(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right, so good to be back here again. See you all again first I want to thank pastor Shelly for sending me here I'm really thankful to be a part of the work that he's doing it steadfast, but I do miss you guys a lot So it's great to be back here again Thank you pastor Thompson for allowing me to fill the pulpit really appreciate it And we're here in Titus chapter 1 if you know anything about the book of Titus It starts off by giving the qualifications of the pastor and right after giving the qualifications of the pastor He gives them a group of people that he needs to fight against chapter 2 and chapter 3 He gives them a list of good sound doctrine that the pastor preacher needs to be teaching and he gives them some things that he Wants to avoid but notice right after giving the qualifications of the pastor He's warning him about wicked people and he gives him a charge He gives him a group of people that he needs to fight against You know The church is not a place where you just fill up anybody any just bozo and just try to get as many human beings in A room as possible. No, there's some people that are enemies. There's some people that need to be fought Against and there's some people that need to shut their mouths. Let's read Titus chapter 1 verse 9 the Bible says Holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to Convince the gainsayers for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers Especially they of the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses Teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre's sake the title my sermon is shut their mouths Shut their mouths you see here. We get the qualifications of the pastor and he tells them a group of people. That's wicked That's hurting people subverting whole houses Hey and their mouths have to be stopped and this is not something most churches do most churches It's just a free-for-all who whatever doctrine can be in the church Whatever type of person could be in the church, but that's not what the Bible teaches These people that need their mouths shut let's look at verse number 12 And let's read one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the creasons are always liar Evil beasts slow bellies this witness is true Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn From the truth unto the pure all things are pure But unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled They profess God that they know God, but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and that's every good work Here's the key word Reprobate who are the people that need their mouths shut its prophets that are reprobate Now a lot of people teach that these people are saved because it says rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith I personally believe that that's referring to the people in verse 9 the gainsayers those that would resist or gainsay He's saying hey rebuke these false prophets so that those people can be sound in the faith But the people that need their mouths shut today are false prophets people that are reprobates Now I'll also read for you because I've heard of weird things about this chapter that Because they say they profess that they know God well, maybe they're saved and and maybe they lost their salvation. It's totally garbage They profess that they know God, but it's a different God I'll read for you Romans 128 says and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind so you false prophets They don't want to retain the real God in their knowledge They profess that they know God, but you know the God of the Bible the Lord Jesus Christ They don't want to keep that God in their knowledge They profess that they know God, but they're actually reprobate is what Titus is saying you know what it's the preacher's job It's the pastor's job. It is what they are supposed to do to shut their mouths That's what they're supposed to do and this could be applied to a pastor or a preacher or every single person in this room So that you can know if you're in the right type of church, so you can know if your pastor is doing his job You know what who are some people that your pastor has preached against who are some people that your pastor has shut their mouths How about Daniel Fusco? The guy that preaches a repent of your sins gospel. Hey that guy needs his mouth shut today How about Sam Gipp that says that Jesus wasn't supposed to be the Messiah? He's not his Messiah I've heard pastor Thompson preach against that false prophet How about Ravi Zacharias? How about Billy Graham how about all these people that your pastors preached against that's because that's what the Bible says to do To shut their mouths now. Why do we need to shut their mouths today? Why do we need to shut their mouths today? You know this guy this guy manly Perry is pastor of old paths Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas really close to where I live Here's what he said he said I personally believe that Judas got more people saved than any other disciple Wow, and you know if you're new to church if you're new to the Bible Judas is someone that the Bible said was a devil from the beginning. He was an infiltrator. He never believed in Jesus Christ He never was saved, and he certainly wasn't getting anybody saved, but let's read this again. Go to verse number 11 Is it true that Judas got more people saved than anyone else is it true that false prophets can get people saved well Look at verse 10 for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers Especially they have the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped. Here's why who subvert whole houses Teaching things which they are not for filthy lucre's sake you want to know why we have to shut these people's mouth is because they Send people to hell. That's why false prophets. Hey, they're not just empty suits that are just filling up a church No, they're doing a real job. They're sending people to hell They're not getting people saved, and you know what what's the practical application of that truth manly Perry every truth We get from the Word of God every every spiritual truth in the Bible has a practical and a spiritual application What's the spiritual application of false prophets able to get people saved? What's the spiritual application of saying that Judas got more people saved than anyone else here? Here's what it is Don't preach against them because they're doing God's work because they're getting so many people saved Hey, you would never want to kick someone out of church that preaches a false gospel because they're getting more people saved than you are Why would we fight against anybody if that was true? Why would you preach against anybody? It's ridiculous You know what number one we have to shut their mouths because they are sending people To hell the Bible says that they devour whole houses go to John 10 John chapter number 10 Look at verse number 12 This is the words of Jesus And he said but he that is in hireling and not the shepherd whose own the sheep are not Seeth the wolf coming and leave it the sheep and fleeth and the wolf catch at them and scatter it the sheep The hireling fleeth because he is in hireling and careth not for the sheep. So you know what a hireling does a Hireling is a pastor that sees the wolf and does nothing about it He flees he lets the wolf come in and notice what the wolf does it devours The sheep right that's the wolf's not getting the sheep saved But the hireling is the person that sees the wolf and doesn't preach against them Hey, and that's pretty bad to be a hireling But you know what manly Perry's worse than a hireling because not only does he just not preach against the false prophet Not only does he just flee when he sees the wolf He says the wolf is doing more for God than anyone that's worse than a hireling. That is horrific doctrine right there That is trash Garbage preaching right there worse than a hireling, you know, there's only three options with manly Perry Either manly Perry's a saved man of God and he's a great guy Or number two, he's saved and he's wicked as hell or number three He is a reprobate false prophet. If you think number one, you're an idiot Because he's worse than the hireling so number one is off the table and that's why this guy has to get called out because he is wicked as Hell teaching someone like Judas gets more people saved than the rest of the disciples You want to know why he's probably teaching that crap is because he sees Pastor Anderson getting all these people saved and he wants to go Upload his YouTube videos or I'm sorry preach sermons without uploading them to YouTube to his congregation Calling Pastor Anderson Judas. That's why he's teaching this doctrine Oh Pastor Anderson's Judas But he's just hiding behind all of these these saved converts of his it's trash. It is garbage You know what the point of a false prophet is is because they send people to hell go to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 1 The Bible says but there were false prophets among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who? Privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction Let's just slow down for a second. What are the false prophets doing? They're bringing in damnable Heresy, what is damnable heresy damnable heresy is something that if you believe you're not saved You're not gonna be able to be saved, you know things like saying you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved Like what mainly Perry teaches that you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved Well, you know what? I'll read for you John 4 10 Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee Give me to drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water The Bible says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. It's a requirement for salvation It's not optional if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ You have to call out whether that's in your heart with your mouth and confess him and ask him to save you That is what salvation is, you know people accuse us of having no grace and we're just bloodthirsty We're just out to get people. You know what though? I heard manly Perry teach this damnable heresy way back in 2017 And I stopped listening to him way back in 2017 because of this crap that he was preaching Garbage that he was preaching but did we go around and bury him? Do we go out and you know hunt for blood on him? No, we gave him grace for 2017 and 2018 and 2019 Hey and now in 2020, this guy's finally getting called out, but you know what you deserve it. You deserve it Oh, you know I'm sick of everyone calling everyone reprobates. Well, stop acting like a reprobate Stop teaching things reprobates believe it's disgusting No grace liar just want you know what people to say that crap really want they just want us to compromise That's what they want. There's such a push right now to get us to compromise But you know what this church wasn't started on compromise our friends churches weren't started on compromise and Johnny come lately can go compromise All you want not here. That's not what we believe. It's garbage Go to 1st, John 5 1st, John 5 Who's another damnable heresy What are these false prophets do they bring in damnable heresy They're not getting people saved. They're teaching people lies that if you believe you're not saved First John 5 here's another damnable heresy Oneness saying that Jesus and the Father and the Holy Ghost are just one person and that they just Transformed different forms and put on different hats. It's a garbage garbage doctrine, but first John 5 10 says He that believeth on the Son of God had to witness in himself He that believeth not God have made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son and this record that God had given to us is eternal life and this life is in his son He that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life anyone that denies the eternal Sonship of Christ denies the record that God gave and is not saved You know someone comes in here and preaches oneness they're bringing in their privily bringing in damnable Heresy they're not getting people saved. They're trying to get people to believe damnable heresy What's another damnable heresy that you have to work your way to heaven that you have to have good works to be saved? I'll read for you Galatians 5 4 says Christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law You are fallen from grace So you're trusting at all in your works whatsoever Christ is of no effect to you whatsoever You know and that's why Pastor Thompson has to shut the people's mouth That teach that you have to repent your sins to be shaved saved That's why he has to preach against people like John MacArthur and people that preach these lies You know people preach another damnable heresy that there's multiple ways to heaven like Billy Graham Maybe that's why Pastor Thompson has to preach against people like that Jesus said I am the truth the way the light no man cometh unto the Father, but by me It's a damnable heresy to teach otherwise You know, I thought this was pretty basic But apparently we have to go back to this if people are teaching that false prophets are getting people saved It's garbage go to Galatians chapter 1 Galatians chapter 1 Galatians 1 this is Paul Speaking in verse 6 I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel Which is not another but there's be some that Trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Are these people doing something good? Are we saying they're troubling you they're perverting the gospel. They're perverting the truth They're not getting people saved verse 8 But though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you Let him be accursed as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you Then that you have received Let him be accursed for do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men I should not be the servant of Christ, you know Because the Apostle Paul wanted to please God and not man because he loved the truth when he sees people bringing in a false gospel Troubling them perverting the truth of God, you know what he said about people that preach the false gospel. Let them be accursed What does that mean? Let them go to hell That's a very harsh statement hell is a horrific place a place of fire and Torment that lasts for forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and he's saying if you preach another gospel Hey, you deserve to go to hell That's what he said why because Paul was a fundamentalist because Paul cared about people Paul cared about the truth and he understood That there's people that subvert whole houses And so he had to shut their mouths and he had to say they let these people go to hell It's the person that loves people that's willing to call out the wicked false prophets. They subvert whole houses You don't want to see whole houses subverted. You don't want to see families getting torn apart You don't want to see families believing damnable heresy and if a person actually loves houses if people actually love families in their church They'll call out the false prophets People accuse us of being hateful But it's actually loving the person that's afraid the hireling is not loving The hireling is one that doesn't care of whole houses are subverted that doesn't care if all the sheep get devoured It's a bad pastor that has that type of attitude. They do not get people saved You know since we're in this this chapter Manly Perry preached a sermon on Galatians chapter 1. Here's what he said. He said let them be accursed What does this mean? Does this mean we want them to go to hell? Does this mean if some Jehovah's Witness knocks on our door and is preaching the wrong gospel that we just want them to go to hell? No, well the real answer to that is yes How are you gonna apply this verse if this verse doesn't apply to Jehovah's Witnesses preaching a false gospel? Please tell me what this verse does apply to What does it apply to he said that this scripture is running through his mind? And this is what he comes up with this is expository preaching on Galatians 1 8 Are you kidding me sounds like an unsaved mind to me to bring this kind of garbage? No, we do want them to go to hell You know what I say when a Mormon missionary tries to talk to me go to hell That's the first and only words out of my mouth. That's it. You know why because they're sending people to hell They're not getting people saved. You know one time we were soul winning in Woodland, Washington Brother Robert was giving the gospel and these Mormons kept coming back to the door trying to pull him away Oh, I should have just let them do that then since they were just gonna go get people saved No, you know what me and CJ did we told them to go to hell We said let them be accursed and we rebuke them sharply we shut their mouth because we don't want the whole house subverted That's what we're supposed to do go to 2nd John chapter 1 2nd John chapter 1 do you want them to go to hell? Yes, because I want other people to go to heaven I want other people to go to heaven 2nd John chapter 1 verse 10 if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine Receive him not into your house neither bid him Godspeed for he that bit of him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds You know what you can let your bleeding heart bleed all over the ground But at the end of the day you have a pastor that actually believes the Bible You have a pastor that's actually doing his job and he's not gonna bid these false prophets Godspeed you go ahead and then give your pearls before swine and you preach the gospel false prophets all you want and you could be The bleeding heart that's in violation of the Bible But that's not what your pastor believes because you have a pastor that's not a hireling like manly Perry's worse than a hireling We already went over that go to Matthew chapter 23. Let's keep seeing all these false prophets getting people saved Matthew 23 Jesus preaching in Matthew 23 Rebuking the Pharisees in verse 13. He says But woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men For ye neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye that are entering to go in Can you think of a worst type of scum on this planet that not only are they not saved? But they are hindering other people from getting saved. Just think about that There's nothing worse on the earth than a false prophet. They shut up the kingdom of heaven against men They're not getting anybody saved. What kind of a person teaches this? What kind of a person says that Judas got more people saved than any other disciple it's not some small issue This is not some small doctrine. This is crazy. This is wicked as hell to teach something like this. Look at verse 14 Well unto you scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites for you devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayer. Therefore ye shall receive the greater Damn nation, you know that hell will be hottest for the false prophets of this earth Hell will be hotter for no one than someone teaching lies in the name of Jesus Christ Hell will be hotter for no one than those Mormons that tried to stop brother Robert from preaching the gospel Hell will be hotter for no one than Judas Iscariot Hell will be hotter for no one than Billy Graham and Sam Gipp and all these false prophets that your pastor Takes a stand against and shuts their mouth. Hell will be hot for these people verse 15 Well unto you scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made he gets saved No, he says you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves The only thing that they do is create more reprobates They create more reprobates, you know, it's very sad because I remember one time me and brother Remy We're preaching up in Spokane and we were driving back We took like his crazy wrong turn and we were in the middle of nowhere and we were in a tiny itty-bitty town I'm talking like less than a hundred people or something like that. You know what we saw there Mormons and They're not getting people saved guys. They're making them twofold more the child of hell. They're on a mission Satan has a bigger army than we do. They're on a mission because guess what all other religions are false. There's one that's true There's one group of people getting people saved You know what the rest of them are doing making people twofold more the child of hell They're not getting anyone saved It's such a wicked thing to say that false prophets get people saved because the application of that is well stop fighting Let the Mormons do what they do. Hey, let the false prophets come in don't rebuke any of these people That's the application of that garbage lie You know, why is it why is it that a false prophet can't just go out there and tear it up with the gospel? Why is it go to Romans chapter 1 because they say well isn't the power of God isn't the you know Isn't the gospel the power of God unto salvation? Are you limiting God by saying a person a soul winner has to preach the gospel to them a saved person? Are you limiting God? We know what the gospel is the power of God unto salvation Let's read that verse verse 16 For I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew First and also to the Greek, but let's go back one verse You know the gospel is the power of God unto salvation and that's why in Romans 1 15 Paul says so as much as in Me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also Yeah, of course the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, but guess what who has to preach it a saved Christian That's who has to preach it Hey, you know a gun has a lot of power But it has no power if no one's wielding it a sword has a lot of power But it has no power at all It's lying on the ground and you know, the gospel is a lot of power But it has no power in the hands of a false prophet. It needs to be wielded by a saved Christian It's the only thing hey, we only we can do that. Jesus Gary can't do that. It's garbage For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith It's it's ridiculous doctrine false prophets. Do not get anyone saved. It only is revealed from faith to faith That's the only way you're getting anyone saved in verse 13 of Romans chapter 10. I'll read for you Tells us how someone believes for whosoever shall call upon the name Lord shall be saved You have to call upon the name of Lord to be saved has to be done by a spirit filled preacher verse 14 How then shall I call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not? Heard and how shall they hear without a preacher man? I would love this doctrine to be true I wish that all the false prophets of the world were getting people saved that make our job a lot easier You know, it's stupid to believe a lie It's so stupid to believe a lie and anybody that goes to that church that believes that stupid lie must never read their Bible You must be the most non-spiritual person ever to continue to go to that church brainwashed cult members go to that church Craziness to believe this kind of trash. How do you excuse that? How do you sit in the church and excuse when your pastor just said that you know? What happened here if Pastor Thompson said that be ridiculous, but you never say anything that's stupid cuz Pastor Thompson's saved. That's why Romans 16, how is it? How is it that we shut these people's mouth does six foot eight Pastor Thompson just grab them and just sew their lips together I wish I would love to see that it'd be awesome. You know what this is how it's done Romans 16 verse 17 Now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which he have learned and Avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ But their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple How do you mark them it's by preaching against them, so it's like oh, I don't like Pastor Thompson's So-and-so is roasting in hell series He's marking them. He's shutting their mouth. He's doing what the pastor's supposed to do Why don't you be thankful that you have a pastor that does that you have so many bleeding hearts today? That just want to say oh, you're so hateful. We just need more grace. You must not read the Bible You must not actually understand the reprobate doctrine everyone says they understand the reprobate doctrine You know what I'm starting to wonder about that because the only wolves in sheep clothing that people believe exists are a backwards caller wearing Priests or unga-bunga speaking guy in Africa raising people from the dead those are not the only false prophets in this world sometimes They're independent fundamental Baptist preachers That's what a wolf in sheep's Clothing is sheep's clothing They look like us We have to mark them How do you know when they're the false prophet well when this kind of crap starts coming out of their mouth? When you start seeing that they're making excuses for false false prophets saying you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord Teaching oneness teaching you have to repent your sins to be saved. That's a false prophet That is a devil and it's the pastor's job or the preacher's job to shut their mouth We need to shut their mouth number one because they're sending people to hell, but number two There's a second reason why we have to shut their mouth, and that's because they call it they cause Christians to fall into their trap You know false prophets can never cause a Christian to go to hell once you're saved You're always saved a false prophet can never cause you to lose your salvation He can never do what he wants to do, but you know what they can cause Christians to fall They can ruin Christians lives they can destroy their spiritual walk with God They can cause them to become game Sayers look at verse number nine of Titus chapter 1 so I go back to Titus chapter 1 Verse number nine Holding fast the faith word as he hath been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and To convince the gain Sayers And look at verse 13 this witness is true wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith the second reason we Have to preach against these people not only is because they're subverting whole houses devouring widows houses sending people to hell But you know what they're causing Christians to not be sound in the faith. They're causing Christians to become Game Sayers now. What is gain saying? Go to Luke chapter 21 the Merriam-Webster definition of gain saying is to declare to be untrue or in valid to contradict or Oppose so and I'm going to show you that the Bible matches that definition But basically false prophets will get in to save Christians head teaching them lies and cause them to gain Say to resist to speak against to oppose the right doctrine and the right things that your pastor is preaching That's what they'll cause them to do Luke 21 verse 12. We're just going to get the definition of Gain, say but before all these they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you Delivering you up to the synagogues and into prisons being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake and it shall turn to you For a testimony settle it therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what you shall answer For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gain say nor Resist so see that matches what the dictionary said is the definition of gain say go to Romans chapter 10 And I'll show you one more on that Romans chapter 10 verse 20 will get the same definition But as is is very bold and saith I was found of them that sought me not I was made manifest unto them that asked Not after me, but to Israel he saith all day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and game saying people so game saying is just speaking against contradicting the pastor will preach a sermon that's doctrinally sound that's backed up with the Word of God and what gain sayers do is they Disobey that teaching they reject that teaching they speak against that teaching or contradict that Teaching and I want to show you that false prophets not only send people to hell, but they cause Christians to become Gain-sayers go to numbers chapter 16, and I'll read for you Jude in Jude verse 10 the Bible gives us an example I'll just read for you the last part of the verse It says woe unto them for they've gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the heir of Balaam and perished in the Gain-saying of Korah so the Bible even gives us an example case of a person that is a gain-sayer now this person was unsaved Korah was definitely not saved. He went down into hell, but you'll see how he causes people to become gain-sayers with him You're there diving turn on number 16 number 16 Look at verse number one Now Korah the son of Ishar the son of Kohath the son of Levi and Dathan and Abiram The sons of Eliab and on the son of Peleth sons of Reuben took men So we have this reprobate Korah the false part all these false prophets listed all these wicked people What do they do they take men this reminds me? I'll read to stay there. I'll read for you acts 20 Paul is talking to the elders at Ephesus And this is what he says in verse 29 for I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you Not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise Speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them And that's exactly what happens in number 16 Korah and all these false prophets You know what they did the first thing they did they took men look at verse 2 And they rose up before Moses with certain of the children of Israel 250 princes of the assembly famous in the congregation men of renown and they gathered themselves together Against Moses and against Aaron sounds like gain saying to me and said unto them you take too much upon you Seeing all the congregation are holy every one of them and the Lord is among them Wherefore then lift ye up yourselves among the congregation of the Lord so what have we seen so far they gather disciples unto themselves And what are they doing gain saying they're causing these people to gain say to speak against the leadership and saying you know you leaders You are taking too much upon you. We're just as holy as you are you're just you know You're putting yourself in this role that you don't deserve or whatever They're speaking against him and you ought to be careful of people that criticize leadership People that will get on Facebook and passive-aggressively You know talk crap about Pastor Thompson call him a FEMA pastor Hey watch out for the gainsayers They're wicked people and you know what people people better never talk crap to pass Thompson about me because I'll tell immediately Oh you bootlicker. No. I just actually believe the Bible You know people have said fast Baptist Church better never talk crap to about Pastor Shelley to me because I will tell I Will bring that crap to him. I'm not gonna allow Gainsaying against men of God no matter where I am not going to allow that and you should have that same attitude Oh, you're a snitch. Don't worry about what people say worry about what the Bible says verse number four And When Moses heard it he fell upon his face And he spake unto Korah and unto all his company saying even tomorrow the Lord will show who are his and who is holy And will cause him to come near unto him even him whom he hath chosen will he cause to come near unto him this do Take you censors Korah and all his company and put fire therein and put incense in them before the Lord tomorrow And it shall be that the man whom the Lord doth choose he shall be holy you take too much upon you Ye sons of Levi so notice he's doing like in Titus chapter 1 He's supposed to use the faithful word and shut these people's mouth right and him as a leader Who is he addressing he's addressing the false prophets, and he's telling them shut your mouth basically He's like you're the one taking too much upon you. We're gonna let the Lord see who are his verse number 20 and the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying separate yourselves from among this congregation that I may consume them in a Moment notice these false prophets that got everyone to gainsay it made God so angry that he was ready to destroy Everybody, but Moses and Aaron you know that should tell you when you allow a little bit of this game saying crap in church It brings God's wrath on the whole Congregation that's why you cannot play around with this garbage You cannot allow people to crap talk the pastor and to rail against the pastor to be gainsaying against the pastor because it brings God's Wrath and if Moses wasn't about to do what he did they all would have been destroyed look at verse where was I verse number 22 and They fell upon their faces and said oh God the God of all spirits or the God of the spirits of all flesh shall one man sin and wilt thou be wroth with The congregation the answer that is yes And the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the congregation saying get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah Dathan and Abiram so he tells him all right Moses Here's what you need to do you need to warn though the people there to get away from Korah get away from Dathan get away from the from Abiram This reminds me of how the Bible says in Titus 1 rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith You have to shut the mouths of the false prophets because they're sending people to hell But you know what you also have to preach against them so that people in here are not Destroyed so that people in here can be sound in the faith. He's saying all right Moses You better warn them to get out of the way Get out of the chorus way get out of the way because I'm gonna destroy these people Verse 25 and Moses rose up and went on to Dathan and Abiram and the elders of Israel followed him And he spake unto the congregation saying Depart I pray you from the tents of these wicked men and touch nothing of theirs lest ye be Consumed in all their sins. That's what that means. He's giving them a strong warning Hey, even if you're saved get away from these wicked people lest you be consumed as well You say is it a really big deal if I listen to someone like manly Perry? Maybe I could still just like and share his sermons. Yeah, it's a big deal It is a big deal because God does not take lightly when you become a game-sayer When you start putting up with false prophets and putting up with the crap that they teach it brings God's wrath on yourself You're doing nothing but harming yourself When you continue to be friends or pal around with people that hate your past or that preach damnable heresy or anything like that Sometimes leadership knows things that people in the congregation don't know and they have to do the hard job The hard job of being the first person to call something out the first person to say that hey Sorry, this person that you all you know, your hearts all bleed over and share all their sermons think they're so great Sorry, this person's wicked And that's not a very popular thing to say a lot of times a lot of times it brings hate on the pastor and they accuse Him of being bloodthirsty and all these things, but you know what? He's really just trying to save you He's trying to keep you from being destroyed Let's see what happens here in verse 27 So they got up from the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan and Abiram on every side so people did leave and Dathan and Abiram came out and Stood in the door of their tents and their wives and their sons and their little children and Moses said hereby You shall know that the Lord hath sent me to do all these works For I have not done them of mine own mind If these men died a common death of all men or if they be visited after the visitation of all men Then the Lord hath not sent me but if the Lord make a new thing and the earth opened her mouth and Swallowed them up with all that appertained unto them and they go down quick into the pit then you shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord and It came to pass as he made an end of speaking all these words that the ground clave asunder that was under them and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up in their houses and all the men that appertained unto Korah and all their goods they and All that appertained unto them went down alive into the pit and the earth closed upon him and they perished from the among the congregation And all Israel that were round about unto them fled at the cry of them for they said lest the earth Swallow us up also. So what happened the people that left did the right thing? They hearken to Moses's warning that he got directly from God Separate yourselves from these wicked men or you're gonna be destroyed What happened to the ones that did not separate the earth opened up her mouth and they fell quick into the pit meaning alive They were thrown alive into hell for getting carried away with these people obviously We're not gonna go to hell if you get deceived by a false prophet after you're saved You're not gonna go to hell for sharing false prophets sermon if you're saved But you know what God can bring destruction on you in many other ways and you think it's a light deal It's just not a not a big deal. You don't take your pastor seriously when he warns you about something Hey, it is serious. It is serious and God gave this example in the Bible for a reason For a reason I'll read for you Titus 1 9 Holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the game Sayers a Lot of times Pastor Thompson is not just calling someone out because he thinks it's fun because he thinks it's fun to preach against these false Prophets he's doing it because number one they're sending people to hell and he's doing it number two so that you don't become a game Sayer because why is it if there's all these saved people at old past Baptist Church that they're still in that church Why is it hey it's because Pastor Perry is not following what Titus says to do and you know what we're no different than they Are it's not like they're just drinking Kool-Aid over there. I mean I hope not Right hey, we're all the same you think that you can't be deceived by false doctrine You are wrong if you think that you can't get deceived and just become totally brainless. Hey you are wrong That's why there has to be a man of God. That's why the Bible calls the pastor a Shepherd because we are sheep you say I don't like that I'm not a sheep if you think that you are sheep You are sheep if you think that you don't need a shepherd you are the person that needs the Shepherd the most That's why God gave us pastors and evangelists and teachers all of these things for the edification of the Saints That's why God gave us these things Because sometimes the pastor sees things you don't and the pastor has to look out for you and warn you about these people So that you don't become a gainsayer so that your Christian life does not get destroyed You know that the people that go to old path Baptist Church their Christians lives are destroyed. They're in a horrible church Like I said, it's either he's saved and he's wicked as hell or he's a false prophet Which one do you want to be in the church of either of those two options? No Telling people that you know when they're role doing their roles for souls campaign not to bring their Bible Is that I mean do you want to go soul winning without your Bible you want to be at a church with that kind of? Leadership it is garbage. You know y'all thank God that you have a pastor. That is not a hireling Go to Ecclesiastes chapter or actually I'll just read this for you Ecclesiastes 9 18 Says wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one Sinner destroyeth much good one sinner destroyeth much good. You know Cora He took all those men under him He took 250 men unto him and you know He destroyed a lot of people with his garbage teaching and false prophets Just one false prophet can destroy a lot of good and one person in here. That's just allowed to gain Say that's just allowed to talk crap about the pastor can destroy a lot of good It's something that we have to take seriously So what is the application of this? Well number one instead of criticizing your pastor? Maybe you should thank God that he isn't a hireling instead of always being Contrarian and always being against his decisions and always bristling at the sermons He preaches and always getting upset that he's calling out this person and that person Maybe now after you see why he's doing it. You could be thankful that you have that pastor You could be thankful that you're in a church with a good man of God a good shepherd that's watching for you You know Bible says be not many masters knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation Your pastor has a very large task on his plate He's gonna be judged by God more than you are. He has more of a responsibility to God than you do You know what? You ought to just be thankful that you have someone that's willing to take that on That's a heavy thing to take on. I'll read for you Proverbs 8 13 The fear of the Lord is to hate Evil pride and arrogance see and the evil way and the froward mouth do I hate? Hate what's a froward person just someone that's contrarian someone that's always against It's the bleeding hearts the bleeding hearts have a problem today Bible says that I hate the froward mouth. It's a horrible thing to be, you know, if you're just a person that's always contrarian You obviously need to work on hating evil pride and arrogance see more if you're hey if you're on the wrong if you're always on the wrong side of every conflict and it's always just like Oh, what is pastor Anderson doing? Oh, what is pastor Shelley doing? He's always wrong if yours always froward and contrarian I just pray to God that you're never the leader Because you're not gonna be the Moses or the Aaron that warns the people you're gonna be the one that's getting deceived right along with Them I pray to God that the bleeding heart. Hey, we have enough bleeding hearts already as it is We don't need bleeding heart preachers. I'll get to that in a second go to Hebrews chapter 13 Hebrews chapter 13 Let's see what the Bible says verse 17 Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves for they watch for your souls and that as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is Unprofitable for you. You're not the one that has to give an account You know what you have to do obey and submit yourselves to always bristle at your pastor Do you know receive the word with all readiness of might? Be ready to believe the things that he shows you from the Word of God and then go home and search whether those things are So, but you know what your pastor when he's calling people out he's doing it for a good reason He's doing it because he's being a good shepherd. He's not the hireling You know, I like what brother Remy said recently He's like you can fix a Peter, but you can't fix a snake, you know I'd rather deal with someone who has a little too much zeal and she's just ready to fight a little too much and someone who's A snake give me all that. I'll take all the Peters on my team. I'll take all the G who's on my team, right? I don't want any snakes on my team none Number two second application is only preach the Bible if you're willing to shut people's mouth Only preach the Bible if you're willing to shut people's mouth or if you again Titus 1 9 Holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine Both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. Hey, we have enough Hyper grace preachers We have enough Bleeding heart preachers that aren't willing to shut people's mouth that aren't willing to call people out You know, we don't need any more of those people We need people that by sound doctrine will convince and exhort the gainsayers Hey preach the Bible know what you're talking about read the Word of God Don't say things like Judas is getting more people saved than all the disciples. That's not someone holding fast the faithful word Where do they learn that not from the Bible? Not from the Bible if you get a chance to preach it doesn't matter if you're a pastor or just a preacher Hey, the Bible says to shut their mouth. That's your job If you're not willing to do it then follow a man that will we don't need any more people that are weak And soy boys and just slovenly Preachers we don't need any more Preach the Bible with sound words with sound doctrine with the faithful Word of God And if you don't do it shut up and follow Pastor Thompson because he will let's pray Lord Thank you so much for this day and thank you for this church. I love this church so much Lord I've been able to grow so much here and this church has done so much for me I just pray that you bless Pastor Thompson and that you'd help him to continue to be a great pastor and a great shepherd For these people help these people not to ever become gainsayers But that they'd be right reading their Bibles well that they would love their pastor and love you Lord Jesus. Let me pray