and has borne and has patience and for my name's sake hath labored and has not fainted nevertheless I have someone against thee because thou has left thy first love remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent this is the flipside to this point we need to understand if we're not taking this seriously if we're not doing the first works as Jesus Christ told Ephesus God will remove the candlestick out of even this church if we're not serious if this is not a game then we're gonna be blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ will build his church Jesus Christ will not take the candlestick from us that just is not saying that we're gonna lose our salvation that's just saying that he'll take it and give it to someone who's willing to do the works thereof and we need to understand that if we lose the first love in going to the lost and preaching the gospel then Christ is going to abort mission he's gonna say these guys are they don't care they're just playing games I want someone I want people who are serious and serving God and they're the ones who are gonna do the works of God he's not going to use people who don't take him seriously let's take the work of God seriously let's not play Church let's understand the severity of what's really going on fire heads and have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father thank you so much for your word thank you so much for this church thank you so much for giving our pastor a vision to be able to come to Hawaii to start you know a movement to get people saved help us to never leave the first works and the preach the gospel help us to never you know lose that and to understand the severity of what we're really doing here to actually pull people out of the fire and get people to change their lives to serve you and help us throughout our weeks to continue to seek you above everything and to be pleasing in your sight please be there for both Ben Kamas family and Ryan Gallagher's family that they physically feel better and help us just to continue in your love and in Jesus name we pray amen