(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E C A R E N S W I H A R E My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest fruit, but wholly lean on Jesus' name. On priceless solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. When darkness fails his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace. In every highest warning, my anger holds me. On priceless solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. His oath is love, and it is blood. Support me in the welding flood. When all around my soul builds faith, even is all my hope is saved. On priceless solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. When we shall come with trumpet sound, oh may I then and yet be found, dressed in his righteousness alone, for less to stand beyond the throne. On priceless solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand. Great singing everybody. Let's open it up with a word of prayer. Lord, we love you and we just thank you for steadfast Baptist Church. We thank you for just giving us a place to worship and sing unto you Lord and hear your preaching. We just ask you to bless this service tonight in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, for our next song, let's go to song number 448. Song number 448. Brethren, we have met to worship. If you know it, sing it out. Brethren, we have met to worship. Song number 448. Brethren, we have met to worship and adore the Lord our God. Will you pray with all your power while we try to preach the word? All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down. Brethren, pray and holy manna will be showered all around. Brethren, seek for sinners round you slumbering on the brink of woe. Death is coming, hell is moving, can you bear to let them go? See our fathers and our mothers and our children sinking down. Brethren, pray and holy manna will be showered all around. Sisters, will you join and help us? Moses, sister, aid in him. Will you help the trembling mourners who are struggling hard with sin? Tell them all about the Savior. Tell them that he will be found. Sisters, pray and holy manna will be showered all around. Let us love our God so freely. Let us love each other too. Let us love and pray for sinners till our God makes all things new. Then he'll call us home to heaven. At his table we'll sit down. Christ will burn himself and serve us with sweet manna all around. All right, good evening everyone. Welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. This time we'll go through our announcements real quick. If you don't have one, go ahead and raise your hand and an usher will bring you one. We have our verse of the week, memory verse of the week there. Proverbs 31 16. If anyone 18 years or younger can quote this to myself or an usher tonight, you'll get an ice cream after the church service. And then the service time is listed there on the left side. Service time Sunday morning 10 30 a.m. Spanish service every Sunday at 4 30. Our evening service at 5 30. And of course tonight Wednesday evening service at 7. We have there our church wide soul winning times listed. All those meet here at the building at those respective times. Also our regional soul winning times are listed and those meet at various locations throughout DFW. So one of those is bound to be close to you. Make sure to get with those leaders if you'd like to attend. We have our stats for the year there listed. Also our expecting ladies on the top right there as well as our prayer list. And let's go to the back here. We have the birth of Mavi Ruby Freedom. She was born on 1 6 24 at 8 31 a.m. Weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. So congratulations to them on that. All right. For upcoming events we have on January 20th the beginning of our preaching class. That's going to go for 10 weeks. If you're a man and you're a soul winner you're welcome to come to this. It's going to be a great time. We're going to be going through Pastor Jack Heil's book teaching on preaching. There's going to be some lessons. There's going to be some opportunity to preach and get feedback on your sermons. So definitely encourage you all to make it for that. That should be a blessing. On February 3rd all ladies are invited to attend a baby shower in honor of Catherine Cracker and her baby girl on Saturday February 3rd from 12 30 p.m. to 2 30 p.m. at the church. Nurselings only preferred make sure to RSVP to Mrs. Lauren Milstead for that and please bring a side dish or a dessert to share. Real quickly before we go to our next song let's go ahead and and pray as a church through our prayer list. If there's a couple that have been added this week the Ili family has been asking for prayer for their health and I know a lot of families are out sick right now so we'll be praying for them and Miss Laura Warner has a friend named Debbie that is undergoing cancer treatment and I guess her pain has just gotten really terrible this week so she's asking special prayer for her treatment and her pain this week so let's go ahead and go to the Lord in prayer as a church at this time. Dear Heavenly Father thank you so much for our church and the blessing to come before you in prayer. Pray that you would continue to heal brother Hall's leg and thank you for the healing that he has received so far Lord and pray for Miss Karen Cooley's stepdad his cancer treatment that he would get the treatment he needs and that you'd heal him. Pray for my brother's safety while he's on deployment and pray that you'd bring him back home to his family soon. I pray for Miss Alicia's grandmother for her vision to be fully restored and for her health and especially Lord for her to soften her heart to the gospel that she'd be saved Lord. We pray for brother Jonathan Spurgeon's grandfather that he'd be healed and Miss Rebecca Nogueira that she would just improve her health during this difficult time for her Lord and I pray for all the families in our church right now that are sick and recovering from sickness. Pray that you'd help us all to feel better soon. Pray for the Nichols family that you would just protect them and guide them Lord and also pray for Miss Laura Warner's friend Debbie that she would help ease her pain during her cancer treatment and that she'd ultimately be healed. We thank you for everything Lord in Jesus' name we pray, Amen. All right let's go ahead and go to our handout where the spirit blows. We have a couple extra handouts so if you don't have one raise your hand and Usher will bring you one. Let's sing it together where the spirit blows. All right where the spirit blows. In your hand out if you don't have one raise your hand we'll give one to you. Jesus told me over land and sea red black and white sweet in his eye where the spirit blows we will go go go go where the spirit blows we will go yellow and brown to every town not just the Jews let's go in twos where the spirit blows we will go go go go where the spirit blows we will go father spirit son these three are one holy trinity always with me where the spirit flows we will go go where the spirit blows we will go we bison fell sent christ to hell but he arose crushing our foes where the spirit blows we will go go go go where the spirit blows we will go he heals the lame call on his name faith alone saves empty the graves where the spirit blows where the spirit blows we will go great singing everybody now as the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your bibles to the book of Jude the book of Jude so all right book of Jude the first one says Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called mercy unto you and peace and love be multiplied beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints for there are certain men crept in unawares who were behold before of old ordained to the uh condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ I will therefore put you in remembrance through ye once knew this how the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day even as Sodom and Gomorrah in the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignities yet Michael the archangel when he contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said the Lord rebuke thee but these speak evil of those things which they are not uh know not but when they know naturally as brute beast in those things they corrupt themselves woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward and perished in the gainsanding of core these are spots in their feasts of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit wither without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these things saying behold the Lord cometh when with ten thousands of his saints to execute judgment upon all to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him these are murmurs complainers walking after their own lusts and their mouths speaketh great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying the in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and some having compassion making a difference and others say with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh now into him that is able to keep you from falling into present you faultless before the presence of his glory with with exceeding joy to the only wise God our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and forever amen let's pray dear Lord we just thank you for this chapter we just pray that you feel brother dealing with their spirit as he preaches your word to us in Jesus name and prayer amen amen well first thank you pastor Shelly for the opportunity to preach tonight and we're here in the epistle of Jude I figured we'd stay with the theme of Wednesday night bible studies and I thought what book can I get done in one week Jude one chapter right just one chapter so we're here in the epistle of Jude let's start in verse number one the bible reads Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called so first I just want to go over a couple facts about this epistle the book of Jude first of all Jude was the half brother of the Lord Jesus Christ now keep your place here in Jude throughout the sermon but go to mark chapter number six mark chapter number six mark chapter six and when you get there look at verse number two in mark six verse two the bible says and when the sabbath day was come he began to teach in the synagogue and many hearing him were astonished saying from whence hath this man these things and what wisdom is this which is given unto him that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands is not this the carpenter the son of mary and then notice this the brother of James and joseph and of judah and simon are not his sisters here with us and they were offended at him in the new testament Jude he's sometimes referred to as Judas not Iscariot Judah and then here in this book the title is Jude I would understand why you'd want to be called Jude after Judas you know if my name was Judas I'd be like I'm changing this right so it goes by Jude because it doesn't want to be confused with Judas you know the wicked one that betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ but you know Jude is the half brother of the Lord Jesus Christ and you know that's kind of cool carnally speaking right and if I were to open up a letter and I was the half brother of Jesus Christ probably in our prideful flesh you'd want to say something like you know Jude the half brother of Jesus Christ I mean that's that's pretty authoritative that's pretty cool right but but notice in verse one of Jude he doesn't call himself that he says Jude the servant of Jesus Christ why doesn't he call himself the brother of Jesus Christ well I think one reason is because God doesn't care about your bloodline your bloodline is completely meaningless it doesn't matter whatsoever and in fact you could be Jesus Christ's brother you could be related to him in any type of way and if you don't believe in him you're still going to go to hell when you die so being related to Jesus Christ by any means is not significant at all you can stay there actually go ahead and go to John chapter number seven and I'll read for you first Timothy 1-4 it says neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do so notice here Paul he gives the admonishment to the pastor not to worry about fables and endless genealogies because all it does is just minister questions it's not edifying what's edifying is faith what's edifying is believing the word of God and so being related to Jesus Christ honestly it doesn't matter at all from a carnal perspective another reason why I think he calls himself the servant of Jesus Christ and not the brother of Jesus Christ is because it kind of shows the change that Jude had in his own life John chapter 7 verse 1 it says after these things Jesus walked in Galilee for he would not walk in Jewry because the Jews sought to kill him now the Jews feast of tabernacles was at hand his brethren therefore said unto him this is his physical brothers half brothers actually his brethren said therefore said unto him depart hence and go into Judea that thy disciples also may see the works that thou doest for there is no man that doeth anything in secret and he himself seeketh to be known openly if thou do these things show thyself to the world notice verse five verse five is key for neither did his brethren believe in him so think about it his own brothers who grew up in the same home as the Lord Jesus Christ they had to have noticed that he was sinless they had to have noticed that he never disobeyed mom and dad they had to have noticed that he never told a lie they had to notice these things about him but sometimes familiarity can cause us to not have the respect for someone that we ought to or to give someone the credence that they deserve the credibility that they deserve just because we're close to someone and so even the Lord's own physical brothers didn't believe in him at first that's pretty crazy to think about right but but yet you want to get so offended when someone rejects you at the door out soul winning you know the first time you ever give someone the gospel and they reject it you're ready to call them a reprobate no look Jesus's own brothers didn't believe in him at first but we know that eventually he did get saved because he wrote the epistle of Jude and what's cool is how he addresses himself as the servant of Jesus Christ shows that he got saved shows the change that in perspective that he had of his brother that hey you know yeah I'm the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ but you know what's more important than being the brother of Jesus Christ is being the servant of Jesus Christ that's way more important what's also interesting about this is that the fact that Jude is the half brother of Jesus Christ disproves the Catholic belief that Mary was a perpetual virgin this belief that you know that her title is the virgin Mary like she's up in heaven and she still somehow has the status of virgin wrong Jesus Christ had siblings Mary was a virgin up to the point of Jesus's birth but after that she came together with her husband and had more children there's nothing special about Mary other than the fact that obviously God chose her for a great mission for a great task for him but look Mary is not some sort of goddess that you pray to she's not a perpetual virgin I mean this completely disproves that wicked Catholic doctrine also we see that Jude is not addressed to a specific church or to a specific group of people often in the epistles you see it's to the Romans to the Galatians to the Ephesians in Revelation we see it's to the seven churches which are in Asia but look again really quick at verse one it says to them that are sanctified by God the father and preserved in Jesus Christ and call so this letter is just to save people we don't know exactly maybe he was you know making trips around churches and giving this to multiple churches or if there's some group that we're unaware of we don't really know but all I know is that this was addressed to save people all I know is that all in spray all uh scriptures given by inspiration of God and it's profitable to us today and so we can take this epistle and we can learn from it let's look at verse two it says mercy unto you and peace and love be multiplied beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints so here we see Jude he expresses his desire that he wanted to write to this group of Christians about salvation he said I gave all diligence so he was really trying hard here to write unto you of the common salvation but it was needful for him to write something else okay what can we learn from this well we can learn right off the bat that salvation is not the only important doctrine in the bible you know a lot of Christians they kind of want to have this holier than now mentality where if you preach any other doctrine in the bible if you preach hard on sin if you call out people by name they want to like kind of throw this at you like well why don't you just preach salvation why aren't you preaching the gospel but here Jude under the inspiration of the holy spirit he said hey I wanted to talk to you guys about the gospel but it was more needful for me to do something else and so that teaches us a lesson that hey you know salvation is important but at times other things need to be talked about and when we're addressing Christians often that's not really the subject that they need anyways because hopefully everyone in here unless you're a young child is already saved so would it really benefit the church tonight if I got up here and just talk to you about the common salvation yeah it would have some benefit we could sure up our doctrine and make sure that we don't have any holes in our doctrine that we're not letting things slip sure there's some benefit there but you know sometimes we need to talk about other things and a lot of churches they want to just be like the seeker sensitive church where they build their church with the philosophy of catering to unsaved people that's not biblical we need to cater our service to the save we need to help them grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ also we see here that sometimes God wants us to fight he says hey I wanted to talk to you about salvation but look you need to earnestly contend for the faith and so as Christians we need to be ready to fight to defend the doctrines that we believe in the bible you know Christianity is not just something we should take lightly it's not some joke you know this is this is people's eternity at stake this is heaven and hell this is people's lives being ruined or not this is people's eternal rewards in heaven and so when false doctrine or wicked people show we should be ready to fight the good fight of faith we should be ready to fight here's another application you know for myself as a preacher and for other people to get the opportunity to preach and I would especially think this to be true for pastors is that you need to be flexible in what you preach sometimes you know maybe you're writing a sermon about the common salvation and you hear someone preaching oneness and it's more needful that you need to change that sermon and preach something else because hey salvation is great but sometimes you need to change that and preach something else we got to be flexible and here's another application we can make this is when the pastor preaches to us we should be ready to hear his warnings I mean Jude's saying like look I'm ready to talk to you guys about the common salvation but it's more needful for me to tell you to contend for the faith he's giving a warning here we should be willing to listen to the leadership in our life and take heed to that warning look at verse four why for there are certain men crept in unawares who are before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ so notice he's saying look I wanted to talk to you about salvation but something more important needs to be spoken about what is it it's ungodly men that are creeping into this group and what are they doing they're ungodly first of all they're turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness we'll get to what that means in a minute they're denying the Lord I mean these people are false prophets these are false brethren that he's talking about that have crept into this congregation church group of Christians I don't know who they are exactly but Jude finds out about it and he wants to warn them about it this is a common theme in the New Testament turn to Acts chapter number 20. Acts chapter number 20. You know we have to understand and realize that wicked people will creep in to steadfast baptist church even with the vigilance even with our strong policies here it is something that is going to happen it happens to every single New Testament church and you need to be ready for that and you know over the last three four I don't know how many years now steadfast battles has been with the world for for a while now you know we've been fighting the sodomites we've been fighting the world but don't think that it's forever going to be like that realize that we could have internal battles too that wicked men can creep in here unaware we're unaware we think they're good we think they're normal and then we find out that there are these wicked false prophets realize that that can happen to us in many churches I mean it seems like they have nothing but internal battles and we've kind of had a break from that and hey I prefer the external battles I prefer fighting against the sodomites all day long it gets ugly when it's someone that you thought was your friend it gets ugly when you when it was someone that you thought was your fellow laborer in Christ man that sometimes can sting that sometimes can get ugly and sometimes it reveals people's character but look at Acts chapter number 20 real quickly let me explain to you the context of this the apostle Paul he's talking to elders in Ephesus and he says this in verse 28 he says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over which the holy ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood quick commercial break real quick I saw some bozo commenting on Pastor Shelley's sermon saying that Pastor Shelley is like a pope because he thinks that people should be fed at church it's like hold on he's talking to pastors and he says over the which the holy ghost have made you overseers to feed the church of God it almost seems like it's the pastor's job to feed the flock of God that's not a prideful thing that's obeying God's word you know what a stupid comment that is but back to what we're talking about false prophets here verse 29 for I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also notice of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves looking for verse 31 therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I cease not to warn everyone night and day with tears look Paul's trying to get it in these people's heads he's preaching it every single day night and day for three years there's going to be infiltrators there's going to be even people among yourselves that rise up speaking perverse things teaching false doctrine for the purpose of gathering disciples unto themselves it sounds a lot like a church split right and this happens all the time this happens in good churches with good pastors wicked men rise up they bring some sort of damnable heresy they whisper in someone's ear they start getting a little club together of a bunch of morons a bunch of bozos and sometimes end up splitting the church but in jude the bible gave us a description of what these people are like look again at verse number four it says that they're ungodly it says that they turn God's grace into lasciviousness and it says that they deny the Lord now what is lasciviousness I just looked up the dictionary definition and it said this it said unrestrained sexual behavior or a habitual inclination to such behavior lustfulness we're going to get into this in a minute but false prophets and perversion go hand in hand I think this was even preached recently I mean it is so common for someone that teaches a false gospel for someone that believes in damnable heresy to be some sort of pervert to be even a sodomite I mean if you just look up like pastor scandal I mean there's just like sodomite after sodomite after sodomite pastor it's crazy but that's what Jude is describing these wicked men that creep in amongst God's people they turn God's grace into lasciviousness they take something good God's grace and they pervert it they twist it into something perverted what's a good example of this a good example of this is pastor Joseph Prince has anyone heard of this guy this queer looking weird pastor that wears like the super skin tight leather clothes he has a 31,000 member congregation church called new creation church and he has two churches that he pastors in DFW who knew that I knew that he was like Singapore or something like that I had no idea that he came into our community it's disgusting but let me give you a quote from this guy and think about what I just said that they turn the grace of God into lasciviousness this is a quote from him he says the bottom line is that the Holy Spirit never convicts you of your sins well that's a convenient doctrine for a false prophet that probably sins grievously in disgusting ways all the time oh the Holy Spirit never convicts you of your sins he never comes to point out your faults so this guy has this hyper grace hyper love gospel that he preaches that basically God's never mad at anyone for any reason the Holy Spirit never convicts anyone of sin the Holy Spirit never convicts or wants to point out if someone's wrong that's a pretty convenient doctrine for a pervert right and hey I'm not going to falsely accuse this guy because I don't know if he's been in any scandals or not but all I'm saying is that this type of doctrine could be a cover for perversion it absolutely can be go to John chapter number 16 John 16 that's turning God's grace into lasciviousness and it's always these false prophets that want to minimize sin they want to minimize things and teach perversion from behind the pulpit John 16 verse 7 Jesus said this nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you and when he has come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment Joseph Prince says the Holy Spirit never convicts you of sin Jesus says that the Holy Spirit comes to reprove us of our sin and of notice this judgment do you think that it's a coincidence that false prophets are always attacking this idea of judgment I mean the Holy Spirit of God I mean this is the Holy Spirit's never wrong about anything the Holy Spirit is the truth the Holy Spirit comes to reprove sin and of righteousness and judgment is it any coincidence that these false prophets always hate judgment they always hate judgment you know I saw a really sick example of this just this week I follow this page on Instagram it's called like DFW I forget what it's called but it basically shows like news and DFW events happening in DFW usually shows like police chases and DFW all the crazy stuff going on or whatever and they posted this sick picture I wish I didn't even see it they posted this disgusting picture of this man on the side of the road in Dallas wearing a dress just disgusting a cross-dressing abomination and they're a bunch of people trying to defend it because oh he lost a bet and so that makes it okay somehow but all I did I just posted Deuteronomy 22 5 with no commentary nothing else and I just get comment after comment after comment judge not judge not judge not you know what that is that's turning the grace of God into lasciviousness because just because God gives us grace doesn't mean that he condones of men wearing dresses it's disgusting it's an abomination the Bible says absolutely sick and I'm sick and tired of Christians condoning of sin in the name of grace condoning of sin acting like God believes the same stupid idea of Joseph Prince no the Bible says that person's an abomination oh grace you know the loving thing to do is to tell that person hey idiot losing a bet is not worth sinning against God it's like oh you lost a bet so now it's okay to sin against God no it's not okay it's disgusting it's sick and you know what it just made me realize like wow there's no hope for America when everyone in Texas is just okay with this person cross-dressing in Dallas Texas and all these Christians are telling me judge not judge not judge not you're just begging for the destruction of America you're just a brain dead moron how in the world did I just wake up in 2024 I just I just here we are men in dresses are being defended by Christians someone pinch me someone wake me up from this hellscape nightmare how did this happen I'll tell you how it's because people got away from judgments people got away from what the Holy Spirit does convicting of sin rather they've allowed these false prophets to creep in and hey I would love to sit up here and preach a message about salvation but guess what it's more needful me to warn you about cross-dressing faggots in Dallas Texas would to God every single pastor in this community would do the same and it probably wouldn't exist it's disgusting go back to verse five of Jude verse five we need to get back to preachers calling this stuff out and then it wouldn't be acceptable anymore then we you know Christian Christianity has the truth the truth is powerful it's stronger than lies all we got to do is just get up and tell the truth and it will have a difference it will make a difference it'll have an impact in our society notice verse five so remember we're talking about false prophets and then he says this in verse five I will therefore put you in remembrance though he once knew this how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not why is he bringing up this group of people this group of people that was saved at the land of Egypt but they didn't believe I think what he's doing is he's saying hey remember this group of unsaved people well this is what false prophets are like and we're going to see in the next couple verses he's going to compare false prophets to a couple of different groups look at verse six and the angels now we're bringing up a different group which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day go to revelation 12 flip over a few pages to revelation 12 so he's saying hey look these false prophets are unsaved just like the people in the wilderness that didn't believe were unsaved just like the angels that rebelled with the devil they're reserved unto hell verse 9 of revelation 12 what am I talking about it says in the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out of the earth and his notice angels were cast out with him I don't you know pretend to fully understand all that went into the devil rebelling and angels rebelling with him but I know that there is fallen angels there is angels that rebelled with the lord or with uh satan against the lord and what is jude telling us he's saying like these angels god has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day saying these angels that fall they're going to be cast into hell someday in the same way that false prophets are going to be cast into hell someday here's another group that he talks about in verse number seven of jude in verse number seven he says even as so in the same way even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so notice he's comparing he's saying these false prophets these false brethren they are just like sodomites they are just like the people in sodom and gomorrah and what happened to them they suffered the vengeance of eternal fire what is he saying he's saying just like everyone in sodom and gomorrah went to hell that's the same thing that's going to happen to every false prophet they will go to hell they will suffer the vengeance of eternal fire and notice god uses an example of a group of people that is going to hell what does this teach us it teaches us that sodomites cannot be saved this is another this is one of many proof texts that sodomites cannot be saved it's saying sodom and gomorrah and all the cities about them in like manner they all suffered the vengeance of eternal fire god burned them all physically alive and sent them all to hell and notice the bible says that that is set forth for an example so we also can learn that the same way that god felt about the people living in sodom and gomorrah is the exact same way that god feels about number one false prophets and the people that did the things that the people in sodom and gomorrah did so has god changed on the issue of sodomy has god softened his stance in the new testament where somehow we're now supposed to give these people grace somehow now these people can get saved no in the new testament in the book of jude the second to last book in the bible god says look just like i burned all those people in hell that's the same exact way that i feel about it now god has not changed at all on the subject verse eight says likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise dominion and speak evil of dignity notice that word likewise so he's saying hey in the same way that these sodomites do these things this is how false prophets are too what do they do well notice it calls them filthy dreamers go to romans chapter number one romans chapter number one just that word alone filthy would offend probably most churches that exist in america just to say hey sodomites are filthy faggots are disgusting they are dirty they're gross that's what the bible is saying they're filthy and steadfast baptist church knows all about this i just re-watched our documentary lgbt terrorists the other day and i'm just like man i can't believe we went through all i can't believe we lived through all that it's just so disgusting how much of the crap we had to deal with for so long but hey it just showed how true the bible is that they're filthy filthy dreamers they they they dream up just sick perverted things look at verse 26 of romans 1 this matches what romans 1 says it says for this cause god gave them up unto notice vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burn in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is notice unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet so the bible calls this disgusting perversion called homosexuality vile and unseemly meaning it's just gross it's disgusting unseemly meaning it's not fitting it's not appropriate to put it in the most mild possible term ever it's disgusting it's vile verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to notice a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient doesn't that fit with filthy dreamers a reprobate mind i mean a reprobate mind is a mind that's been rejected by god and as a result of that something changes in their mind notice what it says to do those things which are not convenient once someone's given over to a reprobate mind they're now able to do things that the normal person could not do it's it's like they the governor's taken off their brain they're turned over to a reprobate mind and now notice what they're like it says being filled with all unrighteousness this is what's so dangerous about allowing sodomites to live in our society and allowing psychopaths and allowing these false prophets to live is it because it says that they're being filled with unrighteousness so think about this when a christian gets saved and they're a babe in christ if they read their bible every day if they memorize scripture if they go to church they get baptized if they start soul winning they're going to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior they're going to mature as a christian they're going to become hopefully more selfless more giving more loving more charitable they're going to become a better christian right but the the sodomite and the false prophet every single day that they're alive they're being filled with more and more unrighteousness so however wicked the sodomite was yesterday he's more wicked today and however wicked he is today it's not as wicked as he's going to be tomorrow this is why i believe that every single homosexual is a pedophile or has the capacity to be a pedophile in the future so if someone just got turned over to a reprobate mind yesterday well maybe they haven't been filled with as much unrighteousness as the pedophile that's been living on this earth for 60 years and so maybe that person that just rejected the lord too many times and was given over to a reprobate mind yesterday hasn't really had the capacity to do some of the sick things that you see like serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer and all these sick you know sodomites maybe they're not at that level yet but here's the problem they will get there someday if they're allowed to live and notice what the bible goes on to explain what they're like it says being filled with all unrighteousness well what does that look like fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whisperers backbiters haters of god despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful i mean you could not make a stronger list condemning any person than this list right here and here's the problem they're getting filled with all of those things more and more every single day every single day they're more unmerciful every single day they're inventing more evil every single day they have more murder and envy and debate and deceit in their heart every single day they hate their parents even more than the day they did the day before every single day they get more and more wicked which makes us wonder what should happen to these people what should happen to them well look at verse 32 who knowing the judgment of god that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them the only reasonable conclusion a person person can come to is that these people need to die because all they're going to do is hurt other innocent people and the pastors that get up and never want to preach this pretending to be loving or actually being hateful to all the people that are going to get murdered by sodomites this year to all the people that are going to get raped by sodomites this year to all the parents that are going to be hated by their sodomite son this year i mean think about i wouldn't even want to know this but just think about all the sins that sodomites are going to commit in 2024 and they could be stopped by putting a bullet in their head by having a lawful trial convicting them of sodomy lining them up against the wall and shooting them in the back of the head that's what we should do to them and guess what the bible and jude is saying hey false prophets are the same way they're just like sodomites and how sad is that because how many people just trust their pastor or their catholic priest or their monk or their imam or whatever or their rabbi little did you know that your rabbi has an underground tunnel in a synagogue doing god knows what do you anyone hear about that on the news some group of hissitic jews in new york had some weird sick tunnel underneath their building i wonder what that's being used for something godly i'm sure what a joke you know but got people just trust people that are ministers but oftentimes ministers are the worst people on earth it's like you have ministers are either like the best people on earth or they're like the worst people on earth you know and so we have to check everything with the word of god and realize hey if someone's preaching damnable heresy if someone is preaching false doctrine you're dealing with a sick person it says also in jude that they despise dominion you know of course we see that sodomites they hate the police they hate mom and dad they hate the government and these false prophets are the same way speaking evil of dignities they always want to talk bad about real pastoral authority have you noticed these false prophets they hate real pastoral authority they hate a real man of god getting up and saying thus saith the lord here's how it's going to be no they like having the deacon board of other faggots to run their sin in the church with them right speaking bad of authority you know beware of a person that ever comes to the church that wants to secretly talk bad to you about pastor shelley beware of that person don't be a simple fool don't think like oh yeah you know this person's pretty cool and they're trusting me with their secrets whatever no you should have red flags and alarms and bells and whistles going off in your mind anyone wants to take you aside and talk crap about the pastor someone that wants to despise dominion like that notice verse nine so that's how sodomites are that's how false prophets are yet michael the archangel when contending with the devil he's not like these people notice what he does he disputed about the body of moses durst not bring against him a railing accusation but said the lord rebuke thee so michael the archangel he's not like how these false prophets are he doesn't speak evil of dignities he doesn't despise dominion even against the devil who he knows is bad obviously everyone knows that even against the devil he's not going to bring a railing accusation meaning he's not going to lie about the devil there's no reason to do that and you know us as god's people even if we know someone's wicked we shouldn't lie about that person or just make things up about that person no let's just condemn them with the truth hey this person preaches a false gospel that's why we preach against him not just coming up with all these lies or speculations or evil surmisings you know i heard uh greg lock uh in a sermon get up one time and he's like you know what he's like joel osteen is a pedophile and he said kenneth uh what's that guy's name in fort worth kenneth copeland is a pedophile and he's like you know what and sue me i want you guys to sue me sue me sue me sue me it's like why is he saying sue me because he's possibly railing against these people these people are wicked they're false prophets but do i know for sure that joel osteen is a pedophile no i don't do i know for sure that copeland is a pedophile it wouldn't surprise me if either of them were false prophets are often perverts but am i going to get up here 100 and just say joel osteen is a pedophile with no evidence no that would be railing right so even against the devil michael the archangel wouldn't do that we shouldn't even do that against wicked people why because that is the attribute of the wicked to do stuff like that they're the ones that speak evil of dignities they're the ones that like to rail and speak lies hey let us not be that way verse 10 but these saying these false prophets these false brethren but these speak evil of those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts in those things they corrupt themselves so notice these false prophets and these sodomites they just speak evil of things they don't even understand right they're just lying and lying and lying in fact i remember there was this one video when we were at the hearse building and this black guy pulled up to the protesters and he's like hey what's going on in there and then this white sodomite is like hey yeah they're telling people that uh you can be black and go to their church but you have to promise to be a slave in heaven what is that a railing accusation just saying like oh yeah steadfast over there the only reason they have black people is because all the black people in that church promise to be slaves in heaven i don't remember that deal and i don't think that we could even make that deal right it's ridiculous it's just a lie it's just a railing accusation but that's what they're like they just make up complete and utter lies in fact i saw a facebook post one time saying that a sodomite infiltrated our church and that me and brother jason we walked around the room and we just locked all the doors and we just like you know we're having like a cult session in here as soon as everyone's here we just lock all the doors we shut the blinds it's like what are you talking about you know what i mean i saw another false accusation saying that when i was at church at the hearse building that i was pointing an ar-15 out of the window at the protesters who remembers me doing that oh yeah it never happened but all over facebook i just see comment after comment i walk outside hey dylan why are you pointing ar-15s at us huh what are you talking about they're just railing liars and false prophets are the same way they just make up things out of thin air stuff that has zero basis in reality never have i pointed an ar-15 at anyone i mean hello it's just ridiculous but notice uh verse let's move on to verse 11 oh wait wait one thing i don't want to miss it says they're brute beasts what does that mean it means they're stupid animals and i'm telling you when you hear these people talk when you hear these sodomites talk they're the dumbest people that have ever existed i mean they have no reasoning whatsoever no logic it's hilarious sometimes just to listen to them talk they're just so stupid why because they've been given over to a reprobate mind because they now have the heart of a stupid animal it'd be like trying to reason with a cow by the way this is why they can't get saved as well it's because they're too stupid to even get saved and how stupid do you have to be to not be saved really stupid because salvation is so easy it's just like jesus died for your sins believe that you're saved they can't even believe that they're just too stupid to be able to believe it look at verse 11 says woe unto them for they've gone in the way of kane and ran greedily after the heir of balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of korah so now jude gives us three men as examples of what false prophets are like and i think there's there's one overarching characteristic that each men represent here regarding false prophets so number one cane i believe is represented by false doctrine go to genesis chapter number four genesis chapter number four it says woe unto them for they've gone in the way of kane one of the things that you're going to be able to notice about a false prophet is that they teach false doctrine genesis 4-1 and adam knew is eve his wife and she conceived and bear cane and said i've gotten a man from the lord and she again bear his brother able and able was a keeper of sheep but cane was a tiller of the ground and in process of time it came to pass that cane brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the lord and able he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof and the lord had respect unto able into his offering but unto kane and into his offering he had not respect and kane was very wroth and his countenance fell so notice able the offering that he gives to god is a sacrificed lamb picturing the slain lord jesus christ substitutionary death of jesus christ the lamb taking all of our punishment being slain and the sacrifice of jesus christ covering us and saving us now um kane he brings the fruit of the ground which represents his works the things that he's done with his own two hands it represents obviously work salvation and so when he says they've gone the way of kane he's saying hey they preach a false gospel now this is just super obvious to us that what makes a false prophet is the fact that he preaches a false gospel and that he preaches false doctrine go back to jude i'll read for you second peter two three then he brings up balaam which i believe is uh typified by covetousness second peter two three says and through covetousness shall they with fainted words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not notice if you remember the story of balak king of moab basically hires balaam to try to get him to curse the people of israel what is he he's literally just like a sorcerer for hire by the way the fact that he's mentioned in jude as an example of a false prophet should tell you that he's obviously not saved there's no chance this guy's safe he's literally a sorcerer for hire he's a picture of a false prophet and what does he typify he typifies covetousness why because this is also another mark of a false prophet someone who is covetous and obviously we're all sinners sometimes we all might struggle with covetousness but theirs is an extremely obvious thing that they struggle with like being multi-billionaires from pastoring that is obviously not of god that's obviously wicked they didn't get that work through a business or anything like that they if you get rich by pastoring you're wicked obviously then he says korah go to uh i think i told you to go to jude obviously keep your finger there but let's go to numbers chapter 16 numbers chapter 16 number 16 he brings up korah which what he typifies is basically rebellion rebellion look at uh numbers chapter 16 verse 1 it says now korah the son of ishar the son of kohath the son of levi and dathan and abiram the sons of eliab and on the son of pilaf sons of rubin notice took men and they rose up before moses who is the leader with certain of the children of israel 250 princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown and they gathered themselves together against moses and against erin and said unto them ye take too much upon you seeing all the congregation are holy every one of them and the lord is among them wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the lord notice korah is a perfect example of a false brethren false prophet what does he do he takes men unto himself just like paul warned in acts chapter 20 he gathers men unto himself to do what to rise up and to speak against the leadership to speak against moses and to lead a rebellion that's what famous for for leading a rebellion but obviously this man's not saved since god literally dropped him alive into hell so again this person clearly not saved clearly an example of a false prophet so go back to jude so again i just think it's interesting he gives us those three men and each of those men kind of show an example of one of the attributes or characteristics of a false prophet and usually false prophets have all of those attributes at the same time usually they're preaching false doctrine they're covetous and they're rebellious because guess what if you're not preaching the truth you're rebelling against god and so every false prophet is rebellious notice this it says these are spots in your feasts of charity notice when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit withereth without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots notice how it says that these false prophets how they're going to be feasting with us meaning they're going to be among us meaning we're going to think that this is a good person they're going to blend in we're going to think hey this is just a normal member of church that loves god just like i do they're feeding themselves without fear they're hanging out with us they're in our fellowship but all this time they're a false prophet that doesn't believe in god and man have i seen this in my life i used to go soul winning every single saturday for like six months with a guy who i thought was good who ended up getting ordained as an evangelist he will remain unnamed because he's not even worth my breath got ordained as an evangelist and ended up completely quitting on the pastor and then dedicated his life to attacking this church to stealing this church's money to bringing this church through lawsuits i went soul winning with that guy like every week for six months i thought this person was my friend i thought this person was a good man no he was a false brother crept in unawares and it's just like wow when you see this in your life you realize how true it is that man they really are uh wolves and sheep's clothing you know what that means it means they're going to look like us it means they're going to talk like us it means they're going to act like us but it's a show it's fake and they end up getting revealed they always end up getting revealed says that they're clouds without water makes me think about the false prophet's uncanny ability to speak while saying nothing it's like how are you preaching a five-part series on philemon again oh yeah it's because you're getting up and you're just saying nothing that's why you know imagine a five-part series through jude it's like no i could probably get it done in one week let's let's do it right we don't need five weeks for that just speaking without saying anything you hear a false prophet sermon and they're just talking for 30 minutes but you're like what did i learn though what is he saying from the bible has he made any clear statements at all no they're just they're just clouds without water carried about of winds this makes me think they have no true beliefs they're not sincere they're not grounded in anything they believe they're just they'll preach whatever gets them money they'll preach whatever allows them to blend in they're not sincere people they're complete frauds and it says without fruit you could stay there i'll read for you proverbs 11 30 it says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls is wise what does this mean it means that these false prophets can never get anyone saved they cannot get anyone saved billy graham never got a single person saved in his entire life the pope's never saved a single person that person i went soul winning with for six months never saved a single person and some people balk at this because they think like well all those people you know that pray that called upon the name of the lord with those individuals are they not saved here's the thing jesus says that everyone that asks will find everyone that knocks it'll be open unto them if anyone is seeking the truth of jesus christ god will make sure that they get presented the gospel that's what i believe and so whether that's another chance by a soul winner maybe they were maybe they were preached the right gospel earlier in life by a spirit-filled soul winner and they heard it again and maybe just you know they're connecting the bible verses that they're seeing from this person connecting it with the explanation in the past and they believe that and get saved sure but all i'm telling you is that false prophets don't save anyone false prophets have an inability to get anyone saved and that's why it's our job to go out and get people saved because we are the only ones that can do it we cannot allow false prophets to do the job for us because they can't do it verse 13 raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever foaming out their own shame it makes me think about how these people always get exposed by what they say pay close attention to what people say because it reveals their heart and when someone preaches false doctrine when someone preaches damnable heresy pay attention that's them foaming out their own shame when someone starts giving you the perverted jokes when it's like hey we're supposed to be in church here we're supposed to be serious we're supposed to you know not be giving into filthy communication and all of a sudden this this false brother comes in and starts telling you the dirty jokes being perverted about things like that that's a serious red flag that's a serious red flag obviously we know that the world tells dirty jokes all the time but you know what god's people should not be like that and if someone wants to come into the house of god and make these off-color jokes i would mark that person they're like hey that's a dangerous individual this could be a sign that this is a false brother not saying that's a hundred percent every single time obviously people need to grow they come from the world i get that but you better pay attention to stuff like that go to matthew chapter number seven while i read second timothy 3 8 it says now in janice and jammory's withstood moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be made manifest unto all men notice they're always manifesting who they are eventually they can't hide forever eventually we will find you out if you're here tonight we will hear the shame coming out of your mouth we will hear the false doctrine and eventually we will find you out but what do we got to do we got to pay attention to people's words matthew 7 verse 15 jesus said beware of false prophets which come unto you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves you shall know them by their fruits remember that word fruits do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits you shall know them let's pause real quick what is the context jesus is warning us about false prophets and he's teaching us how to be aware if someone's a false prophet what does he say to look for their fruits what does that mean notice right after he said that by their fruits you shall know them what does he say not everyone that sayeth unto me lord lord what's the first thing he says he says hey by their fruits you'll know them not everyone that sayeth unto me what do i think this is talking about the primary application of this i think it's saying to pay attention to their words by your fruit by their fruit you shall know them i think that's primarily speaking about what they say he says hey not everyone that sayeth unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name in the night name of cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works what if you went out soul winning and you said sir what do you believe that you have to do to get to heaven and they said prophesy in the name of jesus do many wonderful works and cast out devils what would you discern about that person that they're not saved was it because of their lifestyle that you discerned that was it because of what they said what they said so when you go to a church and you're deciding hey is this preacher a false prophet and they get up and say you have to turn from all your sins you have to completely give up sin and make jesus the lord of your life i mean you're going this way towards sin you have to turn around leave your sin and walk this way like we've heard preachers at west coast baptist college preach what do you discern about that person they're a false prophet why because of their lifestyle why because they smoked a cigarette on their day off or was it because of what they said it's because of what they said by their fruits you shall know them that's what it means now of course like i just explained unsafe people can't get anyone saved so obviously they're not going to be able to have converts and you can inspect someone's converts and realize hey this person hasn't gotten anyone saved that's another secondary test you can make but primarily what this is saying is it's talking about their words go to matthew chapter 12 matthew chapter number 12 i'll prove that to you further matthew 12 verse 32 it says and whosoever notice speaketh a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against the holy ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come and what's the first thing he brings up either make the tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt for the tree is known by its fruit oh you generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things but i say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned what is it i mean it's so clear what what do we have to pay attention to when discerning if someone's a false prophet what they say what they speak the words that come out of their mouth yes there's other things that we can discern about them but here's one thing that's an ironclad guarantee if someone is preaching another gospel they are an unsaved false prophet regardless of their lifestyle regardless of how short their haircut is regardless of how nice their wife and kids look or anything like that regardless of how well you think they do out soul winning and how good their gospel presentation is if they preach a false gospel you know that they're a false prophet why because by their fruits ye shall know them go back to jude look at verse 14 so again like i said hey pay attention even even those perverted jokes i was talking about what is that that's the fruit of their lips that's things they're saying pay attention to that you'll know them by their fruits verse 14 and enoch also the seventh from adam prophesied of these saying behold the lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment upon all i love that word judgment and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him man enoch sounds like a hard preacher i would have liked to hear this guy preach i didn't know you could say ungodly so many times in a sentence and sound good but man enoch's mad and what is he mad about their false accusations the things coming out of their mouth the hard sayings that ungodly sinners have spoken against the lord hey doesn't it make you mad when people blaspheme god doesn't make you mad when people blaspheme his word make fun of the bible twist god's word doesn't that make you upset hey isn't it great that someday god's coming to judge execute judgment upon paul thank god for that thank god that false prophets that send people to an eternal hell will face judgment for what they did someday there's no court on this earth that's going to convict a false prophet but they will burn in hell for all of eternity because of god's judgment against them look at verse 16 says these are murmurers complainers walking after their own lusts and their mouth speaketh great swelling words having men's persons and admiration because of advantage notice the murmuring and the complaining makes me think of korra saying you know you take too much upon you moses just murmuring and complaining you always hear these people murmuring and complaining and it says that they have men's persons and admiration because of advantage this is basically uh what i think it is is basically these people using flattery to leadership to try to gain some sort of advantage you know inwardly they hate the pastor inwardly they hate jesus christ but they'll come up to the pastor of the leadership and say oh man your preaching is so great you're the greatest preacher i've ever heard i love this church there's no other church in the world that's even close to anything like steadfast baptist church i mean i've never seen such a good-looking usher his brother jason he's just the best right just messing with you you know this is what i mean i'll just use these flattery that's just just uncomfortable just weird things that people say to you and you know i've had people do this to me too you know one time at sure foundation baptist church there was this weird guy that crept in who ended up getting exposed as a false prophet and he had this notebook that he left one day in his pew and the cleaners picked it up and it said church plan number one get married number two have multiple children number three get ordained number four avoid dylan aus so and so so and so so and so so and so all these all these men and it's just like that's a pretty weird note like this is your you know your folly being made manifest and so pastor thompson made this person apologize to me and this was his apology to me he's like hey man don't think about anything about that note that i wrote i write notes like that all the time by the way you are just the best preacher i've ever heard it's just amazing to me how good of a preacher you are that was his apology what is that having men's persons and admiration because of advantage weird flattery that's not even close to being true that's just uncomfortable i mean what a weirdo what a freak and guess what he ended up being a flat earther what a shock it's almost like the things that come out of people's mouth mean something verse 17 so you know we we've talked a lot about false prophets we talked about sodomites and sometimes it makes you think like well what should we do about this what can be done about this i like that it has this word right here in verse 17 it says but because if there's no but this is a pretty depressing chapter just like hey here's these sick false prophets and reprobates and here's what they're like the end right that'd be kind of sad right he says but beloved remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our lord jesus christ how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit he's saying look remember you were already warned about this kind of stuff don't let this kind of stuff get you down don't let this kind of stuff keep you from serving god you were already warned about this kind of stuff and look sometimes people in church especially if they're babes in christ sometimes they get weary of the battle pretty quickly they just get tired of all the fighting get tired of the drama you know i wanted pastor to preach a sermon unto me about the common salvation but now he's ripping about false prophets and faggots again and he's calling out this false prophet for his bad message and sometimes people just get tired of that but look the bible already warned us this is what it's going to be like again like i started my sermon christianity is not something to be taken lightly it's a real fight we're in and if we're actually doing work for god don't you expect some resistance from the devil look the fact that we have enemies the fact that the sodomites have attacked our church the fact that false prophets have attacked our church encourages me that we're doing things right it doesn't discourage me bring on the battle because where the battle is is where people are actually doing the work for god that's where you're actually making a difference is in the battle notice verse 20 but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost keep yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life notice he says build up yourselves on your most holy faith don't don't allow this to stop you from serving god no rather build up yourselves on your holy faith keep loving god keep looking for the mercy of jesus christ don't let a negative message cause you to stop serving god just embrace the negative message it's not a positive message to realize that sodomites have no hope of salvation and they'll burn in hell for all of eternity but it's true so just embrace it anyways it's not really a positive message that in our church which right now i feel like we are so unified it's unbelievable it's not really a positive message that i say to you that says hey someday that unity will not necessarily be like that sometimes there's going to be people creeping in trying to destroy it trying to speak bad of the pastor trying to teach false doctrine and your friend might fall away god forbid but your friend that you like in this church might get carried away with them that's not necessarily a positive message but it's the truth so just embrace it anyways and mentally prepare yourself build a foundation so that when it happens you're not shaken notice verse 22 and it says if some have compassion making a difference and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh so you know this brings me to question you know what can we really do about the false prophets what can we really do about the sodomites the answer regarding them specifically is nothing the sodomite is completely hopeless the false prophet is completely hopeless but you know what we can do is we can have compassion on people and reach them before they become a false prophet before they become a reprobate before they become a sodomite hey we could reach those people and help them before they become doomed like these other people and some of those people we're going to reach by compassion and by love i mean some people the only thing it needs for them to get saved is knowing the love and sacrifice of god for them knowing the gospel of jesus christ knowing how much that god loves those people hey we could save those people with compassion stay there i'll read for you psalm 126 6 says he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing him his sheaves with him a lot of people hey let's just go out with a tear in our eye and compassion in our hearts i mean constantly in the new testament when you read the emotions of jesus christ and someday i'd like to preach a whole sermon on the emotions of jesus christ the most thing you see is him being moved with compassion moved with compassion moved with compassion moved with compassion that's how we should be too when we go out soul winning hey let's be moved with compassion for these people and love them so that they never have to face the eternal doom and hell of the sodomite and of the false prophet i don't want that for anyone it's too late for the people that are already there we need to expose them what to god our nation could just get rid of them but that's not going to happen so we can at least warn against them but hey i want to reach people before it's too late and other people we have to save with fear go to luke chapter number 20 we're almost done luke 20 jesus did both jesus was moved with compassion but he also saved with fear and some people we're going to get them saved by loving them by giving them the gospel other people we're going to have to sternly warn them about that false prophet that they listen to and what is that saving by fear say hey you love that kenneth copeland guy guess what he's a false prophet and if you believe what he believes you're going to go to hell what is that saving with fear look at luke 20 verse 46 beware of the scribes which desire to walk in long robes and love greetings in the marketplace in the markets and the high seats in the synagogues and the chief rooms at feasts which devour widows houses and for a show make long prayers the same shall receive greater damnation what is jesus saying he's saying to people that are kind of hanging in the balance maybe they're not saved they're unsaved they're not a rapper mate they're not saved he's saying hey beware of the scribes and the pharisees they're going to have the greater damnation these people are going to hell what is that that's saving with fear and look sometimes we got to scare the hell out of people out soul winning and warn them about the eternal hell that awaits them if they don't get saved and that awaits the false prophet that they listen to if they don't get saved go back to jude i'll read for you mark 9 43 says and if i hand offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell into the fire that shall never be quenched that was jesus's preaching he was moved with compassion but he also warned people about the fire that will never be quenched and we have to do both when we go out soul winning verse 24 now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever amen and so you know let us remember that we serve a glorious savior we serve a savior that's full of power and full of majesty and why would you allow the battles of life why would you allow the negative message of the sodomites why would you allow the negative message of the false prophets to cease you from serving that glorious savior you know what we should rather do is what verse 20 says is keep serving him so that we could be presented faultless before him before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy you know during the judgment seat of christ if you quit church because you couldn't handle the battle if you quit church you quit serving god you quit reading your bible because you didn't like the message of the sodomite you're not going to be presented before him in glory and in rewards and in triumph you're going to be destitute of rewards and so look if you want to be presented faultless before our glorious savior someday keep serving god don't let the negative message stop you let's have a word of prayer lord thank you so much for this day thank you for the epistle of jude and the lessons learned therein i pray that this church would always be vigilant and make sure that we're watching for the signs of a false prophet i thank you for the unity that this church has and i pray that this church would be unified for many years to come lord and i pray that you bless our pastor and bring him home safely to us we love you and you send me pray amen all right in closing let's go to song number 441 song number 441 great is thy faithfulness song number 441 everybody sing it out together on the first great is thy faithfulness oh god my father there is no shadow of turning with me thou changest not thy compassion they fail not as thou hast been thou forever will be great is thy faithfulness lord springtime and harvest sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature and great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness i see all i have needed my hand has provided great is thy faithfulness unto me pardon for sin and a peace that endureth thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow blessings all mine with ten thousand beside great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see all i have needed great singing everybody you were all dismissed you