(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, the title of this message this morning is, God is a Man. I figure this is very appropriate for Father's Day today because I gotta start off with a disclaimer and mention this. We live in a very strange and unique world today and children, I do want you to listen up okay? Because the way things are today are not the way they've always been. We live in a very gender-bending society and a society that is going away from the things of God. Now, we are celebrating Father's Day today and I figured what better way to celebrate Father's Day than by teaching a fundamental truth on the character of who God is. I've heard it said once before, there's one what of God and three who's of God, right? Because what is God? God is love. God is kind. He is merciful. He is a man of wrath. He is someone who is judgmental, but he's also three persons. We have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. So it is very important that we derive who we know God to be from His Word. We're gonna let the Word tell us who God is. We're not gonna let the world tell us who God is and the world out there is confused on who God is. God is a man, period, end of discussion. Now we're gonna see what the Bible clearly teaches, but there is an attack on this fundamental truth. Like I said, children, you need to know more than us who are older and have heard this a lot of our life, but the world out there wants you guys to be confused on this matter. They want you to not know who the creator of the universe really is. Now notice, look down at your Bible, if you would, at verse 26. Like I mentioned when we started this chapter, this is chapter 1, book 1, first thought that God wants His creation to know of Him. What is God? Right off the gate, immediately start off, He talks about creation, creating the light, the day, the animal, the stars, the planet, and all these things. So we know in the beginning, before there was a beginning, there was a God. And that God wants us to know this about Him. Notice what it says in verse 26, and God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And now watch verse 27. So God created man in His own image. And it has a comma, right? Which means it's not the ending of a thought, we're just moving on. In the image of God created He, Him, semicolon. So once again, this is an ending of a thought, but the next thought is a continuing statement. Male and female created He, them. So in the image of man was God created man in His image. What does it mean to be made in an image? You look like this. If I showed you a picture of my wife, that's not my wife, it's a picture of my wife, right? So we, as men, look like God. If you want to know what God looks like, He looks like a man. Like I mentioned, God is a man. He's masculine, He's the Father, He's the Son, and He is the Holy Ghost. Let us make man in our own image. And we're going to go into the doctrine of the Trinity after this, but I just wanted to lay out this clear teaching, this clear, can't be misunderstood, can't be misinterpreted passage of the Bible, man was made in the image of God. So did you know, like I started with our announcements, right? We are known as King James only Baptist believers. We believe in a preserved, fallible, perfect word of God in our English language in the King James Bible. Why? Because God has promised that He would preserve His word throughout all time. So when there is an attack on the word of God through modern translations of the Bible, they attack this core fundamental doctrine. They're not going after just random miscellaneous things to change because of modern discovery or more sophisticated scholarship. They are strategic attacks on fundamental doctrines, like who God is. Let me read from you what the NIV says, the New International Version, on this very same passage. It reads, then God said, let us make mankind in our image. So notice, it didn't say let us make man in our image, it said let us make mankind in our image. So mankind is all of us, we're all part of mankind, right? So God is not just pictured as a man, but He's pictured as mankind according to the NIV. In our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky over the livestock of all the wild animals and over all the creatures that move along the ground. Now, what did they say in verse 27? Because remember what it says in the preserved text, the perfect word of God. It says, let He made him in His image, right? What does it say in the perversion of the Bible? So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God created He them, male and female created He them. So obviously, right off the bat, they're going after the character of God. Because remember what the very first sin in the Bible is, right? Serpent coming to Adam and Eve, specifically Eve, and telling her, Yeaeth God said, did God say this? Is this what God meant when He said X, Y, and Z, trying to put doubt in the heart of Eve? The world out there is trying to put doubt in your heart of who God is. Now, this is not unique to just these translations. There are different Christian groups and denominations who believe man and woman were made in the image of God. The seven day Adventists believe this, they believe women are also made in the image of God. Not only that, there is a group of people known as CBE. This is a group of people who are trying to remake a new translation of the Bible to make it gender neutral. Now, like I mentioned earlier, there is a gender bending society out there. More than you know, there is an attack on the institution of man and woman. Because remember, it says he made man and woman, period. He didn't make 70 other genders. He didn't make LGBQRX74 whatever alphabet gang you want to quote. He didn't make all these genders, he made man and woman. And I made a joke, or I've heard this joke growing up, and I thought it was good. Why did Adam call Eve what he called her? Because when she was created, he looked over and he's all, whoa man, woman, I know it's a bad joke. But anyways, that's what the joke was. And basically, this group of people are trying to create translations of the Bible to leave God gender neutral, or specifically, in some cases, female. Let me read from you what they want their mission statement is to the world. So it says, this is from the president of this organization. In every corner of the world, religious teachers on gender and power have an enormous impact on human lives, especially those of girls and women. For this reason, Christians have a responsibility to accurately, critically critique biblical teachings on gender, standing on biblical scholarship of evangelicals like A.J. Jordan, Kathleen Booth, Frederick Fransen, Sojourner Truth, which is an organization, and Amanda Barry Smith, Christians for Biblical Equality, or CBE, explores the biblical view that males and females are created with equal dignity, pause. That's a true statement. I'm not here to bash on women. I'm not here to tell you women are less important, not as good as men. Men and women are equal in value. I'm not more valuable than any lady in this room. But we have different role and function. We have difference in what God expects from us. But let's go on and read what it says. Because every lie has a bit of truth mixed in with it, right? So they go off right off the bat trying to challenge people who would prove through what God has proven that He's a man, that that's an attack on women and femininity. But that's a lie from the pit of hell. It says that males and female are created with equal dignity for the purpose of sharing authority. And then it quotes this passage, CBE provides resources that equip all Christians to fan into the flame the gifts within them, regardless of gender. In Christ who is faithful, Mimi Haydad, PhD, President, CBE International. What's really lame is obviously when I was doing research for this subject, I had to see who these people were and what they believed and why they believe what they believe. But Mimi was my great grandmother's name. So when I found that out, I got really upset. I was like, damn, like I loved my Mimi and I know if she read this, she'd be turning in her grave. So who we are, they want us to know who they are as an institution. Christians for Biblical Equality, CBE, is a nonprofit organization of Christian men and women who believe that the Bible properly interpreted, teaches the fundamental equality of men and women of all ethnic groups. Pause. Why did we just bring ethnicity into this? I thought it was just men and women we're talking about, now it's ethnic groups. But that's what I'm saying. The Bible doesn't teach racism. The Bible teaches that all people are of the same blood. That's why we understand that racism is illegitimate and when people and Christians use that as their instrument to enslave people in the past, they're misquoting the Bible. Kind of like they're doing with this gender equality thing. And it goes on to read, all economic classes and all age groups based on the teachings of scriptures, such as Galatians 3.28, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there a man, male or female, for you are all one in Christ. And that's a true statement and we'll address it in a moment. Their mission, CBE exists to promote Biblical justice and community by educating Christians that the Bible calls women and men to what? Share authority, equality in service and leadership in the home church and world. Now let's take that claim to what the Bible teaches us. Turn if you would to 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Because they're claiming to be Biblical experts, they're claiming to say that the word of God teaches us, they're claiming to say that this is thus sayeth the Lord. God wants us to know these things, right? Okay, let's put it to the fire. Let's see if God has created man and women equal in authority. Once again, we are equal in value. I'm not more valuable than any lady in here. No lady is more valuable than any man in here. But we have a different function. Now while you turn there, let me go on to finish their little belief system. Their statement of faith. We believe in one God, creator and sustainer of the universe, eternal existing as three persons equal in power and glory. And I'm just going to go down for sake of time, but it says in there, once again, like what they want from their ministry. We believe that men are women and men are equally created in God's image and given equal authority and stewardships of God creation. They keep pushing this equal equality, equality, equality. The world, the feminazis out there are going out trying to push equality, equality. Look, God wants us to know that when it comes to a home, a family is not equal in authority. It is equal in value, but not in position. Think about it like this. If I go to my employer and I say, Whoa, you can't Lord over me. You're not in charge. We're equal in what the business can do. If you want to go left and I want to go right, you're not more right than me, even though he is the owner of the business. It is stupid to think that I could challenge his authority. So look down at your Bible. If you would have first Corinthians chapter 11 verse one, like I said, what does it matter what I think? What does it matter what CBE thinks? What does it matter what a statement of faith of some radical group of people trying to gender neutralize God? What does the word of God clearly teach? We just saw in Genesis one, right off the bat, a man was created in the image of God, but notice what it says in first Corinthians chapter 11 verse one, be followers of me even as I also am of Christ. Now I praise you brethren that you remember me and all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you, but I would have, you know, so whatever comes next, he really wants this point to be pushed, but I would have, you know, that the head of every man is Christ who is in charge of this church, Jesus Christ. I David am not boss, Pastor Thompson is not the boss. Jesus Christ is the head, the boss of his church. We Pastor Thompson and I work for him. What does it go on to say? The head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man who is the boss of women, their husbands or their fathers. And it goes on to read and the head of Christ is God back to the Trinity, which we'll address in just a moment because it's important. There's an authority structure built within the system of who God is, but it goes on to read every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonor his head, but every woman that prayeth or prophesied with her head uncovered dishonor with her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven. Pause there really quick. What does this mean having your head uncovered? The Bible is teaching clearly that if I look like God as a man, I need to mimic parrot emulate in my life what he looks like and he's saying, if your head is covered, meaning if you have long hair, this is a disgrace. And why is it that Roman Catholics and people who are Protestants, when they think of an image of Jesus Christ, think of some long haired hippie because the Bible says that if a man did this, this is a dishonor to his head. So if Jesus Christ is under the father and I'm under Jesus, obviously he never had long hair. Why? Because that is a feminine attribute. Why don't believe you? Really? Because it just said every woman that prayeth or prophesied with her head uncovered dishonor with her head for that is even all one as if she were what shaven. So when women cut their hairs, right, short like a man, then this is bringing dishonor to God. Why? Because you a lady are trying to look like God. Men and women are supposed to look different. Don't believe me? What does the Bible say in Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse five? It says, the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all, some, all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. A woman must not wear men's clothing. This is what the NIV says. So the Bible taught us clearly the preserved text, what has stood the test of time, what has always been around says women don't put on that which pertains to a man. So what pertains to men? I'm going to give you a list of articles of clothing and let's see what pertains to either a man or a woman. So we have on one side a t-shirt. Where does this go? The woman side or the man side? You kids can answer if you think you know the answer. Can a man wear a shirt? Yeah, a man can wear a shirt, right? Can a lady wear a shirt? Of course, women wear shirts. What if I told you a jacket, right? Can a lady wear a jacket? Of course, a lady can wear a jacket. Can a man wear a jacket? Yes. What if I said a hat? Can a lady wear a hat? Of course, a lady can wear a hat. It's hot outside and she wants to cover herself from getting sunburned. My mother taught me a long time ago to stay out of the heat from 10 to 2 and cover yourself because I am very Caucasian and the sun does not agree with my skin that much. So basically, I got to cover myself and all my sisters did at the same time. But a man can wear a hat, right? Wear out roofing. Look, you look at roofers, they wear hats, okay? What about shoes? Can a lady wear a shoe? Yes, ladies wear shoes. Do men wear shoes? Yes. Socks. Women wear socks. Men wear socks. Okay. What about a dress? Can a man wear a dress? No. This does not pertain to men. Women can wear a dress. Women can wear a skirt. Can men wear a skirt? No. That is for a lady. Well, let me ask you this. What about pants? Can a man wear a pair of pants? It is actually commanded in the Bible of the Levitical priests to put on britches or shorts, which are pants. So does that mean what pertains to a man that does not pertain to a woman? Pants. Women are not supposed to be wearing pants. And men are not supposed to be wearing dresses. God is trying to show us there is a difference between men and women. How they are to appear. And if you go out into the world today and look, I know I have experienced this, I am sure some of you have experienced this, where you walk around and you look at someone and you don't even know whether they are a man or a woman. Because it says simply right there, that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord. Look, I am not here to come down your throats, but the rest of the world is not teaching you this. The rest of the world is saying, don't worry about it. It doesn't really matter. God doesn't care that it is a lie. From the pit of hell. God cares. God taught us how we are to dress. How we are to look. And it does matter how you look. Some people are like, it doesn't matter how you look. Now obviously not every man needs to dress like I and I don't need to dress like every guy. And every lady doesn't need to dress the same. But there needs to be a distinct difference between men and women. The NIFV tacks this same doctrine. It says in the same verse in the NIV, a woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing. So basically, let me ask you this, aren't there ladies out there who wear men's pants? Now let's say there are skinny jeans, this is where the skinny jean movement came from. There are some weird skaters, mind you, I was a skater by the way, weird gothic skater guys who wanted to wear women's pants, which were skinny jeans. Men do not wear skinny jeans for crying out loud. Just put on normal pants that fit. And don't have your pants sagged halfway down your butt with basically holding on to nothing. The Bible says, gird up your loins like a man. It means to pull your pants up and put on a belt. And I've taught people in my workplace this, you know, I'm one of the only, take that back, I am the only guy that tucks my shirt in on the job. And some people are like, why do you do that? Because the Bible said to gird up my loins as a man does. Boys, there comes a time in every man's life where you just for some reason start tucking it in because you've become a man. It's okay if you're not tucking your shirt in as kids and you're just out and you need loose fabric to play. And the same thing is as men, if we're going to go play sports, it's fine to not tuck your shirt in. But my basketball coach did teach me to tuck my shirt in while playing basketball. That's another discussion for another time. What are we talking about? How does a man, he's not a woman, he doesn't look like a woman. He doesn't want people to think he looks like a woman. He wants people to know he's a man, he's masculine. The rest of the world is attacking this doctrine. They're attacking the word of God. They're challenging his gender. They're challenging who he is. And don't make no bones about it. They're deceiving the world. I don't need to tell you, if you look outside, there is a twisting, a sickening of mankind. There's a downward spiral that is occurring in our day. This is why I want you kids to listen because I doubt you're hearing this push this severely. I'm sure your dads, your grandpas, your uncles, your brothers are telling you to man up, act like a man, be a man. But is your teacher, is your coach, is your pastor telling you these things? You need to be reaffirmed on these truths because the Bible wants you to know these things kids. So we understand God wants there to be a difference. But look, there is truly no new thing under the sun, right? Because there has always been a worshiping of women, a woman worshiping religion. Learn if you would to Jeremiah chapter 44. This isn't new to today. This isn't, like I said, the feminazis out there are out trying to attack what it means to be a woman. Why do you women have to act like a man to be considered legitimate? I'm truly defending true femininity. The Bible wants you women to act like a lady and that's a blessing. It's not less important. It's not less valuable. It's as important, if not in ways more important because our children need to be raised by a mother. They need to be nurtured. We need to show the distinct line in the sand of what is a man, what he does and what is a woman and what she does. But today the feminazis out there are saying, you women need to act like men, put on pants, go to work, self-made to be considered valuable. That is ridiculous. Look, they are time and time again not praising stay-at-home moms, stay-at-home wives, women who are doing their true role but the Bible says living a meek and quiet spirit and guiding the house and guiding their children and loving their husbands and doing what is asked of them to do because Paul mentions this in his epistle. He says, I would that the women marry, bear children and guide the house. That's a blessing for you ladies. So if you see some self-made woman going out there, pushing an agenda to have you ladies be self-made and look, there is truly the exception that proves the rule. There are ladies who have been dealt a bad hand in life and their husbands left them or their fathers died and there are situations in which ladies need to take care for themselves because if not, they are going to be left destitute. But elsewhere in the Bible, it talks about people who are widows or people who have been abandoned that they need to be cared for by the church. It's our responsibility to look after our men, women, boys and girls. But like I said, there's no new thing under the sun. The worshipping of women has gone back all the way to Jeremiah chapter 44. Look if you would at verse 15. And you don't believe me? Think about the whole entire religion of the Roman Catholics out there. They're worshipping Mary. Yes, they are worshipping her. They call her the Mediate Trix. You women need to go to Mary to get to the Father. Jesus said that He is the only way, the only truth and the only life and no man or woman will go unto the Father but by Him, period. There's one man that is the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. You women want to speak to your Father in heaven? You go through the Father through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. So you need to realize that when you have your Catholic friends out there or people who profess the religion of Catholicism, worshipping that idol of a lady that they call Mary, you need to sharply rebuke that and have nothing to do with that. And look, I came from Arizona and there's a huge Catholic demographic in Arizona and I could go soul winning from door to door and see Mary shrines everywhere, worshipping of Mary. So we need to make sure that this never creeps itself into the true church. Notice what it says in Jeremiah chapter 44 verse 15. It reads, Then all the men which knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by a great multitude, even all the people that dwell in the land of Egypt and Pathros, answered to Jeremiah, saying, As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken unto thee. Pause. So these people are challenging Jeremiah right now, the prophet sent from God to be a spokesman of him to the whole nation and to everyone. And he's saying, what your women are doing is bad, wrong, it is not good. But it goes on to say in verse 16, As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken unto thee, but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouths to burn incense unto the who? Queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done we and our fathers, our kings and our princes in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For then had we plenty of victuals and were well and saw no evil. So these people are saying these ladies went and made incense unto the queen of heaven. What do Catholics call Mary? They call her the mother of God. Is that true? No, she's not the mother of God. She was the mother of Jesus Christ. That's true. And every sense of the word, she mothered him, she gave birth to him. But Jesus Christ pre-existed Mary. He was before Mary, he says before Abraham was, I am referring to his eternal existence. Mary came from Jesus. And I know this is a paradox. And I know this is completely hard to understand. But truly, Mary is not the mother of God, she is the mother of Jesus Christ. And that's important to know, because Catholics went right past that and never understood it. But not only that, to prove even further my point, there's some nine mentions of Mary in the Bible. That's not a lot of mentions of Mary, there are mentions of characters that none of us even know that are mentioned often more than her. So Mary, the mother of Jesus was not mentioned a lot, but of those nine times, I think four of them are negative references to her meaning that she was being corrected, she was being told she's wrong, she was told of she needed to learn more. And here's one example of what I'm talking about. It says in Luke 11 27, you don't need to turn there, it just simply says, And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bear thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. That he, Jesus said, Yea rather blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it. So this lady comes and gives Mary praise, which mind you, I'm not saying Mary was a bad lady, I'm not saying she was like a insignificant person, she's obviously very significant. She obviously was a great godly woman, that's why God chose her to be the mother of Jesus. But when this lady comes to give Mary praise, Jesus looks at that lady and says, Yea rather blessed is the man that heareth the word of God and doeth it. She's blessed, but you will be more blessed than Mary if you listen to the words of God and keep it. Elsewhere in the Bible, remember, Mary and Jesus Christ's half siblings come to him and they want to get a VIP treatment to his preaching. And the people, the disciples go up to Jesus and say, hey your mother and brethren, they're without, they'd like to come and see you. What does he say? Who is my mother and who are my brethren, but these that do the will of my Father which is in heaven. So he's basically undermining his even biological mother. Of course Jesus loved his mother, of course Jesus honored his mother. The Bible says in the commandments, honor your father and mother in the Lord, for this is the first commandment with promise. And Jesus was tempted in all points, like as we are, yet without sin. So obviously he respected and honored and reverenced his mother, but he did not give her over worship, he did not give her over praise because that would lift her up in pride and then a whole religion would be created around this subject of worshiping this lady called the Roman Catholic Church. So we get it David, God is a man. We get it David, we stick with the preserved text that teaches us that God is a man. We won't go with false versions of the Bible and try to make things gender neutral. We won't go to seven-day Adventist churches that believe this or other non-denom evangelical types of churches because they're twisting things, but we know people have worshiped women in the past and we're not going to do that today. So what's the problem? Well here's the problem, look outside, look at the world, look at the degeneracy that's going on, look at all the confusion that is going on. The Bible says God is not the author of confusion. This confusion that's going on in the world, gender euphoria, people who are challenging their own gender are committing suicide. There are kids that are not even realizing that if they're a boy or a girl, the Bible made very clearly God made it man in His image and He created male and female. So that's it. You have to be happy in your own skin and once again, this sermon is not an attack on you ladies and as a matter of fact, if you understand the truth of the Bible, you'd be in your heart saying Amen as much as any man in here would. Why? Because you'd want your daughters to know this truth, you'd want your kids to know this truth so that they don't get deceived like the rest of the world is. But let's go into the Trinity because we get it. God is a man. He's also three persons. So look down, I turn if you would to John 14 and I'm going to specifically speak about the Holy Spirit because I think we get that the Father is a man. I think we get that the Son is a man. But what about the Holy Spirit? That's a unique term, right? You don't like go up to people and call them like Spirit, you know, Hey Spirit, how's it going? You know, it's like the Holy Spirit is a unique name. It's a title given to this person of the Godhead and mind you, it is a person. He has been given the name of a man. Now notice what it looks. Look down if you would at John 14 verse one, let's just start from verse one. Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me. If you have a red letter edition Bible, this is the words of Jesus Christ in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also and where there I go you know and the way you know Thomas sayeth unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest and how can we know the way. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me if he had known me you should know my father also and from henceforth ye know him and have seen him. Philip saith unto him, Lord, showeth the father and sufficeth of the us. Jesus saith unto him, have I been so long with time with you and yet has thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the father. How sayest thou then, showest the father? Pause there really quickly. Notice the disciples are asking Jesus show us God show us the father clearly let us see him and he's looking at him he's like you see me how is it that you don't know who the father is because when you look at Jesus the son what do you see a man now some have twisted this passage into thinking that there is only but one person in the Godhead and this is a false doctrine known as modalism or oneness Pentecostalism it's also an ancient heresy known as Sabellianism and they're trying to say that well if I saw you then I saw your father therefore you are the father no that is not what this passage is teaching I mean if I were to say to Ezra I wanted to see your dad and your dad said and you said to me well if you see me you've seen my dad because you guys look alike you guys look similarly we had twins in the church I was at in the past and we all know those sets of twins right let's say you had a twin group like John and Jesse right and if I said I want to know what Jesse looks like it's like well you've seen John you've basically seen Jesse they look similar they look alike that's what this passage is clearly teaching how do you know how do you know they're not just one person let's go on read notice what it says in verse 10 believe is thou not that I am in the father and the father in me so Jesus Christ is in the father the father is in Jesus Christ they are not one in the same they are the same in light of their divinity they're the same in light of they are both God but they are separate people it says in 10 believe is thou not that I am in the father and the father in me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself so once again we have a singular pronoun myself right so there's a secondary pronoun which would be his her or its self so it says myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works believe me that I am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very works sake verily verily which just simply means truly truly verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also in greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my father and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it if ye love me keep my commandments and I pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever pause so now we just got introduced to a third person right this person's known as another the comforter right so we have the father sending the son and they are going to send a comforter well who is this comforter because he's another another in what person he's not another god he's the same god but let's go on and read in verse 16 and I pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth so this comforter is called the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you yet a little while and the world seeth me no more but ye see me because I live ye shall live also at that day ye shall know that I am in my father in ye and me and I knew he that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him now this is one of the disciples asking him a question Judas saith unto him Lord how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us and not unto the world Jesus answered and said unto him if a man love me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we that's a pronoun that's a that's a plural pronoun we will come unto him and make our abode with him huh remember earlier in Genesis 1 it says let us make man in our image so we know for sure these two are masculine men father son okay let's keep going he that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings and the word which ye hear is not mine but the father which sent me these things have I spoken unto you being yet present with you but the comforter okay there's that person again who is the Holy Ghost okay that's what we're speaking about the third person of the Godhead whom the father will send in my name he one more time he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid okay so you saw one he David that doesn't necessarily mean he's a man let's keep going yet have yet ye have heard how I said unto you I go away and come again unto you if you love me you would ye would rejoice because I said I go unto my father for my father is greater than I and now I have told you before it came to pass that when it is come to pass ye might believe hereafter I will not talk much with you for the price of this world to come I'm sorry the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me but that the world may know that I love the father as the father gave me commandment even so I do arise let us go hence so this person the comforter is called a he now this is important because like I said we understand that God is three people father son Holy Ghost father's obviously a man the son's obviously a man he the comforter he the Holy Ghost is a man but did you know there's an attack on the character of God through the doctrine of the Trinity now Satan is known as the great counterfeiter what do I mean by this notice in the Bible in Isaiah chapter 14 it talks about what Satan wants to do he wants to deceive the world he talks about how I will it be exalted under the throne of heaven I will be praised as the most high I I me me he constantly wants to get the praise that God deserves right so Satan I mean think about a counterfeit dollar it has to look like a dollar it can't not look like the real thing because they're known to be convinced of it right counterfeit money looks like real money now they don't look exactly like real money they look very closely to the real thing I can't go up to the store with a monopoly dollar and try to get anything they're just gonna laugh at my face and kick me out right but there are people who have counterfeit money that looks very similar to the real money but there's always something different about it something small something insignificant and when it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity throughout history there has been an attack on who God is from the Gnostics a group of people who are basically Satan worshippers and they have sowed their seeds throughout history throughout all religions because Gnosticism basically teaches that all roads will lead to the same path we're all worshipping the same God in different ways and in different forms so you may call on this you may call on this but it's the same God was that what the Bible says Bible says there's but one God and there's a lot that be called God so if there's a group of people that call themselves God but there's a true God how do we know the difference well we have the Word of God to tell us who God is right now what do you mean by this lots of religions today that came from the past have always taught this this is why it's important for preachers evangelists missionaries and deacons to make sure we separate and segregate ourselves from false religion and false prophets because we don't want everyone thinking that all roads lead to the same path what did Jesus say when the disciples asked him are there few that be saved he says wide is the gate and broad is the way that lead us to destruction and very many go there in that because straight is the gate and narrow is the way to peace and everlasting life you be there that find it and this verse earlier we saw he says I am the way that away definite article the word the means only this the way the truth and the life no man goes into the Father but by him so he's immediately made it only through one specific way can we truly worship the God of the universe through our Lord Jesus Christ who is God manifested in the flesh now Jewish religion does not teach that there is a Trinity they don't believe in a Trinity they believe in a messianic figure but they don't believe Jesus was the Messiah they believe in an Antichrist to come or an anti-messiah that will come and when they try to make sense of the Trinity they believe with the character of the person of the Holy Ghost to be what's called a Shekinah glory raise your hand if you heard of the Shekinah glory so basically on Wikipedia because that's my where I get my news some people don't like Wikipedia but hey take it up with them if you don't like what I have to read teaches what they believe about the Shekinah glory and it simply teaches the English translation of a Hebrew word meaning dwelling or settling and denotes the dwelling or settling of a divine presence of God this term does not occur in the Bible I'm gonna start there this word Shekinah Shekinah in Hebrew is not found in the Hebrew Old Testament at all so this is what the Jewish people believe and is a rabbitic literature in classic Jewish thought the Shekinah reference to a dwelling or settling in a special sense a dwelling or settling of divine presence to the effect that while in proximity to the Shekinah the connection to God is more readily perceived in some sources Shekinah represents the feminine attribute of the presence of God Shekinah being a feminine word in Hebrew based especially on the readings of the Talmud the Talmud is the Jewish Bible basically because some people think that well the Jews they just believe the Old Testament but not the New Testament that's not true they believe in the teachings for the commandments the doctrines of men this is why when Jesus came to his own and his own received him not he says you can't hear my words because you're not of God you call yourself Jews you call yourself the children of Abraham yet here you are trying to kill the Messiah and he's telling him the truth and this word Shekinah doesn't even come from the Hebrew Old Testament the rabbis decided to make this term and decided to make a feminine attribute to God so back to what I was saying the attack on the doctrine of the Trinity throughout the past there has always been a Trinity type of religion around in other parts of the world the Jews worshiped one we saw it in Jeremiah 44 remember these are the Jewish people the people of Judah and he says we're worshiping the queen of heaven and Jeremiah is like there is no queen of heaven there's one Lord Father of all the Son and the Holy Ghost and they believe the Jewish people that the Holy Ghost is a female attribute of God and that is just not true well how do you know number one it's not found in the Bible number two it's coming from a lying Antichrist group of people who deny the Son if you don't have the Son you don't have the Father but it's not just unique to the Jewish religion there's a documentary out there it's called zeitgeist raise your hand if you've ever seen the documentary zeitgeist good don't watch it it's a stupid documentary anyways it's basically a Gnostic documentary trying to teach that all paths lead to the same road all religions came from an original source and they separated but they're coming back it you know they started at the same separated and they're all coming back eventually and that's Gnostic philosophy and teaching but in this documentary I'm just gonna read you the the highlights of the whole documentary claims that the Christian religion is mainly derived from other religions astronomical assertions astrological myths and other traditions in furtherance of the Jesus myth hypothesis this film disputes the historical the historicity of Jesus who is who it claims is a literary and astrological hybrid so basically they're saying that the story the person the man Christ Jesus was just a fake people just made this story up and look it's not just unique to these people there's lots of people who don't think that the Bible is real that it's fake it's not historically accurate the Bible has been time proven time and time again of this is of its historic accuracy for crying out loud I think it was the the highlights of Jebusites the Arkites I think it was the Arkite people group historians have always thought were not even real they're like how these people aren't even real people they're made up but then all would you look at that we went and dug up in the dirt and found the Arkite people and they were in the Bible the whole time so they should have just read their Bible and believed it because they have always been there but they were drowned out in history so this documentary tries to show parallels with other religions one of which is the Egyptian religion the Egyptian religion has a form of the Trinity through Osiris Isis and Horus so Osiris would be what they liken under the father Isis is what they refer to as the mother and then Horus would be liken unto the son see father holy ghost son so father woman child yeah yeah see kind of looks the same must be the same no Hinduism teaches another similar thing they have what they called Brahma Vishnu and Shiva so Brahma would be like the father Shiva would be like the mother and then Vishnu is like the son ah father son only go see it similar no and the last one which kind of hits home for me and it should for you as well is the Hawaiian Polynesian language or religion does the exact same thing he David Kalakaua was the one of the monarchs of Hawaii he was one of the kings of Hawaii and he wrote a book about Hawaiian myths and legends and in his book he tries to draw a parallel with the Christian God and the pagan gods of Hawaii and he tries to say that you have ku kane and lono so ku would represent the father you know kane represents Jesus because it's the word for man is kane and then you have lono which would be like the fertility God a god of fertility which in Hawaiian culture is a masculine figure he's not a female but fertility is always painted as as a feminine thing in the rest of the world so like I was saying other religions are gonna try to put themselves in the camp of Christianity oh we're all worshiping the same thing just slightly different you say Holy Ghost we say Shiva you say the comforter we say lono you say you know the Holy Ghost we say Isis it's all the same thing we say Shakina you say Holy Ghost what are we arguing we're arguing about the who God is God is a man God is masculine God the Father is our Lord and Savior so kids listen up let me ask you something when you do something bad right who are you more afraid to see your mom or your dad I know when I was growing up I was afraid to see my stepdad I didn't have my real dad growing up but I had my stepdad and let me say this when my stepdad was coming on I was not looking forward to getting discipline well why would you get discipline because the Bible says we need to be disciplined for our wrongdoings the Bible says whom the Lord loveth he chaseneth and scourges every son whom we receive it and look women it is your responsibility to to discipline your children but you know the saying wait till your father gets home easy to crack your rear end you're gonna get dirty lichens because there comes a time in our lives and I know I remember this in my life when I was getting spanked it didn't hurt from my mom anymore it stopped hurting it's like oh it hurts but then you know your dad's come home and it like oh shoot I can't fake this it's gonna hurt and basically he does this because he loves us he's not doing this because he's trying to be mean and rude and arrogant whom the Lord loveth he chaseneth and this is what I want us to know this is the final conclusion of this sermon if God is a man then we need to love as men love there's a difference between female love and men love right I love my stepdad I love my brother I love my sister I love my wife ladies you love your dad's you love your mother's you love your sisters you love your aunts your uncles and all these things there is a difference between a feminine love and a masculine love man love differently than ladies love ladies are softer there and that's good that's not a bad thing don't let anyone tell you that being soft is bad softer they're more nurturing they're more understanding in ways they're a lot more just nurturing in that sense man we are rough and gruff and direct and very specific on things right so if God the Father the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost show us what love is we need to emulate that love to others because what is the two greatest Commandments love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself so I will know how to love my neighbor as myself once I know how to love God when I learn how to love God because God first loved me and that while I was yet a sinner Christ died for me sacrificial love love that you know men are known as providers the Bible says if a man knows not how to take care of his own house how shall he be you know take care of the house of God we need to take care of our families we are providers we are protectors we are always looking out for our own it's not to ladies don't do that but ladies should depend on their husbands and fathers to protect them when the stuff hits the fan when things get crazy it is our responsibility men to stand up and man up quit you like men and man up the world is attacking masculinity let's not be ashamed of that we're men I was supposed to hear an amen but never mind we are men and let's be proud of being men ladies be proud of being ladies don't let some other lady say that the only way you can see you know accomplishment is if you act like a man look like a man talk like a man no act like a lady and that's a great honor to the Lord Jesus Christ he will look down from heaven to me please with you but men understand this it is a sin to act feminine turn if you add actually really quickly I'll leave you on this last note 1st Corinthians chapter 6 you don't believe me look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 no acting ladylike isn't a sin I'm just trying to be soft I'm just trying to be understanding that's not what God says look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God so whatever comes next is considered unrighteous be not deceived neither fornicator nor idolater nor adulterers what's this next one nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God effeminacy is a sin if you are a man act like a man don't walk around prancing around like a chick wearing skinny jeans growing your hair out long and looking like a girl because that in the sight of God is an abomination for crying out loud if we're gonna have to if we saw a tranny walking down the road in a dress we'd all be horrified wouldn't we and that's right that's a natural good feeling to have there is no temptation taking you but such as is common to man it is not common that men walk around looking at you like a lady now yes there are men that kinda are softer but it once again there's a difference between being soft and feminine I will one day preach a sermon on the subject of gentlemen being a gentleman be polite and be masculine at the same time you know like I said that's another sermon for another time but what's the title of this message God is a man fathers happy Father's Day be proud to be a man don't let someone shame you and your patriarchy and all this crap that the world's spewing you know ladies love your husband's love your father's reverence them today I mean for crying out loud there's 365 days in a year we can give our dads and our husband's well it's Father's Day so give your dad's glory I hope you all called your father's today I know you guys have your father here with you but I hope you called your grandpa uncle's father's reference them tell them how great they are and let them know the importance of their role as men because they represent God on earth authority power judgment mercy love loving is a part of it so let's not forget the importance of masculinity and understand that God truly is a man it's powerheads and have a word of prayer dear Heavenly Father thank you so much for this day thank you so much for your word and thank you so much for telling us about who you are how you want us to perceive you and help us to grow in your word and to understand the importance of what we've all been given and whatever state we're into there and be content help us today help all the fathers out everyone have a relaxing decompressing day kids and wives and ladies and mothers look out massage their feet take care of them just look out for them and then for every other day of the year fathers will take care of their family and all this Jesus Christ made me pray amen