(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Go ahead and turn to Romans 1 and I'm going to start reading from Ephesians 3 9. The Bible reads, And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ. The title of this message this evening is Jesus Christ is everywhere and in everything. As Christians, there are two things that separate us from the rest of the world. Number one is that we are able to get people saved. When we go out and preach the gospel, we can then get someone else saved because the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us. We preach the word of God, a seed is planted, and or we can reap a harvest. A second thing that separates us from the rest of the world is we are able to look at God's word and understand and comprehend it. Elsewhere it says, A natural man receives not the things of the Spirit, and neither can he know them because he is spiritually discerned. So as a Christian, when we look at the Bible, wherever you read, if you look for Christ or Jesus, you're going to be in the right track because Jesus is truly found everywhere and in all things. This could refer to any aspect of our life. In Colossians 1 16, in the later part of the passage, it says, All things were created by him and for him. Jesus created the world. The Father used Jesus Christ to create the world. So Jesus, when you create something, if you're an artist or a chef or a carpenter or something, you tend to want to leave your footprint or your thumbprint on it. Some artists like to sign their art, chefs like to put their last little flair on things, masons like to put their footprint on stuff, and little things like that just to kind of show their work. People want the world to know what they have done. Jesus wants his creation to know what he has done. And it's truly that if you look out into the world and in everything, you should be able to find Jesus Christ. The Bible gives us a lot of examples of that, and the unsaved cannot completely comprehend it. They're able to see it, but they don't really understand it. The sons of the devil, they do see it, but they reject it. And that's what we see right here in Romans. If you would, look at chapter 1, verse 17, the Bible reads, For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith, as it is written, that just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them. God has shown these people who he is, how he is reflected in every aspect of the observable universe. And in verse 20, it says, For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal Godhead, his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. And if you looked all the way down at verse 25, these people who reject the Lord, they say, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen. So the sons of the devil, when they looked around at the world, at the time when before they became reprobate, they understood that God was everywhere, that Jesus Christ is in everything, but they didn't want to glorify him. And therefore, they were given up to these sick, perverted things that we find out elsewhere in this chapter. But what I'm going to go through is what the Bible points out to our obvious examples of Jesus found in nature and things and stuff like that. A good example is, let's just start with ourself. We are made in the image of God. Jesus Christ is a man. As a man, you should be able to look in the mirror and say, Jesus looks something like me. Now, he doesn't look, obviously, exactly like you, but he is a man. We were made in the image of God. We know that as a family, there is an authority structure, that the man is the head of a home, as Christ is the head of the church. So we could see the authority structure referring to Jesus. Marriage is a prime example. One day, Jesus will marry the church in the end times of the lamb's wedding, and the unity of marriage could picture Jesus Christ. Even a child could picture Jesus Christ. He is the son of God. So therefore, a child could represent Jesus Christ. Our family, or our body, our body, Jesus said, this is my body, which is broken for you. So we can look at our body and signify Jesus Christ. Now, not my specific blood, but even blood represents Jesus Christ. He says, this cup that I hold is the blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you. Let's say you're like, okay, I understand that I could find Jesus in my personal life and things like that, but not when I go out to work and stuff like that. I'm not a pastor or anything. Well, if you're a blue collar carpenter or a mason or a plumber or something like that, Jesus is known as the master builder. He has built everything. He's created everything. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone. If you're a mason or a carpenter, you tend to know that there's a point, a beam or something where all the weight tends to lean on, and Jesus Christ is that cornerstone, which everything leans on. Jesus Christ is a servant. He's not just the creator of all things. He said, I've come not to be ministered, but to minister unto you. You know, Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Well, I'm not a blue collar guy, I'm a landscaper. He's the husbandman. He's the one who goes out into the harvest and reaps all the plant. Jesus Christ is the vine. You know, we go and sow the word, some may water, some may pull, but God gives the increase. He is that vine which grows the plant. He is the first fruits of the resurrection. When you see a fruit on the tree, you can realize that that pictures Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is also pointed at, well, I'm not a landscaper, I'm not a blue collar guy, I'm a farmer. Jesus is the great shepherd. He's the good shepherd. Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. And just as the firstlings of the Old Testament were dedicated unto the Lord or the first fruits, even if you're a first son, if you have multiple kids in your family, and you're the oldest son in your family, you represent Jesus. Jesus was the firstborn of Mary, and in the Old Testament law, all the firstborns were always given up to the Lord. Well, I'm a soldier, I go to war, I'm a military head. Okay, Jesus Christ is the captain of our salvation. He is the one that led us into the nation of Israel, into the promised land. Jesus led captivity captive. Jesus Christ is the sword of God. You know, in Revelation it says, out of his mouth comes a great two-edged sword. And well, I'm a white collar guy, I'm not a hard labor man or nothing like that. Okay, I'm a president, I'm a dictator. Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lord, he is the King of Kings, he is the high priest. If you work in a church, you're a deacon, you're a missionary, you're an evangelist, you're a pastor, he is the high priest. He is the King of Kings, so even a president should be able to look at, he created authority, so therefore he reflects authority. Things in our life, you know, we eat food, Jesus is our daily bread. Jesus said, my body which was shed, which was broken for you, eat this in remembrance of me, though he's the living water. The Samaritan woman asked Jesus, where is this living water, that I may have it and never die. Jesus is also known as the door, anyone that enter ins by me shall have everlasting life. As a picture in the Old Testament where Noah was closed in by the Lord in the ark, he is the door, he is the gate, Jesus Christ is the light. Even if you turn a light switch on, that reflects Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ truly said, I've in the light of this world, I've come to seek and to save that which is love. Men love darkness rather than lightless, their deeds should be reproved. He's the salt of the world, apparently Jesus likes to be referred to as food, but he is the salt of the world. He preserves his own. He's also known in the law, like if you look at the Old Testament law, he is the sacrifices, all the animal sacrifices point to Jesus. Jesus said, I've not come to destroy the law or the prophets, I've come not to destroy, but to fulfill. Jesus is our Sabbath. We know that we don't need to observe the seventh day in the New Testament, though they did and if somebody does, there's nothing wrong with that. But as it says in Hebrews, we have entered into his rest, as God entered into resting on the seventh day from his works, we don't work our way to heaven, we rest in salvation. The holy days, as in the old holidays, Jesus represents every one of those holidays if you look through them, but even New Testament holidays that we believe in, such as Easter, we believe and we observe the death, burial and resurrection is Easter, Christmas is the birth of which he came into the world. What about animals? In the gospel, the four gospels, each gospel tends to reflect an animal, at least three of them. And the first one, Matthew, refers to his kingly, his kingship, you know what I mean? So he is truly the lion of the tribe of Judah, a lion represents Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is known as an ox, Mark tends to picture an ox, a man of burden, he came to serve us, he came to work and work for salvation, Luke pictures a man, he's fully God and he's fully man, and John represents an eagle, Jesus came down from heaven to save his own and then ascended up into heaven as an eagle would come down and go up. Ladies may get a little bit bummed out because they're like, okay, he's reflected of animals and men and workers, but what about us? It is true that ladies don't picture Jesus Christ, but the Bible does say that as a hen gathereth his chicks, that reflects Jesus Christ, Jesus nurtures his own and that could reflect Jesus Christ. Jesus is also known as a serpent, Moses held up the serpent in the wilderness and the Bible says he who knew no sin became sin for us. Sin is always pictured of as the serpent and Satan and sin and such things like that, but Jesus can even be representative of a serpent because in the beginning he created all things and all things were good until Satan became the serpent and did these things. When it comes to space in our universe, Jesus is the son of righteousness. If you look at the sun rising every morning, that's a picture of Jesus' mercy towards us every single day rising and we can rest assure that he truly resurrected. He is the morning star. Jesus is known in Revelation as the bright and morning star. At his birth there was a star above where he was in Bethlehem of Judea that people were able to look at and see the Messiah to come through the morning star. Jesus Christ can be referred to in time. He is the beginning and he is the end. Jesus Christ reflects in time. Jesus Christ reflects in alphabet. He is the alpha and the omega. He is the word of God. Jesus Christ is reflected in everything that we can imagine. This is just the things that the Bible emphasizes. There are more things that I could point out in the observable universe that could reflect a bridge. If you saw a bridge, it's the bridge between God and man. You can understand that's like Jesus, the propitiation for our sins. I was climbing the ladder the other day and I'm like, Jesus is the ladder because he's the way up into heaven. As a Christian observing God's word and understanding God's word, able to go out into the world and find Jesus in everything because turn, if you would, to Revelation 4 and this is where I'll have you last leave off. There are seven great I am statements of Jesus Christ in the Bible. He says, I am the good shepherd. Jesus says, I am the true vine. Jesus says, I am the door. If anyone enter in by me, he shall have everlasting life. Jesus says, I am the bread of life. Jesus says, I am the light of the world. Jesus says, I am the resurrection and the light. Jesus also said, I am the way, the truth and the life and no man goes under the father but by him. Jesus says, before Abraham was, I am referring to his eternal existence and how he is reflected in everything. And if in your life you want to understand where to be filled with the spirit, you need to be in God's word and look for Jesus in every aspect of your life. And not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Philippians 2 says, wherefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name, not at the name of Jesus. Every knee shall bow, things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. These atheists, these phagnostics, these sodomites, these sons of the devil, everyone at one point in time will bow down to the son Jesus Christ and confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father. It is going to happen. We will all be there one day. He deserves all honor and praise because he is the creator of everything and you will be on your knees and you've got to see what side of the fence. Are you one of the sheep or are you a goat? If you're a sheep, you're in his blessing. Your sins are as far as the east is from the west but if you aren't saved, you've got to understand that one day the creator of the universe will bring you to your knees and make you confess him above everyone. And Revelation 4 shows us an example of this and I just want you to go through your week looking for Jesus in everything. When you read your Bible in the Old Testament and you're going through this list of names and you're like, oh my goodness, I've got to buckle through this or you're reading the building of the tabernacle or you're looking at parts of the Bible that seem to be not fun to some, look for Jesus and you're going to understand you'll be full of the Spirit and he's going to help guide you through these things. Revelation 4 verse 11 says, thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created. He is in everything and he is everything. We can see Jesus in everything. Amen.