(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Jeremiah chapter 5 and verse 1 it says run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem and see now and know and seek in the broad places thereof if he can find a man if there be any that executed judgment that seeketh the truth and will pardon it and though they say the Lord liveth surely they swear falsely O Lord are not thine eyes upon the truth thou hast stricken them but they have not breathed thou hast consumed them but they have not but they have refused to receive correction they have made their faces harder than a rock they refused to return therefore said surely these are poor they are foolish for they know not the way of the Lord nor the judgment of their God I will get me unto the great men and will speak unto them for they have known the way of the Lord and the judgment of their God but these have altogether broken the yoke and burst the bonds wherefore a lion out of the forest shall slay them and the wolf of the evenings shall spoil them a leopard shall watch over their cities everyone that goeth out then shall be torn in can be torn in pieces because their transgressions are many and their backslidings are increased how shall I pardon me for this thy children have forsaken me and sworn by them that are no gods when I have fed them to the full they committed adultery and assembled themselves by troops in the harlot's houses they were as fed horses in the morning everyone neighing after his neighbor's wife shall I not visit for these things saith the Lord and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this go ye up upon her walls and destroy but make not a full end take away her battlements for they are not the Lord's for the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously against me saith the Lord they have they have bellied the Lord and said it is not he neither shall evil come upon us neither shall we see sword nor family and the prophet shall become wind and the word is not in them thus shall it be done unto them wherefore thus saith the Lord God a post because you speak this word behold I will make my words in thy mouth fire and this people would and it shall devour them lo I will bring a nation upon you from afar Oh house of Israel saith the Lord it is a mighty nation it is an ancient nation a nation whose language thou know is not neither understand is what they say their quiver is an open sepulcher they are almighty men and they shall eat up thine harvest and thy bread which thy sons and thy daughters should eat they shall eat up thy flocks and thy heard they shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees they shall impoverish thy fenced cities wherein thou trustest with the sword nevertheless in those days saith the Lord I will not make a fool end of a view and it shall come to pass ye shall say wherefore doeth the Lord our God all these things unto us then shalt thou answer them like as he have forsaken me and serve strange guys in your land so shall you serve strangers in the land that is not yours declare this in the house of Judah oh sorry the house of Jacob and publish it in Judah saying here now this old foolish people without understanding which have eyes and see not which have ears and hear not fear ye not me saith the Lord will ye not tremble at my presence which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree that it cannot pass it and though the waves thereof toss themselves yet can they not prevail though they roar yet can they not pass over it but this people have a revolting and rebellious heart they are revolted and gone neither say they in their heart let us now fear the Lord our God that giveth reign both the former and the latter and his season he reserved unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest your iniquities have turned away these things and your sins have withholding good things from you for among my people are found wicked men they lay weight as that set of snares they set a trap they catch men as a cage is full of birds so are their houses full of deceit therefore they are become great and waxen rich they are waxen fat they shine yay they overpass the deeds of the wicked they judge not the cause they cause the fatherless yet they prosper and the right of the needy do they not judge shall I not visit these things saith the Lord shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their means and my people love so my people love to have it so and what will you do in the end there of my daily father pay you bless the preaching night and if I this church thank you so much for this church God thank you just keep us safe and bless us tonight in your name all right glad to be back thanks again for having me everyone and also in case they watch this later thank you my pastor pastor Thompson and pastor Menes for giving me up to increase up here really appreciate that we'll get right into it here we're doing a Bible study tonight so you're gonna want to keep a finger or a bookmark in Jeremiah 5 time my sermon is revolting rebellious nation from verse 23 Bible says in chapter number five of Jeremiah but this people have the revolting and rebellious heart they are revolted and gone let's pray Lord thank you so much for staying the opportunity to preach your word Lord pray to fill me the Holy Ghost and help me identify your people in Jesus name I pray amen all right so just getting into it here like I said we're doing a Bible study and at this point in the nation of Israel obviously they're being judged very heavily but basically what I want to do what I want to try to do with the sermon is give you some lessons on the effect of being a rebellious person being a rebellious nation and specifically and just in context at this time Judah and Israel have forsaken the Lord and basically God gives Jeremiah a task to preach all of his words against this people and he says hey if you don't preach exactly like what I tell you to preach I'm gonna confound you in front of your enemies and make you look stupid and all that sort of stuff so you know God is judging them super harsh in the book of Jeremiah if you've ever read the book of Jeremiah and it's because they're not just like a little bit in sin you know these people are doing child sacrifice you know they're totally giving over to idolatry like this country has gotten to a point of extreme wickedness so it's not just they're a little backslip okay so starting verses one through three run you to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem and see now and know and seek in the broad places thereof if you can find a man if there be any that executed judgment that seeketh the truth and I will pardon that and though they say the Lord live it surely they swear falsely Oh Lord are not thine eyes upon the truth now has stricken them but they have not greed that has consumed them but they have refused to receive correction they have made their faces harder than a rock they have refused to return so verse three you know God's saying that he's punished them he's given them chance after chance and what do they do they refuse to obey they harden their faces that's a rebellious people right there and you know what more rebellious group of people in the world are there than that of the Jews today and obviously you know everybody should know that but I want to lay some groundwork here before I get into the sermon I just want you to a really really quick very quick history of the Jews in the Old Testament so basically you know God promises to Abraham the land of Canaan to his seed you have his son Isaac Isaac gets has Jacob Jacob gets renamed Israel his sons become what are the twelve tribes of Israel Moses leads the Hebrews out of the land of Egypt and God's doing all these miracles for them you know he's turning you know water into blood he's plaguing Egypt with all these plagues he does amazing things for them you know gives them the deliverance out of Egypt and then the whole time in the land in the wilderness what are they doing they're complaining they're rebelling against God they're revolting against God even after he did all that for them the entire time that they were in the wilderness to the point where only Caleb and Joshua could enter the Promised Land if you remember there then in the book of Joshua Joshua conquers the land and he establishes the government of the judges that was God's perfect will for a government system was the system of the judges and then of course the Jews rebel against that as well you know they want a king they didn't like God's system of the judges so they have a king set up and you know over them and then time goes on and all the kings go wicked they still rebel against God and you have Solomon's son Rehoboam and under Solomon's son Rehoboam is where the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah have their split so during the time of Jeremiah it's during the time where there are two separate nations you have the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah and up to this point you know God is has been long-suffering with them but this is finally the point where God said I've had enough the Babylonians but Babylonians are coming into your land they're gonna take you guys captive for 70 years period there's no repenting anymore at this point that's God's judgment so that's obviously the Jews rebellion in the Old Testament and God says can scatter them throughout all nations of the earth and that they're gonna be a people that's a byword and all that and then you get to modern times go ahead and leave your finger or bookmark there in Jeremiah 5 and turn to Matthew chapter 21 I know that was super brief but that's my point doing that on purpose Matthew 21 verse 42 Jesus just got done giving a parable to the Jews and this parable was about them killing the Lord Jesus Christ but I want to start in verse 42 Jesus saith unto them did you never read the scriptures the stone which the builders rejected the same has become the head of the corner this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes therefore I say unto you the kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken but on whomsoever it shall fall he will grind him to powder and when the chief priests and the Pharisees heard this parable they perceived that he spake of them which he did obviously Jesus was preaching this parable against the Jews explaining to them how because they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ he's gonna reject them he's gonna take the kingdom away from the physical Jews and give it to a nation bringing forth the fruit thereof which we know is Christians today so then turn in Matthew chapter number 27 you know we get to see the moment where the Jews rejected the Lord Jesus Christ starting in verse 21 the governor answered and said unto them whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you they say Barabbas so remember Jesus is about to be crucified and they always have the scapegoat where they let you know they let one person go and they chose Barabbas verse 22 Pilate saith unto them what shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ they all say unto him let him be crucified and the governor said why what evil evil have he done but they cried out the more saying let him be crucified when Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person see ye to it and then comes the most chilling verse in the entire Bible then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children so the Jews looked at the Lord Jesus Christ the perfect Lamb of God that never sinned that paid all the punishments even for those Jews and they rejected him and said his blood be on us and on our children and even today the Jews are some of the most rebellious people and one of the most rebellious nations that has ever existed okay so that's the modern-day rejection of the Jews and you know for some reason churches today Christians even though they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and even though even though they they cherish the blood of Christ as a holy thing that saved their souls but the people that said let his blood be honest and aren't our children you know trip Christians let them off almost to the point of Christ it seems like in some churches you know Christians worship a group of people today that hate the Lord Jesus Christ they're called Jews you saw it right there there is blood be on us and on our children and you know people Zionist one thing that I know about them if they do actually love Lord is that they've never talked to a real Jew because I used to work at a hospital and there was this old like 90 year old Jewish woman when she would always call me about my Hebrew name for some reason it was really annoying and one time I just asked her I was like well what's Jesus's name in Hebrew and this 90 year old woman says we never speak of him this little sweet old lady just turned into this demon we don't speak of him why because the Jews said his blood be on us and on our children because they curse themselves and they're so rebellious that when Christians give them the gospel they don't get at the time of day because they hate the Lord Jesus Christ 1st John 2 22 says who is a liar but he that deny it that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist that deny it the father and the son so these Jews that don't believe Jesus is the Messiah the Bible says that they're Antichrist religion the Jews are an Antichrist religion verse 23 says whosoever deny at the son the same hath not the father but he that acknowledges the son hath the father also and of course we're taught today that Jews have the same God we do they just reject Christ will know because if you don't have the son you don't have the father and Jesus even told us who the Jews father is if you want to turn to John chapter 8 Jesus let us know exactly who the Jews father is John chapter 8 verse number 44 she said year of your father the devil and the lusts of your father he will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speak of a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it so we've established so far you know that Jews hate the Lord Jesus Christ they were rebellious in the Old Testament they were rebellious in the New Testament they rejected God and they rejected the father as well and Jesus said those people you know Satan is your father and you know he's the father of all wise and he's the father of Zionism as well this whole doctrine of Christians randomly you know this has never been like this throughout history Christians have always known that the religion of Judaism is satanic but Satan is the author of the lie of Zionism but I just wanted to at least lay that framework first before we get back into Jeremiah so go back to Jeremiah 5 and we'll get into the sermon here Jeremiah 5 verses 7 to 10 how shall I pardon me for this thy children have forsaken me and sworn by them that are no gods when I had fed them to the full then they committed adultery and assembled themselves by troops in the harlot's houses they were as fed horses in the morning everyone made after his neighbor's wife shall I not visit for these things say it for and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this go ye up upon her walls and destroy but make not a full end take away her battlements for they are not the Lord's so number one the first thing we can learn about a rebellious nation is that God will destroy a rebellious people's battlements what's a battlement definition of battlement is a path of pappering with open spaces that surmounts a wall and is used for defense or decoration so if you picture like a castle picture like another wall built in front of the castle wall that goes up to protect that castle from enemy fire but it'll have holes through it so you can still shoot through that's basically a battlement or a battlement like on a roof is just like an exterior fence that no one can fall off that roof basically a battlement is any sort of defense okay and he's saying here he's like you know when I fed the nation of Israel to the full when I bless them the more I bless them the more they just rebelled against me and the more that they just went and committed adultery and he says you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take away her battlements for they are not of the Lord you know there's two types of battlements in this world there's the Lord's defenses and there's the world's defenses and he's saying you know because you're so rebellious to me I'm gonna take away your defense system so like I said number one God will destroy a rebellious people's defenses keep your finger there turn to Proverbs chapter number two Proverbs chapter number two I'm gonna read a lot of verses here just stay with me Proverbs 2 verse 1 my son if thou wilt receive my words and hide my commandments with thee so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding yea if thou cryest after knowledge and lift it up thy voice for understanding if thou seekest her as silver and searches for her as for head treasures then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God for the Lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding he layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly he keepeth the path of judgments and preserve it the way of his saints then shalt thou understand righteousness and judgment and equity yea every good path when wisdom enter it into thine heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul discretion shall preserve thee understanding shall keep thee to deliver thee from the way of the evil man from the man that speaketh for over things so what is wisdom God's defense God's battle battlements are wisdom and we saw there in Proverbs out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding so the primary defense that a Christian has the primary battlement that any nation will have is the Word of God and if the nation is not built on the Word of God and protected by the Word of God if your family's not protected by the Word of God you as yourself are not protected by the Word of God then you don't have the Lord's battlements and when you don't have the Lord's battlements God will take away your defense system you know a lot of people today they try to make all these safeguards for themselves but it's safeguards that are of the world you know you know like Dave Ramsey for example you know you got to have $50,000 before you have kids you got to have this amount of money before you have kids that's called the world's battlements and if you as a safe Christian try to trust in the world's battlements God will strip those from you because you're being rebellious to the Word of the Lord just like the Jews were and obviously we know that you know wisdom comes out of the mouth I'm sorry wisdom comes out of his mouth knowledge and understanding comes out of the Lord's mouth you know Bible teaches that Jesus is the Word of God so that makes sense because the Jews rejected the Word of God they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ so they rejected God's battlements you know and our nation has done the same thing today our nation has rejected this nation maybe once was built on on God fearing Christians you know probably not the founders themselves but there was a time in this nation's history where most people here were Christians most people here feared the Word of God respected the Word of God you know if you went to court you know Bible was used as proof in court cases you can use the Bible to defend your position in court cases but today you know our nation's rejected the Word of God and has taken its own battlements on them and that's why God's wrath like it was on the Jews is now on our nation because he stripped our battlements from us Psalm 9 17 says the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that love God you know and of course these new you know neo-con Christian conservative politicians what do they do they always give lip service to Christianity don't they you always hear them say God bless America and we're old-fashioned we need to get back to the Bible but you know Jeremiah was a man of God Jeremiah was written used to write down a huge huge book of the Bible and Jeremiah was not acting like our conservative leaders are acting today he wasn't acting very patriotic he was telling them their sins and telling them about God's wrath coming on their nation but our leaders today they don't do that but if they actually loved our country like Jeremiah probably loved his country then they would obey God and preach what the Bible actually says and actually try to have their nation's battlements the Lord's battlements and not their own battlements naelim 1 7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and you know of them that trust in him so what are some battlements that our nation has trusted over the Word of God number one college you know instead of instead of a godly young woman you know being in her parents house learning how to do the duties of a wife our nation has taught young women now what they need to do to protect themselves is to get that college degree because they're just gonna have a horrible life if they're a stay-at-home mom and you know nothing's gonna go well for them you know when I went to public school and I got this girl saved one time and we had assignment in our English class of what we want to do with our lives and she had gotten saved serving the Bible and she wrote how she wants to be a stay-at-home mother and she wants to have children and in front of the whole class this teacher said this is not what you ladies should be wanting to do with your life you don't need to be some man's doormat this is gonna ruin your life and of course she was you know heartbroken and wrecked and right now the same girl is not in church she's not serving God she's a drunk she's a she's ruined her life because she bought into the world's battlements instead of letting the Lord be her shield instead of letting the Word of God be her shield she's trusted in the nation and our nation's defense system for women and how they should live their life instead of trusting God and she's been destroyed because of it unfortunately we know what God tells us what a battlement will be for a woman you know he says I will therefore in first Timothy 5 14 God's will I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan now I don't know about you but being with Satan doesn't sound like a very safe place to me right but God says if that ladies don't keep the house if they don't marry if they don't bear children if they don't live the way that God wants women to live he says that they're turned aside after Satan so the world's gonna tell you yeah you're gonna be safe if you have a college degree just in case your husband leaves you you know you need to get that college degree just in case your husband can't provide for you and you both have to do it together you know but God says that you're actually turning aside after Satan and no one's ever safe when they're with Satan of course you know teaching teaching people college teaches people to accept all matter of opinions except the Bible right they have their safe spaces where you're not allowed to offend anybody but yeah they can they can talk about homosexuality being a gene that you inherit you know I heard a nurse the other day talking about pedophilia being the gene that you inherit so that's what that's what the medical schools are teaching now I guess is that you just inherit the desire to hurt children right you're just born into that yeah keep that in mind by the way the next time that nurse offers you that vaccine and she says well I'm educated this is really what you know your kids should have is this vaccine that's coming from the same person that's learning now that child rapists have inherited a gene to make them that way okay that's the effect of college on women now not even to mention just the fornication the adultery the drugs all the alcohol that goes on there you know it's not a safe place for Christians it's not a place where you're gonna have a battlement you know if you go there God's gonna strip that battlement away from you Psalm 1 verse 1 you want to turn there leave your finger in Jeremiah 5 it's kind of ties in with earlier about how people want a desired result but they don't really think about the way that they need to get there the Bible tells us from Psalm chapter 1 verse 1 blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of young godly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sinneth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law that he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that ran forth his fruit in a season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he do it shall prosper so what does he say at first he says hey this is how you get blessing you don't walk in the way of the ungodly you don't sit in the seat of the scornful you don't stand in the way of sinners and that's exactly what you're doing when you send your kids to college or when you send your kids to public school they're definitely sitting in the way of the scornful they're definitely standing in the way of sinners and they're definitely in the council of the ungodly and he says okay so how do you get blessed when your delight is in the law of the Lord day and night remember in Proverbs that the wisdom of God is the Word of God your battlement your safety your protection is the Word of God blessed is the man who delights in the law of the Lord day and night okay obviously the Jews weren't doing that in Jeremiah 5 obviously our nation is not doing that today but if you at least as a family want to have the blessing of God that's what you need to be doing delighting in God's Word day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringing forth his fruit in a season his leap also shall not wither and whatsoever he do it shall prosper that's a cool promise that anything you do you'll succeed at if you follow these principles now obviously you know Bible teaches we're gonna have tribulations we're gonna have trials we're gonna have bad things happen in our life but at the end of it every single thing you do as a Christian can succeed every single thing you do as a Christian can prosper if you delight in the law of the Lord if you let him be your battlement instead of the counsel of this world and the way of sinners go back to Jeremiah chapter 5 Jeremiah chapter 5 verses 11 and 12 go ye up upon her walls I'm sorry verse 11 for the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously against me say the Lord they have bellied the Lord and said it is not he neither shall evil come upon us neither shall we see sword or famine so rebellious nations are full of pride and that's exactly what America has today and that's even what the book of Revelation tells us America will be saying in last times is I see the Queen and then the widow shall see no sorrow you know how many Americans do you know that believe that nothing bad could ever happen to America you know I'm sure the Jews felt the same way they're like oh we're the people of God there's no way that the Babylonians can come in here take over our kingdom take over Jerusalem and make us captive for 70 years they probably thought it could never happen to them right but here's the thing your America's defense system doesn't matter how big of a military you have it doesn't matter how many soldiers you have because you remember what happens when you rebel against God he takes away your battlements so you can't rely on that stuff anyways but yet America yet the Jews yet maybe some people here have pride in their heart and they think that I can do things you know the way I want to do them God says that these people are rebellious and that they assume that no evil can come upon that Romans 2 11 Romans 2 11 says for there is no respect of persons with God now this is one of my favorite attributes of God but it's also when you think about it one of the scariest attributes about God is that God is no respecter of persons that means God can use one person in just as great as a way as he could use any other person if they're obeying him if they're not rebellious to him but that same person who maybe does great things for God and has spent their whole life serving God you know if they rebel against him God's not a respecter of persons he's gonna judge that person as well you know that causes me to have an extreme amount of respect for the Lord but also an extreme amount of fear for God and that's exactly what Judah and Israel was lacking and that's exactly what our nation's lacking today is a lack of fear of God but this nation mocks God you know it's funny how even even our motto and God we trust is actually just like a mockery to God because if you go to Washington DC you'll see something that says in God we trust and you look around and it's just all satanic idols it's like in God we trust here's all my satanic idols you know that's like a mockery to God in and of itself obviously our nation is rebellious nation Isaiah 40 verse 17 this was a hard pill for me to swallow I was like the most patriotic person I literally went through this program called Patriot Academy where I helped legislators write bills I've done like mock legislative sessions where I've like what's it called presented bills in front of like Congress members in Texas and in Idaho and I thought it was so cool I was all for all the patriotism you know and I was so glad I got woken up from this because instead of me you know burying my talent in the ground of you know winning souls and not preaching the Bible instead of you know going around and focusing on politics this truth caused me to use my life to actually preach the gospel instead of preaching the gospel of republicanism you know and it's funny because when I left that movement I had some Christians tell me that I was like the servant that was bearing his talent when I stopped doing politics and started soul winning though that's a side note but Isaiah 40 17 says all nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him less than that was a hard pill for me to swallow for a while but I just want you to let that sink into your ears all nations before God or as nothing and less than nothing and vanity God does not have an American flag on his throne okay God does not have the Israeli flag on his throne okay God's a lid just a little bit above patriotism he's actually a lot above patriotism but this is something that Christians do not understand today Proverbs 16 verse 5 says everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord though hand joined in hand he shall not be unpunished I find it funny that in America since we were all little kids we were taught to have pride in our hearts for our country but yet the Bible tells us that that's gonna be something that gives us the punishment of God so ever since we were little we've been taught to do something that's gonna make God extremely angry you know the Pledge of Allegiance the national anthem all these things causes God's punishment and that's obviously what happens to Jews too because they said that nothing can happen to us because we're the nation of Israel we're the nation of Judah but yet obviously they were destroyed Jeremiah 5 13 to 14 says and the prophets shall become wind and the word is not in them thus shall be done unto them wherefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts because you speak this word behold I will make my words and I mouth fire and this people would and it shall devour them number three rebellious people reject hard preachers I think it's really cool how he says like when you reject me I'm gonna make your prophets like wind but I'm gonna make Jeremiah's words like fire that's gonna devour people and it's really funny you know miss Rachel was talking about this this former pastor of hers out he was kind of jealous that people in his church were listening to hard preaching and so when he was preaching he would start like banging on the pulpit saying I'm preaching hard literally say I'm preaching hard but that's not hard preaching just cuz you're banging the pulpit you know I'm saying but really and I've heard this guy preach many times really what he was was wind it's real quiet it's real weak it doesn't say you'll become a behemoth wind or a you know a giant you know destroying wind it's like they're gonna be like wind but Jeremiah's gonna be like fire and his people would that he's gonna devour with his mouth you know and obviously we see today the rejection of hard preaching in America not even just by the world that's expected but among Baptists over jealousy because they can't even realize that they have been the ones rebelling against God they've been the ones that haven't been submitting the way that of doing things the way he wanted them to and so when pastors today see church members want to obey God and want to listen to hard preaching and they actually like the hard preaching and churches that preach hard are actually full of people they're full of the Spirit of God when they see that stuff they're like all right I'm gonna start to try to preach hard and they start trying to preach hard but they're just like wind or they don't even try to preach hard so they stay as wind but meanwhile the Jeremiah's of our day are out there ripping face and their words are like fire and you know we just went to the mid to the red hot preaching conference and there was 219 soul winners on a Saturday morning there you know does that sound like the revival that the old IFP is constantly praying for yeah 217 soul winners on one Saturday morning is a big deal you know and God told these pastors to cry aloud spare not in fact let me read that real quick Isaiah 58 verse 1 cry aloud spare not lift up my voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sin you know hard preaching isn't just lifting up your voice it's showing your people their sin and that's the part where it doesn't matter how loud a pastor gets if they are not showing people their sin they're not a hard preacher you could say that you're a hard preacher but continue to just preach milk toast messages like what I talked about this morning the people are just preaching you know the salvation service it's over and over and I I went to this guy's church and it's just like yeah he preached on soul winning that would be like the most fired up you'd ever get but everything else it's like I went there on Easter he was talking about she kind of glory you know it's like when you're talking about the female aspect of God you're not a hard preacher you're borderline good I mean you're going into satanic doctrine is what you're doing and it burn in a second Timothy 4 2 is just preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine and look you know some advice I give to you guys at this church is if you've never been in a church like this before the day is coming where some person preaching here is really going to offend you and it doesn't matter if you think I love hard preaching I've listened to it for five years it doesn't even matter it still will offend you sometimes something that you're doing will be stepped on something that you're doing you know will be preached about but you have to just realize that Jeremiah is just obeying God his words are just trying to be fire he's just trying to cry aloud he's trying to preach the word and be instant in season out of season for your benefit so that you don't end up like the Jews that go into captivity for 70 years or something you don't be like this week old IFB who's dying on the vine today you know you think of some of these old IP pastors you know Johnny Nixon or I don't even know if he's a pastor but it just gives you guys know what Johnny Nixon is yeah born that way ministries basically he's this guy that's paired up with a big church in Texas pastor Bob Gray where he wrote this book saying that homosexuals are just eunuchs that are born that way and that they're really good children's workers you want to make sure that you have them in your church around the children and all this stuff you know you can't exactly say that that guy's words is like fire that sounds a lot more like wind to me you can't exactly say that Joel Osteen's words are like fire you know that's a lot more like wind they ask him you know he's never gonna rip face on the bags that's never going to happen no he's like wind you know you know you're in a good church when your pastors preaching and it feels like fire it feels like you're being devoured you know pastor who met is a sermon at the Red Hawk preaching conference just like everyone in that room just felt like they had just been burned with fire it was in his incredible sermon if you guys haven't watched that definitely watch that but Titus go to Titus chapter 2 I'm sorry first Timothy 6 2 books before Titus Titus 2 1 says but speak thou of things which become sound doctrine so pastors aren't supposed to just speak things that are nice and sweetness and life but they're supposed to speak things that are sound doctrine now if you're new to church you're new to reading the Bible you may not know everything that is sound doctrines that's why you also need to be in your Bible you know checking what your pastor is preaching but the pastor's job is to preach sound doctrine and in first Timothy 6 3 it says if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ into the doctrine which is according to godliness he is proud knowing nothing but don't think about questions and stripes of words where I've come with envy strife railings evil some risings perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdrawal by self so pastors are supposed to preach sound doctrine and you as the congregation are to know that if any man teach otherwise you're to be you're to turn away from them you're not to listen to them and like I said these people that are that are rejecting God they're proud and think that nothing can happen to them right there in verse 4 says he is proud don't think about questions and stripes of words you know this is like all the heretics that have been kicked out of our movement lately they always want to strive about words you know this guy Sebastian and I just got kicked out of Sure Foundation Baptist Church for being for causing division but also for being a full-blown modalist heretic you know he wants to strive about the word persons persons isn't a biblical word we'll read Hebrews chapter 1 you'll find out it is but that that's a good sign that you're dealing with someone that's not preaching sound doctrine is all they want to do is is dote about questions and stripes of words so go back to Jeremiah chapter 5 Jeremiah chapter 5 back in our Bible study here Jeremiah chapter 5 verses 15 through 18 lo I'll bring a nation upon you from far Oh house of Israel saith the Lord it is a mighty nation it is an ancient nation a nation whose language thou understand is not without no it's not neither understand is what they say their quiver is an open sepulcher they're all mighty men and they shall eat up thine harvest and thy bread which thy sons and thy daughters should eat they shall eat up thy flocks and thine herds they shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees they shall they shall impoverish thy fenced cities wherein thou trustest with the sword so another thing we can learn here is that when a nation rebels against God or you know obviously we can apply all of these to you as an individual or to your families but specifically when a nation rebels against God what does he do he sends in the heathen to punish them he sends in the heat that heathen to punish them he says there in verse 15 I will bring a nation upon you from far Oh house of Israel saith the Lord it is a mighty nation it is an ancient nation so God is allowing the Jews to be overthrown by another wicked country so it's not like the Babylonians are godly he's using the heathen to punish the Jews and you know this reminds me a lot of what's happening in Europe today Europe today has rejected the gospel Europe today has rejected hard preaching they've embraced this liberal mentality of accepting everything and what do you see happening to Europe today you see them being overrun with hordes of Muslims you have these areas in Paris called no-go zones this has been confirmed where the police EMS firefighters will not even respond to emergency calls you know not only just because their police are unarmed half the time but because these areas are basically run under Sharia law right now you know does that sound like the blessing of God and it's because France has rejected the gospel it's because France has rejected the wisdom of the Word of God to the point where they even made a law recently making it to where you have no age of consent in the nation of France pedophilia is literally legalized in a country in this world right now you know if you're doubting whether we're living in perilous times or if we're in that great falling away there's a nation across the pond that allows pedophilia by law okay that's called a nation that's rejected the Lord that's a nation that has rebelled against the wisdom of God and God is using those Muslims right now in that nation that is just raping their women like crazy murdering people just the crime rates are just exploding in Europe right now because they have embraced the most sick built imaginable you know and it's so funny to me how the liberals defend Islam so much you know but yet the Muslims are over there raping people and restricting women's freedom and restricting all this stuff but the liberals love it you know and then the one thing one thing that Islam actually does right which is throwing homosexuals off buildings you know at least Islam follows Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 at least Muslims kill pedophiles now since a nation has decided no laws against pedophiles totally legal to be against pedophiles so now he's gonna bring those same people that the liberals love so much to come and destroy them to come in and and ravage their families their women their daughters their children because these Muslims are a bunch of fags themselves and a bunch of pedophiles themselves you know that's right right there is an effect of rebelling against God as a nation and if you look around today that is the exact same path that America is going down you know I I lived in Boise for seven years and I didn't realize how bad it is in other parts in this country this is like a little safe zone of semi conservatism but I'm telling you you go to Portland and there's like stickers and stuff about pedophilia how it's normal how it's fine they in Portland you have like gay pride new parades you have all these you know all these what's it called the the man-boy love association and all these things in Portland you know it's nothing like how it is here this nation is about this close to legalizing pedophilia and you know you think oh you're insane well you know what did you know that in Idaho in 2003 the laws on the book was it was still illegal to be a homosexual in the state in 2003 now was that enforced no but as of 2003 not only was it just illegal to have a gay marriage gay marriage right it's not gay nothing happy about it but it was illegal to be a sodomites okay I went to a law enforcement program when I lived here for three years and my law enforcement instructor was probably like 40 in his 40s no no older than 50 and he was an Ada County sheriff's deputy and he told me that during his career right here in Boise Idaho he arrested people on the charge of sodomy right here in Boise Idaho less than 20 years ago people being were being arrested for being a faggot so don't tell me that our nation is not close to accepting you know pedophilia when just 20 years ago you couldn't even be a homo in this town and now sometimes you know the governor of Idaho is lining up the state capitol with the rainbow flag and Idaho has its pride parades things have changed a lot in 20 years haven't they right things have changed a lot even since 2010 when I moved here but why don't you come with me to Portland next weekend and you'll really believe what I'm saying okay so if America does not submit itself to the Word of God if our churches continue to rebel against the way God is telling us to do things if they won't preach hard against the homos if they won't preach hard against pedophilia you know what God's gonna do he's gonna send in heathen into this nation that are a bunch of pedophiles themselves and you know what pastors that won't preach against homosexuality and will not preach what Romans chapter 1 says that all homos are filled with all in righteousness which means all homos are pedophiles you know what they're putting their own children in danger they're putting the future of their own grandchildren in danger and the future of all the people in their congregation in danger because this is what happens the nation of Judah this is what's happening to France and this is exactly what's going to happen here God put this in a Bible in the Bible for a reason to show us that he uses heathen to punish nations sometimes Jeremiah 5 19 Jeremiah 5 19 and it shall come to pass when you shall say wherefore do it the Lord our God all these things unto us then shalt thou answer them like is he have forsaken me and serves and serves strange gods in your land so shall you serve strangers in a land that is not yours declare this in the house of Jacob and publish it in Judah saying here now o foolish people and without understanding which have eyes and see not which have ears and hear not fear ye not me say the Lord will ye not tremble at my presence which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by perpetual decree that it cannot pass it and though and though the waves there have tossed themselves yet can they not prevail though they roar yet they cannot pass over it but this people have a revolting and rebellious heart they are revolted and gone neither say they in their heart let us now fear the Lord that giveth rainfall the former and the latter in a season he reserved unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest your iniquities have turned away these things and your sins have withholding good things from you verse okay so look where it says there and I'm sorry okay in verse 19 the the part of that I really want to focus on is where it says so shall you serve strangers in a land that is not yours so not only will God you know send a heathen into your nation to punish you number five here is that when a nation rebels against God he restricts their freedom so after he sent in the heathen to punish them the thing that God did right after that is he had him serve strangers he took away their freedom the Babylonians literally you know took the Jews and made them just like they were back in Egypt like they were before you know before they started complaining to the Lord so much but this is exactly what's starting to happen in America with free speech and with hate laws I'm sure most of you guys know this but your pastor pastor Jimenez has had his YouTube account shut down with zero warning he had zero strikes on his YouTube page no not like any warning whatsoever just permanently deleted for hate speech and the video was over Calvinism of all things it wasn't even that like crazy of a video it was just a video like a two-minute clip exposing Calvinism and YouTube's like yeah this is graphic and violent content is their reason graphic and violent content so what that really means what that really means is that YouTube had it out for Pastor Jimenez is what it means it means that YouTube wanted to take him off at any cost because news flash talking about Calvinism is not graphic nor violence okay so this is a this is what you call conspiracy okay right now the Jews and the fags running YouTube has a conspiracy against hard preaching and against the Word of God you know we saw with Alex Jones obviously Alex Jones is unsaved he's not of God but they're testing the waters to see how they can restrict free speech in this country you know the same day as Pastor Jimenez gets shut down Pastor Johnson and what's his church's name I think he's in Michigan yeah in Michigan they shut down his live-streaming the same day for hate speech you know and it's gonna happen to every single one of our churches but you know we can start to see how God is restricting the freedom of our nation or at least on the way there you have all these places in Portland you know they call my safe spaces all these signs we're like this is a safe zone you know this part does not discriminate it's like it's a part you know like what are you talking about no one's so weird but second Corinthians 3 17 says now the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty so I hate to break it you know to anyone who served in the military and I'm not against you if you served in the military there's a lot of great Christians that serve the Lord that are soul winners that served in the military but I hate to break it to you no soldier has ever bought my freedom I'm sorry to say that no soldier has ever provided freedom for our nation because you know why the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty okay not where the Marine Corps is there's Liberty not where the Navy is there is Liberty not where you know the armies of Judah and the armies of Israel is there is Liberty because guess what the spirit of the Lord departed that nation and they were taken captive by the Babylonians so and you say well America has so much firepower and nuclear firepower has all these jets yeah but did you forget the part where God takes away your battlements when you rebel against him did you forget the part that God can wipe away all of our defenses with a snap of his fingers did you forget you know in your own life when you you try to set up these battlements for yourself you have these big bank account you're trusting in that you know to provide for you do you know that God can take that away from you in a heartbeat he can take away your freedom from you in a heartbeat and that's exactly what we're starting to see happen to our nation today you know the only reason I truly believe this I believe that the only reason that we have any freedom in any place in this world is because of saved by believing Christians preaching the gospel to the lost because that's where the spirit of the Lord is and that's where God is going to allow Liberty to prevail so you know the more churches like this that we have the more the longer we're gonna have our freedom in America you know but the more old IV refuses to preach the gospel like we talked about this morning or the more that the old IV refuses to preach hard on the sins of our nation like Jeremiah did but less and less freedom will have until finally you know it ushers in the end times and I don't Christ is here and it's time for the tribulation okay and obviously we know that that time is coming okay and we know that we cannot do anything to totally prevent that time but one thing we can do is we can get that spirit of the Lord revived in our communities at least right here in Boise Idaho and God can at least preserve the freedom of Boise for a little longer right at least God in Vancouver Washington when he looks down and he sees sure foundation Baptist Church preaching hard on sin and winning souls to Christ at least he could preserve our freedom there a little longer you know and that's obviously what we want we want to stay God's hand of wrath on our nation for as long as possible why not so that we could just live comfortable lives but that's so we can see as many people in heaven as we possibly can before the end times you know God has a recipe for how to preserve freedom you know it's not only just by soul winning it's not only just by preaching hard the second chronicle 714 says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land you know God didn't say if my Republican Party will build a wall and will get rid of welfare and will do all this then I will heal their land if Donald Trump is in the office that's not what the Bible says I'm sorry okay the Bible says that if my people actually turn and repent and pray and seek God's face and soul in and preach hard then God will look down from heaven and heal your land okay and when you're fat and when he looks down at your family he's not looking to see what kind of fiscal policies you enforce in your home he doesn't care what you think about immigration he doesn't care what you think about welfare he looks down and says does this family fear me does this family repent does this family seek my face and pray and then try to have the spirit of the Lord in that family that's the family that I'm gonna bless that's the family that I'm gonna give freedom to go back to Jeremiah chapter number five you're still there verse 26 to 31 getting close to being done here for among my people are found wicked men they lay weight as he that said it snares they set a trap they catch men as a cage is full of birds so are their houses full of deceit therefore they're become great and waxen rich they're waxen fat they shine yay they overpass the deeds of the wicked they judge not the cause the cause of the fatherless yet they prosper in the right of the needy do they not judge shall I not visit for these things say at the Lord shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land the prophets prophesied falsely and the priests bear rule by their means and my people love to have it so and what will you do in the end there are lastly rebellious nations are plagued with false prophets and you can even see that right here in your homes in your home state you know you have Bill Grady started his church in northern Idaho total whack job dispensationalist you have Treasure Valley Baptist Church that preaches another gospel that preaches eight gospels you have Sam Gibb you know the president of the Bible College there you know when you're at a church and God sends you Sam Gibb your nation your church is cursed from God okay Sam Gibb sits there and says that Jesus isn't my Messiah all right that's a curse from God when he sends you some old lunatic like Sam Gibb you know I don't know if all you know this when I went to Treasure Valley Baptist Church I went there for three years and I never had any problems there now granted I was a babe in Christ and I did not do everything right and I did talk to some people about you know my beliefs about the end times but you know once I learned not to do that I definitely did not do it again but I remember you know my third year going there I get a call from a friend of mine and she's like hey this guy's trying to tell me that the rapture comes after the tribulation I need you to help me out I'm like like alive like I'm sorry you know Bible says that the rapture comes after the tribulation not before and she's like oh well that's wrong but walk hang up I get a call from the pastor of Treasure Valley Baptist Church a few days later or from the secretary there to have a meeting with the pastor and you know invites me in has some small talk for a while and he goes well I hear that you've been listening to this pastor in Arizona I was like yeah I got saved by pastor Menes on one of the documentaries and I've been listening pastor Anderson and pastor Menes ever since I've gotten saved and they taught me how to go soloing and I've really been blessed by their preaching and he goes okay well you know pastor Anderson teaches something different about end times prophecy than what our church believes and he teaches that the rapture comes after tribulation I was like yeah no I'm not gonna lie to you I believe 100% that rapture comes after the tribulation he goes well I appreciate your candor he goes I said this exact these exact words he goes you know I don't know much about the subject this is a pastor okay of a huge church okay you guys have been there that's a big church isn't it and he says I don't know much about the rapture well why are you pastor then you know why are you calling me in your office talking to me about the rapture if you're just gonna tell me you don't know about the rapture well here's why he goes I'd like you to get together with dr. dip and I'm like yeah you know I'm probably not gonna be interested you know I've heard both sides and he goes no I insist you get with him so I have Sam get blowing at my phone every week you need to get coming with me you need to come meet with me and I'm like all due respect I've heard both positions I agree with what pastor Anderson teaches I believe the Bible teaches a post-trib rapture I'm not interested in wasting your time or mine like no I insist pastors like I insist you meet with them and I was like well look if we're gonna meet about this I'm gonna meet with you because you're my pastor Sam Gipp is not my pastor that was like it's your responsibility to teach me the Bible if I'm wrong about something okay and he goes okay I can do that and then the next week is when Sam Gipp came out with his whole thing about a Jesus wasn't supposed to be Jesus real name they disobeyed God by naming him Jesus he should have been named Emmanuel I was like I'm done left that church never met with that pastor never will again as far as I'm concerned that that past is the false prophet because he teaches hyper dispensational ISM anyone that believes in hyper dispensational ISM is not saved mark my words they're not saved because they preach a different gospel and the Bible says if any man preach any other gospel now which we have preached unto you let him be accursed okay if you're teaching me that people were saved differently in the Old Testament that shows me you do not understand that human beings can never be righteous enough on their own to be saved you don't even understand the fallen state of man how can you understand the gospel you don't even understand the grace of God that he impute's righteousness to us by your faith in Christ you don't even understand that now if you think that's ever been possible so anyone that believes in dispensational ISM is not safe period pastor Rick DeMichael is a false prophet Sam Gipp is a false prophet you know why because Boise Idaho unfortunately has been a spiritually rebellious place and right now Boise Idaho is reaping for what it is so this place although it may be conservative in its laws it is a place that is devoid of good preaching and of good churches that is why this church is so important that it succeeds here because I'm telling you every single other church in Boise Idaho has been a failure and is not preaching what God commands them to be preaching and so that's what happens God sends in false prophets to punish them you know like I said Sam Gipp is a punishment from God Rick DeMichael is a punishment from God you know Mormonism in Boise Idaho is a punishment from God it's huge here and I was telling some of you this I believe that you guys are gonna have to spend a few years soul winning with the long-term goals in mind because I don't think it's gonna be the most receptive area at first I think you guys have to break up the final ground here because there's been so many false prophets for so long causing so much damage to the people in this place that you're just gonna have to be sowing for the long run here you're gonna have to be keeping that in mind when you go sometimes weeks without getting people saved when I saw in here sometimes I went weeks without getting people saved it's because there's a lot of false doctrine in this town that you guys are responsible for breaking up and for making a difference in so just because I'm out of time here just in conclusion I want you to understand that all these principles that God teaches us in Jeremiah chapter 5 on a rebellious nation is just as applicable to you as an individual and just as applicable to your family okay when you rebel against God you know you're gonna have your battlements script America's gonna have a battlement strip if you rebel against God your family's gonna have its battlement strip you're not gonna be able to trust in your bank account anymore because God's gonna strip it from you if you rebel against him you know a rebellious nation is full of pride and of course we know that if you're prideful God resists you James 4 6 God resisted the proud but giveth grace unto the humble rebellious nation number three rejects hard preachers you know so if you're if you're one that later on you know rejects the pastor here just realize it's because you became revolting and rebellious and you're gonna get judged for it number four God uses a heathen the heathen to punish a rebellious rebellious nation you know you haven't seen that a whole lot yet in Boise Idaho thank God you know we're starting to see in Portland France has definitely seen the depths of what that can lead to and of course Israel and Judah they they saw how that works for them in the Bible number five when a nation rebels against God he restricts their freedom we're seeing that today freedom of speech is very close or at least is being attacked very heavily and number six rebellious nations will be plagued with false prophets so keep these things in mind you know when you're reading about when you're reading through Jeremiah and you're seeing the judgments that he's pronouncing on a rebellious and a revolting nation just realize that those same judgments can come to you and your family if you don't trust the Lord all your heart and not as I don't understanding and all my ways acknowledge him and he shall direct my paths that's the way you got to look at it don't become a rebellious and revolting people let's pray Lord thank you so much for this day I thank you for the freedom that we do have left in this country Lord and we're thankful to be in this country that has freedom to preach the gospel I pray that we would continue to do the best we can to reach the loss with the gospel so that freedom can endure here for a little longer Lord please bless this church and all that they do in Jesus name I pray Oh page number 27 the old rugged cross