(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's lots of different, you know, calendar holidays that people all of a sudden just have now, you know, and I actually deleted some off the list, but here's a few of them. So, all these different holidays that people want to make in competition with Christmas, okay? But remember again, why do you have tomorrow off? Because it's Christmas, okay? So, you know, and whether you think that's wrong or not, that doesn't matter. It's called Christmas Day, you know. Quit trying to steal Christmas Day with your pagan beliefs. So, there's one I found, and I deleted, like I said, I deleted some off the list, but one is the Fiesta of Our Lady Guadalupe. That's celebrated in Mexico. The day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and I can't pronounce this right, so I'm not even going to try, is a popular Catholic feast that celebrates the belief that a man encountered the Virgin Mary, Mexico's patron saint in Mexico City on December 9th and 12th, 1531. So, there's a holiday for that, okay? Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday, a lesser Jewish festival, lasting eight days from the 25th of Kislev in December and commemorating on the rededication of the temple in 165 BC by the Maccabees after it is desecrated by the Syrians. It is marked by the successive kindling of eight lights. That temple is destroyed, okay? Why are you celebrating the temple that's been destroyed? That makes no sense, but yet people try to put that lockstep with Christmas. I mean, that makes no sense whatsoever. It's just trying to, you know, it's just the Jewish fables creeping in, trying to take something away. Kwanzaa is another one. I had to look this one up because I wasn't exactly sure what it was, but Kwanzaa is a celebration that has its roots in the black nationalist movement of the 1860s, the 1660s? No, the 1960s. It's a new holiday. It's just made up and was established as a means to help African Americans reconnect with their African culture and historical heritage. So that's put on par with the greatest being ever born on the planet. You know, that's put side by side with the birth of Jesus. Let's get back to our roots, you know, because racism is really cool, right? Yule is a pagan festival and Santranilia sounds like something you keep mosquitoes away with, but that's a pagan holiday also. And look, yeah, I'm sure people all throughout time have celebrated other things, but what is important? What's the main thing? And on December 25th, it's the birth of Christ. That's what we're celebrating. So, but these holidays are trying to compete with and make everyone feel welcome when it comes to holidays that might not believe in Christmas. Oh, we don't want to offend anybody by Christmas. Well, why, why are you offending me with your queerness? You know what I mean? Why is that okay? You know, it's okay to just put your filth out in front of everybody else, but Christmas is just offensive to your eyes. Well, I'm sorry for hurting your little sensitive feelings, Mr. Snowflake, but you know what? We have a right to celebrate Christmas, just like you have a right to do Kwanzaa. Last time I checked, you don't get the day off for Kwanzaa.